User Guide
- Operating Systems:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS x86-64 Version 9.2-2 or higher
- Software Version:
- VMSSPI V9.0-25
- Kit Names:
1. Overview
VSI VMSSPI for VSI OpenVMS is a software package that can be used to monitor for and report on system-, performance-, and security-related events on OpenVMS systems. VMSSPI includes comprehensive coverage of such events and provides interfaces to popular enterprise monitoring and alerting services such as DataDog, Splunk, Pagerduty, and Dynatrace in addition to providing facilities to report events via email, to a remote Linux syslog daemon, or to a Slack channel.
2. Changes Included in This Release
Documentation relating to configuration of the experimental METRICS module, which makes various performance metrics used by VMSSPI available to Prometheus (or any other tool that supports the Prometheus protocol).
qualifier was added to theDISK
commands to facilitate reporting of process and disk space metrics to Prometheus.Assorted minor updates to this document to clarify certain aspects of VMSSPI operation and usage.
3. VMSSPI Functionality
VMSSPI consists of the following modules:
Module | Description |
Reports on a number of system-related items such as processes, disks, shadow sets, queues, etc. |
Reports on system and process resource utilization. |
Reports in real-time on security events that the AUDIT_SERVER process detects. |
Makes various performance metrics used by other VMSSPI modules available to the Prometheus monitoring solution. |
The work performed in these modules is described in the sub-sections below.
3.1. The SYSTEM Module
The SYSTEM module is activated at regular time intervals (usually, every minute) and reports on the items summarised in the following list:
Changes in the error count
Checks at regular time intervals if the error count on CPU, memory, and devices has changed. Note that upon start-up of this module, no messages are sent regarding the current error count on devices. However, reporting is always done on the CPU and memory error count.
OpenVMS cluster changes
Sends a notification whenever a node is added to or removed from an OpenVMS cluster.
Process availability
Reports on the availability of processes. A process is defined by its OpenVMS process name and UIC.
Note the following points:
Specification of the UIC is optional. If you do specify the UIC, use the identifier format or numeric format.
The process name can contain the asterisk (*) and/or the percent sign (%) wildcard.
You can also check for a minimum number of occurrences if the process name contains the asterisk (*) and/or the percent sign (%) wildcard.
Process availability can be checked clusterwide.
You can also restrict process availability checks during predefined periods.
Reports on disks status and available free space. A disk is specified by its physical name or its logical volume name. For each disk, the SYSTEM module determines the following:
What is the status of the disk? For example, is the disk correctly mounted and accessible?
Is the disk write-locked?
Is there free space on the disk?
Monitoring of free space on clusterwide mounted disks is done on a clusterwide basis. Disk state and write lock monitoring are done on a per-node basis.
Monitoring of a disk can be restricted to specific periods of time.
Queue manager status
Checks the status of the queue manager or managers and reports if the status is different from "Running".
Batch queue status
Reports on the status of batch queues and the number of retained and pending jobs on batch queues.
The preferred status of a batch queue can be either "Started" (indicated by a status of "Idle", "Available", or "Busy") or "Stopped" during different time periods. The SYSTEM module checks that this preferred status corresponds to the actual status of the batch queue.
Batch queue monitoring is usually performed on a clusterwide basis.
Print queue status
Reports on the status of print queues and the number of pending and retained jobs on print queues. Print queue monitoring is usually performed on a clusterwide basis.
Batch jobs
Reports on the availability of batch jobs. A batch job is defined by its job name, user name, and batch queue name. Corollaries to this definition are the following:
A job name can contain wildcards.
A batch queue can be a generic queue or an execution queue.
If a generic queue has been specified and the job is currently running on one of the execution queues, the job is considered to be present.
Batch job monitoring (which is usually performed clusterwide) can be restricted to certain time periods.
Shadow sets
Reports on the availability of shadow sets and the status of their members, including missing members, unexpected members, and copy/merge operations. Monitoring can be restricted to certain time periods.
Clusterwide mounted shadow sets are usually monitored on a clusterwide basis.
System intruders
Reports on system intruders.
3.2. The PERFORMANCE Module
The function of the PERFORMANCE module is to monitor resource usage and system/process performance. More specifically, the module reports on the following parameters:
CPU utilization
The value reported is the actual CPU utilization over the total CPU capacity times 100. This value is calculated over a period of 10 minutes.
All CPUs fully used equals 100%.
Memory utilization
The value reported is the average percentage of memory utilization over a period of 5 minutes.
Page file utilization
Reports on the free space in the system page file or files. The value reported is the percentage of free space in the page file or files.
Swap file utilization
Reports on the free space in the system swap file or files. The value reported is the percentage of free space in the swap file or files.
Buffered I/O count
Reports on the total number of buffered I/Os per second, for the entire system. The value reported is the average BIO rate over a period of 5 minutes.
Direct I/O count
Reports on the total number of direct I/Os per second, for the entire system. The value reported is the average DIO rate over a period of 5 minutes.
Processes in COM or COMO state
Reports on the average number of processes in the COM or COMO state over a period of 5 minutes.
Total number of processes
Reports on the current number of processes on the system. The value reported is the average number of processes over the value of the SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCNT times 100. This value is calculated over a period of 5 minutes.
Non-paged pool expansions
Reports on the number of expansions of the non-paged dynamic memory and on the number of times the system failed to expand non-paged dynamic memory.
System page faults
Reports on the average number of system page faults per second, over a period of five minutes.
Resource hash table utilization
Reports on the total number of resources on the system, compared to the value of the SYSGEN parameter RESHASHTBL times 100.
The average utilization is calculated over a period of 5 minutes.
LAN device utilization
Reports on the Ethernet device throughput of selected LAN devices. The value reported is the line utilization to the line speed times 100 for the last minute.
Looping processes
Continuously looks for processes that use a lot of CPU but do not do any I/O. A process is flagged as "seems to be looping" if it uses a minimum of 25% of one CPU and does not do any I/O during a period of at least 2 minutes.
Active CPUs
Sends a notification message when it detects a stopped CPU on the system.
Processes in special states
Sends a notification if processes are in a state other than LEF, LEFO, CEF, HIB, HIBO, COM, or CUR. The PERFORMANCE module takes multiple samples of the state of each process, and notification is sent only if a process is in the same special state for a minimum of 1 minute.
Disk I/O
Reports on the following items for selected disks:
The DIO rate on the disk. The value reported is the average number of DIOs made to this disk per second, over a time of 10 minutes.
The queue length on the disk. The value reported is the average queue length per second on this disk, over a time of 10 minutes.
Hot files on the disk. The PERFORMANCE module reports on the files on which the highest number of DIOs per second are made.
Process quota utilization
Reports on the quota utilization of each process on the system. A message is sent when a process is detected whose utilization of one of its quotas reaches its limit.
The PERFORMANCE module checks on the following quotas:
Note that in some situations, such as for very short lived processes or for processes that are starting or terminating at the time of a VMSSPI process scan, anomalous alerts may occasionally be reported.
3.3. The SECURITY module
The AUDIT_SERVER process records security-relevant activity as it occurs on the system, that is, any activity related to user access to the system or a protected object within the system, including the following:
Logins, logouts, and login failures
Changes to the user authorization, rights list, and network proxy files
Access to protected objects such as files, devices, global sections, queues, etc
Changes to the security attributes of protected objects
The AUDIT_SERVER usually writes security event messages to the following locations:
Security audit log file
Security events are written in binary format to this clusterwide log file. Each record contains details related to the event and can be examined using the ANALYZE/AUDIT utility. The
command allows you to specify which security events are to be written to the audit log file (see help for theSET AUDIT
command for additional information on configuring the audit logging facility and which events will be reported).Security operator terminals
These are terminals that are enabled to receive OPCOM security class messages, allowing the system manager to monitor user activity in real time. The
command allows you to specify which security events are to be written to operator terminals.
The VMSSPI SECURITY module allows you to monitor security events in a continuous but simplified manner. System managers can quickly detect suspicious security events, which they can then examine further using the ANALYZE/AUDIT utility.
The operator terminal and the security audit log file are the primary destinations for security event messages. An additional feature of the security auditing facility is a listener mailbox, which you can create to receive a binary copy of all security-auditing messages.
The SECURITY module does the following:
Creates and reads the listener mailbox
Processes the auditing information. The AUDIT_SERVER writes all monitored security items to the listener mailbox; this information is summarized in a one-line message.
Sends a message to the configured VMSSPI consumer module (and potentially, via email)
The messages written to the listener mailbox are the ones that result from entering the
commands. VSI
recommends that certain security events be enabled for auditing, for example:
command to check the security events that are
enabled for monitoring on your system.
3.4. The METRICS Module
The VMSSPI METRICS module (VMSSPI$METRICS.EXE) is started on VMSSPI start-up if the logical name VMSSPI$EXPORT_METRICS is defined (to anything) at the system level. When this facility is enabled, various system-level and per-process performance metrics calculated by other VMSSPI modules are sent to the VMSSPI$METRICS process, making the metrics available for consumption by the Prometheus monitoring solution (https://prometheus.io/). Note that this module is currently experimental and will be documented in greater detail for future releases of VMSSPI; if you wish to make use of this module, Prometheus should be configured to access these metrics at the TCP/IP port 8000 on the OpenVMS server in question.
The system metrics currently exposed are as follows:
Average CPU utilization
Page file free space
Swap file free space
Overall memory utilization
System BIO rate
System DIO rate
System page fault rate
Bytes sent (per network interface)
Bytes received (per network interface)
DIO rate per monitored disk
I/O queue length per monitored disk
In addition to the above system metrics, disk space used (expressed as a percentage)
will be reported on a per-disk basis for any disks specified for monitoring in the VMSSPI
configuration file for which the /METRICS
qualifier is specified. Note
that if disks are monitored for specific periods, metrics will only be made available to
Prometheus during those periods.
qualifier can also be included for any processes
specified for monitoring in the VMSSPI configuration file, whereupon the following metrics
will be made available (on a per-process basis) to the Prometheus interface, with the
reported values representing the change over the past one-minute interval.
