VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual

Operating System and Version:
VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher


This manual provides users of the OpenVMS operating system with detailed usage and reference information about the string manipulation routines supplied in the STR$ facility of the Run-Time Library.

1. About VSI

VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.

2. Intended Audience

This manual is intended for system and application programmers who write programs that call STR$ Run-Time Library routines.

3. VSI Encourages Your Comments

You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: . Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact for help with this product.

4. OpenVMS Documentation

The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.

5. Conventions

The following conventions are also used in this manual:

Ctrl/ x

A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button.

PF1 x

A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button.


In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.)

A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities:
  • Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.

  • The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.

  • Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.


A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed.

( )

In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one.

[ ]

In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement.

[ |]

In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line.

{ }

In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line.

bold text

This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason.

italic text

Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type).


Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege.

Monospace type

Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.

In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example.


A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line.


All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated.

Chapter 1. Run-Time Library String Manipulation (STR$) Facility

This chapter contains an overview of the STR$ facility and lists the routines and their functions. Chapter 2, Introduction to String Manipulation (STR$) Routines explains in detail how the STR$ facility handles strings. The Chapter 3, String Manipulation (STR$) Routines describes all the STR$ routines.

1.1. Overview

The STR$ facility provides routines to perform the following functions:

Table 1.1. STR$ Mathematical Operation Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$ADDAdd two decimal strings
STR$DIVIDEDivide two decimal strings
STR$MULMultiply two decimal strings
STR$RECIPReturn the reciprocal of a decimal string
STR$ROUNDRound or truncate a decimal string
Table 1.2. STR$ Compare Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARECompare strings without regard to case
STR$COMPARECompare two strings
STR$COMPARE_EQLCompare two strings for equality
STR$COMPARE_MULTICompare two strings for equality using the DEC Multinational Character Set
Table 1.3. STR$ Extract and Replace Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$ELEMENTExtract delimited element substring
STR$LEFTExtract a substring of a string
STR$LEN_EXTRExtract a substring of a string
STR$POS_EXTRExtract a substring of a string
STR$REPLACEReplace a substring
STR$RIGHTExtract a substring of a string
Table 1.4. STR$ Append and Concatenate Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$APPENDAppend a string
STR$CONCATConcatenate two or more strings
STR$PREFIXPrefix a string
Table 1.5. STR$ Copy Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$COPY_DXCopy a source string passed by descriptor to a destination string
STR$COPY_RCopy a source string passed by reference to a destination string
?STR$COPY_R_64Copy a source string passed by reference to a destination string
Table 1.6. STR$ Search Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SETFind the first character in a set of characters
STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SETFind the first character that does not occur in the set
STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRINGFind the first substring in the input string
Table 1.7. STR$ Allocate and Deallocate Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$FREE1_DXFree one dynamic string
STR$GET1_DXAllocate one dynamic string
?STR$GET1_DX_64Allocate one dynamic string
Table 1.8. STR$ Miscellaneous Routines
Routine NameFunction
STR$ANALYZE_SDESCAnalyze a string descriptor
?STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64Analyze a string descriptor
STR$DUPL_CHARDuplicate character n times
STR$MATCH_WILDMatch a wildcard specification
STR$POSITIONReturn relative position of a substring
STR$TRANSLATETranslate matched characters
STR$TRIMTrim trailing blanks and tabs
STR$UPCASEConvert string to all uppercase

1.1.1. 64-Bit Addressing Support (Alpha Only)

On Alpha systems, the String Manipulation (STR$) routines provide 64-bit virtual addressing capabilities as follows:

  • All STR$ RTL routines now accept 64-bit addresses for arguments passed by reference.

  • All STR$ RTL routines also accept either 32-bit or 64-bit descriptors for arguments passed by descriptor.

  • In some cases a new routine was added to support a 64-bit addressing or data capability. These routines carry the same name as the original routine but with a _64 suffix. In general, both versions of the routine support 64-bit addressing but the routine with the _64 suffix also supports additional 64-bit capability. The 32-bit capabilities of the original routine are unchanged.

See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information about 64-bit virtual addressing capabilities.

Chapter 2. Introduction to String Manipulation (STR$) Routines

This chapter explains in detail the following topics:

  • Types of strings recognized by Run-Time Library routines

  • Relationship of descriptor classes to string semantics

  • Differences in string handling among the LIB$, OTS$, and STR$ facilities of the Run-Time Library

  • Conventions for reading and writing string arguments in the Run-Time Library string routines

  • Selection of the proper string manipulation routines

  • Allocation and deallocation of dynamic string resources

Descriptor Names and Field Names

In this chapter and throughout this manual it is generally the practice to use only the main part of a descriptor name or a descriptor field name, without the 32-bit or 64-bit prefix used in the actual code. For example, the length field is referred to using LENGTH rather than by mentioning both DSC$W_LENGTH and DSC64$Q_LENGTH. The complete descriptor or field name, including the prefix, is used only when referring to one particular form of the descriptor.

2.1. String Semantics in the Run-Time Library

The semantics of a string refers to the conventions that determine how a string is stored, written, and read. The Alpha and VAX architectures support three string semantics: fixed length, varying length, and dynamic length.

2.1.1. Fixed-Length Strings

Fixed-length strings have the following attributes:

  • An address

  • A length

The length of a fixed-length string is constant. It is usually initialized when the program is compiled or linked. After initialization, this length is read but never written. When a Run-Time Library routine copies a source string into a longer fixed-length destination string, the routine pads the destination string with trailing blanks.

When you pass a string to a Run-Time Library routine, you pass the string by descriptor. For a fixed-length string, the descriptor must contain this information:

  • The descriptor class

  • The data type of the string

  • The length of the string in bytes

  • The address of the beginning of the string

In most cases, you do not have to construct an actual descriptor. By default, most OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX languages pass strings by descriptor. For information about how the language you are using handles strings, see your language reference manual. For more information about descriptors used for fixed-length strings, refer to VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual?.


In contrast to Run-Time Library routines, system services do not pad output strings. For this reason, when a program calls a system service that returns a fixed-length string, the program should supply an additional argument that indicates how many bytes the system service actually deposited in the fixed-length buffer of the calling program. Some system service routines have corresponding Run-Time Library routines that provide the proper semantics for fixed-length, varying-length, and dynamic output strings.

2.1.2. Varying-Length Strings

Varying-length strings have the following attributes:

  • A current length

  • An address

  • A maximum length

The current length, in bytes, of a varying-length string is stored in a two-byte field, called CURLEN, preceding the text of the string. The address of the string points to the beginning of this CURLEN field, not to the beginning of the string's text.

The maximum string length is a field in the string's descriptor. This field specifies how much space is allocated to the string in a program. The maximum string length is fixed and does not change.

The value in the CURLEN field specifies how many bytes beyond the CURLEN field are occupied by the string's text. The character positions beyond this range are reserved for the growth of the string. Their contents are undefined.

For example, assume a varying string whose CURLEN is 3 and whose maximum length is 6. If a string 'ABCD' is copied into this string, the result is 'ABCD' and the CURLEN is changed to 4. If a string 'XYZ' is now copied into the same varying string, the resulting string is 'XYZ' with a CURLEN of 3. The maximum length is still 6. The bytes beyond the range designated by CURLEN are undefined.

For varying-length strings pointed to by both 32-bit and 64-bit descriptors, CURLEN is a two-byte field. Because of this, the maximum length of a varying-length string is limited to 216 - 1, or 65,535, characters.

2.1.3. Dynamic-Length Strings

Dynamic-length strings have the following attributes:

  • A current length

  • An address pointing to the beginning of the text

Theoretically, dynamic strings have unbounded length. However, the descriptor LENGTH field contains the length of the string as an unsigned value. This effectively limits the maximum length of the string to the maximum unsigned integer value this field can hold.

For 32-bit dynamic descriptors, the LENGTH field is an unsigned value occupying two bytes. Because its maximum value is 216 - 1, or 65,535, the maximum length of a string is limited to 65,535 characters.

On Alpha systems, the LENGTH field of a 64-bit dynamic descriptor is an unsigned value occupying eight bytes. Because its maximum value is 264 - 1, the maximum length of a string is 264 - 1 characters.

The actual space for a dynamic-length string is allocated from heap storage by the Run-Time Library. When a Run-Time Library routine copies a character string into a dynamic string, and the currently allocated heap storage is not large enough to contain the string, the currently allocated storage returns to a pool of heap storage maintained by the string routines. Then the string routines obtain a new area of the correct size. As a result of this process of deallocation and reallocation, both the current-length field and the address portion of the string's descriptor may change. Often, dynamic strings are the most convenient type to write.


The Run-Time Library STR$ routines are the only routines that you should use to alter the length or address of a dynamic string. Do not use LIB$GET_VM or LIB$GET_VM_64 for this purpose.

2.1.4. Examples

The following examples illustrate what happens when the string 'ABCDEF' (of length 6) is copied into various destination strings:

  • Fixed-length string

    If 'ABCDEF' is copied into a fixed-length string, three results are possible:
    1. If the length of the output string is greater than the length of the source string, the string is padded with trailing spaces.

      Length of output string10
      Result'ABCDEF '
    2. If the length of the output string is the same as that of the input string, the string is simply copied with no modification.

      Length of output string6
    3. If the length of the output string is less than the length of the source string, truncation on the right occurs.

      Length of output string3
  • Varying-length string

    If the string 'ABCDEF' is copied into a varying-length string, two results are possible:
    1. If the MAXSTRLEN field of the destination is greater than or equal to the length of the source, the input string is written into the output string without modification, and the CURLEN (current length) field of the output string becomes 6.

    2. If the MAXSTRLEN field of the destination is less than the length of the source string, the source string is truncated on the right and the CURLEN field is rewritten to its current length. For example, if MAXSTRLEN = 4, the resulting string contains 'ABCD' and CURLEN = 4.

  • Dynamic-length string

    If the string 'ABCDEF' is copied into a dynamic destination string, three results are possible:
    1. If the length of the destination string is greater than the length of the source string (6), the result is a dynamic string of length 6 containing 'ABCDEF'. No padding takes place. The Run-Time Library may deallocate the string and reallocate a new string closer in length to the length of the source string.

    2. If the length of the destination string is less than the length of the source string, the result is also 'ABCDEF', with a length of 6. The Run-Time Library deallocates the destination string and allocates a new string large enough to hold the 6 characters.

    3. If the destination string and source string are of equal length, a simple copy is done. No allocation, deallocation, or padding takes place, and the destination descriptor is not modified.


