VSI OMNI Application Programmer's Guide
- Software Version:
- VSI OMNI Version 4.1
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This document is intended for programmers with experience in OpenVMS programming for distributed systems applications and knowledge of manufacturing applications and the Manufacturing Message Specification
3. Document Structure
The VSI OMNI Application Programmer's Guide is structured as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction to MMS and VSIomni/VMS is an overview of MMS concepts and terminology and introduction to the VSIomni product set.
Chapter 2, VSIomni Application Interface describes the features of the VSIomni Application Program Interface (API)
Chapter 3, Programming with VSIomni describes the way a program uses the API to request MMS client service and to perform MMS server functions.
Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls is a reference section describing the calling format for VSIomni procedures.
Chapter 5, VSIomni MMSI describes VSIomni MMSI.
4. Associated Documents
This document is part of the following online documentation set:
VSI OMNI Application Programmer's Guide
VSI OMNI Guide to Using OmniView
VSI OMNI API for OpenVMS Installation Guide
VSI OMNI Network Manager's Guide
5. Related ISO Documents
ISO 9506, Manufacturing message specification – Service definition
ISO 9506, Manufacturing message specification – Protocol specification
6. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
7. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
8. Typographical Conventions
Convention | Meaning |
UPPERCASE | Capital letters indicate MAPI function names that you have to enter as shown. |
Italic | Words in italic indicate variable information that you supply. |
Boldface print |
Words in boldface print indicate key terms. |
[ ] |
In a procedure call, square brackets enclose parts of the command that you can omit. |
Part I. VSIomni Introduction
This part provides an introduction to the concepts of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) and MMS terminology and an overview of VSIomni/VMS, Digital's implementation of MMS for VMS systems.
Chapter 1. Introduction to MMS and VSIomni/VMS
This chapter contains an overview of the OSI Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) and an introduction to VSIomni, a Digital product that allows a VMS application to take part in an MMS system.
1.1. The Manufacturing Message Specification
The Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) is an ISO International Standard for a messaging service to support application programs that control and monitor manufacturing devices in a distributed multi-vendor processing environment.
Using the services and protocol defined by MMS, applications can exchange processing requests and responses with numerical control (NC) machines, programmable logical controllers (PLCs), and other devices on the plant floor.
1.2. MMS Objects
Object | Function |
Domain | Represents a subset of resources on a physical device. These resources can take the form of executable instructions or data contained in a file, or both instructions and data. |
Program invocation | Represents an executable program on the device. A PI consists of one or more domains. |
Variable | Represents a variable on the device and provides the mechanism by which the application reads data from the device and writes data to the device. |
Named Types | Represents a type description (such as an integer or structure) on the device. Named Types can be shared by variables and other Named Types. |
Event object | Defines a condition that results in an action. |
Journal object | Records the activities of the device. A journal object is typically a log file. |
Semaphore object | Indicates whether a resource on the device is currently being used. |
MMS objects possess attributes. In MMS terminology, an attribute is a data element with a defined meaning and a specified set of possible values. For example, each VMD object possesses a physical status attribute. According to the definition in the MMS service specification, the VMD physical status attribute indicates the current operational state of the hardware represented by the VMD. The physical status attribute can take the following values: operational, partially-operational, inoperable, and needs-commissioning.

1.3. MMS Services
Service | Description |
Environment and general management |
Allows an MMS application to establish and terminate a logical connection – called an association – with a remote VMD. |
VMD support |
Allows an application to obtain information about the capabilities and status of a VMD object. VMD support services also allow an application to change the names of objects and receive unsolicited messages from a server about the status of a VMD. |
Domain management |
Allows an application to request upload and download operations on a domain, obtain the attributes of a domain, and delete a domain. |
Program invocation management |
Allows an application to create a program invocation object and start, stop, delete, kill, and resume operation of a program invocation. |
Variable access |
Allows an application to read, write, define, delete, and get the attributes of variable objects in a VMD. |
Semaphore management |
Allows multiple applications to synchronize, control, and coordinate the resources of a VMD. |
Event management |
Allows an application to define and manage event objects at a VMD and to obtain notifications of event occurrences. |
Journal management |
Allows an application to retrieve chronologically ordered information concerning events. |
1.4. MMS Service Provider
Each system in the MMS environment includes an MMS service provider. Logically, the MMS service provider is located in layer 7 of the OSI reference model and depends on communications services located in the lower OSI layers.

The application issues a service request to the local service provider.
The service provider transmits the request over the network. The remote application receives the service request from its local MMS service provider in the form of an indication.
An application that receives an indication is required to perform a specified operation and return a response.
The application that issued the original request receives the response in the form of a confirmation.
1.5. MMS Clients and Servers
Once the association has been established, applications exchange messages in a relationship of server and client.
An MMS server is an application that makes available the resources of one or more VMDs to other applications in the MMS environment. The server receives indications from its local MMS service provider, performs the requested operations, and returns the appropriate responses.
An MMS client is an application that issues requests to operate on a remote VMD and its objects. The client receives responses in the form of positive and negative confirmations.
An MMS application can be designed to function as both server and client – that is, it can issue client service requests and receive and fulfill service requests.
1.6. MMS Companion Standards
The MMS specification defines a common set of objects and services used by all MMS applications. MMS also allows for the definition of additional objects and services to support special classes of devices. An extension to the set of common MMS objects and services is defined as an MMS companion standard (CS).
1.7. VSIomni
VSIomni is a Digital product that allows a VMS application to take part in an MMS environment.
OMNI Definition Facility (ODF)
VSIomni Application Programming Interface (API)
OMNI Command Language (OMNICL)
1.7.1. VSIomni Definition Facility
To an application, the MMS environment consists of objects – VMD objects and the objects belonging to VMDs. The VSIomni Definition Facility (ODF) allows a system manager to create a definition of every object in the environment. An ODF definition consists of the object's attributes and any local information required to access and operate on the object.
Command | Description |
DEFINE VMD | Creates a definition for a VMD |
Creates local definitions of simple and complex variables associated with a VMD or a domain |
Creates a local definition of a remote domain and associates the definition with a VMD |
Creates a program invocation and associates it with a VMD |
Deletes the definition of an object |
Logs the user commands of the current ODF session to a file for later use |
Stops the logging of the current ODF session |
DO |
Executes a series of stored commands, such as those in a log file |
Sets session defaults such as the type mapping and the scope of a definition |
Displays session settings |
Displays the definition of an object formatted as a DEFINE command |
ODF stores the definitions in a relational database. At run time, definitions are loaded into the user process area. VSIomni assigns an identifier – called a handle – to each definition. An application specifies an object by passing VSIomni the handle of the definition.
Stored ODF object definitions relieve the programmer of the need to supply the information at run time. Under VSIomni, the application simply supplies handles. VSIomni uses the handles to obtain the information it needs to perform the requested information.
ODF is described in the online VSI OMNI Network Manager's Guide.
Definitions can also be created at run time through the use of the routines OMNI$DEFINE and OMNI$MODIFY_ DEFINITION. See Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls for details on these routines.
1.7.2. VSIomni Programming Interfaces
The VSIomni Application Program Interface (API)
The MMSI Interface
The VSIomni API is a high-level interface that frees the programmer from many of the details of MMS primitives.
Create definitions and retrieve their attributes at run time.
Load ODF object definitions and obtain object handles.
Establish and manage logical connections – called associations – with remote VMD objects.
Receive association requests from remote applications.
Issue MMS client requests to operate on remote objects.
Receive client requests from remote applications to operate on local objects.
The VSIomni API is described in Chapter 2, VSIomni Application Interface, Chapter 3, Programming with VSIomni and Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls
The VSIomni MMSI is an implementation of the programming interface to MMS services defined in the MMS Application Interface Specification. The VSIomni MMSI is described in Chapter 5, VSIomni MMSI
1.8. OmniView
OmniView is a diagnostic tool that uses DECwindows and the VSIomni Application Programmer's Interface (API) to display data associated with a Virtual Manufacturing Device (VMD) and to write the values of variables that reside on a VMD.
For OmniView to access data from a VMD, that VMD must be defined using the Omni Definition Facility (ODF). See the ODF chapter of the VSI OMNI Network Manager's Guide.
1.9. VSIomni Command Language
The OMNI Command Language (OMNICL) consists of a set of commands that enable the system manager to read and monitor data on the VSIomni system.
OMNICL is described in the VSI OMNI Network Manager's Guide.
Part II. VSIomni Programmer's Guide
This part is a guide to two VSIomni programming interfaces: the VSIomni Application Program Interface (API) and VSIomni MMSI, which implements the interface defined by the MAP MMS Interface specification.
Chapter 2. VSIomni Application Interface
Establish peer-to-peer associations with remote MMS applications.
Issue client service requests to operate on VMDs and related objects located on remote MMS servers. In these operations, the VSIomni application functions as an MMS client.
Receive client requests from remote MMS applications. In these operations, the VSIomni application functions as an MMS server, providing access to one or more VMDs and related objects.
VSIomni procedures provide a high-level interface to MMS services. VSIomni handles many MMS primitives in a way that is transparent to the application, freeing the user from many of the details of MMS services and the MMS protocol.
The VSIomni API makes use of locally created and stored object definitions. An object definition consists of the object's attributes and other information needed to access and operate on the object. Object definitions are created by the VSIomni manager using the VSIomni Definition Facility (ODF). ODF assigns an identifier – called a handle – to each definition and stores the definition in a relational database. Definitions can also be created at run time through the use of the routines OMNI$DEFINE and OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION. See Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls for details.
ODF definitions free the programmer from the need to supply object attribute information at run time. To operate on an object, the application calls the appropriate VSIomni procedure and passes the handle of the object's ODF definition as a parameter. VSIomni uses the handle to locate the definition and obtain the attributes. ODF is described in the VSI OMNI Network Manager's Guide.
VSIomni procedures (see Section 2.1, “VSIomni Procedures”)
User include files (see Section 2.2, “User Include Files”)
Synchronous and asynchronous call completion notification (see Section 2.3, “Synchronous and Asynchronous Completion Notification”)
I/O status block (see Section 2.4, “I/O Status Block”)
Control structure for asynchronous completion (see Section 2.5, “Control Structure for Asynchronous Completion”)
Mechanism for receiving unsolicited MMS indications (see Section 2.6, “Receiving Unsolicited Indications”)
Mechanism for obtaining attributes of remote objects (see Section 2.7, “Obtaining Object Attributes”)
Invoke ID handling (see Section 2.8, “Invoke Identifiers”)
Quotas and privileges (see Section 2.9, “Quotas and Privileges”)
VSIomni support for products that implement MMS companion standards (see Section 2.10, “VSIomni and MMS Companion Standards”)
Chapter 3, Programming with VSIomni shows how an application procedure issues VSIomni calls to establish peer-to-peer associations and to request MMS client and server functions.
Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls describes the calling format of VSIomni procedures.
2.1. VSIomni Procedures
The VSIomni API provides the following categories of callable procedures:
Procedure | Meaning |
OMNI$INITIALIZE | Initializes the VSIomni MMS service provider |
OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS | Loads the ODF definitions for a specified VMD and all objects belonging to the VMD |
OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME | Obtains the handle ID for a specified object definition |
OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST | Obtains the handles of the objects of a particular type belonging to a specified VMD or domain |
OMNI$DEFINE | Creates a definition at run time |
OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION | Modifies the value of a specified attribute of a specified definition |
OMNI$GET_DEFINITION | Retrieves a value of an attribute of a definition |
Procedure | Meaning |
OMNI$CONNECT | Requests an association with a remote MMS application |
OMNI$LISTEN | Receives an association indication from a remote application |
OMNI$ACCEPT_CONNECT | Returns a positive response to an association indication |
OMNI$REJECT_CONNECT | Returns a negative response to an association indication |
OMNI$CONCLUDE | Requests an orderly termination of an association |
OMNI$ABORT | Requests an abrupt termination of an association |
OMNI$ACCEPT_CONCLUDE | Sends a positive response to a conclude indication |
OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE | Sends a negative response to a conclude indication |
Procedure | Meaning |
OMNI$CANCEL | Cancels a request previously issued but not yet completed |
OMNI$CREATE | Creates an object on a remote VMD |
OMNI$DELETE | Deletes an object from a remote VMD |
OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES | Obtains attribute values from a remote object and stores the values in a local buffer |
OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE | Reads an attribute from the attribute buffer |
OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES | Reads or writes multiple variables |
OMNI$DOWNLOAD | Requests the downloading of a domain |
OMNI$UPLOAD | Requests the uploading of a domain |
OMNI$START | Start execution of a program invocation |
OMNI$STOP | Stops execution of a program invocation |
OMNI$RESET | Resets execution of a program invocation |
OMNI$KILL | Kills a program invocation |
OMNI$GET_VALUE | For client support, reads a variable on a VMD. For server support, allows the application to perform variable write service for a remote MMS client |
OMNI$PUT_VALUE | For client support, writes to a variable on a VMD. For server support, allows the application to perform variable read service for a remote MMS client |
A single procedure – OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS – that the application calls to receive unsolicited indications from a remote MMS peer. A set of procedures to request file services.
2.2. User Include Files
All completion and error codes. Found in SYS$LIBRARY. The lang extension specifies a VMS-support language.
Shareable VAX message file for non-C binding. Found in SYS$MESSAGE.
All VSIomni defined types and constants.
Types most often used in VSIomni API procedures – for example, types that are used by VSIomni for diagnostics, bookkeeping, and asynchronous procedures.
Types that correspond to a particular type or parameter in MMS. For example, to obtain the value of the address attribute of a named variable, the application specifies the OMNI$T_ADDRESS type. OMNI$T_ADDRESS corresponds to the address parameter defined in MMS.
Types that are a variation on a particular type in MMS. For example, to obtain the value of the vendor attribute on a VMD, the application specifies the OMNI$T_VMD_ VENDOR type. OMNI$T_VMD_VENDOR is a variation of the visible string type used in MMS.
OMNI$R_VMD_DEF type and its subtypes. OMNI$R_ VMD_DEF is the type of the "negotiated VMD'' parameter in the OMNI$CONNECT procedure.
Types used in VSIomni definitions only.
Enumerated types (constants). A comment included with each enumeration in OMNI$DEFS explains the use of the enumeration.
2.3. Synchronous and Asynchronous Completion Notification
VSIomni supports synchronous completion for all VSIomni calls and asynchronous completion for all calls that result in network activity.
The application issues a VSIomni call and waits for completion.
VSIomni attempts to perform the requested operation and completes. On completion, VSIomni returns a parameter checking or queuing status code by function value. If the application, has provided an I/O status block (IOSB), VSIomni fills in the block with completion information.
The application continues execution.
The application issues the call with the suffix _A and waits for completion.
The procedure returns a parameter checking queuing status code as a function value and completes.
If the request has been successfully issued, VSIomni attempts to perform the specified operation.
When the attempt is completed, VSIomni notifies the user by means of an asynchronous system trap (AST) or an event flag or both. (The AST and event flag number are specified in optional control structure. This structure is described in Section 2.5, “Control Structure for Asynchronous Completion”
If the application has provided an IOSB, VSIomni fills in the block with completion information.
Note that the function value returned by VSIomni procedures conveys parameter checking information and queuing status only. The returned value is not a completion code. To receive a completion code, the application must supply an optional I/O status block (IOSB). The IOSB is described in Section 2.4, “I/O Status Block”
2.4. I/O Status Block
In order to receive completion status information from a VSIomni procedure, the application must include the address of a 4-longword I/O Status block (IOSB) in the parameter list of the call. The figure below shows the format of the IOSB:

2.5. Control Structure for Asynchronous Completion

2.6. Receiving Unsolicited Indications
In an MMS system, an application can receive unsolicited indications from the remote peer. Under VSIomni, an application receives unsolicited indications by calling the OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS procedure.
Read indication. VSIomni has received a client request from the remote application to read a variable. Section, “Receiving and Fulfilling a Read Request” describes the way the VSIomni application responds to a client read request.
Write indication. VSIomni has received a client request to write to a variable. Section, “Receiving and Fulfilling a Write Request” describes the way the VSIomni application responds to a client write request.
Unsolicited status. VSIomni has received an unsolicited status report from a remote VMD. Section 3.6.2, “Receiving Unsolicited Status” describes the way the VSIomni application obtains the status value.
ACSE conclude indication. VSIomni has received a conclude request from the association control service element (ACSE) and has concluded the association.
Presentation conclude indication. VSIomni has received a conclude request from presentation services. The VSIomni application accepts or rejects the conclude request as described in Section 3.5.6, “Receiving a Conclude Request”
Abort indication. VSIomni has received an abort notice. The association is terminated.
Information report indication. VSIomni has received the current value of a variable on the remote VMD. The VSIomni application obtains the value as described in Section 3.9, “Variable Access Services”
2.7. Obtaining Object Attributes
The OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure causes the VSIomni MMS service provider to retrieve the current attribute values for a specified object and to place the values in a local buffer.
The OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure reads a specified value from the buffer.
The MMS object whose attribute values VSIomni is being asked to retrieve. The object can be a VMD, a domain, a program invocation, or a variable. The application specifies the object by passing the handle assigned to the object's ODF definition.
- The class of attributes whose values VSIomni is to retrieve. The application specifies the class by passing a class constant. VSIomni supports the attribute classes and constants shown in Table 2.4, “Attribute Classes and Constants”
Table 2.4. Attribute Classes and Constants Constant Result OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL VSIomni retrieves all the attributes associated with the specified object. OMNI$K_CLS_DOM VSIomni retrieves all the domain names for the specified VMD. OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_ VAR VSIomni retrieves the attributes of a named variable.
VSIomni retrieves all the program invocation names for the specified VMD.
VSIomni retrieves the attributes of a variable list.
A location in which the procedure returns a context value to identify the buffer.
The buffer to read from. The application specifies the buffer by passing the context returned by OMNI$GET_ REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES.
An attribute to read. The application specifies the attribute by passing one of the constants shown in Table 4.5, “Attribute Constants and Associated Data Types”
A location to receive the attribute. The application specifies the data type of the attribute value by passing one of the constants in Table 4.5, “Attribute Constants and Associated Data Types”
The constants in Table 4.5, “Attribute Constants and Associated Data Types” cause VSIomni to return the first value in the attribute list of the specified type. To obtain the next value of the same type in the same list, the application calls the OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure and passes a NULL value in place of the constant. To read all the attributes of the same type, the application continues to issue OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE calls with a NULL value until VSIomni returns the OMNI$_ENDOFLIST code to indicate that it has reached the end of the list.
The OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure allocates memory to contain the attributes. The application is responsible for freeing this memory after it has finished reading attributes. To free memory allocated by the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure, the application calls the OMNI$END_LIST procedure and supplies the context value returned by OMNI$GET_ REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES.
The call to OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES causes VSIomni to read all of the attributes for the remote VMD identified by RemoteVmdHandle and place the attributes in a local buffer.
The first call to OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE causes VSIomni to return the vendor name attribute.
The second call to OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE causes VSIomni to read the first capability attribute in the list.
The OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE loop causes VSIomni to read the remaining capability attributes in the list.
The call to OMNI$ENDLIST frees the buffer containing the attributes.
status = OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES( NULL, /*Don't want invoke ID*/ RemoteVmdHandle, /*VMD identifier*/ OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL, /*Get all the attributes*/ &Context, /*Location to return context*/ NULL, /*Reserved for future use*/ &Iosb, /*I/O status block*/ NULL ); /*No asynchronous control structure*/ /*Get vendor name*/ Attribute=OMNI$K_ATTR_VENDOR status = OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE( Context, /*Returned context value*/ &Attribute, /*Get vendor attribute*/ &VendorName /*Location to receive vendor name*/ printf( "Vendor=%s.\n", VendorName ); /* get vmd list of capabilities*/ Attribute=OMNI$K_ATTR_CAPABILITY status = OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE( Context, /*Returned context value*/ &Attribute, /*Get 1st capability attribute*/ &Capability /*Location to receive attribute*/ while (( !error( status ) && ( status != OMNI$_ENDOFLIST))) { printf( "Capability=%s.\n", Capability ); status = OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE( Context, /*Returned context value*/ NULL, /*Get next capability attribute*/ &Capability /*Location to receive attribute*/ } /*We're finished with the attribute list so free it*/ OMNI$END_LIST(Context);
2.8. Invoke Identifiers
VSIomni assigns a unique identifier called the invoke ID to each outbound MMS request PDU.
The optional invoke_id parameter on VSIomni calls that request MMS services enables the application to obtain the invoke ID that VSIomni has assigned to the request. The parameter specifies a location to receive the ID.
2.9. Quotas and Privileges
A value of at least 2000 for the ENQLM is required for all VSIomni applications.
An application that calls the OMNI$LISTEN procedure requires both SYSLOCK and PRMMBX privileges. If you do not have these privileges, VSIomni returns a LISTEN_FAIL message in the OMNI$L_IOSB_GENERAL field of the IOSB.
2.10. VSIomni and MMS Companion Standards
MMS companion standards define extensions to the MMS specification required for specific application areas. These extensions can take the form of new objects and object attributes and new services to act on these objects. For example, the MMS specification defines all the attributes of a VMD. A companion standard for robot applications would include a definition for an application-specific VMD to model a robot. This definition would include all the attributes of the MMS VMD plus new attributes required by the robotic application area.
VSIomni provides support for software products that implement MMS companion standards developed for specific manufacturing application areas.
If you are programming for a product that implements an MMS companion standard, see the product documentation for information about the ways in which your product affects the meaning of the parameters of VSIomni procedure calls.
Chapter 3. Programming with VSIomni
Initialize VSIomni (see Section 3.1, “Initializing VSIomni”)
Load VMD object definitions and obtain a VMD definition handle (see Section 3.2, “Loading VMD Object Definitions and Obtaining a VMD Handle”)
Create, modify, and retrieve definitions using the VSIomni run-time facility. (see Section 3.3, “Creating Definitions at Run-time”)
Obtain handles for object definitions associated with a VMD (see Section 3.4, “Obtaining Definition Handles”)
Establish associations with remote applications and request other MMS environment and general management services (see Section 3.5, “Environment and General Management Services”)
Request VMD support services (see Section 3.6, “VMD Support Services”)
Request domain services and receive client requests for domain services (see Section 3.7, “Domain Services”)
Request program invocation services (see Section 3.8, “Program Invocation Services”)
Request variable access services and receive client requests to read and write local variables (see Section 3.9, “Variable Access Services”)
Request file management services (see Section 3.10, “File Services”)
3.1. Initializing VSIomni
Before an application program can begin issuing VSIomni calls, VSIomni must set certain operating parameters.
To initialize VSIomni the application calls the OMNI$INITIALIZE procedure and supplies optional vendor, model, and revision information. VSIomni uses this information to reply to an Identify-Request from a remote MMS server.
status = OMNI$INITIALIZE ("Vendor", "Model", "Revision");
3.2. Loading VMD Object Definitions and Obtaining a VMD Handle
In a VSIomni system, every object in the MMS environment is represented by an object definition created by the system manager using ODF. Before an application can establish an association with a VMD object and operate on its related objects, the application must first load the object definitions into the user process space.
To do this, the application calls the OMNI$LOAD_ DEFINITIONS procedure and specifies the name of the remote VMD on which it wishes to operate.
Upon completion, VSIomni delivers to the application the handle of the VMD definition. The VMD handle is a unique identifier. The application can use it to establish one association with the VMD.
status = OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS ( "InitiatorVmd", &InitiatorVmdHandle);
When the procedure completes, all objects defined for the VMD are located in the user process space. The longword InitiatorVmdHandle contains the VMD handle. To specify the local definition of InitiatorVmd in subsequent VSIomni calls, the application passes VSIomni the VMD handle.
3.3. Creating Definitions at Run-time
All run-time and ODF default values are identical
Both run-time and ODF definitions must be committed before they are valid.
For most definition classes, the values of some attributes must be specified before the definition can be committed.
Definitions created at run-time can be used in the same way as definitions that are created in ODF and loaded at run-time. The run-time object definition facility can be used in conjunction with, or in place of ODF. If it is used in place of ODF, then the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS call can be bypassed in the VSIomni application.
3.3.1. Run-time Routines
Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_DOM, &DomHandle);is equivalent to the following partial ODF command:
ODF> define domain
The first parameter to the OMNI$DEFINE call specifies the class of definition to create. The second parameter supplies an address in which to return the handle of the newly created definition. The handle will be used in a later portion of the discussion.
In both ODF and the run-time object definition facility, some attribute values of the Domain definition must be modified before VSIomni can use the definition.
ODF> define domain ExampleVmd:ExampleDom;ExampleVmd does not have to be defined before ExampleDom. However, ExampleVmd must be defined in order to issue a commit or exit command. The definition is commited with the following command:
ODF> commit;
In ODF, the commit command will commit to the database all definitions created since the last commit command. It is assumed for this example that invalid definitions are not created.
OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attr = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME;OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (DomHandle, &Attr, &Context, "Domain1");
The first parameter to the OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION call is the handle that was returned in the previous call to OMNI$DEFINE. The second parameter specifies the attribute whose value is to be modified. The third parameter is the address of a context. The Context is used for bookkeeping by VSIomni. The final parameter specifies the value of the specified attribute. If the specified attribute is OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME, then VSIomni expects the attribute value to be of the data type OMNI$T_MMS_ID. Tables that list the expected data types for possible attributes are given in the Usage Notes for OMNI$MODIFY_ DEFINITION.
The difference between the ODF command and the OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION call is that a scope was not specified for the Domain. The OMNI$MODIFY_ DEFINITION routine can be used to modify only one attribute at a time. A scope must be provided for the run- time Domain definition in order for VSIomni to recognize it.
In the run-time object definition facility, modifying the value of the scope attribute is equivalent to commiting that definition in ODF. The value of the scope attribute must be the handle of a previously created definition of the appropriate class. It is not necessary that the scope handle be committed before its subordinate definitions.
Attr = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITON (DomHandle, &Attr, &Context, &VmdHandle);
It is assumed that the user has not modified the value of the context variable. The final parameter is the address of a previously created VMD. Although the VMD does not have to be committed before the domain has been committed, the user must ensure that the VMD is committed before either definition is used to request non-local operations.
Finally, the OMNI$GET_DEFINITION routine can be used to retrieve the values of the attributes of a particular definition. The definition does not have to be committed to use OMNI$GET_DEFINITION.
Attr = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; OMNI$T_MMS_ID Name; Status = OMNI$GET_DEFINITION (DomHandle, &Attr, &Context, &Name);
3.3.2. Supported Definition Classes
Program Invocation
Named Variable
Unnamed Variable
MMS Named Type
Application Named Type
MMS Type Specification
Application Type Specification
MMS Structure Component
Application Structure Component
Creation of Vmd, Domain, Program Invocation, Named Variable, Unnamed Variable and Message definitions are straightforward. The remainder of the definition classes are concerned mainly with the type descriptions of variables. They are described in the following sections.
3.3.3. Variable Type Descriptions
The information VSIomni uses for type descriptions has two components: the MMS Type Definition and the Application Type Definition. The MMS Type Definition describes how data is represented on the remote device. MMS Type Definition information is communicated via the MMS protocol when the variable is read or written or its attributes are retrieved. The Application Type Definition describes how the data is stored by the application. Application Type Definition information is specific to the local programming environment and cannot be communicated via the MMS protocol.
For example, the type description of a Named Variable on the remote device may be a VisibleString. Locally, the application may wish to represent the data as a Null Terminated String. Similarly, the type description of the Named Variable on the remote device may be an Array of varying length OctetString. Locally, the application may choose to store the data as an Array of Word Counted Strings.
Every variable definition must specify a default Application Type Description Definition. In turn, each Application Type Definition refers to an MMS Type Description Definition.
A table that lists valid Application Types for MMS Types supported by VSIomni can be found in Appendix D. Alternate Access
Simple applications will generally access a variable's data by using the default Application Type. Other applications may need to access the data by using an additional or alternate Application Type Description. Still other applications may not need to access all of the data in a particular variable. The term "Alternate Access" refers to the accessing of a variable of a simple type (simple types include all types except structures and arrays) by use of at least two different Application Types, or the partial accessing of a variable of a complex type (structure or array).
For example, an application may choose to read a Named Variable whose MMS type is a varying length visible string as both a null terminated string and a word-counted string. If it is assumed that the default Application Type Description Definition is a Null-Terminated string, then the application performs alternate access when it reads the Named Variable as a word-counted string.
Alternately, a Named Variable may be defined such that its MMS Type Description Definition is a very large array. The application may only need to access a certain portion of the array. In this case, the application may define an Application Type Definition that specifies a certain range of the MMS Type Definition. The application performs alternate access when it reads or writes the named variable by using the described Application Type Definition. Named Types and Type Specifications
int VariableA;
typedef int IntegerType; IntegerType VariableA;
In this case, the type description is an entity distinct from the variable. A number of variables can be of the type IntegerType.
The run-time object definition facility supports both styles of type description.
Explicit type descriptions can be built by creating MMS and Application Type Specification definitions. The VSIomni MMS Type Specification definition is an analog to the TypeSpecification parameter in MMS. MMS Type Specification definitions are referred to by other definitions. However, as in MMS, MMS Type Specification definitions may not be shared. In other words, they may only be referred to by one other MMS definition. They may be referred to by an unlimited number of Application Type Specification definitions.
Application Type Specification definitions describe the local format of the data. Every Application Type Specification definition must refer to an MMS Type Specification definition. Application Type Specification Definitions may only be referred to by one other definition.
Application and MMS Type Specification Definitions do not have to be committed. Rather, they are referenced by other definitions. VSIomni enforces the limits on references to MMS and Application Type Specifications.
Named Type descriptions can be built by creating MMS and Application Named Type definitions. The VSIomni MMS Named Type definition is an analog to the Named Type object in MMS. As in MMS, MMS Named Type definitions may be shared among Named Variables, Type Specifications, and other MMS Named Types.
