VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SNMP Programming and Reference
- Software Version:
- VSI TCP/IP Services Version 5.7
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
The VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product is the VSI implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocol suite and internet services for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX systems.
A layered software product, TCP/IP Services provides a comprehensive suite of functions and applications that support industry-standard protocols for heterogeneous network communications and resource sharing.
This manual describes the features of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provided with TCP/IP Services. It also describes the extensible SNMP (eSNMP) application programming interface (API)and development environment.
See the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual for information about installing, configuring, and starting this product.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This manual is for experienced OpenVMS and UNIX system managers and assumes a working knowledge of TCP/IP networking, TCP/IP terminology, and some familiarity with the TCP/IP Services product.
3. Document Structure
Chapter 1, Overview describes the implementation of eSNMP provided with TCP/IP Services.
Chapter 2, MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services describes the groups and objects implemented with the Host Resources MIB and MIB II that are provided with the eSNMP software.
Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API describes how to use the eSNMP API to create a MIB subagent to manage entities or applications.
Chapter 4, Using the SNMP Utilities describes the trap sender, trap receiver,and MIB browser utilities provided with TCP/IP Services.
Chapter 5, eSNMP API Routines provides reference information about the eSNMP API routines.
Chapter 6, Troubleshooting eSNMP Problems describes some troubleshooting aids provided with TCP/IP Services.
4. Related Documents
Manual |
Contents |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Concepts and Planning |
This manual provides conceptual information about TCP/IP networking on OpenVMS systems,including general planning issues to consider before configuring your system to use the TCP/IP Services software. This manual also describes the manuals in the documentation set,and provides a glossary of terms and acronyms for the TCP/IP Services software product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration |
This manual explains how to install and configure the TCP/IP Services product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS User's Guide |
This manual describes how to use the applications available with TCP/IP Services such as remote file operations, email, TELNET, TN3270, and network printing. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management |
This manual describes how to configure and manage the TCP/IP Services product. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference |
This manual describes the TCP/IP Services management commands. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ONC RPC Programming |
This manual presents an overview of high-level programming using open network computing remote procedure calls (ONC RPC). This manual also describes the RPC programming interface and how to use the RPCGEN protocol compiler to create applications. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Sockets API and System Services Programming |
This manual describes how to use the Sockets API and OpenVMS system services to develop network applications. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SNMP Programming and Reference |
This manual describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the SNMP application programming interface (eSNMP). It describes the subagents provided with TCP/IP Services, utilities provided for managing subagents, and how to build your own subagents. |
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to IPv6 |
This manual describes the IPv6 environment, the roles of systems in this environment, the types and function of the different IPv6addresses, and how to configure TCP/IP Services to access the IPv6 network. |
For a comprehensive overview of the TCP/IP protocol suite, refer to the book Internetworking with TCP/IP:Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, by Douglas Comer.
5. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
6. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
7. Conventions
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/ x |
A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x |
A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. |
Return |
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) |
... |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the
following possibilities:
. . . |
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) |
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. |
[ ] |
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
[ |] |
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } |
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold text |
This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. |
italic text |
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- |
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers |
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
All numbers are decimal unless otherwise noted.
All Ethernet addresses are hexadecimal.
Chapter 1. Overview
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the de facto industry standard for managing TCP/IP networks. The protocol defines the role of a network management station (NMS) and the SNMP agent. SNMP allows remote users on an NMS to monitor and manage network entities such as hosts, routers, X terminals, and terminal servers.
TCP/IP Services provides support for SNMP Version 2, using the Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol (eSNMP) architecture, under which a single master agent can support any number of subagents. The TCP/IP Services implementation of eSNMP includes a master agent, two subagents, an application programming interface (API), tools used to build additional subagents, startup and shutdown procedures, and text-based configuration files.
eSNMP master agent and subagent architecture (Section 1.1, “SNMP Architecture”)
The procedure for handling SNMP requests (Section 1.2, “Request Handling”)
The components of the TCP/IP Services software kit that implement SNMP (Section 1.3, “TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP”)
The files useful in developing your own subagent (Section 1.4, “Writing an eSNMP Subagent”)
The eSNMP API (Section 1.5, “The eSNMP API”)
The management information base (MIB) compiler (Section 1.6, “The MIB Compiler”)
The impact of running SNMP Version 1 subagents against the SNMP Version 2 implementation provided with TCP/IP Services (Section 1.7, “SNMP Versions”)
Sources of additional information about implementing subagents (Section 1.8, “For More Information”)
1.1. SNMP Architecture
Figure 1.1, “SNMP Architecture” illustrates the SNMP architecture.

The master agent, a process that runs on the host and handles SNMP requests from clients over the standard SNMP well-known port 161.
One or more subagents, each of which provides access to the MIB data specified in client requests. In the TCP/IP Services implementation, the master agent contains two resident subagents, one that handles a subset of MIB II variables, and another that handles the Host Resources MIB. These MIBs are described in Chapter 2, MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services.
The SNMP ASN.1 library, used by the master agent to interpret ASN.1 messages.
The eSNMP API, the application programming interface that provides routines for programming your own subagents. This API runs on the AgentX routines, which are internal to the SNMP architecture.
The TCP/IP kernel running on the OpenVMS operating system.
The master agent and subagents communicate by means of the AgentX protocol, which is based on RFC 2741.
For information about configuring and managing the SNMP service, refer to the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.
1.2. Request Handling
The eSNMP software manages network communication by having the master agent listen for requests and then passes the requests to the appropriate subagent.
Figure 1.2, “eSNMP Data Flow” illustrates communication between the master agent and subagents.

- The network management station (NMS) (sometimes called the client), originates SNMP requests to obtain and set information.
The client component is not provided with TCP/IP Services.
To provide access to MIBs and to test SNMP communication, TCP/IP Services provides the following utilities:MIB browser
Trap sender
Trap receiver
These utilities are described in Chapter 4, Using the SNMP Utilities.
The network management station sends an SNMP request to the master agent running on the host, using port 161. An SNMP request is made using one of the following commands:Get
TCP/IP Services does not support the standard SNMP
command.The request specifies the object identifier (OID) of the data to be accessed. For information about formatting
requests, refer to Section 5.2, “Method Routines”. Request formats are specified in RFC 1905. The master agent sends the request to the subagent that registered the subtree containing the OID.
The subagent receives communications from the master agent over the socket that was assigned when the subagent registered the subtree.
The appropriate subagent processes the request.
The subagent sends the response message to the master agent using the port that was assigned when the subagent registered the MIB.
When they are idle, subagents periodically send a message to port 705 to ensure that the
master agent is still running. In Figure 1.2, “eSNMP Data Flow”, subagent 1 is sending the
A trap
is generated by the subagent and sent to the client. In Figure 1.2, “eSNMP Data Flow”, subagent n is generating a trap for the
trap client on NMS 2.
The trap
and esnmp_are_you_there
routines are described in Section 5.1, “Interface Routines ”.
1.3. TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP
File |
Location |
Function |
Master agent image. |
MIB II subagent image. |
Host Resources MIB subagent image. |
Simple MIB browser. |
Utility for sending trap messages. |
Utility for receiving trap messages. |
Image file containing eSNMP application programming interface (API) routines. |
Command procedure that installs master and subagent images and runs TCPIP$SNMP_RUN.COM. |
Command procedure initiated by TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP.COM. Provided for site-specific customizations, such as parameter settings. |
Command procedure that starts the master agent and subagents. |
Command procedure that stops the master agent and subagents. |
Command procedure initiated by TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM. Provided for site-specific customization, such as parameter settings. |
Command procedure invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_SYSTARTUP.COM to start custom subagents. | ||
Command procedure invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_SYSHUTDOWN.COM to stop custom subagents. | ||
Command procedure invoked by TCPIP$SNMP_SYSTARTUP.COM when the service is enabled and starts detached processes to run subagents. |
1.4. Writing an eSNMP Subagent
File |
Description |
Header file used to create a subagent. Located in TCPIP$ESNMP. |
Interpreter for MIB converter. |
A UNIX based |
RFC1213.MY |
MIB II definitions. |
RFC1231.MY |
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB definitions. |
RFC1285.MY |
FDDI MIB definitions. |
RFC1442.MY |
SNMP Version 2 Structure of Management Information (SMI) definitions. |
SNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1902 (replaces RFC 1442). |
SNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1903 (replaces RFC 1443). |
V2-TC.MY |
SNMP Version 2 SMI definitions from RFC 1903 (superset of those in SNMP-TC.MY). |
Command file that builds the sample chess subagent. |
Options file for use in building the sample chess subagent. |
*.C and *.H |
Source code for chess example. Contains detailed documentation that explains how the code functions. |
Functioning chess example image. |
Object library file containing routines used to create a subagent. Located in the directory pointed to by TCPIP$SNMP. |
Shareable image containing routines used to create a subagent. Located in the directory pointed to by SYS$SHARE. |
Copy of TCPIP$ESNMP_SHR.EXE, provided for compatibility with existing customer subagents linked under TCP/IP Services V4. x. Located in the directory pointed to by SYS$SHARE. |
Images associated with the MIB compiler. Located in SYS$SYSTEM. |
For information about building a subagent on an OpenVMS system, see Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API.
1.5. The eSNMP API
The TCP/IP Services implementation of the eSNMP architecture includes an API that provides programmers with many eSNMP routines they would otherwise have to develop themselves.
The eSNMP API includes interface routines, method routines, and support routines.
Subagent initialization and termination
Polling of the master agent
Trap sending
UNIX system time conversion
Adding and removing subagent capabilities registered with the master agent
Basic protocol data unit (PDU) handling
Authentication handling
Octet string handling
Variable binding (
) handlingObject identifier (OID) handling
Buffer handling
Chapter 5, eSNMP API Routines describes the API routines in more detail.
To create a subagent, the programmer must provide modules to implement the method routines, as described in Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API.
1.5.1. The SNMP Utilities
TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE, a MIB browser that allows you to retrieve and update objects from the MIBs.
TCPIP$SNMP_TRPSND.EXE, a trap sender that generates traps (messages that require no response).
TCPIP$SNMP_TRPRCV.EXE, a trap receiver (or “listener”) that is used to detect trap messages.
For information about using the SNMP utilities, see Chapter 4, Using the SNMP Utilities.
1.6. The MIB Compiler
The MIB compiler processes the statements in an ASN.1 file and generates modules that are used by the developer to create subagent routines. For every ASN.1 input file that is processed using the MIB compiler, two output files, a subtree_TBL.H file and a subtree_TBL.C file, are generated, where subtree is the name from the original MIB definition file (for example, chess). The output files are described in more detail in Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API.
A declaration of the subtree structure
Index definitions for each MIB variable in the subtree
Enumeration definitions for MIB variables with enumerated values
MIB group data structure definitions
Method routine function prototypes
An array of integers representing the OIDs for each MIB variable
An array of OBJECT structures
An initialized SUBTREE structure
1.7. SNMP Versions
The SNMP Version 2 structure of management information for SNMP Version 2 (SMI Version 2) and textual conventions.
The eSNMP library API (SNMP Version 2), variable binding exceptions, and error codes.
SNMP Version 1 and SNMP Version 2 requests. Both versions are handled by the master agent. SNMP Version 2 specific information from the subagent is mapped, when necessary, to SNMP Version 1 adherent data (according to RFC 2089). For example, if a management application makes a request using SNMP Version 1 PDUs, the master agent replies using SNMP Version 1 PDUs, mapping any SNMP Version 2 SMI items received from subagents. In most cases, subagents created with a previous version of the eSNMP API do not require any code changes and do not have to be recompiled. The circumstances under which recoding or recompiling are required are described in Section 1.7.1, “Using Existing (SNMP Version 1) MIB Modules”.
1.7.1. Using Existing (SNMP Version 1) MIB Modules
Any program that relies on TCP/IP Services Version 4.1 or 4.2 kernel data structures or access functions may run but may not return valid data. Such programs should be rewritten.
Programs linked against UCX$ACCESS_SHR.EXE, UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE, or other older shareable images (except for UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE, which is described in the next list item) may not run even when relinked. You may need to either rewrite or both rewrite and recompile such programs. Note that the Chess example image (UCX$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE) has been updated and renamed TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE.
- For programs linked against certain versions of UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE:
- Images associated with the following versions of TCP/IP Services will run correctly without the need to relink them:
- Version 4.1 ECO 9 and later
- Version 4.2 ECO 1 and later
The installation of TCP/IP Services provides a backward-compatible version of UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE in the SYS$SHARE directory. Do not delete this image.
If you have problems running images linked against an older version of UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE, verify that the version in SYS$SHARE is the latest by entering the following DCL command:$ DIRECTORY/DATE SYS$SHARE:*$ESNMP_SHR.EXE
The creation dates of the files with the prefix TCPIP$ and UCX$ should be within a few seconds of each other, and only one version of each file should exist. Make sure both images include the file protection W:RE.
You should relink and perhaps recompile images associated with ECOs for Version 4.1 or 4.2 other than those discussed in the previous list item.
Images linked against object library (.OLB) files may not need to be relinked, although you can relink them against the shareable images in this version of the product to decrease the image size. Relinking against the shareable image allows you to take advantage of updated versions of the eSNMP API without the need to relink. Some images linked against the current version of TCP/IP Services may run under Versions 4.1 and 4.2, but this backward compatibility is not supported and may not work in future versions of TCP/IP Services.
If an existing subagent does not execute properly, relink it against this version of TCP/IP Services to produce a working image. Some subagents (such as the OpenVMS Server MIB) require a minimum version of OpenVMS as well as a minimum version of TCP/IP Services.
1.8. For More Information
This manual provides the OpenVMS information required for implementing eSNMP subagents and ensuring their proper operation in that environment.
For information about prototypes and definitions for the routines in the eSNMP API, see the TCPIP$SNMP:ESNMP.H file.
Table 1.2, “Files for Building a Subagent” lists files that contain additional comments and documentation.
Chapter 2. MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
The Host Resources MIB, which manages operating system objects (Section 2.1, “Overview of the Host Resources MIB”)
MIB II, which manages TCP/IP kernel objects (Section 2.2, “Overview of MIB II”)
2.1. Overview of the Host Resources MIB
The Host Resources MIB defines a uniform set of objects useful for the management of host computers. The Host Resources MIB, described by RFC 1514, defines objects that are common across many computer system architectures. The TCP/IP Services implementation of SNMP includes many of these defined objects. In addition, some objects in MIB II provide host management functionality.
