VSI OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
This manual describes the OpenVMS DELTA and XDELTA debuggers. OpenVMS DELTA is used to debug programs that run in privileged processor mode at interrupt priority level 0. OpenVMS XDELTA is used to debug system software that runs at an elevated interrupt priority level.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This manual is written for programmers who debug system code for device drivers and other images that execute in privileged processor-access modes or at an elevated interrupt priority level (IPL).
3. Document Structure
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Invoking, Exiting, and Setting Breakpoints provides an overview and descriptions for the DELTA and XDELTA Debuggers and breakpoints.
Chapter 2, DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions describes the DELTA and XDELTA symbols.
Chapter 2, DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions describes how to debug programs.
Chapter 3, Debugging Programs describes the DELTA and XDELTA commands.
Appendix A, Sample DELTA Debug Session on I64 describes an OpenVMS I64 debugging session using DELTA.
Appendix B, Sample DELTA Debug Session on Alpha describes an OpenVMS Alpha debugging session using DELTA.
Appendix C, Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX describes an OpenVMS VAX debugging session using DELTA.
4. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
5. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
6. Typographical Conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/x | A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x | A sequence such as PF1 x indicates
that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another
key (x ) or a pointing device button. |
... |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities:
. . . | A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) | In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose choices in parentheses if you specify more than one. |
[ ] | In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
| | In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are optional; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } | In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold type | Bold type represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. Bold type also represents the introduction of a new term. |
italic type | Italic type indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
UPPERCASE TYPE | Uppercase type indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Example |
This typeface indicates code examples, command examples, and interactive screen displays. In text, this type also identifies website addresses, UNIX commands and pathnames, PC-based commands and folders, and certain elements of the C programming language. |
- | A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers | All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
Chapter 1. Invoking, Exiting, and Setting Breakpoints
Privileges required for running DELTA
Guidelines for using XDELTA
Invoking and terminating DELTA and XDELTA debugging sessions on OpenVMS systems
Booting XDELTA, requesting interrupts, and accessing initial breakpoints on OpenVMS systems
1.1. Overview of the DELTA and XDELTA Debuggers
The DELTA and XDELTA debuggers are used to monitor the execution of user programs and the OpenVMS operating system. They use the same commands and the same expressions, but they differ in how they operate. DELTA operates as an exception handler in a process context. XDELTA is invoked directly from the hardware SCB vector in a system context.
Use DELTA to debug process-context programs that execute at interrupt priority level (IPL) 0 in any processor mode. You cannot use DELTA to debug code that executes at an elevated IPL. To debug with DELTA, invoke it from within your process by specifying it as the debugger (as opposed to the symbolic debugger).
Use XDELTA to debug system software executing in any processor mode or at any IPL level. Because XDELTA is not process specific, it is not invoked from a process. To debug with XDELTA, you must boot the processor with commands to include XDELTA in memory. XDELTA's existence terminates when you reboot the processor without XDELTA.
1.2. Privileges Required for Running DELTA
No privileges are required to run DELTA to debug a program that runs in user mode. To debug a program that runs in other processor-access modes, the process in which you run the program must have the necessary privileges.
To use the ;M
command, your process must have change-mode-to-kernel
(CMKRNL) privilege. The ;M
command sets all processes writable.
To use the ;L
(List All Loaded Executive Modules), you must have change-mode-to-executive (CMEXEC) privilege.
1.3. Guidelines for Using XDELTA
Because XDELTA is not process specific, privileges are not required.
When using XDELTA, you must use the console terminal. You should run XDELTA only on a
standalone system because all breakpoints are handled at IPL 31
You cannot redirect output from XDELTA. To determine if your system maintains a log file, check your hardware manual. You can produce a log of console sessions by connecting the console serial port of the system that will boot with XDELTA to the serial port of a LAT server. Then, from another system, use the command SET HOST/LAT/LOG to that LAT port.
1.4. Restrictions for XDELTA on OpenVMS I64 Systems
Debug Data Break Registers
Debug Instruction Break Registers
Region Registers
Protection Key Registers
Instruction Translation Registers
Data Translation Registers
Device Interrupt Control Register
1.5. Invoking DELTA
- Define DELTA as the default debugger instead of the symbolic debugger with the following command:
- Use the following RUN command to execute your program:
When DELTA begins execution, it displays its name and the first executable instruction in the program with which it is linked. It displays the address of that instruction, a separator—an exclamation point (!) on I64 and Alpha, and a slash (/) on VAX—and the instruction and its operands.
hp OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 DELTA Debugger Brk 0 at address address! instruction operands
OpenVMS Alpha DELTA Debugger Brk 0 at address address! instruction operands
DELTA Version 5.5 address/instruction operands
DELTA is then ready for your commands.
The image activator on OpenVMS Alpha systems automatically activates SYS$SHARE:SYS$SSISHR.EXE when an image is debugged using the RUN/DEBUG command or is linked using the /DEBUG qualifier. The presence of this image should not alter your program's correctness, but if your program is sensitive to virtual address layout or if for some reason SYS$SHARE:SYS$SSISHR.EXE is not installed properly on your system, you may want to bypass its automatic activation.
To keep the image activator from activating
SYS$SHARE:SYS$SSISHR.EXE for you, define the logical name
before running the program
to be debugged with DELTA.
1.6. Exiting from DELTA
To exit from DELTA, type EXIT and press the Return key. When you are in user mode, you exit DELTA and your process remains. When you are in a privileged access mode, your process can be deleted.
1.7. Invoking XDELTA
Boot the system using a console command or a command procedure that includes XDELTA.
- On VAX, an initial XDELTA breakpoint is taken so that you can set additional breakpoints or examine and change locations in memory. XDELTA displays the following breakpoint message:
1 BRK at address address/instruction
Never clear breakpoint 1 from any code being debugged in XDELTA. If you accidentally clear breakpoint 1 and no other breakpoints are set, you cannot use XDELTA until you reboot again with XDELTA.
On I64 and Alpha, two initial XDELTA breakpoints are taken so that you can set additional breakpoints or examine and change locations in memory. XDELTA displays the following message for the first breakpoint:BRK 0 at address address!instruction
On all processors, proceed from the initial breakpoint, using the following command:
;P Return
On VAX, the procedure for booting the system with XDELTA differs, depending on the model of your system. Each procedure uses commands that include XDELTA in memory and cause the execution of a breakpoint in OpenVMS initialization routines. Execution of the breakpoint instruction transfers program control to a fault handler located in XDELTA.
When you deposit a boot command qualifier value in R5, make sure that any other values you would normally deposit are included. For example, if you were depositing the number of the system root directory from which you were booting and an XDELTA value, R5 would contain both values.
For directions for booting XDELTA on VAX, see the OpenVMS VAX supplement specific to your computer.
>>> BOOT -FLAG 0,6
fs0:\efi\vms\> vms_loader -fl 0,6
on I64 and APB.EXE
on Alpha. For a description
of the valid values for this flag, see Table 1.1, “Boot Command Qualifier Values”.
Value |
Description |
0 |
Normal, nonstop boot (default) |
1 |
Stop in SYSBOOT |
2 |
Include XDELTA, but do not take the initial breakpoint |
3 |
Stop in SYSBOOT, include XDELTA, but do not take the initial breakpoint |
6 |
Include XDELTA, and take the initial breakpoint |
7 |
Include XDELTA, stop in SYSBOOT, and take the initial breakpoint at system initialization |
1.8. Requesting an Interrupt
If you set the boot control flag to 6, XDELTA will stop at an initial breakpoint during the system boot process. You can then set other breakpoints or examine locations in memory.
Your program can also call the routine INI$BRK, which in turn executes the first XDELTA breakpoint. For the breakpoint procedure, see Section 1.9, “Accessing the Initial Breakpoint”.
Once loaded into memory, XDELTA can also be invoked at any time from the console by requesting a software interrupt. For example, you might need to use a software interrupt to enter XDELTA if your program is in an infinite loop or no INI$BRK call had been made.
is defined as
XDELTA's breakpoint 1.Note
On VAX, never clear breakpoint 1 from any code being debugged in XDELTA. If you accidentally clear breakpoint 1 and no other breakpoints are set, you cannot use XDELTA again until you reboot with XDELTA.
On I64 and Alpha, INI$BRK is defined as XDELTA's breakpoint 0. It is not possible to clear breakpoint 0 from any code being debugged in XDELTA.
1.8.1. Requesting Interrupts on VAX
On VAX 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8810 (8700), 8820, 8820-N (8800), 8830,8840, VAX-11/780, or VAX-11/785 computers,enter the following commands at the console terminal to request the interrupt:
$ Ctrl/P
>>> HALT
>>> D/I 14 E
>>> C
$ Ctrl/P
>>> D/I 14 E
>>> D/I 14 E
>>> C
Press and release the Halt button on the CPU control panel. When you release the Halt button, make sure it is popped out or the system will remain halted. You can also press the Break key (if enabled) on the console terminal.
- Enter the following commands:
>>> D/I 14 E >>> C/ALL
$ Break or F5 >>> HALT >>> D/I 14 E >>> CONT >>> PIO
before entering these commands.
$ Ctrl/P
>>> D IPR:14 E
>>> CONT
Press and release the Halt button on the CPU control panel. When you release the Halt button, make sure it is popped out or the system will remain halted. You can also press the Break key (if enabled) on the console terminal.
- Enter the following commands:
>>> D/I 14 E >>> C
For an alternative method of accessing OpenVMS through a lower priority interrupt, see the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.
1.8.2. Requesting Interrupts on Alpha
- Halt the processor with the following command:
- Request an IPL 14 software interrupt with the following command:
This command deposits a 14 10 into the software interrupt request register.
- Reactivate the processor by issuing the CONTINUE command as follows:
>>> CONT
The process should enter XDELTA as soon as IPL drops to 14.
Brk 0 at address address!instruction
At this point, the exception frame is on the stack. The saved PC/PS in the exception frame tells you where you were in the program when you requested the interrupt.
1.8.3. Requesting Interrupts on I64
To request an interrupt on I64, type Ctrl/P on the console terminal. Note that XDELTA must have been loaded previously.
When you press Ctrl/P, the system is halted at the current PC and at the current IPL. The system must be executing below IPL 8. When the system reaches this state, execution is suspended at the PC that was executing at the time of the interrupt.
1.9. Accessing the Initial Breakpoint
When debugging a program, you can set a breakpoint in the code so that XDELTA gains control of program execution.
To set a breakpoint, place a call to the system routine INI$BRK in the source code.
On systems that are booted with XDELTA, the INI$BRK routine executes a breakpoint instruction. On systems that are not booted with XDELTA, INI$BRK is effectively a NOP instruction.
You can use the INI$BRK routine as a debugging tool, placing calls to this routine in any part of the source code you want to debug.
On VAX, the instruction following the breakpoint is RSB. After the break is taken, the return address (the address in the program to which control returns when you proceed from the breakpoint) is on the top of the stack.
On Alpha, the instruction following the breakpoint is JSR R31,(R26). After the break is taken, the return address (the address in the program to which control returns when you proceed from the breakpoint) is in R26.
On I64, simply step until you reach a br.ret instruction.
extern void ini$brk(void); main() { ini$brk(); }
1.10. Proceeding from Initial XDELTA Breakpoints
1 BRK AT nnnnnnnn address/instruction operands
BRK 1 AT nnnnnnnn address!instruction operands
On multiprocessor computers, the XDELTA breakpoint is taken on the processor upon which the XDELTA software interrupt was requested, which is generally the primary processor.
At this point, XDELTA is waiting for input. If you want to proceed with program execution,
enter the ;P
command. If you want to do step-by-step program execution, enter
the S
command. If you know where you have set breakpoints, examine them using
the ;B
command. You can also set additional breakpoints or modify existing
command to proceed with program execution and the
system halts with a fatal bugcheck, the system prints the bugcheck information on the console
terminal. Bugcheck information consists of the following:Type of bugcheck
Contents of the registers
A dump of one or more stacks
A list of loaded executive images
The contents of the program counter (PC) and the stack indicate where the failure was detected. Then, if the system parameter BUGREBOOT was set to 0, XDELTA issues a prompt. You can examine the system's state further by entering XDELTA commands.
Chapter 2. DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions
This chapter describes how to form the symbolic expressions used as arguments to many DELTA and XDELTA commands.
2.1. Symbols Supplied by DELTA and XDELTA
Table 2.1, “DELTA/XDELTA Symbols for OpenVMS I64 systems ” shows the symbols that pertain to OpenVMS I64 systems.
Table 2.2, “DELTA/XDELTA Symbols for OpenVMS Alpha systems” shows symbols that pertain to OpenVMS Alpha systems.
Table 2.3, “DELTA/XDELTA Symbols for OpenVMS VAX systems” shows symbols that pertain to OpenVMS VAX systems.
Symbol | Description |
. |
The address of the current location. The value of this symbol is set by the Open Location and Display Contents (/), Open Location and Display Instruction (!), and the Open Location and Display Indirect (TAB) commands. |
ARn |
Application register |
BRn |
Branch register |
CRn |
Control register |
FPn |
Floating point register |
The floating point status register. |
G |
H |
P(ipr) |
The OpenVMS I64 software implementation of an Alpha internal
processor register whose name is This syntax is also used to refer to Intel Itanium application
and control registers using meaningful names, where
ipr is the name of the Intel Itanium register.
For example, you can refer to Intel Itanium register CR20 using
either of the following:
See the Intel® IA-64 Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2: IA-64 System Architecture manual for the names of the application and control registers. |
PC |
The OpenVMS I64 software implementation of a program counter register, formed by the union of the IP (instruction bundle pointer) and the slot offset (PSR.ri). |
pid:Rn |
General register |
PS |
The processor status register. |
Pn |
Predicate register |
Q |
The last value displayed. The value of |
Rn |
General register |
Xn |
Base register For XDELTA only, X14 and X15 contain the addresses of two
command strings that XDELTA stores in memory. See the Execute
Command String ( For XDELTA only, registers X4 and X5 contain specific addresses. X4 contains the address of the location that contains the PCB address of the current process on the current processor. The address that X4 contains is that of the per-CPU database for the current processor. X5 contains SCH$GL_PCBVEC, the symbolic address of the start of the PCB vector, and the list of PCB slots. |
Symbol | Description |
. |
The address of the current location. The value of this symbol
is set by the Open Location and Display Contents
( |
FPn |
Floating point register |
The floating point control register. |
G |
H |
PC |
The program counter register. |
pid:PC |
The program counter in the process specified by process ID
PS |
The processor status register. |
Q |
The last value displayed. The value of Q is set by every command that causes DELTA or XDELTA to display the contents of memory or the value of an expression. |
pid:Rn |
General register |
Rn |
General register |
Xn |
Base register For XDELTA only, X14 and X15 contain the addresses of two
command strings that XDELTA stores in memory. See the Execute
Command String ( For XDELTA only, registers X4 and X5 contain specific addresses. X4 contains the address of the location that contains the PCB address of the current process on the current processor. The address that X4 contains is that of the per-CPU database for the current processor. X5 contains SCH$GL_PCBVEC, the symbolic address of the start of the PCB vector, and the list of PCB slots. |
2.2. Floating Point Register Support
On OpenVMS Alpha, floating point registers can be accessed from DELTA and from XDELTA but only if floating point arithmetic is enabled in the current process. On OpenVMS I64, floating point registers FP6 through FP11 are always available. The other floating point registers are available if floating point arithmetic is enabled in the current process.
DELTA runs in the context of a process. On OpenVMS Alpha, access to floating-point registers is enabled as soon as the first floating point instruction in the code being examined is executed. Access is disabled as soon as that image completes execution. On OpenVMS I64, floating-point registers are always available to DELTA.
Alpha |
I64 |
No access |
FP6—FP11 |
FPn if FP access is enabled |
Always available |
When the system enters XDELTA, it may not be obvious which process is the current process. If the current process happens to have floating point enabled (because a floating point instruction has executed and the image containing the floating point instruction is still executing), then you can access the floating point registers. Otherwise, you cannot. XDELTA checks the FEN (floating point enable) IPR (internal processor register) to see whether it needs to provide access to floating point registers.
2.3. Forming Numeric Expressions
Expressions are combinations of numbers, symbols that have numeric values, and arithmetic operators.
On all platforms, DELTA and XDELTA store and display all numbers in hexadecimal. They also interpret all numbers as hexadecimal.
G4A32+24DELTA and XDELTA evaluate expressions from left to right. No operator takes precedence over any other.
Operator |
Action |
+ or SPACE |
Addition |
- |
Subtraction when used as a binary operator, or negation when used as a unary operator |
Multiplication |
% |
Division |
@ |
Arithmetic shift |
is the number to be shifted, and j
is the
number of bits to shift it. If j
is positive, n
shifted to the left; if j
is negative, n
is shifted to
the right. Argument j
must be less than 2016 and
greater than -2016. Bits shifted beyond the limit of the longword
are lost; therefore, the result must fit into a longword. Note
Do not enter unnecessary spaces, as DELTA/XDELTA treats the space as an additional operator.
