RTL Library (LIB$) Manual
- Operating System and Version:
- VSI OpenVMS IA-64 Version 8.4-1H1 or higher
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 or higher
This manual documents the library routines contained in the LIB$ and CVT$ facilities of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library.
1. About VSI
VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.
2. Intended Audience
This manual is intended for system and application programmers who write programs that call LIB$ and CVT$ Run-Time Library routines.
3. Document Structure
This manual is organized into three parts as follows:
The overview chapter provides a brief overview of the LIB$ and CVT$ Run-Time Library facility and lists the LIB$ routines and their functions. It also provides guidelines and information on using the LIB$ facility with VAX and Alpha platforms.
The LIB$ reference section describes each library routine contained in the LIB$ Run-Time Library facility. This information is presented using the documentation format described in VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. Routine descriptions appear alphabetically by routine name.
The CVT$ reference section describes the routines contained in the CVT$ Run-Time Library facility. This information is presented using the documentation format described in VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual.
4. Related Documents
The Run-Time Library (RTL) routines are documented in a series of reference manuals.
General descriptions of OpenVMS RTL routines appear in the following manual:
VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual—A description of OpenVMS features and functionality available through calls to the LIB$ Run-Time Library
Compaq Portable Mathematics Library
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
OpenVMS RTL DECtalk (DTK$) Manual
VSI OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual
OpenVMS RTL Parallel Processing (PPL$) Manual
VSI OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual
VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual
Application programmers using any language can refer to the Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures for writing modular and reentrant code.
High-level language programmers will find additional information on calling Run-Time Library routines in their language reference manuals. Additional information may also be found in the language user's guide provided with your OpenVMS language software.
5. VSI Encourages Your Comments
You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>
. Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com>
for help with this product.
6. OpenVMS Documentation
The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at https://docs.vmssoftware.com.
7. Typographical Conventions
Convention | Meaning |
Ctrl/ x |
A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. |
PF1 x |
A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button. |
Return |
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.) |
… |
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the
following possibilities:
⋮ |
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed. |
( ) |
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one. |
[ ] |
In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement. |
[ |] |
In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line. |
{ } |
In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line. |
bold text |
This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason. |
italic text |
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type). |
Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays. In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- |
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers |
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated. |
Chapter 1. Overview of the LIB$ Facility
This chapter provides a brief overview of the LIB$ and CVT$ Run-Time Library facilities and lists the LIB$ and CVT$ routines and their functions. It also provides guidelines and information on using the LIB$ facility with VAX, Alpha, and VSI OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers (I64) platforms.
1.1. Run-Time Library LIB$ Routines
System services
The command language interpreter (CLI)
Some VAX machine instructions or the equivalent Alpha or I64 instructions
Allocate resources that your process needs, such as virtual memory and event flags
Convert data types for I/O
Enable detection of hardware exceptions (VAX only)
Establish condition handlers (VAX only)
Generate and display timing statistics while your program is running
Get and put strings in the process common storage area
Obtain records from devices
Obtain the system date and time in various formats
Process cross-reference data
Process VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS full names
Search for specified files
Set up and use binary trees
Signal exceptions
1.1.1. 64-Bit Addressing Support (Alpha and I64 Only)
Most routines now accept 64-bit addresses for arguments passed by reference. Footnotes in the Reference Section of this manual indicate those routines that do not.
Most routines also accept either 32-bit or 64-bit descriptors for arguments passed by descriptor. Footnotes in the Reference Section of this manual indicate those routines that do not.
In some cases, a new routine was added to support a 64-bit addressing or data capability. These routines carry the same name as the original routine but with a _64 suffix. In general, both versions of the routine support 64-bit addressing, but the routine with the _64 suffix also supports additional 64-bit capability. The 32-bit capabilities of the original routine are unchanged.
Specialized routines create and manipulate storage zones in the 64-bit virtual address space. The names of these routines are the same as their 32-bit counterparts but with a _64 suffix. One example is LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE and LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64. LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE creates a storage zone in the 32-bit virtual address space, and LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 creates a storage zone in the 64-bit virtual address space. The function of the original routine is unchanged.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information about 64-bit virtual addressing capabilities.
1.1.2. The LIB$ Routines
Routine Name |
Function |
Add adjacent word with interlock. |
Add two multiple-precision binary numbers. |
Add two quadwords times. |
Analyze a string descriptor. |
Analyze a string descriptor.? |
Assign a channel to a mailbox. |
Check for active AST. |
Attach a terminal to a process. |
Test and clear a bit with interlock. |
Test and set a bit with interlock. |
Build a node-name specification. |
Call a procedure with a general argument list. |
Call a procedure with a general argument list. ? |
Transform a byte to the first character of a string. |
Compare two node names. |
Compress a node name to its short form equivalent. |
Convert a date string to a quadword. |
Calculate a cyclic redundancy check (CRC). |
Construct a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) table. |
Create a directory. |
Create a user-defined storage zone. |
Create a user-defined storage zone. ? |
Create a new storage zone. |
Create a new storage zone. ? |
Insert a key in the cross-reference table. |
Insert a reference to a key in the cross-reference table. |
Output some cross-reference table information. |
Get the system currency symbol. |
Convert internal time to external time (F-floating value). |
Convert internal time to external time (IEEE S-floating value). |
Convert external time to internal time (F-floating value). |
Convert external time to internal time (IEEE S-floating value). |
Convert the specified data type. |
Convert internal time to external time. |
Convert external time to internal time. |
Convert 7-word vector to internal time. |
Convert numeric text to binary. |
LIB$CVT_ xTB_64 |
Convert numeric text to binary. ? |
Return the date and time as a string. |
Return the day number as a longword integer. |
Return the numeric day of the week. |
Decode instruction stream during a fault.? |
Enable or disable decimal overflow detection. ? |
Delete one or more files. |
Delete a logical name. |
Delete a CLI symbol. |
Delete a virtual memory zone. |
Delete a virtual memory zone. ? |
Get the digit separator symbol. |
Disable CLI interception of control characters. |
Execute the specified command. |
Perform an extended-precision divide. |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for D-floating values. |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for F-floating values. |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for G-floating values. |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for H-floating values. ? |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for IEEE S-floating values. |
Perform extended multiply and integerize for IEEE T-floating values. |
Perform an extended-precision multiply. |
Enable CLI interception of control characters. |
Expand a node name to its full name equivalent. |
Extract a field and sign-extend. |
Extract a zero-extended field. |
LIB$FF x |
Find the first clear or set bit. |
Convert a device and file ID to a file specification. |
Perform a file scan. |
End a file scan. |
Find a file. |
End of find file. |
Merge activate an image symbol. |
Find the next valid zone. |
Find the next valid zone. ? |
Fit a node name into an output field. |
Fix floating reserved operand. ? |
Detect a floating-point underflow. ? |
Format a date and/or time. |
Format protection mask. ? |
Free the context used to format a date. |
Free an event flag. |
Free a logical unit number. |
Free timer storage. |
Free virtual memory from the program region. |
Free virtual memory from the program region. ? |
Free a virtual memory page. |
Free a virtual memory page. ? |
Get device/volume information. |
Get job/process information. |
Get queue information. |
Get systemwide information. |
Get access name table for a security object identified by name. ? |
Get access name table for a security object identified by $GET_SECURITY or $SET_SECURITY context. ? |
Get line from SYS$COMMAND. |
Get string from common area. |
Get current invocation context. ? |
Return the user's date input format. |
Get an event flag. |
Get foreign command line. |
Get the offset to the starting position of the most significant part of a full name. |
Get host node name. |
Get line from SYS$INPUT. |
Get invocation context. ? |
Get invocation handle. ? |
Get logical unit number. |
Get the maximum possible date/time string length. |
Get previous invocation context. ? |
Get previous invocation handle. ? |
Get the value of a CLI symbol. |
Return the user's language choice. |
Allocate virtual memory. |
Allocate virtual memory. ? |
Get a virtual memory page. |
Get a virtual memory page. ? |
Convert the first character of a string to an integer. |
Allocate and initialize an invocation context block. ? |
Get current invocation context. ? |
Deallocate an invocation context block. ? |
Get current invocation handle. ? |
Get floating-point register value. ? |
Get general register value. ? |
Get invocation handle. ? |
Get invocation context. ? |
Get previous invocation context. ? |
Free memory used to process unwind descriptors. ? |
Get previous invocation handle. ? |
Given a |
Find Address of Unwind Information Block Language-Specific Data. ? |
Find address of the unwind information block operating system-specific data area. ? |
Initialize an invocation context block that has already been allocated. ? |
Determine whether a given PC value represents an AST dispatch frame. ? |
Determine whether a given PC value represents an exception dispatch frame. ? |
Update register contents using a given invocation context. ? |
Free memory used to process unwind descriptors. ? |
Write context of invocation context block. ? |
Write invocation block general register value. ? |
Write pc_copy value of invocation context block. ? |
Index to relative position of substring. |
Initialize the context used in formatting date/time strings. |
Initialize times and counts. |
Insert entry in a balanced binary tree. |
Insert entry in a balanced binary tree. ? |
Insert entry at the head of a queue. |
Insert entry at the head of a queue. ? |
Insert entry at the tail of a queue. |
Insert entry at the tail of a queue. ? |
Insert a variable bit field. |
Detect integer overflow. ? |
Return the length of a string as a longword. |
Locate a character. |
Lock a specified image in the process's working set. |
Look up keyword in table. |
Look up an entry in a balanced binary tree. |
Look up an entry in a balanced binary tree. ? |
Specify the number of lines on each printer page. |
Match characters, return relative position. |
Match condition values. |
Move characters. |
Move characters with fill. |
Move translated characters. |
Move translated until character. |
Multiply delta time by F-floating scalar. |
Multiply delta time by IEEE S-floating scalar. |
Multiply delta time by scalar. |
Parse access-encoded name string. ? |
Parse protection string. ? |
Pause program execution. |
Evaluate polynomials for D-floating values. |
Evaluate polynomials for F-floating values. |
Evaluate polynomials for G-floating values. |
Evaluate polynomials for H-floating values. ? |
Evaluate polynomials for IEEE S-floating values. |
Evaluate polynomials for IEEE T-floating values. |
Put string into common area. |
Put invocation registers. ? |
Put line to SYS$OUTPUT. |
Radix point symbol. |
Remove entry from head of queue. |
Remove entry from head of queue. ? |
Remove entry from tail of queue. |
Remove entry from tail of queue. ? |
Rename one or more files. |
Reserve an event flag. |
Reset virtual memory zone. |
Reset virtual memory zone. ? |
Run new program. |
Scan for characters and return relative position. |
Copy source string by descriptor to destination. |
Copy source string by reference to destination. |
Copy source string by reference to destination. ? |
Set logical name. |
Set the value of a CLI symbol. |
Free one or more dynamic strings. |
Free n dynamic strings. |
Get one dynamic string. |
Get one dynamic string. ? |
Show accumulated times and counts. |
Show virtual memory statistics. |
Show virtual memory statistics. ? |
Display information about a virtual memory zone. |
Display information about a virtual memory zone. ? |
Signal exception condition. |
Convert a signaled message to a return status. |
Convert a signaled condition to a signaled stop. |
Simulate floating trap. ? |
Skip equal characters. |
Skip selected characters. |
Spawn a subprocess. |
Return accumulated time and count statistics. |
Return virtual memory statistics. |
Return virtual memory statistics. ? |
Stop execution and signal the condition. |
Perform multiple-precision binary subtraction. |
Subtract two quadword times. |
Invoke $ASCTIM to convert binary time to ASCII. |
Invoke $FAO system service to format output. |
Invoke $FAOL system service to format output. |
Invoke $FAOL system service to format output. ? |
Invoke $GETMSG system service to get message text. |
Implement a table-driven, finite-state parser. |
Implement a table-driven, finite-state parser. ? |
Traverse a balanced binary tree. |
Traverse a balanced binary tree. ? |
Translate ASCII to EBCDIC. |
Translate EBCDIC to ASCII. |
Fit a long file specification into a fixed field. |
Trim a full name to fit into a desired output field. |
Unlock a specified image in the process's working set. |
Verify a virtual memory zone. |
Verify a virtual memory zone. ? |
Wait a specified period of time. |
1.2. Translated Version of LIB$ Facility (Alpha and I64 Only)
The RTL LIB$ facility exists in two forms on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems: native and translated. The translated LIB$ library contains routines specific to VAX systems only, and are executed in the Translated Image Environment (TIE). These routines are not available to native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs. See Migrating an Application from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha for additional information on using translated images and the TIE.
Routine Name |
Restriction |
Decodes VAX instructions. |
Applies to VAX PSL only. |
Supported by compilers on OpenVMS Alpha systems. |
Applies to VAX PSL only. |
Applies to VAX PSL only. |
Applies to VAX PSL only. |
Supported by compilers on OpenVMS Alpha systems. |
Applies to VAX code. |
Requires action routine interface changes. Replaced by LIB$TABLE_PARSE. |
LIB$ routines that are called using JSB linkages may function differently on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems. See OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine for more information on using JSB linkages.
1.3. Run-Time Library CVT$ Facility
Routine Name |
Function |
Converts data in one of several floating-point data types to another floating-point data type. |
Enhanced version of CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT that provides better performance and more output options than CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT, and also enhances portability between supported platforms. |
Chapter 2. LIB$ Reference
This chapter provides a detailed discussion of the routines provided by the OpenVMS RTL (CVT$) facility.
LIB$ADAWI — The Add Aligned Word with Interlock routine allows the user to perform an interlocked add operation using an aligned word.
LIB$ADAWI add ,sum ,sign
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The addend operand to be added to the value of sum. The add argument is the address of a signed word that contains the addend operand.
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
The word to which add is added. The sum argument is the address of a signed word integer containing this value. The add operand is added to the sum operand, and the value of the sum argument is replaced by the result of this addition. The sum argument must be word-aligned; in other words, its address must be a multiple of 2.
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Sign of the sum argument. The sign argument is the address of a signed word integer that is assigned the value –1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the new value of sum is negative, 0, or positive.
LIB$ADAWI allows the user to perform an interlocked add operation using an aligned word, and makes the VAX ADAWI instruction available as a callable routine. This routine also enables the user to implement synchronization primitives for multiprocessing. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
The add operation is interlocked against similar operations on other processors in a multiprocessor environment. This provides an atomic addition operation. The destination must be aligned on a word boundary; that is, bit 0 of the address of the sum operand must be 0.
If the addend and the sum operand overlap, the result of the addition, the value of
the sign
argument, and the associated condition codes are
The value of the sign
argument is useful when LIB$ADAWI is
used to implement locking in a multiprocessing program. For example, a process that is
waiting to seize a lock or a resource calls LIB$ADAWI to add 1 to the sum. When the call
returns, the waiting process checks the value of sign
as follows:
Value of |
Status of Lock or Resource |
–1 |
Open lock or free resources |
0 |
Closed lock or no free resources, with no processes waiting |
+1 |
Closed lock or no free resources, with processes waiting |
In this algorithm, if the value of the sign
argument is
–1, that indicates that the process successfully seized the lock or resource,
and other free resources are available. A value of 0 indicates that the process
successfully seized the lock or the last available resource. A value of 1 indicates
that the process was unable to seize the lock.
It is not sufficient for a waiting process to test the value of
. The result is unpredictable because other processes can
alter the value of sum
after the original process executes the
ADAWI instruction but before it tests the value of sum
. However,
a process can safely test the value of sign
because its value is
determined by the ADAWI instruction and is unaffected by other processes'
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INTOVF | Integer overflow error. |
LIB$ADDX — The Add Two Multiple-Precision Binary Numbers routine adds two signed two's complement integers of arbitrary length.
LIB$ADDX addend-array ,augend-array ,resultant-array [,array-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
First multiple-precision, signed two’s complement integer that LIB$ADDX adds to the second two’s complement integer. The addend-array argument is the address of the array containing the two’s complement number to be added.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Second multiple-precision, signed two’s complement integer that LIB$ADDX adds to the first two’s complement integer. The augend-array argument is the address of the array containing the two’s complement number.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Multiple-precision, signed two’s complement integer result of the addition. The resultant-array argument is the address of the array into which LIB$ADDX writes the result of the addition.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword_integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length in longwords of the arrays to be operated on; each array is of length array-length. The array-length argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length. The array-length argument must not be negative. This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is 2.
LIB$ADDX adds two signed two's complement integers of arbitrary length. The integers
are located in arrays of longwords. The higher addresses of these longwords contain the
higher precision parts of the values. The highest- addressed longword contains the sign
and 31 bits of precision. The remaining longwords contain 32 bits of precision in each.
The number of longwords in each array is specified in the optional argument
. The default array length is 2, which
corresponds to the OpenVMS quadword data type.
Any two or all three of the first three arguments can be the same.
Condition Value Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The result is correct, except that the sign bit is lost. |
C+ C This Fortran example program shows the use C of LIB$ADDX. C- INTEGER A(2),B(2),C(2),RETURN DATA A/’00000001’x,’7FFF407F’x/ DATA B/’FFFFFFFF’x,’8000BF80’x/ C+ C The highest addressed longword of "A" is A(2). C So, "A" represents the integer value (’7FFF407F’x) * 16**7 + 1. C That is, A(2) is 576447592255193089. C "B" is the twos complement representation of "-A". C- RETURN = LIB$ADDX(A,B,C) TYPE *,’Let A = 576447592255193089.’ TYPE *,’Then A + B is 0.’ TYPE 1,C(2),C(1) 1 FORMAT(’ "A" - "A" is ’,1H’,I1,I1,3H’x.) TYPE *,’Note that C is C(2) concatenated with C(1).’ C+ C Let "A" have the value 72057594037927937 = ’1000000000000001’x. C Let "B" have the value 4294967295 = ’00000000FFFFFFFF’x. C A(1) = ’00000001’x A(2) = ’10000000’x B(1) = ’FFFFFFFF’x B(2) = ’00000000’x C+ C Then "A" + "B" is 72057598332895232. C- lib RETURN = LIB$ADDX(A,B,C) TYPE *,’ ’ TYPE *,’LET A = 72057594037927937 and B = 4294967295’ TYPE *,’Then A + B is ’,C TYPE 2,C(2),C(1) 2 FORMAT(’ 72057598332895232 is represented as ’,1H’,Z8.8,Z8.8,3H’x.) TYPE *,’Recall that 72057598332895232 is C(2) concatenated 1 with C(1).’ END
Let A = 576447592255193089. Then A + B is 0. "A" - "A" is '00'x. Note that C is C(2) concatenated with C(1). LET A = 72057594037927937 and B = 4294967295 Then A + B is 0 268435457 72057598332895232 is represented as '10000001 0'x. Recall that 72057598332895232 is C(2) concatenated with C(1).
LIB$ADD_TIMES — The Add Two Quadword Times routine adds two internal format times.
LIB$ADD_TIMES time1 ,time2 ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
First time that LIB$ADD_TIMES adds to the second time. The time1 argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the first time to be added. The time1 argument may be either a delta time or an absolute time; however, at least one of the arguments, time1 or time2, must be a delta time.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Second time that LIB$ADD_TIMES adds to the first time. The time2 argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the second time to be added. The time2 argument may be either a delta time or an absolute time; however, at least one of the arguments, time1 or time2, must be a delta time.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The result of adding time1 and time2. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result. If both time1 and time2 are delta times, then resultant-time is a delta time. Otherwise, resultant-time is an absolute time.
LIB$ADD_TIMES adds two OpenVMS internal times. It can add two delta times or a delta time and an absolute time. LIB$ADD_TIMES cannot add two absolute times.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_ONEDELTIM | At least one delta time is required. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC — The Analyze String Descriptors routine extracts the length and the address at which the data starts for a variety of 32-bit string descriptor classes.
LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC input-descriptor ,data-length
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | descriptor |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Input descriptor from which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC extracts the length of the data and the address at which the data starts. The input-descriptor argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the input data.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the data; LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC extracts this length value from the input descriptor. The data-length argument is the address of an unsigned word integer into which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC writes the length.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Starting address of the data; LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC extracts this address from the input descriptor. The data-address argument is the address of an unsigned longword into which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC writes the starting address of the data.
Class |
Description |
Restrictions/Notes |
A |
Array |
DSC$L_ARSIZE must be less than 65,536 bytes. |
D |
Decimal string |
Treated as class S. |
Noncontiguous array |
Same as class A. |
S |
Scalar, string |
None. |
SD |
Decimal scalar |
Treated as class S. |
VS |
Varying string |
Length returned is CURLEN. |
Z |
Unspecified |
Treated as class S. |
See STR$ANALYZE_SDESC for a similar routine that signals an error rather than returning a status.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. An array descriptor has an ARSIZE greater than 65,535 bytes, or the class is unsupported. |
LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 — The Analyze String Descriptor routine extracts the length and the address at which the data starts for a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit string descriptor classes.
LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 input-descriptor ,data-length ,data-address
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_R2 | Refer to the LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC routine for information about the JSB entry point, LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_R2. This JSB entry point returns 64-bit results on Alpha and I64 systems. |
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | descriptor |
type: | longword (unsigned) or quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Input descriptor from which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 extracts the length of the data and the address at which the data starts. The input-descriptor argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the input data. The input descriptor can be a longword (unsigned) or a quadword (unsigned).
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the data; LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 extracts this length value from the input descriptor. The data-length argument is the address of an unsigned quadword integer into which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes the length.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Starting address of the data; LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 extracts this address from the input descriptor. The data-address argument is the address of an unsigned quadword into which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes the starting address of the data.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Flag value indicating the type of input descriptor. The descriptor-type argument contains the address of an unsigned word integer to which LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 writes a 0 for a 32-bit input descriptor or a 1 for a 64-bit descriptor.
This argument is optional.
Class |
Description |
Restrictions/Notes |
A |
Array |
For 32-bit descriptors, DSC$L_ARSIZE must be less than 216, or 65,536, bytes. For 64-bit descriptors, DSC64$Q_ ARSIZE must be less than 264 bytes. |
D |
Decimal string |
Treated as class S. |
Noncontiguous array |
Same as class A. |
S |
Scalar, string |
None. |
SD |
Decimal scalar |
Treated as class S. |
VS |
Varying string |
Length returned is CURLEN. |
Z |
Unspecified |
Treated as class S. |
See STR$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 for a similar routine that signals an error rather than returning a status.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. An array descriptor has an ARSIZE greater than 65,535 bytes, or the class is unsupported. |
LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX — The Assign Channel with Mailbox routine assigns a channel to a specified device and associates a mailbox with the device. It returns both the device channel and the mailbox channel.
LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX device-name [,maximum-message-size] [,buffer-quota]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | device_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Device name that LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX passes to the $ASSIGN service. The device-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the device name.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Maximum message size that can be sent to the mailbox; LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX passes this argument to the $CREMBX service. The maximum-message-size argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this maximum message size.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of system dynamic memory bytes that can be used to buffer messages sent to the mailbox; LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX passes this argument to the $CREMBX service. The buffer-quota argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this buffer quota.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word integer (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Device channel that LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX receives from the $ASSIGN service. The device-channel argument is the address of an unsigned word integer into which $ASSIGN writes the device channel.
OpenVMS usage: | channel |
type: | word integer (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mailbox channel that LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX receives from the $CREMBX service. The mailbox-channel argument is the address of an unsigned word integer into which $CREMBX writes the mailbox channel.
A mailbox is a virtual device used for communication between processes. A channel is the communication path that a process uses to perform I/O operations to a particular device. LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX assigns a channel to a device and associates a mailbox with the device. It returns both the device channel and the mailbox channel to the mailbox.
Normally, a process calls the $CREMBX system service to create a mailbox and assign a channel and logical name to it. Any process running in the same job and using the same logical name uses the same mailbox.
LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX associates the physical mailbox name with the channel assigned to the device. To create a temporary mailbox for itself and other processes cooperating with it, your program calls LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX. The Run-Time Library routine assigns the channel and creates the temporary mailbox by using the system services $GETDVIW, $ASSIGN, and $CREMBX. Instead of a logical name, the mailbox is identified by a physical device name of the form MBcu. The physical device name MBcu is made up of the following elements:
MB | Indicates that the device is a mailbox |
c | Is the controller |
u | Is the unit number |
The routine returns the channel for this device name to the calling program, which then must pass the mailbox channel to the other programs with which it cooperates. In this way, the cooperating processes access the mailbox by its physical name, instead of by a logical name.
The calling program passes the routine a device name, which specifies the device to which the channel is to be assigned. For this argument (called device-name), you may use a logical name. If you do so, the routine attempts one level of logical name translation.
The privilege restrictions and process quotas required for using this routine are those required by the $GETDVIW, $CREMBX, and $ASSIGN system services.
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Any condition value returned by the called system services $ASSIGN, $CREMBX, $GETDVI, or the RTL routines LIB$GET_EF and LIB$FREE_EF.
LIB$AST_IN_PROG — The AST in Progress routine indicates whether an AST is currently in progress.
OpenVMS usage: | boolean |
type: | boolean |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Truth value that indicates whether an AST is currently in progress (value = 1) or not (value = 0).
An asynchronous system trap (AST) is an OpenVMS mechanism for providing a software interrupt when an external event occurs, such as the user pressing Ctrl/C. When an external event occurs, the OpenVMS operating system interrupts the execution of the current process and calls a routine that you supply. While that routine is active, the AST is said to be in progress, and the process is said to be executing at AST level. When your AST routine returns control to the original process, the AST is no longer active, and execution continues where it left off.
LIB$AST_IN_PROG indicates to the calling program whether an AST is currently in progress. Your program can call LIB$AST_IN_PROG to determine whether it is executing at AST level and then take appropriate action. This routine is useful if you are writing AST-reentrant code, which takes different actions depending on whether an AST is in progress. For example, the routine might have two separate statically allocated storage areas, one for AST level and one for non-AST level.
LIB$AST_IN_PROG calls the RTL routines LIB$FREE_EF and LIB$GET_EF, and the $GETJPI system service. If LIB$AST_IN_PROG or any of these routines encounters an error, LIB$AST_IN_PROG calls LIB$STOP.
Condition Values Returned
This Pascal program determines whether or not an AST is in progress.
LIB$ATTACH — The Attach Terminal to Process routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to detach the terminal of the calling process and to reattach it to a different process.
LIB$ATTACH process-id
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | process_id |
type: | longword integer (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Identification of the process to which LIB$ATTACH requests the calling process to attach its terminal. The process-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword integer containing the process identification. The specified process must be currently detached (by means of a SPAWN or ATTACH command or by a call to LIB$SPAWN or LIB$ATTACH) and must be part of the caller’s job.
LIB$ATTACH requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to detach the terminal of the calling process and reattach it to a different process. The calling process then hibernates. LIB$ATTACH provides the same function as the DCL command ATTACH. For more information on ATTACH, see the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.
LIB$ATTACH is supported for use with the DCL CLI. If used with the Monitor Control Routine (MCR) CLI, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or detached process, no CLI is present to perform this function. In such cases, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_NONEXPR | Nonexistent process. The process specified by process-id does not exist. |
LIB$_ATTREQREF | Attach request refused. The specified process could not be attached to. Either it was not detached or it did not belong to the caller’s job. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status, which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL CLI, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$BBCCI — The Test and Clear Bit with Interlock routine tests and clears a selected bit under memory interlock. LIB$BBCCI makes the VAX BBCCI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$BBCCI position ,bit-zero-address
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
State of the bit before it was cleared by LIB$BBCCI: 1 if the bit was previously set, and 0 if the bit was previously clear.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit position, relative to bit-zero-address, of the bit that LIB$BBCCI tests and clears. The position argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the bit position. A position of zero denotes the low-order bit of the byte base. The bit position is equal to the offset of the bit chosen from the base position. This offset may span the entire range of a signed longword integer; negative offsets access bits in lower addressed bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of the byte containing bit 0 of the field that LIB$BBCCI references. The bit-zero-address argument is the location of the base position. The bit that LIB$BBCCI tests and clears is position bits offset from the low bit of bit-zero-address.
The single bit specified by position
is tested, the previous state of the bit
remembered, and the bit cleared. The reading of the state of the bit and its clearing
are interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system.
The remembered previous state of the bit is then returned as the function value of
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran program demonstrates the use of C LIB$BBCCI. C- INTEGER*4 STATES(4) ! 128 shared state bits COMMON /STATES/ STATES ! Could be shared memory LOGICAL*4 LIB$BBCCI IF (LIB$BBCCI (42, STATES)) THEN TYPE *,’State bit 42 was set’ ELSE TYPE *,’State bit 42 was clear’ END IF END
This Fortran example tests and clears bit 42 of array STATES, which is in a COMMON area (possibly shared between two processors).
The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ RUN STATE State bit 42 was clear.
LIB$BBSSI — The Test and Set Bit with Interlock routine tests and sets a selected bit under memory interlock. LIB$BBSSI makes the VAX BBSSI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$BBSSI position ,bit-zero-address
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The state of the bit before it was set by LIB$BBSSI: 1 if it was previously set, and 0 if it was previously clear.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit position, relative to bit-zero-address, of the bit that LIB$BBSSI tests and sets. The position argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the bit position. A position of zero denotes the low-order bit of the byte base. The bit position is equal to the offset of the bit chosen from the base position. This offset may span the entire range of a signed longword integer; negative offsets access bits in lower addressed bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of the byte containing bit 0 of the field that LIB$BBSSI references. The bit-zero-address argument is the location of the base position. The bit that LIB$BBSSI tests and sets is position bits offset from the low bit of bit-zero-address.
The single bit specified by position
arguments is tested, the previous state of
the bit remembered, and the bit set. The reading of the state of the bit and its setting
are interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system.
The remembered previous state of the bit is then returned as the function value of
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran example program demonstrates C the use of LIB$BBSSI. C- INTEGER*4 STATES(4) ! 128 shared state bits COMMON /STATES/ STATES ! Could be shared memory LOGICAL*4 LIB$BBSSI IF (LIB$BBSSI (104, STATES)) THEN TYPE *,’State bit 104 was set’ ELSE TYPE *,’State bit 104 was clear’ END IF END
This Fortran example tests and sets bit 104 of array STATES, which is in a COMMON storage area (possibly shared between two processors).
$ RUN STATEB State bit 104 was clear.
LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC — The Build a Node-Name Specification routine builds a node-name specification from the primary node name. The output node-name specification can be used for other node-name parsing operations.
LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC primary-nodename, nodespec [,acs] [,secondary-nodename]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Primary node name. The primary-nodename argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this node-name string. The primary node name should not contain unnecessary quotation marks (that is, quotation marks (" ") that are not part of a simple name within the node name).
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if primary-nodename points to a null string. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if primary-nodename is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
Node-name specification. The nodespec argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this output node-name specification string. LIB$BUILD_ NODESPEC writes the output node-name specification into the buffer pointed to by the nodespec descriptor.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if nodespec is an invalid descriptor.
The length field of the nodespec descriptor is not updated unless nodespec is a dynamic descriptor with a length less than the resultant node-name specification. Refer to the OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic string descriptor usage.
The nodespec argument contains an unusable result when LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | dy descriptor |
Access control string. The acs argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this access control string. The access control string must be a quoted string.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if acs is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | dy descriptor |
Secondary node name. The secondary-nodename argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this secondary node-name string.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if secondary-nodename is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | unsigned_word |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the output node-name specification. The nodespec-length argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes.
The nodespec-length argument contains an unusable result when LIB$BUILD_ NODESPEC returns in error.
This routine builds the parsable form of a node name as the output node-name specification from the network usable form. Refer to LIB$GET_HOSTNAME for the definitions of both the parsable form and the network usable form.
The network usable form is specified by the argument
. If
contains special characters, it is
enclosed in quotation marks (" ") to build the node-name specification.
The quotation marks prevent the special characters from being recognized as
terminator characters and enables correct parsing of the node-name syntax.
If you enclose primary-nodename
in quotation marks, any
quotation marks that are part of any simple names within
are doubled (that is, each quotation
mark (") is turned into two quotation marks ( ")). LIB$BUILD_NODESPEC
checks if the fully quoted primary node name exceeds 1024 characters. The error
condition LIB$_NODTOOLNG is returned if this is the case.
To form the output node-name specification, the fully quoted primary node name is concatenated with the access control string (if supplied) and the double colons and is followed by the secondary node name (if supplied).
This routine does not validate any of the input arguments to ensure they can form a syntactically valid node name when they are concatenated.
If the routine overflows the output buffer pointed to by
, the output node-name specification is
truncated, and the alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
The nodespec-length
argument, if supplied, is always set to
the length of the node-name specification that is written into the output buffer
pointed to by nodespec
Condition Value Returns
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The primary-nodename argument points to a null string. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_NODTOOLNG | The primary node name after quoting exceeds 1024 characters. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the output buffer pointed to by the nodespec argument. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_DXDX.
LIB$CALLG — The Call Routine with General Argument List routine calls a routine with an argument list specified as an array of longwords, the first of which is a count of the remaining longwords. LIB$CALLG is a callable version of the VAX CALLG instruction.
LIB$CALLG argument-list ,user-procedure
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Return value, if any, of the called routine, unchanged by LIB$CALLG.
OpenVMS usage: | arg_list |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Argument list to be passed to user-procedure. The argument-list argument is the address of an array of longwords that is the argument list. The first longword contains the count of the remaining longwords, to a maximum of 255.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that LIB$CALLG calls with the specified argument list.
LIB$CALLG is used to call routines that accept variable-length argument lists when the number of arguments to be passed is not known until execution time. LIB$CALLG is also used to call such routines from strongly typed languages, which require routines to be declared as having a fixed number of arguments.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$CALLG_64 — The Call Routine with General Argument List routine calls a routine with an argument list specified as an array of quadwords, the first of which is a count of the remaining quadwords.
LIB$CALLG_64 argument-list ,user-procedure
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Return value, if any, of the called routine, unchanged by LIB$CALLG_64.
OpenVMS usage: | arg_list |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Argument list to be passed to user-procedure. The argument-list argument is the address of an array of quadwords that is the argument list. The first quadword contains the count of the remaining quadwords, to a maximum of 255.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that LIB$CALLG_64 calls with the specified argument list.
LIB$CALLG_64 is useful for calling routines that accept variable-length argument lists when the number of arguments to be passed is not known until execution time. LIB$CALLG_64 can also be used to call such routines from strongly typed languages, which require routines to be declared as having a fixed number of arguments.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$CHAR — The Transform Byte to First Character of String routine transforms a single 8-bit ASCII character to an ASCII string consisting of a single character followed by trailing spaces, if needed, to fill out the string. The range of the input byte is 0 through 255.
LIB$CHAR one-character-string ,ascii-code
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
ASCII character string consisting of a single character followed by trailing spaces, if needed, that LIB$CHAR creates when it transforms the ASCII character code. The one-character-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the character string that LIB$CHAR writes.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Single 8-bit ASCII character code that LIB$CHAR transforms to an ASCII string. The ascii-code argument is the address of an unsigned byte containing the ASCII character code.
LIB$CHAR is the inverse of LIB$ICHAR. (See the description of LIB$ICHAR.) LIB$CHAR is not a binary-to-ASCII conversion routine. LIB$CHAR merely interprets ascii-code as an ASCII character code and converts it to a string.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed, but the string was truncated. The destination string could not contain all of the characters. |
LIB$COMPARE_NODENAME — The Compare Two Node Names routine compares two node names to see if they resolve to the same full name. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$COMPARE_NODENAME nodename1 ,nodename2 ,comparison-result
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
First node name to be compared. The nodename1 argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this node-name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if nodename1 contains an invalid node name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if nodename1 is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Second node name to be compared. The nodename2 argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this node-name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if nodename2 contains an invalid node name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if nodename2 is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the comparison. The comparison-result argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the comparison result. If the two node names are equal, 0 is returned. If they are not equal, 1 is returned.
Comparison-result contains an unusable result when LIB$COMPARE_ NODENAME returns in error.
comparison-result Value | Meaning |
0 |
Node names are equal. |
1 |
Node names are not equal. |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by RTL routine LIB$SCOPY_R_DX or by the $IPC DECnet service.
LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME — The Compress a Node Name to Its Short Form Equivalence routine compresses a node name to an unambiguous short form usable within the naming environment where the compression is performed. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME nodename ,compressed-nodename
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Node name to be compressed. The nodename argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this node-name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if nodename contains an invalid node name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if the nodename descriptor is invalid.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Compressed node name. The compressed-nodename argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to the compressed node-name string. LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME writes the compressed node name into the buffer pointed to by compressed-nodename.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if compressed-nodename is an invalid descriptor.
The length field of the compressed-nodename descriptor is not updated unless compressed-nodename is a dynamic descriptor with a length less than the resulting compressed node name. Refer to the OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic string descriptor usage.
The compressed-nodename argument contains an unusable result when LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the compressed node name. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes.
The resultant-length argument contains an unusable result when LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME returns in error.
This routine compresses a given node name to a short form that is usable within the local naming environment in which the compression is performed. The local naming environment is defined by the underlying network directory services. Be careful when using the compressed node name for making network connections. Using the compressed node name outside the intended local naming environment may result in an ambiguous reference. Use the full name whenever you need to eliminate ambiguity.
The nodename
argument is validated against the supported form
of node names. The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if the input node name is
When calling LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME in a DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS environment, the underlying network layer verifies the existence of the input node name. If the input node name does not resolve to an existing node name in the naming environment, an error condition is returned by the underlying network layer and propagated back to the caller of LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME.
If the returned compressed node name overflows the buffer pointed to by
, the compressed node name is truncated,
and the alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
The actual length of the compressed node name written to the output buffer
is returned in
if this argument is supplied.
In a DECnet environment, compressing a DECnet-Plus node name results in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the output buffer pointed to by compressed-nodename. |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by RTL routine LIB$SCOPY_R_DX or by the $IPC DECnet service.
LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING — The Convert Date String to Quadword routine converts an absolute date string into an OpenVMS internal format date-time quadword. That is, given an input date/time string of a specified format, LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING converts this string to an OpenVMS internal format time.
LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING date-string ,date-time [,user-context] [,flags]
[,defaults] [,defaulted-fields]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | time_name |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Date string that specifies the absolute time to be converted to an internal system time. The date-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this date string. This string must have a format corresponding to the currently defined input format, or it must be one of the relative day strings YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW, or their equivalents in the currently selected language.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Receives the converted time. The date-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that contains this OpenVMS internal format converted time.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context variable that receives the translation context from a call to LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT and then retains the translation context over multiple calls to LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING. The user-context argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains this context. The user program should not write directly to this variable once it is initialized.
The user-context parameter is optional. However, if a context cell is not passed, the routine LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING may abort if two threads of execution attempt to manipulate the context area concurrently. Therefore, when calling this routine in situations where reentrancy might occur, such as from AST level, VSI recommends that users specify a different context cell for each calling thread.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Specifies which date or time fields of the date-string argument might be omitted so that default values are applied. The flags argument is the address of a longword bit mask that contains these flags. A set bit indicates that the field may be omitted. The bit definitions for the mask correspond to the fields in a $NUMTIM ‘‘timbuf’’ structure as follows:
Field |
Bit Number |
Mask |
Year |
0 |
#1 |
Month |
1 |
#2 |
Day of month |
2 |
#4 |
Hours |
3 |
#8 |
Minutes |
4 |
16 |
Seconds |
5 |
32 |
Fractional seconds |
6 |
64 |
Bits 7 through 31 must be zero and are reserved for use by VSI. If this parameter is omitted, a default value of 120 (78H) is used, indicating that the time fields may be defaulted but the date fields may not.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Supplies the defaults to be used for omitted fields. The defaults argument is the address of an array of unsigned words containing these default values. This array corresponds to a 7-word $NUMTIM ‘‘timbuf’’ structure. If the defaults argument is omitted, the following defaults are applied:
For the date group, the default is the current date.
For the time group, the default is 00:00:00.00.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Indicates which date or time fields have been defaulted. The defaulted-fields argument is the address of a longword bit mask that specifies these fields. The bit definitions are identical to those of the flags bit mask. A set bit indicates that the field was defaulted. Bits 7 through 31, which are reserved for use by VSI, are zeroed.
The language and format are programmable at compile time through the use of the routine LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT.
The language and format can be determined at run time through the translation of the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT.
In general, if an application is reading text from internal storage, the language and input format should be specified at compile time. If this is the case, use the routine LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT to specify the language and input format of your choice.
If an application is accepting text from a user, the logical name method of specifying language and format should be used. In this method, the user assigns equivalence names to the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT, thereby selecting the language and input format of the date and time at run time.
argument is used to indicate which
fields are to be defaulted, and the defaults
argument is used to
supply the default values. If the defaults
argument is not
supplied, the following default values are applied:For the date group, the default is the current date.
For the time group, the default is 00:00:00.00.
argument to
receive information on which input fields were omitted and thus accepted default values.Note
Because the default is the current date for the date group, if you specify a value of 00 with the !Y2 format, the year is interpreted as 1900. After January 1, 2000, the value 00 will be interpreted as 2000.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_AMBDATTIM | Ambiguous date or time. |
LIB$_DEFFORUSE | Default format used; unable to determine desired format. |
LIB$_ENGLUSED | English used by default; unable to translate SYS$LANGUAGE. |
LIB$_ILLFORMAT | Illegal format string; too many or not enough fields. |
LIB$_INCDATTIM | Incomplete date or time; missing fields with no defaults. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument; a required argument was not specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid input string descriptor. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid date or time. |
LIB$_REENTRANCY | Reentrancy detected. |
LIB$_UNRFORCOD | Unrecognized format code. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by RTL routines LIB$GET_VM, LIB$FREE_VM, LIB$FREE1_DD, and LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, and system services $NUMTIM and $GETTIM.
LIB$CRC — The Calculate a Cyclic Redundancy Check routine calculates the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for a data stream.
LIB$CRC crc-table ,initial-crc ,stream
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The computed cyclic redundancy check.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
The 16-longword cyclic redundancy check table created by a call to LIB$CRC_ TABLE. The crc-table argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this table. Because this table is created by LIB$CRC_TABLE and then used as input in LIB$CRC, your program must call LIB$CRC_TABLE before it calls LIB$CRC.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Initial cyclic redundancy check. The initial-crc argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the initial cyclic redundancy check.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Data stream for which LIB$CRC is calculating the CRC. The stream argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the data stream.
Before your program can call LIB$CRC, it must call LIB$CRC_TABLE. LIB$CRC_TABLE takes a polynomial as its input and builds the table that LIB$CRC uses to calculate the CRC.
LIB$CRC allows your high-level language program to use the CRC instruction, which calculates the cyclic redundancy check. This instruction checks the integrity of a data stream by comparing its state at the sending point and the receiving point. Each character in the data stream is used to generate a value based on a polynomial. The values for each character are then added together. This operation is performed at both ends of the data transmission, and the two result values compared. If the results disagree, then an error occurred during the transmission.
Condition Values Returned
For an example on how to use LIB$CRC, refer to the BASIC example at the end of the description of LIB$CRC_TABLE
LIB$CRC_TABLE — The Construct a Cyclic Redundancy Check Table routine constructs a 16-longword table that uses a cyclic redundancy check polynomial specification as a bit mask.
LIB$CRC_TABLE polynomial-coefficient ,crc-table
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
A bit mask indicating which polynomial coefficients are to be generated by LIB$CRC_TABLE. The polynomial-coefficient argument is the address of an unsigned longword integer containing this bit mask.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | longword (integer) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
The 16-longword table that LIB$CRC_TABLE produces. The crc-table argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the table.
The table created by LIB$CRC_TABLE can be passed to the LIB$CRC routine for generating the cyclic redundancy check value for a stream of characters.
Condition Values Returned
1 %TITLE "Demonstrate LIB$CRC and LIB$CRC_TABLE" %SBTTL "Declarations" %IDENT "1-001" !-- OPTION TYPE = EXPLICIT DECLARE LONG CRC_TABLE(15), ! CRC table array & LONG CRC_VAL_1, ! CRC for first stream & LONG CRC_VAL_2, ! CRC for second stream & STRING DATA_1, ! First data stream & STRING DATA_2 ! Second data stream EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$CRC ! Rtn to calculate CRC EXTERNAL SUB LIB$CRC_TABLE ! Rtn to set up table for CRC OPEN "SYS$INPUT:" FOR INPUT AS FILE 1% !+ ! Initialize the CRC table. Use the CRC-16 polynomial (refer to the ! VAX Architecture Reference Manual). This is the polynomial used by ! DDCMP and Bisync. !- CALL LIB$CRC_TABLE( O’120001’L, CRC_TABLE() BY REF ) !+ ! Get data from user. !- LINPUT #1%, ’Enter string: ’;DATA_1 !+ ! Calc the CRC for the user’s input. This CRC polynomial needs ! an initial CRC of 0 (refer to the VAX Architecture Reference Manual). ! LIB$CRC returns a longword, but only the low-order word is valid ! for this polynomial. !- CRC_VAL_1 = LIB$CRC( CRC_TABLE() BY REF, 0%, DATA_1 ) CRC_VAL_1 = CRC_VAL_1 AND 32767% !+ ! Get more data from user. !- LINPUT #1%, ’Enter a second string: ’;DATA_2 CRC_VAL_2 = LIB$CRC( CRC_TABLE() BY REF, 0%, DATA_2 ) CRC_VAL_2 = CRC_VAL_2 AND 32767% !+ ! Tell the user the results of the CRC comparison. !- IF CRC_VAL_1 = CRC_VAL_2 THEN PRINT "The two CRCs";CRC_VAL_1;" and ";CRC_VAL_2;" were the same" ELSE PRINT "The two CRCs";CRC_VAL_1;" and ";CRC_VAL_2;" were different" END IF IF DATA_1 = DATA_2 THEN PRINT "The two strings were the same" ELSE PRINT "The two strings were different" END IF END
$ RUN CRC Enter string: DOVE Enter a second string: HOSE The two CRCs 29915 and 29915 were the same The two strings were different
LIB$CREATE_DIR — The Create a Directory routine creates a directory or subdirectory.
LIB$CREATE_DIR device-directory-spec [,owner-UIC] [,protection-enable]
[,protection-value] [,maximum-versions] [,relative-volume-number]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | device_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Directory specification of the directory or subdirectory that LIB$CREATE_DIR will create. The device-directory-spec argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this directory specification.
The format of the device-directory-spec string conforms to standard OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) format. This specification must contain a directory or subdirectory specification. It may contain a disk specification. SMD$:[THIS.IS.IT] is an example of a standard RMS file specification, where SMD$ is the disk specification and [THIS.IS.IT] is the subdirectory specification.
This specification cannot contain a node name, file name, file type, file version, or wildcard characters. The maximum size of this string is 255 characters on VAX, and 4095 characters on Alpha.
OpenVMS usage: | uic |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User identification code (UIC) identifying the owner of the created directory or subdirectory. The owner-UIC argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the UIC. If owner-UIC is zero, the owner UIC is that of the parent directory. The specified value for owner-UIC is interpreted as a 32-bit octal number, with two 16-bit fields:
bits 00–15 — Member number
bits 16–31 — Group number
This is an optional argument. The default is the UIC of the current process except when the directory is in UIC format. For a directory in UIC format, for example [123,321], the UIC of the created directory is used.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_word |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mask specifying the bits of protection-value to be set. The protection-enable argument is the address of an unsigned word containing this protection mask.
The figure below shows the structure of a protection mask. Access is allowed for bits set to 0.