      This manual has been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.

2.2. Descriptor Classes and String Semantics

A calling program passes strings to an STR$ routine by descriptor. That is, the argument list entry for an input or output string is actually the address of a string descriptor. All STR$ routines handle both 32-bit and 64-bit descriptors in the argument list.

The calling program allocates a descriptor for the input string that indicates the string's address and length, so that the called routine can find the string's text and operate on it. The calling program also allocates a descriptor for the output string. In addition to length and address fields, each descriptor contains a field (DSC$B_CLASS or DSC64$B_CLASS) indicating the descriptor's class. The STR$ routine reads the class field to determine whether to write the output string as a fixed-length, varying-length, or dynamic string.

To determine the address and length of the data in the input string, Run-Time Library routines call one of the string descriptor analysis routines: LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC, LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64, STR$ANALYZE_SDESC, or STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64.

The STR$ routines provide a centralized facility for analyzing string descriptors, allowing string-handling routines to function independently of the class of the input string. This means that if the Run-Time Library recognizes new string types, only the analysis routine needs to be changed, not the string routines themselves. If you are writing a routine that recognizes all the string types recognized by the Run-Time Library, your routine should first call the appropriate string-descriptor analysis routine to obtain the address and length of the input string.

You can also use the string descriptor analysis routines to find the length of a returned string. Assume that your called routine calls one of the Run-Time Library string-copying routines to create a new string. You now want the called routine to return the actual length of the new string to the calling program. The called routine calls one of the string-descriptor analysis routines to determine this length. This sequence of calls allows you to create the new string without knowing its ultimate length at the time it is created.

The Run-Time Library routines recognize the following classes of string descriptors:

  • Z—unspecified

  • S—scalar, fixed-length string

  • SD—decimal scalar

  • VS—varying-length string

  • D—dynamic string

  • A—array

  • NCA—noncontiguous array

For a detailed description of these descriptor classes and their fields, see the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard.

Table 2.1, “String Passing Techniques Used by the Run-Time Library” indicates how the Run-Time Library routines access the fields of the descriptor for input and output string arguments. Given the class of the string and the field of the descriptor, the table shows whether the routine reads, writes, or modifies the field.

Table 2.1. String Passing Techniques Used by the Run-Time Library
String Descriptor Fields
String TypeClassLengthPointer
Input Argument to Routines
Input string passed by descriptorReadReadRead
Output Argument from Routines; Called Routine Assumes the Descriptor Class
Output string passed by descriptor, fixed-lengthIgnoredReadRead
Output string passed by descriptor, dynamicIgnoredRead, can be modifiedRead, can be modified
Output Argument from Routines; Calling Program Specifies the Descriptor Class in the Descriptor
Output string, fixed-length--- Descriptor class: S, Z, A, NCA, SDReadReadRead
Output string, dynamic--- Descriptor class: DReadRead, can be modifiedRead, can be modified
Output string, varying-length--- Descriptor class: VSReadMAXSTRLEN is read; CURLEN is modifiedRead

2.2.1. Conventions for Reading Input String Arguments

When a calling program passes a string as an argument to a Run-Time Library routine, the argument contains the address of a descriptor. The called routine examines the CLASS field of the descriptor to determine in which fields it can find the length of the string and the first byte of the string's text. For each descriptor class, Table 2.2, “How Run-Time Library Routines Read Strings” indicates which descriptor fields the routine uses to locate this information. For diagrams of the descriptors, see the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual.

Table 2.2. How Run-Time Library Routines Read Strings
ClassString LengthAddress of First Byte of Data
VSWord at DSC$A_POINTER or at DSC64$PQ_POINTER (CURLEN field)Value of DSC$A_POINTER + 2 or of DSC64$PQ_POINTER + 2 (byte after CURLEN field)


  • If the descriptor class is NCA, it is assumed that the string is actually contiguous.

  • If the descriptor class is A or NCA, the element size is assumed to be 1 byte.

  • If the descriptor class is A or NCA and the array being passed is multidimensional, you should be aware of how your language stores arrays (by column or by row).

2.2.2. Semantics for Writing Output String Arguments

Normally, Run-Time Library routines return the result of an operation in one of the following ways:

  • The called routine returns the result as a function value in R0/R1. If the result is too large to fit in R0/R1, it is returned as a function value in the first position in the argument list, and the other arguments are shifted one position to the right.

  • The called routine returns the result as an output argument. The calling program passes to the called routine an argument naming a variable in which the routine writes the output string. In each RTL routine, the access field of an output argument contains "write only".

The STR$ routines that produce string results use the first method to pass the results back to the calling program. Because a result string, by definition, does not fit in R0/R1, the function value from an STR$ routine is placed in the first position in the argument list.

The string manipulation routines in the LIB$ and OTS$ facilities use the second method, returning their results as output arguments.

For example, there are three entry points for the string-copying routine: LIB$SCOPY_DXDX, OTS$SCOPY_DXDX, and STR$COPY_DX. These copy the source string to the destination string. Their formats are as follows:

LIB$SCOPY_DXDX (source-string ,destination-string)

OTS$SCOPY_DXDX (source-string ,destination-string)

STR$COPY_DX (destination-string ,source-string)

Because the STR$ entry point places the result string in the first position, you can call STR$COPY_DX using a function reference in languages that support string functions. In Fortran, for example, you can use a function reference to invoke STR$COPY_DX in the following ways:




If you use the second form, you cannot access the return status, which is used to indicate truncation.

If you use a function reference to invoke a string manipulation routine in a language that does not support the concept of a string function (such as MACRO, BLISS, and Pascal), you must place the destination string variable in the argument list. In Pascal, for example, you can use a function reference to invoke STR$COPY_DX as follows:


However, the following statement results in an error:


In addition to allocating a variable for the output string, the calling program must allocate the space for and fill in the fields of the output string descriptor at compile, link, or run time. High-level languages do this automatically.

When a Run-Time Library routine returns an output string argument to the calling program, the argument list entry is the address of a descriptor. The routine determines the semantics of the output string (fixed, varying, or dynamic) by examining the class of the descriptor for the destination string. Given the class of the output string's descriptor, Table 2.3, “Output String Semantics and Descriptor Classes” specifies the semantics used by Run-Time Library routines when writing the string.

Table 2.3. Output String Semantics and Descriptor Classes
ZUnspecifiedTreated as class S.Fixed-length string
SScalar, stringNone.Fixed-length string
DDynamic string
String length:
DSC$W_LENGTH < 2 16 (64K) DSC64$Q_LENGTH < 2 64
Dynamic-length string
Array is one-dimensional (DIMCT = 1). String length:
DSC$L_ARSIZE < 2 16 (64K) DSC64$Q_ARSIZE < 2 64
Length of array elements is 1 byte (LENGTH = 1).
Fixed-length string
SDScalar decimalThe DIGITS and SCALE fields are ignored.Fixed-length string
NCANoncontiguous array
Array is one-dimensional (DIMCT = 1). String length:
DSC$L_ARSIZE < 2 16 (64K) DSC64$Q_ARSIZE < 2 64
Length of array elements is 1 byte (LENGTH = 1). Array is contiguous (S1 = LENGTH).
Fixed-length string
VSVarying stringCurrent length less than maximum string length. (CURLEN <= MAXSTRLEN <= 2 16 (64K))Varying-length string

When a called routine returns a string whose length cannot be determined by the calling routine, the calling routine should also pass an optional argument to contain the output length. If the output string is a fixed-length string, the length argument would reflect the number of characters written, not counting the fill characters.

The output length argument is useful, for instance, when your program is reading variable-length records. The program can read the input strings into a buffer that is large enough to contain the largest. When you want to perform the next operation on the contents of the buffer, the length argument indicates exactly how many characters have been read, so that the program does not need to manipulate the whole buffer.

For example, LIB$GET_INPUT has the optional argument resultant-length. If LIB$GET_INPUT is called with a fixed-length, 5-character string as an argument, and the routine reads a record containing 'ABC', then resultant-length has a value of 3 and the output string contains the characters ABC followed by two blanks. But if the routine reads a record containing the value 'ABCDEFG', resultant-length has a value of 5 and the output string is 'ABCDE'. In either case, the calling program knows exactly how many characters (not counting fillers) the routine has read.

A routine such as STR$COPY_DX does not need the length argument, because the calling program can determine the length of the output string. If the output string is dynamic, the length is the same as the input string length. If the output string is fixed-length, the length is the shorter of the two input lengths.

2.3. Selecting String Manipulation Routines

To perform a given string manipulation operation, you can often choose one of several routines from the Run-Time Library. The LIB$, OTS$, and STR$ facilities all contain string copying and dynamic string allocation routines. Furthermore, a MACRO or BLISS program can call several of these routines using either a JSB or CALL entry point.

You should consider the factors discussed in the following sections when choosing a routine to perform the desired operation.

2.3.1. Efficiency

One of the major considerations in choosing among several routines is the efficiency of the various options.

In general, LIB$ and STR$ routines execute more efficiently than the corresponding OTS$ routines. OTS$ routines usually invoke the LIB$ entry point to perform an operation.

JSB entry points usually execute more efficiently than CALL entry points. However, a high-level language cannot explicitly access a JSB entry point. Further, a JSB entry point does not establish a stack frame and executes entirely in the environment of the calling program. This means, for instance, that the called routine cannot establish its own condition handler, so it cannot regain control if an exception occurs during execution. Also, some of the efficiency gained by using the JSB entry point may be lost because the calling routine must explicitly save all of the registers that the called routine uses.

Some routines perform a specific operation that is a subset of a more general capability. These more specialized routines are usually more efficient. For example, if you want to join two strings together, STR$APPEND and STR$PREFIX are more specific, and more efficient, than STR$CONCAT. Similarly, STR$LEFT and STR$RIGHT are subsets of the capabilities of STR$POS_EXTR.

2.3.2. Argument Passing

The mechanism by which a routine passes or receives arguments may also help you to decide among several routines that perform basically the same function.

Routines in the LIB$ and STR$ facilities pass scalar input arguments by reference to CALL entry points and by immediate value to JSB entry points. OTS$ routines pass scalar input arguments by immediate value to all entry points. For most high-level languages, the default passing mechanism is by reference. Thus, if you call a LIB$ or STR$ routine from one of these languages, you do not need to specify the passing mechanism for input scalar arguments.

Some routines require you to set up and pass more arguments than others. For example, some use a single string descriptor, while others require separate arguments for the length and the address of the string. Which routine you choose then depends on the form of the information already available in your program.

