VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming Reference
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
This book contains reference material that you need when using the OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) interface to create Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) applications on any supported operating system. Use this book with VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
The audience for this manual is OSI application programmers who require a basic understanding of the upper-layer standards implemented by the OSAK product.
3. Prerequisites
Have installed DECnet-Plus and the OSAK interface
The DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration Guide explains how to install DECnet-Plus and the OSAK interfaces.
Have VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming available.
Understand the parts of the OSI standards that apply to the protocols your application uses. VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming lists the relevant standards.
This book (and VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming) assume that you understand the terminology and concepts used in the relevant standards.
4. Related Documents
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming gives a list of the relevant international standards.
You may also need to refer to the VSI DECnet-Plus Planning Guide.
5. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
6. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
7. Typographical Conventions
VMScluster systems are now referred to as OpenVMS Cluster systems. Unless otherwise specified, references to OpenVMS Cluster systems or clusters in this document are synonymous with VMScluster systems.
The contents of the display examples for some utility commands described in this manual may differ slightly from the actual output provided by these commands on your system. However, when the behavior of a command differs significantly between OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers, that behavior is described in text and rendered, as appropriate, in separate examples.
In this manual, every use of DECwindows and DECwindows Motif refers to DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/x |
A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x |
A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. |
Return |
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) |
… |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the
following possibilities:
. |
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) |
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. |
[ ] |
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
[ |] |
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } |
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold text |
This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. |
italic text |
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- |
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers |
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
8. Abbreviations
Association Control Service Element |
application protocol data unit |
ASN.1 |
Abstract Syntax Notation One |
basic encoding rules |
Connectionless-Mode Network Service |
Connection-Oriented Network Service |
defined context set |
International Organization for Standardization |
network service access point |
OSI Applications Kernel |
Open Systems Interconnection |
protocol control information |
protocol data unit |
presentation data value |
presentation selector |
Remote Operations Service Element |
session protocol data unit |
session selector |
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
tag, length, and value |
transport service data unit |
transport selector |
Chapter 1. OSAK Routines
The names of the include files, and where to find them
A description of the OSAK parameter block
A description of each OSAK data type
A description of each OSAK routine
Communications software that conforms to the OSI standards follows a model of layers. Each layer provides a service to the layer immediately above it. The layer that provides the service is called the provider; the layer that uses the service is called the user. Note this use of the term 'user' in this book, in the OSI standards, and in other books that deal with the OSAK software; a 'user' is not a person.
1.1. Include Files
ULTRIX | /usr/include |
UNIX | /usr/include/osi |
1.2. OSAK Parameter Block
This section describes the parameter block, osak_parameter_block data type, and the data types it includes.
Parameter |
Brief Description |
Data Type |
abort_ppdu |
Presentation provider abort identifier |
osak_abort_ppdu |
abort_reason? |
Reason for abort |
osak_abort_reason |
acontext |
Application context name |
Address (osak_mem_descriptor) |
acse_pci_eoc |
End of contents count (ACSE) |
Unsigned long integer |
action_result |
Acceptance or rejection of release request |
Address (osak_action_result) |
activity_id |
Activity identifier |
osak_mem_descriptor |
activity_reason |
Reason code |
Address (osak_activity_reason) |
alloc_param |
User-defined parameter for use with alloc_rtn and dealloc_rtn |
Unsigned long integer |
alloc_rtn |
Memory allocation routine |
osak_rtn |
api_version |
OSAK API version to be used |
Unsigned long integer |
called_aei |
Responder application entity invocation |
Address (osak_aei) |
calling_aei |
Initiator application entity invocation |
Address (osak_aei) |
completion_param (OpenVMS systems only) |
User-defined parameter for use with completion_rtn |
Unsigned long integer |
completion_rtn (OpenVMS systems only) |
Completion routine |
osak_rtn |
data_length |
Total data octets |
Unsigned long integer |
data_separation |
Data separation flag |
osak_data_separation |
dealloc_rtn |
Memory deallocation routine |
osak_rtn |
event_type |
Type of event |
osak_event |
exception_reason |
Reason for exception report |
osak_exception_reason |
func |
Service identifier |
Unsigned long integer |
functional_units |
Presentation and session functional units |
Address (osak_fus) |
initial_serial_number |
Serial number of first synchronization point |
Address (osak_sync_point) |
initial_tokens |
Initial token settings |
Address (osak_token_setting) |
local_abort |
Origin of abort |
Long integer |
local_aei |
Application-entity invocation of the calling process |
Address (osak_aei) |
local_data |
Buffers holding redirected local user data |
Address (osak_mem_descriptor) |
more_flag |
Data segmentation flag |
Long integer |
next_pb |
Pointer to next parameter block |
Address (osak_parameter_block) |
old_activity_id |
Interrupted activity identifier |
osak_mem_descriptor |
old_sconnection_id |
Previous session connection |
Address (osak_sconnection_id) |
pb_length |
Size of parameter block |
Unsigned long integer |
pcontext_list |
Proposed DCS |
Address (osak_pcontext_proposal) |
pcontext_del_list |
Proposed deletions from DCS |
Address (osak_pcontext_deletion) |
pcontext_id_list |
Presentation context identifiers and associated transfer syntaxes |
Address (osak_pcontext_id) |
pcontext_del_res_list |
Response to proposed deletions from DCS |
Address (osak_pcontext_deletion_result) |
pcontext_redirect_list |
DCS on redirected association |
Address (osak_pcontext) |
pcontext_res_list |
Response to proposed DCS |
Address (osak_pcontext_proposal_result) |
pdefault_context |
Proposed default presentation context |
Address (osak_default_context) |
pdefault_context_res |
Response to proposed default presentation context |
Address (osak_default_context_result) |
peer_data |
User data (inbound) |
Address (osak_buffer) |
port_id |
Port identifier |
osak_port |
pres_pci_eoc |
End of contents count (presentation) |
Unsigned long integer |
process_id |
Process identifier |
Address (osak_process_id) |
process_name |
Process name |
Address (osak_mem_descriptor) |
protocol_versions |
Protocol version numbers |
Address (osak_protocol_versions) |
rcv_data_list |
Buffers holding redirected peer data |
Address (osak_buffer) |
redirect_state |
State of protocol machine |
osak_state |
reject_reason |
Reason for rejecting connection request |
osak_reject_reason |
release_reason |
Reason for releasing association |
osak_release_reason |
release_resp_reason |
Reason for rejecting release request |
osak_release_resp_reason |
request_tokens |
Tokens requested from peer entity |
Address (osak_token_setting) |
responding_aei |
Responding application entity invocation |
Address (osak_aei) |
resync_type |
Type of resynchronization |
osak_resync_type |
sconnect_id |
Session connection information |
Address (osak_sconnect_id) |
segmentation |
Session segmentation use and size of TSDU |
Address (osak_segmentation) |
status_block |
Status code |
osak_status_block |
sync_confirm |
Confirmation flag for a minor synchronization point |
osak_sync_confirm |
sync_point |
Synchronization point serial number |
Address (osak_sync_point) |
token_item |
Token positions |
Address (osak_token_setting) |
tokens |
Distribution of tokens |
Address (osak_token_setting) |
transport_template |
Transport template identifier list |
Address (osak_transport_templates) |
tsdu_ptr |
Pointer to list of user buffers |
Address (osak_buffer) |
user_context |
Space for applications to store local information |
Address |
user_data |
User data (outbound) |
Address (osak_buffer) |
workspace? |
Parameter block workspace |
None |
ws_length |
Length of workspace |
Unsigned long integer |
1.3. Data Type Definitions
This section describes the data types specific to the OSAK interface. The data types are described in alphabetical order. Where a data type consists of fields, these are presented in table form.
For more detailed information about parameters, see Section 1.4, “Routine Descriptions”.
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
version1 | ACSE version 1 | Bit field mask |
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
paddress | Presentation address | osak_paddress (see the section called “osak_paddress”) |
aetitle | Application-entity title | osak_aetitle (see the section called “osak_aetitle”) |
aeiid | Application-entity invocation identifier | osak_aeiid (see the section called “osak_aeiid”) |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
apiid | Application-process invocation identifier, a TLV encoding of an ASN.1 integer | osak_mem_descriptor |
aeiid | Application-entity invocation identifier, an ASN.1 integer TLV | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
aptitle | Application-process title, an ASN.1 object identifier TLV or an encoded RDN | osak_mem_descriptor |
ae_qualifier | Application-entity qualifier, an ASN.1 integer TLV | osak_mem_descriptor |
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_buffer) |
buffer_ptr | Pointer to beginning of buffer | Unsigned octet |
buffer_length | Length of buffer | Unsigned long integer |
data_ptr | Start of user data | Unsigned octet |
data_length | Length of user data | Unsigned long integer |
Unsigned longword integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
ts_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV describing a transfer syntax | osak_mem_descriptor |
as_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV | osak_mem_descriptor |
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
half_duplex | Half-duplex functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
duplex | Duplex functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
expedited | Expedited functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
syncminor | Minor synchronization functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
syncmajor | Major synchronization functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
resynchronize | Resynchronize functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
activities | Activities functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
negotiated_release | Negotiated release functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
capability_data | Capability data functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
exceptions ? | Exceptions functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
data_separation | Data separation functional unit selection | Bit field mask |
typed_data | Typed data functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
context_management | Context management functional unit selector | Bit field mask |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
id | Handle identifier | Unsigned long integer |
request_mask | Request event mask | Unsigned octet |
returned_mask | Returned event mask | Unsigned octet |
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
size | Length of buffer in octets | Unsigned long integer |
pointer | Reference to buffer | Address (unsigned octet) |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Next network service access point (NSAP) | Address (osak_nsap) |
id | Address | osak_mem_descriptor |
type | A constant defining the network protocol | Long integer |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
psel | Presentation selector | osak_mem_descriptor |
ssel | Session selector | osak_mem_descriptor |
tsel | Transport selector | osak_mem_descriptor |
nsap | Network service access point | osak_nsap (see the section called “osak_nsap”) |
See Section 1.2, “OSAK Parameter Block”.
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext) |
pcontext_id | An ASN.1 integer TLV describing a presentation context identifier | osak_mem_descriptor |
ts_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV describing a transfer syntax name | osak_mem_descriptor |
as_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV describing an abstract syntax name | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext_deletion) |
pcontext_id | An ASN.1 integer TLV describing a presentation context identifier | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext_deletion_result) |
result | Response to proposal to delete a presentation context from the defined context set | Unsigned long integer |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext_id) |
pcontext_id | An ASN.1 integer TLV describing a presentation context identifier | osak_mem_descriptor |
ts_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV describing a transfer syntax name | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext_proposal) |
pcontext_id | An ASN.1 integer TLV | osak_mem_descriptor |
ts_list | List of names of supported transfer syntaxes | Address (osak_ts_list) |
as_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_pcontext_proposal_result) |
ts_name | An ASN.1 object identifier TLV describing a transfer syntax | osak_mem_descriptor |
result | Response to proposal | Unsigned long integer |
reason | Provider reason | Unsigned long integer |
Address (unsigned octet)
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
acse_version | ACSE versions proposed | osak_acse_version |
pversion | Presentation versions proposed | osak_pversion |
sversion | Session versions proposed | osak_sversion |
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
version1 | Presentation version 1 | Bit field mask |
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer
Unsigned long integer (*osak_rtn)()
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
ss_user_ref | Session service user reference | osak_mem_descriptor |
common_ref | Common reference | osak_mem_descriptor |
add_ref_info | Additional reference information | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
called_ss_user_ref | Called session service user reference | osak_mem_descriptor |
calling_ss_user_ref | Calling session service user reference | osak_mem_descriptor |
common_ref | Common reference | osak_mem_descriptor |
add_ref_info | Additional reference information | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
init_resp | Segmentation in the direction from initiator to responder | Unsigned short integer |
resp_init | Segmentation in the direction from responder to initiator | Unsigned short integer |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
pm_state | State of the association | Unsigned octet |
initiator | True if the peer entity requesting redirection is the initiator, false if the peer entity requesting redirection is the responder | Long integer |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
osak_status_1 | OSAK status code | Unsigned long integer |
osak_status_2 | Secondary OSAK status code | Unsigned long integer |
transport_status_1 | Generic transport provider status | Unsigned long integer |
transport_status_2 | Specific transport provider status | Unsigned long integer |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
version1 | Session version 1 | Bit field mask |
version2 | Session version 2 | Bit field mask |
Long integer
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next template in list | Address (osak_template) |
name | Name of transport template | osak_mem_descriptor |
Unsigned long integer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
data | Data token selector | Bit field mask length 2 |
sync_minor | Synchronize minor token selector | Bit field mask length 2 |
major_activity | Major activity token selector | Bit field mask length 2 |
release | Release token selector | Bit field mask length 2 |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_ts_list) |
ts_name | A TLV for an ASN.1 object identifier describing a transfer syntax | osak_mem_descriptor |
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next template in the list | Address (osak_transport_templates) |
name | Transport template name | osak_mem_descriptor |
1.4. Routine Descriptions
This section contains a description of each OSAK routine. Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 describe the arguments and parameters common to all OSAK outbound services.
1.4.1. Arguments Common to All Outbound Services
This section describes the port and parameter_block arguments. These descriptions apply to all OSAK outbound service routines.
Identifies the association on which this service call is being made. You should specify the port in all the outbound service calls that you make on an association.
The address of a parameter block. A parameter block is a structure that contains all possible parameters for all OSAK services. The OSAK interface uses only the relevant parameters in each service call, ignoring the rest. Section 1.2, “OSAK Parameter Block” describes the structure of a parameter block.
For each routine, some parameters are mandatory and some are optional. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets in the Syntax section of each routine description. These parameters are not optional across the interface; you must specify values for all optional and mandatory fields and explicitly set to null any optional parameters that you do not want to use. Some parameters have dependencies on others; the routine descriptions indicate these dependencies.
1.4.2. Parameters Common to All Outbound Services
This section contains descriptions of the parameters that are common to all the OSAK outbound services:
The address of a user-defined structure. You can use this structure with the allocation and deallocation routines you are supplying, according to the needs of your application.
To indicate that alloc_param is not in use, make it null.
The address of the entry address of a memory allocation routine. You should supply a non-null value for this parameter. The OSAK interface returns the address of the allocated memory if the call is successful, and zero if it is not.
You should supply a routine that meets the memory allocation requirements of your application. The OSAK interface uses this routine only for internal memory management, not for returning inbound parameter values to your application.
unsigned char *alloc_rtn(size, alloc_param) unsigned int size; unsigned int alloc_param;
The size parameter is the number of octets of memory being requested.
A jacket routine is a user-written routine designed to set up the parameters for
an existing routine. The user-written routine surrounds the call to the existing
routine. For example, your allocation routine surrounds lib$get_vm
(OpenVMS systems) or malloc
(UNIX and ULTRIX systems).
:unsigned char *alloc_rtn(size, alloc_param) unsigned int size; unsigned int alloc_param; { return malloc(size); }
:unsigned char *alloc_rtn(size, alloc_param) unsigned int size; unsigned int alloc_param; { integer status; unsigned char *ptr; status = lib$get_vm &size, &ptr, 0); if (status & 0x01) return ptr; else return 0; }
If the memory allocation routine fails to allocate memory, it should return a null pointer.
completion_param (OpenVMS systems only)
The address of a user-defined structure. You can use any structure that you need with the completion routine you are supplying. For example, you can use a generic completion routine in several different service calls. You can use the completion_param parameter to specify which service has finished.
completion_rtn (OpenVMS systems only)
The entry point of a completion routine.
You can use this parameter when you are sending segmented data, to specify the total length of the data being sent.
If you specify this length, the OSAK interface does not have to wait for the sender to supply all the data that it wants to send. When the sender passes a data segment to the OSAK interface, the interface can send that segment immediately. This improves the throughput and memory utilization of your application.
This parameter does not apply to user information. When you are using the routines
or osak_typed_req
, the OSAK interface
does not wait for the full amount of data to arrive from the requester, because in
these services, OSAK does not encode the length of the data in the PCI.
The address of the entry address of a memory deallocation routine. You should supply a non-null value for this parameter.
You should supply a routine that meets the memory deallocation requirements of your application. The OSAK interface uses this routine only for internal memory management, not for returning inbound parameter values to your application.
unsigned long int dealloc_rtn(size, ptr, alloc_param) unsigned long int size; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned long int alloc_param;
The size parameter is the number of octets of memory to be deallocated. The OSAK interface always deallocates the same amount of memory as it allocated using your allocation routine. Your deallocation routine can ignore the size parameter if it does not need the number of octets of memory.
The ptr parameter is a pointer to the memory to be deallocated.
are:Zero, indicating success
Any other number, indicating failure
OSAK_S_DEALLOCERR in the osak_status_1 field
The value returned by the deallocation routine in the osak_status_2 field
A jacket routine is a user-written routine designed to set up the parameters for
an existing routine. The user-written routine surrounds the call to the existing
routine. For example, your deallocation routine surrounds lib$free_vm
(OpenVMS systems) or free
(UNIX and ULTRIX systems).
:unsigned long int dealloc_rtn (size, ptr, alloc_param) unsigned long int size; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned long int alloc_param; { extern void free(); free (ptr); return 0; }
The following code is an example of a jacket routine using the existing routine
unsigned long int dealloc_rtn (size, ptr, zone) unsigned long int size; unsigned char *ptr; unsigned long int *zone; { unsigned long int status; status = lib$free_vm (&size, ptr, zone); return ((status & 1) & 0:status); }
In this parameter, the OSAK interface returns a code identifying the service you are calling.
If you are sending segmented user data, use this parameter to indicate whether
there is more user data to follow. Send any further user data on a call or calls to
Set the parameter to true if there are more segments of data to follow and to false if you are sending the final segment of data.
This parameter specifies the size of your parameter block structure. It should not include the size of the workspace.
In this parameter, the OSAK interface returns the port with which the parameter block passed on a call is associated.
This parameter is relevant if you are using completion routines. When a completion routine starts to run, indicating that a service has been completed, you can collect that service's parameter block and user buffers from the OSAK interface. The only way to find out which port the parameter block is associated with is to examine the port_id parameter.
When a requested service finishes, the OSAK interface returns a status code in this parameter. If the result is OSAK_S_TRANSERR, the OSAK interface also returns a transport provider status code. Chapter 6, Checking OSAK Status Codes lists all the OSAK status codes.
