OpenSSH Version 8.9-1K for VSI OpenVMS
Release Notes
- Operating Systems:
x86-64 Version 9.2-1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
- Kit Names:
1. Introduction
Thank you for your interest in this port of OpenSSH to VSI OpenVMS IA-64, Alpha, and x86-64. The current release of OpenSSH for OpenVMS is based on the OpenSSH 8.9 distribution.
OpenSSH ( is an Open Source (BSD licensed) suite of secure networking utilities based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, which provides a secure channel over a potentially unsecured network. OpenSSH is a complete implementation of the SSH protocol (version 2) for secure remote login, command execution, and file transfer. It includes SSH client and server components, file transfer utilities SCP and SFTP, as well as the tools for key generation, run-time key storage, and a number of other supporting programs.
This port of OpenSSH to VSI OpenVMS IA-64, Alpha, and x86-64 is based on the Portable OpenSSH distribution (see, which is a port of OpenBSD's OpenSSH implementation commonly used on Linux, OS X, and Cygwin.
2. Acknowledgements
VMS Software Inc. would like to acknowledge the work of the Portable OpenSSH development team for their ongoing efforts in developing and supporting this software.
3. What’s New in This Release
For a detailed description of the features and bug fixes included in this release of OpenSSH, please refer to
4. Requirements
The kit you are receiving has been compiled and built using the operating system and compiler versions listed below. Note that while you probably will not have any problems installing and using this kit on systems running higher versions of the operating system and/or products listed below, running older versions may cause problems.
VSI OpenVMS V9.2-1 or higher (x86-64)
External authentication support on OpenVMS x86-64 requires V9.2-3 Update V1 or higher.
VSI OpenVMS V8.4-2L1 or higher (IA-64, Alpha)
For VSI OpenVMS IA-64 V8.4-2L1, ECO VMS842L1I_RTL-V0600 or later
For VSI OpenVMS IA-64 V8.4-2L3, ECO VMS842L3I_RTL-V0600 or later
For VSI OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L1, ECO VMS842L1A_RTL-V0600 or later
For VSI OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L2, ECO VMS842L2A_RTL-V0600 or later
The RTL ECO kits mentioned above require their respective DPML V0200 ECO to be installed first.
Before you install OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS, make sure VSI TCP/IP is installed and started.
VSI SSL3 V3.0-15 or later
If your system has VSI OpenSSH V8.9-1F or earlier installed, it must be uninstalled before installing VSI OpenSSH V8.9-1K. To uninstall the previous version of VSI OpenSSH, perform the following procedure:
Enter the command
You will get the following error:
%PCSI-I-SPAWNEXE, error executing: @PCSI$DESTINATION:[OPENSSH.BIN]SSH$RUN_CLEANUP_PROCEDURE.COM %PCSI-E-EXERMVFAIL, product supplied EXECUTE REMOVE procedure failed -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %PCSI-E-OPFAILED, operation failed Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
to theDo you want to terminate?
question.Once VSI OpenSSH has been removed, you will get the following message:
%PCSIUI-I-COMPWERR, operation completed after explicit continuation from errors
5. Recommended Reading
Before installing and using OpenSSH, it is recommended that users read the documentation available at in order to better understand how to configure and use the software.
6. Installing the Kit
Do not use the /DESTINATION
qualifier with the PRODUCT
command when installing OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS x86-64 to specify an
alternative (non-default) installation location. VSI OpenVMS for x86-64 includes OpenSSH
components bundled with the operating system, which imposes specific requirements in terms
of location of these components and associated configuration files.
This kit is provided as an OpenVMS PCSI kit that can be installed by a suitably privileged user running the following command:
The installation will then proceed as follows. Note that the output may differ slightly from that shown below depending on the platform and other factors.