2.3.3. Error Handling

Routines from the LIB$, OTS$, and STR$ facilities handle errors in string copying differently:

  • LIB$

    The LIB$ string-copying routines return a completion status. When an output string must be truncated and its length depends on input arguments, LIB$ routines consider this to be a partial success; they therefore return LIB$_STRTRU instead of a severe error. This process corresponds to the convention of many higher-level languages, which do not consider truncation to be an error.

  • OTS$

    The OTS$ string-copying routines also signal errors that are considered fatal (such as invalid descriptor class). In addition, the routine returns in R0 the number of bytes in the source string that were not moved to the destination string. For VAX systems, this is the same as a MOVC5 instruction. The JSB entry points for OTS$ string-copying routines also leave registers R1 through R5 as they would be after a VAX MOVC5 instruction. See the VAX Architecture Reference Manual for a complete description of the MOVC5 instruction.

  • STR$

    The STR$ string-copying routines generally signal errors instead of returning a completion status. In the case of truncation errors, STR$ routines return an error status with a severity of WARNING (STR$_TRU). STR$ routines consider range errors to be qualified success.

Table 2.4, “Severe Errors, by Facility” indicates the errors and the corresponding message that each facility considers severe.

Table 2.4. Severe Errors, by Facility

Some Run-Time Library routines require you to specify the length of a string or the position of a character within a string. When you refer to character positions in a string, the first position is 1. Given a string with length L, containing a substring specified by character positions M to N, the following evaluation rules apply:

  • If M is less than 1, M is considered to equal 1.

  • If M is greater than L, the substring specified is the null string.

  • If N is greater than L, N is considered to equal the length of the source string.

  • If M is greater than N, the substring specified is the null string.

When specifying a substring of length L, the following applies:

  • If L is less than 0, the substring specified is the null string. (A null string is a descriptor with zero length. A descriptor with a nonzero length and a zero pointer generates an error and yields unspecified results.)

If any of these evaluation rules applies, the range error status (qualified success) is returned. STR$POSITION represents the exception to this convention. This routine returns a function value giving the character position of a substring within a string. If the function value is 0, the substring was not found.

2.4. Allocating Resources for Dynamic Strings

This section tells how to use the Run-Time Library string resource allocation routines. These routines allocate virtual memory for a dynamic string and place the address of the allocated memory in a descriptor.

Dynamic strings may be the most convenient type to write, since you need not specify constant length, maximum length, or position for them. However, there are some restrictions on dynamic strings.

  • They may cause program execution to be slower at run time.

  • They require larger address space.

  • They are not supported by all OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX languages.

In most cases, when you call a Run-Time Library routine to manipulate dynamic strings, the Run-Time Library routine itself allocates the required memory for the string. Your program needs to allocate only the descriptors.

For example, if you are copying a source string into a dynamic destination string, simply use one of the library's string-copying routines. Copy the input string into a dynamic string whose length and address are initialized to zero. The string-copying routine then allocates the space that the calling program needs.

However, if your program must explicitly construct or modify a dynamic string descriptor, it must use the Run-Time Library allocation and deallocation routines. This technique may be necessary, for instance, if you are constructing a string out of components that are not themselves in string form. Further, you can use one of the deallocation routines to free the dynamic string after the string resources are no longer needed, in order to optimize the program's use of resources.

The Run-Time Library provides eight entry points for string resource allocation and deallocation, all with slightly different input arguments, calling techniques, or methods of indicating errors. The following tables summarize these routines and their functions.

The following routines allocate a specified number of bytes of dynamic virtual memory to a specified string descriptor.

RoutineJSB Entry Point

The following routines return one dynamic string area to free storage, and set the descriptor POINTER and LENGTH fields to zero.

RoutineJSB Entry Point

The following routines return one or more dynamic string areas to free storage, and set the descriptor POINTER and LENGTH fields to zero.

RoutineJSB Entry Point

When you call the dynamic string allocation routines, consider the following factors:

  • When your program calls a string allocation routine, it needs to allocate space only for the string descriptor before making the call. Your program does this using the statement of the particular language, either statically at compile time or dynamically in local stack storage or heap storage.

  • If your routine explicitly allocates dynamic string descriptors in stack storage, it must explicitly free the associated dynamic string areas by calling the LIB$SFREE1_DD, OTS$SFREE1_DD, or STR$FREE1_DX routine. Then your routine must free the storage for the descriptor. After both areas have been freed, your routine can return to the calling program. If the deallocation is not done, the dynamic string area becomes unavailable when the RET instruction removes the descriptors that point to the string area.

  • If a routine has explicitly allocated dynamic string areas, and the routine is then unwound by the Condition Handling Facility (CHF), the allocated address space cannot be referenced again. For this reason, your program should establish a handler that frees the associated dynamic string areas when the SS$_UNWIND condition is signaled. The handler can free these areas by calling one of the deallocation routines. This technique is especially important if a large amount of address space is involved, or if the routine allocates space within a repeating loop.

You can call the string resource allocation routines only from user mode, at asynchronous system trap (AST) or non-AST level. However, be extremely careful if you manipulate dynamic strings at AST level. The string manipulation routines in the Run-Time Library do not prevent the strings that they are manipulating at non-AST level from being modified at AST level.

For example, consider the case in which a string manipulation routine has calculated the lengths and addresses involved in a concatenation operation. This string manipulation routine may be interrupted by an AST. The user, at AST level, may write to the same string, changing its length and address. It is then possible to resume execution of the routine with addresses that are no longer allocated or string lengths that are no longer valid. For this reason, if you use dynamic strings at AST level, you should allocate, use, and deallocate them within the AST code.

The dynamic string manipulation routines are intended for use at user mode only. To manipulate dynamic strings at another access mode, you should allocate and deallocate storage for each string at that access mode to avoid side effects. Link each segment of your program that runs at a different access mode with the /NOSYSSHR qualifier. In this way, you establish a separate copy of the string database for each access mode.

2.4.1. String Zone

All virtual memory for dynamic strings is allocated from a Run-Time Library zone called the string zone.

The string zone has the following benefits:

  • Efficient memory utilization.

  • Allocation and deallocation for long strings (more than 136 bytes for a VAX system and more than 272 bytes for an Alpha system) is twice as fast.

  • Elimination of paging contention with the default zone by isolation of the string virtual memory accesses to a separate zone. A direct side effect of this is that corruptions caused by writing into previously freed strings no longer affect items allocated in the default zone, directly easing the debugging effort for such problems.

Table 2.5, “String Zone Attributes” shows attribute values for 32-bit and 64-bit string zones. VAX systems have a 32-bit string zone; Alpha systems have both a 32-bit and a 64-bit string zone.

Table 2.5. String Zone Attributes
Attribute32-bit String Zone64-bit String Zone
AlgorithmQuick fitQuick fit
Number of lookaside lists17 (short strings from 8 to 136 bytes)17 (short strings from 8 to 272 bytes)
Area of initial size4 pages4 pages
Area of extension size32 pages32 pages
Block size8 bytes16 bytes
AlignmentLongword boundaryQuadword boundary
Smallest block size16 bytes (includes boundary tags)32 bytes (includes boundary tags)
Boundary tagsBoundary tags are used for long stringsBoundary tags are used for long strings
Page limitNo page limitNo page limit
Fill on allocateNo fill on allocateNo fill on allocate
Fill on freeNo fill on freeNo fill on free

Chapter 3. String Manipulation (STR$) Routines

This section contains detailed descriptions of the routines in the OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) facility.


STR$ADD — The Add Two Decimal Strings routine adds two decimal strings of digits.


STR$ADD asign ,aexp ,adigits ,bsign ,bexp ,bdigits ,csign ,cexp ,cdigits


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the first operand. The asign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing this sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which adigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the first operand. The aexpargument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Text string of unsigned digits representing the absolute value of the first operand before aexp is applied. The adigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this string. This string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the second operand. The bsign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the second operand's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which bdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the second operand. The bexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing the second operand's exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Text string of unsigned digits representing the absolute value of the second operand before bexp is applied. The bdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this string. This string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the result. The csign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the result's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which cdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the result. The cexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Text string of unsigned digits representing the absolute value of the result before cexp is applied. Thecdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this string. This string is an unsigned decimal number.


STR$ADD adds two strings of decimal numbers (a and b). Each number to be added is passed to STR$ADD in three arguments:

  1. xdigits-the string portion of the number

  2. xexp-the power of ten needed to obtain the absolute value of the number

  3. xsign-the sign of the number

The value of the number x is derived by multiplying xdigits by 10xexp and applying xsign. Therefore, if xdigits is equal to '2' and xexp is equal to 3 and xsign is equal to 1, then the number represented in the x arguments is 2 * 103 plus the sign, or -2000.

The result of the addition c is also returned in those three parts.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALRoutine successfully completed.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters in the result string.

Condition Values Signaled

LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$ADD could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments.


100 !+
    ! This is a sample arithmetic program
    ! showing the use of STR$ADD to add
    ! two decimal strings.

    ASIGN% = 1%
    AEXP% = 3%
    ADIGITS$ = '1'
    BSIGN% = 0%
    BEXP% = -4%
    BDIGITS$ = '2'
    CSIGN% = 0%
    CEXP% = 0%
    CDIGITS$ = '0'
                        BSIGN%, BEXP%, BDIGITS$,  &
                        CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)
999 END

This BASIC example uses STR$ADD to add two decimal strings, where the following values apply:

A = -1000 (ASIGN = 1, AEXP = 3, ADIGITS = '1')

B = .0002 (BSIGN = 0, BEXP = -4, BDIGITS = '2')

The output generated by this program is listed below; note that the decimal value of C equals -999.9998 (CSIGN = 1, CEXP = -4, CDIGITS = '9999998').

A = 1  3 1
B = 0 -4 2
C = 1 -4 9999998


STR$ANALYZE_SDESC — The Analyze String Descriptor routine extracts the length and starting address of the data for a variety of string descriptor classes.


STR$ANALYZE_SDESC input-descriptor ,integer-length ,data-address

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Length of the data. The return value is the same value returned to the integer-length argument.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Input descriptor from which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC extracts the length of the data and the address at which the data starts. The input-descriptor argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the input data.

OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Length of the data; this length is extracted from the descriptor by STR$ANALYZE_SDESC. The integer-length argument is the address of an unsigned word integer into which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC writes the data length.

OpenVMS usage:address
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Address of the data; this address is extracted from the descriptor by STR$ANALYZE_SDESC. The data-address argument is an unsigned longword into which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC writes the address of the data.


