VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Control Language Reference
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
This book describes the syntax and features of the Network Control Language (NCL), and the NCL commands that you use for network management modules.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This book is written for network managers responsible for managing DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS networks. It also contains NCL syntax for management entities and management options supported by DECnet-Plus for UNIX.
3. Document Structure
Provides an overview of the functions provided by NCL. | |
Describes the Node module. | |
Chapter 3, Alias Module (OpenVMS) | Describes the Alias module. |
Chapter 4, CSMA-CD Module | Describes the CSMA-CD module. |
Chapter 5, DCMP Module (OpenVMS) | Describes the DCMP module. |
Chapter 6, Device Module | Describes the Device module. |
Chapter 7, DECdns Modules | Describes the DECdns modules. |
Chapter 8, DECdts Module | Describes the DECdts module. |
Chapter 9, Event Dispatcher Module | Describes the Event Dispatcher module. |
Chapter 10, FDDI Module | Describes the FDDI module. |
Chapter 11, Frame Module (OpenVMS) | Describes the Frame module. |
Chapter 12, HDLC Module | Describes the HDLC module. |
Chapter 13, LAPB Module | Describes the LAPB module. |
Chapter 14, LLC2 Module | Describes the LLC2 module. |
Chapter 15, Loopback Application Module | Describes the Loopback Application module. |
Chapter 16, Modem Connect Module | Describes the Modem Connect module. |
Chapter 17, MOP Module | Describes the MOP module. |
Chapter 18, NSP Module | Describes the NSP module. |
Chapter 19, OSAK Module | Describes the OSAK module. |
Chapter 20, OSI Transport Module | Describes the OSI Transport module. |
Chapter 21, Routing Module | Describes the Routing module. |
Chapter 22, Session Control Module | Describes the Session Control module. |
Chapter 23, Token Ring Module (UNIX) | Describes the Token Ring module. |
Chapter 24, X.25 Access Module | Describes the X.25 Access module. |
Chapter 25, X.25 Client Module (OpenVMS) | Describes the X.25 Client module. |
Chapter 26, X.25 Protocol Module | Describes the X.25 Protocol module. |
Chapter 27, X.25 Relay Module | Describes the X.25 Relay module. |
Chapter 28, X.25 Server Module | Describes the X.25 Server module. |
Chapter 29, XOT Module (OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha) | Describes the XOT module. |
Appendix A, Interpreting NCL Error Messages |
Lists common error messages. |
Appendix B, Common Data Types for NCL | Describes common data types. |
4. Related Documents
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS documentation is available in two sets:
Documentation set for DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Supplemental X.25 for OpenVMS documentation set
Table below lists the documentation that supports this version of the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software.
Document | Contents |
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Documentation Set | |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide | Describes the manuals in the documentation sets, outlines the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS features and tools, explains how to use and manage an end system, and provides a comprehensive glossary of DECnet terminology. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes | Describes changes to the software; installation, upgrade, and compatibility information; new and existing software problems and restrictions; and software and documentation corrections. |
VSI DECnet-Plus Planning Guide | Provides configuration and planning guidelines, including namespace planning information, to help you transition a network from the DECnet Phase IV to DECnet Phase V architecture. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration |
Explains how to install and configure the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software using the three configuration options (FAST, BASIC, and ADVANCED). Also explains how to modify an existing configuration. Explains how to configure the X.25 functionality included with the DECnet- Plus for OpenVMS VAX software (formerly provided by the VAX P.S.I. Access and VAX P.S.I. products). Explains how to install the separate X.25 for OpenVMS software product available for OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha systems. For configuration information, see the VSI X.25 for OpenVMS Configuration manual. Explains how to install and configure the optional OSI applications software components (OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK), OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management (FTAM), and OSI Virtual Terminal (VT)). |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide | Provides in-depth information about how to monitor and manage DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS systems using various tools and Network Control Language (NCL) commands. Explains how to set up and use event dispatching and how to perform all day-to-day management tasks for the local DECnet- Plus for OpenVMS node, including setting up OpenVMS clusters, managing security, downline loading, and monitoring the network. |
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Quick Reference | Provides quick-reference information about the tools that help you manage and monitor a DECnet-Plus network. Use this guide with the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Control Language Reference Guide | Outlines command descriptions and examples for all Network Control Language (NCL) commands that you execute to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the network. Begins with an orientation chapter that contains information about how to execute NCL commands, followed by a command chapter for each module in the DECnet Phase V layered model. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Problem Solving Guide | Explains how to isolate and solve DECnet problems in an OpenVMS environment that can occur while the network is in operation. Includes information about how to perform loopback tests and how to use the DTS/DTR utility to solve problems. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS DECdns Management Guide | Explains VSI DECnet-Plus Distributed Name Service (DECdns) concepts and how to manage a DECdns distributed namespace. Use this manual with the VSI DECnet-Plus Planning Guide. |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS DECdts Management | Introduces VSI DECnet-Plus Distributed Time Service (DECdts) concepts and describes how to manage the software and system clocks. |
VSI DECnet-Plus DECdts Programming | Contains DECdts time routine reference information and describes the time-provider interface (TPI). |
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming | Explains how to use the OSAK (OSI Applications Kernel) interface to create OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) applications for any supported operating system. |
DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming Reference | Provides reference information on using the OSAK interface to create OSI applications on any supported operating system. |
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK SPI Programming Reference Manual | Provides reference information about using the OSAK session programming interface (SPI) to create OSI applications on any supported operating system. |
VSI DECnet-Plus FTAM and Virtual Terminal Use and Management | Explains how to use and manage FTAM (File Transfer, Access, and Management) software for remote file transfer and management and VT (Virtual Terminal) for remote login to OSI-compliant systems. |
VSI DECnet-Plus FTAM Programming | Explains how to access the FTAM protocol through FTAM’s API (application programming interface). |
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Programming | Contains information about how to design and write an application that follows a client/server model and uses the OpenVMS Interprocess Communication ($IPC) system service and the transparent and nontransparent communication with the queue Input/Output ($QIO) system service. Explains how to write programs using the OpenVMS system services to communicate with OSI transport services. Provides information about the Common Management Information Service (CMISE) API. |
DECnet/OSI for VMS CTF Use | Explains how use the Common Trace Facility (CTF) troubleshooting tool to collect and analyze protocol data from networking software. |
Supplemental X.25 Documentation Set | |
VSI X.25 for OpenVMS Configuration | Discusses how to configure X.25 for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS I64 or OpenVMS Alpha system. For information about how to configure the X.25 functionality on OpenVMS VAX systems, see the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual. |
VSI X.25 for OpenVMS Management Guide | Explains how to manage and monitor an X.25 system using network tools. |
VSI X.25 for OpenVMS Security Guide | Explains the X.25 security model and the tasks required to set up and manage X25 security. |
VSI X.25 for OpenVMS Problem Solving | Provides guidance on how to solve problems that can occur while using an X.25 system. |
X.25 for OpenVMS Utilities | Explains how to use and manage X.25 Mail and X.29 communications. |
X.25 for OpenVMS Accounting | Explains how to use X.25 accounting to obtain performance records and information about how X.25 is being used. |
X.25 for OpenVMS Programming | Explains how to write X.25 and X.29 programs to perform network operations. |
X.25 for OpenVMS Programming Reference | Provides reference information for X.25 and X.29 programmers. |
DECnet/OSI for VMS VAX WANDD Programming | Provides information about using the programming interface for the WANDD devices. |
5. Terminology
An adjacent node is a node connected to the local node by a single physical line.
Transition and migration
Phase IV and DECnet Phase IV
Phase V and DECnet Phase V
End system and end node
Intermediate system and router
Running database and operational database
Sink node and logging node
6. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
7. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
8. Typographical Conventions
VMScluster systems are now referred to as OpenVMS Cluster systems. Unless otherwise specified, references to OpenVMS Cluster systems or clusters in this document are synonymous with VMScluster systems.
The contents of the display examples for some utility commands described in this manual may differ slightly from the actual output provided by these commands on your system. However, when the behavior of a command differs significantly between OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers, that behavior is described in text and rendered, as appropriate, in separate examples.
In this manual, every use of DECwindows and DECwindows Motif refers to DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/ x |
A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x |
A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. |
Return |
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) |
… |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the
following possibilities:
. |
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) |
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. |
[ ] |
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
[ |] |
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } |
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold text |
This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. |
italic text |
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- |
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers |
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
9. Acronyms
Association Control Service Element |
application service element |
ASN.1 |
Abstract Syntax Notation One |
basic encoding rules |
Common Management Information Protocol |
CMIP Management Listener |
Data Access Protocol |
defined context set |
Data Communications Message Protocol |
DECdns |
Distributed Name Service |
NA |
Network Architecture |
DECnet Test Receiver |
DECnet Test Sender |
end system to intermediate system protocol |
Event Dispatcher |
event logger |
file access listener |
File Transfer, Access, and Management |
High-Level Data Link Control |
loopback mirror |
Maintenance Operations Protocol |
network service access point |
Network Control Language |
Network Services Protocol |
Open Systems Interconnection |
Open Systems Upper Layer |
protocol control information |
protocol data unit |
presentation protocol control information |
packet switching data network |
Session Protocol Control Information |
session protocol data unit |
session service data unit |
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
transport protocol data unit |
transport service data unit |
XOT | X.25 over TCP/IP |
Chapter 1. Introduction to NCL
This reference guide describes how to use the Network Control Language (NCL) command line interface. You should be familiar with the concepts and terminology of the entity model of network management, as described in the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide.
Invoke, use, and exit the Network Control Language
Issue NCL commands from your terminal
Define common data types for NCL
Interpret NCL error messages
1.1. Rights Identifiers Required for Use of NCL
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS uses OpenVMS rights identifiers to check access on all manageable entities. This differs from the Phase IV software, which used OpenVMS privileges for access to the permanent database and for write access. Read access to the volatile database in Phase IV was unprotected.
1.1.1. Access to Local Network Data
UAF> grant/id net$examine Joe ! Grant user Joe read access to local network data UAF> grant/id net$manage Joe ! Grant user Joe read/write access to local network data UAF> grant/id net$security Joe ! Grant user Joe ability to set default accounts
In lieu of NET$MANAGE rights, the BYPASS privilege grants read and write access.
When issuing NCL commands to the local node (for example, NCL SHOW ALL or NCL SHOW NODE 0 ALL), the rights of the executing process determine whether access is granted.
1.1.2. Access to Remote Network Data (OpenVMS)
If explicit access control is specified, the specified account is used.
If there is a default account for the application receiving the request, it is used.
If a proxy account is specified, or there is a default proxy account for the remote user, it is used.
If none of the above are specified, the session entity is checked for a default nonprivileged account to use.
If the account that runs the CML application does not have the NET$EXAMINE for read access, or NET$MANAGE identifier for read and write access, then the access is denied by the management agent.
Run the Authorize utility and grant an account the proper rights
Run Authorize and create a proxy account and grant the proxy account the proper rights
Determine the user name associated with the SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION CML. Run the Authorize utility to ensure that the account has NET$EXAMINE for read-only access.
The last option is one of the selections offered by NET$CONFIGURE when configuring the application database. If you select a default account for the CML application, NET$CONFIGURE grants NET$EXAMINE right to that account by default.
1.2. Network Management Graphical User Interface
You can access NCL through either a command line interface or graphical user interface
(GUI). The GUI allows network managers to view the status of network components and
control those components from a Motif-based window interface. The GUI interface is
located at sys$system:net$mgmt.exe
This utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to the management of DECnet-Plus. The manageable components of DECnet-Plus (modules, entities, and subentities) are represented in a tree-like structure below the icon that represents the node you are managing. This provides an easy way to familiarize yourself with the organization of these manageable entities. If you choose to enable the displaying of NCL commands from the Default Actions pull-down menu, this utility can also help familiarize you with NCL syntax.
- show known links
- show known node counters
- check transports
The same rights required to run NCL are also required to run this utility.
For further information, refer to the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide.
1.3. Getting Started with NCL
You can issue NCL commands from a terminal or from a command file. You can use NCL to manage
network entities on local and remote nodes. If you are familiar with Phase IV network
management and the Network Control Program (NCP), you can use the
utility as an option to map NCP commands to their NCL
equivalents. See the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide for further details.
1.3.1. Invoking NCL
There are several methods of invoking the interactive NCL utility:
- Type run
at the DCL prompt $:$ run sys$system:ncl ncl>
Define a symbol at the DCL prompt (or insert the symbol in your LOGIN.COM file) and then type NCL at the DCL prompt as follows:
$ ncl :== $ sys$system:ncl $ ncl ncl>
- Enter an NCL command line.
$ ncl any ncl command
The system executes the command and returns you to the $ prompt.
The third method works only if you define a symbol at the DCL prompt or insert the symbol in your LOGIN.COM file.
Enter MCR at the DCL prompt:
$ mcr ncl ncl>
- Enter an MCR command:
$ mcr ncl any ncl command $
The ncl>
prompt indicates that you are using the NCL utility. When
you receive this prompt, you can enter NCL commands.
Other NCL operations include:
To abort an NCL operation, press Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y.
To continue a long command to the next line, use a hyphen as the last character in the line. Place the continuation hyphen between attributes in a list. The
prompt is displayed on continuation lines:ncl> show node 0 osi transport delay factor, delay weight,- _ncl> maximum receive buffers, maximum network connections,- _ncl> maximum remote nsaps
To indicate comments that are not to be read by the system, use an exclamation point (!) anywhere in a command line.
To exit from NCL, type
or press Ctrl/Z at thencl>
1.3.2. Accessing Online NCL Help Information
When you enter Help, you enter a standard help library containing descriptions of the network management entities and their attributes. NCL online help is a quick reference in addition to this book.
at the
prompt. For UNIX, type a question mark (?)
. A
list of available topics immediately appears, for
example:ncl> help or ? Information available: add advertise block boot change clear connect create define_(Tru64_UNIX) delete Directory_Module disable disconnect dump echo enable Entity_Hierarchy Event_Messages flush_(OpenVMS) getnif getsif ignore limit load loop NCL_Introduction Network_Management pass ping_(IP_Routers) Please_Read_Me query read_(Tru64_UNIX) remove rename reset restrict set show shut shutdown snapshot SNA_Peer_Server_Module start startloop stop stoploop synchronize test testevent undefine_(Tru64_UNIX) unlimit update zero Topic?
Topic? add
Additional information available:
modem_connect mop osi_transport routing
session_control x25_access x25_protocol x25_relay
ADD Subtopic?
:ADD Subtopic? x25_relay
Additional information available:
client pvc
ADD x25_relay Subtopic?
ADD x25_relay Subtopic? client ADD x25_relay client add [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name filters rights identifiers Additional information available: Characteristics Identifiers ADD x25_relay client Subtopic?
Continue down the hierarchy exactly as it appears in the syntax section of each entity module, as illustrated in Part 2 of this book.
NCL help includes several non-verb help topics that provide additional information about using NCL. The following display shows these help topics and their subtopics:
Entity_Hierarchy Additional information available: Node DNS_Clerk DNS_Server DSA DTSS Event_Dispatcher Alias_(OpenVMS) Session_Control OSAK NSP OSI_Transport Routing X25_Protocol X25_Access X25_Client_(OpenVMS) X25_Relay_(Alpha) X25_Server XOT_(OpenVMS_Alpha) LAPB CSMA-CD LLC2 MOP HDLC DDCMP_(OpenVMS_VAX) FDDI Modem_Connect Device Frame_(OpenVMS) Token_Ring_(Tru64_UNIX) Loopback_Application Event_Messages Additional information available: csma-cd_station ddcmp_link_(OpenVMS_VAX) device_unit dtss event_dispatcher fddi_station hdlc_link lapb_link llc2_sap modem_connect_line mop_circuit node nsp osak osi_transport routing session_control token_ring_(Tru64_UNIX) x25_access x25_client_(OpenVMS) x25_protocol x25_relay_(Alpha) x25_server xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha) NCL_Introduction Additional information available: Invoking_NCL Creating_Logs Common_Commands Abbreviation_of_Commands Syntax Recalling_Commands Output Specifying_Access_Control Default_Context Using_Snapshot Customizing_NCL Network_Management Additional information available: Access_Control Naming_Service_Management Remote_Node_Management Logical_Names_(OpenVMS) Startup_Scripts_(OpenVMS) Shutdown_and_Restart_(OpenVMS) MOP_(OpenVMS) Event_Dispatcher_(OpenVMS) Running_Over_TCP-IP Tools Please_Read_Me Additional information available: Using_NCL_Help Overview_of_NCL_Help Entity_Organization Managing_Entities_Using_NCL
$ help decnet-plus
1.3.3. Creating Log Files
To keep a record of the commands entered during an NCL session, use the NCL logging facility.
All information printed out in an NCL session is stored in the log file after logging is enabled. This information includes commands, output, and error messages. All information except the commands are preceded in the file by a comment symbol, so this file can be used as an NCL script in another session.
set ncl logfile
and enable ncl logging
to begin NCL logging. For example:
ncl> set ncl logfile filename.ncl ncl> enable ncl logging ncl> show node 0 session control application fal all attributes . . .
After saving the NCL commands to a log file, use the NCL log file as an indirect
command file to be invoked (during subsequent NCL sessions) with the do
control verb or the at sign (@) symbol.
ncl> enable node 0 session control ncl> do setup_applications.ncl . . .
To display the name of the log file, enter show ncl logfile
. The
default file extension for an NCL log file is .ncl
. The utility returns
an error message if a log file does not exist.
Use the disable ncl logging
command at any time to turn off NCL
logging or to exit NCL.
You can execute commands saved in an NCL log file during subsequent NCL utility sessions. However, you must ensure that the proper context for the commands in the log file has been established. Check the contents of an NCL log file before running it in later utility sessions.
1.3.4. Connecting to a Remote Node by Address
Under normal conditions, you can identify the remote node by name in the NCL command. However, if the name service is interrupted or unavailable, you can still reach remote nodes to perform management functions. You can use either the remote node's Phase IV address (if the remote node is configured to have one), or the remote node's network services access point (NSAP). Refer to the VSI DECnet-Plus Planning Guide for UNIX or OpenVMS NSAP format to use.
ncl> show node 12.5 routing circuit syn-0-0 ncl> show node net$49000CAA000400053020 routing circuit syn-0-0
1.4. Common NCL Commands
These commands have the same effect on any entity to which they are applied; they are described here to prevent unnecessary repetition throughout the book.
In addition to these NCL commands, there are a number of commands that apply only to
specific entities; for example, the rename
command for the
entity, or the dump
and load
for the Device Unit
1.4.1. add and remove
command to add one or more new values to a set
value:ncl> add node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_2,filter_3}
This command line adds two new values, filter_2
, to the set of values represented by the cons
characteristic of the OSI Transport entity. The values are
enclosed in { }, and if more than one value is to be added in the same command, each
value is separated from the previous value by a comma.
To specify the empty set (that is, a set with no values), specify { } as the value.
command to remove one or more values from a
value:ncl> remove node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_3}
This command line removes the value filter_3
from the set.
Use the add
and remove
commands only on characteristics
with set values (as indicated in the description of the characteristic).
You can also use the set
command to change the values of a set-valued
characteristic. However, the set
command replaces the current contents
of the set with the values you specified.
1.4.2. create and delete
Use the create
command to create a new instance of an entity. Most
entities support the create
command; however, some entities are created
automatically by software, and so do not support the create
For example, entities that correspond to communications links are usually created
dynamically as these links are opened.
Use the delete
command to delete an instance of an entity. As with
, most entities support the delete
however, some entities are deleted automatically by software, and so do not support
the delete
command. For example, entities that correspond to
communications links are usually deleted dynamically as these links are closed. You
cannot delete an entity if it has child entities; you must delete all child entities
before you can delete the parent entity. It is usually, though not always, the case
that you must disable an entity before you can delete it.
1.4.3. disable and enable
, whose value
reflects the current operational state of the entity. The value of
is usually either:
The entity is disabled. In this state, the entity exists and can be manipulated in various ways (for example, by having its characteristics modified), but will not perform its primary functions. |
The entity is enabled. In this state, the entity is fully operational. |
command to place the entity in its disabled
state. Many entities do not permit you to modify their
characteristics while they are enabled, so you must use the disable
command before using the add
, remove
, or set
commands. Also, it is often the case that you cannot delete an entity while it is
enabled, so you must use the disable
command before using the
ncl> disable modem connect line line-1
This command line disables the entity to suspend its operation temporarily and suspends operation of the corresponding physical line.
Use the enable
command to place the entity in its enabled
state. Most entities do not become operational immediately
when you create them; you must use the enable
command after the
command. If you disable
an entity to modify its
characteristics or to suspend its operation for a time, you must use the
command to make the entity operational again.
1.4.4. set
command to modify one or more attributes of an
entity:ncl> set node 0 osi transport delay factor=6,delay weight=10
This command line modifies two characteristics of the OSI Transport entity. If you
specify more than one characteristic in a set
command, use a comma to
separate each characteristic and its value.
delay factor
to its
default value,
4:ncl> set node 0 osi transport delay factor
to give a value to a characteristic whose value is a set, for
ncl> set node 0 osi transport cons filters={filter_2,filter_3}
ncl> add node 0 osi transport cons filters={filter_2,filter_3}
The set
command gives the cons filters
characteristic a
set value with two components: filter_2
and filter_3
; if
the set previously had other values, these are lost. The add
on the other hand, adds the values filter_2
and filter_3
to whatever values the characteristic already has; any other current values are
To specify the empty set (that is, a set with no values), specify { } as the value.
You can change the set of attributes called characteristics only by direct
management commands and not by the system or indirect commands. For example, you can
change characteristics by the set
command, but not by the
or enable
commands. However, some
characteristics are read-only and never change. Each entity section gives complete
information about the entity's characteristics, if any, and explains if and how they
are modified.
Sequences, sets, and similar constructed data types must be explicitly stated in a
to modify characteristics:Some characteristics can be modified only while the entity is disabled.
A few characteristics can be modified only while the entity is disabled, and can then have only their value increased, not decreased.
1.4.5. show
command to display the value of one or more
attributes of an entity. The general form of a show
is:ncl> show entity-name attribute-specifier,...
can be the name of a particular attribute; for
example:ncl> show node 0 ddcmp link link-5 protocol, transmit underruns, state
ddcmp link
:The characteristic
The counter
transmit underruns
The status
can also specify an entire class of
attributes, as follows:all [attributes]
all characteristics
all counters
all identifiers
all status
ddcmp link
:ncl> show node 0 ddcmp link link-5 all counters, all status
ncl> show node 0 ddcmp link link-5 protocol, all counters
This example displays the value of the characteristic protocol
the value of all counters.
There are a few attributes whose value cannot be displayed. These are usually attributes that represent secure information, such as passwords.
1.5. NCL Command Syntax
An NCL command can contain the following elements, in the order shown:
verb [entity name] [,argument/attribute] [,prep-phrase]
ncl> show node .mass.boston.welder routing circuit ethernet-1 - _ncl> all status,by user=harry, password=truman
with access control information
supplied. The components of this command are:Verb (or directive):
- Entity name:
node .mass.boston.welderrouting circuit ethernet-1
, where:node
is the global entity class.mass.boston.welder
is the instance name for classnode
identifies the module to which this entity belongscircuit
is the entity classethernet-1
is the instance name for classcircuit
. The entity name reflects the full naming hierarchy for the entity.
all status
, an attribute specifierby
(preceded by a comma), a prepositional phraseuser=harry, password=truman
, user name and password used for access control on the remote node
ncl> show node moosie session control port * all status, all counters, with - _ncl> direction = outgoing
entity's class/instance in the command. For example, the following
command creates the specified entity on the local
node:ncl> create routing type csma-cd
1.5.1. Verbs
Control commands (such as
set ncl default, exit, help
) enable the user to perform certain tasks within the NCL utility environment. These commands perform no network management functions.Database commands (such as
show, set, add, remove
) modify or display characteristics for existing entities, but may not immediately affect the network configuration or operation.- Action commands (such as
create, delete, enable, disable
) have an immediate impact on the operation of the network, often causing a state change to an entity. There are many entity-specific action commands (see the individual entity description sections for details). Any command that is not a control command or a database command is an action command. For example:ncl> disable routing circuit circuit-1
This command line sets that circuit's state to
, and causes an event to be logged to indicate this change.
1.5.2. Entity Name
routing circuit reachable
entity is one of the subentities that comprises the Routing
module. The reachable address
entity is subordinate to the
routing circuit
entity, which is subordinate to the top-level
entity in the Routing module. An example of the entity's
full name
is:node 0 routing circuit ether-1 reachable address foo
Node 0 is a class/instance pair for the global Node entity. Node 0 is a designation for the local system and is the default value for NCL commands. The "node node-name" element in an NCL command is thus not required when the operation to be performed is for an entity on the local system.
1.5.3. Attribute Specifiers
Certain NCL commands, such as show
, can include one or more attribute
specifiers. The following sections describe the five basic attribute
specifiers. Attribute Groups
You can specify one or several attribute groups, separated by commas, in a
command. If you specify all
, this is
equivalent to specifying all the attribute groups that are legal for a
all [attributes]
all characteristics
all counters
all identifiers (default)
all status
See the individual show
command descriptions to see which
attribute groups are legal for each command. Characteristics
Characteristics describe the operating parameters of an entity as they are
currently defined. You can modify the value of some characteristics by using the
set, add,
or remove
command. Some characteristics
have read-only values; their values are set by software and cannot be
Each entity section gives complete information about that entity's characteristics, if any, and explains if and how they can be modified. Counters
Counters record the number of times the entity performed a particular operation or the number of times a certain condition or event has occurred since the entity was created. In some cases, a counter counts the number of times a similarly named event has occurred. Counter values are maintained dynamically by the system and cannot be reset by the system manager. Identifiers
In most cases, an entity has one identifier: the simple name that is assigned to it when it is created. This identifier is a unique instance name within the entity class and cannot be modified except by deleting the current entity and recreating it with a new name. See specific entity description sections for more information on entities that have multiple identifiers. Status Attributes
Status attributes record current conditions of the entity, such as its state. Usually status attributes are set dynamically by the system to reflect current conditions set up by different operations. You can display current status values, but you cannot directly modify them. However, certain network management actions (such as enabling or disabling an entity) may alter the values of status attributes.
1.5.4. Arguments
Certain NCL commands have required or optional arguments. Arguments can indicate values to be set, data to be operated on, or instructions for performing a specified task.
1.5.5. Prepositional Phrases
Most NCL commands accept two types of prepositional phrases:
Use "by phrase" to specify an access control string for remote system management.
Use "with qualifying-phrase" to limit the action of an NCL command to those entities that match the qualifying condition.
You can specify one or both prepositional phrases in any NCL command that accepts them. Separate the prepositional phrases by a comma. See individual command descriptions to determine which commands support the use of prepositional phrases. Qualifying NCL Commands
prepositional phrase to qualify an NCL command to
limit the scope of its operation. Also called filtering,
this process is useful in displaying or acting upon only certain information.
The expression supplied as part of the with
clause must be an
attribute of the entity (or entities) specified in the
command.ncl> show node 0 session control application *, with maximum instances>0
For every session control application
entity on node
(the local system), NCL finds the entities with maximum instances
greater than zero, and returns the identifying information about those
session control application
prepositional phrase is a Boolean expression that can
use the relational operators shown in Table 1.1, “Relational Operators for a with Clause ”.
Symbol |
Meaning |
= |
Equals |
<> |
Not equals |
< |
Less than |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
> |
Greater than |
>= |
Greater than or equal to | Restrictions of With Clause
clause value and the time the directive is actually issued to the entity. This
limitation can lead to cases such as the
following:ncl> show 0 session control port *, with send queue > 0 Node 0 Session Control Port %XCC354000 AT 1991-11-13-16:32:03.249-05:00I0.269 Status Send Queue = 0
In this case, the attribute briefly goes non-zero, then immediately returns to zero again. Unfortunately, the attribute changed value between the time it was sampled by the entity filtering software in the CML and the time that the Show directive was issued to that entity instance. This is generally not a problem. Most attributes are stable so this rarely happens.
1.5.6. Using Abbreviations
All NCL commands are made up of the same components: keywords, values, and punctuation. Keywords and punctuation are the parts of the NCL syntax that remain the same for every network; values are the parts that change depending on the particular configuration of a network. Values include entity instance identifiers and attribute/argument values. In general, you cannot abbreviate values, but you can abbreviate keywords as long as the abbreviation is unique. A misspelling may cause NCL to treat an entity name as if it were an attribute name. However, if spelled correctly, it recognizes multiword keywords.
For example, the following command lines are equivalent:
ncl> show node finance routing circuit * ncl> sho no finance ro ci *
, cannot be abbreviated. In
fact, identifiers anywhere in a command cannot be abbreviated. For example, the
following two commands are not equivalent:
ncl> show node finance name ncl> show node f name
The latter command tries to communicate with node f
, not node
ncl> s n finance r c * probe rate
The command is ambiguous because the abbreviation s
could stand for
either the set
or show
However, if the value itself consists of keywords, then it can be abbreviated. For
example, the data type EntityClass
, by definition, contains keywords
representing the various entity class names. These keywords can be abbreviated in
the same way as normal keywords, as long as the abbreviations are unique
(unambiguous). See Appendix B for more information on data types and
entity.ncl> pass ev d out s local_stream gl f ((r), all) ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream global filter - _ncl> (( routing ), all)
1.5.7. Specifying Full Names in an NCL Request
You can substitute an unqualified name for a full name in an NCL command only when the remote node specified in the command and the local node use the same primary naming service and their full names are identical except for the unqualified names themselves.
LOCAL NODE REMOTE NODE Full name: ns:.lkg.localnode ns:.lkg.remotenode Unqualified name: localnode remotenode Synonym: locnod remnod Full name: local:.localnode local:.remotenode Unqualified name: localnode remotenode Synonym: locnod remnod
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 sink node remote node
LOCAL NODE REMOTE NODE Full name: ns:.uct.localnode ns:.lkg.remotenode Unqualified name: localnode remotenode Synonym: locnod remnod Full name: ns:.localnode local:.remotenode Unqualified name: localnode remotenode Synonym: locnod remnod Full name: local:.uct.localnode local:.remotenode Unqualified name: localnode remotenode Synonym: locnod remnod
ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 - _ncl> sink node ns:.lkg.remotenode
ncl> set session control proxy dth source end user = - _ncl> { [ node=local:.remotenode , end user=uic=[0,0]dan ] }
You cannot substitute the node synonym for a full name in the NCL command. However, in most cases, because the unqualified name and the node synonym are usually identical, it may appear that the synonym substitution was successful.
1.5.8. Specifying Hex Strings
You must use the %X format to specify hex strings in NCL foreign commands. You can
issue commands using the ’’H format for hex strings only at the ncl>
1.5.9. Using Wildcard Characters in a Command
Using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in an NCL command is helpful when
the target of a command, particularly a show
command, is not easily
identifiable. The asterisk wildcard represents one or more characters. You can also
use a question mark (?) as a wildcard. This represents a single character, and can
only be used in certain data types, such as simplename
Use wildcards only within an entity name (the class name or the instance name) in an NCL command. Do not use wildcards within NCL verbs, attributes, or prepositional phrases. In addition, do not use wildcards in attribute values unless the use of wildcards is explicitly called out in the attribute description.
- In all cases, wildcard characters can appear only in the last class name or last instance value. You cannot use a wildcard for the global entity
node name
. All NCL commands that affect entities include at least two class/instance pairs (the first being "node node-name
" even if it is not specified). For example:ncl> show node 0 routing circuit * all status ncl> show node 0 session control application tp?_appl ncl> show node 0 session control application ma* all attributes
The first command requests a list of all status information about all defined circuits. The second command requests a listing of all applications that begin with
and end with_appl
and have only one character betweentp
. The third command asks for information about all applications that start withma
and end with any combination of characters. Do not use wildcard characters with NCL control commands.
If you use wildcard characters with an entity instance name, a display of all the instances of a class appears.
NCL supports the use of wildcards for any directive except
.If you use a wildcard in an entity
instance name
, an operation occurs on all the instances of a class. For example,show node 0 session control application *
shows the identities of all session control applications.
1.5.10. Recalling a Command
To recall previously entered NCL commands, press the up-arrow key. After recalling an NCL command, modify it by using Ctrl/A to switch between insert and overstrike modes of editing. You can also use the Delete key to edit a command line. Re-enter the command by pressing the Return key. Press the down-arrow key to recall the next (most recent) command in the NCL command recall buffer.
1.5.11. NCL Command Output
After you enter a command, the system responds with a display that includes a
summary of the command you entered, the UID of the entity (if enabled) referred to
in the command, and a timestamp showing when the command was executed. With some
commands (for example, show
), the output also includes a display of
certain values.
command and the
display:ncl> show nsp all Node 0 NSP AT 1992-06-03-10:35:12.234-04:00I0.277 Status UID = 9AF8477A-407E-11CB-800B-AA000400784D State = On Currently Active Connections = 14 Characteristics Maximum Transport Connections = 200 Maximum Receive Buffers = 2000 Delay Weight = 3 Delay Factor = 2 Maximum Window = 8 DNA Version = T4.2.1 Acknowledgment Delay Time = 3 Maximum Remote NSAPS = 201 NSAP Selector = 32 Keepalive Time = 60 Retransmit Threshold = 5 Congestion Avoidance = False ncl>
A command that executes appropriately and completes its assigned task produces a success response. Success responses are not documented in the command description sections of this book unless the success response contains arguments or the response indicates that something other than the expected action has occurred.
OpenVMS NCL error messages; that is, errors that occur at the level where OpenVMS is processing NCL commands.
Common NCL exception messages; that is, errors that occur within NCL and which apply to more than one command.
Command-specific exception messages, which are described with the commands that can produce them.
Each command description in this manual includes at least one example that shows a typical successful command with possible resulting output.
1.5.12. Displaying Unique Identification (UID) Values
Any entity that has counters or generates events is assigned a unique identification (UID) value. A UID is a 16-byte entity attribute that is unique throughout the network and for all time; that is, because the creation time of the entity is included as a portion of the UID, no two identical UIDs will ever be created.
A UID identifies a unique instance of an entity. For network management, UIDs provide a guaranteed way to track the characteristic sand status of that precise entity instance. Each entity having counter attributes also has a creation timestamp identifying when the entity was created.
The UID is included in any response or event from an entity that has a UID. Any entity that generates events or has counters must have a UID, which is also visible as a status attribute.
Both the UID and the creation timestamp are included in any event logging report that returns one or more counters in its argument list.
The UID value for an entity is not always needed and can clutter a
display or an event-logging report. By default, UID values are
not displayed. Use the enable ncl uid display
command if you wish to
see this attribute. To turn UID displays back off, type disable ncl uid
1.5.13. Specifying Access Control Information
Use the
prepositional phrase.Theby
prepositional phrase authenticates that an account or proxy account for a particular user has been set up with the proper access control information. Use of theby
preposition is portable to other DECnet-Plus systems. Use the following format to append access control information using theby
preposition.by user=username, password=password, account=account, proxy={TRUE/FALSE}
For Tru64 UNIX, NCL ignores any use of the
by proxy
clause so that the modifier"by proxy=true"
(that is, proxy access allowed) is always in effect.If userj_smith
has privileges to access thesession control application graphics_exchange
on the remote node,j_smith
can use theby
preposition as follows:ncl> ! On node .admin.finance ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application - _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters, by user=j_smith, password=DoNotUse . . .
Specify an access control string.
The access control string (ACS) consists of a user name and password for an account on the remote system.
Enter the user name and password immediately following the node name, surrounded by quotes:
ncl> show node .admin.artists"j_smith DoNotUse" session control application - _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters
On remote OpenVMS systems, to do a
operation you need the NET$EXAMINE right when specifying access control information. For write access (for example,set
etc.), you need NET$MANAGE right or BYPASS privilege on the remote system.On remote Tru64 UNIX systems, you do not need privileges to do a show operation when specifying access control information. However, for write access, you must have superuser access to the system.
The use of proxy accounts is a more manageable method of establishing access control schemes between two systems. The VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide contains more information about controlling remote network access through the use of proxy accounts.
1.5.14. Establishing Default Context
set default
commands discussed in this section.) Use the set
ncl default entity
command to set up a default entity. For
example:ncl> set ncl default entity node .mfg.cadcam session control ncl> show ncl default entity ncl default entity = node .mfg.cadcam session control
set ncl default access
command sets up default access control
independently of the default entity. Once established, the default access control is
applied to any command where an explicit by
prepositional phrase is
omitted and no user information is given with the node
name.ncl> ! on node .admin.finance ncl> set ncl default access by user=j_smith, password=DoNotUse ncl> show ncl default access ncl Default access = user name=j_smith account= proxy=false ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application - _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters
The set ncl default access
overrides an access control string
specified with an entity. Default Context Usage Notes
When supplying access information, VSI recommends that you provide both the
username and password in a single command. In addition, the command should
include a default node
entity. Here are two recommended forms of
the set ncl default
ncl> set ncl default entity - _ncl> node nodename"username password" [subentity | subentities] ncl> set ncl default entity node nodename [subentity | subentities], - _ncl> access by user=username, Password=password
Once established, default entity and access control information remains in
effect for the duration of the NCL session or until it is modified by subsequent
set ncl default
When a set ncl default
command contains new access information
but lacks a default node entity, the new access information is stored, but is
not used until some subsequent set ncl default entity node
is issued. For example, the following two commands set new access information
but do not specify a default node entity:
ncl> set ncl default access by user=username, password=password ncl> set ncl default entity [subentity | subentities], - _ncl> access by user=username, password=password
The following example shows the result of using a command of this type.
ncl> show ncl default No NCL Default Access has been set NCL Default Entity () ncl> set ncl default access by user=user1, password=goodpassword ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity ()
Note that the access control information created in the preceding commands
remains unused until the default node
entity is modified. The
following set
command would then result in the establishment of a
connection to node remnod
using the user1
ncl> set ncl default entity node remnod ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod
Once you have set a default node entity, all subsequent set ncl default
commands apply to that node until the user modifies the
default node entity. For example, with the default node
entity set
to remnod
, you can set the default entity to session
on node remnod
without respecifying the
ncl> set ncl default entity session control ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control
To change to another subentity on the remote node, you must include (or
respecify) any subentities beneath the node entity. Even though the current
default entity in this example is node remnod session control
, you
must re-specify the subentity session control
if you want to set
default to a lower subentity on that node. For example, NCL does not parse the
following command because the entity session control
is not
ncl> set ncl default entity application fal %NCL-E-INVALIDCOMMAND, unrecognized command SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY \Application\ fal ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control
Since NCL could not parse the command, the NCL defaults remained unchanged.
Instead, the following command would be necessary to change the default to a
lower subentity on node remnod
ncl> set ncl default entity session control application fal ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application fal
Note that in the preceding example the instance identifier fal
specified a particular instance of a session control application
entity. But it is also acceptable to use wildcards to specify the default
entity. In the example below, the wildcard "*" is used as an instance identifier
to refer to all session control applications on the default node.
ncl> set ncl default entity session control application * ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application *
Note that if the default access control information and the default entity are
now modified, but no node
entity is specified, the old default
access control remains in effect.
ncl> set ncl default access by user=user2, password=badpassword, _ncl> entity session control ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application *
In the preceding example, the new default access information is stored, but
contrary to the default access information displayed by SHOW NCL DEFAULT, the
connection to node remnod
through the user1
will remain in use until the default node
entity is changed.
This next command would request a new connection to node remnod
using the latest default access information (through the user2
account), but the connection would fail because the password information
provided earlier for the user2
account was incorrect:
ncl> set ncl default entity node remnod %NCL-E-REQUESTFAILED, command failed due to: -CML-E-SESSPROB, error returned from session control -IPC-E-BADUSER, access control rejection -NET-F-REMOTEDISCONN, connection disconnected by remote user %NCL-E-NOCONNECTION, cannot establish CMIP connection to remote node set ncl default entity node remnod
Whenever a connection to a default node
entity fails, the default
entity is reset to the local node. Default subentity
information is cleared as well because subentities are node-specific. The
default access information is left as is, but it remains unused until the
default node
entity is reset. For example, after the above failure
to modify the default node
entity, the NCL defaults would look like
ncl> show ncl default NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx NCL Default Entity ()
1.6. Using Snapshot
The snapshot function saves the counters’ values and displays those values. After you
issue the snapshot
command, you can use the show
command to
display a comparison of the current values and the registered values at later
The following command activates snapshot for the entity and produces the snapshot output:
ncl> snap nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters Snapshot node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F at 1995-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425 Counters Creation Time = 1995-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425 User Octets Received = 932 User Octets Sent = 246 User PDUs Received = 22 User PDUs Sent = 10 . . .
The following show
command displays the snapshot for the entity for which
snapshot was activated:
ncl> show nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters Show node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F at 1995-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425 Counters Creation Time = 1995-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425 Snapshot created at 1995-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425 Actual Value Snapshot Value Difference ------------- --------------- --------- User Octets Received 2414 932 1482 User Octets Sent 262 246 16 User PDUs Received 25 22 3 User PDUs Sent 11 10 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Snapshot information is only retained for the duration of an NCL session.
Therefore, you must enter the snapshot
command and subsequent show
commands at the ncl>
prompt rather than at the DCL prompt. To gather
snapshot information from a remote node, you can either set the NCL default to the
remote node entity or include the node name in each NCL command, as long as the
commands are issued within the same NCL session.
1.7. Setting Up Optional Initialization or Key Definition Files
- The initialization file contains NCL commands that are executed when you start NCL; that is, before you receive the NCL prompt
. Alternatively, the initialization file is executed prior to executing an NCL script file that is specified as part of a DCL command line. In the following example, the initialization file is executed before the ROUTING.NCL script:$ ncl @routing.ncl
The key definition file associates commonly used NCL commands with keys on the keypad. Use the
command to create the definition.
File Type |
Default |
Logical Name |
Initialization |
Key definition |
command:$ define ncl$init ncl$nodea_init.com
When NCL starts up, it checks for the file NCL$NODEA_INIT.COM, and if it exists, executes the NCL commands within the file.
1.7.1. KEYPAD Definition for NCL
$ @sys$examples:setup_ncl_keypad This command file creates Keypad definitions files for NCL to be used with the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS products. It creates files in SYS$MANAGER: and SYS$HELP:. All files begin with NCL$KEYDEF. A copy of this file will be made in SYS$UPDATE: In a cluster environment, NCL scripts are created in SYS$SPECIFIC: directories for each node on this system disk. This file may be copied to any system running DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS. Note: Please add "$ DEFINE/SYSTEM NCL$KEYDEF SYS$MANAGER:NCL$KEYDEF.INIT" to your OpenVMS startup procedure. Continue? [Y/N Def: Y]: Creating NCL Key Definition Init File... Creating NCL Key Definition Help Text Files... Installing in a cluster environment. Scripts created for each member... %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Clusterwide on local cluster Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA NSP Show Nodes Complete... OSI Show Nodes Complete... Show Routing Adjacencies Complete... %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB NSP Show Nodes Complete... OSI Show Nodes Complete... Show Routing Adjacencies Complete... %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB $
Once in NCL, keypad PF4 displays an introduction and keypad PF2 provides help on the keypad layout.
1.8. Accessing Name Service Information
The decnet_register
tool is an executable image located in SYS$SYSTEM:.
It centralizes and simplifies namespace management tasks by replacing functionality
previously provided by both the decnet_dns_register
command procedures located in SYS$MANAGER:.
The decnet_register
tool manages information in both the DECdns
distributed name service and the Local namespace. The decnet_register
command assists with setup tasks for the DECdns name service. For
example, it creates namespace directories and access groups, and enables
The decnet_register
tool has both command line and forms interfaces.
Online help information is provided with the tool.
See the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide manual for more information and instructions on
registering, deregistering, modifying, and renaming node names. See the
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS DECdns Management Guide for information about dnscp
and for detailed
instructions on managing the namespace and its contents.
1.9. Using NCP for Remote Network Management
DECnet-Plus lets you manage remote systems running Phase IV software from a system running DECnet-Plus network management. To execute an NCP command, follow the specific platform instructions.
Because NCL is not backwards compatible with NCP, NCP scripts do not work under the
NCL utility. To run NCP scripts, you need to use the convert
command in the
utility. For more information on this utility, see the
VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide.
and set executor node
commands. For example, to zero
the executor counters on a remote Phase IV node from a local Phase V node, enter the
following:$ run sys$system:ncp NCP> tell remnod"account password" zero exec counters
The NCP emulator tool is not intended for management of Phase V nodes. Refer to VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide for more information about the NCP emulator tool. For example, the following error is returned when an NCP emulator command is attempted on a Phase V system without specifying a remote Phase IV system:
NCP> zero exec counters %NCP-W-SYSMGT, System-specific management function not supported
1.10. Console Carrier
The console carrier provides access to the remote console subsystem (ASCII console) of a network server on a LAN. The console carrier interface does not use NCL. Instead, you can enter commands at the operating system to use the console carrier.
For further information about the console carrier, consult the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management Guide.
Chapter 2. Node Module
The Node module has one entity, the global node
entity, which crowns the
hierarchy represented in the entity model described by the Network Architecture (NA). All
other modules described in this book are subordinate to the Node module. When enabled, each
node is visible to all other nodes on the network. Access to a node’s entities must be made
through the node.
Figure 2.1, “The Node Global Entity in the NA Entity Hierarchy” shows the hierarchical relationship of the Node global entity to all of the other (local) entities that are described in this book.

