VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ONC RPC Programming
- Software Version:
- VSI TCP/IP Services Version 5.7
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
The TCP/IP Services product is the VSI implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocol suite and Internet services for OpenVMS I64, Alpha, and VAX systems.
TCP/IP Services provides a comprehensive suite of functions and applications that support industry-standard protocols for heterogeneous network communications and resource sharing.
This VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ONC RPC Programming manual presents an overview of high-level programming using open network computing remote procedure calls (ONC RPCs). This manual also describes the RPC programming interface and how to use the RPCGEN protocol compiler to create applications.
See the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual for information about installing, configuring, and starting this product.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This manual assumes a knowledge of network theory and is for experienced programmers who want to write network applications using ONC RPC without needing to know about the underlying network.
3. Document Structure
Provides an overview of high-level programming through remote procedure calls (RPC), and discusses the RPC mode land versions, external data representation, and RPC independence from network transport protocol. This chapter is for anyone interested in ONC RPC. | |
Chapter 2, Writing RPC Applications with the RPCGEN Protocol Compiler |
Describes how to write RPC client and server applications with the RPCGEN protocol compiler. It also provides some information on RPCGEN, client and server programming, debugging applications, the C preprocessor, and RPC language syntax. This chapter also describes how to create routines for external data representation (XDR). This chapter is for programmers who want to use RPCGEN to write RPC-based network applications. |
Describes the RPC programming interface layers, XDR serialization defaults, raw RPC, and miscellaneous RPC features. This chapter is for programmers who need to understand RPC mechanisms to write customized network applications. | |
Contains information about the XDR library. This chapter is for programmers who want to implement RPC and XDR on new systems. | |
Contains descriptions of each of the RPC subroutine calls commonly used by client programs. | |
Contains descriptions of each of the RPC subroutine calls used by both client and server programs to access the Portmapper service. | |
Contains descriptions of each of the RPC subroutine calls commonly used by client programs. | |
Contains descriptions of each of the XDR subroutine calls. |
4. Related Documents
Manual |
Contents |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Concepts and Planning |
This manual provides conceptual information about TCP/IP networking on OpenVMS systems, including general planning issues to consider before configuring your system to use the TCP/IP Services software. This manual also describes the manuals in the TCP/IP Services documentation set and provides a glossary of terms and acronyms for the TCP/IP Services software product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration |
This manual explains how to install and configure the TCP/IP Services product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS User's Guide |
This manual describes how to use the applications available with TCP/IP Services such as remote file operations, email, TELNET, TN3270, and network printing. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management |
This manual describes how to configure and manage the TCP/IP Services product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference |
This manual describes the TCP/IP Services management commands. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ONC RPC Programming |
This manual presents an overview of high-level programming using open network computing remote procedure calls (ONC RPCs). This manual also describes the RPC programming interface and how to use the RPCGEN protocol compiler to create applications. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Sockets API and System Services Programming |
This manual describes how to use the Sockets API and OpenVMS system services to develop network applications. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SNMP Programming and Reference |
This manual describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the SNMP application programming interface (eSNMP). It describes the subagents provided with TCP/IP Services, utilities provided for managing subagents, and how to build your own subagents. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to IPv6 |
This manual describes the IPv6 environment, the roles of systems in this environment, the types and function of the different IPv6 addresses, and how to configure TCP/IP Services to access the IPv6 network. |
For a comprehensive overview of the TCP/IP protocol suite, refer to the book Internetworking with TCP/IP:Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, by Douglas Comer.
5. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
6. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
7. Conventions
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/ x |
A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x |
A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. |
Return |
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) |
... |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the
following possibilities:
. . . |
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) |
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. |
[ ] |
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
[ |] |
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } |
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold text |
This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. |
italic text |
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- |
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers |
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
All numbers are decimal unless otherwise noted.
All Ethernet addresses are hexadecimal.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Remote Procedure Calls
1.1. Overview
High-level programming through open network computing remote procedure calls (ONC RPC) provides logical client-to-server communication for network application development – without the need to program most of the interface to the underlying network. With RPC, the client makes a remote procedure call that sends requests to the server, which calls a dispatch routine, performs the requested service, and sends back a reply before the call returns to the client.
RPC does not require the client to be knowledgeable about the underlying network. For example, a program can simply call a local C routine that returns the number of users on a remote system much like making a system call. You can make remote procedure calls between different processes on the same system.
1.2. The RPC Model
The caller places arguments to a procedure in a specific location (such as an argument variable).
The caller temporarily transfers control to the procedure.
When the caller gains control again, it obtains the results of the procedure from the specified location.
The caller then continues program execution.
The client process sends a call message to the server process and blocks (that is, waits) for a reply message. The call message contains the parameters of the procedure and the reply message contains the procedure results.
When the client receives the reply message, it gets the results of the procedure.
The client process then continues executing.
On the server side, a process is dormant – awaiting the arrival of a call message. When one arrives, the server process computes a reply that it then sends back to the requesting client. After this, the server process becomes dormant again.
Figure 1.1, “Basic Network Communication with Remote Procedure Call” shows a synchronous RPC call, in which only one of the two processes is active at a given time. The remote procedure call hides the details of the network transport. However, the RPC protocol does not restrict the concurrency model. For example, RPC calls may be asynchronous so the client can do another task while waiting for the reply from the server. Another possibility is that the server could create a task to process a certain type of request automatically, freeing it to service other requests. Although RPC provides a way to avoid programming the underlying network transport, it still allows this where necessary.

1.3. RPC Procedure Versions
Each RPC procedure is defined uniquely by program and procedure
numbers. The program number specifies a group of
related remote procedures, each of which has a
different procedure number. Each program also has a
version number so, when a minor change is made to a
remote service (adding a new procedure, for example), a
new program number does not have to be assigned. When
you want to call a procedure to find the number of
remote users, you must know the appropriate program,
version, and procedure numbers to use to contact the
service. You can find this information in several
places. On UNIX systems, the /etc/rpc
lists some RPC programs and the RPCINFO command lists
the registered RPC programs and corresponding version
numbers running on a particular system. On OpenVMS
systems, the SHOW PORTMAPPER management command serves
the same purpose as the RPCINFO command.
Typically, a service provides a protocol description so you can write client applications that call the service. The RPC Administrator at Sun Microsystems, Inc. has a list of programs that have been registered with Sun (that is, have received port numbers from them), but you can write your own local RPC programs. Knowing the program and procedure numbers is useful only if the program is running on a system to which you have access.
1.4. Using Portmapper to Determine the Destination Port Number of RPC Packets
After the system manager starts the Portmapper, it listens for UDP and TCP requests on port 111 of the host system.
When an RPC server program activates on a system, it registers itself with its local Portmapper. The Portmapper software keeps a table of all registered services.
To access the services available on a system, RPC client programs send RPC call messages to a system's Portmapper specifying the program and version number with which they wish to communicate.
The Portmapper program examines its local cache of registered RPC servers. If the server is registered, then the Portmapper uses an RPC reply message to return the port number that the RPC client program should use to communicate with the RPC server.
The RPC client program then uses the provided port number in all subsequent RPC calls.
Refer to the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information about the Portmapper service.
1.4.1. Portmapper Notes for TCP/IP Services
When an RPC server that is registered with the Portmapper exits, the Portmapper purges any registrations for that server program.
An RPC process can only register or unregister its own Portmapper entries. Any attempt to remove a registration for another RPC server will fail.
The Portmapper includes its own mappings (on the UDP and TCP port 111). These mappings are available using the
routine.All data structures used for the RPC
routines are identical to other RPC implementations with the exception of the two additional structurespmap_vms
. These structures include the fieldpm_pid
which is the OpenVMS process ID.
1.4.2. Displaying Registered RPC Servers
You can display current RPC registration
information known to the Portmapper program. On
UNIX systems use the rpcinfo
On OpenVMS systems use the SHOW PORTMAPPER
management command. The rpcinfo
SHOW PORTMAPPER commands can also find the RPC
services registered on a specific host and report
their port numbers and the transports for which
the services are registered. For more information,
see the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference
1.5. RPC Independence from Transport Protocol
The RPC protocol is concerned only with the specification and interpretation of messages; it is independent of transport protocols because it needs no information on how a message is passed among processes.
Also, RPC does not implement any kind of reliability; the application itself must be aware of the transport protocol type underlying RPC. With a reliable transport, such as TCP/IP, the application need not do much else. However, an application must use its own retransmission and timeout policy if it is running on top of an unreliable transport, such as UDP/IP.
Because of transport independence, the RPC protocol does not actively interpret anything about remote procedures or their execution. Instead, the application infers required information from the underlying protocol (where such information should be specified explicitly). For example, if RPC is running on top of an unreliable transport (such as UDP/IP) and the application retransmits RPC messages after short timeouts, and if the application receives no reply, then it can infer only that a certain procedure was executed zero or more times. If it receives a reply, then the application infers that the procedure was executed at least once.
Even with a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP, an application still needs timeouts and reconnection procedures to handle server crashes.
The procedures are idempotent; that is, the same procedure can be executed more than once without any side effects. For example, reading a block of data is idempotent; creating a file is not.
The size of both the arguments and results is smaller than the UDP packet size of 8K bytes.
The server is required to handle as many as several hundred clients. The UDP server can do so because it does not retain any information about the client state. By contrast, the TCP server holds state information for each open client connection and this limits its available resources.
The application needs a reliable underlying transport.
The procedures are non-idempotent.
The size of either the arguments or the results exceeds 8K bytes.
1.6. External Data Representation (XDR)
RPC can handle arbitrary data structures, regardless of the byte order or structure layout convention on a particular system. It does this by converting them to a network standard called external data representation (XDR) before sending them over the network. XDR is a system-independent description and encoding of data that can communicate between diverse systems, such as a VAX, Sun workstation, IBM PC, or CRAY.
Converting from a particular system representation to XDR format is called serializing; the reverse process is deserializing.
1.7. Assigning Program Numbers
Defined by Sun Microsystems |
Defined by user |
Transient |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Sun Microsystems administers the first range of numbers, which should be identical for all ONC RPC users. An ONC RPC application for general use should have an assigned number in this first range. The second range of numbers is for specific, user-defined customer applications, and is primarily for debugging new programs. The third, called the Transient group, is reserved for applications that generate program numbers dynamically. The final groups are reserved for future use, and are not used.
RPC Administrator Sun Microsystems 2550 Garcia Ave. Mountain View, CA 94043
Include a compilable RPCGEN .X file describing your protocol. You will then receive a unique program number. See Chapter 2, Writing RPC Applications with the RPCGEN Protocol Compiler for more information about RPCGEN .X files.
Chapter 2. Writing RPC Applications with the RPCGEN Protocol Compiler
2.1. The RPCGEN Protocol Compiler
The RPCGEN protocol compiler accepts a remote program interface definition written in RPC language, which is similar to C. It then produces C language output consisting of: client skeleton routines, server skeleton routines, XDR filter routines for both arguments and results, a header file that contains common definitions, and optionally, dispatch tables that the server uses to invoke routines that are based on authorization checks.
The client skeleton interface to the RPC library hides the network from the client program, and the server skeleton hides the network from the server procedures invoked by remote clients. You compile and link output files from RPCGEN as usual. The server code generated by RPCGEN supports INETd. You can start the server using INETd or at the command line.
You can write server procedures in any language that has system calling conventions. To get an executable server program, link the server procedure with the server skeleton from RPCGEN. To create an executable client program, write an ordinary main program that makes local procedure calls to the client skeletons, and link the program with the client skeleton from RPCGEN. If necessary, the RPCGEN options enable you to suppress skeleton generation and specify the transport to be used by the server skeleton.
It greatly reduces network interface programming.
It can mix low-level code with high-level code.
For speed-critical applications, you can link customized high-level code with the RPCGEN output.
You can use RPCGEN output as a starting point, and rewrite as necessary.
Refer to the RPCGEN command description at the end of this chapter for more information about programming applications that use remote procedure calls or for writing XDR routines that convert procedure arguments and results into their network format (or vice versa). For a discussion of RPC programming without RPCGEN, see Chapter 3, RPC Application Programming Interface.
2.2. Simple Example: Using RPCGEN to Generate Client and Server RPC Code
This section shows how to convert a simple routine – one that prints messages to the system console on a single system (OPCOM on OpenVMS) – to an ONC RPC application that runs remotely over the network. To do this, the RPCGEN protocol compiler is used to generate client and server RPC code. Example 2.1, “Printing a Remote Message Without ONC RPC” (see file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.TCPIP.RPC]PRINTMSG.C) shows the routine before conversion.
$ CC/DECC PRINTMSG $ LINK PRINTMSG $ MCR SYS$DISK:[]PRINTMSG "Red rubber ball" %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 27-SEP-1995 14:39:22.59 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user GEORGE on BOSTON Red rubber ball Message Delivered! $
procedure at the bottom of the printmsg.c
program of Example 2.1, “Printing a Remote Message Without ONC RPC” were converted into a remote
procedure, you could call it from anywhere in the network, instead of only from the
program where it is embedded. Before doing this, it is necessary to write a protocol
specification in RPC language that describes the remote procedure, as shown in the next
section. /* ** printmsg.c: OpenVMS print a message on the console */ #include <descrip.h> #include <opcdef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> extern int SYS$SNDOPR(struct dsc$descriptor_s *, unsigned short); static int printmessage(char *); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *message; int exit(); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <message>\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } message = argv[1]; if (!printmessage(message)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: couldn't print your message\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } printf("Message Delivered!\n"); exit (0); } /* ** Print a message to the console. Return a Boolean indicating ** whether the message was actually printed. */ static int printmessage(msg) char *msg; { struct dsc$descriptor_s desc; union { char buffer[256]; /* Preallocate space for text */ struct opcdef opc; } message; int status; /* ** Build the message request block. */ message.opc.opc$b_ms_type = OPC$_RQ_RQST; message.opc.opc$b_ms_target = OPC$M_NM_CENTRL; message.opc.opc$w_ms_status = 0; message.opc.opc$l_ms_rqstid = 0; strcpy((char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text, msg); desc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *) &message.opc; desc.dsc$w_length = (char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text - (char *) &message + strlen((char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text); /* ** Send the message to the console. */ status = SYS$SNDOPR(&desc, /* MSGBUF */ 0); /* CHAN */ if (status & 1) return 1; return 0; }
2.2.1. RPC Protocol Specification File Describing Remote Procedure
To create the specification file, you must know all the input and output parameter types. In
Example 2.1, “Printing a Remote Message Without ONC RPC”, the printmessage
takes a string as input, and returns an integer as output. Example 2.2, “RPC Protocol Specification File Simple Example” (see
SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.TCPIP.RPC]MSG.X) is the RPC protocol specification file
that describes the remote version of the printmessage
Remote procedures are part of remote programs, so Example 2.2, “RPC Protocol Specification File Simple Example”
actually declares a remote program containing a single procedure,
. By convention, all RPC services provide for a NULL
procedure (procedure 0), normally used for pinging. The RPC protocol specification
file in Example 2.2, “RPC Protocol Specification File Simple Example” declares the PRINTMESSAGE
procedure to be in version 1 of the remote program. No NULL procedure (procedure 0)
is necessary in the protocol definition because RPCGEN generates it
, not
char *
, because a char *
in C is ambiguous.
Programmers usually intend it to mean a null-terminated string of characters, but it
could also be a pointer to a single character or to an array of characters. In RPC
language, a null-terminated string is unambiguously of type
./* * msg.x: Remote message printing protocol */ program MESSAGEPROG { version MESSAGEVERS { int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1; } = 1; } = 0x20000099;
2.2.2. Implementing the Procedure Declared in the Protocol Specification
/* ** msg_server.c: OpenVMS implementation of the remote procedure ** "printmessage" */ #include <descrip.h> /* OpenVMS descriptor definitions */ #include <opcdef.h> /* OpenVMS $SNDOPR() definitions */ #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* always needed */#include "msg.h" /* msg.h will be generated by RPCGEN */ extern int SYS$SNDOPR(struct dsc$descriptor_s *, unsigned short); /* ** Remote version of "printmessage" */ int * printmessage_1(msg)
char **msg;
{ struct dsc$descriptor_s desc; union { char buffer[256]; /* Preallocate space for text */ struct opcdef opc; } message; static int result; int status; /* ** Build the message request block. */ message.opc.opc$b_ms_type = OPC$_RQ_RQST; message.opc.opc$b_ms_target = OPC$M_NM_CENTRL; message.opc.opc$w_ms_status = 0; message.opc.opc$l_ms_rqstid = 0; strcpy((char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text, *msg); desc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *) &message.opc; desc.dsc$w_length = (char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text - (char *) &message + strlen((char *) &message.opc.opc$l_ms_text); status = SYS$SNDOPR(&desc, /* MSGBUF */ 0); /* CHAN */ if (status & 1) result = 1; else result = 0; return &result;
, differs
from that of the local procedure printmessage
in four ways: It includes the <rpc/rpc.h> file and the
"msg.h" header files. The rpc/rpc.h file
is located in the directory TCPIP$RPC:. To ensure portability in header
files references, most of the examples in this manual assume you have
defined the symbol RPC to be equal to
TCPIP$RPC:$ DEFINE RPC TCPIP$RPC: before using the RPCGEN compiler and the DECC compiler. | |
It has | |
It takes a pointer to a string instead of a string itself. This is
true of all remote procedures -- they always take pointers to their
arguments rather than the arguments themselves; if there are no
arguments, specify | |
It returns a pointer to an integer instead of an integer itself. This
is also characteristic of remote procedures – they return pointers
to their results. Therefore, it is important to have the result declared
as a |
2.2.3. The Client Program That Calls the Remote Procedure
, that calls the remote procedure. (See
SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.TCPIP.RPC]RPRINTMSG.C.)/* ** rprintmsg.c: remote OpenVMS version of "printmsg.c" */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* always needed */ #include "msg.h" /* msg.h will be generated by RPCGEN */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { CLIENT *cl; char *message; int *result; char *server; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host message\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } server = argv[1]; message = argv[2]; /* ** Create client "handle" used for calling MESSAGEPROG on ** the server designated on the command line. We tell ** the RPC package to use the TCP protocol when ** contacting the server. */ cl = clnt_create(server, MESSAGEPROG, MESSAGEVERS, "tcp");if (cl == NULL) { /* ** Couldn't establish connection with server. ** Print error message and stop. */ clnt_pcreateerror(server); exit(1); } /* ** Call the remote procedure "printmessage" on the server */ result = printmessage_1(&message, cl);
if (result == NULL) {
/* ** An error occurred while calling the server. ** Print error message and stop. */ clnt_perror(cl, server); exit(1); } /* ** Okay, we successfully called the remote procedure. */ if (*result == 0) {
/* ** Server was unable to print our message. ** Print error message and stop. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s couldn't print your message\n", argv[0], server); exit(1); } /* ** The message got printed on the server's console */ printf("Message delivered to %s!\n", server); exit(0); }
First, the RPC library routine | |
Next, the program calls the remote procedure | |
The remote procedure call can fail in two ways: The RPC mechanism itself can fail or there can
be an error in the execution of the remote procedure. In the former
case, the remote procedure, | |
In the later case, error reporting is application-dependent. In this example, the remote
procedure reports any error via |
2.2.4. Running RPCGEN
A header file called MSG.H that contains
statements forMESSAGEPROG
so you can use them in the other modules. You must include MSG.H in both the client and server modules.A file containing client skeleton routines. RPCGEN forms the client skeleton file name, MSG_CLNT.C, by appending _CLNT to the file name and substituting the file type suffix, .C. The MSG_CLNT.C file contains only one client skeleton routine,
, referred to in therprintmsg
client program.A file containing server skeleton routines. RPCGEN forms the server skeleton file name, MSG_SVC.C, by appending _SVC to the file name and substituting the file type suffix, .C. The
program calls theprintmessage_1
routine in themsg_server.c
The /TABLE option of RPCGEN creates an additional output file of index information for dispatching service routines. See Section 2.6.4, “Dispatch Tables” for more information about dispatch tables.
2.2.5. Compiling the Client and Server Programs
compilation statements to
create a client program and a server program:- To create the client program called
, compile the client program,rprintmsg.c
, and the client skeleton program (msg_clnt.c
) from the original RPCGEN compilation, then link the two object files together with the RPC object library:$ CC/DECC RPRINTMSG.C $ CC/DECC MSG_CLNT.C $ LINK RPRINTMSG,MSG_CLNT,TCPIP$RPC:TCPIP$RPCXDR/LIBRARY
- To create a server program called
, compile the server programmsg_server.c
and the server skeleton program (msg_svc.c
) from the original RPCGEN compilation, then link the two object files together with the RPC object library:$ CC/DECC MSG_SERVER.C $ CC/DECC MSG_SVC.C $ LINK MSG_SERVER,MSG_SVC,TCPIP$RPC:TCPIP$RPCXDR/LIBRARY
If you want to use the shareable version of the RPC object library, reference the shareable version of the library, SYS$SHARE:TCPIP$RPCXDR_SHR/SHARE, in your LINK options file.
2.2.6. Copying the Server to a Remote System and Running It
to a remote system called space
in this example. Then, run it as a detached process there:$ RUN/DETACHED MSG_SERVER
You can invoke servers generated by RPCGEN from the command line as well as with port monitors such as INETd, if you generate them with the /INET_SERVICE option.
) you can now print a message on the console of the
remote system
:$ MCR SYS$DISK:[]RPRINTMSG "space" "Hello out there..."
The message Hello out there...
appears on the console of the system
. You can print a message on any console (including your own)
with this program if you copy the server to that system and run it.
2.3. Advanced Example: Using RPCGEN to Generate XDR Routines
Section 2.2, “Simple Example: Using RPCGEN to Generate Client and Server RPC Code” explained how to use RPCGEN to generate client and server RPC code automatically to convert a simple procedure to one that runs remotely over the network. The RPCGEN protocol compiler can also generate the external data representation (XDR) routines that convert local data structures into network format (and vice versa).
The following sections present a more advanced example of a complete RPC service – a remote directory listing service that uses RPCGEN to generate both the client and server skeletons as well as XDR routines.