STR$ANALYZE_SDESC takes as input a 32-bit descriptor argument and extracts from the descriptor the length of the data and the address at which the data starts for a variety of string descriptor classes. See LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC for a list of classes.

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC returns the length of the data in the integer-length argument and the starting address of the data in the data-address argument.

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC signals an error if an invalid descriptor class is found.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 (Alpha only)

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 (Alpha only) — The Analyze String Descriptor routine extracts the length and starting address of the data for a variety of string descriptor classes.


STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 input-descriptor ,integer-length ,data-address [,descriptor-type]

Corresponding JSB Entry Point


Refer to the STR$ANALYZE_SDESC routine for information about the JSB entry point, STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_R1. This JSB entry point returns 64-bit results on Alpha systems.


OpenVMS usage:quadword_unsigned
type:quadword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Length of the data. The return value is the same value returned to the integer-length argument.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Input descriptor from which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 extracts the length of the data and the address at which the data starts. The input-descriptor argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the input data. The input descriptor can be a longword (unsigned) or a quadword (unsigned).

OpenVMS usage:quadword_unsigned
type:quadword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Length of the data; this length is extracted from the descriptor by STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64. The integer-length argument is the address of an unsigned quadword integer into which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes the data length.

OpenVMS usage:address
type:quadword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Address of the data; this address is extracted from the descriptor by STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64. The data-address argument is an unsigned quadword into which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes the address of the data.

OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Flag value indicating the type of input descriptor. The descriptor-type argument contains the address of an unsigned word integer to which STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes a zero (0) for a 32-bit input descriptor or a one (1) for a 64-bit descriptor.

This argument is optional.


STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 takes as input a descriptor argument and extracts from the descriptor the length of the data and the address at which the data starts for a variety of string descriptor classes. See LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 for a list of classes.

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 returns the length of the data in the integer-length argument and the starting address of the data in the data-address argument.

STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 signals an error if an invalid descriptor class is found.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.


STR$APPEND — The Append String routine appends a source string to the end of a destination string.


STR$APPEND destination-string ,source-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string to which STR$APPEND appends the source string. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string. This destination string must be dynamic or varying length. The maximum length of the destination string for a 32-bit descriptor is 216 - 1, or 65,535, bytes.

On Alpha systems, the maximum length of the destination string for all 64-bit descriptor classes, except varying-length strings, is 264 - 1 bytes. The maximum length of a varying-length string is 216- 1 for both 32-bit and 64-bit descriptors.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string that STR$APPEND appends to the end of the destination string. The source-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this source string.


STR$APPEND appends a source string to the end of the destination string. The destination string must be a dynamic string or a varying-length string.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALRoutine successfully completed.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters from the concatenated string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$APPEND could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_STRTOOLONThe combined lengths of the source and destination strings exceeded the maximum allowed for the destination-string descriptor.


10 !+
   !  This example program uses
   !  STR$APPEND to append a source
   !  string to a destination string.

   DST$ = 'DOG/'
   SRC$ = 'CAT'
   PRINT "DST$ = ";DST$

This BASIC example uses STR$APPEND to append a source string 'CAT', to a destination string 'DOG/'.

The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE — The Compare Strings Without Regard to Case routine compares two input strings of any supported class and data type without regard to whether the alphabetic characters are uppercase or lowercase.


STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE first-source-string ,second-source-string


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The values returned by STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE and the conditions to which they translate are as follows:

Returned ValueCondition
-1first-source-string is less than second-source-string.
0Both are the same (with blank fill for shorter string).
1first-source-string is greater than second-source-string.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First string. The first-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second string. The second-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second string.


STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters. The contents of both strings are converted to uppercase before the strings are compared, but the source strings themselves are not changed. STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE uses the DEC Multinational Character Set.

Condition Value Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLA Illegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.



{  This program demonstrates the use of
{  First, declare the external function.

         [A] OF CHAR; STR2 : VARYING [B] OF

{  Declare the variables to be used in the
{  main program.

  STRING1       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  STRING2       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;

{  Begin the main program.  Read values for
{  the strings to be compared.  Call
{  result.


This Pascal example shows how to call STR$CASE_BLIND_COMPARE to determine whether two strings are equal regardless of case. One example of the output of this program is as follows:



STR$COMPARE — The Compare Two Strings routine compares the contents of two strings.


STR$COMPARE first-source-string ,second-source-string


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The values returned by STR$COMPARE and the conditions to which they translate are as follows:

Returned ValueCondition
-1first-source-string is less than second-source-string.
0first-source-string is equal to second-source-string.
1first-source-string is greater than second-source-string.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First string. The first-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second string. The second-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second string.


STR$COMPARE compares two strings for the same contents. If the strings are unequal in length, the shorter string is considered to be filled with blanks to the length of the longer string before the comparison is made. This routine distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters.

Condition Value Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.


    SRC1$ = 'ABC'
    SRC2$ = 'BCD     '

    !  Note that STR$COMPARE will treat SRC1$ as if it were the same
    !  length as SRC2$ for the purpose of the comparison.  Thus, it
    !  will treat the contents of SRC1$ as 'ABC     '.  However, it
    !  will only 'treat' the contents as longer; the contents of
    !  the source string are not actually changed.

    I% = STR$COMPARE(SRC1$, SRC2$)
    IF I% = 0 THEN RESULT$ = ' IS EQUAL TO '
    IF I% = -1 THEN RESULT$ = ' IS LESS THAN '
999 END

This BASIC program uses STR$COMPARE to compare two strings. The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$COMPARE_EQL — The Compare Two Strings for Equality routine compares two strings to see if they have the same length and contents. Uppercase and lowercase characters are not considered equal.


STR$COMPARE_EQL first-source-string ,second-source-string


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The values returned by STR$COMPARE and the conditions to which they translate are as follows:

Returned ValueCondition
0The length and the contents of first-source-string are equal to the length and contents of second-source-string.
1Either the length of first-source-string is not equal to the length of second-source-string, or the contents of first-source-string are not equal to the contents of second-source-string, or both.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor
First source string. The first-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first source string.
OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor
Second source string. The second-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.



{  This program demonstrates the use of
{  STR$COMPARE_EQL to compare two strings.
{  Strings are considered equal only if they
{  have the same contents and the same length.
{  First, declare the external function.

         [A] OF CHAR; SRC2STR : VARYING [B]

{  Declare the variables used in the main program.

  STRING1       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  STRING2       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;

{  Begin the main program.  Read the strings
{  to be compared.  Call STR$COMARE_EQL to compare
{  the strings.  Print the result.


This Pascal example demonstrates the use of STR$COMPARE_EQL. A sample of the output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$COMPARE_MULTI — The Compare Two Strings for Equality Using Multinational Character Set routine compares two character strings for equality using the DEC Multinational Character Set.


STR$COMPARE_MULTI first-source-string ,second-source-string [,flags-value] [,foreign-language]


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The values returned by STR$COMPARE_MULTI and the conditions to which they translate are as follows:

Returned ValueCondition
-1first-source-string is less than second-source-string.
0Both strings are the same; the shorter string is blank filled.
1first-source-string is greater than second-source-string.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First string in the comparison. The first-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second string in the comparison. The second-source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second string.

OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by value

A single flag bit. The flags-value argument is a signed longword integer that contains this flag bit. The flags-value argument indicates whether the comparison is to be case sensitive or case blind. The default value of flags-value is 0, indicating a case sensitive comparison. The following table lists the meaning of the bit values:

0Uppercase and lowercase characters are not equivalent. (The comparison is case sensitive.)
1Uppercase and lowercase characters are equivalent. (The comparison is case blind.)
OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by value

Indicator that determines the foreign language table to be used. The foreign-language argument is an unsigned longword that contains this foreign language table indicator. The default value of foreign-language is 1. The following table lists the value of the foreign-language argument associated with each language table:

1Multinational table
2Danish table
3Finnish/Swedish table
4German table
5Norwegian table
6Spanish table


STR$COMPARE_MULTI compares two character strings to see whether they have the same contents. Two strings are "equal" if they contain the same characters in the same sequence, even if one of them is blank filled to a longer length than the other. The DEC Multinational Character Set, or foreign language variations of the DEC Multinational Character Set, are used in the comparison.

See the VSI OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual for more information about the DEC Multinational Character Set.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. Severe error. The descriptor of first-source-string and/orsecond-source-string contains a class code that is not supported by the OpenVMS calling standard.
LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument. Severe error.


STR$CONCAT — The Concatenate Two or More Strings routine concatenates all specified source strings into a single destination string.


STR$CONCAT destination-string ,source-string [,source-string...]


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$CONCAT concatenates all specified source strings. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First source string; STR$CONCAT requires at least one source string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first source string. The maximum number of source strings that STR$CONCAT allows is 254.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Additional source strings; STR$CONCAT requires at least one source string. The source-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the additional source string. The maximum number of source strings that STR$CONCAT allows is 254.


STR$CONCAT concatenates all specified source strings into a single destination string. The strings can be of any class and data type, provided that the length fields of the descriptors indicate the lengths of the strings in bytes. You must specify at least one source string, and you can specify up to 254 source strings. The maximum length of a concatenated string for a 32-bit descriptor is 216 - 1, or 65,535, bytes.

On Alpha systems, the maximum length of the destination string for all 64-bit descriptor classes, except varying-length strings, is 264 - 1 bytes. The maximum length of a varying-length string is 216- 1 for both 32-bit and 64-bit descriptors.

A warning status is returned if one or more input characters are not copied to the destination string.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion. All characters in the input strings were copied into the destination string.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. One or more input characters were not copied into the destination string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$CONCAT could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_STRTOOLONThe combined length of all the source strings exceeded the maximum allowed for the destination-string descriptor.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments. You tried to pass fewer than two or more than 255 arguments to STR$CONCAT.


10 !+
   !  This example program uses STR$CONCAT
   !  to concatenate four source strings into a
   !  single destination string.

   STATUS% = STR$CONCAT (X$, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
   PRINT "X$ = ";X$

The output generated by this BASIC program is as follows:



STR$COPY_DX — The Copy a Source String Passed by Descriptor to a Destination String routine copies a source string to a destination string. Both strings are passed by descriptor.


STR$COPY_DX destination-string ,source-string

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$COPY_DX writes the source string. Depending on the class of the destination string, the following actions occur:

Descriptor ClassAction
S, Z, SD, A, NCACopy the source string. If needed, fill space or truncate on the right.
DIf the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor. If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation (if any) and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor.
VSCopy the source string to the destination string up to the limit of the descriptor's MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Adjust the string's current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied.