Bits set in the protection-enable mask cause corresponding bits of protection-value to be set. Bits not set in the protection-enable mask cause corresponding bits of protection-value to take the value of the corresponding bit in the parent directory’s file protection. Bits in the parent directory’s file protection that indicate delete access do not cause corresponding bits of protection-value to be set, however.
Following is an example of how the protection-value protection mask is defined:
Mask Name | Hexadecimal Number | Value |
Protection enable | %XDBFF | S:None, O:None, G:E, W:W |
Parent directory | %X13FF | S:RWED, O:RWED, G:RW, W:R |
Protection value | %X37FF | S:RWE, O:RWE, G:RWE, W:RW |
The protection-enable argument is optional. It should be used only when you want to change protection values from the parent directory’s default file protection. The default for protection-enable is a mask of all zero bits, which results in the propagation of the parent directory’s file protection. If the protection-enable mask contains zeros, protection-value is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | file_protection |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
System/Owner/Group/World protection value of the directory you are creating. The protection-value argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this protection mask.
The bits of protection-value are set or cleared in the method described in the definition of protection-enable above.
The protection-value argument is optional. The default is a word of all zero bits, which specifies full access for all access categories. Typically, protection-value is not omitted unless protection-enable is also omitted. If protection-enable is omitted, protection-value is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Maximum number of versions allowed for files created in the newly created directories. The maximum-versions argument is the address of an unsigned word containing the value of the maximum number of versions.
The maximum-versions argument is optional. The default is the parent directory’s default version limit. If maximum-versions is zero, the maximum number of versions is not limited.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Relative volume number within a volume set on which the directory or subdirectory is created. The relative-volume-number argument is the address of an unsigned word containing the relative volume number. The relative-volume-number argument is optional. The default is arbitrary placement within the volume set.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Initial number of blocks to be allocated to the directory. This argument is useful for creating large directories, for example MAIL.DIR;1. It can improve performance by avoiding the need for later dynamic expansion of the directory.
The initial-allocation argument applies only to Files–11 Level 2 volumes; it is ignored for other volumes.
This argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the initial number of blocks to be allocated to the directory.
The initial-allocation argument is optional. The default allocation is 1 block.
LIB$CREATE_DIR creates a directory. You can specify:
The owner and protection of the directory.
The maximum number of different versions of a file that can exist in the directory.
The relative volume number of the volume set member in which the directory is to be created.
The number of blocks to be allocated initially to the directory.
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_CREATED | Routine successfully completed; one or more directories created. |
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed; all specified directories already exist. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument to Run-Time Library. Either the required argument was omitted, or device-directory-spec is longer than 4095 characters. |
LIB$_INVFILSPE | Invalid file specification. Either the file specification did not contain an explicit directory and device name, or it contained a node name, file name, file type, file version, or wildcard. This error is also produced if the device specified was not a disk. |
Any condition values returned by system services $ASSIGN, $DASSGN, $PARSE, and $QIO, and RTL routines LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC, LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_ 64, and LIB$GET_EF.
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE — The Create User-Defined Storage Zone routine creates a new user-defined storage zone in the 32-bit virtual address space.
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE zone-id [,user-argument] [,user-allocation-procedure]
[,user-deallocation-procedure] [,user-reset-procedure] [,user-delete-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id argument is the address of a longword that receives the identifier of the newly created zone.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. The user-argument argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the user argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE copies the value of user-argument and supplies the value to all user procedures invoked.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User allocation routine.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User deallocation routine.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User routine invoked each time LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE is called for the zone.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User routine invoked when LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE is called for the zone.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name to be associated with the zone being created. The optional zone-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the zone name. If zone-name is not specified, the zone will not have an associated name.
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE creates a user-defined zone in the 32-bit virtual address space. If an error status is returned, the zone is not created.
Each time that one of the heap management routines (LIB$GET_VM, LIB$FREE_VM, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE, or LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE) is called to perform an operation on a user-defined zone, the corresponding user routine that you supplied is used.
You may omit any of the optional user routines. However, if you omit a routine and later call the corresponding heap management routine, the error status LIB$_INVOPEZON will be returned.
Call Format for User Routines
The user routines are called with arguments similar to those passed to LIB$GET_VM,
argument from LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE is passed
to the user routine rather than a zone-id
num-bytes ,base-adr ,user-argument
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes to allocate or free. The num-bytes argument is the address of a longword integer containing the number of bytes. The value of num-bytes must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Virtual address of the first contiguous block of bytes allocated or freed. The base-adr argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing this base address. (This argument is write-only for a get routine and read-only for a free routine.)
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE copies user-argument as it is supplied to all user routines invoked.
The status value returned by your routine is returned as the status value for the corresponding call to LIB$GET_VM or LIB$FREE_VM.
The zone-id value that is returned can be used in calls to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE and LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE.
The call format for a user reset or delete routine is as follows:
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE copies user-argument as it is supplied to all user routines invoked.
The status value returned by your routine is returned as the status value for the corresponding call to LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE or LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor for zone-name. |
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 — The Create User-Defined Storage Zone routine creates a new user-defined storage zone in the 64-bit virtual address space.
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 zone-id [,user-argument]
[,user-allocation-procedure] [,user-deallocation-procedure] [,user-reset-procedure]
[,user-delete-procedure] [,zone-name]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id argument is the address of a quadword that receives the identifier of the newly created zone.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. The user-argument argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the user argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 copies the value of user-argument and supplies the value to all user procedures invoked.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User allocation routine.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User deallocation routine.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User routine invoked each time LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 is called for the zone.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User routine invoked when LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64 is called for the zone.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name to be associated with the zone being created. The optional zone-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the zone name. If zone-name is not specified, the zone will not have an associated name.
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 creates a user-defined zone in the 64-bit virtual address space. If an error status is returned, the zone is not created.
Each time that one of the heap management routines (LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$FREE_VM_64, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64, or LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_ 64) is called to perform an operation on a user-defined zone, the corresponding user routine that you supplied is used.
You may omit any of the optional user routines. However, if you omit a routine and later call the corresponding heap management routine, the error status LIB$_INVOPEZON will be returned.
Call Format for User Routines
The user routines are called with arguments similar to those passed to LIB$GET_ VM_64, LIB$FREE_VM_64, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64, or LIB$DELETE_VM_ ZONE_64. In each case, the user-argument argument from LIB$CREATE_ USER_VM_ZONE_64 is passed to the user routine rather than a zone-id argument.
The call format for a user get or free routine is as follows:
num-bytes ,base-adr ,user-argument
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes to allocate or free. The num-bytes argument is the address of a quadword integer containing the number of bytes. The value of num-bytes must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Virtual address of the first contiguous block of bytes allocated or freed. The base-adr argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing this base address. (This argument is write-only for a get routine and read-only for a free routine.)
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 copies user-argument as it is supplied to all user routines invoked.
The status value returned by your routine is returned as the status value for the corresponding call to LIB$GET_VM_64 or LIB$FREE_VM_64.
The zone-id value that is returned can be used in calls to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 and LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64.
The call format for a user reset or delete routine is as follows:
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User argument. LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64 copies user-argument as it is supplied to all user routines invoked.
The status value returned by your routine is returned as the status value for the corresponding call to LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 or LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor for zone-name. |
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE — The Create a New Zone routine creates a new storage zone in the 32-bit virtual address space, according to specified arguments. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE zone-id [,algorithm] [,algorithm-argument] [,flags]
[,extend-size] [,initial-size] [,block-size] [,alignment] [,page-limit]
[,smallest-block-size] [,zone-name] [,get-page] [,free-page]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id argument is the address of a longword that is set to the zone identifier of the newly created zone.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Algorithm. The algorithm argument is the address of a longword integer that contains a value representing one of the LIB$VM algorithms. Use one of the predefined symbols to specify this value.
Symbol | Value | Algorithm |
LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT | 1 | First fit |
LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT | 2 | Quick fit, lookaside list |
LIB$K_VM_FREQ_SIZES | 3 | Frequent sizes, lookaside list |
LIB$K_VM_FIXED | 4 | Fixed-size blocks |
If algorithm is not specified, a default of 1 (first fit) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Algorithm argument. The algorithm-argument argument is the address of a longword integer that contains a value specific to the particular allocation algorithm as shown in the following table.
Algorithm | Value |
First fit | Not used, may be omitted. |
Quick fit | The number of lookaside lists used. The number of lists must be between 1 and 128. |
Frequent sizes | The number of lookaside lists used. The number of lists must be between 1 and 16. |
Fixed size blocks | The fixed request size (in bytes) for each get or free request. The request size must be greater than 0. |
The algorithm-argument argument must be specified if you are using the quick-fit, frequent-sizes or fixed-size-blocks algorithms. However, this argument is optional, but ignored, if you are using the first-fit algorithm.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Flags. The flags argument is the address of a longword integer that contains flag bits that control various options, as follows:
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_TAGS | Boundary tags for faster freeing. Adds a minimum of 8 bytes to each block. |
1 | LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL0 | LIB$GET_VM; fill with bytes of 0. |
2 | LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL1 | LIB$GET_VM; fill with bytes of FF (hexadecimal). |
3 | LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 | LIB$FREE_VM; fill with bytes of 0. |
4 | LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1 | LIB$FREE_VM; fill with bytes of FF (hexadecimal). |
5 | LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA | Adds extents to existing areas if possible. |
6 | LIB$M_VM_NO_EXTEND | Prevents zone from being extended beyond its initial size. If you specify this flag, you must also specify an initial-size. The extend-size argument is not used. |
7 | LIB$M_VM_TAIL_LARGE | Adds areas larger than extend-size areas to the end of the area list. Allocations that are larger than extend-size can result in new areas. These areas are added to the end of the area list. (This provides better memory reuse when allocating small and very large blocks from the same zone.) |
Bits 8 through 31 are reserved and must be 0.
This is an optional argument. If flags is omitted, the default of 0 (no fill and no boundary tags) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone extend size. The extend-size argument is the address of a longword integer that contains the number of (512-byte) pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems to be added to the zone each time it is extended.
The value of extend-size must be greater than or equal to 1.
This is an optional argument. If extend-size is not specified, a default of 16 pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems is used.
The extend-size argument does not limit the number of blocks that can be allocated from the zone. The actual extension size is the greater of extend-size and the number of pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems needed to satisfy the LIB$GET_VM call that caused the extension.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Initial size for the zone. The initial-size argument is the address of a longword integer that contains the number of (512-byte) pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems to be allocated for the zone as the zone is created.
This is an optional argument. If you specify a value for initial-size, the value must be greater than or equal to 0; otherwise, LIB$_INVARG is returned. If initial-size is not specified or is specified as 0, no pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems are allocated when the zone is created. The first call to LIB$GET_VM for the zone allocates extend-size pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block size of the zone. The block-size argument is the address of a longword integer specifying the allocation quantum (in bytes) for the zone. All blocks allocated are rounded up to a multiple of block-size.
The value of block-size must be a power of 2 between 8 and 512. This is an optional argument. If block-size is not specified, a default of 8 is used.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block alignment. The alignment argument is the address of a longword integer that specifies the required address alignment (in bytes) for each block allocated.
The value of alignment must be a power of 2 between 4 and 512. This is an optional argument. If alignment is not specified, a default of 8 (quadword alignment) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Maximum page limit. The page-limit argument is the address of a longword integer that specifies the maximum number of (512-byte) pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems that can be allocated for the zone. The value of page-limit must be greater than or equal to 0. Note that part of the zone is used for header information.
This is an optional argument. If page-limit is not specified or is specified as 0, the only limit is the total process virtual address space limit imposed by OpenVMS. If page-limit is specified, then initial-size must also be specified.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Smallest block size. The smallest-block-size argument is the address of a longword integer that specifies the smallest block size (in bytes) that has a lookaside list for the quick fit algorithm.
If smallest-block-size is not specified, the default of block-size is used. That is, lookaside lists are provided for the first n multiples of block-size.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name to be associated with the zone being created. The optional zone-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the zone name. If zone-name is not specified, the zone will not have an associated name.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that allocates memory. The number and type of the arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$GET_VM_PAGE routine. If get-page is not specified or is specified as 0, the LIB$GET_VM_PAGE routine is used to allocate memory.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that deallocates memory. The number and type of the arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE routine. If free-page is not specified or if free-page is specified as 0, the LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE routine is used to deallocate memory.
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE creates a new storage zone. The zone identifier value that is returned can be used in calls to LIB$GET_VM, LIB$FREE_VM, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE, LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE, LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE, and LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE.
The following restrictions apply when you are creating a zone:
If you want the zone to be accessible from another process or processes, you must map the global section into the same virtual addresses in all processes. You can use PPL$CREATE_SHARED_MEM to map to a global section after you have first called PPL$INITIALIZE.
The zone cannot expand; in other words, additional areas cannot be added to the zone.
The restrictions for LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE also apply to shared zones. That is, it is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the caller has exclusive access to the zone while the reset operation is being performed.
If an error status is returned, the zone is not created.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor for zone-name. |
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 — The Create a New Zone routine creates a new storage zone in the 64-bit virtual address space, according to specified arguments.
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 zone-id [,algorithm] [,algorithm-argument] [,flags]
[,extend-size] [,initial-size] [,block-size] [,alignment] [,page-limit]
[,smallest-block-size] [,zone-name] [,get-page] [,free-page]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id argument is the address of a quadword that is set to the zone identifier of the newly created zone.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Algorithm. The algorithm argument is the address of a quadword integer that represents the code for one of the LIB$VM algorithms. Use one of the following predefined symbols to specify this value:
Symbol | Value | Algorithm |
LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT | First fit | |
LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT | Quick fit, lookaside list | |
LIB$K_VM_FREQ_SIZES | Frequent sizes, lookaside list | |
LIB$K_VM_FIXED | Fixed-size blocks |
If algorithm is not specified, a default of 1 (first fit) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Algorithm argument. The algorithm-argument argument is the address of a quadword integer that contains a value specific to the particular allocation algorithm.
Algorithm | Value |
First fit | Not used, may be omitted. |
Quick fit | The number of lookaside lists used. The number of lists must be between 1 and 128. |
Frequent sizes | The number of lookaside lists used. The number of lists must be between 1 and 16. |
Fixed size blocks | The fixed request size (in bytes) for each get or free request. The request size must be greater than 0. |
The algorithm-argument argument must be specified if you are using the quick-fit, frequent-sizes or fixed-size-blocks algorithms. However, this argument is optional, but ignored, if you are using the first-fit algorithm.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_quadword |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Flags. The flags argument is the address of a quadword integer that contains flag bits that control various options, as follows:
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_TAGS | Boundary tags for faster freeing. Adds a minimum of 16 bytes to each block. |
1 | LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL0 | LIB$GET_VM_64; fill with bytes of 0. |
2 | LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL1 | LIB$GET_VM_64; fill with bytes of FF (hexadecimal). |
3 | LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 | LIB$FREE_VM_64; fill with bytes of 0. |
4 | LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1 | LIB$FREE_VM_64; fill with bytes of FF (hexadecimal). |
5 | LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA | Adds extents to existing areas if possible. |
6 | LIB$M_VM_NO_EXTEND | Prevents zone from being extended beyond its initial size. If you specify this flag, you must also specify an initial-size. Extend-size is not used. |
7 | LIB$M_VM_TAIL_LARGE | Adds areas larger than extend-size areas to the end of the area list. Allocations that are larger than extend-size can result in new areas. These areas are added to the end of the area list. (This provides better memory re-use when allocating small and very large blocks from the same zone.) |
Bits 8 through 63 are reserved and must be 0.
This is an optional argument. If flags is omitted, the default of 0 (no fill and no boundary tags) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone extend size. The extend-size argument is the address of a quadword integer that contains the number of Alpha and I64 pagelets to be added to the zone each time it is extended.
The value of extend-size must be greater than or equal to 1.
This is an optional argument. If extend-size is not specified, a default of 16 Alpha or I64 pagelets is used.
The extend-size argument does not limit the number of blocks that can be allocated from the zone. The actual extension size is the greater of extend-size and the number of Alpha or I64 pagelets needed to satisfy the LIB$GET_VM_64 call that caused the extension.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Initial size for the zone. The initial-size argument is the address of a quadword integer that contains the number of Alpha or I64 pagelets to be allocated for the zone as the zone is created.
This is an optional argument. If you specify a value for initial-size, the value must be greater than or equal to 0; otherwise, LIB$_INVARG is returned. If initial-size is not specified or is specified as 0, no Alpha pagelets or I64 are allocated when the zone is created. The first call to LIB$GET_VM_64 for the zone allocates extend-size pagelets on Alpha or I64 systems.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block size of the zone. The block-size argument is the address of a quadword integer specifying the allocation quantum (in bytes) for the zone. All blocks allocated are rounded up to a multiple of block-size.
The value of block-size must be a power of 2 between 16 and 512. This is an optional argument. If block-size is not specified, a default of 16 is used.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block alignment. The alignment argument is the address of a quadword integer that specifies the required address alignment (in bytes) for each block allocated.
The value of alignment must be a power of 2 between 8 and 512. This is an optional argument. If alignment is not specified, a default of 16 (octaword alignment) is used.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Maximum page limit. The page-limit argument is the address of a quadword integer that specifies the maximum number of Alpha or I64 pagelets that can be allocated for the zone. The value of page-limit must be greater than or equal to 0. Note that part of the zone is used for header information.
This is an optional argument. If page-limit is not specified or is specified as 0, the only limit is the total process virtual address space limit imposed by OpenVMS. If page-limit is specified, then initial-size must also be specified.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Smallest block size. The smallest-block-size argument is the address of a quadword integer that specifies the smallest block size (in bytes) that has a lookaside list for the quick fit algorithm.
If smallest-block-size is not specified, the default of block-size is used. That is, lookaside lists are provided for the first n multiples of block-size.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name to be associated with the zone being created. The optional zone-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the zone name. If zone-name is not specified, the zone will not have an associated name.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that allocates memory. The number and type of the arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 routine. If get-page is not specified or is specified as 0, the LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 routine is used to allocate memory.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine that deallocates memory. The number and type of the arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 routine. If free-page is not specified or if free-page is specified as 0, the LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 routine is used to deallocate memory.
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 creates a new storage zone. The zone identifier value that is returned can be used in calls to LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$FREE_VM_ 64, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64, LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64, LIB$SHOW_VM_ ZONE_64, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64, and LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_ 64.
The following restrictions apply when you are creating a zone:
If you want the zone to be accessible from another process or processes, you must map the global section into the same virtual addresses in all processes.
The zone cannot expand; in other words, additional areas cannot be added to the zone.
The restrictions for LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 also apply to shared zones. That is, it is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the caller has exclusive access to the zone while the reset operation is being performed.
If an error status is returned, the zone is not created.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor for zone-name. |
LIB$CRF_INS_KEY — The Insert Key in Cross-Reference Table routine inserts information about a key into a cross-reference table. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$CRF_INS_KEY control-table ,key-string ,symbol-value
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Cross-reference table into which LIB$CRF_INS_KEY inserts information about the key. The control-table argument is the address of a signed longword integer pointing to the cross-reference table. You must name this table each time you call a cross-reference routine because you can accumulate information for more than one cross-reference table at a time.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
A counted ASCII string that contains a symbol name or an unsigned binary longword. The key-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the key.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Symbol value, the address of which LIB$CRF_INS_KEY inserts in the cross-reference table. The symbol-value argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this value. Both the key and value addresses must be permanent addresses in the user’s symbol table.
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
Value used in selecting the contents of the KEY2 and VAL2 fields; flags is stored with the entry. The flags argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the flags. When preparing the output line, LIB$CRF_OUTPUT uses flags and the 16-bit mask in the field descriptor table to extract the data. The high-order bit of the word is reserved for LIB$CRF_INS_KEY.
LIB$CRF_INS_KEY stores information to be printed in the KEY1, KEY2, VAL1, and VAL2 fields. When you call this routine, an entry for the key is made in the cross-reference table if the key is not present in the table. If the key is present, only the value address and value flag fields are updated.
Define a table of control information using the $CRFCTLTABLE macro.
Define each field of the output line using the $CRFFIELD macro.
Using the $CRFFIELDEND macro, specify the end of each set of macros that define a field in the output line.
Provide data by calling LIB$CRF_INS_KEY to insert an entry for the specify key in the specified symbol table. This data is used to build tables in virtual memory.
Call LIB$CRF_OUTPUT, the cross-reference output routine, to summarize and format the data. Supply a routine that LIB$CRF_OUTPUT calls to print each line in the output file. Because you supply this routine, you can control the number of lines per page and the header lines.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$CRF_INS_REF — The Insert Reference to a Key in the Cross-Reference Table routine inserts a reference to a key in a cross-reference symbol table.
LIB$CRF_INS_REF control-table ,longword-integer-key ,reference-string
,longword-integer-reference ,ref-definition-indicator
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Control table associated with this cross-reference. The control-table argument is the address of an array containing the control table.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Key referred to by LIB$CRF_INS_REF. The longword-integer-key argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the key. The key is a counted ASCII string that contains a symbol name or an unsigned binary longword. It must be a permanent address in the user’s symbol table.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Counted ASCII string with a maximum of 31 characters, not including the byte count. The reference-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the counted ASCII string.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The 16-bit value used in selecting the contents of the REF1 field. The longword-integer-reference argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this value. When preparing the output line, LIB$CRF_OUTPUT uses longword-integer-reference and the bit mask in the field descriptor table to extract the data. The high-order bit of the word is reserved for LIB$CRF_INS_ REF.
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
Reference/definition indicator that LIB$CRF_INS_REF uses to distinguish between a reference to a symbol and the definition of the symbol. The ref-definition-indicator argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this indicator. The only difference between processing a symbol reference and a symbol definition is where LIB$CRF_INS_REF stores the information.
Symbolic Name |
Description |
Reference to a symbol |
Definition of a symbol |
LIB$CRF_INS_REF inserts a reference to a key in the cross-reference symbol table. If you attempt to insert reference information for a key that was not specified in a call to LIB$CRF_INS_KEY, LIB$CRF_INS_REF uses the address of the key to locate the symbol name and set the KEY1 field. Once set, either as a result of LIB$CRF_INS_KEY or LIB$CRF_INS_REF, the KEY1 field is never changed. A KEY1 field set by LIB$CRF_INS_REF has a space-filled VAL1 field associated with it unless it is overridden by a subsequent call to LIB$CRF_INS_KEY.
Define a table of control information using the $CRFCTLTABLE macro.
Define each field of the output line using the $CRFFIELD macro.
Using the $CRFFIELDEND macro, specify the end of each set of macros that define a field in the output line.
Provide data by calling LIB$CRF_INS_REF to insert a reference to a key in the specified symbol table. This data is used to build tables in virtual memory.
Call LIB$CRF_OUTPUT, the cross-reference output routine, to summarize and format the data. Supply a routine that LIB$CRF_OUTPUT calls to print each line in the output file. Because you supply this routine, you can control the number of lines per page and the header lines.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$CRF_OUTPUT — The Output Cross-Reference Table Information routine extracts the information from the cross-reference tables and formats the output pages. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$CRF_OUTPUT control-table ,output-line-width ,page1 ,page2
,mode-indicator ,delete-save-indicator
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Control table associated with the cross-reference. The control-table argument is the address of an array containing the control table. The table contains the address of the user-supplied routine that prints the lines formatted by LIB$CRF_ OUTPUT.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Width of the output line. The output-line-width argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the width.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of lines on the first page of the output. The page1 argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this number. This allows the user to reserve space to print header information on the first page of the cross-reference.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of lines per page for the other pages. The page2 argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing this number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Output mode indicator. The mode-indicator argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the mode indicator.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Output Mode |
Description |
Only the value and key fields are to be printed. LIB$CRF_OUTPUT creates multiple columns across the page. Each column consists of the KEY1, KEY2, VAL1, and VAL2 fields. A minimum of one space between each column is guaranteed. |
Requests a cross-reference summary that has no column space saved for a defining reference. If the user inserted a reference with the CRF$K_DEF indicator, the entry is ignored. |
Requests a cross-reference summary with the first REF1 and REF2 fields used only for definition references. If no definition reference is provided, the fields are filled with spaces. |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delete/save indicator, which LIB$CRF_OUTPUT uses to determine whether the table's built-in accumulating symbol information is to be saved or deleted once the cross-reference is produced. The delete-save-indicator argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the delete/save indicator.
The indicator can be either of the following:
To preserve the tables for subsequent processing |
To delete the tables |
A summary of symbol names and their values, as shown in Figure 2.2, “Summary of Symbol Names and Values”.
A summary of symbol names, their values, and the names of modules that refer to each symbol, as shown in Figure 2.3, “Summary of Symbol Names, Values, and Names of Referring Modules”.
A summary of symbol names, their values, the names of the defining modules, and the names of those modules that refer to each symbol, as shown in Figure 2.4, “Summary Indicating Defining Modules”.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
KEY1 |
Is the first field in the line. It contains a symbol name. |
KEY2 |
Is the second field in the line. It contains a set of flags (for example, -R) that provide information about the symbol. |
VAL1 |
Is the third field in the line. It contains the value of the symbol. |
VAL2 |
Is the fourth field in the line. It contains a set of flags describing VAL1. |
REF1 and REF2 fields |
Within each REF1 and REF2 pair, REF1 provides a set of flags, and REF2 provides the name of a module that references the symbol. |
Any of these fields can be omitted from the output.
Symbol Value Symbol Value ------ ----- ------ ----- BAS$INSTR 000020B0-RU BAS$SCRATCH 00002308-RU KEY1 VAL1 VAL2 KEY1 VAL1 VAL2 Symbol Value Defined By Referenced By ... ------ ----- ---------- ----------------- LIB$FREE_VM 0001E185-R LIB$VM ALLGBL KEY1 VAL1 VAL2 REF2 REF2 (CRF$K_DEF) (CRF$K_REF)
Condition Values Returned
LIB$CURRENCY — The Get System Currency Symbol routine returns the system's currency symbol.
LIB$CURRENCY currency-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Currency symbol. The currency-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the currency symbol.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters that LIB$CURRENCY has written into the currency-string argument, not counting padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word containing the length of the currency symbol. If the input string is truncated to the size specified in the currency-string argument, resultant-length is set to this size. Therefore, resultant-length can always be used by the calling program to access a valid substring of currency-string.
LIB$CURRENCY attempts to translate the logical name SYS$CURRENCY as a process, group, or system logical name, in that order. If the translation fails, the routine returns the United States currency symbol ($). If the translation succeeds, the text produced is returned. Thus, a system manager can define SYS$CURRENCY as a systemwide logical name to provide a default for all users, and an individual user with a special need can define SYS$CURRENCY as a process logical name to override the system default.
For example, if you want to use the British pound sign (£) as the currency symbol within your process but you want to leave the dollar sign as the system's default, define SYS$CURRENCY to be the pound sign in your process logical name table. After this, any call to LIB$CURRENCY within your process returns the pound sign (£), while any call outside your process returns the dollar sign ($).
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed, but the currency string was truncated. |
10 !+ ! This BASIC program uses LIB$CURRENCY to ! return the default system currency symbol. !- OUTLEN = 1 CALL LIB$CURRENCY (CURR$, OUTLEN) PRINT CURR$ 99 END
This BASIC program uses LIB$CURRENCY to display the system currency symbol default. The output generated by the program is a dollar sign ($).
LIB$CVTF_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert Internal Time to External Time (F-Floating-Point Value) routine converts a delta internal OpenVMS system time into an external F-floating time.
LIB$CVTF_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword specifying the operation. Valid values for operation are the following:
Operation | Interpretation |
LIB$K_DELTA_WEEKS_F | Fractional weeks |
LIB$K_DELTA_DAYS_F | Fractional days |
LIB$K_DELTA_HOURS_F | Fractional hours |
LIB$K_DELTA_MINUTES_F | Fractional minutes |
LIB$K_DELTA_SECONDS_F | Fractional seconds |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The external time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an F-floating-point value containing the result.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the time.
LIB$CVTF_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts a delta internal OpenVMS system time into an external F-floating-point time. The operation argument specifies the conversion. LIB$CVTF_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of input-time into one of the external formats listed in the operation argument description. LIB$CVTF_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into resultant-time.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_DELTIMREQ | Delta time required but absolute time supplied. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVTS_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert Internal Time to External Time (IEEE S-Floating-Point Value) routine converts a delta internal OpenVMS system time into an external IEEE S-floating time.
LIB$CVTS_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_code |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword specifying the operation. Valid values for operation are the following:
Operation | Interpretation |
LIB$K_DELTA_WEEKS_F | Fractional weeks |
LIB$K_DELTA_DAYS_F | Fractional days |
LIB$K_DELTA_HOURS_F | Fractional hours |
LIB$K_DELTA_MINUTES_F | Fractional minutes |
LIB$K_DELTA_SECONDS_F | Fractional |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The external time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an IEEE S-floating-point value containing the result.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the time.
LIB$CVTS_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts a delta internal OpenVMS system time into an external IEEE S-floating-point time. The operation argument specifies the conversion. LIB$CVTS_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of input-time into one of the external formats listed in the operation argument description. LIB$CVTS_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into resultant-time.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_DELTIMREQ | Delta time required but absolute time supplied. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVTF_TO_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert External Time to Internal Time (F-Floating-Point Value) routine converts an external time interval into an OpenVMS internal format F-floating delta time.
LIB$CVTF_TO_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,input-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_code |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword specifying the operation. Valid values for operation are the following:
Operation | Interpretation |
LIB$K_DELTA_WEEKS_F | Fractional weeks |
LIB$K_DELTA_DAYS_F | Fractional days |
LIB$K_DELTA_HOURS_F | Fractional hours |
LIB$K_DELTA_MINUTES_F | Fractional minutes |
LIB$K_DELTA_SECONDS_F | Fractional seconds |
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of this input time. The value you supply for input-time must be greater than 0.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The OpenVMS internal format delta time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result.
LIB$CVTF_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts an external time interval, such as 3.5 weeks, into an OpenVMS internal format F-floating delta time. The operation argument specifies the conversion. LIB$CVTF_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of input-time into one of the internal format delta times listed in the operation argument description. LIB$CVTF_TO_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into resultant-time.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVTS_TO_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert External Time to Internal Time (IEEE S-Floating-Point Value) routine converts an external time interval into an OpenVMS internal format IEEE S-floating delta time.
LIB$CVTS_TO_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,input-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_code |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword specifying the operation. Valid values for operation are the following:
Operation | Interpretation |
LIB$K_DELTA_WEEKS_F | Fractional weeks |
LIB$K_DELTA_DAYS_F | Fractional days |
LIB$K_DELTA_HOURS_F | Fractional hours |
LIB$K_DELTA_MINUTES_F | Fractional minutes |
LIB$K_DELTA_SECONDS_F | Fractional seconds |
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of this input time. The value you supply for input-time must be greater than 0.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The OpenVMS internal format delta time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result.
LIB$CVTS_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts an external time interval, such as 3.5 weeks, into an OpenVMS internal format IEEE S-floating delta time. The operation argument specifies the conversion. LIB$CVTS_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of input-time into one of the internal format delta times listed in the operation argument description. LIB$CVTS_TO_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into resultant-time.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVT_DX_DX — The General Data Type Conversion routine converts OpenVMS standard atomic or string data described by a source descriptor to OpenVMS standard atomic or string data described by a destination descriptor. This conversion is supported over a subset of the OpenVMS standard data types.
LIB$CVT_DX_DX source-item ,destination-item
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source item to be converted by LIB$CVT_DX_DX. The source-item argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the source item to be converted. The type of the item to be converted is contained in the descriptor.
The combination of source descriptor class and data type is restricted as described in Table lib–1 and Table lib–2.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination of the conversion. The destination-item argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination item. The destination descriptor specifies the data type to which the source item is converted.
The combination of destination descriptor class and data type is restricted as described in Table lib–1 and Table lib–2.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length in bytes of the destination item (when that item is a string) that has been converted by LIB$CVT_DX_DX, not including any space filling. The word-integer-dest-length argument contains the address of an unsigned word containing this length.
If the destination string is truncated, the returned length reflects the truncation. This word can be used by the calling program to determine if truncation has occurred or to extract the exact length of the string when the string contains space filling.
LIB$CVT_DX_DX is a universal conversion utility routine. Table 2.1, “OpenVMS Descriptor Class and Data Type Combinations Accepted by LIB$CVT_DX_DX” shows the complete matrix of data type and descriptor class combinations (as specified in the fields of the descriptor) supported by LIB$CVT_DX_DX.
Conversion is defined over three sets of data types: atomic, string, and numeric byte data strings. Although some of the functions of this routine may be found in other Run-Time Library routines, LIB$CVT_DX_DX packages the conversion functions with a general interface. Because of this general interface, the calling program does not have to specify what conversion should be done for which data type.
Refer to LIB$CVT_ xTB if you want to convert the ASCII text string representation of a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number into a binary representation.
Descriptor Class | ||||||
DSC$K_DTYPE_ yyy |
A |
D |
S |
SD |
VS |
Invalid combinations are blank. Any source data can be converted into any other destination data as long as they are both represented by one of the valid combinations. Note: LIB$CVT_DX_DX treats an array, described by a CLASS_A or CLASS_NCA descriptor, as a character string. NBDS must have the format defined in Table 2.2, “LIB$CVT_DX_DX Destination NBDS Formats”. | ||||||
B |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
BU |
Non-NBDS | |||
D |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
F |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
FS |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
FT |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
G |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
H |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
L |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
LU |
Non-NBDS | |||||
NL |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
NR |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
NU |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
NZ |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
P |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
Q |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
T |
NBDS | |
VT |
NBDS | |||||
W |
Non-NBDS |
Non-NBDS | ||||
WU |
Non-NBDS |
Guidelines for Using LIB$CVT_DX_DX
Scale is applied when indicated in the descriptor (descriptor CLASS_SD only), and scaling is defined for the data type.
No language-specific semantics are applied, such as BASIC scale for DSC$K_DTYPE_D.
Some conversions must use intermediate values to arrive at the destination requested. Although some loss of speed is inevitable, intermediate values will not cause a loss of precision.
Results are always rounded instead of truncated, except for the case described below. Note that loss of precision or range may be inherent in the destination data type or in the NBDS destination size. No errors are reported if there is a loss of precision or range as a result of destination data type.
When the destination is an NBDS and has fixed-string semantics, then if the source does not fill the destination, the destination is padded with blanks.
When the source and destination are both NBDS and no scaling is requested, then a straight copy is done without translation or conversion, and truncation is possible. If scaling is requested, then a conversion takes place as defined in Table 2.2, “LIB$CVT_DX_DX Destination NBDS Formats”.
When the source is an NBDS and the destination is non-NBDS, if there is an invalid character in the source or the value is outside the range that can be represented by the destination, then LIB$_INVNBDS is returned.
Attempts to convert a negative value to an unsigned data type cause the LIB$_INVCVT error to be returned.
If the destination is an NBDS of descriptor CLASS_D, then a new string of appropriate size is allocated for it, if necessary.
Invalid conversions resulting in an error produce an unpredictable result.
Use of Numeric Byte Data Strings (NBDS)
For simplicity, and to define a generic numeric string that LIB$CVT_DX_DX understands to be a numeric string, the set Numeric Byte Data String (NBDS) is defined to be the set of NBDS descriptors shown in Table 2.1, “OpenVMS Descriptor Class and Data Type Combinations Accepted by LIB$CVT_DX_DX”.
The combination of data type and descriptor class determines whether an argument is an NBDS. For example, LIB$CVT_DX_DX treats the combination DSC$K_DTYPE_B/DSC$K_CLASS_S (unsigned byte scalar) as an atomic data type. However, the routine considers DSC$K_DTYPE_BU/DSC$K_CLASS_NCA (noncontiguous array of unsigned bytes) to be an NBDS.
A destination NBDS is always left-justified.
If a destination NBDS requires more than 50 digits for its format (including the sign, if any), then it is expressed in exponential format.
For a conversion of NBDS to NBDS, this format is used if scaling is requested.
Otherwise, a straight copy is done. The format of a source NBDS is the same as the
format defined for the input argument inp
in OTS$_CVT_T_z,
with bits 0, 2, and 4 set in the flags
argument. That is,
blanks are ignored, underflow causes an error, and tabs are ignored.
Source Data Type |
Destination NBDS Format |
Key to Destination NBDS
| |
Byte integer (signed) |
sdigits |
Byte (unsigned) |
digits |
Word integer (signed) |
sdigits |
Word (unsigned) |
digits |
Longword integer (signed) |
sdigits |
Longword (unsigned) |
digits |
Quadword integer (signed) |
sdigits |
D_floating |
s0.min(16,w-7)E±nn |
F_floating |
s0.min( 7,w-7)E±nn |
G_floating |
s0.min(15,w-8)E±nnn |
H_floating |
s0.min(33,w-9)E±nnnn |
FS_floating (IEEE) |
s0.min(7,w-7)E±nn |
FT_floating (IEEE) |
s0.min(15,w-8)E±nnn |
s0.min(33,w-9)E±nnnn |
Decimal string |
sdigits (as defined by VAX architecture) |
An array is written with the semantics of a fixed string. | |
DIMCT = 1 |
Only one-dimensional arrays are recognized. |
LENGTH = 1 |
The length of each array element must be a byte. |
ARSIZE ≤ 65,535 |
The total size of the array must be less than 65,535 bytes. If ARSIZE = 0, the array has a length of zero. |
S1 = 1 |
The stride of an array passed by a noncontiguous array descriptor must be 1. That is, even if the class of the array's descriptor is noncontiguous array (NCA), the array itself must be contiguous. |
For more information about the semantics of writing output strings, see the VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_DECOVF | Packed decimal overflow error. Severe error. |
LIB$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow error. Severe error. |
LIB$_FLTUND | Floating underflow error. Severe error. |
LIB$_INTOVF | Integer overflow error. Severe error. |
LIB$_INVCLADSC | Invalid class in descriptor. This class of descriptor is not supported. Severe error. |
LIB$_INVCLADTY | Invalid class and data type in descriptor. This class and data type combination is not supported. Severe error. |
LIB$_INVCVT | If the source value is negative and the destination data type is unsigned, this error is returned. |
LIB$_INVDTYDSC | Invalid data type in descriptor. This data type is not supported. Severe error. |
LIB$_INVNBDS | Invalid NBDS. There is an invalid character in the input, or the value is outside the range that can be represented by the destination, or the NMDS descriptor is invalid. This error is also signaled when the array size of an NBDS is larger than 65,535 bytes or the array is multidimensional. |
LIB$_OUTSTRTRU | Output string truncated. This is returned only when NBDS is both source and destination and no scaling is requested. The result is truncated. |
LIB$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand error. Severe error. |
LIB$CVT_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert Internal Time to External Time routine converts an internal OpenVMS system time (either absolute or delta) into an external time.
LIB$CVT_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_code |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the operation. The following table shows valid values for operation:
Operation |
Type |
Return Range |
Absolute |
1 to 12 |
Absolute |
1 to 366 |
Absolute |
1 to 8784 |
Absolute |
1 to 527,040 |
Absolute |
1 to 31,622,400 |
Absolute |
1 to 31 |
Absolute |
1 to 744 |
Absolute |
1 to 44,640 |
Absolute |
1 to 2,678,400 |
Absolute ? |
1 to 7 |
Absolute ? |
1 to 168 |
Absolute ? |
1 to 10,080 |
Absolute ? |
1 to 604,800 |
Absolute |
0 to 23 |
Absolute |
0 to 1439 |
Absolute |
0 to 86,399 |
Absolute |
0 to 59 |
Absolute |
0 to 3599 |
Absolute |
0 to 59 |
Absolute ? |
Julian date |
Delta ? | |
Delta ? | |
Delta ? | |
Delta ? | |
Delta ? |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The external time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the result.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Optional absolute or delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the time. If you do not supply a value for input-time, the current system time is used.
LIB$CVT_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts an internal OpenVMS system time (either
absolute or delta) into an external time. The operation
argument specifies the conversion. LIB$CVT_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of
(or the current system time if
is not supplied) into one of the external
formats listed in the operation
argument description.
LIB$CVT_FROM_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ABSTIMREQ | Absolute time required but delta time supplied. |
LIB$_DELTIMREQ | Delta time required but absolute time supplied. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME — The Convert External Time to Internal Time routine converts an external time interval into an OpenVMS internal format delta time.
LIB$CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME operation ,input-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_code |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The conversion to be performed. The operation argument is the address of an unsigned longword specifying the operation. Valid values for operation are the following:
Operation | Description |
LIB$K_DELTA_WEEKS | Whole weeks in delta time |
LIB$K_DELTA_DAYS | Whole days in delta time |
LIB$K_DELTA_HOURS | Whole hours in delta time |
LIB$K_DELTA_MINUTES | Whole minutes in delta time |
LIB$K_DELTA_SECONDS | Whole seconds in delta time |
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Delta time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of this input time. The value you supply for input-time must be greater than 0.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The OpenVMS internal format delta time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result.
LIB$CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts an external time interval, such as three weeks,
into an OpenVMS internal format delta time. The operation
argument specifies the conversion. LIB$_CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME converts the value of
into one of the internal format delta times
listed in the operation
argument description.
LIB$_CVT_TO_INTERNAL_TIME then places the result into
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVOPER | Invalid operation. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVT_VECTIM — The Convert 7-Word Vector to Internal Time routine converts a 7-word vector into an OpenVMS internal format delta or absolute time.
LIB$CVT_VECTIM input-time ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Time to be converted. The input-time argument is the address of a 7-word structure containing this time. This vector directly corresponds to a $NUMTIM timbuf structure. The following diagram depicts the fields in this structure:

The input-time argument can represent an absolute or a delta time. In order for input-time to represent a delta time, the year since 0 and month of year fields must equal zero. If those fields do not equal zero, an absolute time is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The OpenVMS internal format delta or absolute time that results from the conversion. The resultant-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result.
LIB$CVT_VECTIM converts a 7-word vector (in the format output by the $NUMTIM
system service) into an OpenVMS internal format delta or absolute time.
LIB$CVT_VECTIM then places the result into
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC–Z for more information about $NUMTIM.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$CVT_xTB — The Convert Numeric Text to Binary routines return a binary representation of the ASCII text string representation of a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number.
LIB$CVT_DTB byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
LIB$CVT_HTB byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
LIB$CVT_OTB byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Byte count of the input ASCII text string. The byte-count argument is a signed longword integer containing the byte count of the input string.
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
ASCII text string representation of a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number that LIB$CVT_xTB converts to binary representation. The numeric-string argument is the address of a character string containing this input string to be converted.
The syntax of a valid ASCII text input string is as follows:

LIB$CVT_xTB allows only an optional plus (+) or minus (–) sign followed by a string of decimal, hexadecimal, or octal characters appropriate to the routine being called.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Binary representation of the input string. The result argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the converted string.
LIB$CVT_DTB, LIB$CVT_HTB, and LIB$CVT_OTB are intended to be called primarily from BLISS and MACRO programs. Therefore, the routines expect input scalar arguments to be passed by value and strings by reference.
Condition Values Returned
1 | Routine successfully completed. |
0 | Nonradix character in the input string or a sign in any position other than the first character. An overflow from 32 bits (unsigned) causes an error. |
LIB$CVT_xTB_64 — The Convert Numeric Text to Binary routines return a binary representation of the ASCII text string representation of a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number.
LIB$CVT_DTB_64 byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
LIB$CVT_HTB_64 byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
LIB$CVT_OTB_64 byte-count ,numeric-string ,result
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Byte count of the input ASCII text string. The byte-count argument is a signed longword integer containing the byte count of the input string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
ASCII text string representation of a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number that LIB$CVT_xTB_64 converts to binary representation. The numeric-string argument is the address of a character string containing this input string to be converted.
The syntax of a valid ASCII text input string is as follows:

LIB$CVT_xTB_64 allows only an optional plus (+) or minus (–) sign followed by a string of decimal, hexadecimal, or octal characters appropriate to the routine being called.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Binary representation of the input string. The result argument is the address of a signed quadword integer containing the converted string.
LIB$CVT_DTB_64 converts the ASCII text string representation of a decimal number into binary representation. LIB$CVT_HTB_64 converts the ASCII text string representation of a hexadecimal number into binary representation. LIB$CVT_OTB_64 converts the ASCII text string representation of an octal number into binary representation.
LIB$CVT_DTB_64, LIB$CVT_HTB_64, and LIB$CVT_OTB_64 are intended to be called primarily from BLISS and MACRO programs. Therefore, the routines expect input scalar arguments to be passed by value and strings by reference.
Condition Values Returned
1 | Routine successfully completed. |
0 | Nonradix character in the input string or a sign in any position other than the first character. An overflow from 64 bits (unsigned) causes an error. |
LIB$DATE_TIME — The Date and Time Returned as a String routine returns the OpenVMS system date and time in the semantics of a user-provided string.
LIB$DATE_TIME date-time-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | time_name |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string into which LIB$DATE_TIME writes the system date and time. The date-time-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string. This string is 23 characters long; its format is as follows:
dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.hh
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but destination string was truncated. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
10 !+ ! This BASIC program demonstrates the use of LIB$DATE_TIME. !- CALL LIB$DATE_TIME(DSTSTR$) PRINT DSTSTR$ 99 END
This BASIC program uses LIB$DATE_TIME to display the current system date and time. The output generated by one run of this program follows:
26-JUL-2000 13:41:22.67
LIB$DAY — The Day Number Returned as a Longword Integer routine returns the number of days since the system zero date of November 17, 1858, or the number of days from November 17, 1858, to a user-supplied date.
LIB$DAY number-of-days [,user-time] [,day-time]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of days since the system zero date. The number-of-days argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the day number.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User-supplied time, in 100-nanosecond units. The user-time argument is the address of a signed quadword integer containing the user time. A positive value indicates an absolute time, while a negative value indicates a delta time. This is an optional argument. If user-time is omitted, the default is the current system time. This quadword time value is obtained by calling the $BINTIM system service.
If time is passed as zero by value, the numeric value for the current day is returned. If time is passed as a zero by reference, the number returned represents the day of November 17, 1858, rather than the current day.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of 10-millisecond units since midnight of the user-time argument. The day-time argument is the address of a signed longword integer into which LIB$DAY writes this number of units.
LIB$DAY returns the number of days since the system zero date of November 17, 1858. Optionally, the caller can supply a time in system time format to be used instead of the current system time. In this case, LIB$DAY returns the number of days from November 17, 1858, to the user-supplied date.
If the caller supplies a quadword time, it is not verified. If it is
negative (bit 63 on), the number-of-days
returned is negative.
The Run-Time Library provides the date/time utility routines for languages that do not have built-in time and date functions and for particular applications that require the time or date in a different format from the one that the language supplies. In general, it is simpler to call the Run-Time Library routines for the system date and time than to call a system service.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_INTOVF | The optional argument user-time is present and represents a date and time well beyond the year 9999. |
PROGRAM DAY(INPUT, OUTPUT); {+} { This is a VAX Pascal example program showing { the use of LIB$DAY. {-} VAR DAYNUMBER : INTEGER; routine LIB$DAY(VAR DAYNUM : INTEGER); EXTERN; BEGIN LIB$DAY(DAYNUMBER); WRITELN(’The day number is ’, DAYNUMBER); END.
The day number is 46738
LIB$DAY_OF_WEEK — The Show Numeric Day of Week routine returns the numeric day of the week for an input time value. If 0 is the input time value, the current day of the week is returned. The days are numbered 1 through 7, with Monday as day 1 and Sunday as day 7.
LIB$DAY_OF_WEEK [user-time,] day-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Time to be translated to a day of the week, or zero. The optional user-time argument is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the value of time. Time must be supplied as an absolute system time. To obtain this time value in proper quadword format, call the $BINTIM system service.
If time is passed as zero by value, the numeric value for the current day is returned. If time is passed as a zero by reference, the number returned represents the day of November 17, 1858. If the user-time argument is omitted, it is equivalent to passing a zero by value.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric day of week. The day-number argument is the address of a longword into which LIB$DAY_OF_WEEK writes the integer value representing the day of the week.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
This Pascal program shows the use of LIB$DAY_OF_WEEK. This example was tested on a Monday, and the output generated was 1.
LIB$DECODE_FAULT — The Decode Instruction Stream During Fault routine is a tool for building condition handlers that process instruction fault exceptions. It is called from a condition handler. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs but is available to translated VAX images.
LIB$DECODE_FAULT signal-arguments ,mechanism-arguments ,user-procedure
[,unspecified-user-argument] [,instruction-definitions]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal arguments array that was passed from the OpenVMS operating system to your condition handler. The signal-arguments argument is the address of the signal arguments array.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Mechanism arguments array that was passed from OpenVMS to your condition handler. The mechanism-arguments argument is the address of the mechanism arguments array.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | call after stack unwind |
mechanism: | by descriptor, procedure descriptor |
User-supplied action routine that LIB$DECODE_FAULT calls to handle the exception. The user-procedure argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to your user action routine. The user-procedure argument may be of type ‘‘procedure value’’ when called by languages with up-level addressing. If user-procedure is not of type ‘‘bound routine value,’’ it is assumed to be the address of an entry mask.
For further information on the user action routine, see the section called Call Format for a User Action Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Additional information passed from your handler without interpretation to your user action routine. The unspecified-user-argument argument contains the value of this additional information. The unspecified-user-argument argument is optional; if it is omitted, zero is used as the default.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Array of bytes specifying instruction opcodes and operand definitions that are to
replace or supplement the standard instruction definitions. The
argument is the address of this
If instruction-definitions
is omitted, only the standard
instruction definitions are used. If supplied,
is searched first, followed by
the standard definitions.
Each instruction definition consists of a series of bytes, the first one or two of which is the instruction opcode. If the instruction is a 2-byte opcode, the escape byte, which must be hex FD, FE, or FF, is placed in the first of the two bytes. Following the opcode may be from 0 to 16 operand definition bytes. These bytes indicate the operand's access type and data type.
The end of each instruction definition is denoted by a byte containing the value LIB$K_DCFOPR_END (zero). The list of instruction definitions is terminated by two bytes, each of which contains the value –1 (hexadecimal FF). For further information, see the section called the section called “Instruction Operand Definition Codes” in the Description section.
Guidelines for Using LIB$DECODE_FAULT
Unwinds intermediate stack frames back to that of the exception
Decodes the instruction stream to determine the operation and its operands
Calls a user-supplied action routine and passes it a consistent and easy-to-access description of the instruction's context
Your user action routine performs whatever tasks are necessary to handle the fault and returns to LIB$DECODE_FAULT. LIB$DECODE_FAULT then restores the context as modified by your user action routine and continues execution.
Your user action routine is capable of generating a new exception, including one that looks identical to the original exception. Your user action routine may also resignal, but if the decision to resignal is made inside the user action routine, all post-signal stack frames are lost.
Determines if the exception is a fault it understands. If not, it returns SS$_RESIGNAL.
Determines the context in which the exception occurred, including register and processor status longword (PSL) contents, and saves it.
Unwinds all stack frames back to that frame in which the exception occurred.
Evaluates each operand's addressing mode, computing the resulting location for the operand. Immediate mode operands are expanded into their full form. If an invalid addressing mode is found, an SS$_RADRMOD exception is generated.
Unless the original exception was SS$_ACCVIO, tests each operand for accessibility. If necessary, an access violation is signaled as if the instruction had tried to execute normally. See the paragraph following this list for more information.
Unless the original exception was SS$_ROPRAND, tests each floating-point operand that is to be read for a reserved floating operand. If necessary, a reserved operand fault is signaled. See the paragraph following this list for more information.
Determines the address of the next sequential instruction.
Calls your user action routine with arguments as described below.
Upon return from your user action routine, reflects changes to the registers and PSL and continues execution at the instruction address specified by your user action routine. Optionally, your user action routine may resignal the original exception.
Some instructions can generate more than one fault if evaluation of one operand causes a fault that occurs before a later operand (which would also cause a fault). An example of this is the possibility that a floating-point divide instruction might report a divide-by-zero fault upon seeing a zero divisor before noticing that the dividend was a reserved operand or was inaccessible.
In these cases, operand-specific faults are signaled immediately by LIB$DECODE_FAULT in the expectation that another condition handler (or the same one) can repair the situation. This may reorder the sequence of exceptions as seen by a program. If the operand exception is corrected, the original exception reoccurs, and the proper action is taken.
If at all possible, try to determine if a resignal is necessary inside the condition handler that calls LIB$DECODE_FAULT, rather than inside your user action routine. The reason for this is that LIB$DECODE_FAULT removes all post-signal stack frames before calling your user action routine.
Your user action routine may fetch and store the operands,
, and PSL
as necessary
for handling the exception. You should follow the VAX architecture rule of reading
all input operands in left-to-right order, then writing all output operands in
left-to-right order, to avoid inconsistent results with overlapping operands. This
is especially necessary with register operands.
may be modified in a manner consistent with the VAX
architecture. If the T-bit in the PSL was set at the beginning of the instruction,
LIB$DECODE_FAULT sets the TP bit. To initiate tracing, you must set only the T bit.
To disable tracing, you must clear both the T and TP bits. See the
VAX Architecture Reference Manual for more information.
If the first-part-done (FPD) bit in the PSL was set when the instruction faulted,
LIB$DECODE_FAULT only advances the PC over the instruction; it does not reevaluate
the operands, and it sets operand-count
to zero. It is
assumed that if FPD is set, the operands are in known locations (typically the
For the CASEB, CASEW, and CASEL instructions, only the
, base
, and
operands are represented in
. The element of registers that
corresponds to the PC, described in the following text as R15, points to the first
of the word-length displacements. Your user action routine must modify R15 to
reflect the location of the next instruction to execute.
The standard instruction definitions used by LIB$DECODE_FAULT specify the XFC
instruction (which causes an SS$_OPCCUS fault) as having zero operands. You may
redefine XFC if needed using the instruction-definitions
argument to LIB$DECODE_FAULT.
Vector context is not saved or restored.
Exceptions Recognized by LIB$DECODE_FAULT
SS$_ACCVIO, access violation.
SS$_BREAK, breakpoint fault.
SS$_FLTDIV_F, floating divide by zero.
SS$_FLTOVF_F, floating overflow.
SS$_FLTUND_F, floating underflow.
SS$_OPCCUS, opcode reserved to customers.
SS$_OPCDEC, opcode reserved to VSI.
SS$_ROPRAND, reserved operand.
SS$_TBIT, T-bit pending trap. This is actually a fault caused by the TP bit being set at the beginning of instruction execution. It allows you to interpret all instructions by setting the PSL T-bit and allowing each instruction to trace-fault.
All other exceptions, including SS$_COMPAT and SS$_RADRMOD, cause LIB$DECODE_FAULT to return immediately with the return status SS$_RESIGNAL.
SS$_COMPAT is generated by compatibility-mode instructions. LIB$DECODE_FAULT does not handle compatibility-mode instructions.
SS$_RADRMOD is generated by a reserved addressing-mode fault. LIB$DECODE_FAULT assumes that all instructions follow VAX addressing-mode specifications.
Instruction Operand Definition Codes
argument passed to
LIB$DECODE_FAULT and in the operand-types
argument passed to
the user action routine encode the access and data types in a byte. The fields and
values for operand access and data types are described using the symbols in Table 2.3, “Symbols for Fields and Values for Operand Access and Data Types Using
LIB$DECODE_FAULT”. These symbols are defined in definition
libraries supplied by VSI as macro or module name $LIBDCFDEF.
Symbol |
Description | |
The field of the operand description code that describes the operand access type (bits 0–2). | |
The size of the access type field (3 bits). | |
The mask for the access type field. This is a 3-bit field that can contain any binary value from 000 through 111. The integer value of these bit settings defines the operand access type code for the LIB$M_DCFACC field. Currently, six codes are defined. These codes have symbolic names and are explained below. It is important to remember that LIB$M_DCFACC is not a bit mask. The values 0 through 6 do not refer to bits 0 through 6. They represent the binary values 001 through 110 as contained in the 3-bit field. The operand access type codes defined for the LIB$M_DCFACC field are: | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_R = 1 | Operand is read-only. | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_M = 2 | Operand is to be modified. | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_W = 3 | Operand is write-only. | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_A = 4 | Operand is an address (must not be a register). | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_V = 5 | Operand is the base of a bit field (same as address except that it may be a register). | |
LIB$K_DCFACC_B = 6 | Operand is a branch address. | |
The field of the operand descriptor code that describes the operand data type (bits 3–7). | |
The size of the operand data type field (5 bits). | |
The mask for the operand data type field. This is a 5-bit field (bits 3–7) that can contain any binary value from 00000 through 11111. The integer value of these bit settings defines the operand access type code for the LIB$M_DCFACC field. Currently, nine codes are defined. These codes have symbolic names and are explained below. It is important to remember that LIB$M_DCFTYP is not a bit mask. The values 0 through 9 do not refer to bits 0 through 9. They represent the binary values 00001 through 01001 as contained in the 5-bit field. The operand access type codes defined for the LIB$V_DCFTYP field are: | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_B = 1 | Operand is a byte. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_W = 2 | Operand is a word. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_L = 3 | Operand is a longword. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_Q = 4 | Operand is a quadword. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_O = 5 | Operand is a octaword. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_F = 6 | Operand is F_floating. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_D = 7 | Operand is D_floating. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_G = 8 | Operand is G_floating. | |
LIB$K_DCFTYP_H = 9 | Operand is H_floating. |
is the access
type and y
is the data type, are also defined. These combine
the notions of access and data type. For example, LIB$K_DCFOPR_MF has the following
value:50 (2+(6*8))
It denotes modify access of an F_floating item. For the branch access type, only the types BB, BW, and BL are defined; otherwise, all combinations are available.
Call Format for a User Action Routine
LIB$DECODE_FAULT calls the user action routine when it finds an exception to be handled. Your user action routine handles the exception in any manner that you specify and then returns to LIB$DECODE_FAULT.
action-routine opcode ,instr-PC ,PSL ,registers ,operand-count
#############,operand-types ,read-operand-locations
#############,signal-procedure ,context
#############,unspecified-user-argument ,original-registers
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Opcode of the instruction that caused the fault. The opcode
argument is the address of a longword that contains this opcode. LIB$DECODE_FAULT
supplies this opcode when it calls the user action routine.
For 2-byte opcodes, the escape code (for example, hex FD) is in the low-order
byte. You must use this argument to examine the opcode instead of reading the bytes
pointed to by instr-PC
. This is because if a debugger
breakpoint has been set on the instruction, only opcode
contains the original instruction.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Value of the PC for the instruction that caused the fault. The
argument is the address of a longword that
contains the PC value.
Note the difference between this value and the contents of the
array element that corresponds to the PC. R15
of the registers
array element contains the address of the
byte after the instruction that caused the fault.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Processor status longword (PSL) at the time of the fault. The
argument is the address of a longword that contains
this PSL. Your user action routine may modify this PSL within the restrictions of
the VAX architecture.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Contents of registers R0 through R15 (PC) at the time of the fault but after
operand addressing-mode processing. This includes any autoincrements or
autodecrements. The registers
argument is the address of this
16-longword array. Each longword of the registers array contains the contents of one
Your user action routine may modify these values. If it does, the new values will be reflected when instruction execution continues.
To modify vector registers, execute a vector instruction. Executing a vector instruction in the handler modifies the state of the vector processor. The state of the vector processor is not restored when the handler returns. This has the effect of altering the state when the execution continues.
R15 denotes the sixteenth longword in the registers
which corresponds to the PC. R15 contains the address of the next byte after the
current instruction. Unless this value is modified by your user action routine,
instruction execution will resume at that address. An exception is for the CASEB,
CASEW, and CASEL instructions; R15 contains the address of the first displacement
word. For these instructions, your user action routine must modify R15 to point to
the next instruction to execute.
Upon instruction completion, registers R0-R15 are restored from this array.
However, if signal-procedure
is used to cause a fault or if
instruction restart is specified by returning LIB$_RESTART,
is used instead.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of operands in the instruction currently being decoded. The
is the address of a longword that contains
this number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Array of longwords, one element for each operand, that contains the type codes for
the associated operand. The operand-types
argument is the
address of this array.
The operand type codes are further defined in the section called the section called “Instruction Operand Definition Codes”.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Array of longwords, one element for each operand, that contains the addresses of
the operands to be read. The read-operand-locations
is the address of this array.
The address given in the array may not be the actual address of the operand if
the operand is not a memory location. If the operand is a register, the address
indicates a copy of the register values at the time of operand evaluation. If the
operand access type is ADDRESS or FIELD and the operand is not a register, the
address is the address of the item. If the operand access type is FIELD and the
operand is a register, the address refers to the appropriate element in the
array. If the operand access type is BRANCH,
the address is the destination PC of the branch. For WRITE access operands, the
address value is zero.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Array of longwords, one element for each operand, that contains the addresses of
operands that are to be written. The write-operand-locations
argument is the address of this array. If the operand access type is not MODIFY,
WRITE, ADDRESS, or FIELD, the pointer value is zero.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal arguments list of the original exception, as passed from OpenVMS to your
condition handler and then to LIB$DECODE_FAULT. The
argument is the address of an array of
longwords that contains these signal arguments.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | call without stack unwinding |
mechanism: | by reference |
Entry mask of a routine that your user action routine must call if it wants to
report an exception for the instruction that faulted. The
argument is the address of this entry
For further information, see the section called the section called “Call Format for a Signal Routine”.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Context in which the exception occurs, including the register and PSL contents, to
be used when calling the signal-procedure. The context
argument contains the value of this context.
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
Optional argument passed to LIB$DECODE_FAULT. If the argument was not specified,
the value zero is substituted. The unspecified-user-argument
argument contains the value of this optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Array containing the values of registers R0 through R15 (PC) at the time of the
fault, before operand processing. The original-registers
argument is the address of this 16-longword array.
If the action routine specifies that the instruction should restart or that a
fault should be generated, the registers are restored from
. See also the description of
Condition Values Returned from the User Action Routine
Condition Value |
Description |
If the user action routine returns a value of
SS$_CONTINUE, instruction execution will continue as
specified by the current contents of the
If the user action routine returns SS$_RESIGNAL, the
original exception is resignaled, with the only changes
reflected being those specified by
If the user action routine returns LIB$_RESTART, the
current instruction is restarted with registers restored
from |
Call Format for a Signal Routine
fault-flag ,context ,signal-arguments
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Longword flag whose low-order bit determines whether the exception is to be signaled as a fault or as a trap. The fault-flag argument contains the address of this longword.
If the low-order bit of fault-flag
is set to 1, the
exception is signaled as a fault. If the low-order bit of
is set to 0, the exception is signaled as a
trap; the current contents of the registers
array are used.
In either case, the current contents of PSL
are used to set
the exception PSL.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context in which the new exception is to occur, as passed to your user action
routine by LIB$DECODE_FAULT. The context
argument is the
address of this context value.
OpenVMS usage: | arg_list |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal arguments to be used. The signal-arguments
is the address of an array of longwords that contains these signal arguments.
The first longword contains the number of following longwords; the remainder of the list contains signal names and arguments. Unlike the signal argument list passed to a condition handler, no PC or PSL is present.
Before the exception is signaled, the stack frames are unwound back to the original exception. You should be careful when causing a new signal that a loop of faults is not inadvertently generated. For example, the condition handler that called LIB$DECODE_FAULT will usually be called for the second signal. If the handler does not analyze the second signal as such, it may cycle through the identical path as for the first signal.
To resignal the current exception, have the user action routine return a value of SS$_RESIGNAL instead of calling the signal routine (unless you want previously called condition handlers to be called again).
Condition Values Returned
SS$_RESIGNAL | Resignal condition to next handler. The exception described by signal-arguments was not an instruction fault handled by LIB$DECODE_ FAULT. If LIB$DECODE_FAULT can process the fault, it does not return to its caller. |
Condition Value Signaled
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument to Run-Time Library. The instruction definition contained more than 16 operands or an operand definition contained an invalid data type or access code. This message is signaled after the stack frames have been unwound so that it appears to have been signaled from a routine that was called by the instruction that faulted. |
The following Fortran example implements a simple recovery scheme for floating underflow and overflow faults, replacing the result of the instruction with the correctly signed, smallest possible value for underflows or largest possible value for overflows.
C+ C Example condition handler and user-action routine using C LIB$DECODE_FAULT. This example demonstrates the use of C most of the features of LIB$DECODE_FAULT. Its purpose C is to handle floating underflow and overflow faults, C replacing the result of the instruction with the correctly C signed smallest possible value for underflows, or greatest C possible value for overflows. C C For simplicity, faults involving the POLYx instructions are C not handled. C C*** C FIXUP_RESULT is the condition handler enabled by the program C desiring the fixup of overflows and underflows. C*** C- INTEGER* 4 FUNCTION FIXUP_RESULT(SIGARGS, MECHARGS) IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE ’($SSDEF)’ ! SS$_ symbols INCLUDE ’($LIBDCFDEF)’ ! LIB$DECODE_FAULT symbols INTEGER*4 SIGARGS(1:*) ! Signal arguments list INTEGER*4 MECHARGS(1:*) ! Mechanism arguments list C+ C This is a sample redefinition of MULH3 instruction. C- BYTE OPTABLE(8) /’FD’X,’65’X, ! MULH3 opcode 1 LIB$K_DCFOPR_RH, ! Read H_floating 2 LIB$K_DCFOPR_RH, ! Read H_floating 3 LIB$K_DCFOPR_WH, ! Write H_floating 4 LIB$K_DCFOPR_END, ! End of operands 5 ’FF’X,’FF’X/ ! End of instructions INTEGER*4 LIB$DECODE_FAULT ! External function EXTERNAL FIXUP_ACTION ! Action routine to do the fixup C+ C Determine if the exception is one we want to handle. C- IF ((SIGARGS(2) .EQ. SS$_FLTOVF_F) .OR. 1 (SIGARGS(2) .EQ. SS$_FLTUND_F)) THEN C+ C We think we can handle the fault. Call C LIB$DECODE_FAULT and pass it the signal arguments and C the address of our action routine and opcode table. C- FIXUP_RESULT = LIB$DECODE_FAULT (SIGARGS, 1 MECHARGS, %DESCR(FIXUP_ACTION),, OPTABLE) RETURN END IF C+ C We can only get here if we couldn’t handle the fault. C Resignal the exception. C- FIXUP_RESULT = SS$_RESIGNAL RETURN END C+ C User action routine to handle the fault. C- INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FIXUP_ACTION (OPCODE,INSTR_PC,PSL, 1 REGISTERS,OP_COUNT, 2 OP_TYPES,READ_OPS, 3 WRITE_OPS,SIGARGS, 4 SIGNAL_ROUT,CONTEXT, 5 USER_ARG,ORIG_REGS) IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE ’($SSDEF)’ ! SS$_ definitions INCLUDE ’($PSLDEF)’ ! PSL$ definitions INCLUDE ’($LIBDCFDEF)’ ! LIB$DECODE_FAULT ! definitions INTEGER*4 OPCODE ! Instruction opcode INTEGER*4 INSTR_PC ! PC of this instruction INTEGER*4 PSL ! Processor status ! longword INTEGER*4 REGISTERS(0:15) ! R0-R15 contents INTEGER*4 OP_COUNT ! Number of operands INTEGER*4 OP_TYPES(1:*) ! Types of operands INTEGER*4 READ_OPS(1:*) ! Addresses of read operands INTEGER*4 WRITE_OPS(1:*) ! Addresses of write operands INTEGER*4 SIGARGS(1:*) ! Signal argument list INTEGER*4 SIGNAL_ROUT ! Signal routine address INTEGER*4 CONTEXT ! Signal routine context INTEGER*4 USER_ARG ! User argument value INTEGER*4 ORIG_REGS(0:15) ! Original registers C+ C Declare and initialize table of class codes for each of the C "real" opcodes. We’ll index into this by the first byte of C one-byte opcodes, the second byte of two-byte opcodes. The C class codes will be used in a computed GOTO (CASE). The C codes are: C 0 - Unsupported C 1 - ADD C 2 - SUB C 3 - MUL,DIV C 4 - ACB C 5 - CVT C 6 - EMOD C C The class mainly determines how we compute the sign of the C result, except for ACB. C- BYTE INST_CLASS_TABLE(0:255) DATA INST_CLASS_TABLE / 1 48*0, ! 00-2F 2 0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ! 30-3F 3 1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4, ! 40-4F 4 0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ! 50-5F 5 1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4, ! 60-6F 6 0,0,0,0,6,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ! 70-7F 7 112*0, ! 80-EF 8 0,0,0,0,0,0,5,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ ! F0-FF C+ C Table of operand sizes in 8-bit bytes, indexed by the C datatype code contained in the OP_TYPES array. Only floating C types matter. C- BYTE OP_SIZES(9) /0,0,0,0,0,4,8,8,16/ INTEGER*4 LIB$EXTV ! External function INTEGER*4 RESULT_NEGATIVE ! -1 if result negative, ! 0 if positive INTEGER*4 SIGN1,SIGN2,SIGN3 ! Signs of operands INTEGER*4 INST_BYTE ! Current opcode byte INTEGER*4 INST_CLASS ! Class of instruction ! from table INTEGER*4 OP_DTYPE ! Datatype of operand INTEGER*4 OP_SIZE ! Size of operand in ! 8-bit bytes INTEGER*4 RESULT_OP ! Position of result ! in WRITE_OPS array LOGICAL*4 OVERFLOW ! TRUE if SS$_FLTOVF_F LOGICAL*4 SMALLER ! Function which ! compares operands PARAMETER ESCD = ’0FD’X ! First byte of G,H instructions INTEGER*2 SMALL_F(2) ! Smallest F_floating DATA SMALL_F /’0080’X,0/ INTEGER*2 SMALL_D(4) ! Smallest D_floating DATA SMALL_D /’0080’X,0,0,0/ INTEGER*2 SMALL_G(4) ! Smallest G_floating DATA SMALL_G /’0010’X,0,0,0/ INTEGER*2 SMALL_H(8) ! Smallest H_floating DATA SMALL_H /’0001’X,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ INTEGER*2 BIGGEST(8) ! Biggest value (all datatypes) DATA BIGGEST /’7FFF’X,7*’FFFF’X/ INTEGER*4 SIGNAL_ARRAY(2) ! Array for signalling new ! exception C+ C C NOTE: Because the operands arrays contain the locations of C the operands, rather than the operands themselves, C we must call a routine using the %VAL function to C "fool" the called routine into considering the C contents of an operands array element as the address C of an item. This would not be necessary in a C language that understood the concept of pointer C variables, such as PASCAL. C C C If FPD is set in the PSL, signal SS$_ROPRAND (reserved operand). In C reality this shouldn’t happen since none of the instructions we C handle can set FPD, but do it as an example. C- IF (BTEST(PSL,PSL$V_FPD)) THEN SIGNAL_ARRAY(1) = 1 ! Count of signal arguments SIGNAL_ARRAY(2) = SS$_ROPRAND ! Error status value CALL SIGNAL_ROUT ( 1 1, ! Fault flag - signal as fault 2 SIGNAL_ARRAY, ! Signal arguments array 3 CONTEXT) ! Context as passed to us ! Call will never return END IF C+ C Set OVERFLOW according to the exception type. We assume that C the only alternatives are SS$_FLTOVF_F and SS$_FLTUND_F. C- OVERFLOW = (SIGARGS(2) .EQ. SS$_FLTOVF_F) C+ C Determine the datatype of the instruction by that of its C second operand, since that is always the type of the C destination. C- OP_DTYPE = IBITS(OP_TYPES(2),LIB$V_DCFTYP,LIB$S_DCFTYP) C+ C Get the size of the datatype in words. C- OP_SIZE = OP_SIZES (OP_DTYPE) C+ C Determine the class of instruction and dispatch to the C appropriate routine. C- INST_BYTE = IBITS(OPCODE,0,8) ! Get first byte IF (INST_BYTE .EQ. ESCD) INST_BYTE = IBITS(OPCODE,8,8) INST_CLASS = INST_CLASS_TABLE(INST_BYTE) GO TO (1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000),INST_CLASS C+ C If we get here, the instruction’s entry in the C INST_CLASS_TABLE is zero. This might happen if the instruction was C a POLYx, or was some other unsupported instruction. Resignal the C original exception. C- FIXUP_ACTION = SS$_RESIGNAL ! Resignal condition to next handler RETURN ! Return to LIB$DECODE_FAULT C+ C 1000 - ADDF2, ADDF3, ADDD2, ADDD3, ADDG2, ADDG3, ADDH2, ADDH3 C C Result’s sign is the same as that of the first operand, C unless this is an underflow, in which case the magnitudes of C the values may change the sign. C- 1000 RESULT_NEGATIVE = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(1))) IF (.NOT. OVERFLOW) THEN IF (SMALLER(OP_SIZE,%VAL(READ_OPS(1)), 1 %VAL(READ_OPS(2)))) 2 RESULT_NEGATIVE = .NOT. RESULT_NEGATIVE END IF GO TO 9000 C+ C 2000 - SUBF2, SUBF3, SUBD2, SUBD3, SUBG2, SUBG3, SUBH2, SUBH3 C C Result’s sign is the opposite of that of the first operand, C unless this is an underflow, in which case the magnitudes of C the values may change the sign. C- 2000 RESULT_NEGATIVE = .NOT. LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(1))) IF (.NOT. OVERFLOW) THEN IF (SMALLER(OP_SIZE,%VAL(READ_OPS(1)), 1 %VAL(READ_OPS(2)))) 2 RESULT_NEGATIVE = .NOT. RESULT_NEGATIVE END IF GO TO 9000 C+ C 3000 - MULF2, MULF3, MULD2, MULD3, MULG2, MULG3, MULH2, MULH3, C DIVF2, DIVF3, DIVD2, DIVD3, DIVG2, DIVG3, DIVH2, DIVH3, C C If the signs of the first two operands are the same, then the C result’s sign is positive, if they are not it is negative. C- 3000 SIGN1 = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(1))) SIGN2 = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(2))) RESULT_NEGATIVE = SIGN1 .XOR. SIGN2 GOTO 9000 C+ C 4000 - ACBF, ACBD, ACBG, ACBH C C The result’s sign is the same as that of the second operand C (addend), unless this is underflow, in which case the C magnitudes of the addend and index may change the sign. C We must also determine if the branch is to be taken. C- 4000 SIGN2 = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(2))) RESULT_NEGATIVE = SIGN2 IF (.NOT. OVERFLOW) THEN -IF (SMALLER(OP_SIZE,%VAL(READ_OPS(2)), 1 %VAL(READ_OPS(3)))) 2 RESULT_NEGATIVE = .NOT. RESULT_NEGATIVE END IF C+ C If this is overflow, then the branch is not taken, since the C result is always going to be greater or equal in magnitude C to the limit, and will be the correct sign. If underflow, C the branch is ALMOST always taken. The only case where the C branch might not be taken is when the result is exactly C equal to the limit. For this example, we are going to ignore C this exceptional case. C- IF (.NOT. OVERFLOW) 1 REGISTERS(15) = READ_OPS(4) ! Branch destination GO TO 9000 C+ C 5000 - CVTDF, CVTGF, CVTHF, CVTHD, CVTHG C C Result’s sign is the same as that of the first operand. C- 5000 RESULT_NEGATIVE = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(1))) GO TO 9000 C+ C- 6000 - EMODF, EMODD, EMODG, EMODH C C If the signs of the first and third operands are the same, then the C result’s sign is positive, else it is negative. C- 6000 SIGN1 = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(1))) SIGN2 = LIB$EXTV (15,1,%VAL(READ_OPS(3))) RESULT_NEGATIVE = SIGN1 .XOR. SIGN2 GOTO 9000 C+ C All code paths merge here to store the result value. We also C set the PSL appropriately. First, determine which operand is C the result. C- 9000 RESULT_OP = OP_COUNT IF (INST_CLASS .EQ. 4) 1 RESULT_OP = RESULT_OP - 1 ! ACBx C+ C Select result based on datatype and exception type. C- IF (OVERFLOW) THEN CALL LIB$MOVC3 (OP_SIZE,BIGGEST,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) ELSE GO TO (9100,9200,9300,9400), OP_DTYPE-(LIB$K_DCFTYP_F-1) C+ C Should never get here. Resignal original exception. C- FIXUP_ACTION = SS$_RESIGNAL RETURN C+ C 9100 - F_floating result C- 9100 CALL LIB$MOVC3 (OP_SIZE,SMALL_F,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) GOTO 9500 C+ C 9200 - D_floating result C- 9200 CALL LIB$MOVC3 (OP_SIZE,SMALL_D,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) GOTO 9500 C+ C 9300 - G_floating result C- 9300 CALL LIB$MOVC3 (OP_SIZE,SMALL_G,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) GOTO 9500 C+ C 9400 - H_floating result C- 9400 CALL LIB$MOVC3 (OP_SIZE,SMALL_H,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) GOTO 9500 9500 END IF C+ C Modify the PSL to reflect the stored result. If the result was C negative, set the N bit. Clear the V (overflow) and Z (zero) bits. C If the instruction was an ACBx, leave the C (carry) bit unchanged, C otherwise clear it. C- IF (RESULT_NEGATIVE) THEN PSL = IBSET (PSL,PSL$V_N) ! Set N bit ELSE PSL = IBCLR (PSL,PSL$V_N) ! Clear N bit END IF PSL = IBCLR (PSL,PSL$V_V) ! Clear V bit PSL = IBCLR (PSL,PSL$V_Z) ! Clear Z bit IF (INST_CLASS .NE. 4) 1 PSL = IBCLR (PSL,PSL$V_C) ! Clear C bit if not ACBx C+ C Set the sign of result. C- IF (RESULT_NEGATIVE) 1 CALL LIB$INSV (1,15,1,%VAL(WRITE_OPS(RESULT_OP))) C+ C Fixup is complete. Return to LIB$DECODE_FAULT. C- FIXUP_ACTION = SS$_CONTINUE RETURN END C+ C Function which compares two floating values. It returns .TRUE. if C the first argument is smaller in magnitude than the second. C- LOGICAL*4 FUNCTION SMALLER(NBYTES,VAL1,VAL2) INTEGER*4 NBYTES ! Number of bytes in values INTEGER*2 VAL1(*),VAL2(*) ! Floating values to compare INTEGER*4 WORDA,WORDB SMALLER = .TRUE. ! Initially return true C+ C Zero extend to a longword for unsigned compares. C Compare first word without sign bit. C- WORDA = IBCLR(ZEXT(VAL1(1)),15) WORDB = IBCLR(ZEXT(VAL2(1)),15) IF (WORDA .LT. WORDB) RETURN DO I=2,NBYTES/2 WORDA = ZEXT(VAL1(I)) WORDB = ZEXT(VAL2(I)) IF (WORDA .LT. WORDB) RETURN END DO SMALLER = .FALSE. ! VAL1 not smaller than VAL2 RETURN END
LIB$DEC_OVER — The Enable or Disable Decimal Overflow Detection routine enables or disables decimal overflow detection for the calling routine activation. The previous decimal overflow setting is returned. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. This routine is available on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems in translated form and is applicable to translated VAX images only.
LIB$DEC_OVER new-setting2
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword integer (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The old decimal overflow enable setting (the previous contents of SF$W_ PSW[PSW$V_DV] in the caller’s frame).
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
New decimal overflow enable setting. The new-setting argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the new decimal overflow enable setting. Bit 0 set to 1 means enable; bit 0 set to 0 means disable.
The caller’s stack frame is modified by this routine.
A call to LIB$DEC_OVER affects only the current routine activation and does not affect any of its callers or any routines that it may call. However, the setting does remain in effect for any routines that are subsequently entered through a JSB entry point.
DECOVF: ROUTINE OPTIONS (MAIN); DECLARE LIB$DEC_OVER ENTRY (FIXED BINARY (7)) /* Address of byte for /* enable/disable /* setting */ RETURNS (FIXED BINARY (31)); /* Old setting */ DECLARE DISABLE FIXED BINARY (7) INITIAL (0) STATIC READONLY; DECLARE RESULT FIXED BINARY (31); DECLARE (A,B) FIXED DECIMAL (4,2); ON FIXEDOVERFLOW PUT SKIP LIST (’Overflow’); RESULT = LIB$DEC_OVER (DISABLE); /* Disable recognition of decimal /* overflow in this block */ A = 99.99; B = A + 2; PUT SKIP LIST (’In MAIN’); BEGIN; B = A + 2; PUT LIST (’In BEGIN block’); CALL Q; Q: ROUTINE; B = A + 2; PUT LIST (’In Q’); END Q; END /* Begin */; END DECOVF;
This PL/I program shows how to use LIB$DEC_OVER to enable or disable the detection of decimal overflow. Note that in PL/I, disabling decimal overflow using this routine causes the condition to be disabled only in the current block; descendent blocks will enable the condition unless this routine is called in each block.
LIB$DELETE_FILE — The Delete One or More Files routine deletes one or more files. The specification of the files to be deleted may include wildcards. LIB$DELETE_FILE is similar in function to the DCL command DELETE.
LIB$DELETE_FILE filespec [,default-filespec] [,related-filespec]
[,user-success-procedure] [,user-error-procedure] [,user-confirm-procedure]
[,user-specified-argument] [,resultant-name] [,file-scan-context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String containing the OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) file specification of the files to be deleted. The filespec argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the file specification. If the specification includes wildcards, each file that matches the specification is deleted. If running on Alpha or I64 and flag LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES is set, the string must not contain more characters than specified by NAML$C_MAXRSS, otherwise the string must not contain more than 255 characters. Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Default file specification of the files to be deleted. The default-filespec argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the default file specification. This is an optional argument; if the argument is omitted, the default is the null string. Any string class is supported.
See the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information about default file specifications.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Related file specification of the files to be deleted. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the related file specification. Any string class is supported. This is
an optional argument; if the argument is omitted, the default is the null
Input file parsing is used. See the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on related file specifications and input file parsing.
The related file specification is useful when you are processing lists of file specifications. Unspecified portions of the file specification are inherited from the last file processed.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied success routine that LIB$DELETE_FILE calls after it successfully deletes a file.
The success routine can be used to display a log of the files that were deleted. For more information on the success routine, see Call Format for a Success Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied error routine that LIB$DELETE_FILE calls when it detects an error.
The error routine returns a success/fail value that LIB$DELETE_FILE uses to determine if more files should be processed. For more information on the error routine, see Call Format for an Error Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied confirm routine that LIB$DELETE_FILE calls before each file is deleted. The value returned by the confirm routine determines whether or not the file will be deleted. The confirm routine can be used to select specific files for deletion based on criteria such as expiration date, size, and so on. For more information about the confirm routine, see Call Format for a Confirm Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied argument that LIB$DELETE_FILE passes to the error, success, and confirm routines each time they are called. Whatever mechanism is used to pass user-specified-argument to LIB$DELETE_FILE is also used to pass it to the routines. This is an optional argument; if the argument is omitted, zero is passed by value.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String into which LIB$DELETE_FILE writes the RMS resultant file specification of the last file processed. The resultant-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the resultant name.
If present, resultant-name is used to store the file specification passed to the user-supplied routines, instead of a default class S, type T string. Therefore, this argument should be specified when the user-supplied routines are used and those routines require a descriptor type other than class S, type T. Any string class is supported.
If you specify one or more of the user-supplied action routines, the descriptor used to pass resultant-name must be:
Of the same class as the descriptor required by the filespec argument of any action routines. For example, VAX Ada requires a class SB descriptor for string arguments to Ada routines but will use a class A descriptor by default when calling external routines. Refer to your language manual to determine the proper descriptor class to use.
(Alpha and I64 only) Of the same form as the descriptor required by the filespec argument of all action routines. For example, if the filespec argument of an action routine uses a 64-bit descriptor, then the resultant-name argument must also use a 64-bit descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context for deleting a list of file specifications. The file-scan-context argument is the address of a longword containing the context value.
You must initialize the file scan context to zero before the first of a series of calls to LIB$DELETE_FILE. LIB$FILE_SCAN uses this context to retain the file context for multiple input files. You must specify this context only when you are dealing with multiple input files, as the DCL command DELETE does. You may deallocate the context allocated by LIB$FILE_SCAN by calling LIB$FILE_SCAN_ END after all calls to LIB$DELETE_FILE have been completed.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User flags. The flags argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the user flags.
The flag bits and their corresponding symbols are described in the following table:
Bit |
Symbol |
Description |
0 |
Reserved to VSI. | |
1 |
Reserved to VSI. | |
2 |
(Alpha or I64 only) If set, LIB$DELETE_FILE can process file names with a maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. If clear, LIB$DELETE_FILE can process file specifications with a maximum length of 255 (default). |
Call Format for a Success Routine
The success routine is called only if the
argument was specified in the
LIB$DELETE_FILE argument list.
filespec [,user-specified-argument]
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
RMS resultant file specification of the file being deleted. The
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to the file specification. If the resultant-name
argument was
specified, it is used to pass the string to the success routine. Otherwise, a class
S, type T string is passed. Any string class is supported.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the descriptor specified by each of the action routines
for the filespec
argument and the descriptor specified by the
LIB$DELETE_FILE resultant-name
argument, if any, must be of
the same form. They must all be 32-bit descriptors or all 64-bit descriptors. If you
do not specify a resultant-name
argument, then the
argument must use a 32-bit descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Value of user-specified-argument
to the success routine. The same passing mechanism that was used to pass
to LIB$DELETE_FILE is used by
LIB$DELETE_FILE to pass user-specified-argument
to the
success routine. This is an optional argument.
Call Format for an Error Routine
The error routine is called only if the
argument was specified in the
LIB$DELETE_FILE argument list.
filespec ,rms-sts ,rms-stv ,error-source [,user-specified-argument]
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String containing the RMS resultant file specification of the file being deleted.
If resultant-name
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the error routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the descriptor specified by each of the action routines
for the filespec
argument and the descriptor specified by the
LIB$DELETE_FILE resultant-name
argument, if any, must be of
the same form. They must all be 32-bit descriptors or all 64-bit descriptors. If you
specify no resultant-name
argument, then the
argument must use a 32-bit descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Primary condition code (FAB$L_STS) that describes the error that occurred. The
argument is the address of an unsigned longword
that contains the primary condition code.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Secondary condition code (FAB$L_STV) that describes the error that occurred. The
argument is the address of an unsigned longword
that contains the secondary condition code.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Integer code that indicates the point at which the error was found. The
argument is the address of a longword
integer containing the code of the error source.
0 |
Error searching for file specification |
1 |
Error deleting file |
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | |
access: | |
mechanism: |
Value passed to LIB$DELETE_FILE that is then passed to user-error-procedure using the same passing mechanism that was used to pass it to LIB$DELETE_FILE. This is an optional argument.
If the error routine returns a success status (bit 0 set), then LIB$DELETE_FILE continues processing files. If a failure status (bit 0 clear) is returned, then processing ceases immediately, and LIB$DELETE_FILE returns with the error status.
If the user-error-procedure
argument is not specified,
LIB$DELETE_FILE returns to its caller the most severe error status encountered while
deleting the files. If the error routine is called for an error, the success status
LIB$_ERRROUCAL is returned.
The error routine is not called for errors related to string copying.
Call Format for a Confirm Routine
The confirm routine is called only if the
argument was specified in the call
filespec ,fab [,user-specified-argument]
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the file to be deleted. The
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to the file specification.
If resultant-name
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the confirm routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the descriptor specified by each of the action routines
for the filespec
argument and the descriptor specified by the
LIB$DELETE_FILE resultant-name
argument, if any, must be of
the same form. They must all be 32-bit descriptors or all 64-bit descriptors. If you
do not specify a resultant-name
argument, then the
argument must use a 32-bit descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | fab |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
RMS file access block (FAB) that describes the file being deleted. Your program may perform an RMS $OPEN on the FAB to obtain file attributes to determine whether the file should be deleted, but it must close the file with $CLOSE before returning to LIB$DELETE_FILE.
On Alpha and I64 systems, if the LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES FLAGS is set, the FAB references a NAML block rather than a NAM block. The NAML block supports the use of long file names with a maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. See the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on NAML blocks.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
The value of the user-specified-argument
argument that
LIB$DELETE_FILE passes to the confirm routine using the same passing mechanism that
was used to pass it to LIB$DELETE_FILE. This is an optional argument.
If confirm routine returns a success status (bit 0 set), the file is then deleted; otherwise, the file is not deleted.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ERRROUCAL | Success, but an error routine was called. A file error was encountered, but the error routine was called to handle the condition. |
LIB$INVARG | Invalid argument. The flags argument has
one or more undefined bits set. |
LIB$_INVFILSPE | Invalid file specification. Filespec or
default-filespec is longer than 4095
characters. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. The descriptor for a string argument was not a valid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$DELETE_FILE. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_ xxx except those condition values specifying truncation errors.
Any condition value returned by RMS. If
is not specified, this is the most
severe of the RMS errors encountered while deleting the files.
This Pascal program prompts the user for file specifications of files to be deleted. Of those, it deletes only files that contain the string XYZ somewhere in their resultant file specification. The names of deleted files are displayed.
LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL — The Delete Logical Name routine requests the calling process' command language interpreter (CLI) to delete a supervisor-mode process logical name. LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL provides the same function as the DCL command DEASSIGN.
LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL logical-name [,table-name]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | logical_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Logical name to be deleted. The logical-name
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this logical name string. The
maximum length of a logical name is 255 characters.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the table from which the logical name is to be deleted. The table-name
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this name string. This is an optional argument. If the argument is
omitted, the LNM$PROCESS table is used.
LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL requests the calling process's command language interpreter
(CLI) to delete a supervisor-mode process logical name. If the optional
argument is defined, the logical name is
deleted from that table. Otherwise, the logical name is deleted from the LNM$PROCESS
Unlike the system service $DELLOG and $DELLNM, LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL does not require the caller to be executing in supervisor mode to delete a supervisor-mode logical name.
This routine is supported for use with the DCL and MCR command language interpreters.
This routine does not support the DCL DEFINE and DEASSIGN commands' special side effect of opening and closing a process-permanent file if the logical name “SYS$OUTPUT” is specified.
If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In that case, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a description of the DCL command DEASSIGN.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_ACCVIO | Access violation. The logical name could not be read. |
SS$_IVLOGNAM | Invalid logical name. The logical name contained illegal characters or more than 255 characters. |
SS$_IVLOGTAB | Invalid logical name table |
SS$_NOLOGNAM | No logical name match. The logical name was not defined as a supervisor-mode process logical name. |
SS$_NOPRIV | No privilege for attempted operation. |
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_TOOMANYLNAM | Logical name translation exceeded allowed depth. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status that was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL command language interpreter, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$DELETE_SYMBOL — The Delete CLI Symbol routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to delete an existing CLI symbol.
LIB$DELETE_SYMBOL symbol [,table-type-indicator]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the symbol to be deleted by LIB$DELETE_SYMBOL. The symbol
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this symbol string. The symbol name is converted to uppercase, and
trailing blanks are removed before use.
must begin with a letter, a digit, a dollar sign
($), a hyphen (-), or an underscore (_). The maximum
length of symbol
is 255 characters.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Indicator of the table that contains the symbol to be deleted. The
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer that is this table indicator.
If table-type-indicator
is omitted, the local symbol table
is used. The following are possible values for the
Symbolic Name |
Value |
Table Used |
1 |
Local symbol table |
2 |
Global symbol table |
LIB$DELETE_SYMBOL is supported for use with the DCL CLI. The error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned if LIB$DELETE_SYMBOL is used with the MCR CLI or called from an image run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process.
LIB$K_CLI_LOCAL_SYM and LIB$K_CLI_GLOBAL_SYM are defined in symbol libraries supplied by VSI (macro or module name $LIBCLIDEF) and as global symbols.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The value of
table-type-indicator was invalid. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_INVSYMNAM | Invalid symbol name. The symbol name contained more than 255 characters or did not begin with a letter, a digit, a dollar sign, a hyphen, or an underscore. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform the function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_NOSUCHSYM | No such symbol. The symbol was not defined. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status that was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL command language interpreter, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE — The Delete Virtual Memory Zone routine deletes a zone from the 32-bit virtual address space and returns all pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems owned by the zone to the processwide 32-bit page pool. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
is the address of a longword
that contains the identifier of a zone created by a previous call to
LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE deletes a zone and returns all pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems owned by the zone to the processwide pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. The pages or pagelets are then available for reallocation by later calls to LIB$GET_VM or LIB$GET_VM_PAGE.
It takes less time to free memory in a single operation by calling LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE than to individually account for and free every block of memory that was allocated by calling LIB$GET_VM.
You must ensure that your program is no longer using any of the memory in the zone before you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE. Your program must not do any further operations on the zone after you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE will fill all of the allocated blocks that are freed.
If the zone you are deleting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE
routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the delete operation.
That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE, you must have specified a
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | An invalid zone-id argument or a corrupted
zone. |
LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64 — The Delete Virtual Memory Zone routine deletes a zone from the 64-bit virtual address space and returns all Alpha and I64 system pagelets owned by the zone to the processwide 64-bit page pool.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
is the address of a quadword
that contains the identifier of a zone created by a previous call to
LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64 deletes a zone and returns all pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems owned by the zone to the processwide pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64. The pagelets are then available for reallocation by later calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 or LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64.
It takes less time to free memory in a single operation by calling LIB$DELETE_ VM_ZONE_64 than to individually account for and free every block of memory that was allocated by calling LIB$GET_VM_64.
You must ensure that your program is no longer using any of the memory in the zone before you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64. Your program must not do any further operations on the zone after you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE_64.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$DELETE_ VM_ZONE_64 will fill all of the allocated blocks that are freed.
If the zone you are deleting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ ZONE_64 routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the delete operation. That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64, you must have specified a user-delete-procedure.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | An invalid zone-id argument or a corrupted
zone. |
LIB$DIGIT_SEP — The Get Digit Separator Symbol routine returns the system's digit separator symbol.
LIB$DIGIT_SEP digit-separator-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Digit separator symbol returned by LIB$DIGIT_SEP. The digit-separator-string
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the digit separator.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters written into digit-separator-string
not counting padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word containing the length of the digit separator symbol. If the input string is
truncated to the size specified in the digit-separator-string
descriptor, resultant-length
is set to this size. Therefore,
can always be used by the calling
program to access a valid substring of
LIB$DIGIT_SEP returns the symbol that is used to separate groups of three digits in the integer part of a number, for readability. A common digit separator is a comma (,) as in 3,006,854.
LIB$DIGIT_SEP attempts to translate the logical name SYS$DIGIT_SEP as a process, group, or system logical name. If the translation fails, LIB$DIGIT_SEP returns a comma (,), the United States digit separator. If the translation succeeds, the text produced is returned. Thus, a system manager can define SYS$DIGIT_SEP as a systemwide logical name to provide a default for all users, and an individual user with a special need can define SYS$DIGIT_SEP as a process logical name to override the default symbol. For example, you may want to use the European digit separator, the period (.).
BASIC implicitly uses LIB$DIGIT_SEP.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed, but the digit separator string was truncated. |
LIB$DISABLE_CTRL — The Disable CLI Interception of Control Characters routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to not intercept the selected control characters when they are entered during an interactive terminal session. LIB$DISABLE_CTRL provides the same function as the DCL command SET NOCONTROL.
LIB$DISABLE_CTRL disable-mask [,old-mask]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit mask indicating which control characters are not to be intercepted. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword containing this bit mask.
Each of the 32 bits corresponds to one of the 32 possible control characters. If a bit is set, the corresponding control character is no longer intercepted by the CLI. Currently, only bits 20 and 25, corresponding to Ctrl/T and Ctrl/Y, are recognized.
The following mask is defined in symbol libraries supplied by VSI to specify the
value of disable-mask
Symbol |
Hex Value |
Function |
%X ’00100000 ’ |
Disables Ctrl/T |
%X ’02000000 ’ |
Disables Ctrl/Y |
If a set bit does not correspond to a character that the CLI can intercept, LIB$DISABLE_CTRL returns an error.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Previous bit mask. The old-mask
argument is the address of
an unsigned longword into which LIB$DISABLE_CTRL writes the old bit mask. The old
bit mask is of the same form as disable-mask
and indicates
those control characters that were previously enabled. It may therefore be given to
LIB$ENABLE_CTRL to reinstate the previous condition.
The DCL and MCR CLIs can intercept the Ctrl/Y control character. The DCL CLI can intercept the Ctrl/T character. See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information on how the DCL CLI processes control characters.
LIB$DISABLE_CTRL is supported for use with the DCL and MCR CLIs. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In those cases, LIB$DISABLE_CTRL returns the error status LIB$_NOCLI.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. A bit in disable-mask
was set that did not correspond to a control character supported by
the CLI. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present. Either the calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status that was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL or MCR CLIs, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$DO_COMMAND — The Execute Command routine stops program execution and directs the command language interpreter (CLI) to execute a command that you supply as the argument. If successful, LIB$DO_COMMAND does not return control to the calling program. Instead, LIB$DO_COMMAND begins execution of the specified command. If you want control to return to the caller, use LIB$SPAWN instead.
LIB$DO_COMMAND command-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Text of the command that LIB$DO_COMMAND executes. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the command text. The maximum length of the command is 255
LIB$DO_COMMAND terminates your current image and then executes the contents of
as a command. The command is parsed using
normal DCL rules.
LIB$DO_COMMAND is especially useful when you want to execute a CLI command after your program has finished executing. For example, you could use the routine to execute a SUBMIT or PRINT command to handle a file that your program has created.
During the call to LIB$DO_COMMAND, the current image exits and control cannot return to it.
The text of the command is passed to the current command language interpreter. Because you can define your own CLI in addition to DCL and MCR, you must make sure that the command will be handled by the intended CLI.
If LIB$DO_COMMAND is called from an image run directly as a subprocess or detached process, it will not execute correctly, because no CLI is associated with a subprocess.
LIB$DO_COMMAND is supported for use with the DCL and MCR CLIs. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In those cases, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned. Note that the command can execute an indirect file using the at sign (@) feature of DCL.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. command-string was more
than 255 characters. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status that was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL or MCR CLIs, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$EDIV — The Extended-Precision Divide routine performs extended-precision division. LIB$EDIV makes the VAX EDIV instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$EDIV longword-integer-divisor ,quadword-integer-dividend
,longword-integer-quotient ,remainder
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Divisor. The longword-integer-divisor
argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the divisor.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Dividend. The quadword-integer-dividend
argument is the address of a signed quadword integer containing the dividend.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Quotient. The longword-integer-quotient
argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the quotient.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Remainder. The remainder
argument is the
address of a signed longword integer containing the remainder.
Condition Value Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Normal successful operation. |
SS$_INTDIV | Integer divide by zero. The quotient is replaced by bits 31:0 of the dividend, and the remainder is replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The quotient is replaced by bits 31:0 of the dividend, and the remainder is replaced by zero. |
C+ C This Fortran program demonstrates how to use LIB$EDIV. C- INTEGER DIVISOR,DIVIDEND(2),QUOTIENT,REMAINDER C+ C Find the quotient and remainder of 4600387192 divided by 4096. C Because 4600387192 is too large to store as a longword, use LIB$EDIV. C- DIVISOR= 4096 C+ C The dividend must be represented as a quadword. To do this use a vector C of length 2. The first element is the low-order longword, and the second C element is the high-order longword. C Now, 4600387192 = ’00000000112345678’x. So, C- DIVIDEND(1) = ’12345678’X DIVIDEND(2) = ’00000001’X C+ C Compute the quotient and remainder of 4600387192 divided by 4096. C- RETURN = LIB$EDIV(DIVISOR,DIVIDEND,QUOTIENT,REMAINDER) TYPE *,’The longword integer quotient of 4600387192/4096 is:’ TYPE *,’ ’,QUOTIENT TYPE *,’The longword integer remainder of 4600387192/4096 is:’ TYPE *,’ ’, REMAINDER END
This Fortran example demonstrates how to call LIB$EDIV. The output generated by this program is as follows:
The longword integer quotient of 4600387192/4096 is: 1123141 The longword integer remainder of 4600387192/4096 is: 1656
LIB$EMODD — The Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (D-Floating-Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of D-floating arguments. On Alpha and I64 systems, D-floating-point values are not supported in full precision in native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs. They are precise to 56 bits on VAX systems, 53 or 56 bits in translated VAX images, and 53 bits in native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs.
LIB$EMODD floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier argument is a D-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The multiplier-extension argument is an unsigned byte.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand argument is a D-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the integer portion of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The fractional-portion argument is a D-floating number.
The floating-point multiplier extension operand (second operand) is concatenated with the floating-point multiplier (first operand) to gain x additional low-order fraction bits. The multiplicand is multiplied by the extended multiplier. After multiplication, the integer portion is extracted, and a y-bit floating-point number is formed from the fractional part of the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a fraction field of y bits. With respect to the result as the sum of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded fractional part of the result.
The values of x and y are as follows:
Routine | x | Bits | y |
LIB$EMODD | 8 | 7:0 | 64 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero (0). |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMODF — The Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (F-Floating-Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of F-floating arguments.
LIB$EMODF floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier argument is the address of an F-floating number containing the number.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The multiplier-extension argument is the address of an unsigned byte containing these multiplier extension bits.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand argument is an F-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the integer portion of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The fractional-portion argument is the address of an F-floating number containing the fractional portion of the result.
LIB$EMODF allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of F-floating arguments.
The floating-point multiplier-extension
operand (second
operand) is concatenated with the floating-point-multiplier
(first operand) to gain x
additional low-order fraction bits. The
multiplicand is multiplied by the extended multiplier. After multiplication, the
integer portion is extracted and a y
-bit floating-point number is
formed from the fractional part of the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a
fraction field of y
bits. With respect to the result as the sum
of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the
integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded
fractional part of the result.
and y
are as follows:
Routine |
x |
Bits |
y |
8 |
7:0 |
32 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMODG — The Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (G-Floating-Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of G-floating arguments.
LIB$EMODG floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier
argument is a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The multiplier-extension
argument is an unsigned word.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand
is a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion
argument is the address of a signed longword
integer containing the integer portion of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The fractional-portion
argument is a G-floating number.
The floating-point multiplier extension operand (second operand) is concatenated
with the floating-point multiplier (first operand) to gain x
additional low-order fraction bits. The multiplicand is multiplied by the extended
multiplier. After multiplication, the integer portion is extracted and a
-bit floating-point number is formed from the fractional
part of the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a
fraction field of y
bits. With respect to the result as the sum
of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the
integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded
fractional part of the result.
and y
are as follows:
Routine |
x |
Bits |
y |
11 |
15:5 |
64 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMODH — On OpenVMS VAX systems, the Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (HFloating- Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of H-floating arguments. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha programs but is available to translated VAX images.
LIB$EMODH floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier
argument is
an H-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The
argument is an unsigned word.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand argument is an H-floating number.
integer portion
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion
argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the integer portion
of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The
argument is an H-floating
The floating-point multiplier extension operand (second operand) is concatenated with the floating-point multiplier (first operand) to gain x additional low-order fraction bits. The multiplicand is multiplied by the extended multiplier. After multiplication, the integer portion is extracted and a y-bit floating-point number is formed from the fractional part of the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a fraction field of y bits. With respect to the result as the sum of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded fractional part of the result.
The values of x and y are as follows:
Routine | x | Bits | y |
LIB$EMODH | 15 | 15:1 | 128 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMODF — The Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (F-Floating-Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of F-floating arguments.
LIB$EMODF floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier
argument is
the address of an F-floating number containing the number.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned byte containing these multiplier extension bits.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand
is an F-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion
argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the integer portion
of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The
argument is the address of an
F-floating number containing the fractional portion of the result.
LIB$EMODF allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of F-floating arguments.
The floating-point multiplier-extension
operand (second
operand) is concatenated with the floating-point-multiplier
(first operand) to gain x additional low-order fraction bits. The multiplicand is
multiplied by the extended multiplier. After multiplication, the integer portion is
extracted and a y-bit floating-point number is formed from the fractional part of
the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a fraction field of y bits. With respect to the result as the sum of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded fractional part of the result.
The values of x and y are as follows:
Routine | x | Bits | y |
LIB$EMODF | 8 | 7:0 | 32 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMODT — The Extended Multiply and Integerize routine (IEEE T-Floating-Point Values) allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of IEEE T-floating arguments.
LIB$EMODT floating-point-multiplier ,multiplier-extension
,floating-point-multiplicand ,integer-portion
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplier. The floating-point-multiplier
argument is
the address of an IEEE T-floating number containing the number.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The left-justified multiplier-extension bits. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned byte containing these multiplier extension bits.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The multiplicand. The floating-point-multiplicand argument is an IEEE T-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The integer portion of the result. The integer-portion
argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the integer portion
of the result.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The fractional portion of the result. The
argument is the address of an IEEE
T-floating number containing the fractional portion of the result.
LIB$EMODT allows higher-level language users to perform accurate range reduction of IEEE T-floating arguments.
The floating-point multiplier-extension
operand (second
operand) is concatenated with the floating-point-multiplier
(first operand) to gain x additional low-order fraction bits. The multiplicand is
multiplied by the extended multiplier. After multiplication, the integer portion is
extracted and a y-bit floating-point number is formed from the fractional part of
the product by truncating extra bits.
The multiplication yields a result equivalent to the exact product truncated to a fraction field of y bits. With respect to the result as the sum of an integer and fraction of the same sign, the integer operand is replaced by the integer part of the result and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded fractional part of the result.
Routine | x | Bites | y |
LIB$EMODT | 11 | 11:0 | 64 |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTUND | Floating underflow. The integer and fraction operands are replaced by zero. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result. Floating overflow is indicated by SS$_INTOVF also. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. The integer and fraction operands are unaffected. |
LIB$EMUL — The Extended-Precision Multiply routine performs extended-precision multiplication. LIB$EMUL makes the VAX EMUL instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$EMUL longword-integer-multiplier ,longword-integer-multiplicand
,addend ,product
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Multiplier used by LIB$EMUL in the extended-precision multiplication. The
argument is the
address of a signed longword integer containing the multiplier.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Multiplicand used by LIB$EMUL in the extended-precision multiplication. The
argument is
the address of a signed longword integer containing the multiplicand.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Addend used by LIB$EMUL in the extended-precision multiplication. The addend
argument is the address of a signed longword
integer containing the addend.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Product of the extended-precision multiplication. The product
argument is the address of a signed quadword integer into
which LIB$EMUL writes the product.
The multiplicand argument is multiplied by the multiplier argument giving a
double-length result. The addend argument is sign-extended to double-length and
added to the result. LIB$EMUL then writes the result into the
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
INTEGER MULT1,MULT2,ADDEND,PRODUCT(2) C+ C Find the extended precision multiplication of 268435456 times 4096. C That is, find the extended precision product of 2**28 times 2**12. C Since 268435456 times 4096 is 2**40, a quadword value is needed for C the calculation: use LIB$EMUL. C- MULT1= 4096 MULT2 = 268435456 APPEND = 0 C+ C Compute 268435456*4096. C Note that product will be stored as a quadword. This value will be stored C in the 2 dimensional vector PRODUCT. The first element of PRODUCT will C contain the low order bits, while the second element will contain the high C order bits. C- RETURN= LIB$EMUL(MULT1,MULT2,APPEND,PRODUCT) TYPE *,’PRODUCT(2) =’,PRODUCT(2),’ and PRODUCT(1) = ’,PRODUCT(1) TYPE *,’ ’ TYPE *,’Note that 256 and 0 represent the hexadecimal value’ type *,14H’10000000000’x,’, which in turn, represents 2**40.’ END
PRODUCT(2) = 256 and PRODUCT(1) = 0
Note that 256 and 0 represent the hexadecimal value ’10000000000 ’x, which in turn represents 2 40.
LIB$ENABLE_CTRL — The Enable CLI Interception of Control Characters routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to resume interception of the selected control characters when they are typed during an interactive terminal session. LIB$ENABLE_CTRL provides the same function as the DCL command SET CONTROL.
LIB$ENABLE_CTRL enable-mask [,old-mask]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | enable_mask |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit mask indicating for which control characters LIB$ENABLE_CTRL is to enable
interception. The enable-mask
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword containing this bit mask. Each of the 32 bits corresponds to one
of the 32 possible control characters. If a bit is set, the corresponding control
character is intercepted by the CLI. Currently, only bits 20 and 25, corresponding
to Ctrl/T and Ctrl/Y, are recognized.
The following mask is defined in symbol libraries supplied by VSI to specify the
value of enable-mask
Symbol |
Hex Value |
Function |
%X ’00100000 ’ |
Enables Ctrl/T |
%X ’02000000 ’ |
Enables Ctrl/Y |
If a set bit does not correspond to a character that the CLI can intercept, an error is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The following mask is defined in symbol libraries supplied by VSI to specify the
value of enable-mask
Symbol |
Hex Value |
Function |
%X ’00100000 ’ |
Enables Ctrl/T |
%X ’02000000 ’ |
Enables Ctrl/Y |
If a set bit does not correspond to a character that the CLI can intercept, an
error is returned. Previous bit mask. The old-mask
is the address of an unsigned longword containing the old bit mask. The old bit mask
is of the same form as enable-mask
LIB$ENABLE_CTRL provides the functions of the DCL command SET CONTROL. Normally, Ctrl/Y interrupts the current command, command procedure, or image. After a call to LIB$DISABLE_CTRL, Ctrl/Y is treated like Ctrl/U followed by a carriage return. LIB$ENABLE_CTRL restores the normal operation of Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/T.
Both the DCL and MCR CLIs can intercept control characters. See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information on how the CLI processes control characters.
LIB$ENABLE_CTRL is supported for use with the DCL or MCR CLIs.
If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In those cases, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. A bit in enable-mask was
set which did not correspond to a control character supported by the
CLI. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL or MCR CLIs, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$ESTABLISH — The Establish a Condition Handler routine moves the address of a condition handling routine (which can be a user-written or a library routine) to longword 0 of the stack frame of the caller of LIB$ESTABLISH. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs but is recognized and handled appropriately by most high-level language compilers. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$ESTABLISH new-handler
OpenVMS usage: | routine |
type: | procedure value |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Previous contents of SF$A_HANDLER (longword 0) of the caller’s stack frame; zero if no handler existed.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine to be set up as the condition handler. The
argument is the address of the procedure
value to this routine.
LIB$ESTABLISH moves the address of a condition-handling routine to longword 0 of the stack frame of the caller of LIB$ESTABLISH. This condition-handling routine then becomes the caller's condition handler. LIB$ESTABLISH returns the previous contents of longword 0. This can either be the address of the caller's previous condition handler or zero if no handler existed.
The new condition handler remains in effect for your routine until you call LIB$REVERT or until control returns to the caller of the routine that called LIB$ESTABLISH. Once this happens, you must call LIB$ESTABLISH again if the same (or a new) condition handler is to be associated with the routine that called LIB$ESTABLISH.
LIB$ESTABLISH modifies the caller's stack frame.
LIB$ESTABLISH is provided primarily for use with languages without built-in error handling facilities. Do not use LIB$ESTABLISH with languages that provide error handling, such as BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, and PL/I. The language-support library for these languages depends on predefined language-specific handlers, and use of LIB$ESTABLISH with these languages may adversely affect the behavior of your program. See the language documentation for more information about how each language handles errors.
MOVAB HANDLER, (FP) ; set handler address ; in current stack frame
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran program demonstrates the C use of LIB$ESTABLISH. C C This is the main program. C- EXTERNAL LOG_HANDL CHARACTER TIMBUF OPEN (UNIT=99, FILE = ’ERRLOG’, STATUS = ’NEW’) CALL LIB$ESTABLISH (LOG_HANDL) CALL SYS$BINTIM (TIMBUF, TIMADR) C+ C The rest of the main program would go here. C- END INTEGER*4 FUNCTION LOG_HANDL (SIGARGS, MECHARGS) INTEGER*4 SIGARGS (*), MECHARGS (5) C+ C This is the handler to journal any signaled error messages. C- INCLUDE’($SSDEF)’ EXTERNAL PUT_LINE LOG_HANDL = SS$_RESIGNAL CALL SYS$PUTMSG (SIGARGS, PUT_LINE, ) RETURN END C+ C This is the action subroutine. C- LOGICAL*4 FUNCTION PUT_LINE (LINE) CHARACTER*(*)LINE PUT_LINE = .FALSE. 100 WRITE (99,200)LINE 200 FORMAT (A) RETURN END
In this Fortran example, the function log_handl is the condition handler for the program, and thus receives control when an error occurs.
LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME — The Expand a Node Name to Its Full Name Equivalent routine expands a node name to its full name equivalent. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME nodename, fullname
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Node name to be expanded. The nodename
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this node-name
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if nodename
contains an
invalid node name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if nodename
is an
invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Expanded node name. The fullname
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to the expanded node-name string.
LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME writes the expanded node-name string into the buffer pointed to
by the fullname
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if fullname
is an
invalid descriptor.
The length field of the fullname
descriptor is not updated
unless fullname
is a dynamic descriptor with a length less
than the resulting expanded full name. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic
string descriptor usage.
The fullname argument contains an unusable result when LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the expanded node name. The resultant-length
argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in
The resultant-length
argument contains an unusable result
when LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME returns in error.
This routine expands the input node name to its full name equivalent. Input is validated against the supported form of node names. The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if the input node name is invalid.
If the returned full name overflows the buffer pointed to by
, the returned full name is truncated, and the
alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned. The
argument is set to the value of the
length field of the fullname
descriptor if this argument is
If the length of the returned full name is less than or equal to the output
buffer, the expanded full name is returned in fullname
is set to the actual length of the
expanded full name if this argument is supplied.
In a DECnet environment, expanding a DECnet-Plus node name results in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME uses the underlying network directory services to look up the full name. In a DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS environment, LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME verifies the existence of the expanded full name in the naming environment. If the expanded full name does not exist in the naming environment, an error condition is returned from the underlying network services and is propagated back to the caller of LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME.
It is recommended that applications use full names instead of the short form of full names whenever possible. Because the short form of a full name is intended to be used only in a specific naming environment, make sure the short form of a full name is expanded in the right naming environment to avoid ambiguity. See LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME for more information about where and when to use the short form of a full name.
Any error resulting from calling the underlying network services is propagated and returned as condition values in this routine.
LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME supports any string class for the nodename and fullname string arguments.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the
output buffer pointed to by the fullname
descriptor. |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by RTL routine LIB$SCOPY_R_DX or DECnet service $IPC.
LIB$EXTV — The Extract a Field and Sign-Extend routine returns a sign-extended longword field that has been extracted from the specified variable bit field. LIB$EXTV makes the VAX EXTV instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$EXTV position ,size ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Field extracted by LIB$EXTV, sign-extended to a longword.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Position (relative to the base address) of the first bit in the field that
LIB$EXTV extracts. The position
argument is the address of a
signed longword integer containing the position.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Size of the bit field LIB$EXTV extracts. The size
argument is the address of an unsigned byte containing the
size. The maximum size is 32 bits.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Base address of the bit field LIB$EXTV extracts from the specified variable bit
field. The base-address
argument is an unsigned
longword containing the base address.
The variable-length bit field is an OpenVMS data type used to store small integers packed together in a larger data structure. It is often used to store single flag bits.
The base address is the address of a byte in memory that serves as a reference point for locating the bit field.
The bit position is a signed longword containing the displacement of the least significant bit of the field with respect to bit 0 of the base address.
The size is a byte integer indicating the size of the bit field in bits (in the range 0 ≤ size ≤ 32). That is, a bit field can be no more than one longword in length.
A variable-length bit field has the following format. The area containing asterisks indicates the field.