The following product has been selected: VSI I64VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1K Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. Configuring VSI I64VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1K: VSI OpenVMS OpenSSH © (c) Copyright 2025 VMS Software, Inc. OpenVMS OpenSSH is released under a BSD licence, or a licence more free than that. * This product does not have any configuration options. Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: VSI I64VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1K DISK$IV842L1SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90% User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs) -------------------------------------------------- The OpenVMS OpenSSH installation creates two OpenVMS accounts: SSH$SSH, SSH$SSHD. The default UIC group number for these new accounts depends on the following: o If you are installing the server for the first time, the default is the first unused UIC group number, starting with 3655. o If any of these accounts already exists, then the default UIC group number will not be used to change the UIC of any existing accounts. o If old account TCPIP$SSH already exists, then the default UIC group number will be used from TCPIP$SSH account. For more information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Enter default UIC group number for OpenSSH account Group: [3655] Creating OpenVMS account required by OpenSSH SSH$SSH account already exists SSH$SSHD account already exists SSH$ROOT is defined as "BALIN$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.OPENSSH.]" Setting file protections... File protections are set The OpenSSH configuration files were saved in the directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSUPD.SSH$SAFETY] Should it restore OpenSSH configuration files? [y/n]: [y] Creating OpenSSH for OpenVMS root definition file SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]SSH$DEFINE_ROOT.COM... File created Save startup files Setup OpenSSH logical environment Generating public/private keys: ssh_host_dsa_key. and are already present. ssh_host_ecdsa_key. and are already present. ssh_host_rsa_key. and are already present. ssh_host_ed25519_key. and are already present. Do you want to migrate your old SSH settings? [y/n]: [n] User canceled this operation! BY DEFAULT, THE CONNECTION PORT WILL SET TO 222! You can change this value now. Port: [222] You can use migration tool manually, use $ @ssh$root:[bin]ssh$ Work log see in ssh$root:[var]ssh$migration_29jan2025_093238.log Successfully finished In a cluster, on all the nodes that are going to use common ssh$root installation directory as the current node, copy the following files to SYS$STARTUP directory of each node: SYS$STARTUP:SSH$STARTUP.COM SYS$STARTUP:SSH$SHUTDOWN.COM SYS$STARTUP:SSH$DEFINE_ROOT.COM To automatically start OpenVMS OpenSSH during system startup add the following line to the file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM after the TCPIP startup command procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SSH$STARTUP.COM Define symbols for all OpenSSH utilities: $ @SSH$ROOT:[BIN]SSH$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM To have all symbols defined by the time of login, add a caller line of SSH$ROOT:[BIN]SSH$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM file in either: 1. in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM (note that you need system priv's for this) 2. in SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM ...100% The following product has been installed: VSI I64VMS OPENSSH V8.9-1K Layered Product
7. Post-Installation Steps
After the installation has successfully completed, follow these steps:
Start OpenSSH SSH server by executing the following command:
The name of the TCP/IP service for the OpenSSH SSH server is “SSHD<port>”, where <port> is the TCP port number the OpenSSH server is configured to listen on. For example, if OpenSSH is configured to listen on TCP port 222, the service name is SSHD222.
Include the commands displayed at the end of the installation procedure into the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file to ensure that OpenSSH components are correctly started when OpenVMS is booted. Details regarding the migration procedure initiated at the end of the installation are provided below.
To have all necessary symbols defined by the time of login, add the following command to either the system-wide login procedure (SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM) or a user's LOGIN.COM procedure:
If you plan to allow users with SSH connected sessions to shutdown the system, do not invoke the SSH$SHUTDOWN.COM from within the site-specific SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM procedure. The SSH shutdown will delete the process executing the shutdown and leave the system in an inconsistent state with logins and SSH disabled, along with some other parts of the system shutdown, but nothing left running to complete the shutdown or reboot.
The command procedure SSH$ROOT:[BIN]SSH$DEASSIGN_COMMANDS.COM can be used to un-define these command symbols.
is run with the parameter "ALL" the
following additional commands will be defined. These commands are intended primarily for
administrative purposes:
Starts and creates (if necessary) the OpenSSH services. Before running this command, check the file SSH$ROOT:[ETC]SSHD_CONFIG to ensure that the SSH server configuration details are correct. If you would like to modify the client configuration, edit the SSH$ROOT:[ETC]SSH_CONFIG file before starting the services.
Stops OpenSSH services. If the parameter "
" is specified, the service definitions will also be deleted from the TCP/IP configuration.SSHSH*OW
Show details of running OpenSSH processes including SSH connections, number of connected clients, etc. Note that each client connection consists of two processes, namely a process named
is the number of the associated BG device) and a user process with a name that either matches the username or begins with the stringFTAxxx_
followed by the username (for example,FTA110_SMITH
). The name of the user process may of course be changed by the user.SSHVER*SION
Displays the information about the various OpenSSH programs, including version details and other related data.