CPU time consumed by the process (across all modes)
Page faults
Direct I/O operations
Buffered I/O operations
Note that the VMSSPI$METRICS process implements an embedded web server, and that HTTP only is supported by the current version. The web server does not access any file systems and has access to no data other than the metrics data supplied to it. Support for HTTPS will be provided in a future release.
4. Installation
This section describes how to install the VMSSPI product. Note that if you are currently using the old HPE VMSSPI product in conjunction with HPE OpenView, this old product must be fully removed before installing VSI VMSSPI for VSI OpenVMS.
4.1. Requirements
In order to install and use VMSSPI on VSI OpenVMS Alpha, IA64, and x86-64, the following software products and versions are required:
OpenVMS 8.4-2L1 or higher (IA64), OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 or higher (Alpha), OpenVMS 9.2-2 or higher (x86-64)
In addition to these requirements, installing VSI VMSSPI for VSI OpenVMS on an ODS-5 formatted file system is recommended.
4.2. Installing the Kit
The kit is provided as an OpenVMS PCSI kit that can be installed by a suitably privileged user using the following command:
The installation will then proceed as follows. Note that output may differ slightly from that shown depending on platform, product version, and various other factors.
Performing product kit validation of signed kits ... The following product has been selected: VSI AXPVMS VMSSPI V9.0-25 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. Configuring VSI AXPVMS VMSSPI V9.0-25: VSI OpenVMS SPI for VSI OpenVMS © VMS Software Inc., 2025. All rights reserved. VMS Software Inc. * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: VSI AXPVMS VMSSPI V9.0-25 DISK$FUNYET_SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...50%...60%...80%...90%...100% The following product has been installed: VSI AXPVMS VMSSPI V9.0-25 Layered Product VSI AXPVMS VMSSPI V9.0-25: VSI OpenVMS SPI for VSI OpenVMS Post-installation tasks are required. To start VMSSPI at system boot time, add the following lines to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM: $ file := SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$STARTUP.COM $ if f$search("''file'") .nes. "" then @'file' To shutdown VMSSPI at system shutdown, add the following lines to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: $ file := SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$SHUTDOWN.COM $ if f$search("''file'") .nes. "" then @'file'
5. Post-Installation Tasks
After the installation has successfully completed, the following steps should be performed to configure and start using VMSSPI.
Update system start-up and shutdown procedures
After the installation has successfully completed, include the commands displayed at the end of the installation procedure into SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and SYSHUTDWN.COM as described below in order to ensure that VMSSPI components are correctly started and stopped when OpenVMS is booted and shutdown.
Modify the site-specific start-up command file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. After starting all layered products, add the following commands to the end of this file:
$ file := SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$STARTUP.COM $ if f$search("''file'") .nes. "" then @'file'
Before stopping any layered product, add the following commands to the beginning of site-specific shutdown procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM:
$ file := SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$SHUTDOWN.COM $ if f$search("''file'") .nes. "" then @'file'
Define VMSSPI logical names
Before performing the configuration steps described below, run the following command to define logical names used by VMSSPI to determine the location of configuration and messages files:
This command procedure is run by the VMSSPI start-up procedure; however it is not possible to start VMSSPI until the following configuration tasks have been completed.
Create the messages file
If you do not have an existing installation of VMSSPI then it will be necessary to create an initial messages file before VMSSPI can be started. This is done as follows (assuming that the software is installed onto an ODS-5 formatted file system):
It you have an existing MESSAGES.TXT file, this will not be overwritten by the installation process, and you will generally not need to perform this step.
It should be noted that the initial MESSAGES.TXT file will be sufficient to allow you to start VMSSPI to generate an initial configuration; however it will be necessary to modify MESSAGES.TXT in order for VMSSPI to do anything useful, such as sending alerts via email, performing actions in the event of a particular problem being detected, and so on. Details regarding the format and customization of the MESSAGES.TXT file are provided in Section 9, “The Messages File”.
Create an initial configuration
You can now start VMSSPI to generate an initial configuration, or you can run the configuration utility as follows (recommended):
The configuration utility scans your system and cluster members and generates an initial configuration file. You can now modify this initial configuration file as described in Section 7, “VMSSPI Configuration File”.
Load license key
Starting from version 9.0-15, VMSSPI requires a license key from VSI in order to use the software. On an initial installation of VMSSPI, a 90-day node-specific temporary license key will be generated, which may be used for evaluation purposes; however in order to continue using the software after this time you must obtain from VSI either a node-specific license key, or an enterprise license key that can be used on multiple OpenVMS nodes. VMSSPI is licensed on a subscription basis, meaning that license keys have a termination date, after which the subscription must be renewed (and a new key provided by VSI) in order to continue using the software, and to continue receiving support.
The license mechanism used by VMSSPI is straightforward. License keys are provided as hexadecimal strings that contain encoded details pertaining to the type of license (per node, enterprise, or temporary), node name (if applicable), IP address (if applicable), and expiry date. Keys are stored in the file VMSSPI$DATA:LIC.TXT, which is a simple text file that can be edited using any standard OpenVMS editor to add new license keys, delete expired keys, and so on. Lines in LIC.TXT starting with
are treated as comment lines, and blank lines are ignored. On start-up VMSSPI processes read LIC.TXT and will use the first valid license. If no valid license is found, VMSSPI processes will log an error and will fail to start. This mechanism makes it possible to use a single license file in a cluster, assuming that the file includes valid keys for all cluster nodes (which may be a single enterprise license key or individual per-node keys). Comments may be included to identify which key is for which node, to note expiry dates, and so on.If you have received a license key (or keys) with the VMSSPI kit and do not already have an existing VMSSPI installation, after installing VMSSPI the simplest course of action will typically be to start VMSSPI (see next step) to create an initial LIC.TXT file containing a temporary license key and to then edit this file to include the provided license key. If you are upgrading VMSSPI from a previous version, after installation of the new version it will be necessary to manually create LIC.TXT and to add your license key to it before restarting VMSSPI.
Once you are happy with the configuration and messages files, you can start VMSSPI by manually running the start-up procedure:
Assuming that the start-up was successful, you should see the following three processes running on the system:
$ PIPE SHOW SYSTEM | SEARCH SYS$INPUT VMSSPI 0002E156 VMSSPI$SYSTEM HIB 4 193846 0 00:02:01.41 16543 13868 0002E157 VMSSPI$PERFORM HIB 6 18667 0 00:04:37.19 1266 2109 0002E158 VMSSPI$SECURITY LEF 14 1271 0 00:00:00.40 989 1402
6. VMSSPI Logical Names
You might find the following logical names useful when you implement the VMSSPI in an OpenVMS cluster with multiple system disks.
You can define these logical names in the file SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM.
Note that the installation procedure creates an initial version of this file if it does not already exist; however this initial version will likely need to be modified as described below if VMSSPI is used in a cluster context.
The logical name VMSSPI$DATA is used by VMSSPI to specify the location of the configuration and messages files. For OpenVMS clusters with multiple system disks, place the configuration file in a directory that all cluster members can access.
Follow these steps to create define the VMSSPI$DATA logical name for this scenario:
Create a directory on a disk that is common to all cluster members, and define the logical VMSSPI$DATA so that it points to this directory. For example:
In this example, the logical name
points to the[VMSSPI]
directory on a disk mounted clusterwide with theDISK$COMMON
logical volume name.Create the file VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT in this directory. You can do this by using the utility VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM or by copying a previously created configuration file to the directory pointed to by VMSSPI$DATA.
VMSSPI usually runs on every member in an OpenVMS cluster. Only one of the instances performs clusterwide monitoring, which includes clusterwide processes, clusterwide mounted disks and shadow sets, and anything related to queues. The cluster member where the VMSSPI performs this clusterwide monitoring can be any node in the cluster, and is determined by VMSSPI process in the cluster that exclusively holds the VMSSPI$CLUSTER_LOCK lock.
In some situations, you might not want to perform clusterwide monitoring on one particular cluster member, which is the case with the quorum system of a multisite disaster-tolerant cluster. This quorum system usually does not mount any cross-data centre shadow sets and does not have access to the queue file. In a situation like this, disable the clusterwide monitoring on this node by entering the following command prior to starting VMSSPI:
command), as illustrated in the example below, where
are the process names of the processes for which monitoring is to be disabled.Important
If a process names contains spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
This facility is intended to provide a mechanism for administrators to temporarily disable monitoring of one or more processes while non-scheduled maintenance operations are performed.
It must be emphasised that this facility applies only to processes explicitly configured for monitoring in the configuration file and not to all processes that might be running on the system.
It should be noted that while monitoring is disabled for processes in this way, VMSSPI will write log entries for the processes in question stating that monitoring is currently disabled. Such log entries will be written for each monitoring cycle until VMSSPI$IGNORE is de-assigned or the process name in question has been removed from the list of process names to be ignored.
This logical name can be used to define a default value for the re-raise interval associated with certain specific alerts. For these alerts, if a re-raise interval is defined and a fault condition persists for longer than is time, the alert will be re-raised, and this behaviour will continue until such time as the fault is corrected. The value specified for VMSSPI$RERAISE_INTERVAL must be an integer value between 0 and 360, where the value represents the number of minutes that a relevant fault condition can remain un-cleared before VMSSPI will re-raise the alert. A value of 0 means that alerts will not be re-raised (unless a specific re-raise interval is otherwise specified in the VMSSPI configuration file for the entity being monitored), and if the specified value is less than or equal to the VMSSPI scan interval, the value will be adjusted to be twice the VMSSPI scan interval (as logically it makes no sense for the re-raise interval to be less than the VMSSPI scan frequency). The VMSSPI$RERAISE_INTERVAL logical name should be defined at SYSTEM level.
The specific alerts that can currently be re-raised in this manner are:
Note that it is possible to override the default re-raise interval defined using this
logical name or to specify a specific interval using the /RERAISE
qualifier with the PROCESS
, and
commands. The integer value specified with this qualifier is
the number of minutes for the interval and the supplied value must conform to the same rules
as those described above for the VMSSPI$RERAISE_INTERVAL logical
The logical name TCPIP$SMTP_FROM (as used by VSI TCP/IP Services) can be used to specify an outbound alias that is applied to email messages sent by the VMSSPI SMTP client (all email messages sent be VMSSPI will appear to originate from this address). This facility can be useful in situations where there are constraints imposed by email gateways around where emails can originate and/or from whom. Be aware that this logical name may also be defined for other purposes and care should be taken to ensure that any system-level definition for VMSSPI does not conflict with an existing definition that is relied upon by users or other applications running on the system.