2.3.1. The RPC Protocol Specification
You can define types (such as readdir_res
in Example 2.5, “RPC Protocol Specification File – Advanced Example”) by using the struct
, and enum
keywords, but do not use these
keywords in later variable declarations of those types. For example, if you
define union results
, you must declare it later by using
, not union results
protocol compiler compiles RPC unions into C structures, so it is an error
to declare them later by using the union
Header file (DIR.H)
Client skeleton file (DIR_CLNT.C)
Server skeleton file (DIR_SVC.C)
File of XDR routines (DIR_XDR.C)
for example, xdr_int
. If the .X file defines the data type, then RPCGEN
generates the required XDR routines (for example, DIR_XDR.C). If the .X file
contains no such data types, then RPCGEN does not generate the file. If the program
uses a data type but does not define it, then you must provide that XDR routine.
This enables you to create your own customized XDR routines./* * dir.x: Remote directory listing protocol */ /* maximum length of a directory entry */ const MAXNAMELEN = 255; /* a directory entry */ typedef string nametype <MAXNAMELEN>; /* a link in the listing */ typedef struct namenode *namelist; /* * A node in the directory listing */ struct namenode { nametype name; /* name of directory entry */ namelist next; /* next entry */ }; /* * The result of a READDIR operation. */ union readdir_res switch (int Errno) { case 0: namelist list; /* no error: return directory listing */ default: void; /* error occurred: nothing else to return */ }; /* * The directory program definition */ program DIRPROG { version DIRVERS { readdir_res READDIR(nametype) = 1; } = 1; } = 0x20000076;
2.3.2. Implementing the Procedure Declared in the Protocol Specification
program that implements the remote
procedure from the previous RPC protocol specification
file./* ** dir_server.c: remote OpenVMS readdir implementation */ #include <errno.h> #include <rms.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* Always needed */ #include "dir.h" /* Created by RPCGEN */ extern int SYS$PARSE(struct FAB *); extern int SYS$SEARCH(struct FAB *); extern char *malloc(); readdir_res * readdir_1(dirname) nametype *dirname; { char expanded_name[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1]; struct FAB fab; struct NAM nam; namelist nl; namelist *nlp; static readdir_res res; /* must be static! */ char resultant_name[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1]; int exit(); /* ** Initialize the FAB. */ fab = cc$rms_fab; fab.fab$l_fna = *dirname; fab.fab$b_fns = strlen(*dirname); fab.fab$l_dna = "SYS$DISK:[]*.*;*"; fab.fab$b_dns = strlen(fab.fab$l_dna); /* ** Initialize the NAM. */ nam = cc$rms_nam; nam.nam$l_esa = expanded_name; nam.nam$b_ess = NAM$C_MAXRSS; nam.nam$l_rsa = resultant_name; nam.nam$b_rss = NAM$C_MAXRSS; fab.fab$l_nam = &nam; /* ** Parse the specification and see if it works. */ if (SYS$PARSE(&fab) & 1) { /* ** Free previous result */ xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, &res); /* ** Collect directory entries. ** Memory allocated here will be freed by xdr_free ** next time readdir_1 is called */ nlp = &res.readdir_res_u.list; while (SYS$SEARCH(&fab) & 1) { resultant_name[nam.nam$b_rsl] = '\0'; nl = (namenode *) malloc(sizeof(namenode)); *nlp = nl; nl->name = (char *) malloc(nam.nam$b_name + nam.nam$b_type + nam.nam$b_ver + 1); strcpy(nl->name, nam.nam$l_name); nlp = &nl->next; } *nlp = NULL; /* ** Return the result */ res.Errno = 0; } /* SYS$PARSE() */ else res.Errno = fab.fab$l_sts; return &res; }
2.3.3. The Client Program that Calls the Remote Procedure
, that calls the remote server
procedure./* * rls.c: Remote directory listing client */ #include <errno.h> #include <rms.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* always need this */ #include "dir.h" main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { CLIENT *cl; char *dir; namelist nl; readdir_res *result; char *server; int exit(); if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host directory\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } server = argv[1]; dir = argv[2]; /* ** Create client "handle" used for calling DIRPROG on ** the server designated on the command line. Use ** the tcp protocol when contacting the server. */ cl = clnt_create(server, DIRPROG, DIRVERS, "tcp"); if (cl == NULL) { /* ** Couldn't establish connection with server. ** Print error message and stop. */ clnt_pcreateerror(server); exit(1); } /* ** Call the remote procedure readdir on the server */ result = readdir_1(&dir, cl); if (result == NULL) { /* ** An RPC error occurred while calling the server. ** Print error message and stop. */ clnt_perror(cl, server); exit(1); } /* ** Okay, we successfully called the remote procedure. */ if (result->Errno != 0) { /* ** A remote system error occurred. ** Print error message and stop. **/ errno = result->Errno; perror(dir); exit(1); } /* ** Successfully got a directory listing. ** Print it out. */ for (nl = result->readdir_res_u.list; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) printf("%s\n", nl->name); exit(0); }
2.3.4. Running RPCGEN
RPCGEN creates a header file, DIR.H, an output file of client skeleton routines, DIR_CLNT.C, and an output file of server skeleton routines, DIR_SVC.C. For this advanced example, RPCGEN also generates the file of XDR routines, DIR_XDR.C.
2.3.5. Compiling the File of XDR Routines
2.3.6. Compiling the Client and Server Programs
- To create the client program called
, compile the client program, RLS.C and the client skeleton program from the original RPCGEN compilation DIR_CLNT.C. Then link the two object files and the object file produced by the recent compilation of the file of XDR routines together with the RPC object library:$ CC/DECC RLS.C $ CC/DECC DIR_CLNT.C $ LINK RLS,DIR_CLNT,DIR_XDR,TCPIP$RPC:TCPIP$RPCXDR/LIBRARY
- To create the server program called
, compile the remoteREADDIR
implementation program, DIR_SERVER.C and the server skeleton program from the original RPCGEN compilation, DIR_SVC.C. Then link the two object files and the object file produced by the recent compilation of the file of XDR routines together with the RPC object library:$ CC/DECC DIR_SERVER.C $ CC/DECC DIR_SVC.C $ LINK DIR_SERVER,DIR_SVC,DIR_XDR,TCPIP$RPC:TCPIP$RPCXDR/LIBRARY
If you want to use the shareable version of the RPC object library, reference the shareable version of the library, SYS$SHARE:TCPIP$RPCXDR_SHR, in your LINK options file.
2.3.7. Copying the Server to a Remote System and Running It
to a remote system called space
in this example. Then, run it as a detached
invoke the RLS program to provide a directory listing
on the system where dir_server
is running in background mode. The
following example shows the command and output (a directory listing of
on system space
):$ MCR SYS$DISK:[]RLS "space" "/usr/pub" . .. ascii eqnchar kbd marg8 tabclr tabs tabs4
deallocate the memory when no longer needed. This is similar to calling
, except that you must also pass the XDR routine for
the result. For example, after printing the directory listing in the
preceding example, you could call xdr_free
follows:xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, result);
2.4. Debugging Applications
). To create the single debuggable file
RLS.EXE, compile each file and then link them together as
The procedure calls are executed as ordinary local procedure calls and you can debug the program with a local debugger. When the program is working, link the client program to the client skeleton produced by RPCGEN and the server procedures to the server skeleton produced by RPCGEN.
A problem with the remote procedure call mechanism.
This occurs when a procedure is unavailable, the remote server does not respond, the remote server cannot decode the arguments, and so on. As in Example 2.7, “Client Program that Calls the Server”, an RPC error occurs if
.The program can print the reason for the failure by using
, or it can return an error string throughclnt_sperror
.A problem with the server itself.
As in Example 2.6, “Remote Procedure Implementation”, an error occurs if
fails; that is whyreaddir_res
is of typeunion
. The handling of these types of errors is the responsibility of the programmer.
2.5. The C Preprocessor
Identifier |
Usage |
For header file output |
For XDR routine output |
For server skeleton output |
For client skeleton output |
For index table output |
) passes directly into the output file, without any
interpretation. Example 2.8, “Using the Percent Sign to Bypass Interpretation of a Line” demonstrates this processing
feature./* * time.x: Remote time protocol */ program TIMEPROG { version TIMEVERS { unsigned int TIMEGET(void) = 1; } = 1; } = 44; #ifdef RPC_SVC %int * %timeget_1() %{ % static int thetime; % % thetime = time(0); % return (&thetime); %} #endif
Using the percent sign feature does not guarantee that RPCGEN will place the output where you intend. If you have problems of this type, do not use this feature.
2.6. RPCGEN Programming
The following sections contain additional RPCGEN programming information about network types, defining symbols, INETd support, and dispatch tables.
2.6.1. Network Types
2.6.2. User-Provided Define Statements
symbol. For example, to enable the DEBUG
symbol in the code generated from the PROTO.X file, use the following
2.6.3. INETd Support
The server code in proto_svc.c
supports INETd. For more information on setting up
entries for RPC services, see Section 3.7, “Using the Internet Service Daemon (INETd)”.
If you want the server to exit immediately, use /TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 0; if you want the server to wait forever (a normal server situation), use /TIMEOUT_SECONDS = -1.
2.6.4. Dispatch Tables
struct rpcgen_table
defined in the header file,
follows:struct rpcgen_table { char *(*proc)(); xdrproc_t inproc; unsigned len_in; xdrproc_t outproc; unsigned len_out; };
is a pointer to the service routine.inproc
is a pointer to the input (arguments) XDR routine.len_in
is the length in bytes of the input argument.outproc
is a pointer to the output (results) XDR routine.len_out
is the length in bytes of the output result.
is indexed by procedure number. The variable
contains the number of entries in the table. The
routine in the following example shows how to locate a
procedure in the dispatch
tables.struct rpcgen_table * find_proc(proc) long proc; { if (proc >= dirprog_1_nproc) /* error */ else return (&dirprog_1_table[proc]); }
. The following example shows the
dispatch table entry for the procedure printmessage
with a procedure
number of
1:..... (char *(*)())RPCGEN_ACTION(printmessage_1), xdr_wrapstring, 0, xdr_int, 0, .....
statement when compiling the client:
#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine) 0
statement when compiling the
server:#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine) routine
2.7. Client Programming
The following sections contain client programming information about default timeouts and client authentication.
2.7.1. Timeout Changes
sets a default timeout of 25 seconds for RPC calls. RPC
waits for 25 seconds to get the results from the server. If it does not get any
results, then this usually means that one of the following conditions exists:The server is not running.
The remote system has failed.
The network is unreachable.
In such cases, the function returns NULL
; you can print the error with
. The code segment in the following example
demonstrates the use of
.struct timeval tv; CLIENT *cl; cl = clnt_create("somehost", SOMEPROG, SOMEVERS, "tcp"); if (cl == NULL) { exit(1); } tv.tv_sec = 60; /* change timeout to 1 minute */ tv.tv_usec = 0; /* this should always be set */ clnt_control(cl, CLSET_TIMEOUT, &tv);
2.7.2. Client Authentication
CLIENT *cl; cl = clnt_create("somehost", SOMEPROG, SOMEVERS, "udp"); if (cl != NULL) { /* To set UNIX style authentication */ cl->cl_auth = authunix_create_default(); }
For more information on authentication, see Section 3.6, “Authentication of RPC Calls”.
2.8. Server Programming
The following sections contain server programming information about system broadcasts and passing data to server procedures.
2.8.1. Handling Broadcasts
Sometimes, clients broadcast to determine whether a particular server exists on the network,
or to determine all the servers for a particular program and version number. You
make these calls with clnt_broadcast
(for which there is no RPCGEN
support). Refer to Section 3.5.2, “Broadcast RPC”.
When a procedure is known to be called with broadcast RPC, it is best for the server not to
reply unless it can provide useful information to the client. Otherwise, servers
could overload the network with useless replies. To prevent the server from
replying, a remote procedure can return NULL
as its result; the server
code generated by RPCGEN can detect this and prevent a reply.
void * reply_if_nfsserver() { char notnull; /* just here so we can use its address */ if (access("/etc/exports", F_OK) < 0) { return (NULL); /* prevent RPC from replying */ } /* * return non-null pointer so RPC will send out a reply */ return ((void *)¬null); }
If a procedure returns type void *
, it must return a nonnull pointer if it wants
RPC to reply for it.
2.8.2. Passing Data to Server Procedures
in Section 3.6.2, “The Server Side”.) The following code
segment shows the use of svc_req
, where the first part of the previous
procedure is modified to allow only root users to
print a message to the
console:int * printmessage_1(msg, rqstp) char **msg; struct svc_req *rqstp; { static int result; /* Must be static */ FILE *f; struct authunix_parms *aup; aup = (struct authunix_parms *)rqstp->rq_clntcred; if (aup->aup_uid != 0) { result = 0; return (&result); } /* Same code as before */
2.9. RPC and XDR Languages
The RPC language is an extension of the XDR language through the addition of the
and version
types. The XDR language is similar to
C. For a complete description of the XDR language syntax, see RFC 1014: XDR:
External Data Representation Standard. For a description of the RPC
extensions to the XDR language, see RFC 1057: RPC: Remote Procedure Calls
Protocol Specification Version 2.
The following sections describe the syntax of the RPC and XDR languages, with examples and descriptions of how RPCGEN compiles the various RPC and XDR type definitions into C type definitions in the output header file.
2.9.1. Definitions
definition-list: definition ";" definition ";" definition-list
definition: enum-definition typedef-definition const-definition declaration-definition struct-definition union-definition program-definition
2.9.2. Enumerations
enum-definition: "enum" enum-ident "{" enum-value-list "}" enum-value-list: enum-value enum-value "," enum-value-list enum-value: enum-value-ident enum-value-ident "=" value
type with three values:
enum colortype { RED = 0, GREEN = 1, BLUE = 2 };
enum colortype { RED = 0, GREEN = 1, BLUE = 2, }; typedef enum colortype colortype;
2.9.3. Typedefs
s have the same syntax as C typedef
typedef-definition: "typedef" declaration
that declares file name
strings with a maximum length of 255 characters:
typedef string fname_type <255>;
typedef char *fname_type;
2.9.4. Constants
const-definition: "const" const-ident "=" integer
equal to 12:
const DOZEN = 12;
#define DOZEN 12
2.9.5. Declarations
declaration: simple-declaration fixed-array-declaration variable-array-declaration pointer-declaration
- Simple declarations
simple-declaration: type-ident variable-ident
For example,
colortype color
in XDR, is the same in C:colortype color
. - Fixed-length array declarations
fixed-array-declaration: type-ident variable-ident "[" value "]"
For example,
colortype palette[8]
in XDR, is the same in C:colortype palette[8]
. Variable-length array declarations
These have no explicit syntax in C, so XDR creates its own by using angle brackets, as in the following syntax:variable-array-declaration: type-ident variable-ident "<" value ">" type-ident variable-ident "<" ">"
Specify the maximum size between the angle brackets. You can omit the value, indicating that the array can be of any size, as shown in the following example:int heights<12>;/* at most 12 items */ int widths<>;/* any number of items */
Variable-length arrays have no explicit syntax in C, so RPCGEN compiles each of their declarations into astruct
. For example, RPCGEN compiles theheights
declaration into the followingstruct
:struct { u_int heights_len;/* number of items in array */ int *heights_val;/* pointer to array */ } heights;
Here, the
component stores the number of items in the array and the_val
component stores the pointer to the array. The first part of each of these component names is the same as the name of the declared XDR variable.Pointer declarations
These are the same in XDR as in C. You cannot send pointers over the network, but you can use XDR pointers to send recursive data types, such as lists and trees. In XDR language, this type is calledoptional-data
, notpointer
, as in the following syntax:optional-data: type-ident "*"variable-ident
An example of this (the same in both XDR and C) follows:listitem *next;
2.9.6. Structures
almost exactly like its C counterpart. The XDR syntax is
following:struct-definition: "struct" struct-ident "{" declaration-list "}" declaration-list: declaration ";" declaration ";" declaration-list
struct coord { int x; int y; };
struct coord { int x; int y; }; typedef struct coord coord;
Here, the output is identical to the input, except for the added typedef
at the
end of the output. This enables the use of coord
instead of
struct coord
in declarations.
2.9.7. Unions
union-definition: "union" union-ident "switch" ("simple declaration") "{" case-list "}" case-list: "case" value ":" declaration ";" "case" value ":" declaration ";" case-list "default" ":" declaration ";"
union read_result switch (int errno) { case 0: opaque data[1024]; default: void; };
struct read_result { int errno; union { char data[1024]; } read_result_u; }; typedef struct read_result read_result;
Notice that the union component of the output structure has the same name as the structure
type name, except for the suffix, _u
2.9.8. Programs
program-definition: "program" program-ident "{" version-list "}" "=" value version-list: version ";" version ";" version-list version: "version" version-ident "{" procedure-list "}" "=" value procedure-list: procedure ";" procedure ";" procedure-list procedure: type-ident procedure-ident "("type-ident")" "=" value
/* * time.x: Get or set the time. Time is represented as number * of seconds since 0:00, January 1, 1970. */ program TIMEPROG { version TIMEVERS { unsigned int TIMEGET(void) = 1; void TIMESET(unsigned) = 2; } = 1; } = 44;
statements in the output header
file:#define TIMEPROG 44 #define TIMEVERS 1 #define TIMEGET 1 #define TIMESET 2
2.9.9. Special Cases
C has no built-in boolean type. However, the RPC library has a boolean type called
that is either TRUE or FALSE. RPCGEN compiles items declared as typebool
in the XDR language intobool_t
in the output header file. For example, RPCGEN compilesbool married
intobool_t married
C has no built-in string type, but instead uses the null-terminated
char *
convention. In the XDR language, you declare strings by using thestring
keyword. RPCGEN compiles each string into achar *
in the output header file. The maximum size contained in the angle brackets specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the strings (excluding theNULL
character). For example, RPCGEN compilesstring name <32>
intochar *name
. You can omit a maximum size to indicate a string of arbitrary length. For example, RPCGEN compilesstring longname<>
intochar *longname
.Opaque data
RPC and XDR use opaque data to describe untyped data, which consists simply of sequences of arbitrary bytes. You declare opaque data as an array of either fixed or variable length. Anopaque
declaration of a fixed-length array isopaque diskblock[512]
, whose C counterpart ischar diskblock[512]
. An opaque declaration of a variable-length array isopaque filedata <1024>
, whose C counterpart could be the following:struct { u_int filedata_len; char *filedata_val; } filedata;
In a
declaration, the variable is not named. The declaration is just avoid
. Declarations ofvoid
occur only in union and program definitions (as the argument or result of a remote procedure).
2.10. Command Reference
RPCGEN — A code-generating tool for creating programming skeletons that implement the RPC mechanism.
Defined when compiling into header files. |
Defined when compiling into XDR routines. |
Defined when compiling into server skeletons. |
Defined when compiling into client skeletons. |
Defined when compiling into RPC dispatch table. |
In addition, RPCGEN does a little preprocessing of its own. RPCGEN passes any line beginning with a percent sign (%) directly into the output file, without interpreting the line.
RPCGEN infile[[/HEADER_FILE ] [/CLIENT_STUBS_FILE | /DISPATCH_TABLE | /XDR_FILE] [/SERVER_STUBS_FILE | /TRANSPORT [=(TCP,UDP)]]] [[/TABLE] [/DEFINE = (name=[value][,....]) | /OUTPUT = file] [/DEFINE = (name=[value][,....]) | /ERRLOG | /INET_SERVICE | /OUTPUT = file | /TIMEOUT_SECONDS=seconds]]]
infile.H – the header file
infile_CLNT.C – the client skeleton
infile_SVC.C – the server skeleton with support for both UDP and TCP transports
infile_XDR.C – the XDR routines
If you specify the /DISPATCH_TABLE qualifier, RPCGEN uses the default name infile_TBL.I for the dispatch table.
UNIX equivalent: -l
Default: Create a client skeleton file.
Creates the client skeleton file.
Mutually exclusive with the /DISPATCH_TABLE, /HEADER_FILE, /SERVER_STUBS_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and XDR_FILE qualifiers.
- /DEFINE = ( name[=value][,....])
UNIX equivalent: -D
Default: No definitions.
Defines one or more symbol names. Equivalent to one or more
directives. Names are defined as they appear in the argument to the qualifier. For example, /DEFINE=TEST=1 creates the line#define TEST=1
in the output files. If you omit the value, RPCGEN defines the name with the value 1.- /DISPATCH_TABLE
UNIX equivalent: -t
Default: No dispatch file created.
Creates the server dispatch table file. An RPCGEN dispatch table contains:Pointers to the service routines corresponding to a procedure
A pointer to the input and output arguments
The size of these routines
A server can use the dispatch table to check authorization and then to execute the service routine; a client may use it to deal with the details of storage management and XDR data conversion.
Mutually exclusive with the /CLIENT_STUBS_FILE, /HEADER_FILE, /SERVER_STUBS_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and XDR_FILE qualifiers.
UNIX equivalent: -L
Default: Logging to
.Specifies that servers should log errors to the operator console instead of using
. You must install servers with OPER privilege in order to use this feature.- /HEADER_FILE
UNIX equivalent: -h
Default: Create a header file.
Creates the C data definitions header file. Use the /TABLE qualifier in conjunction with this qualifier to generate a header file that supports dispatch tables.
Mutually exclusive with the /CLIENT_STUBS_FILE, /DISPATCH_TABLE, /SERVER_STUBS_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and XDR_FILE qualifiers.
UNIX equivalent: -I
Default: No INETd support.
Compiles support for INETd in the server side stubs. You can start servers yourself or you can have INETd start them. Servers started by INETd log all error messages to the operator console.
If there are no pending client requests, the INETd servers exit after 120 seconds (default). You can change this default with the /TIMEOUT_SECONDS qualifier.
When RPCGEN creates servers with INETd support, it defines two global variables:
. The runtime value of_rpcpmstart
is 1 or 0 depending on whether INDEd started the server program. The value ofrpcfdtype
should beSOCK_STREAM
depending on the type of the connection.- /OUTPUT = file
UNIX equivalent: -o
Default: Direct output to one of the standard default files.
Use this qualifier to direct the output of the /CLIENT_STUBS_FILE, /DISPATCH_TABLE, /HEADER_FILE, /SERVER_STUBS_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and /XDR_FILE qualifiers.
UNIX equivalent: -m
Default: Create a server skeleton file.