Chapter 3. Debugging Programs
Referencing addresses
Referencing registers, the PSL or PS, and the stack
Interpreting the error message
Debugging kernel mode code under certain conditions
Debugging an installed, protected, shareable image
Using XDELTA on multiprocessor computers
Debugging code when single-stepping fails (Alpha only)
Debugging code that does not match the compiler listings (I64 and Alpha only)
For examples of DELTA debugging sessions on various OpenVMS platforms, see Appendix A, Sample DELTA Debug Session on I64 for I64, Appendix B, Sample DELTA Debug Session on Alpha for Alpha, and Appendix C, Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX for VAX.
3.1. Referencing Addresses
When using DELTA or
XDELTA to debug programs, you move through the code by referring to addresses. To help you
identify address locations within your program, use a list file and a map file. The list file
) lists each instruction and its offset value from the base address of
the program section. The full map file (.MAP
) lists the base addresses for
each section of your program. To determine the base address of a device driver program, see the
OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual.
Once you have the base addresses of the program sections, locate the instruction in the list
file where you want to start the debugging work. Add the offset from the list program to the base
address from the map file. Remember that all calculations of address locations are done in
hexadecimal. You can use DELTA/XDELTA to do the calculations for you with the
To make address referencing easier, you can use offsets to a base address. Then you do not have to calculate all address locations. First, place the base address into a base register. Then move to a location using the offset to the base address stored in the register.
Whenever DELTA/XDELTA displays an address, it will display a relative address if the offset
falls within the permitted range (see the ;X
command in Chapter 4, DELTA/XDELTA Commands).
3.1.1. Referencing Addresses (I64 and Alpha Only)
). You can also use the same commands in an XDELTA debug
session.#include <stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello world\n"); }
Use the /LIST and /MACHINE_CODE qualifiers to compile the program and generate the list file containing the Alpha machine instructions.
To generate the list file for the previous example, use the following command:$ cc/list/machine_code hello
The compiler will generate the following Alpha code in the machine code portion of the listing file:.PSECT $CODE, OCTA, PIC, CON, REL, LCL, SHR,- EXE, NORD, NOWRT 0000 main:: ; 000335 0000 LDA SP, -32(SP) ; SP, -32(SP) 0004 LDA R16, 48(R27) ; R16, 48(R27) ; 000337 0008 STQ R27, (SP) ; R27, (SP) ; 000335 000C MOV 1, R25 ; 1, R25 ; 000337 0010 STQ R26, 8(SP) ; R26, 8(SP) ; 000335 0014 STQ FP, 16(SP) ; FP, 16(SP) 0018 LDQ R26, 32(R27) ; R26, 32(R27) ; 000337 001C MOV SP, FP ; SP, FP ; 000335 0020 LDQ R27, 40(R27) ; R27, 40(R27) ; 000337 0024 JSR R26, DECC$GPRINTF ; R26, R26 0028 MOV FP, SP ; FP, SP ; 000338 002C LDQ R28, 8(FP) ; R28, 8(FP) 0030 LDQ FP, 16(FP) ; FP, 16(FP) 0034 MOV 1, R0 ; 1, R0 0038 LDA SP, 32(SP) ; SP, 32(SP) 003C RET R28 ; R28
Notice the statement numbers on the far right of some of the lines. These numbers correspond to the source line statement numbers from the listing file as shown next:335 main() 336 { 337 printf("Hello world\n"); 338 }
Use the /MAP qualifier with the link command to generate the full map file (.MAP file). To produce a debuggable image, make sure that either /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK (the default) is also specified with the link command.
To generate the map file for the example program, use the following command:$ LINK/MAP/FULL HELLO
See the Program Section Synopsis of the map file. Locate the code section that you want to debug and its base address.
For the example program, the map file isHELLO.MAP
. A portion of the Program Section Synopsis is shown below. The $CODE section of the program has a base address of 20000.+--------------------------+ ! Program Section Synopsis ! +--------------------------+ Psect Name Module Name Base End Length ---------- ----------- ---- --- ------ $LINKAGE 00010000 0001007F 00000080 ( 128.) HELLO 00010000 0001007F 00000080 ( 128.) $CODE 00020000 000200BB 000000BC ( 188.) HELLO 00020000 000200BB 000000BC ( 188.)
See the list file for the location where you want to start debugging. First find the source line statement number. Next find that statement number in the machine code listing portion of the list file. This is the specific instruction where you want to start debugging.
For the example program, source statement 337 is the following:printf("Hello world\n");
Search the machine code listing for statement 337. The first occurrence is the instruction at offset 4 from the start of
and the base of the $CODE PSECT.- Enable DELTA using the following commands:
If you want to store the base address in a base register, use the
command to load the base register.For the example program, use the following DELTA/XDELTA command to store the base address of 20000 in base register 0.20000,0;X
Now you can move to specific address locations.
For example, if you want to place a breakpoint at offset 4, you would calculate the address as 20000 (base address) plus 4 (offset), or 20004, and specify the;B
command as follows:20004;B
Alternatively, if you stored the base address in the base register, you could use the address expressionX0+4
(orX0 4
, where the + sign is implied) to set the breakpoint as follows:X0+4;B
file, as follows: Note the address of the instruction you want to locate in the
file.For example, DELTA/XDELTA displays the following instruction at address 20020:20020! LDQ R27,#X0028(R27)
The following steps allow you to find this instruction in the
file.See the
file, and identify the psect and module where the address of the instruction is located. Check the base address value and the end address value of each psect and module. When the instruction address is between the base and end address values, record the psect and module names.In the example, the instruction address is located in the HELLO module ($CODE PSECT). The address, 20020, is between the base address 20000 and the end address 200BB.
Subtract the base address from the instruction address. Remember that all calculations are in hexadecimal and that you can use the DELTA/XDELTA
command to do the calculations. The result is the offset.For example, subtract the base address of 20000 from the instruction address 20020. The offset is 20.
See the
file. Look up the module and then find the correct psect. Look for the offset value you calculated in the previous step.In the example, there are two psects and one module but only one $CODE psect. Look up the instruction at offset 20, and you will find the following in the .LIS file:0020 LDQ R27, 40(R27) ; R27, 40(R27) ; 000337
3.1.2. Referencing Addresses (VAX Only)
). You can also use the same commands in an XDELTA debugging
session.0000 1 .title example 0000 2 0000 3 .entry start ^M<r3,r4> 0002 4 clrl r3 0004 5 movl #5,r4 0007 6 10$: addl r4,r3 000A 7 sobgtr r4,10$ 000D 8 ret 000E 9 000E 10 .end start
Use the /LIST qualifier to assemble the program and generate the list file.
To generate the list file for the previous example, use the following command:$ MACRO/LIST EXAMPLE
Use the /MAP qualifier with the link command to generate the full map file (.MAP file). Make sure that the default /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK qualifier is active for your link command. If not, specify /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK along with the /MAP qualifier.
To generate the map file for the example program, use the following command:$LINK/MAP EXAMPLE
See the Program Section Synopsis of the map file, locate the section that you want to debug, and look up the base address.
For the example program, the map file isEXAMPLE.MAP
. A portion of the Program Section Synopsis is shown below. The first section of the program has a base address of 200.+--------------------------+ ! Program Section Synopsis ! +--------------------------+ Psect Name Module Name Base End Length ---------- ----------- ---- --- ------ . BLANK . 00000200 0000020D 0000000E ( 14.) EXAMPLE 00000200 0000020D 0000000E ( 14.)
See the list file for the location of the specific instruction where you want to start debugging.
For the example program, start with the second instruction (MOVL #5,R4) with an offset of 4.
- Enable DELTA using the following commands:
If you want to store the base address in a base register, use the
command to load the base register.For the example program, use the following DELTA/XDELTA command to store the base address 200 in base register 0.200,0;X Return
Now you can move to specific address locations.
For example, if you want to place a breakpoint at the second instruction (MOVL #5,R4), you would calculate the address as 200 (base address) plus4 (offset), or 204, and specify the ;B command as follows:204;B Return
Alternatively, if you stored the base address in the base register, you could use the address expressionX0+4
(orX0 4
, where the + sign is implied), as follows:X0+4;B Return
file, as follows: Note the address of the instruction you want to locate in the
file.For example, DELTA/XDELTA displays the following instruction at address 020A:20A! sobgtr r4,00000207
The following steps allow you to find the instruction at location 207:
See the
file and identify the PSECT and MODULE where the address of the instruction is located. Check the base address value and the end address value of each PSECT and MODULE. When the instruction address is between the base and end address values, record the PSECT and MODULE names.In the example, the instruction address is located in the EXAMPLE module (.BLANK. psect). The address instruction, 207, is between the base address 200 and the end address 20D.
Subtract the base address from the instruction address. Remember that all calculations are in hexadecimal and that you can use the DELTA/XDELTA
command to do the calculations. The result is the offset.For the example, subtract the base address 200 from the instruction address 207. The offset is 7.
See the .LIS file. Look up the MODULE and then find the correct PSECT. Look for the offset value you calculated in the previous step.
In the example, there is only one PSECT and MODULE. Look up the instruction at offset 7. The program is branching to the following instruction:10$: addl r4,r3
3.2. Referencing Registers
When using DELTA or XDELTA to debug programs, you can view the contents of registers. The following sections describe the types of registers that are referenced by each OpenVMS platform.
3.2.1. Referencing Registers (I64 Only)
On I64, you can reference the following kinds of registers: integer, floating, application, branch, control, special purpose, and software equivalents of special OpenVMS symbolic locations.
Register |
Symbol |
General |
R0 through R127 |
Floating |
FP0 through FP127 |
Branch |
BR0 through BR7 |
Predicate |
P0 through P63 |
Application |
AR16 (RSC), AR17 (BSP), AR18 (BSPSTORE), AR19 (RNAT), AR25 (CSD), AR26 (SSD), AR32 (CCV), AR36 (UNAT), AR64 (PFS), AR65 (LC), AR66 (EC) |
Control |
CR0 (DCR), CR1 (ITM), CR2 (IVA), CR8 (PTA), CR16 (IPSR), CR17 (ISR), CR19 (IIP), CR20 (IFA), CR21 (ITIR), CR22 (IIPA), CR23 (IFS), CR24 (IIM), CR25 (IHA),CR65 (IVR) |
In addition, there is a program counter (PC) register, which is obtained from the hardware
IP register and the ri
field of the PSR register.
3.2.2. Referencing Registers (Alpha Only)
Integer registers are referenced by the symbol R and a decimal number from 0 to 31. For example, register 110 is R110 and register 1010 is R1010. (Decimal notation differs from the original implementation on VAX which uses hexadecimal notation.)
PC is referenced symbolically by PC.
PS is referenced symbolically by PS.
FP is referenced by R29.
SP is referenced by R30.
Floating point registers are referenced by FP and a decimal number from 0 to 31. For example, floating point register 110 is FP110 and floating point register 1010 is FP1010.
FPCR is treated like any other floating point register except, to explicitly open it, you specify FPCR/.
Internal processor registers (IPRs) are accessed symbolically, for example, P(ASTEN). For IPR names, see the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual.
Floating point registers can be accessed from DELTA and from XDELTA but only if floating point arithmetic is enabled in the current process.
DELTA runs in the context of a process. Access to floating point registers is enabled as soon as the first floating point instruction in the code being examined is executed. Access is disabled as soon as that image completes execution.
When the system enters XDELTA, some process is the current process, and that current process may not be obvious. If that process happens to have floating point enabled at the time (because a floating point instruction had executed and the image containing the floating point instruction was still executing), then you can access the floating point registers. Otherwise, you cannot. XDELTA checks the FEN (floating point enable) IPR (internal processor register) to see if it needs to provide access to floating point registers.
3.2.3. Referencing Registers (VAX Only)
The general registers are referred to by the symbol R and a hexadecimal number from 016 to F16 representing the number of the register. For example, general register 110 is R116and general register 1010 is RA16. The stack pointer is located in general register 1410, RE16. The program counter is in general register 1510, RF16.
Upon entry to DELTA or XDELTA, the PSL is stored in the longword directly following the longword representing general register F16. Reference it by using the general register F16 symbol plus along word (RF+4).
3.3. Interpreting the Error Message
error message. This is the only error
message generated by DELTA and XDELTA. It is displayed under the following circumstances:You entered characters that DELTA/XDELTA does not recognize
You entered a command incorrectly
You exceeded the limits of the command (for example, trying to set another breakpoint when all breakpoints are used)
- You attempted to display a particular memory address and one or more of the following is true:
Location is not a valid memory address
You have no privilege to read the address
The process to which the read applies does not exist (DELTA only)
- You attempted to change a particular memory address (including setting a breakpoint) and one or more of the following is true:
The location is not a valid memory address
You have no privilege to write to the address
The process to which the write applies does not exist (DELTA only)
On I64, the error message is also displayed if you are unable to step over a subroutine call due to no write access to the address of the next instruction.
On Alpha, the error message is also displayed if you are unable to single-step or proceed due to no write access to the address of the next instruction.
3.4. Debugging Kernel Mode Code Under Certain Conditions
Some programs exist which, while running in process space, change mode to kernel and raise IPL. Typically, this code is debugged with both DELTA and XDELTA. DELTA is used to debug the kernel mode code at IPL zero. XDELTA is used to debug the code at elevated IPL. (DELTA does not work at elevated IPL.)
Before you can debug such code with XDELTA, you must complete some setup work.
3.4.1. Setup Required (I64 and Alpha Only)
Ensure that page faults do not occur at elevated IPL by locking into memory (or the working set) the code that runs at elevated IPL.
Make the code writable. (By default, code pages are read only.) To do this, modify the code psect attributes in the link options file or set the affected code pages to writable with $SETPRT.
Make code pages copy-on-reference (CRF). You can do this when you make the code writable. If you modify the link options file, set the code psect attributes to be WRT, NOSHR. If you use $SETPRT, it automatically makes the pages CRF.
3.4.2. Setup Required (VAX Only)
Ensure that page faults do not occur at elevated IPL by locking into memory (or the working set) the code that runs at elevated IPL.
Make the code writable if you plan to do anything more than single-step through your code (such as set breakpoints, step-overs, and so forth). (By default, code pages are read only.) To make the code writable, modify the code psect attributes in the link options file or set the affected code pages to writable with $SETPRT.
3.5. Debugging an Installed, Protected, Shareable Image
Some shareable images, such as user-written system services, must be linked and installed in a way that precludes debugging with DELTA unless you take further steps. Those steps are described in this section.
INSTALL> myimage.exe /share/protect/open/header
Other qualifiers can also be used.
When installed in this way, the shareable image code is read-only. However, to debug a user-written system service with DELTA, to single-step and to set breakpoints, the code must either be writable or DELTA must be able to change the code page protection to make it writable. Neither is possible when the code resides in a read-only global section.
INSTALL> myimage.exe /share/protect/open/header/write
After you have installed the image in this way, you can use DELTA to set breakpoints in the shareable image code and single-step through it.
3.6. Using XDELTA on Multiprocessor Computers
On multiprocessor computers, only one processor can use XDELTA at a time. If a second processor attempts to enter XDELTA when another processor has already entered it, the second processor waits until the first processor has exited XDELTA. If the processor using XDELTA sets a breakpoint, other processors are aware of the breakpoint. Therefore, when the code with the XDELTA breakpoint is executed on another processor, that processor will enter XDELTA and stop at the specified breakpoint.
On Alpha and VAX systems, XDELTA uses its own system control block (SCB) to direct all interrupt handling to an error handling routine in XDELTA. Therefore, an error encountered by XDELTA does not affect any other processors that share the standard system SCB. On I64 systems, the implementation is different, but the outcome is the same: XDELTA avoids causing errors that could lead to unintended effects to other processors.
1 BRK AT 00000400 ON CPU 03 00000400/movl #5,r4
BRK 1 AT 20000 ON CPU 2 20000! LDL R1,(R2)
3.7. Debugging Code When Single-Stepping Fails (Alpha Only)
is displayed. This can happen either when you are single-stepping through code or when you have
stopped at a breakpoint. In each case, it fails because XDELTA does not have write access to the
next instruction. Directions on how to continue debugging for both cases follow:You are single-stepping through your code and your single-step fails.
You can set other breakpoints and proceed with the
command. If this occurs at a JSR or BSR instruction, you can first use theO
command and then either single-step (with theS
command) or proceed (with the;P
command).You have stopped at a breakpoint and your attempt to single-step fails.
You can delete the breakpoint and then proceed with the
command. If this occurs at a JSR or BSR instruction, it may be possible to first use theO
command and then either single-step (with theS
command) or proceed (with the;P
3.8. Debugging Code that Does Not Match the Compiler Listings (I64 and Alpha Only)
The compilers generate listings with mnemonics that replace some of the Alpha assembly language instructions. This makes the listings easier to read but can initially cause confusion because the code does not exactly match the code in your image. In every case, there is a 1-to-1 correlation between the line of code in your image and the line of code in your listing.
In certain situations, the linker can modify the instructions in your image so that they do not exactly match your compiler listings. On Alpha, for example, the linker can replace JSR instructions and the call setup to use a BSR instruction for better performance. On I64, the linker sometimes generates code and performs jumps and calls.