The address of an area in which you can store local information that is relevant to your application, for example, parameter block context information.
The address of the head of a linked list of user buffers. The list consists of zero, one, or more buffers containing segments of encoded user data that you want to send across an association.
This parameter specifies the size of the workspace you allocate as an extension to the parameter block. The workspace should be at least the minimum size defined by the OSAK interface as OSAK_C_MINIMUM_WS.
osak_abort_req — Aborts an association.
status = osak_abort_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
abort_reason |
osak_abort_reason |
read only |
[abort_ppdu] |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
[pcontext_id_list] |
osak_pcontext_id |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_abort_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
Specifies the reason the association is being aborted. If the reason you specify is OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_INVALID_VALUE, indicating that an incoming event contains an invalid presentation protocol data unit (PDU) parameter value, you should also specify the abort_ppdu parameter.
If you specify provider abort in the abort_reason parameter, the OSAK interface ignores all the parameters in the parameter block except for the abort_ppdu parameter. Section 10.2, “Data type: osak_abort_reason” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
Specifies the identifier of an incoming event that is the cause of a provider abort because it contains an invalid presentation PDU parameter value. Section 10.1, “Data Type: osak_abort_ppdu” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
You need to specify this parameter only if the value in the abort_reason parameter is OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_INVALID_VALUE.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one specifying a presentation context identifier and the identifier of its associated transfer syntax.
The list should include the presentation context for ACSE and any presentation contexts for which there is user data encoded in the user_data parameter.
The abort is an ACSE user abort
Session version 2 is being used
The abort is an ACSE user abort
Session version 2 is being used
The abort_reason parameter indicates whether the
abort originates from the provider or the user of the service. If the abort
is a user abort and you want to send user data on the call, you can segment
the user data between the call to osak_abort_req
and calls to
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid in the current state of the association. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_close_port
- osak_release_req
osak_accept_rsp — Accepts an association attempt.
status = osak_accept_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[acontext] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[responding_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
read only |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
read only |
[initial_serial_number] |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[initial_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[request_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[functional_units] |
osak_fus |
read only |
pcontext_res_list |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_accept_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the address of an ASN.1 object identifier TLV for the application context name. If you do not assign a value to this parameter, the OSAK interface supplies the value that was received in the A-ASSOCIATE indication to which this call is a response.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the title of the responding application entity. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
You can set any of the fields of any of the substructures to null, though you should not change the transport selector. The nsap field is ignored in this routine.
The session selector should be no longer than 16 octets.
ss_user_ref – maximum size 64 octets
common_ref – maximum size 64 octets
add_ref_info – maximum size 4 octets
If you omit this parameter or make any of the fields null, the OSAK interface does not send the associated session reference parameters.
A value other than zero in the init_resp field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the initiator to the responder. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
A value other than zero in the resp_init field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the responder to the initiator. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
The maximum value allowed in either field is 65,535. The value may not be greater than that proposed by the initiator.
You can use segmentation in both directions, in only one direction, or in neither direction. If this parameter is not specified, OSAK accepts whatever the initiator proposes.
The address of the serial number of the initial synchronization point on the association.
The major synchronize, the minor synchronize, or the resynchronize functional unit is selected.
The activity management functional unit is not selected.
If you do not assign a value to this parameter, the OSAK interface supplies the value that was received in the A-ASSOCIATE indication to which this call is a response.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the initial token settings for the association.
If the A-ASSOCIATE indication does not specify that the responder should choose the token setting, the values in the structure should be the same as those in the A-ASSOCIATE indication. If you specify different values, the OSAK interface aborts the association.
If you make this parameter null when the A-ASSOCIATE indication specifies that the responder should choose the token setting, the OSAK interface gives all the available tokens to the initiator. The available tokens are those tokens of which the corresponding functional units are selected in the A-ASSOCIATE indication. Section 10.15, “Fields: data, sync_minor, major_activity and release” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the responder requires from the initiator. The OSAK interface ignores this parameter if no tokens are in use.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the functional units required at the ACSE, presentation, and session levels. If you use this parameter, you should specify functional units for all levels. If you omit this parameter, the OSAK interface uses the functional units selected in the event A-ASSOCIATE indication.
To specify data separation, select the data separation and minor synchronize functional units, and do not select the activity management functional unit. The OSAK interface returns OSAK_S_INVFUS if you do not specify the correct combination of functional units.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one of which gives the response to one proposed presentation context.
This parameter is mandatory because a presentation context for the ACSE abstract syntax should always be proposed on an A-ASSOCIATE request, and should always be accepted on the corresponding A-ASSOCIATE-accept response. Section 10.13, “Field: result” gives the possible values the parameter can have.
The next field can contain the value zero, indicating the end of the list
The ts_name should contain one of the transfer syntax names proposed for this abstract syntax. This field is only necessary if you accept the abstract syntax.
The result field specifies whether you accept or reject the transfer syntax. Section 10.13, “Field: result” gives the possible values the parameter can have.
The field specifying the reason for rejecting an abstract syntax is ignored if the result field is not a provider reject. Section 10.7, “Field: reason” gives the possible values the parameter can have.
Call this routine after receiving an A-ASSOCIATE indication to accept the association request.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The functional units are invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is missing. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_associate_req
- osak_open_responder
- osak_reject_rsp
osak_act_discard_req — Terminates an activity and cancels its effects.
status = osak_act_discard_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[activity_reason] |
osak_activity_reason |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_discard_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
The address of a value specifying the reason for discarding the activity. If you make the address null, no reason is specified. Section 10.4, “Data type: osak_activity_reason” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service and therefore no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_end_req
- osak_act_discard_rsp
osak_act_discard_rsp — Responds to a request to discard an activity.
status = osak_act_discard_rsp (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_discard_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the accepter wants from the requester. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens.
Zero means that the requester does not want this token from the accepter.
One means that the requester wants this token from the accepter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Call the routine after receiving a P-ACTIVITY-DISCARD indication.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service and therefore no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_discard_req
osak_act_end_req — Terminates an activity and saves its effects.
status = osak_act_end_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[sync_point] |
osak_sync_point |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_end_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the serial number of the major synchronization point current when the activity ends. The OSAK interface sets this value.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_discard_req
- osak_act_end_rsp
osak_act_end_rsp — Responds to a request to end an activity.
status = osak_act_end_rsp (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_end_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester wants from the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens.
Zero means that the requester does not want this token from the accepter.
One means that the requester wants this token from the accepter.
Call this routine after receiving a P-ACTIVITY-END indication.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_end_req
osak_act_interrupt_req — Interrupts a lower-priority activity on an association.
status = osak_act_interrupt_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[activity_reason] |
osak_activity_reason |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_interrupt_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
activity_reason The address of a value specifying the reason for interrupting the activity. If you make the address null, no reason is specified. Section 10.4, “Data type: osak_activity_reason” lists the possible values of this parameter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
You should determine the relative priority of activities in your application, according to the needs and purpose of the application.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service; therefore, no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_resume_req
- osak_act_interrupt_rsp
osak_act_interrupt_rsp — Responds to a request to interrupt an activity.
status = osak_act_interrupt_rsp (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_interrupt_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the accepter wants from the requester. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester does not want this token from the accepter.
One means that the requester wants this token from the accepter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Call this routine after receiving a P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT indication.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service; therefore, no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_interrupt_req
osak_act_resume_req — Requests the resumption of an interrupted activity.
status = osak_act_resume_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
old_activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[old_sconnection_id] |
osak_sconnection_id |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_resume_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
activity_id A structure in which you specify the identifier of the activity you want to resume. The identifier can be any string, with a maximum length of six characters. old_activity_id A structure in which you specify the identifier of the interrupted activity. The identifier can be any string, with a maximum length of six characters. sync_point The address of the serial number of the synchronization point at which you wish to resume the interrupted activity. old_sconnection_id The address of a structure you can use to specify session connection information for the interrupted activity. There are size restrictions on the values in each field, as follows:
Field |
Maximum Size |
called_ss_user_id |
64 octets |
calling_ss_user_id |
64 octets |
common_ref |
64 octets |
add_ref_info |
4 octets |
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The activity identifier is too long. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_interrupt_req
osak_act_start_req — Starts an activity within an association.
status = osak_act_start_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_act_start_req (port, parameter_block,) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
In this structure, you specify an identifier for the activity you are starting. The identifier can be any string and can have a maximum length of six characters.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
osak_alter_req — Requests alterations to the defined context set.
status = osak_alter_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[pcontext_list]? |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
read only |
[pcontext_del_list]? |
osak_pcontext_deletion |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_alter_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which proposes a presentation context. In each structure, the following rules apply:
The next field can be null, indicating the end of the list. Otherwise, this field points to the next structure in the list.
The pcontext_id field should contain a descriptor of an ASN.1 integer TLV string specifying the presentation context identifier.
The tslist field should contain the address of a valid transfer syntax name that contains at least one element. Each element in the list is a structure of the type
and specifies an ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding for the transfer syntax that you are proposing.The as_name field should contain a descriptor for the ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding of the abstract syntax that you are proposing.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which proposes the deletion of one presentation context from the defined context set. In each structure, the following rules apply:
The next field can contain the value zero, indicating the end of the list. Otherwise, this field points to the next structure in the list.
The pcontext_id field should contain a descriptor of an ASN.1 integer TLV string specifying the presentation context identifier.
You can use this service only if the context management functional unit is selected.
The pcontext_list parameter contains a set of
presentation contexts proposed for addition to the defined context set
(DCS). The pcontext_del_list parameter contains a set
of presentation contexts proposed for deletion from the DCS. You should use
one or both of these parameters when you call
The OSAK interface does not allow you to delete the presentation context for ACSE abstract syntax.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_alter_rsp
osak_alter_rsp — Responds to a request for alterations to the defined context set.
status = osak_alter_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[pcontext_res_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
read only |
[pcontext_del_res_list] |
osak_pcontext_deletion_result |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_alter_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the head of a linked list of structures. Each structure specifies the response to the corresponding entry in the list of proposed additions to the defined context set (DCS) sent on the P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication to which you are responding. Section 10.13, “Field: result” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures. Each structure specifies the response to the corresponding entry in the list of proposed deletions from the DCS sent on the P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication to which you are responding.
You can use this service only if the context management functional unit is selected.
Call this routine after receiving a P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication. Use the routine to accept or reject the additions and deletions to the defined context set on an association proposed in the P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication.
The OSAK interface does not allow you to accept the deletion of the ACSE abstract syntax.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_alter_req
osak_associate_req — Establishes an association.
status = osak_associate_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
acontext |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
called_aei |
osak_aei |
read only |
[calling_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
[transport_template] |
osak_transport_templates |
read only |
[protocol_versions] |
osak_protocol_versions |
read only |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
read only |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
read only |
[initial_serial_number]? |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[initial_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[functional_units] |
osak_fus |
read only |
pcontext_list |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
read only |
[pdefault_context] |
osak_default_context |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_associate_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure in which you should specify the address of the encoded value of an ASN.1 object identifier for the application context name. This parameter is mandatory, but it can be null. The OSAK interface does not supply a default.
The address of a structure that you should use to specify the peer entity with which you want to set up an association. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type. If you specify an invalid selector in any field, the OSAK interface returns the status code OSAK_S_INVAEI.
The session selector should be no longer than 16 octets. The transport selector can be null.
Both the network address and the network protocol should be specified in the nsap field of the p-address structure. The nsap field can contain a list of network addresses and network protocols. The list can include both TCP/IP addresses and OSI addresses.
The address of a structure in which you can specify the title of your application entity. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
The address of a structure you can use to specify a list of transport templates that gives information about the transport requirements of an application. If you do not specify a template, the OSAK interface uses a default template based on the network protocol type. For CLNS and CONS, the default template is default. For RFC 1006, the default template is osit$rfc1006 on OpenVMS and the pseudo-template 1006 on UNIX. Refer to your network management documentation for further information on the OSI transport module.
Protocol |
Default Version Number |
1 |
Presentation |
1 |
Session |
1 and 2 |
A value other than zero in the init_resp field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the initiator to the responder. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
A value other than zero in the resp_init field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the responder to the initiator. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
The maximum value allowed in either field is 65,535.
You can use segmentation in both directions, in only one direction, or in neither direction. If this parameter is null, OSAK uses the default of unlimited TSDU size for both directions.
The address of the serial number of the initial synchronization point on the association.
The major synchronize, the minor synchronize, or the resynchronize functional unit is selected.
The activity management functional unit is not selected.
The address of a structure you can use to specify either the initial token settings for the association, or to specify that the responder should choose the settings.
If this parameter is null, the OSAK interface uses a default setting; all the available tokens are assigned to the initiator. Section 10.15, “Fields: data, sync_minor, major_activity and release” gives the possible values this parameter can have.
Activity management functional unit
Capability functional unit
Exceptions functional unit
Half-duplex functional unit
Minor synchronize functional unit
If you do not make the address null, but you set all the functional unit bit fields to zero, the OSAK interface assumes that you are not selecting any functional units, and returns status OSAK_S_INVFUS. You cannot set up an association without any functional units. You should specify at least one of duplex and half-duplex.
If you make the value of the presentation functional unit bit zero, the OSAK interface assumes that no presentation functional unit except the kernel functional unit is required.
- OpenVMS
To specify data separation, select the data separation and minor synchronize functional units, but not the activity management functional unit.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which specifies a proposed presentation context.
The context list should include a proposal for the ACSE abstract syntax. The OSAK interface checks that the ACSE syntax is correctly proposed. If it is not correctly proposed, the OSAK interface returns status OSAK_S_INVPCTXT.
You should propose at least two presentation contexts, for example, the ACSE abstract syntax and one other. ISO Standard 8824 explains how you can use ASN.1 to define your own abstract syntax.
The next field can contain the value zero, indicating the end of the list.
The pcontext_id field should contain a descriptor of an ASN.1 integer TLV string specifying the presentation context identifier. The integer value should be odd.
The ts_list field should contain the address of a valid transfer syntax name that contains at least one element. Each element in the list is a structure of the type osak_ts_list and specifies an ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding for the transfer syntax that you are proposing.
The as_name field should contain a descriptor for the ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding of the abstract syntax that you are proposing.
The address of a structure that you can use to propose a default context for a connection. If this parameter is not null, a transfer syntax name and an abstract syntax name should be specified in the ts_list field and the as_name field, respectively. The transfer syntax name and the abstract syntax name should be ASN.1 object identifier encodings.
Call this routine after calling osak_open_initiator
, using
the port identifier returned by osak_open_initiator
You can send a first segment of data with osak_associate_req
and send the rest on multiple calls to osak_send_more
. The
first segment should include all the session, presentation, and ACSE PCI,
and it can include part of the user data. Alternatively, you can send all
the PCI and all the user data with osak_associate_req
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The application entity invocation is invalid. |
The default context response is invalid. |
The call is invalid. |
The functional units are invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
Transport template is unknown. |
The synchronization point serial number is missing. |
The application context name is missing. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_accept_rsp
- osak_open_initiator
- osak_open_responder
- osak_reject_rsp
osak_async_close — Closes down a specified port from AST level and reclaims memory controlled by OSAK. This is available only on OpenVMS systems.
status = osak_async_close (port, parameter_block,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
destructive_flag |
Unsigned octet |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
completion_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
completion_param |
Longword |
read only |
next_pb |
osak_parameter_block |
write only |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
write only |
C Binding
osak_async_close (port, parameter_block, destructive_flag) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block; unsigned char destructive_flag;
A flag you can use to indicate how you want the OSAK interface to close the port. The flag can have either of the following values:
If you set the value to OSAK_C_DESTRUCTIVE, OSAK closes the port and disconnects the transport connection no matter what state the association is in.
If you set the value to OSAK_C_NON_DESTRUCTIVE, OSAK closes the port only when the association has been terminated. If the association is still active, the OSAK interface will return OSAK_S_INVFUNC.
Parameters Used
The address of the head of a linked list of user buffers. The OSAK
interface returns the unused buffers that the application passed in calls to
. The OSAK interface makes this parameter
null if there are no buffers to return.
The address of the head of a linked list of parameter blocks. The OSAK interface returns the parameter blocks that have been passed in outbound calls during the association and have not already been collected.
Call this routine after you terminate an association by aborting or
releasing it or after you redirect an association. This should be used only
if your application needs to perform this function at asynchronous system
trap (AST) level, otherwise you should use
Set up a timer and wait for the arrival of the transport event indicating that the transport connection is disconnected. The event you should wait for is OSAK_C_TDIS. The recommended waiting time is 30 seconds.
If the transport event arrives before the timer expires, call
with the destructive_flag parameter set to OSAK_C_NON_DESTRUCTIVE. If the transport event does not arrive before the timer expires, callosak_async_port
with the destructive_flag parameter set to OSAK_C_DESTRUCTIVE.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
See Also
- osak_abort_req
- osak_close_port
- osak_open_redirect
- osak_redirect
- osak_release_req
- osak_release_rsp
osak_capability_req — Transfers capability data over an association.
status = osak_capability_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
user_data |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_capability_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
The activity management and capability functional units should be selected.
You must have the major activity token.
You must have the data token and minor-synchronize token if they are available.
There should be no activity in progress on the association.
At least one byte of data must be sent if the more_flag parameter is set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
No data has been specified in the call. |
See Also
- osak_capability_rsp
osak_capability_rsp — Responds to a request to transfer capability data.
status = osak_capability_rsp (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_capability_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the accepter wants from the requester. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens.
Zero means that the accepter does not want this token from the requester.
One means that the accepter wants this token from the requester.
Call this routine after receiving a P-CAPABILITY-DATA indication.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_capability_req
osak_close_port — Closes down a specified port and reclaims memory controlled by OSAK.
status = osak_close_port (port, rcv_buffer_list, parameter_block,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rcv_buffer_list |
osak_buffer |
write only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
write only |
destructive_flag |
unsigned octet |
read only |
C Binding
osak_close_port (port, rcv_buffer_list, parameter_block, destructive_flag) osak_port port; struct osak_buffer **rcv_buffer_list; struct osak_parameter_block **parameter_block; unsigned char destructive_flag;
The address of the head of a linked list of user buffers. The OSAK
interface returns the unused buffers that the application passed in calls to
. The OSAK interface makes this parameter
null if there are no buffers to return.
The address of the head of a linked list of parameter blocks. The OSAK interface returns the parameter blocks that have been passed in outbound calls during the association and have not already been collected.