2.1.1. Defining Host Resources MIB Implemented Objects
Object Name |
RFC Description |
OpenVMS Description |
hrSystemUptime |
The amount of time since this host was last initialized. |
Time since system boot (in hundredths of a second). |
hrSystemDate |
The host's notion of the local date and time of day. |
Date and time character string with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) information if available. |
hrSystemIntialLoadDevice |
Index of the hrDeviceEntry for configured initial operating system load. |
Index of SYS$SYSDEVICE in the device table. |
hrSystemIntialLoadParameters |
Parameters supplied to the load device when requesting initial operating system configuration. |
A string of boot parameters from the console (Alpha only). |
hrSystemNumUsers |
Number of user sessions for which the host is storing state information. |
Number of processes that are neither owned by another process nor running detached. |
hrSystemProcesses |
Number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the system. |
Number of processes listed using the SHOW SYSTEM command. |
hrSystemMaxProcesses |
Maximum number of process contexts the system can support, or 0 if not applicable. |
hrMemorySize |
The amount of physical main memory contained in the host. |
The amount of physical main memory contained in the host. |
hrStorageIndex |
A unique value for each logical storage area contained in the host. |
Index of entry in hrStorageTable. |
hrStorageType |
The type of storage represented by this entry. |
A numeric representation of the device class and type displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrStorageDescr |
A description of the type and instance of the storage described by this entry. |
Character string device type displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrStorageAllocationUnits |
The size of the data objects allocated from this pool (in bytes). |
Always 512 (the size of an OpenVMS disk block). |
hrStorageSize |
The size of storage in this entry in hrStorageAllocationUnits. |
The total number of blocks on a device displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrStorageUsed |
The allocated amount of storage in this entry inhrStorageAllocationUnits. |
The total number of used blocks on a device displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrDeviceIndex |
A unique value for each host or device constant between agent reinitialization. |
Index of entry in hrDeviceTable. |
hrDeviceType |
An indication of the type of device. Some of these devices have corresponding entries in other tables. |
In object identifier format, a numeric representation of the device class and type displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrDeviceDesc |
A text description of the device, including manufacturer and version number (service, optional). |
Character string of the device type displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrDeviceStatus |
The current operational state of the device. |
A numeric indication of the status of the device. |
hrDeviceErrors |
The number of errors detected on the device. The recommended initial value is zero. |
The number of errors indicated by the SHOW DEVICE command. This value is initialized to zero when the device is recognized by the system instead of when the master agent is initialized. |
hrProcessorFrwID |
The product ID of the firmware associated with the processor. |
An object identifier that corresponds to the console or PALcode version (Alpha only). |
hrNetworkIfIndex |
The value of the if Index that corresponds to this network device. |
The value of the index in the interface table in the standard MIB that corresponds to this network device. |
hrDiskStorageAccess |
Indicates whether the storage device is read/write or read only. |
This value is set to 2 if the device is read only; otherwise, it is set to 1. (The SHOW DEVICE/FULL command displays “software write-locked.”) |
hrDiskStorageMedia |
Indicates the storage device media type. |
Indicates device type. |
hrDiskStorageRemovable |
Indicates whether the disk can be removed from the drive. |
Indicates whether the disk can be removed from the drive. |
hrDiskStorageCapacity |
The total size of this long-term storage device. |
Half of the value for total blocks displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. |
hrSWRunIndex |
A unique value for each software product running on the host. |
Process ID. |
hrSWRunPath |
A description of the location where this software was loaded. |
Fully qualified name of executable image. |
hrSWRunStatus |
The status of the software that is running. |
The values and the associated status of each are:
hrSWRunPerfCPU |
The number (in hundredths of a second) of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process. |
Process elapsed CPU time (in hundredths of a second). |
hrSWRunPerfMem |
The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process. |
Process current working set (in kilobytes). |
2.1.2. Restrictions to Host Resources MIB
requests are not implemented for the following Host
Resources MIB objects:hrFSLastFullBackupDate hrFSLastPartialBackupDate hrStorageSize hrSWRunStatus hrSystemDate hrSystemInitialLoadDevice hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
For objects that are not implemented, the Host Resources MIB returns a
error status.
- The
includes all the devices known to the OpenVMS host except those with the following characteristics:Off line
UCB marked delete-on-zero-reference-count
Mailbox device
Device with remote terminal (DEV$M_RTT characteristic)
Template terminal-class device
LAT device (begins with _LT)
Virtual terminal device (begins with _VT)
Pseudoterminal device (begins with _FT)
Data items in thehrDeviceTable
group have the following restrictions:hrDeviceID
is always null OID (0.0).hrDeviceErrors
is coded as follows:Code
warning (3)
Error logging is in progress (OpenVMS UCB value UCB$M_ERLOGIP).
running (2)
Software is valid and no error logging is in progress (OpenVMS UCB value UCB$M_VALID).
unknown (1)
Any other OpenVMS status.
now includes template devices (for example, DNFS0 for NFS and DAD0 for virtual devices).For network devices, only the template devices (those with unit number 0) are displayed.
( is DNFS n. The device may change between restarts or after a dismount/mount procedure.In the
group, if no file systems are mounted through NFS or no information is accessible, a"no such instance"
status is returned for aget
request. Browsers respond differently to this message. For example, TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE responds with no output and returns directly to the DCL prompt.After an NFS mount, the following information is returned in response to aGet
request. The data items implemented for OpenVMS (refer to RFC 1514) are:hrFSIndex
is the local DNFS device name.hrFSRemoteMountPoint
is the remote file system.hrFSType
is implemented as:OID, for OpenVMS if the file system is not a UNIX style container file system.
, OID, if the file system is a TCP/IP Services container file system or a UNIX host.
, as defined in RFC 1514.hrFSBootable
is always HRM_FALSE (integer 2).hrFSStorageIndex
is always 0.hrFSLastFullBackupDate
is unknown time. This entry is encoded according to RFC 1514 as a hexadecimal value 00-00-01-01-00-00-00-00 (January 1, 0000).hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
is unknown time. This information is not available for OpenVMS systems. Instead, hexadecimal value 00-00-01-01-00-00-00-00 (January 1, 0000) applies.
(OID prefix is not implemented on OpenVMS VAX. On this type of system, it returns standard null OID (0.0). For example: = 0.0
For OpenVMS Alpha (firmware version 5.56-7), the response is shown in the following example: =
- Data items in the
table have the following restrictions:hrDiskStorageMedia
is always “unknown” (2).hrDiskStorageRemoveble
is always “false” (2). Note the incorrect spelling of “removable” inhrDiskStorageRemoveble
(from RFC 1514).
always contains the value ofhrStorageFixedDisk
2.2. Overview of MIB II
The Standard MIB (MIB II) described in RFC 1213 defines a set of objects useful for managing TCP/IP Internet entities. MIB II supports network monitoring and managing from the Transport layer down to the Physical layer of the TCP/IP internet stack. This MIB also provides information on how connections are established and how packets are routed through the Internet. For more information about MIB architecture, see Section 3.2, “The Structure of Management Information”.
2.2.1. MIB II Implemented Groups
system (1)
interfaces (2)
Internet Protocol (4)
ICMP (5)
TCP (6)
UDP (7)
SNMP (11)
In the SNMP group (, data elements with the status noted as obsolete in RFC 1907 are not implemented.
(address translation) groupEGP
(External Gateway Protocol) grouptransmission
2.2.2. Restrictions to MIB II Implementation
ipRouteMetric1 - ipRouteMetric5tcpMaxConn
requests are not implemented for the following MIB II group
objects:ipDefaultTTL ipRouteAge ipRouteDest ipRouteIfIndex ipRouteMaskipRouteNextHop ipRouteType
is returned in the following format: =
where corresponds to:iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.dec.ema.SysObjectIds.DEC-OpenVMS.eSNMP
elements are under OID prefix See RFC 1907 for details.When both the TCPIP$OS_MIBS and TCPIP$HR_MIB subagents are running, aget
request on thesysORTable
is as follows. Except where noted, the OIDs conform to RFC 1907. = = = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = Base o/s agent (HR_MIB) capabilities = 31 = 0 d 0:0:0 = 36 = 0 d 0:0:0
This example is from the MIB browser (TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.EXE).
- Under certain conditions, a subagent makes a duplicate entry in
when it restarts. For example: = = = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = 3256 = 0 d 0:0:32 = 3256 = 0 d 0:0:32
In this example, the TCPIP$OS_MIBS subagent made two entries with different ID numbers (OIDs with the prefix that may show differentsysORUpTime
( Thesnmp_request
program translates the value received (in hundredths of a second) to the following, dropping any fractions of seconds:d n hh:mm:ss
In this format, n represents the number of days, hh represents the number of hours, mm represents the number of minutes, and ss represents the number of seconds.
The HR_MIB subagent has not yet successfully started and registered its capabilities. If it starts, its entries in this example would use the next available index number.
- On systems running versions of the operating system prior to OpenVMS 7.1-2, counters for the MIB II
do not wrap back to 9 after reaching the maximum value (2 32 −1), as defined in RFC 1155. Instead, they behave like the gauge type and remain at the maximum value until cleared by an external event, such as a system reboot. The following counters are affected:ifInDiscardsifInErrors ifInNUcastPkts ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInUnknownProtos ifOutErrors ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts
Note that for SNMP Version 2, these counters are data type Counter32. The followingifTable
members are always -1 for OpenVMS:-
(Counter32) -
Chapter 3. Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API
Creating a MIB specification (Section 3.1, “Creating a MIB Specification”)
The structure of management information (Section 3.2, “The Structure of Management Information”)
Creating a MIB source file (Section 3.3, “Creating a MIB Source File”)
Including the routines and building the subagent (Section 3.4, “Including the Routines and Building the Subagent”)
Including your subagents in startup and shutdown procedures (Section 3.5, “Including Extension Subagents in the Startup and Shutdown Procedures”)
To use this eSNMP API to create a subagent, you must have a C compiler running in your development environment.
3.1. Creating a MIB Specification
The creation of a management information base (MIB) begins with data gathering. During this phase, the developer identifies the information to manage, based on the entities that the network manager needs to examine and manipulate. Each resource that a MIB manages is represented by an object. After gathering the data, the developer uses Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) to specify the objects in the MIB.
3.2. The Structure of Management Information
The structure of management information (SMI), which is specified in RFCs 1155 and 1902, describes the general framework within which a MIB can be defined and constructed. The SMI framework identifies the data types that can be used in the MIB and how resources within the MIB are represented and named.
Defining the structure of a particular MIB
Defining individual objects, including the syntax and value of each object
Encoding object values
3.2.1. Assigning Object Identification Codes
Each object in a MIB is associated with an identifier of the ASN.1 type, called an object identifier (OID). OIDs are unique integers that follow a hierarchical naming convention.
A preassigned portion that is always represented on the SMI tree as or iso (1), org (3), dod (6), Internet (1).
A developer-assigned portion for the private development of MIBs.
Your organization may require you to register all newly assigned OIDs.
In addition to an OID, you should also assign a name to each object to help with human interpretation.
3.2.2. MIB Subtrees
This manual assumes that you understand the OID naming structure used in SNMP. If not, refer to RFC 1902: Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP Version 2).
The information in SNMP is structured hierarchically like an inverted tree. Each node has a name and a number. Each node can also be identified by an OID, which is a concatenation of the subidentifiers (non-negative numbers). These numbers are on the path from the root node down to that node in the tree. In this hierarchy, data is associated only with leaf nodes. (A leaf node represents a MIB variable that can have an instance and an associated value.)
Subidentifier 1 values range from 0 to 2, inclusive.
Subidentifier 2 values range from 0 to 39, inclusive.
The remaining subidentifier values can be any non-negative number.
Figure 3.1, “MIB II in SMI Tree Structure” illustrates the SMI hierarchical tree arrangement as specified in RFCs 1155 and 1902.

iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) digital(36) ema(2) sysobjects(15) decosf(2) chess(99)
chess chessProductID chessMaxGames chessNumGames gameTable gameEntry gameIndex gameDescr gameNumMoves gameStatus moveTable moveEntry moveIndex moveByWhite moveByBlack moveStatus chessTraps moveTrap
The base of this MIB subtree is registered with the master agent to tell it that this subagent handles all requests related to the elements in the subtree.
The master agent expects a subagent to handle all objects subordinate to the registered MIB subtree. This principle guides your choice of MIB subtrees. For example, registering a subtree of chess is reasonable because it is realistic to assume that the subagent could handle all requests for elements in this subtree. Registering an entire application-specific MIB usually makes sense because the particular application expects to handle all objects defined in the application-specific MIB.
However, registering a subtree of SNMP (under MIB II) would be a mistake, because it is unlikely that the subagent is prepared to handle every defined MIB object subordinate to SNMP (packet counts, errors, trapping, and so on).
A subagent can register as many MIB subtrees as it wants. It can register OIDs that overlap with other registrations by itself or with other subagents; however, it cannot register the same OID more than once. Subagents can register and unregister MIB subtrees at any time after communication with the master agent is established.
Normally, it is the nonleaf nodes that are registered as a subtree with the master agent. However, leaf nodes, or even specific instances, can be registered as a subtree.
The master agent delivers requests to the subagent that has the MIB subtree with the longest prefix and the highest priority.
3.3. Creating a MIB Source File
Write the ASN.1 input files, as described in Section 3.3.1, “Writing the ASN.1 Input File”.
Process the input files with the MIB compiler, as described in Section 3.3.2, “Processing the Input File with the MIB Compiler”.
Compile and link the routines, as described in Section 3.4, “Including the Routines and Building the Subagent”.
Include the subagent, as described in Section 3.5, “Including Extension Subagents in the Startup and Shutdown Procedures”.
3.3.1. Writing the ASN.1 Input File
Providing information about ASN.1 syntax and programming is beyond the scope of this guide. For more information about ASN.1 programming, refer to one or more of the documents on this subject provided by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Instead of creating ASN.1 files yourself, you can create .MY files from existing
ASCII files (for example, from RFCs) by using the MIB-converter facility provided
with TCP/IP Services. This facility uses a UNIX awk
script, which runs on
OpenVMS as well as on appropriately configured UNIX systems. For details about the
facility, see the MIB-CONVERTER.AWK file, which is located in the [.SNMP]
subdirectory of TCPIP$EXAMPLES. Standard .MY files are also provided for your
The custom MIB definition files have the default extension .MY.
3.3.2. Processing the Input File with the MIB Compiler
If you are familiar with processing on UNIX systems, you can use the UNIX
utilities snmpi
and mosy
. See Section, “UNIX Utilities Supplied with TCP/IP Services” for more information.
The compilation process produces two template C programming modules that are used in building the executable subagent code. When you run the compiler, specify all the ASN.1 source files for a given subagent. Whenever any of these source files are updated, you must repeat the compilation process.