7. VMSSPI Configuration File
VMSSPI needs a configuration file that contains the definition of the OpenVMS items to monitor. In an OpenVMS cluster, the configuration file must be common to all nodes. The name of the configuration file is VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT and VMSSPI expects to find this file in the directory pointed to by the VMSSPI$DATA logical name. If this logical name is not defined, VMSSPI will fail to start correctly and errors will be reported in the VMSSPI log files.
7.1. Generating the Configuration File
You can easily generate an initial version of the VMSSPI configuration file by running the utility VMSSPI$ROOT:[BIN]VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM.EXE. When you run this utility, a configuration file is generated based on the currently present processes, mounted disks and shadow sets, batch and print queues, and batch jobs.
The generated configuration file allows out-of-the-box monitoring of the OpenVMS environment. To obtain optimal results, however, the system manager will generally need to edit this file.
It is also possible to define a foreign command for VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM.EXE and to run this command with various qualifiers as described below to generate configuration details for specific sub-systems and to write these configuration details to specified files that can then be used to update VMSSPI$DATA:VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT as necessary with new or changed information. For example, the following commands define a foreign command for VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM.EXE and generate configuration data for shadow sets only, with the resultant output being written to the file SHADOW.DAT:
Using your preferred editor, the contents of SHADOW.DAT can then be used as required to update information in VMSSPI$DATA:VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT.
Permitted qualifiers are summarised in the following table. Note that the
qualifiers must be
specified in full (they cannot be abbreviated).
Qualifier | Description |
/FULL | Generates a full configuration as would be generated by running
VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM.EXE with no options. Note that
this qualifier cannot be used in conjunction with any of the other qualifiers listed
below, except for /OUTPUT . Generating a full configuration is the
default. |
/OUTPUT=file-name | Can be used to specify the name of the output file that is to be created by
/FULL is used and no output file is specified then output will by
If no output file is specified and /FULL is not specified, output will
be written to a file named VMSSPI.TMP in the current
working directory. |
/PROCESSES | Generates template process monitoring data based on the processes currently running on the system. |
/DISKS | Generates template disk monitoring configuration details, including initial hot-file monitoring details. |
/SHADOW_SETS | Generates template shadow-set monitoring details (if applicable) for the system in question. |
/BATCH_JOBS | Generates template batch job monitoring configuration details based on any currently running or scheduled jobs. |
/BATCH_QUEUES | Generates batch queue monitoring configuration details for any batch queues that are defined for the system or cluster in question. |
| Generates printer queue monitoring configuration details for any print queues that are defined for the system or cluster in question. |
| Generates template configuration details for monitoring of any LAN devices used by the system. |
/VERSION | Causes the configuration utility to display the VMSSPI version and exit (no configuration details will be generated). |
7.2. Reconfiguring
If changes are made to the VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT file, the VMSSPI SYSTEM module automatically registers these changes. New items that are added to this file are monitored, and removed items are no longer monitored. However, any such changes will not take effect until the next ALWAYS/NEVER window (midnight by default). To force modifications to the configuration file to take effect immediately, it is necessary to restart VMSSPI.
The PERFORMANCE and SECURITY modules must be restarted for the configuration file changes to take effect.
Only changes to VMSSPI$CONFIGURATION.DAT will be reloaded automatically (and only by the SYSTEM module); any changes made to the MESSAGES.TXT file will not take effect until VMSSPI is restarted. In general, it is recommended that all VMSSPI processes be restarted whenever any changes are made to the configuration in order to ensure that the configuration changes are correctly and fully loaded by all VMSSPI processes.
7.3. Editing the Configuration File
In the configuration file, you need to add entries for the following:
Cluster name information
Time interval for performing checks
Restricted periods for monitoring
Enabling intrusion detection
Processes to be monitored
Disks to be monitored
Batch queues to be monitored
Print queues to be monitored
Batch jobs to be monitored
Shadow sets to be monitored
LAN devices to monitor
Process quota thresholds
Security filter settings
These configuration file entries are explained in the following sections.
7.3.1. Entering the Cluster Name Information
If are using VMSSPI to monitor an OpenVMS cluster (as opposed to monitoring an individual node), you should specify the name of the cluster in the configuration file. This name is usually the cluster alias, but if no such alias is defined, specify any appropriate name for the cluster in the following format:
CLUSTERNAME clustername
7.3.2. Defining the Time Interval Between Two Consecutive Checks
The VMSSPI SYSTEM module performs all defined checks at regular time intervals. You can modify the time between two consecutive checks.
To define this interval, enter a value after the INTERVAL
in the configuration file:
For value
, enter an integer to specify the number of
seconds between two consecutive checks. The default interval is 60 seconds.
7.3.3. Defining Periods to Restrict Monitoring
You can restrict the monitoring of items to certain time periods. The default generated configuration file defines two default periods: ALWAYS and NEVER.
You can define your own periods by adding the following statements to the configuration file. These periods can then be used in other definitions in the configuration file.
PERIOD name_of_period – /MONDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /TUESDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /WEDNESDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /THURSDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /FRIDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /SATURDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /SUNDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /WORKDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /EVERYDAY=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) - /WEEKEND=(BEGIN=hour,END=hour) Example
PERIOD workhours - /WORKDAY=(BEGIN=08:30,END=12:00) - /WORKDAY=(BEGIN=13:00,END=17:15) - /SATURDAY=(BEGIN=09:00,END=12:30)
This example uses the /WORKDAY
qualifier twice to specify two different
periods during a regular work day.
7.3.4. Defining a Process to Monitor
In the configuration file, you can define all the processes to monitor. For each
process, specify the PROCESS
verb followed by the OpenVMS process name
and one or more optional qualifiers:
PROCESS "process_name" – [/UIC="uic"] - [/PERIOD=period] - [/OCCURRENCES=n] - [/CLUSTER_WIDE] - [/NODES=(...)] – [/ACTION=”action”] - [/RERAISE=n]
The process_name
is the OpenVMS process name, which
can have a maximum of 15 characters. It can contain the asterisk (*) and percent (%)
wildcards. Also note that process names are case-sensitive. If the process name contains
lowercase letters, be sure to place double quotes (" ") around it.
The following table summarises the qualifiers you can use with the
Qualifier | Description |
/UIC | Can be specified in different formats, such as SYSTEM, [SYSTEM], or [1,4]. Specifying the UIC is not mandatory. However, if you have two processes with the same name that run with UICs in different groups, specifying the UIC distinguishes one from the other. |
| One of the periods defined earlier in the file. The default value is ALWAYS. |
| If the process name contains wildcards, you might want to specify the number of occurrences required for this process, if you have more than one process on your system or cluster with the same fixed name portion and a variable name portion. The default is 1. |
| Specifying the qualifier /CLUSTER_WIDE indicates that the
process should be present on at least one of the nodes of the cluster. |
| Specifies the cluster members on which the process should be present. |
Specifies a command (or command procedure) to be executed if VMSSPI detects
that the process in question has terminated. This allows actions to be specified
on a per-process basis, as opposed to specifying a generic action in
MESSAGES.TXT. However, it should be noted that
specifying a specific action for a process using the Note that action commands (generally DCL scripts) may need to include
appropriate logic to take into consideration any other details specified for the
Specifies a re-raise interval after which process-missing alerts for the process in question will be re-raised (assuming process monitoring is active for the process in question). The specified value is the number of minutes that the condition can remain un-cleared before the alert will be re-raised, and the alert will then continue to be re-raised at this interval until the condition is cleared. The specified value must be between 0 and 360, where a value of 0 means that alerts will not be re-raised. If the specified value is less than or equal to the VMSSPI scan interval, the value will be adjusted to be twice the scan interval. Note that specifying |
/METRICS | Specifies that performance metrics (CPU usage, page faults, direct
I/O, and buffered I/O) should
be made available to Prometheus monitoring for the process in question. Note that
if the process is question is monitored only during specific periods (by
specifying the /PERIOD qualifier described above), metrics will
only be made available during the defined period. |
The qualifiers /CLUSTER_WIDE
and /NODES
mutually exclusive. If neither of these qualifiers is present, the process should be
available on each node in the cluster. Examples
These examples define three processes to be monitored by the VMSSPI SYSTEM module.
7.3.5. Defining Disks to Monitor
In the configuration file, you can define all the disks to be monitored. For each
disk, specify the DISK
verb, followed by the disk specification, and
one or more of the following optional qualifiers:
DISK disk_name [/PERIOD=period] - [/CRITICAL=threshold] - [/MAJOR=threshold] - [/MINOR=threshold] - [/WARNING=threshold] - [/DIO] - [/QUEUE_LENGTH] - [/HOTFILES] - [/NODES=(...)]
The disk_name
is either the physical device name or
the logical volume name.
The following table describes the qualifiers you can use with the
verb. Note that you do not need to define all qualifiers.