2.1. node
The node
entity is the only entity in the Node module. All other entities
described in this book are subordinate to the node
entity, as demonstrated
by the components of their entity names.
enable [node node-id] function
disable [node node-id] function
function (OpenVMS)
rename [node node-id] new name
show [node node-id] [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all status]
2.1.1. Entity Name
Commands that manage a node
entity specify the node using this
node node-id
Node being managed by the command.
If you want to operate on the local node, you can either omit the node identifier
in your NCL command, or you can specify node 0
, which identifies the
local node.
2.1.2. Commands
Turns on the node
entity with or without the address watcher.
Changes the node's name within the node and does not affect the name server
directly. It uses the new name and an immediate keep me here
transaction with the name servers which then update themselves based on the node's
new name.
2.1.3. Arguments
function function
command, the function argument is optional. Specifying one, both, or neither has the
effect of changing the state to on
address watcher |
Enables the address watcher function. Enabling this function allows the node to update its address identifier when a change of address is detected. Disabling this function causes the state attribute to be
set to |
CMIP listener |
Enabled automatically by the software. This function permits the node to respond to management through its CMIP listener interface. The CMIP listener function is only supported on Tru64 UNIX. |
new name full-name
Specifies the new name to be assigned to the node.
2.1.4. Characteristic Attributes
Particular DECnet implementation of the node. You cannot modify this characteristic.
listener template (Tru64 UNIX)
Name of the OSI Transport template to be passed through the CMIP listener to Session Control. You cannot modify this characteristic.
maximum listeners (Tru64 UNIX)
Maximum number of CMIP listeners that the node supports. Zero specifies an unlimited number of listeners. You cannot modify this characteristic.
Version number of the network management architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
2.1.5. Counter Attributes
changes of address
Number of times the node's address has changed.
changes of id
Number of times the node's ID has changed.
creation time
Time at which the entity was created. This time reflects the time at which the node was first booted.
idrom check failures
Number of times an IDROM was checked for consistency and was found to be in error.
Number of times the node has been renamed (see the rename
2.1.6. Identifier Attributes
Set of protocol towers that together form a Session Control application address for the node's CMIP listener.
Full name of the node as it is registered in your namespace; name
the primary identifier.
2.1.7. Status Attributes
functions enabled
Functions that are currently enabled for the node (see the enable
Indicates the unique 48-bit ID of the node.
booting |
The node is attempting to downline load. You cannot manage
the node in this state. If the boot process is successful,
the node enters the |
dead |
The node is unusable and unmanageable as the result of a power failure or similar event. The node must be rebooted. This function is only supported on OpenVMS. |
off |
The node is manageable, but not all of its functions are enabled. |
on |
All of the node's functions are enabled and the node is
fully manageable. The |
Node's unique identifier, which is generated when the node is created.
2.1.8. Event Messages (Tru64 UNIX)
address changed
Generated each time the node address changes.
old address |
Protocol tower set that constituted the old node address. |
new address |
Protocol tower set that constitutes the new node address. |
id changed
Generated each time the node's ID status attribute changes value.
old id |
Node's old 48-bit ID. |
new id |
Node's new 48-bit ID. |
idrom check failure
Generated each time an IDROM was checked and failed the test.
contents |
Value of the failed IDROM. |
owner |
Name of the device on which the failed IDROM address exists. |
Generated each time the node's name changes.
old name |
Old full name of the node. |
new name |
New full name of the node. |
2.1.9. Exception Messages (Tru64 UNIX)
For rename
update of backtranslation soft links failed
Update of backtranslation soft links failed on the rename directive.
update of new name failed
New name update has failed on the rename directive.
unregistered name
The attempt to rename the node failed because the name and/or UID were not registered in DNS.
Chapter 3. Alias Module (OpenVMS)
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Alias module. The Alias module provides the means to define an alternate network address that is shared by multiple nodes in the same OpenVMS cluster. This makes it possible to treat an OpenVMS cluster, or several nodes within an OpenVMS cluster, as though it were a single node in the network.
Figure 3.1, “Hierarchy of Alias Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Alias module.