MIBCOMP MIB-source-file "subtree" [/PREFIX=prefix-name] [/PRINT_TREE] [/SNMPV2]
Parameter or Qualifier |
Definition |
MIB-source-file |
A comma-separated list of MIB definition files. The standard extension is .MY, but you can specify any valid OpenVMS file name. You must specify the full filename. |
subtree |
The text name for the root of your MIB definitions. This parameter must be enclosed in quotation marks. This name is used in generating names for template C modules and also for the names of the files themselves: subtree_tbl.c and subtree_tbl.h. |
/PREFIX= prefix-name |
The MIB compiler attaches the prefix-namestring to the beginning of all generated names. |
Displays the entire MIB subtree. |
Specifies the use of SNMP Version 2 parsing rules. |
$ MIBCOMP RFC1442.MY, CHESS_MIB.MY "chess" /PRINT_TREE Processing RFC1442.MY Processing CHESS_MIB.MY Dump of objects in lexical order – This file created by program 'snmpi -p' ccitt 0 iso 1 internet directory mgmt experimental private enterprises dec ema sysobjectids decosf chess chessProductID ObjectID read-only chessMaxGames INTEGER read-only chessNumGames INTEGER read-only gameTable gameEntry indexes: gameIndex gameIndex INTEGER read-write gameDescr DisplayString read-write range: 0 to 255 gameNumMoves INTEGER read-write gameStatus INTEGER read-write enum: complete 1 enum: underway 2 enum: delete 3 moveTable moveEntry indexes: gameIndex moveIndex moveIndex INTEGER read-write moveByWhite DisplayString read-write range: 0 to 255 moveByBlack DisplayString read-write range: 0 to 255 moveStatus INTEGER read-write enum: ok 1 enum: delete 2 security snmpV2 snmpDomains snmpProxys snmpModules joint_iso_ccitt 2 -------------------------- 11 objects written to chess_tbl.c 11 objects written to chess_tbl.h UNIX Utilities Supplied with TCP/IP Services
For compatibility with UNIX, the mosy
and snmpi
utilities are provided with TCP/IP Services for generating the C language code that
defines the object tables. These UNIX utilities are supported on OpenVMS for
compatibility with UNIX-developed procedures. For information about using these
utilities, refer to the VSI UNIX Network Programmer's Guide. Object Tables
The MIBCOMP command is used to generate the C language code that defines the object tables from the MIBs. The object tables are defined in the emitted files subtree_TBL.H and subtree_TBL.C, which are compiled into your subagent.
These modules are created by the MIBCOMP command or the UNIX utilities. VSI recommends that you do not edit them. If the MIBs change or if a future version of the SNMP development utilities requires your object tables to be rebuilt, it is easier to rebuild and recompile the files if you did not edit them. The subtree_TBL.H Output File
A declaration of the subtree structure
Index definitions for each MIB variable in the subtree
Enumeration definitions for MIB variables with enumerated values
MIB group data structure definitions
Method routine function prototypes
The following sections describe each section of the subtree_TBL.H file.
1. Declaration Section
routine to register a
subtree with the master agent. All access to the object table for this subtree
is through this pointer. The declaration has the following
form:extern SUBTREE subtree_subtree;
2. Index Definitions Section
#define I_mib-variable nnn
These values are unique for each MIB variable in a subtree and are the index into the object table for this MIB variable. These values are also generally used to differentiate between variables that are implemented in the same method routine so they can be used in a switch operation.
3. Enumeration Definitions Section
#define D_mib-variable_enumeration-name value
/* enumerations for gameEntry group */ #define D_gameStatus_complete 1 #define D_gameStatus_underway 2 #define D_gameStatus_delete 3
4. MIB Group Data Structure Definitions Section
typedef structxxx {
type mib-variable;
char mib-variable_mark;
} mib-group_type
typedef struct _chess_type { OID ches; int chessMaxGames; int chessNumGames; char chessProductID_mark; char chessMaxGames_mark; char chessNumGames_mark; } chess_type;
Although MIB group structures are provided for your use, you are not required to use them. You can use the structure that works best with your method routines.
5. Method Routine Prototypes Section
The fifth section of the subtree_TBL.H file describes the method routine prototypes. Each MIB group within the subtree has a method routine prototype defined. A MIB group is a collection of MIB variables that are leaf nodes and that share a common parent node.
, GetNext
, and GetBulk
If the group contains any writable variables, there is also a function prototype
for the method routine that handles Set
operations. Pointers to
these routines appear in the subtree's object table which is initialized in the
subtree_TBL.C module. You must write method routines
for each prototype that is defined, as
follows:extern int mib-group get(METHOD *method ); extern int mib-group set(METHOD *method );
extern int chess_get(METHOD *method ) extern int chess_set(METHOD *method ); The subtree_TBL.C Output Files
An array of integers representing the OIDs for each MIB variable
An array of OBJECT structures
An initialized SUBTREE structure
Routines for allocating and freeing the
The following sections describe each section of the subtree_TBL.C file.
1. Array of Integers Section
static unsigned int elems[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 36, 2, 15, 2, 99, /* chess */ 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 36, 2, 15, 2, 99, 1, 0, /* chessProductID */ . . . 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 36, 2, 15, 2, 99, 5, 1, 4, 0, /* moveStatus */ };
The first line represents the root of the tree; the other lines represent specific variables. The latter groups are all terminated by a zero, a programming convenience in internal implementations of API routines.
2. Array of OBJECT Structures Section
static OBJECT objects[] = { {I_chessProductID , {12, &elems[ 11]}, ESNMP_TYPE_ObjectId , chess_get, NULL}, . . .
— The constant I_ mib-variable from the subtree_TBL.H file, which identifies this variable (in the chess example,I_chessProductID
— The variable's OID (points to a part ofelems[]
).This variable is of type OID, which is a structure containing two elements: the number of elements in the OID and a pointer to the correct starting place in the array of elements (
in the chess example).In the chess example,oid
is designated by{12, &elemens[ 11]}
. This indicates that:The OID has 12 integers separated by dots in the ASCII text representation (
)The integer with index 11 in the array
is the first element.
— The variable's eSNMP data type.getfunc
— The address of the method routine to call forGet
requests (null if no routine exists).setfunc
— The address of the method routine to call forSet
requests (null if no routine exists).
and the subtree is subtree_1
):The master agent finds
as the authoritative region for themib_var
in the register of subtrees. The authoritative region is determined as the registered MIB subtree that has the longest prefix and the highest priority.The master agent sends a message to the subagent that registered
.The subagent consults its list of registered subtrees and locates
.It searches the object table ofsubtree_1
and locates the following:mib_var
routines)The first object lexicographically after
The appropriate method routine is called. If the method routine completes successfully, the data is returned to the master agent. If the method routine fails when doing a
, an error is returned. If the method routine fails when doing aGetNext
, the code keeps trying subsequent objects in the object table ofsubtree_1
until either a method routine returns successfully or the table is exhausted. In either case, a response is returned.If the master agent detects that
could not return data on aNext
routine, it recursively tries the subtree lexicographically aftersubtree_1
until a subagent returns a value or the registry of subtrees is exhausted.
3. Initialized Subtree Structure Section
to register the subtree. It is
through this pointer that the library routines find the object structures. The
following is an example of the chess subtree
structure:SUBTREE chess_subtree = { "chess", "", { 11, &elems[0] }, objects, I_moveStatus};
Description |
Header File Representation |
Example |
The name of the subtree's base element. |
The ASCII string representation of the subtree's OID. This is what actually gets registered. |
The OID structure for the base node of the subtree. This points back to the array of integers. |
A pointer to the array of objects in the object table.
It is indexed by the
The index of the last object in the object_TBL file. This is used to determine when the end of the table has been reached. |
4. Routines Section
The final section of the subtree_TBL.C file. Contains
short routines for allocating and freeing the mib_group_type
. These
are provided as a convenience and are not a required part of the API.
3.4. Including the Routines and Building the Subagent
The MIB compiler does not generate code for implementing the method routines for your
subagent. This includes code for processing get
, set
, and
other SNMP requests as well as for generating traps. You must write this code yourself.
See the CHESS_MIB.C module for an example.
- Compile the C modules generated by the MIB compiler, along with your implementation code. Use a command in the following format (derived from the sample provided for building the chess example in TCPIP$BUILD_CHESS.COM):
Depending on the version of the C compiler you are using, you might see warnings that you can ignore. Portions of these warnings are as follows:%CC-I-SIGNEDKNOWN In this declaration, DEC C recognizes the ANSI keyword "signed". This differs from the VAX C behavior. %CC-I-INTRINSICINT In this statement, the return type for intrinsic "strlen" is being changed from "size_t" to "int".
- Link the object modules using a command and options in the following format (derived from the chess example):
Alternatively, you can link your subagent with the eSNMP API shareable image (TCPIP$ESNMP_SHR.EXE). The resulting executable image is smaller and can be run without relinking against any future versions of the shareable image. To link the example object with the shareable image, enter the following command:$ LINK SYS$INPUT/OPTIONS CHESS_METHOD.OBJ CHESS_MIB.OBJ CHESS_TBL.OBJ SYS$SHARE:TCPIP$ESNMP_SHR.EXE/SHARE
3.5. Including Extension Subagents in the Startup and Shutdown Procedures
File Name |
Edit Required |
Edit the example lines to include an INSTALL CREATE command for custom images that need to be installed, possibly with privileges. Remove extra example lines, and adjust the GOTO statement. |
Edit the example lines to include a RUN command for custom images. Remove extra example lines, and adjust the GOTO statement. |
Edit the example lines to:
Chapter 4. Using the SNMP Utilities
TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST (MIB browser) (Section 4.1, “Using the MIB Browser”)
TCPIP$SNMP_TRPSND (trap sender) (Section 4.2, “Using the Trap Sender and Trap Receiver Programs”)
TCPIP$SNMP_TRPRCV (trap receiver) (Section 4.2, “Using the Trap Sender and Trap Receiver Programs”)
These programs can be invoked by commands that are defined by the SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM command procedure.
This chapter describes how to use the supplied SNMP utilities.
4.1. Using the MIB Browser
TCP/IP Services provides the snmp_request
MIB browser that acts as a
simple client to handle single SNMP requests for reading and writing to a MIB. The
browser sends SNMP Version 1 and SNMP Version 2 request PDUs to an agent and displays
the agent's response.
- Define a foreign command for the program:
$ snmp_request == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST"
Alternatively, you can run the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM procedure to define all the foreign commands available with TCP/IP Services.
- Enter the command using the following format.
snmp_request agent "community" request_type [flags] variable [data-type value]
Section 4.1.1, “MIB Browser Parameters” describes the parameters. Section 4.1.2, “MIB Browser Flags” describes the flags.
4.1.1. MIB Browser Parameters
Parameter |
Function | |
The host name or IP address (in dot notation) of the managed node to query. If you specify 0,,, or “localhost, ”the server on the browser's host is queried. | |
The community string to be used in the query. This parameter is case sensitive. Typically, agents are configured to permit read access to the community string "public". For accurate interpretation, be sure to enclose the name in quotation marks (" "). Note that if you do not use quotation marks, the name is changed to lowercase. | |
PDU type to send. Can be one of the following SNMP requests: | |
Sends a Get-Request PDU. | |
Sends a GetNext-Request PDU. | |
Sends a GetBulk-Request PDU (SNMP Version 2 only). | |
Sends a Set-Request PDU. | |
An object identifier (OID) in ASN.1 notation that is
associated with an object in a MIB. For
$ snmp_request host1 "public" getnext -d | |
Data type of the value. This
parameter can be specified for | |
The value to which to set the contents of the OID. This
parameter is used for |
requests, you can specify more than one group of the following:variable-name
For other requests, you can specify more than one variable name, except when you
specify the -l
or -t
flag; these flags are valid only with
a GetNext
or GetBulk
request, for which only one OID is
4.1.2. MIB Browser Flags
Flags are specified in UNIX format.
Because flags and data types are case sensitive, you should always enter them in
the case that is specified. If a letter or value is specified as uppercase, you must
enclose it in quotation marks. In general, if you use uppercase letters where
lowercase is specified, the results are unpredictable. For example, the flag
functions correctly but the flag "-V2c"
not, because the flag character (v
) must be lowercase.
If you do not specify a flag, or if you specify an invalid flag, a usage message
is displayed. You must place the flags after the
Flag |
Description |
Specifies hexadecimal dump mode. Before displaying a
return value, displays a hexadecimal dump of SNMP packets
sent and received. For example:
$ snmp_request host1 "public" getnext -d -v 2c Sent: 30290201 01040670 75626C69 63A11C02 0).....public... 047BE9C1 BD020100 02010030 0E300C06 .{.........0.0.. 082B0601 06030101 060500 .+......... Received: 30820033 02010104 06707562 6C6963A2 0..3.....public. 2602047B E9C1BD02 01000201 00308200 &..{.........0.. 16308200 12060A2B 06010603 01010601 .0.....+........ 00020478 D917FC ...x... = 2027493372 |
Specifies the number of times the MIB browser listens for a reply packet to a request if it receives an invalid packet (caused by an invalid packet identifier, version, or SNMP version and command combination). Specify a positive integer for the value (max_ignores). If you specify a negative value, it will be converted to an unsigned positive integer. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted. If, after an invalid reply packet is received, a valid reply packet is received, the ignore counter is reset to the value of max_ignores. If a timeout occurs after an invalid packet is received, the packet is resent, the resend counter is decremented, and the ignore counter is reset to the value of max_ignores. You cannot use the |
Specifies loop mode. Note that this flag is the letter l, not the number 1. Valid only if
Causes the master agent to traverse all the MIBs
registered with the master agent, starting at the first OID
after the one specified in the command. (Note that you can
specify only one
The MIB browser reads and displays responses, and issues requests until the master agent has no more data, times out, or you press Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/C. If specified with the When the last OID handled by the master agent is reached,
you receive a response similar to the following for a query
on OID using SNMP Version 1: = 693056825 - no such name - returned for variable 1 For a query using SNMP Version 2, the example response
is: = 693056825 = - end of mib view - These examples assume that:
The statement |
Specifies the number of repetitions requested for
repeating variables. Applies only to the
Note that the resulting display can be confusing because
the results for the repeater OIDs are interleaved. That is,
the OIDs are displayed in alternate progression for faster
memory throughput. If you specify |
Specifies the number of variables for which no repetition
is requested. Applies only to the |
Specifies the port where the request is to be sent. If not specified, the request is sent to well-known SNMP port 161. |
Specifies the number of times the MIB browser resends a request packet if it times out before receiving a reply. Specify a positive integer for the value (max_retries). If you specify a negative value, it will be converted to an unsigned positive integer. If you specify 0, no retries are tried. If, after a timeout and a resend, a reply packet is received, the resend counter is reset. After another timeout, the specified number of max_retries is sent. |
Specifies the number of seconds between iterations of
sending a request (for the The |
Specifies tree mode. Valid only if
Similar to the |
Specifies the SNMP version to use for sending the PDU. The
versions are: If |
Specifies the maximum seconds the
The -i
, -r
, and -s
flags apply to
individual queries. If you specify the -l
or -t
also, the values for the -i
, -r
, and -s
are applied to each iteration.
4.1.3. MIB Browser Data Types
and snmp_trapsnd
commands support the
data types listed in Table 4.3, “Data Types for the snmp_request and snmp_trapsnd Commands”. These values apply to
requests only.