Creates a server skeleton file without the
routine. Use this qualifier to generate a server skeleton when you wish to create your ownmain
routine. This option is useful for programs that have callback routines and for programs that have customized initialization requirements.Mutually exclusive with the /CLIENT_STUBS_FILE, /DISPATCH_TABLE, /HEADER_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and XDR_FILE qualifiers.
UNIX equivalent: -T
Default: No dispatch table code created.
Creates the code in the header file to support an RPCGEN dispatch table. You can use this qualifier only when you are generating all files (the default) or when you are using the /HEADER_FILE qualifier to generate the header file. This /TABLE qualifier includes a definition of the dispatch table structure in the header file; it does not modify the server routine to use the table.
UNIX equivalent: -s
Default: Create a server skeleton that supports both protocols.
Creates a server skeleton that includes a
routine that uses the given transport. The supported transports are UDP and TCP. To compile a server that supports multiple transports, specify both.- /TIMEOUT_SECONDS= seconds
UNIX equivalent: -K
Default: 120 seconds.
If INETd starts the server, this option specifies the time (in seconds) after which the server should exit if there is no further activity. By default, if there are no pending client requests, INETd servers exit after 120 seconds. This option is useful for customization. If seconds is 0, the server exits after serving a request. If seconds is -1, the server never exits after being started by INETd.
UNIX equivalent: -c
Default: Create an XDR file.
You can customize some of your XDR routines by leaving those data types undefined. For every data type that is undefined, RPCGEN assumes that there exists a routine with the name
prepended to the name of the undefined type.Mutually exclusive with the /CLIENT_STUBS_FILE, /DISPATCH_TABLE, /HEADER_FILE, /TRANSPORT, and /SERVER_STUBS_FILE qualifiers.
This example generates all of the five possible files using the default file names: PROTO.H, PROTO_CLNT.C, PROTO_SVC.C, PROTO_XDR.C, and PROTO_TBL.I. The PROTO_SVC.C code supports the use of the dispatch table found in PROTO_TBL.I. The server error messages are logged to the operator console instead of being sent to the standard error.
This example generates four output files using the default file names: PROTO.H, PROTO_CLNT.C, PROTO_SVC.C, and PROTO_XDR.C. INETd starts the server and the server exits after 20 seconds of inactivity.
This example sends the header file (with support for dispatch tables) to the default output file PROTO.H.
This example sends the server skeleton file for the transport TCP to the default output file PROTO_SVC.C.
This example sends the header file (with support for dispatch tables) to the output file PROTO_TABLE.H.
Chapter 3. RPC Application Programming Interface
For most applications, you do not need the information in this chapter; you can simply use the automatic features of the RPCGEN protocol compiler (described in Chapter 2, Writing RPC Applications with the RPCGEN Protocol Compiler ). This chapter requires an understanding of network theory; it is for programmers who must write customized network applications using remote procedure calls, and who need to know about the RPC mechanisms hidden by RPCGEN.
3.1. RPC Layers
The ONC RPC interface consists of three layers: highest, middle, and lowest. For ONC RPC programming, only the middle and lowest layers are of interest. For a complete specification of the routines in the remote procedure call library, see Chapter 5, ONC RPC Client Routines through Chapter 8, XDR Routine Reference.
, which obtains a unique systemwide procedure-identification numbercallrpc
, which executes a remote procedure callsvc_run
, which calls a remote procedure in response to an RPC request
Timeout specifications
Choice of transport
Operating system process control
Processing flexibility after occurrence of error
Multiple kinds of call authentication
, which creates a client handleclnt_call
, which calls the serversvcudp_create
, which creates a UDP server handlesvc_register
, which registers the server
3.2. Middle Layer of RPC
The middle layer is the simplest RPC program interface; from this layer you make explicit RPC
calls and use the functions callrpc
and registerrpc
3.2.1. Using callrpc
The simplest way to make remote procedure calls is through the RPC library routine
. The programming code in Example 3.1, “Using callrpc”, which obtains the number of remote users,
shows the usage of callrpc
The callrpc
routine has eight parameters. In Example 3.1, “Using callrpc”,
the first parameter, argv[1]
, is the name of the remote server
system as specified in the command line which invoked the rnusers
program. The next three, RUSERSPROG
, and
, are the program, version, and procedure
numbers that together identify the procedure to be called (these are defined in
). The fifth and sixth parameters are an XDR filter
) and an argument (0
) to be encoded and
passed to the remote procedure. You provide an XDR filter procedure to encode or
decode system-dependent data to or from the XDR format.
The final two parameters are an XDR filter, xdr_u_long
, for decoding the results
returned by the remote procedure and a pointer, &nusers
, to the
storage location of the procedure results. Multiple arguments and results are
handled by embedding them in structures.
If callrpc
completes successfully, it returns zero; otherwise it returns a
non-zero value. The return codes are found in <rpc/clnt.h>
. The
routine needs the type of the RPC argument, as well as
a pointer to the argument itself (and similarly for the result). For
, the return value is an unsigned long. This is
why callrpc
has xdr_u_long
as its first return
parameter, which means that the result is of type unsigned long
and &nusers
as its second return parameter, which is a pointer
to the location that stores the long result. RUSERSPROC_NUM
no argument, so the argument parameter of callrpc
. In such cases, the argument must be
If callrpc
gets no answer after trying several times to deliver a message, it
returns with an error code. Methods for adjusting the number of retries or for
using a different protocol require you to use the lowest layer of the RPC
library, which is discussed in Section 3.3, “Lowest Layer of RPC”.
The remote server procedure corresponding to the callrpc
usage example might look
like the one in Example 3.2, “Remote Server Procedure”.
char *
./* * rnusers.c - program to return the number of users on a remote host */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include "rusers.h" main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { unsigned long nusers; int stat; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: rnusers hostname\n"); exit(1); } if (stat = callrpc(argv[1], RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS, RUSERSPROC_NUM, xdr_void, 0, xdr_u_long, &nusers) != 0) { clnt_perrno(stat); exit(1); } printf("%d users on %s\n", nusers, argv[1]); exit(0); }
unsigned long * nuser(indata) char *indata; { static unsigned long nusers; /* * Add code here to compute the number of users * and place result in variable nusers. * For this example, nusers is set to 5. */ nusers = 5; return(&nusers); }
3.2.2. Using registerrpc and svc_run
Normally, a server registers all the RPC calls it plans to handle, and then goes into an
infinite loop while waiting to service requests. Using RPCGEN for this also
generates a server dispatch function. You can write a server yourself by using
. Example 3.3, “Using registerrpc in the Main Body of a Server Program” is a
program showing how you would use registerrpc
in the main body of a
server program that registers a single procedure; the remote procedure returns a
single unsigned long
The registerrpc
routine establishes the correspondence between a procedure and a
given RPC procedure number. The first three parameters (defined in
, are the program, version, and procedure numbers
of the remote procedure to be registered; nuser
is the name of the
local procedure that implements the remote procedure; and xdr_void
and xdr_u_long
are the XDR filters for the remote procedure's
arguments and results, respectively. (Multiple arguments or multiple results are
passed as structures.)
is UDP.Note
The UDP transport mechanism can handle only arguments and results that are less than 8K bytes in length.
After registering the local procedure, the main procedure of the server program calls the RPC
dispatcher using the svc_run
routine. The svc_run
routine calls the remote procedures in response to RPC requests and decodes
remote procedure arguments and encodes results. To do this, it uses the XDR
filters specified when the remote procedure was registered with
, was already shown in Example 3.2, “Remote Server Procedure” and is duplicated in this
example. This procedure takes one argument – a pointer to the input of the
remote procedure call (ignored in the example) – and returns a pointer to
the result. In the current version of C, character pointers are the generic
pointers, so the input argument and the return value can be cast to char
./* * nusers_server.c - server to return the number of users on a host */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* required */ #include "rusers.h" /* for prog, vers definitions */ unsigned long *nuser(); main() { int exit(); registerrpc(RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS, RUSERSPROC_NUM, nuser, xdr_void, xdr_u_long); svc_run(); /* Never returns */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: svc_run returned!\n"); exit(1); } unsigned long * nuser(indata) char *indata; { static unsigned long nusers; /* * Add code here to compute the number of users * and place result in variable nusers. * For this example, nusers is set to 5. */ nusers = 5; return(&nusers); }
3.2.3. Using XDR Routines to Pass Arbitrary Data Types
RPC can handle arbitrary data structures – regardless of system
conventions for byte order and structure layout – by converting them to
their external data representation (XDR) before sending them over the network.
The process of converting from a particular system representation to XDR format
is called serializing, and the reverse process
is called deserializing. The type field
parameters of callrpc
and registerrpc
can be a
built-in procedure like xdr_u_long
(in the previous example), or
one that you supply. XDR has the built-in routines shown in Table 3.1, “XDR Routines”.
routine with either
or registerrpc
, each of which passes only
two parameters to an XDR routine. Instead, use xdr_wrapstring
which takes only two parameters and calls xdr_string
Built-In XDR Integer Routines | ||
xdr_short |
xdr_u_short | |
xdr_int |
xdr_u_int | |
xdr_long |
xdr_u_long | |
xdr_hyper |
xdr_u_hyper | |
Built-In XDR Floating-Point Routines | ||
xdr_float |
xdr_double | |
Built-In XDR Character Routines | ||
xdr_char |
xdr_u_char | |
Built-In XDR Enumeration Routines | ||
xdr_bool |
xdr_u_enum | |
Built-In XDR Array Routines | ||
xdr_array |
xdr_bytes | |
xdr_vector |
xdr_string | |
xdr_wrapstring |
xdr_opaque | |
Built-In XDR Pointer Routines | ||
xdr_reference |
xdr_pointer |
3.2.4. User-Defined XDR Routines
struct simple { int a; short b; } simple;
call:callrpc(hostname, PROGNUM, VERSNUM, PROCNUM, xdr_simple, &simple ...);
, you could define the routine
as in the following example:
#include <rpc/rpc.h> xdr_simple(xdrsp, simplep) XDR *xdrsp; struct simple *simplep; { if (!xdr_int(xdrsp, &simplep->a)) return (0); if (!xdr_short(xdrsp, &simplep->b)) return (0); return (1); }
It is best to use RPCGEN to generate XDR routines. Use the /XDR_FILE option of RPCGEN to generate only the _XDR.C file.
struct varintarr { int *data; int arrlnth; } arr;
callrpc(hostname, PROGNUM, VERSNUM, PROCNUM, xdr_varintarr, &arr, .....
as shown:
xdr_varintarr(xdrsp, arrp) XDR *xdrsp; struct varintarr *arrp; { return (xdr_array(xdrsp, &arrp->data, &arrp->arrlnth, MAXLEN, sizeof(int), xdr_int)); }
The xdr_array
routine takes as parameters the XDR handle, a
pointer to the array, a pointer to the size of the array, the maximum allowable
array size, the size of each array element, and an XDR routine for handling each
array element.
, which serializes fixed-length arrays, as shown in
the following
example:int intarr[SIZE]; xdr_intarr(xdrsp, intarr) XDR *xdrsp; int intarr[]; { return (xdr_vector(xdrsp, intarr, SIZE, sizeof(int), xdr_int)); }
3.2.5. XDR Serializing Defaults
XDR always converts quantities to 4-byte multiples when serializing. If the
examples in Section 3.2.4, “User-Defined XDR Routines” had used characters
instead of integers, each character would occupy 32 bits. This is why XDR has
the built-in routine xdr_bytes
, which is like
except that it packs characters. The
routine has four parameters, similar to the first
four of xdr_array
. For null-terminated strings, XDR provides the
built-in routine xdr_string
, which is the same as
but without the length parameter.
, and on
deserializing it creates a null-terminated string. The following example calls
the user-defined routine xdr_simple
, as well as the built-in
functions xdr_string
and xdr_reference
(the latter
locates pointers):
struct finalexample { char *string; struct simple *simplep; } finalexample; xdr_finalexample(xdrsp, finalp) XDR *xdrsp; struct finalexample *finalp; { if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &finalp->string, MAXSTRLEN)) return (0); if (!xdr_reference(xdrsp, &finalp->simplep, sizeof(struct simple), xdr_simple); return (0); return (1); }
Note that xdr_simple
could be called here instead of
3.3. Lowest Layer of RPC
Examples in previous sections show how RPC handles many details automatically through defaults. The following sections describe how to change the defaults by using the lowest-layer RPC routines.
Use TCP as the underlying transport instead of UDP. Using TCP allows you to exceed the 8K-byte data limitation imposed by UDP.
Allocate and free memory explicitly while serializing or deserializing with XDR routines.
Use authentication on either the client or server side, through credential verification.
3.3.1. The Server Side and the Lowest RPC Layer
program in Example 3.4, “Server Program Using Lowest Layer of RPC”
does the same work as the previous nusers_server.c
program that
used registerrpc
(see Example 3.3, “Using registerrpc in the Main Body of a Server Program”).
However, it uses the lowest layer of RPC.#include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> #include "rusers.h" main() { SVCXPRT *transp; unsigned long nuser(); int exit(); transp = svcudp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK);if (transp == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "can't create an RPC server\n"); exit(1); } pmap_unset(RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS);
if (!svc_register(transp, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS,
nuser, IPPROTO_UDP)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't register RUSER service\n"); exit(1); } svc_run(); /* Never returns */
fprintf(stderr, "should never reach this point\n"); } unsigned long nuser(rqstp, transp)
struct svc_req *rqstp; SVCXPRT *transp; { unsigned long nusers; switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case NULLPROC: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; case RUSERSPROC_NUM: /* * Code here to compute the number of users * and assign it to the variable nusers * For this example, nusers is set to 5. */ nusers = 5; if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_u_long, &nusers)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } }
The server calls | |
The next step is to call | |
Use a call to A service can register its port number with the local Portmapper service by specifying a
nonzero protocol number in the final argument of
| |
Finally, use a call to the | |
The server routine nuser must call and dispatch the appropriate XDR routines
based on the procedure number. The nuser routine
explicitly handles two cases that are taken care of automatically
by registerrpc :
The |
, which has an argument
and which returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
the number of users logged on is equal to nusers
. For example:
case RUSERSPROC_BOOL: { int bool; unsigned nuserquery; if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_u_int, &nuserquery) { svcerr_decode(transp); return; } /* * Code to set nusers = number of users */ if (nuserquery == nusers) bool = TRUE; else bool = FALSE; if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_bool, &bool)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; }
Here, the svc_getargs
routine takes as arguments a server handle, the XDR
routine, and a pointer to where the input is to be placed.
3.3.2. The Client Side and the Lowest RPC Layer
you cannot control either the RPC delivery mechanism or the
socket that transports the data. The lowest layer of RPC enables you to modify
these parameters, as shown in Example 3.5, “Using Lowest RPC Layer to Control Data Transport and
Delivery”, which
calls the nuser
service. #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <netdb.h> #include "rusers.h" main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct hostent *hp; struct timeval pertry_timeout, total_timeout; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; int sock = RPC_ANYSOCK; register CLIENT *client; enum clnt_stat clnt_stat; unsigned long nusers; int exit(); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: nusers hostname\n"); exit(-1); } if ((hp = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't get addr for %s\n",argv[1]); exit(-1); } pertry_timeout.tv_sec = 3; pertry_timeout.tv_usec = 0; bcopy(hp->h_addr, (caddr_t)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_length); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = 0; if ((client = clntudp_create(&server_addr, RUSERSPROG,RUSERSVERS, pertry_timeout, &sock)) == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror("clntudp_create"); exit(-1); } total_timeout.tv_sec = 20; total_timeout.tv_usec = 0; clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, RUSERSPROC_NUM, xdr_void,
0, xdr_u_long, &nusers, total_timeout); if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(client, "rpc"); exit(-1); } printf("%d users on %s\n", nusers, argv[1]); clnt_destroy(client);
exit(0); }
This example calls the | |
The lowest-level version of | |
The |
with a call to
clnttcp_create(&server_addr, prognum, versnum, &sock, inbufsize, outbufsize);
, RPC creates a TCP client handle and
establishes a TCP connection. All RPC calls using the client handle use the same
TCP connection. The server side of an RPC call using TCP has
replaced by
:transp = svctcp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK, 0, 0);
The last two arguments to svctcp_create
are “send ” and
“receive ” sizes, respectively. If, as in the preceding
example, 0
is specified for either of these, the system chooses
default values.
handle is
The parameters here are the name of the host on which the service resides, the program and
version number, and the transport to be used. The transport can be either
for UDP or tcp
for TCP. You can change the
default timeouts by using clnt_control
. For more information, refer
to Section 2.7.
3.3.3. Memory Allocation with XDR
a pointer to a pointer to an array of bytes, rather than the pointer to the
array itself. If the pointer has the value NULL
, then
allocates space for the array and returns a pointer
to it, putting the size of the array in the third argument. For example, the
following XDR routine xdr_chararr1
, handles a fixed array of bytes
with length
:xdr_chararr1(xdrsp, chararr) XDR *xdrsp; char *chararr; { char *p; int len; p = chararr; len = SIZE; return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, &p, &len, SIZE)); }
, it can be
called from a server like this:
char array[SIZE]; svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr1, array);
xdr_chararr2(xdrsp, chararrp) XDR *xdrsp; char **chararrp; { int len; len = SIZE; return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, charrarrp, &len, SIZE)); }
char *arrayptr; arrayptr = NULL; svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrayptr); /* * Use the result here */ svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrayptr);
After using the character array, you can free it with
; this will not free any memory if the variable
indicating it has the value NULL
. For example, in the earlier
routine xdr_finalexample
in Section 3.2.5, “XDR Serializing Defaults”, if finalp->string
, it would not be freed. The same is true for
When called from
, the XDR routine uses its serializing part.When called from
, the XDR routine uses its deserializing part.When called from
, the XDR routine uses its memory deallocator part.
When building simple examples as shown in this section, you can ignore the three modes. See Chapter 4, External Data Representation for examples of more sophisticated XDR routines that determine mode and any required modification.
3.4. Raw RPC
Raw RPC refers to the use of pseudo-RPC interface routines that do not use any real
transport at all. These routines, clntraw_create
, help in debugging and testing the noncommunications
aspects of an application before running it over a real network. Example 3.6, “Debugging and Testing the Noncommunication Parts of an
Application” shows their use.
All the RPC calls occur within the same thread of control.
is not called.It is necessary that the server handle be created before the client handle.
takes no parameters.The last parameter to
is 0, which means that it will not register with Portmapper.The server dispatch routine is the same as it is for normal RPC servers.
/* * A simple program to increment the number by 1 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <rpc/raw.h> /* required for raw */ struct timeval TIMEOUT = {0, 0}; static void server(); main() int argc; char **argv; { CLIENT *clnt; SVCXPRT *svc; int num = 0, ans; int exit(); if (argc == 2) num = atoi(argv[1]); svc = svcraw_create(); if (svc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not create server handle\n"); exit(1); } svc_register(svc, 200000, 1, server, 0); clnt = clntraw_create(200000, 1); if (clnt == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror("raw"); exit(1); } if (clnt_call(clnt, 1, xdr_int, &num, xdr_int, &ans, TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(clnt, "raw"); exit(1); } printf("Client: number returned %d\n", ans); exit(0) ; } static void server(rqstp, transp) struct svc_req *rqstp; /* the request */ SVCXPRT *transp; /* the handle created by svcraw_create */ { int num; int exit(); switch(rqstp->rq_proc) { case 0: if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0) == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "error in null proc\n"); exit(1); } return; case 1: break; default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_int, &num)) { svcerr_decode(transp); return; } num++; if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_int, &num) == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "error in sending answer\n"); exit(1); } return; }
3.5. Miscellaneous RPC Features
The following sections describe other useful features for RPC programming.
3.5.1. Using Select on the Server Side
. However, if the other activity
must wait on a file descriptor, the svc_run
call does not work. The
code for svc_run
is as follows:
void svc_run() { fd_set readfds; int dtbsz = getdtablesize(); for (;;) { readfds = svc_fdset; switch (select(dtbsz, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { case -1: if (errno != EBADF) continue; perror("select"); return; case 0: continue; default: svc_getreqset(&readfds); } } }
and call svc_getreqset
if you know the file
descriptors of the sockets associated with the programs on which you are
waiting. In this way, you can have your own select
that waits on
the RPC socket, and you can have your own descriptors. Note that
is a bit mask of all the file descriptors that RPC
uses for services. It can change whenever the program calls any RPC library
routine, because descriptors are constantly being opened and closed, for
example, for TCP connections.Note
If you are handling signals in your application, do not make any
system call that accidentally sets errno
. If this
happens, reset errno
to its previous value before
returning from your signal handler.
3.5.2. Broadcast RPC
Normal RPC expects one answer, whereas broadcast RPC expects many answers (one or more from each responding server).
Broadcast RPC supports only packet-oriented (connectionless) transport protocols such as UDP/IP.
Broadcast RPC filters out all unsuccessful responses; if a version mismatch exists between the broadcaster and a remote service, the user of broadcast RPC never knows.
All broadcast messages are sent to the Portmapper port; thus, only services that register themselves with their Portmapper are accessible with broadcast RPC.
Broadcast requests are limited in size to 1400 bytes. Replies can be up to 8800 bytes (the current maximum UDP packet size).
is called each
time the program obtains a response. It returns a boolean that indicates whether
the user wants more responses. If the argument eachresult
, clnt_broadcast
returns without waiting for
replies:#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> . . . enum clnt_stat clnt_stat; u_long prognum; /* program number */ u_long versnum; /* version number */ u_long procnum; /* procedure number */ xdrproc_t inproc; /* xdr routine for args */ caddr_t in; /* pointer to args */ xdrproc_t outproc; /* xdr routine for results */ caddr_t out; /* pointer to results */ bool_t (*eachresult)();/* call with each result gotten */ . . . clnt_stat = clnt_broadcast(prognum, versnum, procnum, inproc, in, outproc, out, eachresult)
is TRUE, broadcasting stops and
returns successfully. Otherwise, the routine
waits for another response. The request is rebroadcast after a few seconds of
waiting. If no responses come back in a default total timeout period, the
routine returns with RPC_TIMEDOUT
bool_t done; caddr_t resultsp; struct sockaddr_in *raddr; /* Addr of responding server */ . . . done = eachresult(resultsp, raddr)
For more information, see Section 2.8.1, “Handling Broadcasts”.