A flag you can use to indicate how you want the OSAK interface to close the port. The flag can have either of the following values:
If you set the value to OSAK_C_DESTRUCTIVE, OSAK closes the port and disconnects the transport connection no matter what state the association is in.
If you set the value to OSAK_C_NON_DESTRUCTIVE, OSAK closes the port only when the association has been terminated. If the association is still active, the OSAK interface will return OSAK_S_INVFUNC.
Call this routine after you terminate an association by aborting or releasing it or after you redirect an association.
.Set up a timer and wait for the arrival of the transport event indicating that the transport connection is disconnected. The event you should wait for is OSAK_C_TDIS. The recommended waiting time is 30 seconds.
If the transport event arrives before the timer expires, call
with the destructive_flag parameter set to OSAK_C_NON_DESTRUCTIVE. If the transport event does not arrive before the timer expires, callosak_close_port
with the destructive_flag parameter set to OSAK_C_DESTRUCTIVE.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
See Also
- osak_abort_req
- osak_async_close
- osak_open_redirect
- osak_redirect
- osak_release_req
- osak_release_rsp
osak_collect_pb — Checks for the completion of outbound services.
status = osak_collect_pb (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_collect_pb (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block **parameter_block;
The port from which you want to collect any available parameter blocks.
The address of the head of a linked list of parameter blocks. The OSAK interface returns any free parameter blocks that it is holding.
If there are no free parameter blocks, the OSAK interface returns a null address in this parameter.
The routine checks for the completion of outbound services on the specified port. The OSAK interface returns the addresses of any parameter blocks and user buffers that you passed in outbound calls and that are now free for you to reuse.
You can examine the func parameter to determine the service on which the parameter block was used. If you are using the user_context parameter to keep track of parameter blocks and user buffers, you can determine the call on which the parameter block was used. The service codes are defined in the OSAK include file osak_api_codes.h.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The routine has finished without error and parameter blocks have been retrieved. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
No parameter blocks to return to the user. |
osak_control_give_req — Relinquishes ownership of all available tokens.
status = osak_control_give_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_control_give_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
You can use this service only if the activity management functional unit is selected. There should be no activity in progress on the association when you use the service. You must have the major activity token and all other available tokens.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service and therefore no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_token_please_req
- osak_token_give_req
osak_data_req — Transfers user information over an association.
status = osak_data_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_data_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameter Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens.
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service to send user information under normal circumstances. At least one byte of data must be sent in this call if the more_flag parameter is set to false. You must have the data token if the half-duplex functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
the OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
No data has been specified in the call. |
See Also
- osak_send_more
osak_exception_req — Signals error conditions that are not serious enough to cause termination of an association.
status = osak_exception_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
exception_reason |
osak_exception_reason |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_exception_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
Use this parameter to specify the reason for the exception report. Section 10.5, “Data type: osak_exception_reason” lists the possible values of this parameter.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester wants from the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester does not want this token from the accepter.
One means that the requester wants this token from the accepter.
You can use this service only if the half-duplex functional unit is selected. You must have the data token.
If used with the activity management service, the exception-reporting service is only permitted while an activity is in progress.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
osak_expedited_req — Transfers expedited data over an association.
status = osak_expedited_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
user_data |
osak_buffer |
read only |
C Binding
osak_expedited_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
You can use this service only if the expedited functional unit is selected.
No segmentation of user data is allowed. The maximum amount of user data you can send on the service is 14 octets.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
osak_get_event — Receives an event from a specified association.
status = osak_get_event (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
write only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
event_type |
osak_event |
write only |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
write only |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
write only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
write only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_get_event (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the head of a user buffer list. The buffers are those you
passed to OSAK in calls to osak_give_buffers
To free the buffers when they are returned by osak_get_event
you should follow the tsdu_ptr pointer, not the
peer_data pointer.
In this parameter, the OSAK interface returns the type of a newly arrived event. Table 1.3, “OSAK Event Types” lists the values that can occur in the event_type parameter, and their corresponding event types.
If you call osak_get_event
before all the user data has been
received but when at least one buffer has been filled, the OSAK interface
may segment the event. The more_flag
paramter will be set to true and the event_type will indicate which event was received. On
subsequent calls, until the complete event is received, the event_type will be OSAK_C_CONTINUE. The
more_flag parameter will be true on
all calls except the last.
When the return value of a call to osak_get_event
OSAK_S_NOEVENT, the value in the event_type parameter
is OSAK_C_NOEVENT. If you are using a completion routine, you should check
for the value OSAK_C_NOEVENT in the event_type
parameter (OpenVMS systems only).
The address of a linked list of zero, one, or more user buffers containing segments of encoded user data received from the remote peer entity.
This parameter points to the position in the list of buffers where the user data starts. The parameter tsdu_ptr points to the head of the list of buffers.
Indicates the number of end-of-contents octets in the data arriving from the remote peer entity.
To arrive at the value, the OSAK interface counts the number of indefinite length encodings in the ACSE PCI for which it cannot find end-of-contents octets. You should look for this number of end-of-contents octets in the ACSE PCI. If you do not find this number, you should issue a presentation provider abort.
An end-of-contents octet consists of two zero octets.
Indicates the number of end-of-contents octets in the data arriving from the remote peer entity.
To arrive at the value, the OSAK interface counts the number of indefinite length encodings in the presentation PCI for which it cannot find end-of-contents octets. You should look for this number of end-of-contents octets in the presentation PCI. If you do not find this number, you should issue a provider abort.
An end-of-contents octet consists of two zero octets.
To receive an event, you should first pass user buffers to OSAK. Use the
routine to do this. The OSAK interface
uses the buffers to receive and store incoming data units. Chapter 2, OSAK
Events describes each of the incoming events that can
. With the exception of the
peer_data parameter, the parameters supplied in the
call to osak_get_event
point to values contained in the PCI.
The peer_data parameter points to the user data.
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming describes the structure of user buffers for a call to
, and how to use the buffers.Note
The routine osak_get_event
can write values in almost
every parameter in the parameter block. If you call this routine
with a parameter block that already contains values, any of these
values can be overwritten.
If a buffer contains only PCI, its data_ptr field is a null pointer. If a buffer contains user data, or a mixture of PCI and user data, its data_ptr field points to the beginning of the user data.
If the more_flag parameter on an event is set to
true, this means that the incoming user data is segmented. Make additional
calls to osak_get_event
to receive all the user data, until the
more_flag parameter is set to false.
If you have not supplied sufficient buffers to receive the complete
events, the OSAK interface returns OSAK_S_NOBUFFERS. If the event is
segmented, this can occur on the first or any subsequent
call. This is not a fatal error; if you post
additional buffers, the OSAK interface will continue to receive the event
and no data will be lost.
During an osak_get_event
call, the OSAK interface can set
parameters in the parameter block to point to the values received. The
actual values are either in the TSDU or in the workspace provided. You
should not delete these pointers, but you may set them to zero.
Value in event_type Parameter |
Event Type Indicated |
ABORT indication |
A-ASSOCIATE accept confirm |
P-ACTIVITY-END confirm |
P-ACTIVITY-END indication |
P-ACTIVITY-RESUME indication |
P-ACTIVITY-START indication |
P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication |
A-ASSOCIATE indication |
P-CAPABILITY-DATA indication |
Continuation event when segmentation is in use |
P-CONTROL-GIVE indication |
P-DATA indication |
P-U-EXCEPTION indication |
P-EXPEDITED-DATA indication |
P-P-EXCEPTION indication |
Returned when the status code of the call to
P-TOKEN-PLEASE indication |
Redirect indication |
A-ASSOCIATE reject confirm |
P-RELEASE confirm |
P-RELEASE indication |
P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication |
P-SYNC-MAJOR confirm |
P-SYNC-MAJOR indication |
P-SYNC-MINOR confirm |
P-SYNC-MINOR indication |
Transport disconnect indication |
P-TOKEN-GIVE indication |
P-TYPED-DATA indication |
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
No event has occurred. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request (returned only if the call includes a completion routine). |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
The PCI is not complete. |
There is not enough workspace in the parameter block. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
There are not enough user data buffers. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_give_buffers
- osak_select
osak_get_handle — Returns the transport connection handle for an association.
status = osak_get_handle (port, handle)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
handle |
Longword |
write only |
C Binding
osak_get_handle (port, handle) osak_port port; longword *handle;
In this argument, the OSAK interface returns the address of the external handle for the association specified in the port argument.
On OpenVMS systems, handle is an event flag number (EFN). On UNIX and ULTRIX systems, handle is a file descriptor.
- OpenVMS
This is a dummy routine. In the handle argument, the routine returns the port identifier that you pass in the port argument.
The routine returns the file descriptor returned by the transport interface that you use to set up a transport connection. You can use this file descriptor in a call to
as an alternative to using the port identifier returned byosak_open_initiator
, orosak_open_redirect
.If you are acting as responder, note that the file descriptor returned by the OSAK interface before a transport connection is not the same as that returned after a connection is established. This is because OSAK uses one descriptor for listening for inbound connections and another for accepting the connections. For this reason, unless you need to handle the file descriptor directly, VSI recommends you use the port identifier. This also allows the OSAK interface to perform additional checks.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The routine has finished without error. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
No transport connection set up yet. |
See Also
- osak_select
osak_give_buffers — Passes a list of user data buffers to the OSAK interface for receiving and storing events.
status = osak_give_buffers (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rcv_buffer_list |
osak_buffer |
read only |
C Binding
osak_give_buffers (port, rcv_buffer_list,) osak_port port; struct osak_buffer *rcv_buffer_list;
The address of the head of a linked list of user buffers. The OSAK interface uses the buffers to receive and store incoming events.
This routine supplies buffers that the OSAK interface passes to the transport interface. The transport interface fills the buffers with segments of incoming TSDUs, and passes them back to the OSAK interface. The size of each buffer must not be less that the number of bytes defined by OSAK_C_MINIMUM_RCV_BUFFER.
Unused buffers are returned in the osak_close_port
The description of the routine osak_get_event
gives further
information on the structure of these buffers.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The routine has finished without error. |
The size of one or more of the buffers is less than the minimum. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
See Also
- osak_get_event
- osak_close_port
osak_major_req — Requests the setting of a major synchronization point.
status = osak_major_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_major_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the current major synchronization point. OSAK increments the serial number of the major synchronization point and writes the result to this parameter. OSAK does this when the major synchronization service completes, so you should not use the value of this parameter if the call returns with status OSAK_S_QUEUED.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service only if the major synchronize functional unit is selected. You must have the major activity token. You must also have the minor synchronize token and data token if they are available.
If the activity management functional unit is selected, the service can only be initiated within an activity.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_act_end_req
- osak_major_rsp
- osak_minor_req
- osak_resync_req
osak_major_rsp — Responds to a request to set a major synchronization point.
status = osak_major_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_major_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the accepter wants from the requester. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the accepter does not want this token from the requester.
One means that the accepter wants this token from the requester.
Call this routine after receiving a P-SYNC-MAJOR indication.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_major_req
osak_minor_req — Requests the setting of a minor synchronization point.
status = osak_minor_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
write only |
sync_confirm |
osak_sync_confirm |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_minor_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the current minor synchronization point. OSAK increments the serial number of the minor synchronization point and writes the result to this parameter. OSAK does this when the minor synchronization service completes, so you should not use the value of this parameter if the call returns with status OSAK_S_QUEUED.
If you set the value of this parameter to true, the requester is asking for explicit confirmation from the accepter that the synchronization point has been set. If you set the value to false, the accepter can send explicit confirmation, but it does not have to do so.
data_separation (OpenVMS only)
Indicates whether data separation is required. Set this parameter to true if you select the data separation functional unit. If you do not select the data separation session functional unit, the OSAK interface ignores this parameter.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
You can use this service only if the minor synchronize functional unit is selected. You must have the minor activity token and data token if they are available.
If the activity management functional unit is selected, this service can only be initiated within an activity.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_major_req
- osak_minor_rsp
- osak_resync_req
osak_minor_rsp — Responds to a request to set a minor synchronization point.
status = osak_minor_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_minor_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the value of the synchronization point that the accepter is acknowledging. This value should be greater than the value of the last acknowledged synchronization point, but less than or equal to the value of the most recently requested synchronization point.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the accepter wants from the requester. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the accepter does not want this token from the requester.
One means that the accepter wants this token from the requester.
Call this routine after receiving a P-SYNC-MINOR indication.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_minor_req
osak_open_initiator — Allocates a port for use in a subsequent request to establish an association.
status = osak_open_initiator (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
write only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
api_version |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
[local_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
alloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
dealloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[alloc_param] |
Unsigned integer |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_open_initiator (port, parameter_block) osak_port *port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
In this parameter, the OSAK interface returns an identifier for the access point between itself and the initiator.
Parameters Used
The address of a structure specifying the initiator's application-entity invocation. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
Any of the fields of this structure can be null.
The version of the OSAK interface being used.
You should specify the following constant in this parameter: OSAK_C_API_VERSION_3. If you specify any other value, the OSAK interface returns the status OSAK_S_INVAPIVERSION.
This routine returns a port identifier that you then use in a call to
You should supply the memory allocation and deallocation routines for the OSAK interface to use.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The routine has finished without error. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough workspace in the parameter block. |
Transport template is unknown. |
See Also
- osak_accept_rsp
- osak_associate_req
- osak_open_responder
- osak_reject_rsp
osak_open_redirect — Allocates a port for use on a redirected association. For a passive application (OpenVMS systems only), opens a responder.
status = osak_open_redirect (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
write only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
api_version |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
alloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
dealloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[alloc_param] |
unsigned integer |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_open_redirect (port, parameter_block) osak_port *port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;)
This routine allocates a new port for a redirected association. Provided the routine returns a success status, you can make further routine calls using this port.
- OpenVMS
For a passive application, use this routine with the local_aei parameter set to open a responder. Use the routine with the local_aei parameter set to null for an active application waiting for a redirect.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
There is not enough workspace in the parameter block. |
The application entity invocation is invalid. |
There is no response from OSAK server. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_close_port
- osak_redirect
osak_open_responder — Opens a port for use by a responder.
status = osak_open_responder (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
write only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[transport_template] |
osak_transport_templates |
read only |
api_version |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
local_aei (UNIX and ULTRIX systems) |
osak_aei |
read only |
[local_aei] (OpenVMS systems) |
osak_aei |
read only |
[protocol_versions] |
osak_protocol_versions |
read only |
alloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
dealloc_rtn |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[alloc_param] |
Unsigned integer |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_open_responder (port, parameter_block) osak_port *port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify a transport template that gives information about the transport requirements of an application.
For inbound connections, specify an OSI transport template. One template only is supported. The OSAK software accepts the network types CLNS, CONS, and ANY. Note that the same port cannot wait for connections over both TCP/IP and OSI transport. To do this, you must open more than one responder.
If you do not specify a template, the OSAK interface uses a default template called default. Refer to your network management documentation for further information on the OSI transport module.
- OpenVMS
This is ignored on OpenVMS systems, but can be included if necessary for compatibility.
The version of the OSAK interface being used.
Specify the following constant in this parameter: OSAK_C_API_VERSION_3. If you specify any other value, the OSAK interface returns the status OSAK_S_INVAPIVERSION.
The address of a structure specifying the responder's application entity invocation. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
If you are using the OSAK interface on an OpenVMS system and you omit this parameter, the OSAK interface supplies default null values for all the fields.
Protocol |
Default Version Number |
1 |
Presentation |
1 |
Session |
1 and 2 |
The two session default values are not mutually exclusive.
- OpenVMS
On OpenVMS systems, if OSAKserver receives an A-ASSOCIATE indication specifying incompatible protocol versions, OSAKserver rejects the association attempt.
This routine allocates a port identifier that the OSAK interface uses in all service requests made on that port. The port is ready to receive association indications for a particular application-entity invocation. This is the first routine that a responder should call.
The routine also declares the responder's application-entity invocation.
The OSAK interface registers this information with OSAKserver (OpenVMS systems only).
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
There is not enough workspace in the parameter block. |
The application entity invocation is invalid. |
There is no response from OSAKserver. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_accept_rsp
- osak_associate_req
- osak_open_initiator
- osak_reject_rsp
osak_redirect — Requests the redirection of an association from one process to another on the same system.
status = osak_redirect (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[process_id] |
osak_process_id |
read only |
[process_name] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[pcontext_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
read only |
[pcontext_redirect_list] |
osak_pcontext |
read only |
[pdefault_context] |
osak_default_context |
read only |
redirect_state |
osak_state |
read only |
[calling_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
[called_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
acontext |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[protocol_versions] |
osak_protocol_versions |
read only |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
read only |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
read only |
[sync_point] |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[activity_id] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
functional_units |
osak_fus |
read only |
[alloc_param] |
Unsigned integer |
read only |
[rcv_data_list] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[local_data] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_redirect (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the longword process identifier of the destination process. If you do not use this parameter, you should use the process_name parameter.
The address of a structure specifying the name of the destination process. If you do not use this parameter, you should use the process_id parameter.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one of which
specifies one member of the DCS for the association. Set this parameter only
if the process from which the association is to be redirected has not
established the association when you call osak_redirect
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one of which
specifies one member of the DCS for the association. Set this parameter only
if the process from which the association is to be redirected has
established the association when you call osak_redirect
The address of the structure that specifies the proposed default context for the redirected association.
A structure you should use to specify the state of the association when the requester makes the redirect request. This parameter consists of two fields:
Set this field to true if the local entity is the initiator of the association, and to false if the local entity is the responder to the association.
Set this field to the state of the association when the redirect call is made. Section 10.6, “Field: pm_state” lists the possible values of this parameter.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the presentation address and title of your application entity. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the presentation address and title of the peer entity with which you want to make a connection. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
The address of a structure you should use to specify the address of the ASN.1 object identifier TLV for the application context name.
The address of a structure you can use to specify which protocol versions are required on the association. The structure has three fields:
Protocol |
Default Version Number |
1 |
Presentation |
1 |
Session |
1 and 2 |
The two session default values are not mutually exclusive.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the session connection identifier. Make the address null if there is no session connection identifier.
A value other than zero in the init_resp field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the initiator to the responder. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
A value other than zero in the resp_init field indicates that segmentation is to be used on data passing from the responder to the initiator. The value specifies the maximum TSDU size.
The maximum value allowed in either field is 65,535.
You can use segmentation in both directions, in only one direction, or in neither direction.
The address of the current synchronization point serial number.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the existing distribution of tokens. The value of the state parameter determines the interpretation of this parameter because it indicates whether the local entity is the initiator of or the responder to the association.