Bit fields are zero-origin, which means that the routine regards the first bit in the field as being the zero position.
Condition Value Returned
SS$_ROPRAND | A reserved operand fault occurs if a size greater than 32 is specified. |
SIGN_EXTEND: ROUTINE OPTIONS (MAIN); DECLARE LIB$EXTV ENTRY (FIXED BINARY (31), /* Address of longword containing /* beginning bit position */ FIXED BINARY (7), /* Address of byte containing size /* of field */ FIXED BINARY (31)) /* Address of field */ RETURNS (FIXED BINARY (31)); /* Return value */ DECLARE (VALUE, SMALL_INT) FIXED BINARY (31); ON ENDFILE (SYSIN) STOP; DO WHILE (’1’B); /* Loop continuously, until end of file */ PUT SKIP(2); GET LIST (VALUE) OPTIONS (PROMPT (’Value: ’)); SMALL_INT = LIB$EXTV ( 0, 4, VALUE); /* Extract and sign-extend /* first 4 bits */ PUT SKIP LIST (VALUE, SMALL_INT); END; END SIGN_EXTEND;
This PL/I program extracts a field and returns it sign-extended into a longword.
LIB$EXTZV — The Extract a Zero-Extended Field routine returns a longword zero-extended field that has been extracted from the specified variable bit field. LIB$EXTZV makes the VAX EXTZV instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$EXTZV position ,size ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Field extracted by LIB$EXTZV, zero-extended to a longword.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Position (relative to the base address) of the first bit in the field LIB$EXTZV
extracts. The position
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer containing the position.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Size of the bit field LIB$EXTZV extracts. The size
is the address of an unsigned byte containing the size. The maximum size is 32
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Base address of the bit field LIB$EXTZV extracts. The
argument is an unsigned longword containing
the base address.
The variable-length bit field is an OpenVMS data type used to store small integers packed together in a larger data structure. It is often used to store single flag bits.
The base address is the address of the byte in memory that serves as a reference point for locating the bit field.
The bit position is a signed longword containing the displacement of the least significant bit of the field with respect to bit 0 of the base address.
The size is a byte integer indicating the size of the bit field in bits (in the range 0 ≤ size ≤ 32). That is, a bit field can be no more than one longword in length.
A variable-length bit field has the following format. The area containing asterisks indicates the field.