The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor
Source string that STR$COPY_DX copies into the destination string; the descriptor class of the source string can be unspecified, fixed length, dynamic length, scalar decimal, array, noncontiguous array, or varying length. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this source string. (See the description of LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC for possible restrictions.)


STR$COPY_DX copies a source string to a destination string, where both strings are passed by descriptor. All conditions except success and truncation are signaled; truncation is returned as a warning condition value.

STR$COPY_DX passes the source string by descriptor. In addition, an equivalent JSB entry point is provided, with R0 being the first argument (the descriptor of the destination string), and R1 the second (the descriptor of the source string).

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$COPY_DX could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$COPY_R — The Copy a Source String Passed by Reference to a Destination String routine copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string passed by descriptor.


STR$COPY_R destination-string ,word-integer-source-length ,source-string-address

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$COPY_R copies the source string. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

The class field determines the appropriate action.

See the description of LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC for restrictions associated with specific descriptor classes.

OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the source string. The word-integer-source-length argument is the address of an unsigned word containing the length of the source string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Source string that STR$COPY_R copies into the destination string. The source-string-addressargument is the address of the source string.


STR$COPY_R copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string passed by descriptor. All conditions except success and truncation are signaled; truncation is returned as a warning condition value.

A JSB entry point is provided, with R0 being the first argument, R1 the second, and R2 the third. The length argument is passed in bits 15:0 of R1.

The actions taken by STR$COPY_R depend on the descriptor class of the destination string. The following table describes these actions for each appropriate descriptor class:

Descriptor ClassAction
S, Z, SD, A, NCACopy the source string. If needed, space fill or truncate on the right.
DIf the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor.
If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation, if any, and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor.
VSCopy source string to destination string up to the limit of the descriptor's MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Readjust the string's current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$COPY_R could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.

STR$COPY_R_64 (Alpha Only)

STR$COPY_R_64 (Alpha Only) — The Copy a Source String Passed by Reference to a Destination String routine copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string passed by descriptor.


STR$COPY_R_64 destination-string ,quad-integer-source-length ,source-string-address

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$COPY_R_64 copies the source string. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

The class field determines the appropriate action.

See the description of LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC for restrictions associated with specific descriptor classes.

OpenVMS usage:quadword_unsigned
type:quadword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the source string. The quad-integer-source-length argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the length of the source string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Source string that STR$COPY_R_64 copies into the destination string. The source-string-addressargument is the address of the source string.


STR$COPY_R_64 copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string passed by descriptor. All conditions except success and truncation are signaled; truncation is returned as a warning condition value.

A JSB entry point is provided, with R0 being the first argument, R1 the second, and R2 the third. The length argument is passed in bits 15:0 of R1.

The actions taken by STR$COPY_R_64 depend on the descriptor class of the destination string. The following table describes these actions for each appropriate descriptor class:

Descriptor ClassAction
S, Z, SD, A, NCACopy the source string. If needed, space fill or truncate on the right.
DIf the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor.
If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation, if any, and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor.
VSCopy source string to destination string up to the limit of the descriptor's MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Readjust the string's current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$COPY_R_64 could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$DIVIDE — The Divide Two Decimal Strings routine divides two decimal strings.


STR$DIVIDE asign ,aexp ,adigits ,bsign ,bexp ,bdigits ,total-digits ,round-truncate-indicator ,csign ,cexp ,cdigits


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the first operand. The asign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the sign of the first operand. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which adigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the first operand. The aexpargument is the address of the first operand's exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First operand's numeric text string. The adigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first operand's numeric string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the second operand. The bsign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the second operand's string. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which bdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the second operand. The bexp argument is the address of the second operand's exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second operand's numeric text string. The bdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second operand's number string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The total-digits argument is the address of a signed longword containing the number of total digits. STR$DIVIDE uses this number to carry out the division.

OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Indicator of whether STR$DIVIDE is to round or truncate the result; a value of 0 means truncate; a value of 1 means round. The round-truncate-indicator argument is the address of a longword bit mask containing this indicator.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the result. The csign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the sign of the result. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which cdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the result. The cexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing the exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Result's numeric text string. The cdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the numeric string of the result. This string is an unsigned decimal number.


STR$DIVIDE divides two decimal strings. The divisor and dividend are passed to STR$DIVIDE in three parts: (1) the sign of the decimal number, (2) the power of 10 needed to obtain the absolute value, and (3) the numeric string. The result of the division is also returned in those three parts.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters in the result.

Condition Values Signaled

LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_DIVBY_ZERDivision by zero.
STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$DIVIDE could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments.


100 !+
    !  This BASIC example program uses STR$DIVIDE
    !  to divide two decimal strings and truncates
    !  the result.

    ASIGN% = 1%
    AEXP% = 3%
    ADIGITS$ = '1'
    BSIGN% = 0%
    BEXP% = -4%
    BDIGITS$ = '2'
    CSIGN% = 0%
    CEXP% = 0%
    CDIGITS$ = '0'
                        BSIGN%, BEXP%, BDIGITS$,  &
                        3%, 0%, CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)
1500 END

This BASIC program uses STR$DIVIDE to divide two decimal strings, A divided by B, where the following values apply:

A = -1000 (ASIGN = 1, AEXP = 3, ADIGITS = '1')

B = .0002 (BSIGN = 0, BEXP = -4, BDIGITS = '2')

The output generated by this program is as follows:

A = 1  3 1
B = 0 -4 2
C = 1 -3 5000000000

Thus, the decimal value of C equals -5000000 (CSIGN = 1, CEXP = -3, CDIGITS = 5000000000).


STR$DUPL_CHAR — The Duplicate Character n Times routine generates a string containing n duplicates of the input character. If the destination string is an "empty" dynamic-length string descriptor, STR$DUPL_CHAR allocates and initializes the string.


STR$DUPL_CHAR destination-string [,repetition-count] [,ASCII-character]

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$DUPL_CHAR writes repetition-count copies of the input character. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string. The maximum length of the destination string for a 32-bit descriptor is 216 - 1, or 65,535, bytes.

On Alpha systems, the maximum length of the destination string for all 64-bit descriptor classes, except varying strings, is 264 - 1 bytes. The maximum length of a varying-length string is 216 - 1 for both 32-bit and 64-bit descriptors.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of times ASCII-character is duplicated; this is an optional argument (if omitted, the default is 1). The repetition-count argument is the address of a signed longword containing the number.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

ASCII character that STR$DUPL_CHAR writes repetition-count times into the destination string. The ASCII-character argument is the address of a character string containing this character. This is an optional argument; if omitted, the default is a space.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_NEGSTRLENAlternate success. The length argument contained a negative value; zero was used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$DUPL_CHAR could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_STRTOOLONString length exceeds the maximum allowed for the destination-stringdescriptor.


10  !+
    !  This example uses STR$DUPL_CHAR to
    !  duplicate the character 'A' four times.

    STATUS% = STR$DUPL_CHAR (X$, 4%, 'A' BY REF)
    PRINT X$

These BASIC statements set X$ equal to 'AAAA'.

The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$ELEMENT — The Extract Delimited Element Substring routine extracts an element from a string in which the elements are separated by a specified delimiter.


STR$ELEMENT destination-string ,element-number ,delimiter-string ,source-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$ELEMENT copies the selected substring. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Element number of the delimited element substring to be returned. The element-number argument is the address of a signed longword containing the desired element number. Zero is used to represent the first delimited element substring, one is used to represent the second, and so forth.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Delimiter string used to separate element substrings. The delimiter-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the delimiter string. The delimiter-string argument must be exactly one character long.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string from which STR$ELEMENT extracts the requested delimited substring. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.


STR$ELEMENT extracts an element from a string in which the elements are separated by a specified delimiter.

For example, if source-string is MON^TUE^WED^THU^FRI^SAT^SUN, delimiter-string is ^, and element-number is 2, then STR$ELEMENT returns the string WED.

Once the specified element is located, all the characters in that delimited element are returned. That is, all characters between the element-number and the element-number + 1 delimiters are written to destination-string. At least element-number delimiters must be found. If exactly element-number delimiters are found, then all values from the element-number delimiter to the end of the string are returned. If element-number equals 0 and no delimiters are found, the entire input string is returned.

STR$ELEMENT duplicates the functions of the DCL lexical function F$ELEMENT.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_INVDELIMDelimiter string is not exactly one character long (warning).
STR$_NOELEMNot enough delimited characters found to satisfy requested element number (warning).
STR$_TRUString truncation. The destination string could not contain all the characters in the delimited substring (warning).

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$ELEMENT could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET — The Find First Character in a Set of Characters routine searches a string, comparing each character to the characters in a specified set of characters. The string is searched character by character, from left to right. STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET returns the position of the first character in the string that matches any of the characters in the selected set of characters.


STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET source-string ,set-of-characters


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Position in source-string where the first match is found; zero if no match is found.

On Alpha systems, if the relative position of the substring can exceed 232 - 1, assign the return value to a quadword to ensure that you retrieve the correct relative position.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

String that STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET compares to the set of characters, looking for the first match. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the character string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Set of characters that STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET is searching for in the string. The source-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the set of characters.


STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET compares each character in the string to every character in the specified set of characters. As soon as the first match is found, STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET returns the position in the string where the matching character was found. If no match is found, 0 is returned. If either source-string or set-of-characters is of zero length, 0 is returned.

Condition Value Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.



{  This example uses STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET
{  to find the first character in the source
{  string (STRING1) that matches a character
{  in the set of characters being searched for
{  (CHARS).
{  First, declare the external function.


{  Declare the variables used in the main program.

  STRING1       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  CHARS         : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;

{  Begin the main program.  Read the source string
{  and the set of characters being searched for.  Call
{  STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET to find the first match.
{  Print the result.


This Pascal program demonstrates the use of STR$FIND_FIRST_IN_SET. If you run this program and set STRING1 equal to ABCDEFGHIJK and CHARS equal to XYZA, the value of RET_STATUS is 1. The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET — The Find First Character That Does Not Occur in Set routine searches a string, comparing each character to the characters in a specified set of characters. The string is searched character by character, from left to right. STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET returns the position of the first character in the string that does not match any of the characters in the selected set of characters.


STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET source-string ,set-of-characters


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Position in source-string where a nonmatch was found.