A structure you can use to specify the identifier of any activity in progress on the association.
If there is no activity in progress, make this parameter null.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the session and presentation functional units that are in use on the association.
The process has received an A-ASSOCIATE indication, but has not responded to it.
The process has received an association indication with incomplete user data or no user data.
Refer to the Description section for details.
The address of a structure, the descriptor field of which holds the address of a buffer containing data that the requester wants to send to the destination process.
The process has received an A-ASSOCIATE indication, but has not responded to it.
The process has received an A-ASSOCIATE indication with incomplete user data or no user data.
The process has established an association and is transferring data.
The routine osak_redirect
passes a specified association to a
specified destination process on the local system. If the association is
successfully redirected, indicated by status codes OSAK_S_NORMAL,
OSAK_S_FREE or OSAK_S_QUEUED, the port used by the original process is
invalid. Call osak_close_port
to close it down. Any other
status code indicates that the association has not been successfully
redirected, and the port used by the original process is still valid.
The destination process should call osak_open_redirect
, which
returns a new port identifier.
When you call osak_redirect
, the OSAK interface should not
hold any unused buffers passed from your application. If the interface holds
any unused buffers, the routine returns the failure status
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The application entity invocation is invalid. |
The default context response is invalid. |
The call is invalid. |
The functional units are invalid. |
The activity identifier is too long. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
There is no process identifier and no process name. |
The synchronization point serial number is missing. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_close_port
- osak_open_redirect
osak_reject_rsp — Rejects an association request.
status = osak_reject_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
reject_reason |
osak_reject_reason |
read only |
[acontext] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[responding_aei] |
osak_aei |
read only |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
read only |
[functional_units] |
osak_fus |
read only |
pcontext_res_list |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
read only |
[pdefault_context_res] |
osak_default_context_result |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_reject_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of the reason for rejecting an association request. Section 10.9, “Data type: osak_reject_reason” lists the possible values of this parameter.
The address of a structure you should use to specify the address of the encoded value of an ASN.1 object identifier TLV for the application context name. If you do not assign a value to this parameter, the OSAK interface supplies the value that was received in the A-ASSOCIATE indication to which this call is a response. If the association rejection originates from the service provider, the OSAK interface ignores this parameter.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the presentation selector of the responding application entity. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
The nsap field is ignored in this routine.
The session selector should be no longer than 16 octets.
The substructures aetitle and aeiid can both be null.
The address of a structure you can use to specify session connection reference parameters. The structure contains three fields, any of which can be null. See Section 1.3, “Data Type Definitions” for a description of the data type.
The address of a structure you can use to specify which session and presentation functional units are selected for use. If you use this parameter, you should specify both session and presentation functional units. If you do not set this parameter, the OSAK interface uses the selected functional units from the A-ASSOCIATE indication.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which specifies the response to one entry in the list of proposed members of the defined context set (DCS) received in the A-ASSOCIATE indication. There should be a one-to-one correspondence between the responses and the proposed members of the DCS. The OSAK interface checks only that there is the same number of structures in each list.
The responder should accept the ACSE context. If the responder does not do this, the OSAK interface returns OSAK_S_INVPCTXT.
The next field can contain the value zero, indicating the end of the list.
The ts_name should contain one of the transfer syntax names proposed by the initiator for this abstract syntax. This field is only necessary if you accept the abstract syntax.
The result field specifies whether you accept or reject the context. Section 10.13, “Field: result” lists possible values of the parameter.
The field specifying the reason for rejecting an abstract syntax is ignored if the result field is not a provider reject. Section 10.7, “Field: reason” lists possible values of the parameter.
The address of a structure that specifies the response to the proposed default presentation context. If the initiator of an association proposes a default context on the P-CONNECT indication, the responder should supply a value other than null for the pdefault_context_res parameter. If the initiator does not propose a default context on the P-CONNECTION indication, the responder should make the pdefault_context_res parameter null.
Call this routine after receiving an A-ASSOCIATE indication to reject the association attempt.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The default context response is invalid. |
The call is invalid. |
The functional units are invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
The reason code is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_accept_rsp
- osak_associate_req
- osak_open_initiator
- osak_open_responder
osak_release_req — Requests the orderly release of an association.
status = osak_release_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
release_reason |
osak_release_reason |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_release_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
Specifies the reason for releasing the association. Section 10.10, “Data type: osak_release_reason” lists the possible values of this parameter.
The only functional unit required for this service is the kernel functional unit. The caller of this service must own all the available tokens that are in use.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_abort_req
- osak_release_rsp
- osak_close_port
osak_release_rsp — Responds to a request for orderly release of an association.
status = osak_release_rsp (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[action_result] |
osak_action_result |
read only |
[release_resp_reason] |
osak_release_resp_reason |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_release_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a value specifying acceptance or rejection of the request to release the association. Omission of this parameter means that the accepter agrees to the release request. You can use this parameter only if the negotiated release functional unit is selected.
Specifies the reason for rejecting the release request. Section 10.11, “Data type: osak_release_resp_reason” lists possible values of this parameter.
Call this routine after receiving an A-RELEASE indication.
A responder can refuse a release request only if the negotiated release functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The action_result parameter is invalid. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The reason code is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_release_req
- osak_close_port
osak_resync_req — Requests the resynchronization of an association to a specified synchronization point.
status = osak_resync_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
resync_type |
osak_resync_type |
read only |
[sync_point] |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[pcontext_id_list] |
osak_pcontext_id |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_resync_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
Specifies the type of resynchronization that you require. The three types of resynchronization are:
abandon (resync_type=OSAK_C_RESYNC_ABANDON)
Resynchronizes to a synchronization point the serial number that is higher than the serial numbers of synchronization points in use on the existing association.
restart (resync_type=PSAK_C_RESYNC_RESTART)
Resynchronizes to a synchronization point set since the last acknowledged major synchronization point.
set (resync_type=OSAK_C_RESYNC_SET)
Resynchronizes to any valid synchronization point serial number.
Specifies the synchronization point from which resynchronization is to start. You should not specify a value for this parameter when the resync_type is abandon; the OSAK interface supplies the value. If you specify a value when the resynchronization type is abandon, the OSAK interface returns the status code OSAK_S_INVSYNCPNT.
The address of a structure you can use to specify the token setting that should apply after resynchronization.
The token is assigned to the initiator.
The token is assigned to the responder.
The token is assigned according to the responder's choice.
Section 10.15, “Fields: data, sync_minor, major_activity and release” lists the possible values for this parameter.
If no tokens are available on the association, but you specify the token_item parameter, the OSAK interface returns error status OSAK_S_INVTOKEN. If you make the parameter null, OSAK uses a default token setting. The default setting is that the peer entity that requests resynchronization has all the tokens after resynchronization.
The next field should be set to null in the last structure in the list.
The pcontextid field should be a descriptor for an ASN.1 integer TLV encoding for a presentation context identifier.
The tsname field should be a descriptor for an ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding for a transfer syntax name.
You can use this service only if the resynchronize functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The resynchronization type is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_major_req
- osak_minor_req
- osak_resync_rsp
osak_resync_rsp — Responds to a request for resynchronization of an association.
status = osak_resync_rsp (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[sync_point]? |
osak_sync_point |
read only |
[tokens]? |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[pcontext_id_list]? |
osak_pcontext_id |
read only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_resync_rsp (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
Specifies the serial number of the synchronization point from which resynchronization is to start.
You should specify a value for this parameter if the type of resynchronization requested on the P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication to which you are responding is set.
If the type of resynchronization requested is abandon or restart, you do not need to specify a value for the sync_point parameter. However, if you specify a value, this should be the value received on the P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication.
The address of a structure that specifies the distribution of tokens after resynchronization. Make the address null if there are no tokens available or if the settings specified in the P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication are to be used. If the P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication specifies that the accepter should decide the distribution of tokens, this parameter is mandatory.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures specifying the DCS after resynchronization. If you set this parameter to null when the context management functional unit is selected, the DCS is empty after resynchronization.
You should only use this parameter if the context management functional unit is selected. The parameter should contain at least the presentation context for the ACSE abstract syntax.
The next field should be set to null in the last structure in the list.
The pcontext_id field should be a descriptor for an ASN.1 integer TLV encoding for a presentation context identifier.
The ts_name field should be a descriptor for an ASN.1 object identifier TLV encoding for a transfer syntax name.
Zero means that the accepter does not want this token from the requester.
One means that the accepter wants this token from the requester.
Call this routine after receiving a P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication.
You can use this service only if the resynchronize functional unit is selected.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The presentation context list is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The synchronization point serial number is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_resync_req
osak_select — Inspects ports for events waiting to be received or arriving within a specified time.
status = osak_select (port_count, port_list,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port_count |
osak_handle_count |
read only |
port_list |
osak_handle |
modify |
time_out |
osak_time |
read only |
C Binding
osak_select (port_count, port_list, time_out) osak_handle_count port_count; osak_handle *port_list; osak_time *time_out;
The number of ports in the port list.
The address of an array in which you specify the identifiers of the ports you want to inspect for events. You can also specify the types of events about which you want the OSAK interface to notify you. The array has three fields:
id specifies one or more ports that the OSAK interface should inspect
request_event_mask specifies the type of event for which the OSAK interface should inspect the ports
returned_event_mask lists the events that occur on the specified ports before the OSAK interface returns control to your application
A port is defined to be one of the following:
An OSI association. The
calls return the identifier of the association in the port parameter.An identifier specific to the operating system. The identifier refers to the source on which the OSAK interface makes selections. On OpenVMS systems, the source is a port or an event flag number (EFN). On UNIX and ULTRIX systems, the source is a file descriptor.
Set this argument to null.
Make several calls to
with timers lasting less than a day. When the timer expires, re-issue theosak_select
Events waiting to be received
Events occurring within a specified time
The call finishes either when an event arrives on one of the ports listed in the port_list argument or when the time_out argument expires.
Although the
call maps directly on to the UNIX or ULTRIXselect(2)
system call, the semantics of the write bit are different. The OSAK interface uses the write bit to indicate that a write event has finished. The UNIX and ULTRIX operating systems use the write bit to indicate that writing is possible.If the OSAK interface finds an OSI port identifier, it applies OSAK semantics. If the OSAK interface finds an UNIX or ULTRIX file descriptor, it maps that file descriptor to the UNIX or ULTRIX
system call, which applies UNIX or ULTRIX semantics.To use the UNIX or ULTRIX
system call, first callosak_get_handle
. This returns a file descriptor you can pass toselect(2)
.To use the
routine, pass either a file descriptor or a port identifier.- OpenVMS
You can pass an event flag number (EFN) to
as a port identifier. If you do this, you should use an EFN from cluster 1. The OSAK interface passes the EFN to the OpenVMS system call SYS$WFLOR().
The request-event mask
The returned-event mask
If you want the OSAK interface to notify you when an inbound event from the transport provider arrives, set the read bit in the request_event_mask field of the port_list parameter. When an inbound event arrives, the OSAK interface returns OSAK_S_NORMAL.
If you want the OSAK interface to notify you when an outbound event completes, set the write bit in the returned_event_mask field of the port_list parameter. When an outbound event completes, the OSAK interface returns OSAK_S_NORMAL.
Request-Event Bit Number |
Returned-Event Bit Number |
Meaning |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
You can specify a maximum time for the OSAK interface to wait for an event to arrive. If no event arrives within that time, the OSAK interface returns the status OSAK_S_NOEVENT and clears the returned-event bit mask. If an event arrives, the OSAK interface returns the status OSAK_S_NORMAL. You should inspect the returned-event bit mask to find the port on which the event arrived.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The routine has finished without error. |
No event has occurred. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is an invalid parameter, or no
The port identifier is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_get_event
- osak_give_buffers
osak_send_more — Sends a further segment of user data.
status = osak_send_more (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
user_data |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
data_length |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_send_more (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
The OSAK interface allows you to segment the user data you are sending on
any service. Call osak_send_more
as many times as necessary to
send user data to complete a service. The completion of each call to
indicates that the transport provider has
processed a segment of data. This does not guarantee that the segment has
been transferred to the peer entity.
You do not have to send any user data on the original service call. If you
set the more_flag parameter to true on the original
service call, you can send all the user data on calls to
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
osak_token_give_req — Relinquishes ownership of some or all of the available tokens.
status = osak_token_give_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_token_give_req (port, parameter_block,) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester is passing to the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens.
Zero means that the requester is not passing this token to the accepter.
One means that the requester is passing this token to the accepter.
If you are using session version 1, there is no user data on this service and therefore no segmentation is allowed and the more_flag parameter must be set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_control_give_req
- osak_token_please_req
osak_token_please_req — Requests the peer entity to relinquish ownership of some or all of the available tokens.
status = osak_token_please_req (port,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
read only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_token_please_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
Parameters Used
The address of a structure you can use to specify the tokens that the requester wants from the accepter. The structure consists of four fields corresponding to the four tokens. In each field, the only values allowed are zero and one:
Zero means that the requester does not want this token from the accepter.
One means that the requester wants this token from the accepter.
The token you want must be available and owned by the other user before you request ownership of the token.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
The token setting is invalid. |
Too much user data has been sent for session version 1. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
See Also
- osak_control_give_req
- osak_token_give_req
osak_typed_req — Transfers typed data over an association.
status = osak_typed_req (port, parameter_block)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
parameter_block |
osak_parameter_block |
read only |
Parameters Used |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
func |
Unsigned long integer |
write only |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
write only |
[user_data] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[user_context] |
Address |
read only |
more_flag |
Long integer |
read only |
[data_length] |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
port_id |
osak_port |
write only |
[completion_rtn] |
osak_rtn |
read only |
[completion_param] |
Longword |
read only |
C Binding
osak_typed_req (port, parameter_block) osak_port port; struct osak_parameter_block *parameter_block;
The typed data service is useful when you select the half-duplex functional unit. You can use the service to send user information when a peer entity needs to send data and does not hold the data token. At least one byte of data must be sent if the more_flag parameter is set to false.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible values are:
The OSAK interface has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks. |
The routine has finished without error. |
The OSAK interface has queued the request. |
There is an invalid parameter. |
A disruptive event has occurred. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
The call is invalid. |
The port identifier is invalid. |
There is an error in the transport provider. |
Chapter 2. OSAK Events
This chapter lists the OSAK events in alphabetical order. Refer to the
description of the osak_get_event
call in Chapter 1, OSAK Routines for how to
use this routine to receive events. Chapter 1, OSAK Routines also describes all the OSAK
parameters and their data types. You should ignore parameters that are not included in the
event specification. The following parameters are common to all
Indicates how many end-of-contents octets there should be in the data arriving from the remote peer entity to meet the requirements of the ACSE PCI encoding.
To arrive at the value, the OSAK interface counts the number of indefinite length encodings in the ACSE PCI for which it cannot find end-of-contents octets. You should look for this number of end-of-contents octets in the ACSE PCI. If you do not find this number, you should issue a presentation provider abort.
An end-of-contents octet consists of two zero octets.
The type of the
event that osak_get_event
receives. Table 1.3, “OSAK Event Types” shows
the event indicated by each possible value of this parameter.
Indicates whether there is more user data to follow. The value of this parameter is true if there are more data units to follow and false if there are no more data units to follow.
The address of a linked list of user buffers containing user data transferred from the remote peer entity. The user data does not necessarily start at the beginning of the first buffer in the list. The tsdu_ptr parameter points to the head of the list.
For a user abort, the peer_data parameter points to the start of the user information in the incoming protocol data unit (PDU). This parameter is not used for a redirect indication.
Indicates how many end-of-contents octets there should be in the data arriving from the remote peer entity to meet the requirements of the presentation PCI encoding.
To arrive at the value, the OSAK interface counts the number of indefinite length encodings in the presentation PCI for which it cannot find end-of-contents octets. You should look for this number of end-of-contents octets in the presentation PCI. If you do not find this number, you should issue a provider abort.
An end-of-contents octet consists of two zero octets.
The acse_pci_eoc and pres_pci_eoc parameters are cumulative. You must check for a number of end-of-context octet sequal to the sum of acse_pci_eoc and pres_pci_eoc.
When osak_get_event
finishes, the OSAK interface writes a status code to this
parameter. If the status code is OSAK_S_TRANSERR, the OSAK interface also returns a
transport provider status.
The address of the head of a list of buffers of the
type osak_buffer. The buffers are those that you passed
to the OSAK interface in calls to osak_give_buffers
To free the
buffers when they are returned by osak_get_event
, you should follow the
tsdu_ptr pointer, not the peer_data pointer.
ABORT indication
ABORT indication — Indicates a user or a provider abort.
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
abort_reason |
osak_abort_reason |
[abort_ppdu] |
osak_abort_ppdu |
[pcontext_id_list] |
osak_pcontext_id |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
local_abort |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
This parameter explains why the association in being aborted. Section 10.2, “Data type: osak_abort_reason” lists the possible values.
If the value in the abort_reason parameter is OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_INVALID_VALUE, OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNREC_PARAM, or OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNEXP_PARAM, indicating a presentation provider abort, the OSAK interface uses this parameter to return the identifier of the event that contained an invalid value.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one specifying one presentation context (a presentation context identifier and its associated transfer syntax) for which there is user data encoded in the user data parameter.
This parameter is null if the event is a presentation provider abort.
This parameter is true if the OSAK interface generated the ABORT indication locally and false if the ABORT indication originated from the remote peer entity.
The remote peer entity issues a call to
.The remote protocol machine issues a provider abort.
The local protocol machine issues a provider abort.
This event indicates that the remote peer entity, the local protocol machine, or the remote protocol machine is terminating the association. You should delete all the data structures for the association.
If this is an ACSE user abort, your application should make multiple calls to
to receive all the userdata arriving on the ABORT
indication, if any. When all the user data has been received, close the OSAK
A-ASSOCIATE-ACCEPT confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
acontext |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[responding_aei] |
osak_aei |
[protocol_versions] |
osak_protocol_versions |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
[initial_serial_number] |
osak_sync_point |
[initial_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
[request_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
functional_units |
osak_fus |
pcontext_res_list |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of an encoded object identifier representing the application context name.
The address of information about the application entity that is responding to a request to set up an association. The information can include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier.
The address of the identifiers of the protocol versions in use on the association.