Bit fields are zero-origin fields, which means that the routine regards the first bit in the field as being the zero position.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_ROPRAND | A reserved operand fault occurs if a size greater than 32 is specified. |
LIB$FFx — The Find First Clear or Set Bit routines search the field specified by the start position, size, and base for the first clear or set bit. LIB$FFC and LIB$FFS make the VAX FFC and VAX FFS instructions available as callable routines.
LIB$FFC position ,size ,base ,find-position
LIB$FFS position ,size ,base ,find-position
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Starting position, relative to the base address, of the bit field to be searched
by LIB$FF x. The position
argument is the address of a signed longword integer
containing the starting position.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bits to be searched by LIB$FFx. The
argument is the address of an unsigned byte
containing the size of the bit field to be searched. The maximum size is 32
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The base
argument is the address of the bit
field that LIB$FF x searches.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit position of the first bit in the specified state (clear or set), relative to
the base address. The find-position
argument is
the address of a signed longword integer into which LIB$FFC writes the position of
the first clear bit and into which LIB$FFS writes the position of the first set
LIB$FFC searches the field specified by the start position, size, and base for the first clear bit. LIB$FFS searches the field for the first set bit.
If a bit in the specified state is found, LIB$FF x writes the
position (relative to the base) of that bit into
and returns a success status. If no bits
are in the specified state or if size
is zero, LIB$FF
x returns LIB$_NOTFOU and sets
to the starting position plus the
LIB$FF x regards the first bit in the field as being the zero position.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. A bit in the specified state was found. |
LIB$_NOTFOU | A bit in the specified state was not found. |
Condition Value Signaled
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. A size greater than 32 was specified. |
LIB$FID_TO_NAME — The Convert Device and File ID to File Specification routine converts a disk device name and file identifier to a file specification.
LIB$FID_TO_NAME device-name ,file-id ,filespec [,filespec-length]
[,directory-id] [,acp-status]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Device name to be converted. The device-name
argument is
the address of a descriptor pointing to the device name. It must reference a disk
device, and must contain 64 characters or less. LIB$FID_TO_NAME obtains
from the NAM$T_DVI field of an OpenVMS RMS
name block.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Specifies the file identifier. The file-id
argument is the
address of an array of three words containing the file identification.
LIB$FID_TO_NAME obtains file-id
from the NAM$W_FID field of
an OpenVMS RMS name block. The $FIDDEF macro defines the structure of
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Receives the file specification. The filespec argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the file specification string. As of OpenVMS Version 7.2, the maximum file specification string that can be returned is 4095 bytes on Alpha and I64 systems, and 510 bytes on VAX systems. On versions prior to Version 7.2, the maximum is 510 bytes on both platforms. Refer to the Description section for more information about the file specification returned.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Receives the number of characters written into filespec
excluding padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The optional
argument is the address of an unsigned
word containing the number of characters.
If the output string is truncated to the number of characters specified in
, then filespec-length
set to that truncated size. Therefore, you can always use
to access a valid substring of
OpenVMS usage: | vector_word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Specifies a directory file identifier. The directory-id
argument is the address of an array of three words containing the directory file
identifier. LIB$FID_TO_ NAME obtains this array from the NAM$W_DID field of an
OpenVMS RMS name block. The $FIDDEF macro defines the structure of
This parameter is relevant only for a structure level-1 disk on OpenVMS VAX systems. This parameter is ignored on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems because level-1 disks are not supported on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The status resulting from traversing the backward links. The optional
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword containing the status.
LIB$FID_TO_NAME converts a disk device name and file identifier to a file specification by requesting the ACP file specification attribute.
On OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems, if the file specification is longer than can be
accommodated by the filespec
buffer, a directory in the path
may be replaced by a DID abbreviation (see the Guide to OpenVMS File
Applications). If the file specification, even after DID
abbreviation, is longer than can be accommodated by the buffer, the file
specification is truncated, and LIB$STRTRU is returned as an alternate success
On OpenVMS VAX systems, if you use the LIB$FID_TO_NAME routine on a structure
level 1 disk, specify the directory-id
argument to ensure
proper operation of the routine.
LIB$FID_TO_NAME uses the directory backpointer stored in the file header. With files in SYS$COMMON, the directory structure is duplicated because of some SET FILE/ENTERs of directory names. If directory names have been renamed or the tree structure modified (which the OpenVMS operating system does with the [SYCOMMON] tree), the file specification returned by this routine may not be useful.
LIB$FID_TO_NAME stores the output arguments (filespec
, and acp-status
only if the routine successfully finishes.
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$STRTRU | Output string truncated (qualified success). |
LIB$_INVARG | Required argument omitted, or device-name is longer than 64 characters. |
LIB$_INVFILSPE | The device-name argument does not reference a disk. |
Any condition value returned by RTL routine LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC, or the $ASSIGN, $QIO, or $DASSGN system services.
LIB$FILE_SCAN — The File Scan routine searches an area, such as a directory, for all files matching the file specification given and transfers program execution to the specified user-written routine. Wildcards are acceptable. An action routine is called for each file and/or error found. LIB$FILE_SCAN allows the search sequence to continue even if an error occurs while processing a particular file.
LIB$FILE_SCAN fab ,user-success-procedure ,user-error-procedure
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | fab |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
File Access Block (FAB) referencing a valid NAM block or NAML block. The fab argument is the address of the FAB that contains the address and length of the file specification being searched for by LIB$FILE_SCAN. On Alpha and I64 systems, NAML blocks support the use of file specifications with a maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. See the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on NAML blocks.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied success routine that LIB$FILE_SCAN calls when a file is found. The success routine is invoked with the FAB address that was passed to LIB$FILE_SCAN. The user context may be pased to this routine using the FAB$L_CTX field in the FAB.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied error routine that LIB$FILE_SCAN calls when it encounters an error. The error routine is called with the FAB argument that was passed to LIB$FILE_SCAN.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Default file context used in processing file specifications for multiple input
files. The context
argument is the address of a longword,
which must be initialized to zero by your program before the first call to
LIB$FILE_SCAN. After the first call, LIB$FILE_SCAN maintains this longword. You must
not change the value of context
in subsequent calls to
Name blocks and file specification strings are allocated by LIB$FILE_SCAN, and
is used to retain their addresses so they may be
deallocated later. If the context
argument is not passed,
unspecified portions of the file specification will be inherited from the previous
file specification processed, rather than from multiple input file
LIB$FILE_SCAN is called with the address of a File Access Block (FAB) and calls an action routine for each file found and/or error returned. LIB$FILE_SCAN allows the search sequence to continue even if an error occurs while processing a particular file.
If this routine is called once for each file specification argument in a command line, portions of the file specifications which are not specified by the user are inherited from the last files processed.
On Alpha and I64 systems, support for a file specification greater than 255 characters is provided by the use of NAML blocks rather than NAM blocks. See the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on NAML blocks.
You must call LIB$FILE_SCAN_END before initiating a new sequence of calls to LIB$FILE_SCAN.
Condition Values Returned
Any condition value returned by the RMS Parse service.
LIB$FILE_SCAN_END — The End-of-File Scan routine is called after each sequence of calls to LIB$FILE_SCAN. LIB$FILE_SCAN_END deallocates any saved OpenVMS RMS context and/or deallocates the virtual memory that had been allocated for holding the related file specification information.
LIB$FILE_SCAN_END [fab] [,context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | fab |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
File access block (FAB) used with LIB$FILE_SCAN. The optional
argument is the address of the FAB that contains the
address and length of the file specification.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Temporary default context used in LIB$FILE_SCAN. The optional
argument is the address of a longword containing
this temporary default context.
Your program should call LIB$FILE_SCAN_END after each sequence of calls to
LIB$FILE_SCAN. The function that LIB$FILE_SCAN_END performs depends upon the
arguments you specify. If you specify fab
parses the null string to deallocate any saved RMS context. If you specify
, LIB$FILE_SCAN_END deallocates any virtual memory
that was allocated for holding the related file specification information. If you
specify both fab
and context
LIB$FILE_SCAN_END performs both functions. However, if you do not specify either
argument, LIB$FILE_SCAN_END does nothing.
If LIB$FILE_SCAN is directed to process the specifications for multiple input files, LIB$FILE_SCAN_END is used to deallocate those saved file specifications. If LIB$FILE_SCAN_END is called by your program after each sequence of calls to LIB$FILE_SCAN, it will prevent the defaults from the previous call from affecting context value in the next call to LIB$FILE_SCAN. LIB$FILE_SCAN_END does this by replacing the context value passed to it with a temporary context value that your program passes to LIB$FILE_SCAN the next time it is called.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
RMS$_FAB | The fab argument is not the address of a
valid FAB. |
LIB$FIND_FILE — The Find File routine is called with a file specification for which it searches. LIB$FIND_FILE returns one file specification for each call. The file specification may contain wildcards.
LIB$FIND_FILE filespec ,resultant-filespec ,context [,default-filespec]
[,related-filespec] [,status-value] [,flags]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification, which may contain wildcards, that LIB$FIND_FILE uses to search
for the desired file. The filespec
argument is the address of
a descriptor pointing to the file specification. If running on Alpha or I64 and flag
LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES is set, the maximum length of a file specification is specified
by NAML$C_MAXRSS, otherwise the maximum length of a file specification is 255
The file specification used may also contain a search list logical name. If present, the search list logical name elements can be used as accumulative to related file specifications, so that portions of file specifications not specified by the user are inherited from previous file specifications.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Resultant file specification that LIB$FIND_FILE returns when it finds a file that
matches the specification in the filespec
argument. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to the resultant file specification.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
A longword integer variable into which the routine stores a context value for use
by future calls to LIB$FIND_FILE or LIB$FIND_FILE_END. The
argument is an unsigned longword integer
containing the address of the context. This variable must be set to zero before the
first call to LIB$FIND_FILE. You can use the same context
argument from one LIB$FIND_FILE call to another provided you have not called
LIB$FIND_FILE_END for that context
first. LIB$FIND_FILE uses
this argument to retain the context when processing multiple input files. Portions
of file specifications that the user does not specify may be inherited from the last
files processed because the file contexts are retained in this argument. You must
not change the value of context
in subsequent calls to
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Default file specification. The default-filespec
is the address of a descriptor pointing to the default file specification. See the
VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information about default file specifications.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Related file specification containing the context of the last file processed. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the related file specification.
The related file specification is useful when you are processing lists of file specifications. Unspecified portions of the file specification are inherited from the last file processed. For more information on related file specifications, see the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
RMS secondary status value from a failing RMS operation. The
argument is an unsigned longword containing
the address of a longword-length buffer to receive the RMS secondary status value
(usually returned in the file access block field, FAB$L_STV).
OpenVMS usage: | |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User flags. The flags
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword containing the user flags.
Bit |
Symbol |
Description | |
0 |
If set, LIB$FIND_FILE returns an error if a wildcard character is input. | |
1 |
If set, this performs temporary defaulting for multiple
input files and the | |
2 |
(Alpha and I64 only) If set, LIB$FIND_FILE can process file specifications with a maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. If clear, LIB$FIND_FILE can process file specifications with a maximum length of 255 (default). | |
4 |
Find symlink instead of symlink target. | |
5-6 |
Control matching of symlinks in directory wildcarding: | |
| Use the RMS default. | ||
| Match no symlinks. | ||
| Match all symlinks. | ||
| Match all symlinks except with ellipsis in pattern string. |
LIB$FIND_FILE returns one file specification per call unless it fails to find the
target file specification. In this case, the routine returns the condition value
RMS$_NMF (no more files). Each successful call to LIB$FIND_FILE results in a new
When you call LIB$FIND_FILE repeatedly using the same
, filespec
is saved only if
you set the MULTIPLE bit. If you specify a different filespec
on your next call and set the MULTIPLE bit, the file specification from the previous
call defaults as the related file specification.
For each LIB$FIND_FILE call, RMS first applies the defaults from
and then uses the defaults from
, if relevant. Default file
specifications are used only if components are missing from the
argument and the needed components are found in
. The
argument is used when you process lists
of file specifications. Unspecified portions of the file specification are inherited
from the last file processed. This provides an extra level of file specification
defaults. For additional information on related file specifications and input file
parsing, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to OpenVMS File Applications.
The filespec
argument can contain wildcard characters.
LIB$FIND_FILE can be called repeatedly using the same context
argument until the error RMS$_NMF (no more files) is returned.
LIB$FIND_FILE searches for a certain wildcard file specification and returns all file specifications that satisfy that wildcard file specification.
If the NOWILD bit is not set and the file specification does not contain any wildcard characters, LIB$FIND_FILE returns the appropriate file name on the first call and the condition value RMS$_NMF on the next call.
If the NOWILD bit is set and you use the same nonwildcard file specification, LIB$FIND_FILE returns the file name on the first call as well as each subsequent call.
On Alpha and I64 systems, support for file specifications longer than 255
characters is provided only when the LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES flag is set in the
argument. When this flag is set, a NAML block
(rather than a NAM block) is part of the context, and file specifications can have a
maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. See the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on NAML
You must call LIB$FIND_FILE_END before initiating a new sequence of calls to LIB$FIND_FILE to properly deallocate all of the internal data structures that were allocated in the calls to LIB$FIND_FILE. After you call LIB$FIND_FILE_END, the context value is no longer valid and cannot be used on any subsequent LIB$FIND_FILE calls.
You did not call LIB$FIND_FILE_END before initiating a new call with a context variable to LIB$FIND_FILE. (This is the most common reason.)
The system parameter CHANNELCNT is too low.
Condition Values Returned
RMS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_NOWILD | A wildcard character was present in the file specification parsed, and the wildcard flag bit was set to no wildcard. (This is actually the SHR$_NOWILD error message after application of the LIB$ facility code.) |
RMS$_CHN | No more channels. |
RMS$_NMF | No more files. |
Any condition value returned by RMS Parse and Search services, LIB$GET_VM, LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$FREE_VM, LIB$FREE_VM_64, LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64.
LIB$FIND_FILE_END — The End of Find File routine is called once after each sequence of calls to LIB$FIND_FILE. LIB$FIND_FILE_END deallocates any saved OpenVMS RMS context and deallocates the virtual memory used to hold the allocated context block.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zero or the address of a FAB/NAM buffer from a previous call to LIB$FIND_FILE. The
argument is the address of a longword that
contains this context.
LIB$FIND_FILE_END should be called by your program after each sequence of calls to LIB$FIND_FILE. This will prevent the default values from the previous call from affecting the next file specification.
LIB$FIND_FILE_END deallocates the context used in the last call to LIB$FIND_FILE so that the context retained will not be used in subsequent calls to LIB$FIND_FILE. If LIB$FIND_FILE was directed to process file specifications for multiple input files, the saved file specifications are also deallocated.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
RMS$_FAB | File access block argument is not the address of a valid FAB. |
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL — The Find Universal Symbol in Shareable Image File routine reads universal symbols from the shareable image file. This routine then dynamically activates a shareable image into the P0 address space of a process.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL filename ,symbol ,symbol-value [,image-name]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the file for which LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL is searching. The
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to this file name string. This argument may contain only the file name. File type
cannot be indicated. If any file specification punctuation characters (:, [, <,
;, .) are present, the error SS$_IVLOGNAM is returned.
You can specify a file specification for the image name with the optional
argument. If you do not specify
, a default file specification of
SYS$SHARE:.EXE is applied to the file name. If the file is not in SYS$SHARE:.EXE, a
logical name must be used to direct this routine to locate the correct file. Only
logical names defined in the system logical name table with the /EXEC attribute will
be considered while the image activator is processing a request from an image that
was installed with privileges. If the calling image was installed with privileges,
the image being activated and any shareable images or message sections it references
must be installed as a known image with the INSTALL utility. Running an image to
which you have only Execute (not Read) access results in the same restrictions on
logical names and shareable images as does running a privileged image.
On VAX systems, the filename
descriptor must be class D, S,
or Z.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Symbol for which LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL is searching in the
file. The symbol
is the address of a descriptor pointing to the symbol name string. The symbol name
string can be input in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case letters.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Symbol value that LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL has located. The
argument is the address of a signed longword
integer into which LIB$FIND_ IMAGE_SYMBOL returns the symbol value. If the symbol is
relocatable, the starting virtual address of the shareable image in memory is added
to the symbol value.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Default file specification applied to the image name. The optional
argument is a string used as the RMS default
file specification when parsing filename
as the primary
filename. If image-name
is not supplied, then a default file
specification of SYS$SHARE:.EXE is applied to the image name.
On VAX systems, the image-name
descriptor must be class D,
S, or Z.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Control flags. The flags
argument is the address of a
longword integer that contains the control flags.
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | Reserved to VSI | |
1 | Reserved to VSI | |
2 | Reserved to VSI | |
3 | Reserved to VSI | |
4 | LIB$M_FIS_MIXEDCASE | Causes LIB$FIND_IMAGE_ SYMBOL to look for the symbol without converting it to uppercase. |
This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is 0. If omitted, or if LIB$M_FIS_MIXEDCASE (bit 4) is 0, LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL converts the specified symbol to uppercase before it is used.
The shareable image that LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL activates must have been already linked and must be position independent. You must have read access to the shareable image file to use this routine.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL writes the symbol value that it has located into the
After the first call to LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL for a particular image, successive calls for that image are processed quickly. The image is activated only once and an in-memory database is maintained. There is no way to deallocate this database, nor is there any supported method to remove an activated image from the address space. All images are activated into P0 space.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL locates the universal symbol in its database qualified by
the file name exactly as given in the filename
Therefore, a reference to a lexically different but equivalent file name causes a
new copy of the same shareable image to be loaded and searched. To avoid this
situation, always specify the desired file name in the same
To work properly with translated VAX images on Alpha and I64 systems, LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL may modify the name of the file being searched and may retry the search if the first search failed. If called from a translated image, LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL appends ‘‘_TV’’ to the file name before searching. This locates the translated version of the image being searched. If the search fails to find the file or the file does not define the symbol, LIB$FIND_ IMAGE_SYMBOL trys again with the unmodified original file name. This locates the native Alpha or I64 version of the image. If the second search also fails, an error is returned. If LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL is called from a native Alpha or I64 program, the order of the searches is reversed. The first search is done with the unmodified original file name. If that fails, the second search is done with ‘‘_TV’’ appended to the file name. If the second search fails, an error is returned.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL disables AST recognition while it is executing. AST recognition is reenabled before returning to the caller only if AST recognition was previously enabled.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL signals all errors and returns the status in R0.
LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL may signal a warning (LIB$_EOMWARN) to indicate that the image being activated contains modules that had compilation warnings. A condition handler used with LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL should probably handle this as a special case.
To allow LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL to continue executing after signaling LIB$_EOMWARN, the condition handler should exit with SS$CONTINUE. For this reason, you may choose not to use LIB$SIG_TO_RET as a condition handler for LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_BADCCC | Illegal compilation code. |
LIB$_EOMERROR | Compilation errors. |
LIB$_EOMFATAL | Fatal compilation errors. |
LIB$_EOMWARN | Compilation warnings. |
LIB$_GSDTYP | Illegal universal symbol directory record type. |
LIB$_ILLFMLCNT | Maximum argument count exceeds maximum for routine. |
LIB$_ILLMODNAM | Illegal module name length. |
LIB$_ILLPSCLEN | Illegal program section length. |
LIB$_ILLRECLEN | Illegal record length in module. |
LIB$_ILLRECLN2 | Illegal record length. |
LIB$_ILLRECTYP | Illegal record type in module. |
LIB$_ILLRECTY2 | Illegal record type. |
LIB$_ILLSYMLEN | Illegal symbol length. |
LIB$_NOEOM | No end of module record contained in the module. |
LIB$_RECTOOSML | Record too small; data overflows object record in module. |
LIB$_SEQUENCE | Illegal record sequence in module. |
LIB$_SEQUENCE2 | Illegal record sequence. |
LIB$_STRVL | Illegal object language structure level in module. |
Note that all of the above error messages indicate a format error in the shareable image. | |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
SS$_IVLOGNAM | The filename argument contained more than
just a file name; a device or directory specification was found in
the string. |
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE — The Return the Next Valid Zone Identifier routine returns the zone identifier of the next valid zone in the heap management 32-bit database. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE context ,zone-id
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context specifier. The context
argument is the address of
an unsigned longword used to keep the scan context for finding the next valid zone.
The context
argument must be 0 to initialize the scan and to
start with the first returnable zone identifier.
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword that receives the zone identifier for the next zone.
of the next valid zone. (The first and
second calls to LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE return the zone-id
of the
32-bit default zone and the 32-bit string zone, respectively.) This capability
allows a program to deal with each 32-bit VM zone created during the invocation,
including those created outside of the program.Note
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE finds only 32-bit zones. You must use LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE and LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 to loop through all VM zones.
The context
argument controls the state of the scan. It
determines what zone to return (the first, the next, and so forth). On the initial
call, specified by context
=0, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE is called
to verify the heap management zone database. If the database is corrupt, further
calls to this routine will produce no additional useful output.
When no more zones can be found, the routine returns the condition value LIB$_NOTFOU.
If a zone has been corrupted in some major way (for example, if the validity code has been changed), then this routine may not be able to locate it in the zone database.
Note that ASTs may be disabled while LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE is executing code that depends on the stability of the heap management zone database. In general it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the calling program has exclusive access to the zone database while scanning for multiple zones with this routine. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control modifies the zone database or the associated areas during the scanning.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. |
LIB$_NOTFOU | Zone identifier not found (alternate success status). |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 status,context,zone_id INTEGER*4 lib$find_vm_zone,lib$show_vm_zone context = 0 status = lib$find_vm_zone (context, zone_id) DO WHILE (status) print * status = lib$show_vm_zone (zone_id, 0) status = lib$find_vm_zone (context, zone_id) END DO END
Zone Id = 00020020, Zone name = "DEFAULT_ZONE" Zone Id = 000200B0, Zone name = "STRING_ZONE"
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 — The Return the Next Valid Zone Identifier routine returns the zone identifier of the next valid zone in the heap management 64-bit database.
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 context ,zone-id
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context specifier. The context
argument is the address of
an unsigned quadword used to keep the scan context for finding the next valid zone.
The context
argument must be 0 to initialize the scan and to
start with the first returnable zone identifier.
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
argument is the address of an
unsigned quadword that receives the zone identifier for the next zone.
At each call, LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 scans the heap management 64-bit zone database
and returns the zone-id of the next valid zone. (The first and second calls to
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 return the zone-id
of the 64-bit default
zone and the 64-bit string zone, respectively.) This capability allows a program to
deal with each VM 64-bit zone created during the invocation, including those created
outside of the program.
LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 finds only 64-bit zones. You must use LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE and LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 to loop through all VM zones.
The context argument controls the state of the scan. It determines what zone to return (the first, the next, and so forth). On the initial call, specified by context=0, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64 is called to verify the heap management zone database. If the database is corrupt, further calls to this routine will produce no additional useful output.
When no more zones can be found, the routine returns the condition value LIB$_ NOTFOU.
If a zone has been corrupted in some major way (for example, if the validity code has been changed), then this routine may not be able to locate it in the zone database.
Note that ASTs may be disabled while LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE_64 is executing code that depends on the stability of the heap management zone database. In general it is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the calling program has exclusive access to the zone database while scanning for multiple zones with this routine. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control modifies the zone database or the associated areas during the scanning.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. |
LIB$_NOTFOU | Zone identifier not found (alternate success status). |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 status INTEGER*8 context,zone_id INTEGER*4 lib$find_vm_zone_64,lib$show_vm_zone_64 context = 0 status = lib$find_vm_zone_64 (context, zone_id) DO WHILE (status) print * status = lib$show_vm_zone_64 (zone_id, 0) status = lib$find_vm_zone_64 (context, zone_id) END DO END
Sample output for this Fortran program is as follows:
Zone Id = 0000000000020040, Zone name = "DEFAULT_ZONE" Zone Id = 0000000000020140, Zone name = "STRING_ZONE"
LIB$FIT_NODENAME — The Fit a Node Name Into an Output Field routine fits a node name into an output field. It attempts to compress the node name to fit the output field. If this fails, it trims the node name. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$FIT_NODENAME nodename, output-buffer
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Node name to be fitted into the desired output field. The nodename
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to
this node-name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if nodename
contains an
invalid node name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if nodename
is an
invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The output buffer. The output-buffer
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to the output buffer. LIB$FIT_NODENAME writes the
final output node name into the buffer pointed to by
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if output-buffer
is an
invalid descriptor.
The length field of the output-buffer
descriptor is not
updated unless output-buffer
is a dynamic descriptor with a
length less than the resulting fitted node name. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for
dynamic string descriptor usage.
The output-buffer
argument contains an unusable result when
LIB$FIT_NODENAME returns in error. Field width desired for the fit operation. The
argument is the address of an unsigned word
that contains this field width in bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Field width desired for the fit operation. The output-width
argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this field width in
If output-width
is omitted, the current length of
is used. If
is not a fixed-length string, specify
to ensure that the desired width is
If the lengths of both output-buffer
are specified, the length in
is used. In this case, if the current length
of output-buffer
is smaller than the length of
, the output node name is truncated at the
end, and the alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned. Length of the
output node name. The resultant-length
argument is the
address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The resultant-length
argument contains an unusable result
when LIB$FIT_NODENAME returns in error.
This routine fits the input node name into the desired output field for display purposes. It first attempts to get the usable short form of the input node name by calling LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME. If that fails, the input node name is expanded by LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME and then trimmed by LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME to fit the desired output width.
The input is validated against the supported form of input node names. The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if the input node name is invalid.
Node-name compression is always attempted even if the length of the input node name is less than or equal to the desired output width. This is to ensure that the short form of a full name is always chosen for display purposes.
When the compressed node name is too long to fit the desired output width, the input node name is expanded using LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME and trimmed using LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME. In this case, the alternate success status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
When LIB$FIT_NODENAME encounters errors from the underlying network services, it tries to return the string-truncated compressed node name. If it is the compression operation that fails, LIB$FIT_NODENAME returns the string-truncated input node name. The alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
Note that the returned node name can be either a compressed usable short form of the input node name or an unusable trimmed or truncated node name. The caller should always assume an unusable node name is returned when it finds the alternate success return status LIB$_STRTRU. On the other hand, the SS$_NORMAL return status means that a usable form of a node name is returned.
LIB$FIT_NODENAME adds padding spaces to the end of the output buffer if the output node name is shorter than the size of the output buffer. The argument resultant-length, if supplied, is set to the length of the output node name, excluding any padding spaces.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the
output buffer pointed to by
output-buffer . |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX.
LIB$FIXUP_FLT — The Fix Floating Reserved Operand routine finds the reserved operand of any
F-floating, D-floating, G-floating, or H-floating instruction (with some exceptions)
after a reserved operand fault has been signaled. No support for arguments passed by
64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned
for this routine. LIB$FIXUP_FLT changes the reserved operand from –0.0 to the
value of the new-operand
argument, if present; or to +0.0 if
is absent. This routine is available on
OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems in translated form and is applicable to translated VAX
images only.
LIB$FIXUP_FLT signal-arguments ,mechanism-arguments
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal argument vector. The signal-arguments
argument is
the address of an array of unsigned longwords containing the signal argument
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Mechanism argument vector. The mechanism-arguments
is the address of an array of unsigned longwords containing the mechanism argument
OpenVMS usage: | floating-point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
An F-floating value to replace the reserved operand. The
argument is the address of an F-floating
number containing the new operand. This is an optional argument. If omitted, the
default value is +0.0.
argument, if
present; or to +0.0 if new-operand
is absent. LIB$FIXUP_FLT
cannot handle the following cases and will return a status of SS$_RESIGNAL if any of
them occur:The currently active signaled condition is not SS$_ROPRAND.
The reserved operand's data type is not F-floating, D-floating, G-floating, or H-floating.
The reserved operand is an element in the coefficient table for one of the VAX POLY x instructions.
If the status value returned from LIB$FIXUP_FLT is seen by the condition handling facility (as would be the case if LIB$FIXUP_FLT was the handler), any success value is equivalent to SS$_CONTINUE, which causes the instruction to be restarted. Any failure value is equivalent to SS$_RESIGNAL, which causes the condition to be resignaled to the next handler. This resignal status is because the condition handler (LIB$FIXUP_FLT) was unable to handle the condition correctly.
LIB$FIXUP_FLT can be enabled directly as a condition handler. The
arguments are passed to the condition
handler by OpenVMS exception dispatching.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The reserved operand was found and has been fixed. |
SS$_ACCVIO | Access violation. An argument to LIB$FIXUP_FLT or an operand of the faulting instruction could not be read or written. |
SS$_RESIGNAL | The signaled condition was not SS$_ROPRAND, or the reserved operand was not a floating-point value or was an element in a POLYx table. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. The optional argument
new-operand was supplied but was itself
an F-floating reserved operand. |
LIB$_BADSTA | Bad stack. The stack frame linkage has been corrupted since the time of the reserved operand exception. |
LIB$FLT_UNDER — The Floating-Point Underflow Detection routine enables or disables floating-point underflow detection for the calling routine activation. The previous setting is returned as a function value. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. This routine is available on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems in translated form and is applicable to translated VAX images only.
LIB$FLT_UNDER new-setting
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
New floating-point underflow enable setting. The
argument is the address of an unsigned byte
containing the new setting. Bit 0 set to 1 means enable; bit 0 set to 0 means
LIB$FLT_UNDER affects only the current routine activation and does not affect any of its callers or any routines that it may call. However, the setting does remain in effect for any routines entered through a JSB entry point.
The caller's stack frame will be modified by this routine.
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran example program shows C the use of LIB$FLT_UNDER. C- INTEGER*4 NEW_SETTING REAL*4 X , Y , Z NEW_SETTING = 0 X = 1E-20 Y = 1E20 CALL LIB$FLT_UNDER( NEW_SETTING ) TYPE *,’First Case: This should not have an underflow exception’ Z = X / Y TYPE *, ’If this lines prints then the underflow exception 1 was disabled.’ TYPE * NEW_SETTING = 1 X = 1E-20 Y = 1E20 CALL LIB$FLT_UNDER( NEW_SETTING ) TYPE * , ’Second Case: This should have an underflow exception 1 and then stop.’ Z = X / Y TYPE * , ’If this line prints, then the underflow exception 1 was disabled.’ END
In this Fortran example, floating-point underflow detection is disabled the first time X is divided by Y. The second time, underflow detection is enabled, and the program stops because of the error generated.
LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME — The Format Date and/or Time routine allows the user to select at run time a specific output language and format for a date or time, or both.
LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME date-string [,date] [,user-context] [,date-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Receives the requested date or time, or both, that has been formatted for output
according to the currently selected format and language. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this string.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The date or time, or both, to be formatted for output. The
argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that
contains the absolute date or time, or both to be formatted. If you omit this
argument, or if you supply a zero passed by value, then the current system time is
used. Note that the date
argument must represent an absolute
time, not a delta time.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
User context that retains the translation context over multiple calls to this
routine. The user-context
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword that contains this context. The initial value of the context
variable must be zero. Thereafter, the user program must not write to the
The user-context
parameter is optional. However, if a
context cell is not passed, the routine LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME may abort if two
threads of execution attempt to manipulate the context area concurrently. Therefore,
when calling this routine in situations where reentrancy might occur, such as from
AST level, VSI recommends that users specify a different context cell for each
calling thread.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes of text written to the date-string
argument. The date-length
argument is the address of a signed
longword that receives this string length. Note that
specifies the number of bytes of text, not
the number of characters, written to date-string
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit mask that allows the user to specify whether the date, time, or both are
output. The flags
argument is the address of an unsigned bit
mask containing the specified values. Valid values are LIB$M_DATE_FIELDS and
If the
argument is omitted, LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME determines which fields to format according to the current definition of LIB$DT_FORMAT.If the
argument is specified, LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME uses theflags
value to determine which fields to format. That is, theflags
argument can be used to override the definition of LIB$DT_FORMAT when specifying which fields should be formatted for output. If the field specified byflags
was not assigned a format through the definition of LIB$DT_FORMAT, the standard OpenVMS format is used.
The language and format are programmable at compile time through the use of the routine LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT.
The language and format are determined at run time through the translation of the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT.
In general, if an application is formatting text for internal storage or transmission, the language and format should be specified at compile time. If this is the case, use the routine LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT to specify the language and format of your choice.
If an application is formatting text for presentation to a user, the logical name method of specifying language and format should be used. In this method, the user assigns equivalence names to the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT, thereby selecting the language and format of the date and time at run time.
If the logical name method is used, the translations of the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT specify one or more executive mode logicals, which in turn must be translated to determine the actual format string. These additional logicals supply such things as the names of the days of the week and the months in the selected language (determined by SYS$LANGUAGE). All of these logicals are predefined, so that a non-privileged user can select any one of these languages and formats. A user can create his or her own languages and formats; however, the CMEXEC, SYSNAME, and SYSPRV privileges are required.
With the exception of SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT, all logical names used by this routine must be defined from the executive mode.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ABSTIMREQ | Absolute time required. |
LIB$_DEFFORUSE | Default format used; unable to determine the desired format. |
LIB$_ENGLUSED | English used; unable to determine or use the specified language. |
LIB$_REENTRANCY | Reentrant invocation with same context variable. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Output string truncated. |
LIB$_UNRFORCOD | Unrecognized format code. |
Any condition values returned by the $NUMTIM system service, or RTL routines LIB$GET_VM, LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC, or LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64.
LIB$FORMAT_SOGW_PROT — The Format Protection Mask routine translates a protection mask into a formatted string.
LIB$FORMAT_SOGW_PROT protection-mask, [access-names], [ownership-names],
[ownership-separator], [list-separator], protection-string,
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | protection-mask |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word that holds a 16-bit protection mask to be translated.
OpenVMS usage: | access_names |
type: | array [0..31] of quadword string descriptor |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of the access name table for the associated object class. For example,
it is the value returned in accnam
parameter defaults to the access name table for the FILE object class.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | array [0..3] of quadword string descriptor |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a vector of 4 quadword descriptors that points to the ownership name. The default value is the full ownership category names (System, Owner, Group, World).
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a descriptor that points to the ownership separator string. The separator string is inserted after the ownership name to introduce a nonempty set of access names. By default, the value is “: ” (the colon and space characters).
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a descriptor that points to the list separator string. The list separator string is inserted between ownership-access type pairs. By default, the value is “, ” (the comma and space characters).
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a character-string descriptor that receives the output of the
routine call. The protection-string
argument points to the
formatted protection string at the end of a call. The protection string has the
following components repeated for each of: System, Owner, Group, World.
An example of a formatted protection string is
System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RW, World: R
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word that receives the length of the string returned in the
LIB$FORMAT_SOGW_PROT translates a 16-bit protection mask into a formatted string. This routine works for any protected object class by specifying the correct access name table. The address of the access name table can be obtained from the LIB$GET_ACCNAM routine.
Several formatting options are available. The caller can specify ownership names, ownership separators, or list separators.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Required parameter missing. |
LIB$_WRONGNUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
STR$_TRU | String truncation warning. |
LIB$FREE_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT — The Free the Context Area Used When Formatting Dates and Times for Input or Output routine frees the virtual memory associated with the context area used by the date/time input and output formatting routines.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
User context that retains the translation context over multiple calls to the
date/time input and output formatting routines. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword that contains this context. If the user-context
argument was not specified in the call to LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME,
supplied when calling this routine.
The LIB$FREE_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT routine frees the virtual memory associated with the context area used by the date/time input and output formatting routines. A call to this routine is optional, since the same functions are performed at image exit.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$FREE_VM. If one of these condition values is returned, it indicates either an internal coding error or that memory was corrupted by the user's program.
LIB$FREE_EF — The Free Event Flag routine frees a local event flag previously allocated by LIB$GET_EF or by LIB$RESERVE_EF. LIB$FREE_EF is the complement of LIB$GET_EF.
LIB$FREE_EF event-flag-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | ef_number |
type: | longword integer (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Event flag number to be deallocated by LIB$FREE_EF. The
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer that contains the event flag number, which is the value allocated
to the user by LIB$GET_EF or LIB$RESERVE_EF.
When a local event flag allocated by calling LIB$GET_EF or LIB$RESERVE_EF is no longer needed, LIB$FREE_EF should be called to free the event flag for use by other routines.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_EF_ALRFRE | Event flag already free. |
LIB$_EF_RESSYS | Event flag reserved to system. This error occurs if the event flag number is outside the ranges of 1 to 23 and 32 to 63. |
LIB$FREE_LUN — The Free Logical Unit Number routine releases a logical unit number allocated by LIB$GET_LUN to the pool of available numbers. LIB$FREE_LUN is the complement of LIB$GET_LUN.
LIB$FREE_LUN logical-unit-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Logical unit number to be deallocated. The
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer that contains this logical unit number, which is the value
previously returned by LIB$GET_LUN.
When a logical unit number allocated by calling LIB$GET_LUN is no longer needed, it should be released for use by other routines.
This routine is useful only in BASIC or Fortran programs.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_LUNALRFRE | Logical unit number is already free. |
LIB$_LUNRESSYS | Logical unit number reserved to system. This occurs if the specified logical unit number is outside the range of 100 through 299. |
LIB$FREE_TIMER — The Free Timer Storage routine frees the storage allocated by LIB$INIT_TIMER.
LIB$FREE_TIMER handle-address
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Pointer to a block of storage containing the value returned by a previous call to
LIB$INIT_TIMER; this is the storage that LIB$FREE_TIMER deallocates. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword containing that value.
LIB$FREE_TIMER frees a block of storage previously allocated by LIB$INIT_TIMER.
LIB$FREE_TIMER assumes that handle-address
was returned by a
previous call to LIB$INIT_TIMER. If the block referred to by
was not allocated by LIB$INIT_TIMER,
LIB$FREE_TIMER returns an error. If the routine completes successfully,
LIB$FREE_TIMER sets handle-address
to zero.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | Bad block address; LIB$FREE_TIMER could not deallocate the block
to which handle-address points. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument; handle-address was not
supplied or did not point to a timer block. |
LIB$FREE_VM — The Free Virtual Memory from Program Region routine deallocates an entire block of contiguous bytes that was allocated by a previous call to LIB$GET_VM. The arguments passed are the same as for LIB$GET_VM. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$FREE_VM number-of-bytes ,base-address [,zone-id]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes to be deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM. The number-of-bytes
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer that contains this number. The value of number-of-bytes
must be greater than zero.
Byte counts are rounded in the same manner as in LIB$GET_VM.
You may omit the number-of-bytes
argument if you are
using boundary tags (LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_TAGS).
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the first byte to be deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
longword that is this address. The value of base-address
be the address of a block of memory that was allocated by a previous call to
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a longword that contains a zone identifier created by a previous call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE or LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE.
You must specify the same zone-id
value as when you called
LIB$GET_VM to allocate the block. An error status will be returned if you specify an
incorrect zone-id
. The zone-id
argument is optional. If zone-id
is omitted or if the
longword contains the value 0, the 32-bit default zone is used.
LIB$FREE_VM returns the block of memory to a free list associated with the zone, so the block is available on a subsequent call to LIB$GET_VM for the zone.
argument must contain the address of the
first byte of memory that was allocated by a previous call to LIB$GET_VM.
LIB$FREE_VM rounds up the value of number-of-bytes
to a
multiple of the block size for the zone.Note
You cannot free part of a block that was allocated by a call to LIB$GET_VM. The whole block must be freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM.
Neither can you combine contiguous blocks of memory that were allocated by several calls to LIB$GET_VM into one larger block that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$FREE_VM will fill each byte freed. Note that part of a free block is used to store control information, so some bytes will not contain the fill value.
LIB$FREE_VM is fully reentrant, so it can be called by routines executing at AST-level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
If the zone you are freeing was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the free operation. That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE, you must have specified a user deallocation procedure.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | The base-address argument contained a bad
block address. Either an address was outside of the area allocated
by LIB$GET_VM, the contents of base-address
were not properly aligned, part of the space being deallocated was
previously deallocated, or a zone was found to be corrupt. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The number-of-bytes argument is less than
or equal to 0, or the number-of-bytes
argument is incorrect for a zone containing fixed size
blocks. |
LIB$_BADTAGVAL | For a zone that uses boundary tags, the tag field was corrupted. |
LIB$FREE_VM_64 — The Free Virtual Memory from Program Region routine deallocates an entire block of contiguous bytes that was allocated by a previous call to LIB$GET_VM_ 64. The arguments passed are the same as for LIB$GET_VM_64.
LIB$FREE_VM_64 number-of-bytes ,base-address [,zone-id]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes to be deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_64. The
argument is the address of a signed
quadword integer that contains this number. The value of
must be greater than zero.
Byte counts are rounded in the same manner as in LIB$GET_VM_64.
You may omit the number-of-bytes
argument if you are
using boundary tags (LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_TAGS).
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the first byte to be deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_64. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
quadword that is this address. The value of base-address
be the address of a block of memory that was allocated by a previous call to
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a quadword that contains a zone identifier created by a previous call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 or LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64.
You must specify the same zone-id
value as when you called
LIB$GET_VM_64 to allocate the block. An error status will be returned if you specify
an incorrect zone-id
. The zone-id
argument is optional. If zone-id
is omitted or if the
quadword contains the value 0, the 64-bit default zone is used.
LIB$FREE_VM_64 returns the block of memory to a free list associated with the zone, so the block is available on a subsequent call to LIB$GET_VM_64 for the zone.
The base-address
argument must contain the address of the
first byte of memory that was allocated by a previous call to LIB$GET_VM_64.
LIB$FREE_VM_64 rounds up the value of number-of-bytes
to a
multiple of the block size for the zone.
You cannot free part of a block that was allocated by a call to LIB$GET_ VM_64. The whole block must be freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_ VM_64.
Neither can you combine contiguous blocks of memory that were allocated by several calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 into one larger block that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM_64.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$FREE_VM_64 will fill each byte freed. Note that part of a free block is used to store control information, so some bytes will not contain the fill value.
LIB$FREE_VM_64 is fully reentrant, so it can be called by routines executing at AST-level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
If the zone you are freeing was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ ZONE_64 routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the free operation. That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64, you must have specified a user deallocation procedure.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | The base-address argument contained a bad
block address. Either an address was outside of the area allocated
by LIB$GET_VM_64, the contents of
base-address were not properly aligned,
part of the space being deallocated was previously deallocated, or a
zone was found to be corrupt. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The number-of-bytes argument is less than
or equal to 0, or the number-of-bytes
argument is incorrect for a zone containing fixed size
blocks. |
LIB$_BADTAGVAL | For a zone that uses boundary tags, the tag field was corrupted. |
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE — The Free Virtual Memory Page routine deallocates a block of contiguous pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems that were allocated by previous calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE number-of-pages ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems. The
argument is the address of a longword
integer that specifies the number of contiguous pages on VAX systems or pagelets on
Alpha and I64 systems to be deallocated. The value of
must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block address. The base-address
argument is the address of
a longword that contains the address of the first byte of the first VAX page or
Alpha or I64 pagelet to be deallocated.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE deallocates a block of contiguous 512-byte pages starting at
. Each of the pages or pagelets specified by
and base-address
must have been allocated by previous calls to LIB$GET_ VM_PAGE. The pages or
pagelets are returned to the processwide pool and are available to satisfy
subsequent calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE.
You can free a smaller group of pages or pagelets than you allocated. That is, if you allocated a group of contiguous pages or pagelets by a single call to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE, you can deallocate them in several calls to LIB$FREE_ VM_PAGE. You can also combine contiguous groups of pages or pagelets that were allocated in several calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE into one large group that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE is fully reentrant, so it may be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | Pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems not
allocated by LIB$GET_VM_ PAGE, the value of
base-address is not a page boundary, or
the pages were previously freed. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The number-of-pages argument is less than
or equal to zero. |
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 — The Free Virtual Memory Page routine deallocates a block of contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets that was allocated by previous calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 number-of-pages ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of Alpha or I64 pagelets. The address of a quadword integer that specifies
the number of contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets to be deallocated. The value of
must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block address. The base-address
argument is the address of
a quadword that contains the address of the first byte of the first Alpha or I64
pagelet to be deallocated.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 deallocates a block of contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets
starting at base-address
. Each of the pagelets specified by
and base-address
must have been allocated by previous calls to LIB$GET_VM_ PAGE_64. The pagelets are
returned to the processwide pool and are available to satisfy subsequent calls to
You can free a smaller group of pagelets than you allocated. That is, if you allocated a group of contiguous pagelets by a single call to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_ 64, you can deallocate them in several calls to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64. You can also combine contiguous groups of pagelets that were allocated in several calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 into one large group that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64.
LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 is fully reentrant, so it may be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | Alpha pagelets not allocated by LIB$GET_VM_ PAGE_64, the value of
base-address is not a pagelet boundary,
or the pagelets were previously freed. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The number-of-pages argument is less than
or equal to zero. |
LIB$GETDVI — The Get Device/Volume Information routine provides a simplified interface to the $GETDVI system service. It returns information about the primary and secondary device characteristics of an I/O device. The calling process need not have a channel assigned to the device about which it wants information.
LIB$GETDVI item-code [,channel] [,device-name] [,longword-integer-value]
[,resultant-string] [,resultant-length] [,pathname]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Code specifying the item of information you are requesting. The item-code
argument is the address of a signed longword
containing the item code. All valid $GETDVI item codes whose names begin with DVI$_
are accepted.
See the Description section for more information on item codes.
OpenVMS usage: | channel |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
OpenVMS I/O channel assigned to the device for which LIB$GETDVI returns
information. The channel
argument is the address of an
unsigned word containing the channel specification. If
is not specified,
is used instead. You must specify either
or device-name,
but not
both. If neither is specified, the error status SS$_IVDEVNAM is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | device_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the device for which LIB$GETDVI returns information. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the device name string. If this string contains a colon, the colon and
the characters that follow it are ignored.
The device-name
may be either a physical device name or a
logical name. If the first character in the string is an underscore character
(_), the name is considered a physical device name. Otherwise, the name is
considered a logical name, and logical name translation is performed until either a
physical device name is found or the system default number of translations has been
If device-name
is not specified,
is used instead. You must specify either
or device-name
, but not
both. If neither is specified, the error status SS$_IVDEVNAM is returned. The device
name must not be longer than 255 characters.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric value of the information requested. The
argument is the address of a
signed longword containing the numeric value. If an item is listed as only returning
a string value, this argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String representation of the information requested. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this information. If resultant-string
is not
specified and if the value returned has only a string representation, the error
status LIB$_INVARG is returned.
Refer to Table 2.4, “Formats Used for LIB$GETDVI Strings” for a description of the string representation used for each item.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of significant characters written to
argument is the address of an unsigned
word containing this length.
OpenVMS usage: | path_name |
type: | character text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
(I64 and Alpha only) The name of the path about which $GETDVI is to return
information. The pathname
argument is the address of a
character string descriptor pointing to this name string. The path name may be used
with either the channel
or device-name
Check the definitions of the item codes to see if the
argument is used. In general, item codes that
return information that may vary by path will make use of the
argument. The paths for a multipath device can
be seen with the SHOW DEVICE /FULL command, the SYS$DEVICE_PATH_SCAN system service,
or the F$MULTIPATH DCL lexical function.
If the pathname
argument is used, it will be validated
against the existing paths for the device specified. If the path does not exist, the
error SS$_NOSUCHPATH will be returned, even if the item codes(s) used do not make
use of the pathname
Primary device characteristics
Secondary device characteristics
LIB$GETDVI does not allow you to get more than one item of information in a single call.
Instead of a list of item descriptors, which may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, the single item desired is specified as an integer code which is passed by reference. Results are written to separate arguments.
For items which return numeric values, LIB$GETDVI can optionally provide a formatted string interpretation of the value. For example, if the device owner UIC is requested, LIB$GETDVI can return the UIC formatted as [identifier].
For string arguments, LIB$GETDVI understands all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library.
Calls to LIB$GETDVI are synchronous; LIB$GETDVI calls LIB$GET_EF to allocate a local event flag number for synchronization.
See the description of the $GETDVI system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for more detailed information.
Item Codes
All item codes that can be used with the $GETDVI system service may be used as the
argument to LIB$GETDVI. These codes have
symbolic names beginning with DVI$_.
The use of a DVI$_ code by itself will return the primary device characteristic associated with that code. To obtain the secondary device characteristics, add 1 to the code. See the description of the $GETDVI system service for a list of the defined item codes. The symbolic names for these items are defined in VSI supplied symbol libraries in module $DVIDEF (where appropriate).
Value Formats
arguments to LIB$GETDVI, the information
requested can be returned in two different fashions.For each item described as a “string” in the table of Item Codes for the $GETDVI service, the value is returned in
.For all other items—those that have numeric values—the numeric representation is returned in
(if specified), and a formatted string interpretation of the value is returned inresultant-string
, if specified, gives the number of
characters used. Table 2.4, “Formats Used for LIB$GETDVI Strings” lists the formats used for the
string interpretations.
Item or Format |
Description | |
The string value is returned as an 8-digit hexadecimal number. | |
The string value is returned as an 8-digit hexadecimal number. | |
The ACP type string is one of the following: | |
No ACP | |
F11V1 |
Files-11 Level 1 | |
F11V2 |
Files-11 Level 2 | |
F11V3 |
Files-11 presentation of ISO 9660 | |
F11V4 |
Files-11 presentation of High Sierra | |
F11V5 |
Files-11 structure level 5 (ODS-5) | |
F11V6 |
Files-11 structure level 5 (ODS-6) | |
F64 |
Files 64 support for Spiralog | |
Not currently defined | |
ACP for Host Based Volume Shadowing | |
Magnetic Tape | |
Networks | |
Remote I/O | |
ACP for TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS | |
The standard UIC format [group,member] is used. If the format of a UIC includes identifiers from the access rights database in place of the octal group and member numbers, the UIC string returned will have these identifiers, if available. | |
The volume protection string is in the following
SYSTEM=RWLP,OWNER=RWLP,GROUP=RWLP,WORLD=RWLPIf a category has no access, the equal sign is omitted. The string will not contain any embedded spaces. | |
Boolean |
The value string returned is TRUE if the low bit of the value is set, or FALSE if the low bit is clear. | |
All others |
The value string is returned in the form of an unsigned decimal integer. |
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Normal successful completion. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. This is an alternate success return status. The
resultant-string argument could not
contain all the characters of the returned item. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Unrecognized item code. The
item-code argument was not recognized
as valid by $GETDVI. |
SS$_IVDEVNAM | The device name string contains invalid characters, or neither
the channel nor
device-name arguments were
specified. |
LIB$_INSEF | Insufficient event flags. A local event flag number could not be allocated by a call to LIB$GET_EF. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The $GETDVI Item Code describes the item as a
string , and no
resultant-string argument was
specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. The descriptor of the
resultant-string argument is not a valid
descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$GETDVI. |
Any condition values returned by LIB$SCOPY_ xxx, or the $GETDVI system service.
LIB$GETJPI — The Get Job/Process Information routine provides a simplified interface to the $GETJPI system service. It provides accounting, status, and identification information about a specified process. LIB$GETJPI obtains only one item of information in a single call.
LIB$GETJPI item-code [,process-id] [,process-name] [,resultant-value]
[,resultant-string] [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item identifier code specifying the item of information you are requesting. The
argument is the address of a
signed longword containing the item code. You may request only one item in each call
LIB$GETJPI accepts all $GETJPI item codes. These names begin with JPI$_ and are defined in symbol libraries in module $JPIDEF supplied by VSI.
OpenVMS usage: | process_id |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Process identifier of the process for which you are requesting information. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword containing the process identifier. If you do not specify
, process-name
The process-id
is updated to contain the process identifier
actually used, which may be different from what you originally requested if you
specified process-name
or used wildcard process
OpenVMS usage: | process_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
A 1- to 15-character string specifying the name of the process for which you are
requesting information. The process-name
argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to the process name string. The name must
correspond exactly to the name of the process for which you are requesting
information; LIB$GETJPI does not allow trailing blanks or abbreviations.
If you do not specify process-name
is used. If you specify neither
nor process-id
, the
caller's process is used. Also, if you do not specify
and you specify zero for
, the caller's process is used. In this way,
you can fetch the item you want and the caller's PID in a single call to
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric value of the information you request. The
argument is the address of a longword or
quadword into which LIB$GETJPI writes the numeric value of this information. Refer
to Table 2.5, “Item Code Formats for LIB$GETJPI” for information on which items return
longword values and which return quadword values. If the item you request returns
only a string value, this argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String representation of the information you request. The
argument is the address of the
descriptor for a character string into which LIB$GETJPI writes the string
representation. Table 2.5, “Item Code Formats for LIB$GETJPI” describes the string
representation used for each item.
If you do not include resultant-string
, but the item you
request has only a string representation, the error status LIB$_INVARG is
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of significant characters written to
argument is the address of an unsigned
word integer into which LIB$GETJPI writes the number of characters.
Instead of a list of item descriptors, which may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, the single item desired is specified as an integer code which is passed by reference. Results are written to separate arguments.
For items which return numeric values, LIB$GETJPI can optionally provide a formatted string interpretation of the value. For example, if the process UIC is requested, LIB$GETJPI can return the UIC formatted as [g,m].
For string arguments, all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library are understood.
Calls to LIB$GETJPI are synchronous. LIB$GETJPI calls LIB$GET_EF to allocate a local event flag number for synchronization.
See the description of the $GETJPI system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for more information.
By using the resultant-value
arguments to LIB$GETJPI, you can request
that the information be returned in two ways. For each item described as a
“string” in the table of Item Codes for the $GETJPI service, the
value is returned in resultant-string
. For all other
items—those which have numeric values—the numeric representation is
returned in resultant-value
(if specified), and a formatted
string interpretation of the value is returned in
Each formatted item is written left-justified;
, if specified, gives the number of
characters used.
Item or Format |
Description | |
The string representation of these quadword privilege masks is a list of each privilege that is enabled. The privilege names are in uppercase, and are separated by commas. | |
Same as for JPI$AUTHPRIV. | |
Same as for JPI$AUTHPRIV. | |
Same as for JPI$AUTHPRIV. | |
The string representation of the quadword time is a standard absolute date-time string. | |
The process identification string is an 8-digit hexadecimal number. | |
The process state string is one of the following: | |
Common event flag wait | |
Computable | |
Computable, outswapped | |
Current process | |
Collided page wait | |
Free page wait | |
Hibernate wait | |
Hibernate wait, outswapped | |
Local event flag wait | |
Local event flag wait, outswapped | |
Mutex and miscellaneous resource wait | |
Page fault wait | |
Suspended | |
Suspended, outswapped | |
The standard UIC format [group,member] is used. If the format of a UIC includes identifiers from the access rights database in place of the octal group and member numbers, the UIC string returned will have these identifiers, if available. | |
The current mode string is one of the following: BATCH, INTERACTIVE or NETWORK. | |
All others |
The string value is returned as an unsigned decimal integer. |
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. This is an alternate success return status. The
resultant-string argument could not
contain all the characters of the returned item. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Unrecognized item code. The
item-code argument was not recognized
as valid by $GETJPI. |
LIB$_INSEF | Insufficient event flags. A local event flag number could not be allocated by a call to LIB$GET_EF. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The $GETJPI Item Code describes the item as a
“string”, and no
resultant-string argument was
specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. The descriptor for a string argument was not a valid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$GETJPI. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_ xxx, or the $GETJPI system service.
LIB$GETQUI — The Get Queue Information routine provides a simplified interface to the $GETQUI system service. It provides queue, job, file, characteristic, and form information about a specified process. LIB$GETQUI obtains only one item of information in a single call.
LIB$GETQUI function-code [,item-code] [,search-number] [,search-name]
[,search-flags] [,resultant-value] [,resultant-string]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Function code specifying the function that LIB$GETQUI is to perform. The
argument is the address of a
signed longword containing the function code.
LIB$GETQUI accepts all $GETQUI function codes. These names begin with QUI$_ and are defined in symbol libraries in module $QUIDEF supplied by VSI.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item identifier code specifying the item of information you are requesting. The
argument is the address of a signed longword
containing the item code. You may request only one item in each call to
LIB$GETQUI accepts all $GETQUI item codes. These names begin with QUI$_ and are defined in symbol libraries in module $QUIDEF supplied by VSI.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric value used to process your request. The
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer containing the number needed to process your request. The
argument corresponds directly to
QUI$_SEARCH_NUMBER as described by the $GETQUI system service.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Character string used to process your request. The
argument is the address of a string
descriptor that provides the name needed to process your request. The
argument corresponds directly to
QUI$_SEARCH_NAME as described by the $GETQUI system service.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword integer (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Optional bit mask indicating request to be performed. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword integer containing the bit mask. The search-flags
argument directly corresponds to $QUI_SEARCH_FLAGS as described by the $GETQUI
system service.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric value of the information you requested. The
argument is the address of a longword,
quadword or octaword into which LIB$GETQUI writes the numeric value of this
information. Refer to Table 2.6, “Item Code Formats for LIB$GETQUI” for information on
which items return values other than longwords.
If the item you requested returns only a string value, this argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String representation of the information you requested. The
argument is the address of the
descriptor for a character string into which LIB$GETQUI writes the string
representation. Table 2.6, “Item Code Formats for LIB$GETQUI” describes the string
representation used for each item.
If you do not include resultant-string
, but the item you
request has only a string representation, the error status LIB$_INVARG is
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of significant characters written to
argument is the address of a signed word
integer into which LIB$GETQUI writes the number of characters.
LIB$GETQUI provides a simplified interface to the $GETQUI system service. It provides queue, job, file, characteristic, and form information about a specified process. This routine obtains only one item of information in a single call.
Instead of a list of item descriptors that may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, the single item desired is specified as an integer code which is passed by reference. Results are written to separate arguments.
For items that return numeric values, LIB$GETQUI optionally can provide a formatted string interpretation of the value. For example, if you request the characteristics of a queue, LIB$GETQUI can return the list of characteristics as “23,42,76,98,125”.
For string arguments, all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library are understood.
Calls to LIB$GETQUI are synchronous. LIB$GETQUI calls $GETQUIW to force the synchronization.
LIB$GETQUI retains context. This means that previous calls to LIB$GETQUI affect current calls to LIB$GETQUI.
See the description of the $GETQUI system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for more information.
By using the resultant-value
arguments to LIB$GETQUI, you can request
that the information be returned in two ways. For items that have numeric values,
the numeric representation is returned in resultant-value
specified), and a formatted string interpretation of the value is returned in
. For each item described as a
“string” in the table of Item Codes for the $GETQUI service, the
value is returned in resultant-string
Each formatted item is written left-justified;
, if specified, gives the number of
characters used.
The $GETQUI system service requires some item codes. LIB$GETQUI provides those item codes for you by corresponding your input to LIB$GETQUI directly to the required input codes.
Function |
Input Description |
Accepts no input. |
A characteristic name or number, or both. Optionally, a search flags number. |
Optionally, an entry number, user name, and search flags number. The default user name is that of the calling process. |
Optionally, a search flags number. |
A form name or number, or both. Optionally, a search flags number. |
Optionally, a search flags number. |
A queue name. Optionally, a search flags number. |
A queue name. |
Item or Format |
Description |
Returns a quadword |
Returns an octaword |
Returns a quadword |
Returns a formatted
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. This is an alternate success return status. The
resultant-string argument could not
contain all the characters of the returned item. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Unrecognized item code. The item-code
argument was not recognized as valid by $GETQUI. |
LIB$_INSEF | Insufficient event flags. A local event flag number could not be allocated by a call to LIB$GET_EF. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The $GETQUI Item Code describes the item as a
“string”, and no
resultant-string argument was
specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. The descriptor for a string argument was not a valid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$GETQUI. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_ xxx, or the $GETQUI system service.
LIB$GETSYI — The Get Systemwide Information routine provides a simplified interface to the $GETSYI system service. The $GETSYI system service obtains status and identification information about the system. LIB$GETSYI returns only one item of information in a single call.
LIB$GETSYI item-code [,resultant-value] [,resultant-string]
[,resultant-length] [,cluster-system-id] [,node-name]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item code specifying the desired item of information. The
argument is the address of a signed longword
containing this item code. All valid $GETSYI item codes are accepted.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Numeric value returned by LIB$GETSYI. The resultant-value
argument is the address of a longword or quadword containing this value. If an item
is listed as returning only a string value, this argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Information returned by LIB$GETSYI. The resultant-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to the character string that will receive this information.
See the Description section for more information about value formats. If
is not specified and if the returned
value has only a string representation, the error status LIB$_INVARG is
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of significant characters written to
, not including blank padding or
truncated characters. The resultant-length
argument is the
address of an unsigned word into which LIB$GETSYI returns this number.
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Cluster system identification (CSID) of the node for which information is to be
returned. The cluster-system-id
argument is the address of
this CSID. If cluster-system-id
is specified and is nonzero,
is not used. If
is specified as zero, LIB$GETSYI uses
and writes into the
argument the CSID corresponding to the
node identified by node-name
The cluster-system-id
of an OpenVMS node is assigned by the
cluster-connection software and may be obtained by the DCL command SHOW CLUSTER. The
value of the cluster-system-id
for an OpenVMS node is not
permanent; a new value is assigned to an OpenVMS node whenever it joins or rejoins
the OpenVMS Cluster.
If cluster-system-id
is specified as –1, LIB$GETSYI
assumes a wildcard operation and returns the requested information for each OpenVMS
node in the cluster, one node per call.
If cluster-system-id
is not specified,
is used.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the node for which information is to be returned. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the node name string. If cluster-system-id
is not
specified or is specified as zero, node-name
is used. If
neither node-name
is specified, the caller's node is
used. See the cluster-system-id
argument for more
The node name string must contain from 1 to 15 characters and must correspond exactly to the OpenVMS node name; no trailing blanks nor abbreviations are permitted.
Instead of a list of item descriptors, which may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, the single item desired is specified as an integer code which is passed by reference. Results are written to separate arguments.
For items which return numeric values, LIB$GETSYI can optionally provide a formatted string interpretation of the value.
For string arguments, all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library are understood.
Calls to LIB$GETSYI are synchronous. LIB$GETSYI calls LIB$GET_EF to allocate a local event flag number for synchronization.
All item codes that can be used with the $GETSYI system service may be used as the
argument to LIB$GETSYI. See the description of
the $GETSYI system service for a list of the defined item codes. Note that the
symbolic names for these items are defined in symbol libraries in module $SYIDEF
(where appropriate) supplied by VSI.
Value Formats
By using the resultant-value
arguments to LIB$GETSYI, you can request
that the information be returned in two ways. For each item described as a
“string” in the table of Item Codes for the $GETSYI service, the
value is returned in resultant-string
. For all other
items—those which have numeric values—the numeric representation is
returned in resultant-value
(if specified), and an unsigned
decimal integer representation is stored in
Each formatted item is written left-justified;
, if specified, gives the number of
characters used.
This routine calls LIB$GET_EF. Please read the note in the Description section of that routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Unrecognized item code. The
item-code argument was not recognized
as valid by $GETSYI. |
LIB$_INSEF | Insufficient event flags. A local event flag number could not be allocated by a call to LIB$GET_EF. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The $GETSYI Item Code describes the item as a
“string”, and no
resultant-string argument was
specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. The descriptor of the
resultant-string argument is not a
valid descriptor. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. This is an alternate success return status. The
resultant-string argument could not
contain all the characters of the returned item. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$GETSYI. |
Any condition values returned by LIB$SCOPY_xxx, or the $GETSYI system service.
LIB$GET_ACCNAM — The Get Access Name Table for Protected Object Class (by Name) routine is a simplified interface to the $GET_SECURITY system service, and returns a pointer to the access name table for a protected object class that is specified by name.
LIB$GET_ACCNAM [clsnam] , [objnam] ,accnam
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a character-string descriptor pointing to the name of a protected object class. This argument is optional and defaults to FILE.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a character-string descriptor pointing to the name of a protected object. This argument is optional. If it is omitted, the access name table returned is that used for objects of the class specified by the clsnam argument.
OpenVMS usage: | access_names |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a longword into which this routine writes the address of the access name table.
LIB$GET_ACCNAM returns the address of the access name table for the specified protected object. The format of the table is a vector of 32 quadword string descriptors. Each table entry points to the name of an access type. The index into the vector is the bit position in an access-desired mask. Undefined access types have zero-length names. The table can be used as input to the LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT, LIB$FORMAT_SOGW_PROT, LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE, $PARSE_ACL, and $FORMAT_ACL routines.
If the
parameter is omitted,clsnam
defaults to “FILE.”If clsnam is not the name of an object class, then the routine returns an error status (SS$_NOCLASS), and the value of accnam is undefined.
If the objnam parameter is omitted, then accnam points to the table corresponding to clsnam, and the routine returns a success status (SS$_NORMAL). The table returned is the table of access names for a new object of class clsnam.
Otherwise, if clsnam and objnam do in fact name a protected object, then accnam points to the table corresponding to the protected object class, and the routine returns a success status (SS$_NORMAL).
Otherwise, if clsnam and objnam do not name a protected object, then the routine returns an error status (the exact status value depends on the security class), and the value of accnam is undefined.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_NOCLASS | No matching object class was found. |
LIB$_INVARGLIB$_WRONUMARG | The accnam argument was
omitted. |
Wrong number of arguments. |
In addition, any completion status may be returned from $GET_SECURITY.
LIB$GET_ACCNAM_BY_CONTEXT — The Get Access Name Table for Protected Object Class (by Context) routine is a simplified interface to the $GET_SECURITY system service, and returns a pointer to the access name table for a protected object class that is specified by a context longword returned from $GET_SECURITY or $SET_SECURITY.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a nonzero longword context value returned by $GET_SECURITY or $SET_SECURITY.
OpenVMS usage: | access_names |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a longword into which this routine writes the address of the access name table.
LIB$GET_ACCNAM_BY_CONTEXT returns the address of the access name table for the specified protected object class. The format of the table is a vector of 32 quadword string descriptors. Each table entry points to the name of an access type. The index into the vector is the bit position in an access-desired mask. Undefined access types have zero-length names. The table can be used as input to the LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT, LIB$FORMAT_SOGW_PROT, LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE, $PARSE_ACL, and $FORMAT_ACL routines.
If the
argument is valid, then theaccnam
argument points to the table corresponding to the protected object class, and the routine returns a success status (SS$_NORMAL).If the
argument is not valid, then the routine returns an error status, and the value ofaccnam
is undefined.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
In addition, error status may be returned from $GET_SECURITY.
LIB$GET_COMMAND — The Get Line from SYS$COMMAND routine gets one record of ASCII text from the current controlling input device, specified by the logical name SYS$COMMAND.
LIB$GET_COMMAND resultant-string [,prompt-string]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String that LIB$GET_COMMAND gets from SYS$COMMAND. The resultant-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to this string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Prompt message that LIB$GET_COMMAND displays on the controlling terminal. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to the prompt. Any string can be a valid prompt. By convention
however, a prompt string consists of text followed by a colon (:), a
space, and no carriage-return/line-feed combination. The maximum size of the prompt
message is 255 characters. If the controlling input device is not a terminal, this
argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes written into resultant-string
by LIB$GET_COMMAND, not counting padding in the case of a fixed string. The
argument is the address of
an unsigned word containing this length. If the input string is truncated to the
size specified in the resultant-string
descriptor, resultant-length
is set to this
size. Therefore, resultant-length
can always be
used by the calling program to access a valid substring of resultant-string
LIB$GET_COMMAND uses the OpenVMS RMS $GET service (see the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual) to get one record of ASCII text from the current controlling input device, specified by SYS$COMMAND.
SYS$INPUT, your default input device
SYS$OUTPUT, your default output device
SYS$COMMAND, the device that supplies the commands to your process
These files remain open until you log out. They are the interface between your interactive input and output or your batch commands and the OpenVMS software. Initially, all three files are equated with the terminal. However, with the DCL command ASSIGN, you can change these assignments to obtain information from a file or put information into a file. SYS$INPUT and SYS$COMMAND are usually identical, but the input and command streams can be different. For example, during the execution of an indirect command file from an interactive terminal, SYS$COMMAND refers to the terminal and SYS$INPUT refers to the command file.
LIB$GET_COMMAND opens file SYS$COMMAND on the first call. The RMS internal stream identifier (ISI) is stored in the routine's static storage for subsequent calls. Hence, this routine is not AST reentrant.
If prompt-string
is provided and if the SYS$COMMAND device
is a terminal, LIB$GET_COMMAND displays the prompt message. If the device is not a
terminal, the prompt-string
is ignored.
LIB$GET_COMMAND is used when a program needs input from some source other than the current input stream. Usually, it is used to input from the terminal rather than from an indirect command file. For example, a program may ask a question which cannot be answered by an indirect command file entry. In this case the program would call LIB$GET_COMMAND to get one record of ASCII text from SYS$COMMAND, the terminal.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. RMS completion status. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | An internal consistency check on Run-Time Library data structures has failed. This may indicate a programming error in the Run-Time Library, or that your program may have overwritten those data structures. |
LIB$_INPSTRTRU | The input string has been truncated to the size specified in the
resultant-string descriptor (fixed-length
strings only). The resultant-length argument
is also set to this size. This is an error (as opposed to
LIB$_STRTRU which is a success) because the truncation is not under
program control. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to allocate the dynamic string. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The descriptor class field is not a recognized code or is zero. |
Any valid RMS status code.
Any code returned by LIB$GET_VM, LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64.
LIB$GET_COMMON — The Get String from Common routine copies a string in the common area to the destination string. (The common area is an area of storage that remains defined across multiple image activations in a process.) The string length is taken from the first longword of the common area.
LIB$GET_COMMON resultant-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string into which LIB$GET_COMMON writes the string copied from the
common area. The resultant-string
argument is
the address of a descriptor pointing to the destination string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters written into resultant-string
by LIB$GET_COMMON, not counting padding in the
case of a fixed-length string. The resultant-length
argument is the address of an unsigned word
integer containing the number of characters copied. If the input string is truncated
to the size specified in the resultant-string
descriptor, resultant-length
is set to this
size. Therefore, resultant-length
can always be
used by the calling program to access a valid substring of resultant-string
LIB$PUT_COMMON allows a program to copy a string into the process's common storage area. This area remains defined during multiple image activations. LIB$GET_COMMON allows a program to copy a string from the common area into a destination string. The programs reading and writing the data in the common area must agree upon its amount and format.
The maximum number of characters that can be copied is 252. The actual number of
characters copied is returned by the optional argument,
(if given).
You can use LIB$PUT_COMMON and LIB$GET_COMMON to pass information between images run successively, such as chained images run by LIB$RUN_PROGRAM. Since the common area is unique to each process, do not use LIB$GET_COMMON and LIB$PUT_COMMON to share information across processes.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to VSI. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed. The string was longer than the buffer and was truncated. |
LIB$GET_CURR_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Current Invocation Context routine gets the current invocation context of any active procedure. A thread can obtain the invocation context of a current procedure using the following function format:
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of an invocation context block into which the procedure context of the caller will be written.
LIB$GET_CURR_INVO_CONTEXT gets the current invocation context of any active procedure.
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for additional information.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT — The Get the User's Date Input Format routine returns information about the user's choice of a date/time input format.
LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT format-string [,user-context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Receives the translation of LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT. The format-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to
this format string.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context variable that retains the translation context over multiple calls to this
routine. The user-context
argument is the
address of an unsigned longword that contains this context. The initial value of the
context variable must be zero. Thereafter, the user program must not write to the
The user-context
argument is optional. However, if a
context cell is not passed, LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT may abort if two threads of
execution attempt to manipulate the context area concurrently. Therefore, when
calling this routine in situations where reentrancy might occur, such as from AST
level, VSI recommends that users specify a different context cell for each calling
Depending on which method was used to specify the input formats, LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT either translates the logicals LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT and LIB$FORMAT_MNEMONICS, or uses the preinitialized context components LIB$K_FORMAT_MNEMONICS and LIB$K_INPUT_FORMAT to return the user's specified date/time input format in a “legible” form. This format string can then be used as a guideline for entering date/time strings.
$ DEFINE LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT - _$ "!MAAU !D0, !Y2 !H02:!M0:!S0.!C4 !MIU"
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_DEFFORUSE | Default format used; unable to determine desired format. |
LIB$_ENGLUSED | English used; unable to determine or use desired language. |
LIB$_ILLFORMAT | Illegal format string. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument; a required argument was not specified. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid input string descriptor. |
LIB$_REENTRANCY | Reentrancy detected. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. |
LIB$_UNRFORCOD | Unrecognized format code. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM, LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, and LIB$SFREE1_DD.
LIB$GET_EF — The Get Event Flag routine allocates one local event flag from a processwide pool and returns the number of the allocated flag to the caller. If no flags are available, LIB$GET_EF returns an error as its function value.
LIB$GET_EF event-flag-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | ef_number |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of the local event flag that LIB$GET_EF allocated, or –1 if no local
event flag was available. The event-flag-number
argument is
the address of a signed longword integer into which LIB$GET_EF writes the number of
the local event flag that it allocates.
LIB$GET_EF and LIB$FREE_EF cause local event flags to be allocated and deallocated at run time, so that your routine remains independent of other routines executing in the same process.
Beware of running multiple images linked with /NOSYSSHR in the same process and having more than one image make calls to LIB$GET_EF. Each image contains its own copy of the event flag bit array that is designed to be process-wide and synchronize ownership of event flags. Multiple calls to LIB$GET_EF could cause the same event flag to be allocated more than once.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSEF | Insufficient event flags. There were no more event flags available for allocation. |
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information.
LIB$GET_FOREIGN — The Get Foreign Command Line routine requests the calling image's command language interpreter (CLI) to return the contents of the “foreign command” line that activated the current image.
LIB$GET_FOREIGN resultant-string [,prompt-string] [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String that LIB$GET_FOREIGN uses to receive the foreign command line. The
argument is the address of
a descriptor pointing to this string. If the foreign command text returned was
obtained by a prompt to SYS$INPUT (see the description of flags
), the text is translated to uppercase so as to be more
consistent with text returned from the CLI.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Optional user-supplied prompt for text that LIB$GET_FOREIGN uses if no
command-line text is available. The prompt-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to
the user prompt. If omitted, no prompting is performed. It is recommended that
be specified. If prompt-string
is omitted and if no command-line text
is available, a zero-length string will be returned.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes written into resultant-string
by LIB$GET_FOREIGN, not counting padding in the case of a fixed-length resultant-string
. The resultant-length
argument is the address of an unsigned word into
which LIB$GET_FOREIGN writes the number of bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Value that LIB$GET_FOREIGN uses to control whether or not prompting is to be
performed. The flags
argument is the address of
an unsigned longword integer containing this value. If the low bit of flags
is zero, or if flags
is omitted, prompting is done only if the CLI does not return
a command line. If the low bit is 1, prompting is done unconditionally. If
specified, flags
is set to 1 before returning
to the caller.
The primary use of flags
is to allow a utility program to
be invoked once with subcommand text on the command line, and then to repeatedly
prompt for further subcommands from SYS$INPUT. This is accomplished by calling
LIB$GET_FOREIGN repeatedly, specifying in the call a
string and a flags
variable that is initialized to zero at the beginning of the program. The first call
gets the subcommand text from the command line, after which
will be set to 1, causing further subcommands to be
requested through prompts to SYS$INPUT.
LIB$GET_FOREIGN returns the contents of the command line that you use to activate an image. It can be used to give your program access to the qualifiers of a foreign command or to prompt for further command line text.
A foreign command is a command that you can define and then use as if it were a DCL or MCR command in order to run a program. When you use the foreign command at command level, the CLI parses the foreign command only and activates the image. It ignores any options or qualifiers that you have defined for the foreign command. Once the CLI has activated the image, the program can call LIB$GET_FOREIGN to obtain and parse the remainder of the command line (after the command itself) for whatever options it may contain. See the VSI OpenVMS User's Manual for information on how to define a foreign command.
If no command line is available, LIB$GET_FOREIGN can optionally call LIB$GET_INPUT to prompt the user for command text. If desired, LIB$GET_FOREIGN can be called repetitively, returning the command line on the first call, but prompting for further text on subsequent calls.
LIB$GET_FOREIGN can also be used for images invoked by the RUN command, for which further text must be obtained by prompting. Such an image can also be invoked by the DCL command MCR or by the MCR CLI. The text following the image name will be returned to the executing image.
If you use a foreign command to invoke the image, you can call LIB$GET_FOREIGN to obtain the command qualifiers following the foreign command. You can also use LIB$GET_FOREIGN to prompt repeatedly for more qualifiers after the command. This technique is shown in the example.
If the image is in the SYS$SYSTEM: directory, the image can be invoked by the DCL command MCR or by the MCR CLI. In this case, LIB$GET_FOREIGN returns the command line text following the image name.
If the image is invoked by a DCL command RUN, LIB$GET_FOREIGN can be used to prompt for additional text.
If the image is not invoked by a foreign command or MCR, or if there is no information remaining on the command line, and the user-supplied prompt is present, LIB$GET_INPUT is called to prompt for a command line. If the prompt is not present, LIB$GET_FOREIGN returns a zero length string.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | A fatal internal error was detected. |
LIB$_INPSTRTRU | The input string was truncated. The
resultant-string argument could not
contain all of the characters. The
resultant-length argument reflects the
truncated length. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
A condition value returned by OpenVMS RMS. SYS$INPUT was prompted for command text and RMS returned an error. The most typical error will be RMS$_EOF, end-of-file.
This PL/I example shows the use of the optional flags
argument to permit repeated calls to LIB$GET_FOREIGN. The command line text is
retrieved on the first pass only; after the first pass, the program prompts from
LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET — The Get the Offset to the Starting Position of the Most Significant Part of a Full Name routine returns the offset to the starting position of the most significant part of a full name. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. The most significant part of a full name is determined by the underlying network services.
LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET fullname, offset
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Full name. The fullname
argument contains the address of
the descriptor pointing to this full name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if fullname
contains an
invalid full name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if fullname
is an
invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The offset in bytes of the starting position of the most significant part of
. The offset
argument is
the address of an unsigned word that contains this offset.
The offset
argument contains an unusable result when
LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET returns in error.
This routine returns the byte offset of the starting position of the most significant part of the input full name. The returned offset can be used to position the display of a full name in a fixed-size output region, for example, scroll regions in DECwindows applications. The most significant part of a full name is determined by the underlying network services.
You must validate fullname by expanding it with LIB$EXPAND_NO DENAME before calling LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET. LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET returns the error LIB$_INVARG if fullname is invalid.
In a DECnet for OpenVMS environment, processing a DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS full name using LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET results in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by the $IPC DECnet service.
The following table gives some examples of the results of LIB$GET_FULLNAME_OFFSET:
Full Name |
Offset |
0 |
9 |
LIB$GET_HOSTNAME — The Get Host Node Name routine returns the host node name of the local system. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$GET_HOSTNAME hostname [,resultant-length] [,flags]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The host node name. The hostname
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to the host node name. LIB$GET_HOSTNAME writes the
host node-name string into the buffer pointed to by the
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if hostname
is an
invalid descriptor.
The length field of the hostname
descriptor is not updated
unless hostname
is a dynamic descriptor with a length less
than the host node name to be returned. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic
string descriptor usage.
The hostname
argument contains an unusable result when
LIB$GET_HOSTNAME returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the host node name. The resultant-length
is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes.
The resultant-length
argument contains an unusable result
when LIB$GET_HOSTNAME returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value LIB$GET_HOSTNAME uses to control the form of the host node name that it
returns in the output descriptor hostname
. If
is equal to 0, or if flags
is omitted, the host node name returned is in the network usable form. If
is equal to 1, the host node name returned is in
the parsable form.
Unused bits in flags
must be 0. Nonzero unused bits result
in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
Get host node name from $GETSYI system service.
Translate the executive mode logical SYS$NODE_FULLNAME once.
Translate the executive mode logical SYS$NODE once.
The error LIB$_NOHOSNAM is returned if no host node name is found.
- Network usable form — The form that can be passed directly to the network. This form does not contain unnecessary double quotation marks (double quotation marks [ "] that are not part of the node name) and also does not contain trailing double colons, for example:
DEC:.FOO."simple name with spaces"
- Parsable form — The form that can be passed directly to the part of the system that does node-name syntax parsing, for example, $FILESCAN and DCL command parsing. This form contains trailing double colons and is fully quoted if there are special characters. Individual double quotation marks ( ") that are part of a simple name are doubled ( " "), for example:
"DEC:.FOO.""simple name with spaces"""::
You must use double quotation marks for a node name with special characters to facilitate correct parsing.
If the returned node name overflows the buffer pointed to by hostname, the host node name is truncated at the end, and the alternate success status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
The resultant-length argument, if supplied, is set to the length of the node-name string copied to the output buffer pointed to by hostname.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the output buffer pointed to by hostname. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid input argument. Unused bits in flags are not set to 0. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$_NOHOSNAM | No host node name found. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or the $FILESCAN system service.
LIB$GET_INPUT — The Get Line from SYS$INPUT routine gets one record of ASCII text from the current controlling input device, specified by SYS$INPUT.
LIB$GET_INPUT resultant-string [,prompt-string]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String that LIB$GET_INPUT gets from the input device. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the character string into which LIB$GET_INPUT writes the text received
from the current input device.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Prompt message that is displayed on the controlling terminal. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
containing the prompt. Any string can be a valid prompt. By convention however, a
prompt consists of text followed by a colon (:), a space, and no
carriage-return/line-feed combination. The maximum size of the prompt message is 255
characters. If the controlling input device is not a terminal, this argument is
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes written into resultant-string
LIB$GET_INPUT, not counting padding in the case of a fixed string. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word containing this number. If the input string is truncated to the size specified
in the resultant-string
is set to this size. Therefore,
can always be used by the calling
program to access a valid substring of
LIB$GET_INPUT uses the OpenVMS RMS $GET service to get one record of ASCII text from the current controlling input device, specified by SYS$INPUT. (For more information about the RMS $GET service, see the VSI OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.)
SYS$INPUT, your default input device
SYS$OUTPUT, your default output device
SYS$COMMAND, the device that supplies the commands to your process
These files remain open until you log out. They are the interface between your interactive input and output or your batch commands and the OpenVMS software. Initially, all three names are equated with the terminal. However, with the DCL command ASSIGN, you can change these assignments to obtain information from a file or put information into a file. SYS$INPUT and SYS$COMMAND are usually identical, but the input and command streams can be different. For example, during the execution of an indirect command file from an interactive terminal, SYS$COMMAND refers to the terminal and SYS$INPUT refers to the command file.
LIB$GET_INPUT opens file SYS$INPUT on the first call. The RMS internal stream identifier (ISI) is stored in the routine's static storage for subsequent calls.
If prompt-string
is provided and the SYS$INPUT device is a
terminal, LIB$GET_INPUT displays the prompt message. If the device is not a
terminal, the prompt-string
argument is ignored.
If you want to get input from some source other than the current input stream, use LIB$GET_COMMAND.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. RMS completion status. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | An internal consistency check on Run-Time Library data structures has failed. This may indicate a programming error in the Run-Time Library, or that your program may have overwritten those data structures. |
LIB$_INPSTRTRU | The input string has been truncated to the size specified in the
resultant-string descriptor
(fixed-length strings only). The
resultant-length argument is also set
to this size. This is an error (as opposed to LIB$_STRTRU, which is
a success) because the truncation is not under program
control. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to allocate the dynamic string. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. The descriptor class field is not a recognized code or is zero. |
Any RMS condition value returned by $GET.
Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM, LIB$GET_VM_64, LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64.
LIB$GET_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Invocation Context routine gets the invocation context of any active procedure.
LIB$GET_INVO_CONTEXT invo_handle, invo_context
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Handle for the desired invocation. Returned by LIB$GET_INVO_HANDLE.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block into which the procedure context of the
frame specified by invo_handle
will be written.
LIB$GET_INVO_CONTEXT gets the invocation context of any active procedure.
If invo_handle
does not represent any procedure context
in the active call chain, the new contents of the invocation context block are
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for additional information.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
0 | Indicates success. |
LIB$GET_INVO_HANDLE — The Get Invocation Handle routine gets an invocation handle of any active procedure. A thread can obtain an invocation handle corresponding to any invocation context block by using the following function format.
LIB$GET_INVO_HANDLE invo_context
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Invocation handle of the invocation context that was passed. If the returned value is LIB$K_INVO_HANDLE_NULL, the invocation context that was passed was invalid.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | structure |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block. Here, only the frame pointer and stack pointer fields of an invocation context block must be defined.
LIB$GET_INVO_HANDLE gets an invocation handle of any active procedure.
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for additional information.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$GET_LOGICAL — The Get Logical Name routine calls the system service routine $TRNLNM to return information about a logical name.
LIB$GET_LOGICAL logical-name [,resultant-string] [,resultant-length]
[,table-name] [,max-index] [,index] [,acmode] [,flags]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Logical name for which LIB$GET_LOGICAL searches. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the logical name string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Logical name equivalent returned. The resultant-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to a character string into which
LIB$GET_ LOGICAL writes the equivalence name of the logical.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the equivalence name string returned by LIB$GET_LOGICAL. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word integer into which LIB$GET_LOGICAL writes the length.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the table in which to search for the logical name. The
argument contains the address of a descriptor
pointing to a character string which contains the table name. If no table is
specified, LNM$FILE_DEV is used.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Largest equivalence name index. Each equivalence name for the logical name has an
index associated with it. The max-index
argument is the
address of a signed longword integer into which LIB$GET_LOGICAL write the value. If
no equivalence names (and, therefore, no index values) exist, LIB$GET_LOGICAL
returns a value of -1.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Equivalence name index value. LIB$GET_LOGICAL will return the equivalence name
string that has the specified index value. The index
is the address of an unsigned longword integer specifying the index value.
OpenVMS usage: | access_mode |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Access mode to be used in the translation. The acmode
argument is the address of a byte specifying the access mode. The $PSLDEF macro
defines symbolic names for the four access modes.
When you specify the acmode
argument, all names at access
modes which are less privileged than the specified access mode are ignored.
If you do not specify acmode
, the translation is performed
without regard to access mode; however, the translation process proceeds from the
outermost to the innermost access modes. Thus, if two logical names with the same
name, but at different access modes, exist in the same table, the name with the
outermost access mode is translated.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Flags controlling the search for the logical name. The
argument is the address of a longword integer that
contains the control flags. The $LNMDEF macro defines these flags. Currently only
bit 0 of this argument is used.
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | LNM$M_CASE_BLIND | If set, LIB$GET_LOGICAL does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in the logical name to be translated. |
This is an optional argument. If omitted the default is 0.
LIB$GET_LOGICAL provides a simplified interface to the $TRNLNM system service. It provides most of the features found in $TRNLNM with some additional benefits. For string arguments, all string classes supported by the Run-Time Library are understood. The list of item descriptors, which may be difficult to construct in high-level languages, is handled internally by LIB$GET_LOGICAL.
See the description of the $TRNLNM system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_ACCVIO | Access violation. Cannot access the location specified. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Bad parameter value. |
SS$_IVLOGNAM | Invalid logical name. The logical name or its value contained more than 255 characters. |
SS$_IVLOGTAB | Invalid logical name table. |
SS$_NOLOGNAM | The logical name was not found in the specified table. |
SS$_NOPRIV | No privileges for attempted operation. |
SS$_TOOMANYLNAM | Logical name translation exceeded allowed depth. |
LIB$_INVARG | Required argument is missing. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but source string truncated. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$GET_LUN — The Get Logical Unit Number routine allocates one logical unit number from a processwide pool. If a unit is available, its number is returned to the caller. Otherwise, an error is returned as the function value.
LIB$GET_LUN logical-unit-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Allocated logical unit number or –1 if none was available. The
argument is the address of a longword
into which LIB$GET_LUN returns the value of the allocated logical unit. LIB$GET_LUN
can allocate logical unit numbers 100 through 119 on VAX, and 100 through 299 on
Alpha and I64.
LIB$GET_LUN allocates one logical unit number from a processwide pool. If a unit is available, its number is returned to the caller. Otherwise, an error is returned as the function value.
On VAX systems, LIB$GET_LUN reserves logical unit numbers starting at 119 and continues in descending order through 100.
On Alpha and I64 systems, LIB$GET_LUN reserves logical unit numbers 100 through 299. To maintain compatibility with VAX systems, LIB$GET_LUN reserves logical unit numbers starting at 119 and continues in descending order through 100. When these are exhausted, LIB$GET_LUN reserves logical unit numbers starting at 299 and continues in descending order through 120.
LIB$GET_LUN assumes that the logical unit numbers in the range 0 through 99 may be in use by your program, but it cannot determine which logical unit numbers are actually in use by your program.
Call LIB$GET_LUN only from Fortran or BASIC programs. Those languages and LIB$GET_LUN share the concept of unit numbers and a similar number space.
Beware of running multiple images linked with /NOSYSSHR in the same process and having more than one image make calls to LIB$GET_LUN. Each image contains its own copy of the event flag bit array that is designed to be process-wide and synchronize ownership of event flags. Multiple calls to LIB$GET_EF could cause the same event flag to be allocated more than once.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSLUN | Insufficient logical unit numbers. No logical unit numbers were available. |
— Given an output format and language, the Retrieve the Maximum Length of a
Date/Time String routine determines the maximum possible length for the
string returned by
LIB$GET_MAXIMUM_DATE_LENGTH date-length [,user-context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Receives the maximum possible length of the date-string
argument returned to LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME. The date-length
argument is the address of a signed longword that receives this maximum length. The
length written to date-length
reflects the greatest possible
length of an output date/time string for the currently selected output format and
natural language.
For example, if the selected output date/time format includes the alphabetic,
unabbreviated month name (assuming English as the natural language), the longest
month name (September) would have to be taken into consideration when determining
the maximum possible length of date-string
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context variable that retains the translation context over multiple calls to this
routine. The user-context
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword that contains this context. The initial value of the context
variable must be zero. Thereafter, the user program must not write to the
The user-context
parameter is optional. However, if a
context cell is not passed, the routine LIB$GET_MAXIMUM_DATE_LENGTH may abort if two
threads of execution attempt to manipulate the context area concurrently. Therefore,
when calling this routine in situations where reentrancy might occur, such as from
AST level, VSI recommends that users specify a different context cell for each
calling thread.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit mask that allows the user to specify whether the date, time, or both are to be
included in the calculation of the maximum date length. The
argument is the address of an unsigned bit mask
containing the specified values. Valid values are LIB$M_DATE_FIELDS and
LIB$M_TIME_FIELDS. The values specified for flags
correspond to the flags
argument passed to LIB$FORMAT_DATE_
The LIB$GET_MAXIMUM_DATE_LENGTH routine determines the maximum possible length for
a formatted date/time string as returned by LIB$FORMAT_DATE_ TIME. The maximum
length returned takes into account the currently specified output format and natural
language; date-length
represents the maximum possible length
of the string written to the date-string
argument of
!MAU !DD, !Y4 !HH2:!M0 !MIU
SEPTEMBER 21, 2000 11:24 PM
The maximum possible length of this date-string
would then
be 28.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ABSTIMREQ | Absolute time required. |
LIB$_DEFFORUSE | Default format used; unable to determine desired format. |
LIB$_ENGLUSED | English used by default; unable to translate SYS$LANGUAGE. |
LIB$_REENTRANCY | Reentrant invocation with same context variable. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Output string truncated. |
LIB$_UNRFORCOD | Unrecognized format code. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM.
LIB$GET_PREV_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Previous Invocation Context routine gets the previous invocation context of any active procedure. A thread can obtain the invocation context of the procedure context preceding any other procedure context using the following function format.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block. The given context block is updated to represent the context of the previous (calling) frame.
For the purposes of this function, the minimum fields of an invocation block that must be defined are those IREG and FREG fields corresponding to registers used by a context whether the registers are preserved or not. Note that the invocation context blocks written by the routines specified in these sections define all possible fields in a context block. Such context blocks satisfy this minimum requirement.
LIB$GET_PREV_INVO_CONTEXT gets the previous invocation context of any active procedure.
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
0 | The initial context represents the bottom of the call chain. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$GET_PREV_INVO_HANDLE — The Get Previous Invocation Handle routine gets the previous invocation handle of any active procedure. A thread can obtain an invocation handle of the procedure context preceding that of a specified procedure context by using the following function format.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
An invocation handle that represents a target invocation context.
LIB$GET_PREV_INVO_HANDLE gets the previous invocation handle of any active procedure.
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$GET_SYMBOL — The Get Value of CLI Symbol routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to return the value of a CLI symbol as a string. LIB$GET_SYMBOL then returns the string to the caller. Optionally, LIB$GET_SYMBOL can return the length of the returned value and the table in which the symbol was found.
LIB$GET_SYMBOL symbol ,resultant-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the symbol for which LIB$GET_SYMBOL searches. The
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to the name of the symbol. LIB$GET_SYMBOL converts the symbol name to uppercase and
removes trailing blanks before the search. The symbol
argument must begin with a letter, a digit, a dollar sign ($), a hyphen
(-), or an underscore (_). The maximum length of
is 255 characters.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Value of the returned symbol. The maximum length is 4096 characters. The
argument is the address of
a descriptor pointing to a character string into which LIB$GET_SYMBOL writes the
value of the symbol.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the symbol value returned by LIB$GET_SYMBOL. The resultant-length
argument is the address of an
unsigned word integer into which LIB$GET_SYMBOL writes the length.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Indicator of which table contained the symbol. The table-type-indicator
argument is the address of a signed longword
integer into which LIB$GET_SYMBOL writes the table indicator.
Possible values of the table indicator are listed below.
Symbolic Name |
Value |
Table |
1 |
Local symbol table |
2 |
Global symbol table |
LIB$K_CLI_LOCAL_SYM and LIB$K_CLI_GLOBAL_SYM are defined in symbol libraries supplied by VSI (macro or module name $LIBCLIDEF) and as global symbols.
LIB$GET_SYMBOL first searches the local symbol table for the symbol name, then searches the global symbol table. Numeric values are converted to an ASCII representation of a signed decimal number before being returned.
LIB$GET_SYMBOL is supported for use with the DCL command language interpreter. If used with the MCR CLI, the error status LIB$_NOCLI will be returned.
If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to get the symbol. In that case, LIB$GET_SYMBOL returns the error status LIB$_NOCLI.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed; string truncated. The destination string could not contain all the characters in the symbol value. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSCLIMEM | Insufficient CLI memory. The CLI could not obtain enough virtual memory to perform the function. This may be caused by having too many symbols defined. Deleting some symbol definitions may relieve the situation. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_INVSYMNAM | Invalid symbol name. The symbol name contained more than 255 characters or did not begin with a letter or dollar sign ( $ ). |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_NOSUCHSYM | No such symbol. The symbol was not defined in either the local or global symbol table. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL command language interpreter, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$GET_UIB_INFO — Returns information from the unwind information block (UIB).
LIB$GET_UIB_INFO uib_va [,gp_value] [,uw_desc_va] [,uw_desc_len]
[,handler_fv] [,ossd_va] [,lsda_va]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword that contains the virtual address of an unwind information block (UIB).
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword that contains the GP value that must be added to the UIB
condition handler value. Must be specified if handler_fv
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to store the virtual address of the unwind descriptor area. If none is present, then zero is returned. This is an optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to store the length (in bytes) of the unwind descriptor area. If none are present, then zero is returned. This is an optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to store the function value of the condition handler. If none is present, then zero is returned. This is an optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to store the address of the operating system-specific data area. If none is present, then zero is returned. This is an optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to store the address of the language-specific data area (LSDA). If none is present, then zero is returned. This is an optional argument.
Takes in the address of an unwind information block (UIB) and the GP value for a routine and returns the addresses of the start of the unwind descriptors (if any), the handler function descriptor (if any), and the operating system-specific data area (if any). The size in bytes of the unwind descriptors is also returned.
Related Services
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine completed successfully. |
LIB$_INVARG | Bad UIB virtual address. |
LIB$GET_USERS_LANGUAGE — The Return the User's Language routine determines the user's choice of a natural language. The choice is determined by translating the logical SYS$LANGUAGE.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Receives the translation of SYS$LANGUAGE. The language
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this language name.
The LIB$GET_USERS_LANGUAGE routine translates the logical SYS$LANGUAGE and returns the user's choice of a natural language. If the logical SYS$LANGUAGE does not translate for some reason, then the language defaults to English and the status LIB$_ENGLUSED is returned.
If a failure or truncation occurs while copying the language name to the
string argument, that error status overrides the
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ENGLUSED | English used by default; unable to translate SYS$LANGUAGE. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX.
LIB$GET_VM — The Allocate Virtual Memory routine allocates a specified number of contiguous bytes in the program region and returns the 32-bit virtual address of the first byte allocated. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$GET_VM number-of-bytes, base-address [,zone-id]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes that LIB$GET_VM allocates. The
argument is the address of a longword
integer containing the number of bytes. LIB$GET_VM allocates enough memory to
satisfy the request. Your program should not reference an address before the first
byte address allocated (base-address
) or beyond the last byte
allocated (base-address
+ number-of-bytes
– 1) since that space may be assigned to
another routine. The value of number-of-bytes
must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
First virtual address of the contiguous block of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM.
The base-address
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword containing this base address.
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The zone-id
argument is the address of a longword that
contains a zone identifier created by a previous call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE or
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE. This argument is optional. If
is omitted or if the longword contains the value
0, the 32-bit default zone is used.
LIB$GET_VM satisfies an allocation request by reusing free memory in the zone, or by obtaining additional memory from the processwide 32-bit page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE.
LIB$GET_VM rounds up the value of number-of-bytes
to a
multiple of the block-size
specified for the zone. The first
byte allocated is aligned on the boundary specified by the alignment value for the
If you specified allocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$GET_VM will fill each byte allocated. Otherwise, LIB$GET_VM does not initialize the memory and its contents are unpredictable.
All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM has user mode read/write access, even if the call to LIB$GET_VM was made from a more privileged access mode.
The space allocated by successive calls to LIB$GET_VM may be noncontiguous because another routine can call LIB$GET_VM between your calls. If AST interrupts occur, LIB$GET_VM may allocate space to another routine between execution of any two statements in your program. Even if successive calls to LIB$GET_VM return two contiguous blocks, you must not combine them into one large block that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM.
LIB$GET_VM is fully reentrant, so it may be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Your program must retain the address of the allocated area. This allows you to access or deallocate the space later.
If the zone you are getting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE routine,
then you must have an appropriate action routine for the get operation. That is, in
your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE, you must have specified a
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | Invalid zone-id or a corrupt zone. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | Bad block size. The value of
number-of-bytes was less than or equal to
0. For the fixed-size blocks algorithm, LIB$_BADBLOSIZ can also be
generated if the value of algorithm-argument
specified in the call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE is less than
number-of-bytes . |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The request required more dynamic memory than was available from the operating system. No partial allocation is made in this case. |
LIB$_PAGLIMEXC | Allocation exceeds the page-limit , set
when the zone was create. |
LIB$GET_VM_64 — The Allocate Virtual Memory routine allocates a specified number of contiguous bytes in the program region and returns the 64-bit virtual address of the first byte allocated.
LIB$GET_VM_64 number-of-bytes, base-address [,zone-id]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of contiguous bytes that LIB$GET_VM_64 allocates. The
argument is the address of a longword
integer containing the number of bytes. LIB$GET_VM allocates enough memory to
satisfy the request. Your program should not reference an address before the first
byte address allocated (base-address
) or beyond the last byte
allocated (base-address
+ number-of-bytes
– 1) since that space may be assigned to
another routine. The value of number-of-bytes
must be greater than zero.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
First virtual address of the contiguous block of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM_64.
The base-address
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword containing this base address.
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The zone-id
argument is the address of a longword that
contains a zone identifier created by a previous call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 or
LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64. This argument is optional. If
is omitted or if the longword contains the value
0, the 32-bit default zone is used.
LIB$GET_VM_64 satisfies an allocation request by reusing free memory in the zone, or by obtaining additional memory from the processwide 32-bit page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64.
LIB$GET_VM_64 rounds up the value of number-of-bytes
to a
multiple of the block-size
specified for the zone. The first
byte allocated is aligned on the boundary specified by the alignment value for the
If you specified allocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$GET_VM_64 will fill each byte allocated. Otherwise, LIB$GET_VM_64 does not initialize the memory and its contents are unpredictable.
All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_64 has user mode read/write access, even if the call to LIB$GET_VM was made from a more privileged access mode.
The space allocated by successive calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 may be noncontiguous because another routine can call LIB$GET_VM_64 between your calls. If AST interrupts occur, LIB$GET_VM_64 may allocate space to another routine between execution of any two statements in your program. Even if successive calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 return two contiguous blocks, you must not combine them into one large block that is freed by a single call to LIB$FREE_VM_64.
LIB$GET_VM_64 is fully reentrant, so it may be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Your program must retain the address of the allocated area. This allows you to access or deallocate the space later.
If the zone you are getting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64
routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the get operation.
That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64, you must have specified a
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | Invalid zone-id or a corrupt zone. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | Bad block size. The value of
number-of-bytes was less than or equal to
0. For the fixed-size blocks algorithm, LIB$_BADBLOSIZ can also be
generated if the value of algorithm-argument
specified in the call to LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64 is less than
number-of-bytes . |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The request required more dynamic memory than was available from the operating system. No partial allocation is made in this case. |
LIB$_PAGLIMEXC | Allocation exceeds the page-limit , set
when the zone was create. |
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE — The Get Virtual Memory Page routine allocates a specified number of contiguous pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems of memory in the program region and returns the virtual address of the first allocated page on VAX or pagelet on Alpha or I64. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE number-of-pages ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems. The
argument is the address of a longword
integer that specifies the number of contiguous pages on VAX systems or pagelets on
Alpha and I64 systems to be allocated. The value of
must be greater than 0.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block address. The base-address
argument is the address of
a longword that is set to the address of the first byte of the newly allocated block
of pages on VAX systems or pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE allocates blocks of contiguous (512 byte) pages on VAX systems and pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems in the program region. LIB$GET_VM_PAGE manages a processwide pool of free pages. If there are not enough contiguous free pages or pagelets to satisfy an allocation request, additional pages are created by calling the system service $EXPREG. All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE is pagelet aligned; that is, the low-order nine bits of the base address are zero.
All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE has user-mode read/write access, even if the call to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE is made from a more privileged access mode.
The contents of memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE are unpredictable. Your program must assign values to all locations that it uses.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE is designed for request sizes ranging from one page or pagelet to a few hundred pages or pagelets. For very large request sizes (over 1000 pages or pagelets in a single request), you should call the system service $EXPREG.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE is fully reentrant, so it can be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The value of the number-of-pages argument
is less than or equal to 0. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The request required more dynamic memory than was available from the operating system. No partial allocation is made in this case. |
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 — The Get Virtual Memory Page routine allocates a specified number of contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets of memory in the program region and returns the virtual address of the first allocated pagelet.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 number-of-pages ,base-address
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of Alpha or I64 pagelets. The number-of-pages
argument is the address of a quadword integer that specifies the number of
contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets to be allocated. The value of number-of-pages must
be greater than 0.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block address. The base-address
argument is the address of
a quadword that is set to the address of the first byte of the newly allocated block
of Alpha or I64 pagelets.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 allocates blocks of contiguous Alpha or I64 pagelets in the program region. LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 manages a processwide pool of free pagelets. If there are not enough contiguous free pagelets to satisfy an allocation request, additional pagelets are created by calling the system service $EXPREG_64. All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 is aligned to physical page size.
All memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 has user-mode read/write access, even if the call to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 is made from a more privileged access mode.
The contents of memory allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 are unpredictable. Your program must assign values to all locations that it uses.
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 is fully reentrant, so it can be called by routines executing at AST level or in an Ada multitasking environment.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOSIZ | The value of the argument number-of-pages
is less than or equal to 0. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The request required more dynamic memory than was available from the operating system. No partial allocation is made in this case. |
LIB$I64_CREATE_INVO_CONTEXT — The Create Invocation Context routine allocates an invocation context block from heap storage and initializes it.
LIB$I64_CREATE_INVO_CONTEXT [malloc] [,free] [,ident]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | function_value |
type: | procedure |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
A procedure reference for a user callback routine that allocates memory. This is
an optional argument. The default is to use an implementation of the C RTL routine
. If specified, this routine is used to allocate
the invocation context block field LIBICB$PH_UO_MALLOC for use during the stack
OpenVMS usage: | function_value |
type: | procedure |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
A procedure reference for a user callback routine that deallocates memory. This
value is placed in the invocation context block field LIBICB$PH_UO_FREE. This is an
optional argument; however, it must be specified if malloc
specified. The default is to use an implementation of the C RTL routine
OpenVMS usage: | user_value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
Specifies a user ident
value to be placed in the invocation
context block LIBICB$IH_UO_IDENT field. In turn, this value is passed to the
and free routines. This is an optional argument;
the default value is zero.
LIB$I64_CREATE_INVO_CONTEXT simplifies creating and properly initializing an invocation context block. The routine allocates an invocation context block from heap storage and initializes it. Users of this routine should call LIB$I64_ FREE_INVO_CONTEXT when the invocation context block is no longer required.
This routine sets the cache unwind flag LIBICB$V_UO_FLAG_CACHE_UNWIND in the invocation context block to speed up the stack walk. Do not use this routine in conjunction with LIB$I64_INIT_INVO_CONTEXT, as the same initialization is performed by both routines.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
any non-zero value | Represents the address of the allocated invocation context block. |
LIB$I64_FREE_INVO_CONTEXT — The Free Invocation Context Block routine deallocates an invocation context block that was previously allocated.
LIB$I64_FREE_INVO_CONTEXT invo_context
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block.
LIB$I64_FREE_INVO_CONTEXT deallocates an invocation context block that was previously allocated using LIB$I64_CREATE_INVO_CONTEXT. This routine calls LIB$I64_PREV_INVO_END as a convenience.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$I64_GET_CURR_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Current Invocation Context routine gets the invocation context of a current procedure.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block into which the procedure context of the caller will be written.
LIB$I64_GET_CURR_INVO_CONTEXT gets the invocation context of a current procedure. The invocation context block must be properly initialized as described in the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual before calling this routine.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Facilitates use in the implementation of the C language unwind
setjmp or longjmp
function. Check the LIBICB$L_ALERT_CODE field of the invocation
context block for further status indication. |
LIB$I64_GET_CURR_INVO_HANDLE — The Get Current Invocation Handle routine gets the invocation handle for the current procedure.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | quadword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword into which the invocation handle of the caller will be written.
LIB$I64_GET_CURR_INVO_HANDLE gets the invocation handle for the current procedure.
Condition Values Returned
0 | The initial context represents the bottom of the call stack. |
1 | Indicates success. |
3 | The current operation completed without error, but a stack corruption was detected at the next level down. |
LIB$I64_GET_FR invo_context, index, fr_copy
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | index |
type: | longword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
Floating point register index.
OpenVMS usage: | floating-point value |
type: | octaword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of an octaword to receive the contents of the specified floating-point register.
Given an invocation context block and floating-point register
such that 0 <= index
128, LIB$I64_GET_FR copies the register value to fr_copy
. For
example, an index
value of 4 fetches the value, which
represents the contents of F4 for the context.
LIB$I64_GET_FR returns failure status if the index represents a scratch register whose contents have not been realized.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_GET_GR — The Get Invocation Context Block Value routine fetches the invocation context block IREG[4] value.
LIB$I64_GET_GR invo_context, index, gr_copy
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | index |
type: | longword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
Index into the IREG array of the invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | floating-point value |
type: | octaword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of an octaword to receive the value from the invocation context block.
Given an invocation context block and general register
such that 0 <= index
128, LIB$I64_GET_GR copies the register value to gr_copy, for example,
4 fetches the invocation context block IREG[4]
value, which represents the contents of R4 for the context.
If the register represented by index
has its corresponding
NaT bit set, the read succeeds and the return status is set to 3. If the register
represented by index
lies beyond the allocated general
registers, the read fails and gr_copy
is unchanged. That is,
the highest allowed index
is 32 + ICB.CFM.SOF - 1.
LIB$I64_GET_GR fails if the index represents a scratch register whose contents have not been realized.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success, and that the NaT bit was clear. |
3 | Indicates success, and that the NaT bit was set. |
LIB$I64_GET_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Invocation Context routine gets the invocation context of any active procedure.
LIB$I64_GET_INVO_CONTEXT invo_handle, invo_context
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | quadword |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block into which the procedure context of the
frame specified by invo_handle
will be written.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block into which the procedure context of the
frame specified by invo_handle
will be written.
LIB$I64_GET_INVO_CONTEXT gets the invocation context of any active procedure.
The invocation context block must be properly initialized as described in the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual before calling this routine.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Facilitates use in the implementation of the C language unwind
setjmp or longjmp function. Check the
LIBICB$L_ALERT_CODE field of the invocation context block for
further status indication. |
LIB$I64_GET_INVO_HANDLE — The Get Invocation Handle routine obtains the invocation handle corresponding to any invocation context block.
LIB$I64_GET_INVO_HANDLE invo_context, invo_handle
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the location into which the invocation context handle is to be written. If the call fails, the value of the invocation context handle is LIB$K_INVO_HANDLE_NULL.
LIB$GET_INVO_HANDLE gets the invocation context of any active procedure.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_GET_PREV_INVO_CONTEXT — The Get Current Invocation Context routine obtains the invocation context of the procedure context preceding any other procedure context.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block. The given invocation context block is updated to represent the context of the previous (calling) frame.
The LIBICB$V_BOTTOM_OF_STACK flag of the invocation context block is set if the target frame represents the end of the invocation call chain or if stack corruption is detected.
The LIB$I64_GET_PREV_INVO_CONTEXT routine obtains the invocation context of the procedure context preceding any other procedure context.
Condition Values Returned
0 | The initial context represents the bottom of the call stack. |
1 | Indicates success. |
3 | The current operation completed without error, but a stack corruption was detected at the next level down. |
LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_HANDLER_FV pc_value, handler_fv
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a location that contains the PC value.
is used to find the unwind information block and
the unwind information block condition handler pointer.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
A quadword to receive the function value of the procedure descriptor for the condition handler, if there is one.
Given a pc_value
function value (address of the procedure descriptor) for the condition handler, if
present, and writes it to handler_fv
. If not present, then it
writes 0 to handler_fv
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_LSDA — The Find Address of Unwind Information Block Language-Specific Data routine finds the address of the unwind information block language-specific data area.
LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_LSDA pc_value, unwind_lsda_p
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to receive the address of the language-specific data area, if there is one.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a location that contains the PC value. pc_value
is used to find the unwind information block and the unwind information block
language-specific data area address.
Given a pc_value
, LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_LSDA finds the address
of the unwind information block language-specific data area (LSDA), and writes it to
. If not present, it then writes 0 to
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_OSSD — The Find Address of the Unwind Information Block Operating System-Specific Data Area routine finds the address of the unwind information block operating system-specific data area.
LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_OSSD pc_value, unwind_ossd_p
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a location that contains the PC value. pc_value
is used to find the unwind information block and the unwind information block
operating system-specific data area address.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword to receive the address of the operating system-specific data area.
Given a pc_value
, LIB$I64_GET_UNWIND_OSSD finds the address
of the unwind information block operating system-specific data area, if present, and
writes it to unwind_ossd_p
. If not present, then it writes 0
to unwind_ossd_p
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_INIT_INVO_CONTEXT — The Initialize Invocation Context routine initializes an invocation context block that has already been allocated by the user.
LIB$I64_INIT_INVO_CONTEXT invo_context, invo_version
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | version_number |
type: | byte |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value LIBICB$K_INVO_CONTEXT_VERSION. This is used to verify the operating environment.
OpenVMS usage: | flag |
type: | longword |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A flag indicating if the cache unwind flag, LIBICB$V_UO_FLAG_CACHE_ UNWIND, should be set in the invocation context block. A value of zero clears the flag; a value of one sets the flag. This is an optional argument. The default is zero.
LIB$I64_INIT_INVO_CONTEXT initializes an invocation context block that the user has already allocated (on the stack, or from heap, or other storage). Use this routine as an alternative to LIB$I64_CREATE_INVO_CONTEXT, which both allocates and initializes an invocation context block.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates a version number mismatch. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_IS_AST_DISPATCH_FRAME — The Determine AST Exception Frame Dispatch routine determines whether a given PC value represents an AST dispatch frame.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword that contains the PC value.
The pc_value
is used to find the operating system-specific
data area in the unwind information for this routine.
LIB$I64_IS_AST_DISPATCH_FRAME determines whether a given PC value represents an AST dispatch frame.
Condition Values Returned
0 | The operating system-specific data area is present and the EXCEPTION_FRAME flag is clear. Returns 0 if the operating system-specific data area is not present. |
1 | The operating system-specific data area is present and the EXCEPTION_FRAME flag is set. |
LIB$I64_IS_EXC_DISPATCH_FRAME — The Determine Exception Frame Dispatch routine determines whether a given PC value represents an exception dispatch frame.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword that contains the PC value.
The pc_value
is used to find the operating system-specific
data area in the unwind information for this routine.
LIB$I64_IS_EXC_DISPATCH_FRAME determines whether a given PC value represents an exception dispatch frame.
Condition Values Returned
0 | The operating system-specific data area is present and the EXCEPTION_FRAME flag is clear. Returns 0 if the operating system-specific data area is not present. |
1 | The operating system-specific data area is present and the EXCEPTION_FRAME flag is set. |
LIB$I64_PREV_INVO_END — The End Call Tracing Operations routine should be called at the conclusion of call tracing operations to free the memory used to process unwind descriptors.
LIB$I64_PREV_INVO_END (invo_context)
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block previously used for call tracing.
LIB$I64_PREV_INVO_END should be called at the conclusion of call tracing operations to free the memory used to process unwind descriptors. The call tracing routines are LIB$I64_GET_INVO_CONTEXT, LIB$I64_GET_PREV_INVO_CONTEXT, and LIB$I64_GET_CURR_INVO_CONTEXT.
To provide efficient call tracing, some unwind information is tracked in heap storage from one call to the next. This heap storage should be freed before you release or reuse the invocation context block.
Calling this routine is necessary if the LIBICB$V_UO_FLAG_CACHE_UNWIND flag is set in the LIBICB$Q_UO_FLAGS field of the invocation context block. If this flag is not set, unwind information is released and re-created at each call, and calling this routine is not required.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS — The Put Invocation Registers routine updates the fields of a given procedure invocation context. Note that if user override routines are specified in the invocation context block, then they are used to find and modify the invocation context.
LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS invo_handle, invo_context, [,gr_mask]
[,fr_mask] [,br_mask] [,pr_mask] [,misc_mask]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Handle for the invocation to be updated.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block that contains new register contents.
Each register that is set in the xx_mask argument (along with its NaT bit, if any) is updated using the value found in the corresponding IREG[n], FREG[n], BRANCH[n], or PRED[n] field. GP, TP, and AI can also be updated in this way.
No other fields of the invocation context block are used.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_octaword |
type: | 128-bit vector |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 128-bit bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in the invo_context argument. Bits 0 through 127 correspond to IREG[0] through IREG[127].
Bit 0 corresponds to R0, which cannot be written, and is ignored.
Bit 1 corresponds to the global data pointer (GP).
Bit 13 corresponds to the thread pointer (TP).
Bit 25 corresponds to the argument information register (AI).
If bit 12, which corresponds to SP, is set, then no changes are made.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_octaword |
type: | 128-bit vector |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 128-bit bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in the passed invo_context.
To update floating-point registers F32-F127, provide a pointer to an array of 96 octawords in LIBICB$PH_F32_F127.
Bits 0 through 127 correspond to FREG[0] through FREG[127].
Bit 0 corresponds to F0, which cannot be written, and is ignored.
Bit 1 corresponds to F1, which cannot be written, and is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_byte |
type: | 8-bit vector |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 8-bit bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in the passed invo_context. Bits 0 through 7 correspond to BRANCH[0] through BRANCH[7].
OpenVMS usage: | mask_quadword |
type: | 64-bit vector |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 64-bit bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in
the passed invo_context
. Bits 0 through 63 correspond to
PRED[0] through PRED[63].
OpenVMS usage: | mask_quadword |
type: | 64-bit vector |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 64-bit bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in
the passed invo_context
as follows:
Bit 0=PC.
Bit 1=FPSR.
Bits 2–63 are reserved.
LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS updates the fields of a given procedure invocation context.
Great care must be taken to ensure that a valid stack frame and execution environment result; otherwise, execution may become unpredictable.
Condition Values Returned
0 |
In the following circumstances:
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_SET_FR — The Set Floating-Point Register routine writes the invocation context block floating-point registry entry corresponding to a floating-point register value.
LIB$I64_SET_FR invo_context, index, fr_copy
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | index |
type: | longword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
Index into the FREG array of the invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | floating-point value |
type: | octaword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of an octaword that contains the floating-point value to be written to the invocation context block.
Given an invocation context block, a floating-point register index, and a
floating-point register value in fr_copy
, writes the
corresponding invocation context block FREG entry, and calls
LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS to write the actual context. The invocation context block
remains unchanged if the routine fails.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$I64_SET_GR — The Copy Invocation Block General Register routine writes the invocation context block general register.
LIB$I64_SET_GR invo_context, index, fr_copy
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | index |
type: | longword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by value |
Index into the IREG array of the invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | integer value |
type: | quadword |
access: | write |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of a quadword that contains the value to be written to the invocation context block.
Given an invocation context block, a general register index
such that 1 <= index
< 128, and a quadword value
, LIB$I64_SET_GR writes the corresponding
invocation context block general register, clears the corresponding NaT bit and uses
LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS to write to the actual context. The invocation context
block remains unchanged if the routine fails.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure |
1 | Indicates success |
LIB$I64_SET_PC — The Write Context Block and Quadword PC Value routine writes invocation context block PC.
LIB$I64_SET_PC invo_context, pc_copy
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a valid invocation context block.
OpenVMS usage: | PC value |
type: | quadword |
access: | read |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a quadword that contains the PC value to be written to the invocation context block.
Given an invocation context block and a quadword PC value in
, LIB$I64_SET_PC writes the
value to the invocation context block PC and then
uses LIB$I64_PUT_INVO_REGISTERS to write to the actual context. The invocation
context block remains unchanged if the routine fails.
Condition Values Returned
0 | Indicates failure. |
1 | Indicates success. |
LIB$ICHAR — The Convert First Character of String to Integer routine converts the first character of a source string to an 8-bit ASCII integer extended to a longword.
LIB$ICHAR source-string
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
First character of the source string. This character is returned by LIB$ICHAR as an 8-bit ASCII value extended to a longword. If the source string has zero length, LIB$ICHAR returns a zero.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string whose first character is converted to an integer by LIB$ICHAR. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this source string.
Although Fortran users can call LIB$ICHAR, it is more efficient to use the Fortran intrinsic function ICHAR, which generates equivalent code in line.
Condition Values Returned
PROGRAM ICHAR(INPUT, OUTPUT); {+} { This program demonstrates how to call LIB$ICHAR { to convert the first character of string to an { integer value. {-} FUNCTION LIB$ICHAR(SRCSTR : VARYING [A] OF CHAR) : INTEGER; EXTERN; {+} { Declare the variables to be used. {-} VAR CHARSTR : VARYING [256] OF CHAR; RET_STATUS : INTEGER; {+} { Begin the main program. Read the character string, { call LIBN$ICHAR, and print the result. {-} BEGIN WRITELN(’Enter string: ’); READLN(CHARSTR); RET_STATUS := LIB$ICHAR(CHARSTR); WRITELN(RET_STATUS); END.
$ RUN ICHAR Enter string:Pencil sharpener
$ RUN ICHAR Enter string:
pencil sharpener
Notice that this routine changes any uppercase characters to lowercase.
LIB$INDEX — The Index to Relative Position of Substring routine returns an index, which is the relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source string.
LIB$INDEX source-string ,sub-string
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position of the first character of the substring if found, or zero if not found.
On Alpha and I64 systems, if the relative position of the substring can exceed 232 - 1, assign the return value to a quadword to ensure that you retrieve the correct relative position.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be searched by LIB$INDEX. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Substring to be found. The sub-string
argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to this substring.
The relative character positions returned by LIB$INDEX are numbered 1, 2, ..., n. Zero means that the substring was not found.
If the substring has a zero length, LIB$INDEX returns the value 1, indicating success, no matter how long the source string is. If the source string has a zero length and the substring has a nonzero length, zero is returned, indicating that the substring was not found.
Fortran users may use the built-in INDEX function rather than calling LIB$INDEX directly.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT — The Initialize the Context Area Used in Formatting Dates and Times for Input or Output routine allows the user to initialize the context area used by LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME or LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING with specific strings, instead of through logical name translation.
LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT user-context ,component
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
User context that retains the translation context over multiple calls to this
routine. The user-context
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword that contains this context. The initial value of the context
variable must be zero. Thereafter, the user program must not write to the
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The component of the context that is being initialized. The
argument is the address of a signed longword
that indicates this component. Only one component can be initialized per call to
LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME; these component codes are shown in the following list.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The characters that are to be used in formatting dates and times for input or
output. The init-string
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this string.
The LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT routine allows the user to initialize the context area used by either LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING or LIB$FORMAT_ DATE_TIME with specific strings instead of through logical name translations. This routine is therefore useful when the application is formatting either input or output strings that are used only by other computer applications and are not intended for presentation to users.
When the text will be parsed by another program, you must specify all of the context (including spellings). For applications where the context specifies a user’s preferred format style, spellings can be looked up from the logical name tables.
Therefore, when the text will be parsed by another program, the minimum effort required to initialize the necessary format strings would be a call to LIB$INIT_ DATE_TIME_CONTEXT specifying the input or output format strings to be used. If the specified format requires spelled items, such as month names or day names, then additional calls to LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT are required to provide the spellings of these items. Applications where the context specifies a user’s preferred format style can specify only the language name, and allow the strings to be looked up from logical name tables.
The format of the strings used by this routine is as follows:
[delim][string-1][delim] [string-2][delim] . . .
In this format, [delim] is any character that is not in any of the strings, and [string-x] is the spelling of that instance of the component.
For example, a string passed to this routine to specify the English spellings of the month names might be as follows:
Note that the string starts and ends with a delimiter. Thus, there is one more delimiter than there are string elements. Each type of component has a natural number of elements associated. The string must contain exactly that number of elements.
Month names (full or abbreviated) | 12 |
Format mnemonics | 9 |
Day names (full or abbreviated) | 7 |
Relative day names | 3 |
Meridiem indicators | 2 |
Output format strings | 2 |
Input format string | 1 |
Language | 1 |
In order to specify the input format mnemonics using LIB$INIT_DATE_ TIME_CONTEXT, the user must initialize the component LIB$K_FORMAT_ MNEMONICS with the appropriate values. The following table lists in order the 9 fields that must be initialized, along with their default (English) values.
Order | Format Field | Legible Mnemonic |
1 | Year | YYYY |
2 | Numeric month | MM |
3 | Numeric day | DD |
4 | Hours (12- or 24-hour) | HH |
5 | Minutes | MM |
6 | Seconds | SS |
7 | Fractional seconds | CC |
8 | Meridiem indicator | AM/PM |
9 | Alphabetic month | MONTH |
For example, the following would be a valid definition of LIB$K_FORMAT_ MNEMONICS using Austrian as the natural language:
To specify an output format using LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT, the user must initialize the variable LIB$K_OUTPUT_FORMAT. There are two elements associated with this output format string. One describes the date format fields, the other the time format fields. The order in which they appear in the string determines the order in which they are output. A single space is inserted into the output stream between the two elements, if the call to LIB$FORMAT_DATE_ TIME specifies that both be output. In the following example, the two elements associated with the output format string are delimited by vertical bars.
| !DB-!MAAU-!Y4 | !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2 |
This output format string represents the format used by the $ASCTIM system service for outputting times. Note that the middle delimiter is replaced by a space in the resultant output.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of system date and time operations as well as a detailed description of the format mnemonics used in these routines.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ILLCOMPONENT | Illegal value for the component. |
LIB$_ILLINISTR | Illegally formed init-string . |
LIB$_NUMELEMENTS | Incorrect number of elements for the component. |
LIB$_UNRFORCOD | Unrecognized format code. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$GET_VM or LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC.
LIB$INIT_TIMER — The Initialize Times and Counts routine stores the current values of specified times and counts for use by LIB$SHOW_TIMER or LIB$STAT_TIMER.
LIB$INIT_TIMER [context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context variable that retains the values of the times and counts. The context
argument contains the address of an unsigned longword that is this context. When you
call LIB$INIT_TIMER, you must use the optional context
argument only if you want to maintain several sets of statistics
is omitted, the control block is allocated in static storage. This method is not AST reentrant.If
is zero, a control block is allocated in dynamic heap storage. The times and counts will be stored in that block and the address of the block returned incontext
. This method is fully reentrant and modular.If
is nonzero, it is considered to be the address of a control block previously allocated by a call to LIB$INIT_TIMER. If so, the control block is reused, and fresh times and counts are stored in it.
When LIB$INIT_TIMER returns, the block of storage referred to by
will contain the times and counts.
LIB$INIT_TIMER stores the current values of specified times and counts in one of
three places, depending on the value of the optional context
You need to call LIB$FREE_TIMER only if you have specified
in LIB$INIT_TIMER and you want to deallocate all
heap storage resources.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | The context argument is zero, and there is
insufficient virtual memory to allocate a storage block. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument; context is nonzero and
the block to which it refers was not initialized on a previous call
LIB$INSERT_TREE — The Insert Entry in a Balanced Binary Tree routine inserts a node in a balanced binary tree. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$INSERT_TREE treehead ,symbol ,flags ,user-compare-routine
,user-allocation-procedure ,new-node [,user-data]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head for the binary tree. The treehead
argument is the
address of a longword that is this tree head. The initial value of
is 0.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Key to be inserted.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
argument is the address of the
control flags. Currently only bit 0 is used.
Bit |
Action if Set |
Action if Clear |
0 |
Duplicate entries are inserted. |
The address of the existing duplicate entry is returned to
the |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied compare routine that LIB$INSERT_TREE calls to compare a symbol with
a node. The user-compare-routine
argument is required;
LIB$INSERT_TREE calls the compare routine for every node except the first node in
the tree. The value returned by the compare routine indicates the relationship
between the symbol key and the node.
For more information on the compare routine, see the section called “Call Format for a Compare Routine” in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied allocate routine that LIB$INSERT_TREE calls to allocate virtual
memory for a node. The user-allocation-procedure
argument is
required; LIB$INSERT_TREE always calls the allocate routine.
For more information on the allocate routine, see the section called “Call Format for an Allocate Routine” in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Location where the new key is inserted. The new-node
argument is the address of an unsigned longword that is the address of the new
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | by value |
User data that LIB$INSERT_TREE passes to the compare and allocate routines. The
argument is optional.
Guidelines for Using LIB$INSERT_TREE
LIB$INSERT_TREE inserts a node in a balanced binary tree. You supply two routines: compare and allocate. The compare routine compares the symbol key to the node, and the allocate routine allocates virtual memory for the node to be inserted. LIB$INSERT_TREE first calls the compare routine to find the location at which the new node is inserted. Then LIB$INSERT_TREE calls the allocate routine to allocate memory for the new node. Most programmers insert data in the new node by initializing it within the allocate routine as soon as memory has been allocated.
You may pass the data to be inserted into the tree using either the
argument alone or both the
and user-data
The symbol
argument is required. It may contain all of the
data, just the name of the node, or the address of the data. If you decide to use
to pass just the name of the node, you must use
the user-data
argument to pass the rest of the data to be
inserted in the new node.
Call Format for a Compare Routine
symbol ,comparison-node [,user-data]
LIB$INSERT_TREE passes both the symbol
arguments to the compare routine, using
the same passing mechanism that was used to pass them to LIB$INSERT_TREE. The
argument is passed in the same way, but its use
is optional.
The user-compare-routine
argument in the call to
LIB$INSERT_TREE specifies the compare routine. This argument is required.
LIB$INSERT_TREE calls the compare routine for every node except the first node in
the tree.
Return Value |
Meaning |
Negative |
The |
Zero |
The |
Positive |
The |
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Compare_node(char* Key_string, struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) /* ** This function compares the string described by Key_string with ** the string contained in the data node Node, and returns 0 ** if the strings are equal, -1 if Key_string is < Node, and ** 1 if Key_string > Node. */ { int result; result = strcmp(Key_string, Node->Text); if (result < 0) return -1; else if (result == 0) return 0; else return 1; }
Call Format for an Allocate Routine
LIB$INSERT_TREE calls the allocate routine to allocate virtual memory for a node.
The allocate routine then stores the value of user-data
the field of the allocated node.
symbol ,new-node [,user-data]
LIB$INSERT_TREE passes the symbol
, and user-data
to your allocate routine, using the same passing mechanisms that were used to pass
them to LIB$INSERT_TREE. Use of user data is optional.
A node header appears at the beginning of each node. The following figure shows the structure of a node header.