Data Type |
Value |
Counter |
Counter64 ? |
Display string |
Gauge |
Integer |
IP address |
Object identifier |
Octet |
Opaque string |
Time ticks |
Except for -l
(Counter64), the data types are case sensitive.
To preserve uppercase for display strings and NULL, enclose the value in
double quotation marks. For example, “--D
” or
type as a 64-bit integer. For
example:$ snmp_trapsnd 0.0 mynode 6 33 100 -h mynode -v2c - _$ "l" 1311768467294899695
type as a 16-digit hexadecimal value. For
example:$ snmp_trapsnd 0.0 mynode 6 33 100 -h mynode -v2c - _$ "l" 0x1234567890ABCDEF
Note that alphabetic characters are not case sensitive when used with the
data type.
For more information about the data types, see RFCs 1155 and 1902.
4.1.4. Command Examples for snmp_request
utility. In the following snmp_request
command examples:The valid host name is
community is type Read, address
community is type Read and Write, with write access for the host on which thesnmp_request
program is running.- The
has been specified as shown in the following command:TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP - _TCPIP> /LOCATION=(FIRST="Falcon Building", SECOND="Los Angeles, CA")
The command responses have been edited for readability.
- The following example shows how to retrieve the value of the MIB II variable
sysDescr.0 (
. The request is successful because the OID (variable_name
) provided in the command line exists and is readable. This OID is returned by the subagent code that resides in the master agent.$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" get = marley.dec.com AlphaServer 2100 4/200 OpenVMS V7.1 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
- The following example shows how to retrieve two MIB II variables. This example is identical to the previous example, except that two OID values are input and two returned: instance 1 of
. Note that the first value comes from the MIB II subagent (TCPIP$OS_MIBS) and the second comes from the Host Resources MIB subagent (TCPIP$HR_MIB).$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" get - _$ = LO IP Interface: LO0, OpenVMS Adapter: <none>, Loopback Port = 6024942 = 0 d 16:44:9
- The following example shows how to retrieve the next MIB II variable. This is similar to the command in example 1, except that a
request is issued andsysObjectID.0
( is returned.$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" getnext =
- The following example shows how to use the SNMP Version 2
request to retrieve the MIB II variablessysUpTime.0
( andsysDescr.0
(, and for the first three interfaces, the values ofifDescr
(OIDs with the prefix1. andifType
(OIDs with the prefix$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" getbulk -n 2 -m 3 - _$ - _$ Warning: using version SNMPv2 for getbulk command. = marley.dec.com AlphaStation 255/300 OpenVMS V7.1 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS = = 1 = LO IP Interface: LO0, OpenVMS Adapter: <none>, Loopback Port1. = 24 = 3 = WE IP Interface: WE0, OpenVMS Adapter: EWA0:, PCI bus Ethernet Adapter = 6 = 4 = WF IP Interface: WF0, OpenVMS Adapter: FWA0:, DEFPA PCI bus FDDI Adapter = 15
- The following example shows how to use the
request with the-l
(loop) flag to retrieve all OIDs starting at the first instance after the OID input and finishing at the end of the MIB view. Note that if an SNMP Version 2 agent is the server, the results usinggetbulk
are identical (in general, SNMP Version 1 agents do not supportgetbulk
requests).$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" getnext -l = = 1280260 = 0 d 3:33:22 = Sam Spade = marley.dec.com = Falcon Building Los Angeles, CA = 721. = 0 = 0 d 0:0:0 . . . = 560 = 472 = 1296505215 - no such name - returned for variable 1
- The following example uses the same command as in example 5, but it specifies the
flag instead of the-l
flag. Only OIDs with the prefix matching the input OID are returned. Note that as with othergetnext
request examples, the value for the input OID is not returned. If an SNMP Version 2 agent is the server, the results usinggetbulk
are identical.$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" getnext -t = = 1302232 = 0 d 3:37:2 = Sam Spade1. = marley.dec.com = Falcon Building Los Angeles, CA = 721. = 0 = 0 d 0:0:0 = = = Base o/s agent (OS_MIBS) capabilities = Base o/s agent (HR_MIB) capabilities = 0 = 0 d 0:0:0 = 0 = 0 d 0:0:0
- The following example shows how to send a
request. The request succeeds because the command line specifies the correct type for the variable, and all the conditions for enablingSet
requests are met on the server.$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "address_list" - _$ set "D" "Richard Blaine" = Richard Blaine
- The following example shows how to display the contents of packets that are sent and received. Note that only the SNMP-specific portion of the UDP packets is displayed.
$ snmp_request marley.dec.com "public" get -d Sent: 3082002D 02010004 06707562 6C6963A0 0..-.....public. 2002047B E9C1BD02 01000201 00308200 ..{.........0.. 10308200 0C06082B 06010201 01040005 .0.....+........ 00 . Received: 3082003B 02010004 06707562 6C6963A2 0..;.....public. 2E02047B E9C1BD02 01000201 00308200 ...{.........0.. 1E308200 1A06082B 06010201 01040004 .0.....+........ 0E526963 68617264 20426C61 696E65 .Richard Blaine = Richard Blaine
4.2. Using the Trap Sender and Trap Receiver Programs
(TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPSND.EXE)Sends SNMP Version 1 and SNMP Version 2 trap messages. Use only for testing or to send significant state changes that occur on the managed node.
(TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPRCV.EXE)Listens for SNMP trap messages and displays any it receives.
By default, these programs use UDP port 162. However, you can specify another port
with the -p
flag or set up an SNMP-trap service that specifies the port you
want to use. Note, however, that the use of UDP port 162 is coded into standard
Both programs support the use of the UDP (default) and TCP transports. However, the
standard TCP/IP subagents and the Chess example use UDP only. Therefore, if you specify
the -tcp
flag when you enter the snmp_traprcv
command, the
program uses TCP to process traps only from the trap sender program or from a user
application written to use TCP.
The following sections explain how to enter commands for both programs. Because flags
and data types are case sensitive, you should always enter them in the case that is
specified. If a letter or value is specified as uppercase, you must
enclose it in quotation marks. In general, if you use uppercase letters where lowercase
is specified, the results are unpredictable. For example, flag "-v2C"
functions correctly but flag "-V2c"
does not, because the flag character
) must be lowercase.
The trap receiver does not use the trap communities specified using the
TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure or any configuration file. You set the trap
communities using the trap sender program. Use the c
flag to specify the
community name, and the -h
flag to set the host name. For more information
about using these flags, see Section, “Trap Sender Flags”.
4.2.1. Entering Commands for the Trap Sender Program
The trap sender program lets you send SNMP Version 1and SNMP Version 2 trap messages. You should use this program only when you want to test the client or when significant state changes occur on the managed node.
The trap sender program encodes an SNMP Version 1 trap PDU (see RFCs 1155, 1156, 1157, and 1215) or an SNMP Version 2 trap PDU (see RFCs 1905 and 1908) into an SNMP message and sends it to the specified hosts. You use parameters and flags to specify the data fields in the trap PDU.
SNMP Version 1 is identified by a combination of parameters.
SNMP Version 2 is identified by the value of
- Define a foreign command for the program:
$ snmp_trapsnd == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPSND"
Alternatively, you can run the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM procedure to define all the foreign commands available with TCP/IP Services.
- Enter a command using the following format:
snmp_trapsnd enterprise agent generic-trap specific-trap timeticks [-v version] [-c community] [-d] [-h host] [-p port] [-tcp] [variable_name [data-type value]] Trap Sender Parameters
parameters. Each parameter is required, but you can specify zero, as
Parameter |
Description | |
For SNMP Version 1, specifies the enterprise object identifier (OID) on whose behalf the trap is being sent. For example, If you specify 0 or 0.0, the null OID (0.0) is sent. Make sure that any OID you specify conforms to the OID rules. For SNMP Version 2, when specified with the
| |
For SNMP Version 1 traps. Specifies the host name or IP address of the entity on whose behalf the trap is being generated. The value for the
agent field is that of
the primary interface for the host on which the master
agent (TCPIP$ESNMP_SERVER) is running. You can obtain
this address using the following DCL
command:$ SHOW LOGICAL TCPIP$INET_HOSTADDR You can specify the name To obtain the value of the local host, enter the
following TCP/IP management command:
TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION If the information is not in address format, enter the
following command:
For SNMP Version 1, specifies the generic trap identifier in the form of a number. Must be one of the following values: | |
SNMP Version 1 Value |
Object | |
0 | coldStart | |
1 | warmStart | |
c | linkDown | |
3 | linkUp | |
4 | authenticationFailure | |
5 | egpNeighborLoss | |
6 | enterpriseSpecific | |
For SNMP Version 2, when the | ||
For SNMP Version 1, specifies the enterprise-specific
trap number. A numeric value greater than 0 must be
present but is ignored if the | |
Specifies the timestamp value associated with the
generation of the trap message. The timestamp value is
the current time in units of TIMETICKS (1/100 of a
second) since the sending SNMP entity started. A value
of 0 causes | |
Specifies a list of MIB variables to be included in
the trap message. For a list of supported values,
including a value for the | Trap Sender Flags
Flag |
Description |
Specifies a community string to be used when sending the trap. The default is public. |
Displays a hexadecimal dump of the encoded packet. |
Specifies the host name or IP address (in ASN.1 dot
notation format) of the destination host to receive the
trap message. The default is |
Specifies a port number on the destination host where the message is to be sent. The default is UDP 162. |
Specifies that the TCP transport be used instead of
the default UDP transport. If a connection cannot be
established, the program displays the warning
Specifies the SNMP version to use for sending the PDU.
The valid versions are | Trap Sender Examples
command examples:The first line is the
command.The remainder is the display received when running the trap receiver program (
) without flags included.
- The following example generates a trap that originated on the
(specified by theagent
parameter) using the default SNMP version (SNMP Version 1). The-h host
parameter is not specified, so the trap will be sent to the local host.$ snmp_trapsnd 0.0 local 0 0 0 Message received from SNMPv1-Trap-PDU: community - 7075626C 6963 public enterprise - 0.0 agent address - trap type - Cold Start (0) timeticks - 51938978
- The following example generates the same trap as in example 1, except that it specifies the use of SNMP Version 2.
$ snmp_trapsnd 0.0 local 0 0 0 "-v2c" Message received from SNMPv2-Trap-PDU:community - 7075626C 6963 public sysUpTime.0 - 51938968 = 6 d 0:16:29 snmpTrapOID.0 - 0.0
- The following example sends values to the node
with the community namespecial
.$ snmp_trapsnd 1.2.3 marley.dec.com 6 33 100 -c special -h mynode Message received from SNMPv1-Trap-PDU: community - 73706563 69616c special enterprise - 1.2.3 agent address - trap type - Enterprise-specific (6) enterprise-specific value - (33) timeticks - 100
4.2.2. Entering Commands for the Trap Receiver Program
The trap receiver program lets you listen for, receive, and display SNMP trap messages. Until interrupted, the program continues to listen on the specified port.
If you enter commands using the default port number or another privileged port number, you must run the program from a privileged account.
- Define a foreign command for the program:
$ snmp_traprcv == "$SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPRCV"
Alternatively, you can run SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM to define all the foreign commands available with TCP/IP Services.
- Enter a command using the following format:
snmp_traprcv [-d] [-tcp] [-p port] Trap Receiver Flags
Flag |
Description |
Displays a hexadecimal and formatted dump of the received packet. |
Specifies the port number on the local host on which to listen for trap messages. The default is 162. |
Listens on the TCP port instead of the UDP (default) port. Reads only a single PDU on an established connection, which is similar to the behavior using UDP. | Setting Up an SNMP Trap Service
In this command, port 170 is used as an alternative for port 162, and traps that are received on port 162 are ignored.
If you omit the /PROTOCOL qualifier or you use /PROTOCOL=TCP, the service uses
the TCP transport. In this case, when you enter a command to run the trap
receiver program, you must include the -tcp
With the SNMP trap service in place, the trap receiver program queries the service for the port number instead of using the default port 162. If you specify a privileged port number (less than 1024) with the /PORT qualifier, make sure you install the trap receiver program with privileges, or run the program from an account that has SYSPRV privilege. Note that the port number must be greater than zero. Trap Receiver Examples
- The following example requests trap information on a system that does not have traps configured and does not have SYSPRV privilege or sufficient privilege.
$ snmp_traprcv No snmp-trap service entry, using default port 162. bind - : permission denied
- The example, supplied from a non-privileged account, requests trap information in hexadecimal dump format on port 1026.
$ snmp_traprcv -d -p 1026 Message received from 3082002A 02010004 06707562 6C6963A4 0..*.....public. 1D060547 81AD4D01 40040000 00000201 ...G..M.@....... 00020100 4304032D AED23082 0000 ....C..-..0... SNMPv1-Trap-PDU: community - 7075626C 6963 public enterprise - 0.0 agent address - trap type - Cold Start (0) timeticks - 53325522
Chapter 5. eSNMP API Routines
Interface routines (Section 5.1, “Interface Routines ”)
Method routines (Section 5.2, “Method Routines”)
Support routines (Section 5.6, “Support Routines ”)
5.1. Interface Routines
Routine |
Function |
Initializes the subagent and initiates communication with the master agent. |
Requests local registration of a MIB subtree. |
Cancels local registration of a MIB subtree. |
Requests cluster registration of a MIB subtree. |
Cancels cluster registration of a MIB subtree. |
Adds a subagent's capabilities to the master agent's
Removes a subagent's capabilities from the master agent's
Processes a pending request from the master agent. |
Requests a report from the master agent to indicate it is up and running. |
Sends a trap message to the master agent. |
Sends a close message to the master agent. |
Converts UNIX system time into a value with the same time base
as |
esnmp_init — Initializes the Extensible SNMP (eSNMP) subagent and initiates communication with the master agent.
int esnmp_init (int *socket, char *subagent_identifier ) ;
The address of the integer that receives the socket descriptor used by eSNMP.
The address of a null-terminated string that uniquely identifies this subagent (usually a program name).
Call this routine during program initialization or to restart the eSNMP
protocol. If you are restarting, the esnmp_init
routine clears all
registrations so each subtree must be registered again.
You should attempt to create a unique subagent identifier, perhaps using the
program name argv[0]
and additional descriptive text. The master
agent does not open communications with a subagent whose subagent identifier is
already in use.
This routine does not block waiting for a response from the master agent.
After calling the esnmp_init
routine, call the
routine for each subtree that is to be handled
by the subagent.
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_NO_CONNECTION | Could not initialize or communicate with the master agent. Try again after a delay. |
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_init routine has completed
successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_NOTOK | Could not allocate memory for the subagent. |
#include <esnmp_h> int socket; status = esnmp_init(&socket, "gated");
esnmp_register — Requests local registration of a single MIB subtree. This indicates to the master agent that the subagent instantiates MIB variables within the registered MIB subtree.
int esnmp_register ( subtree *subtree, int timeout, int priority );
A pointer to a subtree structure corresponding to the subtree to be handled. The code emitted by the MIB compiler files (subtree_TBL.C and subtree_TBL.H) externally declare and initialize the subtree structures. Refer to Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API for more information about these files.
