The DQS software can return the following notification messages (these messages do not
follow the standard OpenVMS message format).
A.2.1. DQS Message Definitions
Because all DQS messages have the same prefix %DQS- l-, the
messages in this section are listed alphabetically according to their message
BADFILE, UL total syntax errors detected in file: filename
Explanation: The DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE program
detected errors when arsing the server configuration text file. The name of the file and
the total number of syntax errors in the file are displayed.
User Action: Edit the file and fix the syntax errors.
Invoke the SYS$MANAGER:DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.COM command procedure to effect the
BADFORM, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Translate form failed for form
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
BADNAM, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - process name does not contain underscore, and must.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
BADNODE, specified node has been denied access to this server.
Explanation: Your client is denied access to the
server to which you are attempting to queue your print job.
User Action: Consult the server system manager and
request that your client node have access to the server. The server system manager needs
to modify the DQS$SERVER_CONFIG.TXT file to allow this access.
BADQUE, specified queue not valid for DQS access.
Explanation: The remote queue you specified is not
defined on the server as accessible to DQS clients. This means one of the following
conditions exists:
The SYS$MANAGER:DQS$SYSTARTUP.COM comman d file on the server is not set up
The SYS$STARTUP:DQS$STARTUP.COM file has not been executed.
The client is not permitted to use the remote queue.
User Action: Consult the server system manager and
request that your node be granted access to the remote queue. The system manager may need
to modify the DQS$SERVER_CONGIG.TXT file on the server node.
BAD_REMOTE_NAME, logical-name must be defined for this queue.
Explanation: The client queue you specified has not
been defined as a DQS client queue. For a queue to be defined as a client queue, a logical
name of the form DQS$REMOTE_client-queue must be defined for the
comman d file to see whether the client queue has been defined; if so, reexecute the
SYS$STARTUP:DQS$STARTUP.COM command file. If not, add a command line to the
command file and defines the queue as a DQS client queue. Then reexecute
If the queue is not intended to be a DQS client queue, you can initialize the queue
with a symbiont other than the DQS symbiont.
If these actions fail to solve the problem, submit an SPR.
BADTMPFILE, bad temporary file.
Explanation: A temporary file created during the IVP
could not be deleted.
User Action: The IVP may not have failed. Delete the
file manually.
BLKCNTEXC, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Block count in message header too large.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
CANTPRINT, cannot print job.
Explanation: The IVP could not execute the PRINT
command and has failed.
User Action: Reinstall the DQS software.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
CHECKPOINTED, job was checkpointed.
Explanation: Your print job was checkpointed and the
DQS software cannot remove the checkpoint.
User Action: Delete your job from the queue and
resubmit it.
DISKFULL, remote server disk is full.
Explanation: Your print job cannot be copied to the
server node. Either there is not enough disk space on the server to store your file(s) for
printing, or the quota for the DQS server account [DQS$SERVER] was exceeded.
User Action: If this error persists, either ask the
server system manager to free up some disk space on the server, or queue your job to
another server.
EMPTYFILE, DQS server configuration file: filename is empty.
Explanation: Either the DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE
program or the DQS$SERVER program encountered an empty file when trying to read the
indicated file.
User Action: Check that the file exists, is
unprotected, and is not corrupted. The file’s contents may have somehow become corru pted.
If file name is DQS$SERVER_CONFIG.DAT, you can regenerate the file by deleting
command procedure to recreate the file.
ENTRY_REQUIRED, entry=number required.
Explanation: You did not specify the required
/ENTRY=number qualifier in your QSET or QDELETE command.
User Action: Reenter the command using the /ENTRY=
number qualifier, specifying the appropriate job entry number.
ERROROPENING, error opening file-name as input.
Explanation: The DQS client symbiont cannot open the
specified file for the reason cited in the secondary error message that accompanies this
message. The secondary error message is printed in the print output on the server.
Usually, this error message occurs when the file to be printed is deleted before the file
is transferred by the client symbiont to the server.
User Action: Rectify the problem based on the
information in the secondary message.
ERRORREADING, error reading file-name.