Application Named Type definitions describe the local format of the data. Every Application Named Type definition must refer to an MMS Named Type Definition. Creating Simple and Complex Variable Definitions
The following sections give code examples on how to build simple and complex variable definitions using the Run-time Object Definition Facility. For additional detail, see the Usage Notes for OMNI$DEFINE, OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINTION and OMNI$GET_DEFINITON in Chapter 4, VSIomni Procedure Calls Variable_Int32: Explicit Type
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Type Spec Handle */ Var_Int32; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; int IntegerSize = 32; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Var_Int32); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, "Var_Int32"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Variable_Int32: Named Type
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Type Spec Handle */ IntMNT /* MMS Named Type Handle */ IntANT /* Application Named Type Handle */ Var_Int32; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; int IntegerSize = 32; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* Create the MMS Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_NAMED_TYPE, &IntMNT); /* Give this MMS Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntMNT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Commit the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /****************************************************************/ /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create the Application Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_NAMED_TYPE, &IntANT); /* Give this Application Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntANT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* Commit the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Var_Int32); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, "Var_Int32"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntANT); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Struct_ABC: Explicit and Named Type
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Type Spec Handle */ IntMNT /* MMS Named Type Handle */ IntANT /* Application Named Type Handle */ MMSStruct /* MMS Structure Type */ MMSCompA /* MMS Structure Component A */ MMSCompB /* MMS Structure Component B */ MMSCompC /* MMS Structure Component C */ AppStruct /* Application Structure Type */ AppCompA /* Application Structure Component A */ AppCompB /* Application Structure Component B */ AppCompC /* Application Structure Component C */ Struct_ABC; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSStructType = OMNI$K_TKM_STRUCTURE; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppStructType = OMNI$K_TKA_STRUCTURE; int IntegerSize = 32; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* Create the MMS Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_NAMED_TYPE, &IntMNT); /* Give this MMS Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntMNT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Commit the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /****************************************************************/ /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create the Application Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_NAMED_TYPE, &IntANT); /* Give this Application Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntANT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* Commit the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the MMS Structure type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSStruct); /* This type specification is a structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &MMStructType); /* Create the components on this structure */ /* Create Component A */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, "A"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create Component B */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompB); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, "B"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create Component C */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, "C"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the Application Structure type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppStruct); /* This type specification is a structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStructType); /* This type specification refers to the MMS Structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create the components on this structure */ /* Create Component A */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_STRUCT_COMP, AppCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, "A"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_App_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &IntANT); /* This component refers to MMS Component A */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_STRUCT_COMP; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSCompA); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Create Component B */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_STRUCT_COMP, AppCompB); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompB, &Attribute, &Context, "B"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* This component refers to MMS Component B */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_STRUCT_COMP; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &AppCompB); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Create Component C */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_STRUCT_COMP, AppCompC); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, "C"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* This component refers to MMS Component C */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_STRUCT_COMP; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppCompC); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Struct_ABC); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Struct_ABC, &Attribute, &Context, "Struct_ABC"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Struct_ABC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Struct_ABC: Alternate Access
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Type Spec Handle */ IntMNT /* MMS Named Type Handle */ IntANT /* Application Named Type Handle */ MMSStruct /* MMS Structure Type */ MMSCompA /* MMS Structure Component A */ MMSCompB /* MMS Structure Component B */ MMSCompC /* MMS Structure Component C */ AppStruct /* Application Structure Type */ AppCompA /* Application Structure Component A */ AppCompC /* Application Structure Component C */ Struct_ABC; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSStructType = OMNI$K_TKM_STRUCTURE; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppStructType = OMNI$K_TKA_STRUCTURE; int IntegerSize = 32; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* Create the MMS Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_NAMED_TYPE, &IntMNT); /* Give this MMS Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntMNT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Commit the MMS Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntMNT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /****************************************************************/ /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create the Application Named Type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_NAMED_TYPE, &IntANT); /* Give this Application Named Type a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, "IntANT"); /* Specify the Type Description for the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* Commit the Application Named Type */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (IntANT, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the MMS Structure type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSStruct); /* This type specification is a structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &MMStructType); /* Create the components on this structure */ /* Create Component A */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, "A"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create Component B */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompB); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, "B"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompB, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create Component C */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_STRUCT_COMP, MMSCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, "C"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the Application Structure type */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppStruct); /* This type specification is a structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStructType); /* This type specification refers to the MMS Structure */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppStruct, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSStruct); /* Create the components on this structure */ /* Create Component A */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_STRUCT_COMP, AppCompA); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, "A"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_App_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &IntANT); /* This component refers to MMS Component A */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_STRUCT_COMP; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSCompA); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompA, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Create Component C */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_STRUCT_COMP, AppCompC); /* Give this component a name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, "C"); /* Give this component a Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &IntMNT); /* This component refers to MMS Component C */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_STRUCT_COMP; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppCompC); /* Commit this Component */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppCompC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Struct_ABC); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Struct_ABC, &Attribute, &Context, "Struct_ABC"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Struct_ABC, &Attribute, &Context, &AppStruct); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Var_Int32, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Array_Int: Explicit
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Int Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Int Type Spec Handle */ MMSArray /* MMS Array Type Spec Handle */ AppArray /* Application Array Type Spec Handle */ Array_Int; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSArrayType = OMNI$K_TKM_ARRAY; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppArrayType = OMNI$K_TKA_ARRAY; int IntegerSize = 32; int ArrayElements = 10; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Integer Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* Create the MMS Array */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSArray); /* The newly created Type Specification is an Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSArrayType); /* This array has ten elements */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_NUM; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &ArrayElements); /* The Array elements are of type Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the Application Type */ /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create the Application Array */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppArray); /* The newly created Type Specification is an Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArrayType); /* This array has ten elements */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_NUM; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &ArrayElements); /* The Array elements are of type Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* The Application Array refers to the MMS Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSArray); /****************************************************************/ /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Array_Int); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Array_Int, &Attribute, &Context, "Array_Int"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Array_Int, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArray); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Array_Int: Alternate Access
OMNI$L_HANDLE MMSInt32, /* MMS Int Type Spec Handle */ AppInt32, /* Application Int Type Spec Handle */ MMSArray /* MMS Array Type Spec Handle */ AppArray /* Application Array Type Spec Handle */ Array_Int; /* Named Variable Handle */ int Status; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Attribute; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSIntType = OMNI$K_TKM_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppIntType = OMNI$K_TKA_INTEGER; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST MMSArrayType = OMNI$K_TKM_ARRAY; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST AppArrayType = OMNI$K_TKA_ARRAY; int IntegerSize = 32; int MMSArrayElements = 10; /* Number of elements in array on device */ int AppArrayElements = 4; /* Number of elemntes in application array*/ int AppArrayLow = 3; /* Beginning of subrange of MMS array */ OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; /* create an MMS Integer Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* Create the MMS Array */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_MMS_TYPE_SPEC, &MMSArray); /* The newly created Type Specification is an Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSArrayType); /* This array has ten elements */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_NUM; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSArrayElements); /* The Array elements are of type Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_MMS_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (MMSArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the Application Type */ /* create the Application Type Specification Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppInt32); /* This Type Specification is an Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &AppIntType); /* The Integer has a size of 32 bits */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SIMPLE_SIZE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &IntegerSize); /* This Type Specification refers to the MMS Integer Type */ /* Specification */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppInt32, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSInt32); /* Create the Application Array */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_APP_TYPE_SPEC, &AppArray); /* The newly created Type Specification is an Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArrayType); /* Access the MMS Elements beginning with index 3 */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_LOW; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArrayLow); /* This array has four elements */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_NUM; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArrayElements); /* The Array elements are of type Integer */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_APP_TYPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &AppInt32); /* The Application Array refers to the MMS Array */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_SPEC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &MMSArray); /****************************************************************/ /* Create a Named Variable Definition */ Status = OMNI$DEFINE (OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR, &Array_Int); /* Give this Named Variable a Name */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Array_Int, &Attribute, &Context, "Array_Int"); /* Specify the Application Type Description */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESC; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (Array_Int, &Attribute, &Context, &AppArray); /* Modify the Scope ("Commit") */ /* Assume that the Vmd has already been created. */ Attribute = OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE; Status = OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION (AppArray, &Attribute, &Context, &VmdHandle); Reading and Writing Complex Variables with Full and Partial Access
The API routines OMNI$GET_VALUE and OMNI$PUT_ VALUE are used to read and write variables. These routines use the application type of the variable to determine how the variable is stored locally. The application type of the variable may specify an alternate access type. The Method Handle parameter can be used to read or write a variable with Alternate Access. The MethodHandle parameter is the address of a committed Application Named Type definition. If a Method Handle is supplied, then VSIomni treats the Method Handle as the default application type.
3.4. Obtaining Definition Handles
Once VSIomni has loaded the definitions for a VMD and received the VMD handle, the application can obtain the handles of all definitions of objects belonging to the VMD. The application can obtain the handle of a specific definition or a list of handles for a group of definitions.
3.4.1. Obtaining a Handle by Name
To obtain a specific handle, the application calls the OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME procedure, specifies the scope of the find operation, the class of object, and name of the definition, and provides a location to receive the handle. (The scope is typically a domain or VMD. VSIomni looks for the definition of the object within the specified domain or VMD.)
status = OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME ( RemoteVmdHandle, OMNI$K_CLS_DOM, "DomainName", &DomainHandle );
Upon completion, the provided location contains the handle of the definition.
3.4.2. Obtaining a List of Handles
To obtain the list of handles for a list of corresponding definitions, the application calls the OMNI$GET_HANDLE_ LIST procedure.
Each call to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST returns a definition handle of the specified class for the specified scope. When used as part of a loop, OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST can be used to retrieve all of the handles of a specified class for the specified scope.
OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; OMNI$L_HANDLE VariableHandle: OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST Class, *ClassPtr; Class = OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR; ClassPtr = &Class; status = OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST (Example_VMD_Handle, ClassPtr, &Context, &VariableHandle);
The first argument is of type OMNI$L_HANDLE, and specifies the scope of the definitions whose handles are to be retrieved. To specify that Example_VMD is the scope, use its handle as the value of the first argument. The OMNI$L_ HANDLE type is defined in OMNI$DEFS.
The second argument is the address of a variable of type OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST. The value of the variable should be set to the class of handle to retrieve. The constants that are used to specify the class are also fould in OMNI$DEFS.
The third argument is the address of a variable of type OMNI$L_CONTEXT. This type is defined in OMNI$DEFS. On the first call to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST, the value of the Context should be zero. The value of the Context should not be modified on succeeding calls to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST.
The final argument is a pointer to a variable of type OMNI$L_HANDLE. This parameter provides a location in which to receive the definition handle.
status = OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST (Example_VMD_Handle, NULL, &Context, &VariableHandle);
Notice that the second parameter has a value of NULL. A NULL value for the class parameter indicates that VSIomni should retrieve the next definition handle of the same type. This code fragment can be called as part of a loop to retrieve the rest of the Named Variable handles on Example_VMD. When the last handle has been retrieved, OMNI$_ENDOFLIST is returned as the status value. Subsequent calls to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST will return null handles.
If the value of the second argument is not null, then the first handle in the list will be returned, and will reset the internal bookkeeping so that the second handle will be returned on the next call to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST.
After the final call to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST, OMNI$END_LIST should be called to free storage allocated by OMNI for bookkeeping purposes.
OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST CLASS = OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR; OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST *ClassPtr = &Class; OMNI$L_CONTEXT Context = 0; status = OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST (Example_VMD_Handle, ClassPtr, &Context, &VariableHandle); if (status == OMNI$_ENDOFLIST) { printf ("No More Handles\n"); exit (0); } else if (status != OMNI$SUCCESS) { printf ("Error obtaining handle\n"); exit (0); } else { ClassPtr = 0: while ( (status = OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST (Example_VMD_Handle, ClassPtr, &Context, &VariableHandle) != OMNI$_ENDOFLIST) { /* processing*/ : : } OMNI$END_LIST (Context); }
3.5. Environment and General Management Services
Initiatate an association with a remote VMD.
Conclude an association.
Abort an association.
Receive a request for an association with a local VMD.
Accept, negotiate or reject an association request.
Receive a request to conclude an association.
Accept or reject a request to conclude an association.
3.5.1. Initiating an Association
Before an application can exchange MMS messages with a remote peer, the applications must first establish a logical connection, or association.
To initiate an association with a remote VMD, the application calls the OMNI$CONNECT procedure and supplies a VMD handle to specify the remote VMD.
The handle of a local VMD – the calling VMD. The application can receive client requests to operate on this VMD.
A location to receive negotiated service parameters from the remote VMD.
A flag that tells VSIomni to deliver any conclude request that arrives from the remote VMD during the association or to automatically accept a conclude request without delivering it to the application.
The address of an I/O status block.
A control structure for completion.
status = OMNI$CONNECT( RecipientVmdHandle, /*Remote Vmd*/ NULL, /*Reserved*/ InitiatorVMDHandle /*Local Vmd*/ NegotiatedVMDStruct /*Received parameters*/ FALSE, /*Conclude flag*/ &Iosb, /*I/O status block*/ NULL); /*Control Structure*/
3.5.2. Concluding an Association
A conclude request indicates that the application has completed all the requests it had planned and will issue no further requests. VSIomni performs an orderly relinquishing of the MMS environment in cooperation with the remote MMS service.
To issue a request to conclude an association, the application calls the OMNI$CONCLUDE procedure and supplies a VMD handle to indicate the association, an I/O status block, and an optional control structure for an event flag number and an AST.
status = OMNI$CONCLUDE( RecipientVmdHandle, /*Remote Vmd*/ &Iosb, /*I/O status block*/ Null); /*Control structure*/
The remote VMD can either accept or reject the conclude request.
In communications with certain MMS service providers, VSIomni may receive a reject PDU that does not contain an invoke ID to specify the request being rejected. In such cases, VSIomni logs the event, but the request remains outstanding. Because of the outstanding request, the application will be unable to conclude the association. To terminate an association with an outstanding request, the application must call OMNI$ABORT.
3.5.3. Aborting an Association
An abort request indicates that the application wishes to discontinue communications on the association immediately and without negotiation. An abort will destroy outstanding requests and responses issued by either party in the association.
To issue an abort, the application calls the OMNI$ABORT procedure and supplies a VMD handle to indicate the association, an I/O status block, and an optional control structure.
3.5.4. Receiving an Association Request
The handle of a local VMD. The application will receive requests for an association with this VMD.
A location to receive the handle of the remote VMD initiating the association.
- One of the following flags:
0. Indicates that VSIomni should reject an association request from a VMD whose ODF definition is not currently loaded (or from a VMD that does not identify itself as a VMD).
Non 0. Indicates that VSIomni should accept an association request from an undefined VMD. VSIomni creates a dummy (empty) definition and passes the handle to the application.
Optionally, the application can also supply a structure to receive connection values proposed for negotiation by the remote system (for example, the nesting level), an IOSB, and a control structure for asynchronous completion.
RecipientVmdHandle indicates the local VMD for which the application is receiving the association request.
&RemoteVmdHandle is a location to receive the handle of the VMD initiating the association request.
The flag indicates that the application is not willing to receive an association request from an initiating VMD whose ODF definition is not currently loaded.
status = OMNI$LISTEN( RecipientVmdHandle, /*Local Vmd*/ FALSE, /*Translate Flag*/ &RemoteVmdHandle, /*Initiating Remote Vmd*/ NULL, /*Don't Receive Proposed Values*/ &Iosb, /*I/O Status Block/* NULL ); /*No Control Structure*/
3.5.5. Responding to an Association Request
Once the association request has been received, the application can accept or reject the request.
The definition handle for the remote VMD requesting the association.
A flag that indicates whether VSIomni can automatically accept a conclude request for the association or must pass the conclude indication to the application.
Optionally, the application can provide an IOSB to receive completion status and a control structure for asynchronous completion.
To reject an association request, the applications calls the OMNI$REJECT_CONNECT procedure and supplies the definition handle for the remote VMD requesting the association.
3.5.6. Receiving a Conclude Request
At any point during the life of an association, the remote peer can issue a request to conclude the association.
To receive a conclude request, the application calls the OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS procedure as described in Section 2.6, “Receiving Unsolicited Indications”
3.5.7. Responding to a Conclude Request
An application that receives a request to conclude an association can accept or reject the request.
To accept a conclude request, the application calls the OMNI$ACCEPT_CONCLUDE procedure and specifies the definition handle of the remote VMD requesting the conclude.
To reject a conclude request, the application calls the OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE procedure and specifies the definition handle of the remote VMD requesting the conclude.
3.6. VMD Support Services
Obtain the status of a VMD.
Receive an unsolicited message about the status of a VMD.
Obtain lists of defined objects.
Identify vendor-specific attributes of the MMS application at the remote peer system.
Obtain lists of the VMD's capabilities.
3.6.1. Obtaining VMD Status
The VMD status service allows a client application to determine the general condition or status of a VMD.
To obtain the status of a VMD, the application calls the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure as described in Section 2.7, “Obtaining Object Attributes” specifying the VMD and including the OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL class constant in the parameter list.
Constant | Action |
VSIomni returns the logical status of the VMD. |
VSIomni returns the physical status of the VMD. |
3.6.2. Receiving Unsolicited Status
The unsolicited status service allows a VMD to spontaneously report its status to a client application.
To receive unsolicited status, the application calls the OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS procedure as described in Section 2.6, “Receiving Unsolicited Indications”. If a status indication arrives, OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS returns a status code and the status context and completes. To obtain the status, the application calls the OMNI$GET_ ATTRIBUTE procedure and supplies the context and a status constant.
3.6.3. Obtaining a List of Objects
The MMS get name list service allows a client to obtain a list or part of a list of objects defined at the VMD.
Constant | Action |
OMNI$K_CLS_PI | VSIomni returns the list of program invocations for the specified VMD. |
OMNI$K_CLS_DOM | VSIomni returns the list of domains for the specified VMD. |
OMNI$K_CLS_VAR_LIST | VSIomni returns a variable list for the specified VMD. |
VSIomni returns a list of named variables for the specified VMD. |
Once VSIomni has placed the list in a local buffer, the application calls OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE with the OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME constant to read the list.
3.6.4. Requesting VMD Identification
The MMS identify service allows a client application to obtain identifying information from a responding VMD.
To request identification, the application calls the OMNI$GET_ REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure as described in Section 2.7, “Obtaining Object Attributes” specifying the VMD and including the OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL class constant.
Constant | Action |
OMNI$K_ATTR_VENDOR | VSIomni returns the vendor name. |
OMNI$K_ATTR_MODEL | VSIomni returns the model number. |
OMNI$K_ATTR_REVISION | VSIomni returns the version number. |
3.7. Domain Services
A domain represents a subset of the capabilities of a VMD. This subset is used for a specific purpose. A domain can be a sequence of instructions for a device or data, or both instructions and data.
Download a domain to a VMD.
Upload the contents of a domain from a VMD.
Delete a domain.
Obtain domain attributes.
In addition, the application can receive client requests to download and upload local domains.
3.7.1. Downloading a Domain
MMS download services allow a client application to instruct an MMS server to create the specified domain and to load the domain.
To download a domain, the application calls the OMNI$DOWNLOAD procedure and passes the handle of the domain definition. The application can optionally pass the name of a file containing the domain to be read, the address of an IOSB, and a control structure for asynchronous completion. If the call does not include a file specification, VSIomni uses the domain contents file specified in the ODF definition of the domain.
VSIomni supports only one download to a domain at a time. VSIomni will reject an attempt to download a domain that already exists on the VMD.
If, on completion of the download service, the remote application discards the domain, VSIomni notifies the user in the IOSB.
The OMNI$DOWNLOAD service translates into an MMS initiate download sequence service, a number of download segment services, and a terminate download sequence service.
3.7.2. Uploading a Domain
MMS upload services allows a client application to instruct the MMS server to upload the specified domain.
To upload a domain, the application calls the OMNI$UPLOAD procedure and passes the handle of the domain definition. The application can optionally pass the name of a file to receive the domain to be written, the address of an IOSB, and a control structure for asynchronous completion. If the call does not include a specification for a file to receive the domain, VSIomni uses the file name associated with the ODF domain definition.
In an upload operation, VSIomni creates two files: a file containing the list of capabilities for the domain and a file containing the domain contents. For the capabilities file, VSIomni uses the file name in the ODF domain definition. The file name is a mandatory field in the ODF definition.
The OMNI$UPLOAD procedure translates into an initiate upload sequence, a number of upload segments, and a terminate upload sequence.