3.1. alias
The alias
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy belonging to
the Alias module. The entity is the root from which alias port
may be defined.
create [node node-id] alias
delete [node node-id] alias
show [node node-id] alias [all [attributes] | all
3.1.1. Counter Attributes
creation time
Specifies the time at which the entity was created.
3.1.2. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
An alias
entity already exists.
wrong node type
An alias
entity cannot be created on an alias node.
For delete
module enabled
Disable the alias
entity before trying to delete it.
3.2. alias port
An alias port
entity provides the means to define an alternate network
address for this node, which is shared by other nodes in the same OpenVMS cluster. When
the alias port
entity is enabled, this node becomes an active member of the
OpenVMS cluster alias it specifies.
an alias port for a
particular alias address causes that alias to be created. Subsequent nodes that
an alias port for the same alias establish connections (ports)
to that alias. The alias becomes active when the first node enables its alias port for
that alias. The port-name refers to the port managed by this command.Note
When a node enables an alias port, that node registers itself with other members of the alias.
create [node node-id] alias port port-name [node id ID802]
delete [node node-id] alias port port-name
disable [node node-id] alias port port-name
enable [node node-id] alias port port-name
set [node node-id] alias port port-name { outgoing default boolean |
selection weight integer }
show [node node-id] alias port port-name [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all status]
shut [node node-id] alias port port-name
3.2.1. Commands
Places the specified alias port
entity in the shut
state. Note that other nodes participating in the alias will continue to accept
connections for the alias after this command is executed.
3.2.2. Arguments
node id
The LAN address to assign to the alias. Use the node id
argument for
the first cluster member to create the alias. Omit the argument for subsequent
cluster members.
3.2.3. Characteristic Attributes
outgoing default
Specifies whether this alias should be used as the default alias for this node. If
set to true
, this alias name is used for connect requests on all
outgoing connections from session control applications with their outgoing
attribute set to true
. Only one alias port can have
this characteristic set to true
selection weight
Default: None | Value: 1-255 |
The number of sequential incoming connects to be passed to this member node in the round-robin sequence before proceeding to the next member node in the sequence. A value of zero means this node is not eligible to receive incoming connections to this alias address. Selection weight is used to apportion incoming alias connections according to the capacity of each alias member. Nodes with greater capacity should have larger values of selection weight, while local area OpenVMS cluster satellites should generally have a value of zero. Setting the selection weight to a very low non-zero number, such as 1, encourages needless connection delay because each incoming connection is treated in a round-robin fashion. That is, as each new connection comes in, it must be passed to the next cluster member. We recommend values between 5 and 10.
The nsp maximum transport connection
value determines the number
of connections on an alias member. If the alias port is enabled, changing the
nsp maximum transport connection
value has no effect.
3.2.4. Counter Attributes
creation time
Specifies the time at which the entity was created.
3.2.5. Identifier Attributes
This string is the port identifier and is also the DECdns-registered node object name of the Alias psuedo-node.
3.2.6. Status Attributes
The 6-byte node-id
field in the Alias pseudo-node's NSAP.
alias port
off |
The |
on |
The |
shut |
The |
3.2.7. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
An alias port
entity already exists.
too many alias port entities
The maximum number of alias port
entities has been exceeded.
For delete
cannot delete the entity while it is enabled
Disable the alias port
entity before trying to delete it.
Chapter 4. CSMA-CD Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the CSMA-CD module. A Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA-CD) local area network (LAN) provides high-speed communications channels for connecting computers and other digital devices located within a moderate-sized geographic area. Like other LANs, the CSMA-CD LAN falls between long-distance, low-speed networks that carry data for hundreds or thousands of kilometers, and specialized, high-speed intercommunications that are generally limited to tens of meters. The CSMA-CD LAN is intended for use primarily in such areas as office automation, distributed data processing, terminal access, distributed systems, and other situations that require economical connection to a local communication medium with sporadic traffic at high-peak data rates.
Figure 4.1, “Hierarchy of CSMA-CD Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the CSMA-CD module.

The Network Architecture CSMA-CD module incorporates the functions and operations defined in the Ethernet Specification Version 2.0 and the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE 802.3) CSMA-CD Access Method and Physical Layer specification as well as parts of the ISO8802-1 (IEEE 802.1) Addressing, Internet working, and Network Management and the ISO 8802-2 (IEEE 802.2) Logical Link Control specifications. To this, the Network Architecture CSMA-CD module adds features often needed by users of the datalink. A typical such data link user is the Network layer of the Network Architecture.
4.1. csma-cd
The csma-cd
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of entities
belonging to the CSMA-CD module.
create [node node-id] csma-cd
delete [node node-id] csma-cd
show [node node-id] csma-cd [all [attributes] | all
4.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: Current version number
Version number of the CSMA-CD data link architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
4.1.2. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
A csma-cd
entity already exists.
For delete
has children (Tru64 UNIX)
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
cannot delete while subentities exist (OpenVMS)
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
4.2. csma-cd port
A csma-cd port
entity represents an access point to the service offered
by the CSMA-CD module. A client transmits and receives data through a port. Ports are
created and deleted by client use of open and close service interface procedures. The
port-name refers to the port managed by this command.
show [node node-id] csma-cd port
port-name [all [attributes] | all counters | all
identifiers | all status]
4.2.1. Counter Attributes
Unless stated otherwise, counts include both normal and multicast traffic and all protocol types, service access points (SAPs), and protocol identifiers.
creation time
Time at which the port was created.
multicast octets received
Number of multicast data octets that were received successfully and made available
to the port user. The count is the number of octets in the CSMA-CD user data field
and does not include MAC (media access control, a sublayer of the CSMA-CD Data Link
layer) headers. Comparing this count to the octets received
yields the gross percentage of bandwidth that was consumed (over time) by multicast
PDUs received by the port.
multicast octets sent
Number of multicast data octets that were sent successfully through the port. The
count is the number of octets in the MAC user data field, including any padding or
length fields; it does not include MAC headers. Comparing this count to the
octets sent
count yields the gross percentage of bandwidth that was
consumed (over time) by multicast PDUs transmitted by the port.
multicast pdus received
Number of multicast PDUs that were received successfully and made available to the
port user. Counted PDUs passed address and protocol filtering and were received
without errors. Comparing this count to the pdus received
count yields
a gross percentage of CSMA-CD usage for multicast pdus received
by this
multicast pdus sent
Number of multicast PDUs that were sent successfully through the port. Comparing
this count to the pdus sent
count yields a gross percentage of CSMA-CD
usage for multicast pdus sent
by this port.
octets received
Total number of MAC user data octets that were received successfully and made
available to the port user. Counted frames passed address and protocol filtering for
both individual and multicast MAC addresses and were received without errors. The
count is the number of octets in the CSMA-CD user data field plus any padding,
Ethernet length fields, or logical link control (LLC) header fields; it does not
include MAC headers. Adding the octets received
count to the protocol
overhead calculated from the pdus received
count yields the amount of
CSMA-CD bandwidth consumed by frames received by the port.
octets sent
Total number of user data octets that were sent successfully through the port. The
count is the number of octets in the MAC user data field including any padding or
length fields; it does not include MAC headers. Adding the octets sent
count to the protocol overhead calculated from the pdus sent
yields the amount of CSMA-CD bandwidth consumed (over time) by frames sent by the
pdus received
Total number of PDUs that were received successfully and made available to the port user. Counted PDUs passed address and protocol filtering and were received without errors. The count provides a gross measurement of incoming CSMA-CD usage by the port.
pdus sent
Total number of PDUs that were sent successfully through the port. The count provides a gross measurement of outgoing CSMA-CD usage by the port.
unavailable user buffers
Number of times that no user buffer was available at the port for an incoming
frame that passed all filtering for the port. Used in conjunction with the
pdus received
count, this counter can indicate the rate of user
buffer receive problems.
4.2.2. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
4.2.3. Status Attributes
Name specified by the data link user when the port was opened.
ethernet protocol types
Set of Ethernet protocol types that are currently recognized for this port.
length present
, the data link does not add and remove length fields. This
attribute is irrelevant for ISO 8802-3 formatted frames, which always have a length field.
false |
The data link does not add and remove length fields. |
true |
The data link adds and removes length fields. |
llc sap addresses
Set of individual and group logical link control (LLC) service access point (SAP) addresses that are currently recognized for this port.
llc service
class 1 |
The data link provides class 1, type 1 service. |
user-supplied |
The user is responsible for handling the LLC protocol. |
mac addresses
Set of individual and multicast MAC (medium access control) addresses that are currently recognized for this port.
receive mode
normal |
The port receives only those frames that meet the normal address and protocol filtering requirements requested by the user. |
promiscuous |
The port receives all frames regardless of format and MAC address. |
snap protocol identifiers
Set of subnetwork access protocol (SNAP) identifiers that are currently recognized for this port.
Name of the station associated with this port as specified by the user when the port was opened.
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the port is created.
4.3. csma-cd station
A csma-cd station
entity manages a CSMA-CD controller. Wherever Phase IV
DECnet manages a line, DECnet-Plus manages a station. Each station corresponds to a
particular logical link control (LLC), medium access control (MAC), and physical
attachment. The station-name refers to the station managed by this
create [node node-id] csma-cd station
station-name communication port
delete [node node-id] csma-cd station
disable [node node-id] csma-cd station
enable [node node-id] csma-cd station
station-name mac address
set [node node-id] csma-cd station
station-name station buffers integer
show [node node-id] csma-cd station
station-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status]
4.3.1. Arguments
communication port
The system device name assigned to this station.
On OpenVMS systems, the name must be in the format ddc, where dd is the OpenVMS device name prefix and c is the controller letter. For a complete list of CSMA-CD devices and their OpenVMS device names, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes.
On Tru64 UNIX systems, the name must be in the format ddn, where dd is the Tru64 UNIX device name prefix and n is the device number.
This argument determines the value of the communication port
characteristic and is required.
mac address
Individual medium access control (MAC) address for the station. If you do not
specify a MAC address, the network uses the address specified in the first
user interface call directed to this
4.3.2. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 4 |
Value: 1–64 |
Number of receive buffers reserved for the station. You cannot modify this characteristic.
4.3.3. Counter Attributes
Unless stated otherwise, counts include both normal and multicast traffic and all protocol types, service access points (SAPs), and protocol identifiers.
alignment errors
Number of times a received frame did not contain an integral number of octets.
carrier check failures
Number of times the data link did not sense the receive carrier signal or detected an error in the receive carrier signal during transmission of a frame.
collision detect check failures
Number of times the collision detect test signal was not sensed after a transmission. If this count approximates the number of frames sent, either the collision detect circuitry is not working correctly or the test signal is not implemented.
creation time
Time at which the station was created.
data overruns
Number of times the hardware lost one or more consecutive, partially complete,
incoming frames because it could not keep up with the incoming frame rate. Used in
conjunction with pdus received
, this count provides a measure of
hardware resource and bandwidth failures.
excessive collisions
Number of times a transmission failed because the maximum allowable number of retransmission attempts all culminated in collisions.
frame check errors
Number of times a received frame containing an integral number of octets failed the frame check sequence (FCS).
frame size errors
Number of times the user requested transmission of a frame outside the range of valid frame sizes.
frames too long
Number of times a received frame exceeded the maximum length allowed by CSMA-CD medium access control.
initially deferred pdus sent
Number of times a PDU was deferred by the station access algorithm on the first
attempt at transmission, but was then transmitted successfully without collision.
Used in conjunction with pdus sent
, this count measures the rate of
CSMA-CD contention with no collisions.
late collisions
Number of times a collision was detected after the allotted time for collisions had expired.
multicast octets received
Number of multicast data octets that were received successfully. The count is the
number of octets in the CSMA-CD user data field and does not include MAC headers.
Comparing this count to the octets received
count yields the gross
percentage of bandwidth that was consumed (over time) by multicast frames received
by the local system.
multicast octets sent
Number of multicast data octets that were sent successfully. The count is the
number of octets in the MAC user data field, including any padding or length fields;
it does not include MAC headers. Comparing this count to the octets
count yields the gross percentage of bandwidth that was consumed
(over time) by multicast frames transmitted by the local system.
multicast pdus received
Number of multicast PDUs that were received successfully. Comparing this count to
the pdus received
count yields a gross percentage of CSMA-CD usage for
multicast PDUs received by this system.
multicast pdus sent
Number of multicast PDUs that were sent successfully. Comparing this count to the
pdus sent
count yields a gross percentage of CSMA-CD usage for
multicast PDUs sent by this system.
multiple collisions pdus sent
Number of times a PDU was transmitted successfully on the third or later attempt
by the station access algorithm after normal collisions on previous attempts. Used
in conjunction with pdus sent
, this count provides a measure of CSMA-CD
media contention at a level where there are collisions and the backoff algorithm no
longer works efficiently.
octets received
Total number of MAC user data octets that were received successfully from frames
that passed address and protocol filtering for both individual and multicast MAC
addresses. The count is the number of octets in the CSMA-CD user data field plus any
padding, Ethernet length fields, or LLC header fields; it does not include MAC
headers. Adding the octets received
count to the protocol overhead
calculated from the pdus received
count yields the amount of CSMA-CD
bandwidth consumed by frames received by the local system.
octets sent
Total number of user data octets that were sent successfully. The count is the
number of octets in the MAC user data field including any padding or length fields;
it does not include MAC headers. Adding the octets sent
count to the
protocol overhead calculated from the pdus sent
count yields the amount
of CSMA-CD bandwidth consumed (over time) by frames sent by the local system.
pdus received
Total number of PDUs that passed address and protocol filtering and were received without errors. The count provides a gross measurement of incoming CSMA-CD usage by the local system; this information can be used with other counters to approximate the average receive frame size or to determine the ratio of errors to successful receives.
pdus sent
Total number of PDUs successfully sent. The count provides a gross measurement of outgoing CSMA-CD usage by the local system; this information can be used with other counters to approximate the average transmit frame size or to determine the ratio of errors to successful transmissions.
receive data length errors
Number of times a frame was received with a length field value that was invalid for the number of octets actually received by medium access control.
send data length errors
Number of times the user requested transmission of an 802.3 frame with a length field value that was not valid for the number of octets actually passed.
single collision pdus sent
Number of times a PDU was successfully transmitted on the second attempt by the
station access algorithm after a normal collision occurred on the first attempt.
Used in conjunction with pdus sent
, this count provides a measure of
CSMA-CD media contention at a level where there are collisions, but the backoff
algorithm still works efficiently.
station failures
Number of times the station self-testing procedures reported failure.
unavailable station buffers
Number of times a complete, fully received PDU was discarded because no station
buffer was available. Used with pdus received
, this count provides a
measure of receive problems related to the station buffer.
unavailable user buffers
Number of times no user buffer was available for an incoming frame that passed all
filtering for the port. Used with the pdus received
count, this counter
can indicate the rate of user buffer receive problems.
unrecognized individual destination pdus
Number of times a received PDU with an individual destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the correct Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or link logical control SAP address enabled.
unrecognized multicast destination pdus
Number of times a received PDU with a multicast destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the correct Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or link logical control SAP address enabled.
4.3.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the station when it is created.
4.3.5. Status Attributes
address filters
All individual MAC addresses currently enabled by any of the ports on the station.
communication port
DECnet-Plus device name for the station.
hardware address
Individual medium access control (MAC) address that was assigned during manufacture of the communications hardware that is associated with the station.
mac address
Current MAC address (if any) of the station. For more information about the MAC
address, refer to the enable
receive mode
normal |
The station receives only those frames (individual and multicast) that meet the normal format, protocol, and access control requirements. |
all multicast |
The station receives all individual-addressed frames that meet the normal format, protocol, and address requirements, and all multicast-addressed frames regardless of their format, protocol, and address types. This function is only supported on OpenVMS. |
promiscuous |
The station receives all frames (individual and multicast) regardless of format, Ethernet protocol type, SNAP identifier, LLC SAP address, or MAC address. This function is only supported on OpenVMS. |
failed |
Either an attempt to enable the station failed during the self-test or the station was on and the data link determined that the station would now fail the self-test. |
initializing |
The station is currently being initialized and tested by the data link. |
off |
The station is disabled. |
on |
The station is enabled and available for use. |
For more information on station states, refer to the appropriate network management guide.
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the station is created.
4.3.6. Event Messages
alignment error
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame does not contain an integral number of octets. This error can be caused by several conditions, such as electromagnetic interference, late collisions, or improperly set hardware parameters (for example, receiver squelch).
carrier check failure
This event is generated on a transmission that failed, either because the data link did not sense the receive carrier signal that must accompany transmission of a frame, or because the data link did not detect an error. This error indicates a failure in either the transmitting or receiving hardware, such as the transceiver or transceiver cable.
data overrun
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame is lost because of a hardware resource failure such as insufficient hardware buffers or insufficient CPU time.
excessive collision
This event is generated whenever a transmission fails because the medium access algorithm reached the maximum number of allowable retransmission attempts resulting from collisions. This error can occur when too many systems are trying to transmit at the same time or when there are cable problems.
frame check error
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame fails the frame check sequence (FCS) test. This error can be caused by several conditions, such as electromagnetic interference, late collisions, or improperly set hardware parameters (for example, receiver squelch).
frame too long
This event is generated whenever a remote system sends a frame that exceeds the CSMA-CD MAC maximum length.
late collision
This event is generated whenever a transmission fails because a collision was detected after the allowed window for collisions had elapsed. This error indicates either a problem with another system's carrier sense or a weak local transmitter.
receive data length error
This event is generated whenever a remote system sends an 802.3 frame having a length field value that is not valid for the number of octets actually received by the MAC.
unavailable station buffer
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame is discarded because there is no station buffer available to receive it. This error indicates a lack of local station buffers; that is, a lack of buffers between the cable and the user buffers.
unavailable user buffer
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame is discarded because there is no user buffer queued to the appropriate port to receive it. This error indicates a lack of buffers in the user process; that is, the buffers supplied by the user for the Receive function.
unrecognized individual destination pdu
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame that matches an enabled individual MAC address is discarded because the frame does not satisfy the filter criteria of any port. This error indicates that a remote system is using a protocol that is locally unsupported or that the local system has not enabled a protocol type, protocol identifier, or LLC SAP address that it should have.
unrecognized multicast destination pdu
This event is generated whenever an incoming frame that matches an enabled multicast MAC address is discarded because the frame does not satisfy the filter criteria of any port. This error indicates that the local system has not enabled an Ethernet protocol type, SNAP identifier, or LLC SAP address that it should have, or that a remote system is sending traffic that is invalid for the combination of multicast and the currently specified protocol type, SNAP identifier, or LLC SAP.
4.3.7. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
A csma-cd station
entity already exists.
communication port in use
Failure to create the csma-cd station
entity because the
communications port is already reserved by another entity.
invalid communications port
Failure to create the csma-cd station
entity because you cannot run
CSMA-CD data link on this communications port.
For delete
station in use (UNIX)
Attempt to delete the csma-cd station
entity failed because there is
at least one active port still associated with this station. You must wait until the
ports go away to delete this station.
wrong state
Failure to delete the csma-cd station
because the station must be
disabled before deletion.
Chapter 5. DCMP Module (OpenVMS)
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Data Communications Message Protocol (DCMP) module. The DCMP module is a data link control procedure that ensures a reliable data communication path between communication devices connected by data links. DCMP has been designed to operate over full- and half-duplex synchronous and asynchronous channels in both point-to-point and multipoint modes. It can be used in a variety of applications such as distributed computer networking, host/front-end processing, remote terminal concentration, and remote job entry-exit system operation.
Figure 5.1, “Hierarchy of DCMP Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the DCMP module.