Chapter 4. DELTA/XDELTA Commands
This chapter describes how to use each DELTA and XDELTA command to debug a program. It also describes which commands are used only with DELTA. Table 4.1, “DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary (All platforms)” provides a summary of the DELTA/XDELTA commands that are common to OpenVMS I64 and Alpha, and VAX systems. Table 4.2, “DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary (I64 and Alpha Only)” provides a summary of the DELTA/XDELTA commands that are available only on OpenVMS I64 and Alpha. Table 4.3, “DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary (I64 Only)” provides a summary of the DELTA/XDELTA commands that are available only on OpenVMS I64.
Many commands in this chapter include an example. The program used for all the examples, except those illustrating commands available only on OpenVMS I64 and Alpha, is listed in Appendix C, Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX.
Command Usage Summary
Only DELTA uses the EXIT and
commands and arguments that specify a process identification.XDELTA defines some base registers that DELTA does not (see Chapter 2, DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions).
On I64 and Alpha, only DELTA uses the
For all OpenVMS platforms, differences are noted in command descriptions.
Command | Description |
[ |
Set Display Mode |
/ |
Open Location and Display Contents in Prevailing Width Mode |
! |
Open Location and Display Contents in Instruction Mode |
Close Current Location, Open Next |
Open Location and Display Previous Location |
Open Location and Display Indirect Location |
" |
Open Location and Display Contents in ASCII Mode |
Close Current Location |
;B |
Breakpoint |
;P |
Proceed from Breakpoint |
;G |
Go |
S |
Step Instruction |
O |
Step Instruction over Subroutine |
;D ’string’ |
Deposit ASCII String |
;E |
Execute Command String |
;X |
Load Base Register |
= |
Display Value of Expression |
;M? |
Set All Processes Writable (available only on DELTA) |
;M? |
Set All Processes Writable; also, set selected registers of other processes writable (available only on DELTA) |
;L |
Lists Names and Locations of Loaded Executive Images |
Exit from DELTA debugging session |
Command | Description |
;D |
Dumps a region of memory |
;Q |
Validate queue |
;C |
Force system to bug check and crash |
;W |
Locate and display the executive image that contains the specified address |
;I |
Locate and display information about the current main image that contains the specified address; also display information about all shareable images activated by the current main image (available only on DELTA) |
;H |
Display on video terminal or at hard copy terminal |
\string\ |
Display the ASCII text string enclosed in backslashes |
The commands in Table 4.3, “DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary (I64 Only)” are available only on OpenVMS I64.
Command | Description |
;T |
Display the address of the interrupt stack frame. |
(left angle bracket)—Set Display Mode
[ (left angle bracket) — Sets the width mode of displays produced by DELTA/XDELTA commands.
mode Argument
Mode |
Meaning |
B |
Byte mode. Subsequent open and display location commands display the contents of one byte of memory. |
L |
Longword mode. Subsequent open and display location commands display the contents of a longword of memory. This is the default mode. |
W |
Word mode. Subsequent open and display location commands display the contents of one word of memory. |
Mode |
Meaning |
A |
Address display of 32-bit/64-bit. Subsequent address displays will be 64 bits. |
Q |
Quadword mode. Subsequent open and display location commands display the contents of a quadword of memory. |
The Set Display Mode command changes the prevailing display width to byte, word, longword, or quadword. The default display width is longword on Alpha and VAX, quadword on I64. The display mode remains in effect until you enter another Set Display Mode command.
(forward slash)—Open Location and Display Contents in
Prevailing Width Mode
/ (forward slash) — Opens a location and displays its contents in the prevailing display mode.
current-contents [new-exp]Arguments
The internal process identification (PID) of a process you want to access. If you specify zero or do not specify a PID, the default process is the current process. This argument cannot be used with XDELTA.
If you use the pid
argument, every time you use this command during
the debugging session the contents of the same process are displayed, unless you specify a
different pid
The register examples in the descriptions of start-addr-exp
apply to both VAX and Alpha
register. (Alpha register numbers are displayed in decimal, and VAX
register numbers are displayed in hexadecimal.)
If you specify an address expression for end-addr-exp
that is less
than start-addr-exp
, DELTA/XDELTA displays the contents of
You do not specify this parameter. It is a hexadecimal value,
displayed by DELTA/XDELTA, of the contents of the location (or range of locations) you specified
with the pid
argument and the address expression. It is displayed in the
prevailing width display mode.
An expression, the value of which is deposited into the location just displayed. If you
specify new-exp after a range of locations, the new value is
placed only in the last location (specified by end-addr-exp
When you specify new-exp
, terminate the command by pressing the
Return key.
If you want to deposit a new value into a location in another process (that is, you
specified a PID other than the current process), you must have already set the target process to
be writable using the ;M
202/ 05D053D4 204/ C05405D0
at address 202, the overflow
value would overwrite the value stored at address location 204, as
follows:202/ 05D053D4 FFFFFFFFF Return
204/ C054FFFF
The Open Location and Display Contents command opens the location or range of locations at
and displays current-contents
the contents of that location, in hexadecimal format. You can place a new value in the location
by specifying an expression. A new value overwrites the last value displayed.
argument as
the first address in the range, followed by a comma, followed by the last address in the range
(the end-addr-exp
argument). For example, if you want to display all
locations from 402 to 4F0, the command is as follows:402,4F0/
Writes any
specifiedCloses the location opened by the
commandAdds the number of bytes (defined by the prevailing display width mode) to the address just opened with the
commandChanges the current address to the new value
Opens the new location and displays the contents
The display mode remains hexadecimal until the next Open Location and Display Contents in
Instruction Mode (!
) command or Open Location and Display Contents in ASCII
Mode ("
) command.
to specify the internal PID of the
process you want to examine. For example, use the following command to view address location 402
in the process with a PID of 00010010:00010010:402/
R0,R9/00000001 R1/00000000 R2/00000226 R3/7FF2AD94 R4/000019B4 R5/00000000 R6/7FF2AA49 R7/8001E4DD R8/7FFED052 R9/7FFED25A
Contents of all the general registers R0 through R9 are displayed.
(exclamation mark)—Open Location and Display Contents in
Instruction Mode
! (exclamation mark) — Displays an instruction and its operands.
The internal process identification (PID) of a process you want to access. If you specify zero, or do not specify any PID, the default process is the current process. This argument cannot be used with XDELTA.
Subsequent open location and display contents commands, issued after using the
argument, display the contents of the location of the specified
process until you specify another PID with this command.
You can obtain the internal PID of processes by running the System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA). Use the SDA command SHOW SUMMARY to determine the external PID. Then use the SDA command SHOW PROCESS/INDEX to determine the internal PID. For more information about SDA commands, see your operating system's VMS System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual.
start-addr-exp,end-addr-exp!Each location within the range is displayed with the address, a slash (
), and the
machine instruction.Description
The Open Location and Display Contents in Instruction Mode command displays the contents of a location or range of locations as a machine instruction. DELTA/XDELTA does not make any distinction between reasonable and unreasonable instructions or instruction streams.
This command does not allow you to modify the contents of the location. The command sets a
flag that causes subsequent Close Current Location and Display Next (LINEFEED) and Open Location
and Display Indirect Location (TAB) commands to display MACRO instructions. You can clear the
flag by using the Open Location and Display Contents (/
) command, which
displays the contents of the location as a hexadecimal number, or Open Location and Display
Contents in ASCII Mode ("
), which displays the contents of the location in
When an address appears as an instruction's operand, DELTA/XDELTA sets the Q symbol to that address. Then enter ! again to go to the address specified in the instruction operand. DELTA/XDELTA changes Q only for operands that use program-counter or branch-displacement addressing modes; Q is not altered for operands that use literal and register addressing modes. This feature is useful for branches that follow.
The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.
G0BF5D60! add r33 = 0008, r33 ;;80BF5D62! nop.i 000000 ;;
80BF5D70! ld4 r2 = [r2] ;; 80BF5D71! nop.m 000000 80BF5D72! sxt4 r2 = r2 ;; 80BF5D80! cmp.eq p14, p0 = r2, r0 80BF5D81! nop.f 000000 80BF5D82! (p14) br.cond.dpnt.few.clr 0000030 ;; 80BF5D90! ld8 r14 = [r2], 008 ;; 80BF5D91! nop.m 000000 80BF5D92! mov b7 = r14 ;; 80BF5DA0! ld8 r1 = [r2]
30000! LDA SP,#XFFE0(SP)00030004! BIS R31,R31,R18
The instruction at address 30000 is displayed using the | |
After typing a LINEFEED command, DELTA/XDELTA displays the next instruction location and the instruction at that address. |
69B! BRB 0000067A! CLRQ -(SP)
(double quote)—Open Location and Display Contents in
" (double quote) — Displays the contents of a location as an ASCII string.
The internal process identification (PID) of a process you want to access. If you specify zero, or do not specify any PID, the default process is the current process. This argument cannot be used with XDELTA.
Subsequent open location and display contents commands issued after using the
argument, display the contents of the location of the specified
process until you specify another PID with this command.
You can obtain the internal PID of processes by running the System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA). Use the SDA command SHOW SUMMARY to determine the external PID. Then use the SDA command SHOW PROCESS/INDEX to determine the internal PID. For more information about SDA commands, see your operating system's VMS System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual.
The Open Location and Display Contents in ASCII command opens the location or range of
locations at start-addr-exp
and displays the contents in ASCII format.
This command does not change the width of the display (byte,word, longword) from the prevailing
mode. If the prevailing mode is word mode, two ASCII characters are displayed; if byte mode, one
character is displayed.
The display mode remains ASCII until you enter the next Open Location and Display Contents
command (/
) or Open Location and Display Contents in Instruction Mode command
). These commands change the display mode to hexadecimal or instruction,
You can modify the contents of the locations, starting at
, with the Deposit ASCII string
) command.
235FC2 [W/415A235FC2" ZA
The current display mode is word (displays one word in hexadecimal). | |
The | |
The next Close Current Location, Open Next command (LINEFEED), determines the address of the location to open by adding the width, in bytes, to the value contained in the symbol . (the current address). Then it opens the number of bytes equal to the width of the prevailing display mode, which in this example is two bytes. The ASCII representation of the contents of the location presents the bytes left to right, while the hexadecimal representation presents them right to left. |
(single quote)—Deposit ASCII String
’ (single quote) — Deposits the ASCII string at the current address.
string ’
The string of characters to be deposited.
The Deposit ASCII String command deposits string
at the current
location (.) in ASCII format. The second apostrophe is required to terminate
the string. All characters typed between the first and second apostrophes are entered as ASCII
character text. Avoid embedding an apostrophe (’
) within the string you
want to deposit.
When you want to use key commands (LINEFEED, RETURN, ESC, or TAB), press the key. These commands are entered as text.
This command stores the characters in 8-bit bytes and increments the current address (.) by one for each character stored.
This command does not change the prevailing display mode.
7FFE1600/’R0/ Linefeed Linefeed’
The ASCII string “R0/ LINEFEED LINEFEED” is stored at address 7FFE1600. This
string, if subsequently executed with the ;E
command, examines the contents
of general register 0 (the command R0/), then examines two subsequent registers (using two
LINEFEED commands).
(equal sign)—Display Value of Expression
= (equal sign) — Evaluates an expression and displays its value.
The expression to be evaluated.
The Display Value of Expression command evaluates an expression and displays its value in hexadecimal. The expression can be any valid DELTA/XDELTA expression. See Section 2.1, “Symbols Supplied by DELTA and XDELTA” for a description of DELTA/XDELTA expressions.
Because DELTA and XDELTA treat the space as an addition operator, do not enter an unnecessary space.
—Immediate mode text display
command (I64 and Alpha Only)
\ — Displays the ASCII text string enclosed in backslashes.
This mode is useful when creating your own predefined command strings. Use the backslash to begin and end an ASCII text string. Follow the ending backslash with a terminator. When DELTA or XDELTA encounters the ending backslash and terminator, it prints the ASCII text string.
(Escape key)—Open Location and Display
Previous Location
ESC (Escape key)—Open Location and Display Previous Location — Opens the previous location and displays its contents.
The Open Location and Display Previous Location command decrements the location counter (.) by the width (in bytes) of the prevailing display mode, opens that many bytes, and displays the contents on a new line. The address of the location is displayed on the new line in the prevailing mode, followed by a slash (/) and the contents of that address.
On VAX, this command is ignored if the prevailing display mode is instruction mode (set by the ! command).
On all platforms, use this command to move backwards through a series of locations. Set the address where you want to start (for example, with the /command). Then press the ESC key repeatedly to display each preceding location. ESC is echoed as a dollar sign ($) on the terminal.
On keyboards without a separate ESC key, press Ctrl/3 or the escape key sequence that you defined on your keyboard. The ESC key on LK201 keyboards (VT220, VT240, VT340, and workstation key boards) generates different characters and cannot be used for the ESC command. You must use Ctrl/3.
—Exit from DELTA Debugging Session
EXIT — Terminates the DELTA debugging session. Use with DELTA only.
Use the EXIT command to terminate a DELTA debugging session. You cannot use EXIT in XDELTA.
You may have to enter EXIT twice, such as when your program terminates execution by the $EXIT system service or by the Return key (to DCL).
(Linefeed key or
Ctrl/J)—Close Current Location, Open Next
LINEFEED (Linefeed key or Ctrl/J) — Closes the currently open location and opens the next location,displaying its contents.
The Close Current Location Open Next command closes the currently open location, then opens
the next and displays its contents. This command accepts no arguments, and thus can only be used
to open the next location. It is useful for examining a series of locations one after another.
First, set the location where you want to start (for example, with the /
) command).Then, press the LINEFEED key repeatedly to
examine each successive location.
command displays the contents of the next location in the
prevailing display mode and display width. If the current display mode is hexadecimal (the
command was used) and the display width is word, the next location
displayed is calculated by adding a word to the current location. Its contents are displayed in
hexadecimal. If the current display mode is instruction, the next location displayed is the next
instruction, and the contents are displayed as a MACRO instruction.
On keyboards without a separate Linefeed key, press Ctrl/J. The Linefeed key on LK201 keyboards (VT220, VT240, VT340, and workstation key boards) generates different characters and cannot be used for the LINEFEED command. You must use Ctrl/J.
This command is useful for displaying a series of machine instructions, a series of register values, or a series of values on the stack or in memory.
The values in the symbol Q and the symbol . are changed automatically.
The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.
G0BF5D60! add r33 = 0008, r33 ;;80BF5D62! nop.i 000000 ;;
80BF5D71! nop.m 000000 80BF5D72! sxt4 r2 = r2 ;; 80BF5D80! cmp.eq p14, p0 = r2, r0 80BF5D81! nop.f 000000 80BF5D82! (p14) br.cond.dpnt.few.clr 0000030 ;; 80BF5D90! ld8 r14 = [r2], 008 ;; 80BF5D91! nop.m 000000 80BF5D92! mov b7 = r14 ;; 80BF5DA0! ld8 r1 = [r2]
30000! LDA SP,#XFFE0(SP)00030004! BIS R31,R31,R18
00030008! STQ R27,(SP) 0003000C! BIS R31,R31,R19 00030010! STQ R26,#X0008(SP) 00030014! BIS R31,#X04,R25
6B9! CLRQ -(SP)Linefeed
000006BB/CLRQ -(SP) Linefeed 000006BD/PUSHL X1+002E Linefeed 000006C1/PUSHAL X1+003A Linefeed 000006C5/CLRQ -(SP) Linefeed 000006C7/PUSHL #00
(Return or Enter
key)—Close Current Location
RETURN (Return or Enter key) — Closes a location that has been opened by one of the open location and display contents commands.
If you have
opened a location with one of the open location and display contents commands
, or "
press the Return key to close the location. Use this command to make sure that
a specific location has not been left open with the possibility of being overwritten.
;T (I64 only)
On all platforms, you can also use the Return key as an ASCII character in
a quoted string. See the Deposit ASCII String command ’
(single quote)—Deposit ASCII String
(Tab key)—Open Location and Display
Indirect Location
TAB (Tab key) — Opens the location addressed by the contents of the current location and displays its contents.
The Open Location and Display Indirect Location command opens the location addressed by the contents of the current location and displays the contents of the addressed location on a new line. The display is in the prevailing display mode. This command is useful for examining data structures that have been placed in a queue, or the operands of instructions.
To execute this command, press the Tab key.
This command changes the current address (.) to the location displayed.
This command does not affect the display mode.
The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.
69B! BRB 0000067ATab 0000067A/CLRQ -(SP)
;B — Shows, sets, and clears breakpoints.
The address where you want the breakpoint.
The number to assign to the breakpoint. If you omit a number, DELTA/XDELTA assigns the
first unused number to the breakpoint; if all numbers are in use, DELTA/XDELTA displays the
error message, Eh?
On VAX, for XDELTA, the range is from 2 to 8. For XDELTA, breakpoint 1 is reserved for INI$BRK. For DELTA, the range is from 1 to 8.
On I64 and Alpha, for XDELTA, the range is from 1 to 8. For DELTA, the range is from 1 to 8.