3.5.3. Batching
In normal RPC, a client sends a call message and waits for the server to reply by indicating that the call succeeded. This implies that the client must wait idle while the server processes a call. This is inefficient if the client does not want or need an acknowledgment for every message sent.
No RPC call in the pipeline should require a response from the server. The server does not send a response message until the client program flushes the pipeline.
The pipeline of calls is transported on a reliable byte-stream transport, such as TCP/IP.
Because the server does not respond to every call, the client can generate new
calls in parallel with the server executing previous calls. Also, the TCP/IP
implementation holds several call messages in a buffer and sends them to the
server in one write
system call. This overlapped execution greatly
decreases the interprocess communication overhead of the client and server
processes, and the total elapsed time of a series of calls. Because the batched
calls are buffered, the client must eventually do a nonbatched call to flush the
pipeline. When the program flushes the connection, RPC sends a normal request to
the server. The server processes this request and sends back a reply.
) has two similar
calls – one provides a string and returns void results, and the other
provides a string and does nothing else. The service (using the TCP/IP
transport) may look like Example 3.7, “Server Batching”.#include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include "render.h" void renderdispatch(); main() { SVCXPRT *transp; int exit(); transp = svctcp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK, 0, 0); if (transp == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "can't create an RPC server\n"); exit(1); } pmap_unset(RENDERPROG, RENDERVERS); if (!svc_register(transp, RENDERPROG, RENDERVERS, renderdispatch, IPPROTO_TCP)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't register RENDER service\n"); exit(1); } svc_run(); /* Never returns */ fprintf(stderr, "should never reach this point\n"); } void renderdispatch(rqstp, transp) struct svc_req *rqstp; SVCXPRT *transp; { char *s = NULL; switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case NULLPROC: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; case RENDERSTRING: if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't decode arguments\n"); /* * Tell client he erred */ svcerr_decode(transp); return; } /* * Code here to render the string "s" */ printf("Render: %s\n"), s; if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, NULL)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); break; case RENDERSTRING_BATCHED: if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't decode arguments\n"); /* * We are silent in the face of protocol errors */ break; } /* * Code here to render string s, but send no reply! */ printf("Render: %s\n"), s; break; default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } /* * Now free string allocated while decoding arguments */ svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s); }
The XDR routine of the result must be zero (NULL).
The timeout of the RPC call must be zero. (Do not rely on
to assist in batching.)
If a UDP transport is used instead, the client call becomes a message to the server and the RPC mechanism becomes simply a message-passing system, with no batching possible. In Example 3.8, “Client Batching”, a client uses batching to supply several strings; batching is flushed when the client gets a null string (EOF).
In this example, the server sends no message, making the clients unable to receive notice of any failures that may occur. Therefore, the clients must handle any errors.
. The rendering service simply discarded the
entire file. The example was run in four configurations, in different amounts of time:System to itself, regular RPC – 50 seconds
System to itself, batched RPC – 16 seconds
System to another, regular RPC – 52 seconds
System to another, batched RPC – 10 seconds
required 6 seconds. These timings show the
advantage of protocols that enable overlapped execution, although they are
difficult to design. #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include "render.h" main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct timeval total_timeout; register CLIENT *client; enum clnt_stat clnt_stat; char buf[1000], *s = buf; int exit(), atoi(); char *host, *fname; FILE *f; int renderop; host = argv[1]; renderop = atoi(argv[2]); fname = argv[3]; f = fopen(fname, "r"); if (f == NULL){ printf("Unable to open file\n"); exit(0); } if ((client = clnt_create(argv[1], RENDERPROG, RENDERVERS, "tcp")) == NULL) { perror("clnttcp_create"); exit(-1); } switch (renderop) { case RENDERSTRING: total_timeout.tv_sec = 5; total_timeout.tv_usec = 0; while (fscanf(f,"%s", s) != EOF) { clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, RENDERSTRING, xdr_wrapstring, &s, xdr_void, NULL, total_timeout); if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(client, "batching rpc"); exit(-1); } } break; case RENDERSTRING_BATCHED: total_timeout.tv_sec = 0; /* set timeout to zero */ total_timeout.tv_usec = 0; while (fscanf(f,"%s", s) != EOF) { clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, RENDERSTRING_BATCHED, xdr_wrapstring, &s, NULL, NULL, total_timeout); if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(client, "batching rpc"); exit(-1); } } /* Now flush the pipeline */ total_timeout.tv_sec = 20; clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, NULLPROC, xdr_void, NULL, xdr_void, NULL, total_timeout); if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(client, "batching rpc"); exit(-1); } break; default: return; } clnt_destroy(client); fclose(f); exit(0); }
3.6. Authentication of RPC Calls
In the examples presented so far, the client never identified itself to the server,
nor did the server require it from the client. Every RPC call is authenticated by the
RPC package on the server, and similarly, the RPC client package generates and sends
authentication parameters. Just as different transports (TCP/IP or UDP/IP) can be
used when creating RPC clients and servers, different forms of authentication can be
associated with RPC clients. The default authentication type is none
The authentication subsystem of the RPC package, with its ability to create and send
authentication parameters, can support commercially available authentication
This manual describes only one type of authentication – authentication through the operating system. The following sections describe client and server authentication through the operating system.
3.6.1. The Client Side
clnt = clntudp_create(address, prognum, versnum, wait, sockp)
clnt->cl_auth = authnone_create();
after creating the RPC client
clnt->cl_auth = authunix_create_default();
to carry with it
the following authentication credentials
structure:/* * credentials native to the operating system */ struct authunix_parms { u_long aup_time; /* credentials creation time */ char *aup_machname; /* host name where client is */ int aup_uid; /* client's OpenVMS uid */ int aup_gid; /* client's current group id */ u_int aup_len; /* element length of aup_gids */ /* (set to 0 on OpenVMS) */ int *aup_gids; /* array of groups user is in */ /* (set to NULL on OpenVMS) */ };
invoking the appropriate system calls. Because the program created this new
style of authentication, the program is responsible for destroying it (to save
memory) with the
3.6.2. The Server Side
/* * An RPC Service request */ struct svc_req { u_long rq_prog; /* service program number */ u_long rq_vers; /* service protocol vers num */ u_long rq_proc; /* desired procedure number */ struct opaque_auth rq_cred; /* raw credentials from wire */ caddr_t rq_clntcred; /* credentials (read only) */ };
is mostly opaque except for one field, the style of
credentials:/* * Authentication info. Mostly opaque to the programmer. */ struct opaque_auth { enum_t oa_flavor; /* style of credentials */ caddr_t oa_base; /* address of more auth stuff */ u_int oa_length; /* not to exceed MAX_AUTH_BYTES */ };
field of the request is well formed; that is, the service implementor can use therq_cred.oa_flavor
field of the request to determine the authentication style used by the client. The service implementor can also inspect other fields ofrq_cred
if the style is not supported by the RPC package.The
field of the request is eitherNULL
or points to a well formed structure that corresponds to a supported style of authentication credentials.
The rq_clntcred
field also could be cast to a pointer to an
structure. If rq_clntcred
, the service implementor can inspect the other (opaque)
fields of rq_cred
to determine whether the service knows about a
new type of authentication that is unknown to the RPC package.
nuser(rqstp, transp) struct svc_req *rqstp; SVCXPRT *transp; { struct authunix_parms *unix_cred; int uid; unsigned long nusers; /* * we don't care about authentication for null proc */ if (rqstp->rq_proc == NULLPROC) { if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; } /* * now get the uid */ switch (rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) { case AUTH_UNIX: unix_cred = (struct authunix_parms *)rqstp->rq_clntcred; uid = unix_cred->aup_uid; break; case AUTH_NULL: default: /* return weak authentication error */ svcerr_weakauth(transp); return; } switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case RUSERSPROC_NUM: /* * make sure client is allowed to call this proc */ if (uid == 16) { svcerr_systemerr(transp); return; } /* * Code here to compute the number of users * and assign it to the variable nusers */ if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_u_long, &nusers)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } }
As in this example, it is not customary to check the authentication parameters
associated with NULLPROC
(procedure 0). Also, if the authentication
parameter type is not suitable for your service, have your program call
The service protocol itself returns status for access denied; in Example 3.9, “Authentication on Server Side”, the protocol does not do this. Instead, it
makes a call to the service primitive, svcerr_systemerr
. RPC deals
only with authentication and not with the access control of an individual
service. The services themselves must implement their own access control
policies and must reflect these policies as return statuses in their
3.7. Using the Internet Service Daemon (INETd)
transp = svcudp_create(0); /* For UDP */ transp = svctcp_create(0,0,0); /* For listener TCP sockets */ transp = svcfd_create(0,0,0); /* For connected TCP sockets */
as follows, with the last parameter flag set to
0, because the program is already registered with the Portmapper by
INETd:svc_register(transp, PROGNUM, VERSNUM, service, 0);
If you want to exit from the server process and return control to INETd, you must do
so explicitly, because svc_run
never returns.
TCPIP> SHOW SERVICES/RPC/PERMANENT RPC Protocol Versions Service Program Number Lowest / Highest MEL 101010 1 10 TORME 20202 1 2 . . . TCPIP>
TCPIP> SHOW SERVICES/FULL/PERMANENT MEL Service: MEL Port: 1111 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 5 User_name: GEORGE Process: MEL Limit: 1 File: NLA0: Flags: Listen Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck Receive: 0 Send: 0 Log Opts: None File: not defined RPC Opts Program number: 101010 Lowest: 1 Highest: 10 Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: TCPIP>
3.8. Additional Examples
The following sections present additional examples for server and client sides, TCP, and callback procedures.
3.8.1. Program Versions on the Server Side
is designated as
and the most recent version is
. Suppose there is a new version of the user program
that returns an unsigned short
result rather than a
result. If you name this version
, then a server that wants to support both
versions would register both. It is not necessary to create another server
handle for the new version, as shown in this segment of
code:if (!svc_register(transp, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_ORIG, nuser, IPPROTO_TCP)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't register RUSER service\n"); exit(1); } if (!svc_register(transp, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_SHORT, nuser, IPPROTO_TCP)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't register new service\n"); exit(1); }
nuser(rqstp, transp) struct svc_req *rqstp; SVCXPRT *transp; { unsigned long nusers; unsigned short nusers2; switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case NULLPROC: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n"); return; } return; case RUSERSPROC_NUM: /* * Code here to compute the number of users * and assign it to the variable, nusers */ nusers2 = nusers; switch (rqstp->rq_vers) { case RUSERSVERS_ORIG: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_u_long, &nusers)) { fprintf(stderr,"can't reply to RPC call\n"); } break; case RUSERSVERS_SHORT: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_u_short, &nusers2)) { fprintf(stderr,"can't reply to RPC call\n"); } break; } default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } }
3.8.2. Program Versions on the Client Side
The network can have different versions of an RPC server. For example, one server might run
, and another might run
fails with an
error. You can determine the version
numbers supported by the server and then create a client handle with an
appropriate version number. To do this, use clnt_create_vers
to Chapter 5, ONC RPC
Client Routines for more information) or the routine shown
in Example 3.11, “Determining Server-Supported Versions and Creating Associated Client
Handles”. The program begins by creating the client handle with the
| |
Next, the | |
If the | |
In this step, the program parses the error status and retrieves
the highest and lowest versions supported by the server. The
program then checks whether the version
| |
If the | |
Finally, the program uses the new client handle to make a call
to the server using the |
/* * A sample client to sense server versions */ #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "rusers.h" main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct rpc_err rpcerr; struct timeval to; CLIENT *clnt; enum clnt_stat status; int maxvers, minvers; int exit(); u_short num_s; u_int num_l; char *host; host = argv[1]; clnt = clnt_create(host, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_SHORT, "udp");if (clnt == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror("clnt"); exit(-1); } to.tv_sec = 10; /* set the time outs */ to.tv_usec = 0; status = clnt_call(clnt, RUSERSPROC_NUM,
xdr_void, NULL, xdr_u_short, &num_s, to); if (status == RPC_SUCCESS) { /* We found the latest version number */ clnt_destroy(clnt); printf("num = %d\n",num_s); exit(0); } if (status != RPC_PROGVERSMISMATCH) {
/* Some other error */ clnt_perror(clnt, "rusers"); exit(-1); } clnt_geterr(clnt, &rpcerr);
maxvers = rpcerr.re_vers.high; /*highest version supported */ minvers = rpcerr.re_vers.low; /*lowest version supported */ if (RUSERSVERS_ORIG < minvers || RUSERS_ORIG > maxvers) { /* doesn't meet minimum standards */ clnt_perror(clnt, "version mismatch"); exit(-1); } /* This version not supported */ clnt_destroy(clnt); /* destroy the earlier handle */
clnt = clnt_create(host, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_ORIG, "udp"); /* try different version */ if (clnt == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror("clnt"); exit(-1); } status = clnt_call(clnt, RUSERSPROCNUM,
xdr_void, NULL, xdr_u_long, &num_l, to); if (status == RPC_SUCCESS) { /* We found the latest version number */ printf("num = %d\n", num_l); } else { clnt_perror(clnt, "rusers"); exit(-1); } }
3.8.3. Using the TCP Transport
, takes its standard input and sends it to the server
, which prints it on standard output. The RPC call uses
TCP. The example also shows how an XDR procedure behaves differently on
serialization than on deserialization./* * The XDR routine: * on decode, read from wire, write onto fp * on encode, read from fp, write onto wire */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> xdr_rcp(xdrs, fp) XDR *xdrs; FILE *fp; { unsigned long size; char buf[BUFSIZ], *p; if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_FREE)/* nothing to free */ return 1; while (1) { if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) { if ((size = fread(buf, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fp)) == 0 && ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't fread\n"); return (1); } } p = buf; if (!xdr_bytes(xdrs, &p, &size, BUFSIZ)) return (0); if (size == 0) return (1); if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) { if (fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), size, fp) != size) { fprintf(stderr, "can't fwrite\n"); return (1); } } } }
/* * snd.c - the sender routines */ #include <stdio.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include "rcp.h" /* for prog, vers definitions */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int xdr_rcp(); int err; int exit(); int callrpctcp(); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s servername\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } if ((err = callrpctcp(argv[1], RCPPROG, RCPPROC, RCPVERS, xdr_rcp, stdin, xdr_void, 0) > 0)) { clnt_perrno(err); fprintf(stderr, "can't make RPC call\n"); exit(1); } exit(0); } int callrpctcp(host, prognum, procnum, versnum, inproc, in, outproc, out) char *host, *in, *out; xdrproc_t inproc, outproc; { struct sockaddr_in server_addr; int socket = RPC_ANYSOCK; enum clnt_stat clnt_stat; struct hostent *hp; register CLIENT *client; struct timeval total_timeout; void bcopy(); if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't get addr for '%s'\n", host); return (-1); } bcopy(hp->h_addr, (caddr_t)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_length); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = 0; if ((client = clnttcp_create(&server_addr, prognum, versnum, &socket, BUFSIZ, BUFSIZ)) == NULL) { clnt_pcreateerror("rpctcp_create"); return (-1); } total_timeout.tv_sec = 20; total_timeout.tv_usec = 0; clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, procnum, inproc, in, outproc, out, total_timeout); clnt_destroy(client); return ((int)clnt_stat); }
/* * rcv.c - the receiving routines */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> #include "rcp.h" /* for prog, vers definitions */ main() { register SVCXPRT *transp; int rcp_service(), exit(); if ((transp = svctcp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK, BUFSIZ, BUFSIZ)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"svctcp_create: error\n"); exit(1); } pmap_unset(RCPPROG, RCPVERS); if (!svc_register(transp, RCPPROG, RCPVERS, rcp_service, IPPROTO_TCP)) { fprintf(stderr, "svc_register: error\n"); exit(1); } svc_run(); /* never returns */ fprintf(stderr, "svc_run should never return\n"); } int rcp_service(rqstp, transp) register struct svc_req *rqstp; register SVCXPRT *transp; { int xdr_rcp(); switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case NULLPROC: if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0) == 0) fprintf(stderr, "err: rcp_service"); return; case RCPPROC: if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_rcp, stdout)) { svcerr_decode(transp); return; } if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) fprintf(stderr, "can't reply\n"); return; default: svcerr_noproc(transp); return; } }
3.8.4. Callback Procedures
It is sometimes useful to have a server become a client and to make an RPC call back to the process that is its client. An example of this is remote debugging, where the client is a window-system program and the server is a debugger running on the remote system. Mostly, the user clicks a mouse button at the debugging window (converting this to a debugger command), and then makes an RPC call to the server (where the debugger is actually running), telling it to execute that command. However, when the debugger reaches a breakpoint, the roles are reversed, and the debugger wants to make an RPC call to the window program so it can tell the user that a breakpoint has been reached.
Callbacks are also useful when the client cannot block (that is, wait) to hear back from the server (possibly because of excessive processing in serving the request). In such cases, the server could acknowledge the request and use a callback to reply.
To do an RPC callback, you need a program number on which to make the RPC call.
The program number is generated dynamically, so it must be in the transient
range 0x40000000 to 0c5fffffff. The sample routine gettransient
returns a valid program number in the transient range and registers it with the
Portmapper. It only communicates with the Portmapper running on the same system
as the gettransient
routine itself.
is a test-and-set operation because it
indivisibly tests whether a program number has been registered; if not, it is
reserved. The following example shows the sample gettransient
#include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> gettransient(proto, vers, portnum) int proto; u_long vers; u_short portnum; { static u_long prognum = 0x40000000; while (!pmap_set(prognum++, vers, proto, portnum)) continue; return (prognum - 1); }
Note that the call to ntohs
for portnum
unnecessary because it was already passed in host byte order (as
routine:The client makes an RPC call to the server, passing it a transient program number.
The client waits to receive a call back from the server at that program number.
The server registers the program (
), so it can receive the RPC call informing it of the callback program number.At some random time (on receiving an SIGALRM signal in this example), it sends a callback RPC call, using the program number it received earlier.
/* * client */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include "example.h" int callback(); main() { int tmp_prog; char hostname[256]; SVCXPRT *xprt; int stat; int callback(), gettransient(); int exit(); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if ((xprt = svcudp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc_server: svcudp_create\n"); exit(1); } if ((tmp_prog = gettransient(IPPROTO_UDP, 1, xprt->xp_port)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Client: failed to get transient number\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Client: got program number %08x\n", tmp_prog); /* protocol is 0 - gettransient does registering */ (void)svc_register(xprt, tmp_prog, 1, callback, 0); stat = callrpc(hostname, EXAMPLEPROG, EXAMPLEVERS, EXAMPLEPROC_CALLBACK,xdr_int,&tmp_prog,xdr_void,0); if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perrno(stat); exit(1); } svc_run(); fprintf(stderr, "Error: svc_run shouldn't return\n"); } int callback(rqstp, transp) register struct svc_req *rqstp; register SVCXPRT *transp; { int exit(); switch (rqstp->rq_proc) { case 0: if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "err: exampleprog\n"); return (1); } return (0); case 1: fprintf(stderr, "Client: got callback\n"); if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Client: error replyingto exampleprog\n"); return (1); } exit(0); } return (0); }
/* * server */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include "example.h" char hostname[256]; void docallback(int); int pnum = -1; /* program number for callback routine */ main() { char *getnewprog(); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); registerrpc(EXAMPLEPROG, EXAMPLEVERS, EXAMPLEPROC_CALLBACK, getnewprog, xdr_int, xdr_void); signal(SIGALRM, docallback); alarm(10); svc_run(); fprintf(stderr, "Server: error, svc_run shouldn't return\n"); } char * getnewprog(pnump) int *pnump; { pnum = *(int *)pnump; return NULL; } void docallback(int signum) { int ans; if (pnum == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Server: program number not received yet"); signal(SIGALRM, docallback); alarm(10); return; } ans = callrpc(hostname, pnum, 1, 1, xdr_void, 0, xdr_void, 0); if (ans != RPC_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Server: %s\n",clnt_sperrno(ans)); exit(1); } if (ans == RPC_SUCCESS) exit(0); }
Chapter 4. External Data Representation
This chapter describes the external data representation (XDR) standard, a set of routines that enable C programmers to describe arbitrary data structures in a system-independent way. For a formal specification of the XDR standard, see RFC 1014: XDR: External Data Representation Standard.
XDR is the backbone of ONC RPC, because data for remote procedure calls is transmitted using the XDR standard. ONC RPC uses the XDR routines to transmit data that is read or written from several types of systems. For a complete specification of the XDR routines, see Chapter 8, XDR Routine Reference.
This chapter also contains a short tutorial overview of the XDR routines, a guide to accessing currently available XDR streams, and information on defining new streams and data types.
You can use RPCGEN to write XDR routines regardless of whether RPC calls are being made.
C programs that need XDR routines must include the file <rpc/rpc.h>
, which
contains all necessary interfaces to the XDR system. The object library contains all the
XDR routines, so you can link as you usually would when using a library. If you wish to
use a shareable version of the library, reference the library SYS$SHARE:TCPIP$RPCXDR_SHR
in your LINK options file.
4.1. Usefulness of XDR
:#include <stdio.h> main() /* writer.c */ { long i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (fwrite((char *)&i, sizeof(i), 1, stdout) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); exit(1); } } exit(0); } #include <stdio.h> main() /* reader.c */ { long i, j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (fread((char *)&i, sizeof (i), 1, stdin) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); exit(1); } printf("%ld ", i); } printf("\n"); exit(0); }
They pass
checking.They work the same when executed on two different hardware architectures, Sun Microsystem's SPARC architecture and VSI's OpenVMS Alpha or I64 architecture.
program to the reader.c
gives identical results on an Alpha computer and on a Sun computer, as
shown:sun% writer | reader 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sun% $ writer | reader 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $
. Here, the first process (on a Sun computer) produces data
used by a second process (on an VSI Alpha
computer):sun% writer | rsh alpha reader 0 16777216 33554432 50331648 67108864 83886080 100663296 117440512 sun%
You get identical results by executing writer.c
on the VSI Alpha computer and
on the Sun computer. These results occur because the byte
ordering of long integers differs between the Alpha computer and the Sun computer,
although the word size is the same. Note that 16777216 is equal to 224. When 4 bytes
are reversed, the 1 is in the 24th bit.
calls with calls to an XDR library routine
, which is a filter that recognizes the standard
representation of a long integer in its external form. Here are the revised versions
of writer.c
:/* Revised Version of writer.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* xdr is a sub-library of rpc */ main() /* writer.c */ { XDR xdrs; long i; xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, stdout, XDR_ENCODE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (!xdr_long(&xdrs, &i)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); exit(1); } } exit(0); } /* Revised Version of reader.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* XDR is a sub-library of RPC */ main() /* reader.c */ { XDR xdrs; long i, j; xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, stdin, XDR_DECODE); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (!xdr_long(&xdrs, &i)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); exit(1); } printf("%ld ", i); } printf("\n"); exit(0); }
sun% writer | reader 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sun% $ writer | reader 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ sun% writer | rsh alpha reader 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sun%
Alignment on word boundaries may cause the size of a structure to vary on different systems.