Qualifier | Description |
| Optional qualifier. The default period is ALWAYS. Note that only the SYSTEM module uses this qualifier. |
Define the amount of free space thresholds on the disk. The values are percentages, which can be floating values. Make sure that the critical threshold is smaller than the major threshold, that the major threshold is smaller than the minor threshold, and so on. These qualifiers are used by the SYSTEM module. To monitor free space on a disk, dynamic volume expansion is taken into account; VMSSPI is capable of monitoring volume sets as well. |
| Enables monitoring of the average number of direct I/Os made to that disk per second. This qualifier is used by the PERFORMANCE module. |
/QUEUE_LENGTH | Enables monitoring of the average queue length of direct I/Os per second to that disk. This qualifier is used by the PERFORMANCE module. |
Enables or disables monitoring of hot files on the disk. This qualifier is used by the PERFORMANCE module. Note that the default configuration file is created with hot file monitoring
disabled for all disks. If you want hot file monitoring on one or more disks,
you must change the |
| If the disk is not mounted on all cluster members, use /NODES to
specify the list of nodes that mount the disk. If you do not specify the
/NODES qualifier, the disk is assumed to be mounted on all cluster
members. |
When you enable HOTFILE monitoring on one or more disks, you might also want to change two additional parameters in the configuration file:
Parameter | Description |
Specifies the time interval over which the average DIO rate on each file will be calculated. The default period is 10 minutes. Specify the time interval in the format "hh:mm:ss". To specify a 5-minute interval, enter the following command: PARAMETER HOTFILE_INTERVAL/VALUE="00:05:00" |
Specifies the number of hottest files on which VMSSPI will report. The default value is 3. To report on the 5 hottest files, enter the following command: PARAMETER HOTFILE_TOPDIO/VALUE=5 |
/METRICS | Specifies that disk space used (expressed as a percentage of disk capacity)
will be made available to Prometheus monitoring for the disk in question. Note
that if the disk is question is monitored only during specific periods (by
specifying the /PERIOD qualifier), data will only be made
available to Prometheus during the defined period. | Examples
This example defines the monitoring of the disk with the logical volume name of
, which is usually mounted on the cluster membersMYCULO
The configuration file that was initially generated using the VMSSPI$CONFIGURE_SYSTEM.EXE utility specifies critical, major, minor, and warning thresholds based on the actual amount of free space on the disk. The actual free space and the physical name of the disk will be added as information in a comment at the end of the line.
The following examples show how to define the disk utilization monitoring of two disks. For disk
, disk utilization, queue length, and hot files are monitored. For disk$1$DUA53
, only the queue length is monitored (the/DIO
7.3.6. Specifying Batch Queues
Specify the names of batch queues to monitor as follows:
BATCHQUEUE queue-name - [/STARTED_PERIOD=period] - [/STOPPED_PERIOD=period] - [/[NO]PENDING_THRESHOLD=...] - [/[NO]RETAINED_THRESHOLD=...] - [/NODES=(node...)] – [/ACTION=”action”] - [/RERAISE=n]
Explanations of BATCHQUEUE
qualifiers are provided below.
Qualifier | Description |
| Defines when a batch queue is to be "started" during certain periods and
"stopped" during other periods. You might want to check whether the actual queue
state corresponds with a particular state. Care should be taken when specifying
these periods, as overlapping periods may result in the generation of erroneous
alert messages. In this regard it should be noted that periods (as defined using
the PERIOD command) have a resolution of 1 second. |
| Makes it possible to warn the system manager about possible contentions in queues and problems with jobs currently executing and blocking the execution of other jobs. VMSSPI checks if the number of pending jobs in a queue exceeds a specified threshold. If it does, a message is sent. |
| VMSSPI checks if the number of jobs retained in a queue exceeds a specified threshold. If it does, a message is sent. |
| In most situations, you would not specify the /NODES qualifier
because queues are usually monitored clusterwide. |
| Specifies a re-raise interval after which stopped batch queue alerts for the queue in question will be re-raised (assuming that queue monitoring is active). The specified value is the number of minutes that the condition can remain un-cleared before the alert will be re-raised, and the alert will then continue to be re-raised at this interval until the condition is cleared. The specified value must be between 0 and 360, where a value of 0 means that alerts will not be re-raised. If the specified value is less than or equal to the VMSSPI scan interval, the value will be adjusted to be twice the scan interval. |
| Specifies a command (or command procedure) to be executed if VMSSPI detects
that the batch queue in question is stopped. This allows actions to be specified
on a per-queue basis, as opposed to specifying a generic action in
VMSSPI_BatchQueueNotStarted alert. However, it should be noted that
specifying an action for a specific batch queue using the
/ACTION qualifier does not override any action(s) specified
in MESSAGES.TXT for the
VMSSPI_BatchQueueNotStarted alert. |
If the two threshold qualifiers are negated, those items are not monitored.
Pending and retained jobs are monitored during the started and stopped periods that are defined. Example
In this example, the batch queue SYS$BATCH
is always supposed to be
started. If the state of the batch queue differs from idle, busy, or available, a
notification is sent. Pending and retained jobs are not monitored.
7.3.7. Specifying Print Queues
Specify the names of print queues whose actual status needs to be monitored as follows:
PRINTQUEUE queue-name [/PERIOD=time_period] - [/[NO]PENDING_THRESHOLD=...] - [/[NO]RETAINED_THRESHOLD=...] - [/NODES=(node...)]
The queue-name
, which is required, can contain
asterisk (*) wildcards. Explanations of PRINTQUEUE
qualifiers are
provided in the following table.
Qualifier | Description |
/PERIOD | The default value is ALWAYS. |
/PENDING_THRESHOLD | Warns the system manager about possible contentions in queues and problems with jobs currently executing and blocking the execution of other jobs. When the number of pending jobs in a queue exceeds a specified threshold, a message is sent. |
/RETAINED_THRESHOLD | When the number of jobs retained in a queue exceeds a specified threshold, a message is sent. |
/NODES | In most situations, you would not specify the /NODES
qualifier because queues are usually monitored clusterwide. |
If the two threshold qualifiers are negated, those items are not monitored.
Pending and retained jobs are monitored during the "started" and "stopped" periods that are defined. Example
This example specifies that the state of any print queue whose name begins with
is to be monitored only during the time intervals defined by the
7.3.8. Specifying Batch Jobs
Specify the names of batch jobs whose actual status needs to be monitored as follows:
JOB job-name [/USERNAME=username] - [/QUEUE=queuename] - [/PERIOD=time_period] - [/NODES=(...)] - [/CHECK=OVERRUN] - [/RERAISE]
The job-name
is required. It defines the batch jobs
that VMSSPI must check; it can contain the asterisk (*) and percent (%) wildcards.
The following table describes the qualifiers you can use with the JOB verb.
Qualifier | Description |
| Optional qualifier. The default is SYSTEM. |
/QUEUE | Optional qualifier. The default is SYS$BATCH. Specify the generic or execution queue on which the batch job is entered. If a generic queue is specified, and the job is currently running on one of the execution queues, the job will be considered to be present. |
| Optional qualifier. The default is ALWAYS. |
/NODES | In most situations, you would not specify this qualifier because batch jobs are usually monitored clusterwide. |
| Specifies a re-raise interval after which missing batch job alerts for the job in question will be re-raised (assuming that job monitoring is active). The specified value is the number of minutes that the condition can remain un-cleared before the alert will be re-raised, and the alert will then continue to be re-raised at this interval until the condition is cleared. The specified value must be between 0 and 360, where a value of 0 means that alerts will not be re-raised. If the specified value is less than or equal to the VMSSPI scan interval, the value will be adjusted to be twice the scan interval. |
/CHECK=OVERRUN | This option can be specified to instruct VMSSPI to raise an alert if the job
in question appears to have overrun the period specified using the
/PERIOD option. Note that alerts will also be raised if the
job is running prior to the start of the defined period, as this could in fact
also be an overrun from a previous job submission the previous day. The alert
raised by any such overrun condition is
VMSSPI_BatchJobOverrun . | Example
This example defines the monitoring of a batch job named DAILY_CLEANUP
for user SYSTEM, which should be on the SYS$BATCH
queue at all times.
7.3.9. Specifying Shadow Sets
Specify the names of shadow sets whose actual status needs to be monitored as follows:
SHADOWSET shadow-name /MEMBERS=(member1,[member2],[member3]) - [/PERIOD=period] - [/NODES=(...)]
For shadow-name
, specify the physical name of the
shadow set. You must also specify the members. No logical names are accepted.
The following table describes other qualifiers to SHADOWSET
Qualifier | Description |
| Used to specify all the shadow set members. |
/PERIOD | Optional qualifier. The default value is ALWAYS. |
/NODES | Needs to be specified only if the shadow set is not mounted on all cluster members. | Example
This example tells the VMSSPI to monitor whether the shadow set DSA1 contains the
members $1$DGA1000:
and $1$DGA2000:
at all times.
7.3.10. Specifying a Rules File Using INCLUDE
Using a rules file allows you to keep the rules of different monitored objects in separate files so that they can be included or removed as required.
You can specify a file containing rules for objects to be monitored as follows:
For rules-file-name
, specify the name of a file
containing rules for objects that are to be monitored. To specify multiple rules files,
use a different INCLUDE
statement for each one. Add one or more
statements to your main CONFIGURATION.DAT
file to enable rules files that you select. Example
7.3.11. Enabling Intrusion Detection
You can enable intrusion detection by adding the following statement to the configuration file:
After you make this addition to the configuration file, users who enter an incorrect password four times are considered to be intruders and are denied access to the system even if they then enter a correct password. A message is also sent to signal a suspected intruder.
Optionally, you can also send a notification of SUSPECTS
. You specify
by entering the number of login attempts a user is permitted,
which defines the threshold you want to establish on your system. You define this
threshold as part of the INTRUDER
statement in the configuration file, which
also specifies that you want to include notification of SUSPECTS
. The format
for this is as following:
The default threshold is n=0
. Example
This example instructs VMSSPI to do the following:
Send a message to the Message Agent when either an intruder or a suspect is detected.
Update the message when the count of the intruder or suspect changes.
Clear the message when the intrusion record is deleted from the intrusion database.
7.3.12. LAN Devices to Monitor
Use the following format to enable monitoring of a LAN device:
LAN device-name/NODE=node-name
is the name of the Ethernet controller that you want to monitor.Optional:
is the name of the node on which the controller is located. This part is optional and only applicable if you are running in a cluster. Example
7.3.13. Security Filter Setting
By default, the SECURITY module processes all messages that the AUDIT_SERVER writes to the listener mailbox.
If you need to publish only certain classes of events, you can enable additional
filtering. To do this, edit the configuration file, disabling those classes of security
events that do not need to be published by removing the comment sign (the exclamation
point (!
)) from selected commands:
8. Log Files
VMSSPI creates a number of log files that are the primary source of information (subject to the level of logging that is enabled) about what the VMSSPI is monitoring, what it has detected, any problems that have been encountered, and what information has been sent to consumers.
The following table lists the log files created by each of the VMSSPI modules, where node-name will be replaced by the name of the OpenVMS node. If unexpected VMSSPI behaviour is observed, these files should be checked for any information that may be relevant.