Explanation: The DQS client symbiont could not read
the specified file for the reason cited in the secondary error message that accompanies
this message.
User Action: Rectify the problem based on the
information in the secondary message.
INACCESSIBLE, remote queue queue-name is inaccessible.
Explanation: A connection cannot be established to
the server with which you are attempting to perform a QSHOW, QSET/ENTRY, or QDELETE/ENTRY
User Action: Remember that if you submit a print
request to the server, it is not processed until the server is reachable. However, for
QSHOW, QSET/ENTRY, or QDELETE/ENTRY command functions, the server must be reachable when
the command is issued.
INCOMPPROT, incom patible DQS Server and Client protocol versions.
Explanation: The version of DQS software on the
client is incom patible with the version of DQS software on the server.
User Action: Make sure that compatible versions of
DQS software are installed on both the client and server systems.
INVALIDSERVER, invalid server node or queue name.
Explanation: During a client IVP, you entered either
a node name or a queue name that is not valid. You are prompted to provide another node
and queue name.
User Action: Enter a valid node and queue name in
response to the prompt:
Enter remote NODE::QUEUE
INVBLKTYP, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Invalid block type number in
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
INVLINE, invalid line encountered in file: filename, at line
number line.
Explanation: The DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE program
detected a syntax error when parsing the server configuration file. The name of the file
and the line number where the error was detected are displayed.
User Action: Edit the file and fix the syntax error.
Invoke the SYS$MANAGER:DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.COM comman d procedure to effect the
INVLOGFIL, invalid log file.
Explanation: You specified a log file incorrectly in
a QSET /ENTRY command. The reason for the error is cited in the secondary error message
that accompanies this message.
User Action: Correct the file specification and
reenter the QSET/ENTRY command.
INVMSGLEN, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Invalid message length in header.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
INVMSGTYP, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Invalid message type number
in header.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
INVMSG, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR -invalid message in current state.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
INVQUAVAL, value ’value’ invalid for
/qualifier-name qualifier.
Explanation: The value you specified for the
qualifier /qualifier-name is invalid.
User Action: Consult the documentation if necessary
and specify the proper value for the qualifier.
INVREQCOD, invalid request code, code =code.
Explanation: The job controller issued an invalid
request code.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
INVVER, versions of protocol do not match.
Explanation: The software version of DQS on your
client is incompatible with the software version of DQS on the server to which you are
attempting to queue your print job.
User Action: Make sure that the proper versions of
DQS software are installed both on your client and on your client’s server(s).
JOBDELETED, number job(s) deleted.
Explanation: The QDELETE/ENTRY comman d you issued
did not delete all of the jobs you specified, only the number of jobs specified by
User Action: Check the job number(s) for the job(s)
you attempted to delete as well as your access privileges for deleting those jobs.
LONGNODENAME, Node name size problem due to DECnet /OSI fullname.
Explanation: The DQS symbiont received a node name
(possibly from a daisy-chained queue) that is too long for the version of the OpenVMS
operating system or the DECnet networking software to handle.
User Action: Upgrade systems to DECnet/OSI Phase V
software or reconfigure queues or both.
MSG_PE, protocol error.
Explanation: A protocol error indication was
received. This error is usually incurred by having incompatible DQS software versions on
server and client systems.
User Action: Make sure that your client and server
systems have compatible versions of DQS software installed on them.
MSG_REMOTE, remote system error.
Explanation: An error occurred on the remote system.
The error is described in the secondary error message that accompanies this message.
User Action: Rectify the problem based on the
information in the secondary message.
’message-value’ out of range.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
’message-value’ unexpected.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
MSG_UNK, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Unknown error message class:
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
NOACCESS, specified node does not have access to this server.
Explanation: Your client is not authorized to use the
queue(s) on the server.
User Action: If you want your client to use the
remote queue(s) on the server, you must have the server system manager grant your client
system access to the server.
NODELETE, job cannot be deleted from queue.
Explanation: The IVP could not delete the test job
from the remote queue and failed.
User Action: Delete the job manually, check the
network link, and rerun the IVP.
NODELETE, /NODELETE is allowed only on local jobs.