A pointer has no meaning outside the system where it is defined.
4.1.1. A Canonical Standard
The XDR approach to standardizing data representations is canonical, because XDR defines a single byte order (big-endian), a single floating-point representation (IEEE), and so on. A program running on any system can use XDR to create portable data by translating its local representation to the XDR standard. Similarly, any such program can read portable data by translating the XDR standard representation to the local equivalent.
The single standard treats separately those programs that create or send portable data and those that use or receive the data. A new system or language has no effect on existing portable data creators and users. Any new system simply uses the canonical standards of XDR; the local representations of other system are irrelevant. To existing programs on other systems, the local representations of the new system are also irrelevant. There are strong precedents for the canonical approach of XDR. For example, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, XNS, Ethernet, and all protocols below layer 5 of the ISO model, are canonical protocols. The advantage of any canonical approach is simplicity; in the case of XDR, a single set of conversion routines is written once.
The canonical approach does have one disadvantage of little practical importance. Suppose two little-endian systems transfer integers according to the XDR standard. The sending system converts the integers from little-endian byte order to XDR (big-endian) byte order, and the receiving system does the reverse. Because both systems observe the same byte order, the conversions were really unnecessary. Fortunately, the time spent converting to and from a canonical representation is insignificant, especially in networking applications. Most of the time required to prepare a data structure for transfer is not spent in conversion but in traversing the elements of the data structure.
4.1.2. The XDR Library
The XDR library enables you to write and read arbitrary C constructs consistently. This makes it useful even when the data is not shared among systems on a network. The XDR library can do this because it has filter routines for strings (null-terminated arrays of bytes), structures, unions, and arrays. Using more primitive routines, you can write your own specific XDR routines to describe arbitrary data structures, including elements of arrays, arms of unions, or objects pointed at from other structures. The structures themselves may contain arrays of arbitrary elements, or pointers to other structures.
and reader.c
routines manipulate data by using
standard I/O routines, so xdrstdio_create
was used. The parameters
to XDR stream creation routines vary according to their function. For example,
takes the following parameters:A pointer to an XDR structure that it initializes
A pointer to a
that the input or output acts uponThe operation – either
for serializing inwriter.c
for deserializing inreader.c
It is not necessary for RPC users to create XDR streams; the RPC system itself can create these streams and pass them to the users. There is a family of XDR stream creation routines in which each member treats the stream of bits differently.
primitive is characteristic of most XDR library primitives and all
client XDR routines for two reasons: The routine returns FALSE (0) if it fails and TRUE (1) if it succeeds.
- For each data type xxx, there is an associated XDR routine of the following form:
xdr_ xxx(xdrs, xp) XDR *xdrs; xxx *xp; { }
In this case, xxx
is long
, and the
corresponding XDR routine is a primitive, xdr_long
. The client
could also define an arbitrary structure xxx
; in this case, the
client would also supply the routine xdr_xxx
, describing each field
by calling XDR routines of the appropriate type. In all cases, the first
parameter, xdrs
, is treated as an opaque handle and passed to the
primitive routines.
XDR routines are direction independent; that is, the same routines are called to serialize or deserialize data. This feature is important for portable data. Calling the same routine for either operation practically guarantees that serialized data can also be deserialized. Thus, one routine is used by both the producer and the consumer of networked data.
You implement direction independence by passing a pointer to an object rather than the object itself (only with deserialization is the object modified). If needed, the user can obtain the direction of the XDR operation. See Section 4.3, “XDR Operation Directions” for details.
struct gnumbers { long g_assets; long g_liabilities; };
bool_t /* TRUE is success, FALSE is failure */ xdr_gnumbers(xdrs, gp) XDR *xdrs; struct gnumbers *gp; { if (xdr_long(xdrs, &gp->g_assets) && xdr_long(xdrs, &gp->g_liabilities)) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); }
In the preceding example, the parameter xdrs
is never inspected or modified; it
is only passed to subcomponent routines. The program must inspect the return
value of each XDR routine call and stop immediately and return FALSE upon
subroutine failure.
is declared as an integer
whose only value is TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). The following definitions
apply:#define bool_t int #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0
as follows:
bool_t xdr_gnumbers(xdrs, gp) XDR *xdrs; struct gnumbers *gp; { return(xdr_long(xdrs, &gp->g_assets) && xdr_long(xdrs, &gp->g_liabilities)); }
Either coding style can be used.
4.2. XDR Library Primitives
The following sections describe the XDR primitives – basic and constructed data types
– and XDR utilities. The include file <rpc/xdr.h>
(automatically included by <rpc/rpc.h>
), defines the interface to
these primitives and utilities.
4.2.1. Number and Single-Character Filters
[signed, unsigned] * [char, short, int, long, hyper]
bool_t xdr_char(xdrs, cp) XDR *xdrs; char *cp; bool_t xdr_u_char(xdrs, ucp) XDR *xdrs; unsigned char *ucp; bool_t xdr_short(xdrs, sip) XDR *xdrs; short *sip; bool_t xdr_u_short(xdrs, sup) XDR *xdrs; u_short *sup; bool_t xdr_int(xdrs, ip) XDR *xdrs; int *ip; bool_t xdr_u_int(xdrs, up) XDR *xdrs; unsigned *up; bool_t xdr_long(xdrs, lip) XDR *xdrs; long *lip; bool_t xdr_u_long(xdrs, lup) XDR *xdrs; u_long *lup; bool_t xdr_hyper(xdrs, hp) XDR *xdrs; longlong_t *hp; bool_t xdr_u_hyper(xdrs, uhp) XDR *xdrs; u_longlong_t *uhp;
The first parameter, xdrs
, is a pointer to an XDR stream handle.
The second parameter is a pointer to the number that provides data to the stream
or receives data from it. All routines return TRUE if they complete successfully
and FALSE if they do not.
For more information on number filters, see Chapter 8, XDR Routine Reference.
4.2.2. Floating-Point Filters
bool_t xdr_float(xdrs, fp) XDR *xdrs; float *fp; bool_t xdr_double(xdrs, dp) XDR *xdrs; double *dp;
, is a pointer to an XDR stream handle.
The second parameter is a pointer to the floating-point number that provides
data to the stream or receives data from it. Both routines return TRUE if they
complete successfully and FALSE if they do not.Note
Because the numbers are represented in IEEE floating-point format over the network, routines may fail when decoding a valid IEEE representation into a system-specific representation, or vice versa.
To control the local representation of floating point numbers, you
can choose the floating-point type when you compile your RPC program
or you can use different XDR routines to explicitly control the local
representation. For more information about floating-point filters, see
the xdr_double
and xdr_float
routines in
Chapter 8, XDR
Routine Reference.
4.2.3. Enumeration Filters
has the same representation inside the system as a C
. The bool_t
(boolean) type is an
important instance of the enum
type. The external representation of
a bool_t
type is always TRUE (1) or FALSE (0), as shown
here:#define bool_t int #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define enum_t int bool_t xdr_enum(xdrs, ep) XDR *xdrs; enum_t *ep; bool_t xdr_bool(xdrs, bp) XDR *xdrs; bool_t *bp;
The second parameters ep
and bp
are pointers to the
enumerations or booleans that provide data to or receive data from the stream
For more information about enumeration filters, see Chapter 8, XDR Routine Reference.
4.2.4. Possibility of No Data
bool_t xdr_void(); /* always returns TRUE */
4.2.5. Constructed Data Type Filters
Constructed or compound data type primitives require more parameters and perform more complicated functions than the primitives previously discussed. The following sections include primitives for strings, arrays, unions, and pointers to structures.
Constructed data type primitives may use memory management. In many cases, memory is allocated
when deserializing data with XDR_DECODE
. XDR enables memory
deallocation through the XDR_FREE
operation. The three XDR
directional operations are XDR_ENCODE
, and
For more information about constructed data filters, see Chapter 8, XDR Routine Reference. Strings
byte, which is not considered when calculating
string length. When a string is passed or manipulated, there must be a
pointer to it. Therefore, the XDR library defines a string to be a
char *
, not a sequence of characters. The external and
internal representations of a string are different. Externally, strings are
represented as sequences of ASCII characters; internally, with character
pointers. The xdr_string
routine converts between the two, as
follows:bool_t xdr_string(xdrs, sp, maxlength) XDR *xdrs; char **sp; u_int maxlength;
The first parameter, xdrs
, is the XDR stream handle; the
second, sp
, is a pointer to a string (type char **). The third
parameter, maxlength
, specifies the maximum number of bytes
allowed during encoding or decoding; its value is usually specified by a
protocol. For example, a protocol may specify that a file name cannot be
longer than 255 characters. Keep maxlength
small because
overflow conditions may occur if xdr_string
has to call
for space. The routine returns FALSE if the number
of characters exceeds maxlength
; otherwise, it returns
The behavior of xdr_string
is similar to that of other
routines in this section. For the direction XDR_ENCODE
, the
parameter sp
points to a string of a certain length; if the
string does not exceed maxlength
, the bytes are
For the direction XDR_DECODE
, the effect of deserializing a
string is subtle. First, the length of the incoming string is determined;
it must not exceed maxlength
. Next, sp
dereferenced; if the value is NULL
, then a string of the
appropriate length is allocated and *sp
is set to this string.
If the original value of *sp
is not NULL
, then
XDR assumes that a target area (which can hold strings no longer than
) has been allocated. In either case, the string
is decoded into the target area, and the routine appends a
character to it.
operation, the string is obtained by
dereferencing sp
. If the string is not NULL
, it
is freed and *sp
is set to NULL
. In this
operation, xdr_string
ignores the maxlength
parameter. Variable-Length Byte Arrays
The length of the array (the byte count) is located explicitly in an unsigned integer.
The byte sequence is not terminated by a
character.The external and internal byte representation is the same.
converts between the internal and
external representations of byte
arrays:bool_t xdr_bytes(xdrs, bpp, lp, maxlength) XDR *xdrs; char **bpp; u_int *lp; u_int maxlength;
The usage of the first, second, and fourth parameters are identical to the
same parameters of xdr_string
(Section, “Strings”). The length of the byte area
is obtained by dereferencing lp
when serializing;
is set to the byte length when deserializing. Variable-Length Arrays of Arbitrary Data Elements
The XDR library provides a primitive for handling arrays of arbitrary
elements. The xdr_bytes
routine treats a subset of generic
arrays, in which the size of array elements is known to be 1, and the
external description of each element is built in. The generic array
primitive, xdr_array
, requires parameters identical to those
of xdr_bytes
in addition to two more: the size of array
elements and an XDR routine to handle each of the elements.
bool_t xdr_array(xdrs, ap, lp, maxlength, elementsiz, xdr_element) XDR *xdrs; char **ap; u_int *lp; u_int maxlength; u_int elementsiz; bool_t (*xdr_element)();
The parameter ap
is a pointer to the pointer to the array. If
when the array is being
deserialized, XDR allocates an array of the appropriate size and sets
to that array. The element count of the array is
obtained from *lp
when the array is serialized;
is set to the array length when the array is
deserialized. The parameter maxlength
is the maximum allowable
number of array elements; elementsiz
is the byte size of each
array element. (You can also use the C function sizeof
obtain this value.) The xdr_element
routine is called to
serialize, deserialize, or free each element of the array.
Examples 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 show the recursiveness of the XDR library routines already discussed.
The system name, such as
(use thegethostname
socket routine)The user's UID (use the
run-time routine)On UNIX systems, the group numbers to which the user belongs (not implemented on OpenVMS systems)
struct netuser { char *nu_systemname; int nu_uid; u_int nu_glen; int *nu_gids; }; #define NLEN 255 /* system names < 256 chars */ #define NGRPS 20 /* user can't be in > 20 groups */ bool_t xdr_netuser(xdrs, nup) XDR *xdrs; struct netuser *nup; { return(xdr_string(xdrs, &nup->nu_systemname, NLEN) && xdr_int(xdrs, &nup->nu_uid) && xdr_array(xdrs, &nup->nu_gids, &nup->nu_glen, NGRPS, sizeof (int), xdr_int)); }
structure. Example 4.2, “Declaration and Associated XDR Routines” shows
the declaration and its associated XDR routines.struct party { u_int p_len; struct netuser *p_nusers; }; #define PLEN 500 /* max number of users in a party */ bool_t xdr_party(xdrs, pp) XDR *xdrs; struct party *pp; { return(xdr_array(xdrs, &pp->p_nusers, &pp->p_len, PLEN, sizeof (struct netuser), xdr_netuser)); }
) can be combined into a structure, and an array of
these structures can make up a history of commands. Example 4.3, “Declarations and XDR Routines” shows how the declarations and XDR routines
might look.struct cmd { u_int c_argc; char **c_argv; }; #define ALEN 1000 /* args cannot be > 1000 chars */ #define NARGC 100 /* commands cannot have > 100 args */ struct history { u_int h_len; struct cmd *h_cmds; }; #define NCMDS 75 /* history is no more than 75 commands */ bool_t xdr_wrapstring(xdrs, sp) XDR *xdrs; char **sp; { return(xdr_string(xdrs, sp, ALEN)); } bool_t xdr_cmd(xdrs, cp) XDR *xdrs; struct cmd *cp; { return(xdr_array(xdrs, &cp->c_argv, &cp->c_argc, NARGC, sizeof (char *), xdr_wrapstring)); } bool_t xdr_history(xdrs, hp) XDR *xdrs; struct history *hp; { return(xdr_array(xdrs, &hp->h_cmds, &hp->h_len, NCMDS, sizeof (struct cmd), xdr_cmd)); }
In Example 4.3, “Declarations and XDR Routines”, the routine
is needed to package the
routine, because the implementation of
passes only two parameters to the array element
description routine; xdr_wrapstring
supplies the third
parameter to xdr_string
. Fixed-Length Arrays of Arbitrary Data Elements
, for
fixed-length arrays:
#define NLEN 255 /* system names must be < 256 chars */ #define NGRPS 20 /* user belongs to exactly 20 groups */ struct netuser { char *nu_systemname; int nu_uid; int nu_gids[NGRPS]; }; bool_t xdr_netuser(xdrs, nup) XDR *xdrs; struct netuser *nup; { int i; if (!xdr_string(xdrs, &nup->nu_systemname, NLEN)) return(FALSE); if (!xdr_int(xdrs, &nup->nu_uid)) return(FALSE); if (!xdr_vector(xdrs, nup->nu_gids, NGRPS, sizeof(int), xdr_int)) { return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } Opaque Data
primitive describes fixed-size,
bytes:bool_t xdr_opaque(xdrs, p, len) XDR *xdrs; char *p; u_int len;
The first parameter xdrs
is the XDR stream handle. The second
parameter p
is the location of the bytes and the third
parameter len
is the number of bytes in the opaque object. By
definition, the data within the opaque object is not
system-portable. Discriminated Unions
and an enum_t
value that selects an arm
of the
:struct xdr_discrim { enum_t value; bool_t (*proc)(); }; bool_t xdr_union(xdrs, dscmp, unp, arms, defaultarm) XDR *xdrs; enum_t *dscmp; char *unp; struct xdr_discrim *arms; bool_t (*defaultarm)(); /* may equal NULL */
In this example, the routine translates the discriminant of the union at
. The discriminant is always an
. Next, the union at *unp
is translated.
The parameter arms
is a pointer to an array of
structures. Each structure contains an
ordered pair of [value,proc]
If the union's discriminant is equal to the associated value, then
is called to translate the union. The end of the
structure array is denoted by a routine of
value NULL
. If the discriminant is not in the
array, then the defaultarm
procedure is
called if it is non-null; otherwise, the routine returns FALSE.
(described in Section 4.1.2, “The XDR Library”). Also, assume the union and its
current type are declared in a structure, as
follows:enum utype { INTEGER=1, STRING=2, GNUMBERS=3 }; struct u_tag { enum utype utype; /* the union's discriminant */ union { int ival; char *pval; struct gnumbers gn; } uval; };
struct xdr_discrim u_tag_arms[4] = { { INTEGER, xdr_int }, { GNUMBERS, xdr_gnumbers } { STRING, xdr_wrapstring }, { __dontcare__, NULL } /* always terminate arms with a NULL xdr_proc */ } bool_t xdr_u_tag(xdrs, utp) XDR *xdrs; struct u_tag *utp; { return(xdr_union(xdrs, &utp->utype, &utp->uval, u_tag_arms, NULL)); }
The routine xdr_gnumbers
was discussed in Section 4.1.2, “The XDR Library” and xdr_wrapstring
was presented in
Example 4.3, “Declarations and XDR Routines”. The default arm parameter to
(the last parameter) is NULL
Example 4.4, “Constructs and XDR Procedure”. Therefore, the value of the union's
discriminant can only be a value listed in the u_tag_arms
array. Example 4.4, “Constructs and XDR Procedure” also shows that the elements of the
arm's array do not need to be sorted.
The values of the discriminant may be sparse, though in Example 4.4, “Constructs and XDR Procedure” they are not. It is always good practice to explicitly assign integer values to each element of the discriminant's type. This will document the external representation of the discriminant and guarantee that different C compilers provide identical discriminant values. Pointers
primitive makes it easy to
serialize, deserialize, and free these referenced structures. A structure
of structure pointers is shown
here:bool_t xdr_reference(xdrs, pp, size, proc) XDR *xdrs; char **pp; u_int ssize; bool_t (*proc)();
Parameter xdrs
is the XDR stream handle, pp
is a
pointer to the pointer to the structure, ssize
is the size in
bytes of the structure (use the C function sizeof
to obtain
this value), and proc
is the XDR routine that describes the
structure. When decoding data, storage is allocated if *pp
to describe a
structure within a structure, because pointers are always sufficient.Note
The xdr_reference
and xdr_array
primitives are not interchangeable external representations of
The following example describes a structure (and its corresponding XDR
routine) that contains an item of data and a pointer to a
structure that has more information about that
item of data.
structure containing the person's gross assets
and liabilities. This structure has the following
construct:struct pgn { char *name; struct gnumbers *gnp; };
bool_t xdr_pgn(xdrs, pp) XDR *xdrs; struct pgn *pp; { if (xdr_string(xdrs, &pp->name, NLEN) && xdr_reference(xdrs, &pp->gnp, sizeof(struct gnumbers), xdr_gnumbers)) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); }
In many applications, C programmers attach double meaning to the values of
a pointer. Typically the value NULL
means data is not
necessary, but some application-specific interpretation applies. In
essence, the C programmer is encoding a discriminated union efficiently by
overloading the interpretation of the value of a pointer.
For example, in the previous structure, a NULL
pointer value
for gnp
could indicate that the person's assets and
liabilities are unknown; that is, the pointer value encodes two things:
whether the data is known and, if it is known, where it is located in
memory. Linked lists are an extreme example of the use of
application-specific pointer interpretation.
During serialization, the primitive xdr_reference
attach any special meaning to a pointer with the value NULL
That is, passing a pointer to a pointer whose value is NULL
when serializing data will most likely
cause a memory fault and a core dump.
The xdr_pointer
correctly handles NULL
For more information about its use, see Section 4.5, “Advanced Topics”.
4.2.6. Non-filter Primitives
u_int xdr_getpos(xdrs) XDR *xdrs; bool_t xdr_setpos(xdrs, pos) XDR *xdrs; u_int pos; xdr_destroy(xdrs) XDR *xdrs;
returns an unsigned integer that describes the current
position in the data stream.Note
In some XDR streams, the returned value of xdr_getpos
meaningless; the routine returns a -1 in this case (though -1 should
be a legitimate value).
The routine xdr_setpos
sets a stream position to
. However, in some XDR streams, setting a
position is impossible; in such cases, xdr_setpos
This routine also fails if the requested position is explicitly out of bounds. The definition of bounds varies according to the stream.
The xdr_destroy
primitive destroys the XDR stream. Usage of the stream after
calling this routine is undefined.
4.3. XDR Operation Directions
Though not recommended, you may want to optimize XDR routines by using the direction
of the operation: XDR_ENCODE
, or
. For example, the value xdrs->x_op
the direction of the XDR operation. An example in Section 4.5, “Advanced Topics”
shows the usefulness of the xdrs->x_op
4.4. XDR Stream Access
An XDR stream is obtained by calling the appropriate creation routine, which takes arguments for the specific properties of the stream. Streams currently exist for serialization or deserialization of data to or from standard I/O FILE streams, TCP/IP connections and files, and memory.
4.4.1. Standard I/O Streams
routine as follows:
#include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> /* XDR streams part of RPC */ void xdrstdio_create(xdrs, fp, x_op) XDR *xdrs; FILE *fp; enum xdr_op x_op;
The routine xdrstdio_create
initializes an XDR stream pointed to
by xdrs
. The XDR stream interfaces to the standard I/O library.
Parameter fp
is an open file, and x_op
is an XDR
4.4.2. Memory Streams
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void xdrmem_create(xdrs, addr, len, x_op) XDR *xdrs; char *addr; u_int len; enum xdr_op x_op;
The routine xdrmem_create
initializes an XDR stream in local
memory that is pointed to by parameter addr
; parameter
is the length in bytes of the memory. The parameters
and x_op
are identical to the corresponding
parameters of xdrstdio_create
. Currently, the UDP/IP implementation
of ONC RPC uses xdrmem_create
. Complete call or result messages are
built-in memory before calling the sendto
system routine.
4.4.3. Record (TCP/IP) Streams
#include <rpc/rpc.h> /* xdr streams part of rpc */ xdrrec_create(xdrs, sendsize, recvsize, iohandle, readproc, writeproc) XDR *xdrs; u_int sendsize, recvsize; char *iohandle; int (*readproc)(), (*writeproc)();
The routine xdrrec_create
provides an XDR stream interface that
allows for a bidirectional, arbitrarily long sequence of records. The contents
of the records are meant to be data in XDR form. The stream's primary use is for
interfacing RPC to TCP connections. However, it can be used to stream data into
or out of ordinary files.