When the TCP/IP service is restarted, the OpenSSH server may become unresponsive and stop accepting new connections. To restore the OpenSSH server after a TCP/IP restart, manually restart OpenSSH by executing the following command:
8. Migration
This section is applicable to IA-64 and Alpha only. No actions will be performed if the migration tool is run on OpenVMS x86-64, and the tool will exit with a message indicating that no existing old TCP/IP Services SSH configuration was found. Similarly, the migration tool does not need to be run on Alpha or IA-64 if you have run it previously and are upgrading to a new version of OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS.
As noted above, this release of OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS includes a migration script (SSH$ROOT:[BIN]SSH$MIGRATION.COM) that can be used to convert configuration files and user public/private keys from the format used by VSI TCP/IP Services to the format expected by OpenSSH. After installing OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS, this tool can be run to establish an initial OpenSSH system configuration that is comparable to that provided by the existing VSI TCP/IP Services.
The migration tool is run at the end of the OpenSSH kit installation. The user is prompted as to whether they wish to perform the migration at this time, the default being NO. In general, it is recommended that the migration be performed manually as a post-installation activity. Note that if OpenSSH is already installed or the VSI TCP/IP SSH service does not exist, the migration tool will not run.
Specific features of the migration facility are summarized as follows:
The migration tool does not modify your old VSI TCP/IP Services files, making it possible to revert if necessary (migration is non-destructive).
The tool creates a log file in SSH$ROOT:[VAR] containing the details of all migration activities. The name of the log file is SSH$MIGRATION_xxxx.LOG, where xxxx is replaced by the date and time at which the migration was performed.
The following VSI TCP/IP Services configuration files will be examined and converted. As noted previously, the existing TCP/IP Services configuration files will not be changed.
Users’ public/private keys (RSA, DSA) can be converted optionally. The migration tool assumes that for a given username these files will reside in [.SSH2] under the user’s login directory, and the converted keys will be written to [.SSH]. The first key defined in a user’s [.SSH2] identification file is renamed to ID_RSA as the ID_RSA is one of the filenames used for public keys by default, per an IdentityFile entry in SSH_CONFIG. If there is an existing [.SSH]AUTHORIZED_KEYS. file, no conversion will be performed.
When users run the migration script, they can choose a port that will be used for the OpenSSH server. For the client, the default port is 22. If the specified port is used during the migration, the script will prompt the user for another port.
The following brief notes illustrate how to run the migration tool to perform migration tasks or to revert to your old VSI TCP/IP Services configuration. Note that when running the migration tool, it is recommended that you not be logged into the OpenVMS system via VSI TCP/IP Services SSH.
The migration tool can be run as follows to create an OpenSSH configuration from existing VSI TCP/IP Services configuration files:
Running the following command will revert the system to using the old VSI TCP/IP Services configuration (assuming the old configuration has not otherwise been removed). This command will delete the OpenSSH SSH service and revert to the VSI TCP/IP Services SSH service:
Public/private keys can be converted to OpenSSH format for a specified username using the following command:
Conversion of a single key file can be performed as follows:
The following table summarizes the parameter conversions that are performed by the migration tool for the SSHD2_CONFIG and SSH2_CONFIG configuration files (for additional details regarding the configuration parameters, see the next section).
VSI TCP/IP Services | OpenSSH |
AccountingAuthentications | VmsAccountingAuthentications |
IntrusionAuthentications | VmsIntrusionAuthentications |
IntrusionIdentMethod | VmsIntrusionIdentMethods |
IntrusionIdentSsh | VmsIntrusionIdentSsh |
LogFailAuthentications | VmsLogFailAuthentications |
UserLoginLimit | VmsUserLoginLimit |
| VmsAllowLoginWithExpiredPw no |
NumberOfPasswordVerificationPrompts | VmsNumberOfPasswordVerificationPrompts |
PrintSysAnnounce | VmsPrintSysAnnounce |
PrintSysWelcome | VmsPrintSysWelcome |
DisallowSftpServer | VmsDisallowSftpServer |
SftpDenyUsers | VmsSftpDenyUsers |
MaxConnections | MaxSessions |
KeepAlive | TcpKeepAlive |
BannerMessageFile | Banner |
VerboseMode yes | LogLevel VERBOSE |
UserKnownHosts no | IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes |
AllowedAuthentications publickey,hostbased,password |
Ciphers AnyStdCipher | Ciphers none |
MACs AnyStdMAC | MACs none |
9. Configuration Parameters
This section describes the configuration parameters unique to OpenVMS that can be used in OpenSSH client and server configuration files.