The address of a location, the contents of which are to be displayed in hexadecimal in the prevailing width mode when the breakpoint is encountered. Omit this argument by specifying zero or two consecutive commas. If omitted, DELTA/XDELTA displays only the instruction that begins at the specified address.
The address of the string of DELTA/XDELTA commands to execute when this breakpoint is
encountered. ;E
—Execute Command String DELTA/XDELTA displays the information requested
before executing the string of commands associated with complex breakpoints. You must have
previously deposited the string of commands using the '
command or have coded
the string into an identifiable location in your program. If omitted, DELTA/XDELTA executes no
commands automatically and waits for you to enter commands interactively.
The breakpoint command shows, sets, and clears breakpoints. The action of this command depends on the arguments used with it. Each action is described below.
Displaying Breakpoints
. For each
breakpoint, DELTA/XDELTA displays the following information: Number of the breakpoint
Address of the breakpoint
Address of a location the contents of which will be displayed when the breakpoint is encountered
Address of the command string associated with this breakpoint (for complex breakpoints, the section called “Setting Complex Breakpoints”)
Setting Simple Breakpoints
addr-exp;B Return
DELTA/XDELTA sets a breakpoint at the specified location and assigns it the first available breakpoint number.
Suspends instruction execution.
Sets a flag to change the display mode to instruction mode. Any subsequent Close Current Location, Open Next (LINEFEED) commands, and Open and Display Indirect Location (TAB) commands will display locations as machine instructions.
- On VAX, the following message is displayed, listing the number of the breakpoint, the address of the breakpoint, and the instruction stored at the breakpoint location:
n BRK at address address/decoded-instruction
On I64 and Alpha, the format of the display differs slightly, as shown in the following example:Brk n at address [on CPUn] [new mode =] [new IPL =] address!decoded-instruction
On I64 and Alpha systems, if the interrupt priority level (IPL) has changed, the new IPL is printed (XDELTA only). Also on I64 and Alpha systems, if the processor mode has changed, the new mode is printed (both XDELTA and DELTA).
If you are using XDELTA in a multiprocessor environment, the CPUID of the processor where the break was taken is also displayed.
On VAX, the CPU ID is displayed as a 2-digit hexadecimal number.
On I64 and Alpha, the CPU ID is displayed as a decimal number with no leading zeros.
On all platforms, after the breakpoint message is displayed, you can enter other
DELTA/XDELTA commands. You can reset the flag that controls the mode in which instructions are
displayed by entering the Open Location and Display Contents (/
) command.
Setting a Breakpoint and Assigning a Number to It
To set a breakpoint and assign it a number, enter the address where you want the breakpoint, a comma, a single digit for the breakpoint number, a semicolon (;), the letter B, and then press the Return key.
408,4;B Return
DELTA/XDELTA sets a breakpoint at the specified location and assigns it the specified breakpoint number.
Clearing Breakpoints
0,4;B Return
On VAX, when using XDELTA, do not clear breakpoint 1. If you do, any calls to INI$BRK in your program will not result in entry into XDELTA.
Setting Complex Breakpoints
Always displays the next instruction to be executed
Optionally displays the contents of another, specified location
Optionally executes a string of DELTA/XDELTA commands stored in memory
To use the complex breakpoint, you must first create the string of DELTA commands you want
executed. Then deposit those commands at a memory location with the Deposit ASCII String command
;B 1 00000690 2 000006990,2;B
;B 1 00000690
Two breakpoints have already been set and are displayed. Using | |
Breakpoint 2 is cleared. | |
Current breakpoints are displayed. Because breakpoint 2 has been cleared, DELTA/XDELTA displays just breakpoint 1. | |
Program execution is continued using the |
Displaying Breakpoints in a Multithreaded Application
To support the debugging of multithreaded applications, DELTA has the capability of displaying a thread ID at a breakpoint. When DELTA reaches a breakpoint in a multithreaded application, DELTA displays the thread ID and stops the execution of all other threads. (When DELTA reaches a breakpoint in a single-threaded application, the display and behavior is the same as in the past; DELTA displays the address and stops program execution.)
(Proceed from Breakpoint) command. The breakpoint
is taken. Because it is a multithreaded application, the thread ID is included in the display.
30000;B ;P Brk 1 at 30000 on Thread 12 00030000! LDA SP,#XFF80(SP)
—Force System to Bugcheck and Crash (I64 and Alpha
;C — Force the system to bugcheck and crash.
command forces the system to bugcheck and crash. You can do this
from wherever you are in your debugging session. Although this command is for use primarily with
XDELTA, you can also use it with DELTA, but only in kernel mode. When you issue this command,
the following message is generated:
BUG$_DEBUGCRASH, Debugger forced system crash
—Dump (I64 and Alpha Only )
;D — Dumps a region of memory.
The starting address of the dump.
The length of bytes to dump.
On I64 and Alpha systems, the ;D
command dumps a region of memory. The
display is in a format similar to the DCL DUMP command.
G,200;DDump of 80000000 for 00000200 bytes
00840008 80000200 0000241F 00E8401D .@...$.......... : 80000000
00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 80000010 00840008 80000200 00000001 0000001D ................ : 80000020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 80000030 00040000 00203008 00202400 0260100B ..`..$ ..0 ..... : 80000040 90000A00 40038004 10700001 00000001 ......p....@.... : 80000050 00800070 00000200 00001418 04200810 .. .........p... : 80000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 80000070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 80000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 80000090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000B0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ : 800000F0 00040000 00040000 00300580 02090001 ......0......... : 80000100 00840008 80000200 00000001 0000001D ................ : 80000110 00840008 80000200 00000001 0000001D ................ : 80000120 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 80000130 00840008 80000200 0000241C 0128401D .@
()..$......... : 80000140
84000804 40006200 02000580 060D0800 .........b.@.... : 80000150 20000000 00000200 00002400 0000C81D .....$......... : 80000160 50000178 00000200 00000001 0000001D ............x..P : 80000170 07000A00 00005501 08002100 44000802 ...D.!...U...... : 80000180 00840008 80000200 00000001 0000001D ................ : 80000190 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001A0 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001B0 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001C0 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001D0 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001E0 00840008 80000200 00002400 0004401D .@...$.......... : 800001F0 FFFFFFFF 8
—Execute Command String
;E — Executes a string of DELTA/XDELTA commands stored in memory.
The address of the string of DELTA/XDELTA commands to execute.
The Execute Command String command executes a string of DELTA/XDELTA commands. Load the
ASCII text command string to a specific location in memory using the Deposit ASCII String
command ('
) or code the string in your program into an identifiable
If you want DELTA/XDELTA to proceed with program execution
after it executes the string of commands, end the command string with the ;P
command. If you want DELTA/XDELTA to wait for you to enter a command after it executes the
string of commands, end the command string with a null byte (a byte containing 0).
XDELTA, but not DELTA, provides two command strings in memory.
On Alpha, the addresses of these command strings are stored in base registers X14 and X15. The string addressed by X14 displays the physical page number (PFN) database for the PFN in X0. The string addressed by X15 copies the PFN in R0 to base register X0. It then displays the PFN database for that PFN.
On VAX, the addresses of these command strings are stored in base registers XE and XF. The string addressed by XE displays the physical page number (PFN) database for the PFN in X0. The string addressed by XF copies the PFN in R0 to base register X0. It then displays the PFN database for that PFN.
Specified PFN
PFN state and type
PFN reference count
PFN backward link or working-set-list index
PFN forward link or share count
Page table entry (PTE) address that points to the PFN
PFN backing-store address
On VAX, the virtual block number in the process swap image, the block to which the page's entry in the SWPVBN array points
On Alpha, the virtual page number in process swap image, the collection of blocks containing the page as pointed to by the PFN database
R1/00000000 R2/00000000
The address (7FFE1600) where an ASCII string is stored is placed into base register 0
using | |
DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in X0. | |
The command string stored at address 7FFE1600, which is to examine the contents of R0,
R1, and R2 (R0/ Linefeed
Linefeed), is executed with | |
DELTA/XDELTA executes the commands and displays the contents of R0, R1, and R2. |
;G — Continues program execution.
The address at which to continue program execution.
The Go command places the address you specified in
into the PC and continues execution of the program at
that address. It is useful when you want to ignore specific lines of code or return to a
previous program location to repeat execution.
Program execution is started at address 6A2.
—Video Terminal Display Command (I64 and Alpha
;H — Specifies the display mode, either hard copy terminal mode or DEC-CRT.
The ;H
command enables you to choose the display mode of DELTA/XDELTA
output. You can display output either in hard copy terminal mode or DEC-CRT mode. The default
display is DEC-CRT mode. You can toggle back and forth from one display mode to the other by
repeating the ;H
—List Current Main Image and Its Shareable Images (I64 and
Alpha Only )
;I — Lists information about the current main image and all shareable images that were activated, including those that were installed /RESIDENT.
The ;I
command peruses the image control block (IMCB) list and displays
information about the current main image and all shareable images that were activated, including
those that were installed /RESIDENT. The ;I
command differs from the
command which displays information about the loadable image database.
The display of the ;I
command is similar to the ;L
command display. It shows the image name, the starting and ending addresses, the symbol vector
address, and some flags. The command is useful for debugging shareable images. For example, the
display enables you to determine where LIBRTL is mapped.
The field flags are M, S, and P. The flag M indicates the main image; S or P indicates images that are installed as shareable or protected, respectively.
Unlike the ;L
command, which only works from kernel mode or when you
have CMEXEC or CMKRNL privileges, the ;I
command works from any mode.
However, to modify the IMCB database, you must be in executive or kernel mode.
For resident main and shareable images, the ;I
command also includes an entry for each resident code section and each compressed data section,
which shows the base and end address for each section.
The ;I
command is implemented only for DELTA.
$ define lib$debug delta $ run/debug hello OpenVMS Alpha DELTA Version 1.5 Brk 0 at 00020040 00020040! LDA SP,#XFFD0(SP) ;i Image Name Base End Symbol-Vector Flags HELLO 00010000 000301FF M DECC$SHR 00032000 001233FF 00106B90 S DPML$SHR 0012C000 001AC5FF 0019DED0 S LIBRTL 001AE000 0025E7FF 00240790 S Resident Code Sections: 8015A000 801BBA00 LIBOTS 00124000 0012A1FF 00128000 S Resident Code Sections: 801BC000 801C2C00 Compressed Data Sections: 00124000 00124A00 00126000 00126800 00128000 00128600 0012A000 0012A200 SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS 80401C98 80403028 80401C98 DELTA 00260000 002943FF 00260000 SYS$BASE_IMAGE 8040C5B0 804163E0 8040C5B0
—List Names and Locations of Loaded Executive
;L — Lists the names and virtual addresses of all loaded executive images.
On I64 and Alpha, specifies a single executive image.
Use the ;L
command when you are debugging code that resides in system
space. Although you use this command mostly with XDELTA, you can use it with DELTA if your
process has change-mode-to-executive (CMEXEC) privilege and you are running a program in
executive mode.
This command lists the names and locations of the loaded modules of the executive. A
loading mechanism maps a number of images of the executive into system space. The
command lists the currently loaded images with their starting and ending
virtual addresses. If you enter ;L
before all the executive images are loaded
(for example, at an XDELTA initial breakpoint), only those images that have been loaded will be
On Alpha, this command displays additional information and provides a second use, based on the additional information. For each loaded executive image that is sliced into discontiguous image sections, the display shows the sequence number for the executive image and the base and ending addresses of each image section. A second use of this command is to display the base and ending addresses of a single image if you specify its sequence number.
The following examples illustrate the command on each platform.
24;L Seq# LDRISD Image Name Base End Link End 0024 83881B80 PROCESS_MANAGEMENT 0 83881C70 Read Write 83203800 83203808 00010000 00010008 1 83881CB8 Read Execute 805AF300 806E4D70 00014000 00149A70 2 83881D00 Read 83203A00 83230C78 0014C000 00179278 3 83881D48 Read Write 83230E00 8323C120 0017C000 00187320 4 83881D90 Read Write 8323C200 8323C214 00188000 00188014 7 83881E68 Read Write 8323C400 8323C414 00194000 00194014 8 83881EB0 Read Write 8323C600 8323C604 00198000 00198004 9 83881EF8 Read Write 8323C800 83240660 0019C000 0019FE60 0;L Seq# LDRISD Image Name Base End Link End 0000 83868580 SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS 0 83868670 Read Execute 80000000 80000070 00010000 00010070 1 838686B8 Read 83000000 830000B0 00014000 000140B0 2 83868700 Read Write 83000200 83000218 00018000 00018018 3 83868748 Read 83000400 83008788 0001C000 00024388 Symbol Vector 83000400 32;L Seq# LDRISD Image Name Base End Link End 0032 83885500 RMS 0 838855E0 Read Write 832B5800 832B5F40 00010000 00010740 1 83885628 Read Execute 8014E900 8014FAE0 00014000 000151E0 2 83885670 Read Execute 8098D100 80B9C8A0 00018000 002277A0 3 838856B8 Read 832B6000 832EC400 00228000 0025E400 4 83885700 Read Write 832EC400 832EFAE8 00260000 002636E8 5 83885748 Read Write 832EFC00 832EFC14 00264000 00264014 6 83885790 Read Write 832EFE00 832EFE50 00268000 00268050 9 83885868 Read Write 832F0000 832F0014 00274000 00274014 A 838858B0 Read Write 832F0200 832F0204 00278000 00278004 B 838858F8 Read Write 832F0400 832F3DC0 0027C000 0027F9C0
, was not split into image sections. For every image that was
split into image sections, it also shows the name and the base and ending address of each
section.;L Seq# Image Name Base End 0012 EXEC_INIT.EXE 8080C000 80828000 0010 SYS$CPU_ROUTINES_0101.EXE Nonpaged read only 80038000 8003A200 Nonpaged read/write 80420200 80420A00 Initialization 80808000 80808400 000E ERRORLOG.EXE Nonpaged read only 8002E000 80036600 Nonpaged read/write 8041BE00 80420200 Initialization 80804000 80804800 000C SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE Nonpaged read only 80024000 8002C800 Nonpaged read/write 8041A000 8041BE00 Initialization 80800000 80800800 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0002 SYS$BASE_IMAGE Nonpaged read only 80002000 80009400 Nonpaged read/write 80403000 80414C00 Fixup 80620000 80620600 Symbol Vector 8040B010 80414560 0000 SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE Nonpaged read only 80000000 80001C00 Nonpaged read/write 80400000 80403000 Fixup 8061E000 8061E200 Symbol Vector 80401BF0 80402ED0
command to display information about one image. In this example, the
sequence number C for the SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE
module is specified
with the ;L
command. (It is not necessary to specify the leading zeros in the
command.) The resulting display shows only the SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE
module (whose sequence number is 000C). The display includes the names of the image sections
within the module and their base and ending
addresses.C;L Seq# Image Name Base End 000C SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE Nonpaged read only 80024000 8002C800 Nonpaged read/write 8041A000 8041BE00 Initialization 80800000 80800800
—Set All Processes Writable
;M — Sets the address spaces of all processes to be writable or read-only by your DELTA
process. This command can be used only with DELTA. Use of this command requires CMKRNL
privilege. On Alpha, this command also sets writable the general purpose
registers of other processes, if, after issuing the ;M
command, you specify
another process with any command that takes the PID argument, such as the /
Specifies your process privileges for reading and writing at other processes. If 0, your DELTA process can only read locations in other processes; if 1, your process can read or write any location in any process. If not specified, DELTA returns the current value of the M (modify) flag (0 or 1).
Use this activity very carefully during time sharing. It affects all processes on the system. For this reason, your process must have change-mode-to-kernel (CMKRNL) privilege to use this command. It is safest to use this command only on a standalone system.
—Proceed from Breakpoint
;P — Continues program execution following a breakpoint.
If DELTA/XDELTA does not have write access to the target of a JSR instruction, you cannot
use the S
or ;P
command at the JSR instruction. First,
you must use the O
command; then you can use the S
The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.
G0BF5D60,0;XG0BF5D60 X0+60;B 1 00000060
Brk 1 at X0+00000060 on CPU 0
X0+00000060! alloc r53 = ar.pfs, 18, 08, 00 (New IPL = 0) - (New mode = USER)
;B 1 00030010;P
Brk 1 at 00030010 00030010! STQ R26,#X0008(SP)
;B 2 00000699;P
2 BRK AT 00000699 00000699/BSBB 000006A2
—Validate Queue (I64 and Alpha Only)
;Q — Analyzes absolute and self-relative longword queues and displays the results of the analysis.
The queue header must be at least longword aligned.
A queue type of zero (the default) represents an absolute queue. A queue type of 1 indicates a self-relative queue.
The validate queue function is similar to the one in the OpenVMS System Dump Analyzer Utility. It can analyze both absolute and self-relative longword queues and display the results of the analysis. This function identifies various problems in the queue headers and invalid backward links for queue entries and evaluates the readability of both. For valid queues, it tells you the total number of entries. For invalid queues, it tells you the queue entry number and the address that is invalid and why.
FFFFFFFF8000F00D;Q !Absolute at GF00D GF00D,0;Q !Absolute at GF00D GF00,1;Q !Self-relative at GF00
—Display Interrupt Stack Frame on XDELTA (I64 Only
;T — XDELTA only; displays contents of an interrupt stack frame.