The parameter xdrs
is similar to the corresponding parameter
described in Section 4.4.1, “Standard I/O Streams”. The stream does its own data
buffering, similar to that of standard I/O. The parameters sendsize
and recvsize
determine the size in bytes of the output and input
buffers, respectively; if their values are zero, defaults are used. When a
buffer needs to be filled or flushed, the routine readproc
is called, respectively.
is readproc
, then it has the following form:
/* returns the actual number of bytes transferred;
* -1 is an error
xxx(iohandle, buf, len)
char *iohandle;
char *buf;
int nbytes;
The usage of these routines is similar to the system calls read
and write
. However, the first parameter to each routine is the
opaque parameter iohandle
. The other two parameters
and nbytes
) and the results (byte count) are
identical to the system routines.
bool_t xdrrec_endofrecord(xdrs, flushnow) XDR *xdrs; bool_t flushnow; bool_t xdrrec_skiprecord(xdrs) XDR *xdrs; bool_t xdrrec_eof(xdrs) XDR *xdrs;
The routine xdrrec_endofrecord
causes the current outgoing data to
be marked as a record. If the parameter flushnow
is TRUE, then the
stream's writeproc
will be called; otherwise,
will be called when the output buffer has been
The routine xdrrec_skiprecord
causes an input stream's position to
be moved past the current record boundary and onto the beginning of the next
record in the stream. If there is no more data in the stream's input buffer,
then the routine xdrrec_eof
returns TRUE. This does not mean that
there is no more data in the underlying file descriptor.
4.4.4. XDR Stream Implementation
enum xdr_op { XDR_ENCODE=0, XDR_DECODE=1, XDR_FREE=2 }; typedef struct { enum xdr_op x_op; /* operation; fast added param */ struct xdr_ops { bool_t (*x_getlong)(); /* get long from stream */ bool_t (*x_putlong)(); /* put long to stream */ bool_t (*x_getbytes)(); /* get bytes from stream */ bool_t (*x_putbytes)(); /* put bytes to stream */ u_int (*x_getpostn)(); /* return stream offset */ bool_t (*x_setpostn)(); /* reposition offset */ caddr_t (*x_inline)(); /* ptr to buffered data */ VOID (*x_destroy)(); /* free private area */ } *x_ops; caddr_t x_public; /* users' data */ caddr_t x_private; /* pointer to private data */ caddr_t x_base; /* private for position info */ int x_handy; /* extra private word */ } XDR;
The x_op
field is the current operation being performed on the stream. This field
is important to the XDR primitives, but is not expected to affect the
implementation of a stream. The fields x_private
, and x_handy
pertain to a particular
stream implementation. The field x_public
is for the XDR client and
must not be used by the XDR stream implementations or the XDR primitives. The
macros x_getpostn
, x_setpostn
, and
access operations. The operation
takes two parameters: an XDR *
, and an
unsigned integer, which is a byte count. The routine returns a pointer to a
piece of the stream's internal buffer. The program can then use the buffer
segment for any purpose. To the stream, the bytes in the buffer segment have
been consumed or put. The routine may return NULL
if it cannot
return a buffer segment of the requested size. (The x_inline
routine is for maximizing efficient use of processor cycles. The resulting
buffer is not data portable, so using this feature is not recommended.)
and x_putbytes
get and put sequences of
bytes from or to the underlying stream; they return TRUE if successful, and
FALSE otherwise. The routines have identical parameters (replace
with either x_get
):bool_t xxxbytes(xdrs, buf, bytecount) XDR *xdrs; char *buf; u_int bytecount;
and x_putlong
routines receive and put long numbers to
and from the data stream. These routines must translate the numbers between the
system representation and the (standard) external representation. The operating
system primitives htonl
and ntohl
help to do this. The
higher-level XDR implementation assumes that signed and unsigned long integers
contain the same number of bits, and that nonnegative integers have the same bit
representations as unsigned integers. The routines return TRUE if they succeed
and FALSE if they do not. They have identical parameters (replace
with either x_get
):bool_t xxxlong(xdrs, lp) XDR *xdrs; long *lp;
Implementors of new XDR streams must make an XDR structure (with new operation routines) available to clients, using some kind of creation routine.
4.5. Advanced Topics
This section describes advanced techniques for passing data structures, such as linked lists (of arbitrary length). The examples in this section are written using both the XDR C library routines and the XDR data description language.
struct gnumbers { long g_assets; long g_liabilities; }; bool_t xdr_gnumbers(xdrs, gp) XDR *xdrs; struct gnumbers *gp; { if (xdr_long(xdrs, &(gp->g_assets))) return(xdr_long(xdrs, &(gp->g_liabilities))); return(FALSE); }
struct gnumbers_node { struct gnumbers gn_numbers; struct gnumbers_node *gn_next; }; typedef struct gnumbers_node *gnumbers_list;
You can think of the head of the linked list as the data object; that is, the head is not
merely a convenient shorthand for a structure. Similarly the gn_next
field indicates whether the object has terminated. Unfortunately, if the object
continues, the gn_next
field is also the address of where it continues.
The link addresses carry no useful information when the object is serialized.
:struct gnumbers { int g_assets; int g_liabilities; }; struct gnumbers_node { gnumbers gn_numbers; gnumbers_node *gn_next; };
structure and (recursively) by a
. Note that the C declaration has no boolean
explicitly declared in it (though the gn_next
field implicitly carries
the information), while the XDR data description has no pointer explicitly declared
in it. From the XDR description in the previous paragraph, you can determine how to
write the XDR routines for a gnumbers_list
. That is, the
primitive would implement the XDR union. Unfortunately,
because of recursion, using XDR on a list with the following routines causes the C
stack to grow linearly with respect to the number of nodes in the
list:bool_t xdr_gnumbers_node(xdrs, gn) XDR *xdrs; gnumbers_node *gn; { return(xdr_gnumbers(xdrs, &gn->gn_numbers) && xdr_gnumbers_list(xdrs, &gp->gn_next)); } bool_t xdr_gnumbers_list(xdrs, gnp) XDR *xdrs; gnumbers_list *gnp; { return(xdr_pointer(xdrs, gnp, sizeof(struct gnumbers_node), xdr_gnumbers_node)); }
bool_t xdr_gnumbers_list(xdrs, gnp) XDR *xdrs; gnumbers_list *gnp; { bool_t more_data; gnumbers_list *nextp; for (;;) { more_data = (*gnp != NULL); if (!xdr_bool(xdrs, &more_data)) { return(FALSE); } if (! more_data) { break; } if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_FREE) { nextp = &(*gnp)->gn_next; } if (!xdr_reference(xdrs, gnp, sizeof(struct gnumbers_node), xdr_gnumbers)) { return(FALSE); } gnp = (xdrs->x_op == XDR_FREE) ? nextp : &(*gnp)->gn_next; } *gnp = NULL; return(TRUE); }
The first task is to find out if there is more data, so the boolean information can be
serialized. Notice that this is unnecessary in the XDR_DECODE
because the value of more_data
is not known until it is deserialized in
the next statement, which uses XDR on the more_data
field of the XDR
union. If there is no more data, this last pointer is set to NULL
indicate the list end, and a TRUE is returned to indicate completion. Setting the
pointer to NULL
is only important in the XDR_DECODE
since it is already NULL
Next, if the direction is XDR_FREE
, the value of nextp
is set to
indicate the location of the next pointer in the list. This is for dereferencing
to find the location of the next item in the list; after the
next statement, the storage pointed to by gnp
is deallocated and is no
longer valid. This cannot be done for all directions because, in the
direction, the value of gnp
is not set
until the next statement.
Next, XDR operates on the data in the node through the primitive xdr_reference
which is like xdr_pointer
(which was used before). However,
does not send over the boolean indicating whether
there is more data; it is used instead of xdr_pointer
because XDR has
already been used on this information. Notice that the XDR routine passed is not the
same type as an element in the list. The routine passed is xdr_gnumbers
for using XDR on gnumbers
; however, each element in the list is of type
. The xdr_gnumbers_node
is not passed
because it is recursive; instead, use xdr_gnumbers
, which uses XDR on
all of the nonrecursive parts. Note that this works only if the
field is the first item in each element, so the
addresses are identical when passed to xdr_reference
Finally, gnp
is updated to point to the next item in the list. If the direction
, it is set to the previously saved value; otherwise,
is dereferenced to get the proper value. Although more
difficult to understand than the recursive version, the nonrecursive routine is much
less likely to overflow the C stack. It also runs more efficiently because a lot of
procedure call overhead has been removed. However, most lists are small (in the
hundreds of items or less), and the recursive version should be sufficient for
Chapter 5. ONC RPC Client Routines
This chapter describes the client routines that allow C programs to make procedure calls to server programs across the network.
Routine |
Task Category |
Destroys authentication information associated with an authentication handle (macro). |
Creates and returns a null authentication handle for the client process. |
Creates and returns a UNIX-style authentication handle for the client process. |
Creates and returns a UNIX-style authentication handle containing default authentication information for the client process. |
Calls the remote procedure identified by the routine's arguments. |
Broadcasts a remote procedure call to all locally connected networks using the broadcast address. |
Calls a remote procedure (macro). |
Changes or retrieves information about an RPC client process (macro). |
Creates an RPC client handle for a remote server procedure. |
Creates an RPC client handle for a remote server procedure having the highest supported version number within a specified range. |
Destroys a client handle (macro). |
Frees the memory that RPC allocated when it decoded a remote procedure's results (macro). |
Returns an error code indicating why an RPC call failed (macro). |
Prints an error message indicating why RPC could not create a client handle. |
Prints an error message indicating why a
Prints an error message indicating why a
Returns a message string indicating why RPC could not create a client handle. |
Returns a message string indicating why a
Returns a message string indicating why a
Creates an RPC client handle for a server procedure included in the same program as the client. |
Creates an RPC client handle for a remote server procedure using the TCP transport. |
Creates an RPC client handle for a remote server procedure using a buffered UDP transport. |
Creates an RPC client handle for a remote server procedure using the UDP transport. |
Returns the local host's Internet address. |
Returns the local host's Internet address as seen by the remote host. |
auth_destroy — A macro that frees the memory associated with the authentication handle created by
the authnone_create
and authunix_create
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void auth_destroy(AUTH *auth_handle)
An RPC authentication handle created by the authnone_create
, or authunix_create_default
Frees the memory associated with the AUTH
data structure created by the
, authunix_create
, or
routine. Be careful not to reference the data
structure after calling this routine.
authnone_create — Creates an authentication handle for passing null credentials and verifiers to remote systems.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> AUTH *authnone_create ( )
Creates and returns an authentication handle that passes null authentication information
with each remote procedure call. Use this routine if the server process does not require
authentication information. RPC uses this routine as the default authentication routine
unless you create another authentication handle using either the
or authunix_create_default
Return Values
AUTH * | Authentication handle containing the pertinent information. |
NULL | Indicates allocation of AUTH handle failed. |
authunix_create — Creates and returns an RPC authentication handle that contains UNIX-style authentication information.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> AUTH *authunix_create(char *host, int uid, int gid, int len, int *aup_gids );
Pointer to the name of the host on which the information was created. This is usually the name of the system running the client process.
The user's user identification.
The user's current group.
This parameter is ignored by the product's RPC implementation.
This parameter is ignored by the product's RPC implementation.
Implements UNIX-style authentication parameters. The client uses no encryption for its credentials and only sends null verifiers. The server sends back null verifiers or, optionally, a verifier that suggests a new shorthand for the credentials.
Return Values
AUTH * | Authentication handle containing the pertinent information. |
NULL | Indicates allocation of AUTH handle failed. |
authunix_create_default — Returns a default authentication handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> AUTH *authunix_create_default( )
Calls the authunix_create
routine with the local host name, effective
process ID and group ID, and the process default groups.
Return Values
AUTH * | Authentication handle containing the pertinent information. |
NULL | Indicates allocation of AUTH handle failed. |
auth_destroy(client->cl_auth) client->cl_auth = authunix_create_default();
This example overrides the default authnone_create
action. The client
handle, client
, is returned by the
, clnt_create_vers
, clnttcp_create
, or
callrpc — Executes a remote procedure call.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> int callrpc(char *host, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long procnum, xdrproc_t inproc, char *in, xdrproc_t outproc, char *out);
A pointer to the name of the host on which the remote procedure resides.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The procedure number associated with the remote procedure.
The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments.
A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments.
The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
, versnum,
and procnum
on the host host
. This routine performs the same
functions as a set of calls to the clnt_create
, clnt_call
, and
routines. This routine returns RPC_SUCCESS
if it
succeeds, or the value of enum clnt_stat
cast to an integer if it fails. The
routine clnt_perrno
is handy for translating a failure status into a message.Note
Calling remote procedures with this routine uses UDP/IP as a transport; see
for restrictions. You do not have control of timeouts or
authentication using this routine. If you want to use the TCP transport, use the
or clnttcp_create
Returned Values
RPC_SUCCESS | Indicates success. |
clnt_stat | Returns a value of type enum clnt_stat cast to type
int containing the status of the callrpc
operation. |
clnt_broadcast — Executes a remote procedure call that is sent to all locally connected networks using the broadcast address.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> enum clnt_stat clnt_broadcast(u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long procnum, xdrproc_t inproc, char * in, xdrproc_t outproc, char * out, resultproc_t eachresult);
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The procedure number associated with the remote procedure.
The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments.
A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments.
The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
Called each time the routine receives a response. Specify the routine as follows:
int eachresult(char *resultsp, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
is the same as the parameter passed to
, except that the remote procedure's output is decoded there.
is a pointer to a sockaddr_in
structure containing the
address of the host that sent the results.
If eachresult
, the clnt_broadcast
returns without waiting for any replies.
routine, except that the call
message is sent to all locally connected networks using the broadcast address. Each time it
receives a response, this routine calls the eachresult
routine. If
returns zero, clnt_broadcast
waits for more replies;
otherwise it assumes success and returns RPC_SUCCESS
This routine uses the UDP protocol. Broadcast sockets are limited in size to the maximum transfer unit of the data link. For Ethernet, this value is 1400 bytes. For FDDI, this value is 4500 bytes.
Returned Values
RPC_SUCCESS | Indicates success. |
clnt_stat |
Returns the buffer of type |
clnt_call — A macro that calls a remote procedure.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> enum clnt_stat clnt_call(CLIENT *handle, u_long procnum, xdrproc_t inproc, char *in, xdrproc_t outproc, char *out, struct timeval timeout);
A pointer to a client handle created by any of the client-handle creation routines.
The procedure number associated with the remote procedure.
The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments.
A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments.
The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
A structure describing the time allowed for results to return to the client. If you have
previously used the clnt_control
macro with the CLSET_TIMEOUT
code, this value is ignored.
Use the clnt_call
macro after using one of the client-handle creation
routines. After you are finished with the handle, return it using the
macro. Use the clnt_perror
to print any errors that
Returned Values
RPC_SUCCESS | Indicates success. |
clnt_stat | Returns the buffer of type enum clnt_stat containing the status of
the clnt_call operation. |
clnt_control — A macro that changes or retrieves information about an RPC client process.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t clnt_control(CLIENT *handle, u_int code, char *info);
A pointer to a client handle created by any of the client-handle creation routines.
A code designating the type of information to be set or retrieved.
A pointer to a buffer containing the information for a SET operation or the results of a GET operation.
struct timeval |
Set total timeout |
struct timeval |
Get total timeout |
struct sockaddr_in |
Get server address |
int |
Get associated socket |
void |
Close socket on |
void |
Leave socket open on |
If you set the timeout using clnt_control
, ONC RPC ignores the
timeout parameter in all future clnt_call
calls. The
default total timeout is 25 seconds.
struct timeval |
Set retry timeout |
struct timeval |
Get retry timeout |
The timeout value in these two calls is the time that UDP waits for a response before retransmitting the message to the server. The default time is 5 seconds. The retry timeout controls when UDP retransmits the request; the total timeout controls the total time that the client should wait for a response. For example, with the default settings, UDP will retry the transmission four times at 5-second intervals.
Returned Values
TRUE | Success |
FALSE | Failure |
clnt_create — Creates a client handle and returns its address.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clnt_create(char *host, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, char *protocol);
A pointer to the name of the remote host.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
A pointer to a string containing the name of the protocol for transmitting and receiving
RPC messages. Specify either tcp
or udp
The clnt_create
routine creates an RPC client handle for
. An RPC client handle is a structure containing information about the
RPC client. The client can use the UDP or TCP transport protocol.
This routine uses the Portmapper. You cannot control the local port.
The default sizes of the send and receive buffers are 8800 bytes for the UDP transport, and 4000 bytes for the TCP transport. The retry time for the UDP transport is five seconds.
routine instead of the callrpc
routines if you want to use one of the following:The TCP transport
A non-null authentication
More than one active client at the same time
You can also use the clnttcp_create
routine to use the TCP protocol, or the
routine to use the UDP protocol.
routine uses the global variable
. rpc_createerr
is a structure that contains the most
recent service creation error. Use rpc_createerr
if you want the client program
to handle the error. The value of rpc_createerr
is set by any RPC client
creation routine that does not succeed.Note
If the requested program is available on the host but the program does not support
the requested version number, this routine still succeeds. A subsequent call to the
routine will discover the version mismatch. Use the
routine if you want to avoid this condition.
Returned Values
CLIENT * | Client handle containing the server information. |
NULL | Error occurred while creating the client handle. Use the
clnt_pcreateerror or clnt_spcreateerror routine to
obtain diagnostic information. |
clnt_create_vers — Creates a client handle and returns its address. Seeks to use a server supporting the highest version number within a specified range.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clnt_create_vers(char *host, u_long prognum, u_long *versnum, u_long min_vers, u_long max_vers, char *protocol);
A pointer to the name of the remote host.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure. This value is returned by the
routine. The value is the highest version number supported by the remote server that is in
the range of version numbers specified by min_vers
and max_vers
The argument may remain undefined; see additional information in the Description
The minimum acceptable version number for the remote procedure.
The maximum acceptable version number for the remote procedure.
A pointer to a string containing the name of the protocol for transmitting and receiving
RPC messages. Specify either tcp
or udp
The clnt_create_vers
routine creates an RPC client handle for
. An RPC client handle is a structure containing information about the
RPC client. The client can use the UDP or TCP transport protocol.
This routine uses the Portmapper. You cannot control the local port.
The default sizes of the send and receive buffers are 8800 bytes for the UDP transport, and 4000 bytes for the TCP transport. The retry time for the UDP transport is 5 seconds.
The clnt_create_vers
routine differs from the standard
routine in that it seeks out the highest version number supported
by the server. If the server does not support any version numbers within the requested
range, the routine returns NULL
and the versnum
variable is
The clnt_create_vers
routine uses the global variable
. rpc_createerr
is a structure that contains the
most recent service creation error. Use rpc_createerr
if you want the client
program to handle the error. The value of rpc_createerr
is set by any RPC
client creation routine that does not succeed.
Returned Values
CLIENT * | Clien-thandle containing the server information. |
NULL | Error occurred while creating the client handle. Usually the error indicates
that the server does not support any version numbers within the requested range. Use
the clnt_pcreateerror or clnt_spcreateerror routine to
obtain diagnostic information. |
clnt_destroy — A macro that frees the memory associated with an RPC client handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void clnt_destroy(CLIENT *handle);
A pointer to a client handle created by any of the client-handle creation routines.
The clnt_destroy
routine destroys the client's RPC handle by deallocating
all memory related to the handle. The client is undefined after the
If the clnt_create
routine had previously opened the socket associated with
the client handle or the program had used the clnt_control
routine to set
CL_FD_CLOSE, this routine closes the socket. If the clnt_create
routine had not
previously opened the socket associated with the client handle or the program had used the
routine to set CL_FD_NCLOSE, this routine leaves the socket
Returned Values
clnt_freeres — A macro that frees the memory that was allocated when the remote procedure's results were decoded.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t clnt_freeres(CLIENT *handle, xdrproc_t outproc, char *out);
A pointer to a client handle created by any of the client-handle creation routines.
The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
The clnt_freeres
routine calls the xdr_free
routine to
deallocate the memory where the remote procedure's results are stored.
Returned Values
TRUE | Success. |
FALSE | Error occurred while freeing the memory. |
clnt_geterr — A macro that returns error information indicating why an RPC call failed.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void clnt_geterr(CLIENT *handle, struct rpc_err *errp);
A pointer to a client handle created by any of the client-handle creation routines.
A pointer to an rpc_err
structure containing information that indicates why
an RPC call failed. This information is the same information as clnt_stat
contains, plus one of the following: the C error number, the range of server versions
supported, or authentication errors.
This macro copies the error information from the client handle to the structure
referenced by errp
. The macro is mainly for diagnostic use.
Return Values
clnt_pcreateerror — Prints a message explaining why ONC RPC could not create a client handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void clnt_pcreateerror(char *sp);
A pointer to a string to be used as the beginning of the error message.
The clnt_pcreateerror
routine prints a message to SYS$OUTPUT. The message
consists of the sp
parameter followed by an RPC-generated error message. Use
this routine when the clnt_create
, clnttcp_create
, or
routine fails.
Returned Values
clnt_perrno — Prints a message indicating why the callrpc
routine failed.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void clnt_perrno(enum clnt_stat stat) ;
A buffer containing status information.
Prints a message to standard error corresponding to the condition indicated by the
The data type declaration for clnt_stat
in rpc/rpc.h
lists the
standard errors.
Returned Values
clnt_perror — Prints a message explaining why an ONC RPC routine failed.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void clnt_perror(CLIENT *handle, char *sp);
A pointer to the client handle used in the call that failed.
A pointer to a string to be used as the beginning of the error message.
Prints a message to standard error indicating why an ONC RPC call failed. The message is
prepended with string sp
and a colon.
Returned Values
clnt_spcreateerror — Returns a message indicating why RPC could not create a client handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> char *clnt_spcreateerror(char *sp);
A pointer to a string to be used as the beginning of the error message.
The clnt_spcreateerror
routine returns the address of a message string. The
message consists of the sp
parameter followed by an error message generated by
calling the clnt_sperrno
routine. Use the clnt_spcreateerror
routine when the clnt_create
, clnttcp_create
, or
routine fails.