9.1. Server Configuration Parameters
The following parameters may be defined in SSH$ROOT:[ETC]SSHD_CONFIG to control various aspects of SSH server operation with regard to maximum sessions, authentication, audit logging, and intrusions.
- VmsUserLoginLimit
This parameter can be used to specify the maximum number of SSH clients that can be logged into the OpenVMS system. The default value is -1 (not limited); the maximum permitted value is 8192.
- VmsNumberOfPasswordVerificationPrompts
This parameter can be used to specify the maximum number of password change attempts (the number of times that the user will be prompted to verify their new password). The default value is 3.
- VmsAllowLoginWithExpiredPw
Setting this parameter to
(the default) allows users to change their password if the password has expired and the user is connecting from an OpenVMS system. Permitted values for this parameter areyes
.- VmsPrintSysAnnounce
Setting this parameter to
(the default) causes the OpenVMS welcome banner associated with the logical name SYS$ANNOUNCE to be displayed when logging in. Permitted values for this parameter areyes
.- VmsPrintSysWelcome
Setting this parameter to
(the default) causes the welcome banner associated with the logical name SYS$WELCOME to be displayed when logging in. The permitted values for this parameter areyes
.- VmsAccountingAuthentications
Generates an accounting record for all authentications via the specified authentication method(s) (
, andhostbased
). The default value for this parameter ispublickey,password,hostbased
.- VmsIntrusionAuthentications
Reports users as intruders if they attempt and fail to connect using any one of the specified authentication method or methods. The default value for this parameter is
, such that all authentication failures will be reported as intrusions.- VmsIntrusionAddServerAddress
Adds address details to the audit message. For example,
SSH_<authentication method>:<client ip-address>:<server ip-address>
. The default value isno
.- VmsIntrusionIdentMethods
Specifying this parameter with a value comprising one or more authentication methods causes intrusion records pertaining to those authentication methods to specify the authentication method in addition to the IP address. Specifically, intrusion records will contain strings of the form
SSH_<authentication method>:<ip-address>
. The default value for this parameter ispublickey,password,hostbased
.- VmsIntrusionIdentSsh
If this parameter is specified, only the IP address will be reported in intrusion records; the authentication method will not be included in the record. The default value for this parameter is
. If the same values are specified for bothVmsIntrusionIdentMethods
, thenVmsIntrusionIdentMethods
takes precedence.- VmsLogFailAuthentications
This parameter can be used to control the reporting of login failures. Default value for this parameter is
.- VmsDisallowSftpServer
This parameter can be used to control access to the SFTP server for all users. The default value of this parameter is
. Setting the value toyes
will deny access to the SFTP server for all users.- VmsSftpDenyUsers
This parameter can be used to specify a list of users to be denied access to the SFTP server. The list of users must be specified as a list of username patterns separated by spaces. By default, no users will be denied access to the SFTP server.
- VmsSftpDenyGroups
This parameter can be used to specify a list of user groups to be denied access to the sftp server. The list of groups must be specified as a list of group name patterns separated by spaces. By default, no OpenVMS user groups will be denied access to the SFTP server.
- XAuthLocation
This parameter is used to specify the location of the XAuth tool.The default value is SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$XAUTH.EXE.
- X11Forwarding
The X11Forwarding parameter controls whether the SSH Server permits X11 forwarding for connected clients. The value of this parameter can be specified as either YES or NO:
Specifying YES enables X11 forwarding. This allows SSH Clients to request X11 forwarding on connection.
Specifying NO disables X11 forwarding. This is the default.
9.2. Client Configuration Parameters
Client configuration parameters are defined in
SSH$ROOT:[ETC]SSH_CONFIG to control various aspects of OpenSSH
client utilities (SSH, SFTP, and SCP). Additionally, the client configuration parameters may
be specified when executing a client utility command using the -o
line option.