5.1. dcmp
The dcmp
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of
entities belonging to the DCMP module.
create [node node-id] dcmp
delete [node node-id] dcmp
show [node node-id] dcmp [all [attributes] | all
5.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
dna version
Version number of the DCMP architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
5.1.2. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
entity already exists.
5.2. dcmp link
The dcmp link
entity defines the attributes of a link to a
communications port that uses DCMP. The link-name
refers to the link managed by this command.
create [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name protocol
delete [node node-id] dcmp link
disable [node node-id] dcmp link
enable [node node-id] dcmp link
set [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name {dead timer integer | delay
timer integer | physical line local-entity-name | receive buffers
integer | retransmit timer integer | scheduling timer integer |
stream timer integer}
show [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all
5.2.1. Arguments
protocol protocol-type
point |
The local station is one end of a point-to-point link. This is the default and only supported value. |
tributary |
The local station acts as a tributary of a multipoint link. |
5.2.2. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 10000 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between polls of one of the set
of dead tributaries. This attribute is supported only if the
characteristic protocol
is set to
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–65535 |
Specifies the minimum delay, in milliseconds, between polls. You can
use this timer to limit the effect of a fast control station on
slower tributaries. A value of 0 means that no delay is added. This
attribute is supported only if the characteristic
is set to control
Default: No name |
Value: Local-entity-name |
Name of the Physical layer entity over which the link operates. A
value for this characteristic must be set before the
entity is enabled. You can modify this
characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: Point |
Value: See description |
Protocol mode used by the local station. You cannot modify this characteristic.
The value of this characteristic is a copy of the
argument specified when the dcmp
entity is created. The default value is
and is the only permissible value.
Default: 4 |
Value: 1–255 |
Number of receive buffers reserved for the link. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled. Also, you can only increase the characteristic value.
Default: 3000 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait between sending a message and receiving a valid response. If this time expires, the local station takes error recovery action. On full-duplex point-to-point links, the timer is started immediately when a message is sent.
Default: 200 |
Value: 50–65535 |
Time, in milliseconds, between the recalculation of tributary polling
priorities. This attribute is supported only if the characteristic
is set to control
Default: 6000 |
Value: 0–65535 |
Time, in milliseconds, for which a tributary or the remote station (on
a half-duplex, point-to-point link) can hold the line. This
characteristic is not supported if the characteristic
is set to
5.2.3. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
naks received indicating message header format error
Number of NAK messages received that report errors in message headers sent from the local station.
naks received indicating receive overrun
Number of NAK messages received that report a receive overrun at the remote station.
pdus received with message header format error
Number of times the local station detected an error in a message header.
receive overruns
Number of times the local station detected a receive overrun.
selection address errors
Number of times the controller of a multipoint link received a message
with an address other than that of the currently selected station.
This counter is supported only if the characteristic
is set to control
streaming tributaries
Number of times the remote station (or a tributary station) exceeded
the maximum transmission interval without releasing the line, or
failed to release the line after sending a message with the
flag set. This counter is present only
on half-duplex, point-to-point links, or when the local station is a
controller of a multipoint link. This counter is not supported if
the protocol
characteristic is set to
transmit underruns
Number of times the local station detected a transmit underrun.
5.2.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the link when it is created.
5.2.5. Status Attributes
physical port
Name of the port entity in the Physical layer returned when the port is opened. If this is null, the port is not open.
and disable
off |
The entity is disabled. |
on |
The entity is enabled. |
In addition, the link is disabled and its state is set to
if the Physical layer port that the link
uses is deleted.
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
5.2.6. Event Messages
pdu received with header format error
fields not zeroInvalid control
address |
Address of the remote station that caused the event. | |
message header |
Message header that contains the error. |
selection address error
Generated each time the controller of a multipoint link receives a
message that contains an address other than that of the currently
selected tributary. This event is supported only on half-duplex,
point-to-point links, or if the protocol
is set to tributary
current address |
Address of the currently selected tributary station. | |
previous address |
Address of the previously selected tributary station. | |
received address |
Address contained in the received message. |
streaming tributary
When a remote station exceeds a maximum transmission interval without releasing the channel.
When a remote station fails to release a channel after sending a message with the
flag set.When the jamming condition is cleared.
previous address |
Address of the previously selected tributary station. | |
received address |
Address contained in the message received after transmission should have ended. This argument is not present if no message is received. | |
type |
Type of jamming that the local station detected, or indicates that jamming has now cleared. | |
continued transmission after deselection |
The remote station continued to send
information after it sent a message with the
| |
continued transmission after timeout |
The remote station continued to send information after exceeding the maximum transmission interval. | |
streaming cleared |
A previous | |
streaming tributary |
The remote station continued to send valid control messages or headers to data message after exceeding the maximum transmission interval. |
5.2.7. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
A dcmp link
entity already exists.
For delete
cannot delete while subentities exist
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
wrong state
Failure to delete the dcmp link
entity because the link
must be disabled before deletion.
For enable
device constraint
The value of an attribute is not supported by the type of device used on the communications line. Modify the attribute to a suitable value, and retry the operation.
open physical port failed
The opening of the port in the Physical layer failed. The exception includes an argument that gives more information about the failure.
5.3. dcmp link logical station
The dcmp link logical station
entity manages a link to a remote
station. The link-name is the DCMP link associated with
the logical station and the station-name refers to the
logical station managed by this command.
create [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
delete [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
disable [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
enable [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
set [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
station-name {active base integer |
active increment integer | address address | babble timer integer |
buffer source source | dead threshold integer | dying base integer |
dying increment integer | dying threshold integer | holdback timer
integer | inactive base integer | inactive increment integer |
inactive threshold integer | maximum buffers integer | maximum
transmit integer | polling state effect | transmit timer integer |
transmit window integer }
show [node node-id] dcmp link
link-name logical station
station-name [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all status
5.3.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 255 |
Value: 0–255 |
Base priority to which an active tributary is reset after it has been polled.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–255 |
Value to be added to the active tributary priority each time the scheduling timer expires.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 1 |
Value: 1–255 |
Data link address of the remote station or tributary. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 6000 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Time, in milliseconds, for which a selected tributary or remote station is allowed to transmit. This characteristic is not used on full-duplex links.
This characteristic is not supported if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to tributary
Default: Implementation-specific |
Value: See description |
client supplied |
Buffers are provided by the client entity. |
common pool |
Buffers are assigned from the common buffer pool. |
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
. You can modify this
characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 8 |
Value: 0–255 |
Number of times an active, inactive, or dying tributary is polled
before its status attribute polling substate
is changed
to dead
because of receive timeouts.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–255 |
Base priority to which a dying tributary is reset after being polled.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 16 |
Value: 0–255 |
Value to be added to a dying tributary's priority each time the scheduling timer expires.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 2 |
Value: 0–255 |
Number of times an active or inactive tributary is polled before its
status attribute polling substate
is changed to
because of receive timeouts.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–13000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, that the local station can delay acknowledging a received message if there is no data to send.
The value of this characteristic is linked to the retransmit
used on the remote station. A suggested value
is between 10% and 20% of that timer. However, the actual values you
can use may be limited by the communications product.
The default value indicates that no holdback is used and the local station must acknowledge immediately.
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–255 |
Specifies the priority to which an inactive tributary is reset after it has been polled.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 64 |
Value: 0–255 |
Value to be added to an inactive tributary's priority each time the scheduling timer expires.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 8 |
Value: 0–255 |
Number of times an active tributary is polled before its status
attribute polling substate
is changed to
because of no data response.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 4 |
Value: Implementation specific |
Maximum number of buffers that a tributary can use from the common
buffer pool. A value of 0 means that there is no limit to the number
of buffers that can be used. This characteristic is supported only
if the buffer source
characteristic is set to
common pool
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
. You can modify this
characteristic only when the entity is disabled. Also, you can only
increase the characteristic value.
Default: 4 |
Value: 1–255 |
Maximum number of messages that a tributary or a remote half-duplex
station can send at one time. The value of this characteristic must
be greater than or equal to that of transmit window
the selected station.
The characteristic
of the owningdcmp link
entity is set totributary
.The communications link is full-duplex and point-to-point.
You cannot modify this characteristic.
Default: Automatic |
Value: See description |
polling substate
active |
The state is locked to active. |
automatic |
The state varies according to the operation of the polling algorithm. |
dead |
The state is locked to dead. |
dying |
The state is locked to dying. |
inactive |
The state is locked to inactive. |
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–65535 |
Time, in milliseconds, that the local station waits between data transmissions.
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
Default: 1 |
Value: 1–255 |
Maximum number of data messages that the local station can send
without receiving an acknowledgment. This characteristic applies
only when the remote station is a control station or on a
half-duplex, point-to-point link. The value of this characteristic
must be less than or equal to the equivalent of the maximum
characteristic on the control station or
remote station.
5.3.2. Counter Attributes
buffers temporarily unavailable
Number of times the local station could not service messages from the remote station because there were no receive buffers available.
buffers too small
Number of times the local station could not service messages from the remote station because the receive buffers were not large enough.
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
incomplete replies to select
Number of selection intervals that were not properly terminated (that is, by a message with the Select bit set in the header), during which a transmission was received or an attempt at transmission was detected.
This counter is supported only if the protocol
characteristic of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to
, or when the link is a half-duplex,
point-to-point link.
local reply timeouts
Number of times the local station failed to receive an acknowledgment before the reply timer expired.
locally initiated state changes
Number of times the station protocol state changed through action of the local station.
naks received indicating buffer too small
Number of times the remote station reported that it could not service a message because the receive buffer was not large enough.
naks received indicating buffers temporarily unavailable
Number of times the remote station reported that it could not service a message because no receive buffer was available.
naks received indicating data field block check error
Number of times the remote station reported that a block check error was detected in the data field of an incoming message.
naks received indicating header block check error
Number of times the remote station reported that a block check error was detected in the header block of an incoming message.
naks received indicating rep response
Number of times the remote station reported that it did not receive all the messages sent from the local station.
naks sent with rep response
Number of times the local station detected that not all of the messages sent from the remote station were received correctly.
no replies to select
No valid control message was received.
No valid header to a data message was received.
No valid header to a maintenance message from the selected station was received.
No transmission from the remote station was received.
This counter is supported only if the protocol
characteristic of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to
, or when the link is a half-duplex,
point-to-point link.
pdus received with data field check block error
Number of messages received with a check error in the data field.
pdus received with header block check error
Number of messages received with a check error in the header block.
receive error thresholds reached
Number of times the receive error threshold has been reached.
remote reply timeouts
Number of times the local station received a REP message and sent an acknowledgment in return. This sequence indicates that all messages sent from the remote station have been correctly received.
remotely initiated state changes
Number of changes in the station protocol state caused by action of the remote station.
sdu octets received
Number of data octets received from the remote station.
sdu octets sent
Number of data octets sent to the remote station.
sdus received
Number of data messages received from the remote station (not including retransmissions).
sdus sent
Number of data messages sent to the remote station (not including retransmissions).
selection error thresholds reached
Number of times the selection error threshold has been reached.
This counter is not supported if the characteristic
of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to tributary
selection intervals
Number of times the local station selected the remote or a tributary
station. The counter does not appear if the link uses the
protocol. In addition, the counter
appears only when the local station is the control station for a
number of tributaries, or is operating over a half-duplex,
point-to-point link.
This counter is supported only if the protocol
characteristic of the owning dcmp link
entity is set to
, or when the link is a half-duplex,
point-to-point link.
send error thresholds reached
Number of times the send error threshold has been reached.
strts received while in maintenance
Number of times the local station received a STRT
protocol message while in the Maintenance state.
5.3.3. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the link logical station when it is created.
5.3.4. Status Attributes
polling substate
characteristic is set to
. The value of this attribute is
affected by the value of the characteristic polling
. If the characteristic polling
is set to automatic
, the value of
this status attribute reflects the current state of the polling
algorithm. For all other values of the polling state
characteristic, the values of both attributes are the same.
active |
The tributary is active and responds with data when selected. |
dead |
The tributary did not respond when selected within the appropriate timeout period, when already in the Dying or Inactive state. The tributary is ignored until the station reinitializes. |
dying |
The tributary, currently in the Inactive or Active state, has not responded within the appropriate timeout period when selected. |
inactive |
The tributary has not sent any data when selected by the control station. However, the tributary has responded with an appropriate message when selected. |
protocol state
halted |
The protocol is stopped and no messages are being exchanged with the remote station. |
maintenance |
The protocol is off line and dealing with maintenance messages only. |
running |
The protocol is on line and exchanging messages with the remote station. |
starting |
There is an attempt to initialize the protocol between the local and remote stations. This uses the STRT and STACK PDUs. |
off |
The station is disabled. |
on |
The station is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
5.3.5. Event Messages
buffer too small
Generated each time a message is received whose data field is larger than the buffers available on the local station.
buffer size |
Size of the receive buffer at the local station. | |
count |
Size of the received data message as specified in the message header. |
locally initiated state change
Generated each time the state of the local station changes as a result of action on the local node.
new state |
New value of the logical station's
| |
old state |
Previous value of the logical station's
receive error threshold reached
Generated each time the number of consecutive receive-related errors reaches the receive error threshold limit of 7.
remotely initiated state change
Generated each time the state of the link changes as a result of action on the remote node.
new state |
New value of the logical station's
| |
old state |
Previous value of the logical station's
selection error threshold reached
Generated each time the number of consecutive selection-related errors
reaches the selection error threshold limit of 7. This event is
supported only when the protocol
characteristic of the
owning dcmp link
entity is set to control
or when the link is half-duplex, point-to-point.
send error threshold reached
Generated each time the number of consecutive transmit-related errors reaches the transmit error threshold limit of 7.
strt received while in maintenance
Generated each time a strt
message is received while the
value of the status attribute protocol state
of the
local station is set to maintenance
5.3.6. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
A dcmp link logical station
entity already exists.
maximum stations exceeded
The station cannot be created because there are already the maximum stations defined for this link. This can occur when there is already one logical station defined for that link.
For delete
wrong state
Failure to delete the DCMP link logical station
the logical station must be disabled before deletion.
5.4. dcmp port
A dcmp port
entity represents an access point to the Data Link
layer service offered by dcmp
. Ports are created and deleted
automatically when a client of dcmp
uses the link. The
port-name refers to the port managed by this
show [node node-id] dcmp port
port-name [all [attributes] | all
identifiers | all status]
5.4.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
5.4.2. Status Attributes
Name of the client entity.
Name of the DCMP link that the client is using.
logical station
Name of the DCMP link logical station supplied by the client when the port was opened.
call attached |
The port is assigned to a client and the link is associated with the current call on the line. Applies only when the link operates over a switched line. |
open |
The port is assigned to a client. |
open disabled |
The port is assigned to a client, but the link or logical station entity used by the port is disabled. |
normal |
For normal data communications. |
service |
For service operations. This is the value that modules such as MOP would use. |
Chapter 6. Device Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Device module. The Device module provides management of physical devices attached to a network system that must load microcode from a host system before it is operational.
Figure 6.1, “Hierarchy of Device Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Device module.

6.1. device
The device
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of entities
belonging to the Device module.
create [node node-id] device
delete [node node-id] device
show [node node-id] device [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all status]
6.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Version of the device architecture to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
6.1.2. Status Attributes
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
6.1.3. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
A device
entity already exists.
For delete
has children
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
6.2. device unit
The device unit
entity controls the loading and dumping of microcode for
a specific communications device. The simple-name refers to the
device unit managed by this command.
create [node node-id] device unit
simple-name name
delete [node node-id] device unit
dump [node node-id] device unit
enable [node node-id] device unit
load [node node-id] device unit
set [node node-id] device unit
simple-name {auto load boolean | dump destination filespec
| dump on error boolean | load source filespec }
show [node node-id] device unit
simple-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status ]
6.2.1. Commands
Dumps the device corresponding to the unit subentity.
Loads the device corresponding to the unit subentity.
6.2.2. Arguments
name device-name
The physical device this device unit
entity controls.
6.2.3. Characteristic Attributes
Default: True |
Value: True or false |
Specifies whether the device should try to load its microcode without management intervention. Autoloading would occur after initialization, a failure, or a dump.
Physical device to which this device unit
entity is related. The
value of this characteristic is a copy of the name
argument specified
when this entity is created.
dump destination
Default: None |
Value: File destination |
File specification to hold the contents of the device's microcode when a dump occurs.
Default: False |
Value: True or false |
Whether a device should try to dump its microcode after a device failure. Set this characteristic only for those devices that support the dump operation.
Default: None |
Value: File specification |
File specification that contains the device's microcode. This is used during a load operation.
6.2.4. Counters
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
device failures
Number of times the unit has failed.
failed dumps
Number of times an attempt to dump the device's microcode has failed.
failed loads
Number of times an attempt to load the device's microcode has failed.
forced dumps
Number of times the dump
command has been used to force the device to
dump its microcode.
forced loads
Number of times the load
command has been used to load the device's
successful dumps
Number of times the device has successfully dump edits microcode.
successful loads
Number of times the device has successfully loaded its microcode.
6.2.5. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the device unit when it is created.
6.2.6. Status Attributes
firmware identifier
Implementation-specific string that identifies the firmware loaded into a device.
operational communication port (OpenVMS)
Specifies which channels of a multiple-line device unit are determined to be working by the module self-test. Each name identifies a working device communication port. Channels that are not named are not operational.
disabled |
The |
dump failed |
An attempt to dump the device's microcode has failed. This
value appears only if the characteristic |
dumping |
An attempt to dump the device's microcode is in progress. |
load failed |
An attempt to load the device's microcode has failed. This
value appears only if |
loading |
An attempt to load the device's microcode is in progress. |
running |
The device's microcode has been loaded and the device is ready to send and receive data. |
stopped |
This state can occur in one of the following circumstances:
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
6.2.7. Event Messages
device failure
Generated each time a failure is detected on a device.
failure reason |
Reason for the device failure. The values of this argument are implementation specific. | |
firmware identifier |
Identifier of the device's microcode. | |
next state |
Next state of the device. This depends on the values of
the | |
dumping |
The entity will try to dump the device's microcode. | |
loading |
The entity will try to load the device's microcode. | |
stopped |
The entity will stop, awaiting a |
failed dump
Generated each time there is a failure to dump the device's microcode.
dump destination |
Destination that the dump operation used. | |
dump reason |
Reason for the dump failure. | |
directive |
In response to a | |
failure |
In response to a device failure while in the running state. | |
failure reason |
Reason why the dump failed. The values of this argument are device specific. |
failed load
Generated each time there is a failure to load the device's microcode.
failure reason |
Reason for the load failure. The values of this argument are device dependent. | |
load reason |
Reason for the load operation. | |
directive |
In response to a | |
dump |
After completion of a dump operation. | |
failure |
After a device failure. | |
initial |
Initial loading of the device at | |
load source |
Source used to retrieve the microcode during the load operation. |
successful load
Generated each time the device's microcode is loaded successfully.
firmware identifier |
Firmware identifier of the loaded microcode. | |
load reason |
Reason for the load operation. | |
directive |
In response to a | |
dump |
After completion of a dump operation. | |
failure |
After a device failure. | |
initial |
Initial loading of the device at | |
load source |
Source used to retrieve the microcode during the load operation. |
6.2.8. Exception Messages (OpenVMS)
For dump
dump failure
The dump operation failed.
illegal dump destination
The value of the dump destination
characteristic is not a valid file
specification. Check the value of the character, correct as necessary, and reissue
the dump
For load
illegal load source
The value of the load source
characteristic is not a valid file
specification. Check the value of the characteristic, correct as necessary, and
reissue the load
load failure
The load operation failed.
Chapter 7. DECdns Modules
The VSI DECnet-Plus Distributed Name Service (DECdns) is a networkwide service that makes it possible to use network resources without having to know their physical location. DECdns has two NCL modules: DNS Server and DNS Clerk.
7.1. DNS Server Module
The DNS Server module maintains a distributed database for use by the client modules on other nodes of the network. The responsibilities of this entity include responding to lookup requests, managing the namespace, and updating object entries.
Figure 7.1, “Hierarchy of DNS Server Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of entities that constitute the DNS Server module.

You can manage the DECdns entities from either NCL or the DECdns Control Program (DNSCP). The commands are the same for both interfaces and are documented in the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS DECdns Management Guide.
7.2. DNS Clerk Module
The DNS Clerk is the module of the Network Architecture Naming Service that interfaces directly with client applications. A clerk module is required on every DECnet-Plus node whether or not that node also functions as a DECdns name server. The clerk is created during configuration of the network software.
Figure 7.2, “Hierarchy of DNS Clerk Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of entities that constitute the DNS Clerk module.

You can manage the DECdns entities from either NCL or the DECdns Control Program (DNSCP). The commands are the same for both interfaces and are documented in the VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS DECdns Management Guide.
Chapter 8. DECdts Module
The VSI DECnet-Plus Distributed Time Service (DECdts) is a networkwide time service that enables you to synchronize and manage the system clocks in a distributed network.
Figure 8.1, “Hierarchy of DECdts Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the DECdts module.

Chapter 9. Event Dispatcher Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Event Dispatcher module. The event dispatcher is an integral component of the Network Architecture (NA) that processes events generated by entities in the network. Each component layer architecture of the Phase V NA architecture, such as Routing, NSP, and ISO Transport, may define certain occurrences, actions, transitions, or conditions as events that are reported and may be logged to assist network or system management. The Event Dispatcher module allows these conditions to be logged and monitored to allow a system manager to view the state of the network. Individual messages are listed and described throughout this manual with the entities that produce them.
Figure 9.1, “Hierarchy of Event Dispatcher Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Event Dispatcher module.