On Alpha systems, if the relative position of the substring can exceed 232 - 1, assign the return value to a quadword to ensure that you retrieve the correct relative position.

Returned ValueCondition
0Either all characters in source-string match some characters in set-of-characters, or there were no characters in set-of-characters.
1Either the first nonmatching character in source-string was found in position 1, or there were no characters in source-string.
NThe first nonmatching character was found in position N within source-string.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

String that STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET searches. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

The set of characters that STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET compares to the string, looking for a nonmatch. The set-of-characters argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this set of characters.


STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET searches a string, comparing each character to the characters in a specified set of characters. The string is searched character by character, from left to right. When STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET finds a character from the string that is not in set-of-characters, it stops searching and returns, as the value of STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET, the position insource-string where it found the nonmatching character. If all characters in the string match some character in the set of characters, STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET returns 0. If the string is of zero length, the position returned is 1 since none of the elements in the set of characters (particularly the first element) can be found in the string. If there are no characters in the set of characters, 0 is returned since "nothing" can always be found.

Condition Value Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.



{  This example uses STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET
{  to find the position of the first nonmatching
{  character from a set of characters (CHARS)
{  in a source string (STRING1).
{  First, declare the external function.

{  Declare the variables used in the main program.

  STRING1       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  CHARS         : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;

{  Begin the main program.  Read the source string
{  and set of characters.  Call STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET.
{  Print the result.


This Pascal program demonstrates the use of STR$FIND_FIRST_NOT_IN_SET. If you run this program and set STRING1 equal to FORTUNATE and CHARS equal to FORT, the value of RET_STATUS is 5.

The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING — The Find First Substring in Input String routine finds the first substring (in a provided list of substrings) occurring in a given string.


STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING source-string ,index ,substring-index ,substring [,substring...]


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The values returned by STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING and the conditions to which they translate are as follows:

Returned ValueCondition
0source-string did not contain any of the specified substrings.
1STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING found at least one of the specified substrings insource-string.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

String that STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING searches. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Earliest position within source-string at which STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING found a matching substring; zero if no matching substring was found. The index argument is the address of a signed longword containing this position.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Ordinal number of the substring that matched (1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on), or zero if STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING found no substrings that matched. The substring-index argument is the address of a signed longword containing this ordinal number.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Specified substring for which STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING searches in source-string. The substring argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first substring. You can specify multiple substrings to search for.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Additional specified substring for which STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING searches in source-string. The substring argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the substring. You can specify multiple substrings to search for.


STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING takes as input a string to be searched and an unspecified number of substrings for which to search. It searches the specified string and returns the position of the substring that is found earliest in the string. This is not necessarily the position of the first substring specified. That is, STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING returns the position of the leftmost matching substring. The order in which the substrings are searched for is irrelevant.

Unlike many of the compare and search routines, STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING does not return the position in a return value. The position of the substring which is found earliest in the string is returned in the index argument. If none of the specified substrings is found in the string, the value ofindex is 0.

Zero-length strings, or null arguments, produce unexpected results. Any time the routine is called with a null substring as an argument, STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING always returns the position of the null substring as the first substring found. All other substrings are interpreted as appearing in the string after the null string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments. You must supply at least one substring.


1   !+
    ! This is a BASIC program demonstrating the use of
    ! STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING.  This program takes as input
    ! four strings that are listed in a data statement
    ! at the end of the program.  STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING
    ! is called four times (once for each string)
    ! to find the first substring occurring in the given
    ! string.


                        INDEX, &
                        I, &

     FOR I = 1 TO 4
            INDEX, SUB_STRING_NUM, 'ING', 'CK', 'TH')
        IF RET_STATUS = 0% THEN
            PRINT MATCH_STRING;" did not contain any of the substrings"
                CASE 1
                    PRINT MATCH_STRING;" contains ING at position";INDEX
                CASE 2
                    PRINT MATCH_STRING;" contains CK at position";INDEX
                CASE 3
                    PRINT MATCH_STRING;" contains TH at position";INDEX
            END SELECT
        END IF
     NEXT I


3    END

This BASIC program demonstrates the use of STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING. The output generated by this program is as follows:

CHUCKLE contains CK at position 4
RAINING contains ING at position 5
FOURTH contains TH at position 5
THICK contains TH at position 1

Note that "THICK" contains both the substrings "TH" and "CK". STR$FIND_FIRST_SUBSTRING locates the "CK" substring in "THICK", and then locates the "TH" substring. However, since the "TH" substring is the earliest, or leftmost matching substring, its ordinal number is returned insubstring-index, and the point at which "TH" occurs is returned in index.


STR$FREE1_DX — The Free One Dynamic String routine deallocates one dynamic string.


STR$FREE1_DX string-descriptor

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
mechanism:by descriptor

Dynamic string descriptor of the dynamic string that STR$FREE1_DX deallocates. The string-descriptor argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the string to be deallocated. The descriptor's CLASS field is checked.


STR$FREE1_DX deallocates the described string space and flags the descriptor as describing no string at all. The descriptor's POINTER and LENGTH fields contain 0.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$ERRFREDYNError freeing dynamic string descriptor. LIB$FREE_VM OR LIB$FREE_VM_64 failed to free the descriptor.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.


STR$GET1_DX — The Allocate One Dynamic String routine allocates a specified number of bytes of virtual memory to a specified dynamic string descriptor.


STR$GET1_DX word-integer-length ,character-string

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of bytes that STR$GET1_DX allocates. The word-integer-length argument is the address of an unsigned word containing this number.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
mechanism:by descriptor

Dynamic string descriptor to which STR$GET1_DX allocates the area. The character-stringargument is the address of the descriptor. The descriptor's CLASS field is checked.


STR$GET1_DX allocates a specified number of bytes of dynamic virtual memory to a specified string descriptor. The descriptor must be dynamic.

If the string descriptor already has dynamic memory allocated to it, but the amount allocated is less than word-integer-length, STR$GET1_DX deallocates that space before it allocates new space.


VSI recommends use of the STR$GET1_DX or STR$GET1_DX_64 (Alpha only) routine for allocating a string to a dynamic-length string descriptor. Simply filling in the length and pointer fields of a dynamic-length string descriptor can cause serious and unexpected problems with string management.

Use STR$FREE1_DX to deallocate a string allocated by STR$GET1_DX.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$GET1_DX could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.

STR$GET1_DX_64 (Alpha Only)

STR$GET1_DX_64 (Alpha Only) — The Allocate One Dynamic String routine allocates a specified number of bytes of virtual memory to a specified dynamic string descriptor.


STR$GET1_DX_64 quad-integer-length ,character-string

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:quadword_unsigned
type:quadword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of bytes that STR$GET1_DX_64 allocates. The quad-integer-length argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing this number.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
mechanism:by descriptor

Dynamic string descriptor to which STR$GET1_DX_64 allocates the area. The character-stringargument is the address of the descriptor. The descriptor's CLASS field is checked.


STR$GET1_DX_64 allocates a specified number of bytes of dynamic virtual memory to a specified 64-bit string descriptor. The descriptor must be dynamic.

If the string descriptor already has dynamic memory allocated to it, but the amount allocated is less than quad-integer-length, STR$GET1_DX_64 deallocates that space before it allocates new space.


VSI recommends use of the STR$GET1_DX or STR$GET1_DX_64 (Alpha only) routine for allocating a string to a dynamic-length string descriptor. Simply filling in the length and pointer fields of a dynamic-length string descriptor can cause serious and unexpected problems with string management.

Use STR$FREE1_DX to deallocate a string allocated by STR$GET1_DX_64.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$GET1_DX_64 could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$LEFT — The Extract a Substring of a String routine copies a substring beginning at the first character of a source string into a destination string.


STR$LEFT destination-string ,source-string ,end-position

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$LEFT copies the substring. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string from which STR$LEFT extracts the substring that it copies into the destination string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Relative position in the source string at which the substring ends. The end-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the ending position.

STR$LEFT copies all characters in the source string from position 1 (the leftmost position) to the position number specified in this end-position argument.


STR$LEFT extracts a substring from a source string and copies that substring into a destination string. STR$LEFT defines the substring by specifying the relative ending position in the source string. The relative starting position in the source string is 1. The source string is unchanged, unless it is also the destination string.

This is a variation of STR$POS_EXTR. Other routines that may be used to extract and copy a substring are STR$RIGHT and STR$LEN_EXTR.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_ILLSTRPOSAlternate success. An argument referenced a character position outside the specified string. A default value was used.
STR$_ILLSTRSPEAlternate success. The length of the substring was too long for the specified destination string. Default values were used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$LEFT could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.



{ This Pascal program demonstrates the use of
{ STR$LEFT.  This program reads in a source string
{ and the ending position of a substring.
{ It returns a substring consisting of all
{ characters from the beginning (left) of the
{ source string to the ending position entered.

{ Declare the external procedure, STR$LEFT.

          [A] OF CHAR; SRCSTR  :
          INTEGER); EXTERN;

{ Declare the variables used by this program.


{ Begin the main program.  Read the source string
{ and ending position.  Call STR$LEFT.  Print the
{ results.


This Pascal example shows the use of STR$LEFT. One sample of the output of this program is as follows:




STR$LEN_EXTR — The Extract a Substring of a String routine copies a substring of a source string into a destination string.


STR$LEN_EXTR destination-string ,source-string ,start-position ,longword-integer-length

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$LEN_EXTR copies the substring. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string from which STR$LEN_EXTR extracts the substring that it copies into the destination string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Relative position in the source string at which STR$LEN_EXTR begins copying the substring. The start-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the starting position.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of characters in the substring that STR$LEN_EXTR copies to the destination string. The longword-integer-length argument is the address of a signed longword containing the length of the substring.


STR$LEN_EXTR extracts a substring from a source string and copies that substring into a destination string.

STR$LEN_EXTR defines the substring by specifying the relative starting position in the source string and the number of characters to be copied. The source string is unchanged, unless it is also the destination string.

If the starting position is less than 1, 1 is used. If the starting position is greater than the length of the source string, the null string is returned. If the length is less than 1, the null string is also returned.