All memory pointed to by the subtree fields must have permanent storage
since it is referenced by libesnmp
for the duration of the
program. You should use the data declarations emitted by the MIBCOMP
The number of seconds the master agent should wait for responses when requesting data in this subtree. This value must be between 0 (zero) and 300. If the value is 0, the default timeout is 3 seconds.
VSI recommends that you use the default. For information about modifying the default subagent timeout value, refer to Section 6.2, “Modifying the Subagent Timeout”.
The registration priority. The priority argument allows you to coordinate cooperating subagents to handle different configurations. The range is 1 to 255.
The entry with the largest number has the highest priority. The subagent that
registers a subtree with the highest priority over a range of object identifiers
gets all requests for that range of OIDs
Subtrees registered with the same priority are considered duplicate, and the registration is rejected by the master agent.
Call the initialization routine esnmp_init
prior to calling the
. Call the esnmp_register
for each subtree structure corresponding to each subtree to be handled. At any
time, subtrees can be unregistered by calling esnmp_unregister
then be reregistered by calling the esnmp_register
When restarting the eSNMP protocol by calling esnmp_init
, all
registrations are cleared. All subtrees must be reregistered.
A subtree is identified by the base MIB name and the corresponding
number of the node that is the parent of all MIB variables
contained in the subtree. For example: The MIB II tcp
subtree has
an OID
. All elements subordinate to
this have the same first seven digits and are included in the subtree's object
table. The subtree can also be a single MIB object (a leaf node) or even a
specific instance.
By registering a subtree, the subagent indicates that it will process eSNMP
requests for all MIB variables (or OIDs
) within that subtree's
range. Therefore, a subagent should register the most fully qualified (longest)
subtree that still contains its instrumented MIB variables.
The master agent does not permit a subagent to register the same subtree more
than once. However, subagents can register subtrees with ranges that overlap the
ranges of subtrees previously registered, and subagents can
also register subtrees registered by other subagents.
For example, TCP/IP Services supports MIB II. In the eSNMP environment, the
subagent registers the MIB II subtree ip
TCP/IP Services also provides the gated
subagent, which registers the
MIB subtree (OID1.
These MIBs are registered at priority 1. Any subagent that registers at a higher priority (greater than 1) overrides these registrations.
A request for IpRouteIfIndex
(OID1. is passed
to the gated
subagent. Requests for other ip
variables, such as ipNetToMediaIfIndex
are passed to the os_mibs
subagent. If the gated
subagent terminates or unregisters the ipRouteEntry
subsequent requests for ipRouteIfIndex
will go to the
subagent. This occurs because the ip
subtree, which includes all ipRouteEntry
variables, is now the
authoritative region of requests for ipRouteIfIndex
Return Values
SNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_register routine has completed
successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG | The esnmp_init routine has not been called, the
timeout parameter is invalid, or the subtree has already been
queued for registration. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | The subagent has lost communications with the master agent. |
Note that the return value indicates only the initiation of the request. The
actual status returned in the master agent's response will be returned in a
subsequent call to the esnmp_poll
routine in the state
#include <esnmp.h> #define RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 0 /* use the default time set in OPEN message */ #define REGISTRATION_PRIORITY 10 /* priority at which subtrees will register */ int status; extern SUBTREE ipRouteEntry_subtree; status = esnmp_register( &ipRouteEntry_subtree, RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, REGISTRATION_PRIORITY ); if (status != ESNMP_LIB_OK) { printf ("Could not queue the 'ipRouteEntry' \n"); printf ("subtree for registration\n"); }
esnmp_unregister — Cancels registration of a MIB subtree previously registered with the master agent.
int esnmp_unregister ( SUBTREE *subtree ) ;
A pointer to a subtree structure corresponding to the subtree to be handled. The code emitted by the MIB compiler files (subtree_TBL.C and subtree_TBL.H) externally declare and initialize the subtree structures. Refer to Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API for more information about these files.
This routine can be called by the application code to tell the eSNMP subagent
not to process requests for variables in this MIB subtree anymore. You can later
reregister a MIB subtree, if needed, by calling the esnmp_register
Return Values
SNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_unregister routine has completed
successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG | The MIB subtree was not registered. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | The request to unregister the MIB subtree could not be sent. You should restart the protocol. |
#include <esnmp.h> int status extern SUBTREE ipRouteEntry_subtree; status = esnmp_unregister (&ipRouteEntry_subtree); switch (status) { case ESNMP_LIB_OK: printf ("The esnmp_unregister routine completed successfully.\n"); break; case ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG: printf ("The MIB subtree was not registered.\n"); case ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION: printf ("%s%s%s\n", "The request to unregister the ", "MIB subtree could not be sent. ", "You should restart the protocol.\n"); break; }
esnmp_register2 — Requests registration of a single MIB subtree. This indicates to the
master agent that the subagent instantiates MIB variables within the registered
MIB subtree. The esnmp_register2
routine offers extensions to the
int esnmp_register2 ( ESNMP_REG *reg ) ;
A pointer to an ESNMP_REG structure that contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Description | |
subtree |
A pointer to a subtree structure corresponding to the MIB subtree to be handled. The subtree structures are externally declared and initialized in the code emitted by the MIBCOMP command (subtree_TBL.C and subtree_TBL.H, where subtree is the name of the MIB subtree). This code is taken directly from the MIB document. All memory pointed to by this field must have permanent
storage since it is referenced by | |
priority |
The registration priority. The entry with the largest number has the highest priority. The range is 1 to 255. The subagent that has registered a MIB subtree with the highest priority over a range of object identifiers gets all requests for that range of OIDs. MIB subtrees that are registered with the same priority are considered duplicates, and the registration is rejected by the master agent. The priority field is a mechanism for cooperating subagents to handle different configurations. | |
timeout |
The number of seconds the master agent should wait for responses when requesting data in this MIB subtree. This value must be between zero and 300. If the value is zero, the default timeout (3 seconds) is used. You should use the default. For information about modifying the default timeout value, refer to Section 6.2, “Modifying the Subagent Timeout”. | |
range_subid |
An integer value that, when nonzero, together with the range_upper_bound field specifies a range instead of one of the MIB subtree's OID subidentifiers. The range_subid field specifies the OID subidentifier modified by the range_upper_bound field. | |
range_upper_bound |
An integer value that, with a nonzero range_subid field, specifies a range instead of one of the MIB subtree's OID subidentifiers. The range_upper_bound field provides the upper bound of the range and the range_subid field provides the lower bound of the range, which is the MIB subtree's OID subidentifier. | |
options |
An integer value that, when set to ESNMP_REG_OPT_CLUSTER, indicates that the registration is valid clusterwide. When the value is set to zero, it indicates that the registration is valid for the local node. | |
state |
One of the following integer values that provides the
caller with asynchronous updates of the state of
registration of this MIB subtree. After the return of the
| |
The registration is currently held locally while waiting for connection to the master agent. | |
The registration was sent to the master agent. | |
The registration was successfully acknowledged by the master agent. | |
The registration was rejected by the master agent because it was a duplicate. | |
The master agent does not support cluster registrations. | |
The master agent rejected the registration for other reasons. | |
reserved |
This field is reserved for exclusive use by the eSNMP library. The caller should not modify it. |
The initialization routine (esnmp_init
) must be called prior to
calling the esnmp_register2
routine. The
function must be called for each subtree
structure corresponding to each MIB subtree that it will be handling. At any
time, MIB subtrees can be unregistered by calling esnmp_unregister2
and then can be reregistered by calling esnmp_register2
When restarting the eSNMP protocol by calling esnmp_init
, all MIB
subtree registrations are cleared. All MIB subtrees must be reregistered.
A MIB subtree is identified by the base MIB variable name and its
corresponding OID. This tuple represents the parent of all MIB variables that
are contained in the MIB subtree; for example, the MIB II tcp
subtree has an OID of All elements subordinate to this (those
that have the same first 7 identifiers) are included in the subtree's object
table. A MIB subtree can also be a single MIB object (a leaf node) or even a
specific instance.
By registering a MIB subtree, the subagent indicates that it will process SNMP requests for all MIB variables (or OIDs) within that MIB subtree's region. Therefore, a subagent should register the most fully qualified (longest) MIB subtree that still contains its instrumented MIB variables.
A subagent using the esnmp_register2
routine can register the
same MIB subtree for the local node and for a cluster. To register the MIB
subtree for both, you must call the esnmp_register2
routine twice:
once with the ESNMP_REG_OPT_CLUSTER bit set in the options
field and once with the ESNMP_REG_OPT_CLUSTER bit clear in the
options field. Alternatively, you can register a MIB
subtree for the cluster only or for the local node only, by setting or clearing
the ESNMP_REG_OPT_CLUSTER bit, respectively, in the options
A subagent can also register MIB subtrees that overlap the OID range of MIB subtrees that it previously registered or the OID ranges of MIB subtrees registered by other subagents.
For example, consider the two subagents os_mibs
. The os_mibs
subagent registers the
MIB subtree (, and the gated
subagent registers the ipRouteEntry
MIB subtree
( Both of these registrations are made with the
ESNMP_REG_OPT_CLUSTER bit set in the options field.
Requests for ip
MIB variables within ipRouteEntry
such as ipRouteIfIndex
(, are passed to the
subagent. Requests for other ip
such as ipNetToMediaIfIndex
(, are passed to
the os_mibs
subagent. If the gated
subagent terminates
or unregisters the ipRouteEntry
MIB subtree, subsequent requests
for ipRouteIfIndex
go to the os_mibs
subagent. This
occurs because the ip
MIB subtree, which includes all
MIB variables, is now the authoritative region of
requests for ipRouteIfIndex
Return Values
SNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_register2 routine has completed
successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG | The esnmp_init routine has not been called, the
timeout parameter is invalid, a registration
slot is not available, or this MIB subtree has already been
queued for registration. A message is also in the log
file. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | The subagent lost communication with the master agent. |
Note that the return value indicates only the initiation of the request. The
actual status returned in the master agent's response will be returned in a
subsequent call to the esnmp_poll
routine in the state
#include <esnmp.h> #define RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 0 /* use the default time set in OPEN message */ #define REGISTRATION_PRIORITY 10 /* priority at which subtrees will register */ int status; extern SUBTREE ipRouteEntry_subtree; status = esnmp_register( &ipRouteEntry_subtree, RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, REGISTRATION_PRIORITY ); if (status != ESNMP_LIB_OK) { printf ("Could not queue the 'ipRouteEntry' \n"); printf ("subtree for registration\n"); }
esnmp_unregister2 — Cancels registration of a MIB subtree previously established with the
master agent. Use this routine only when the MIB subtree was registered using
the esnmp_register2
int esnmp_unregister2 ( ESNMP_REG *reg ) ;
A pointer to the ESNMP_REG structure that was used when the
routine was called.
This routine can be called by the application code to tell the eSNMP subagent
to no longer process requests for variables in this MIB subtree. You can later
reregister a MIB subtree, if needed, by calling the esnmp_register2
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG | The MIB subtree was not registered. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | The request to unregister the MIB subtree could not be sent. You should restart the protocol. |
#include <esnmp.h> int status extern ESNMP_REG esnmp_reg_for_ip2egp; status = esnmp_unregister2( &esnmp_reg_for_ip2egp ); switch(status) { case ESNMP_LIB_OK: printf("The esnmp_unregister2 routine completed successfully.\n"); break; case ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG: printf("The MIB subtree was not registered.\n"); break; case ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION: printf("%s%s%s\n", "The request to unregister the ", "MIB subtree could not be sent. ", "You should restart the protocol.\n"); break; }
esnmp_capabilities — Adds a subagent's capabilities to the master agent's
. The sysORTable
is a conceptual table
that contains an agent's object resources, and is described in RFC
void esnmp_capabilities ( OID *agent_cap_id, char *agent_cap_descr ) ;
A pointer to an object identifier that represents an authoritative agent
capabilities identifier. This value is used for the sysORID
in the sysORTable
for the managed node.
A pointer to a null-terminated character string describing
. This value is used for the
object in the sysORTable
for the
managed node.
This routine is called at any point after initializing eSNMP by a call to the
esnmp_uncapabilities — Removes a subagent's capabilities from the master agent's
void esnmp_uncapabilities ( OID *agent_cap_id ) ;
A pointer to an object identifier that represents an authoritative agent
capabilities identifier. This value is used for the sysORID
in the sysORTable
for the managed node.
This routine is called if a subagent alters its capabilities dynamically. When
a logical connection for a subagent is closed, the master agent automatically
removes the related entries in sysORTable
esnmp_poll — Processes a pending message that was sent by the master agent.
int esnmp_poll ( )
This routine is called after the select()
call has indicated data
is ready on the eSNMP socket. (This socket was returned from the call to the
If a received message indicates a problem, an entry is made to the SNMP log file and an error status is returned.
If the received message is a request for SNMP data, the object table is checked and the appropriate method routines are called, as defined by the developer of the subagent.
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_poll routine completed
successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_BAD_REG | The master agent failed in a previous registration attempt. See the log file. |
ESNMP_LIB_DUPLICATE | A duplicate subagent identifier has already been received by the master agent. |
ESNMP_LIB_NO_CONNECTION | The master agent's OPEN request failed. Restart
the connection after a delay. See the log file. |
ESNMP_LIB_CLOSE | A CLOSE message was received. |
ESNMP_LIB_NOTOK | An eSNMP protocol error occurred and the packet was discarded. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | Communication with the master agent was lost. Restart the connection. |
esnmp_are_you_there — Requests the master agent to report immediately that it is up and functioning.
int esnmp_are_you_there ( ) ;
The esnmp_are_you_there
routine does not block waiting for a
response. The routine is intended to cause the master agent to reply
immediately. The response should be processed by calling the
If a response is not received within the timeout period, the application code
should restart the eSNMP protocol by calling the esnmp_init
routine. No timers are maintained by the eSNMP library.
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The request was sent. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | The request cannot be sent because the master agent is down. |
esnmp_trap — Sends a trap message to the master agent.
int esnmp_trap ( int *generic_trap, int specific_trap, char *enterprise, varbind *vb ) 2 ;
A generic trap code. Set this argument value to 0 (zero) for SNMPv2 traps.
A specific trap code. Set this argument value to 0 (zero) for SNMPv2 traps.
An enterprise OID
string in dot notation. Set to the object
identifier defined by the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro in the defining MIB
specification. This value is passed as the value of SnmpTrapOID.0 in the
A VARBIND list of data (a null pointer indicates no data).
This function can be called any time. If the master agent is not running, traps are queued and sent when communication is possible.
The trap message is actually sent to the master agent after it responds to the
routine. This occurs with every API call and for
most esnmp_register
routines. The quickest process to send traps to
the master agent is to call the esnmp_init, esnmp_poll
, and
The master agent formats the trap into an SNMP trap message and sends it to management stations based on its current configuration.