9.1. event dispatcher
The event dispatcher
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of
entities belonging to the Event Dispatcher module. Each NA node must implement an event
create [node node-id] event dispatcher
disable [node node-id] event dispatcher
enable [node node-id] event dispatcher
show [node node-id] event dispatcher [all [attributes] |
all characteristics | all counters | all status ]
test [node node-id] event dispatcher
9.1.1. Commands
The test
command is used by the manager to request that an event be
logged to test the entire event logging subsystem. This directive tests the complete
event logging system from entity to manager and causes the test
event to be logged.
9.1.2. Characteristic Attributes
NA version
Default: Current version number
Version number of the NA event-logging architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
9.1.3. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
events lost
Number of events lost at the event dispatcher queue.
test requested (UNIX)
Number of events being generated with the test
9.1.4. Status Attributes
event dispatcher
off |
The |
on |
The |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
9.1.5. Event Messages
events lost
Generated whenever the event dispatcher cannot allocate resources to queue more events for processing. The event-logging function guarantees that this event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block this event unless all events for all modules are blocked.
This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event cannot be queued
because of resource limitations while this event is still the last event in the
queue, the number
argument is updated to reflect the latest total of
lost events.
number |
Number of consecutive events lost. |
test requested
Logged when the test
directive is issued.
9.1.6. Exception Messages (UNIX)
For enable
children in wrong state
Another Event Dispatcher module entity is still enabled. Retry the command after you have disabled all of these entities:
event dispatcher outbound stream
event dispatcher relay
event dispatcher relay logging
event dispatcher sink
event dispatcher sink inbound stream
9.2. event dispatcher outbound stream
An event dispatcher outbound stream
entity represents an outgoing
connection to a sink on a local or remote node. An outbound stream
manages the connection to the sink, and it filters, processes, and transmits events to
the sink.
block [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name {global filter class-name, event-name | specific filter instance-name,
event-name }
connect [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
create [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name [maximum buffer size integer]
delete [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
disable [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name method method
disconnect [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound
stream stream-name
enable [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
ignore [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name {global filter class-name, event-name | specific filter instance-name,
event-name }
pass [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name {global filter class-name, event-name | specific filter instance-name,
event-name }
reset [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name {catch all filter action | connect retry timer integer | connect timer
enabled boolean | disconnect timer integer | sink address sink-address-tower | sink
end user end-user-spec | sink node full-name | sink object full-name | template
simple-name (UNIX) }
show [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
stream-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all counters | all identifiers
| all status ]
shutdown [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream
testevent [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound
stream stream-name event instance-name, event-name
9.2.1. Commands
Sets the filters to block the specified events for the entity instance or class. It causes the named events to be blocked.
Causes the outbound stream
entity to request a connection to its sink
partner. This directive causes the entity to issue a single session
request to its sink partner, unless the state is already On
, in which case the directive has no effect and returns the
Disconnects the outbound stream
connection to its sink partner. The
directive aborts the entity's outbound
connection to the sink.
Sets the filters to ignore the specified events for the entity instance or class.
The ignore
directive causes the named events to be ignored.
Sets the filter to pass the specified events for the entity instance or class. The
directive causes the named events to be passed.
Resets the catch all
, specific
and global
filters to the default value. It causes these filters to be reset to the values they
had when the entity was created. It is equivalent to setting the values for these
filters to their defaults.
Requests an orderly shutdown of the connection to the sink partner. The
directive attempts an orderly shutdown of the connection
in cooperation with the sink.
Tests the filter action state for the specified event. This directive applies the
filtering algorithm to the named event instance returning the applicable
Filter Action
, and an indication of whether the search was resolved
by the Specific Filter
, Global Filter
, or Catch All
9.2.2. Arguments
global filter, class-name, event-name
Specifies a global event filter. The class-name variable
specifies a class name, excluding all instance names (for example,
, mop
, circuit
), The
event-name variable identifies the event to be blocked,
ignored, or passed. To block, ignore, or pass all events for the class, specify
instead of an individual event.
maximum buffer size integer
Optional argument that specifies the maximum number of octets to be used for event
processing of this stream. The current value is displayed in the buffer
status attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the
implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold the events
event. We recommend that you use the default buffer size.
method method
abort |
The stream calls the disconnect operation to abort the
connection immediately. (This process is described under the
orderly |
The stream calls the shutdown operation to perform an
orderly shutdown of the connection. (This process is
described under the |
specific filter, instance-name, event-name
Specifies a specific event filter. The instance-name variable
specifies a full entity name, including the node name and including a specific
instance (for example, (node usa:.wmass.ashfld mop circuit una-0
), The
event-name variable identifies the event to be blocked,
ignored, or passed. To block, ignore, or pass all events for the class, specify
instead of an individual event.
9.2.3. Characteristic Attributes
Default: Pass |
Value: Block or pass |
block |
Discard the event. |
pass |
Report the event. |
Default: 120 |
Value: 0–65535 |
Number of seconds to wait after a disconnect or connection reject before
reattempting a connection. Connection attempts continue until a connection is made
or until the connect timer enabled
attribute is set to
or the outbound stream is disabled. If the outbound stream is
already connected to the sink when the timer expires, no connection is attempted at
that time. The timer resets and connection attempts continue whenever the timer
Default: True |
Value: True or false |
Specifies whether the connect timer is operational (see connect retry
Default: 0; see description |
Value: 0–4294967295 |
Number of seconds to wait before disconnecting an idle connection. Zero indicates that there is no disconnect timer and connections are never automatically disconnected.
global filter
Current global filter as it has been constructed by block
, and pass
commands for this stream. By default,
the global filter is set to block all events for the following entities: event
, event dispatcher sink
, and event
dispatcher sink inbound stream
and to pass all events for the event
dispatcher outbound stream
entity. You cannot modify this
Default: No address |
Value: Sink address tower set |
Sink address tower for this stream. Modifying this characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections are unaffected.
Default: Number = 82 |
Value: End-user-specification |
Sink Session Control end-user specification for this stream.
Default: Local node |
Value: Full-name |
Full DNS node name of the sink for this stream. Modifying this characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections are unaffected. This full name is used in combination with the sink end-user characteristic to establish the sink connection.
Default: No sink object |
Value: Full-name |
Full DNS object name of the sink for this stream. Modifying this characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections are unaffected. This full name should match the object name characteristic of the target sink.
specific filter
Default: No specific filter
Current specific filter setting as constructed by block
and pass
commands for this stream. You cannot
modify this characteristic.
Default: No template |
Value: Simple-name |
Transport template (see osi transport template
) for this stream's
9.2.4. Counters Attributes
confidence changes
Number of times the confidence variable has changed while connections were in the open state.
connect requests
Number of times a connection to a remote node was requested by this stream, either by an explicit command or by the connection timer.
connections accepted
Number of times an outbound connection request was accepted by the sink partner.
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
Number of disable events for this stream.
Number of enable events for this stream.
events lost
Number of events lost because of outbound stream buffer overrun.
filter changes
Number of times the filter has changed.
Number of times a shutdown command or operation was issued.
9.2.5. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the outbound stream when it was created.
9.2.6. Status Attributes
buffer size
Maximum number of octets allowed for event processing of this stream. This value
is defined in the create
command for the stream.
off |
The stream is disabled. |
on |
The stream is enabled. |
onconnected |
The stream is enabled and has an established connection. |
onconnecting |
The stream is enabled and is in the process of establishing a connection. |
ondisconnecting |
The stream is enabled, but is in the process of disconnecting from a connection. |
onshutdownrequested |
The stream is enabled and has an established connection,
but is in the process of shutting down;the stream will
disconnect after it transmits all events that were
outstanding when the |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
9.2.7. Event Messages
change confidence
Generated each time the transport service detects a change in the connection's confidence value. (The confidence value indicates whether the Transport layer expects a transmit operation to succeed.) This event suggests a change in the connectivity between the outbound stream and the sink.
confidence |
New transport confidence value. | |
false |
It is unlikely that a transmit operation would succeed under the current circumstances. | |
true |
It is likely that a transmit operation would succeed under the current circumstances. |
change filter
Generated each time the filter for a stream is changed, whether it is changed by a
, ignore
, or pass
command or by
using set
to change the value of the catch all filter
characteristic. The initial values of the filters for a stream are reported as
arguments in the enable stream
event. A filter change
event is filtered according to its new values.
new catch all filter |
Current catch-all filter setting. | |
new global filter |
Current global filter setting. | |
new specific filter |
Current specific filter setting. | |
old catch all filter |
Previous catch-all filter setting. | |
old global filter |
Previous global filter setting. | |
old specific filter |
Previous specific filter setting. |
Generated each time an outbound stream is disabled by a disable
Generated each time a connection is closed on an outbound stream. The disconnect can be caused by the event dispatcher closing idle connections, a management command, a network failure, a sink crash, or a sink disconnect.
disconnect data |
Identifies the cause of the disconnect. | |
0 |
remote disconnect | |
2 |
shutdown requested (OpenVMS) | |
3 |
management directive | |
reason |
Session Control layer reason for the disconnect. |
Generated each time an outbound stream is enabled by an enable
catch all filter |
Value of the catch-all filter when the stream is enabled. | |
global filter (optional) |
Value of the global filter when the stream is enabled. | |
specific filter (optional) |
Value of the specific filter when the stream is enabled. |
events lost
Generated whenever the outbound stream cannot allocate resources for event transmission. The event-logging function guarantees that this event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block this event unless all events for all modules are blocked.
This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event cannot be queued because of resource limitations while this event is still the last event in the queue, the number argument is updated to reflect the latest total of lost events.
number |
Number of consecutive events lost. |
Generated each time a shutdown operation results in an orderly disconnect. You
cannot block shutdown
events for an outbound stream.
reason |
canceled |
The shutdown was "neutralized" by an intervening disconnect; therefore, the receiver should not shut down. |
disconnect timer |
The shutdown was caused by the disconnect timer. | |
disable directive |
The shutdown was caused by a | |
shutdown directive |
The shutdown was caused by a |
9.2.8. Exception Messages
For connect
connection failed
The connection attempt failed. The exception may include additional arguments that give more information about the failure.
reason |
The connection failed at the Session Control layer. | |
data |
This field can include optional data that describes the reason the connection attempt failed. |
no sink specified
All of the sink specifier attributes are null.
wrong state
The operation failed because the entity was not in off, onconnecting
or ondisconnecting
For block and ignore
illegal block
The attempted block
operation is illegal; for example, the command
attempted to block the event dispatcher outbound stream
events lost
or shutdown
illegal element
The command did not include a class-name
argument, or an argument contained one of the
following illegal elements: wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.
For delete
wrong state
The operation failed because the entity was not in an off
For disable
Orderly disable
could not be completed due to lack of transport
9.3. event dispatcher relay
The event dispatcher relay
entity processes events from Phase IV
DECnet-Plus systems. It receives Phase IV format events and posts them into the
DECnet-Plus logging system.
create [node node-id] event dispatcher
delete [node node-id] event dispatcher
disable [node node-id] event dispatcher
enable [node node-id] event dispatcher
show [node node-id] event dispatcher relay [all
[attributes] | all status ]
9.3.1. Status Attributes
event dispatcher relay
off |
The |
on |
The |
9.3.2. Exception Messages
For delete
entity has children
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
wrong state
Failure to delete the event dispatcher relay
entity because the relay
must be disabled before deletion.
9.4. event dispatcher relay logging
Three event dispatcher relay logging
entities are created and enabled
automatically whenever an event dispatcher relay
entity is enabled. The
logging entities (console, file, and monitor) control the destination of Phase IV
events. Each logging entity can be disabled and reenabled individually. All three
logging entities are deleted automatically when the Phase IV relay
is disabled.
disable [node node-id] event dispatcher relay logging
enable [node node-id] event dispatcher relay logging
show [node node-id] event dispatcher relay logging
logging-name [all [attributes] | all counters | all
identifiers | all status ]
9.4.1. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
events relayed
Number of Phase IV events relayed for this logging type.
9.4.2. Identifier Attributes
Logging type is console
, monitor
, or
9.4.3. Status Attributes
event dispatcher relay logging
off |
The |
on |
The |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
9.4.4. Event Messages
event relayed
Generated whenever a Phase IV event is received. It relays the Phase IV event into the DECnet-Plus Event Logging Architecture. The entire DECnet-Plus NICE message is encapsulated into the NICE (Network Information and Control Exchange) data argument.
NICE data |
Phase IV event display |
9.5. event dispatcher sink
An event dispatcher sink
entity represents a sink. A sink manages
incoming connections and filters incoming events. Each sink maintains a filter that is
applied to all streams that are assigned to that sink. The
simple-name refers to the sink managed by this command.
block [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name {global filter class-name,
event-name | specific filter instance-name,
create [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name maximum buffer size
delete node node-id] event dispatcher sink
disable [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
enable [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
ignore [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name {global filter class-name,
event-name | specific filter instance-name,
pass [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name {global filter class-name,
event-name | specific filter instance-name,
reset [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name {catch-all filter action |
client type sink-type | device name
filespec | description latin1string |
display uids boolean | end user
end-user-spec | file name filespec |
object name full-name | template
simple-name | user client
show [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status]
testevent [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name event instance-name,
9.5.1. Commands
Sets the filters to block the specified events for the entity instance or class. It causes the named events to be blocked.
Sets the filters to ignore the specified events for the entity instance or class.
The ignore
directive causes the named events to be ignored.
Sets the filter to pass the specified events for the entity instance or class. The
directive causes the named events to be passed.
Resets the catch-all
, specific
and global
filters to the default value. It causes these filters to be reset to the values they
had when the entity was created. It is equivalent to setting the values for these
filters to their defaults.
Tests the filter action state for the specified event. This directive applies the
filtering algorithm to the named event instance returning the applicable
, and an indication of whether the search was resolved
by the SpecificFilter
, GlobalFilter
, or
9.5.2. Arguments
global filter, class-name, event-name
Specifies a global event filter. The class-name variable
specifies a class name, excluding all instance names (for example, node, mop,
circuit), The event-name variable identifies the event to be
blocked, ignored, or passed. To block
, ignore
, or
all events for the class, specify all
instead of
an individual event.
maximum buffer size integer
This optional argument specifies the maximum number of octets to be used for event
processing of this sink. The current value is displayed in the buffer
status attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the
implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold the events
event. If the value specified in this argument is inadequate for the
events lost
event, an insufficient resources
is returned.
specific filter, class-name, event-name
Specifies a specific event filter. The instance-name variable
specifies a full entity name, including the node name and including a specific
instance (for example, (node usa:.wmass.ashfld mop circuit una-0)
. The
event-name variable identifies the event to be
, ignored
, or passed
. To block,
ignore, or pass all events for the class, specify all
instead of an
individual event.
9.5.3. Characteristic Attributes
Default: Pass |
Value: Block or pass |
block |
Discard the event. |
pass |
Report the event. |
Default: Console |
Value: See description |
event dispatcher sink
entity is disabled (when the sink
state is off).
console |
Events go to the operator's console. |
device |
Events go to a device (refer to the |
file |
Events go to a file (refer to the |
Default: Null |
Value: Latin1String |
Application description string.
Default: Null |
Value: Latin1String |
Name of the device to which events are going to be logged, if the
client type
of the sink is
Default: True |
Value: Boolean |
A Boolean value indicating whether to include the UIDs when displaying an event.
Default: Number = 82 |
Value: End-user-specification |
Sink Session Control end-user specification for this sink. For UNIX, do not modify this characteristic.
Default for UNIX: /usr/adm/event_file |
Value: File specification |
Default for OpenVMS: SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVD_SINK_sinkname.LOG |
Value: File specification |
Name of the file to which events are going to be logged if the client
type of the sink is file
global filter
Current global filter as it has been constructed by block
, and pass
commands for this sink. By default,
the global filter is set to block all events for the following entities: event
, event dispatcher sink
, and event
dispatcher sink inbound stream
. You cannot modify this
Default: No sink object |
Value: Full-name |
Full DNS object name of the sink. Modifying this characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections are unaffected.
specific filter
Default: No specific filter
Current specific filter setting as constructed by block, ignore
commands for this sink. You cannot modify this
Default: No template |
Value: Simple-name |
Transport template (see the osi transport template
entity) for this
sink's connections.
Default: Null |
Value: End-user-specification |
Session Control end-user specification for a user program that has been set to receive events.
9.5.4. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time this entity was created.
connections accepted
Number of times a sink connection request was accepted by the sink partner.
events filtered
Number of events for this sink that were filtered by its sink filter.
events lost
Number of events lost due to sink queue overflow.
filter changes
Number of times the filter has changed.
9.5.5. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the sink when it is created.
9.5.6. Status Attributes
buffer size
Maximum number of octets allowed for event processing of this sink. This value is
defined in the create
command for the sink. This value is limited by
the value specified in the maximum buffer size
argument of the
off |
The sink is disabled. |
on |
The sink is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
9.5.7. Event Messages
change filter
Generated each time the filter for a sink is changed, whether it is changed by a
, ignore
, or pass
command or by
using set
to change the value of the catch all filter
characteristic. The initial values of the filters for a sink may be reported as
arguments in the enable sink
event. A filter change
is filtered according to its new values.
new catch all filter |
Current catch-all filter setting. | |
new global filter |
Current global filter setting. | |
new specific filter |
Current specific filter setting. | |
old catch all filter |
Previous catch-all filter setting. | |
old global filter |
Previous global filter setting. | |
old specific filter |
Previous specific filter setting. |
events lost
Generated whenever the sink cannot allocate resources for event transmission. The event-logging function guarantees that this event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block this event unless all events for all modules are blocked.
This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event cannot be queued because of resource limitations while this event is still the last event in the queue, the number argument is updated to reflect the latest total of lost events.
number |
Number of consecutive events lost. |
9.5.8. Exception Messages
For delete
has children
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
wrong state
The attempt to delete the event dispatcher sink
entity failed because
the sink must be disabled before deletion.
For block, pass, and ignore
illegal element
The command did not include a class
or instance
argument, or an argument contained one of the following illegal elements: wildcard,
node name, node class, illegal class.
For enable
invalid name
Invalid name for NA session.
9.6. event dispatcher sink inbound stream
The event dispatcher sink inbound stream
entity is the sink-side end of
communication between an event dispatcher and a sink. An inbound stream entity is
dynamically created, enabled, disabled, and deleted in tandem with the connection it
disconnect [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name inbound stream
show [node node-id] event dispatcher sink
simple-name inbound stream simple-name
[all [attributes] | all counters | all identifiers | all status ]
9.6.1. Commands
Requests the disconnection of the entity's stream connection. It disconnects the entity's stream connection immediately. Event reports in transit are lost and the sink cannot perform an orderly shutdown on a stream.
9.6.2. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
change confidence
Number of times the confidence variable has changed while connections were in the
9.6.3. Identifier Attributes
Local name assigned to the entity by its sink parent when it is dynamically created.
9.6.4. Status Attributes
source end user
Source end-user specification, as provided by Session Control.
source node name
Name of the source node, as provided by Session Control.
off |
The stream is disabled. |
on connected |
The stream is enabled and connected to the outbound stream. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
9.6.5. Event Messages
change confidence
Generate when the underlying transport service detects that the connection's confidence variable has changed to the new value reported by the confidence parameter. This suggests a change in the connectivity between the outbound stream and the sink.
confidence |
The new transport confidence value. | |
false |
It is unlikely that a transmit operation would succeed under the current circumstances. | |
true |
It is likely that a transmit operation would succeed under the current circumstances. |
Generated each time the sink detects that an inbound stream connection has been closed. The disconnect can be caused by a management command, a sink disconnect, a network failure, or by receiving notice that the associated outbound stream entity has been shut down.
disconnect data |
Identifies the cause of the disconnect. | |
reason |
Specifies the Session Control layer reason for the disconnect. | |
shutdown received |
Inbound stream disconnected because of a shutdown event. |
Chapter 10. FDDI Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the FDDI module. The FDDI module implements one of multiple possible Link level/Network level modules in the OSI layered architecture model.
The Network Architecture (NA) Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is the basis for the second generation of network interconnect architecture for VSI. The FDDI module implements one of the multiple possible Link level/Physical level modules in the OSI layered architecture model. The FDDI Physical level includes high-speed, 125-megabaud, fiber-optic links that may be many kilometers in length. The FDDI Link level provides a high-bandwidth, 100-megabit-per-second local area network (LAN), and uses the ANSI standard FDDI Token Ring.
Figure 10.1, “Hierarchy of FDDI Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the FDDI module.

The FDDI module incorporates the functions and operations defined in the ANSI FDDI Token Ring media access control (MAC), the ANSI FDDI Token Ring Physical Layer Protocol (PHY), FDDI Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PMD), Station Management (SMT) specifications, parts of the ISO 8802-1 (IEEE 802.1) addressing, internet working and network management, and parts of the ISO8802-2 (IEEE 802.2) logical link control (LLC) specifications.
10.1. fddi
The fddi
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of entities
belonging to the FDDI module.
create [node node-id] fddi
delete [node node-id] fddi
show [node node-id] fddi [all [attributes] | all
10.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: |
Current version number |
Version number of the FDDI architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
10.1.2. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
An fddi
entity already exists.
For delete
has children
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
10.2. fddi station
An fddi station
entity represents an access point to the service offered
by the FDDI module. The FDDI data link can be monitored and controlled through NA
network management. The station-name refers to the station managed
by this command.
create [node node-id] fddi station
station-name communication port
delete [node node-id] fddi station
disable [node node-id] fddi station
enable [node node-id] fddi station
station-name mode {normal | internal
show [node node-id] fddi station
station-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status]
10.2.1. Arguments
communication port
The system device name assigned to this station.
On OpenVMS systems, the name must be in the format ddc, where dd is the OpenVMS device name prefix and c is the controller letter. For a complete list of FDDI devices and their OpenVMS device names, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes.
On UNIX systems, the name must be in the format ddn, where dd is the UNIX device name prefix and n is the device number.
This argument determines the value of the communications port characteristic and is required.
10.2.2. Characteristic Attributes
communication port
Name of the hardware port associated with this station, taken from the
corresponding argument in the create
directive. You cannot modify this
smt maximum version id
Highest SMT version ID this station supports. You cannot modify this characteristic.
smt minimum version id
Lowest SMT version ID this station supports. You cannot modify this characteristic.
smt station id
SMT station ID for this station. You cannot modify this characteristic.
smt version id
Currently active SMT version ID for this station. You cannot modify this characteristic.
SMT station type for this station. You cannot modify this characteristic.
10.2.3. Counter Attributes
Unless stated otherwise, counts include both normal and multicast traffic and all protocol types, service access points (SAPs), and protocol identifiers.
configuration changes
Number of times the internal configuration of this station changed. (Not present in single attached stations (SAS)).
creation time
Time at which the port was created.
selftest failures
Total number of times a self-test of the station detected an error.
traces received
Number of times the ECM state machine for this station entered the
state due to a received trace signal.
10.2.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the station when it is created.
10.2.5. Status Attributes
last set station id
The station ID of the station that last performed an SMT Change/Add/Remove (PMF frame) operation.
Default: None |
Value: Off, on or loopback |
Operational state of the station.
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
10.2.6. Event Messages
configuration change
Internal configuration of the station changed.
selftest failure
An implementation-specific code giving the reason for the station failure. Values are listed in the NA registry.
trace received
ECM state machine of the station entered the trace
state due to a
trace signal received on any PHY port.
10.2.7. Exception Messages
For create
already exists
An fddi station
entity already exists.
For enable
communication port in use
Communication port already reserved by another entity.
invalid communication port
Cannot run FDDI data link on this communications port.
For delete
wrong state
Failure to delete the fddi station
entity because the station must be
disabled before deletion.
10.3. fddi station link
The fddi station link
entity is a subentity of the fddi
entity. The fddi station link
subentity provides the
management view of LLC and the FDDI MAC. FDDI allows stations to be either single MAC or
dual MAC and therefore there can be up to two link
subentities for each
station. In most cases, a station has at least one link
Concentrators may have no link
entity and are not addressable on the FDDI,
though they may be using other communications channels.
disable [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link
echo [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link link-index target
ID802 timeout integer-16 data
enable [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link
getnif [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link link-index target
ID802 timeout
getsif [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link link-index target
ID802 timeout integer-16type
{configuration | operation}
show [node node-id] fddi station
station-name link link-index[all
[attributes] | all characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all
10.3.1. Commands (UNIX)
Causes the link
subentity to transmit an SMT Echo request frame and
await the response. If a response is received, it is displayed.
Causes the link
subentity to transmit an SMTNIF (Neighbor
Information) request frame and await the response. If a response is received, it is
Causes the link
subentity to transmit an SMT SIF (Station
Information) request frame and await the response. If a response if received, it is
10.3.2. Arguments
Data to transmit in echo
Default: None |
Value: ID802 |
48-bit LAN address of the target.
Default: None |
Value: 1–65535 |
Timeout in seconds.
Default: None |
Value: Configuration or operation |
SIF configuration or SIF operation request.
10.3.3. Characteristic Attributes
link address
MAC address assigned during manufacture of the communication hardware that is associated with the station (read-only).
Default: 8 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Requested token rotation timer. For OpenVMS, the default is determined by the operating system, and this characteristic cannot be set.
Default: 1000 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Length limit of a restricted token dialog. For OpenVMS, the default is determined by the operating system, and this characteristic cannot be set.
Default: True |
Value: True or false |
Controls whether this station is eligible to be a ring purger and should participate in the ring purger election. For OpenVMS, the default is determined by the operating system, and this characteristic cannot be set.
Default: 3.4 |
Value: 1–65535 |
Valid transmission time. For OpenVMS, the default is determined by the operating system, and this characteristic cannot be set.
10.3.4. Counter Attributes
block check errors
Number of times a received frame containing an integral number of octets failed the FCS check.
creation time
Time at which the station was created.
directed beacons received
Number of times the link detected the directed beacon process.
duplicate address test failures
Number of times the duplicate address test failed (detected that the link address was a duplicate).
duplicate tokens detected
Number of times the MAC address test failed (detected that the link address was a duplicate).
error count
Total number of frames that were in error with the E indicator reset
indicating that the error occurred between the upstream MAC and this one.
fci strip errors
Number of times a frame content independent strip
operation (bridge
strip) was terminated by receipt of a token.
frame count
Total number of frames seen by this link, other than tokens.
frame status errors
Number of times a received frame had the E indicator in error (missing or set) and the FCS was correct.
lost count
Counter lost count.
multicast octets received
Number of multicast data octets that were received successfully in multicast frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT. The count does not include the MAC envelope.
multicast octets sent
Number of multicast data octets that were sent successfully in multicast frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT. The count does not include the MAC envelope.
multicast pdus received
Number of multicast frames that were received successfully of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT.
multicast pdus sent
Number of multicast frames that were sent successfully of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT.
octets received
Number of octets received successfully in frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT. The count does not include the MAC envelope.
octets sent
Number of octets sent successfully in frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT. The count does not include the MAC envelope.
pdu length errors
Number of times a received frame had an invalid length, either too long or short for the type, or had an alignment error (odd number of symbols).
pdus received
Number of frames received successfully in frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT.
pdus sent
Number of frames sent successfully in frames of type LLC, implementer, reserved, or SMT.
receive data overruns
Number of times the hardware lost one or more consecutive, only partially complete incoming frames because it was unable to keep up with the medium rate. An example is overrun of a bit or octet FIFO queue because of inability to copy data from adapter to host promptly. In conjunction with total frames received, provides a measure of hardware resource and bandwidth failures.
ring beacons initiated
Number of times the ring beacon process was initiated by this link.
ring initializations initiated
Number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by this link.
ring initializations received
Number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by some other link.
ring purge errors
Number of times the ring purger received a token while still in the ring purge state.
token count
Number of times a token has been seen by this link.
traces initiated
Number of times the pc_trace
process was initiated by this
transmit failures
Number of times a transmit error, other than underrun, occurred. This does not include errors in transmitting MAC type frames.
transmit underruns
Number of times a transmit underrun occurred. This indicates the transmit FIFO became empty during frame transmission.
unavailable link buffers
Number of times a complete, fully received frame was discarded because no link buffer was available. In conjunction with total frames received, provides a measure of station-buffer-related receive problems.
unavailable user buffers
Number of times no user buffer was available for an incoming frame that passed all
filtering for the port. These are the buffers supplied by users on
requests. In conjunction with total frames received,
provides a measure of user-buffer-related receive problems.
unrecognized individual destination pdus
Number of times a received LLC frame with an individual destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or LLC SAP address enabled. Only frames containing individual destination MAC addresses are counted.
unrecognized multicast destination pdus
Number of times a received LLC frame with a multicast destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or LLC SAP address enabled. Only frames containing multicast destination MAC addresses are counted.
10.3.5. Identifier Attributes
An integer that uniquely identifies this link to the parent station
10.3.6. Status Attributes
downstream neighbor
MAC address of the downstream neighbor, if known.
duplicate address flag
Summary output of the duplicate address test algorithm.
frame strip mode
SA match |
Source address match mode of the frame stripping algorithm matches the source address of the frame with the MAC's MyLongAddress (MLA), and if a match is found, the frame is removed from the token ring. |
FCI strip |
The FCI strip mode counts the number of frames transmitted since the reception of a token, and strips equal number of frames. |
This is true
if the link has been set up to receive frames
transmitted by it. This allows loopback testing either on the ring or with one of
the PHY port loopback
negotiated trt
Negotiated token rotation timer.
old downstream neighbor
Previous value of the downstream neighbor.
old upstream neighbor
Previous value of the upstream neighbor.
ring error reason
directed beacon received |
Link received particular beacon data. |
duplicate address detected |
Duplicate address algorithm detected a duplicate address. |
duplicate token detected |
A duplicate token was detected on the ring. |
FCI strip error |
Frame content independent strip operation was terminated by the receipt of a token. |
no error |
No errors have occurred on this ring. |
PC trace initiated |
PC-trace was initiated by this link. |
PC trace received |
PC-trace was initiated by some other link. |
ring beaconing initiated |
Ring beaconing process was initiated by this link. This process is initiated as a result of serious ring failure, such as loss of signal or jabbering station transmitting in violation of the protocol. This indicates to other links on the LAN that corrective action may be required. |
ring init initiated |
Ring initialization was initiated by this link to initialize the ring and create a token. |
ring init received |
Ring initialization was initiated by some other link to initialize the ring and create a token. |
ring op oscillation |
Ring state has been changing continually from operational to initializing. |
ring purge error |
Link received a token while performing a ring purge operation. |
ring latency
Current ring latency as measured by this link
ring purger state
candidate |
The link's ring purger process is participating in the ring purger election algorithm as a candidate to become the ring purger. |
nonpurger |
The link's ring purger process is in an idle state listening for periodic purger hello frames. |
off |
The link's ring purger process is disabled. |
purger |
The link's ring purger process is performing the function of removing no owner frames and duplicate token from the ring. In this state, the process transmits periodic purger hello frames. |
broken |
Attempt to turn the link on failed the initialization test, or link was on, but failure was detected. |
off-fault recovery |
State entered when a |
off-ready |
FDDI data link communication services are not available. |
on-ring init |
Physical layer service is available and the
on-ring run |
Link detected that the ring initialization has been completed successfully and the ring is operational. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
upstream neighbor address
MAC address of the upstream neighbor, if known.
Default: None |
Value: True or false |
Upstream neighbor's reported result of its duplicate address test.
10.3.7. Event Messages
block check error
Frame with FCS error was received.
directed beacon received
A directed beacon was received.
duplicate address test failure
Duplicate address algorithm detected a duplicate.
duplicate token detected
Duplicate token is detected.
fci strip error
Frame content independent strip was terminated by a token.
frame status error
Frame with good FCS, but E indicator set
was received.
link buffer unavailable
No buffer was available to receive a frame.
pdu length error
Frame of invalid length or odd number of symbols was received.
receive data overrun
A receive overrun hardware error was detected.
ring beacon initiated
Link started the beacon process.
ring initialization initiated
Ring is reinitialized by this link.
ring initialization received
Ring is reinitialized by some other link.
ring purge error
Ring purger received a token while purging.
trace initiated
PC-trace was initiated by this link.
transmit failure
Failure to transmit operation other than underrun.
transmit underrun
Transmit failed due to underrun.
unrecognized individual pdu destination
Frame with unrecognized DSAP or port-id.
unrecognized multicast pdu destination
Frame with unrecognized DSAP or port-id.
user buffer unavailable
Data link user did not supply a receive buffer.
10.3.8. Exception Messages
For GetSIF
, GetNIF
, and echo
Request was rejected by the target station.
No response was received.
10.4. fddi station phy port
An fddi station phy port
entity provides the management view of the
fddi station phy port
and the fddi pmd
. Each station has
at least one physical port and a concentrator is a device that has at least one physical
port of type M. A dual-attached station or dual-attached concentrator has a phy
type A and type B. A single-attached station has a phy port
of type B. The port-id is an integer that represents the physical
port to be managed by the command.
disable [node node-id] fddi station
station-name phy port
enable [node node-id] fddi station
station-name phy port port-id mode
{normal | internal loopback}
show [node node-id] fddi station
station-name phy port port-id {all
[attributes] | all characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all
10.4.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: None |
Value: For n, 10 -n |
Link error monitor threshold. This characteristic cannot be set.
phy type
Type of physical port (A, B, S, or M). This characteristic cannot be set.
pmd type
ANSI multimode |
Low power |
ANSI multimode type 1 |
ThinWire |
ANSI single mode type 2 |
Shielded twisted-pair |
Unshielded twisted-pair |
10.4.2. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which the port was created.
connections completed
Number of times the physical port entered the in use
state, having
completed the initialization process.
elasticity buffer errors
Number of times the elasticity buffer function had an overflow or underflow.
lct rejects
Number of times a connection was rejected due to failure of the link confidence test at either end of the physical connection.
lem rejects
Number of times an active connection was disconnected due to rejection by the link error monitor at this end of the physical connection, or by expiration of the Noise timer.
link errors
Total number of raw link error
input events seen by the link error
10.4.3. Identifier Attributes
An integer that uniquely identifies this physical port to the parent
10.4.4. Status Attributes
broken reason
Reason phy port
is in broken
state, or if in
broken state
, none
Default: None |
Value: 1–256 |
Link error monitor current estimate of error rate.
neighbor phy type
Status may be A, B, S, M or unknown.
reject reason
phy port
is in a failed
or watch
state. This is not meaningful when phy port
is in some other state.
LCT both sides |
link confidence test failed on both sides of the physical connection. |
LCT protocol error |
Neighboring physical port has been detected to have prematurely exited the link confidence test (LCT). |
LEM reject |
Link error monitor disconnected this connection due to the error rate exceeding the LEM threshold. |
local LCT |
Link confidence test failed on this end of the physical connection. |
noise reject |
Noise timer expired because a single noise event lasted for more than 1.31072 ms. |
none |
No reason. |
remote LCT |
Link confidence test failed on the other end of the physical connection. |
remote reject |
Neighboring physical port broke the connection for an unknown reason. |
standby |
Physical port and its neighboring physical port form a redundant physical connection (dual-homing feature). In a dual-homed configuration, the B to M connection is the higher priority physical connection, and the A to M connection is the standby physical connection. The standby connection will become active if the B to M connection is lost. |
topology reason |
Neighboring physical port's physical port type is an illegal match for this physical port's physical port type. |
trace in progress |
Physical port was initializing when a pc-trace occurred. When a pc-trace occurs, any physical ports that have not yet established a physical connection are shutdown to prevent the topology from changing. |
trace received-disabled |
Physical port was momentarily disabled because it received a pc-trace when its own pc-trace function was disabled. The pc-trace function is enabled by default. The trace disable switch is not remotely manageable. |
phy port
entity (nonsettable).
broken |
The physical port has failed initialization tests and is not available for use. |
failed |
Same as |
internal loopback |
The physical port has been configured to internally present all transmitted symbols to the receive interface. The network connector is inactive. This allows internally generated test frames to be looped back for test purposes. |
in use |
The physical port has established a connection and is fully operational. Communications services are now available. |
off-ready |
The physical port is waiting to be enabled or has been disabled by management request. |
starting |
The physical port has received a response from the neighboring physical port and is exchanging information and performing the link confidence test (LCT) prior to completing the connection. |
waiting |
The physical port is beginning to establish a connection and is waiting for a response from the neighboring physical port. |
watch |
Same as |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
10.4.5. Event Messages
link confidence test reject
Counted as LCT rejects.
link elasticity buffer error
Counted as elasticity buffer errors.
link error monitor reject
Counted as LEM rejects.
10.4.6. Exception Messages
For enable
invalid mode
Specified mode conflicts with station mode.
10.5. fddi port
An fddi port
entity represents an access point to the service offered by
the FDDI module. A client transmits and receives data through a port. Ports are created
and deleted by client use of open and close service interface procedures. The
port-name refers to the port managed by this command.
show [node node-id] fddi port
port-name [all [attributes] | all counters | all
identifiers | all status]
10.5.1. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which the port was created.
multicast octets received
Number of multicast user data octets received successfully and available to the data link user.
multicast octets sent
Number of multicast user data octets transmitted successfully using the port.
multicast pdus received
Number of multicast frames received successfully and available to the data link user.
multicast pdus sent
Number of multicast frames transmitted successfully using the port.
octets received
Number of user data octets received successfully and available to the data link user.
octets sent
Number of user data octets transmitted successfully using the port.
pdus received
Number of frames received successfully and available to the datalink user.
pdus sent
Number of frames transmitted successfully using the port.
unavailable user buffers
Number of times no user buffer was available at the port for an incoming frame.
10.5.2. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
10.5.3. Status Attributes
Name specified by the data link when the port is opened.
ethernet protocol types
Set of Ethernet protocol types that are recognized for this port. Protocol types for a port may be enabled and disabled by the user at anytime during the port's existence.
Default: None |
Value: True or false |
Indicates whether or not the data link adds a length field on transmit, assumes
the presence of the length field, and removes the length field on receive for
Ethernet frames. This attribute is irrelevant for ISO 8802-3 formatted frames
because the length field is always present. This is specified by the user when the
port is opened. The value true
means length fields are added and
removed by the data link.
Name of the link
subentity associated with this port, specified by
the user when the port is opened.
llc sap addresses
Set of SNAP protocol identifiers that are recognized for this port. LLC SAP addresses for a port may be enabled and disabled by the user at any time during the port's existence.
Default: None |
Value: Class 1 or user supplied |
LLC PDU processing the data link user requires from the port, specified by the user when the port is opened. This is either LLC Class 1, where the entire LLC protocol is handled by the data link, or user-supplied LLC, where the user is responsible for operating part of the LLC protocol.
mac addresses
Set of individual and multicast MAC addresses that are recognized for this port. MAC addresses for a port may be enabled and disabled by the user at any time during the port's existence.
Default: None |
Value: Normal or promiscuous |
Indicates if the port is to receive all frames regardless of format, Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, LLC SAP address, or MAC address. Promiscuous receipt is enabled and disabled by the user. Support of promiscuous mode is optional.
snap protocol identifiers
Set of SNAP protocol identifiers that are recognized for this port. Protocol identifiers for a port may be enabled and disabled by the user at any time during the port's existence.
Type of port (LLC or SMT).
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
Chapter 11. Frame Module (OpenVMS)
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Frame module. The Frame module provides framing functions for a communications link. It enables those who implement their own level 2 protocols to manage the links that use those protocols.
Figure 11.1, “Hierarchy of Frame Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Frame module.