You want to save the string.
You do not want to use
to print the message.The message format is different from the one that
The address that clnt_spcreateerror
returns is the address of its own
internal string buffer. The clnt_spcreateerror
routine overwrites this buffer
with each call. Therefore, you must copy the string to your own buffer if you wish to save
the string.
Returned Values
char * | A pointer to the message string terminated with a NULL
character. |
NULL | The routine was not able to allocate its internal buffer. |
clnt_sperrno — Returns a message indicating why the callrpc
routine failed to create a client handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> char *clnt_sperrno(enum clnt_stat stat);
A buffer containing status information.
The clnt_sperrno
routine returns a pointer to a string.
The server does not have a
file; many servers do not.You want to save the string.
You do not want to use
to print the message.The message format is different from the one that
The address that clnt_sperrno
returns is a pointer to the error message
string for the error. Therefore, you do not have to copy the string to your own buffer in
order to save the string.
Returned Values
char * | A pointer to the message string terminated with a NULL
character. |
clnt_sperror — Returns a message indicating why an ONC RPC routine failed.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> char *clnt_sperror(CLIENT *handle, char *sp);
A pointer to the client handle used in the call that failed.
A pointer to a string to be used as the beginning of the error message.
The clnt_sperror
routine returns a pointer to a message string. The message
consists of the sp
parameter followed by an error message generated by calling
the clnt_sperrno
routine. Use this routine when the clnt_call
routine fails.
You want to save the string.
You do not want to use
to print the message.The message format is different from the one that
The address that clnt_sperror
returns is a pointer to its own internal
string buffer. The clnt_sperror
routine overwrites this buffer with each call.
Therefore, you must copy the string to your own buffer if you wish to save the
Returned Values
char * | A pointer to the message string terminated with a NULL
character. |
NULL | The routine was not able to allocate its internal buffer. |
clntraw_create — Creates a client handle for memory-based ONC RPC for simple testing and timing.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clntraw_create(u_long prognum, u_long versnum);
The program number associated with the remote program.
The version number associated with the remote program.
Creates an in-program ONC RPC client for the remote program prognum
version versnum
. The transport used to pass messages to the service is actually
a buffer within the process's address space, so the corresponding server should live in the
same address space; see svcraw_create
. This allows simulation of and
acquisition of ONC RPC overheads, such as round-trip times, without any kernel
Returned Values
CLIENT * | A pointer to a client handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
clnttcp_create — Creates an ONC RPC client handle for a TCP/IP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clnttcp_create(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, int *sockp, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize);
A pointer to a buffer containing the Internet address where the remote program is located.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
A pointer to the socket number to be used for the remote procedure call. If
sockp is RPC_ANYSOCK
, then this routine opens a new
socket and sets sockp.
The size of the send buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
The size of the receive buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
Creates an ONC RPC client handle for the remote program prognum
, version
at address addr
. The client uses TCP/IP as a transport.
The routine is similar to the clnt_create
routine, except
allows you to specify a socket and the send and receive buffer
If you specify the port number as zero by using addr->sin_port
, the
Portmapper provides the number of the port on which the remote program is listening.
The clnttcp_create
routine uses the global variable
. rpc_createerr
is a structure that contains the
most recent service creation error. Use rpc_createerr
if you want the client
program to handle the error. The value of rpc_createerr
is set by any RPC
client creation routine that does not succeed. The rpc_createerr
variable is
defined in the CLNT.H file.
The socket referenced by sockp is copied into a private area for RPC to use. It is the client's responsibility to close the socket referenced by sockp.
, gets set to null
authentication. The calling program can set this to something different if necessary.Note
If the requested program is available on the host but the program does not support
the requested version number, this routine still succeeds. A subsequent call to the
routine will discover the version mismatch. Use the
routine if you want to avoid this condition.
Returned Values
CLIENT * | A pointer to the client handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
clntudp_bufcreate — Creates an ONC RPC client handle for a buffered I/O UDP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clntudp_bufcreate(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, struct timeval wait, register int *sockp, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize);
A pointer to a buffer containing the Internet address where the remote program is located.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The amount of time used between call retransmission if no response is received. Retransmission occurs until the ONC RPC calls time out.
A pointer to the socket number to be used for the remote procedure call. If
sockp is RPC_ANYSOCK
, then this routine opens a new
socket and sets sockp.
The size of the send buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
The size of the receive buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
Creates an ONC RPC client handle for the remote program prognum
, version
at address addr
. The client uses UDP as the transport.
The routine is similar to the clnt_create
routine, except
allows you to specify a socket, the UDP retransmission
time, and the send and receive buffer sizes.
If you specify the port number as zero by using addr->sin_port
, the
Portmapper provides the number of the port on which the remote program is listening.
The clntudp_bufcreate
routine uses the global variable
. rpc_createerr
is a structure that contains the
most recent service creation error. Use rpc_createerr
if you want the client
program to handle the error. The value of rpc_createerr
is set by any RPC
client creation routine that does not succeed. The rpc_createerr
variable is
defined in the CLNT.H file.
The socket referenced by sockp is copied into a private area for RPC to use. It is the client's responsibility to close the socket referenced by sockp.
, gets set to null
authentication. The calling program can set this to something different if necessary.Note
If addr->sin_port
is 0 and the requested program is available on the
host but the program does not support the requested version number, this routine still
succeeds. A subsequent call to the clnt_call
routine will discover the
version mismatch. Use the clnt_create_vers
routine if you want to avoid
this condition.
Returned Values
CLIENT * | A pointer to the client handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
clntudp_create — Creates an ONC RPC client handle for a nonbuffered I/O UDP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> CLIENT *clntudp_create(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, struct timeval wait, register int *sockp);
A pointer to a buffer containing the Internet address where the remote program is located.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The amount of time used between call retransmission if no response is received. Retransmission occurs until the ONC RPC calls time out.
A pointer to the socket number to be used for the remote procedure call. If
sockp is RPC_ANYSOCK
, then this routine opens a new
socket and sets sockp.
Creates an ONC RPC client handle for the remote program prognum
, version
at address addr
. The client uses UDP as the transport.
The routine is similar to the clnt_create
routine, except
allows you to specify a socket and the UDP retransmission
If you specify the port number as zero by using addr->sin_port
, the
Portmapper provides the number of the port on which the remote program is listening.
The clntudp_create
routine uses the global variable
. rpc_createerr
is a structure that contains the
most recent service creation error. Use rpc_createerr
if you want the client
program to handle the error. The value of rpc_createerr
is set by any RPC
client creation routine that does not succeed. The rpc_createerr
variable is
defined in the CLNT.H file.
The socket referenced by sockp is copied into a private area for RPC to use. It is the client's responsibility to close the socket referenced by sockp.
, gets set to null
authentication. The calling program can set this to something different if necessary. Notes
Since UDP/IP messages can only hold up to 8 KB of encoded data, this transport cannot be used for procedures that take large arguments or return huge results.
If addr->sin_port
is 0 and the requested program is available on the
host but the program does not support the requested version number, this routine still
succeeds. A subsequent call to the clnt_call
routine will discover the
version mismatch. Use the clnt_create_vers
routine if you want to avoid
this condition.
Returned Values
CLIENT * | A pointer to the client handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
get_myaddress — Returns the local host's Internet address.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void get_myaddress(struct sockaddr_in *addr);
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
structure that the routine will load with the
Internet address of the host where the local procedure resides.
Puts the local host's Internet address into addr
without doing any name
translation. The port number is always set to htons (PMAPPORT)
Returned Values
get_myaddr_dest — Returns the local host's Internet address according to a destination address.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void get_myaddr_dest(struct sockaddr_in *addr, struct sockaddr_in *dest);
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
structure that the routine will load with the
local Internet address that would provide a connection to the remote address specified in
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
structure containing an Internet address of a
remote host.
Since the local host may have multiple network addresses (each on its own interface),
this routine is used to select the local address that would provide a connection to the
remote address specified in dest
This is an alternative to gethostbyname
, which invokes yellow pages. It
takes a destination (where we are trying to get to) and finds an exact network match to go
Returned Values
Chapter 6. ONC RPC Portmapper Routines
This chapter describes the routines that allow C programs to access the Portmapper network service.
Routine |
Task Category |
Returns a list of port mappings for the specified remote host. |
Returns a list of port mappings (including OpenVMS process IDs) for the specified remote host. |
Returns the port number on which the specified service is waiting. |
Requests the Portmapper on the specified remote host to call the specified procedure on that host. |
Registers a remote server procedure with the host's Portmapper. |
Unregisters a remote server procedure with the host's Portmapper. |
pmap_getmaps — Returns a copy of the current port mappings on a remote host.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> struct pmaplist *pmap_getmaps(struct sockaddr_in *addr);
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
containing the Internet address of the host whose
Portmapper you want to call.
A client interface to the Portmapper, which returns a list
of the current ONC RPC program-to-port mappings on
the host located at the Internet address
. The SHOW PORTMAPPER management
command uses this routine.
Returned Values
struct pmaplist * | A pointer to the returned list of
server-to-port mappings on host
addr . |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
pmap_getmaps_vms — Returns a copy of the current port mappings on a remote host running TCP/IP Services software.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> struct pmaplist_vms *pmap_getmaps_vms(struct sockaddr_in *addr);
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
containing the Internet address of the host whose
Portmapper you wish to call.
This routine is similar to the pmap_getmaps
routine. However, pmap_getmaps_vms
returns the process identifiers (PIDs) that are
required for mapping requests to TCP/IP Services
Returned Values
struct pmaplist * | A pointer to the returned list of
server-to-port mappings on host
addr . |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
pmap_getport — Returns the port number on which the specified service is waiting.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> u_short pmap_getport(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long protocol );
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
containing the Internet address of the host where
the remote Portmapper resides.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The transport protocol that the remote procedure uses.
Specify either IPPROTO_UDP
version versnum
, and speaks the
transport protocol associated with
If the requested version is not available, but at least the requested program is registered, the routine returns a port number.
The pmap_getport
returns the port number in host byte order not
network byte order. For certain routines you may
need to convert this value to network byte order
using the htons
routine. For example,
the sockaddr_in
structure requires
that the port number be in network byte
Returned Values
x | The port number of the service on the remote system. |
0 | No mapping exists or RPC could not contact
the remote Portmapper service. In the latter
case, the global variable
rpc_createerr.cf_error contains the
ONC RPC status. |
pmap_rmtcall — The client interface to the Portmapper service for a remote call and broadcast service. This routine allows a program to do a lookup and call in one step.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> enum clnt_stat pmap_rmtcall(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long procnum, xdrproc_t inproc, char * in xdrproc_t outproc, char * out, struct timeval timeout, u_long *port );
A pointer to a sockaddr_in
containing the Internet address of the host where
the remote Portmapper resides.
The program number associated with the remote procedure.
The version number associated with the remote procedure.
The procedure number associated with the remote procedure.
The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments.
A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments.
The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
A timeval
structure describing the time
allowed for the results to return to the
A pointer to a location for the returned port number.
Modified to the remote program's port number if the
routine succeeds.
to make a call on your behalf
to a procedure on that host. Use this procedure for
a ping
operation and nothing else. You
can use the clnt_perrno
routine to
print any error message.Note
If the requested procedure is not registered
with the remote Portmapper, the remote Portmapper
does not reply to the request. The call to
will eventually time
out. The pmap_rmtcall
does not
perform authentication.
Returned Values
enum clnt_stat | Returns the buffer containing the status of the operation. |
pmap_set — Called by the server procedure to have the Portmapper create a mapping of the procedure's program and version number.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> bool_t pmap_set(u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long protocol, u_short port);
The program number associated with the server procedure.
The version number associated with the server procedure.
The transport protocol that the server procedure uses.
Specify either IPPROTO_UDP
The port number associated with the server program.
A server interface to the Portmapper, which establishes a
mapping between the triple
on the server's Portmapper
service. The svc_register
routine calls
this routine to register the server with the local
Returned Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
pmap_unset — Called by the server procedure to have the Portmapper delete a mapping of the procedure's program and version number.
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> bool_t pmap_unset(u_long prognum, u_long versnum);
The program number associated with the server procedure.
The version number associated with the server procedure.
A server interface to the Portmapper, which destroys all
mapping between the triple [prognum, versnum,
and ports on the local host's
Chapter 7. ONC RPC Server Routines
This chapter describes the server routines that allow C programs to receive procedure calls from client programs over the network.
Routine |
Task Category |
Creates a server handle and registers the server program with the Portmapper. |
Fills in the error field in an RPC reply message with the specified error information. |
Destroys a server handle (macro). |
Frees the memory allocated when RPC decoded the server procedure's arguments (macro). |
Decodes the server procedure's arguments (macro). |
Returns the address of the client that called the server procedure (macro). |
Reads data for each server connection. |
Registers the server program with the Portmapper. |
Waits for incoming RPC requests and dispatches to the appropriate service routine. |
Sends the results of an RPC request to the client. |
Unregisters the server program with the Portmapper. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the authentication information was not correctly formatted. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the server could not decode the arguments. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the server does not implement the desired procedure. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the requested program is not available. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the requested version is not available. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that a system error occurred. |
Sends an error message to the client indicating that the authentication information was correctly formatted but was insufficient. |
Creates a server handle for a client that shares the same program space. |
Creates a server handle for a specified TCP socket. |
Creates a server handle using the TCP protocol. |
Creates a server handle using buffered UDP transport. |
Creates a server handle using the UDP transport. |
Adds the UDP or TCP socket associated with the specified server handle to the list of registered sockets. |
Removes the UDP or TCP socket associated with the specified server handle from the list of sockets. |
Authenticates an RPC request message. |
registerrpc — Obtains a unique systemwide procedure identification number.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> int registerrpc(u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long procnum, char *(*progname)( ), xdrproc_t inproc, xdrproc_t outproc );
The program number associated with the service procedure
The version number associated with the service procedure
The procedure number associated with the service procedure
The address of the service procedure being registered with the ONC RPC service package
The XDR routine used to decode the service procedure's arguments
The XDR routine used to encode the service procedure's results
routine performs the
following tasks for a server: Creates a UDP server handle. See the
routine for restrictions.Calls the
routine to register the program with the Portmapper.Adds
, andprocnum
to an internal list of registered procedures. When the server receives a request, it uses this list to determine which routine to call.
A server should call registerrpc
for every
procedure it implements, except for the NULL
procedure. If a request arrives for program
, version
, and procedure
, progname
called with a pointer to its parameters.
Returned Values
0 | Indicates success. |
1 | Indicates failure. |
seterr_reply — Fills in the error text in a reply message.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void seterr_reply(struct rpc_msg *msg, struct rpc_err *error);
A pointer to a reply message buffer
A pointer to an rpc_err
structure containing
the error associated with the reply message.
Given a reply message, seterr_reply
fills in the error
Returned Values
svc_destroy — A macro that frees the memory associated with an RPC server handle.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svc_destroy(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The svc_destroy
routine returns all the private data
structures associated with a server handle. If the
server-handle creation routine received the value
as the socket,
closes the socket.
Otherwise, your program must close the
Returned Values
svc_freeargs — A macro that frees the memory allocated when the procedure's arguments were decoded.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t svc_freeargs(SVCXPRT *xprt, xdrproc_t inproc, char *in);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The XDR routine used to decode the service procedure's arguments
A pointer to the service procedure's decoded arguments
The svc_destroy
routine returns the memory that the
routine allocated to hold
the service procedure's decoded arguments. This
routine calls the xdr_free
Returned Values
TRUE | Success; memory successfully deallocated. |
FALSE | Failure; memory not deallocated. |
svc_getargs — A macro that decodes the service procedure's arguments.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t svc_getargs(SVCXPRT *xprt, xdrproc_t inproc, char *in);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The XDR routine used to decode the service procedure's arguments
A pointer to the service procedure's decoded arguments
This routine calls the specified XDR routine to decode the arguments passed to the service procedure.
Returned Values
TRUE | Successfully decoded. |
FALSE | Decoding unsuccessful. |
svc_getcaller — A macro that returns the address of the client that called the service procedure.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> struct sockaddr_in *svc_getcaller(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
This routine returns a sockaddr_in
structure containing
the Internet address of the RPC client routine that
called the service procedure.
Returned Values
struct sockaddr_in | A pointer to the socket descriptor. |
svc_getreqset — Returns data for each server connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svc_getreqset(fd_set *rdfds);
A pointer to the read file descriptor bit mask modified by
the select
The svc_getreqset
routine is for servers that implement
custom asynchronous event processing or that do not
use the svc_run
routine. You can only
use svc_fdset
when the server does not
use svc_run
You are unlikely to call this routine directly, because the
routine calls it. However,
there are times when you cannot call
. For example, suppose a
program services RPC requests and reads or writes to
another socket at the same time. The program cannot
call svc_run
. It must call
The server calls svc_getreqset
when a call to the
system call determines that
the server has received one or more RPC requests.
The svc_getreqset
routine reads in data
for each server connection, then calls the server
program to handle the data.
The svc_getreqset
routine does not return a value. It
finishes executing after all sockets associated with
the variable rdfds
have been
You can use the global variable svc_fdset
. The
variable is the RPC
server's read file descriptor bit mask.
:Copy the global variable
into a temporary variable.Pass the temporary variable to the
routine. Theselect
routine overwrites the variable and returns it.Pass the temporary variable to the
#define MAXSOCK 10 int readfds[ MAXSOCK+1], /* sockets to select from*/ i, j; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < < MAXSOCK; i++) if((svc_fdset[i].sockname != 0) && (svc_fdset[i].sockname != -1)) readfds[j++] = svc_fdset[i].sockname; readfds[j] = 0; /* list of sockets ends with a zero */ switch(select(0, readfds, 0, 0, 0)) { case -1: /* an error happened */ case 0: /* time out */ break; default: /* 1 or more sockets ready for reading */ errno = 0; svc_getreqset(readfds); if( errno == ENETDOWN || errno == ENOTCONN) sys$exit( SS$_THIRDPARTY); }
Returned Values
svc_register — Registers the server program with the Portmapper service.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t svc_register(SVCXPRT *xprt, u_long prognum, u_long versnum, void (*dispatch)( ), u_long protocol);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The program number associated with the server procedure
The version number associated with the server procedure
The address of the service dispatch procedure that the
server procedure calls. The procedure
has the following form:
void dispatch(request, xprt) struct svc_req *request; SVCXPRT *xprt;
The svc_run
and svc_getreqset
call the dispatch
The protocol that the server procedure uses. Values for
this parameter are zero, IPPROTO_UDP, or
IPPROTO_TCP. If protocol
is zero, the
service is not registered with the Portmapper
Associates prognum
and versnum
with the
service dispatch procedure dispatch
. If
is nonzero, then a mapping
of the triple [prognum, versnum,
to xprt->xp_port
also established with the local Portmapper
Returned Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
svc_run — Waits for incoming RPC requests and calls the
routine to dispatch to
the appropriate RPC server program.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svc_run( );
The svc_run
routine calls the select
to wait for RPC requests. When a request arrives,
calls the
routine. Then
calls the select
routine again.
The svc_run
routine never returns.
You may use the global variable svc_fdset
with the
routine. See the
routine for more
information about svc_fdset
Returned Values
Never returns.
svc_sendreply — Sends the results of a remote procedure call to an RPC client.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> bool_t svc_sendreply(SVCXPRT *xprt, xdrproc_t outproc, char *out);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The XDR routine used to encode the server procedure's results
A pointer to the server procedure's results
Called by an ONC RPC service's dispatch routine to send the results of a remote procedure call.
Returned Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
svc_unregister — Calls the Portmapper to unregister the specified program and version for all protocols. The program and version are removed from the list of active servers.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svc_unregister(u_long prognum, u_long versnum);
The program number associated with the server procedure
The version number associated with the server procedure
Removes all mapping of the double [prognum, versnum]
dispatch routines, and of the triple [prognum,
versnum, *]
to port number.
Returned Values
svcerr_auth — Sends an authentication error to the client.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_auth(SVCXPRT *xprt, enum auth_stat why);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The reason for the authentication error
Called by a service dispatch routine that refuses to perform a remote procedure call because of an authentication error.
Returned Values
svcerr_decode — Sends an error code to the client indicating that the server procedure cannot decode the client's arguments.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_decode(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Called by a service dispatch routine that cannot successfully decode
its parameters. See also the
Returned Values
svcerr_noproc — Sends an error code to the client indicating that the server program does not implement the requested procedure.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_noproc(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Called by a service dispatch routine that does not implement the procedure number that the client requested.
Returned Values
svcerr_noprog — Sends an error code to the client indicating that the server program is not registered with the Portmapper.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_noprog(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Called when the desired program is not registered with the ONC RPC package. Generally, the Portmapper informs the client when a server is not registered. Therefore, service implementors usually do not use this routine.
Returned Values
svcerr_progvers — Sends an error code to the client indicating that the requested program is registered with the Portmapper but the requested version of the program is not registered.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_progvers(SVCXPRT *xprt, u_long low_vers, u_long high_vers);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
The lowest version of the requested program that the server supports
The highest version of the requested program that the server supports
Called when the desired version of a program is not registered with the ONC RPC package. Generally, the Portmapper informs the client when a requested program version is not registered. Therefore, service implementors usually do not use this routine.
Returned Values
svcerr_systemerr — Sends an error code to the client indicating that an error occurred that is not handled by the protocol being used.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_systemerr(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Called by a service dispatch routine when it detects a system error not covered by any particular protocol. For example, if a service can no longer allocate storage, it may call this routine.
Returned Values
svcerr_weakauth — Sends an error code to the client indicating that an authentication error occurred. The authentication information was correct but was insufficient.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void svcerr_weakauth(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Called by a service dispatch routine that refuses to perform a remote
procedure call because of insufficient (but correct)
authentication parameters. The routine calls
svcerr_auth (xprt,
Returned Values
svcraw_create — Creates a server handle for memory-based ONC RPC for simple testing and timing.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> SVCXPRT *svcraw_create( );
Creates a in-program ONC RPC service transport, to which it returns a
pointer. The transport is really a buffer within the
process's address space, so the corresponding client
should live in the same address space; see the
routine. The
routines allow
simulation and acquisition of ONC RPC overheads
(such as round-trip times), without any kernel
Returned Values
SVCXPRT * | A pointer to an RPC server handle for the in-memory transport. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
svcfd_create — Creates an RPC server handle using the specified open file descriptor.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> SVCXPRT *svcfd_create(int fd, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize);
The number of an open file descriptor
The size of the send buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default
The size of the receive buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default
Creates an RPC server handle using the specified TCP socket, to which
it returns a pointer. The server should call the
routine after it accepts
an incoming TCP connection.