The address of encoded session connection information. If the incoming data units do not contain session connection information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of session segmentation data that specifies:
Whether session segmentation is in use
If session segmentation is in use, the maximum size permitted for a TSDU
If the incoming data units do not contain session segmentation information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the initial synchronization point serial number on this association. If the incoming data units do not contain a value for the initial synchronization point serial number, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of a structure indicating the initial token settings for the association. If the incoming data units do not contain values for the initial token settings, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the token identifiers that the calling application entity is requesting from its peer. If the incoming data units do not contain values for requested tokens, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the presentation and session functional units proposed for this association. If the incoming data units contain no functional units, the OSAK interface returns the default values:
Half-duplex functional unit
Minor synchronization functional unit
Activity functional unit
Capability functional unit
Exceptions functional unit
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which gives the response to the corresponding context proposed in the A-ASSOCIATE request. If the response is acceptance, the OSAK interface returns, in the ts_name field of this parameter, the ASN.1 encoding for the identifier of the transfer syntax being used. Section 10.13, “Field: result” lists the values that the fields of this parameter may have.
This event indicates a positive response to a request to establish an association. It means that the association has been established and you can start transferring data.
A-ASSOCIATE-REJECT confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
reject_reason |
osak_reject_reason |
acontext |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[responding_aei] |
osak_aei |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
[functional_units] |
osak_fus |
[pcontext_res_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
[pdefault_context_res] |
osak_default_context_result |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
This parameter explains why the association request is being rejected. Section 10.9, “Data type: osak_reject_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
If the value returned indicates that the rejection is due to temporary congestion, the initiator can try again to establish an association.
The address of an encoded object identifier representing the application context name.
The address of information about the application entity that is responding to a request to set up an association. The information may include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier.
The address of encoded session connection information. If the incoming data units do not include any session connection information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the presentation and session functional units. If the incoming data units do not include these values, the OSAK interface returns the default values:
Half-duplex functional unit
Minor synchronize functional unit
Activity functional unit
Capability functional unit
Exceptions functional unit
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which gives the response to the corresponding context proposed in the A-ASSOCIATE request. If the response is acceptance, the OSAK interface returns, in the ts_name field of this parameter, the ASN.1 encoding for the identifier of the transfer syntax being used. Section 10.13, “Field: result” lists the values that the fields of this parameter may have.
The address of the response to the proposed default context for this association. If incoming data units do not include the response, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
This event indicates a negative response to a request to establish an association. Check the reason for the refusal given in the parameter reject_reason. If the reason is a temporary problem, for example congestion or lack of resources, you can try to establish the association again.
A-ASSOCIATE indication
A-ASSOCIATE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
acontext |
osak_mem_descriptor |
called_aei |
osak_aei |
[calling_aei] |
osak_aei |
protocol_versions |
osak_protocol_versions |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
[initial_serial_number] |
osak_sync_point |
[initial_tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
functional_units |
osak_fus |
pcontext_list |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
[pdefault_context] |
osak_default_context |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of an encoded object identifier representing the application context name.
The address of information about the called application entity. The information may include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier. If the incoming data units do not include this information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of information about the calling application entity. The information may include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier. If the incoming data units do not contain this information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the identifiers of the protocol versions proposed for use on the association. If the incoming data units do not specify any proposed protocol version identifiers, the OSAK interface returns default values. Table 2.1, “A-ASSOCIATE indication: Default Protocol Version Numbers” shows the default versions.
Protocol |
Possible Version Numbers |
1 |
Presentation |
1 |
Session |
1 or 2 |
The address of encoded session connection information. If the incoming data units do not include any session connection information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of session segmentation information that specifies:
Whether session segmentation is in use
If session segmentation is in use, the maximum size permitted for a TSDU
If the incoming data units do not include session segmentation information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the initial synchronization point serial number of the association. If the incoming data units do not specify a value for the initial synchronization point serial number, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the initial token settings for the association. If the incoming data units do not specify values for the initial token settings, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the presentation and session functional units accepted for this association. If the incoming data units do not include these values, the OSAK interface returns the default values:
Half-duplex functional unit
Minor synchronize functional unit
Activity functional unit
Capability functional unit
Exceptions functional unit
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which contains the following information about one of the presentation contexts that the initiator is proposing:
The presentation context identifier
A reference to the head of a linked list of transfer syntax names
The abstract syntax name
The address of the names of the transfer syntax and the abstract syntax that make up the default context proposed for this association. If the incoming data units do not specify any default context, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
This event indicates a request to establish an association. Accept the association
request by calling osak_accept_rsp
; reject the association by calling
A-RELEASE confirm
A-RELEASE confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
action_result |
osak_action_result |
[release_resp_reason] |
osak_release_resp_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of a value indicating acceptance or rejection of the release request. If the incoming data units do not specify a value for this parameter, the OSAK interface returns a null address, which means that the release request is accepted.
The reason for rejection of the release request. Section 10.11, “Data type: osak_release_resp_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
This event responds to a request to terminate an association. By the time the
event arrives, the association has been terminated. To reclaim parameter blocks and
user buffers that were used on the association, you can call
, or use a completion routine (OpenVMS systems
A-RELEASE indication
A-RELEASE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
release_reason |
osak_release_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
A value indicating the reason for releasing the association. If the incoming data units do not include a value for this parameter, the OSAK interface returns the value zero, which indicates a normal release. Section 10.10, “Data type: osak_release_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
If the negotiated release functional unit is not in use on the association, call
to accept the release request.If the negotiated release functional unit is in use on the association, call
to accept or reject the release request.
P-ACTIVITY-DISCARD confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event responds to a request to discard an activity and confirms that the activity has been discarded.
P-ACTIVITY-DISCARD indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
reason |
osak_activity_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the reason for discarding an activity. If the incoming event does not include a value for this parameter, the OSAK interface returns a null address. Section 10.4, “Data type: osak_activity_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
This event indicates a request to discard the current activity. Respond by calling
P-ACTIVITY-END confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event responds to a request to terminate the current activity and confirms that the activity has been terminated.
P-ACTIVITY-END indication
P-ACTIVITY-END indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[sync_point] |
osak_sync_point |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the major synchronization point serial number current when the end of the activity was requested.
This event indicates a request to terminate the current activity. Respond by
calling osak_act_end_rsp
P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event responds to a request to interrupt the current activity.
P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[activity_reason] |
osak_activity_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the reason for the interruption of the activity. If the incoming event does not include a value for this parameter, the OSAK interface returns a null address. Section 10.4, “Data type: osak_activity_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
This event indicates a request to interrupt the current activity. Respond by
calling osak_act_interrupt_rsp
P-ACTIVITY-RESUME indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
old_activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
[old_sconnection_id] |
osak_sconnection_id |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The identifier of the resumed activity.
The identifier of the interrupted activity.
The address of the synchronization point serial number at which to resume the activity.
The address of the session connection identification information from the session connection over which the interrupted activity occurred.
This event indicates a request to resume a previously interrupted activity. No response to the request is necessary because resumption of an activity is not a confirmed service.
P-ACTIVITY-START indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
activity_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The identifier of the new activity.
This event indicates a request to start a new activity. No response to the request is necessary because starting an activity is not a confirmed service.
P-ALTER-CONTEXT confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[pcontext_res_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal_result |
[pcontext_del_res_list] |
osak_pcontext_deletion_result |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which gives the response to the corresponding context proposed in the P-ALTER-CONTEXT request. If the response is acceptance, the OSAK interface returns, in the ts_name field of this parameter, the ASN.1 encoding for the identifier of the transfer syntax being used. Section 10.13, “Field: result” lists the range of values that the fields of this parameter may have.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each of which gives the response to the proposed deletion of a context from the DCS.
This event gives the response to a proposed alteration in the DCS existing on an association.
P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication
P-ALTER-CONTEXT indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[pcontext_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
[pcontext_del_list] |
osak_pcontext_deletion |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, in each of which you can find the following information about one of the presentation contexts proposed for addition to the DCS:
The presentation context identifier
The address of the head of a linked list of transfer syntax names
The abstract syntax name
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, in each of which you can find the presentation context identifier of one presentation context proposed for deletion from the DCS.
This event indicates a proposed alteration in the DCS existing on an association.
Respond by calling osak_alter_rsp
P-CAPABILITY-DATA confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event confirms that capability data sent by the remote peer entity has been received.
P-CAPABILITY-DATA indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event indicates that capability data is being sent. Respond by calling
P-CONTROL-GIVE indication
P-CONTROL-GIVE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event indicates that the remote peer entity relinquishes ownership of all the tokens available on an association. No response is necessary because relinquishing tokens is not a confirmed service.
P-DATA indication
P-DATA indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event indicates that normal data is being transferred. No response to the request is necessary because sending normal data is not a confirmed service.
P-EXPEDITED-DATA indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event indicates the sending of expedited data over an association. No response is necessary because sending expedited data is not a confirmed service.
P-P-EXCEPTION-REPORT indication — An application entity receives this event when the service provider signals an exception.
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
exception_reason |
osak_exception_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
Parameters Returned
A value indicating the reason for the exception report. Section 10.5, “Data type: osak_exception_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
This event indicates a user error has occurred that is not severe enough to cause an association to be aborted. The exception_reason parameter contains a value indicating the reason for the error. You should examine the parameter and take corrective action as appropriate.
P-U-EXCEPTION-REPORT indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
exception_reason |
osak_exception_reason |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
A value indicating the reason for the exception report. Section 10.5, “Data type: osak_exception_reason” lists the values this parameter may have.
This event indicates an error has occurred that is not severe enough to cause an association to be aborted. The error originates from the service user. The exception_reason parameter contains a value indicating the reason for the error. You should examine the parameter and take corrective action as appropriate.
P-RESYNCHRONIZE confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
[tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
[pcontext_id_list] |
osak_pcontext_id |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the synchronization point serial number specified in the resynchronization request.
The address of the existing token assignments. To interpret the assignment, examine the redirect_state parameter to determine whether the local entity is acting as initiator or responder.
The address of information about the assignment of tokens on completion of the resynchronization service. If the incoming data units do not include values for the assignment of tokens, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one confirming one presentation context in the DCS resulting from the resynchronization.
This event confirms resynchronization from a specified synchronization point.
P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
resync_type |
osak_resync_type |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
[token_item] |
osak_token_setting |
[pcontext_id_list] |
osak_pcontext_id |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
A value indicating the type of resynchronization. Section 10.14, “Data type: osak_resync_type” lists the values this parameter may have.
The address of the synchronization point serial number from which resynchronization should start.
The address of a structure indicating the tokens that the remote application entity is requesting. If the incoming data units do not include this value, the OSAK interface returns zero. Zero indicates that all the tokens are available to the application entity that is requesting resynchronization.
Section 10.15, “Fields: data, sync_minor, major_activity and release” lists the values this parameter may have.
The address of the head of a linked list of structures, each one indicating one presentation context in the DCS resulting from the resynchronization. If this parameter is null and the context management functional unit is selected, the DCS is empty after resynchronization. If the context management functional unit is not selected, ignore this parameter.
This event indicates that a request to resynchronize an association from a
specified synchronization point. Respond by calling
P-SYNC-MAJOR confirm
P-SYNC-MAJOR confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event confirms the setting of a major synchronization point.
P-SYNC-MAJOR indication
P-SYNC-MAJOR indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the major synchronization point serial number.
This event indicates a request to set a major synchronization point. Respond by
calling osak_major_rsp
P-SYNC-MINOR confirm
P-SYNC-MINOR confirm — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the minor synchronization point serial number.
Indicates whether data separation is required. The value is true if the remote peer entity requires data separation.
This event confirms the setting of a minor synchronization point.
P-SYNC-MINOR indication
P-SYNC-MINOR indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
sync_point |
osak_sync_point |
sync_confirm |
osak_sync_confirm |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of the minor synchronization point serial number.
The value of this parameter is true if the remote peer entity requested confirmation of the synchronization point and false if the remote application entity did not request a confirmation of the synchronization point.
Indicates whether data separation is required. The value is true if the remote peer entity requires data separation.
This event indicates a request to set a minor synchronization point. You can
respond by calling osak_minor_rsp
, but you do not have to do so. If you
do not do so, you imply agreement with the parameters set by the remote peer
P-TOKEN-GIVE indication
P-TOKEN-GIVE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
token_item |
osak_token_setting |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of a structure that indicates the tokens that the remote application entity is passing to its peer.
This event indicates that its sender relinquishes ownership of all or some of the tokens available on an association. The token_item parameter specifies which tokens are being relinquished. No response is necessary because relinquishing tokens is not a confirmed service.
P-TOKEN-PLEASE indication
P-TOKEN-PLEASE indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
token_item |
osak_token_setting |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
The address of a structure indicating the tokens that the remote application entity is requesting from its peer.
This event indicates that the remote peer entity is requesting the recipient of the event to relinquish some or all of the tokens available on the association. The token_item parameter specifies which tokens are being requested. No response to the request is necessary because this is not a confirmed service.
P-TYPED-DATA indication
P-TYPED-DATA indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
[peer_data] |
osak_buffer |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
This event indicates that typed data is being sent over an association. No response is necessary because sending typed data is not a confirmed service.
REDIRECT indication
REDIRECT indication — An application entity receives this event when the remote peer entity calls
Parameters Returned |
Data Type |
event_type |
osak_event |
status_block |
osak_status_block |
tsdu_ptr |
osak_buffer |
redirect_state |
osak_state |
[pcontext_list] |
osak_pcontext |
[pcontext_redirect_list] |
osak_pcontext_proposal |
[pdefault_context] |
osak_default_context |
[calling_aei] |
osak_aei |
[called_aei] |
osak_aei |
[acontext] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[protocol_versions] |
osak_protocol_versions |
[sconnect_id] |
osak_sconnect_id |
[segmentation] |
osak_segmentation |
[sync_point] |
osak_sync_point |
[tokens] |
osak_token_setting |
[activity_id] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[functional_units] |
osak_fus |
[rcv_data_list] |
osak_buffer |
[local_data] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
[acse_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[pres_pci_eoc] |
Unsigned long integer |
[more_flag] |
Long integer |
Parameters Returned
A structure defining the state of the association. The values in the structure indicate whether the local entity is acting as an initiator of or a responder to the redirection request.
The address of a list of structures, each one of which is a member of the DCS that existed when the association was originally set up. The OSAK interface returns this parameter only if the process that redirects the association has not established the association when it makes the request to redirect.
The address of a list of structures, each one of which is a member of the DCS that existed when the association was originally set up. The OSAK interface returns this parameter only if the process that redirects the association has established the association when it makes the request to redirect.
The address of the presentation context identifier and the transfer syntax identifier of the proposed or negotiated default context.
The address of a structure containing information about the calling application entity. The information may include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier. If the incoming data units do not include this information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of a structure containing information about the called application entity. The information may include the selectors, the application-entity title, and the application-entity identifier. If the incoming data units do not include this information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of an encoded object identifier representing the application context name.
The address of a structure indicating the protocol versions proposed for use on the redirected connection. If the incoming data units do not include any proposed protocol version identifiers, the OSAK interface returns default values. Table 2.2, “REDIRECT indication: Default Protocol VersionNumbers” shows the default versions.
Protocol |
Possible Version Numbers |
1 |
Presentation |
1 |
Session |
1 or 2 |
The address of encoded session connection information. If the incoming data units do not include any session connection information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of a structure containing session segmentation data that specifies the following:
Whether session segmentation is in use
If session segmentation is in use, the maximum size permitted for a TSDU
If the incoming data units do not include session segmentation information, the OSAK interface returns a null address.
The address of the current synchronization point serial number.
The address of a structure indicating the existing token assignments. To interpret the assignment, examine the redirect_state parameter to determine whether the local entity is acting as initiator or responder.
The identifier of the current activity.
The address of a structure indicating the functional units in use for the Session and Presentation layers. If the incoming data units do not include these values, the OSAK interface returns default values:
Half-duplex functional unit
Minor synchronize functional unit
Activity functional unit
Capability functional unit
Exceptions functional unit
The OSAK interface returns the address of a list of the buffers holding user data for the service in progress. If there are insufficient buffers to receive all the user data, the OSAK interface returns true in the more_flag parameter. On a redirect, the rcv_data_list parameter is used instead of the peer_data parameter.
The address of a structure that holds the address of a buffer containing data sent by the redirecting application entity.
This event indicates that an association has been redirected from another local process.
The state of the association when the requester called
Whether all the user data fits into the buffer supplied in the most recent call to
The description of the routine osak_redirect
in Chapter 1, OSAK Routines describes the possible states of an association. Table 2.3, “Sequence of Calls After the Arrival of a REDIRECT Indication” shows the sequence of calls you should make for
each state. In this table, each state is represented by its constant value. Section 10.6, “Field: pm_state” lists the meanings of these constants.
State |
Sequence of Calls |
Call Call |
Make multiple calls to Call |
Continue exchange of data between peer entities. |
Chapter 3. ROSE Routines
A list of the include files for different operating systems (Section 3.1, “Include Files”)
A description of each constructed data type used in the ROSE interface (Section 3.2, “Data Type Definitions”)
A description of the arguments common to all ROSE calls (Section 3.3, “Common Arguments”)
A description of each ROSE routine (Section 3.4, “ROSE Routine Descriptions”)
3.1. Include Files
. Their locations for the different
operating systems are:
OpenVMS |
/usr/include/osi |
/usr/include |
3.2. Data Type Definitions
This section describes the data types used in the ROSE interface.
3.2.1. osak_buffer
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
next | Pointer to next element in list | Address (osak_buffer) |
buffer_ptr | Pointer to beginning of buffer | Unsigned octet |
buffer_length | Length of buffer | Unsigned long integer |
data_ptr | Start of user data | Unsigned octet |
data_length | Length of user data | Unsigned long integer |
3.2.2. osak_mem_descriptor
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
size | Length of buffer in octets | Unsigned long integer |
pointer | Reference to buffer | Address (unsigned octet) |
3.2.3. osak_ro_problem
Address (unsigned octet)
3.2.4. osak_ro_reason
Address (unsigned octet)
3.2.5. osak_rose_pb
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
pb_length | Length of ROSE parameter block including working space | Unsigned long integer |
ws_length | Length of working space | Unsigned long integer |
arg_length | Length of ROSE PDU that contains error, result, or argument parameter (user data) | Unsigned long integer |
invoke_id | Address of ROSE invocation identifier | osak_mem_descriptor |
linked_id | Address of linked ROSE invocation identifier | osak_mem_descriptor |
local_value | Address locally defined operation or error value | osak_mem_descriptor |
global_value | Address of globally defined operation or error value | osak_mem_descriptor |
reason | Address of reject reason code | osak_ro_reason |
problem | Address of problem code | osak_ro_problem |
buffer | Address of buffer containing outcome of a ROSE request | osak_buffer |
pdu_type | Type of PDU being encoded or decoded | Unsigned long integer |
osak_rose_status | ROSE status code | osak_status_block |
3.2.6. osak_status_block
Field | Brief Description | Data Type |
osak_status1 | OSAK status code | Unsigned long integer |
osak_status2 | Secondary OSAK status code | Unsigned long integer |
transport_status1 | Generic transport provider status | Unsigned long integer |
transport_status2 | Specific transport provider status | Unsigned long integer |
3.3. Common Arguments
The port and rose_pb arguments are common to all the ROSE routines.