11.1. frame
The frame
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy belonging to
the Frame module. The entity provides framing functions for a communications link. The
entity does not provide any data link protocol capabilities, and is used by those who
want or need to operate their own level 2 protocols.
create [node node-id] frame
delete [node node-id] frame
disable [node node-id] frame
enable [node node-id] frame
show [node node-id] frame [all [attributes] | all
characteristics | all status]
11.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Version of the frame architecture to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
11.1.2. Status Attributes
off |
The |
on |
The |
11.2. frame link
A frame link
entity is associated with a physical line, and controls the
framing protocol used on that line. There is one frame link
entity for each
physical line.
create [node node-id] frame link
frame-link-id {control mode mode |
protocol protocol-type}
delete [node node-id] frame link
disable [node node-id] frame link
enable [node node-id] frame link
set [node node-id] frame link
frame-link-id {bisync code
character-code | bits per character
number-of-bits | buffer size integer |
crc type crc type | framing timer integer
| initial state one state-info | initial state two
state-info | local station address
address | match station address
boolean | number of buffers integer |
physical line local-entity-name | sync character
hexadecimal | sync count
show [node node-id] frame link
frame-link-id [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status]
11.2.1. Arguments
control mode
multipoint master | |
multipoint tributary | |
point-to-point |
bisync |
hdlc |
chips |
sdlc |
ddcmp |
swift |
genbyte |
11.2.2. Characteristic Attributes
Default: EBCDIC |
Value: ASCII or EBCDIC |
Character code to be used on the link. This characteristic is supported only when
the characteristic protocol
is set to one of the following:
bisync, chips, genbyte
, or swift
. You can modify this
characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 8 |
Value: 5–8 |
Number of bits in each character. This characteristic is supported only when the
characteristic protocol
is set to genbyte
. You can modify
this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 512 |
Value: 0–65535 |
Size, in octets, of each receive buffer for the link. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled. Also, you can only increase the characteristic value.
Default: Point-to-point |
Value: See description |
point to point
argument to the create
command. You cannot modify this characteristic.
multipoint master | |
multipoint tributary | |
point-to-point |
Default: See description |
Value: See description |
CRC_16 | |
CRC_16 |
CRC_16 |
CRC_16 |
genbyte crc
checking is done in the genbyte
Default: 25 |
Value: 10–1000 |
Maximum length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the next character to arrive.
This characteristic is supported only when the characteristic protocol
is set to genbyte
Default: 0 |
Value: See description |
First 32 bits of state information. This characteristic is supported only when the
characteristic protocol
is set to genbyte
. You can modify
this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 0 |
Value: See description |
Last 32 bits of state information. This characteristic is supported only when the
characteristic protocol
is set to genbyte
. You can modify
this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 255 |
Value: 0–255 |
Address of the local station. The default value means that only broadcast messages
are accepted. The interpretation of this characteristic is controlled by the value
of the characteristic match station address
This attribute is supported only if the characteristic protocol
set to sdlc
. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is
Default: False |
Value: True or false |
Specifies whether the value of the characteristic local station
is to be interpreted as a valid address. This attribute is
supported only if the characteristic protocol
is set to
. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is
Default: 4 |
Value: 0–255 |
Number of receive buffers reserved for the link. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled. Also, you can only increase the characteristic value.
Default: None |
Value: Local-entity-name |
Name of the Physical layer line entity on which the link operates. You must provide a value for this characteristic before you enable the link. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
argument to the create
command. You cannot
modify this characteristic.
bisync |
hdlc |
chips |
sdlc |
ddcmp |
swift |
genbyte |
Default: See description |
Value: 0–FF |
character to be used on the link. The
default value depends on the value of the characteristic protocol
, as follows:
bisync |
32 |
chips |
32 |
ddcmp |
96 |
genbyte |
32 |
swift |
32 |
This attribute is supported only if the characteristic protocol
set to bisync, chips, ddcmp, genbyte
, or swift
. You can
modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 4 |
Value: 0–255 |
Number of sync
characters that precedes each message. This attribute
is supported only if the characteristic protocol
is set to
bisync, chips, ddcmp, genbyte
, or swift
. You can
modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
11.2.3. Counter Attributes
abort characters received
Number of times the link was prematurely terminated by the remote station. This
counter is supported only if the characteristic protocol
is set to
either hdlc or sdlc
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
data block check errors
Number of messages received with an error in the data field block check.
header block check errors
Number of messages received with an error in the header block check. This counter
is supported only if the characteristic protocol
is set to
invalid characters received
Number of times an invalid character was received from the remote station. This
counter is supported only if the characteristic protocol
is set to
either bisync
or ddcmp
receive buffer overflows with good crc
Number of times the local station received a message too large for the receive buffer and the message had a valid CRC.
receive overruns
Number of times the host memory was notable to handle all the data received from the communications channel.
sdus received
Number of data messages received from the remote station.
sdus sent
Number of data messages sent to the remote station.
service octets received
Number of data octets received from the remote station.
service octets sent
Number of data octets sent to the remote station.
transmit underruns
Number of times the host memory could not supply data fast enough to satisfy the communications channel.
11.2.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the link when it is created.
11.2.5. Status Attributes
physical port name
Name of the Physical layer port returned when the port is opened. If this value is missing, the port has yet to be opened.
frame link
off |
The link is disabled. |
on |
The link is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
11.2.6. Exception Messages
For create
parent is disabled
The frame
entity was disabled when you issued this
command. Enable the frame
entity and then
reissue this command.
For enable
device constraint
The value of an attribute is not supported by the device type servicing the protocol state machine.
open physical port failure
The open operation on the port in the Physical layer failed.
reason |
Specifies why the open operation failed. | |
invalid argument |
The open port call was improperly formed. | |
line not available |
The line managed by the Physical layer entity is already
allocated to another data link entity. Modify the
| |
no such line |
The entity specified in the |
Only the DSF32 device supports SWIFT and CHIPS framing.
11.3. frame port
A frame port
entity represents an access point to the data link service
offered by the Frame module. Ports are created and deleted automatically when a client
of DDCMP uses the link.
show [node node-id] frame port port-name [all [attributes] | all identifiers
| all status ]
11.3.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
11.3.2. Status Attributes
Name of the client entity that opened the port.
Name of the frame link
entity that the client supplied when the port
was opened.
frame port
open |
The port is assigned to a client. |
open disabled |
The port is assigned to a client, but the appropriate link entity has been disabled. |
Chapter 12. HDLC Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the HDLC module. The HDLC module implements one of the protocols in the Data Link layer. The HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) protocol is intended to cover a wide range of applications. This includes one-way, two-way alternate or two-way simultaneous data communication between data stations that are usually buffered, including operations on different types of data circuits; such as, multipoint/point-to-point, duplex/half-duplex, and switched/non-switched. This implementation uses HDLC to offer reliable communication at the Data Link layer for point-to-point synchronous data lines over a wide area network link. The HDLC module typically runs as a Data Link module under the CLNS (Connectionless-Mode Network Service) network protocol.
Figure 12.1, “Hierarchy of HDLC Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the HDLC module.

12.1. hdlc
The hdlc
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of entities belonging
to the HDLC module.
create [node node-id] hdlc
delete [node node-id] hdlc
show [node node-id] hdlc [all [attributes] | all
12.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Version of the HDLC architecture specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
12.2. hdlc link
An hdlc link
entity is associated with a port of the supporting physical layer
module. It contains attributes common to local HDLC operations for all logical stations on the
line. The link-name refers to the HDLC link managed by this command.
create [node node-id] hdlc link
link-name{linktype link-type | profile
delete [node node-id] hdlc link
disable [node node-id] hdlc link
enable [node node-id] hdlc link
set [node node-id] hdlc link link-name
{acknowledge timer integer | holdback timer integer |
maximum data size integer | maximum unsequenced pdus
integer | minimum data size integer | physical line
local-entity-name | preferred crc type CRC-type |
preferred local station address integer | preferred maximum data size
integer | preferred window size integer | receive
buffers integer (OpenVMS) | retry maximum integer |
sequence modulus [8 or 128]}
show [node node-id] hdlc link link-id
[all [attributes] | all characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all
12.2.1. Arguments
linktype link-type
balanced |
The logical station operates in asynchronous response balanced mode. This is the default value of the argument. |
primary |
The logical station is the primary and operates in normal response mode. |
secondary |
The logical station is a secondary and operates in normal response mode. |
profile latin1string
A string of information that can be used when the HDLC protocol is dependent on network
subscription time commitments pertinent to the Data Link layer. When specified, the values of
some link characteristics may be overridden. This argument determines the value of the
characteristic. The default value of this argument is a null string,
meaning that no profile is used.
12.2.2. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 3000 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an acknowledgment before using error recovery procedures. The value of this characteristic corresponds to the T1 parameter of HDLC. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 0 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before sending an acknowledgment supervisory frame if no other frames carry the acknowledgment. A value of zero means that the frame will be sent immediately if no I-frame can be sent. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
link type
Operational mode of the HDLC link. The value of this characteristic is a copy of the
link type
argument specified when the entity is created. You cannot modify this
Default: 1500 |
Value:262–65532 |
Maximum number of bytes that users of the data link can specify. This number applies to both transmit and receive frames.
The value of this characteristic must be greater than or equal to the value of the
minimum data size
characteristic. You can modify this characteristic only when the
entity is disabled.
Default: 1 |
Value: 1–127 |
Maximum number of unsequenced I-frames that a primary or secondary station can send in a
single transmission. This characteristic is not used if the link type
characteristic is balanced
Default: 576 |
Value: 262–65532 |
Minimum number of bytes that users of the data link can specify. This number applies to both transmit and receive frames.
The value of this characteristic must be less than or equal to the value of the
maximum data size
characteristic. You can modify this characteristic only when the
entity is disabled.
Default: None |
Value: Local-entity-name |
Local entity name of the Physical layer entity over which the HDLC protocol is to operate.
This characteristic must have a value before the HDLC link is enabled. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: Either |
Value: 16-bit, 32-bit, or either |
CRC types available for negotiation. If the value of this characteristic is
, the station will try to use 32-bit
but will use
if that is all that the remote station supports.
Default: 2 |
Value: 1–253 |
Address proposed for the local logical station during negotiation. If there is no negotiation, the value of this characteristic is the value that is used. If negotiation is necessary, the value of this characteristic must be between 2 and 253. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 1500 |
Value: 262–65532 |
Default size, in octets, of frames that the station receives and transmits. This value is used only if the link initialization does not specify a buffer value.
The value of this characteristic must lie between those of the maximum data
and minimum data size
characteristics. You can modify this
characteristic to a lower value only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 2 |
Value: 1–127 |
Window size to be offered during negotiation for both receive and transmit frames. The
value of this characteristic must be compatible with that for the sequence modulus
profile (OpenVMS)
Simple name that can be used when the HDLC protocol is dependent on network subscription
time commitments pertinent to the Data Link layer. The value of this characteristic is a copy of
the profile
argument specified when the entity is created. You cannot modify this
Default: 4 |
Value: 1–128 |
Number of receive buffers reserved for the link. This characteristic can only be set to a lower value when the entity is disabled.
Default: 10 |
Value: 1–255 |
Maximum number of times that a frame will be retransmitted before the local station assumes that a fatal error has occurred. This characteristic can be modified only when the entity is disabled.
Default: 128 |
Value: 8 or 128 |
Whether modulo-8 or modulo-128 sequence numbering is allowed on the HDLC link. The value 8 means that only normal sequence numbering is allowed. The value 128 means that both extended and normal sequence numbering are supported for negotiation.
12.2.3. Counter Attributes
buffer unavailable errors (OpenVMS)
Number of times the Physical layer reported that no buffer was available to hold a message. This counter is not supported in all implementations.
crc errors received
Number of frames received that had a bad CRC.
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
times pdu receive overrun
Number of times a physical line indicated an overrun condition to the Data Link layer. This counter is not supported in all implementations.
times pdu transmit failed
Number of times an attempt to send a frame failed.
up transitions
Number of times the entity's status attribute state
has changed from
to on
12.2.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the HDLC link when it is created.
12.2.5. Status Attributes
actual sequence modulus
sequence modulus
8, the modulus always appears as the value 8.
8 |
Indicates that modulo-8 numbering is in use. Allows frame sequence values 0 through 7. |
128 |
Indicates that modulo-128 numbering is in use. Allows frame sequence values 0 through 127. |
Default: None |
Value: 0-- 10 9 |
Time required between frames to enable the local station to successfully receive them.
Default: None |
Value: Switched or nonswitched |
Defines whether the underlying physical line is switched or nonswitched. This status affects the subset of port states that are related to a given link.
Default: None |
Value: 1–65535 |
Maximum frame size (in octets) that can be used on the link. Until negotiation is complete,
the value of this status attribute is the same as the characteristic preferred maximum
data size
negotiated crc type
CRC mode that has been negotiated with the remote station. This mode will not be used until
the station is next enabled. Until negotiation is complete, the value of this is
physical port
Name of the port in the Physical layer associated with the communications link.
response address
Address that the remote station puts in response frames.
or disable
command issued.
off |
The link is disabled. |
on |
The link is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
Default: None |
Value: 1–127 |
Maximum number of I-frames that can be outstanding before an acknowledgment must be
received. Until negotiation is complete, the value of this status attribute is the same as the
characteristic preferred window size
12.2.6. Event Messages
buffer unavailable error (OpenVMS)
Generated each time a frame is discarded because there is no receive buffer available.
link down
Generated each time the entity is disabled.
link up
Generated each time the entity is enabled.
pdu receive overrun
Generated each time the Physical layer entity reports a receive overrun.
pdu transmit failed
Generated each time an attempt to send a frame fails.
pdu transmit failed reason |
Failure reason received from the Physical layer entity. | |
disabled |
The network manager has disabled the line. | |
line down |
The line is in the failed state. | |
no service |
The Physical layer service is not available. |
12.2.7. Exception Messages
For delete
has children
Cannot delete while subentities exist.
link enabled
The link is still enabled. Disable the link and reissue the delete
wrong state
Failure to delete the hdlc link logical station
subentity because the logical
station must be disabled before deletion.
For enable
client data size not supportable
Client's buffer size is larger than the HDLC software can support.
incompatible communications mode
The value of the link type
argument specified in the create
command is incompatible with the actual type of link.
reason |
Feature of the line that is incompatible with the link type. | |
CRC mode not supported |
The line does not support CRC selected by the preferred CRC type characteristic attribute. | |
full-duplex mode |
The line is full-duplex and the link type is primary/secondary. | |
half-duplex mode |
The line is half-duplex and the link type is balanced. | |
protocol not supported |
The line does not support HDLC framing. |
Correct the value of the link type
argument, or use a line that supports the
appropriate protocol. Then reissue the enable
open physical port failed
Attempt to open a port to the Physical layer failed.
reason |
Specifies why the Physical layer rejected the open operation. | |
invalid argument |
The call to the Physical layer was improperly formed. | |
insufficient resources |
The Physical layer had insufficient system resources to be able to open the port. | |
line not available |
The line specified as the value to the | |
no such physical line |
The entity specified in the |
12.3. hdlc link logical station
The hdlc link logical station
entity controls the characteristics of an HDLC
logical station. There is one station for each remote termination of a line associated with the
HDLC link. The link-name is the link
entity within the HDLC
module and the logical-station-name refers to the logical station managed by
this command.
create [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station
delete [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station
disable [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station
enable [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station
limit [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station
show [node node-id] hdlc link
link-namelogical station logical-station-name [all
[attributes] | all counters | all identifiers | all status]
unlimit [node node-id] hdlc link
link-name logical station
12.3.1. Commands
Limits station exclusively to unsequenced data service.
Enables sequenced and unsequenced data service.
12.3.2. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
data octets received
Total number of octets received in the I-field of I-frames and UI-frames. This total excludes protocol ID information in UI-frames and frame retransmissions.
data octets sent
Total number of octets sent in the I-field of I-frames and UI-frames. This total excludes protocol ID information in UI-frames and frame retransmissions.
data pdus received
Total number of I-frames and UID-frames received. This number does not include frames that had to be retransmitted.
data pdus sent
Total number of I-frames and UID-frames sent. This number does not include frames that had to be retransmitted.
frmrs generated
Number of FRMRs (frame rejects) sent.
frmrs received
Number of FRMRs (frame rejects) received.
invalid mode commands
Number of command frames (SABME, SABM, SNRME, SNRM, SARM, and SIM) received that are not applicable to this station.
negotiation failures
Number of times that the XID negotiation with the remote station has failed.
polls received
Number of frames received with the poll bit set.
rejs received
Number of REJ frames (rejects) received.
rejs sent
Number of REJ frames (rejects) sent.
rnrs received
Number of RNR (receive not ready) supervisory frames received from the remote station.
rnrs sent
Number of RNR (receive not ready) supervisory frames transmitted.
times acknowledge timer expired
Number of times the acknowledge timer has expired.
times station halted
Number of times the station halt
event has occurred.
times station initializing
Number of times the station initialized
event has occurred.
times station inoperative
Number of times the entity's status attribute state
times station maintenance
Number of times the entity's status attribute state
times station resetting
Number of times the station reset
event has occurred.
times station running
Number of times the station running
event has occurred.
times station setup failed
Number of times the station setup
failure event has occurred.
unknown ui pdus received
Number of UI-frames the local station received whose protocol ID does not match that of any open port.
xids received
Number of XID (identification) command or response frames received.
12.3.3. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the logical station when it is created.
12.3.4. Status Attributes
command address
Address the local station uses when sending command frames to the remote station.
maintenance mode
Whether the station is in maintenance mode
. When set to true
, the
station will be used exclusively for maintenance operations. When set to false
, the
station operates in normal fashion.
The limit
command sets the value of this attribute to true
, and
the unlimit
to false
protocol state
error |
A protocol error occurred. For instance, the logical station received an invalid frame. |
halted |
The protocol could not start. For example, there is no client. |
initializing |
The protocol is being initialized. |
inoperative |
The protocol cannot be started because no contact has been established with the remote station. |
maintenance |
The logical station is in maintenance mode. |
resetting |
The protocol is resetting after an error. |
running |
The protocol is running and capable of exchanging frames with the remote station. |
remote version
Version number of the HDLC protocol that the remote station is using. This is received as part of an XID message from the remote station.
off |
The logical station is off because of a |
on |
The logical station is on because of an |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
12.3.5. Event Messages
frmr generated
Generated each time the logical station rejected a received frame.
frmr |
Contents of the frame reject frame that is returned to the remote station. | |
frmr reason |
Reason for rejecting the frame. | |
control |
One of the control fields is undefined or not implemented by the local station. | |
format |
The frame's control field is invalid because the frame contained information that is not allowed, the frame is supervisory, or the frame is unnumbered and has the wrong length. | |
length |
The information field of the frame exceeds the maximum capacity. | |
nonspecific |
The received frame contains an unspecified number or type of error. | |
nr |
The frame's control field contains an invalid N(R). | |
received pdu |
Header of the frame that caused the generation of the event. |
frmr received
Generated each time the remote station rejected a frame.
frmr |
Contents of the frame reject frame that is returned to the remote station. | |
frmr reason |
Reason for rejecting the frame. | |
control |
One of the control fields is undefined or not implemented by the local station. | |
format |
The frame's control field is invalid because the frame contained information that is not allowed, the frame is supervisory, or the frame is unnumbered and has the wrong length. | |
length |
The information field of the frame exceeds the maximum capacity. | |
nonspecific |
The received frame contains an unspecified number or type of error. | |
nr |
The frame's control field contains an invalid N(R). | |
received pdu |
Received FRMR that caused the generation of the event. |
negotiation failed
Generated each time XID negotiation fails.
local xid |
The XID that the local station used during the failed negotiation. | |
negotiation failure reason |
Reason that negotiation with the remote station failed. | |
address id not unique |
The preferred addresses and the address-negotiation unique IDs were identical. | |
incompatible address modes |
The remote station wanted to use HDLC's extended addressing which the Network Architecture's implementation does not support. | |
incompatible crc types |
Incompatible CRC types were specified by the two stations. | |
incompatible sequence moduli |
Incompatible sequence moduli were specified by the two stations. | |
link type mismatch |
There has been an attempt to initialize using classes of procedures that are not
appropriate for the specified | |
maximum pdu size too small |
The negotiated maximum frame size is less than the value of the | |
negotiation error |
The remote station performed an illegal negotiation operation. | |
no response |
There has been no valid response from the remote station to the generated XID within
the number of times specified by the | |
parameter id not unique |
The parameter IDs that should be unique are not so. | |
protocol id mismatch |
An attempt has been made to initialize sequenced data ports with different protocol IDs. | |
transmission type mismatch |
Mismatch in the sync/async bit in the XID. | |
ui not supported |
An attempt has been made to initialize without the UI optional function, which is required when running MOP over an HDLC link. | |
remote xid |
The XID that the remote station used (if any) during the failed negotiation. |
station halted
Generated each time the logical station's status attribute protocol state
becomes halted
station haltedreason |
Reason for the logical station to halt its protocol. | |
disc |
A DISC frame was received from the remote station. | |
dm |
A DM frame was received from the remote station. | |
fbit error |
A frame was received from the remote station with an error in the F-bit. | |
frmr |
An FRMR frame was received from the remote station. | |
local |
The initialization was as a result of the | |
maximum retry |
The number of times a frame has been sent has exceeded the value of the
| |
physical |
There was a failure in the Physical layer. | |
unsolicited ua |
An unsolicited UA frame was received from the remote station. | |
user |
The initialization was as a result of local user action. | |
window error |
The initialization occurred as part of the recovery from a windowing error. |
station initializing
Generated each time the logical station's protocol is successfully initialized or reinitialized.
station initializing reason |
Reason for the logical station to initialize its protocol. | |
disc |
A DISC frame was received from the remote station. | |
dm |
A DM frame was received from the remote station. | |
fbit error |
A frame was received from the remote station with an error in the F-bit. | |
frmr |
An FRMR frame was received from the remote station. | |
local |
The initialization was as a result of the | |
maximum retry |
The number of times a frame has been sent has exceeded the value of the
| |
physical |
There was a failure in the Physical layer. | |
unsolicited ua |
An unsolicited UA frame was received from the remote station. | |
user |
The initialization was as a result of local user action. | |
window error |
The initialization occurred as part of the recovery from a windowing error. | |
xid |
An XID frame was received from the remote station. |
station inoperative
Generated each time the status attribute protocol state
station maintenance
Generated each time the status attribute protocol state
station resetting
Generated each time the status attribute protocol state
station resettingreason |
Reason for the logical station to perform a reset operation. | |
fbit error |
A frame was received from the remote station with an error in the F-bit. | |
frmr |
An FRMR frame was received from the remote station. | |
maximum retry |
The number of times a frame has been sent has exceeded the value of the entity's
| |
sabm |
A SABM frame was received from the remote station. | |
unsolicited ua |
An unsolicited UA frame was received from the remote station. | |
window error |
The initialization occurred as part of the recovery from a windowing error. |
station running
Generated each time the logical station's protocol has been initialized successfully. In
addition, the status attribute protocol state
changes to
station setup failed
The expiration of the entity's
maximum retry
characteristic when in theinitializing
stateA forced disconnection from the remote station
unknown ui pdu received
Generated each time an unsequenced frame is received specifying a protocol ID to which a port has not been opened on this station.
received pdu |
Received UI frame which caused this event to be generated. |
12.4. hdlc port
The hdlc port
entity represents one end of an HDLC connection. The entity
maintains information about that link. Ports are created and deleted automatically when a client
of HDLC uses the link. The port-name refers to the port managed by this
show [node node-id] hdlc port port-name
[all [attributes] | all identifiers | all status]
12.4.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
12.4.2. Status Attributes
Name of the client using the port.
logical station
hdlc link logical station
entity that the port is operating over.
protocol id
Protocol ID that the port is using. For sequenced ports, this value is decided during negotiation. For unsequenced ports, the value is sent in every UI-frame.
open |
The port is assigned to a client. If the communications line is unswitched, data transfer can begin. For switched lines, an association must be made with the line before data transfer can begin. |
open disabled |
The port is associated with a client, but the link or logical station associated with it is disabled. |
sequenced |
The port can send and receive sequenced and unsequenced data. |
unsequenced |
The port can send and receive unsequenced data only. |
Chapter 13. LAPB Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Link Access Protocol Balanced (LAPB) module. The LAPB module implements one of the protocols in the Link layer described by the Network Architecture (NA).
Figure 13.1, “Hierarchy of LAPB Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the LAPB module.