Module | Log file |
Note that by default the logical name VMSSPI$LOG is defined in the command procedure SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to point to the directory VMSSPI$ROOT:[LOG]. If the logical name VMSSPI$LOG is not defined when VMSSPI is started, the VMSSPI start-up procedure will define it as SYS$MANAGER. If you do not want log files to be written to either of these locations, you may modify the definition in SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM as appropriate.
9. The Messages File
The messages file VMSSPI$DATA:MESSAGES.TXT defines the characteristics and properties of all alerts that can be raised by any of the VMSSPI modules, and the file must contain an entry for every such alert message type. Additionally, the messages file describes details about how alerts will be reported, be it via email, or via a service such as DataDog or Dynatrace. The following text describes the format of this file and how it can be customized to meet particular operational requirements.
The messages file can essentially be divided into two sections, with the first section containing definitions for various items such as mailing lists, SMTP gateway details, organizational information, and the specification for the specific alerting module that is to be used. In general, the order in which these items are specified in the messages file is not important; however it is recommended to use the layout used in the template file provided with the VMSSPI kit. It should also be noted that some items (such as the SMTP gateway port) are optional (and defaults will be used); however it is recommended that all items are defined.
Note that all commands and identifiers specified in the messages file are case-sensitive and all commands must be terminated with a semi-colon. Quoted string values may span multiple lines and can contain single quotation marks, but may not contain double quotation marks.
The first items to be defined in the messages file are the
organization code
and theorganization name
, as illustrated in the following example. An organization code must be specified, and can be any short sequence of characters; specifying the organization name is optional, but desired.set organization code jsl; set organization name "John Smith Ltd.";
The values specified for organization code and name are supplied to altering modules, and can be sent as part of the alert message. It should be noted that this information is not relevant to any of the current altering modules; however it is possible that in the future VSI will provide a service to monitor customers systems via VMSSPI as an extension of existing VSI support services, whereupon the organization code will be required (along with other details) and will map to the organization code used by the VSI Service Platform (https://sp.vmssoftware.com/).
After specifying organization details, the next entries in the messages file would typically be the name (or address) and port number used by the SMTP gateway for sending alerts via email, as illustrated in the following example. If the SMTP port is not specified then the default value of 25 will be used.
# Define SMTP gateway # set smtp host "biggles.vmssoftware.com"; set smtp port 25;
Note that the VMSSPI SMTP mail facility does not currently support SSL/TLS communication with the gateway; however this functionality will be included in a future release.
After specifying the SMTP gateway details, you can define zero or more mailing lists. There can be any number of mailing lists. Each such list must have a unique name and may specify one or more email addresses and a subject. The list of email addresses must be specified as a comma-separated list enclosed in double quotation marks. The following example illustrates these points, defining a mailing list called
:define mailing list ML1 "bill.smith@example.com, bill.smith@dummy.com" subject "There was a problem";
The mailing list
can now be assigned to zero or more alerts, as described below. Mailing list names do not need to use upper-case characters; however using upper-case characters can be useful, as all reserved words within the messages file are lower-case. It should also be noted that the same email addresses may be used for multiple mailing lists if so desired.Events detected and reported by VMSSPI can be assigned one of five classifications, namely "none", "operational", "performance", "security", or "availability", with the default being "none" (unclassified). The classification is primarily useful to services such as Splunk, where it can be used to help filter events, however it is also possible to use the
command in the messages file as shown below to explicitly disable the reporting of any events with the stated classification. This can be useful if for example you are interested only in certain sets of events (as opposed to disabling individual events). Note, however, that all events will still be detected by VMSSPI, and emails will be sent and actions executed (if configured), regardless of this setting. It should also be mentioned that the assignment of classifications in the messages file is left to the administrator, as events that might (for example) be considered relevant to security by one organisation might be considered (for example) more of an operational matter to another organisation.# Disable reporting of security and performance events… disable classification performance; disable classification security;
The next item to be defined in the messages file is the alerting module(s) that you wish to use to publish alert data. It is possible to specify a maximum of two alerting modules, and by default, the
module is defined, which does nothing:use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$null_shr.exe" "";
In order to use the Slack (vmsspi$slack_shr.exe) or DataDog (vmsspi$datadog_shr.exe) modules, it is necessary to specify an API key as part of the service endpoint URL?, while for Dynatrace (vmsspi$dynatrace_shr.exe) it is necessary to specify the service endpoint and API key as separate parameters, as illustrated (but commented out) in the messages template file included with the VMSSPI kit. For Dynatrace it is also possible to specify a third argument, which is the endpoint for log ingestion; if this parameter is supplied then the Dynatrace module will publish details of all events to the Dynatrace log in addition to raising an alert. The "file" module (vmsspi$file_shr.exe) simply logs alert messages to VMSSPI log files, and the MQTT module (vmsspi$mqtt_shr.exe) can be used to publish alerts to an MQTT broker, whereupon they can be consumed by interested applications. A more detailed description of some of these modules is provided elsewhere in this document.
Note that if you wish only to receive alerts via email, it is still necessary to define the "null" module. It should also be noted that the sending of alert details via email is independent of the alerting module: if a mailing list is specified for a given alert type, emails will be always be sent for that alert type.
The remaining entries in the messages file are the definitions for all possible messages/alerts that can be reported by the VMSSPI product. You are free to customize most message details; however there are some restrictions that will be discussed below, and in particular it is most important to note that no message definitions should be deleted (or commented out), and message names should not be changed. If messages are deleted or their names are changed, VMSSPI will not be able to raise alerts for any such messages. The syntax of these message definitions is for the most part straightforward; however there are some subtle points that need to be considered, and there are various default and enumerated values that need to be explained.
The following message definition illustrates most of the points that need to be considered (note that the
line has wrapped):VMSSPI_ComputableProcesses = { subject = "Number of computable processes is above threshold."; severity = unknown; facility = VMSSPI; alias = VMSSPI_ComputableProcesses; mailing list = none; throttle = 1; action = ""; text = "Average number of processes in COM or COMO state is above <$THRESHOLD>."; classification = performance; disable = false; thresholds = { [ value > 8.000000, critical, action = "" ], [ value > 6.000000, major, action = "" ], [ value > 4.000000, minor, action = "" ], [ value > 2.000000, warning, action = "", text = "Alternative per-threshold message text" ] } notes = ""; }
The first point to note is that every message has a name (
in the above example), and by convention these names beginning withVMSSPI_
. As commented previously, it is important not to change these names, as in the event that VMSSPI needs to issue an alert that is associated with the message name in question, the name will not be found and consequently the alert will not be raised (and VMSSPI will log an error). The following table describes the attributes that can be specified for each message. Note that while it is possible to not specify some message attributes, it is generally recommended to include all attributes in the definition and to use default values for those attributes for any attributes that may not be relevant or important.Attribute Description subject
This field provides a subject description for the message. Note that this is not intended to be a description of the particular situation that was detected, but rather a short sentence of text that would be suitable for an email subject line. If a mailing list is specified for the message and the subject text is not an empty string ("") then this text will be used for the subject when sending email messages. If the subject text is an empty string then the mailing list subject text will be used when sending emails. In general it is recommended to specify a value for this field.
As of VSI OpenVMS VMSSPI V9.0-6 it is possible to specify the keyword
for the subject description. If this is done for a particular message then the message text (determined by thetext
field) will be used for the subject. This facility can useful when publishing messages to services such as Dynatrace and PagerDuty, or for if more meaningful subject lines are desired for email messages sent by VMSSPI.severity
This field specifies the default severity of the situation associated with the message. Permitted values for this field are
, andcritical
. There is clearly some ambiguity between some of the values (such asmajor
); however in such situations the difference between one and another of these values is generally of no particular consequence, as they essentially have comparable meaning. The reasons for this set of severity codes are largely historical.As noted, this field specifies the default severity for the event in question, and this can be overridden by specifying different severity values for different alerting thresholds, as shown in the example above. If no thresholds are defined or if a severity is not specified for a particular threshold then the default severity will be used.
This field currently serves no real purpose and should always be assigned the value VMSSPI
This field also serves no real purpose in the current implementation of VMSSPI for VSI OpenVMS, and the assigned value should simply match the name of the message. It is anticipated that future versions of VMSSPI will make use of this field. mailing list
This field can be used to specify a mailing list for the message. The mailing list must have been previously defined as described above. In the event of this message/alert being issued by VMSSPI, an email will be sent to each email address specified in the mailing list. If you do not wish to specify a mailing list then the reserved word none should be used, as shown in the above example. throttle
This field can be used to control the frequency with which the message/alert in question will be reported by VMSSPI. This can be useful for preventing message storms, where a particular event occurs that might otherwise cause VMSSPI to send potentially large numbers of alert messages to the monitoring infrastructure or via email within a short period of time. The value for this field is an integer that defines the number of times the message/alert in question will be reported per minute. For the example above, the message/alert would be reported only once within a 60s period, irrespective of how many times the event actually occurred within this time window. A value of 0 can be specified to disable throttling.