The identifier of the association over which you are making the ROSE call. You need to supply this identifier so the ROSE interface can use your OSAK memory allocation and deallocation routines if necessary. Refer to the description of the buffer parameter for further information.
The address of a ROSE parameter block. A ROSE parameter block is a structure that contains all possible parameters for all ROSE services. The ROSE interface uses only the relevant parameters in each service call, ignoring the rest. Section 3.2.5, “osak_rose_pb” describes the structure of a ROSE parameter block.
3.4. ROSE Routine Descriptions
This section contains a description of each ROSE routine.
Optional parameters are shown in square brackets ([]) in the Syntax section of each description.
osak_ro_invoke — Encodes ROSE PCI that requests a remote peer entity to perform an operation.
status = osak_ro_invoke (port, rose_pb)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rose_pb |
osak_rose_pb |
read only |
Parameters |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
[arg_length] |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
pdu_type |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
invoke_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[linked_id] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
local_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
global_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[buffer] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[osak_rose_status] |
osak_status_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_ro_invoke(port, rose_pb) osak_port port; struct osak_rose_pb *rose_pb;
Parameters Used
The length of the ROSE parameter block, including the length of the working space.
The length of the working space contained in the ROSE parameter block. The length of the working space should be 8 octets.
The length of a ROSE PDU containing an error, result, or argument parameter. You pass the error, result, or argument as userdata in the buffer parameter. Set this parameter to zero if you are not sending an argument, result, or error parameter.
The ROSE interface encodes the value of the arg_length parameter as part of the ROSE PCI.
Specifies the type of APDU you are sending. Set this parameter to ROSE_C_INVOKE.
The ROSE interface uses the value in this parameter to check that you have included all the mandatory parameters for the routine you are calling.
The address of the identifier of this call to the Invoke function. You should assign an Invoke identifier that distinguishes this instance of the Invoke function from any other instance of the function.
When you call the Invoke function, you can reuse an Invoke identifier only if you have received a response to the Invoke request that previously used that identifier. If you have not received a response, you should not reuse the Invoke identifier.
You should set the pointer field of this parameter to the address of an ASN.1 encoded integer (TLV), and the size field to the length of the encoding.
The address of the identifier of some other instance of the Invoke function to which you want this instance to be linked.
You should set the pointer field of this parameter to the address of an ASN.1 encoded integer (TLV), and the size field to the length of the encoding.
The address of a locally defined operation code.
The local_value and global_value parameters are mutually exclusive.
If you use the local_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the global_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a globally defined operation code.
The parameters global_value and local_value are mutually exclusive.
If you use the global_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the local_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a buffer structure you can use to pass user information required by your application. This parameter is optional. You should set the parameter to null if you are not passing a user buffer to the ROSE interface.
If you supply a user buffer, but the buffer is not big enough for the encoded ROSE PCI, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSEPCI in the new buffer and chains it to the front of the buffer you supplied.
If you do not supply a user buffer, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer. The buffer_ptr and data_ptr parameters both point to the same location.
The ROSE interface modifies your user buffer to accommodate the ROSEPCI. Therefore, you should save a copy of any buffer you pass in this routine call, unless you are certain you do not need to reference the unchanged buffer again.
Returns a status code specific to ROSE in the osak_status2 field.
This routine encodes ROSE PCI that requests a remote peer entity to perform an operation.
An instance of this routine is distinguished from all other instances by its Invoke identifier.
You do not need to wait for the server to perform one operation before you request another operation. You can request the server to perform an unlimited number of operations at a given time, within the limits of the system resources available to the server.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
Routine has finished without error. |
At least one mandatory parameter is missing. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
At least one parameter is incorrectly specified. |
osak_ro_result — Encodes ROSE PCI that reports the success of a requested operation.
status = osak_ro_result (port, rose_pb)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rose_pb |
osak_rose_pb |
read only |
Parameters |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
[arg_length] |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
pdu_type |
Unsigned longword |
write only |
invoke_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
local_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
global_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[buffer] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[osak_rose_status] |
osak_status_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_ro_result(port, rose_pb) osak_port port; struct osak_rose_pb *rose_pb;
Parameters Used
The length of the ROSE parameter block, including the length of the working space.
The length of the working space contained in the ROSE parameter block. The length of the working space should be 8 octets.
The length of a ROSE PDU containing an error, result, or argument parameter. You pass the error, result, or argument as userdata in the buffer parameter. The ROSE interface encodes the value of the arg_length parameter as part of the ROSE PCI. Set this parameter to zero if you are not sending an argument, result, or error parameter.
Specifies the type of APDU that you are sending. Set this parameter to ROSE_C_RESULT.
The ROSE interface uses the value in this parameter to check that you have included all the mandatory parameters for the routine you are calling.
The Invoke identifier of the instance of the Invoke function to which you are responding.
The address of a locally defined operation code.
The local_value and global_value parameters are mutually exclusive.
If you use the local_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the global_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a globally defined operation code.
The global_value and local_value parameters are mutually exclusive.
If you use the global_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the local_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a buffer structure that you can use to pass user information required by your application, for example, the results of the successful operation. This parameter is optional. You should set the parameter to null if you are not passing a user buffer to the ROSE interface.
If you supply a user buffer, but the buffer is not big enough for the encoded ROSE PCI, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer and chains it to the front of the buffer you supplied.
If you do not supply a user buffer, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer. The buffer_ptr and data_ptr parameters both point to the same location.
The ROSE interface modifies your user buffer to accommodate the ROSE PCI. Therefore, you should save a copy of any buffer you pass in this routine call, unless you are certain that you do not need to reference the unchanged buffer again.
Returns a status code specific to ROSE in the osak_status2 field.
This routine encodes ROSE PCI that reports the success of an operation to the client that requested the operation.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
Routine has finished without error. |
At least one mandatory parameter is missing. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
At least one parameter is incorrectly specified. |
osak_ro_error — Encodes ROSE PCI that reports the failure of a requested operation.
status = osak_ro_error (port, rose_pb)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rose_pb |
osak_rose_pb |
read only |
Parameters |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
[arg_length] |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
pdu_type |
Unsigned longword |
read only |
invoke_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
local_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
global_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[buffer] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[osak_rose_status] |
osak_status_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_ro_error(port, rose_pb) osak_port port; struct osak_rose_pb *rose_pb;
Parameters Used
The length of the ROSE parameter block, including the length of the working space.
The length of the working space contained in the ROSE parameter block. The length of the working space should be 8 octets.
The length of a ROSE PDU containing an error, result, or argument parameter. You pass the error, result, or argument as userdata in the buffer parameter. The ROSE interface encodes the value of the arg_length parameter as part of the ROSE PCI. Set this parameter to zero if you are not sending an argument, result, or error parameter.
Specifies the type of APDU that you are sending. Set this parameter to ROSE_C_ERROR.
The ROSE interface uses the value in this parameter to check that you have included all the mandatory parameters for the routine you are calling.
The Invoke identifier of the instance of the Invoke function to which you are responding.
The address of a locally defined operation code.
The local_value and global_value parameters are mutually exclusive.
If you use the local_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the global_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a globally defined operation code.
The global_value and local_value parameters are mutually exclusive.
If you use the global_value parameter, you should set the pointer field of the local_value parameter to null and the size field to zero.
The address of a buffer structure that you can use to pass user information required by your application. For example, you can pass information explaining why the requested operation was not successful. This parameter is optional. You should set the parameter to null if you are not passing a user buffer to the ROSE interface.
If you supply a user buffer, but the buffer is not big enough for the encoded ROSE PCI, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer and chains it to the front of the buffer you supplied.
If you do not supply a user buffer, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer. The buffer_ptr and data_ptr parameters both point to the same location.
The ROSE interface modifies your user buffer to accommodate the ROSE PCI. Therefore, you should save a copy of any buffer you pass in this routine call, unless you are certain that you do not need to reference the unchanged buffer again.
Returns a status code specific to ROSE in the osak_status2 field.
This routine encodes ROSE PCI that reports the failure of an operation to the client that requested the operation.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
Routine has finished without error. |
At least one mandatory parameter is missing. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
At least one parameter is incorrectly specified. |
osak_ro_reject_u — Encodes ROSE PCI that rejects an operation request from a peer entity.
status = osak_ro_reject (port, rose_pb)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rose_pb |
osak_rose_pb |
read only |
Parameters |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
pdu_type |
Unsigned longword |
write only |
invoke_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
reason |
osak_ro_reason |
read only |
problem |
osak_ro_problem |
read only |
[buffer] |
osak_buffer |
read only |
[osak_rose_status] |
osak_status_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_ro_reject(port, rose_pb) osak_port port; struct osak_rose_pb *rose_pb;
Parameters Used
The length of the ROSE parameter block, including the length of the working space.
The length of the working space contained in the ROSE parameter block. The length of the working space should be 8 octets.
Specifies the type of APDU that you are sending. Set this parameter to ROSE_C_REJECT.
The ROSE interface uses the value in this parameter to check that you have included all the mandatory parameters for the routine you are calling.
The Invoke identifier of the instance of the Invoke function to which you are responding.
The address of a reason code. Use this parameter to tell the client why you are rejecting an APDU.
The address of a problem code that tells the client more about why you are rejecting the APDU.
Reason Code |
Corresponding Problem Codes |
The address of a buffer structure you can use to pass user information required by your application. You should set this parameter to null if you are not passing a user buffer to the ROSE interface.
If you supply a user buffer, but the buffer is not big enough for the encoded ROSE PCI, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer and chains it to the front of the buffer you supplied.
If you do not supply a user buffer, the ROSE interface uses your OSAK memory allocation routine to create a new user buffer. The interface places the ROSE PCI in the new buffer. The buffer_ptr and data_ptr parameters both point to the same location.
The ROSE interface modifies your user buffer to accommodate the ROSE PCI. Therefore, you should save a copy of any buffer you pass in this routine call, unless you are certain you do not need to reference the unchanged buffer again.
A status code specific to ROSE, returned in the osak_status2 field.
This routine reports the rejection of a request to perform an operation. You should use this routine if an incoming APDU carrying an Invoke indication is in some way incorrect or badly structured, so that it does not make sense to your application.
The Reject function disrupts all other ROSE functions.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
Routine has finished without error. |
At least one mandatory parameter is missing. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
At least one parameter is incorrectly specified. |
osak_ro_decode — Decodes ROSE PCI.
status = osak_ro_decode (port, rose_pb)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
rose_pb |
osak_rose_pb |
read only |
Parameters |
Data Type |
Access |
pb_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
ws_length |
Unsigned long integer |
read only |
pdu_type |
Unsigned longword |
write only |
invoke_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
linked_id |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
local_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
global_value |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
reason |
osak_ro_reason |
read only |
problem |
osak_ro_problem |
read only |
buffer |
osak_buffer |
read only |
osak_rose_status |
osak_status_block |
write only |
C Binding
osak_ro_decode(port, rose_pb) osak_port port; struct osak_rose_pb *rose_pb;
Parameters Used
The length of the ROSE parameter block, including the length of the working space.
The length of the working space contained in the ROSE parameter block. The length of the working space should be 8 octets.
The type of APDU being decoded. The value is one of the following:
This value indicates a rejection detected by the user.
This value indicates a rejection detected by the provider.
The address of an Invoke identifier. You should set the pointer field of this descriptor to null, and the size field to zero.
If the ROSE interface finds an Invoke identifier in the incoming APDU, it returns the address of that identifier, and a value specifying its size.
The address of a Linked identifier. You should set the pointer field of this descriptor to null, and the size field to zero.
If the ROSE interface finds a Linked identifier in the incoming APDU, it returns the address of that identifier, and a value specifying its size.
The address of an ASN.1 encoded integer representing an operation code.
You should set the pointer field of this descriptor to null, and the size field to zero. If the ROSE interface finds a local value in the incoming APDU, it returns the address of that local value, and a value specifying its size.
The address of an ASN.1 encoded object identifier representing an operation code.
You should set the pointer field of this descriptor to null, and the size field to zero. If the ROSE interface finds a global value in the incoming APDU, it returns the address of that global value, and a value specifying its size.
The address of a reason code. You should set this parameter to null.
Value |
Meaning |
Problem detected by the provider |
Problem detected by the provider |
Meaning assigned by your application |
Meaning assigned by your application |
Meaning assigned by your application |
The address of a problem code. You should set this parameter to null.
Reason |
Corresponding Problem Codes |
Returned parameter |
No problem code |
General problem |
Invoke problem |
Return result problem |
Return error problem |
Each of these values has the meaning assigned to it by your application.
The address of a buffer structure that holds the ROSE PCI and any user data that the ROSE interface finds in the incoming APDU.
If the ROSE interface successfully decodes the ROSE PCI, the data_length and data_ptr parameters are both set to point to the start of the undecoded ROSE user data.
When a provider reject occurs, the reason code is RORJ_C_RETURN_PARAM. This means that the ROSE provider has detected an error, and has set the buffer pointer to the address of the ROSE primitive that is in error.
A status code specific to ROSE in the osak_status2 field.
This routine decodes incoming ROSE PCI. The routine does not examine and remove the PDU part of the APDU. Your application should do this.
The routine does not check that the invoke_id parameter in the APDU is unique. Your application should check this.
Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
Routine has finished without error. |
At least one mandatory parameter is missing. |
There is not enough dynamic memory. |
At least one parameter is incorrectly specified. |
No user buffer supplied. |
Chapter 4. Trace Emitter Routines
This chapter describes the OSAK trace emitter routines you can use to enable the OSAK trace emitter. Use these routines to output a trace record to a trace binary file.
osak_trace_dcs_verify — Checks the DCS and default context maintained by the OSAK trace utility.
status = osak_trace_dcs_verify (port, dcs, dflt_ctxt)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
dcs |
osak_dcs_pcontext |
read only |
dflt_ctxt |
osak_default_context |
read only |
C Binding
osak_trace_dcs_verify (port, dcs, dflt_ctxt ) osak_port port; struct osak_dcs_pcontext *dcs; struct osak_default_context *dflt_ctxt;
Port on which the connection you are tracing is established.
Address of a linked list of presentation contexts. The OSAKtrace utility uses this list of presentation contexts to verify the DCS.
Set this parameter to null if you call the osak_trace_dcs_verify
routine after a session connection has been established.
Address of the default context.
Set this parameter to null if you call the osak_trace_dcs_verify
routine after a session connection has been established.
This function writes a DCS verification record to the trace binary file for the specified connection. When decoding the trace binary file, the OSAK trace utility checks that it is using correct values for the DCS and the default context on a connection. The utility checks the values it holds for the DCS and the default context against the values you supply in this routine call. This checking is done off-line when you activate the OSAK trace utility.
The OSAK trace utility compares the DCS verification record with the DCS contents and with the default presentation context. If the verification record matches the DCS and the default presentation context, the OSAK trace utility outputs the DCS contents and the default context.
If the verification record does not match the DCS and the default presentation context, the OSAK trace utility outputs both sets of values.
Return Value
Normal execution of routine completed. |
DCS is empty and the OSAK state machine is active or DCS is not empty and the OSAK state machine is idle. |
Error occurred in writing to the trace binary file. |
Memory allocation error. |
You have not opened a trace file, or you have not enabled tracing, for the connection. |
You have specified an invalid port. |
Error in some unspecified part of the system, for example an error in the gettimeofday() function. |
osak_trace_close — Closes a trace binary file.
status = osak_trace_close (port)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
C Binding
osak_trace_close (port) osak_port port;
Port on which the connection you are tracing is established.
This routine closes the trace binary file for the connection on the port you
specify. If you do not call the osak_trace_stop
routine, this routine
) calls osak_trace_stop
to write a
trace stop record to the binary file, and then closes the binary file.
A call to this routine should be paired with a call to
The routine is valid only in the context of an established connection. In your
application program, it should come after a call to
, osak_open_responder
, or
, so that the port parameter
is valid.
Return Value
Normal execution of routine completed. |
Unable to close trace binary file. |
You have already closed the trace file on this connection. |
You have specified an invalid port. |
See Also
osak_trace_open — Opens a trace binary file.
status = osak_trace_open = (port, in_filename,
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
in_filename |
osak_mem_descriptor |
read only |
[out_filename] |
osak_mem_descriptor |
modify |
C Binding
osak_trace_open (port, in_filename, out_filename) osak_port port; osak_mem_descriptor *in_filename; osak_mem_descriptor *out_filename;
Port on which the connection you want to trace is established.
Address of the name of the trace binary file. The file name can consist of any number of ASCII characters.
Address of the actual name of the file containing the trace.
This routine opens a trace binary file for the connection on the port you specify. The OSAK interface uses the file name you supply in the in_filename parameter, and makes the name unique. The OSAK interface does this by adding some digits derived from the time stamp and the process identifier. This protects the trace binary file from being accidentally overwritten. The resultant file name is returned in the out_filename parameter. If the out_filename parameter is specified, it must point to a buffer at least 20 bytes larger than buffer used for in_filename. The interface returns the actual length of the resultant file name in the size field in the out_filename parameter. If the out_filename parameter is null, the name specified by the in_filename parameter is used without modification. If you set the out_filename to null, you must ensure that only one port writes to the file. If more than one port tries to write to the file, the results are unpredictable.
The call to this routine should be paired with a call to
The call is valid only in the context of an established connection. In your
application program, it should come after a call to
, osak_open_responder
, or
, so that the port parameter
is valid.