13.1. lapb
The lapb
entity is the top-level entity in the LAPB module hierarchy of
entities. The LAPB module implements the LAPB link level protocol which is a variation
of the High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) link level protocol.
create [node node-id] lapb
delete [node node-id] lapb
show [node node-id] lapb [all [attributes] | all
13.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: None |
Version: Current version number |
Version number of the NA HDLC architecture to which this implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
13.2. lapb link
A lapb link
entity is associated with a port of the supporting Physical
layer, and contains attributes that describe local LAPB operation.
create [node node-id] lapb link
simple-name profile
delete [node node-id] lapb link
disable [node node-id] lapb link
enable [node node-id] lapb link
set [node node-id] lapb link
simple-name {acknowledge timer
milliseconds | holdback timer
milliseconds | interface type [DTE or
DCE] | maximum data size integer | physical line
line-name | poll timer seconds |
receive buffers integer (OpenVMS) | retry maximum
integer | sequence modulus [8- or
128-modulus] | window size
show [node node-id] lapb link
simple-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all identifiers | all status ]
13.2.1. Arguments
Name of the X.25 Level 2 Profile that defines subscription details associated with
the PSDN to which this DTE is connected. This argument is mandatory and is used to
set the profile
13.2.2. Characteristic Attributes
Default: Supplied by profile |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an acknowledgment before initiating recovery action. This attribute corresponds to the LAPB parameter T1. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: Implementation specific |
Value: 0–60000 |
Delay, in milliseconds, before an acknowledgment must be sent. This characteristic corresponds to the LAPB parameter T2. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: DTE |
Value: DCE or DTE |
dce |
Use DCE address mode. |
dte |
Use DTE address mode. |
You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
Default: Supplied by profile |
Value: 1–65532 |
Maximum frame size, in octets, of an information field in an I-frame.
Default: No default |
Value: Local-entity-name |
Name of the Physical layer and line entity over which the LAPB protocol is to operate. You must give this characteristic a value before you enable the link.
Default: Implementation specific |
Value: Supplied by profile |
Maximum period, in seconds, that may elapse without frames being exchanged on the data link. On expiration, an RR(P) is sent to elicit a response from the other end.
Default: No default |
Value: String |
Name of the X.25 Level 2 Profile that defines subscription details associated with
the PSDN to which this DTE is connected. You cannot modify this characteristic. This
characteristic is set by means of an argument to the create
Default: Implementation specific |
Value: 1–128 |
Specifies the number of receive data buffers.
Default: Supplied by profile |
Value: 1–255 |
Maximum number of times a frame will be retransmitted before assuming a fatal error, at which point more drastic error recovery action will be attempted. This characteristic corresponds to the LAPB parameter N2.
Default: Supplied by profile |
Value: 8 or 128 |
8 |
Use normal sequence numbering. |
128 |
Use extended sequence numbering. |
Default: Supplied by profile |
Value: 1–127 |
Window size for transmitting and receiving I-frames. This characteristic corresponds to the LAPB parameter K.
13.2.3. Counter Attributes
buffer unavailable errors (OpenVMS)
Number of times the underlying framing level has indicated system buffer unavailability to the Data Link layer.
crc errors received
Number of frames received with a bad CRC.
creation time
Time at which the entity was created.
data octets received
Number of data octets received from the remote station. This value does not include retransmissions.
data octets sent
Number of data octets sent to the remote station. This value does not include retransmissions.
data pdus received
Number of I-frames received from the remote station. This value does not include retransmissions.
data pdus sent
Number of I-frames sent to the remote station. This value does not include retransmissions.
frmrs received
Number of FRMR frames received.
frmrs sent
Number of FRMR frames generated as a result of invalid incoming frames.
polls received
Number of command frames received with the P-bit set.
rejs received
Number of REJ frames received.
rejs sent
Number of REJ frames transmitted.
rnrs received
Number of RNR frames received.
rnrs sent
Number of RNR frames transmitted.
times acknowledge timer expired
Number of times the local acknowledge timer has expired.
times link halted
Number of times the link halt
event has been generated.
times link initializing
Number of times the link initializing
event has been
times link inoperative
Number of times the link inoperative
event has been generated.
times link maintenance
Number of times the link maintenance
event has been generated.
times link resetting
Number of times the link reset
event has been generated.
times link running
Number of times the link running
event has been generated.
times link setup failed
Number of times the link setup failure
event has been
times link state changed
Number of times a link state transition has occurred.
times pdu receive overrun
Number of times a physical line indicated an overrun condition to the Data Link layer.
times pdu transmit failed
Number of times an attempt to transmit a frame has failed.
13.2.4. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the link when it is created.
13.2.5. Status Attributes
line type
nonswitched |
The line is a nonswitched line. |
switched |
The line is a switched line. |
maximum pdu size
Maximum frame size, in octets, that this station will receive and transmit. This value includes the frame header.
physical port
Name of the Physical layer port with which the link is associated.
protocol state
error |
The protocol is in a recognized error state. |
halted |
The protocol has halted. |
initializing |
The protocol is being initialized. |
inoperative |
The protocol cannot be started without connectivity to the remote station. |
maintenance |
The link is in maintenance mode. |
resetting |
The protocol is undergoing a reset operation. |
running |
The protocol is running normally. |
lapb link
off |
The link is disabled. |
on |
The link is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
13.2.6. Event Messages
buffer unavailable error (OpenVMS)
Generated when a frame is discarded because there is no buffer available.
frmr received
Generated when an FRMR (frame reject) frame is received from the remote station.
frmr |
Contents of the header of the FRMR frame. | |
frmr reason |
Reason why the FRMR frame was generated. See possible
reasons described under the |
frmr sent
Generated when the receipt of a frame causes an FRMR (frame reject) frame to be generated and transmitted to the remote station.
received pdu |
Header of the frame that caused the event to be generated. | |
frmr |
Contents of the generated FRMR frame. | |
frmr reason |
Reason why the FRMR frame was generated. | |
control |
A received control field is either undefined or is not implemented. | |
format |
The received control field is invalid either because the frame contained an unallowed information field, or because the frame is a supervisory or unnumbered frame of incorrect length. | |
length |
The received information field is longer than the maximum established capacity. | |
nonspecific |
The received frame has an unspecified number or types of errors. | |
nr |
The received control field contains an invalid N(R). |
link halted
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link halted reason |
Reason why the LAPB protocol entered the
| |
disc |
Link halt caused by remote end. | |
dm |
Link halt caused by remote end. | |
fbit error |
Link halt caused by remote end. | |
frmr |
Link halt caused by remote end. | |
implementation specific |
Link halt caused by implementation-specific error. | |
local |
Link halt due to local management action. | |
maximum retry |
Link halt due to the number of retries reaching the
maximum specified in the characteristic | |
physical |
Link halt due to failure of the Physical layer. | |
unsolicited ua |
Link halt caused by remote end. | |
user |
Initialization was result of local user action. | |
window error |
Link halt caused by remote end. |
link initializing
Generated when the protocol has been successfully initialized or reinitialized.
link initializing reason |
Reason why the LAPB protocol entered the
The reasons are the same as described for the |
link inoperative
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link maintenance
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link resetting
Generated when the LAPB protocol is being reset successfully.
link resetting reason |
Reason why the link is resetting. | |
fbit error |
Link reset caused by remote end. | |
frmr |
Link reset caused by remote end. | |
implementation specific |
Link reset is due to implementation-specific error. | |
maximum retry |
Link reset due to the number of retries reaching the value
specified in the characteristic | |
sabm |
Link reset caused by remote end. | |
unsolicited ua |
Link reset caused by remote end. | |
window error |
Link reset caused by remote end. |
link running
Generated when the LAPB protocol has been initialized successfully and the status
attribute protocol state
has been set to running
link setup failed
Generated when the LAPB protocol has failed to initialize correctly after the maximum number of allowed attempts.
link state changed
Generated for each link state
transition. The link state
shows the new link state.
final state |
The new setting of the |
pdu receive overrun
Generated each time the underlying physical layer indicates that a receive overrun has been detected.
pdu transmit failed
Generated when a call to transmit a frame at the Physical layer via the internal framing interface fails.
pdu transmit failure reason |
Failure reason returned by the Physical layer. | |
disabled |
The line has been disabled by network management action. | |
line down |
The line is in the | |
no service |
The Physical layer service is not available. |
13.2.7. Exception Messages
For enable
client data size not supportable
The data size specified on opening the port cannot now be supported.
incompatible communications mode
The protocol cannot be operated because of an incompatible line.
reason |
Reason why the line is incompatible with the protocol. | |
asynchronous mode |
The physical line does not support asynchronous mode. | |
crc not supported |
The physical line does not support the physical link for CRC operation. | |
half-duplex mode |
The physical line needs to be in full-duplex mode. |
open physical port failed
The open port failed at the Physical layer.
reason |
Reason why the open port failed. | |
insufficient resources |
A physical port cannot be created due to a lack of system resources. | |
invalid argument |
An illegal data type or value was supplied to the called routines. | |
line not available |
The physical line has already been assigned to another port. | |
no such physical line |
A physical line having the specified name does not exist. |
13.3. lapb port
A lapb port
entity represents an access point for LAPB module clients to
Data Link layer services. The port-name refers to the port managed
by this command.
show [node node-id] lapb port
port-name [all [attributes] | all identifiers | all status
13.3.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
13.3.2. Status Attributes
client name
Name of the client with which the port is associated.
Name of the link with which the port is associated.
lapb port
open |
The port is assigned to a client. |
open disabled |
The port is assigned to a client, but the associated link is disabled. |
sequenced |
The port is used for sending LAPB data. |
unsequenced |
The port is used for sending loopback data. This is only
possible if the |
Chapter 14. LLC2 Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the LLC2 module. The LLC2 module implements one of the protocols in the Data Link layer described by the Network Architecture (NA).
Figure 14.1, “Hierarchy of LLC2 Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the LLC2 module.

14.1. llc2
The llc2
entity is the top-level entity in the LLC2 module hierarchy of
entities. The LLC2 module controls the operation of the logical link control (LLC) Type
2 data link protocol for local area networks (LANs).
create [node node-id] llc2
delete [node node-id] llc2
show [node node-id] llc2 [all [attributes] | all
14.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
Version number of the NA LLC2 architecture to which this implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic. To display this attribute, specify all or version.
14.2. llc2 port
An llc2 port
entity represents an access point to the services offered to
clients by the LLC2 module.
show [node node-id] llc2 port
simple-name [all [attributes] | all identifiers | all
14.2.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.
14.2.2. Status Attributes
Name of the client that opened the port.
link name
Name of the llc2 sap link
entity with which this port is
llc2 port
open |
The port is assigned to a client and is enabled. |
open disabled |
The port is assigned to a client but is disabled. |
14.3. llc2 sap
Each llc2 port
entity has an llc2 sap
(service access point)
entity associated with it. An llc2 sap
entity allows links to be
multiplexed over its associated port.
create [node node-id]llc2 sap
delete [node node-id] llc2 sap
disable [node node-id] llc2 sap
enable [node node-id] llc2 sap
set [node node-id] llc2 sap
sap-name {lan station
local-entity-name | local lsap address
show [node node-id] llc2 sap
sap-name [all [attributes] | all characteristics | all
counters | all status | all identifiers]
14.3.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: No entity name |
Value: Local-entity-name |
Name of the LAN station entity used by the SAP. You must specify a value for this attribute before you enable the SAP.
Default: 7E |
Value: Hex-number |
Address of the local link service access point (LSAP) to be used. The lowest significant bit of this value must be clear; that is, the address must be an individual address.
14.3.2. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
times sap state changed
Number of times the status attribute state has changed
to off
, or from off
14.3.3. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the llc2 sap when it is created.
14.3.4. Status Attributes
lan port
Name of the LAN port that is opened and enabled when this SAP is successfully enabled. If the SAP is not enabled, this status has a null value.
maximum pdu size
Largest frame size, in octets, that can be used to send or receive data on this SAP.
llc2 sap
off |
The SAP is disabled. |
on |
The SAP is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
14.3.5. Event Messages
sap state changed
Generated when the status attribute state
changes from
to off
, or from off
new sap state |
New state of the SAP. |
14.3.6. Exception Messages
For enable
enable lan port failed
The LAN port could not be enabled.
reason |
Specifies why the | |
invalid argument |
Software error. | |
insufficient resources |
There are insufficient system resources to enable the port. | |
SAP address not available |
The SAP address specified by the LSAP (local service access point) address characteristic is already being used, or is invalid. |
link data size not supportable
The data size specified by the maximum data size
characteristic of
one of the sap link
entities cannot be supported by the SAP.
open lan port failed
A LAN port could not be opened.
reason |
Why the port could not be opened. | |
invalid argument |
Software error. | |
insufficient resources |
There are insufficient system resources to open the port. | |
LAN station not available |
The LAN station specified by the | |
no such LAN station |
The LAN station specified by the |
14.4. llc2 sap link
An llc2 sap link
entity represents one of the links that operates over a
particular SAP (service access point).
create [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link
delete [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link
disable [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link
enable [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link
set [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link link-name {acknowledge
timer milliseconds | busy timer
milliseconds | holdback timer
milliseconds | local receive window size
integer | maximum data size octets |
poll timer milliseconds | reject timer
milliseconds | remote lsap address
hex-number | remote mac address
lan-address | retry maximum
show [node node-id] llc2 sap link
sap-name link link-name [all
[attributes] | all characteristics | all counters | all identifiers | all
14.4.1. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 1000 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, that the link waits for an acknowledgment before initiating recovery action. The granularity of this timer is 10 milliseconds. Values that are not multiples of 10 are rounded up.
Default: 10000 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, that the link waits for indication of the clearance of a busy condition at the remote station. The granularity of this timer is 10 milliseconds. Values that are not multiples of 10 are rounded up.
Default: 500 |
Value: 0–60000 |
Delay, in milliseconds, before an acknowledgment must be sent. The granularity of this timer is 10 milliseconds. Values that are not multiples of 10 are rounded up.
Default: 127 |
Value: 1–127 |
Window size used by the link for receiving frames.
Default: 1028 |
Value: 1–65531 |
Largest frame size, in octets, that the link can use to send or receive data. This value does not include the size of the frame header.
Default: 1000 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, that the link waits for a response with the F-bit set. The granularity of this timer is 10 milliseconds. Values that are not multiples of 10 are rounded up.
Default: 3000 |
Value: 1–60000 |
Time, in milliseconds, that the link waits for a reply to a REJ (reject) frame. The granularity of this timer is 10 milliseconds. Values that are not multiples of 10 are rounded up.
Default: 7E |
Value: hex-number |
Address of the destination LSAP (link service access point) to be used by the link. The lowest significant bit must be clear; that is, the address must be an individual address.
Default: 00-00-00-00-00-00 |
Value: ID802 |
Destination MAC address to be used by the link. The lowest significant bit of the first octet must be clear; that is, the address must be an individual address.
Default: 10 |
Value: 1–255 |
Maximum number of times that the link retransmits a frame before assuming a fatal error and taking more drastic recovery action.
14.4.2. Counter Attributes
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
data octets received
Number of data octets received in I-frames and UI-frames from the remote end of the link. This value does not include data octets in retransmissions.
data octets sent
Number of data octets transmitted in I-frames and UI-frames to the remote end of the link. This value does not include data octets in retransmissions.
data pdus received
Number of I-frames and UI-frames received from the remote end of the link. This value does not include retransmissions.
data pdus sent
Number of I-frames and UI-frames transmitted to the remote end of the link. This value does not include retransmissions.
frmrs received
Number of FRMR (frame reject) frames received.
frmrs sent
Number of FRMR (frame reject) frames generated as a result of invalid incoming frames.
polls received
Number of command frames received with the P-bit set.
rejs received
Number of REJ (reject) frames received.
rejs sent
Number of REJ (reject) frames transmitted.
rnrs received
Number of RNR (receive not ready) frames received.
rnrs sent
Number of RNR (receive not ready) frames transmitted.
times acknowledge timer expired
Number of times the local acknowledge timer has expired.
times busy timer expired
Number of times the local busy timer has expired.
times link halted
Number of times the link's status attribute protocol state
was set to
times link initializing
Number of times the link's status attribute protocol state
was set to
times link inoperative
Number of times the link's status attribute protocol state
was set to
times link resetting
Number of times the link's status attribute protocol state
was set to
times link running
Number of times the link's status attribute protocol state
was set to
. When the link enters the running
state, the
protocol has been successfully initialized or reset.
times link setup failed
Number of times the LLC2 protocol fails to initialize correctly after the maximum number of retries.
times link state changed
Number of times the link's status attribute STATE changed from on
, or from off
to on
times poll timer expired
Number of times the local poll timer has expired.
times reject timer expired
Number of times the local reject timer has expired.
xids received
Number of XID frames received.
xids sent
Number of XID frames transmitted.
14.4.3. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the link when it is created.
14.4.4. Status Attributes
protocol state
error |
The protocol is in a recognized error state. |
halted |
The protocol has halted. |
initializing |
The protocol is being initialized. |
inoperative |
The protocol cannot be started because the LAN station cannot provide a connection to a remote system. |
resetting |
The protocol is being reset. |
running |
The protocol is running normally. |
remote llc class
1 |
Class 1 LLC. Only type 1 operation is supported. |
2 |
Class 2 LLC. Both type 1 and type 2 operations are supported. |
unknown |
The class has not yet been established. The class is not established until XID frames have been exchanged between the local and remote LLC implementations. |
remote receive window size
Window size used by the remote station for receiving frames. The local station uses this value as its window for transmitting frames.
llc2 link
off |
The link is disabled. |
on |
The link is enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
14.4.5. Event Messages
frame reject generated
Generated when the receipt of a frame causes an FRMR (frame reject) frame to be generated and transmitted to the remote station.
frame |
Contents of the header of the frame that caused the FRMR frame to be generated. | |
frame reject reason |
Why the FRMR frame was rejected. | |
control |
A received control field is undefined or is not implemented. | |
format |
The frame contains an unallowed information field, or contains a supervisory or unnumbered field of incorrect length. | |
length |
A received information field exceeds the maximum length. | |
nr |
A received control field contains an invalid N(R). | |
ns |
A received control field contains an invalid N(S). | |
nonspecific |
The frame contains an unspecified number or type of errors. | |
generated frmr |
Contents of the generated FRMR frame that is sent to the remote station. |
frame reject received
Generated when an FRMR (frame reject) frame is received from the remote station.
frame |
Contents of the header of the received FRMR frame. |
frame reject reason |
Why the frame was rejected. See possible reasons described
under the |
link halted
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link halted reason |
Why the protocol halted. | |
disc |
A DISC frame was received. The remote end has disconnected the link. | |
dm |
A DM frame was received. The remote end has disconnected the link. | |
frmr |
A FRMR frame was received. The remote end has detected a frame error. | |
implementation specific |
The cause is unknown. | |
The LAN station has failed. | |
local |
Local management action on the | |
maximum retry |
A PDU had to be retransmitted the maximum number of times without response from the remote end. | |
user |
Local client action has halted the link. |
link initializing
Generated when the protocol has been successfully initialized or reinitialized.
link initializing reason |
Why the protocol was initialized or reinitialized. See
possible reasons described under the |
link inoperative
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link resetting
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
link resetting reason |
Why the protocol is being reset. | |
frmr |
A FRMR frame was received. The remote end has detected a frame error. | |
implementation specific |
The reason is unknown. | |
maximum retry |
A PDU had to be retransmitted the maximum number of times without response from the remote end. | |
sabme |
A SABME frame was received. The remote end has reset the link. |
link running
Generated when the status attribute protocol state
is set to
running. This means that the protocol has been successfully
initialized or reset.
link setup failure
Generated when LLC2 protocol initialization has failed after the maximum number of retries.
link state changed
Generated when the status attribute state
changes from
to off
, or from off
14.4.6. Exception Messages
For enable
client data size not supportable
The data size specified by a client that has opened an LLC2 port to use this link cannot be supported.
link data size not supportable
The data size specified by the characteristic maximum data size
cannot be supported by the SAP that owns this link.
remote address in use
The remote MAC address and remote link service access point (hex-number LSAP) address are already being used by another link.
Chapter 15. Loopback Application Module
The Loopback Application module allows a network manager to invoke a loopback test between applications on two nodes, thus testing all the supporting layers of the Network Architecture (NA).
The loop access module, which initiates the loopback test.
The loop mirror module, which accepts connections from the remote loop access modules and mirrors any data sent to it back to the sender.
Figure 15.1, “Hierarchy of Loopback Application Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Loopback Application module.