3.7.3. Deleting a Domain
The delete domain service allows a client application to request that an MMS server delete the specified domain.
To request the deletion of a domain, the application calls the OMNI$DELETE procedure and specifies the handle of the domain definition.
Deletions cannot occur if objects are currently referencing the domain.
3.7.4. Obtaining the Attributes of a Domain
The MMS get domain attributes service allows a client application to request that the MMS server return all the attributes associated with the specified domain.
The name of the domain
The class constant OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL to obtain all of the attributes of the specified domain
VSIomni reads the attributes from the remote VMD and places them in a local buffer.
Constant | Meaning |
OMNI$K_ATTR_DELETABLE | Requests current value of MMS deletable attribute |
OMNI$K_ATTR_SHARABLE | Requests current value of MMS sharable attribute |
Requests current value of MMS upload in progress attribute |
Requests list of domain capabilities |
Requests a list of PIs linked to the domain |
Requests the current state of the domain |
The application also includes a constant specifying the data type of the attribute value. VSIomni uses the constant to build a structure to contain the attribute value.
3.7.5. Receiving Download and Upload Client Requests
VSIomni can receive a client request from a remote application to download or upload the contents of a domain on the local system. VSIomni fulfills the request automatically. The application is not notified unless an error occurs, in which case VSIomni logs the error to the logging device.
3.8. Program Invocation Services
In an MMS system, a program invocation consists of a set of domains together with control information for its execution.
Program invocations may be dynamic in nature – coming into existence and being removed from the system either by the client or by local action on the server – or they may be predefined within the VMD.
Create a program invocation.
Delete a program invocation.
Start, stop, resume, reset, and kill the execution of a program invocation.
Obtain the attributes of a program invocation.
3.8.1. Creating a Program Invocation
The MMS create program invocation service allows an MMS client application to assemble domains into a specific program invocation at the MMS server. The client specifies a list of domains that are to be included in the program invocation.
To request the program invocation service the application calls the OMNI$CREATE procedure and passes the handle of a loaded PI definition.
3.8.2. Deleting a Program Invocation
The MMS delete program invocation service allows a client application to cause the deletion of an existing program invocation on a remote MMS server.
To request the delete program invocation service, the application calls the OMNI$DELETE procedure and passes a PI definition.
3.8.3. Starting a Program Invocation
The MMS start service allows a client application to change the state of a program invocation from IDLE to RUNNING.
To start a program invocation on a remote VMD, the application calls the OMNI$START procedure and passes the handle of the local definition of the program.
3.8.4. Stopping a Program Invocation
The MMS stop service allows a client application to change the state of a program invocation from RUNNING to STOPPED.
To stop a program invocation on a remote VMD, the application calls the OMNI$STOP procedure and passes the handle of the PI definition.
3.8.5. Resuming a Program Invocation
The MMS resume service allows an MMS client to change the state of a program invocation from STOPPED to RUNNING.
To resume execution of a program invocation on a remote VMD, the application calls the OMNI$RESUME procedure and passes the handle of the local definition of the program.
3.8.6. Resetting a Program Invocation
The MMS reset service allows a client application to change the state of a program invocation from STOPPED to IDLE or UNRUNNABLE, depending on the reusable attribute.
To reset a program invocation, the application calls the OMNI$RESET procedure and specifies the handle of the definition of the program.
3.8.7. Killing a Program Invocation
The MMS kill service allows a client application to place a program invocation in the UNRUNNABLE state.
To kill a program invocation, the application calls the OMNI$KILL procedure and specifies the handle of the program definition.
3.8.8. Getting Program Invocation Attributes
The name of the PI.
The class constant OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL to obtain all of the attributes of the specified PI.
VSIomni reads the attributes from the remote VMD and places them in a local buffer.
Constant | Meaning |
OMNI$K_ATTR_REUSABLE | Requests current value of MMS reusable attribute |
OMNI$K_ATTR_MONITOR | Requests current value of MMS monitor attribute |
Requests a list of domains associated with the PI |
Requests the current state of the PI |
Requests the current value of the deletable attribute |
Requests an execution argument for the PI |
The application also includes a constant specifying the data type of the attribute value. VSIomni uses the constant to build a structure to contain the attribute value.
3.9. Variable Access Services
MMS variable access services allow a client application to obtain access to typed variables defined at the VMD.
In an MMS system, access to variables is obtained through variable objects. A variable object describes the attributes of one typed variable in the VMD and provides an access path to the variable.
Unnamed variable objects. Under VSIomni, an application can read and write the values described by unnamed variable objects and obtain attributes and information reports (see Section 3.9.1, “Operating on Unnamed Variable Objects”
Named variable objects. Under VSIomni, an application can create and delete named variable objects, read and write values, and obtain attributes and information reports (see Section 3.9.2, “Operating on Named Variable Objects”
Scattered access objects. VSIomni does not currently provide support for scattered access.
Named variable list objects. Under VSIomni, an application can create and delete named variable list objects, read the list, and obtain attributes of the list (see Section 3.9.3, “Operating on Named Variable List Objects”
VSIomni also allows an application to receive client service requests to read and write local variables. Section 3.9.4, “Receiving Client Requests for Variable Access Services” describes the way VSIomni delivers the requests and how the application reads, writes, and transmits the values.
3.9.1. Operating on Unnamed Variable Objects
An unnamed variable object describes a variable existing at a known and fixed address. The existence of an unnamed variable object is inherent in the VMD. The client can neither create nor delete an unnamed variable object.
To read the value of a variable described by an unnamed variable object, the application calls the OMNI$GET_VALUE procedure and specifies the handle of a definition for the unnamed variable object.
To replace the current value of a variable described by an unnamed variable object, the application calls the OMNI$PUT_VALUE procedure and supplies the handle of the definition for the unnamed variable.
To receive an unsolicited inforeport indication, the application calls the GET$INDICATIONS procedure. To obtain the current value of the variable contained in the inforeport, the application calls the GET$VALUE procedure and passes the context information returned by GET$INDICATIONS.
To obtain the type description of a variable described by an unnamed variable object, the application calls the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES and OMNI$GET_ ATTRIBUTE procedures.
3.9.2. Operating on Named Variable Objects
A named variable object describes an application-defined variable at the VMD.
To read the value of a variable described by a named variable object, the application calls the OMNI$GET_VALUE procedure and specifies the handle of a definition for the named variable object.
To replace the current value of a variable described by a named variable object, the application calls the OMNI$PUT_ VALUE procedure and specifies the handle of the variable definition.
To receive an unsolicited inforeport indication, the application calls the OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS procedure. To obtain the current value of the variable contained in the inforeport, the application calls the OMNI$GET_VALUE procedure and passes the context information returned by OMNI$GET_ INDICATIONS.
To create a named variable object, the application calls the OMNI$CREATE procedure.
To obtain the attributes of a variable described by a named variable object, the application calls the OMNI$GET_ REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES and OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedures.
To delete a named variable object, the application calls the OMNI$_DELETE procedure and supplies the handle of the definition.
3.9.3. Operating on Named Variable List Objects
The named variable list object allows an MMS client to assign a name to a list of variable objects describing independent MMS variables. The client uses this name to specify access to all the variables described in the list. The list can include named variable objects and unnamed variable objects. Access to variables using a named variable list object is analogous to independent accesses using the referenced variable objects in the list.
To create a variable list object, the application calls the OMNI$CREATE procedure and specifies the handle of the definition of the list.
To obtain the list of variable attributes, the application calls the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES and OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedures.
3.9.4. Receiving Client Requests for Variable Access Services
Unnamed variables are not locally supported. Receiving and Fulfilling a Read Request
The handle of the variable object definition
The indication type – in this case, a read indication
Association context information
The application uses the variable object definition handle to determine which variable to read. The application locates and obtains the value. (How this is done lies outside the scope of VSIomni.)
To send the value to the remote application, the application calls the OMNI$PUT_VALUE and supplies the value and context information returned on the OMNI$GET_ INDICATION call. The context information tells VSIomni where to send the value. Receiving and Fulfilling a Write Request
The handle of the variable object definition
The indication type – in this case, a write indication
Association context information
To obtain the updated value from the remote application, the application calls the OMNI$GET_VALUE and supplies the context information returned on the OMNI$GET_ INDICATION call. The context information tells VSIomni where to get the value.
The application uses the variable object definition handle to determine which variable on the VMD to modify. The application locates and modifies the value. (How this is done lies outside the scope of VSIomni.)
3.10. File Services
OMNI$FDELETE. Deletes a file from a remote MMS system.
OMNI$FDIR. Obtains a list of file specifications from a remote MMS system and places the list in a local buffer. To read a file specification, the application calls the OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure with the OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME constant.
OMNI$FGET. Copies a file from a remote MMS system to the local system.
OMNI$FPUT. Copies a file from the local system to a remote MMS system.
OMNI$FRENAME. Renames a file on a remote MMS system.
Chapter 4. VSIomni Procedure Calls
This chapter describes the format and arguments of VSIomni procedure calls.
Procedure call format (see the section called “Procedure Call Format Section”)
Returns (see the section called “Returns Section”)
Argument definitions (see the section called “Argument Definitions Section”)
Usage notes (see the section called “Usage Notes Section”)
Procedure Call Format Section
The format section describes the syntax of the procedure call – that is, the call elements in their proper sequence.
status=OMNI$ procedure [_A]arg1 ,[arg2] . . . ,[argn]
Element | Meaning |
status |
A location to receive a longword condition value that the procedure returns to the caller. |
procedure |
A VSIomni procedure. |
_A |
A suffix to specify asynchronous operation of the requested service. |
arg1 ,[arg2] . . . ,[argn] |
A list of required and optional arguments. |
[ . . . ] | Square brackets, used to indicate that the enclosed element is optional. In the general format example, arg2 and argn are optional. |
, |
A comma, used to separate arguments in an argument list. Omitted arguments must be indicated by 0. |
All omitted arguments must be indicated by 0. Omitted arguments include both optional arguments and placeholder arguments reserved for use in future versions of VSIomni.
Returns Section
The returns section describes the type of information that the called procedure returns to the caller. All VSIomni procedures return a longword condition value to R0.
The run-time environment established for programs written in high-level languages allows the status information in R0 to be moved automatically to the status variable specified in the call.
Argument Definitions Section
Data type (see the section called “Data Type Entry”)
Argument access (see the section called “Argument Access Entry”)
Passing mechanism (see the section called “Passing Mechanism Entry”)
Data Type Entry
The data type entry is a code indicating the VMS data type of the data that is specified by the argument.
VSIomni defines the data type for most arguments used in VSIomni procedure calls.
For a list of VAX standard data types and data type codes, see the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.
Argument Access Entry
The argument access entry indicates the way that the called procedure accesses the data specified by the argument. VSIomni procedures require three types of access to the arguments in VSIomni calls: read-only access, write-only access, and modify (or read/write) access.
Read-Only Access
The called procedure reads data from the location specified by the argument.
Data on which the procedure operates, or data needed by the procedure to perform its operation, must be read by the called procedure. Such data is also called input data. When an argument specifies input data, the access entry is read only.
The term only indicates that the called procedure does not both read and write (that is, modify) the input data. Thus, input data is preserved when the called procedure completes execution.
Write-Only Access
The called procedure writes data into the location specified by the argument.
Data that the called procedure returns to the calling application must be written into a location where the calling program can access it. Such data is also called output data. When an argument specifies output data, the access entry is write only.
The term only indicates that the called procedure does not read the contents of the location either before or after it writes into the location.
Modify Access
The called procedure reads data from the location specified by the argument and then overwrites the location.
When an argument specifies data that is both read and written by the called procedure, the access entry is modify. In this case, the called procedure reads the input data, uses it, and then overwrites the input data with the results (the output data) of the operation. Thus, when the called procedure completes execution, the input data specified by the argument is lost.
Passing Mechanism Entry
The passing mechanism entry indicates whether the longword argument is data, the address of data, or a data descriptor.
If the argument is a location containing data that the called procedure reads or if it is a location to contain data that the procedure writes, that data is said to be passed by value. Note that since an argument is only one longword in length, only data that can be contained in one longword can be passed by value.
If the argument is the address of a location containing data that the called procedure reads or if it is the address of a location to contain data that the procedure writes, that data is said to be passed by reference.
If the argument is the address of a descriptor for a buffer containing data that the called procedure reads or if it is the address of a descriptor for a buffer to contain data that the procedure writes, that data is said to be passed by descriptor. A descriptor consists of two or more longwords (depending on the type of descriptor used), that describe the location, length, and type of the data that is being passed.
Allocating Text String Buffers For OMNI$ Calls
Some of the parameters in OMNI$ calls require text strings be passed into or out of various subroutines.
OMNI$K_xxxxxxxx_SIZEOMNI$K_xxxxxxxx_MAXwhere xxxxxxxxx is the name of the string data, for example MMS_ID.
The constant OMNI$K_MMS_ID_SIZE specifies the size of the buffer that should be allocated for MMS_ID, and the constant OMNI$K_MMS_ID_MAX specifies the usable portion of the buffer allocated for MMS_ID.
When allocating buffer space and using text strings for the various OMNI$ calls always use the OMNI$K_xxxxxxx_ SIZE constant of a string to allocate memory. The OMNI$K_ xxxxxxx_MAX portion of that allocated memory is the usable data.
Usage Notes Section
Some call descriptions include optional usage notes. These notes describe restrictions, exceptions, and other function-specific matters.
OMNI$ABORT — Immediately terminates an association with a remote VMD.
status=OMNI$ABORT[_A] vmd_handle, [omni_iosb], [ctrl_str]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$ABORT procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition. The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_ DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
All pending requests will return with status OMNI$ABORT.
OMNI$ACCEPT_CONCLUDE — Accepts an association conclude request from a remote application.
status=OMNI$ACCEPT_CONCLUDE[_A] vmd_handle, [omni_iosb],
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$ACCEPT_CONCLUDE procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition.
The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_ DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$ACCEPT_CONNECT — Accepts an association request from a remote VMD.
status=OMNI$ACCEPT_CONNECT[_A] vmd_handle, reserved, [conclude_flag],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$ACCEPT_CONNECT procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition.
The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
Reserved for future use.
type: longword
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Value | Meaning |
non 0 | VSIomni delivers all conclude indications to the calling application for processing. |
0 | VSIomni automatically accepts conclude requests. |
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$CANCEL — Cancels a request previously issued but not yet completed.
status=OMNI$CANCEL[_A]invoke_id, [omni_isob], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword(unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$CANCEL returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Invoke_id is an identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
Omni_iosb is the VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages. The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$CONCLUDE — Brings an association with a remote VMD to an orderly conclusion.
status=OMNI$CONCLUDE[_A] vmd_handle, [omni_iosb], [ctrl_str]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$CONCLUDE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition.
The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
It is valid to conclude an association only when all requests have been satisfied.
If there are pending operations on the association, VSIomni will not accept an OMNI$CONCLUDE request.
OMNI$CONNECT — Initiates an association with a remote VMD.
status=OMNI$CONNECT[_A] vmd_handle,reserved, [calling_vmd_handle],
[negotiated_vmd_struc], [conclude_flag], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$CONNECT procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition.
The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
Reserved for future use.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The handle of a VMD that the application wishes to make available during the association. If the calling_vmd_handle is included, the application can receive client requests from the remote peer to operate on the VMD. In addition, the handle also enables VSIomni to service network objects - such as variables - for the user.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A VMD data structure to receive negotiated service parameters.
type: longword
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Value | Meaning |
non 0 | VSIomni delivers all conclude indications to the calling application for processing. |
0 | VSIomni automatically accepts conclude requests. |
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
The calling VMD specifies network objects.
OMNI$CREATE — Creates an object on a VMD.
status=OMNI$CREATE[_A] [invoke_id], object_handle, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$CREATE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded definition for the object to be created.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$DEFINE — Creates a definition of the specified class and fills a user buffer with the value of the definition handle. In all cases, the value of the definition's scope attribute must be modified (using OMNI$MODIFY_ DEFINITION) before it is recognized by VSIomni.
status=OMNI$DEFINE(class, handleaddress)
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms Class identifies the class of definition to create.
Constant | Meaning |
OMNI$K_CLS_DOM | Domain |
OMNI$K_CLS_PI | Program Invocation |
OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VAR | Named Variable |
OMNI$K_CLS_UNNAMED_VAR | Unnamed Variable |
OMNI$K_CLS_MSG | Message |
MMS Type Specification |
Application Named Type |
Application Type Specification |
MMS Structure Component |
Application Structure Component |
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
HandleAddress specifies the return address of the definition handle.
OMNI$DELETE — Deletes a specific object on a VMD. OMNI$DELETE does not delete the definition obtained by OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS. The only way to delete an object definition is through the use of ODF.
status=OMNI$DELETE[_A] [invoke_id], object_handle, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$DELETE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded variable definition
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Only objects with no dependencies can be deleted. For example, a domain with an associated program invocation cannot be deleted until the program invocation is deleted.