Note that for some messages/alerts (for example those pertaining to the monitoring of entities for which there are multiple instances, such as disks), it may be advisable to set the throttle to 0 or to a value at least equal to the number of such entities in question. For example, with throttle set to 1 for
, if there were issues with multiple disks at roughly the same time, only one alert (for one disk) may be raised, which would not provide a complete and accurate picture of the problem scope.action
This field can be used to specify a default action to be taken when the associated event is detected by VMSSPI. The action is specified as a quoted string and may be any valid OpenVMS command. Most commonly, the action would be to invoke a DCL command procedure. For example, if VMSSPI detected that a monitored process had failed, an action script could be used to restart the process. It should be noted that any variable values used by VMSSPI when formatting the message text string will also be passed as parameters to action scripts, whereupon such values may be used as necessary. For example, for the above example the threshold value determined by VMSSPI would be supplied as input to an action script. In the case of a failed process, the name of the process would be supplied to the action script, thereby allowing the script to determine which process potentially needs to be restarted. As discussed previously (and below) it is also possible to specify individual action scripts for any thresholds that are defined, and these will be used in preference to the default action script, if defined. If no action script is defined, the value for the action
field should be set to an empty quoted string.text
This field defines that text that will be logged for the message/alert in question, and that will be sent via email if a mailing list is defined. The message text should be brief and to the point, typically comprising a single sentence. It should be noted that some message text strings specify values that will be populated at runtime by VMSSPI to provide specific details about what has occurred or the entity to which the event related, such as a process name, the name of the user that triggered a security event, and so on. In some situations, the entire message text will in fact be generated by VMSSPI on the fly. These variable elements have the general form <$VARIABLE>
is the name of a variable part of the string that VMSSPI will fill in dynamically. It is important not to remove any of these variable definitions or to change the variable names, as this will cause VMSSPI to incorrectly report events; however, the surrounding text (if any) may be changed. While you can add additional variables to the message text, doing so is pointless unless VMSSPI is aware of the variables in question and records the associated values.classification
This field can be used to specify a general category for each event type, with permitted values being none
, andavailability
. There are no specific rules about how these values should be used, and you should set values for each message that make the most sense for your environment. These values are sent by interface modules to the monitoring infrastructure and may be used to help with searching and grouping of events. The classification will also be included in emails. Note that it is also possible to disable the reporting of events by their classification, as described elsewhere in this document.disable
This field can be used to disable the reporting of the specific event type in question (in contrast to disabling entire classifications). To disable a particular event type, set the value to true
(the default value isfalse
, as used in the example above this table).thresholds
This field can be used to specify a comma-separated list of up to 8 thresholds for the alert/message in question, where each threshold definition is enclosed inside square brackets and consists of a value, a severity, an action, and an optional alternative per-threshold message text string, as illustrated in the above example. Threshold levels be expressed as floating-point values, and these can be compared by VMSSPI with observed values using the ">", "<", and "=" operators. VMSSPI will first check for thresholds specifying exact matches ("="), followed by ">", and "<". If a message has no thresholds, the values of the thresholds field should be set to {}.
If an alternative message is specified for a threshold, this will be used in place of the value specified for the
attribute, and may contain the same or different variable attributes (assuming such attributes are available for the message in question). Per-threshold messages are most useful in binary situations, where (for example) a threshold value of 1.0 indicates failure and a threshold value of 0.0 indicates that normal service has been resumed.notes
This field can be used to specify notes associated with the message in question, and any such text will be included in the body of emails sent by VMSSPI in addition to other message details. Such notes might for example describe actions to be taken when the event in question occurs, and so on. The notes text must be enclosed in double quotes and can span multiple lines. The text should not include double quotes, but may use single quotes.
9.1. Defined Messages
9.1.1. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Audit
Type: | Message |
Description: | One of the characteristics of the security auditing system has been changed, or a change in the list of auditable events has been made. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.2. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_AuditServer
Type: | Message |
Description: | The AUDIT_SERVER process is not running, or security auditing is currently disabled on this system. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.3. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Breakin
Type: | Message |
Description: | A break-in attempt was detected. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.4. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Connection
Type: | Message |
Description: | A logical link was established or terminated through DECnet, DECwindows, IPC, or SYSMAN. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.5. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Install
Type: | Message |
Description: | A change was made to the known file list through the INSTALL utility. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.6. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Logfailure
Type: | Message |
Description: | A Login failure was detected. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.7. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Login
Type: | Message |
Description: | A successful process login was detected. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Normal |
9.1.8. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Logout
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process logout was detected. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Normal |
9.1.9. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Mount
Type: | Message |
Description: | A device was mounted or dismounted. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
Type: | Message |
Description: | Access to the network configuration database through the network control program (NCP) was made. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.11. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Netproxy
Type: | Message |
Description: | The network proxy authorization file has been modified. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.12. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_ObjectAccess
Type: | Message |
Description: | An object (for example, a file, device, volume or queue) has been accessed. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.13. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_ObjectCreate
Type: | Message |
Description: | An object (for example, a file, device, volume, or queue) has been created. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.14. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_ObjectDelete
Type: | Message |
Description: | A device has been deleted. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.15. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Process
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process control system service has been executed. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.16. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Rightslist
Type: | Message |
Description: | The rights list database has been modified. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.17. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Sysgen
Type: | Message |
Description: | One or more SYSGEN parameters have been changed. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.18. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Systime
Type: | Message |
Description: | The system time has been changed. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.19. VMSSPI_AUDSRV_Sysuaf
Type: | Message |
Description: | The system user authorization file has been changed. |
Frequency: | As occurs |
Used By: | Security module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.20. VMSSPI_ActiveCPU
Type: | Message |
Description: | Not all available CPUs are currently active. |
Frequency: | Every 2 minutes |
Used by: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.21. VMSSPI_BatchQueue
Type: | Message |
Description: | A batch queue problem has been detected. The configuration file defines a batch queue to monitor, but no information could be obtained on this queue (for example, the queue does not exist, or the queue manager is not running). |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.22. VMSSPI_ClusterMemberAdded
Type: | Message |
Description: | A new member has been added to the OpenVMS cluster. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Normal |
9.1.23. VMSSPI_ClusterMemberRemoved
Type: | Message |
Description: | A member has been removed from the OpenVMS cluster. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.24. VMSSPI_DiskState
Type: | Message |
Description: |
A problem has been detected with one of the disks to be monitored. Possible messages are:
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Depends on actual message sent; see above |
9.1.25. VMSSPI_FreeSpace
Type: | Message |
Description: | The free space on a disk can be monitored by specifying the disk in the configuration file, together with 4 thresholds. Those thresholds correspond with the critical, major, minor and warning severity levels. Each time the actual free space on the disk drops below a new threshold, a message is sent. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Corresponding to the defined thresholds. |
9.1.26. VMSSPI_HardwareError
Type: | Message |
Description: | The error count on a device, CPU, or Memory has changed. Note that when the SYSTEM module is started, no messages are sent regarding the current error count on devices. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.27. VMSSPI_Intruder
Type: | Message |
Description: | An intruder has been detected on the system. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.28. VMSSPI_LANCarrierCheckFailures
Type: | Message |
Description: | Carrier failures have been detected on a LAN device. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.29. VMSSPI_MemberState
Type: | Message |
Description: |
A problem has been detected with one of the members of a shadow set:
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Depends on actual message sent; see above |
Type: | Message |
Description: | Non-paged pool has been successfully expanded (warning), or the system failed to expand non-paged pool. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Depends on actual message sent; see above |
9.1.31. VMSSPI_PendingJobs
Type: | Message |
Description: | The number of jobs on a print or batch queue waiting for execution exceeds a specified threshold. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.32. VMSSPI_PrintQueue
Type: | Message |
Description: | A problem has been detected with the status of a print queue. Either no information could be obtained on the queue (queue does not exist or the queue manager is not running) or the queue has not been started (the status is not idle or busy). |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.33. VMSSPI_ProcessLooping
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has been detected doing no direct or buffered I/O, while using at least 25% of one CPU for a period of at least two minutes. A message is then sent to indicate that the process seems to be looping. |
Frequency: | Every 2 minutes |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.34. VMSSPI_ProcessOccurrences
Type: | Message |
Description: | The configuration file defines a process that is to be monitored; the process name contains wildcards; and a certain number of occurrences of this process are present. The OpenVMS SPI detects a number of those processes but not a sufficient number of the occurrences that were defined. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis or clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.35. VMSSPI_ProcessState
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has been detected in a state other than LEF, LEFO, CEF, HIB, HIBO, COM, and CUR. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds. The process must be seen in that special state during a period of minimum one minute. |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.36. VMSSPI_QueueManager
Type: | Message |
Description: | The status of a queue manager is not running. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.37. VMSSPI_Quota_ASTLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its ASTLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.38. VMSSPI_Quota_BIOLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its BIOLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.39. VMSSPI_Quota_BYTLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its BYTLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.40. VMSSPI_Quota_DIOLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its DIOLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.41. VMSSPI_Quota_ENQLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its ENQLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.42. VMSSPI_Quota_FILLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its FILLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its PGFLQUOTA quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.44. VMSSPI_Quota_PRCLM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its PRCLM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.45. VMSSPI_Quota_TQELM
Type: | Message |
Description: | A process has used most of its TQELM quota. |
Frequency: | Every 10 seconds |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.46. VMSSPI_RetainedJobs
Type: | Message |
Description: | The number of retained jobs on a print or batch queue exceeds a given threshold. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Major |
9.1.47. VMSSPI_SecurityServer
Type: | Message |
Description: | The Security Server is not active. Intrusion detection is currently disabled. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On a per-node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.48. VMSSPI_ShadowSetState
Type: | Message |
Description: | A problem has been detected with the state of a shadow set. The shadow set is either not mounted or is in mount verification. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.49. VMSSPI_Started
Type: | Message |
Description: | One of the OpenVMS SPI processes has been started. |
Frequency: | Upon start-up |
Used By: | All SPIs |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Normal |
9.1.50. VMSSPI_BatchJobMissing
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A batch job is missing. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | As defined in the SPI template. The default is critical. |
9.1.51. VMSSPI_BatchJobOverrun
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A batch job appears to be overrunning the defined window. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Cluster-wide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | As defined in the SPI template. The default is warning. |
9.1.52. VMSSPI_BatchQueueNotStarted
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The status of a batch queue is other than "available", "idle", or "busy". |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | As defined in the SPI template. The default is major. |
9.1.53. VMSSPI_BatchQueueNotStopped
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The status of a batch queue is other than stopped. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | As defined in the SPI template. The default is major. |