Therefore, any node you declare that LIB$INSERT_TREE manipulates must contain 10 bytes of reserved data at the beginning for the node header.
Your data immediately follows the node header. In this case, your allocation routine must allocate a block equal in size to the sum of your data plus 10 bytes for the node header, as shown in the following figure.
The node contains the 10 bytes of header information and a longword pointer to the user data, as shown in the following figure.
The user-allocation-procedure
argument in the call to
LIB$INSERT_TREE specifies the allocate routine. This argument is required.
LIB$INSERT_TREE always calls the allocate routine.
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Alloc_node(char* Key_string, struct Full_node** Ret_addr, void* Dummy) { /* ** Allocate virtual memory for a new node. Key_string ** is the string to be entered into the newly ** allocated node. RET_ADDR will contain the address ** of the allocated memory. */ long Status_code; long Alloc_size = sizeof(struct Full_node); extern long lib$get_vm(); /* ** Allocate node: size of header, plus the length of our data. */ Status_code = lib$get_vm (&Alloc_size, Ret_addr); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); /* ** Store the data in the newly allocated virtual memory. */ strcpy((*Ret_addr)->Text, Key_string); return (Status_code); }
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The user-supplied allocation routine returned an error. |
LIB$_KEYALRINS | Routine successfully completed, but a key was found in the tree. No new key was inserted. |
Any other failure status reported by the user allocation procedure.
The following C program shows the use of LIB$INSERT_TREE, LIB$LOOKUP_TREE, and LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE.
/* ** This program asks the user to enter a series of strings, ** one per line. The user can then query the program to find ** strings that were previously entered. At the end, the entire ** tree is displayed, along with sequence numbers that ** indicate the order in which each element was entered. ** ** This program serves as an example of the use of LIB$INSERT_TREE, ** LIB$LOOKUP_TREE and LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <libdef.h> char Text_line[80]; struct Tree_element /* Define the structure of our */ { /* record. This record could */ long Seq_num; /* contain many useful data items. */ char Text[80]; }; struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; struct Tree_element my_node; }; struct Tree_element Rec; /* Declare an instance of the record */ extern long lib$insert_tree(); /* Function to insert node */ extern long lib$traverse_tree(); /* Function to walk tree */ extern long lib$lookup_tree(); /* Function to find a node */ extern void lib$stop(); /* Routine to signal fatal error */ static long Compare_node_2(); /* Compare entry (2 arg) */ static long Compare_node_3(); /* Compare entry (3 arg) */ static long Alloc_node(); /* Allocation entry */ static long Print_node(); /* Print entry for walk */ static void Display_Node(); main () { struct Full_node* Tree_head; /* Head for the tree */ struct Full_node* New_node; /* New node after insert */ long Status_code; /* Return status code */ long Counter; /* Sequence number */ long flags = 1; /* ** Initialize the tree to null */ Tree_head = NULL; printf("Enter one word per line, ^Z to begin searching the tree\n"); /* ** Loop, reading lines of text until the end of the file. */ Counter = 0; printf("> "); while (gets(Text_line)) { Counter++; Rec.Seq_num = Counter; strcpy(Rec.Text, Text_line); Status_code = lib$insert_tree ( /* Insert the entry into the tree */ &Tree_head, &Rec, &flags, Compare_node_3, Alloc_node, &New_node); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); printf("> "); } /* ** End of file encountered. Begin searching the tree. */ printf("\nYou will now be prompted for words to find. "); printf("Enter one per line.\n"); Rec.Seq_num = -1; printf("Word to find? "); while (gets(Text_line)) { strcpy(Rec.Text, Text_line); Status_code = lib$lookup_tree (&Tree_head, &Rec, Compare_node_2, &New_node); if (Status_code == LIB$_KEYNOTFOU) printf("The word you entered does not appear in the tree.\n"); else Display_Node(New_node); printf("Word to find? "); } /* ** The user has finished searching the tree for specific items. It ** is now time to traverse the entire tree. */ printf("\n"); printf("The following is a dump of the tree. Notice that the words\n"); printf("are in alphabetical order\n"); Status_code = lib$traverse_tree(&Tree_head, Print_node, 0); return(Status_code); } static long Print_node(struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) { /* ** Print the string contained in the current node. */ printf("%d\t%s\n", Node->my_node.Seq_num, Node->my_node.Text); return(LIB$_NORMAL); } static long Alloc_node(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node** Ret_addr, void* Dummy) { /* ** Allocate virtual memory for a new node. Rec is the ** data record to be entered into the newly ** allocated node. RET_ADDR will contain the address ** of the allocated memory. */ long Status_code; long Alloc_size = sizeof(struct Full_node); extern long lib$get_vm(); /* ** Allocate node: size of header, plus the length of our data. */ Status_code = lib$get_vm (&Alloc_size, Ret_addr); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); /* ** Store the data in the newly allocated virtual memory. */ (*Ret_addr)->my_node.Seq_num = Rec->Seq_num; strcpy((*Ret_addr)->my_node.Text, Rec->Text); return (Status_code); } static long Compare_node_3(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) { /* ** Call the 2 argument version of the compare routine */ return(Compare_node_2 ( Rec, Node )); } static long Compare_node_2(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node* Node) { /* ** This function compares the string described by Key_string with ** the string contained in the data node Node, and returns 0 ** if the strings are equal, -1 if Key_string is < Node, and ** 1 if Key_string > Node. */ int result; /* ** Return the result of the comparison. */ result = strcmp(Rec->Text, Node->my_node.Text); if (result < 0) return -1; else if (result == 0) return 0; else return 1; } static void Display_Node(struct Full_node* Node) { /* ** This routine prints the data into the node of the tree ** once LIB$LOOKUP_TREE has been called to find the node. */ printf("The sequence number for \"%s\" is %d\n", Node->my_node.Text, Node->my_node.Seq_num); }
The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ run tree Enter one word per line, ^Z to begin searching the tree > apple > orange > peach > pear > grapefruit > lemon > Ctrl/Z
You will now be prompted for words to find. Enter one per line.
Word to find? lime The word you entered does not appear in the tree
Word to find? orange The sequence number for "orange" is 2
Word to find? Ctrl/Z
The following is a dump of the tree. Notice that the words
are in alphabetical order
1 apple
5 grapefruit
6 lemon
2 orange
3 peach
4 pear
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 — The Insert Entry in a Balanced Binary Tree routine inserts a node in a balanced binary tree.
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 treehead ,symbol ,flags ,user-compare-routine
,user-allocation-procedure ,new-node [,user-data]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head for the binary tree. The treehead
argument is the
address of a quadword that is this tree head. The initial value of
is 0.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Key to be inserted.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_quadword |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Control flags. The flags
argument is the address of the
control flags. Currently only bit 0 is used.
Bit | Description |
0 | If clear, the address of the existing duplicate entry is returned to the new-node argument. If set, duplicate entries are inserted. |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied compare routine that LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 calls to compare a symbol
with a node. The user-compare-routine
argument is required;
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 calls the compare routine for every node except the first node in
the tree. The value returned by the compare routine indicates the relationship
between the symbol key and the node.
For more information on the compare routine, see Call Format for a Compare Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied allocate routine that LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 calls to allocate virtual
memory for a node. The user-allocation-procedure
argument is
required; LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 always calls the allocate routine.
For more information on the allocate routine, see Call Format for an Allocate Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Location where the new key is inserted. The new-node
argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that is the address of the new
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | by value |
User data that LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 passes to the compare and allocate routines. The
argument is optional.
This Description section contains three parts:
Guidelines for Using LIB$INSERT_TREE_64
Call Format for a Compare Routine
Call Format for an Allocate Routine
Guidelines for Using LIB$INSERT_TREE_64
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 inserts a node in a balanced binary tree. You supply two routines: compare and allocate. The compare routine compares the symbol key to the node, and the allocate routine allocates virtual memory for the node to be inserted. LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 first calls the compare routine to find the location at which the new node is inserted. Then LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 calls the allocate routine to allocate memory for the new node. Most programmers insert data in the new node by initializing it within the allocate routine as soon as memory has been allocated.
You may pass the data to be inserted into the tree using either the
argument alone or both the
and user-data
The symbol
argument is required. It may contain all of the
data, just the name of the node, or the address of the data. If you decide to use
to pass just the name of the node, you must use
the user-data
argument to pass the rest of the data to be
inserted in the new node.
Call Format for a Compare Routine
The call format of a compare routine is as follows:
user-compare-routine symbol ,comparison-node
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 passes both the symbol
arguments to the compare routine, using
the same passing mechanism that was used to pass them to LIB$INSERT_TREE_64. The
argument is passed in the same way, but its use
is optional.
The user-compare-routine
argument in the call to
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 specifies the compare routine. This argument is required.
LIB$INSERT_TREE_ 64 calls the compare routine for every node except the first node
in the tree.
The value returned by the compare routine is the result of comparing the symbol key with the current node. Following are the possible values returned by the compare routine:
Return Value | Meaning |
Negative | The symbol argument is less than the
current node. |
Zero | The symbol argument is equal to the
current node. |
Positive | The symbol argument is greater than the
current node. |
This is an example of a user-supplied compare routine, written in C.
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Compare_node(char* Key_string, struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) /* ** This function compares the string described by Key_string with ** the string contained in the data node Node, and returns 0 ** if the strings are equal, -1 if Key_string is < Node, and ** 1 if Key_string > Node. */ { int result; result = strcmp(Key_string, Node->Text); if (result < 0) return -1; else if (result == 0) return 0; else return 1; }
Call Format for an Allocate Routine
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 calls the allocate routine to allocate virtual memory for a
node. The allocate routine then stores the value of user-data
in the field of the allocated node.
The format of the call is as follows:
user-allocation-procedure symbol ,new-node [,user-data]
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 passes the symbol
, and user-data
to your allocate routine, using the same passing mechanisms that were used to pass
them to LIB$INSERT_TREE_64. Use of user data is optional.
A node header appears at the beginning of each node. The following figure shows the structure of a node header.