The address of the stack frame. This is an optional argument. If not specified, the
command without any argument displays the interrupt stack frame with
which XDELTA was invoked.
On I64 systems, the XDELTA ;T
command displays the contents of an
interrupt stack frame.
command displays the machine state at
the time of the
exception.;T * Exception Frame Display: * Exception taken at IP FFFFFFFF.8063D830, slot 01 from Kernel mode Exception Frame at FFFFFFFF.89DA1CE0 Trap Type 00000080 (External Interrupt) IVT Offset 00003000 (External Interrupt) External Interrupt Vector 00000000 * = Value read directly from the register rather than the frame Control Registers: CR0 Default Control Register (DCR) 00000000.00007F00 CR1 Interval Timer Match Register (ITM) * 0000C6F7.31F82D5B CR2 Interruption Vector Address (IVA) * FFFFFFFF.801D0000 CR8 Page Table Address (PTA) * FFFFFFFF.7FFF013D CR16 Processor Status Register (IPSR) 00001210.0A026010 CR17 Interrupt Status Register (ISR) 00000200.00000000 CR19 Instruction Pointer (IIP) FFFFFFFF.8063D830 CR20 Faulting Address (IFA) FFFFFFFF.88580078 CR21 TLB Insertion Register (ITIR) 00000000.00000334 CR22 Instruction Previous Address (IIPA) FFFFFFFF.8063D830 CR23 Function State (IFS) 80000000.00000FA7 CR24 Instruction immediate (IIM) FFFFFFFF.88580078 CR25 VHPT Hash Address (IHA) FFFFFFFF.7FFF5860 CR64 Local Interrupt ID (LID) * 00000000.00000000 CR66 Task Priority Register (TPR) * 00000000.00010000 CR68 External Interrupt Req Reg 0 (IRR0) * 00000000.00000000 CR69 External Interrupt Req Reg 1 (IRR1) * 00000000.00000000 CR70 External Interrupt Req Reg 2 (IRR2) * 00000000.00000000 CR71 External Interrupt Req Reg 3 (IRR3) * 00020000.00000000 CR72 Interval Time Vector (ITV) * 00000000.000000F1 CR73 Performance Monitoring Vector (PMV) * 00000000.000000FB CR74 Corrected Machinecheck Vector (CMCV) * 00000000.00010000 CR80 Local Redirection Register 0 (LRR0) * 00000000.00010000 CR81 Local Redirection Register 1 (LRR1) * 00000000.00010000 Application Registers: AR0 Kernel Register (KR0) * 00000000.20570000 AR1 Kernel Register (KR1) * 00000000.60000000 AR2 Kernel Register (KR2) * 00000000.00000000 AR3 Kernel Register (KR3) * 00000000.00000000 AR4 Kernel Register (KR4) * 00000000.00000000 AR5 Kernel Register (KR5) * 0000C6F7.31F82D5B AR6 Kernel Register (KR6) * FFFFFFFF.84C3E000 AR7 Kernel Register (KR7) * FFFFFFFF.89D4B000 AR16 Register Stack Config Reg (RSC) 00000000.00000000 AR17 Backing Store Pointer (BSP) FFFFF802.A3EAC300 AR18 Backing Store for Mem Store (BSPSTORE) FFFFF802.A3EAC300 AR19 RSE NaT Collection Register (RNAT) 00000000.00000000 AR32 Compare/Exchange Comp Value Reg (CCV) FFFFFFFF.84132680 AR36 User NaT Collection Register (UNAT) 00000000.00000000 AR40 Floating-point Status Reg (FPSR) 0009804C.0270033F AR44 Interval Time Counter (ITC) * 0000C6FB.A91997B5 AR64 Previous Function State (PFS) 00000000.00000FA7 AR65 Loop Count Register (LC) 00000000.00000000 AR66 Epilog Count Register (EC) 00000000.00000000 Processor Status Register (IPSR): AC = 0 MFL= 1 MFH= 0 IC = 1 I = 1 DT = 1 DFL= 0 DFH= 0 RT = 1 CPL= 0 IT = 1 MC = 0 RI = 1 Interrupt Status Register (ISR): Code 00000000 X = 0 W = 0 R = 0 NA = 0 SP = 0 RS = 0 IR = 0 NI = 0 SO = 0 EI = 1 ED = 0 Branch Registers: Region Registers: B0 FFFFFFFF.8063C570 RR0 * 00000000.00000035 B1 00000000.00000000 RR1 * 00000000.00000030 B2 00000000.00000000 RR2 * 00000000.00000030 B3 00000000.00000000 RR3 * 00000000.00000030 B4 00000000.00000000 RR4 * 00000000.00000030 B5 00000000.00000000 RR5 * 00000000.00000030 B6 FFFFFFFF.80001580 RR6 * 00000000.00000030 B7 FFFFFFFF.806F4D30 RR7 * 00000000.00000335 Floating Point Registers: FPSR 0009804C.0270033F F6 00000000.0001003E.00000000.0000FCBE F7 00000000.0001003E.00000000.00000040 F8 00000000.0001003E.00000000.003F2F80 F9 00000000.00010003.80000000.00000000 F10 00000000.0000FFFB.80000000.00000000 F11 00000000.0000FFFB.80000000.00000000 Miscellaneous Registers: Processor Identifier (CPUID 0,1) GenuineIntel (CPUID 3) 00000000.1F010504 Interrupt Priority Level (IPL) 00000003 Stack Align 000002D0 NaT Mask 001C PPrev Mode 00 Previous Stack 00 Interrupt Depth 00 Preds 00000000.FF65CCA3 Nats 00000000.00000000 Context 00000000.FF61CEA3 General Registers: R0 00000000.00000000 GP FFFFFFFF.8442E200 R2 FFFFFFFF.84132688 R3 FFFFFFFF.8442E200 R4 FFFFFFFF.8442E200 R5 00000000.00000001 R6 FFFFFFFF.84C3E000 R7 00000000.00000000 R8 00000000.00000003 R9 00000000.00000009 R10 00000000.00000008 R11 00000000.00000000 SP FFFFFFFF.89DA0D18 TP 00000000.00000000 R14 00000000.00000001 R15 FFFFFFFF.8401BD90 R16 FFFFFFFF.84017508 R17 FFFFFFFF.84009E98 R18 FFFFFFFF.84C3F274 R19 00000000.00000000 R20 FFFFFFFF.84009E00 R21 FFFFFFFF.84132627 R22 FFFFFFFF.84C3E01C R23 00000000.0000000F R24 00000000.00011F90 R25 00000000.00000003 R26 00000000.00000000 R27 FFFFFFFF.84132668 R28 FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8 R29 FFFFFFFF.89DA1FB0 R30 00000000.7FF2E318 R31 00000000.00000000 Interrupted Frame RSE Backing Store , Size = 39 registers FFFFF802.A3EAC300: FFFFFFFF.84C3E080 (R32) FFFFF802.A3EAC308: E0000000.00000000 (R33) FFFFF802.A3EAC310: FFFFFFFF.84132628 (R34) FFFFF802.A3EAC318: FFFFFFFF.88598080 (R35) FFFFF802.A3EAC320: 00000000.00000001 (R36) FFFFF802.A3EAC328: FFFFFFFF.806029A0 (R37) FFFFF802.A3EAC330: 00000000.FF65C563 (R38) FFFFF802.A3EAC338: 00000000.00000000 (R39) FFFFF802.A3EAC340: FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R40) FFFFF802.A3EAC348: FFFFFFFF.806029C0 (R41) FFFFF802.A3EAC350: FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R42) FFFFF802.A3EAC358: FFFFFFFF.88598080 (R43) FFFFF802.A3EAC360: FFFFFFFF.84191000 (R44) FFFFF802.A3EAC368: 00000000.00000009 (R45) FFFFF802.A3EAC370: FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8 (R46) FFFFF802.A3EAC378: FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R47) FFFFF802.A3EAC380: 00000000.00000000 (R48) FFFFF802.A3EAC388: FFFFFFFF.84132668 (R49) FFFFF802.A3EAC390: 00000000.00000008 (R50) FFFFF802.A3EAC398: 00000000.00000000 (R51) FFFFF802.A3EAC3A0: 00000000.7FF2E318 (R52) FFFFF802.A3EAC3A8: 00000000.00000000 (R53) FFFFF802.A3EAC3B0: 00000000.00000FB2 (R54) FFFFF802.A3EAC3B8: FFFFFFFF.84132627 (R55) FFFFF802.A3EAC3C0: 00000000.00000003 (R56) FFFFF802.A3EAC3C8: FFFFFFFF.89DA1FB0 (R57) FFFFF802.A3EAC3D0: FFFFFFFF.801D9BD0 (R58) FFFFF802.A3EAC3D8: FFFFFFFF.806029C0 (R59) FFFFF802.A3EAC3E0: 00000000.00000001 (R60) FFFFF802.A3EAC3E8: FFFFFFFF.89DA1FB0 (R61) FFFFF802.A3EAC3F0: FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R62) FFFFF802.A3EAC400: 00000000.00000003 (R63) FFFFF802.A3EAC408: FFFFFFFF.8063C570 (R64) FFFFF802.A3EAC410: 00000000.00000008 (R65) FFFFF802.A3EAC418: 00000000.00000008 (R66) FFFFF802.A3EAC420: FFFFFFFF.84132668 (R67) FFFFF802.A3EAC428: FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8 (R68) FFFFF802.A3EAC430: 00000000.00000008 (R69) FFFFF802.A3EAC438: FFFFFFFF.8416DAA0 (R70)
—List Name and Location of a Single Loaded Image (I64 and
Alpha Only)
;W — Lists information about an image that contains the address you supplied.
An address contained within an executive image or a user image.
The identifier assigned to an executive image.
The distance from the base address of the image.
The ;W
command is used for debugging code that resides in system or user
space. You can use this command with XDELTA for debugging an executive image. You can also use
this command with DELTA.
To examine the executive image list, you must be running in executive mode or your process must have change-mode-to-executive (CMEXEC) privilege.
This command can be used in two ways. In the first way, if you supply an address that you are trying to locate, the command lists the name of the executive or user image that contains the address, its base and ending addresses, and the offset of the address from the base of the image. For any executive image that has been sliced, it also displays its sequence number. The offset can be used with the link map of the image to locate the actual code or data. This offset is saved in the value Q.
In the second way, if you supply the sequence number of a sliced executive image and an offset, the command computes and displays the address in memory. The address is saved in the value Q.
, except
the offset is displayed for you, as shown in the following
example:80026530;W Seq# Image Name Base End Image Offset 000C SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE Nonpaged read only 80024000 8002C800 00002530
, except that the system space address that corresponds to the image
offset is displayed, as shown in the following
example:C,2530;W Seq# Image Name Base End Address 000C SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION.EXE Nonpaged read only 80024000 8002C800 80026530
—Load Base Register
;X — Places an address in a base register.
The address to place in the base register.
The number of the base register.
On I64 and Alpha, a parameter for modifying the default offset of 1000016. The valid range is 1 to FFFFFFFF.
An expression followed by a comma (,), or
A number from 0 to 1510, or optionally, a number from 1 to FFFFFFFF, a semicolon (;)
The letter X.
On VAX, to place an address in a base register, enter an expression followed by a comma (,), a number from 0 to F16,a semicolon (;), and the letter X.
On all platforms, DELTA/XDELTA places the address in the base register. DELTA/XDELTA confirms that the base register is set by displaying the value deposited in the base register.
402,0;X Return
Whenever DELTA/XDELTA displays an address, it will display a relative address if the address falls within the computer's valid range for an offset from a base register. The relative address consists of the base register identifier (Xn), followed by an offset. The offset gives the address location in relation to the address stored in the base register.
For example, if base register 2 contains 800D046A, the address that would be displayed is X2+C4, the base register identifier followed by the offset.
Relative addresses are computed for both opened and displayed locations and for addresses that are instruction operands.
If you have defined several base registers, the offset will be relative to the closest base register. If an address falls outside the valid range, it is displayed as a hexadecimal value.
On I64, the default offset is 10000016, which can be modified.
On Alpha, the default offset is 1000016, which can be modified.
On VAX, the default offset is 200016 bytes. It cannot be modified.
The following examples illustrate the command on each platform.
G0BF5D60,0,200;X 1 ;X 0 80BF5D60 00000200 4 8392A900 5 83009DE0 13 FFFFF802 06C00000 14 830937F015 83093700 G0BF5D60,0,200;X;X 0 80BF5D60 00000200 4 8392A900 5 83009DE0 13 FFFFF802 06C00000 14 830937F0 15 83093700
30000,0;X00030000 30070,1,200;X
00030070 ;X
0 00030000 1 00030070 00000200 S
X0+00000004! BIS R31,R31,R18 x1+10! STQ FP,#X0020(SP)
The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is virtual address 30000.
The base address is stored in base register 0 with | |
The address of a subroutine, 30070, is stored in base register 1, specifying a new offset of 200 (to override the default value of 100000). Note that this command could also have been expressed as "x0+70,1,200;X". DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in base register 1 just loaded, 30070. | |
The | |
The | |
The instruction at offset 10 from base register 1 is displayed in instruction mode using
the |
00000664/CLRQ -(SP) 200,1;X00000200
X1 490! CMPL R0,#000009A8
X1 499! BSBB X1+04A2
The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is virtual address 200. The base address is stored in base register 1with ;X. | |
DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in base register 1 just loaded, 200. | |
The instruction at offset 490 is displayed in instruction mode using the
| |
The instruction at offset 499 is displayed. This instruction is a branch instruction. DELTA/XDELTA displays the address of the branch in offset notation. |
—Step Instruction over Subroutine
O — Executes one instruction, steps over a subroutine by executing it, and displays the instruction to which the subroutine returns control.
The Step Instruction over Subroutine command executes one instruction and displays the
address of the next instruction. If the instruction executed is a call to a subroutine, the
subroutine is executed and the next instruction displayed is the instruction to which the
subroutine returns control. Use this command to do single-step instruction execution excluding
single-stepping of instructions within subroutines. If you want to do single-step execution of
all instructions, including those in subroutines, use the S
This command sets a flag to change the display mode to instruction mode. Any subsequent
Close Current Location, Open Next (LINEFEED) commands and Open and Display Indirect Location
(TAB) commands will display locations as machine instructions. The Open Location and Display
Contents (/
) command clears the flag, causing the display mode to revert to
longword, hexadecimal mode.
On I64, the subroutine call instruction is br.call.
On Alpha, the subroutine call instructions are JSR and BSR.
On VAX, the subroutine call instructions are BSBB, BSBW, JSB, CALLG, and CALLS.
On all platforms, if you set a breakpoint in the subroutine and enter the O command,
program execution breaks at the subroutine breakpoint. When you enter a Proceed command
), and program execution returns to the instruction to which the
subroutine returns control, a message is displayed, as follows:
Step-over at nnnnnnnn instruction
STEPOVER BRK AT nnnnnnnn instruction
The message informs you that program execution has returned from a subroutine.
If you are using XDELTA in a multiprocessor environment, the CPU ID of the processor where the break was taken is also displayed.
On I64 and Alpha, the CPU ID is displayed as a decimal number with no leading zeros.
On VAX, the CPU ID is displayed as a 2-digit hexadecimal number.
The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.
X0+00000380! mov r7 = r23SX0+00000381! nop.f 000000S X0+00000382! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000E30 O
X0+00000390! mov r29 = r41S
X0+00000391! mov r1 = r40S
Program execution is currently at Base Register X0, plus offset 00000380. The
instruction at X0+380 is a Move Application Register instruction. Step execution is then
continued using the | |
Program execution is stopped at Base Register X0, plus offset 00000381. The instruction
at offset 00000381 is a No Operation instruction. Step execution is then continued using the
| |
Program execution is stopped at offset 00000382. The instruction at 00000382 is a
"br.call" instruction. Execution is continued using the |
;B 1 00030040 2 00030070 ;P
Brk 1 at 00030040 00030040! LDA R27,#XFFC8(R2) O
00030044! BSR R26,#X00000A O
Brk 2 at 00030070 00030070! LDA SP,#XFFD0(SP) ;P
Step-over at 30048 00030048! LDQ R26,#X0048(R2) S
0003004C! BIS R31,R31,R17
A simple breakpoint is set in the main routine at address 30040, just prior to the subroutine call. | |
A simple breakpoint is set in the subroutine at address 30070. The breakpoints are
displayed using the | |
Program execution continues using | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message
and the instruction at the breakpoint address. The | |
The next instruction is a subroutine call (BSR). The subroutine is stepped over using
the | |
Ordinarily, the step-over would continue execution at the instruction following the
subroutine call. However, in this case, program execution stops at breakpoint 2 inside the
subroutine at address 30070. Program execution continues with the | |
The subroutine completes execution. DELTA/XDELTA displays a step-over break message that
indicates that the |
1 BRK AT 000006D5 000006D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0006 LOGINTIME= 12:50:29.45 2 BRK AT 00000699 00000699/BSBB 000006A2 ;P
1 BRK AT 000006D5 000006D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0007 LOGINTIME= 12:50:37.08 2 BRK AT 00000699 00000699/BSBB 000006A2 O
1 BRK AT 000006D5 000006D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0008 LOGINTIME= 12:50:45.64 STEPOVER BRK AT 0000069B
0000069B/BRB X1+047A
One breakpoint has been set at address 699 in the main routine. A simple breakpoint is
set at 6D5 using | |
Program execution continues using | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1, which is in the subroutine. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction at the new breakpoint. Program execution continues using ;P. | |
The subroutine completes and displays some output. Program execution continues until
breakpoint 2. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message and the breakpoint 2 instruction.