Explanation: You cannot use the /NODELETE qualifier
for a job that is not on your local node (that is, a job that has transferred to the
User Action: Do not use the /NODELETE qualifier for
jobs that have transferred to the server.
NODEOFF, node node-name offline.
Explanation: The specified server is not currently
reachable and a job is waiting to transfer to it.
User Action: Check the status of the server or ask
the server system manager to bring the server back on line.
NOJID, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Job number, job name, or * required.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
NOJOBDELETED, no jobs deleted.
Explanation: The QDELETE/ENTRY comman d you issued
did not delete any jobs.
User Action: Check the job number of the job you are
attempting to delete, as well your access privileges to delete the job.
NOJOBSET, no jobs set.
Explanation: The QSET/ENTRY command you issued did
not set any jobs.
User Action: Check the job number of the job you are
attempting to modify, as well your access privileges to modify the job.
Explanation: Your account does not have the correct
privileges, or they have not been enabled.
User Action: Change your account registration (or
enable your privileges) and rerun the IVP.
NOREMOTEQUE, remote queue does not exist or is inaccessible.
Explanation: The remote queue you specified during
the installation does not exist, the network link is down, or the client does not have
access to the remote queue.
User Action: For a server IVP, reinstall the DQS
software For a client IVP, check the target queue name, the network link, and that the
DQS$QUEUE_ queue-name logical name on the server allows the client
access. Then reinstall the server software and rerun the IVP.
NOSUCHQUE, no such remote queue queue-name.
Explanation: The remote queue specified by
queue-name does not currently exist on the server, even though it
is defined as a valid DQS remote queue.
User Action: Initialize the specified remote queue on
the server.
NOTOWN, not owner of the job.
Explanation: You are not the owner of the job that
you are attempting to delete or modify. The DQS software determines job ownership by the
node name and user name with which the job was initiated.
User Action: Check to see that you have specified the
correct job number. If so, make sure that you are working from the same account on the
same client as when you initiated the job.
NOTSTARTED, The DQS software has not been started yet.
Explanation: The DQS software has not been started on
the server yet.
User Action: Ask the server system manager to start
the DQS software. Print jobs transfer up to 5 minutes after the software starts.
NO_ACCESS_CONTROL, no access control strings allowed in server node name.
Explanation: A
DQS$REMOTE_client-queue logical name, which specifies a client
queue’s associated server and remote queue, includes access control information in its
User Action: Redefine the logical name using the
format DQS$REMOTE_client-queue
server-node::remote-queue. Also, check the definition of
the DQS$REMOTE logical name for the client queue in the DQS$STARTUP.COM command file.
NO_NODE_SPECIFIED, printer queue name does not specify a node.
Explanation: A
DQS$REMOTE_client-queue logical name does not specify a node name
in its definition.
User Action: Redefine the logical name using the
format DQS$REMOTE_client-node
server-node::remote-queue. Also, check the definition of
the DQS$REMOTE logical name for the client queue in the DQS$STARTUP.COM command file.
NO_SET_LISTS, list of job numbers for SET not supported.
Explanation: You cannot specify a sequence of job
numbers in a QSET/ENTRY command, such as /ENTRY=(1,2,3).
User Action: Issue a separate QSET/ENTRY command for
each job entry.
OLDIVP, old IVP job exists in queue, deleting.
Explanation: An IVP test print job already exists in
the queue. It is deleted.
User Action: No user action. This is an informational
OPENFILE, error opening DQS server configuration file: filename.
Explanation: Either the DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE
program or the DQS$SERVER program encountered an error when trying to open the indicated
User Action: Check that the file exists and is
unprotected. Make sure there is sufficient disk space to create a new file.
P8RESERVED, parameter P8 is reserved for the DQS software on remote systems.
Explanation: You specified parameter 8 when issuing a
PRINT command to a DQS queue. Parameter 8 is reserved for DQS information.
User Action: Do not specify parameter 8 when using
the DQS software. Combine parameter 8 arguments with parameter 1 to parameter 7 arguments.