Other substring routines are STR$RIGHT, STR$LEFT, and STR$POS_EXTR.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_ILLSTRPOSSTR$LEN_EXTR completed successfully, but an argument referenced a character position outside the specified string. A default value was used.
STR$_ILLSTRSPESTR$LEN_EXTR completed successfully, except that the length was too long for the specified string. Default values were used.
STR$_NEGSTRLENSTR$LEN_EXTR completed successfully, except that longword-integer-length contained a negative value. Zero was used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$LEN_EXTR could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


        CHARACTER*131    IN_STRING
        CHARACTER*1      TAIL_CHAR
10      WRITE (6, 800)
800     FORMAT (' Enter a string, 131 characters or less:',$)
        READ (5, 900, END=200) IN_STRING
900     FORMAT (A)

        DO 100 I = 1, LENGTH/2
        TAIL_POSITION = LENGTH + 1 - I
     A                           %REF(1))

     A                           %REF(1))

     A                          FRONT_POSITION, TAIL_CHAR)

     A                          TAIL_POSITION, FRONT_CHAR)
100     CONTINUE
        WRITE (6, 901) IN_STRING
901     FORMAT (' Reversed string is : ',/,1X,A)
        GOTO 10
200     CONTINUE

This Fortran program accepts a string as input and writes the string in reverse order as output. This program continues to prompt for input until Ctrl/Z is pressed. One sample of the output generated by this program is as follows:

Enter a string, 131 characters or less:  Elephants often have
flat feet.
 Reversed string is :
 .teef talf evah netfo stnahpelE
Enter a string, 131 characters or less: CTRL/Z


STR$MATCH_WILD — The Match Wildcard Specification routine compares a pattern string that includes wildcard characters with a candidate string.


STR$MATCH_WILD candidate-string ,pattern-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Returns a condition value of STR$_MATCH if the strings match and STR$_NOMATCH if they do not match.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

String that is compared to the pattern string. The candidate-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the candidate string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

String containing wildcard characters. The pattern-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the pattern string. The wildcards in the pattern string are translated when STR$MATCH_WILD searches the candidate string to determine if it matches the pattern string.


STR$MATCH_WILD translates wildcard characters and searches the candidate string to determine if it matches the pattern string. The pattern string may contain either one or both of the two wildcard characters, asterisk (*) and percent (%). The asterisk character is mapped to zero or more characters. The percent character is mapped to only one character.

The two wildcard characters that may be used in the pattern string may be used only as wildcards. If the candidate string contains an asterisk or percent character, the condition STR$_MATCH is returned. Wildcard characters are translated literally. There is no restriction on whether either wildcard character in the pattern string can match a percent or asterisk that is translated literally in the candidate string.

Condition Values Returned

STR$_MATCHThe candidate string and the pattern string match.
STR$_NOMATCHThe candidate string and the pattern string do not match.

Condition Value Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. Severe error. The descriptor of candidate-string and/orpattern-string contains a class code that is not supported by the OpenVMS calling standard.


 *  Example program using STR$MATCH_WILD.
 *  The following program reads in a master pattern string and then
 *  compares that to input strings until it reaches the end of the
 *  input file.  For each string comparison done, it prints
 *  either 'Matches pattern string' or 'Doesn't match pattern string'.

declare str$match_wild
    external entry (character(*) varying, character(*) varying)
    returns (bit(1));

example: procedure options(main);

    dcl pattern_string character(80) varying;
    dcl test_string character(80) varying;

    on endfile(sysin) stop;

    put skip;

    get list(pattern_string) options(prompt('Pattern string> '));

    do while( '1'b );
        get skip list(test_string) options(prompt('Test string> '));
        if str$match_wild(test_string,pattern_string)
            then put skip list('Matches pattern string');
            else put skip list('Doesn''t match pattern string');


This PL/I program demonstrates the use of STR$MATCH_WILD. The output generated by this program is as follows:

Pattern string>  'Must match me exactly.'
Test string>  'Will this work? Must match me exactly.'
Doesn't match pattern string
Test string> 'must match me exactly'
Doesn't match pattern string
Test string>  'must match me exactly.'
Doesn't match pattern string
Test string>  'Must match me exactly'
Doesn't match pattern string
Test String>  'Must match me exactly.'
Matches pattern string


STR$MUL — The Multiply Two Decimal Strings routine multiplies two decimal strings.


STR$MUL asign ,aexp ,adigits ,bsign ,bexp ,bdigits ,csign ,cexp ,cdigits


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the first operand. The asign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the first operand's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which adigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the first operand. The aexpargument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First operand's numeric text string. The adigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the numeric string of the first operand. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the second operand. The bsign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the sign of the second operand. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which bdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the second operand. The bexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second operand's numeric text string. The bdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second operand's numeric string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the result. The csign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the sign of the result. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which cdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the result. The cexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Result's numeric text string. The cdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the numeric string of the result. The string is an unsigned decimal number.


STR$MUL multiplies two decimal strings. The numbers to be multiplied are passed to STR$MUL in three parts: (1) the sign of the decimal number, (2) the power of 10 needed to obtain the absolute value, and (3) the numeric string. The result of the multiplication is also returned in those three parts.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters in the result.

Condition Values Signaled

LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$MUL could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments.


100 !+
    !  This example program uses
    !  STR$MUL to multiply two decimal
    !  strings (A and B) and place the
    !  results in a third decimal string,
    !  (C)

    ASIGN% = 1%
    AEXP% = 3%
    ADIGITS$ = '1'
    BSIGN% = 0%
    BEXP% = -4%
    BDIGITS$ = '2'
    CSIGN% = 0%
    CEXP% = 0%
    CDIGITS$ = '0'
                        BSIGN%, BEXP%, BDIGITS$,  &
                        CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)
999 END

This BASIC example uses STR$MUL to multiply two decimal strings, where the following values apply:

A = -1000 (ASIGN = 1, AEXP = 3, ADIGITS = '1')

B = .0002 (BSIGN = 0, BEXP = -4, BDIGITS = '2')

The output generated by this program is as follows; note that the decimal value C equals -.2 (CSIGN = 1, CEXP = -1, CDIGITS = 2).

A = 1  3 1
B = 0 -4 2
C = 1 -1 2


STR$POSITION — The Return Relative Position of Substring routine searches for the first occurrence of a single substring within a source string. If STR$POSITION finds the substring, it returns the relative position of that substring. If the substring is not found, STR$POSITION returns a zero.


STR$POSITION source-string ,substring [,start-position]

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Relative position of the first character of the substring. Zero is the value returned if STR$POSITION did not find the substring.

On Alpha systems, if the relative position of the substring can exceed 232 - 1, assign the return value to a quadword to ensure that you retrieve the correct relative position.


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string within which STR$POSITION searches for the substring. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Substring for which STR$POSITION searches. The substring argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the substring.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Relative position in the source string at which STR$POSITION begins the search. The start-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the starting position. Although this is an optional argument, it is required if you are using the JSB entry point.

If start-position is not supplied, STR$POSITION starts the search at the first character position ofsource-string.


STR$POSITION returns the relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source string. The value returned is an unsigned longword. The relative character positions are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on. A value of 0 indicates that the substring was not found.

If the substring has a zero length, the minimum value of start-position (and the length of source-string plus one) is returned by STR$POSITION.

If the source string has a zero length and the substring has a nonzero length, zero is returned, indicating that the substring was not found.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the string class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.



{  This example uses STR$POSITION to determine
{  the position of the first occurrence of
{  a substring (SUBSTRING) within a source
{  string (STRING1) after the starting
{  position (START).
{  First, declare the external function.

{  Declare the variables used in the main program.

  STRING1       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  START         : INTEGER;

{  Begin the main program. Read the string and substring.
{  Set START equal to 1 to begin looking for the substring
{  at the beginning of the source string.  Call STR$POSITION
{  and print the result.

  START := 1;

This Pascal program demonstrates the use of STR$POSITION. If you run this program and set STRING1 equal to KITTEN and substring equal to TEN, the value of RET_STATUS is 4.

The output generated by this program is as follows:



STR$POS_EXTR — The Extract a Substring of a String routine copies a substring of a source string into a destination string.


STR$POS_EXTR destination-string ,source-string ,start-position ,end-position

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$POS_EXTR copies the substring. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string from which STR$POS_EXTR extracts the substring that it copies into the destination string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Relative position in the source string at which STR$POS_EXTR begins copying the substring. The start-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the starting position.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Relative position in the source string at which STR$POS_EXTR stops copying the substring. The end-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the ending position.


STR$POS_EXTR extracts a substring from a source string and copies the substring into a destination string. STR$POS_EXTR defines the substring by specifying the relative starting and ending positions in the source string. The source string is unchanged, unless it is also the destination string.

If the starting position is less than 1, 1 is used. If the starting position is greater than the length of the source string, the null string is returned. If the ending position is greater than the length of the source string, the length of the source string is used.

Other routines that can be used to extract and copy a substring are STR$LEFT, STR$RIGHT, and STR$LEN_EXTR.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_ILLSTRPOSAlternate success. An argument referenced a character position outside the specified string. A default value was used.
STR$_ILLSTRSPEAlternate success. End-position was less than start-position. Default values were used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$POS_EXTR could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$PREFIX — The Prefix a String routine inserts a source string at the beginning of a destination string. The destination string must be dynamic or varying length.


STR$PREFIX destination-string ,source-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string (dynamic or varying length). STR$PREFIX copies the source string into the beginning of this destination string. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string that STR$PREFIX copies into the beginning of the destination string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.


STR$PREFIX inserts the source string at the beginning of the destination string. The destination string must be dynamic or varying length.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters in the result.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$PREFIX could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


10 !+
   !  This example uses STR$PREFIX to
   !  prefix a destination string (D$)
   !  with a source string ('ABCD').

   D$ = 'EFG'

These BASIC statements set D$ equal to 'ABCDEFG'.


STR$RECIP — The Reciprocal of a Decimal String routine takes the reciprocal of the first decimal string to the precision limit specified by the second decimal string and returns the result as a decimal string.


STR$RECIP asign ,aexp ,adigits ,bsign ,bexp ,bdigits ,csign ,cexp ,cdigits


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the first operand. The asign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the first operand's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which adigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the first operand. The aexpargument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

First operand's numeric text string. The adigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the first operand's numeric string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the second operand. The bsign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the sign of the second operand. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which bdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the second operand. The bexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Second operand's numeric text string. The bdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the second operand's numeric string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the result. The csign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the result's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which cdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the result. The cexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Result's numeric text string. The cdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the result's numeric string. The string is an unsigned decimal number.


STR$RECIP takes the reciprocal of the first decimal string to the precision limit specified by the second decimal string and returns the result as a decimal string.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALRoutine successfully completed.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters in the result.