Program execution continues with the | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1. Program execution continues with the
| |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 2. The subroutine is stepped over to the next
instruction using the | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the subroutine. Program execution continues
using the | |
The subroutine completes execution and displays output. DELTA/XDELTA displays a STEPOVER
break message that states the |
—Step Instruction
S — Executes one instruction and displays the next. If the executed instruction is a call to a subroutine, it steps into the subroutine and displays the next instruction to be executed in the subroutine.
The Step Instruction command executes one instruction and displays the next instruction (in
instruction mode) and its address. Use this command to single-step instructions, including
single-stepping all instructions in subroutines. If you want to exclude single-stepping
instructions in subroutines, use the O
The instruction displayed has not yet been executed. This command sets a flag to change the
display mode to instruction mode. Any subsequent Close Current Location, Open Next (LINEFEED)
commands and Open and Display Indirect Location (TAB) commands will display locations as machine
instructions. The Open Location and Display Contents (/
) command clears the
flag, causing the display mode to revert to longword, hexadecimal mode.
On I64, if the instruction is a br.call instruction, Step moves to the subroutine called by these instructions and displays the first instruction within the subroutine.
If DELTA/XDELTA does not have write access to the target of a JSR instruction,you cannot
use the S
or ;P
command at the JSR instruction. First,
you must use the O
command; then you can use the S
On VAX, if the instruction being executed is a BSBB, BSBW, JSB, CALLG, or CALLS instruction, Step moves to the subroutine called by these instructions and displays the first instruction within the subroutine.
On Alpha and VAX, in general, you move to the instruction where you want to start single-step execution by placing a breakpoint at that instruction and typing ;P. Then press S to execute the first instruction and display the next one.
X0+00000061! mov r52 = b0 SX0+00000062! mov r40 = r1 S
X0+00000070! st8 [r12] = r0 ;;
Program execution has been stopped at base register X0 plus offset 0000061. The
instruction at this address is a Move Branch Register. Step execution is continued using the
| |
Program execution is now stopped at base register X0 plus offset 0000062. The
instruction at this address is a Move Application Register. Step execution is then continued
using the | |
The instruction at offset 0000070 is displayed. |
0003003C! BLBC R0,#X000006 S00030040! LDQ R16,#X0050(R2) S
00030044! BIS R31,R31,R17 S
00030048! LDQ R26,#X0040(R2)
Step program execution is started at address 3003C. The instruction at 3003C is a
conditional branch instruction. Step execution is continued using the | |
Because the condition (BLBC) was not met, program execution continued at the next
instruction at address 30040. Had the branch been taken, execution would have continued at
address 30058. The second | |
The instruction at address 30044 is displayed. The |
00000690/CMPL R0,#000009A8 S00000697/BEQL 0000069D S
00000699/BSBB 000006A2 S
000006A2/PUSHL R2
Step program execution is started at address 690. The instruction at 690 is executed and
the next instruction is displayed. Step execution is continued using
| |
At address 697, there is a branch instruction to the instruction at address 69D.
However, because the condition (BEQL) is not met, program execution continues at the next
instruction. The next | |
At address 699, there is a branch instruction to the instruction at address 6A2, a
subroutine. The next | |
Program execution moves to the subroutine. |
Appendix A. Sample DELTA Debug Session on I64
to obtain the PID, process name, and login time of each
process. To run the example program without error, you need WORLD privilege. Note
Although this example debugging session demonstrates using the DELTA debugger, you could use most of the commands in the example in an XDELTA debugging session as well.
Section A.1, “Listing File for C Example Program” shows the source and machine listing files for the example C program.
Section A.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on I64” shows the example DELTA debugging session and explains the various commands used and information provided.
A.1. Listing File for C Example Program
See Section A.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on I64” for the corresponding sample debugging session using this program.
A.1.1. Source Listing for I64 Debugging Example
1 #include <descrip.h> 973 #include <jpidef.h> 1378 #include <ssdef.h> 5641 #include <starlet.h> 9024 #include <stdio.h> 0606 #include <stdlib.h> 2406 22407 void print_line(unsigned long int pid, 22408 char *process_name, 22409 unsigned long int *time_buffer); 22410 22411 typedef struct { 22412 unsigned short int il3_buffer_len; 22413 unsigned short int il3_item_code; 22414 void *il3_buffer_ptr; 22415 unsigned short int *il3_return_len_ptr; 22416 } item_list_3; 22417 22418 #define NUL '\0' 22419 22420 main(void) 22421{ 22422 static char name_buf[16]; 22423 static unsigned long int pid, time_buf[2]; 22424 static unsigned short int name_len; 22425 22426 unsigned short int pidadr[2] = {-1, -1}; 22427 unsigned long int ss_sts; 22428 item_list_3 jpi_itmlst[] = { 22429 /* Get login time */ 22430 { sizeof(time_buf), 22431 JPI$_LOGINTIM, 22432 (void *) time_buf, 22433 NULL 22434 }, 22435 22436 /* Get process name */ 22437 { sizeof(name_buf) - 1, 22438 JPI$_PRCNAM, 22439 (void *) name_buf, 22440 &name_len 22441 }, 22442 22443 /* Get process ID (PID) */ 22444 { sizeof(pid), 22445 JPI$_PID, 22446 (void *) &pid, 22447 NULL 22448 }, 22449 22450 /* End of list */ 22451 { 0, 22452 0, 22453 NULL, 22454 NULL 22455 } 22456 }; 22457 22458 /* 22459 * While there's more GETJPI information to process and a 22460 * catastrophic error has not occurred then 22461 * If GETJPI was successful then 22462 * NUL terminate the process name string and 22463 * print the information returned by GETJPI 22464 */ 22465 22466 while((ss_sts = sys$getjpiw(0, &pidadr, 0, &jpi_itmlst, 0, 0, 0)) != SS$_NOMOREPROC && 22467 ss_sts != SS$_BADPARAM && 22468 ss_sts != SS$_ACCVIO) { 22469 22470 if (ss_sts == SS$_NORMAL) { 22471 *(name_buf + name_len) = NUL; 22472 print_line(pid, name_buf, time_buf); 22473 } 22474 } 22475 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); 22476 } 22477 22478 void print_line(unsigned long int pid, 22479 char *process_name 22480 unsigned long int *time_buffer) 22481 { 22482 static char ascii_time[12]; 22483 22484 struct dsc$descriptor_s time_dsc = { 22485 sizeof(ascii_time) - 1, 22486 DSC$K_DTYPE_T, 22487 DSC$K_CLASS_S, 22488 ascii_time 22489 1 22490 unsigned short int time_len; 22491 22492 /* 22493 Convert the logged in time to ASCII and NUL terminate it 22494 */ 22495 sys$asctim(&time_len, &time_dsc, time_buffer, 1); 22496 *(ascii_time + time_len) = NUL; 22497 22498 /* 22499 Output the PID, process name and logged in time 22500 */ 22501 printf("\n\tPID= %08.8X\t\tPRCNAM= %s\tLOGINTIM= %s", 22502 pid, 22503 process_name, 22504 ascii_time); 22505 22506 return; 22507 }
A.1.2. Machine Code Listing for I64 Debugging Example
.psect $CODE$, CON, LCL, SHR, EXE, NOWRT, NOVEC, NOSHORT .proc __MAIN .align 32 .global __MAIN .personality DECC$$SHELL_HANDLER .handlerdata __MAIN: // 02242 { .mii 002C00F2EB40 0000 alloc r45 = rspfs, 6, 9, 8, 0 010800C00080 0001 mov r2 = sp // r2 = r12 0120000A0380 0002 mov r14 = 80 ;; } { .mmi 010028E183C0 0010 sub r15 = sp, r14 ;; // r15 = r12, r14 0080C0F00380 0011 ld8 r14 = [r15] 010800F00300 0012 mov sp = r15 ;; // r12 = r15 } { .mii 000008000000 0020 nop.m 0 000188000B00 0021 mov r44 = rp // r44 = br0 010800100B80 0022 mov r46 = gp ;; // r46 = r1 } ⋮ { .mii 010802E00040 0100 mov gp = r46 // r1 = r46 00015405A000 0101 mov.i rspfs = r45 000E00158000 0102 mov rp = r44 ;; // br0 = r44 } { .mbb 010800CA0300 0110 adds sp = 80, sp // r12 = 80, r12 000108001100 0111 br.ret.sptk.many rp // br0 004000000000 0112 nop.b 0 ;; } .endp __MAINRoutine Size: 288 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0000
.proc MAIN .align 32 .global MAIN MAIN: // 022420 { .mii 002C00A22A00 0120 alloc r40 = rspfs, 0, 10, 7, 0 010800C00080 0121 mov r2 = sp // r2 = = r12 012000080380 0122 mov r14 = 64 ;; } { .mmi 010028E183C0 0130 sub r15 = sp, r14 ;; // r5 = r12, r14 0080C0F00380 0131 ld8 r14 = [r15] 010800F00300 0132 mov sp = r15 ;; // r12 = r15 } { .mii 000008000000 0140 nop.m 0 0001880009C0 0141 mov r39 = rp // r39 = br0 010800100A40 0142 mov r41 = gp ;; // r41 = r1 } . . . { .mbb 01C4321401C0 0280 cmp4.eq pr7, pr6 = ss_sts, r33 // pr7, pr6 = r32, r33 008600018007 0281 (pr7) br.cond.dpnt.many L$12 004000000000 0282 nop.b 0 ;; } . . . { .mib 0080C2B00AC0 0320 ld8.mov out1 = [r43], name_buf 012000100B00 0321 add out2 = @gprel(time_buf), gp // r44 = @gprel(time_buf), r1 00A000001000 0322 br.call.sptk.many rp = PRINT_LINE ;; // br0 = PRINT_LINE } { .bbb 0091FFFDD000 0330 br.sptk.many L$10 // 022473 004000000000 0331 nop.b 0004000000000 0332 nop.b 0 ;; } . . . { .mii 000008000000 0370 nop.m 0 000E0014E000 0371 mov rp = r39 // br0 = r39 010800C80300 0372 adds sp = 64, sp ;; // r12 = 64, r12 } { .bbb 000108001100 0380 br.ret.sptk.many rp // br0 004000000000 0381 nop.b 0 004000000000 0382 nop.b 0 ;; } .endp MAIN Routine Size: 624 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0120
.proc PRINT_LINE .align 32 .global PRINT_LINE PRINT_LINE: // 022478 { .mii 002C0091A9C0 0390 alloc r39 = rspfs, 3, 6, 4, 0 010800C00080 0391 mov r2 = sp // r2 = r12 012000020380 0392 mov r14 = 16 ;; } { .mmi 010028E183C0 03A0 sub r15 = sp, r14 ;; // r15 = r12, r14 0080C0F00380 03A1 ld8 r14 = [r15] 010800F00300 03A2 mov sp = r15 ;; // r12 = r15 } . . . { .mmi 012000100B00 0490 add out3 = @ltoffx(ascii_time), gp ;; //r44 = @ltoffx(ascii_time), r1 0080C2C00B00 0491 ld8.mov out3 = [r44], ascii_time 012000008640 0492 mov ai = 4 ;; // r25 = 4 } { .bbb 00A000001000 04A0 br.call.sptk.many rp = DECC$TXPRINTF // br0 = DECC$TXPRINTF 004000000000 04A1 nop.b 0 004000000000 04A2 nop.b 0 ;; } { .mii 010802800040 04B0 mov gp = r40 // r1 = r40 00015404E000 04B1 mov.i rspfs = r39 // 022506 000E0014C000 04B2 mov rp = r38 ;; // br0 = r38 } { .mbb 010800C20300 04C0 adds sp = 16, sp // r12 = 16, r12 000108001100 04C1 br.ret.sptk.many rp // br0 004000000000 04C2 nop.b 0 ;; } .endp PRINT_LINE Routine Size: 320 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0390
file for the sample program is shown in Example A.5, “.MAP
File for the Sample Program”.Only the Program Section Synopsis with the psect, module, base
address, end address, and length are listed. .MAP
File for the Sample Program+--------------------------+ ! Program Section Synopsis ! +--------------------------+ Psect Name Module/Image Base End Length ---------- ------------ ---- --- ------ $BSS$ 00010000 0001001F 00000020 ( 32.) LOG 00010000 0001001F 00000020 ( 32.) $CODE$ 00020000 0002061F 00000620 ( 1568.) LOG 00020000 000204CF 000004D0 ( 1232.) <Linker> 000204D0 0002061F 00000150 ( 336.) $LITERAL$ 00030000 00030058 00000059 ( 89.) LOG 00030000 00030058 00000059 ( 89.) $READONLY$ 00030060 00030087 00000028 ( 40.) LOG 00030060 00030087 00000028 ( 40.) $LINK$ 00040000 00040000 00000000 ( 0.) LOG 00040000 00040000 00000000 ( 0.) $LINKER UNWIND$ 00040000 00040047 00000048 ( 72.) LOG 00040000 00040047 00000048 ( 72.) $LINKER UNWINFO$ 00040048 000400B7 00000070 ( 112.) LOG 00040048 000400B7 00000070 ( 112.) .sbss 00050000 00050013 00000014 ( 20.) LOG 00050000 00050013 00000014 ( 20.) $LINKER SDATA$ 00060000 000600CF 000000D0 ( 208.) <Linker> 00060000 000600CF 000000D0 ( 208.)
A.2. Example DELTA Debugging Session on I64
The DELTA debugging session on OpenVMS I64 for the sample program is shown in the three example segments that follow.
DELTA Debugging Session Example on I64 - Part 1
In the first part of the example session, DELTA is enabled and the LOG program is invoked.
The example shows version information displayed by DELTA and the use of several key DELTA
commands, including !
, ;B
, and
hp OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 DELTA Debugger
Brk 0 at 00020000 00020000! alloc r45 = ar.pfs, 0F, 08, 00 20000,1;X 00020000 X1 280! cmp4.eq p7, p6 = r32, r33 .;B
X1 322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; .;B
;P Brk 1 at X1+00000280
X1+00000280! cmp4.eq p7, p6 = r32, r33 R32/00000000 00000001 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322 X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O PID= 37E00401 PRCNAM= SWAPPER LOGINTIM= 00:00:00.00
DELTA is enabled as the debugger. | |
The example program LOG is invoked with DELTA. | |
DELTA displays a banner and the first executable instruction. The base address of
the program (determined from the | |
The instruction at address 20280 is displayed in instruction mode using the
A simple breakpoint is set at that address using the | |
The same commands (that is, the | |
Program execution halts at the first breakpoint. DELTA displays the breakpoint
message (Brk 1 at X1+00000280) with the breakpoint number 1 and the address at which the
break occurred. The virtual address is 20280, which is the base address (20000) plus the
offset 280. DELTA then displays the instruction in instruction mode (cmp4.eq p7, p6 =
r32, r33). The contents of general register 32 are displayed with the forward slash (/)
command (register 32 contains the value of the | |
The function |
DELTA Debugging Session Example on I64 - Part 2
In the second part of the example session, program execution continues and DELTA stop sat
the next breakpoint and displays information. User interaction allows DELTA to continue
subsequent breakpoints. Use of the O
command is demonstrated to halt
program execution and step over a routine call.