Returned Value
Normal execution of routine completed. |
DCS is empty and the OSAK state machine is active or DCS is not empty and the OSAK state machine is idle. |
Error occurred in opening the trace binary file. |
Memory allocation error. |
A trace file is already open for this connection. |
You have specified an invalid port. |
See Also
osak_trace_start — Starts tracing for the specified port.
status = osak_trace_start (port, dcs, dflt_ctxt)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
dcs |
osak_dcs_pcontext |
read only |
dflt_ctxt |
osak_default_context |
read only |
C Binding
osak_trace_start (port, dcs, dflt_ctxt ) osak_port port; struct osak_dcs_pcontext *dcs; struct osak_default_context *dflt_ctxt;
Port on which the connection you want to trace is established.
Address of a linked list of presentation contexts. These presentation contexts are the members of the DCS.
, you should observe the following
rules for setting this parameter:Set the parameter to null if you call
immediately afterosak_open_initiator
, orosak_open_redirect
, that is, if you call it before issuing any calls toosak_associate_req
, orosak_give_buffers
.Specify a non-null value if you call
after callingosak_associate_req
Address of the default presentation context. If you call
after any exchange of protocol on a port, you
should observe the same rules for setting this parameter as for setting the
dcs parameter.
This routine enables trace records to be written to the trace binary file that you have set up for a connection. The routine also sends a set DCS record to the trace binary file in order to initialize the DCS contents and the default context.
The routine should come after a call to osak_trace_open
, and before a
call to osak_trace_close
in your application program.
If the association was already established, or is in the process of being
established when you call osak_trace_start
, the OSAK trace utility
cannot build its own table of information about the DCS and the default context.
Therefore, if you call osak_trace_start
after opening a port, you
should pass the DCS and default context information to the trace utility in the
dcs and dflt_ctxt parameters.
Returned Value
Normal execution of routine completed. |
DCS is empty and the OSAK state machine is active or DCS is not empty and the OSAK state machine is idle. |
Error occurred in writing to the trace binary file. |
Memory allocation error. |
There is no open trace file, or you have already enabled tracing, for this connection. |
You have specified an invalid port. |
Error in some unspecified part of the system, for example an error in the gettimeofday() function. |
See Also
osak_trace_stop — Stops the trace utility.
status = osak_trace_stop = (port)
Argument |
Data Type |
Access |
port |
osak_port |
read only |
C Binding
osak_trace_stop (port) osak_port port;
Port on which you wish to stop tracing.
This routine stops tracing on the port you specify, and sends a trace stop record to the trace binary file.
The routine is invalid if it is not preceded by a call to
in your application program.
Return Value
Normal execution of routine completed. |
Error occurred in writing to the trace binary file. |
You have not opened a trace file, or you have not enabled tracing, for the connection. |
You have specified an invalid port. |
Error in some unspecified part of the system, for example an error in the gettimeofday() function. |
See Also
Chapter 5. How OSAK Calls Map to Protocol Messages
Table 5.1, “Mappings Between OSAK Routines and Protocol Messages” shows the mapping between OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) calls and Association Control Service Element (ACSE), presentation, and session protocol messages. The calls are arranged in alphabetical order.
Call |
Presentation |
Session |
osak_abort_req |
AB |
osak_accept_rsp |
AARE+ve |
AC |
osak_act_discard_req |
- |
- |
AD |
osak_act_discard_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_act_end_req |
- |
- |
AE |
osak_act_end_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_act_interrupt_req |
- |
- |
AI |
osak_act_interrupt_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_act_resume_req |
- |
- |
AR |
osak_act_start_req |
- |
- |
AS |
osak_alter_req |
- |
AC |
TD |
osak_alter_rsp |
- |
TD |
osak_associate_req |
CP |
CN |
osak_capability_req |
- |
- |
CD |
osak_capability_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_close_port |
- |
- |
- |
osak_control_give_req |
- |
- |
osak_data_req |
- |
- |
DT |
osak_exception_req |
- |
- |
ED |
osak_expedited_req |
- |
- |
EX |
osak_get_event |
- |
- |
- |
osak_get_handle |
- |
- |
- |
osak_give_buffers |
- |
- |
- |
osak_minor_req |
- |
- |
osak_minor_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_major_req |
- |
- |
osak_major_rsp |
- |
- |
osak_open_initiator |
- |
- |
- |
osak_open_redirect |
- |
- |
- |
osak_open_responder |
- |
- |
- |
osak_collect_pb |
- |
- |
- |
osak_redirect |
- |
- |
- |
osak_reject_rsp |
AARE-ve |
RF |
osak_release_req |
- |
FN |
osak_release_rsp |
- |
osak_resync_req |
RS |
RS | |
osak_resync_rsp |
- |
RA |
osak_select |
- |
- |
- |
osak_send_more |
SPDU | ||
osak_token_give_req |
- |
- |
GT |
osak_token_please_req |
- |
- |
PT |
osak_typed_req |
- |
- |
TD |
Chapter 6. Checking OSAK Status Codes
Success (Section 6.1, “Success Status Codes”)
Informational (Section 6.2, “Informational Status Codes”)
Subsidiary status codes occur only in the osak_status2 field of the status_block parameter.
All the status codes except OSAK_S_INVPORT can be returned either as return values or in the status_block parameter. The status code OSAK_S_INVPORT can only be returned as a return value.
- In the following circumstances, you need to check only the return value of the call:
You are sending unsegmented user data, or you are sending a final segment of user data in a call to
with the more_flag parameter set to false.You are not using completion routines (OpenVMS systems only).
The return value of the call is not OSAK_S_QUEUED or OSAK_S_FREE.
- In the following circumstances, you need to check the return value of the call and the value in the status_block parameter:
You are sending segmented data.
You are using completion routines (OpenVMS systems only).
The return value of the call is OSAK_S_QUEUED or OSAK_S_FREE.
You cannot check the value in the status_block parameter until the OSAK interface returns the ownership of the parameter block to the application.
6.1. Success Status Codes
OSAK_S_NORMAL, the routine has finished without error
A call to
returns this status code when the OSAK interface has closed the port specified in the call.A call to
returns this status code when an event has arrived on the association specified in the call.A call to
returns this status code when the OSAK interface has identified the channel or channels specified in the call.A call to
returns this status code when user data buffers have been passed to OSAK.A call to
, orosak_redirect
returns this status code when the OSAK interface has opened a port.A call to
returns this status code when a parameter block used on an outbound service is being returned.A call to
returns this status code when an event is present on the channel or channels specified in the call.
6.2. Informational Status Codes
OSAK_S_FREE, OSAK has queued the request and there are free parameter blocks
A previous request has been completed and there are one or more parameter blocks or user data
buffers awaiting collection. If you want to reuse these parameter blocks and user data
buffers, call osak_collect_pb
The code means the same as OSAK_S_QUEUED, with the added indication that a call to
will generate an OSAK_S_NORMAL return rather than an
OSAK_S_NOEVENT, no event has occurred
A call to osak_get_event
returns this status code when there is no event waiting
to be received on the specified association. The event_type
parameter contains the value OSAK_C_NOEVENT.
- OpenVMS
This status code is also returned when you call
with a completion routine and then release or abort the association on which the call is made. The completion routine starts running when the association closes.
A call to osak_collect_pb
returns this status code when there are no completed
outbound services on the specified association, and hence no parameter blocks waiting to
be collected.
A call to osak_select
returns this status code when there are no events waiting
on any of the channels specified in the call and the timeout period has expired.
OSAK_S_QUEUED, OSAK has queued the request
The OSAK interface has put the call on the queue for the transport provider. The OSAK
interface retains ownership of the parameter block and the user data buffers passed in
the call. This status code can be returned by the routine
, or when you are sending segmented user data
using the routine osak_send_more
- OpenVMS
This status code can also be returned when you are using a completion routine, and on all outbound services.
The code OSAK_S_QUEUED does not indicate that the OSAK interface has sent the data unit. Errors can occur after the interface has put the call on the queue for the transport provider. You should check the status_block parameter for such errors, but you cannot do this until the OSAK interface returns the ownership of the parameter block and user data buffers.
Note that in general service requests on the queue for the transport provider are completed in the order in which they are issued, but there are exceptions. For example, a call to the expedited data service may overtake a call to the normal data service.
- OpenVMS
OSAK_S_QUEUED is returned by the following routines only when they include a completion routine:
If no completion routine is included on call to one of these routines, the routine can return only OSAK_S_NORMAL or an error status.
6.3. Error Status Codes
OSAK_S_BADPARAM, there is an invalid parameter
One or more of the parameters you have used in a call was invalid. This code is rarely returned.
OSAK_S_DEALLOCERR, an error occurred when deallocating memory
A user-supplied deallocation routine has returned an error status. You can find the returned error status in the status_block parameter.
OSAK_S_DISRUPTED, a disruptive event has occurred
The request was canceled by a disruptive event. OSAK_S_DISRUPTED gives information about what to do when a disruptive event occurs.
OSAK_S_FILERR, an error occurred in opening the trace file
Returned when a call to osak_trace_open
fails. Check the validity of the
parameters that you passed in the call.
OSAK_S_INCPCI, incomplete PCI
Returned by osak_get_event
when a partial event arrives with the protocol control
information (PCI) incomplete. You should make another call to
to collect the remaining PCI.
OSAK_S_INSFMEM, there is not enough dynamic memory
There is not enough dynamic memory to complete the service request. This error is usually fatal to the association on which it occurs. You should abort the connection. Check your memory allocation and deallocation routines (see VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming). You may find that you have allocated more memory than you need.
If you cannot make additional memory available, you should shut down your application. Aborting a connection will also make some memory free.
OSAK_S_INSFWS, there is not enough workspace in the parameter block
The parameter block workspace is not large enough. You should make the workspace at least double its existing size. The chapter on planning in VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming helps you decide how large the workspace should be.
OSAK_S_INVACTION, the action_result parameter is invalid
Returned by
Check which functional units are in use on this association. You should not pass the
action_result parameter in a call to
unless you are using the negotiated release functional
unit on the association.
OSAK_S_INVADDR, Invalid address for open redirect
A call to osak_open_redirect
returns this status if the call is to a passive
address that has not been registered with OSAKserver. For a discussion of passive
addresses and OSAKserver, see Appendix A, OSAKserver (OpenVMS Systems Only).
OSAK_S_INVAEI, the application entity invocation is invalid
There is an error in at least one address component. For example, the tsel value you are using may be unknown at the remote end of the connection.
OSAK_S_INVSSEL, invalid session selector
The session selector is too long. A session selector should not be longer than 16 octets.
OSAK_S_MULTADDR, multiple upper layer addresses for t-selector
Indicates that you have opened more than one process (initiator or responder) using the same TSEL, but a different SSEL or PSEL. This is not allowed. If you want to specify a different SSEL or PSEL, you should also specify a different TSEL.
OSAK_S_NOSUCHENTRY, No such entry in OSAKserver address database
A call to
returns this status if the address specified for the call has not been created on the server.OSAK_S_NOTAVAILABLE, OSAK is not available
A call to
returns this status code when OSAK has been restricted, disabled, or deleted by OSAK network management (by means of NCL).OSAK_S_TSELINUSE
Indicates that a TSEL in the local_aei or calling_aei parameter is already being used on another port or by another application.
Indicates that the TSEL is not known at the remote node.
OSAK_S_INVAPIVERSION, unsupported API version
Check that you specified the correct constant in the api_version parameter. Chapter 1, OSAK Routines discusses the correct constant for this version.
OSAK_S_INVDEFCTXT, the default context response is invalid
Examine the pdefault_context parameter. You should specify an abstract syntax and a transfer syntax in a default context proposal.
OSAK_S_INVFUNC, the call is invalid
- You have made an incorrect sequence of calls. For example:
Sending data before establishing an association
when the more_flag parameter of the previous call is falseCalling an activity management service when the activity management functional unit is not selected
on an association that has been terminated
You are trying to enable tracing using (
) when you have already enabled tracing either by defining osak_trace or by making a previousosak_trace_open
call (with no interveningosak_trace_close
to close the existing trace files and to stop tracing. After this, callosak_trace_open
The following subsidiary code may occur with OSAK_S_INVFUNC:
OSAK_S_READPOSTED, buffers have been given to OSAK
This code can be returned only by osak_redirect
. It indicates that the OSAK
interface holds unused buffers passed from your application before the call to
. You cannot redirect an association in this situation.
You should reclaim the buffers and make the call to osak_redirect
OSAK_S_INVFUS, the functional units are invalid
You have proposed an invalid combination of functional units. Examine the functional_units parameter. VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming explains which functional units are interdependent.
OSAK_S_INVID, the activity identifier is too long
Examine the activity_id and old_activity_id parameters. Neither of these parameters should be more than six characters long.
OSAK_S_INVPARAM, there is an invalid parameter
Returned by
OSAK_S_INVPARAM is returned by osak_give_buffers
if at least one of the buffers
you have passed to the OSAK interface is less than the minimum permitted size for
buffers, 512 octets. This minimum size applies only to buffers that you pass to OSAK for
receiving inbound events.
You should increase the size of any buffer that is smaller than 512 octets.
if:The time_out parameter is greater than 86,400 seconds (one day)
The specified event flag is not in event flag cluster 1
OSAK_S_INVPCTXT, the presentation context list is invalid
Examine the pcontext_id_list, pcontext_list, or pcontext_res_list parameter (depending on which you are using). The ACSE abstract syntax and the transfer syntax should be proposed as object identifier values according to ISO Standard 8823.
You have not used the pcontext_id_list parameter with session version 1 in a call to
.You have not used the pcontext_id_list parameter with any kind of abort except a presentation user abort.
You have not used the pcontext_id_list parameter in a call to either
if you have not selected the context management functional unit.You have used the pcontext_list parameter or the pcontext_del_list parameter, or both, in a call to
OSAK_S_INVPORT, the port identifier is invalid
Examine the port argument. You have specified a port that does not exist.
OSAK_S_INVPV, the protocol versions are invalid
The protocol_versions parameter contains illegal values.
OSAK_S_INVREASON, the reason code is invalid
Examine the reason parameter. You have specified a reason code that is not valid for the service you are using it on. Chapter 10, Possible Values for OSAK Data Types lists the possible reason codes and their constant values.
OSAK_S_INVRESYNCTYPE, the resynchronization type isinvalid
Returned by osak_resync_req
Examine the resync_type parameter. There are only three valid resynchronization types: abandon, restart, and set.
OSAK_S_INVSCONNID, invalid session connection identifier
Field |
Maximum Size |
ss_user_ref |
64 octets |
common_ref |
64 octets |
add_ref_info |
4 octets |
called_ss_user_ref |
64 octets |
calling_ss_user_ref |
64 octets |
OSAK_S_INVSSEL, Invalid session selector
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the osak_status2 field when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See under OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_INVSYNCPNT, the synchronization point serial number is invalid
Returned by
Examine the sync_point and resync_type parameters. You should not specify a value for a synchronization point serial number if the resynchronization type is abandon.
OSAK_S_INVTEMPLATE, invalid transport template
This status is returned if the transport template parameter specified does not contain a valid transport template name.
OSAK_S_INVTOKEN, the token setting is invalid
A peer entity is requesting a token it already has.
A peer entity is requesting a token whose supporting functional unit is not selected on this association.
OSAK_S_INVTSEL, Invalid transport selector
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the osak_status2 field when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See under OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_MULTADDR, multiple upper layer addresses for one T-selector
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the osak_status2 field when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See under OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_NOBUFFERS, there are not enough user data buffers
This status is returned by osak_get_event
. The code indicates that the OSAK
interface needs more buffer space in which to return an incoming event to your
application. Increase the number or the size of user buffers you are supplying. Note
that the incoming event is not lost. The OSAK interface returns the event to your
application when sufficient buffers are available.
If the OSAK interface receives a partial event and runs out of buffers before receiving enough data units to decode the event, the interface retains the buffers it is holding. The interface retains these buffers until you post the necessary extra buffers, or until you abort the connection.
If the OSAK interface receives a partial event and has both decoded it and passed it to the application, but has no buffers to receive the rest of the event, the application owns the buffers it has received from the OSAK interface.
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming explains how to plan the buffer capacity you require.
OSAK_S_NOCTXTNAME, the application context name is missing
The acontext parameter is mandatory in calls to
. Check that you have included this parameter in the
parameter block.
OSAK_S_NODATA, there is no data specified
Returned by osak_data_req
, osak_typed_req
, and osak_capability_req
. This status
is returned if no data is specified and the more_flag
is set to false.
OSAK_S_NOPARAM, a mandatory parameter has been omitted in the call
Make the call again, including the missing parameter.
OSAK_S_NOPROCINFO, there is no process identifier and no process name
Returned by
Examine the process-id and process_name parameters. In a request for redirection of an association, at least one of these parameters should contain a value other than null.
OSAK_S_NORESOURCE, OSAK has run out of system resources
Examine the transport_status1 field of the status_block parameter for more specific information on the system error. The remedial action depends on your local situation.
OSAK_S_NORFC1006, RFC 1006 not available on VMS
Calls on an OpenVMS system return this status when your transport template specifies RFC 1006 in the Transport layer.
OSAK_S_NOSERVER, there is no response from OSAKserver
- OpenVMS
This status code indicates that OSAKserver is not available. This code occurs only when you are running an application developed with a previous version of the OSI Application Developer’s Toolkit.
Because a passive application cannot work without OSAKserver, you should shut down the application and start OSAKserver.
An application running on a UNIX or ULTRIX system cannot receive this status code.
OSAK_S_NOSUCHENTRY, No such entry in OSAKserver address database
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the field osak_status2 when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See under OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_NOSYNCPNT, the synchronization point serial number is missing
This status code is returned by
Check that you assigned a value to the initial_serial_number parameter. This parameter is mandatory if you have selected the major synchronize functional unit, the minor synchronize functional unit, or the resynchronize functional unit, but you have not selected the activity management functional unit.
OSAK_S_NOTAVAILABLE, OSAK is not available
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the field osak_status2 when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See under OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_NOTRANSPORT, there is no transport connection setup
You made an inappropriate call before a transport connection is established. For example, you
may have called osak_get_handle
before calling
OSAK_S_OVERFLOW, too much user data has been sent for session version 1
Send the data again, dividing it into smaller units. Alternatively, you can negotiate the session version again, proposing session version 2.
These calls return the status code OSAK_S_OVERFLOW if you try to send any user data.
OSAK_S_READPOSTED, buffers have been given to OSAK
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the osak_status2 field when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVFUNC. See under OSAK_S_INVFUNC.