9.1.54. VMSSPI_CPUutilization
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The system uses a lot of CPU. |
Frequency: | 1 minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the actual CPU utilization over total CPU capacity times 100, calculated over a period of 10 minutes. The value is thus independent of the number of processors in your system. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.55. VMSSPI_DiskNotAvailable
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A disk to monitor is defined in the configuration file, but this disk appears to be unavailable. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.56. VMSSPI_DiskQueueLength
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | High queue length of DIOs detected on one of the disks. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average queue length per second to the disk, over a period of 10 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template, and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system or per disk type, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.57. VMSSPI_DiskWriteLocked
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A disk is mounted read-only. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.58. VMSSPI_Hotfile
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A hot file has been detected. The number of DIOs per second made to this file is above the threshold. |
Frequency: | As defined by the HOTFILE_INTERVAL parameter. The default is 10 minutes. |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | The value reported is the average number of DIOs per second made to this file. Verify the threshold defined in the template, and modify it according to your preference. The default threshold is 500 DIOs per second. In some cases, a different threshold might be required for each system or disk. |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.59. VMSSPI_LANutilization
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The throughput on a LAN device is high. |
Frequency: | Every minute. |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the line utilization to the line speed times 100 for the last minute. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template, and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system or per device, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.60. VMSSPI_MemoryUtilization
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | High utilization of physical memory. |
Frequency: | Every minute. |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average percentage of memory utilization over a time period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template, and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.61. VMSSPI_MissingMember
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A disk is missing as member of a shadow set. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.62. VMSSPI_PageFileFreeSpace
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The total free space in all page files is below a specified threshold. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the percentage of free space in the page file or files. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template, and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.63. VMSSPI_ProcessMissing
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A process is missing on the system or clusterwide. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | On node basis or clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.64. VMSSPI_ProcessSlots
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | High amount of process slots is in use. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average number of processes over the value of the SYSGEN parameters MAXPROCESSCNT times 100, calculated over a time period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.65. VMSSPI_ReshashtblDense
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A high amount of resources is being used. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is average number of resources on the system, compared to the value of the SYSGEN parameter RESHASHTBL, times 100. The average is calculated over a time period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity level in this template is "minor" (the percentage of resources found to the size of the resource hash table is more than 110). In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | Minor |
9.1.66. VMSSPI_ReshashtblSparse
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A low amount of resources is being used; however, the value of the SYSGEN parameter RESHASHTBL is very high. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is an average number of resources on the system, compared to the value of the SYSGEN parameter RESHASHTBL, times 100. The average is calculated over a time period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity level in this template is "minor" (the percentage of resources found to the size of the resource hash table is more than 110). In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | Warning |
9.1.67. VMSSPI_ShadowSetMissing
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | A shadow set has been defined in the configuration file, but this shadow set is not available on the system. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | System module |
Scope: | Clusterwide |
SPI Config: | None |
Severity: | Critical |
9.1.68. VMSSPI_SwapFileFreeSpace
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The total free space in all swap files is below a specified threshold. |
Frequency: | As defined by the INTERVAL parameter |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the percentage of free space in the swap file or files. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.69. VMSSPI_SystemBIOrate
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The system BIO rate is high |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average number of buffered I/Os per second, for the entire system, and calculated over a period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.70. VMSSPI_SystemDIOrate
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The system DIO rate is high. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average number of direct I/Os per second, for the entire system, and calculated over a period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
9.1.71. VMSSPI_SystemPageFaultRate
Type: | Monitor |
Description: | The number of system page faults is high. |
Frequency: | Every minute |
Used By: | Performance module |
Scope: | On node basis |
SPI Config: |
The value reported is the average number of system page faults per second, calculated over a period of 5 minutes. Verify the additional conditions defined in this template and adjust the severity levels according to your preferences. The default severity levels in this template are:
In some cases, you might need to define the severity levels per system, which requires you to create additional conditions for this template. |
Severity: | As defined in the template |
10. Alerting Module Configuration
As noted previously, VMSSPI provides modules for publishing alerts to various monitoring services such as Splunk, DataDog, Dynatrace, and PagerDuty. There is also a module that can be used to send alerts to Slack, and there are modules that can be used to write alerts to disk files, and to publish alerts to an MQTT message broker from which they can be consumed by interested applications. A null module is also provided that does nothing. The null module would most commonly be used in situations where alert notification via email is all that is required. The following sections briefly describe the configuration of these modules.
10.1. Datadog
In order to use the DataDog interface module to publish alerts to DataDog via HTTP, it
is first necessary to create an API key that can be used by the interface module to
communicate with the DataDog service. API keys can be created within the DataDog web UI by
navigating to Organization settings, then clicking the
API keys link. Once you have the API key (a 32-character
hexadecimal string), the module can be configured in MESSAGES.TXT
as follows, where api-key
should be replaced with the
newly created key.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$datadog_shr.exe"
Alternatively, the endpoint URI may be specified using the logical name VMSSPI$DATADOG_URI. If the endpoint is specified in MESSAGES.TXT as "" (an empty string) the module will attempt to determine the endpoint using the logical name VMSSPI$DATADOG_URI. If this logical name is not defined and the endpoint in MESSAGES.TXT is empty then VMSSPI will fail to start.
Note that for DataDog, instead of specifying an endpoint URL it is possible to instead specify DataDog email address to receive alert messages. This can be useful in situations where HTTP access to the Internet is blocked by your organisation. To send alerts to DataDog via email, follow the procedure described at https://docs.datadoghq.com/service_management/events/guides/email/ to create a dedicated email address. Be sure to specify "JSON" for the email format.
Once you have defined the dedicated email address, you can then use this in MESSAGES.TXT to define the DataDog interface as follows, specifying the appropriate email address:
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$datadog_shr.exe"
It is critically important to prefix the email address with mailto:
the interface module to determine that alerts should be sent to DataDog via email instead
of HTTP. It is also necessary to ensure that SMTP gateway details (host and port number)
have been defined in MESSAGES.TXT, as this information is used by
the DataDog email interface.
The logical name VMSSPI$DATADOG_DEBUG can be defined (to any value) to enable additional operational logging by the DataDog interface module. Note that this additional logging is verbose and includes detailed information of all interactions with DataDog. It is therefore recommended that this logical name should only be defined for debugging purposes and should not be routinely defined.
10.2. Dynatrace
The Dynatrace interface module uses the Dynatrace v2 API to send alerts and optionally for log ingestion. In order to use the interface it is necessary to first create a Dynatrace API v2 access token with scopes "ingest events", "ingest logs", and "ingest metrics". This is done via the "Access tokens" link under "Manage" on the Dynatrace UI main menu. Strictly speaking, only "ingest events" is mandatory, with "ingest logs" required only if event details are to be published to the Dynatrace log facility in addition to raising an alert, and the "ingest metrics" scope may be required by future VMSSPI versions?.
Once the access token has been created, it is a simple matter of specifying the
following details in MESSAGES.TXT, where
is the access token created as described
above, and instance
is the name of the Dynatrace service
host. Note that access-token
is 90+ characters in length,
and to improve readability it is typically desirable to split the use
across multiple lines like so:
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$dynatrace_shr.exe" "https://instance.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/events/ingest access-token";
If log ingestion is to be performed then the log ingestion endpoint should be added to
the use
command string command as shown below:
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$dynatrace_shr.exe" "https://instance.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/events/ingest access-token https://instance.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/logs/ingest";
The logical name VMSSPI$DYNATRACE_DEBUG can be defined (to any value) to enable additional operational logging by the Dynatrace interface module, and the logical name VMSSPI$HTTP_PROXY can be used to specify an HTTP proxy if the OpenVMS system running VMSSPI does not have direct access to the Dynatrace service endpoint(s). These logical names may be defined at the system or the process level; however it is generally recommended to define them at the system level in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to ensure that they are visible to all VMSSPI processes.
It should be noted that the additional logging performed by the module when the logical name VMSSPI$DYNATRACE_DEBUG is defined is verbose and includes detailed information of all interactions with the Dynatrace service. It is therefore recommended that this logical name should only be defined for debugging purposes and should not be routinely defined.
10.3. The File Module
The file module simply logs alert details to the output file for the VMSSPI process in question, as specified in SYS$STARTUP:VMSSPI$STARTUP.COM (for details, see Section 8, “Log Files”). From a configuration perspective, the file module takes no parameters and is enabled in MESSAGES.TXT as follows:
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$file_shr.exe" "";
10.4. MQTT Interface Module
The MQTT alerting module (VMSSPI$MQTT_SHR.EXE) can be used to
publish alerts to an MQTT-compliant message broker, whereupon alert messages can be consumed
by subscribing applications and actioned as necessary. The simplest way to configure this
module in MESSAGES.TXT is to specify a use
command as follows, where hostname
are the host name (or
TCP/IP address) of the server on which the broker is running and
the port number on which the broker is listening, respectively. Note that it is possible to
specify additional details in the URI connect string, including username and password
details, if credentials are required in order to connect to the broker.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$mqtt_shr.exe" "tcp://hostname:port>;
If the address of the broker is specified in MESSAGES.TXT as "" (an empty string) the module will attempt to determine the address using the logical name VMSSPI$MQTT_URI. If this logical name is not defined and the broker address in MESSAGES.TXT is empty then VMSSPI will fail to start.
Specifying the connect string (URI) as described above is all that is required in order to start using the MQTT module; however, there are a number of optional configuration parameters for the MQTT module that can be specified using the logical names described below. These logical names may be defined at the system or process level; however it is generally recommended to define them at the system level in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to ensure that they are visible to all VMSSPI processes.
Logical name | Description |
VMSSPI$MQTT_URI | Can be used to specify the URI (connect string) to be used by VMSSPI processes to connect to the desired MQTT broker. As noted previously, this logical name will only be used if the URI has not been supplied in MESSAGES.TXT. |
VMSSPI$MQTT_DEBUG | Defining this logical name (to any value) will cause the MQTT module to log additional operational information, including details of all alert-type publish events. In general, this logical name should only be used for debugging purposes and should not be routinely defined. |
VMSSPI$MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX | By default, the MQTT module creates MQTT topics that start with
vmsspi . This logical name can be used to specify an alternative
prefix. The defined value must conform to MQTT standards and should not exceed 32
bytes in length. Details of how the MQTT module constructs topics are provided
below. |
VMSSPI$MQTT_QOS | By default, the MQTT module uses MQTT QoS (quality of service) level 1. This logical name can be used to specify a different quality of service, with permitted values being 0, 1, and 2 (other values will cause an error). In general, it is not recommended to change the quality of service value, with level 1 being suitable for most VMSSPI use cases. |
VMSSPI$MQTT_HEARTBEAT | MQTT connections are generally long-running, and in order to prevent firewalls and other such network components from dropping connections between VMSSPI processes and the MQTT broker when alerts are infrequent, the VMSSPI MQTT module implements a heartbeat thread that periodically pings the broker in order to keep the connection alive. The default value is 20 seconds; however, this can be overridden by defining an alternative value using this logical name. In general, the default value will be perfectly acceptable. |
Topics created by the MQTT module when publishing alerts are used the following form,
where org-id
the organization code as specified in
MESSAGES.TXT, node-name
is the
OpenVMS node name of the server on which VMSSPI is running, and
is the severity level of the alert
, minor
, major
, normal
, warning
, or none
As noted above, an alternative topic prefix (other than vmsspi
) may be
defined using the logical name VMSSPI$MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX.