X1+00000330! br.many 1FFFEE0 ;PBrk 1 at X1+00000280 X1+00000280! cmp4.eq p7, p6 = r32, r33 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322 X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O
PID= 37E00407 PRCNAM= CLUSTER_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:49.48 X1+00000330! br.many 1FFFEE0 ;P Brk 1 at X1+00000280 X1+00000280! cmp4.eq p7, p6 = r32, r33 ;B 1 X1+00000280 2 X1+00000322 0,1;B ;B 2 X1+00000322 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322
X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O PID= 37E00408 PRCNAM= CONFIGURE LOGINTIM= 13:48:52.06 X1+00000330! br.many 1FFFEE0 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322
X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O PID= 37E00409 PRCNAM= USB$UCM_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:54.80 X1+00000330! br.many 1FFFEE0 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322
X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; X1 491! ld8 r44 = [r44] Linefeed
X1+00000492! mov r25 = 000004 ;; Linefeed X1+000004A0! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 .;B
;B 1 X1+000004A0 2 X1+00000322 ;P
Brk 1 at X1+000004A0
X1+000004A0! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 O PID= 37E0040A PRCNAM= LANACP LOGINTIM= 13:48:54.84 X1+000004B0! mov r1 = r40 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322 X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; ;P Brk 1 at X1+000004A0
X1+000004A0! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 O PID= 37E0040C PRCNAM= FASTPATH_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.01 X1+000004B0! mov r1 = r40 ;P Brk 2 at X1+00000322 X1+00000322! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; ;B 1 X1+000004A0 2 X1+00000322 0,2;B 0,1;B ;B ;P PID= 37E0040D PRCNAM= IPCACP LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.05 PID= 37E0040E PRCNAM= ERRFMT LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.14 PID= 37E0040F PRCNAM= CACHE_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.19 PID= 37E00410 PRCNAM= OPCOM LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.24 PID= 37E00411 PRCNAM= AUDIT_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.31 PID= 37E00412 PRCNAM= JOB_CONTROL LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.39 PID= 37E00414 PRCNAM= SECURITY_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.84 PID= 37E00415 PRCNAM= ACME_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.88 PID= 37E00416 PRCNAM= SMISERVER LOGINTIM= 13:49:02.26 PID= 37E0041E PRCNAM= NETACP LOGINTIM= 13:49:04.54 PID= 37E0041F PRCNAM= EVL LOGINTIM= 13:49:05.68 PID= 37E00420 PRCNAM= REMACP LOGINTIM= 13:49:13.39 PID= 37E00424 PRCNAM= TCPIP$INETACP LOGINTIM= 13:50:05.71 PID= 37E00425 PRCNAM= TCPIP$PORTM_1 LOGINTIM= 13:50:08.40 PID= 37E00426 PRCNAM= TCPIP$FTP_1 LOGINTIM= 13:50:08.77 PID= 37E0042A PRCNAM= LATACP LOGINTIM= 13:50:12.00 PID= 37E008E5 PRCNAM= SYSTEM LOGINTIM= 13:32:01.42 PID= 37E008E7 PRCNAM= JNELSON LOGINTIM= 13:41:17.48$
Program execution continues with the | |
The | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction. The function is executed with the | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction. The function is executed with the | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. The instruction at offset 491 (located in
| |
Successive address locations are displayed by pressing the Linefeed key
(Ctrl/J) twice. These instructions are the remainder
of the setup and the call to | |
A breakpoint at X1+4A0 (the current address) is set using the | |
Program execution continues with the | |
Program execution stops at the new breakpoint 1, which is in the
| |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the |
Appendix B. Sample DELTA Debug Session on Alpha
Although this example debugging session demonstrates using the DELTA debugger, you could use most of the commands in the example in an XDELTA debugging session as well.
Section B.1, “Listing File for C Example Program” shows the source and machine listing files for the example C program
Section B.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on Alpha” shows the example DELTA debugging session and explains the various commands used and information provided.
B.1. Listing File for C Example Program
See Section B.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on Alpha” for the corresponding sample debugging session using this program.
B.1.1. Source Listing for Alpha Debugging Example
1 #include <descrip.h> 434 #include <jpidef.h> 581 #include <ssdef.h> 1233 #include <starlet.h> 3784 #include <stdio.h> 4117 #include <stdlib.h> 4345 4346 void print_line(unsigned long int pid, char *process_name, 4347 unsigned long int *time_buffer); 4348 4349 typedef struct { 4350 unsigned short int il3_buffer_len; 4351 unsigned short int il3_item_code; 4352 void *il3_buffer_ptr; 4353 unsigned short int *il3_return_len_ptr; 4354 } item_list_3; 4355 4356 #define NUL '\0' 4357 4358 main() 4359 { 4360 static char name_buf[16]; 4361 static unsigned long int pid, time_buf[2]; 4362 static unsigned short int name_len; 4363 4364 unsigned short int pidadr[2] = {-1, -1}; 4365 unsigned long int ss_sts; 4366 item_list_3 jpi_itmlst[] = { 4367 /* Get's login time */ 4368 {sizeof(time_buf), 4369 JPI$_LOGINTIM, 4370 (void *) time_buf, 4371 NULL}, 4372 4373 /* Get's process name */ 4374 {sizeof(name_buf) - 1, 4375 JPI$_PRCNAM, 4376 (void *) name_buf, 4377 &name_len}, 4378 4379 /* Get's process ID (PID) */ 4380 {sizeof(pid), 4381 JPI$_PID, 4382 (void *) &pid, 4383 NULL}, 4384 4385 /* End of list */ 4386 {0, 4387 0, 4388 NULL, 4389 NULL} 4390 }; 4391 4392 /* 4393 While there's more GETJPI information to process and a catastrophic 4394 error has not occurred then 4395 If GETJPI was successful then 4396 NUL terminate the process name string and 4397 print the information returned by GETJPI 4398 */ 4399 4400 while( 4401 (ss_sts = sys$getjpiw(0, &pidadr, 0, &jpi_itmlst, 0, 0, 0)) != SS$_NOMOREPROC && 4402 ss_sts != SS$_BADPARAM && 4403 ss_sts != SS$_ACCVIO) 4404 { 4405 if (ss_sts == SS$_NORMAL) 4406 { 4407 *(name_buf + name_len) = NUL; 4408 print_line(pid, name_buf, time_buf); 4409 } 4410 } 4411 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); 4412 } 4413 4414 void print_line(unsigned long int pid, char *process_name, 4415 unsigned long int *time_buffer) 4416 { 4417 static char ascii_time[12]; 4418 4419 struct dsc$descriptor_s time_dsc = { 4420 sizeof(ascii_time) - 1, 4421 DSC$K_DTYPE_T, 4422 DSC$K_CLASS_S, 4423 ascii_time 4424 }; 4425 unsigned short int time_len; 4426 4427 /* 4428 Convert the logged in time to ASCII and NUL terminate it 4429 */ 4430 sys$asctim(&time_len, &time_dsc, time_buffer, 1); 4431 *(ascii_time + time_len) = NUL; 4432 4433 /* 4434 Output the PID, process name and logged in time 4435 */ 4436 printf("\n\tPID= %08.8X\t\tPRCNAM= %s\tLOGINTIM= %s", pid, 4437 process_name, ascii_time); 4438 4439 return; 4440 ) 4441 __main(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6) 4442 { 4443 void decc$exit(int); 4444 void decc$main(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, int *, void **, void **); 4445 int status; 4446 int argc; 4447 void *argv; 4448 void *envp; 4449 4450 decc$main(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, &argc, &argv, &envp); 4451 4452 status = main4453 ( 4454 4455 4456 4457 ); 4458 4459 decc$exit(status); 4460 }
B.1.2. Machine Code Listing for Alpha Debugging Example
.PSECT $CODE, OCTA, PIC, CON, REL, LCL, SHR,- EXE, NORD, NOWRT 0000 print_line:: ; 004414 0000 LDA SP, -80(SP) ; SP, -80(SP) 0004 MOV 1, R19 ; 1, R19 ; 004430 0008 STQ R27, (SP) ; R27, (SP) ; 004414 000C MOV 4, R25 ; 4, R25 ; 004430 0010 STQ R26, 32(SP) ; R26, 32(SP) ; 004414 0014 STQ R2, 40(SP) ; R2, 40(SP) 0018 STQ R3, 48(SP) ; R3, 48(SP) 001C STQ R4, 56(SP) ; R4, 56(SP) 0020 STQ FP, 64(SP) ; FP, 64(SP) 0024 MOV SP, FP ; SP, FP 0028 MOV R27, R2 ; R27, R2 002C STL R17, process_name ; R17, 16(FP) 0030 LDQ R0, 40(R2) ; R0, 40(R2) ; 004419 0034 MOV R16, pid ; R16, R3 ; 004414 0038 LDQ R26, 48(R2) ; R26, 48(R2) ; 004430 003C LDA R16, time_len ; R16, 8(FP) 0040 LDQ R4, 32(R2) ; R4, 32(R2) ; 004423 0044 LDA R17, time_dsc ; R17, 24(FP) ; 004430 0048 STQ R0, time_dsc ; R0, 24(FP) ; 004419 004C LDQ R27, 56(R2) ; R27, 56(R2) ; 004430 0050 STL R4, 28(FP) ; R4, 28(FP) ; 004419 0054 JSR R26, SYS$ASCTIM ; R26, R26 ; 004430 0058 LDL R0, time_len ; R0, 8(FP) ; 004431 005C MOV pid, R17 ; R3, R17 ; 004436 0060 LDQ R27, 88(R2) ; R27, 88(R2) 0064 MOV R4, R19 ; R4, R19 0068 LDQ R26, 80(R2) ; R26, 80(R2) 006C MOV 4, R25 ; 4, R25 0070 ZEXTW R0, R0 ; R0, R0 ; 004431 0074 ADDQ R4, R0, R0 ; R4, R0, R0 0078 LDQ_U R16, (R0) ; R16, (R0) 007C MSKBL R16, R0, R16 ; R16, R0, R16 0080 STQ_U R16, (R0) ; R16, (R0) 0084 LDQ R16, 64(R2) ; R16, 64(R2) ; 004436 0088 LDL R18, process_name ; R18, 16(FP) 008C JSR R26, DECC$GPRINTF ; R26, R26 0090 MOV FP, SP ; FP, SP ; 004439 0094 LDQ R28, 32(FP) ; R28, 32(FP) 0098 LDQ R2, 40(FP) ; R2, 40(FP) 009C LDQ R3, 48(FP) ; R3, 48(FP) 00A0 LDQ R4, 56(FP) ; R4, 56(FP) 00A4 LDQ FP, 64(FP) ; FP, 64(FP) 00A8 LDA SP, 80(SP) ; SP, 80(SP) 00AC RET R28 ; R28 Routine Size: 176 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE + 0000 00B0 main:: ; 004358 00B0 LDA SP, -144(SP) ; SP, -144(SP) 00B4 MOV 48, R17 ; 48, R17 ; 004366 00B8 STQ R27, (SP) ; R27, (SP) ; 004358 00BC STQ R26, 64(SP) ; R26, 64(SP) 00C0 STQ R2, 72(SP) ; R2, 72(SP) 00C4 STQ R3, 80(SP) ; R3, 80(SP) 00C8 STQ R4, 88(SP) ; R4, 88(SP) 00CC STQ R5, 96(SP) ; R5, 96(SP) 00D0 STQ R6, 104(SP) ; R6, 104(SP) 00D4 STQ R7, 112(SP) ; R7, 112(SP) 00D8 STQ R8, 120(SP) ; R8, 120(SP) 00DC STQ FP, 128(SP) ; FP, 128(SP) 00E0 MOV SP, FP ; SP, FP 00E4 MOV R27, R2 ; R27, R2 00E8 LDA SP, -16(SP) ; SP, -16(SP) 00EC LDQ R26, 40(R2) ; R26, 40(R2) ; 004366 00F0 LDQ R18, 64(R2) ; R18, 64(R2) 00F4 LDA R16, jpi_itmlst ; R16, 16(FP) 00F8 JSR R26, OTS$MOVE ; R26, R26 00FC LDA R6, jpi_itmlst ; R6, 16(FP) ; 004401 0100 LDQ R3, -64(R2) ; R3, -64(R2) ; 004370 0104 LDA R7, pidadr ; R7, 8(FP) ; 004401 0108 LDQ R0, 32(R2) ; R0, 32(R2) ; 004364 010C MOV 2472, R8 ; 2472, R8 ; 004401 0110 STL R0, pidadr ; R0, 8(FP) ; 004364 0114 LDA R3, time_buf ; R3, 16(R3) ; 004370 0118 MOV R3, R5 ; R3, R5 011C STL R5, 20(FP) ; R5, 20(FP) ; 004366 0120 LDA R4, 8(R3) ; R4, 8(R3) ; 004376 0124 STL R4, 32(FP) ; R4, 32(FP) ; 004366 0128 LDA R17, 24(R3) ; R17, 24(R3) 012C STL R17, 36(FP) ; R17, 36(FP) 0130 LDA R19, 28(R3) ; R19, 28(R3) 0134 STL R19, 44(FP) ; R19, 44(FP) 0138 L$6: ; 004400 0138 LDQ R26, 48(R2) ; R26, 48(R2) ; 004401 013C CLR R16 ; R16 0140 LDQ R27, 56(R2) ; R27, 56(R2) 0144 MOV R7, R17 ; R7, R17 0148 STQ R31, (SP) ; R31, (SP) 014C CLR R18 ; R18 0150 MOV R6, R19 ; R6, R19 0154 CLR R20 ; R20 0158 CLR R21 ; R21 015C MOV 7, R25 ; 7, R25 0160 JSR R26, SYS$GETJPIW ; R26, R26 0164 CMPEQ ss_sts, 20, R16 ; R0, 20, R16 ; 004402 0168 CMPEQ ss_sts, R8, R17 ; R0, R8, R17 ; 004401 016C CMPEQ ss_sts, 12, R18 ; R0, 12, R18 ; 004403 0170 BIS R17, R16, R17 ; R17, R16, R17 ; 004401 0174 BIS R17, R18, R18 ; R17, R18, R18 0178 BNE R18, L$10 ; R18, L$10 ; 004400 017C CMPEQ ss_sts, 1, R0 ; R0, 1, R0 ; 004405 0180 BEQ R0, L$6 ; R0, L$6 0184 MOV R4, R17 ; R4, R17 ; 004408 0188 LDQ_U R19, 24(R3) ; R19, 24(R3) ; 004407 018C MOV R5, R18 ; R5, R18 ; 004408 0190 LDA R27, -96(R2) ; R27, -96(R2) 0194 EXTWL R19, R3, R19 ; R19, R3, R19 ; 004407 0198 ADDQ R4, R19, R19 ; R4, R19, R19 019C LDQ_U R22, (R19) ; R22, (R19) 01A0 MSKBL R22, R19, R22 ; R22, R19, R22 01A4 STQ_U R22, (R19) ; R22, (R19) 01A8 LDL R16, 28(R3) ; R16, 28(R3) ; 004408 01AC BSR R26, print_line ; R26, print_line 01B0 BR L$6 ; L$6 ; 004405 01B4 NOP ; 01B8 L$10: ; 004400 01B8 LDQ R26, 80(R2) ; R26, 80(R2) ; 004411 01BC CLR R16 ; R16 01C0 LDQ R27, 88(R2) ; R27, 88(R2) 01C4 MOV 1, R25 ; 1, R25 01C8 JSR R26, DECC$EXIT ; R26, R26 01CC MOV FP, SP ; FP, SP ; 004412 01D0 LDQ R28, 64(FP) ; R28, 64(FP) 01D4 MOV 1, R0 ; 1, R0 01D8 LDQ R2, 72(FP) ; R2, 72(FP) 01DC LDQ R3, 80(FP) ; R3, 80(FP) 01E0 LDQ R4, 88(FP) ; R4, 88(FP) 01E4 LDQ R5, 96(FP) ; R5, 96(FP) 01E8 LDQ R6, 104(FP) ; R6, 104(FP) 01EC LDQ R7, 112(FP) ; R7, 112(FP) 01F0 LDQ R8, 120(FP) ; R8, 120(FP) 01F4 LDQ FP, 128(FP) ; FP, 128(FP) 01F8 LDA SP, 144(SP) ; SP, 144(SP) 01FC RET R28 ; R28 Routine Size: 336 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE + 00B0 0200 __main:: ; 004441 0200 LDA SP, -48(SP) ; SP, -48(SP) 0204 MOV 9, R25 ; 9, R25 ; 004450 0208 STQ R27, (SP) ; R27, (SP) ; 004441 020C STQ R26, 24(SP) ; R26, 24(SP) 0210 STQ R2, 32(SP) ; R2, 32(SP) 0214 STQ FP, 40(SP) ; FP, 40(SP) 0218 MOV SP, FP ; SP, FP 021C LDA SP, -32(SP) ; SP, -32(SP) 0220 MOV R27, R2 ; R27, R2 0224 LDA R0, argc ; R0, 16(FP) ; 004450 0228 LDQ R26, 48(R2) ; R26, 48(R2) 022C LDA R1, argv ; R1, 12(FP) 0230 STQ R0, (SP) ; R0, (SP) 0234 LDA R0, envp ; R0, 8(FP) 0238 STQ R1, 8(SP) ; R1, 8(SP) 023C LDQ R27, 56(R2) ; R27, 56(R2) 0240 STQ R0, 16(SP) ; R0, 16(SP) 0244 JSR R26, DECC$MAIN ; R26, R26 0248 LDA R27, -96(R2) ; R27, -96(R2) ; 004452 024C BSR R26, main ; R26, main 0250 LDQ R27, 40(R2) ; R27, 40(R2) ; 004459 0254 MOV status, R16 ; R0, R16 0258 MOV 1, R25 ; 1, R25 025C LDQ R26, 32(R2) ; R26, 32(R2) 0260 JSR R26, DECC$EXIT ; R26, R26 0264 MOV FP, SP ; FP, SP ; 004460 0268 LDQ R28, 24(FP) ; R28, 24(FP) 026C LDQ R2, 32(FP) ; R2, 32(FP) 0270 LDQ FP, 40(FP) ; FP, 40(FP) 0274 LDA SP, 48(SP) ; SP, 48(SP) 0278 RET R28 ; R28 Routine Size: 124 bytes, Routine Base: $CODE + 0200
file for the sample program is shown in Example B.3, “.MAP
File for the Sample Program”. Only the Program Section Synopsis with the psect,
module, base address, end address, and length are listed..MAP
File for the Sample Program+--------------------------+ ! Program Section Synopsis ! +--------------------------+ Psect Name Module Name Base End Length ---------- ----------- ---- --- ------ $LINKAGE 00010000 000100FF 00000100 ( 256.) LOG 00010000 000100FF 00000100 ( 256.) $LITERAL 00010100 00010158 00000059 ( 89.) LOG 00010100 00010158 00000059 ( 89.) $READONLY 00010160 00010160 00000000 ( 0.) LOG 00010160 00010160 00000000 ( 0.) $INIT 00020000 00020000 00000000 ( 0.) LOG 00020000 00020000 00000000 ( 0.) $UNINIT 00020000 0002002F 00000030 ( 48.) LOG 00020000 0002002F 00000030 ( 48.) $CODE 00030000 0003027B 0000027C ( 636.) LOG 00030000 0003027B 0000027C ( 636.)