The master agent does not respond to the content of the trap. However, the master agent does return a value that indicates whether the trap was received successfully.
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The routine has completed successfully. |
ESNMP_LIB_LOST_CONNECTION | Could not send the trap message to master agent. |
ESNMP_LIB_NOTOK | Something failed and the message could not be generated. |
esnmp_term — Sends a close message to the master agent and shuts down the subagent.
void esnmp_term (void) ;
Subagents must call this routine when terminating so that the master agent can update its MIB registry quickly and so that resources used by eSNMP on behalf of the subagent can be released.
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_OK | The esnmp_term routine always returns
ESNMP_LIB_OK, even if the packet could not be sent. |
esnmp_sysuptime — Converts UNIX system time obtained from gettimeofday
into a
value with the same time base as sysUpTime
unsigned int esnmp_sysuptime ( struct timeval *timestamp ) ;
A pointer to struct timeval
, which contains a value obtained from
the gettimeofday
system call. The structure is defined in
A null pointer means return the current sysUpTime
This routine provides a mechanism to convert UNIX timestamps into eSNMP
. The function returns the value that
held when the passed timestamp was
This routine can be used as a TimeTicks
data type (the time since
the eSNMP master agent started) in hundredths of a second. The time base is
obtained from the master agent in response to esnmp_init
, so calls
to this function before that time will not be accurate.
Return Values
0 | An error occurred because a gettimeofday
function failed. Otherwise, timestamp contains the
time in hundredths of a second since the master agent
started. |
#include <sys/time.h> #include <esnmp.h> struct timeval timestamp; gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); . . . o_integer(vb, object, esnmp_sysuptime(×tamp));
5.2. Method Routines
SNMP requests may contain many encoded MIB variables. The libsnmp
executing in a subagent matches each VariableBinding
with an object table
entry. The object table's method routine is then called. Therefore, a method routine is
called to service a single MIB variable. Since a single method routine can handle a
number of MIB variables, the same method routine may be called several times during a
single SNMP request.
– respond toGet
, andGetBulk
– respond toSet
*_get Routine
*_get Routine — The *_get routine is a method routine for the specified MIB item, which
is typically a MIB group (for example, system
in MIB II) or a table
entry (for example, ifEntry
in MIB II).
int mib-group_get ( METHOD *method ) ;
A pointer to a METHOD structure that contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Description |
action |
serial_num |
An integer number that is unique to this SNMP request. Each method routine called while servicing a single SNMP request receives the same value of serial_num. New SNMP requests are indicated by a new value of serial_num. |
repeat_cnt |
Used for |
max_repetitions |
The maximum number of repetitions to perform. Used for
varbind |
A pointer to the VARBIND structure for which you must fill in the OID and data fields. Upon entry of the method routine, the method->varbind->name field is the OID that was requested. Upon exit of the method routine, the method->varbind field contains the requested data, and the method->varbind->name field is updated to reflect the actual instance OID for the returned VARBIND structure. The support routines ( |
object |
A pointer to the object table entry for the MIB variable being referenced. The method->object->object_index field is this object's unique index within the object table (useful when one method routine services many objects). The method->object->oid field is the
OID defined for this object in the MIB. The instance
requested is derived by comparing this OID with the OID in
the request found in the
method->varbind->name field. The
These types of routines call whatever routine is specified for
operations in the object table identified by the registered
This function is pointed to by some number of elements of the subagent object
table. When a request arrives for an object, its method routine is called. The
method routine is called in response to a
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_noSuchObject | The requested object cannot be returned or does not exist. |
ESNMP_MTHD_noSuchInstance | The requested instance of an object cannot be returned or does not exist. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | A general processing error. |
*_set Routine
*_set Routine — The *_set
method routine for a specified MIB item, which is
typically a MIB group (for example, system
in MIB II) or a table
entry (for example, ifEntry
in MIB II).
int mib-group_set ( METHOD *method ) ;
A pointer to a METHOD structure that contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Description | |
action |
serial_num |
An integer number that is unique to this SNMP request. Each method routine called while servicing a single SNMP request receives the same value as serial_num. New SNMP requests are indicated by a new value of serial_num. | |
varbind |
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that contains the MIB variable's supplied data value and name (OID). The instance information has already been extracted from the OID and placed in the method->row->instance field. | |
object |
A pointer to the object table entry for the MIB variable being referenced. The method->object->object-index field is this object's unique index within the object table (useful when one method routine services many objects). The method->object->oid field is the OID defined for this object in the MIB. | |
flags |
A read-only integer bitmask set by the
| |
row |
A pointer to a ROW_CONTEXT structure (defined in the
ESNMP.H header file). All The ROW_CONTEXT structure contains the following fields: | |
instance |
An address of an array containing the instance OID for
this conceptual row. The | |
instance_len |
The size of the method->row->instance field. | |
context |
A pointer to be used privately by the method routine to reference data needed for processing this request. | |
save |
A pointer to be used privately by the method routine to reference data needed for undoing this request. | |
state |
An integer to be used privately by the method routine for holding any state information it requires. |
The libesnmp
routines call whatever routine is specified for
operations in the object table identified by the registered
This function is pointed to by some number of elements of the subagent object
table. When a request arrives for an object, its method routine is called. The
method routine is called in response to a
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_notWritable | The requested object cannot be set or was not implemented. |
ESNMP_MTHD_wrongType | The data type for the requested value is the wrong type. |
ESNMP_MTHD_wrongLength | The requested value is the wrong length. |
ESNMP_MTHD_wrongEncoding | The requested value is represented incorrectly. |
ESNMP_MTHD_wrongValue | The requested value is out of range. |
ESNMP_MTHD_noCreation | The requested instance can never be created. |
ESNMP_MTHD_inconsistentName | The requested instance cannot currently be created. |
ESNMP_MTHD_inconsistentValue | The requested value is not consistent. |
ESNMP_MTHD_resourceUnavailable | A failure due to some resource constraint. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | A general processing error. |
ESNMP_MTHD_commitFailed | The commit phase failed. |
ESNMP_MTHD_undoFailed | The undo phase failed. |
5.3. Processing *_set Routines
routines:- Every variable binding is parsed and its object is located in the object table. A METHOD structure is created for each VARBIND structure. These METHOD structures point to a ROW_CONTEXT structure, which is useful for handling these phases. Objects in the same conceptual row all point to the same ROW_CONTEXT structure. This determination is made by checking the following:
The referenced objects are in the same MIB group.
The VARBIND structures have the same instance OIDs.
Each ROW_CONTEXT structure is loaded with the instance information for that conceptual row. The ROW_CONTEXT structure context and save fields are set to NULL, and the state field is set to ESNMP_SET_UNKNOWN structure.
The method routine for each object is called and is passed its METHOD structure with an action code of ESNMP_ACT_SET.
If all method routines return success, a single method routine (the last one called for the row) is called for each row, with method->action equal to ESNMP_ACT_COMMIT.
If any row reports failure, all rows that were successfully committed are told to undo the phase. This is accomplished by calling a single method routine for each row (the same one that was called for the commit phase), with a method->action equal to ESNMP_ACT_UNDO.
Each row is released. The same single method routine for each row is called with a method->action equal to ESNMP_ACT_CLEANUP. This occurs for every row, regardless of the results of previous processing.
Each object's method routine is called during the SET phase, until all objects are processed or a method routine returns an error status value. (This is the only phase during which each object's method routine is called.) For variable bindings in the same conceptual row, method->row points to a common ROW_CONTEXT.
The method->flags bitmask has the ESNMP_LAST_IN_ROW bit set, if this is the last object being called for this ROW_CONTEXT. This enables you to do a final consistency check, because you have seen every variable binding for this conceptual row.
The method routine's job in this phase is to determine whether the
request will work, to return the correct SNMP error code if it does not, and to prepare any context data it needs to actually perform theSet
request during the COMMIT phase.The method->row->context field is private to the method routine;
does not use it. A typical use is to store the address of an emitted structure that has been loaded with the data from the VARBIND for the conceptual row.ESNMP_ACT_COMMIT
Even though several variable bindings may be in a conceptual row, only the last one in order of the
request is processed. Of all the method routines that point to a common row, only the last method routine is called.This method routine must have available to it all necessary data and context to perform the operation. It must also save a snapshot of current data or whatever it needs to undo the
operation, if required. The method->row->save field is intended to hold a pointer to whatever data is needed to accomplish this. A typical use is to store the address of a structure that has been loaded with the current data for the conceptual row. The structure is one that has been automatically generated by the MIBCOMP command.The method->row->save field is also private to the method routine;
does not use it.If this operation succeeds, return
; otherwise, return a value ofESNMP_MTHD_commitFailed
.If any errors were returned during the COMMIT phase,libesnmp
enters the UNDO phase; if not, it enters the CLEANUP phase.Note
If the
request spans multiple subagents and another subagent fails, the UNDO phase may occur even if theSet
operation is successfulESNMP_ACT_UNDO
For each conceptual row that was successfully committed, the same method routine is called with method->action equal to ESNMP_ACT_UNDO. The ROW_CONTEXT structures that have not yet been called for the COMMIT phase are not called for the UNDO phase; they are called for CLEANUP phase.
The method routine should attempt to restore conditions to what they were before it executed the COMMIT phase. (This is typically done using the data pointed to by the method->row->save field.)
If successful, return ESNMP_MTHD_noError; otherwise, return ESNMP_MTHD_undoFail.
Regardless of what else has happened, at this point each ROW_CONTEXT participates in cleanup phase. The same method routine that was called for in the COMMIT phase is called with method->action equal to ESNMP_ACT_CLEANUP.
This indicates the end of processing for the
request. The method routine should perform whatever cleanup is required; for instance, freeing dynamic memory that might have been allocated and stored in method->row->context and method->row->save fields, and so on.The function return status value is ignored for the CLEANUP phase.
5.4. Method Routine Applications Programming
int mib_group_get( METHOD *method int mib_group_set( METHOD *method );
The Get
method routines are used to perform Get
, and GetBulk
method routines perform the following tasks:Extract the instance portion of the requested OID. You can do this manually by comparing the method->object->oid field (the object's base OID) to the method-> varbind->name field (the requested OID). You can use the
support routine to do this.Determine the instance validity. The instance OID can be null or any length, depending on what was requested and how your object was selected. You may be able to reject the request immediately by checking on the instance OID.
Extract the data. Based on the instance OID and method->action field, determine what data, if any, is to be returned.
Load the response OID back into the method routine's VARBIND structure. Set the method->varbind field with the OID of the actual MIB variable instance you are returning. This is usually accomplished by loading an array of integers with the instance OID you wish to return and calling the
support routine.Load the response data back into the method routine's VARBIND structure.
Use one of the support routines with the corresponding datatype to load the method->varbind field with the data to return:o_integer
These routines make a copy of the data you specify. The
function manages any memory associated with copied data. The method routine must manage the original data's memory.The routine does any necessary conversions to the type defined in the object table for the MIB variable and copies the converted data into the method->varbind field. See Section 5.5, “Value Representation” for information on data value representation.
- Return the correct status value, as follows:
The routine completed successfully or no errors were found.
There is no such instance of the requested object.
No such object exists.
An error occurred and the routine did not complete successfully.
5.5. Value Representation
ESNMP_TYPE_Integer32 (varbind->value.sl field)
This is a 32-bit signed integer. Use the
routine to insert an integer value into the VARBIND structure. Note that the prototype for the value argument is unsigned long; therefore, you may need to cast this to a signed integer.ESNMP_TYPE_DisplayString, ESNMP_TYPE_Opaque
ESNMP_TYPE_OctetString (varbind->value.oct field)
This is an octet string. It is contained in the VARBIND structure as an OCT structure that contains a length and a pointer to a dynamically allocated character array.
The displaystring is different only in that the character array can be interpreted as ASCII text, but the octetstring can be anything. If the octetstring contains bits or a bit string, the OCT structure contains the following:A length equal to the number of bytes needed to contain the value that is ((qty-bits - 1)/8 + 1)
A pointer to a buffer containing the bits of the bitstring in the form bbbbb..bb, where the bb octets represent the bitstring itself, bit 0 comes first, and so on. Any unused bits in the last octet are set to zero.
Use the
support routine to insert a value into the VARBIND structure, which is a buffer and a length. New space is allocated and the buffer is copied into the new space.Use the
routine to insert a value into the VARBIND structure, which is a pointer to an OCT structure. New space is allocated and the buffer pointed to by the OCT structure is copied.ESNMP_TYPE_ObjectId (varbind->value.oid and the varbind->name fields)
This is an object identifier. It is contained in the VARBIND structure as an OID structure that contains the number of elements and a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of unsigned integers, one for each element.
The varbind->name field is used to hold the object identifier and the instance information that identifies the MIB variable. Use the
function to extract the instance elements from an incoming OID on a request. Use theinstance2oid
function to combine the instance elements with the MIB variable's base OID to set the VARBIND structure's name field when building a response.Use the
function to insert an object identifier into the VARBIND structure when the OID value to be returned as data is in the form of a pointer to an OID structure.Use the
function to insert an OID into the VARBIND structure when the OID value to be returned as data is in the form of a pointer to an ASCII string containing the OID in dot format; for example:
This is the NULL, or empty, type. This is used to indicate that there is no value. The length is zero and the value in the VARBIND structure is zero filled.
The incoming VARBIND structures on a
, andGetBulk
will have this data type. A method routine should never return this value. An incomingSet
request never has this value in a VARBIND structure.ESNMP_TYPE_IpAddress (varbind->value.oct field)
This is an IP address. It is contained in the VARBIND structure in an OCT structure that has a length of 4 and a pointer to a dynamically allocated buffer containing the 4 bytes of the IP address in network byte order.
Use the
function to insert an IP address into the VARBIND structure when the value is an unsigned integer in network byte order.Use the
function to insert an IP address into the VARBIND structure when the value is a byte array (in network byte order). Use a length of 4.ESNMP_TYPE_Integer32
ESNMP_TYPE_<Gauge32 (varbind->value.ul field)
The 32-bit counter and 32-bit gauge data types are stored in the VARBIND structure as an unsigned integer.
Use the
function to insert an unsigned value into the VARBIND structure.ESNMP_TYPE_TimeTicks (varbind->value.ul field)
The 32-bit
type values are stored in the VARBIND structure as an unsigned integer.Use the
function to insert an unsigned value into the VARBIND structure.ESNMP_TYPE_Counter64 (varbind->value.ul64 field)
The 64-bit counter is stored in a VARBIND structure as an unsigned longword, which, on an OpenVMS Alpha system, has a 64-bit value.
Use the
function to insert an unsigned longword (64 bits) into the VARBIND structure.