OMNI$DOWNLOAD — Initiates the download- ing of a domain to a remote VMD.
status=OMNI$DOWNLOAD[_A] [invoke_id],domain_handle, [domain_file],
[modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$DOWNLOAD procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded domain definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification for a VMS file containing the domain contents. If you omit this parameter, OMNI uses the domain contents file name associated with the ODF definition of the domain.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
You cannot download a domain that already exists on the VMD.
If a domain file specification is not included in the OMNI$DOWNLOAD call or in the ODF definition, VSIomni returns an error code.
If, on completion of the download service, the domain has been discarded by the remote application, the user will be notified in the IOSB.
VSIomni supports only one download to a domain at a time.
OMNI$END_LIST — Terminates the use of a list context.
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$END_LIST procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A location for use by VSIomni. The context is the same value that was returned by OMNI$_GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES.
Usage Notes
OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES allocates memory. OMNI$END_LIST frees that same memory. Failure to call OMNI$END_LIST will result in an increase of memory usage.
OMNI$FDELETE — Deletes a file from a remote system.
status=OMNI$FDELETE[_A] [invoke_id], vmd_handle, remote_file_name,
[modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$FDELETE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Longword identifier of a previously loaded VMD definition.
The VMD handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification for the remote file to delete.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Wild cards will be delivered to the remote device as specified.
See PIC for remote device specification.
OMNI$FDIR — Obtains a list of file specifications from a remote directory.
status=OMNI$FDIR[_A] [invoke_id], vmd_handle, remote_directory,
context, [modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value type:
longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$FDIR procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Longword identifier of a previously loaded VMD definition.
The VMD handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A character string (in native format) representing the remote directory.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A location for use by VSIomni.
The context parameter is the address of the context location.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
OMNI$FDIR obtains a directory. To obtain the file specifications in the directory, call the OMNI$GET_ ATTRIBUTE procedure for each filespec.
OMNI$FDIR allocates space for a buffer to contain the directory. To release the buffer, call OMNI$END_LIST.
OMNI$FGET — Copies a file from the remote system to the local system.
status=OMNI$FGET[_A] [invoke_id], vmd_handle, remote_file_name,
local_file_name, [size], [last_modified], [modifier_object], [omni_iosb],
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$FGET procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition. The VMD handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification (in native format) for the remote file to copy.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification for the local file to receive the copy.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Size of the file on the remote device.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The date on which the file was last modified on the remote system. Last modified dates before 1/1/1970 are not supported.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
If an error occurs while writing the file, the file will be deleted.
Wildcards must reduce to one file name.
If the local file already exists, the record attributes will be inherited from the previous version.
If the local file does not exist, the file created will be compatible with an FTAM-3 document type. OMNI$FGET will create a file with RMS record format undefined and RMS record attributes of none.
OMNI$FPUT — Copies a file from the local system to the remote system.
status=OMNI$FPUT[_A] [invoke_id], vmd_handle, remote_file_name,
local_file_name, [modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$FPUT procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition. The VMD handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification (in native format) for the remote file to receive the copy.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification for the local file to copy.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
The local file must be an FTAM-3 documentation type.
OMNI$FRENAME — Renames a file on the remote system.
status=OMNI$FRENAME[_A] [invoke_id], vmd_handle,
original_remote_file_name, new_remote_file_name, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$FRENAME procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition. The VMD handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification (in native format) for the remote file to rename.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification (in native format) for the new name.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE — Obtains: 1. A specific object attribute from a list of attributes obtained by the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTE procedure. 2. A file specification from a remote directory obtained by the OMNI$FDIR procedure.
status=OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE context, object_attribute,
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A context value returned by the OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES or OMNI$FDIR procedure.
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Constants | Data Type |
General Constants | |
VMD Constants | |
Longword |
Longword |
Domain Constants | |
PI Constants | |
Variable Constants | |
type: depends on attribute specified
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Long Integer |
Word |
Word |
Byte |
Usage Notes
The receive structure is based on the type of attribute.
The OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure reads the first value of the specified type. To read the next value of the same type, call OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE with a NULL attribute.
OMNI$GET_DEFINITION — Retrieves the value of a specified attribute of a specified definition and inserts the value in an address specified by the caller. OMNI$GET_DEFINITION retrieves the values of both single-valued and multi-valued attributes. In the case of multi-valued attributes, OMNI$GET_DEFINITION acts similar to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST. Each call to either of the routines returns one value. The value of the ATTRIBUTE parameter should specify the address of the attribute on the first call, and should be NULL thereafter. A value of NULL for the ATTRIBUTE parameter indicates that the next value should be specified or retrieved. In the case of OMNI$GET_DEFINITION, when the last value has been retrieved, OMNI$_ENDOFLIST is returned as the status value. The OMNI$END_LIST routine should be called after a list of values has been retrieved.
status=OMNI$GET_DEFINITION (defhandle,attraddress, contextaddress,
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
access: read only
mechanism: by value
VMD Handle
Domain Handle
PI Handle
Named Variable Handle
Unnamed Variable Handle
MMS Named Type Handle
Application Named Type Handle
MMS Type Specification Handle
Application Type Specification Handle
MMS Structure Component
Application Structure Component
Message Handle
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Attraddress specifies the address of a variable whose value is the attribute to retrieve.
access: modify
mechanism: by reference
Contextaddress is the address of a variable. This parameter is used only if you retrieve the value of a multi-valued attribute.
The value of contextaddress should be initialized to NULL. In general, the value of the context should be modified when as many values as required have been retrieved from a multi- valued attribute. In this case, OMNI$END_LIST should be called to free any unneeded space allocated by VSIomni. The value of the context should be then reset to zero.
type: see table
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
Value is the address of a buffer in which the attribute value is returned.
The attributes supported for each definition class and the expected type of the buffer to receive the value are listed in Table 4.7, “Domain Attributes and Expected Data Types” through Table 4.16, “Application Structure Component and Expected Data Types”
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Longword |
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Longword |
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Attribute | Expected Data Type |
Usage Notes
- The value of the scope attribute will be the handle of the only MMS definition or the last Application definition to refer to the MMS Type Specification definition. Table 4.13, “Application Named Type and Expected Data Types” shows Application Named Type data information.
OMNI$B_BOOLEAN Table 4.14, “Application Type Specification and Expected Data Types” shows Application Type Specification data information.Table 4.14. Application Type Specification and Expected Data Types Attribute Expected Data Type OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESCRIPTION OMNI$R_APP_TYPE_SPEC OMNI$K_ATTR_SCOPE
OMNI$L_HANDLE The value of the scope attribute is the handle of the definition that refers to the Application Type Specification definition.
Table 4.15, “MMS Structure Component and Expected Data Types” shows MMS Structure Component data information.Table 4.15. MMS Structure Component and Expected Data Types Attribute Expected Data Type OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID OMNI$K_ATTR_DESCRIPTION OMNI$T_DESCRIPTION OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION OMNI$R_MMS_TYPE_SPEC
Table 4.16, “Application Structure Component and Expected Data Types” shows Application Structure Component data information.Table 4.16. Application Structure Component and Expected Data Types Attribute Expected Data Type OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID OMNI$K_ATTR_DESCRIPTION OMNI$T_DESCRIPTION OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_COMP OMNI$L_HANDLE OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_DESCRIPTION OMNI$R_APP_TYPE_SPEC
OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME — Locates the handle of a specified object definition. The name used when the definition was created with ODF is supplied to identify the definition.
status=OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME scope, class, def_name, handle
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A handle indicating the scope of the search. The scope parameter is typically the handle of a VMD or a domain. VSIomni limits its search to the specified VMD or domain. The scope parameter is the handle of a VMD (obtained using OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS) or a domain (obtained by a previous call to OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME).
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Constant | Meaning |
OMNI$K_CLS_DOM | Domain |
OMNI$K_CLS_PI | Program invocation |
OMNI$K_CLS_VAR | First variable type found |
Named variable |
Unnamed variable |
Variable list |
MMS Named Type |
Application Named Type |
type: character-coded text string
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The name of the definition to search for.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A location to receive the definition handle.
OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST — Returns a definition handle of the specified class for the specified scope. When used as part of a loop, OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST can retrieve all of the handles of a specified class for the specified scope.
status=OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST scope, class, context, handle
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A handle indicating the scope of the search. The scope parameter is typically the handle of a domain or VMD, obtained from an earlier call of OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS, OMNI$GET_HANDLE_BY_NAME, or OMNI$GET_ HANDLE_LIST.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Constant | Definition Class |
OMNI$K_CLS_DOM | Domain |
OMNI$K_CLS_PI | Program invocation |
Named variable |
Unnamed variable |
MMS Named Type |
Application Named Type |
Message |
access: modify
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A variable for use by VSIomni.
The value of this variable is modified by VSIomni. It should be initialized to NULL before the first call and should not be modified by the caller until the value of the return status is OMNI$_ENDOFLIST or until OMNI$END_LIST has been called.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A variable of the type OMNI$L_HANDLE to receive the definition handle.
Usage Notes
OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST sets the value pointed to by the receiving handle to NULL before assigning it a valid value. Even if OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST returns an error, the value pointed to by the receiving handle may still be zero.
OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS — Receives the following indications from a remote application:Read/write indications, Unsolicited status, Conclude indications, Abort indications, Information reports.
status=OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS[_A] vmd_handle, def_handle, context,
indication_type, reserved, [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: by value
The longword identifier of a loaded VMD definition, indicating the remote VMD for which indications are to be received. The vmd_handle is returned by the OMNI$LOAD_ DEFINITIONS procedure. The vmd_handle parameter is the handle.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An object definition handle returned by VSIomni. This is the handle of the object referred to by the indication (for example, a read indication would be accompanied by the handle of the variable to read). If the indication does not refer to an object (for example, a conclude indication), this parameter is null on completion.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Context information returned by VSIomni to be used in subsequent calls.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Value | Meaning |
Incoming conclude has completed. |
Incoming conclude has been received. User must accept or reject the conclude. |
Incoming abort has been received. |
Incoming read request has been received. |
Incoming write request has been received. |
Incoming status report has been received. |
Incoming information report has been received. |
A place holder.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Issue one OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS call per remote VMD.
OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES — Obtains a list of current attribute values for an object on a remote MMS system.
status=OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES[_A][invoke_id], def_handle, class,
context, [modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_REMOTE_ATTRIBUTES procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded definition of the object whose attribute values the application wishes to obtain.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Constant | Meaning |
OMNI$K_ATTR_ALL | The value of all attributes for the specified object. |
OMNI$K_CLS_DOM | The list of domains for the specified VMD. |
OMNI$K_CLS_PI | The list of program invocations for the specified VMD. |
The list of named variables for the specified VMD. |
A variable list for the specified VMD. |
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A context value returned by VSIomni. The application uses this value in calls to the OMNI$GET_ATTRIBUTE procedure to specify the buffer containing the retrieved attributes.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$GET_VALUE — Obtains the value of a variable on a remote VMD. As a server procedure, OMNI$GET_VALUE obtains the value referred to by a write indication.
status=OMNI$GET_VALUE[_A] [invoke_id], object_handle, [method_handle],
receiving_struc, [modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GET_VALUE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
In a client call, the identifier of a loaded variable definition.
In a server call, the context value returned by the GET$INDICATIONS procedure call that delivered the write indication.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Method_handle modifies the default presentation of a variable.
type: depends on value
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A data structure to receive the value of the object.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES — Allows a user to read or write multiple variables.
status=OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES(contextaddress, object_handle,
method_handle, pdata,modifier_object,omni_iosb);
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword(unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES procedure returns the Bad_Parm code.
Set the context variable to be used to zero.
Call the OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES with the pointer to the context, variable handle, alternate access handle, pointer to data, modifier handle and pointer to iosb for one variable.
Repeat step 2 as many times as necessary for different variables, using the same context.
Call the OMNI$GET_VALUE[_A] or OMNI$PUT_ VALUE[_A], substituting the context value for the variable handle, and omitting the object handle, method handle, pointer to data, and modifier handles.
The group context is in effect until an OMNI$END_LIST with the context specified is done.
If variables are grouped together and the user passes to OMNI$GET_VALUE[_A] or OMNI$PUT_VALUE[_A] a pointer to an iosb, that iosb represents the general transaction completion.
access: modify
mechanism: by reference
Context is the address of a variable. This parameter is used by VSIomni only if you modify a multi-value attribute.
The value of contextaddress should be initialized to NULL. If a multi-valued attribute is being modified, reset the value of the context to zero before another attribute is modified.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
In a client call, the identifier of a loaded variable definition.
In a server call, the contect value returned by the GET$INDICATIONS procedure call that delivered the write indication.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Method_handle modifies the default presentation of a variable.
type: depends on value
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Pdata is a pointer to a data structure that receives the value of the object or to a data structure that contains the value of the object.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
Usage Notes
In the the section called “Example” segment code, variables A, B and C are grouped together using IosbA, IosbB and IosbC for the variable iosb's. The general transaction iosb used is TransIosb.
If transiosb returns with a general error then the get value request did not complete properly. If the request completed properly, iosbA, iosbB and iosbC indicates whether the read of each of those variables completed successfully. If variable "A'' was read properly, the data returned will be in pdataA. If variable "B'' was read properly, the data returned is pdataB; and if variable ``C'' was read properly, the data returned is pdataC.
Grouping Variables
OMNI$R_CONTEXT context = 0; OMNI$R_IOSB IosbA, IosbB, IosbC, TransIosb; /* group variable 'A' */ status = OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES( &context, objecthandleA, altAccesshandleA, pdataA, modifierhandleA, &iosbA ); /* group variable 'B' */ status = OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES( &context, objecthandleB, altAccesshandleB, pdataB, modifierhandleB, &iosbB ); /* group variable 'C' */ status = OMNI$GROUP_VARIABLES( &context, objecthandleC, altAccesshandleC, pdataC, modifierhandleC, &iosbC ); /* issue the get value request for 'A', 'B' and 'C' */ status = OMNI$GET_VALUE( &invokeid, context, NULL, NULL, NULL, &transiosb, &ctrlblock ); status = OMNI$END_LIST( &context );
OMNI$INITIALIZE — Sets up VSIomni data structures and specifies values for the following operating parameters: 1. Vendor name (the default is DIGITAL). 2. Model name (the default is VSIomni). 3. Revision name.(the default is V1.0).
status=OMNI$INITIALIZE [vendor], [model], [revision]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$INITIALIZE[A] procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: character-coded text string
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
The name of the system vendor. VSIomni uses the vendor name when replying to an Identify-Request. The default name is DIGITAL.
type: character-coded text string
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The name of the MMS software service provider. VSIomni uses the name when replying to an Identify Request. The default name is OMNI.
type: character-coded text string
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The version number of OMNI software. The default version is V1.0.
OMNI$KILL — Kills a program on the VMD.
status=OMNI$KILL[_A] [invoke_id], pi_handle, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$KILL procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Invoke_id is an identifier assigned by VSIomni. The parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded program definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
OMNI$KILL terminates a program invocation by causing it to transition to the unrunnable state.
OMNI$LISTEN — Receives an association request from a remote application.
status=OMNI$LISTEN[_A] called_vmd_handle, translate_flag,
calling_vmd_handle, [incoming_vmd_struc], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_str]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$LISTEN procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The handle of the VMD that the called application will make available to the remote peer. (On an OMNI$LISTEN, the called application is the local application that has issued the OMNI$LISTEN request.)
type: longword
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Value | Meaning |
0 | VSIomni rejects the initiation if the calling application specifies a VMD whose definition is not currently loaded. |
non 0 | If the calling application specifies a VMD that is not currently loaded, VSIomni returns the initiation indication, creates a dummy VMD definition, and passes the handle of the dummy definition to the user. |
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Handle of a VMD specified by the calling application (the remote peer). During the association, the remote peer will accept client requests to operate on this VMD.
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Service parameters proposed by the calling (remote) application.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS — Procedure loads the definitions that have been created by ODF for one VMD object and related objects.
status=OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS vmd_name, vmd_handle
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: character-coded text string
access: read only mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The name of the VMD whose local definitions you wish to load.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A location to receive the handle of the VMD definition.
OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION — Modifies the value of a specified attribute of a specified definition. The address of the new attribute value is passed as a parameter to the routine.
status=OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION(defhandle, attraddress, contextaddress,
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION modifies the values of both single-valued and multi-valued attributes. In the case of multi-valued attributes, OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION is used much like OMNI$GET_HANDLE_LIST. Each call to OMNI$MODIFY_DEFINITION specifies one value. The value of the ATTRIBUTE parameter should specify the address of the attribute on the first call, and should be NULL thereafter. A value of NULL for the ATTRIBUTE parameter indicates that the next value should be specified.