15.1. loopback application
The loopback application
entity describes features of the Loopback
Application module which allows you to run a loopback test between two nodes or itself.
The loopback application
entity is created and deleted automatically with
the node
entity, and is always enabled.
loop [node node-id] loopback application {address
tower-set | count integer | format
hex-string | length integer | maximum
data integer | maximum mirrors integer |
name full-name}
set [node node-id] loopback application {maximum mirrors
show [node node-id] loopback application [all
[attributes] | all characteristics]
15.1.1. Commands
Starts a loop test between the loopback applications on the specified source and
destination nodes. The node
keyword specifies the node from which the
loop messages are sent. If you omit this keyword, the test is performed from the
node on which you issue the loop command
. The name
argument specifies the node whose loop mirror is used to
reflect the messages back to the originator. Specify either the name
(but not both).
15.1.2. Characteristic Attributes
address tower-set
Number of the destination for loopback messages, in the form of a protocol tower.
Specify either this argument or the name
Default: 1 |
Value: 0–4294967295 |
Number of loop messages to be sent to the loop mirror. The test is complete when this number of loop messages has been reflected back by the loop mirror.
Default: 55 |
Value: 00–FF |
Content of the data field of a loop message. Enter a pair of hexadecimal digits. Each octet in the data field of a loop message has this value.
Default: 40 |
Value: 0–65534 |
Length, in octets, of the data field in each loop message.
maximum data
The maximum size, in octets, of the loop message data field that the loop mirror can reflect. If the loop mirror receives a loop message with a longer data field, an error occurs.
For UNIX, to limit the number of loop mirrors, use the maximum
characteristic of the session control application
Default: 0 |
Value: 0–4294967295 |
Enter the maximum number of loop mirrors supported. If you enter the value 0, the node supports an unlimited number of mirrors.
For UNIX, to limit the number of loop mirrors, use the maximum
characteristic of the session control application
name full-name
DNS name of the node to which loopback messages are sent. Specify either this
argument or the address
argument, but not both.
15.1.3. Exception Messages
For loop
bad data at mirror
The local node sent a loop message with a data field that was too long.
The first octet of the loop message was corrupted when it arrived at the mirror module.
count |
Requested number of messages in the loopback test (that
is, the value of the |
message number |
Number of the loop messages in which the error occurred. |
start time |
Time at which the loopback test began. |
both name and address specified
Both the name
and address
arguments have been specified.
You must specify one of these arguments, but not both.
connection failed
The Session Control connection to the loop mirror failed.
reason |
Reason why the connection failed. This is the reason code provided by Session Control. |
start time |
Time the loopback test began. |
data returned differs from data sent
The data field in a loop message reflected back by the loop mirror is not the same as the data field in the loop message that was sent.
count |
Requested number of messages in the loopback test (that
is, the value of the |
format |
Value for each octet of the data field of the loop message
(that is, the value of the |
length |
Length of the data field of the loop message, as requested
by the |
message number |
Number of the loop message in which the error occurred. |
message returned |
Contents of the reflected loop message. |
start time |
Time the loopback test began. |
The link to the loop mirror was disconnected before the loopback test was completed.
count |
Requested number of messages in the loopback test (that
is, the value of the |
message number |
Number of the loop message in which the error occurred. |
reason |
Reason why the link was disconnected. This is the reason code returned by Session Control. |
start time |
Time the loopback test began. |
length too long
The requested length of the data field is greater than the maximum data field length that the loop mirror can handle.
length |
Data field length requested, in octets. |
maximum data |
Maximum data field length supported by the loop mirror. |
start time |
Time at which the loopback test began. |
neither name nor address specified
You have not specified the name
or the address
You must specify one of these arguments, but not both.
Chapter 16. Modem Connect Module
This chapter describes all the commands you can use to manage the entities that constitute the Modem Connect module. The Modem Connect module implements one of the protocols in the Physical layer described by the Network Architecture (NA).
Figure 16.1, “Hierarchy of Modem Connect Module Entities” shows the hierarchical relationship of the entities that constitute the Modem Connect module.

16.1. modem connect
The modem connect
entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of
entities belonging to the Modem Connect module.
create [node node-id] modem connect
delete [node node-id] modem connect
show [node node-id] modem connect [all [attributes] |
all characteristics]
16.1.1. Characteristic Attributes
NA version
Version number of the NA Modem Connect architecture to which the implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.
16.2. modem connect data port
The modem connect data port
entity is associated with aline and handles
the transfer of data. Data ports are created and deleted automatically when a client of
the Modem Connect module uses a line. The port-name refers to data
port managed by this command.
show [node node-id] modem connect data port
port-name [all [attributes] | all identifiers | all status
16.2.1. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the data port when it is created.
16.2.2. Status Attributes
Name supplied by the client when the port was opened. This defines which client owns the port.
Name of the modem connect line
entity that the client supplied when
the port was opened.
open |
The port is assigned to a client. |
open disabled |
The port is assigned to aclient, but the line entity that port refers to is disabled. |
16.3. modem connect line
A modem connect line
entity is associated with a physical circuit on the
node. Usually, there is one line entity for each circuit. The
line-name refers to the line managed by this command.
add [node node-id] modem connectline
line-name modem options [set]
create [node node-id] modem connectline
line-name {communications mode
comm-mode | communication port
port-name | connection type conn-type
(UNIX) | duplex full-or-half | profile
profile-name | rate select rate
delete [node node-id] modem connect line
disable [node node-id] modem connectline
enable [node node-id] modem connectline
remove [node node-id] modem connectline
line-name modem options [set]
set [node node-id] modem connectline
line-name {alternate speed
bits-per-second | call accept timer
integer | carrier loss timer integer |
clock clock-source | encoding normal-nrzi
| initial hold timer integer (UNIX) | maximum call setup timer
integer | maximum disable transmit timer
integer | maximum dsr de-assertion timer
integer | maximum enable transmit timer
integer | minimum dtr de-assertion timer
integer | modem control [full or none] | modem options [
modem-option] | modem protocol format
type (UNIX) | modem protocol type
prot-type (UNIX) | rate select [high or low] | speed
bits-per-second | successful call indication timer
seconds | suppress test indicator
boolean | transmit holdoff timer
show [node node-id] modem connect line
line-name mode [all [attributes] | all characteristics |
all counters | all identifiers | all status ]
startloop [node node-id] modem connectline
line-name mode {driver or device | local or remote |
connector or external }
stoploop [node node-id] modem connectline
16.3.1. Commands
Causes a Physical layer to place the line in loopback mode.
Opens a previously closed Physical layer loop to take it out of loopback mode.
16.3.2. Arguments
communications mode mode
Communications method used on the link. This argument determines the value of the
communications mode
characteristic. The default value is taken from
the device capability. If that is unknown, the default is synchronous.
communications port port-name
The system device name assigned to this line.
On OpenVMS systems, the name must be in the format ddc, where dd is the OpenVMS device name prefix and c is the controller letter. For a complete list of CSMA-CD devices and their OpenVMS device names, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes.
On UNIX systems, the name must be in the format ddn, where dd is the UNIX device name prefix and n is the device number.
This argument determines the value of the communications port
characteristic and is required.
duplex duplex
Specifies whether the line is full-duplex or half-duplex. This argument determines
the value of the duplex
characteristic. The default value is taken from
the device capability. If that is unknown, the default is set to full.
mode mode
connector |
Data is looped through a loopback connector attached to the communications device. |
device |
Data is looped in the communications device. |
driver |
Data is looped in the driver of the communications device. |
external |
Data is looped through a null modem or a modem in loopback mode. |
local |
Communications device has switched its local modem into loopback mode. |
null |
Line is not in loopback mode. This argument only applies to UNIX. |
remote |
Communications device has switched the remote modem into loopback mode. |
profile latin1string
Name of a local profile to be used with the line. This argument determines the
value of the profile
16.3.3. Characteristic Attributes
Default: 0 |
Alternate (low) speed, in bits per second, to operate the line. You can modify
this characteristic only when the entity is disabled. This characteristic is
supported only when the characteristic communications mode
, the characteristic modem control
, the characteristic modem options
, the characteristic clock
, and when the alternate line speed is needed.
Default: 0 |
Minimum time, in milliseconds, between the assertion of data set
and accepting a call by asserting request to send
This attribute is maintained only if the characteristic modem control
is set to none.
Default: 15000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, that the carrier detect
signal can be
absent before the loss of carrier
event is generated. This attribute is
not supported if the characteristic modem control
is set to
external |
The modem provides the clock. |
internal |
The communications device provides the clock. |
reflected |
The DTE transmit clock is are flection of the DCE transmit clock. This minimizes the clock to data skew that the DCE encounters when high line speeds are used. |
The default value depends on the setting of the characteristic
communications mode
. If communications mode
, the default value of this characteristic is
. Otherwise, the default value is
The value of this attribute has no effect when the communications line is in loopback mode. In this case, the type of loopback determines the type of clock. This characteristic can only be modified when the entity is disabled.
Default: Synchronous |
Value: Asynchronous or synchronous |
Communications method to be used on the line. The value of this characteristic is
a copy of the communications mode
argument specified when the entity is
created. You cannot modify this characteristic.
Default: None |
Name of the communications port. The value of this characteristic is a copy of the
communications port
argument specified when the entity is
Default: Nonswitched |
Value: Nonswitched or switched |
Indicates whether the line is switched
or nonswitched
The value of this characteristic is a copy of the connection type
argument specified when the entity is created. You cannot modify this
Default: Full |
Value: Full or half |
Indicates whether the line is full-
or half-duplex
. The
value of this characteristic is a copy of the duplex
argument specified
when the entity is created.
Default: Normal |
Value: Normal or nrzi |
Encoding technique used on the line. This characteristic can only be modified when the entity is disabled.
Default: 10 |
Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity waits for an incoming call to be accepted.
Default: 60 |
Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity waits for the outgoing call to connect.
Default: 500 |
Value: 0–60000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, that clear to send
can remain asserted
before the line is disconnected after request to send
is de-asserted.
This attribute is not supported if the characteristic modem control
set to none.
Default: 5000 |
Value: 0–60000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, the entity will wait for data set
to be de-asserted after it has de-asserted data terminal
. If this timer expires, the entity assumes it can assert data
terminal ready
once again. This attribute is not supported if the
characteristic modem control
is set to none.
Default: 2000 |
Value: 1–5000 |
Maximum time, in milliseconds, between the assertion of the request to
signal and receiving the assertion of the clear to send
signal. This attribute is not supported if the characteristic modem
is set to none.
Default: 1000 |
Value: 0–60000 |
Minimum time, in milliseconds, that the DTE will de-assert data terminal
during a disconnection. This attribute is not supported if the
characteristic modem control
is set to none.
Default: Full |
Value: Full or none |
Indicates whether the interchange circuits are to be monitored and used. The value
means that only the data leads are monitored.
The value full
must be used when the value of the characteristic
is half
. This characteristic is supported only
if the characteristic connection type
is switched
Default: No options |
Value: Set of options |
dialout |
The modem can dial the remote modem. Supported only if the
value of |
direct |
The modem is directly connected to the remote modem
through a nonswitched line. Supported only if accompanied
with |
rate select |
The modem is capable of data rate selection. |
Default: See description |
Value: See description |
modem protocol type
is v25bis
asynchronous |
Use the asynchronous format. |
hdlc |
Use the HDLC format. |
synchronous |
Use the synchronous format. |
The default value depends on the value of the characteristic communications
. If communications mode
is asynchronous
the default value of this characteristic is also asynchronous
. If the
value of communications mode
is synchronous
, the default
value of this characteristic is hdlc
Default: V25bis |
Value: See description |
at |
A set of automatic calling procedures used in the Hayes Smart Modem 2400. |
dmcl |
The Modem Control Language, based on V.25bis. |
v25 |
A set of automatic calling and answering procedures defined by CCITT. These procedures use the 200-series circuits defined in the CCITT recommendation V.24. The V.25 procedures are also known as parallel automatic calling procedures. |
v25bis |
A set of automatic calling and answering procedures defined by CCITT. These procedures use the 100-series circuits defined in the CCITT recommendation V.24. The V.25bis procedures are also known as serial automatic calling procedures. |
Default: None |
Name of the local profile to be used with the line. This profile is used to
restrict the range of various line attributes, and to change the defaults for those
attributes. The value of this characteristic is a copy of the profile
argument specified when the entity is created.
Default: High |
Value: High or low |
high |
The value of the |
low |
The value of the |
This characteristic is supported only if the characteristic modem
is full
, and if the characteristic modem
includes rateselect
Default: 0 |
When the value of the
characteristic isinternal
.When a null modem cable is detected.
When using a loopback mode that uses internal clocking.
Default: 30 |
Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity will wait for indication of a successful
call before disconnecting the line. This attribute is not supported if the
characteristic modem control
is set to none.
Default: False |
Value: True or false |
Specifies whether the test mode signal is to be monitored. If the value is
, a change in the circuit will be monitored and will cause a
Test Indication event to be generated.
You should set this characteristic to true
in cases where the
transitions of this signal are not produced by entering the test mode, so that this
signal should be ignored.
Default: 0 |
Necessary delay, in milliseconds, between the transmitter being disabled and then
reenabled. The value 0 means that the request to send
signal can be
asserted as soon as the client requests it. This attribute is not supported if the
characteristic modem control
is set to none.
16.3.4. Counter Attributes
cable faults
Total number of times the communications cable was detected as missing or invalid.
creation time
Time at which this entity was created.
device errors
Total number of times a potential device error has been reported.
framing errors
Total number of framing errors detected on the line. This counter is not supported
if the characteristic communications mode
losses of carrier
Total number of times the carrier on the line was lost. This attribute is not
supported if the characteristic modem control
is set to none.
losses of clock
Total number of times the transmit or receive clock was lost.
outgoing call failures (UNIX)
Total number of times an outgoing call failed to connect.
rate fallbacks
Number of times the DTE changed from the high data rate to the low (alternate)
rate. This counter is supported only if the characteristic modem
includes rate select
, and if the characteristic
modem control
is full
test indications
Number of times the DCE was put into test mode by the remote system. This
attribute is not supported if the characteristic modem control
is set
to none.
times cable detected
Total number of times a valid communications cable was detected following a an
error counted by the counter cable faults
times dce not ready
Total number of times a dce not ready
event occurred. This attribute
is not supported if the characteristic modem control
is set to
times reset (OpenVMS)
Number of times the data link client has performed a line reset.
transmit enable timeouts
Number of times the DCE failed to assert clear to send
in response to
request to send
. This attribute is not supported if the
characteristic modem control
is set to none.
16.3.5. Identifier Attributes
Simple name assigned to the line when it is created.
16.3.6. Status Attributes
actual speed
Actual speed of the line, in bits per second. For internal clocking on some microcoded devices, a value of 0 indicates that the device has selected a speed appropriate for the connected interface. For external clocking, a value of 0 indicates that the speed is unknown.
device availability (OpenVMS)
Indicates whether the hardware device associated with the named communications
port is installed. Support is mandatory on systems that support line card hot swap.
When device availability
has the value no device
, the
interface state takes the value pending DTE Ready and the interface type attribute
takes the value unknown
interface state
connected |
A switched line is connected but not ready to transmit or receive data. |
connecting |
Call setup on a switched line is in progress. |
disconnecting |
Call clear on a switched line is in progress. |
dte not ready |
The entity is disabled. |
dte ready |
The DTE is ready, but the DCE is not ready. |
full enabled |
The line is enabled for data transmission and reception. |
pending dte ready |
The entity is enabled but the ready state cannot be entered. For example, the communications cable is not connected. |
ready |
Both DTE and DCE are ready. |
receive enabled |
The line is ready to receive data. |
transmit enabled |
The line is ready for data transmission. |
interface type
loopback |
A loopback connector has been detected onthe interface. |
no cable |
No cable is connected to the interface. |
null modem |
A null modem cable is connected to the interface. |
rs232c |
A cable conforming to the RS-232-C standard is attached. |
rs422 |
A cable conforming to the RS-422 standard is attached. |
rs423-v24 |
This value appears where a cable is attached but the connector cannot distinguish between the RS-423 and V.24 standards. |
rs449 |
A cable conforming to the RS-449 standard is attached. |
unknown |
A cable is attached but its type is not known |
v28 |
A cable conforming to any of the CCITTV.24, V.28 standards, the IS 2110 standard, or the EIA-232-D standard. |
v35 |
A cable conforming to the V.35 standard is attached. |
x21 |
A cable conforming to the X.21 standard is attached. |
loopback mode
and stoploop
connector |
Data is looped through a loopback connector attached to the communications device. |
device |
Data is looped in the communications device. |
driver |
Data is looped in the driver of the communications device. |
external |
Data is looped through a null modem or a modem in loopback mode. |
local |
The communications device has switched its local modem into loopback mode. |
null |
The line is not in loopback mode. |
remote |
The communications device has switched the remote modem into loopback mode. |
modem type
String identifying the local modem. If this status attribute has no value, the type could not be determined.
modem connect line
off |
The line has been disabled. |
on |
The line has been enabled. |
Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.
16.3.7. Interchange Circuit Attributes
The modem connect line
entity in the Modem Connect module has an
extra set of status attributes that let you examine the instantaneous status of the
interchange circuits on the line.
These circuit attributes are known by different names in the various interface
standards. Table 16.1, “Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits” shows how the attribute names used
in NCL correspond to those used in the interface standards. For instance, the
data terminal ready
attribute is the name used for the CCITT V.24
circuit 108/2, the EIA-232-D CD circuit, the RS-499 TR circuit, and so on.
asserted |
The circuit is asserted. |
not applicable |
The circuit does not exist on the interface. |
not asserted |
The circuit is not asserted. |
unknown |
The modem cable is not connected or is invalid. |
NCL Attribute Name |
Circuit |
Description |
CCITT V.24 | ||
carrier detect |
109 |
Data channel received line signal detector |
clear to send |
106 |
Ready for sending |
data set ready |
107 |
Data set ready |
data terminal ready |
108/2 |
Data terminal ready |
local loopback |
141 |
Local loopback |
remote loopback |
140 |
Loopback/maintenance test |
request to send |
105 |
Request to send |
ring indicator |
125 |
Calling indicator |
signaling rate indicator |
112 |
Data signal rate selector (DCE) |
signaling rate selector |
111 |
Data signal rate selector (DTE) |
test mode |
142 |
Test indicator |
DIN 66020 Blatt 1 | ||
carrier detect |
M5 |
— |
clear to send |
M2 |
— |
data set ready |
M1 |
— |
data terminal ready |
S1.2 |
— |
local loopback |
PS3 |
— |
remote loopback |
PS2 |
— |
request to send |
S2 |
— |
ring indicator |
M3 |
— |
signaling rate indicator |
Not supported |
— |
signaling rate selector |
S4 |
— |
test mode |
PM1 |
— |
EIA-232-D | ||
carrier detect |
CF |
Received line signal detector |
clear to send |
CB |
Clear to send |
data set ready |
CC |
DCE ready |
data terminal ready |
CD |
DTE ready |
local loopback |
LL |
Local loopback |
remote loopback |
RL |
Remote loopback |
request to send |
CA |
Request to send |
ring indicator |
CE |
Ring indicator |
signaling rate indicator |
CI |
Data signal rate selector (DCE) |
signaling rate selector |
CH |
Data signal rate selector (DTE) |
test mode |
TM |
Test mode |
RS-232-C | ||
carrier detect |
— |
Received line signal detector |
clear to send |
— |
Clear to send |
data set ready |
— |
Data set ready |
data terminal ready |
— |
Data terminal ready |
local loopback |
— |
Not supported |
remote loopback |
— |
Not supported |
request to send |
— |
Request to send |
ring indicator |
— |
Ring indicator |
signaling rate indicator |
— |
Data signal rate selector (DCE) |
signaling rate selector |
— |
Data signal rate selector (DTE) |
test mode |
— |
not supported |
RS-449 | ||
carrier detect |
RR |
Receiver ready |
clear to send |
CS |
Clear to send |
data set ready |
DM |
Data mode |
data terminal ready |
TR |
Terminal ready |
local loopback |
LL |
Local loopback |
remote loopback |
RL |
Remote loopback |
request to send |
RS |
Request to send |
ring indicator |
IC |
Incoming call |
signaling rate indicator |
SI |
Signaling rate indicator |
signaling rate selector |
SR |
Signaling rate selector |
test mode |
TM |
Test mode |
16.3.8. Event Messages
cable detected
Generated when a valid communication cable is detected following a cable
current interface type |
Type of cable detected. | |
loopback |
A loopback connector has been detected. | |
null modem |
A null modem has been detected. | |
rs232c |
A cable conforming to the RS-232-C standard has been detected. | |
rs449 |
A cable conforming to the RS-449 standard has been detected. | |
rs422 |
A cable conforming to the RS-422 standard has been detected. | |
rs423-v24 |
A cable is attached, but the connector cannot distinguish whether it conforms to RS-423 or V.24 standards. | |
v.28 |
A cable conforming to any of the CCITTV.24, CCITT V.28, IS2110, or EIA-232-D standards has been detected. | |
v.35 |
A cable conforming to the V.35 standard has been detected. | |
x.21 |
A cable conforming to the X.21 standard has been detected. | |
previous interfacetype |
Previous type of cable detected. | |
no cable |
No cable was attached to the interface. | |
unknown |
A cable was attached, but its type was unknown. |
cable fault
Generated each time the communications cable is detected as missing or invalid.
call reference
argument is present only if the characteristic connection type
call reference |
The call reference number of the call that was disconnected because of the fault. | |
previous interface type |
Type of cable that was connected before the error was detected. | |
loopback |
A loopback connector. | |
null modem |
A null modem cable. | |
rs232c |
A cable conforming to the RS-232-Cstandard. | |
rs422 |
A cable conforming to the RS-422 standard. | |
rs423-v24 |
A cable is attached, but the connector cannot distinguish whether it conforms to RS-423 or V.24 standards. | |
rs449 |
A cable conforming to the RS-449 standard. | |
unknown |
A cable was connected but its type was unknown. | |
v.28 |
A cable conforming to any of the CCITT V.24, CCITT V.28, IS2110, or EIA-232-D standards. | |
v.35 |
A cable conforming to the V.35 standard. | |
x.21 |
A cable conforming to the X.21 standard. | |
reason |
Reason that caused the event to occur. | |
invalid cable |
A cable is attached but it is not one of those recognized. | |
no cable |
No cable can be detected. |
clock loss
Generated each time a loss of the transmit or receive clock is detected. Once this
event occurs, the value of the interface state
attribute changes to
pending dte ready
dce not ready
Generated each time a dce not ready
condition is detected. Once this
event occurs, the value of the interface state
attribute changes to
dte ready
. This event does not occur if the characteristic
modem control
is set to none.
device error
A potential device error has been detected. This may be a temporary condition that means the device can continue to be used.
reason |
Reason for the failure. This is device specific. |
framing error
Generated each time an asynchronous framing error occurs.
loss of carrier
Generated each time the carrier frequency is lost while receiving data. This event
is not supported if the characteristic modem control
rate fallback
Generated each time the DCE indicates that it is changing from the high data rate
(as indicated by the speed
characteristic) to the low data rate (as
indicated by the alternate speed
characteristic. This can occur if
there is excessive noise when operating at the high data rate. This event is
supported only when the modem has a rate selection capability.
reset (OpenVMS)
Generated each time the Data Link client represents a line reset by means of the service interface.
test indication
Generated each time the remote system tests the DCE. When this event occurs, the
value of the interface state
attribute changes to