VSI has created a new client configuration parameter which may be used to disable the SFTP client extension known as the “VMSPlus mode”.
At this time, this new parameter is only effective when specified on the SFTP command line, as shown below. Adding this parameter to the SSH_CONFIG file will have no effect.
VMS Plus mode is enabled by default in the SFTP client to facilitate transfer of files with various OpenVMS file formats, including OpenVMS BACKUP savesets, between two OpenVMS hosts running OpenSSH v8.9-1G or newer.
Should VMS Plus mode cause issues when communicating with other SSH server
implementations, it may be disabled by setting the NoVmsPlus
parameter to any
positive integer value. For example:
$ SFTP “-o NoVmsPlus 1” USER@HOST
10. Logical Names
The following logical names may be defined (at any level) to control the exit status of SFTP and other OpenSSH utilities, and to control the behaviour of the SFTP client when errors are encountered during file transfer operations.
If this logical name is defined to
, the OpenSSH SFTP client will exit with an OpenVMS status ofSS$_NORMAL
in all cases. It should be noted that this logical name is applicable to the sftp client only (it is not applicable to SCP or any other OpenSSH utilities).- TCPIP$SSH_SFTP_BATCH_ABORT_ON_ERROR
This logical name can be used to prevent the SFTP client aborting during batch operations involving the transfer of multiple files. If this logical name is defined to
, the SFTP client will continue batch file transfer operations if an error occurs. Details of any errors will be logged.- OPENSSH$POSIX_EXIT_STATUS
Defining this logical name to
will cause OpenSSH utilities to exit with a POSIX exit status (as would be the case on Linux).- OPENSSH$SFTP_UNIX_STYLE
The logical name OPENSSH$SFTP_UNIX_STYLE can be defined to control how VMS file versions are managed in the SFTP tool on the server.
When this logical name is not defined, the OpenSSH server will use file versions for any file-related operations (listing, downloading, and so on).
When this logical name is set (regardless of its value), the OpenSSH SFTP server will ignore file versions for any file related operations.
By default, OPENSSH$SFTP_UNIX_STYLE is not defined.
11. Rights Identifiers
can be used to prevent
users from connecting to the SFTP server.
12. External Authentication
Starting with V8.9-1K, VSI OpenSSH supports external authentication on OpenVMS x86-64, in addition to IA-64 and Alpha. All SSH logins now utilize the OpenVMS SYS$ACM(W) system service for password authentication.
External authentication support on OpenVMS x86-64 requires V9.2-3 Update V1 or higher.
13. X11 Port Forwarding
X11 port forwarding requires DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems to be installed. Ensure DECwindows Motif V1.8 is installed for VSI OpenVMS x86-64 systems.
X11 Port Forwarding via OpenSSH enables users to connect to an SSH server on the VSI OpenVMS host and run X11 client programs, which will appear on their local display.
X11 Port Forwarding must be enabled on both the SSH client and server. On the client side, this is typically done with the -X or -Y option when initiating an SSH connection.
The server must also have X11 Port Forwarding enabled in its SSH configuration file, ssh$root:[etc]sshd_config, by setting the option X11Forwarding to Yes. For further details see Section 9.1, “Server Configuration Parameters”.
This version of OpenSSH for VSI OpenVMS does not support X11 Port Forwarding on the client side, which means you cannot use this feature to run graphical applications from a remote server on your local machine.
14. Fixed Issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
An unexpected "Logon authenticated by LDAP" message is displayed when logging in using Password Authentication.
VMS file versions are not retrieved when the libssh-based SFTP client lists files using directory paths with a logical name that precedes a slash (/) character.
Crashes in the SSH process (SSH$SSHD dump) occur for disabled user accounts.
External Authentication fails when using explicit mapping.
15. Known Problems and Restrictions
Restarting TCP/IP Services breaks the OpenSSH Server (OpenSSH Client is not affected). To fix that, you need to restart OpenSSH Server manually.
Only the password, public-key, and host-based authentication methods are currently supported. Additional methods (such as Kerberos) may be added in the future.
The use of secondary passwords (for password authentication) is not currently supported but will be provided in a future release.