OMNI$END_LIST should be called after modifying a list to free space allocated for bookkeeping by VSIomni.
access: read only
mechanism: by value
VMD Handle
Domain Handle
PI Handle
Named Variable Handle
Unnamed Variable Handle
MMS Named Type Handle
Application Named Type Handle
MMS Type Specification Handle
Application Type Specification Handle
MMS Structure Component
Application Structure Component
Message Handle
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Attraddress specifies the address of a variable whose value is the attribute to retrieve.
access: modify
mechanism: by reference
Contextaddress is the address of a variable. This parameter is used only if you retrieve the value of a multi-valued attribute.
The value of contextaddress should be initialized to NULL. In general, the value of the context should be modified when as many values as required have been retrieved from a multi- valued attribute. In this case, OMNI$END_LIST should be called to free any unneeded space allocated by VSIomni. The value of the context should be then reset to zero.
type: depends on attribute
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Value is the address of a buffer that contains the new attribute value.
Usage Notes
A definition is not usable until the value of its SCOPE attribute has been modified. The scope of a definition can be modified only once, and each class of definition must have a particular set of attributes modified before its scope can be modified. Modification of the value of a definition's scope is equivalent to the committal of that definition in ODF.
The attributes supported for each definition class, the expected type of attribute value, and the default value are listed in the following tables.
- Table 4.22, “VMD Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows VMD values.
Table 4.22. VMD Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults VMD Attributes Expected Data Type Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_VMD_APPL_SIMPLE_NAME OMNI$T_AE_TITLE
None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute of the VMD definition, the value of the Name attribute must already be specified.
The value of the Version attribute must be one (1) (MMS_IS) or zero (0) (MMS_DIS).
The scope of a VMD Definition should be specified as NULL.
STR1 (Arrays) TRUE STR2 (Structures) TRUE VNAM (Named Variables) TRUE VALT (Alternate Access) TRUE VADR (Unnamed Variables) TRUE VSCA (Scattered Access) FALSE TPY (Third Party) FALSE VLIS (Named Variable List) FALSE REAL (Real) FALSE AKEC (Acknowledgement Event Condtions) FALSE CEI (Evaluation Interval) FALSE Default for OMNI$K_ATTR_SRV_SUPPORTED /* vmd support services */ Status FALSE GetNameList TRUE Identify TRUE Rename FALSE /* variable access services */ Read TRUE Write TRUE GetVariableAccessAttributes TRUE DefineNamedVariable FALSE DefineScatteredAccess FALSE GetScatteredAccessAttributes FALSE DeleteVariableAccess FALSE DefineNamedVariableList FALSE GetNamedVariableListAttributes FALSE DeleteNamedVariableList FALSE DefineNamedType FALSE GetNamedTypeAttributes FALSE DeleteNamedType FALSE /* operator communication services */ Input FALSE Output FALSE /* semaphore management services */ TakeControl FALSE RelinquishControl FALSE DefineSemaphore FALSE DeleteSemaphore FALSE ReportSemaphoreStatus FALSE ReportPoolSemaphoreStatus FALSE ReportSemaphoreEntryStatus FALSE /* domain management services */ InitiateDownloadSequence TRUE DownloadSegment TRUE TerminateDownloadSequence TRUE InitiateUploadSequence TRUE UploadSegment TRUE TerminateUploadSequence TRUE RequestDomainDownload TRUE RequestDomainUpload TRUE LoadDomainContent TRUE StoreDomainContent TRUE DeleteDomain TRUE GetDomainAttributes TRUE /* program invocation management services */ CreateProgramInvocation FALSE DeleteProgramInvocation FALSE Start FALSE Stop FALSE Resume FALSE Reset FALSE Kill FALSE GetProgramInvocationAttributes FALSE /* file management services */ ObtainFile TRUE /* event management services */ DefineEventCondition FALSE DeleteEventCondition FALSE GetEventConditionAttributes FALSE ReportEventConditionStatus FALSE AlterEventConditionmonitoring FALSE TriggerEvent FALSE DefineEventAction FALSE DeleteEventAction FALSE GetEventActionAttributes FALSE ReportEventActionStatus FALSE DefineEventEnrollment FALSE DeleteEventEnrollment FALSE AlterEventEnrollment FALSE ReportEventEnrollmentStatus FALSE GetEventEnrollmentAttributes FALSE AcknowledgeEventNotification FALSE GetAlarmSummary FALSE GetAlarmEnrollmentSummary FALSE /* journal management services */ ReadJournal FALSE WriteJournal FALSE InitializeJournal FALSE ReportJournalStatus FALSE CreateJournal FALSE DeleteJournal FALSE /* vmd support services */ GetCapabilityList FALSE /* file management services */ FileOpen TRUE FileRead TRUE FileClose TRUE FileRename TRUE FileDelete TRUE FileDirectory TRUE /* unconfirmed services */ UnsolicitedStatus FALSE InformationReport FALSE EventNotification FALSE AttachToEventCondition FALSE AttachToSemaphore FALSE /* additional services */ Conclude TRUE Cancel FALSE
- Table 4.23, “Domain Attributes, Expected Data Type, and Defaults” shows Domain values.
Table 4.23. Domain Attributes, Expected Data Type, and Defaults Domain Constants Data Type Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_CAPABILITY_FILE OMNI$T_FILENAME
OMNI$DOMAINS: [VMD]domain.cap where VMD is the name of the parent VMD and domain is the domain name
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the Name of the Domain definition must already be specified.
The run-time object definition facility does not restrict the sharing of a domain that has been specified as not sharable.
The value of the scope attribute must be a VMD handle.
- Table 4.24, “PI Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows PI values.
Table 4.24. PI Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults PI Constants Data Types Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_REF_DOM_NAMES OMNI$L_HANDLE
None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the Name of the PI and at least one Referenced Domain must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute must be a VMD handle.
The values of the Referenced Domains attribute must be the handles of committed domains.
The Domains referenced by the Program Invocation must all have the same VMD as a parent. Additionally, the Program Invocation must have the same parent as the Domains it references.
A Program Invocation definition may not reference more than 20 Domains.
- Table 4.25, “Named Variable Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows Named Variable values.
Table 4.25. Named Variable Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults Named Variable Data Types Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name and the Application Type Description attributes must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute of a named variable definition must be the handle of a domain or a VMD
If the value of the Application Type Description Attribute is an Application Named Type handle, then the Application Named Type definition must be committed. Additionally, the Named Variable and the Application Named Type definitions must reside on the same VMD definition.
If the value of the Application Type Description attribute is an Application Type Specification handle, then the Application Type Specification may not already be referenced by any other definition.
- Table 4.26, “Unnamed Variable Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows Unnamed Variable values.
Table 4.26. Unnamed Variable Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults Unnamed Variables Data Types Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION OMNI$L_HANDLE
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name, Address Type and either Address String or Address Number, and Application Type Description attributes must be already specified.
The value of the scope attribute of an Unnamed Variable definition must be the handle of a VMD.
If the value of the Application Type Description Attribute is an Application Named Type handle, then the Application Named Type must be committed. Additionally, the Named Variable and the Application Named Type definitions must reside on the same VMD definition.
If the value of the Application Type Description attribute is an Application Type Specification handle, then the Application Type Specification may not already be referenced by any other definition.
The value of the Address Type attribute must be modified before the value of either the Address String or Address Number attribute.
VSIomni allows the user to modify the value of the Address Type attribute even after the value of the Address String or Address Number attribute has been modified, VSIomni does not compare the value of the Address Type attribute with the type of the address.
- Table 4.27, “MMS Named Type Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows MMS Named Type values.
Table 4.27. MMS Named Type Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults MMS Named Types Data Types Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name and MMS Type Description Attributes must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute of an MMS Named Type definition must be the handle of a domain or a VMD definition.
If the value of the MMS Type Description Attribute is an MMS Named Type handle, then the referred to MMS Named Type must already be committed. Additionally, both MMS Named Type definitions must ultimately reside on the same VMD definition.
If the value of the MMS Type Description Attribute is an MMS Type Specification handle, then the MMS Type Specification may not already be referenced by any other definition. When the MMS Named Type definition is ready to be committed, its parent VMD must be the same as the parent VMDs of any MMS Named Type definitions referred to by the MMS Type Specification definition.
- Table 4.28, “Application Named Type Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows Application Named Type values.
Table 4.28. Application Named Type Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults Application Named Types Data Types Defaults OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION OMNI$L_HANDLE
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name, MMS Named Type, and Application Type Description Attributes must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute of an Application Named Type Definition must be the handle of a domain or a VMD definition.
If the value of the Application Type Description Attribute is an Application Named Type Handle, then the Application Named Type definition must already be committed. Additionally, the Application Named Type Definitions must ultimately reside on the same VMD definition.
If the value of the Application Type Description Attribute is an Application Type Specification Handle, then the Application Type Specification definition cannot already be referenced by any other definition. Additionally, the Application Named Type definition must reside on the same vmd as any Application Named Type definition referred to by the Application Type Specification definition.
The value of the MMS Named Type Attribute must be the handle of a committed MMS Named Type Definition. The MMS Named Type Definition and the Application Named Type Definition must ultimately reside on the same VMD Definition.
- Table 4.29, “MMS Type Specification Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows MMS Type Specification values.
Table 4.29. MMS Type Specification Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults MMS Type Data Type Default OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE MNI$L_ENUMERATION_CONST None OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_PACKED
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:The value of the MMS Type Attribute must be modified before other attributes may be modified. The MMS Type Attribute may be modified once.
An MMS Type Specification is valid when the following is true:
- The value of the MMS Type Attribute has been specified
- If the value of the MMS Type Attribute is OMNI$K_ TKM_ARRAY then the value of OMNI$K_ATTR_ ARRAY_ELEM_NUM attribute has been specified,
- If the value of the MMS Type Attribute is OMNI$K_TKM_STRUCTURE then at least one structure component has been specified for the type specification.
The MMS Type Specification must be valid before it can be referenced by another definition. Additionally, an MMS Type Specification may only be referenced once by either another MMS Type Specification definition or by an MMS Named Type Definition.
The value of the MMS Type Attribute is a constant from the OMNI$K_TKM_ * enumeration in OMNI$DEFS. The following constants are acceptable values:
- Table 4.30, “Application Type Specification Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows Application Type Specification values.
Table 4.30. Application Type Specification Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults Application Type Data Type Default OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE OMNI$L_ENUMERATION_ CONST None
None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:The value of the Application Type Attribute must be modified before other attributes may be modified. The Application Type Attribute may be modified once.
An Application Type Specification definition is valid when:
- The value of the Application Type Attribute has been specified
- If the value of the Application Type Attribute is OMNI$K_TKA_ARRAY then the values of the OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_APP_TYPE attribute and the OMNI$K_ATTR_ARRAY_ELEM_ NUM attribute have been specified,
- If the value of the Application Type Attribute is OMNI$K_TKA_STRUCTURE then at least one structure component has been specified for the type specification definition
- The value of the MMS Type Specification Attribute has been specified
- The Application Type Specification is not already referenced by another definition . The Application Type Specification definition must be valid before it can be referenced by another definition. Additionally, an Application Type Specification may only be referenced by one definition.
The value of the App Type Attribute is a constant from the OMNI$K_TKA_ * enumeration. The following constants are acceptable values:
- Table 4.31, “MMS Structure Component Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults” shows MMS Structure Component values.
Table 4.31. MMS Structure Component Attributes, Expected Data Types, and Defaults MMS Structure Component Data Type Default OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_MMS_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_MMS_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION OMNI$L_HANDLE
None Requirements and restrictions are:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name and MMS Type Description attributes must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute of an MMS Structure Component Definition is the handle of an MMS Type Specification Definition whose MMS Type Attribute has a value of OMNI$K_TKM_STRUCTURE.
If the value of the MMS Type Description Attribute is an MMS Named Type handle, then the MMS Named Type definition must be committed. Additionally, the MMS Named Type definition and the MMS structure component must ultimately reside on the same vmd definition.
If the value of the MMS Type Description attribute is an MMS Type Specification Handle, then the MMS Type Specification may not already be referenced by any other definition.
- Table 4.32, “App Structure Component Attributes, Values, and Defaults” shows App Structure Component values.
Table 4.32. App Structure Component Attributes, Values, and Defaults App Structure Component Value Default OMNI$K_ATTR_NAME OMNI$T_APP_ID None OMNI$K_ATTR_DESCRIPTION OMNI$T_DESCRIPTION None OMNI$K_ATTR_APP_TYPE_ DESCRIPTION OMNI$L_HANDLE
Longword None Requirements and restrictions are as follows:In order to modify the value of the scope attribute, the values of the Name, App Type Description, and MMS Type Specification Attributes must already be specified.
The value of the scope attribute of an Application Structure Component Definition is the handle of an Application Type Specification Definition whose Application Type Attribute has a value of OMNI$K_ TKA_STRUCTURE.
If the value of the Application Type Description Attriubte is an Application Named Type Handle, then the Application Named Type definition must be committed. Additionally, the Application Named Type Definition and the Application Structure Component definition must reside on the same VMD definition.
If the value of the Application Type Description Attribute is an Application Type Specification Handle, then the Application Type Specification definition cannot already be referenced by any other definition
OMNI$PUT_VALUE — Modifies the value of a variable on a remote VMD. As a server procedure, OMNI$PUT_VALUE transmits the value of the variable specified by a read indication.
status=OMNI$PUT_VALUE[_A] [invoke_id], object handle, [method_handle],
value_struc, [modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$PUT_VALUE procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
In a client call, the identifier of a loaded variable definition.
In a server call, the context value returned by the GET$INDICATIONS procedure call that delivered the write indication.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Method_handle modifies the default presentation of a variable.
type: depends on value
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A data structure containing the value of the object.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$REJECT — Rejects an indication you do not want.
status=OMNI$REJECT[_A] context,[reason], [omni_iosb],
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$REJECT procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Information returned by VSIomni.
type: condition value
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The reason the indication is being rejected.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE — Rejects an association conclude request from a remote application.
status=OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE[_A] vmd_handle, [reason], [omni_iosb],
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
A location to receive the handle of the VMD definition.
type: condition value
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The reason the indication is being rejected.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Call the OMNI$REJECT_CONCLUDE procedure in response to an indication returned by OMNI$GET_INDICATIONS.
OMNI$RESET — Resumes execution of a stopped program on the VMD.
status=OMNI$RESET[_A] [invoke_id], pi_handle, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$RESTART procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded program definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Causes a program invocation that is in the stopped state to transition to either the idle or unrunnable state. If the PI is reusable, it will transition to the idle state; otherwise, it will transition to the unrunnable state.
OMNI$RESUME — Causes a program invocation to transition from the stopped state to the running state.
status=OMNI$RESUME[_A] [invoke_id], pi_handle, [execution_arg],
[modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$RESUME procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded program definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Externally encoded execution arguments are not supported for V1.0.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$START — Causes a program invocation to transition from the idle to the running state.
status=OMNI$START[_A] [invoke_id], pi_handle, [execution_arg],
[modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$START procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded program definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Externally encoded execution arguments are not supported for V1.0.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$STOP — Causes a program invocation to transition from the running state to the stopped state.
status=OMNI$STOP[_A] [invoke_id], pi_handle, [modifier_object],
[omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$STOP procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded program definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
OMNI$OMNI_TO_VMS_TIME — Converts an OMNI time to a VMS time.
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$OMNI_TO_VMS_TIME procedure returns parameter-checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Time returned by OMNI$FGET.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
Location of the VMS quadword.
OMNI$UPLOAD — Peforms the uploading of a domain from a remote VMD.
status=OMNI$UPLOAD[_A] [invoke_id], domain_handle, [domain_file],
[modifier_object], [omni_iosb], [ctrl_struc]
VMS Usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value in R0
The OMNI$UPLOAD procedure returns parameter- checking codes and completion codes to R0. For a list of these codes, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The status variable is a longword to contain this value.
type: longword
access: write only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
An identifier assigned by VSIomni. This parameter is used for asynchronous calls only.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The identifier of a loaded domain definition.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
The file specification for a VMS file containing the domain contents. If you omit this parameter, OMNI uses the domain contents file name associated with the ODF definition of the domain.
access: read only
mechanism: see Appendix B, Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Reserved for future use.
access: write only
mechanism: by reference
The VSIomni I/O status block. For a description of the codes that VSIomni returns to the IOSB, see Appendix A, VSIomni Messages
The omni_iosb parameter is the address of the status block.
access: read only
mechanism: by reference
A control structure to handle an event flag, AST routine, and AST parameter.
The ctrl_struc parameter is the address of the control structure.
Usage Notes
Two files are created, one with the list of capabilities and one with the domain contents. The list of capabilities file name is a mandatory field in ODF and is the name that is used for the upload.
If an error occurs during the upload process, the files will be deleted.
Chapter 5. VSIomni MMSI
VSIomni MMSI is an implementation of the programming interface to MMS services defined in the MAP 3.0 MMS Application Interface Specification.