Returned Values
SVCXPRT * | A pointer to the server handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
svctcp_create — Creates an ONC RPC server handle for a TCP/IP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> SVCXPRT *svctcp_create(int sock, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize);
The socket with which the connection is associated. If
sock is
, then this routine opens
a new socket and sets sock. If
the socket is not bound to a local TCP port, then
this routine binds it to an arbitrary port.
The size of the send buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
The size of the receive buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
Creates an RPC server handle using the TCP/IP transport, to which it
returns a pointer. Upon completion,
is the transport's
socket descriptor, and xprt->xp_port
the transport's port number. The service is
automatically registered as a transporter (thereby
including its socket in svc_fds
that its socket descriptor is included in all RPC
system calls).
Returned Values
SVCXPRT * | A pointer to the server handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
svcudp_bufcreate — Creates an ONC RPC server handle for a buffered I/O UDP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> SVCXPRT *svcudp_bufcreate(int sock, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize);
The socket with which the connection is associated. If
sock is
, then this routine opens
a new socket and sets
The size of the send buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
The size of the receive buffer. If you specify zero, the routine chooses a suitable default.
Creates an RPC server handle using the UDP transport, to which it
returns a pointer. Upon completion,
is the transport's
socket descriptor, and xprt->xp_port
the transport's port number. The service is
automatically registered as a transporter (thereby
including its socket in svc_fds
that its socket descriptor is included in all RPC
system calls).
Returned Values
SVCXPRT * | A pointer to the server handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
svcudp_create — Creates an ONC RPC server handle for a nonbuffered I/O UDP connection.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> SVCXPRT *svcudp_create(int sock);
The socket with which the connection is associated. If
sock is
, then this routine opens
a new socket and sets
is the transport's
socket descriptor, and xprt->xp_port
the transport's port number. The service is
automatically registered as a transporter (thereby
including its socket in svc_fds
that its socket descriptor is included in all RPC
system calls).Note
Since UDP/IP-based ONC RPC messages can only hold up to 8 KB of encoded data, this transport cannot be used for procedures that take large arguments or return huge results.
Returned Values
SVCXPRT * | A pointer to the server handle. |
NULL | Indicates failure. |
xprt_register — Adds a socket associated with an RPC server handle to the list of registered sockets.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void xprt_register(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Activation of a transport handle involves setting the most appropriate
bit for the socket associated with
xprt in the
mask. When
() is invoked, activity on the
transport handle is eligible to be processed by the
The svc_register
routine calls this routine; therefore,
you are unlikely to use this routine
Returned Values
xprt_unregister — Removes a socket associated with an RPC server handle from the list of registered sockets.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> void xprt_unregister(SVCXPRT *xprt);
A pointer to an RPC server handle created by any of the server-handle creation routines
Removes the socket associated with the indicated handle from the list
of registered sockets maintained in the
variable. Activity on the
socket associated with xprt
will no longer be checked by the
The svc_unregister
routine calls this routine; therefore,
you are unlikely to use this routine
Returned Values
_authenticate — Authenticates the request message.
#include <rpc/rpc.h> enum auth_stat _authenticate(struct svc_req *rqst, struct rpc_msg *msg);
A pointer to an svc_req
structure with the
requested program number, procedure number, version
number, and credentials passed by the client.
A pointer to an rpc_msg
structure with
members that make up the RPC message.
if the message is authenticated
successfully. If it returns AUTH_OK
the routine also does the following:Sets
to the appropriate response verifier.Sets
to the “cooked ” form of the credentials.
The expression rqst->rq_xprt->verf
must be preallocated
and its length must be set appropriately.
The program still owns and is responsible for
. The authentication system
retains ownership of
, the
“cooked ” credentials.
Return Values
enum auth_stat | The return status code for the authentication checks: |
AUTH_OK=0—Authentication checks successful. | |
AUTH_BADCRED=1—Invalid credentials(seal broken) | |
AUTH_REJECTEDCRED=2—Client should begin new session | |
AUTH_BADVERF=3—Invalid verifier (seal broken) | |
AUTH_REJECTEDVERF=4—Verifier expired or was replayed | |
AUTH_TOOWEAK=5—Rejected for security reasons | |
AUTH_INVALIDRESP=6—Invalid response verifier | |
AUTH_FAILED=7—Some unknown reason |
Chapter 8. XDR Routine Reference
This chapter describes the routines that specify external data representation. They allow C programmers to describe arbitrary data structures in a system-independent fashion. These routines transmit data for remote procedure calls.
Routine |
Encodes and Decodes... |
Accepted RPC messages |
Variable-length arrays |
UNIX-style authentication information |
Boolean values |
Single bytes |
Static part of RPC request message headers |
RPC request messages |
Single characters |
Double-precision floating-point numbers |
Enumerations |
Single-precision floating-point numbers |
Quad words (hyperintegers) |
4-byte integers |
Longwords |
Fixed-length opaque data structures |
Opaque |
Portmapper parameters |
Portmapper parameters (including OpenVMS process IDs) |
Portmapper lists |
Portmapper lists (including OpenVMS process IDs) |
Data structure pointers |
Data structure pointers |
Rejected RPC reply messages |
RPC reply messages |
2-byte integers |
Null-terminated strings |
Unsigned characters |
Unsigned quadwords (hyperintegers) |
Unsigned 4-byte integers |
Unsigned long integers |
Unsigned 2-byte integers |
Unions |
Fixed-length arrays |
(A dummy routine) |
Null-terminated strings |
This chapter also describes the XDR routines that manage XDR streams. They allow C programmers to handle XDR streams in a system-independent fashion.
Routine |
Task |
Deallocates an XDR data structure. |
Creates an XDR stream handle describing a memory buffer. |
Creates an XDR stream handle describing a record-oriented TCP-based connection. |
Generates an end-of-record indication for an XDR record. |
Positions the data pointer to the end of the current XDR record and indicates whether any more records follow the current record. |
Positions the data pointer at the end of the current XDR record. |
Creates an XDR stream handle describing a |
Accepts RPC messages. |
xdr_accepted_reply — Serializes and deserializes a message-accepted indication in an RPC reply message.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_accepted_reply(XDR *xdrs, struct accepted_reply *arp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a buffer to which the message-accepted indication is written.
Used for encoding reply messages. This routine encodes the status of the RPC call
and, in the case of success, the call results as well. This routine is useful for
users who want to generate messages without using the ONC RPC package. It returns
the message-accepted variant of a reply message union in the arp
The xdr_replymsg
routine calls this routine.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure to encode the message. |
xdr_array — Serializes and deserializes the elements of a variable-length array.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_array(XDR *xdrs, char **arrp, u_int *sizep, u_int maxsize, u_int elsize, xdrproc_t elproc);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the pointer to the array.
A pointer to the number of elements in the array. This element count cannot exceed
the maxsize
The maximum size of the sizep
parameter. This value is the maximum
number of elements that the array can hold.
The size, in bytes, of each of the array's elements.
The XDR routine to call that handles each element of the array.
A filter primitive that translates between variable-length arrays and their corresponding external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_authunix_parms — Serializes and deserializes credentials in an authentication parameter structure.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_authunix_parms (XDR *xdrs, struct authunix_parms *authp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to an authunix_parms
Used for externally describing standard UNIX credentials. On a TCP/IP Services host,
this routine encodes the host name, the user ID, and the group ID. It sets the group
ID list to NULL
. This routine is useful for users who want to generate
these credentials without using the ONC RPC authentication package.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_bool — Serializes and deserializes boolean data.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_bool (XDR *xdrs, bool_t *bp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the boolean data.
A filter primitive that translates between booleans (integers) and their external representations. When encoding data, this filter produces values of either 1 or 0.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_bytes — Serializes and deserializes a counted byte array.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_bytes (XDR *xdrs, char **bpp, u_int *sizep, u_int maxsize);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to the byte array.
A pointer to the length of the byte array.
The maximum size of the length of the byte array.
A filter primitive that translates between a variable-length byte array and its
external representation. The length of the array is located at sizep
the array cannot be longer than maxsize
. If *bpp
, xdr_bytes
allocates maxsize
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_callhdr — Serializes and deserializes the static part of a call message header.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_callhdr(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *chdrp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the call header data.
Describes call header messages. This routine is useful for users who want to generate
messages without using the ONC RPC package. The xdr_callhdr
encodes the following fields: transaction ID, direction, RPC version, server program
number, and server version.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicate success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_callmsg — Serializes and deserializes an ONC RPC call message.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_callmsg(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *cmsgp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to an rpc_msg
structure that describes the RPC call
This routine is useful for users who want to generate messages without using the ONC
RPC package. The xdr_callmsg
routine encodes the following fields:
transaction ID, direction, RPC version, server program number, server version
number, server procedure number, and client authentication.
The pmap_rmtcall
and svc_sendreply
routines call
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_char — Serializes and deserializes character data.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_char(XDR *xdrs, char *cp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a character.
A filter primitive that translates between internal representations of characters and their XDR representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_double — Serializes and deserializes VAX and IEEE double-precision floating-point numbers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_double(XDR *xdrs, double *dp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the double-precision floating-point number.
A filter primitive that translates between double-precision numbers and their external representations.
Converts VAX D-format floating-point numbers. |
Converts VAX G-format floating-point numbers. |
Converts IEEE T-format floating-point numbers. |
Converts IEEE X-format floating-point numbers. |
You can reference these routines explicitly or you can use compiler settings to
control which routine is used when you reference the xdr_double
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_enum — Serializes and deserializes enumerations.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_enum(XDR *xdrs, enum_t *ep);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the enumeration data.
A filter primitive that translates between enumerations (actually integers) and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_float — Serializes and deserializes VAX and IEEE single-precision floating-point numbers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_float(XDR *xdrs, float *fp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a single-precision floating-point number.
A filter primitive that translates between single-precision floating-point numbers and their external representations.
Converts VAX F-format floating-point numbers. |
Converts IEEE T-format floating-point numbers. |
You can reference these routines explicitly or you can use compiler settings to
control which routine is used when you reference the xdr_float
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_free — Deallocates the memory associated with the indicated data structure.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_free(xdrproc_t proc, char *objp);
The XDR routine for the data structure being freed.
A pointer to the data structure to be freed.
Releases memory allocated for the data structure to which objp
The pointer passed to this routine is not freed, but what it points to is freed
(recursively). Use this routine to free decoded data that is no longer needed. Never
use this routine for encoded data.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_hyper — Serializes and deserializes VAX quadwords (known in XDR as hyperintegers).
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_hyper(XDR *xdrs, quad *hp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the hyperinteger data.
A filter primitive that translates between hyperintegers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_int — Serializes and deserializes integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_int(XDR *xdrs, int *ip);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the integer data.
A filter primitive that translates between integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_long — Serializes and deserializes long integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_long(XDR *xdrs, long *lp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a long integer.
A filter primitive that translates between long integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_opaque — Serializes and deserializes opaque structures.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_opaque(XDR *xdrs, char *op, u_int cnt);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the opaque data.
The size of op in bytes.
A filter primitive that translates between fixed-size opaque data and its external representation. This routine treats the data as a fixed length of bytes and does not attempt to convert the bytes.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_opaque_auth — Serializes and deserializes ONC RPC authentication information message.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_opaque_auth(XDR *xdrs, struct opaque_auth *authp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to an opaque_auth
structure describing authentication
information. The pointer should reference data created by the
, authunix_create
, or
Translates ONC RPC authentication information messages. This routine is useful for users who want to generate messages without using the ONC RPC package.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_pmap — Serializes and deserializes Portmapper parameters.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_pmap(XDR *xdrs, struct pmap *regs);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the pmap
structure. This structure contains the program
number, version number, protocol number, and port number.
Describes parameters to various Portmapper procedures, externally. This routine is useful for users who want to generate these parameters without using the Portmapper interface.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_pmap_vms — Serializes and deserializes OpenVMS specific Portmapper parameters.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_pmap_vms(XDR *xdrs, struct pmap_vms *regs);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the pmap_vms
structure. This structure contains the
program number, version number, protocol number, port number and the OpenVMS
specific process identification.
This routine is similar to xdr_pmap()
, except it also includes the
process identification in the pmap_vms
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_pmaplist — Serializes and deserializes a list of Portmapper port mappings.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_pmaplist(XDR *xdrs, struct pmaplist **rpp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to a pmaplist
structure containing a list of
Portmapper programs and their respective information. If the routine is used to
decode a Portmapper listing, it sets rpp
to the address of a newly
allocated linked list of pmaplist
Describes a list of port mappings, externally. This routine is useful for users who want to generate these parameters without using the Portmapper interface.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_pmaplist_vms — Serializes and deserializes a list of Portmapper port mappings for OpenVMS systems.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_pmaplist_vms (XDR *xdrs, struct pmaplist_vms **rpp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to a pmaplist_vms
structure containing a list
of Portmapper programs and their respective information, including OpenVMS-specific
This routine is similar to the xdr_pmaplist
routine, except that it also
includes the process identification in the pmaplist_vms
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_pointer — Serializes and deserializes indirect pointers and the data being pointed to.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_pointer(XDR *xdrs, char **objpp, u_int objsize, xdrproc_t objproc);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to the data being converted.
The size of the data structure in bytes.
The XDR procedure that filters the structure between its local form and its external representation.
An XDR routine for translating data structures that contain pointers to other
structures, such as a linked list. The xdr_pointer
routine is similar
to the xdr_reference
routine. The differences are that the
routine handles pointers with the value
and that it translates the pointer values to a boolean. If the
boolean is TRUE, the data follows the boolean.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_reference — Serializes and deserializes indirect pointers and the data being pointed to.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_reference(XDR *xdrs, char **objpp, u_int objsize, xdrproc_t objproc);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to the structure containing the data being converted. If
is zero, the xdr_reference
routine allocates the
necessary storage when decoding. This argument must be nonzero during
The size of the structure in bytes.
The XDR procedure that filters the structure between its local form and its external representation.
A primitive that provides pointer chasing within structures.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_rejected_reply — Serializes and deserializes the remainder of an RPC reply message after the header indicates that the reply is rejected.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_rejected_reply(XDR *xdrs, struct rejected_reply *rrp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the rejected_reply
structure describing the rejected
reply message.
Describes ONC RPC reply messages. This routine is useful for users who want to generate messages without using the ONC RPC package.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_replymsg — Serializes and deserializes the RPC reply header and then calls the appropriate routine to interpret the rest of the message.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_replymsg(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *rmsgp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the rpc_msg
structure describing the reply
Describes ONC RPC reply messages. This routine is useful for users who want to
generate messages without using the ONC RPC package. This routine interprets the
message header and then calls either the xdr_accepted_reply
or the
routine to interpret the body of the RPC
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_short — Serializes and deserializes short integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_short(XDR *xdrs, short *sp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a short integer.
A filter primitive that translates between short integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_string — Serializes and deserializes strings (arrays of bytes terminated by a
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_string(XDR *xdrs, char **spp, u_int maxsize);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to a character string.
The maximum size of the string.
A filter primitive that translates between strings and their corresponding external
representations. Strings cannot be longer than the value specified with the
While decoding, if *spp
, this routine allocates the
necessary storage to hold the NULL
-terminated string and sets
to point to the allocated storage.
This routine is the same as the xdr_wrapstring
routine, except that this
routine allows you to specify maxsize
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_u_char — Serializes and deserializes unsigned characters.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_u_char(XDR *xdrs, char *ucp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a character.
A filter primitive that translates between internal representation of unsigned characters and their XDR representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_u_hyper — Serializes and deserializes unsigned VAX quadwords (known in XDR as hyperintegers).
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_u_hyper(XDR *xdrs, unsigned quad *uhp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the unsigned hyperinteger.
A filter primitive that translates between unsigned hyperintegers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_u_int — Serializes and deserializes unsigned integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_u_int(XDR *xdrs, unsigned *uip);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the unsigned integer.
A filter primitive that translates between unsigned integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_u_long — Serializes and deserializes unsigned long integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_u_long(XDR *xdrs, unsigned long *ulp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the unsigned long integer.
A filter primitive that translates between unsigned long integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_u_short — Serializes and deserializes unsigned short integers.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_u_short(XDR *xdrs, unsigned short *usp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the unsigned short integer.
A filter primitive that translates between unsigned short integers and their external representations.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_union — Serializes and deserializes discriminant unions.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_union(XDR *xdrs, enum *dscmp, char *unp, struct xdr_discrim *choices, xdrproc_t default);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to the union's discriminant.
A pointer to the union's data.
A pointer to an array of xdr_discrim
structures. Each structure
contains an ordered pair of [value,proc]
. The final structure in the
array is denoted by a pointer with the value NULL
The address of the default XDR routine to call if the dscmp
is not found in the choices
A filter primitive that translates between a discriminated union and its corresponding
external representation. The xdr_union
routine first translates the
discriminant of the union located at dscmp
. This discriminant is always
of type enum_t
Next, the routine translates the union data located at unp
. To translate
the union data the xdr_union
routine first searches the structure
pointed to by the choices
argument for the union discriminant passed in
the dscmp
argument. If a match is found, the xdr_union
routine calls proc
to translate the union data.
The end of the xdr_discrim
structure array must contain an entry with the
value NULL
for proc
. If the xdr_union
reaches this entry before finding a match, the routine calls the
procedure (if it is not NULL
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_vector — Serializes and deserializes the elements of a fixed-length array (known as a vector).
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_vector(XDR *xdrs, char **vecpp, u_int elnum, u_int elsize, xdrproc_t elproc);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to the array.
The number of elements in the array.
The size, in bytes, of each element.
The XDR routine to handle each element.
A routine that calls elproc
to prepare the elements of an array for XDR
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdr_void — When there is no data to convert, this routine is passed to ONC RPC routines that require an XDR procedure parameter.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_void( );
This routine is used as a placeholder for a program that passes no data in a remote procedure call. Most client and server routines expect an XDR routine to be called, even when there is no data to pass.
Return Values
This routine always returns TRUE.
xdr_wrapstring — Serializes and deserializes NULL
-terminated strings.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdr_wrapstring(XDR *xdrs, char **spp);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
A pointer to a pointer to a string.
A primitive that calls xdr_string(xdrs, sp, MAXUNSIGNED)
, where
is the maximum value of an unsigned integer. This
routine is useful because the ONC RPC client and server routines pass the XDR stream
handle and a single pointer as parameters to any referenced XDR routines. The
routine, one of the most frequently used ONC RPC
primitives, requires three parameters.
While decoding, if *sp
, the necessary storage is
allocated to hold the NULL-terminated string and *sp
is set to point to
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdrmem_create — Initializes an XDR stream descriptor for a memory buffer.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> void xdrmem_create(XDR *xdrs, char *addr, u_int size, enum xdr_op op);
A pointer to the XDR stream handle being created. The routine
fills in xdrs
with encoding and decoding
A pointer to the memory buffer.
The length of the memory buffer.
An XDR operation, one of: XDR_ENCODE
, and
The stream handle xdrs
is initialized with the operation op
the buffer addr
and size
, and the operations context for
an xdrmem
Return Values
xdrrec_create — Initializes a record-oriented XDR stream descriptor.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> void xdrrec_create(XDR *xdrs, u_int sendsize, u_int recvsize, char *tcp_handle, int (*readit)( ), int (*writeit)( ));
A pointer to the XDR stream handle being created. The routine
fills in xdrs
with encoding and decoding
The send buffer size.
The receive buffer size.
A pointer to an opaque handle that is passed as the first parameter to the procedures (*readit)() and (*writeit)().
(* readit)()
. The routine
must use the following
format:int readit(char *tcp_handle, char *buffer, u_long len)where tcp_handle is the client or server handle, buffer is the buffer to fill, and len is the number of bytes to read. The
routine should return
either the number of bytes read or the value -1
if an error
occurs.(* writeit)()
. The routine
must use the following
format:int writeit(char *tcp_handle, char *buffer, u_long len)where tcp_handle is the client or server handle, buffer is the buffer to write, and len is the number of bytes to write. The
routine should return
either the number of bytes written or the value -1
if an error
The stream descriptor for xdrs
initializes the maximum allowable size for
a request recvsize
and reply sendsize
, the addresses of
the routine to perform the read (readit)
and write
, and the TCP handle used for network I/O.
Return Values
xdrrec_endofrecord — Generates an end-of-record for an XDR record.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdrrec_endofrecord (XDR *xdrs, bool_t sendnow);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
Indicates whether the record should be sent. If sendnow is TRUE, xdrrec_endofrecord
sends the record by
calling the writeit
routine specified in the call to
. If sendnow is FALSE, xdrrec_endofrecord
marks the end of the record and calls writeit
when the buffer is
This routine lets an application support batch calls and pipelined procedure calls.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdrrec_eof — Moves the buffer pointer to the end of the current record and returns an indication if any more data exists in the buffer.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdrrec_eof (XDR *xdrs);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
Returns TRUE if there is no more input in the buffer after consuming the rest of the current record.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdrrec_skiprecord — Guarantees proper record alignment during deserialization from an incoming stream.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> bool_t xdrrec_skiprecord (XDR *xdrs);
A pointer to an XDR stream handle created by one of the XDR stream-handle creation routines.
This routine ensures that the stream is properly aligned in preparation for a subsequent read. It is recommended that, when a record stream is being used, this routine be called prior to any operations that would read from the stream.
This routine is similar to the xdrrec_eof
routine, except that this
routine does not verify whether there is more data in the buffer.
Return Values
TRUE | Indicates success. |
FALSE | Indicates failure. |
xdrstdio_create — Initializes an stdio
XDR stream.
#include <tcpip$rpcxdr.h> void xdrstdio_create (XDR *xdrs, FILE *file, enum xdr_op op);
A pointer to the XDR stream handle being created. The routine
fills in xdrs
with encoding and
decoding information.
A pointer to the FILE
structure that is to be associated with the
An XDR operation, one of: XDR_ENCODE
, and
Initializes a stdio
stream for the specified file.
Return Values