5.6. Support Routines
Routine |
Function |
Loads an integer value. |
Loads an octet value. |
Loads an OID value. |
Loads a string value. |
Loads a Counter64 variable into the
Converts a string OID to dot notation. |
Converts an OID into a string. |
Creates a full OID for a value. |
Extracts an instance and loads an array. |
Returns an IP address for an OID. |
Compares two OIDs. |
Compares an OID's prefix. |
Makes a copy of an OID. |
Frees a buffer. |
Duplicates a buffer. |
Converts a string to an |
Compares two octets. |
Makes a copy of an |
Frees a buffer attached to an |
Frees the fields in the |
Sets the logging level. |
Tests the logging level. |
Directs log messages. |
Displays the |
Sets the error limit for SNMP client requests. |
Sets the program name to be displayed in log messages. |
Resets the program name back to the previous name. |
Parses the application file name to determine the program name. |
Closes a socket that is used by a subagent for communicating with the master agent. |
o_integer — Loads an integer value into the VARBIND structure with the appropriate type. This function does not allocate the VARBIND structure.
int o_integer ( VARBIND *vb, OBJECT *obj, unsigned long value );
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that is supposed to receive the data.
A pointer to the OBJECT
structure for the MIB variable associated
with the OID
in the VARBIND structure.
The value to be inserted into the VARBIND structure.
ESNMP_TYPE_Integer32 |
32-bit integer |
ESNMP_TYPE_Counter32 |
32-bit counter (unsigned) |
ESNMP_TYPE_Gauge32 |
32-bit gauge (unsigned) |
ESNMP_TYPE_TimeTicks |
32-bit timeticks (unsigned) |
ESNMP_TYPE_UInteger32 |
32-bit integer (unsigned) |
ESNMP_TYPE_Counter64 |
64-bit counter (unsigned) |
ESNMP_TYPE_IpAddress |
Implicit octet string (4) |
If the real type is IpAddress
, then eSNMP assumes that
the 4-byte integer is in network byte order and packages it into an
octet string.
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error has occurred. |
#include <esnmp.h> #include "ip_tbl.h" <-- for ipNetToMediaEntry_type definition VARBIND *vb = method->varbind; OBJECT *object = method->object; ipNetToMediaEntry_type *data; : : assume buffer and structure member assignments occur here : switch(arg) { case I_atIfIndex: return o_integer(vb, object, data->ipNetToMediaIfIndex);
o_octet — Loads an octet value into the VARBIND structure with the appropriate type. This function does not allocate the VARBIND structure.
int o_octet ( VARBIND *vb, OBJECT *obj, unsigned long value );
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that is supposed to receive the data.
If the original value in the vb field is not null, this
routine attempts to free it. So if you dynamically allocate memory or issue the
command to allocate your own VARBIND structure, fill the
structure with zeros before using it.
A pointer to the OBJECT structure for the MIB variable associated with the OID in the VARBIND structure.
The value to be inserted into the VARBIND structure.
Octet string (ASN.1) |
ESNMP_TYPE_IpAddress |
Implicit octet string (4) (in octet form, network byte order) |
ESNMP_TYPE_DisplayString |
DisplayString (textual convention) |
Implicit octet string |
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error occurred. |
#include <esnmp.h> #include "ip_tbl.h" <-- for ipNetToMediaEntry_type definition VARBIND *vb = method->varbind; OBJECT *object = method->object; ipNetToMediaEntry_type *data; : : assume buffer and structure member assignments occur here : switch(arg) { case I_atPhysAddress: return o_octet(vb, object, &data->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress);
o_oid — Loads an OID
value into the VARBIND structure with the
appropriate type. This function does not allocate the VARBIND
int o_oid ( VARBIND *vb, OBJECT *obj, OID *oid );
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that is supposed to receive the data.
If the original value in the VARBIND structure is not null, this routine
attempts to free it. So if you dynamically allocate memory or issue the
command to allocate your own VARBIND structure, fill the
structure with zeros before using it.
A pointer to the OBJECT structure for the MIB variable associated with the
in the VARBIND structure.
The value to be inserted into the VARBIND structure as data. For more information about OID length and values, see Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API.
The real type as defined in the object structure must be ESNMP_TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER.
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error occurred. |
#include <esnmp.h> #include "ip_tbl.h" <-- for ipNetToMediaEntry_type definition VARBIND *vb = method->varbind; OBJECT *object = method->object; ipNetToMediaEntry_type *data; : : assume buffer and structure member assignments occur here : switch(arg) { case I_atObjectID: return o_oid(vb, object, &data->ipNetToMediaObjectID);
o_string — Loads a string value into the VARBIND structure with the appropriate type. This function does not allocate the VARBIND structure.
int o_string ( VARBIND *vb, OBJECT *obj, unsigned character *ptr, int len );
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that is supposed to receive the data.
If the original value in the VARBIND structure is not null, this routine
attempts to free it. So if you dynamically allocate memory or issue the
command to allocate your own VARBIND structure, fill the
structure with zeros before using it.
A pointer to the OBJECT structure for the MIB variable associated with the
in the VARBIND structure.
The pointer to the buffer containing data to be inserted into the VARBIND structure as data.
The length of the data in buffer pointed to by ptr.
Octet string (ASN.1) |
ESNMP_TYPE_IpAddress |
Implicit octet string (4) (in octet form, network byte order) |
ESNMP_TYPE_DisplayString |
DisplayString (textual convention) |
ESNMP_TYPE_NsapAddress |
Implicit octet string |
Implicit octet string |
Object identifier (ASN.1) (in dot notation, for example: |
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | The routine completed successfully. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error occurred. |
#include <esnmp.h> #include "ip_tbl.h" <-- for ipNetToMediaEntry_type definition VARBIND *vb = method->varbind; OBJECT *object = method->object; ipNetToMediaEntry_type *data; : : assume buffer and structure member assignments occur here : switch(arg) { case I_atPhysAddress: return o_string(vb, object, data->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.ptr, data->ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.len);
o_counter64 — Loads a counter64 value into the VARBIND structure.
int o_counter64 ( VARBIND *vb, OBJECT *obj, uint64 value ); (for Alpha) uint64_vax value ; (for VAX))
A pointer to the VARBIND structure that is supposed to receive the data.
A pointer to the OBJECT structure for the MIB variable associated with the OID in the VARBIND structure.
The 8-byte value to be inserted into the VARBIND structure, passed as an array of two integers.
The real type as defined in the object structure must be ESNMP_TYPE_Counter64. Otherwise, an error is returned.
See the example for the o_integer
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | No error was generated. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error was generated. |
str2oid — Converts a null-terminated string OID
in dot notation to an
structure. The str2oid
routine does not
allocate an OID
oid *str2oid ( oid *oid, char *s );
The value to be inserted as data into the VARBIND structure. For more information about OID length and values, see Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API.
A null string or empty string returns an OID structure that has one element of zero.
The routine dynamically allocates the buffer and inserts its pointer into the
structure passed in the call. The caller must explicitly
free this buffer. The OID
can have a maximum of 128
Return Values
null | An error occurred. Otherwise, the pointer to the
OID structure (its first argument) is
returned. |
include <esnmp.h> OID abc; if (stroid (&abc, "") == NULL DPRINTF((WARNING, "It did not work...\n");
sprintoid — Converts an OID
into a null-terminated string.
char *sprintoid ( char *buffer, oid *oid );
can have up to 128 elements. A full-sized OID
can require a large buffer.
Return Values
The return value points to its first argument.
#include <esnmp.h> #define SOMETHING_BIG 1024 OID abc; char buffer[SOMETHING_BIG]; : : assume abc gets initialized with some value : printf("dots=%s\n", sprintoid(buffer, &abc));
instance2oid — Copies the object's base OID and appends a copy of the instance array to make a complete OID for a value. This routine does not allocate an OID structure. It only allocates the array containing the elements.
oid instance2oid ( oid *new, object *obj, unsigned int *instance, int *len );
A pointer to the OID that is to receive the new OID value.
A pointer to the object table entry for the MIB variable being obtained. The first part of the new OID is the OID from this MIB object table entry.
A pointer to an array of instance
values. These values are
appended to the base OID obtained from the MIB object table entry to construct
the new OID.
The number of elements in the instance
The instance array may be created by oid2instance
or constructed
from key values as a result of a GetNext
command (see Chapter 1, Overview).
This routine dynamically allocates the buffer and inserts its pointer into the OID structure passed in the call. The caller must explicitly free the buffer.
You should point to the OID structure receiving the new values and then call
the instance2oid
routine. Previous values in the OID structure are
freed (that is, free_oid
is called first), and then the new values
are dynamically allocated and inserted. Be sure the initial value of the new OID
is all zeros. If you do not want the initial value freed, make sure the new OID
structure is all zeros.
Return Values
null | An error occurred. Otherwise, the pointer to the OID structure (new) is returned. |
#include <esnmp.h> VARBIND *vb; <-- filled in OBJECT *object; <-- filled in unsigned int instance[6]; -- Construct the outgoing OID in a GETNEXT -- -- Instance is N.1.A.A.A.A where A's are IP address -- instance[0] = data->ipNetToMediaIfIndex; instance[1] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { instance[i+2]=((unsigned char *)(&data->ipNetToMediaNetAddress))[i]; } instance2oid(&vb->name, object, instance, 6);
oid2instance — Extracts the instance values from an OID structure and copies them to the specified array of integers. The routine then returns the number of elements in the array.
int oid2instance ( oid *oid, object *obj, unsigned int *instance, int *max_len );
A pointer to an incoming OID containing an instance or part of an instance.
A pointer to the object table entry for the MIB variable.
A pointer to an array of unsigned integers where the index is placed.
The number of elements in the instance
The instance values are the elements of an OID beyond those that identify the MIB variable. These elements identify a specific instance of a MIB value.
If there are more elements in the OID structure than specified by the
parameter, the function copies the number of elements
specified by max_len
only and returns the total number of elements
that would have been copied had there been space.
Return Values
Less than zero | An error occurred. This is not returned if the object was obtained by looking at this OID. |
Zero | No instance elements. |
Greater than zero | The returned value indicates the number of elements in the
index. This could be larger than the max_len
parameter. |
#include <esnmp.h> OID *incoming = &method->varbind->name; OBJECT *object = method->object; int instLength; unsigned int instance[6]; -- in a GET operation -- -- Expected Instance is N.1.A.A.A.A where A's are IP address -- instLength = oid2instance(incoming, object, instance, 6); if (instLength != 6) return ESNMP_MTHD_noSuchInstance;
The N will be in instance[0]
and the IP address will be in
, instance[3]
, and instance[5]
inst2ip — Returns an IP address derived from an OID instance.
int inst2ip ( unsigned int *instance, int *length, unsigned int *ipaddr, int *exact, int *carry );
A pointer to an array of unsigned int
containing the instance
numbers returned by the oid2instance
routine to be converted to an
IP address.
The range for elements is between zero and 255. Using the EXACT mode, the routine returns 1 if an element is out of range. Using the NEXT mode, a value greater than 255 causes that element to overflow. In this case, the value is set to 0 and the next most significant element is incremented; therefore, it returns a lexically equivalent value of the next possible ipaddr.
The number of elements in the instance array. Instances beyond the fourth are
ignored. If the length is less than four, the missing values are assumed to be
zero. A negative length results in an ipaddr value of zero.
For an exact match (such as Get
), there must be exactly four
A pointer indicating where to return the IP address value. This routine is in network byte order (the most significant element is first).
Can either be TRUE
means do an EXACT match. If any element is greater than 255
or if there are not exactly four elements, a value of 1 is returned. The carry
argument is ignored.
means do a NEXT match. That is, the lexically next IP
address is returned, if the carry value is set and the length is at least four.
If there are fewer than four elements, this function assumes the missing values
are zero. If any one element contains a value greater than 255, the value is
zeroed and the next most significant element is incremented. Returns a 1 (one)
only when there is a carry from the most significant (the first) value.
Adds to the IP address on a NEXT match. If you are trying to determine the next possible IP address, pass in a one. Otherwise, pass in a zero. A length of less than 4 cancels the carry.
Use the EXACT mode for evaluating an instance for Get
operations. For GetNext
operations, use the NEXT mode. When using NEXT mode,
this routine assumes that the search for data will be performed using greater
than or equal to matches.
Return Values
Carry value is 0 | The routine completed successfully. |
Carry value is 1 | For EXACT match, an error occurred. For NEXT match, there was a carry. If there was a carry, the returned ipaddr is 0. |
- The following example converts an instance to an IP address for a
operation, which is an EXACT match.#include <esnmp.h> OID *incoming = &method->varbind->name; OBJECT *object = method->object; int instLength; unsigned int instance[6]; unsigned int ip_addr; int iface; -- The instance is N.1.A.A.A.A where the A's are the IP address-- instLength = oid2instance(incoming, object, instance, 6); if (instLength == 6 && !inst2ip(&instance[2], 4, &ip_addr, TRUE, 0)) { iface = (int) instance[0]; } else return ESNMP_MTHD_noSuchInstance;
- The following example shows a
operation in which there is only one key or in which the ipaddr value is the least significant part of the key. This is a NEXT match; therefore, a value of 1 is passed back for the carry value.#include <esnmp.h> OID *incoming = &method->varbind->name; OBJECT *object = method->object; int instLength; unsigned int instance[6]; unsigned int ip_addr; int iface; -- The instance is N.1.A.A.A.A where the A's are the IP address-- instLength = oid2instance(incoming, object, instance, 6); iface = (instLength < 1) ? 0 :(int) instance[0]; iface += inst2ip(&instance[2], instLength - 2, &ip_addr, FALSE, 1);
In the following example, the search key consists of multiple parts. If you are doing a
operation, you must find the next possible value for the search key, so that you can perform a cascaded greater-than or equal-to search.The search key consists of a number and two ipaddr values. These are represented in the instance part of the OID as n.A.A.A.A.B.B.B.B, where:n is a single value integer.
The A.A.A.A portion makes up one IP address.
The B.B.B.B portion makes up a second IP address.
If all elements are given, the total length of the search key is 9. In this case, you perform the operation as follows:Convert the least significant part of the key (that is, the B.B.B.B portion), by calling the
routine, passing it a 1for the carry and (length - 5) for the length.If the conversion of the B.B.B.B portion generates a carry (that is, returns 1), you pass it to the next most significant part of the key.
Convert the A.A.A.A portion by calling the
routine, passing it (length - 1) for the length and the carry returned from the conversion of the B.B.B.B portion.The most significant element n is a number; therefore, add the carry from the A.A.A.A conversion to the number. If the result overflows, then the search key is not valid.
#include <esnmp.h> OID *incoming = &method->varbind->name; OBJECT *object = method->object; int instLength; unsigned int instance[9]; unsigned int ip_addrA; unsigned int ip_addrB; int iface; int carry; -- The instance is N.A.A.A.A.B.B.B.B -- instLength = oid2instance(incoming, object, instance, 9); iface = (instLength < 1) ? 0 :(int) instance[0]; carry = inst2ip(&instance[1], instLength - 1, &ip_addrB, FALSE, 1); carry = inst2ip(&instance[5], instLength - 5, &ip_addrA, FALSE, carry); iface += carry; if (iface > carry) { -- a carry caused an overflow in the most significant element return ESNMP_MTHD_noSuchInstance; }
cmp_oid — Compares two OID structures.
int cmp_oid ( oid *q, oid *p );
This routine does an element-by-element comparison, from the most significant element (element 0) to the least significant element. If all other elements are equal, the OID with the least number of elements is considered less.