Using this scheme for topic creation it is readily possible for consumers to consume exactly the messages that they are interested in. For example, a particular consumer may only be interested in critical alerts raised by a particular node.
10.5. The NULL Module
As its name suggests, the null alerting module (VMSSPI$NULL_SHR.EXE) does nothing, and is generally used in situations where it is only necessary to receive alert notifications via email. This is also the default module configured in VMSSPI$DATA:MESSAGES.TXT when VMSSPI is first installed.
From a configuration perspective, the null module takes no parameters, and is enabled as follows in MESSAGES.TXT:
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$null_shr.exe" "";
10.6. PagerDuty
From the VMSSPI perspective, configuring the PagerDuty interface is straightforward; however before this can be done it is first necessary to define a new service in PagerDuty, to add an integration to this service, and to create an API access key that can be used by VMSSPI to publish alerts to the newly defined service. Other configuration work will typically also be required to define how PagerDuty should handle the various alerts that it can receive from VMSSPI. A detailed description of this configuration work is beyond the scope of this document, and the reader should refer to the online PagerDuty documentation for more detailed information; however with regard to the requirements of the VMSSPI interface module, the following points should be noted:
The name assigned to the new service is not important; however it should be something meaningful that makes it obvious that the service relates to VMSSPI and OpenVMS
The new service should be able to create both alerts and incidents. VMSSPI currently uses only alerts; however this may change in the future.
When adding an integration for the new service, the integration must use the PagerDuty Events API v2. Be sure to take a copy of the integration key, as this will be needed when configuring the VMSSPI PagerDuty interface.
The API Access Key you create must be for the PagerDuty v2 API and the access level associated with the key must be "full".
Once PagerDuty has been configured as described and you have the integration and API
access keys, the VMSSPI PagerDuty module (VMSSPI$PAGERDUTY_SHR.EXE)
can be configured as follows, where https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/enqueue
the endpoint for the PagerDuty v2 API, integration-key
should be replaced with the integration key
and access key values, respectively. Note that access and integration keys are many
characters in length, and to improve readability it is typically desirable to split the
statement across multiple lines as shown.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$pagerduty_shr.exe" "https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/enqueue access-key integration-key";
The logical name VMSSPI$PAGERDUTY_DEBUG can be defined (to any value) to enable additional operational logging by the PagerDuty module, and the logical name VMSSPI$HTTP_PROXY can be used to specify an HTTP proxy if the OpenVMS system running VMSSPI does not have direct access to the PagerDuty service. These logical names may be defined at the system or the process level; however it is generally recommended to define them at the system level in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to ensure that they are visible to all VMSSPI processes.
It should be noted that the additional operational logging performed by the module when the logical name VMSSPI$PAGERDUTY_DEBUG is defined is verbose and includes detailed information of all interactions with the PagerDuty service. It is therefore recommended that this logical name should only be defined for debugging purposes and should not be routinely defined.
10.7. Slack Integration
The Slack interface module uses the Slack Incoming Webhook mechanism to publish messages directly into a nominated Slack channel. In order to use this facility, your Slack administrator will need to define a Slack application (if you do not already have a suitable one), ensure that web hooks are enable, and create a web hook that can then be used by the VMSSPI Slack interface. A detailed description of this process can be found at https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks. Once you have the web hook URI, the VMSSPI Slack module can be configured as shown below, using your web hook URI in place of the dummy value shown.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$slack_shr.exe" "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
If the web hook URI is "" (an empty string) the module will attempt to determine the web hook URI details using the logical name VMSSPI$SLACK_URI. If this logical name is not defined and the web hook address in messages.txt is empty then VMSSPI will fail to start. Additionally, the logical name VMSSPI$SLACK_DEBUG can be defined (to any value) to enable additional operational logging by the interface module, and the logical name VMSSPI$HTTP_PROXY can be used to specify an HTTP proxy if the OpenVMS system running VMSSPI does not have direct access to the web hook address. These logical names may be defined at the system or the process level; however it is generally recommended to define them at the system level in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to ensure that they are visible to all VMSSPI processes.
Note that your Slack environment may impose various rate limits that could impact the reliable receipt of all alerts (keep in mind that Slack is primarily a communication tool for humans). For this reason, it is recommended that the Slack interface only be used for testing purposes or for situations where there are likely to be few alerts and alerts are generally not of a critical nature. Future versions of VMSSPI may look to use more advanced integration features provided by Slack that do not have such limitations.
10.8. Splunk
The VMSSPI Splunk interface module (VMSSPI$SPLUNK_SHR.EXE) uses the Splunk HEC (HTTP Event Collector) interface to send alerts into Splunk via HTTPS. Assuming that HEC is enabled within your Splunk environment, in order to use the interface it is first necessary to create a HEC token via the Splunk UI. Details for creating and managing HEC tokens can be found at the following URL. It should also be noted that HEC can only be used with the Splunk Cloud Platform and with Splunk Enterprise, as described here: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Data/UsetheHTTPEventCollector
Once HEC has been enabled within Splunk environment and you have a HEC token, it is
simply a matter of specifying the following details in
MESSAGES.TXT, where instance
the name of the Splunk service host (assuming a Splunk cloud deployment) and
is your Splunk HEC token. Note that for
Splunk Enterprise deployments, the endpoint specification may be somewhat different.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$splunk_shr.exe" "https://instance.splunkcloud.com:8088/services/collector/event hec-token";
The logical name VMSSPI$SPLUNK_DEBUG can be defined (to any value) to enable additional operational logging by the Splunk module, and the logical name VMSSPI$HTTP_PROXY can be used to specify an HTTP proxy if the OpenVMS system running VMSSPI does not have direct access to the Splunk HEC service endpoint. These logical names may be defined at the system or the process level; however it is generally recommended to define them at the system level in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM to ensure that they are visible to all VMSSPI processes.
It should be noted that the additional operational logging performed by the module when the logical name VMSSPI$SPLUNK_DEBUG is defined is verbose and includes detailed information of all interactions with the Splunk HEC service. It is therefore recommended that this logical name should only be defined for debugging purposes and should not be routinely defined.
10.9. Syslog Interface
The VMSSPI$SYSLOG_SHR.EXE module can be used by VMSSPI to send
alerts to a central Linux syslog daemon, whereupon the data can be processed as required by
tools and services that cannot be used directly within the VSI OpenVMS environment. From the
VMSSPI perspective, configuration of the VMSSPI$SYSLOG_SHR.EXE
module is straightforward, involving the specification of the following use
statement in VMSSPI$DATA:MESSAGES.TXT, where
and port
are the host name (or TCP/IP address) of the target Linux system and the port number used by
the syslog daemon on that system, respectively. The last two parameters
and facility
are optional, but it should be noted that it is not possible to specify a
without also specifying a
value. It should be noted that messages will be
sent to the central syslog daemon using UDP (not TCP), and the syslog daemon should be
configured accordingly.
use interface module "vmsspi$root:[lib]vmsspi$syslog_shr.exe" "hostname port sd-id facility";
The sd-id
value specifies a structured data element ID
for an RFC 5424 message header. The ID (a name plus possibly @digits) is case-sensitive and
uniquely identifies the type and purpose of the element. If no value is specified, VMSSPI
will use the default, which is vmsspi@32473
; however it is important to note
that the value 32473 has been reserved by IANA (the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) to
be used as an example number in documentation, and it is therefore suggested to use another
value that is unique within your syslog environment.
The facility
value can be used to specify how the
message is logged by syslog, and is prepended to the message severity to effectively define
the priority to be associated with the message. By default VMSSPI uses a value of
for the facility, and severity may be crit
, alert
, info
, or warning
, derived
from the VMSSPI message severity level.
For more information regarding the specification and function of the
and facility
parameters, see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5424.
In addition to the actual message text, VMSSPI will also include in the data sent to syslog the RFC 5424 structured data element parameters (name-value pairs) listed in the table below. These parameter names and their values can then be used by tools consuming syslog data (or by syslog itself) for indexing purposes, allowing data to be readily searched or filtered as required.
Name | Description |
host | Specifies the OpenVMS host name |
msg_name | Specifies the name of the VMSSPI message |
facility | Always set to "VMSSPI" |
classification | Will be set to "performance", "availability", "security", "operational", or "none" as specified in MESSAGES.TXT for the message in question |
Note that the VMSSPI$SYSLOG_SHR.EXE module transmits messages to the central Linux-based syslog facility using an OpenVMS implementation of the syslog logger utility, which resides in the directory VMSSPI$ROOT:[BIN]. This is a faithful port of the Linux version, not restricted to being used within the context of VMSSPI. For example, it may be used to transmit to the remote syslog daemon other data such as Apache web server log files. For such operations, a foreign command may be defined as follows to run the logger:
$ logger :== $vmsspi$root:[bin]logger.exe
Defining the logical name VMSSPI$SYSLOG_DEBUG (to any value) will cause the VMSSPI syslog module to log additional operational details, including details of all logger commands. This logical name can be defined at the process or system level; however it is generally most appropriate to define it in the file SYS$MANAGER:VMSSPI$LOGICALS.COM as a system logical name to ensure that it will be visible to all VMSSPI processes. In general, this logical name should only be defined to help debug problems associated with the syslog interface. Having it always defined may result in large and "noisy" VMSSPI log files, depending upon the number of alerts raised and the frequency with which logs are cycled and purged.
Note that for DataDog, instead of specifying an endpoint URL it is possible to instead specify DataDog email address to receive alert messages.
Given that creating and deleting access tokens is a relatively straightforward process, it may be preferable to generate a token with only those scopes required at this time and to replace this at a later date with a token having additional scope, if necessary.