B.2. Example DELTA Debugging Session on Alpha
The DELTA debugging session on OpenVMS Alpha for the sample program is shown in the three example segments that follow.
B.2.1. DELTA Debugging Session Example on Alpha - Part 1
In the first part of the example session, DELTA is enabled and the LOG program is invoked. The example shows version information displayed by DELTA and the use of the ;B and ;P commands.
Alpha/VMS DELTA Version 1.5
Brk 0 at 00030200 00030200! LDA SP,#XFFD0(SP) 30000,1;X X1 164! CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16 .;B
X1 1AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 .;B
DELTA is enabled as the debugger. | |
The example program LOG is invoked with DELTA. | |
DELTA displays a version number and the first executable instruction.
The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is
virtual address 30000. The base address is placed in base register 1
with | |
The instruction at address 30164 is displayed in instruction mode using !. Its address location is expressed as the base address plus an offset. In the listing file, the offset is 164. (This is the point where the return status from SYS$GETJPIW is checked.) The base address in base address register X1 is 30000. The address reference, then, is X1+164. Note the + sign is implied when not specified. A simple breakpoint is set at that address using the
| |
The |
B.2.2. DELTA Debugging Session Example on Alpha - Part 2
In the second part of the example session, program execution continues with ;P, then halts at the first breakpoint and displays information. User interaction allows DELTA to continue subsequent breakpoints.
;PBrk 1 at 00030164
X1+00000164! CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16 R0/ 00000001 ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 O PID= 00000021 PRCNAM= SWAPPER LOGINTIM= 00:00:00.00
X1+000001B0! BR R31,#XFFFFE1 ;P Brk 1 at 00030164 X1+00000164! CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16 R0/ 00000001 ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 O
PID= 00000024 PRCNAM= ERRFMT LOGINTIM= 16:24:01.03 X1+000001B0! BR R31,#XFFFFE1 ;P Brk 1 at 00030164 X1+00000164! CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16 ;B 1 00030164 2 000301AC 0,1;B ;B 2 000301AC ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC
X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 O PID= 00000025 PRCNAM= OPCOM LOGINTIM= 16:24:02.56 X1+000001B0! BR R31,#XFFFFE1 ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC
X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 O PID= 00000026 PRCNAM= AUDIT_SERVER LOGINTIM=16:24:03.66 X1+000001B0! BR R31,#XFFFFE1 ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC
X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 X1 84! LDQ R16,#X0040(R2)
The | |
Program execution halts at the first breakpoint. DELTA displays the
breakpoint message (Brk 1 at 00030164) with the breakpoint number 1 and
the virtual address. The virtual address is 30164, which is the base
address (30000) plus the offset 164. DELTA then displays the instruction
in instruction mode (CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16). The contents of the general
register 0 are displayed with the / command. DELTA displays the contents
of R0, which is 1. Program execution continues using the
| |
The function print_line is executed, and the output (PID, process name, and login time) is displayed. | |
The O command halts program execution at the instruction where the
function returns control (BR R31,#XFFFFE1). (This is the point at which
control passes to checking the conditions of the while loop.) Program
execution continues with | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered. DELTA displays the breakpoint message,
and the instruction. The function is executed with the
| |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. DELTA displays the breakpoint
message, and the instruction. The function is executed with the
| |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. The instruction at offset 84 (in
print_line) is displayed using |
B.2.3. DELTA Debugging Session Example on Alpha - Part 3
In the third part of the example session, successive address locations are
specified when the user presses Linefeed. Another breakpoint is
set, and program execution continues. DELTA stops at the break point, and the
command is used to halt execution and step over a routine
call. Program execution continues through more breakpoints to a final exit.
LinefeedX1+00000088! LDL R18,#X0010(FP)Linefeed X1+0000008C! JSR R26,(R26) .;B
;B 1 0003008C 2 000301AC ;P
Brk 1 at 0003008C
X1+0000008C! JSR R26,(R26) O PID= 00000027 PRCNAM= JOB_CONTROL LOGINTIM= 16:24:06.83 X1+00000090! BIS R31,FP,SP ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 ;P Brk 1 at 0003008C
X1+0000008C! JSR R26,(R26) O PID= 00000028 PRCNAM= NETACP LOGINTIM= 16:24:22.86 X1+00000090! BIS R31,FP,SP ;P Brk 2 at 000301AC X1+000001AC! BSR R26,#XFFFF94 ;B 1 0003008C 2 000301AC 0,2;B 0,1;B ;B ;P PID= 00000029 PRCNAM= EVL LOGINTIM= 16:24:26.67 PID= 0000002A PRCNAM= REMACP LOGINTIM= 16:24:38.21 PID= 0000002B PRCNAM= LATACP LOGINTIM= 16:24:43.18 PID= 0000004C PRCNAM= GODDARD LOGINTIM= 07:40:49.34 PID= 0000002D PRCNAM= SYMBIONT_0001 LOGINTIM= 16:25:47.54 PID= 0000002F PRCNAM= MCCORMICK LOGINTIM= 16:27:45.27
Exit 00000001
8002228C! ADDL R15,SP,SP EXIT
Successive address locations are displayed by pressing the Linefeed key two times. These instructions are the remainder of the setup and the call to printf. | |
A breakpoint at X1+8C (the current address) is set using the
| |
Program execution continues with the | |
Program execution stops at the new breakpoint 1, which is in the
print_line function. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction at the new breakpoint. The | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the print_line function.
Program execution is continued using a combination of the
| |
All current process login times are displayed. | |
Final exit status is displayed. | |
The DELTA EXIT command is entered to terminate the debugging session and leave DELTA. |
Appendix C. Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX
to obtain the login times of each
process. To run the example program without error, you need WORLD
privilege. Note
Although this example debugging session demonstrates using the DELTA debugger, you could use most of the commands in the example in an XDELTA debugging session as well.
Section C.1, “Listing Files for Example Program” shows the source and machine listing files for the example program
Section C.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on VAX” shows the example DELTA debugging session and explains the various commands used and information provided.
C.1. Listing Files for Example Program
Section C.1.1, “Source Listing for VAX Debugging Example”—Listing file for example source code
Section C.1.2, “Map File for VAX Debugging Example”—Map file program section synopsis
See Section C.2, “Example DELTA Debugging Session on VAX” for the corresponding sample debugging session using this program.
C.1.1. Source Listing for VAX Debugging Example
0000 1 ;++ 0000 2 ; This sample program uses the wildcard feature of GETJPI to get 0000 3 ; LOGINTIM for each active process. It outputs the PID and LOGINTIM 0000 4 ; for each and exits when there are NOMOREPROCs. 0000 5 ;-- 0000 6 ; 0000 7 ; 0000 8 ; Data areas. 0000 9 ; 0000 10 DEVNAM: .ASCID /SYS$OUTPUT/ ;Output device specifier 000E 0012 11 0012 12 CHAN: .LONG 0 ;Assigned output channel 0016 13 0016 14 ITMLST: ;Item list for GETJPI call 0016 15 .WORD 8 ; Byte length of output buffer 0018 16 .WORD JPI$_LOGINTIM ; Specify LOGINTIM item code 001A 17 .ADDRESS TIME ; Address of output buffer 001E 18 .LONG 0 ; Not interested in return length 0022 19 .LONG 0 ;Item list terminator 0026 20 0026 21 TIME: .QUAD 0 ;Buffer to hold LOGINTIM 002E 22 002E 23 OUTLEN: .LONG 0 ;FAO buffer length 0032 24 OUTBUF: .LONG 1024 ;FAO buffer descriptor 0036 25 .ADDRESS BUF 003A 26 BUF: .BLKB 1024 ;FAO buffer 043A 27 043A 28 CTRSTR: .ASCID *!/!_PID= !XW!_LOGINTIME= !%T* ;FAO control string 0448 0454 045E 29 045E 30 PIDADR: .LONG -1 ;Wildcard PID control longword 0462 31 0462 32 ;++ 0462 33 ; Start of program. 0462 34 ;-- 0462 35 S: .WORD 0 ;Entry mask 0464 36 $ASSIGN_S DEVNAM,CHAN ;Assign output channel 0475 37 MOVAB TIME,R2 ;Load pointer to LOGINTIM 047A 38 ;output buffer 047A 39 LOOP: $GETJPI_S ITMLST=ITMLST,-;Get LOGINTIM for a process 047A 40 PIDADR=PIDADR 0490 41 CMPL R0,#SS$_NOMOREPROC ;Are we done? 0497 42 BEQL 5$ ;If EQL yes 0499 43 BSBB GOT_IT ;Process data for this process 049B 44 BRB LOOP ;Look for another process 049D 45 049D 46 5$: MOVZBL #SS$_NORMAL,R0 ;Set successful completion code 04A1 47 RET ;Return, no more processes 04A2 48 04A2 49 GOT_IT: $FAO_S CTRSTR,- ;Format the output data 04A2 50 OUTLEN,- 04A2 51 OUTBUF,- 04A2 52 PIDADR,R2 04B9 53 $QIOW_S CHAN=CHAN,- ;Output to SYS$OUTPUT 04B9 54 FUNC=#IO$_WRITEVBLK,- 04B9 55 P1=BUF,- 04B9 56 P2=OUTLEN 04DC 57 RSB ;Done with this process data 04DD 58 04DD 59 .END S
C.1.2. Map File for VAX Debugging Example
+--------------------------+ ! Program Section Synopsis ! +--------------------------+ Psect Name Module Name Base End Length ---------- ----------- ---- --- ------ . BLANK . 00000200 000006E2 000004E3 ( 1251.) .MAIN. 00000200 000006E2 000004E3 ( 1251.)
C.2. Example DELTA Debugging Session on VAX
The DELTA debugging session on OpenVMS VAX for the sample program is shown in the four example segments that follow.
C.2.1. DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 1
In the first part of the example session, DELTA is enabled and the
LOGINTM program is invoked. The example shows version information
displayed by DELTA and the use of the ;B
DELTA Version 6.0 00000664/CLRQ -(SP) 200,1;X
X1 490!CMPL R0,#000009A8 .;B
X1 499!BSBB X1+04A2 .;B
DELTA is enabled as the debugger. | |
The example program LOGINTIM is invoked with DELTA. | |
DELTA displays a version number and the first
executable instruction. The base address of the
program (determined from the map file) is virtual
address 200. The base address is placed in base
register 1 with | |
DELTA displays the value in base register 1, just loaded 200. | |
The instruction at address 690 is displayed in
instruction mode using A simple breakpoint is set at that address
using the | |
The same commands ( |
C.2.2. DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 2
In the second part of the example session, program execution begins. DELTA halts at the first breakpoint and displays information. User interaction allows DELTA to continue to the next breakpoint.
;PX1+0490/CMPL R0,#000009A8 R0/00000001 ;P
2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+499/BSBB X1+04A2 O
PID= 0000 LOGINTIME= 00:00:00.00
X1+049B/BRB X1+047A ;P
1 BRK AT 00000690 X1+0490/CMPL R0,#000009A8 R0/00000001 ;P
2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 O
PID= 0001 LOGINTIME= 00:00:00.00 X1+049B/BRB X1+047A ;P 1 BRK AT 00000690 X1+0490/CMPL R0,#000009A8
1 00000690 2 00000699
Program execution begins with the
| |
Program execution halts at the first
breakpoint. DELTA displays the breakpoint message
(1 BRK AT 00000690) with the breakpoint number 1
and the virtual address. The virtual address is
00000690, which is the base address (200) plus the
offset 490. DELTA then displays the instruction in
instruction mode (CMPL R0,#000009A8). The contents
of general register 0 are displayed with the /
command. DELTA displays the contents of R0, which
is 1. Program execution continues using the
| |
Program execution halts at breakpoint 2. DELTA
displays the breakpoint message, then the
instruction. Step-instruction execution, excluding
instructions in subroutines, is initiated with
| |
The subroutine GOT_IT is executed, and the output (PID and login time) is displayed. | |
The | |
Breakpoint 1 is encountered again; DELTA
displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction. The contents of R0 are examined
( | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again; DELTA
displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction. The subroutine is stepped over again
with the | |
Breakpoint 1 is encountered; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction. | |
All breakpoints in the program are listed with
the | |
DELTA displays the breakpoints (by breakpoint number) and the address locations. |
C.2.3. DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 3
In the third part of the example session, the first breakpoint is cleared, then all breakpoints are listed. The program continues until the next breakpoint is encountered, and the user sets a new breakpoint.
2 00000699
2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 O PID= 0004 LOGINTIME= 12:50:20.40 X1+049B/BRB X1+047A ;P
2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 ;P PID= 0005 LOGINTIME= 12:50:25.61
2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 X1 4B9! CLRQ -(SP)
X1+04BB/CLRQ -(SP) Linefeed X1+04BD/PUSHL X1+002E Linefeed X1+04C1/PUSHAL X1+003A Linefeed X1+04C5/CLRQ -(SP) Linefeed X1+04C7/PUSHL #00 Linefeed X1+04C9/MOVZWL #0030;-(SP) Linefeed X1+04CE/MOVZWL X1+0012,-(SP) Linefeed X1+04D3/PUSHL #00 Linefeed X1+04D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 .;B
1 000006D5 2 00000699
Breakpoint 1 is cleared using 0,[breakpoint #];B. (Never clear breakpoint 1 in XDELTA.) | |
All breakpoints are listed again with
| |
DELTA displays breakpoint 2 (breakpoint 1 cleared). | |
Program execution continues using the
| |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered; DELTA displays
the breakpoint message and the instruction. The
subroutine is executed with the
| |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered; DELTA displays
the breakpoint message and the instruction.
Program execution continues to the next breakpoint
with the | |
Breakpoint 2 is encountered again; the
instruction at offset 4B9 (in the subroutine) is
displayed using | |
Successive address locations are displayed by pressing the Linefeed key nine times. These instructions are the remainder of the setup and the call to the system service $QIOW. | |
A breakpoint at X1+04D5 (the current address)
is set using the | |
The current breakpoints in the program are listed. The new breakpoint is assigned breakpoint 1. |
C.2.4. DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 4
In the final part of the example session, program execution continues
and stops at the new breakpoint set in the previous example segment.
DELTA executes the subroutine where the breakpoint was encountered
and displays the output. The next breakpoint is reached and the use
enters the ;O
command to step over the
subroutine. When there are no more breakpoints, the program
completes and final exit status is displayed.
;P1 BRK AT 000006D5 X1+04D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0006 LOGINTIME= 12:50:29.45 2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 ;P
1 BRK AT 000006D5 X1+04D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0007 LOGINTIME= 12:50:37.08 2 BRK AT 00000699 X1+0499/BSBB X1+04A2 O
1 BRK AT 000006D5 X1+04D5/CALLS #0C,@#7FFEDE00 ;P
PID= 0008 LOGINTIME= 12:50:45.64 STEPOVER BRK AT 0000069B
X1+049B/BRB X1+047A ;B
1 000006D5 2 00000699
PID= 0009 LOGINTIME= 12:51:22.51 PID= 000A LOGINTIME= 12:51:30.26 PID= 000B LOGINTIME= 12:51:36.21 PID= 000C LOGINTIME= 12:51:58.86
EXIT 00000001
80187E7E/POPR #03 EXIT
Program execution continues with the
| |
Program execution stops at the new breakpoint
1, which is in the subroutine GOT_IT. DELTA
displays the breakpoint message and the
instruction at the new breakpoint. Program
execution continues with the | |
The subroutine completes and displays the
output, and program execution continues until
breakpoint 2. DELTA displays the breakpoint
message and the breakpoint 2 instruction. Program
execution continues with the | |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the
subroutine. Program execution continues with the
| |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 2. The
| |
Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the
subroutine. Program execution continues with the
| |
The subroutine completes execution and
displays output. DELTA displays a STEPOVER break
message to state that the | |
The instruction where the subroutine returns
is displayed, and program execution is halted. The
| |
The two current breakpoints are listed. | |
The command | |
The command | |
The | |
Program execution continues with the
| |
All current process login times are displayed. | |
Final exit status is displayed. | |
The DELTA EXIT command is entered to terminate the debugging session and leave DELTA. |
VAX specific
I64 and Alpha specific