Therefore, any node you declare that LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 manipulates must contain 18 bytes of reserved data at the beginning for the node header.
How a node is structured depends on how you allocate your user data. You can allocate data in one of two ways:
Your data immediately follows the node header. In this case, your allocation routine must allocate a block equal in size to the sum of your data plus 18 bytes for the node header, as shown in the following figure.
The node contains the 18 bytes of header information and a quadword pointer to the user data as shown in the following figure.
The user-allocation-procedure
argument in the call to
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 specifies the allocate routine. This argument is required.
LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 always calls the allocate routine.
This is an example of a user-supplied allocate routine written in C.
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Alloc_node(char* Key_string, struct Full_node** Ret_addr, void* Dummy) { /* ** Allocate virtual memory for a new node. Key_string ** is the string to be entered into the newly ** allocated node. RET_ADDR will contain the address ** of the allocated memory. */ long Status_code; __int64 Alloc_size = sizeof(struct Full_node); extern long LIB$GET_VM_64(); /* ** Allocate node: size of header, plus the length of our data. */ Status_code = LIB$GET_VM_64 (&Alloc_size, Ret_addr); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); /* ** Store the data in the newly allocated virtual memory. */ strcpy((*Ret_addr)->Text, Key_string); return (Status_code); }
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. The user-supplied allocation procedure returned an error. |
LIB$_KEYALRINS | Routine successfully completed, but a key was found in the tree. No new key was inserted. |
Any other failure status reported by the user allocation procedure.
The following C program shows the use of LIB$INSERT_TREE_64, LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64, and LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64.
/* ** This program asks the user to enter a series of strings, ** one per line. The user can then query the program to find ** strings that were previously entered. At the end, the entire ** tree is displayed, along with sequence numbers that ** indicate the order in which each element was entered. ** ** This program serves as an example of the use of LIB$INSERT_TREE_64, ** LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 and LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64. */ #pragma pointer_size long #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <libdef.h> char Text_line[80]; struct Tree_element /* Define the structure of our */ { /* record. This record could */ long Seq_num; /* contain many useful data items. */ char Text[80]; }; struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; struct Tree_element my_node; }; struct Tree_element Rec; /* Declare an instance of the record */ extern long lib$insert_tree_64(); /* Function to insert node */ extern long lib$traverse_tree_64(); /* Function to walk tree */ extern long lib$lookup_tree_64(); /* Function to find a node */ extern void lib$stop(); /* Routine to signal fatal error */ static long Compare_node_2(); /* Compare entry (2 arg) */ static long Compare_node_3(); /* Compare entry (3 arg) */ static long Alloc_node(); /* Allocation entry */ static long Print_node(); /* Print entry for walk */ static void Display_Node(); main () { struct Full_node* Tree_head; /* Head for the tree */ struct Full_node* New_node; /* New node after insert */ long Status_code; /* Return status code */ long Counter; /* Sequence number */ long flags = 1; /* ** Initialize the tree to null */ Tree_head = NULL; printf("Enter one word per line, ^Z to begin searching the tree\n"); /* ** Loop, reading lines of text until the end of the file. */ Counter = 0; printf("> "); while (gets(Text_line)) { Counter++; Rec.Seq_num = Counter; strcpy(Rec.Text, Text_line); Status_code = lib$insert_tree_64 ( /* Insert the entry into the tree */ &Tree_head, &Rec, &flags, Compare_node_3, Alloc_node, &New_node); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); printf("> "); } /* ** End of file encountered. Begin searching the tree. */ printf("\nYou will now be prompted for words to find. "); printf("Enter one per line.\n"); Rec.Seq_num = -1; printf("Word to find? "); while (gets(Text_line)) { strcpy(Rec.Text, Text_line); Status_code = lib$lookup_tree_64 (&Tree_head, &Rec, Compare_node_2, &New_node); if (Status_code == LIB$_KEYNOTFOU) printf("The word you entered does not appear in the tree.\n"); else Display_Node(New_node); printf("Word to find? "); } /* ** The user has finished searching the tree for specific items. It ** is now time to traverse the entire tree. */ printf("\n"); printf("The following is a dump of the tree. Notice that the words\n"); printf("are in alphabetical order\n"); Status_code = lib$traverse_tree_64(&Tree_head, Print_node, 0); return(Status_code); } static long Print_node(struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) { /* ** Print the string contained in the current node. */ printf("%d\t%s\n", Node->my_node.Seq_num, Node->my_node.Text); return(LIB$_NORMAL); } static long Alloc_node(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node** Ret_addr, void* Dummy) { /* ** Allocate virtual memory for a new node. Rec is the ** data record to be entered into the newly ** allocated node. RET_ADDR will contain the address ** of the allocated memory. */ long Status_code; __int64 Alloc_size = sizeof(struct Full_node); extern long lib$get_vm_64(); /* ** Allocate node: size of header, plus the length of our data. */ Status_code = lib$get_vm_64 (&Alloc_size, Ret_addr); if (!(Status_code & 1)) lib$stop(Status_code); /* ** Store the data in the newly allocated virtual memory. */ (*Ret_addr)->my_node.Seq_num = Rec->Seq_num; strcpy((*Ret_addr)->my_node.Text, Rec->Text); return (Status_code); } static long Compare_node_3(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node* Node, void* Dummy) { /* ** Call the 2 argument version of the compare routine */ return(Compare_node_2 ( Rec, Node )); } static long Compare_node_2(struct Tree_element* Rec, struct Full_node* Node) { /* ** This function compares the string described by Key_string with ** the string contained in the data node Node, and returns 0 ** if the strings are equal, -1 if Key_string is < Node, and ** 1 if Key_string > Node. */ int result; /* ** Return the result of the comparison. */ result = strcmp(Rec->Text, Node->my_node.Text); if (result < 0) return -1; else if (result == 0) return 0; else return 1; } static void Display_Node(struct Full_node* Node) { /* ** This routine prints the data into the node of the tree ** once LIB$LOOKUP_TREE has been called to find the node. */ printf("The sequence number for \"%s\" is %d\n", Node->my_node.Text, Node->my_node.Seq_num); }
The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ run tree Enter one word per line, ^Z to begin searching the tree > apple > orange > peach > pear > grapefruit > lemon > Ctrl/Z You will now be prompted for words to find. Enter one per line. Word to find? lime The word you entered does not appear in the tree Word to find? orange The sequence number for "orange" is 2 Word to find? Ctrl/Z The following is a dump of the tree. Notice that the words are in alphabetical order 1 apple 5 grapefruit 6 lemon 2 orange 3 peach 4 pear $
LIB$INSQHI — The Insert Entry at Head of Queue routine inserts a queue entry at the head of the specified self-relative longword interlocked queue. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. LIB$INSQHI makes the INSQHI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$INSQHI entry ,header [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Entry to be inserted by LIB$INSQHI. The entry
contains the address of this signed quadword-aligned array that must be at least 8
bytes long. Bytes following the first 8 bytes can be used for any purpose by the
calling program.
For Alpha and I64 systems, the entry
argument must contain
a 32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any other
form of address.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue into which entry
is to be
inserted. The header
argument contains the address of this
signed aligned quadword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
For Alpha systems, the header
argument must contain a
32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any other form
of address.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the insertion is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The retry-count argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The default value is 10.
The queue into which LIB$INSQHI inserts an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are longwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative longword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHI, LIB$INSQTI, LIB$REMQHI, and LIB$REMQTI routines to manage your self-relative longword queue on a VAX or an Alpha or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHI, INSQTI, REMQHI, and REMQTI instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative longword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative longword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be quadword aligned. You can use the Run- Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system to allocate quadword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the front of the queue, and the resulting queue contains more than one entry. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not quadword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the front of the queue, and the resulting queue contains one entry. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was
attempted the number of times specified by
retry-count . This is a severe error. The
queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue
is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
This is a Fortran application using processor-shared memory.
In BASIC and Fortran, queues can be quadword aligned in a named COMMON block by using a linker option file to specify PSECT alignment. For instance, to create a COMMON block called QUEUES, use the LINK command with the FILE/OPTIONS qualifier, where FILE.OPT is a linker option file containing the following line:
LIB$INSQHIQ — The Insert Entry at Head of Queue routine inserts a queue entry at the head of the specified self-relative quadword interlocked queue. LIB$INSQHIQ makes the INSQHIQ instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$INSQHIQ entry ,header [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Entry to be inserted by LIB$INSQHIQ. The entry
contains the address of this signed octaword-aligned array that must be at least 16
bytes long. Bytes following the first 16 bytes can be used for any purpose by the
calling program.
OpenVMS usage: | octaword_signed |
type: | octaword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue into which entry is to be inserted. The
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned octaword integer. The header argument must be initialized to zero before
first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the insertion is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword that contains the retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The
default value is 10.
The queue into which LIB$INSQHIQ inserts an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or cross-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are quadwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative quadword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHIQ, LIB$INSQTIQ, LIB$REMQHIQ, and LIB$REMQTIQ routines to manage your self-relative quadword queue on an Alpha or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHIQ, INSQTIQ, REMQHIQ, and REMQTIQ instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative quadword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative quadword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be octaword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM_64 to allocate octaword aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the front of the queue, and the resulting queue contains more than one entry. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not octaword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the front of the queue, and the resulting queue contains one entry. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was
attempted the number of times specified by
retry-count . This is a severe error. The
queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue
is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
The following Fortran application uses processor-shared memory:
In Fortran, queues can be octaword aligned in a named COMMON block by using a linker option file to specify PSECT alignment. For instance, to create a COMMON block called QUEUES, use the LINK command with the FILE/OPTIONS qualifier, where FILE.OPT is a linker option file containing the following line:
LIB$INSQTI — The Insert Entry at Tail of Queue routine inserts a queue entry at the tail of the specified self-relative longword interlocked queue. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. LIB$INSQTI makes the INSQTI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$INSQTI entry ,header [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Entry to be inserted at the tail of the queue by LIB$INSQTI. The
argument contains the address of this signed
quadword-aligned array that must be at least 8 bytes long. Bytes following the first
8 bytes can be used for any purpose by the calling program.
For Alpha and I64 systems, the entry argument must contain a 32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any other form of address.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue into which the queue entry is to be inserted.
The header
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned quadword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
For Alpha and I64 systems, the header argument must contain a 32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any other form of address.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the insertion is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword which
contains the retry count value. The default value is 10.
The queue into which LIB$INSQTI inserts an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are longwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative longword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHI, LIB$INSQTI, LIB$REMQHI, and LIB$REMQTI routines to manage your self-relative longword queue on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHI, INSQTI, REMQHI, and REMQTI instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative longword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative longword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be quadword aligned. You can use the Run- Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system to allocate quadword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the tail of the queue: the resulting queue contains more than one entry. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not quadword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the tail of the queue: the resulting queue contains one entry. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was
attempted the number of times specified by
retry-count . This is a severe error. The
queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue
is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$INSQTIQ — The Insert Entry at Tail of Queue routine inserts a queue entry at the tail of the specified self-relative quadword interlocked queue. LIB$INSQTIQ makes the INSQTIQ instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$INSQTIQ entry ,header [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Entry to be inserted at the tail of the queue by LIB$INSQTIQ. The
argument contains the address of this signed
octaword-aligned array that must be at least 16 bytes long. Bytes following the
first 16 bytes can be used for any purpose by the calling program.
OpenVMS usage: | octaword_signed |
type: | octaword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue into which the queue entry is to be inserted.
The header
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned octaword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the insertion is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword that
contains the retry count value. The default value is 10.
The queue into which LIB$INSQTIQ inserts an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are quadwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative quadword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHIQ, LIB$INSQTIQ, LIB$REMQHIQ, and LIB$REMQTIQ routines to manage your self-relative quadword queue on an Alpha or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHIQ, INSQTIQ, REMQHIQ, and REMQTIQ instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative quadword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative quadword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be octaword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM_64 to allocate octaword aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the tail of the queue: the resulting queue contains more than one entry. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not octaword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was added to the tail of the queue: the resulting queue contains one entry. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was attempted the number of times specified by retry-count. This is a severe error. The queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$INSV — The Insert a Variable Bit Field routine replaces the variable bit field
specified by the base, position, and size arguments with bits 0 through (
– 1) of the source field. If the size of the
bit field is zero, nothing is inserted. LIB$INSV makes the VAX INSV instruction
available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions
perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$INSV longword-integer-source ,position ,size
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Source field to be inserted by LIB$INSV. The
argument is the address of a
signed longword integer that contains this source field.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Bit position relative to the base address where insertion of
is to begin. The
argument is the address of a longword integer
that contains this relative bit position.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Size of the bit field to be inserted by LIB$INSV. The size
argument is the address of an unsigned byte that contains the size of this bit
field. The maximum size is 32 bits.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Field into which LIB$INSV writes the source field. The
argument is an unsigned longword containing
the base address of this aligned bit string.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_ROPRAND | A reserved operand fault is signaled if a size greater than 32 is specified. |
This example shows how to set bits 0 through 2 of longword COND_VALUE to the value 4 in Fortran.
This example uses BASIC to set bits 0 through 2 of longword COND_VALUE to the value 4.
LIB$INT_OVER — The Integer Overflow Detection routine enables or disables integer overflow detection for the calling routine activation. The previous integer overflow enable setting is returned. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. This routine is available on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems in translated form and is applicable to translated VAX images only.
LIB$INT_OVER new-setting
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Old integer overflow enable setting (the previous contents of SF$W_PSW[PSW$V_ IV] in the caller’s frame).
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
New integer overflow enable setting. The new-setting
argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the new integer
overflow enable setting. Bit 0 set to 1 means enable, bit 0 set to 0 means
The caller's stack frame will be modified by this routine.
LIB$INT_OVER affects only the current routine activation and does not affect any of its callers or any routines that it may call. However, the setting remains in effect for any routines which are subsequently entered through a JSB entry point.
Condition Values Returned
INTOVF: ROUTINE OPTIONS (MAIN); DECLARE LIB$INT_OVER ENTRY (FIXED BINARY (7)) /* Address of byte for /* enable/disable /* setting */ RETURNS (FIXED BINARY (31)); /* Old setting */ DECLARE DISABLE FIXED BINARY (7) INITIAL (0) STATIC READONLY; DECLARE (A,B) FIXED BINARY (7); ON FIXEDOVERFLOW PUT SKIP LIST (’Overflow’); A = 127; B = A + 2; PUT LIST (’In MAIN’); BEGIN; DECLARE RESULT FIXED BINARY (31); /* Disable recognition of integer overflow in this block */ RESULT = LIB$INT_OVER (DISABLE); B = A + 2; PUT SKIP LIST (’In BEGIN block’); CALL Q; Q: routine; B = A + 2; PUT LIST (’In Q’); END Q; END /* Begin */; END INTOVF;
In MAIN In BEGIN block Overflow In Q
LIB$LEN — The Length of String Returned as Longword Value routine returns the length of a string.
LIB$LEN source-string
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string whose length is returned by LIB$LEN. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this source string.
The BASIC and Fortran intrinsic function LEN generates equivalent in-line code at run time. Therefore, it is more efficient for BASIC and Fortran users to use the intrinsic function LEN than to call LIB$LEN.
If you need both the length of the string and the address of its first byte, you should use LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC or LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$LOCC — The Locate a Character routine locates a character in a string by comparing successive bytes in the string with the character specified. The search continues until the character is found or the string has no more characters. LIB$LOCC makes the VAX LOCC instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$LOCC character-string ,source-string
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position from the start of source-string
the first equal character or zero if no match is found.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String whose initial character is used by LIB$LOCC in the search. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this string. Only the first character of
is used, and its length is not
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String to be searched by LIB$LOCC. The source-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this character string.
LIB$LOCC returns the position of the first equal character relative to the start of the source string as an index. An index is the relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source string. If no character matches or if the string has a length of zero, then a zero is returned, indicating that the character was not found.
Condition Values Returned
This COBOL program accepts a character as input and returns as output the character's position in a search string. The output generated by this COBOL program is as follows:$ RUN LIBLOC ENTER SEARCH CHARACTER: X SEARCH CHAR (X) WAS FOUND IN POSITION 000000024
Notice that uppercase and lowercase letters are not considered equal.
10 !+ ! This is an BASIC program demonstrating the ! use of LIB$LOCC. !- EXTERNAL INTEGER FUNCTION LIB$LOCC I% = 0 CHARSTR$ = ’DAY’ SRCSTR$ = ’ONE DAY AT A TIME’ I% = LIB$LOCC(CHARSTR$, SRCSTR$) PRINT I% 90 END
This BASIC example also shows the use of LIB$LOCC. The output generated by this BASIC program is “5”.
LIB$LOCK_IMAGE — Locks the specified image in the process’s working set.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of a byte within the image to be locked in the working set. If the address argument is 0, the current image (which contains the call to LIB$LOCK_IMAGE) is locked in the working set.
LIB$LOCK_IMAGE locks the specified image in the process’s working set.
This routine is typically used by a privileged user before the program, executing in kernel mode, raises IPL above IPL 2. Above IPL 2, paging is not allowed by the system. The program must access only pages valid in the process’s working set.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_WASSET | The specified image is locked in the working set and had previously been locked in the working set. |
SS$_WASCLR | The specified image is locked in the working set and had previously not been locked in the working set. |
Other status codes returned by sys$lkwset_64.
LIB$LOOKUP_KEY — The Look Up Keyword in Table routine scans a table of keywords to find one
that matches the keyword or keyword abbreviation specified by
LIB$LOOKUP_KEY search-string ,key-table-array [,key-value]
[,keyword-string] [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String for which LIB$LOOKUP_KEY will search in the keyword table. The search-string argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this string.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Keyword table. The key-table-array
argument contains the
address of an array that is this keyword table.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Associated value of the keyword found by LIB$LOOKUP_KEY. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
longword into which LIB$LOOKUP_KEY writes the associated value of the matched
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Full keyword string matched. The keyword-string
contains the address of a character-string descriptor. LIB$LOOKUP_KEY writes the
complete text of the matched keyword into the character string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters copied into the character-string pointed to by
, not counting padding in the case of a
fixed-length string. The resultant-length
argument is the
address of an unsigned word integer that contains the number of characters in the
matched keyword that were copied into the character-string.
LIB$LOOKUP_KEY is intended to help programmers to write utilities that have command qualifiers with values.
LIB$LOOKUP_KEY locates a matching keyword or keyword abbreviation by comparing the
first n characters of each keyword in the keyword table with the supplied string,
where n
is the length of the supplied string.
The longword value associated with the matched keyword
The full keyword string (any descriptor type)
An exact match is found if the length of the keyword found is equal to the length of the supplied string.
If an exact keyword match is found, no further processing is performed, and a normal return status is returned to the caller. Otherwise, after a match has been found, the rest of the keyword table is scanned. If an additional match is found, a “not enough characters” return status is returned to the caller. If the keyword table contains a keyword that is an abbreviation of another keyword in the table, an exact match can occur for short abbreviations.
Figure 2.5, “Keyword Table” shows the structure of the keyword table, which the calling program creates for this routine.

is the number of longwords that follow, and
starts with a byte that is the
unsigned count of the number of ASCII characters that follow.
Because of the format of the keyword table, this routine cannot be called easily from high-level languages. The examples that follow show how to use a macro, $LIB_KEY_TABLE, to construct a keyword table from MACRO or BLISS. A separate example shows how a table could be constructed in Fortran.
Use of the $LIB_KEY_TABLE macro results in data that is not position-independent code (PIC). If your application requires PIC data, you must fill in the address of the keyword strings at execution time. See the Fortran example (example 3) for a demonstration of this technique.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. A unique keyword match was found. |
LIB$_AMBKEY | Multiple keyword match found. Not enough characters were specified to allow a unique match. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to return keyword string. This is
only possible if keyword-string is a dynamic
string. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments, not enough arguments, and/or bad keyword table. |
LIB$_STRTRU | String truncated. |
LIB$_UNRKEY | The keyword you specified does not appear in the keyword table you specified. |
KEYTABLE: $LIB_KEY_TABLE < - <ADD, 1>, - <DELETE, 2>, - <EXIT, 3>>
This VAX MACRO fragment defines a keyword table named KEYTABLE containing the three keywords ADD, DELETE, and EXIT with associated keyword values of 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
The $LIB_KEY_TABLE macro is supplied in the default macro library SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.MLB. Because this library is automatically searched by the assembler, you do not have to specify it in the DCL command MACRO.
This BLISS code fragment specifies that SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.L32 is to be searched to resolve references. It defines a keyword table named KEYTABLE containing the three keywords ADD, DELETE, and EXIT with associated keyword values of 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
The $LIB_KEY_TABLE macro is supplied in the BLISS library SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.L32 and in the BLISS require file SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.REQ. BLISS does not automatically search either of these files, so you must explicitly cause them to be searched by including the appropriate LIBRARY or REQUIRE statement in your module. You should use the precompiled library because it is more efficient for the compiler.
PARAMETER ( 1 MAXKEYSIZE = 6, ! Maximum keyword size 2 NKEYS = 3) ! Number of keywords BYTE KEYWORDS (MAXKEYSIZE+1, NKEYS) INTEGER*4 KEYTABLE (0:NKEYS*2) DATA KEYWORDS / 1 3,'A','D','D',' ',' ',' ', ! Counted ASCII 'ADD' 2 6,'D','E','L','E','T','E', ! Counted ASCII 'DELETE' 3 4,'E','X','I','T',' ',' '/ ! Counted ASCII 'EXIT' KEYTABLE(0) = NKEYS*2 ! Number of longwords to follow KEYTABLE(1) = %LOC(KEYWORDS(1,1)) ! Address of keyword string KEYTABLE(2) = 1 ! Keyword value for 'ADD' KEYTABLE(3) = %LOC(KEYWORDS(1,2)) ! Address of keyword string KEYTABLE(4) = 2 ! Keyword value for 'DELETE' KEYTABLE(5) = %LOC(KEYWORDS(1,3)) ! Address of keyword string KEYTABLE(6) = 3 ! Keyword value for 'EXIT'
This Fortran code fragment constructs a keyword table named KEYTABLE containing the three keywords ADD, DELETE, and EXIT with associated keyword values of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. This construction method results in position-independent coded data, although the generated code for the typical Fortran module contains other non-PIC values.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE — The Look Up an Entry in a Balanced Binary Tree routine looks up an entry in a balanced binary tree. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE treehead ,symbol ,user-compare-routine
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head for the binary tree. The treehead
argument is the
address of an unsigned longword that is this tree head.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Key to be looked up in the binary tree.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied compare routine that LIB$LOOKUP_TREE calls to compare a symbol with a node. The value returned by the compare routine indicates the relationship between the symbol key and the current node.
For more information on the compare routine, see Call Format for a Compare Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Location where the new symbol was found. The new-node
argument is the address of an unsigned longword that is the new node
Call Format for a Compare Routine
symbol ,comparison-node [,user-data]
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE passes both the symbol
arguments to the compare routine, using
the same passing mechanism that was used to pass them to LIB$LOOKUP_TREE. The
argument is passed in the same way, but its use
is optional.
The user-compare-routine
argument in the call to
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE specifies the compare routine. This argument is required.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE calls the compare routine for every node except the first node in
the tree.
Return Value |
Meaning |
Negative |
The |
Zero |
The |
Positive |
The |
For an example of a user-supplied compare routine written in C, see the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The key was found. |
LIB$_KEYNOTFOU | Error. The key was not found. |
The C example provided in the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE also demonstrates how to use LIB$LOOKUP_TREE. Refer to that example for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 — The Look Up an Entry in a Balanced Binary Tree routine looks up an entry in a balanced binary tree.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 treehead ,symbol ,user-compare-routine
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head for the binary tree. The treehead
argument is the
address of an unsigned quadword that is this tree head.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | unspecified |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Key to be looked up in the binary tree.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied compare routine that LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 calls to compare a symbol with a node. The value returned by the compare routine indicates the relationship between the symbol key and the current node.
For more information on the compare routine, see Call Format for a Compare Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Location where the new symbol was found. The new-node
argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that is the new node
Call Format for a Compare Routine
The call format of a compare routine is as follows:
user-compare-routine symbol ,comparison-node [,user-data]
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 passes both the symbol
arguments to the compare routine, using
the same passing mechanism that was used to pass them to LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64. The
argument is passed in the same way, but its use
is optional.
The user-compare-routine
argument in the call to
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64 specifies the compare routine. This argument is required.
LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_ 64 calls the compare routine for every node except the first node
in the tree.
The value returned by the compare routine is the result of comparing the symbol key with the current node. The following table lists the possible values returned by the compare routine:
Return Value | Meaning |
Negative | The symbol argument is less than the
current node. |
Zero | The symbol argument is equal to the
current node. |
Positive | The symbol argument is greater than the
current node. |
For an example of a user-supplied compare routine written in C, see the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE_64.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The key was found. |
LIB$_KEYNOTFOU | Error. The key was not found. |
The C example provided in the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 also demonstrates how to use LIB$LOOKUP_TREE_64. Refer to that example for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$LP_LINES — The Lines on Each Printer Page routine computes the default number of lines on a printer page. This routine can be used by native-mode OpenVMS utilities that produce listing files and paginate files.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The default number of lines on a physical printer page. If the logical name translation or conversion to binary fails, a default value of 66 is returned.
Translate the logical name SYS$LP_LINES.
Convert the ASCII value obtained to a binary integer.
Verify that the resulting value is in the range [30:255].
If any of the prior steps fail, return the default paper size of 66 lines.
You can use LIB$LP_LINES to monitor the current default length of the line printer page. You can also supply your own default length for the current process. United States standard paper stock permits 66 lines on each physical page.
If you are writing programs for a utility that formats a listing file to be printed on a line printer, you can use LIB$LP_LINES to make your utility independent of the default page length. Your program can use LIB$LP_LINES to obtain the current length of the page. It can then calculate the number of lines of text on each page by subtracting the lines used for margins and headings.
Three lines for the top margin
Three lines for the bottom margin
- Three lines for listing heading information, consisting of:
A language-processor identification line
A source-program identification line
One blank line
Condition Values Returned
lplines = LIB$LP_LINES() PRINT 10, lplines 10 Format (’ Line printer page = ’,I5,’ lines.’) end
This Fortran program displays the current default length of the line printer page.
This BASIC program displays the current default length of the line printer page.
This Pascal program displays the current default length of the line printer page.
LIB$MATCHC — The Match Characters, Return Relative Position routine searches a source string for a specified substring and returns an index, which is the relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source string. The relative character positions returned by LIB$MATCHC are numbered 1, 2, …, n. Thus, zero means that the substring was not found.
LIB$MATCHC sub-string ,source-string
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position of the first character of the substring if found, or zero if not found.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Substring to be found. The sub-string
argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to this substring.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be searched by LIB$MATCHC. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this source string.
LIB$MATCHC searches a source string for a specified substring and returns an index, which is the relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source string.
The relative character positions returned by LIB$MATCHC are numbered 1, 2, …, n. Thus, zero means that the substring was not found.
If the substring has a zero length, LIB$MATCHC returns the value 1, indicating success, no matter how long the source string is. If the source string has a zero length and the substring has a nonzero length, zero is returned, indicating that the substring was not found.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$MATCH_COND — The Match Condition Values routine checks to see if a given condition value matches a list of condition values that you supply.
LIB$MATCH_COND match-condition-value ,compare-condition-value
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
A zero, if the input condition value did not match any condition value in the
list, or i-1, for a match between the first argument and the
th argument.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Condition value to be matched. The match-condition-value
argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains this condition
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The condition values to be compared to
. The
arguments are the addresses of
the unsigned longwords that contain these condition values.
LIB$MATCH_COND checks for a match between the condition value addressed by
and the condition values addressed
by the subsequent arguments. Each argument is the address of a longword containing a
condition value.
LIB$MATCH_COND is provided for programmers who want to match a list of one or more condition values. It is designed to be used in multipath branch statements available in most higher-level languages.
LIB$MATCH_COND compares the portion (STS$V_COND_ID) of the condition value
referenced by the first argument to the same portion of the condition value
referenced by the second through Nth arguments. If the facility-specific bit
(STS$V_FAC_SP = bit 15) is clear in match-condition-value
(meaning that the condition value is systemwide rather than facility specific), the
facility code field (STS$V_FAC_NO = bits 27:17) is ignored and only the STS$V_MSG_ID
fields (bits 15:3) are compared.
The routine returns a 0 if a match is not found, a 1 if the condition value matches the first condition value in the list (the second argument), a 2 if it matches the second condition value (the third argument), and so on. LIB$MATCH_COND checks for null argument entries in the argument list.
When LIB$MATCH_COND is called with only two arguments, the possible values for the value returned are true (1) or false (0).
Each condition handler must examine the signal argument vector to determine which condition is being signaled. If the condition is not one that the handler knows about, the handler should resignal. A handler should not assume that only one kind of condition can occur in the routine which established it or in any routines it calls. However, because a condition value may be modified by an intervening handler, each handler should only compare that part of the condition value that distinguishes it from another.
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran program demonstrates the use of C LIB$MATCH_COND. C C Declare handler routine as external. C- EXTERNAL HANDLER C+ C Declare the handler that will be used. C- TYPE *, ’Establishing handler...’ CALL LIB$ESTABLISH ( HANDLER ) OPEN ( UNIT = 1, NAME = ’MATCH.DAT’, STATUS = ’OLD’) C+ C Revert to normal error processing. C- CALL LIB$REVERT CLOSE ( UNIT = 1 ) CALL EXIT END C+ C This is the handler routine. C- INTEGER*4 FUNCTION HANDLER ( SIGARGS, MECHARGS ) INTEGER*4 SIGARGS(*), STATUS INCLUDE ’($SSDEF)’ INCLUDE ’($FORDEF)’ INCLUDE ’($CHFDEF)’ RECORD /CHFDEF2/ MECHARGS HANDLER = SS$_CONTINUE C+ C This handler will type out an error message. In this case the C message is regarding a file open status. C- TYPE *, ’Entering handler...’ STATUS = LIB$MATCH_COND ( SIGARGS (2) , FOR$_FILNOTFOU, 1 FOR$_NO_SUCDEV, FOR$_FILNAMSPE, FOR$_OPEFAI ) GOTO ( 100, 200, 300, 400 ) STATUS HANDLER = SS$_RESIGNAL GOTO 1000 100 TYPE *, ’ERROR -- File not found’ GOTO 1000 200 TYPE *, ’ERROR -- No such device’ GOTO 1000 300 TYPE *, ’ERROR -- File name specification’ GOTO 1000 400 TYPE *, ’ERROR -- Open failure’ GOTO 1000 C+ C On OpenVMS Alpha systems use MECHARGS.CHF$IS_MCH_DEPTH C On OpenVMS VAX systems use MECHARGS.CHF$L_MCH_DEPTH C- 1000 CALL SYS$UNWIND ( MECHARGS.CHF$IS_MCH_DEPTH , ) ! For OpenVMS Alpha C 1000 CALL SYS$UNWIND ( MECHARGS.CHF$L_MCH_DEPTH , ) ! For OpenVMS VAX TYPE *, ’Returning from handler...’ RETURN END
This Fortran program uses a computed GOTO to alter the program execution sequence on a condition value.
Establishing handler... Entering handler... ERROR – File not found Returning from handler...
Establishing handler...
LIB$MOVC3 — The Move Characters routine makes the VAX MOVC3 instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation. The source item is moved to the destination item. Overlap of the source and destination items does not affect the result.
LIB$MOVC3 word-integer-length ,source ,destination
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes to be moved from source
by LIB$MOVC3. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned word that contains this number of bytes. The maximum transfer is 65,535
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item to be moved. The source
argument is the address of
this item.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item into which source
will be moved. The
argument is the address of this item.
LIB$MOVC3 is useful for moving large blocks of data, such as arrays, when such an operation would otherwise have to be performed by a programmed loop.
For more information, see the VAX Architecture Reference Manual or the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual. See also OTS$MOVE3.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$MOVC5 — The Move Characters with Fill routine makes the VAX MOVC5 instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation. The source item is moved to the destination item. Overlap of the source and destination items does not affect the result.
LIB$MOVC5 word-integer-source-length ,source [,fill]
,word-integer-destination-length ,destination
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes in the source
item. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned word that contains this number of bytes. The maximum length of
is 65,535 bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item to be moved by LIB$MOVC5. The source
argument is the
address of this item. If word-integer-source-length
is zero,
indicating that destination
is to be entirely filled by the
fill character, then source
is ignored by LIB$MOVC5.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_signed |
type: | byte integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Character used to pad source
to the length of
. The fill
argument is
the address of a signed byte integer that contains this fill character. If
is less than or equal to
, fill
is unused and may be omitted.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of destination
in bytes. The
argument is the address
of an unsigned word that contains this number of bytes. The maximum value of
is 65,535 bytes.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Item into which source
will be moved. The
argument is the address of this item.
If the destination item is shorter than the source item, the highest-addressed bytes of the source are not moved.
For more information, see the VAX Architecture Reference Manual. See also OTS$MOVE5.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$MOVTC — The Move Translated Characters routine moves the source string, character by character, to the destination string after translating each character using the specified translation table. LIB$MOVTC makes the VAX MOVTC instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$MOVTC source-string ,fill-character ,translation-table
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be translated and moved by LIB$MOVTC. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Fill character used to pad source-string
to the length of
. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to a string. The first character of this string is used as the fill
character. The length of this string is not checked and
is not translated.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Translation table used by LIB$MOVTC. The translation-table
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the translation table string.
The translation table string is assumed to be 256 characters long.
You can use any one of the translation tables included in the Description section
that follows, supplied by VSI, or you can create your own. Translation tables
supplied by VSI have names in the format LIB$AB_ xxx_
yyy, which represent the addresses of the 256-byte
translation tables and can be accessed as external (string) variables. If a
particular language cannot generate descriptors for external strings, then you must
create them manually. The example following the Description section shows the
creation of a string descriptor for a translation table using VAX BASIC. Destination
string into which LIB$MOVTC writes the translated
. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string into which LIB$MOVTC writes the translated
. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
Each character in the source string is used as an index into the translation table. The byte found is then placed into the destination string. The fill character is used if the destination string is longer than the source string. If the source string is longer than the destination string, the source string is truncated. Overlap of the source and destination strings does not affect execution.
The translation tables used by LIB$MOVTC and LIB$MOVTUC follow. Each table is preceded by explanatory text.
ASCII to EBCDIC Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.6, “LIB$AB_ASC_EBC” is the ASCII to EBCDIC translation table.