Return Values
-1 | The OID q is less than OID p . |
0 | The OID q is in OID p . |
1 | The OID q is greater than OID p . |
cmp_oid_prefix — Compares an OID against a prefix.
int cmp_oid_prefix ( oid *q, oid *prefix );
A prefix could be the OID on an object in the object table. The elements beyond the prefix are the instance information.
This routine does an element-by-element comparison, from the most significant
element (element 0) to the least significant element. If all elements of the
prefix OID match exactly with corresponding elements of the OID
structure, it is considered an even match
if the OID q
structure contains additional
elements. The OID q
structure is considered
greater than the prefix if the first nonmatching element is larger. It is
considered smaller if the first nonmatching element is less.
Return Values
-1 | The OID is less than the prefix. |
0 | The OID is in prefix. |
1 | The OID is greater than the prefix. |
#include <esnmp.h> OID *q; OBJECT *object; if (cmp_oid_prefix(q, &object->oid) == 0) printf("matches prefix\n");
clone_oid — Makes a copy of the OID. This routine does not allocate an OID structure.
oid clone_oid ( oid *new, oid *oid );
A pointer to the OID structure that is to receive the copy.
A pointer to the OID structure where the data is to be obtained.
This routine dynamically allocates the buffer and inserts its pointer into the OID structure received. The caller must explicitly free this buffer.
Point to the OID structure that is to receive the new OID values and call this
routine. Any previous value in the new OID structure is freed (using the
routine) and the new values are dynamically allocated
and inserted. To preserve an existing OID structure, initialize the new OID
structure with zeros.
If the old OID structure is null or contains a null pointer to its element buffer, a new OID of [0.0] is generated.
Return Values
Null | An error or the pointer to the OID is returned. |
#include <esnmp.h> OID oid1; OID oid2; : : assume oid1 gets assigned a value : memset(&oid2, 0, sizeof(OID)); if (clone_oid(&oid2, &oid1) == NULL) DPRINTF((WARNING, "It did not work\n"));
free_oid — Frees the OID structure's buffer. This routine does not deallocate the OID structure itself; it deallocates the elements buffer attached to the structure.
void free_oid ( oid *oid );
This routine frees the buffer pointed to by the OID->elements field and zeros the field and the NELEM structure.
include <esnmp.h> OID oid; : : assume oid was assigned a value (perhaps with clone_oid() : and we are now finished with it. : free_oid(&oid);
clone_buf — Duplicates a buffer in a dynamically allocated space.
char clone_buf ( char *str, int *len );
A pointer to the buffer to be duplicated.
The number of bytes to be copied.
One extra byte is always allocated at the end and is filled with zeros. If the
length is less than zero, the duplicate buffer length is set to zero. A buffer
pointer is always returned, unless there is a malloc
Return Values
Null | A malloc error. Otherwise, the pointer to the
allocated buffer that contains a copy of the original buffer is
returned. |
#include <esnmp.h> char *str = "something nice"; char *copy; copy = clone_buf(str, strlen(str));
mem2oct — Converts a string (a buffer and length) to an oct
with the new buffer's address and length.
oct *mem2oct ( oct *new, char *buffer, int *len );
A pointer to the oct
structure receiving the data.
Pointer to the buffer to be converted.
Length of buffer to be converted.
The mem2oct
routine dynamically allocates the buffer and inserts
its pointer into the oct
structure. The caller must explicitly free
this buffer.
This routine does not allocate an oct
structure and does not free
data previously pointed to in the oct
structure before making the
Return Values
Null | An error occurred. Otherwise, the pointer to the
oct structure (the first argument) is
returned. |
#include <esnmp.h> char buffer; int len; OCT abc; ...buffer and len are initialized to something... memset(&abc, 0, sizeof(OCT)); if (mem2oct(&abc, buffer, len) == NULL) DPRINTF((WARNING, "It did not work...\n"));
cmp_oct — Compares two octet strings.
int cmp_oct ( oct *oct1, oct *oct2 );
Pointer to the first octet string.
Pointer to the second octet string.
The two octet strings are compared byte-by-byte to determine the length of the shortest octet string. If all bytes are equal, the lengths are compared. An octet with a null pointer is considered the same as a zero-length octet.
Return Values
-1 | The string pointed to by the first oct is less
than the second. |
0 | The string pointed to by the first oct is equal
to the second. |
1 | The string pointed to by the first oct is
greater than the second. |
#include <esnmp.h> OCT abc, efg; ...abc and efg are initialized to something... if (cmp_oct(&abc, &efg) > 0) DPRINTF((WARNING, "octet abc is larger than efg...\n"));
clone_oct — Makes a copy of the data in an oct
structure. This routine
does not allocate an oct
structure; it allocates the buffer pointed
to by the oct
oct clone_oct ( oct *new, oct *old );
A pointer to the oct
structure receiving the data.
A pointer to the oct
structure where the data is to be
The clone_oct
routine dynamically allocates the buffer, copies
the data, and updates the oct
structure with the buffer's address
and length. The caller must free this buffer.
The previous value of the buffer on the new oct
structure is
freed prior to the new buffer being allocated. If you do not want the old value
freed, initialize the new oct
structure before cloning.
Return Values
Null | An error occurred. Otherwise, the pointer to the
oct structure (the first argument) is
returned. |
#include <esnmp.h> OCT octet1; OCT octet2; : : assume octet1 gets assigned a value : memset(&octet2, 0, sizeof(OCT)); if (clone_oct(&octet2, &octet1) == NULL) DPRINTF((WARNING, "It did not work\n"));
free_oct — Frees the buffer attached to an oct
structure. This routine
does not deallocate the oct
structure; it deallocates the buffer to
which the oct
structure points.
void free_oct ( oct *oct );
This routine frees the dynamically allocated buffer to which the
structure points, and zeros the pointer and length on the
structure. If the oct
structure is already
null, this routine does nothing.
If the buffer attached to the oct
structure is already null, this
routine sets the length field of the oct
structure to zero.
#include <esnmp.h> OCT octet; : : assume octet was assigned a value (perhaps with mem2oct() : and we are now finished with it. : free_oct(&octet);
free_varbind_data — Frees the dynamically allocated fields in the VARBIND structure. However, this routine does not deallocate the VARBIND structure itself; it deallocates the name and data buffers to which the VARBIND structure points.
void free_varbind_data ( varbind *vb );
This routine performs a free_oid
(vb->name) operation. If
indicated by the vb->type field, it then frees the vb->value data using either
the free_oct
or the free_oid
#include <esnmp.h> VARBIND *vb; vb = (VARBIND*)malloc(sizeof(VARBIND)); clone_oid(&vb->name, oid); clone_oct(&vb->value.oct, data); : : some processing that uses vb occurs here : free_varbind_data(vb); free(vb);
set_debug_level — Sets the logging level, which dictates what log messages are generated. The program or module calls the routine during program initialization in response to run-time options.
void set_debug_level ( int stat, unsigned integer null );
The logging level. The following values can be set individually or in combination:
Level |
Meaning |
Used when a bad error occurred; requires a restart. |
Used when a packet cannot be handled; also implies ERROR. This is the default. |
Used when tracing all packets; also implies ERROR and WARNING. |
This parameter is not used by OpenVMS. It is supplied for compatibility with UNIX.
The logging level will be ERROR, WARNING, or TRACE.
If you specify TRACE, all three types of errors are generated. If you specify ERROR, only error messages are generated. If you specify WARNING, both error and warning messages are generated.
To specify logging levels for the messages in your subagent, use the ESNMP_LOG routine.
#include <esnmp.h> if (strcmp("-t", argv[1] { set_debug_level(TRACE, NULL); } else { set_debug_level(WARNING, NULL); }
is_debug_level — Tests the logging level to see whether the specified logging level is set.
Additional Information
You can test the logging levels as follows:
Level |
Meaning |
Used when a bad error occurs, requiring restart. |
Used when a packet cannot be handled; this also implies ERROR. |
Used when tracing all packets; this also implies ERROR and WARNING. |
int is_debug_level ( int type );
Return Values
TRUE | The requested level is set and the ESNMP_LOG will generate output, or output will go to the specified destination. |
FALSE | The logging level is not set. |
#include <esnmp.h> if (is_debug_level(TRACE)) dump_packet()
ESNMP_LOG — This is an error declaration C macro defined in the ESNMP.H header file. It gathers the information that it can obtain and sends it to the log.
ESNMP_LOG ( level, format, ... );
routine is called using the ESNMP_LOG macro, which
uses the helper routine esnmp_logs
to format part of the text. Do
not use these functions without the ESNMP_LOG macro. For
example:#define ESNMP_LOG(level, x) if (is_debug_level(level)) { \ esnmp_log(level, esnmp_logs x, __LINE__, __FILE__);}
x is a text string; for example, a
statement.- level is one of the following:
Declares an error condition.
Declares a warning.
Puts a message in the log file if trace is active.
For more information about configuration options for logging and tracing, refer to the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.
#include <esnmp.h> ESNMP_LOG( ERROR, ("Cannot open file %s\n", file));
__print_varbind — Displays the VARBIND and its contents. This routine is used for
debugging purposes. To use this routine, you must set the debug level to
. Output is sent to the specified file.
__print_varbind ( VARBIND *vb, int indent );
The pointer to the VARBIND structure to be displayed. If the vb pointer is NULL, no output is generated.
The number of bytes of white space to place before each line of output.
set_select_limit — Sets the eSNMP select error limit. For more information, see Section 6.1, “Modifying the Subagent Error Limit”.
set_select_limit ( char *progname );
The subagent name. This argument is valid with DPI versions only. With AgentX, the argument is NULL because subagents do not get names.
Return Values
ESNMP_MTHD_noError | No error was generated. |
ESNMP_MTHD_genErr | An error was generated. |
__set_progname — Specifies the program name that will be displayed in log messages. This routine should be called from the main during program initialization. It needs to be called only once.
__set_progname ( char *prog );
The program name as taken from argv[0]
, or some other
identification for entity-calling logging routines.
#include "esnmp.h" __set_progname(argv[0]);
__restore_progname — Restores the program name from the second application of the set. This
routine should be called only after the __set_progname
routine has
been called. You can use this to restore the most recent program name
__restore_progname ( );
#include "esnmp.h" __restore_progname();
__parse_progname — Parses the full file specification to extract only the file name and file extension.
__parse_progname ( file-specification );
The full file specification for the subagent.
#include "esnmp.h" static char Progname[100]; sprintf (Progname, "%s%.8X", __parse_progname(prog), getpid());
esnmp_cleanup — Closes open sockets that are used by the subagent for communicating with the master agent.
esnmp_cleanup ( );
#include "esnmp.h" int rc = ESNMP_LIB_OK; rc = esnmp_cleanup();
Return Values
ESNMP_LIB_NOTOK | There was no socket. |
ESNMP_LIB_OK | Success. |
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting eSNMP Problems
The eSNMP modules provided with TCP/IP Services include troubleshooting features that are useful in controlling the way your subagent works.
How to modify the subagent error limit (Section 6.1, “Modifying the Subagent Error Limit”)
How to modify the default subagent timeout value (Section 6.2, “Modifying the Subagent Timeout”)
Log files (Section 6.3, “Log Files”)
For additional information about troubleshooting SNMP problems, see the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.
6.1. Modifying the Subagent Error Limit
In certain circumstances, some subagent programs might enter a loop where a
call repeatedly returns a -1 error value. (Note that standard
SNMP subagents and the Chess example provided in TCPIP$EXAMPLES should not exhibit this
You can define the logical name TCPIP$SNMP_SELECT_ERROR_LIMIT to modify the number of
times a -1 error value can be returned from a select()
Do not use commas when defining the number.
If you defined the limit as 0, no limit is set.
A defined value greater than or equal to 4000000000 triggers warning messages.
6.2. Modifying the Subagent Timeout
You can define the logical name TCPIP$ESNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT to modify the default time allowed (3 seconds) before timeout occurs because of the lack of response by the subagent to the master agent. The ability to define the timeout is especially useful for slower systems and systems with heavy network traffic. The logical name is translated at startup time.
The TCPIP$ESNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT value is from 0 to 60 seconds. (You should use 0 only for testing purposes, such as simulating problems on a heavily loaded host or network.) If the value you specify contains non-numeric digits or is outside the allowed range, the default value of 3 seconds is used.
When a subagent registers with the master agent, it can specify a value that overrides
the value you set with logical name TCPIP$ESNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT. The standard MIB II and
Host Resources MIB subagents use the default value of 3 seconds. Refer to the
description of the esnmp_register
routine for more information.
6.3. Log Files
All output redirected from SYS$OUTPUT for the SNMP agent process is logged to *.LOG files in the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] directory. Output redirected from SYS$ERROR is logged to *.ERR files in the same directory.
TCPIP$ESNMP.LOG (for the master agent)
TCPIP$HR_MIB.LOG (for the Host Resources MIB)
TCPIP$ESNMP.ERR (for the master agent)
TCPIP$HR_MIB.ERR (for the Host Resources MIB)
Data is flushed to the log files when the corresponding process terminates. Each invocation of the TCPIP$SNMP_RUN.COM procedure purges these files, retaining at least the last seven versions (the exact number depends on the value of the CLUSTER_NODES system parameter).
The log files are located in the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] directory along with the TCPIP$SNMP_CONF.DAT file, which is a text representation of the SNMP configuration data generated by the master agent during startup.
The contents of the SNMP log files are written to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] when the process stops or when you stop it (for example, by entering the STOP/ID= xxx command). After a process restarts, it creates a new version of the files. If a process executes without errors, *.ERR files might not be created.
Writing to SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR from custom subagents is controlled by qualifiers on the RUN command in the TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUN.COM procedure. See Chapter 3, Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API for information about including extension subagent commands in the startup procedure.
Custom subagents that do not write to SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR might not produce a .LOG or .ERR file.
TCP/IP Services does not support writing log files to locations other than the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] directory.
TRACE (logs trace, warning, and error messages)
WARNING (logs warning and error messages)
For the master agent and standard subagents, the logging level is WARNING. Log files
for these processes include messages for WARNING and ERROR events. The chess example
does not have a default log level. Therefore, no log messages appear. To specify a
default log level for custom subagents, you can use the standard API call
(see Chapter 5, eSNMP API Routines for more
information). Because the chess example subagent does not use a default, messages are
captured only if you specify tracing. For information about getting trace logs, refer to
the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.
For support of trap sender program (TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPSND.EXE) only. Properly defined, MIB variables of type Counter64 are not writable.