MAP_Attachment 1 to MAP_Appendix 7, Application Interface Model and Specification Requirements
MAP_Attachment 2 to MAP_Appendix 7, Application Interface Support Functions
MAP_Attachment 6 to MAP_Appendix 7, MMS Application Interface Specification
1989 MAP Errata #1
Attachment 2 describes the functions mm_dfdcb, mm_didcb, the Errata describes mm_dfmemory and Attachment 6 describes the other functions implemented for MMSI.
5.1. Overview of the MMSI Implementation
mm_identify (Identify)
mm_status (Status)
mm_gdattribute (Get Domain Attribute)
mm_gpinvocation (Get Program Invocation)
mm_didcb (Dynamic Initialize DCB)
mm_dfdcb (Dynamic Free DCB)
mm_leextract (List Element Extract)
mm_fdmemory (Free Dynamic Memory)
mm_fhandle (Free Handle)
Context sensitive functions:
Asynchronous requests are not supported; therefore, the only valid value for the input parameter return_event_ name is SYNCHRONOUS.
Since none of the connection management functions are supported in this release, the input parameter connection_id is to contain a valid VSIomni VMD handle value of a VMD for which VMD definitions have been initialized and loaded through the VSIomni functions OMNI$INITIALIZE and OMNI$LOAD_ DEFINITIONS and a connection has been established through the VSIomni function OMNI$CONNECT.
mm_didcb and mm_dfdcb
Only the following data control block types are supported:MMiGpinvocation
The input parameter extended_derivation is ignored.
5.2. Requirements for Using MMSI
VSIomni must be installed.
OMNI Definition Facility (ODF) must be used to create local definitions of all MMS objects that will be accessed.
5.3. Compiling and Linking User Programs with MMSI
OMNI$MMSI_DEFS.H contains C-Bindings from the MMS Application Interface Specification that are needed to correctly compile C language modules which call MMSI functions.
Note that this file contains only those C-Bindings which are relevant to the functions implemented for MMSI and excludes error and return code values.
To use this file, the statement ''#include <omni$mmsi_ defs.h>'' is put in the user source code modules.
OMNI$MMSI_CODES.H contains constant definition statements for all return codes and error codes defined in the MMS Application Interface Specification.
To use this file, the statement ''#include <omni$mmsi_ codes.h>'' is put in the user source code modules.
The VMS MESSAGE facility can be used to obtain string descriptions associated with these return codes.
Applications containing MMSI function calls must link against the shareable image SYS$SHARE:OMNI$VAXCSHR.EXE.
5.4. Example Code
/* **++ ** FACILITY: VSIomni/MMSI ** ** MODULE DESCRIPTION: ** ** This module contains coding examples of the following MMSI functions: ** ** mm_identify - Identify ** mm_dfdcb - Dynamic Free Data Control Block ** ** ** CREATION DATE: 27-APR-1990 ** **-- */ /* ** ** INCLUDE FILES ** */ #include descrip #include <omni$codes.h> #include <omni$defs.h> #include <omni$mmsi_defs.h> /* ** ** MACRO DEFINITIONS ** */ #define TRUE 1 #define NULL 0 #define ODD(x) ( x & 1) #define SetDesc(x,y) { x.dsc$b_dtype=DSC$K_DTYPE_T; \ x.dsc$b_class=DSC$K_CLASS_S;\ x.dsc$w_length=sizeof(y); x.dsc$a_pointer= &y;} static void DisplayResult(status, err_blk) int status; Mm_Error_type *err_blk; { int msglen=0, flags= 0xF; char msgbuf[256]; struct dsc$descriptor_s str_desc; if (!(status)) printf(" SUCCESS \n"); else { SetDesc( str_desc, msgbuf) lib$sys_getmsg( &status, &msglen, &str_desc, &flags); msgbuf[msglen]='\0'; printf(" %s \n", msgbuf); if (err_blk != NULL) { if (err_blk->result.vendor_code) { lib$sys_getmsg( &err_blk->result.vendor_code, &msglen, &str_desc, &flags); msgbuf[msglen]='\0'; printf(" Vendor code: %s \n", msgbuf); } if (err_blk->mask == MM_ET_ERROR_CODE) printf(" Error code : %d \n", err_blk->error_code); } } } static void ShowIdentifyDCB(inout_dcb) Mm_Identify_out_dcb *inout_dcb; { char address_NULL[]= {" address = NULL\n"}; char format_str[] = {" : \"%s\"\n"}; printf("\n IDENTIFY attributes returned\n"); printf(" vendor name"); if (inout_dcb->vendor_name != NULL) printf( format_str, inout_dcb->vendor_name); else printf( address_NULL); printf(" model name "); if (inout_dcb->model_name != NULL) printf( format_str, inout_dcb->model_name); else printf( address_NULL); printf(" revision "); if (inout_dcb->revision != NULL) printf( format_str, inout_dcb->revision); else printf( address_NULL); } main() { Return_code ret_code; Api_rc result; Mm_Identify_in_dcb input_dcb= { MM_MMS}; Mm_Identify_out_dcb *inout_dcb=NULL; OMNI$L_HANDLE VmdHandle; OMNI$R_IOSB iosb; OMNI$T_MMS_ID VmdName='\0'; int status; printf("\nEnter VMD name : "); scanf( "%s", &VmdName); /* ** initialize VSIomni */ printf("\n\nInitializing OMNI ... "); DisplayResult(status= OMNI$INITIALIZE( "Digital", "Read-Test", "V1.0"), NULL); if ( status == OMNI$_SUCCESS) { /* ** load VMD definitions */ printf( "\nLoading OMNI definitions ... "); DisplayResult(status= OMNI$LOAD_DEFINITIONS ( VmdName, &VmdHandle), NULL); if ( status == OMNI$_SUCCESS) { /* ** connect to VMD */ printf( "\nEstablishing connection with VMD ... "); DisplayResult(status= OMNI$CONNECT ( VmdHandle,0,0,0,0,&iosb,0), NULL); if ( status == OMNI$_SUCCESS) if ( iosb.OMNI$L_IOSB_GENERAL != OMNI$_SUCCESS) DisplayResult( iosb.OMNI$L_IOSB_GENERAL, NULL); else { /* ** get VMD identification */ printf( "\nCalling mm_identify ... "); status= mm_identify( VmdHandle, SYNCHRONOUS, &input_dcb, &inout_dcb); DisplayResult( status, &inout_dcb->error_block); if (status == SUCCESS) ShowIdentifyDCB( inout_dcb); /* ** free dynamically allocated dcb */ printf ( "\nDeallocating in/out DCB ... "); DisplayResult( ret_code= mm_dfdcb( inout_dcb, &result), NULL); } } /* ** terminate VMD connection */ printf( "\nConcluding connection with VMD ... "); DisplayResult( status= OMNI$CONCLUDE( VmdHandle, &iosb, 0 ), NULL); if ( status == OMNI$_SUCCESS) if ( iosb.OMNI$L_IOSB_GENERAL != OMNI$_SUCCESS) DisplayResult( iosb.OMNI$L_IOSB_GENERAL, NULL); } }
Appendix A. VSIomni Messages
This appendix describes VSIomni status and completion codes.
A.1 Success Codes
Code | Meaning |
SQLSUCCESS | SQL call succeeded |
SUCCESS | Successful completion |
A.2 Informational Codes
Code | Meaning |
ABORT_IND | Association aborted by peer |
ABORT_REQ | Association aborted by user |
AS_ACCEPTED | Abstract syntax accepted |
AS_REJECTED | Abstract syntax rejected |
CONCLUDE | Association concluded |
CONCLUDE_REJECTED | Conclude rejected |
ENDOFLIST | No more elements-nothing was returned |
EXIT FSM: | Action exit |
INITIATE | Initiate completed |
INITIATE_REJECT | Initiate rejected |
ONEENTQUE | One entry in queue |
PENDING FSM: | Action is to continue later |
A.3 Warning Codes
Code | Meaning |
QUEWASEMP | Queue was empty |
SQLCURNOTOPE | SQL cursor is not open |
SQLENDOFLIST | SQL cursor has no more elements |
STRTRN | String was truncated |
UDFAPTITLE | The VMD AP Title is not defined |
UNRMAPREF | Unresolved Mapping Reference |
UNRTYPREF | Unresolved Type Reference |
UNRVADREF | Unresolved Unnamed Variable Reference |
UNRVLSREF | Unresolved Variable List Reference |
UNRVNMREF | Unresolved Named Variable Reference |
A.4 Error Codes
Code | Meaning |
ABORT_ERR | Service Error Class-Vmd-State : Other |
ABORT_IND_ERR | Abort Indication Error |
ACSEAbortFail | ACSE Abort Failed |
ACSEGetIndFail | ACSE Get Indication Failed |
ACSEReleaseFail | ACSE Release Failed |
ACSE_Abort | Get Indication Received an ACSE Abort Indication |
ACSE_Release | Get Indication Received an ACSE Release Request |
ACSE_Unknown | Get Indication Received an Unknown Request |
ALRINI | VSIomni is already initialized |
APP_REFERENCE_INVD | Service Error Class-Applic Ref: Invalid |
APP_UNREACHABLE | Service Error Class-Applic Ref: Unreachable |
ASMisMtc | Abstract Syntax Mismatch |
ATCREFATS | App Type Component refers to nonexistent App Type Specification |
ATCREFMTC | App Type Component refers to nonexistent MMS Type Component |
ATNODOM | App Named Type depends on a nonexistent domain |
ATNOMT | App Named Type depends on nonexistent MMS Named Type |
ATNOVMD | App Named Type depends on a nonexistent VMD |
ATSREFMTS | App Type Specification refers to nonexistent MMS Type Specification |
ATTRRIB | Attribute Set constant is out of range |
BADATTR | Attribute Set constant is out of range or unreadable |
BADCLASS | Class constant is out of range or unreadable |
BADHANDLE | The handle parameter is invalid |
BADNAME | The name parameter is not readable, or too large |
BADPARAM | A parameter is not readable/writeable, or too large |
BADSCOPE | The scope parameter is invalid |
BADVMDNAME | The VMD Name is not readable, or too large |
BStrAlign | Invalid Bit alignment in BitString |
Bad_Parm | One of the specified parameters is invalid |
CANCEL | Service Error Class-Service Preempt: Cancel |
CANCEL_NOT_POSSIBLE | Service Error Class-Cancel: Cancel Not Possible |
CAPABILITY_UNAVAIL | Service Error Class-Resource: Capability Unavailable |
CAPABILITY_UNKNOWN | Service Error Class-Resource: Capability Unknown |
CONCLUDE_CNF_FINISH_ERR | Conclude Confirm Finish Error |
CONCLUDE_ERR | Conclude Error |
CONCLUDE_ERR_IND_ERR | Conclude Error Indication Error |
CONCLUDE_RSP_ERR | Conclude Response Error |
CONCLUDE_RSP_FINISH_ERR | Conclude Response Finish Error |
CONNECTION_LOST | Service Error Class-Applic Ref: Connection Lost |
CONNECT_CNF_ERR | Connect Confirm Error |
CONNECT_ERR | Connect Error |
CONNECT_ERR_IND_ERR | Connect Error Indication Error |
CONTENT_TYPE_INVD | Service Error Class-File: Content Type Invalid |
CONTEXT_UNSPRTD | Service Error Class-Applic Ref: Context Unsupported |
CONTINUATION_INVD | Service Error Class-Service: Continuation Invalid |
CloseFile_CNF_Err | Close File Confirmation Service Error |
CloseFile_IND_Err | Close File Indication Service Error |
CloseFile_REQ_Err | Close File Request Service Error |
CloseFile_RSP_Err | Close File Response Service Error |
CnclErrFail | Cancel Error Service Failed |
CnclListenFail | Cancel Listen Request Failed |
CnclRqsFail | Cancel Request Service Failed |
CnclRspFail | Cancel Response Service Failed |
CncldErrFail | Conclude Error Service Failed |
CncldRqsFail | Conclude Request Service Failed |
CncldRspFail | Conclude Response Service Failed |
CnfErrFail | Confirmed Error Failed |
CnfRqsFail | Confirmed Request Failed |
CnfRspFail | Confirmed Response Failed |
CnsMisMtc | Constructor Mismatch |
CreatePI_CNF_Err | Create Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
CreatePI_REQ_Err | Create Program Invocation Request Service Error |
DEADLOCK | Service Error Class-Service Preempt: Deadlock |
DECODING_ERR | Decoding Error |
DEFNOTFND | The requested definition was not found |
DOMNOVMD | Domain depends on a VMD which does not exist |
DOM_XFER_PROB | Service Error Class- Vmd-State : Domain Transfer Problem |
DS_Error | Directory Service Error |
DT_Gen_Error | Data Transfer Component Failure, please submit an SPR |
DataOnNULL | Decoder Found Data with NULL Type |
DbgErr | Debugging Error |
DelDom_CNF_Err | Delete Domain Confirm Service Error |
DelDom_REQ_Err | Delete Domain Request Service Error |
DelPI_CNF_Err | Delete Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
DelPI_REQ_Err | Delete Program Invocation Request Service Error |
DeleteFile_CNF_Err | Delete File Confirmation Service Error |
DeleteFile_IND_Err | Delete File Indication Service Error |
DeleteFile_REQ_Err | Delete File Request Service Error |
DeleteFile_RSP_Err | Delete File Response Service Error |
DirectoryFile_CNF_Err | Directory File Confirmation Service Error |
DirectoryFile_IND_Err | Directory File Indication Service Error |
DirectoryFile_REQ_Err | Directory File Request Service Error |
DirectoryFile_RSP_Err | Directory File Response Service Error |
DomAbort_Err | Domain Abort Indication Processing Failed |
DomDiscarded | Download Domain Discarded |
DwlSeg_IND_Err | Download Segment Indication Service Error |
DwlSeg_RSP_Err | Download Segment Response Service Error |
END_LIST_ERR | Error Occured In End List Request |
EleNotCns | Element not of Constructed Type |
ExpBStr | Decoder Expected BitString |
ExpBool | Decoder Expected Boolean not found |
ExpChcSel | Decoder Expected Choice Selector not found |
ExpCnst | Decoder Expected Constructor not found |
ExpEOC | Decoder Expected End of Constructor not found |
ExpExt | Decoder Expected External not found |
ExpInt | Decoder Expected Integer Primitive |
ExpSeqOf | Decoder Expected Sequence Of not found |
ExpSeq | Decoder Expected Sequence |
ExpStr | Decoder Expected String not found |
FILENAME_AMBIGUOUS | Service Error Class- File: Ambiguous Name |
FILENAME_SYNTAX_ERR | Service Error Class-File: Syntax Error |
FILE_ACCESS_DENIED | Service Error Class-File: File Access Denied |
FILE_BUSY | Service Error Class-File: Busy |
FILE_NON_EXISTENT | Service Error Class-File: File Non-Existent |
FREE_ASSOC_CB_ERR | Free Associate Control Block Error |
FURTHER_COMM_RQD | Service Error Class-Conclude: Further Comm Rqd |
File_Attr_Err | Error Attempting to Access File Attributes |
File_Close_Err | Error Attempting to Close a File |
File_Del_Err | Error Attempting to Delete a File |
File_Open_Err | Error Attempting to Open a File |
File_Prot_Err | File Protection Error |
File_Read_Err | Error Attempting to Read a File |
File_Rename_Err | Error Attempting to Rename the File |
File_Write_Err | Error Attempting to Write to a File |
GETVAL_CNF_ERR | Get Value Confirm Error |
GETVAL_IND_ERR | Get Value Indication Error |
GETVAL_REQ_ERR | Get Value Request Error |
GETVAL_RSP_ERR | Get Value Response Error |
GET_ATTRIBUTE_ERR | Error Occurred In Get Attribute Request |
GET_ATTR_CNF_ERR | Get Attribute Confirm Error |
GET_ATTR_REQ_ERR | Get Attribute Request Error |
GET_CAPABILITY_CNF_ERR | Get Capability List Confirm Error |
GET_CAPABILITY_REQ_ERR | Get Capability List Request Error |
GET_INDICATIONS_ERR | Get Indications Error |
GET_NAME_LIST_CNF_ERR | Get Name List Confirm Error |
GET_NAME_LIST_REQ_ERR | Get Name List Request Error |
GetDomAttr_CNF_Err | Get Domain Attributes Confirmation Service Error |
GetDomAttr_REQ_Err | Get Domain Attributes Request Service Error |
GetPIAttr_CNF_Err | Get Program Invocation Attributes Confirmation Service Error |
GetPIAttr_REQ_Err | Get Program Invocation Attributes Request Service Error |
IDENTIFY_CNF_ERR | Identify Confirm Error |
IDENTIFY_IND_ERR | Identify Indication Error |
IDENTIFY_REQ_ERR | Identify Request Error |
IDENTIFY_RSP_ERR | Identify Response Error |
INFO_REPORT_IND_ERR | Info Report Indication Error |
INVALMOD | Invalid modifier supplied |
INVCLASS | The requested class is not defined within this scope |
INVD_ADDRESS | Service Error Class-Definition: Invalid Address |
INVOKE_ID_UNKNOWN | Service Error Class-Cancel: Invoke ID Unknown |
In_AST | This function may not be called from an AST |
InitDwlSeq_CNF_Err | Initiate Download Sequence Confirmation Service Error |
InitDwlSeq_REQ_Err | Initiate Download Sequence Request Service Error |
InitErrFail | Initiate Error Service Failed |
InitFail | Initiate Request Failed |