Condition Values Signaled

LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_DIVBY_ZERDivision by zero.
STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$RECIP could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments.


100 !+
    !  This example program uses STR$RECIP to find the reciprocal of the
    !  first decimal string (A) to the precision specified in the second
    !  decimal string (B), and place the result in a third decimal string (C).
    ASIGN% = 1%
    AEXP% = 3%
    ADIGITS$ = '1'
    BSIGN% = 0%
    BEXP% = -4%
    BDIGITS$ = '2'
    CSIGN% = 0%
    CEXP% = 0%
    CDIGITS$ = '0'

                        BSIGN%, BEXP%, BDIGITS$,  &
                        CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)

999 END

This BASIC example uses STR$RECIP to find the reciprocal of A to the precision level specified in B, using the following values:

A = -1000 (ASIGN = 1, AEXP = 3, ADIGITS = '1')

B = .0002 (BSIGN = 0, BEXP = -4, BDIGITS = '2')

The output generated is as follows, yielding a decimal value of C equal to -.001:

A = 1  3 1
B = 0 -4 2
C = 1 -3 1


STR$REPLACE — The Replace a Substring routine copies a source string to a destination string, replacing part of the string with another string. The substring to be replaced is specified by its starting and ending positions.


STR$REPLACE destination-string ,source-string ,start-position ,end-position ,replacement-string

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$REPLACE writes the new string created when it replaces the substring. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Position in the source string at which the substring that STR$REPLACE replaces begins. The start-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the starting position. The position is relative to the start of the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Position in the source string at which the substring that STR$REPLACE replaces ends. The end-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the ending position. The position is relative to the start of the source string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Replacement string with which STR$REPLACE replaces the substring. The replacement-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this replacement string. The value ofreplacement-string must be equal to end-position minus start-position.


STR$REPLACE copies a source string to a destination string, replacing part of the string with another string. The substring to be replaced is specified by its starting and ending positions.

If the starting position is less than 1, 1 is used. If the ending position is greater than the length of the source string, the length of the source string is used. If the starting position is greater than the ending position, the overlapping portion of the source string will be copied twice.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_ILLSTRPOSAlternate success. An argument referenced a character position outside the specified string. A default value was used.
STR$_ILLSTRSPEAlternate success. The value of end-position was less than the value of start-position or the length of the substring was too long for the specified string. Default values were used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$REPLACE could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


10 !+
   !  This example uses STR$REPLACE to
   !  replace all characters from the starting
   !  position (2%) to the ending position (3%)
   !  with characters from the replacement string
   !  ('XYZ').

   D$ = 'ABCD'
   STATUS% = STR$REPLACE (D$, D$, 2%, 3%, 'XYZ')

These BASIC statements set D$ equal to 'AXYZD'.


STR$RIGHT — The Extract a Substring of a String routine copies a substring ending at the last character of a source string into a destination string.


STR$RIGHT destination-string ,source-string ,start-position

Corresponding JSB Entry Point



OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$RIGHT copies the substring. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string from which STR$RIGHT extracts the substring that it copies into the destination string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference for CALL entry point, by value for JSB entry point

Relative position in the source string at which the substring that STR$RIGHT copies starts. The start-position argument is the address of a signed longword containing the starting position.


STR$RIGHT extracts a substring from a source string and copies that substring into a destination string. STR$RIGHT defines the substring by specifying the relative starting position. The relative ending position is equal to the length of the source string. The source string is unchanged, unless it is also the destination string.

If the starting position is less than 2, the entire source string is copied. If the starting position is greater than the length of the source string, a null string is copied.

This is a variation of STR$POS_EXTR. Other routines that can be used to extract and copy a substring are STR$LEFT and STR$LEN_EXTR.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_ILLSTRPOSAlternate success. An argument referenced a character position outside the specified string. A default value was used.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters copied from the source string.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$RIGHT could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.



{  This example uses STR$RIGHT to extract a substring
{  from a specified starting position (START_POS) to
{  the end (right side) of a source string (SRC_STR)
{  and write the result in a destination string (DST_STR).
{  First, declare the external procedure.

{  Declare the variables used in the main program.

  SRC_STR       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;
  DST_STR       : VARYING [256] OF CHAR;

{  Begin the main program.  Read the source string
{  and starting position. Call STR$RIGHT to extract
{  the substring.  Print the result.


This Pascal program uses STR$RIGHT to extract a substring from a specified starting position (START_POS) to the end of the source string. One sample of the output is as follows:



STR$ROUND — The Round or Truncate a Decimal String routine rounds or truncates a decimal string to a specified number of significant digits and places the result in another decimal string.


STR$ROUND places ,flags ,asign ,aexp ,adigits ,csign ,cexp ,cdigits


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Maximum number of decimal digits that STR$ROUND retains in the result. The places argument is the address of a signed longword containing the number of decimal digits.

OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Function flag. A value of 0 indicates that the decimal string is rounded; a value of 1 indicates that it is truncated. The flags argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing this function flag.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the decimal input string to be rounded or truncated. The asign argument is the address of an unsigned longword string containing this sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which adigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the decimal input string. The aexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Decimal input string. This is the string of digits to which asign and aexp are applied. The adigitsargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this numeric string. The string must be an unsigned decimal number.

OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sign of the result. The csign argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the result's sign. A value of 0 is considered positive; a value of 1 is considered negative.

OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Power of 10 by which cdigits is multiplied to get the absolute value of the result. The cexp argument is the address of a signed longword containing this exponent.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Result's numeric text string. The cdigits argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this numeric string. The string is an unsigned decimal number.


The Round or Truncate a Decimal String routine rounds or truncates a decimal string to a specified number of significant digits and places the result in another decimal string.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

LIB$_INVARGInvalid argument.
STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$ROUND could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.
STR$_WRONUMARGWrong number of arguments.


100 !+
    !  This example shows the difference between the values obtained
    !  when rounding or truncating a decimal string.
    ASIGN% = 0%
    AEXP% = -4%
    ADIGITS$ = '9999998'
    CSIGN% = 0%
    CEXP% = 0%
    CDIGITS$ = '0'
    !  First, call STR$ROUND to round the value of A.
    CALL STR$ROUND      (3%, 0%, ASIGN%, AEXP%, ADIGITS$, &
                        CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)
    !  Now, call STR$ROUND to truncate the value of A.
    CALL STR$ROUND     (3%, 1%, ASIGN%, AEXP%, ADIGITS$, &
                        CSIGN%, CEXP%, CDIGITS$)
999 END

This BASIC example uses STR$ROUND to round and truncate the value of A to the number of decimal places specified by places. The following values apply:

 A = 999.9998 (ASIGN = 0, AEXP = -4, ADIGITS = '9999998')

The output generated by this program is as follows; note that the decimal value of C equals 1000 when rounded and 999 when truncated.

A = 0 -4 9999998
ROUNDED: C = 0 1 100
TRUNCATED: C = 0 0 999


STR$TRANSLATE — The Translate Matched Characters routine successively compares each character in a source string to all characters in a match string. If a source character has a match, the destination character is taken from the translate string. Otherwise, STR$TRANSLATE moves the source character to the destination string.


STR$TRANSLATE destination-string ,source-string ,translation-string ,match-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Translate string. The translation-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the translate string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Match string. The match-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the match string.


STR$TRANSLATE successively compares each character in a source string to all characters in a match string. If a source character matches any of the characters in the match string, STR$TRANSLATE moves a character from the translate string to the destination string. Otherwise, STR$TRANSLATE moves the character from the source string to the destination string.

The character taken from the translate string has the same relative position as the matching character had in the match string. When a character appears more than once in the match string, the position of the leftmost occurrence of the multiply-defined character is used to select the translate string character. If the translate string is shorter than the match string and the matched character position is greater than the translate string length, the destination character is a space.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all of the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$TRANSLATE could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


10      !+
        !  This example program uses STR$TRANSLATE to
        !  translate all characters of a source string
        !  from uppercase to lowercase characters.

        PRINT 'Status = ';x%
        PRINT 'Resulting string = ';out$
32767   END

This BASIC example translates uppercase letters to lowercase letters, thus performing a function similar to but the opposite of STR$UPCASE.

The output generated by this example is as follows:

Status =  1
Resulting string = test

A more practical although more complicated use for STR$TRANSLATE is to encrypt data by translating the characters to obscure combinations of numbers and alphabetic characters.


STR$TRIM — The Trim Trailing Blanks and Tabs routine copies a source string to a destination string and deletes the trailing blank and tab characters.


STR$TRIM destination-string ,source-string [,resultant-length]


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$TRIM copies the trimmed string. The destination-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string which STR$TRIM trims and then copies into the destination string. The source-stringargument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.

OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
type:word (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Number of bytes that STR$TRIM writes into destination-string, not counting padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word into which STR$TRIM writes the length of the output string. If the input string is truncated to the size specified in the destination-string description, resultant-length is set to this size. Therefore, resultant-lengthcan always be used by the calling program to access a valid substring of destination-string.


STR$TRIM copies a source string to a destination string and deletes the trailing blank and tab characters.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$TRIM could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


STR$UPCASE — The Convert String to All Uppercase Characters routine converts a source string to uppercase.


STR$UPCASE destination-string ,source-string


OpenVMS usage:cond_value
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value


OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:write only
mechanism:by descriptor

Destination string into which STR$UPCASE writes the string it has converted to uppercase. The destination-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.

OpenVMS usage:char_string
type:character string
access:read only
mechanism:by descriptor

Source string that STR$UPCASE converts to uppercase. The source-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source string.


STR$UPCASE converts successive characters in a source string to uppercase and writes the converted character into the destination string. The routine converts all characters in the DEC Multinational Character Set.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMALNormal successful completion.
STR$_TRUString truncation warning. The destination string could not contain all the characters.

Condition Values Signaled

STR$_FATINTERRFatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI.
STR$_ILLSTRCLAIllegal string class. The class code found in the class field of a descriptor is not a string class code allowed by the OpenVMS calling standard.
STR$_INSVIRMEMInsufficient virtual memory. STR$UPCASE could not allocate heap storage for a dynamic or temporary string.


30  !+
    !  This example uses STR$UPCASE
    !  to convert all characters in
    !  the source string (SRC$) to
    !  uppercase and write the result
    !  in the destination string (DST$).

    SRC$ = 'abcd'
    PRINT "SRC$ =";SRC$
    PRINT "DST$ =";DST$

This BASIC program generates the following output:

SCR$ =abcd

Alpha specific.


Alpha specific.


Alpha specific.


This manual has been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.