OSAK_S_REDIRECTERR, error occurred while redirecting
. For further information on the
nature of the error, check the osak_status2 field of the
status_block parameter. This field may contain either of the
following secondary statuses:OSAK_S_TIMEOUT, redirect processing timed out
OSAK_S_TOOMANYREDIRECTS, tried to exceed maximum number of simultaneous redirects
OSAK_S_TIMEOUT, Redirect processing timed out
OSAK_S_TOOMANYREDIRECTS, maximum number of simultaneous redirects exceeded
OSAK_S_TRANSERR, there is an error in the transport provider
An error has occurred in the Transport layer or at the interface to the Transport layer. The OSAK interface has returned ownership of the parameter block and user data buffers to your application.
The transport_status field in the status_block parameter records a transport provider status code that gives more information about the error. Note that transport errors are simply passed through by the OSAK software, so their meanings may vary between systems. For example, given a common cause of error, a message from XTI on an ULTRIX system may not be the same as the message from XTI on a UNIX system.
The remote system disconnects the transport connection.
Someone shuts down the local transport provider.
Network connectivity is lost.
The transport provider receives an invalid PDU.
Some errors in the Transport layer are fatal only to the connection on which the error is returned. Others are fatal to all connections. No Transport layer error can be fatal to the OSI component using OSAK, or to the OSAK software itself. But if you receive many TRANSERR messages, there might be a problem with the Transport entity that needs attention.
For example, if someone shuts down the local transport provider, all connections are affected, and you should shut down your application until the transport provider is running again.
OSAK_S_TSELINUSE, T-selector is already in use
This code may be returned as a secondary status in the osak_status2 field when the primary status is OSAK_S_INVAEI. See OSAK_S_INVAEI.
OSAK_S_UNSPECERR, an unspecified error has occurred
Indicates the occurrence of either an internal error that does not correspond to an OSAK interface error, or a system error. The osak_status2 field of the status_block parameter contains the code for the internal error or system error.
Chapter 7. Disruptive Events
This chapter explains what the OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) interface does when a disruptive event occurs and what action you should take, if any.
ABORT request (from the local peer entity)
ABORT indication (from the remote peer entity)
Transport connection loss
7.1. ABORT request (Local Abort)
This event is fatal to an association.
If you are using segmentation and you issue an ABORT request when you have a queue of data segments waiting to be sent, the OSAK interface does not send any of these segments. The OSAK interface returns the status code OSAK_S_DISRUPTED.
To reclaim the user data buffers, call osak_close_port
. Then set up the association and send the data
7.2. ABORT indication (Peer Abort)
This event is fatal to an association.
Data segments sent from the remote peer entity after it issues the ABORT request do not reach the local peer entity.
If the local peer entity is sending data when it receives the ABORT indication, the OSAK interface does not send any of the data segments that are on the queue for the transport provider.
The OSAK interface returns the status code OSAK_S_DISRUPTED.
7.3. Transport Connection Loss
This event is fatal to an association. The event appears as an ABORT indication.
If the local peer entity is sending data when it receives the ABORT indication, the OSAK interface does not send any of the data segments on the queue for the transport provider.
The OSAK interface returns status OSAK_S_DISRUPTED.
7.4. P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT indication
This event is not fatal to an association.
If you are sending data segments when a P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT indication arrives, stop sending the data. Data segments you have already sent are lost, so you should send all the data again.
If you are receiving data segments when a P-ACTIVITY-INTERRUPT indication arrives, keep the data segments you have already received until a P-ACTIVITY-RESUME indication arrives.
7.5. P-ACTIVITY-DISCARD indication
This event is not fatal to an association.
When you receive a P-ACTIVITY-DISCARD indication, ignore the data that has already arrived on the activity being discarded and reclaim the buffers you posted to receive it.
7.6. P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication
This event is not fatal to an association.
When you receive a P-RESYNCHRONIZE indication, keep data segments that arrived before the synchronization point specified in the indication. Ignore data segments received after that synchronization point.
7.7. P-EXCEPTION-REPORT indication
This event is not fatal to an association.
When you receive a P-EXCEPTION-REPORT indication, follow the procedures you have defined for dealing with exception reports.
This event is not fatal to an association.
If the head of the queue is the first segment of a data unit, stop sending.
If the head of the queue is not the first segment of a data unit, continue sending until you have sent the complete data unit, then stop sending.
If you send a PREPARE (RESYNC) indication, do not send any data after it.
Chapter 8. Parameter Passing Mechanisms
Parameter |
Passing Mechanism |
acontext |
By reference |
abort_reason |
By value |
action_result |
By reference |
activity_id |
By value |
actual_aeiid |
By reference |
alloc_rtn |
By value |
called_aei |
By reference |
calling_aei |
By reference |
completion_param |
By value |
completion_rtn |
By value |
data_length |
By value |
dealloc_rtn |
By value |
event_type |
By value |
exception_reason |
By value |
func |
By value |
functional_units |
By reference |
initial_serial_number |
By reference |
initial_tokens |
By reference |
local_aei |
By reference |
local_data |
By reference |
more_flag |
By value |
next_pb |
By reference |
old_activity_id |
By value |
old_sconnect_id |
By value |
pb_length |
By value |
pcontext_del_list |
By reference |
pcontext_del_res_list |
By reference |
pcontext_id_list |
By reference |
pcontext_list |
By reference |
pcontext_redirect_list |
By reference |
pcontext_res_list |
By reference |
pdefault_context |
By reference |
pdefault_context_res |
By reference |
port_id |
By value |
process_id |
By reference |
process_name |
By reference |
protocol_options |
By reference |
protocol_versions |
By reference |
rcv_data_list |
By reference |
activity_reason |
By reference |
reject_reason |
By value |
release_reason |
By value |
release_resp_reason |
By value |
request_tokens |
By reference |
responding_aei |
By reference |
resync_type |
By value |
status_block |
By value |
sconnect_id |
By reference |
segmentation |
By reference |
redirect_state |
By value |
sync_confirm |
By value |
sync_point |
By reference |
osul_template |
By reference |
token_item |
By reference |
tokens |
By reference |
tsdu_ptr |
By reference |
user_data |
By reference |
ws_length |
By value |
Chapter 9. How the OSAK Interface Implements the ISO Standards
This chapter explains how the OSAK interface implements the ISO Standards for Open Systems Interconnection, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) modifications to these standards.
VSI DECnet-Plus OSAK Programming gives a full list of the standards on which the OSAK interface is based. It is important that you have access to copies of all the standards documents.
9.1. The OSAK Interface and the ISO Protocol Definitions
ISO 8327 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Connection Oriented Session Protocol Specification
ISO 8823 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Specification
ISO 8650 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Protocol Specification for the Associated Control Service Element
ISO 8326 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Connection Oriented Session Service Definition
ISO 8822 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Connection Oriented Presentation Service Definition
ISO 8649 Information Processing Systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Service Definition for the Association Control Service Element
The OSAK implementation of the sending side of a connection conforms to the NIST agreement. For example, you may send no more than 10,240 octets of data in the user_data parameter (except on calls to
).The OSAK implementation of the receiving side of a connection conforms to the NIST agreement.
9.2. Restrictions in the OSAK Implementation of the ISO Protocol Definitions
- The OSAK interface does not support the following items:
The symmetric synchronize functional unit defined in Addendum 1 to ISO 8327
The context restoration functional unit defined in ISO 8823
The authentication functional unit defined in ISO 8650
- The following presentation services, which are available instead through ACSE services:
P-CONNECT (available through AARQ)
P_RELEASE (available through RLRQ)
P-U-ABORT (available through ABRT)
No service provided by ACSE is provided separately by the Presentation layer.
When you propose a defined context set, you should include the ACSE abstract syntax.
The ACSE abstract syntax consists of the ACSE PCI abstract syntax with BER as the transfer syntax.
Chapter 10. Possible Values for OSAK Data Types
This chapter lists the possible values of all the OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) data types that have constant values. The data type names are in alphabetical order.
10.1. Data Type: osak_abort_ppdu
Constant |
Corresponding Event Identifier |
cp-PPDU |
cpa-PPDU |
cpr-PPDU |
aru-PPDU |
arp-PPDU |
ac-PPDU |
aca-PPDU |
TD-ppdu |
ttd-PPDU |
te-PPDU |
tc-PPDU |
tcc-PPDU |
rs-PPDU |
rsa-PPDU |
s-release indication |
s-release confirm |
s-token-give indication |
s-token-please indication |
s-control-give indication |
s-sync-minor indication |
s-sync-minor confirm |
s-sync-major indication |
s-sync-major confirm |
s-p-exception-report indication |
s-u-exception-report indication |
s-activity-start indication |
s-activity-start indication |
s-activity-interrupt indication |
s-activity-interrupt confirm |
s-activity-discard indication |
s-activity-discard confirm |
s-activity-end indication |
s-activity-end confirm |
10.2. Data type: osak_abort_reason
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_NOTSPECIFIED ? | No reason is specified. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNREC_PPDU | The presentation PDU is unrecognized. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNEXP_PPDU | An unexpected presentation PDU has occurred. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNEXP_SS | An unexpected session service primitive has occurred. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNREC_PARAM | An unrecognized presentation PDU parameter was detected. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_UNEXP_PARAM | An unexpected presentation PDU parameter was detected. |
OSAK_C_PP_ABORT_INVALID_VALUE? | An invalid presentation PDU parameter value was detected. |
OSAK_C_SP_ABORT_BADPROT | A session protocol violation was detected. |
OSAK_C_SP_ABORT_UNKNOWNERR | An unknown error has occurred. |
OSAK_C_ABORT_ACSE_USER? | The ACSE user is aborting the association. |
OSAK_C_ABORT_ACSE_PROVIDER | The ACSE provider is aborting the association. |
OSAK_C_ABORT_DISCONNECT | The transport connection has been lost. |
10.3. Data type: osak_action_result
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_ACCEPT | Request to release an association was accepted. |
OSAK_C_REJECT | Request to release an association was rejected. |
10.4. Data type: osak_activity_reason
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_NOTSPECIFIED | No reason is specified. |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_CANTCONTINUE | The requester is temporarily unable to continue the activity. |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_SEQUENCE | There is an error in the call sequence. |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_USER | A local session service user error has occurred. |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_PROCEDURAL | A procedural error has occurred. |
OSAK_C_ACTIVITY_DEMAND | The data token is required. |
10.5. Data type: osak_exception_reason
The user
The presentation provider
10.5.1. Exception Originating from User
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_NOTSPECIFIED | No reason is specified. |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_CANTCONTINUE | The OSAK interface is temporarily unable to continue. |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_SEQUENCE | There is an error in the call sequence. |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_USER | A local session service user error has occurred. |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_PROCEDURAL | A procedural error has occurred. |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_DEMAND | The data token is required. |
10.5.2. Exception Originating from Presentation Provider
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_EXCEPTION_BADPROT | There has been a session protocol error. |
10.6. Field: pm_state
Constant |
Meaning |
The process has received an association indication, but has not responded to it. |
The process has received an association indication with incomplete user data or no user data. |
The process has established an association and is transferring data. |
10.7. Field: reason
Constant |
Meaning |
Reason is not specified. |
The responding application does not support the proposed abstract syntax. |
The responding application does not support the proposed transfer syntax. |
A local limit on the defined context set has been exceeded. |
10.8. Data type: osak_pdefault_context_res
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_ACCEPT | The responder accepts the proposed default context. |
OSAK_C_USER_REJECT | The responder rejects the proposed default context. |
OSAK_C_PROVIDER_REJECT | The provider rejects the proposed default context. |
10.9. Data type: osak_reject_reason
The user
The ACSE provider
The presentation provider
The session provider
10.9.1. Rejection Originating from User
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_REJ_NOREASON | No reason is given. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNSUPPORTED_ACNAME | The application context name is not supported. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLING_AP_TITLE | The calling application-process title is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLING_AP_ID | The calling application-process invocation identifier is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLING_AE_QUAL | The calling application-entity qualifier is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLING_AEINV_ID | The calling application-entity invocation identifier is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLED_AP_TITLE | The called application-process title is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLED_AP_ID | The called application-process invocation identifier is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLED_AE_QUAL | The called application-entity invocation qualifier is not recognized. |
OSAK_C_REJ_UNKCALLED_AEINV_ID | The called application-entity invocation identifier is not recognized. |
You can give any of these values in a call to
10.9.2. Rejection Originating from ACSE Provider
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_REJ_P_NOREASON | No reason is specified. |
OSAK_C_REJ_P_ACSE_VERSION | There is no ACSE version that. both peer entities support |
10.9.3. Rejection Originating from Presentation Provider
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_PEER_REFUSED ? | No reason is specified. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_CONGESTED? | The presentation protocol machine is temporarily congested. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_ADDRESS_UNKNOWN | The presentation address is unknown. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_UNSUPPORTED | The proposed presentation protocol version is not supported. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_NO_DEFAULT? | The proposed default presentation context is not supported. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_NOT_READABLE? | The user data is not readable. |
OSAK_C_REJ_PP_NO_PSAP_AVAIL | There is no presentation service access point (SAP) available. |
10.9.4. Rejection Originating from Session Provider
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_REJ_SP_NO_SUCH_SSAP | There is no such session service access point (SAP). |
OSAK_C_REJ_SP_NO_USER | The session service user is not attached to the session SAP. |
OSAK_C_REJ_SP_CONGESTED | The session protocol machine is temporarily congested. |
OSAK_C_REJ_SP_UNSUPPORTED | The proposed session protocol version is not supported. |
OSAK_C_REJ_SP_REFUSED | The session protocol machine has rejected the association attempt. |
10.10. Data type: osak_release_reason
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_RLRQ_NORMAL | Normal release |
OSAK_C_RLRQ_URGENT | Urgent release |
OSAK_C_RLRQ_USERDEF | The reason is user defined. |
10.11. Data type: osak_release_resp_reason
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_RLRE_NOTFINISHED | The responder has not finished. |
OSAK_C_RLRE_USERDEF | The response is user defined. |
10.12. Field: request_mask and returned mask
Constant |
Meaning |
The |
The |
10.13. Field: result
Constant |
Meaning |
The peer entity accepts the proposal. |
The user rejects the proposal. |
The provider rejects the proposal. |
10.14. Data type: osak_resync_type
Constant | Meaning |
OSAK_C_RESYNC_ABANDON | The OSAK interface resynchronizes to a synchronization point whose serial number is higher than the serial numbers of synchronization points in use on the existing association. |
OSAK_C_RESYNC_RESTART | The OSAK interface resynchronizes to a synchronization point set since the last acknowledged major synchronization point. |
OSAK_C_RESYNC_SET | The OSAK interface resynchronizes to any valid synchronization point serial number. |
10.15. Fields: data, sync_minor, major_activity and release
Constant |
Meaning |
The token is assigned to the initiator. |
The token is assigned to the responder. |
The token is assigned according to the responder's choice. |
10.16. Field: type
Constant |
Meaning |
Connection-Oriented Network Service |
Connectionless Network Service |
OSAK_C_RFC1006 |
RFC 1006 network |
Appendix A. OSAKserver (OpenVMS Systems Only)
Active and passive addresses
What OSAKserver does
OSAK databases
NCL and the OSAK databases
Starting OSAKserver
Registering active and passive addresses
A.1. Active and Passive Addresses
You can implement your OSI application using either of two types of application address, active or passive.
An active address is associated with a process that is already started on the system. A passive address is associated with a process that is started only when a connection request is received for that address.
All connections to passive addresses are handled by OSAKserver, an inbound connection handler. This reduces the possibility of losing a connection because the transport timer expires before that connection is completed, but it increases the time needed to establish an upper-layer connection. Figure A.1, “OSAKserver” illustrates what OSAKserver does.

A.2. What OSAKserver Does
Completes the transport connection.
Reads the first transport service data unit (TSDU) from the connection and decodes it to find the presentation address of the application that is to receive the connection.
Looks up the presentation address in an internal database maintained by OSAK. If there is no entry to match the address specified in the inbound connection request, OSAKserver rejects the connection attempt. The
connects rejected
counter attribute of theosak
entity is incremented.Starts up a process to handle the connection.
Hands over the connection request to an upper layer process, without making any change in the incoming data units.
A.3. OSAK Databases
OSAK maintains two databases: the application database and the port database. Users of previous versions of OSAK will be accustomed to referring to the address database; the current version of OSAK maintains similar information among the information it keeps in the application database.
A.4. NCL and the OSAK Databases
OSAK Database |
NCL Entity |
Application database | osak application and osak application
invocation |
Port database | osak port |
A.5. Starting OSAKserver
You can start OSAKserver either manually or automatically.
To start OSAKserver manually, run the command procedure OSAK$START.COM, installed when you installed the DECnet-Plus software.
If you want OSAKserver start up automatically when you start up the network, edit NET$STARTUP.COM to include the line $ @OSAK$START.COM.
A.6. Registering Active and Passive Addresses
NCL creates the necessary management entities when OSAK sends or receives an appropriate programming call. You use NCL to register passive addresses.
This section describes how NCL registers active addresses(see Section A.6.1, “Active”), and how you use NCL to register a passive address (see Section A.6.2, “Passive”).
A.6.1. Active
An application registers an active address by passing the address on a call to
or osak_open_initiator
creates the appropriate entities. You cannot actively manage active addresses, but
you can use NCL show
commands to show attributes of these
A.6.2. Passive
osak application
entity and an osak application
entity. Use the startup information
characteristic attribute of the osak application invocation
entity to
specify the following values:
Item |
Value |
Description |
Mandatory | ||
user |
The user name of the process that will respond to connect requests received by this application |
file |
The name of the file to run to start up the named application |
Optional | ||
account |
The account that is to start the process |
max resp |
The highest permissible number of responders, for an
application with the |
password |
The user's password |
sversion |
{1}, {2}, or {1,2} |
The session version |
Further Information on OSAK Addresses
The chapter on the
module in VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Control Language Reference Guide gives reference details.
Returned by OSAK. Cannot be specified by the application.
The workspace is a section of memory at the end of the structure. It is not a field in the structure itself.
Supported on OpenVMS and UNIX systems only.
You should specify one or both of these parameters; you cannot call the routine without specifying at least one parameter.
This parameter is mandatory in some situations and optional in others; see the description in the Parameters Used section.
This parameter is mandatory in some situations and optional in others; see the description in the Parameters Used section.
These are the only values that you can use in a call to osak_abort_req
. Other
values in the table may appear in an ABORT indication, but
you cannot use these other values in a call to
These are the only values that you can use in a call to osak_reject_rsp
. Other
values in the table may appear in an A_ASSOCIATE-REJECT
confirm, but you cannot use these other values in a call
to osak_reject_rsp