PE_MSG_NAME, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Protocol error, message_type =
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
PE_MSG_NUMBER, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Protocol error, unknown message_type = #
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
PROTOCOL_ERROR, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Protocol error; invalid message received -
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
READFILE, error reading DQS server configuration file: filename.
Explanation: Either the DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE
program or the DQS$SERVER program encountered an error when trying to read the indicated
User Action: Check that the file exists, is
unprotected, and is not corrupted. The file’s contents may have somehow become corru pted.
If file name is DQS$SERVER_CONFIG.DAT, you can regenerate the file by deleting
command procedure to recreate the file.
REC_MSG, received message: "message".
Explanation: One of the previous messages came from a
server that is running obsolete DQS software and that does not return a full error code.
User Action: Install the current version of DQS
software on the server.
REINSTALL, install new DQS software.
Explanation: The version of DQS software on the
client is incom patible with the version of DQS software on the server.
User Action: Make sure that your client and server
systems have compatible versions of DQS software installed.
REPORT, reporting the following message to the client.
Explanation: The subsequent error messages are being
reported to the client system.
User Action: None.
REQNOEXIST, requeue, remote queue does not exist on remote system.
Explanation: The queue you specified with a
QSET/ENTRY/REQUEUE=queue-name command does not exist. You can only
requeue to a queue that is on the same remote system as the print job.
User Action: Requeue your job to another remote
queue, or delete the job and submit a new job to a valid remote queue.
SHUTDOWN, shutting down queue queue-name because of error.
Explanation: An error occurred while processing a
print job on the queue queue-name. The queue is stopped because it
cannot process any jobs.
User Action: Issue a QSHOW command of the specified
queue to determine the reason for the error. Correct the error and restart the queue.
TOOMANYERRORS, too many errors talking to the server.
Explanation: Too many errors have occurred while
attempting to transfer a print job to a server. The client symbiont stops until the
problem is fixed.
User Action: Check the reported errors, rectify the
problem, and restart the client queue.
UNEXPECTEDSTATE, INTERNAL SOFTWARE ERROR - Unexpected state: UL, encountered while
parsing arguments.
Explanation: The DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE program
detected an inconsistency in its internal state while parsing the user input file.
User Action: Submit an SPR. If necessary, use the
previous version of DQS$SERVER_CONFIG_.TXT file and rerun the program. [En
function-name unknown.
Explanation: This is an internal DQS error.
User Action: Submit an SPR.
Explanation: Indicates which messages this server
User Action: Submit an SPR.
WAIT, waiting for file to transfer to remote queue.
Explanation: The test file is being transferred or
will be transferred.
User Action: No user action. This is an informational
WRITEFILE, error writing DQS server configuration file: filename.
Explanation: The DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.EXE program
encountered an error when trying to write to the indicated file.
User Action: Check that the file exists and is
unprotected. Make sure sufficient disk space exists to extend the file. When the problem
is fixed, invoke the
SYS$MANAGER:DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_CONFIG.COM command procedure to effect the change.
XFERFAILED, Failed to transfer job to remote queue.
Explanation: The file could not be transferred to the
remote queue.
User Action: An additional status message accompanies
this error message to explain why the transfer failed.
Possible reasons for the transfer failure include the following:
DQS$IVP_TEST_FORM may no longer exist on the server node.
%JBC-E-NOSUCHFORM\ No such form
To define the DQS$IVP_TEST_FORM, enter the following DCL command on the server
/DESCRIPTION = "DQS test form, do not delete"
Define this form on the server and start the IVP again.
Not enough disk space is available, the DQS software was not started, or some
other problem exists.
The reason defines the problem. Examine the reason, correct
the problem, and try again.
XFERFAILED, transfer to server failed with error.
Explanation: Your current print job failed to
transfer to the server node for the reason specified in the secondary error message. The
DQS software attempts to retransfer the job after a wait.
User Action: If the problem persists, ask the server
system manager to rectify the problem on the server node. The problem may be transient,
such as unavailability of a temporary resource.
XFERTIME, timed out trying to transfer file to remote queue.
Explanation: The file transfer could not complete in
15 minutes.
User Action: Check the network link and rerun the