InitRspFail | Initiate Response Service Failed |
InitUplSeq_CNF_Er | Initiate Upload Sequence Confirmation Service Error |
InitUplSeq_REQ_Err | Initiate Upload Sequence Request Service Error |
Init_Rejected | Initiate Request Rejected by Remote Partner |
InsDTIRP | Insufficient DT IRP Allocation |
InvBitCnt | Invalid Bit Count in BitString |
InvEOCLen | Decoder Found Invalid End of Constructor length |
InvIdentifier | Invalid MMS Identifier Type |
InvMemType | Invalid Memory Type |
InvProtoVer | Invalid Protocol Version in IRP |
InvRequest | Invalid Request Type Specified in IRP |
InvTimeOfDay | Invalid Time of Day Type |
Inv_File_PDU | Invalid File Service PDU Received |
Inv_Init_Position | Invalid Initial Position |
Inv_RMS_Format | Invalid RMS Record Format or Attributes |
Inv_Time_Format | Invalid Time Format |
InvalidFloat | Invalid Float |
InvalidObjID | Invalid Object Identifier |
Invd_ID | The specified AssocID is invalid |
KillPI_CNF_Err | Kill Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
KillPI_REQ_Err | Kill Program Invocation Request Service Error |
LISTEN_ERR | Listen Error |
LenTooLrg | Length Field Too Large |
ListenFail | Listen Request Failed |
Local_Listen_Err_Ind | Received a listen ind error which originated locally |
MASS_STORAGE_UNAVAIL | Service Error Class-Resource: Mass Storage Unavailable |
MAX_SEGMENT_INSUFF | Service Error Class-Initiate: Max Seg Insufficient |
MAX_SVCS_OUT_DEST_INSUFF | Service error Class-Initiate: Max Svcs Out Called Insufficient |
MAX_SVCS_OUT_SRC_INSUFF | Service Error Class-Initiate: Max Svcs Out Calling Insufficient |
MEMORY_UNAVAIL | Service Error Class-Resource: Memory Unavailable |
MTCREFMTS | MMS Type Component refers to nonexistent MMS Type Specification |
MTNODOM | MMS Named Type depends on a domain which does not exist |
MTNOVMD | MMS Named Type depends on VMD which does not exist |
Miss_Handle | The specified handle does not match object type |
MsgStruc | Invalid Message Structure |
MsgTooCmplx | Encoded Message Too Complex |
NESTING_LEVEL_INSUFF | Service Error Class- Initiate: Nesting Level Insufficient |
NOCONN | There is no connection with the remote device |
NOTINI | VSIomni has not been initialized |
NO_AE_TITLE | No Local Ae Title Defined |
NVNODOM | Named Variable depends on a domain which does not exist |
NVNOVMD | Named Variable depends on a VMD which does not exist |
NVREFAT | Named Variable refers to a nonexistent Application Named Type |
NoPriv | No Privilege for Attempted Operation |
No_CSAS | The specified companion standard cannot be found |
No_Domain | The specified Domain file does not exist, or cannot be opened |
No_File_Ctxt | No File Context, Please Submit an SPR |
No_Queue | The specified VMD name list is invalid |
No_VMD | The specified VMD does not exist |
NotImpYet | Function Not Yet Implemented |
Not_Found | Cannot locate specified object |
OBJECT_ADDRESS_ERR | Object Address Error |
OBJECT_NAME_ERR | Error in object name |
OBJ_ACCESS_DENIED | Service Error Class-Access:Denied |
OBJ_ACCESS_UNSPRTD | Service Error Class-Access: Unsupported |
OBJ_ATTRIB_INCON | Service Error Class-Definition: Object Attr Inconsistent |
OBJ_CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT | Service Error Class-Service: Object Constraint Conflict |
OBJ_EXISTS | Service Error Class-Definition: Object Exists |
OBJ_INVDTD | Service Error Class-Access: Invalidated |
OBJ_NON_EXISTENT | Service Error Class-Access: Non-Existent |
OBJ_STATE_CONFLICT | Service Error Class-Service: Object State Conflict |
OBJ_UNDEFINED | Service Error Class- Definition: Object Undefined |
ODFDOMLIS | A domain content list can only have !SL entries |
ODFDOMSCO | Domain name is not defined |
ODFONEATS | Only one Application Type Specification is allowed |
ODFONEMTS | Only one MMS Type Specification is allowed |
ODFSTRLEN | String is too long |
ODFVMDCRS | Cross-VMD reference (!AD to !AD) is not allowed/FAO=4 |
ODFVMDSCO | VMD name is not defined |
OTHER_ACCESS | Service Error Class-Access: Other |
OTHER_APP_REFERENCE | Service Error Class-Applic Ref: Other |
OTHER_CANCEL | Service Error Class-Cancel: Other |
OTHER_CONCLUDE | Service Error Class-Conclude: Other |
OTHER_DEFINITION | Service Error Class-Definition: Other |
OTHER_ERR_CLASS | Service Error Class-Other Error |
OTHER_FILE | Service Error Class- File: Other |
OTHER_INITIATE | Service Error Class- Initiate: Other |
OTHER_RSRC | Service Error Class-Resource: Other |
OTHER_STATE | Service Error Class-Vmd-State : Other |
OTHER_SVC | Service Error Class-Service: Other |
OTHER_SVC_PREEMPT | Service Error Class-Service Preempt: Other |
OTHER_TIME_RESOLUTION | Service Error Class-Time Resolution: Other |
ObtainFile_CNF_Err | Obtain File Confirmation Service Error |
ObtainFile_IND_Err | Obtain File Indication Service Error |
ObtainFile_REQ_Err | Obtain File Request Service Error |
ObtainFile_RSP_Err | Obtain File Response Service Error |
OpenFile_CNF_Err | Open File Confirmation Service Error |
OpenFile_IND_Err | Open File Indication Service Error |
OpenFile_REQ_Err | Open File Request Service Error |
OpenFile_RSP_Err | Open File Response Service Error |
PARAMETER_CBB_INSUFF | Service Error Class-Initiate: Param CBB Insufficient |
PDU_SIZE | Service Error Class-Service: Pdu Size |
PDataFail | Presentation Data Get Indication Failed |
PINOVMD | PI depends on a VMD which does not exist |
PIREFDOM | PI refers to a domain which does not exist |
POSITION_INVD | Service Error Class-File: Position Invalid |
PRIMITIVES_OUT_OF_SEQ | Service Error Class-Service: Primitives out of sequence |
PROCESSOR_RSRC_UNAVAIL | Service Error Class- Resource: Processor Unavailable |
PUTVAL_CNF_ERR | Put Value Confirm Error |
PUTVAL_IND_ERR | Put Value Indication Error |
PUTVAL_REQ_ERR | Put Value Request Error |
PUTVAL_RSP_ERR | Put Value Response Error |
P_Abort | Get Indication Received an Presentation Abort Request |
Peer_PDU_Rej | Peer PDU was Rejected. Reject Reason: !ZL Reject Code: !ZL>/FAO_COUNT=2 |
PrmTooLng | Encoder/Decoder Primitive Too Long |
QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY_ERR | Queue Not Empty |
RQS_PENDING_ERR | Requests Pending Error |
ReadFile_CNF_Err | Read File Confirmation Service Error |
ReadFile_IND_Err | Read File Indication Service Error |
ReadFile_REQ_Err | Read File Request Service Error |
ReadFile_RSP_Err | Read File Response Service Error |
RejectFail | Reject Service Failed |
Remote_Listen_Err_Ind | Received a listen ind error which originated remotely |
RenameFile_CNF_Err | Rename File Confirmation Service Error |
RenameFile_IND_Err | Rename File Indication Service Error |
RenameFile_REQ_Err | Rename File Request Service Error |
RenameFile_RSP_Err | Rename File Response Service Error |
ReqDwlSeq_IND_Err | Request Download Sequence Indication Service Error |
ReqDwlSeq_RSP_Err | Request Download Sequence Response Service Error |
ReqUplSeq_IND_Err | Request Upload Sequence Indication Service Error |
ReqUplSeq_RSP_Err | Request Upload Sequence Response Service Error |
ResetPI_CNF_Err | Reset Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
ResetPI_REQ_Err | Reset Program Invocation Request Service Error |
ResumePI_CNF_Err | Resume Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
ResumePI_REQ_Err | Resume Program Invocation Request Service Error |
SQLERROR | SQL signaled an error |
STATE_MACHINE_ID_INVD | Service Error Class-Vmd-State : State Machine ID Invalid |
STATUS_CNF_ERR | Status Confirm Error |
STATUS_IND_ERR | Status Indication Error |
STATUS_REQ_ERR | Status Request Error |
SVC_CBB_INSUFF | Service Error Class-Initiate: Svc CBB Insufficient |
StartPI_CNF_Err | Start Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
StartPI_REQ_Err | Start Program Invocation Request Service Error |
StopPI_CNF_Err | Stop Program Invocation Confirmation Service Error |
StopPI_REQ_Err | Stop Program Invocation Request Service Error |
Sy_Dynmem | No Dynamic memory available |
TIMEOUT | Service Error Class-Service Preempt: Timeout |
TYPE_INCON | Service Error Class-Definition: Type Inconsistent |
TYPE_UNSPRTD | Service Error Class-Definition: Type Unsupported |
TermDwlSeq_IND_Err | Terminate Download Sequence Indication Service Error |
TermDwlSeq_RSP_Err | Terminate Download Sequence Response Service Error |
TermUplSeq_CNF_Err | Terminate Upload Sequence Confirmation Service Error |
TermUplSeq_REQ_Err | Terminate Upload Sequence Request Service Error |
UDFCLS | Undefined Definition Class |
UDFVMD | The specified VMD is not defined |
UNKNOWNPDU | Unknown PDU type received |
UNSPRTBL_TIME_RESOLUTION | Service Error Class-Time Resolution: Unsupportable |
UVNODOM | Unnamed Variable depends on a domain which does not exist |
UVNOVMD | Unnamed Variable depends on a VMD which does not exist |
UVREFAT | Unnamed Variable refers to a nonexistent Application Named Type |
UncnfRqsFail | Unconfirmed Request Failed |
UnxEOM | Unexpected End of Memory |
UplSeg_CNF_Err | Upload Segment Confirmation Service Error |
UplSeg_REQ_Err | Upload Segment Request Service Error |
User_PDU_Rej | PDU Rejected by Peer. Reject Reason: !ZL Reject Code: !ZL/FAO_COUNT=2 |
VARIABLE_SPEC_ERR | Variable Specification Error |
VERSION_INCOMPATIBL | E Service Error Class-Initiate: Version Incompatible |
VLSNODOM | Variable List depends on a domain which does not exist |
VLSNOVMD | Variable List depends on a VMD which does not exist |
VLSREFAT | Variable List refers to nonexistent Application Named Type |
VLSREFVAR | Variable List refers to a nonexistent Variable |
VMD_OPERATIONAL_PROB | Service Error Class-Vmd-State : Operational Problem |
VMD_STATE_CONFLICT | Service Error Class-Vmd-State : State Conflict |
A.5 Severe Error Codes
Code | Meaning |
ATCNOATS | Type Comp depends on nonexistent App Type Spec |
ATSNOAT | App Named Type depends on nonexistent App Named Type |
INVFUNC | Connection is not in a valid state for this OMNI function |
INVOKEID | Returned Invoke ID does not match |
INTPRGERR | Internal Programming Error – Send SPR |
MTCNOMTS MMS | Type Comp depends on nonexistent MMS Type Spec |
MISSING | Required parameter missing |
MTCNOMTS MMS | Type Comp depends on nonexistent MMS Type Spec |
MTSNOMT MMS | Type Spec depends on nonexistent MMS Named Type |
NETNOSTATE | Provider error, peer requested an invalid function |
NOCP OMNI | Control Process not found |
NOMBX | Failure creating command mailbox |
PIDNOPI | Orphaned PI Domain List Entry |
SECINTFAI | Secondary Interlock Failure in Queue |
UNSUPPORTED | This function is not supported |
VLENOVLS | Var List Ele depends on a nonexistent Var List |
Appendix B. Data Type Passing Mechanisms
Table B.1, “Data Type Passing Mechanisms” contains the data type passing mechanisms.
Data Type | Usage | VAX Calling Standard Binding | C Binding | f77 Binding |
Boolean | Read only | By reference | By value | By reference |
Boolean | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Character | Read only | By reference | By value | By reference |
Character | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Integer | Read only | By reference | By value | By reference |
Integer | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Single-precision | Read only | By reference | By value | By reference |
Floating | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Procedure | Read only | By reference | By value | By reference |
Procedure | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Strings | Read only | By descriptor |
By reference? | By reference? |
Strings | Modify | By descriptor | By reference? | By reference? |
Structure | Read only | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Structure | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Array | Read only | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Array | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Opaque | Read only | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Opaque | Modify | By reference | By reference | By reference |
Appendix C. MMS Attributes and VSIomni Constants
This appendix provides a cross reference of MMS object attributes and corresponding VSIomni constants.
MMS Object Attribute | VSIomni Constant |
Vendor Name | OMNI$K_ATTR_VENDOR |
Model Name | OMNI$K_ATTR_MODEL |
List of Capabilities | OMNI$K_CLS_CAPABILITY |
List of Abstract Syntax | OMNI$K_CLS_SYNTAX |
List of Programs Invocations | OMNI$K_CLS_PROGRAM_INVOCATION |
List of Domains | OMNI$K_CLS_DOMAIN |
List of Event Actions | |
List of Event Enrolments | |
List of Event Conditions | |
List of Named Variables | OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VARIABLE |
List of Scattered Access | |
List of Named Variable List | OMNI$K_CLS_VARIABLE_LIST |
List of Named Types | |
List of Semaphore | |
List of Journal | |
List of Operator Station |
MMS Object Attribute | VSIomni Constant |
List of Capabilities | OMNI$K_CLS_CAPABILITY |
Upload In Progress | OMNI$K_ATTR_UPLD_IN_PROG |
List of Programs Invocations | OMNI$K_CLS_PROGRAM_INVOCATION |
List of Domains | OMNI$K_CLS_DOMAIN |
List of Event Actions | |
List of Event Enrollments | |
List of Event Conditions | |
List of Named Variables | OMNI$K_CLS_NAMED_VARIABLE |
List of Scattered Access | |
List of Named Variable List | OMNI$K_CLS_VARIABLE_LIST |
List of Named Types | |
List of Semaphore |
MMS Object Attribute | VSIomni Constant |
List of Domains | OMNI$K_CLS_DOMAIN |
List of Event Actions | |
List of Event Enrollments | |
List of Event Conditions | |
Execution Argument | OMNI$K_ATTR_EXE_ARGUMENT |
MMS Object Attribute | VSIomni Constant |
Unnamed Variable Object | |
MMS Deletable Access Method Type Description |
Named Variable List Object | |
MMS Deletable List of Variable |
Named Variable Object | |
MMS Deletable Access Method Type Description Address |
Scattered Access | |
MMS Deletable List of Component Kind of Reference | |
Named Type | |
MMS Deletable Type Description |
Appendix D. Supported Mappings
This appendix provides Table D.1, “Supported Mappings” that indicates supported mappings between MMS and Application Types.
MMS Type | Application Type |
INTEGER n, n <= 8 | INTEGER 8 |
INTEGER n, n <= 16 | INTEGER 16 |
INTEGER n, n <= 32 | INTEGER 32 (default) |
UNSIGNED n, n <= 8 | UNSIGNED 8 |
UNSIGNED n, n <=16 | UNSIGNED 16 |
UNSIGNED n, n <=32 | UNSIGNED 32 (default) |
FLOAT (exponent 8, format 32) | F_FLOAT |
BIT STRING n | BIT STRING x, x = n |
[VARYING] BIT STRING n | WORD COUNTED STRING x, x >=n, x <=65535 |
OCTET STRING n | STRING x, x = n |
BCD n, n <= 8 | UNSIGNED 32 |
ARRAY [n] OF <MMS type x> ARRAY [s] OF | <application type y> where s <= n and x and y are a supported mapping |
ARRAY [n] OF <MMS type x> ARRAY [s1..s2] OF | <application type y> where s1 <= n, s2 <= n, s1 <= s2 and x and y are a supported mapping |
The C binding passes a string data type as the address of a null terminated string.
The f77 binding passes a string data type as two arguments: the string by reference and an integer argument, specifying the length of the string, that is appended to the argument list and passed by value.