ASCII to EBCDIC Reversible Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represents the equivalent EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.7, “LIB$AB_ASC_EBC_REV” is the ASCII to EBCDIC reversible translation table.

EBCDIC to ASCII Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.8, “LIB$AB_EBC_ASC” is the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table.

EBCDIC to ASCII Reversible Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.9, “LIB$AB_EBC_ASC_REV” is the EBCDIC to ASCII reversible translation table.

Packed Decimal to Trailing Overpunch Numeric Value Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent trailing overpunch numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.10, “LIB$AB_CVTPT_O” is the packed decimal to trailing overpunch numeric value translation table.

Packed Decimal to Unsigned Trailing Numeric Value Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent unsigned trailing numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.11, “LIB$AB_CVTPT_U” is the packed decimal to unsigned trailing numeric value translation table.

Trailing Overpunch Numeric to Packed Decimal Value Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the trailing overpunch numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the trailing overpunch numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.12, “LIB$AB_CVTTP_O” is the trailing overpunch numeric to packed decimal value translation table.

Unsigned Numeric to Packed Decimal Value Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the unsigned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the unsigned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.13, “LIB$AB_CVTTP_U” is the unsigned numeric to packed decimal value translation table.

Trailing Overpunch Numeric to Unsigned Numeric Value Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the trailing overpunch numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the trailing overpunch numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent unsigned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.14, “LIB$AB_CVT_O_U” is the trailing overpunch numeric to unsigned numeric value translation table.

Unsigned Numeric to Trailing Overpunch Translation Table
Figure 2.15, “LIB$AB_CVT_U_O” is indexed by 0 through 9 for the positive overpunches and 10 through 19 for the negative overpunches.
MOVC3 LIB$AV_CVT_U_O + 10[R2], #1,R0
The result is the overpunch representation for the last byte of the negative number.
Figure 2.15, “LIB$AB_CVT_U_O” is the unsigned numeric to trailing overpunch translation table.

Packed Decimal to Zone Numeric Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent zoned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.16, “LIB$AB_CVTPT_Z” is the packed decimal to zone numeric translation table.

ASCII Uppercase Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent uppercase ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.17, “LIB$AB_UPCASE” is the ASCII uppercase translation table.

Zone to Packed Decimal Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the zoned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the zoned numeric values in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent packed decimal values in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.18, “LIB$AB_CVTTP_Z” is the zone to packed decimal translation table.

ASCII Uppercase Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent uppercase ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.19, “LIB$AB_UPCASE” is the ASCII uppercase translation table.

ASCII Lowercase Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent lowercase ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.20, “LIB$AB_LOWERCASE” is the ASCII lowercase translation table.

Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed; string truncated. The destination string could not contain all the characters. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
1 !+ !This BASIC program shows the method !of creating a descriptor for the appropriate !translation table in order to call LIB$MOVTC. !- OPTION TYPE = EXPLICIT !+ !Declare the translation table as an !EXTERNAL LONG variable. !- EXTERNAL LONG LIB$AB_ASC_EBC EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$MOVTC EXTERNAL SUB LIB$STOP EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT DSC$K_CLASS_S, DSC$K_DTYPE_T !+ !Define a record which models the required !translation table descriptor. !- RECORD STR_TYPE WORD DSC$W_LENGTH BYTE DSC$B_DTYPE BYTE DSC$B_CLASS LONG DSC$A_POINTER END RECORD STR_TYPE DECLARE LONG I, RET_STS DECLARE STR_TYPE STR_VAR MAP (FOO) STRING DST = 3% MAP (FOO) BYTE DST_ARRAY(2) !+ !Fill the translation table descriptor record. !Note that the length of the translation table string !is set to 256, and the pointer receives the address of !the HP translation table LIB$AB_ASC_EBC. !- STR_VAR::DSC$W_LENGTH = 256 STR_VAR::DSC$B_DTYPE = DSC$K_DTYPE_T STR_VAR::DSC$B_CLASS = DSC$K_CLASS_S STR_VAR::DSC$A_POINTER = LOC(LIB$AB_ASC_EBC) RET_STS = LIB$MOVTC( "ABC", " ", STR_VAR BY REF, DST ) IF (RET_STS AND 1%) = 0% THEN CALL LIB$STOP( RET_STS BY VALUE ) END IF !+ !Add 256 to the translated value in order to return !an unsigned value. !- PRINT (256 + DST_ARRAY(I)) FOR I = 0% TO 2% END
193 194 195
LIB$MOVTUC — The Move Translated Until Character routine moves the source string, character by character, to the destination string after translating each character using the specified translation table until the stop character is encountered. LIB$MOVTUC makes the VAX MOVTUC instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$MOVTUC source-string ,stop-character ,translation-table
,destination-string [,fill-character]
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position in the source string of the character that is translated to
the stop character. Zero is returned if the stop character is not found. This value
is set to –1 if destination-string
be allocated.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be translated and moved by LIB$MOVTUC. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Stop character that causes LIB$MOVTUC to stop translating the source string. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to a string. The first character of this string is used as the stop
character. The length of this string is not checked. During the translation,
LIB$MOVTUC accesses each character in the source string and uses it as an index into
the translation table. If this translated character is the specified stop character,
translation stops, and stop-character
is not
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Translation table used by LIB$MOVTUC. The translation-table
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the translation table string.
The translation table string is assumed to be 256 characters long.
You can use any of the translation tables included in the Description section of LIB$MOVTC, or you can create your own. When using a translation table supplied by VSI, the names LIB$AB_ xxx_ yyy represent the addresses of the 256-byte translation tables, and can be accessed as external (string) variables. If a particular language cannot generate descriptors for external strings, then they must be created manually. The example for the routine LIB$MOVTC shows the creation of a string descriptor for a translation table using VAX BASIC.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string into which LIB$MOVTUC writes the translated
. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Character used to pad source-string
to the length of
. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to a string. The first character of this string is used as the fill
character. The length of this string is not checked and
is not translated.
If the fill character is included, the remainder of the destination string (after the stop character) is filled with the specified fill character. If it is not included, the remainder of the destination string remains unchanged.
During the translation, LIB$MOVTUC accesses each character in the source string and uses it as an index into the translation table. If the table entry contains the specified stop character, the routine is terminated and the relative position of the source character is returned.
If the source string is longer than the destination string, then the source string is truncated. If the optional fill character is present, any remaining positions in the destination string are filled with the fill character. If the source or destination string is exhausted (before the stop character is found), a zero index is returned.
The results are unpredictable if the source and destination strings overlap and have different starting addresses.
See the description of LIB$MOVTC for the translation tables used by LIB$MOVTC and LIB$MOVTUC. Each translation table is preceded by explanatory text.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$MULT_DELTA_TIME — The Multiply Delta Time by Scalar routine multiplies a delta time by a longword integer scalar.
LIB$MULT_DELTA_TIME multiplier ,delta-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The value by which LIB$MULT_DELTA_TIME multiplies the delta time. The
argument is the address of a signed longword
containing the integer scalar. If multiplier
is negative, the
absolute value of multiplier
is used.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
The delta time to be multiplied. The delta-time
argument is
the address of an unsigned quadword containing the number to be multiplied. The
initial delta-time
argument must be greater than 0. After
LIB$MULT_DELTA_TIME performs the multiplication, the result is returned to
. (The original
value is overwritten.)
LIB$MULT_DELTA_TIME multiplies a delta time by a longword integer scalar. The
result of the multiplication is returned to the delta-time
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$MULTF_DELTA_TIME — The Multiply Delta Time by an F-Floating Scalar routine multiplies a delta time by an F-floating scalar.
LIB$MULTF_DELTA_TIME multiplier ,delta-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The value by which LIB$MULTF_DELTA_TIME multiplies the delta time. The
argument is the address of an F-floating value
containing the scalar. If multiplier
is negative, the
absolute value of multiplier
is used.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
The delta time to be multiplied. The delta-time
argument is
the address of an unsigned quadword containing the number to be multiplied. The
initial delta-time
argument must be greater than 0. After
LIB$MULTF_DELTA_TIME performs the multiplication, the result is returned to
. (The original
value is overwritten.)
LIB$MULTF_DELTA_TIME multiplies a delta time by an F-floating scalar. The result
of the multiplication is returned to the delta-time
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$MULTS_DELTA_TIME — The Multiply Delta Time by an IEEE S-Floating Scalar routine multiplies a delta time by an IEEE S-floating scalar.
LIB$MULTS_DELTA_TIME multiplier ,delta-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The value by which LIB$MULTS_DELTA_TIME multiplies the delta time. The
argument is the address of an IEEE S-floating
value containing the scalar. If multiplier
is negative, the
absolute value of multiplier
is used.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
The delta time to be multiplied. The delta-time
argument is
the address of an unsigned quadword containing the number to be multiplied. The
initial delta-time
argument must be greater than 0. After
LIB$MULTS_DELTA_TIME performs the multiplication, the result is returned to
delta-time. (The original delta-time
value is
LIB$MULTS_DELTA_TIME multiplies a delta time by an IEEE S-floating scalar. The
result of the multiplication is returned to the delta-time
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE — The Parse Access Encoded Name String routine parses and translates a string of access names into a mask for a particular ownership category.
LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE access-string, [access-names,] ownership-category,
access-mask, [end-position]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
The address of a character-string descriptor pointing to a string of access names. Each access name is abbreviated to one letter. An example of a valid access string is RWE. Access names are specific to each of the different object classes. See the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for a complete list of all valid access names.
OpenVMS usage: | access_names |
type: | array [0..31] of quadword string descriptor |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of the access name table for the associated object class. For example, it is the value returned by the LIB$GET_ACCNAM routine in the accnam longword. This parameter is optional and defaults to the access name table for the FILE object class.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_word |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word that indicates the ownership category the access names refer to:
Ownership Category |
Mask Value |
System |
0000000000001111 |
Owner |
0000000011110000 |
Group |
0000111100000000 |
World |
1111000000000000 |
OpenVMS usage: | mask_word |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word into which this routine writes the access mask. In this mask, a set bit means the access was requested for the specified ownership. Note that this is the opposite of the standard protection format where a set bit means no access.
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of characters from access-string processed by LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE. In the case of an error in parsing the access string, the offset to the offending location is returned.
LIB$PARSE_ACCESS_CODE parses a string of access names and translates the string into a mask for the requested ownership category. The string is a concatenated list of 1-letter abbreviations of access names.
This routine works for any protected object class by specifying the correct access name table. The address of the access name table can be obtained from the LIB$GET_ACCNAM routine.
This routine is useful for building a protection mask where the ownership names have already been parsed. Use LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT for parsing a string containing both ownership and access names.
The mask returned has bits set for the access requested for the specified ownership category. This is opposite the standard protection format where a set bit in the protection mask means no access.
The number of characters processed is optionally returned. This is useful for error processing. The end position will be the offset to the character that made the access category name string invalid.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVARG | Required parameter missing or a character in access-string did not represent a valid access type. |
LIB$_WRONGNUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT — The Parse Protection String routine parses and translates a protection string into a protection mask.
LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT protection-string, [access-names], protection-mask,
ownership-mask, [end-position]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Ownership name — System,Owner,Group,World. Ownership names can be specified in full or truncated to any number of characters. Matching is case blind, and spacing is ignored.
Access name — Access names are always abbreviated to one letter. For example, access names for files are R (for read), W (for write), E (for execute), and D (for delete). Any combination can be passed. For example, RWE is a valid combination. A null access name specification means no access.
Separators — Access names are separated from ownership names by either a colon (:) or an equal sign (=). The comma (,) is the list separator. A null access name specification means no access.
An example of a valid protection string is:
OpenVMS usage: | access_names |
type: | array [0..31] of quadword string descriptor |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of the access name table for the associated object class. For example, it is the value returned by the LIB$GET_ACCNAM routine in the accnam longword. This parameter is optional and defaults to the access name table for the FILE object class.
OpenVMS usage: | protection |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word into which this routine writes a 16-bit protection mask translation of the protection string. Each bit set in the mask indicates no access for the access type it represents.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_word |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a word that indicates which ownership names were present in the protection string.
Ownership Category |
Mask Value |
System |
0000000000001111 |
Owner |
0000000011110000 |
Group |
0000111100000000 |
World |
1111000000000000 |
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of characters from protection-string processed by LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT. In the case of an error in parsing the protection string, the offset to the offending location is returned.
LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT parses a protection string and translates the string into a 16-bit protection mask. LIB$PARSE_SOGW_PROT works for any protected object class by specifying the correct access name table.
The address of the access name table can be obtained from the LIB$GET_ACCNAM routine. Note that file access names are valid for any protected object class.
The number of characters processed is optionally returned. This is useful in error processing. The end position will be the offset to the character that made the protection string invalid. Note that the entire protection string must be valid, or an error is returned.
Several scenarios can cause the protection string to be invalid. The format of the protection string may be invalid, or the access category abbreviations may not be valid with respect to the access name tables.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_IVARG | Required parameter missing or invalid protection string. |
LIB$_WRONGNUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$PAUSE — The Pause Program Execution routine suspends program execution and returns control to the calling command level.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
LIB$PAUSE suspends program execution and returns control to the calling command level. The suspended image may be continued with the CONTINUE command, or it may be terminated with the EXIT or STOP command. In the latter case, the image will not return to this routine.
Note that this routine functions only for interactive jobs. If this routine is invoked in batch mode, it has no effect.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present. The calling process does not have a CLI or the CLI does not support the request. Note that DCL supports this function in INTERACTIVE mode only. |
LIB$POLYD — The Evaluate Polynomials routine (D-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate D-floating value polynomials. D-floating values are not supported in full precision in native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs. They are precise to 56 bits on VAX systems, 53 or 56 bits in translated VAX images, and 53 bits in native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs.
LIB$POLYD polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a D-floating number that is the argument for the polynomial.
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a signed word integer that is the highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
The address of an array of D-floating coefficients. The coefficient of the highest order term of the polynomial is the lowest-addressed element in the array.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | D_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a floating-point number that is the result of the calculation.
LIB$POLYD writes the address of floating-point-result
into a
D-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (63 bits for POLYD).
LIB$POLYD provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result D
is the degree of the polynomial and
is the argument.
See the VAX Architecture Reference Manual for the detailed description of POLY.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
The Fortran and Pascal examples provided in the description of LIB$POLYF also demonstrate how to use LIB$POLYD. Please refer to those examples for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$POLYF — The Evaluate Polynomials routine (F-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate F-floating polynomials.
LIB$POLYF polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Argument for the polynomial. The polynomial-argument
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this argument. The
argument is an F-floating
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation. The
argument is the address of a signed word integer
that contains this highest-numbered coefficient.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
The address of an array of floating-point coefficients. The coefficient of the
highest-order term of the polynomial is the lowest addressed element in the array.
The coefficient
argument is an array of F-floating
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the calculation. The floating-point-result
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this result.
LIB$POLYF writes the address of floating-point-result
into an
F-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (31 bits for POLYF).
LIB$POLYF provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result D
is the degree of the polynomial and
is the argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
C+ C This Fortran example demonstrates how to use C LIB$POLYF. C- REAL*4 X,COEFF(5),RESULT INTEGER*2 DEG C+ C Compute X^4 + 2*X^3 -X^2 + X - 3 using POLYF. C Let X = 2. C The coefficients needed are as follows: C- DATA COEFF/1.0,2.0,-1.0,1.0,-3.0/ X = 2.0 DEG = 4 ! DEG has word length. C+ C Calculate (2)^4 + 2*(2^3) -2^2 + 2 - 3. C The result should be 27. C- RETURN = LIB$POLYF(X,DEG,COEFF,RESULT) TYPE *,’(2)^4 + 2*(2^3) -2^2 + 2 - 3 = ’,RESULT END
This Fortran example demonstrates how to call LIB$POLYF. The output generated by this program is as follows:(2)^4 + 2*(2^3) -2^2 + 2 - 3 = 27.00000
This example program demonstrates how to call LIB$POLYF from Pascal. The output generated by this Pascal program is as follows:$ RUN POLYF F(1.0) = 5.00
LIB$POLYG — The Evaluate Polynomials routine (G-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate G-floating value polynomials.
LIB$POLYG polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Argument for the polynomial. The polynomial-argument
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this argument. The
argument is a G-floating
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation. The
argument is the address of a signed word integer
that contains this highest-numbered coefficient.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Floating-point coefficients. The coefficient
argument is
the address of an array of floating-point coefficients. The coefficient of the
highest-order term of the polynomial is the lowest addressed element in the array.
The coefficient
argument is an array of G-floating
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | G_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the calculation. The floating-point-result
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this result.
LIB$POLYG writes the address of floating-point-result
into a
G-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (63 bits for POLYG).
LIB$POLYG provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result D
is the degree of the polynomial and
is the argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
The Fortran and Pascal examples provided in the description of LIB$POLYF also demonstrate how to use LIB$POLYG. Please refer to those examples for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$POLYH — On OpenVMS VAX systems, the Evaluate Polynomials routine (H-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate H-floating value polynomials. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs but is available to translated VAX images.
LIB$POLYH polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Argument for the polynomial. The polynomial-argument
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this argument. The
argument is an H-floating
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation. The
argument is the address of a signed word integer
that contains this highest-numbered coefficient.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Floating-point coefficients. The coefficient
argument is
the address of an array of floating-point coefficients. The coefficient of the
highest-order term of the polynomial is the lowest addressed element in the array.
The coefficient
argument is an array of H-floating
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | H_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the calculation. The floating-point-result
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this result.
LIB$POLYH writes the address of floating-point-result
into an
H-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (127 bits for POLYH).
LIB$POLYH provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result D
is the degree of the polynomial and
is the argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
The Fortran and Pascal examples provided in the description of LIB$POLYF also demonstrate how to use LIB$POLYH. Please refer to those examples for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$POLYS — The Evaluate Polynomials routine (IEEE S-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate IEEE S-floating polynomials.
LIB$POLYS polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Argument for the polynomial. The polynomial-argument
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this argument. The
argument is an IEEE S-floating
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation. The
argument is the address of a signed word integer
that contains this highest-numbered coefficient.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
The address of an array of floating-point coefficients. The coefficient of the
highest-order term of the polynomial is the lowest addressed element in the array.
The coefficient
argument is an array of IEEE S-floating
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE S_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the calculation. The floating-point-result
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this result.
LIB$POLYS writes the address of floating-point-result
into an
IEEE S-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (31 bits for POLYS).
LIB$POLYS provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
The evaluation is carried out by Horner’s Method. The result is computed as follows:
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result, D is the degree of the polynomial and X is the argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
/* ** This C example demonstrates how to use LIB$POLYS. */ #if !(__IEEE_FLOAT) #error "Compile module with /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <lib$routines.h> main () { float x = 2.0; float result = 0; float coeff[5] = {1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 1.0, -3.0}; short deg = 4; int status; status = lib$polys(&x, °, &coeff, &result); if ((status & 1) != 1) lib$stop(status); printf ("(2)^4 + 2*(2^3) -2^2 + 2 - 3 = %f (27.000000)\n", result); }
This C example demonstrates how to call LIB$POLYS. The output generated by this program is as follows:
(2)^4 + 2*(2^3) -2^2 + 2 - 3 = 27.000000 (27.000000)
LIB$POLYT — The Evaluate Polynomials routine (IEEE T-floating values) allows higher-level language users to evaluate IEEE T-floating polynomials.
LIB$POLYT polynomial-argument ,degree ,coefficient
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Argument for the polynomial. The polynomial-argument
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this argument. The
argument is an IEEE T-floating
OpenVMS usage: | word_signed |
type: | word (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Highest-numbered nonzero coefficient to participate in the evaluation. The
argument is the address of a signed word integer
that contains this highest-numbered coefficient.
If the degree is 0, the result equals C[0]. The range of the degree is 0 to 31.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, |
The address of an array of floating-point coefficients. The coefficient of the
highest-order term of the polynomial is the lowest addressed element in the array.
The coefficient
argument is an array of IEEE T-floating
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | IEEE T_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Result of the calculation. The floating-point-result
argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this result.
LIB$POLYT writes the address of floating-point-result
into an
IEEE T-floating number.
Intermediate multiplications are carried out using extended floating-point fractions (31 bits for POLYT).
LIB$POLYT provides higher-level language users with the capability of evaluating polynomials.
The evaluation is carried out by Horner’s Method. The result is computed as follows:
result = C[0]+X*(C[1]+X*(C[2]+...X*(C[D])...))
In the above result, D is the degree of the polynomial and X is the argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_FLTOVF | Floating overflow. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand. |
LIB$PUT_COMMON — The Put String to Common routine copies the contents of a string into the common area. The common area is an area of storage that remains defined across multiple image activations in a process. Optionally, LIB$PUT_COMMON returns the actual number of characters copied. The maximum number of characters that can be copied is 252.
LIB$PUT_COMMON source-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be copied to the common area by LIB$PUT_COMMON. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters copied by LIB$PUT_COMMON to the common area. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word integer that contains this number of characters. LIB$PUT_COMMON writes this
number into the resultant-length
[min(256, the length of the data in the common storage area) - 4]
Thus, the maximum length is 252.
In BASIC and Fortran, you can use these routines to allow a USEROPEN routine to pass information back to the routine that called it. A USEROPEN routine cannot write arguments. However, it can call LIB$PUT_COMMON to put information into the common area. The calling program can then use LIB$GET_COMMON to retrieve it.
You can also use these routines to pass information between images run successively, such as chained images run by LIB$RUN_PROGRAM. Since the common area is unique to each process, do not use LIB$GET_COMMON and LIB$PUT_COMMON to share information across processes.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed, but the source string was truncated. |
LIB$PUT_INVO_REGISTERS — The Put Invocation Registers routine modifies specified values in a procedure’s invocation context. A procedure’s invocation context consists of the values stored in the integer and floating-point registers as well as the program counter and the processor status registers. LIB$PUT_INVO_REGISTERS updates internal register save areas with the new values. These values are written to the active register set by the time control returns to the procedure asociated with the specified invocation handle.
LIB$PUT_INVO_REGISTERS invo_handle, invo_context,
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Status value. A value of 1 indicates success. When the initial context represents the bottom of the call chain, a value of 0 is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Handle for the invocation to be updated.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_handle |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: |
Handle for the invocation to be updated.
OpenVMS usage: | invo_context_blk |
type: | structure |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of an invocation context block that contains the values to be written to the registers.
Each register that is set in the invo_mask
parameter is
updated using the value found in the corresponding IREG or FREG field of the
invocation context block. The program counter and processor status of the given
invocation can also be updated in this way. No other fields of the invocation
context block are used.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_quadword |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of a 64-bit vector, where each bit corresponds to a register field in the
passed invo_context
. Bits 0 through 29 correspond to IREG[0]
through IREG[29], bit 30 corresponds to STACK_POINTER and cannot be changed, bit 31
corresponds to PROGRAM_COUNTER, bits 32 through 62 correspond to FREG[0] through
FREG[30], and bit 63 corresponds to PROCESSOR_STATUS.
LIB$PUT_INVO_REGISTERS updates a given procedure invocation context’s fields with new register contents.
Only the conventional saved registers (R2 through R15) can be modified reliably in this way. Any modification to scratch registers may be overwritten by code in intervening procedure invocations. Any attempt to modify the control register R29 may result in unpredictable program behavior. The control register R30 cannot be modified. A value of 0 will be returned if bit 30 is set.
Therefore, an action such as reading the context of a given procedure invocation and then updating that context in its entirety may not produce the desired results, whether or not you have made any modifications. When using this routine, the caller should plan carefully and should explicitly modify only those register values that need to be modified.
See the VSI OpenVMS Calling Standard manual for additional information.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$PUT_OUTPUT — The Put Line to SYS$OUTPUT routine writes a record to the current controlling output device, specified by SYS$OUTPUT using the OpenVMS RMS $PUT service.
LIB$PUT_OUTPUT message-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Message string written to the current controlling output device by LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
The message-string
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to this message string. RMS handles all formatting, so the
message does not need to include such ASCII formatting instructions as carriage
return (CR).
SYS$INPUT, your default input device
SYS$OUTPUT, your default output device
SYS$COMMAND, the device that supplies the commands to your process
These files remain open until you log out. They are the interface between your interactive input and output or batch commands and the OpenVMS software. Initially, all three are equated with the terminal. However, with the DCL command ASSIGN, you can change these assignments to obtain information from a file or put information into a file. SYS$INPUT and SYS$COMMAND are usually identical, but the input and command streams can be different. For example, during the execution of an indirect command file from an interactive terminal, SYS$COMMAND refers to the terminal and SYS$INPUT refers to the command file.
On the first call to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT, if the output file is not a process-permanent file, LIB$PUT_OUTPUT opens the output file and positions it at the end-of-file mark. If no output file exits on the first call, LIB$PUT_OUTPUT creates a file. The RMS internal stream identifier (ISI) is stored in the routine's static storage for subsequent calls.
LIB$PUT_OUTPUT uses RMS to format records on output, and RMS records have implied carriage control. That is, a record normally corresponds to a line of text. Therefore, if you want explicit carriage control, instead of implied carriage control, you must supply it yourself within the source string.
LIB$PUT_OUTPUT is the most convenient way for a MACRO or BLISS program to write information to SYS$OUTPUT.
If you have several shareable images that call LIB$PUT_OUTPUT, and if each shareable image includes its own copy of LIB$PUT_OUTPUT, your program could produce multiple output streams and multiple versions of your output file. A single application should reference one copy of LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Any condition values returned by RMS.
10 !+ ! This BASIC program demonstrates how to use ! LIB$PUT_OUTPUT to output a simple message. !- MSGSTR$ = ’This is a sample message’ CALL LIB$PUT_OUTPUT(MSGSTR$) !+ ! In this example, the default value of ! SYS$OUTPUT is used. Therefore, the ! output is ’put’ to the terminal screen. !- 90 END
This is a sample message
LIB$RADIX_POINT — The Radix Point Symbol routine returns the system's radix point symbol. This symbol is used inside a digit string to separate the integer part from the fraction part. This routine works by attempting to translate the logical name SYS$RADIX_POINT as a process, group, or system logical name.
LIB$RADIX_POINT radix-point-string [,resultant-length]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Radix point string. The radix-point-string
argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to this radix point string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of characters written into radix-point-string
not counting padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word that contains this number.
If the radix-point-string
argument is the address of a
fixed-length string descriptor, there may not be enough characters in the
fixed-length string to contain the whole radix point string, and the radix point
string is truncated. If the radix point string is truncated to the size specified in
a fixed-length string descriptor, resultant-length
is set to
this size. Therefore, resultant-length
can always be used by
the calling program to access a valid substring of
If unable to translate the logical name SYS$RADIX_POINT, LIB$RADIX_POINT returns the United States radix point symbol (.). If the translation succeeds, the text produced is returned. Thus, a system manager can define SYS$RADIX_POINT as a systemwide logical name to provide a default for all users, and an individual user with a special need can define SYS$RADIX_POINT as a process logical name to override the default.
LIB$RADIX_POINT is used implicitly by BASIC.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed, but the radix point string was truncated. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$REMQHI — The Remove Entry from Head of Queue routine removes an entry from the head of the specified self-relative longword interlocked queue. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. LIB$REMQHI makes the REMQHI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$REMQHI header ,remque-address [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue from which entry
will be
removed. The header
argument contains the address of this
signed aligned quadword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the header
argument must contain
a 32-bit address. A 64-bit address results in an illegal operand exception.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the removed entry. The remque-address
is the address of an unsigned longword that contains this address. If the queue was
empty, remque-address
is set to the address of the
On Alpha and I64 systems, the remque-address
argument must
contain a 32-bit address. A 64-bit address results in an illegal operand
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the operation is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword that
contains the retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The default value is
The queue from which LIB$REMQHI removes an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry's predecessor and successor. If these links are longwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative longword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHI, LIB$INSQTI, LIB$REMQHI, and LIB$REMQTI routines to manage your self-relative longword queue on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHI, INSQTI, REMQHI, and REMQTI instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative longword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative longword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be quadword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system to allocate quadword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the head of the queue, and the resulting queue contains one or more entries. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not quadword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the head of the queue, and the resulting queue is empty. |
LIB$_QUEWASEMP | The queue was empty. The queue is not modified. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was
attempted the number of times specified by
retry-count . This is a severe error. The
queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue
is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$REMQHIQ — The Remove Entry from Head of Queue routine removes an entry from the head of the specified self-relative quadword interlocked queue. LIB$REMQHIQ makes the REMQHIQ instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$REMQHIQ header ,remque-address [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | octaword_signed |
type: | octaword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue from which entry will be removed. The
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned octaword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the removed entry. The remque-address
is the address of an unsigned quadword that contains this address. If the queue was
empty, remque-address
is set to the address of the
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the operation is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword that
contains the retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The default value is
The queue from which LIB$REMQHIQ removes an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are quadwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative quadword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHIQ, LIB$INSQTIQ, LIB$REMQHIQ, and LIB$REMQTIQ routines to manage your self-relative quadword queue on an Alpha or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHIQ, INSQTIQ, REMQHIQ, and REMQTIQ instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative quadword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative quadword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be octaword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM_64 to allocate octaword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the head of the queue, and the resulting queue contains one or more entries. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not octaword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the head of the queue, and the resulting queue is empty. |
LIB$_QUEWASEMP | The queue was empty. The queue is not modified. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was attempted the number of times specified by retry-count. This is a severe error. The queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$REMQTI — The Remove Entry from Tail of Queue routine removes an entry from the tail of the specified self-relative longword interlocked queue. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. LIB$REMQTI makes the REMQTI instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$REMQTI header ,remque-address [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue from which the entry is to be deleted. The
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned quadword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the header
argument must contain
a 32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any other
form of address.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the removed entry. The remque-address
is the address of a longword that contains this address. If the queue was empty,
is set to the address of the
On Alpha and I64 systems, the remque-address
argument must
contain a 32-bit sign-extended address. An illegal operand exception occurs for any
other form of address.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the operation is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword that is
this retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The default value is
The queue from which LIB$REMQTI removes an in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry's predecessor and successor. If these links are longwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative longword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHI, LIB$INSQTI, LIB$REMQHI, and LIB$REMQTI routines to manage your self-relative longword queue on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHI, INSQTI, REMQHI, and REMQTI instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative longword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative longword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be quadword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM on a VAX, Alpha, or I64 system to allocate quadword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the queue tail, and the resulting queue contains one or more entries. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not quadword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the queue tail, and the resulting queue is empty. |
LIB$_QUEWASEMP | Queue was empty. The queue is not modified. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was
attempted the number of times specified by
retry-count . This is a severe error. The
queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue
is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$REMQTIQ — The Remove Entry from Tail of Queue routine removes an entry from the tail of the specified self-relative quadword interlocked queue. LIB$REMQTIQ makes the REMQTIQ instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$REMQTIQ header ,remque-address [,retry-count]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | octaword_signed |
type: | octaword integer (signed) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Queue header specifying the queue from which the entry is to be deleted. The
argument contains the address of this signed
aligned octaword integer. The header
argument must be
initialized to zero before first use of the queue; zero means an empty queue.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the removed entry. The remque-address
is the address of a quadword that contains this address. If the queue was empty,
is set to the address of the
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of times the operation is to be retried in case of secondary-interlock
failure of the queue instruction in a processor-shared memory application. The
argument is the address of a longword that is
this retry count value. A value of 1 causes no retries. The default value is
The queue from which LIB$REMQTIQ removes an entry can be in process-private, processor-private, or processor-shareable memory to implement per-process, per-processor, or across-processor queues.
Self-Relative Queues
A queue is a doubly linked list. A Run-Time Library routine specifies a queue entry by its address.
A self-relative queue is a queue in which the links between entries are the displacements of the current entry’s predecessor and successor. If these links are quadwords, the queue is referred to as a self-relative quadword queue.
You can use the LIB$INSQHIQ, LIB$INSQTIQ, LIB$REMQHIQ, and LIB$REMQTIQ routines to manage your self-relative quadword queue on an Alpha or I64 system. These routines implement the INSQHIQ, INSQTIQ, REMQHIQ, and REMQTIQ instructions that allow you to insert and remove an entry at the head or tail of a self-relative quadword queue.
When you insert or remove a queue entry using the self-relative queue routines, the queue pointers are changed as an atomic operation. This ensures that no other process can interrupt the operation to insert or remove a queue entry of its own.
When you use these routines, cooperating processes can communicate without further synchronization and without danger of being interrupted, either on a single processor or in a multiprocessor environment. The queue access routines are also useful in an AST environment; they allow you to add or remove an entry from a queue without being interrupted by an AST.
If you do not use the self-relative queue routines to insert or remove a queue entry, you must ensure that the operation cannot be interrupted.
Use of the self-relative quadword queue routines requires that the queue header and each of the queue entries be octaword aligned. You can use the Run-Time Library routine LIB$GET_VM_64 to allocate octaword-aligned virtual memory for a queue.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the queue tail, and the resulting queue contains one or more entries. |
SS$_ROPRAND | Reserved operand fault. Either the entry or the header is at an address that is not octaword aligned, or the header address equals the entry address. |
LIB$_ONEENTQUE | Routine successfully completed. The entry was removed from the queue tail, and the resulting queue is empty. |
LIB$_QUEWASEMP | Queue was empty. The queue is not modified. |
LIB$_SECINTFAI | A secondary interlock failure occurred; the insertion was attempted the number of times specified by retry-count. This is a severe error. The queue is not modified. This condition can occur only when the queue is in memory being shared between two or more processors. |
LIB$RENAME_FILE — The Rename One or More Files routine changes the names of one or more files. The specification of the files to be renamed can include wildcards. LIB$RENAME_FILE is similar in function to the DCL command RENAME.
LIB$RENAME_FILE old-filespec ,new-filespec [,default-filespec]
[,related-filespec] [,flags] [,user-success-procedure] [,user-error-procedure]
[,user-confirm-procedure] [,user-specified-argument] [,old-resultant-name]
[,new-resultant-name] [,file-scan-context]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification of the files to be renamed. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the old file specification. The specification may include wildcards, in
which case each file that matches the specification will be renamed. If running on
Alpha or I64 and flag LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES is set, the string must not contain more
characters than specified by NAML$C_ MAXRSS, otherwise the string must not contain
more than 255 characters. Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification for the new file names. The new-filespec
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the new file
This specification need not be complete; fields omitted or specified by using the wildcard character ( * ) will be filled in from the existing file’s name using the same rules as for the DCL command RENAME. If running on Alpha or I64 and flag LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES is set, the string must not contain more characters than specified by NAML$C_MAXRSS, otherwise the string must not contain more than 255 characters. Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Default file specification of the files to be renamed. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the default file specification.
This is an optional argument; if omitted, the default is the null string. See the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on default file specifications. If running on Alpha or I64 and flag LIB$M_FIL_ LONG_NAMES is set, the string must not contain more characters than specified by NAML$C_MAXRSS, otherwise the string must not contain more than 255 characters. Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Related file specification of the files to be renamed. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to the related file specification. This is an optional argument; if
omitted, the default is the null string. Any string class is supported.
Input file parsing is used. (See the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on related file specifications and input file parsing.)
The related file specification is useful when you are processing lists of file specifications. Unspecified portions of the file specification are inherited from the last file processed. Any string class is supported. This is an optional argument.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Longword of flag bits designating optional behavior. The
argument is the address of an unsigned longword
containing the flag bits. This is an optional argument; if omitted, the default is
that all flags are clear.
The bit number and its meaning are as follows:
Bit | Symbol | Description |
If If this bit is clear, the file is given a version number 1 higher than any previously existing file of the same file name and file type. This is the default action. If a file already exists with the same file name, type and version number, the error RMS$_FEX is given. This flag is equivalent to the /NONEW_VERSION qualifier of the DCL command RENAME.) |
Controls whether the renamed file takes on security attributes of the new location or keeps its existing security attributes. If this bit is clear, the attributes of the renamed file are inherited from the next lower version of the new file name, if any, the new parent directory, or both. If this bit is clear, the file’s security attributes are not changed; this is the default action. For more information on file security, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. This flag is equivalent to the /INHERIT_SECURITY qualifier of the DCL command RENAME. |
(Alpha and I64 only) Controls whether to accept file specifications greater than 255 characters in length. If this bit is set, LIB$RENAME_FILE can process files specifications with a maximum length of NAML$C_ MAXRSS characters. If this bit is clear, LIB$RENAME_FILE can process files names with a maximum length of 255 characters. |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied success routine that LIB$RENAME_FILE calls after each successful rename.
For further information on the success routine, see Call Format for a Success Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied error routine that LIB$RENAME_FILE calls when it detects an error. The value returned by the error routine determines whether LIB$RENAME_FILE processes more files. For further information on the error routine, see Call Format for an Error Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied confirm routine that LIB$RENAME_FILE calls before it renames a file. The value returned by the confirm routine determines whether or not LIB$RENAME_FILE renames the file.
The confirm routine can be used to select specific files for renaming based on criteria such as expiration date, size, and so on.
For further information on the confirm routine, see Call Format for a Confirm Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Value that LIB$RENAME_FILE passes to the success, error, and confirm routines each
time they are called. Whatever mechanism is used to pass
to LIB$RENAME_FILE is also used
to pass it to the user-supplied routines. This is an optional argument; if omitted,
zero is passed by value.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String into which LIB$RENAME_FILE copies the old resultant file specification of the last file processed. This is an optional argument. If present, it is used to store the file specification passed to the user-supplied routines instead of a default class S, type T string. Any string class is supported.
If you are specifying one or more of the action routine arguments, be sure that
the descriptor class used to pass resultant-name
is the same
as the descriptor class required by the action routine. For example, VAX Ada
requires a class SB descriptor for string arguments to Ada routines, but will use a
class A descriptor by default when calling external routines. Refer to your language
manual to determine the proper descriptor class to use.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String into which LIB$RENAME_FILE writes the new OpenVMS RMS resultant file
specification of the last file processed. The
argument is the address of a
descriptor pointing to the new name. This is an optional argument. If present, it is
used to store the file specification passed to the user-supplied routines instead of
a class S, type T string. Any string class is supported.
If you are specifying one or more of the action routine arguments, be sure that
the descriptor class used to pass resultant-name
is the same
as the descriptor class required by the action routine. For example, VAX Ada
requires a class SB descriptor for string arguments to Ada routines, but will use a
class A descriptor by default when calling external routines. Refer to your language
manual to determine the proper descriptor class to use.
OpenVMS usage: | context |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Context for renaming a list of file specifications. The
is the address of a longword that
contains this context. You must initialize this longword to zero before the first of
a series of calls to LIB$RENAME_FILE. LIB$RENAME_FILE uses the file scan context to
retain the file context for multiple input files.
LIB$FILE_SCAN uses this context to retain multiple input file related file context. This is an optional argument; it need only be specified if you are using multiple input files, as the DCL command RENAME does. You may deallocate the context allocated by LIB$FILE_SCAN while processing the LIB$RENAME_ FILE requests by calling LIB$FILE_SCAN_END after all calls to LIB$RENAME_ FILE have been completed. See the description of LIB$FILE_SCAN for a more detailed description of this argument.
This description is divided into three parts:
Call Format for a Success Routine
Call Format for an Error Routine
Call Format for a Confirm Routine
Call Format for a Success Routine
The success routine is optional; it is called only if the user-success-procedure argument is specified in the call to LIB$RENAME_FILE.
The calling format of a success routine is as follows:
user-success-procedure old-filespec ,new-filespec [,user-specified-argument]
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the file before it was renamed. If
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the success routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the newly renamed file. If
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the success routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Value of user-specified-argument
to the success routine using the same passing mechanism that was used to pass it to
Call Format for an Error Routine
The error routine returns a success/fail value that LIB$RENAME_FILE uses to
determine whether or not more files will be processed if an error is encountered.
The error routine is called only if the user-error-procedure
argument was specified in the call to LIB$RENAME_FILE. If the
argument was not specified, the
default is to continue processing.
The calling format of the error routine is as follows:
user-error-procedure old-filespec ,new-filespec ,rms-sts ,rms-stv ,error-source ,user-specified-argument
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the file being renamed when the error
occurred. If old-resultant-name
was specified, it is used to
pass the string to the error routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed.
Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the new file name being used when the error
occurred. If new-resultant-name
was specified, it is used to
pass the string to the error routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed.
Any string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Primary condition code (FAB$L_STS) which describes the error that occurred. The
argument is the address of an unsigned longword
that contains this primary condition code.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Secondary condition code (FAB$L_STV) which describes the error that occurred. The
argument is the address of an unsigned longword
that contains this secondary condition code.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Integer code indicating where the error was found. The
argument is the address of a longword
containing the error source.
The values of error-source
and their meanings are as
0 | Error searching for old-filespec |
1 | Error parsing new-filespec |
2 | Error renaming file |
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Value of user-specified-argument
passes to the error routine using the same passing mechanism that was used to pass
If the error routine returns a success status (bit 0 set), then LIB$RENAME_FILE will continue processing files. If the error routine returns a failure status (bit 0 clear), processing ceases immediately and LIB$RENAME_FILE returns with an error status.
If the user-error-procedure
argument is not specified,
LIB$RENAME_FILE will return to its caller the most severe error status encountered
while renaming the files. If the error routine is called for an error, the success
status LIB$_ ERRROUCAL is returned.
The error routine is not called for errors related to string copying.
Call Format for a Confirm Routine
The calling format of a confirm routine is as follows:
user-confirm-procedure old-filespec ,new-filespec ,old-fab [,user-specified-argument]
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification of the file about to be renamed. If
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the confirm routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
RMS resultant file specification which the file will be given. If
was specified, it is used to pass the
string to the confirm routine. Otherwise, a class S, type T string is passed. Any
string class is supported.
OpenVMS usage: | fab |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Address of the RMS FAB that describes the file being renamed. Your program may perform an RMS $OPEN on the FAB to obtain file attributes it needs to determine whether the file should be renamed, but must close the file with $CLOSE before returning to LIB$RENAME_FILE.
(Alpha and I64 only) If the LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES FLAGS is set, the FAB references a NAML block rather than a NAM block. The NAML block supports the use of long file specifications with a maximum length of NAML$C_MAXRSS. See the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for information on NAML blocks.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Value of user-specified-argument
to the confirm routine using the same passing mechanism that was used to pass it to
LIB$RENAME_FILE. This is an optional argument.
If the confirm routine returns a success value (bit 0 set), the file is renamed; otherwise, the file is not renamed.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_ERRROUCAL | Success—error routine called. A file error was encountered but the error routine was called to handle the condition. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The flags argument has
one or more undefined bits set. |
LIB$_INVFILSPE | Invalid file specification. On VAX,
old-filespec ,
new-filespec , or
default-filespec contains more than 255
characters. On Alpha and I64, old-filespec ,
new-filespec , or
default-filespec contains more than
NAML$C_MAXRSS characters. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. One of the string argument descriptors was not a valid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$RENAME_FILE. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_xxx; truncation errors are ignored.
Any condition value returned by RMS. If the
argument was not specified, this is
the most severe of the RMS errors which occurred while renaming the files.
LIB$RESERVE_EF — The Reserve Event Flag routine allocates a local event flag number specified
by event-flag-number
LIB$RESERVE_EF event-flag-number
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | ef_number |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Event flag number to be allocated by LIB$RESERVE_EF. The
argument contains the address of a
signed longword integer that is this event flag number.
LIB$RESERVE_EF allocates a specific local event flag. It differs from LIB$GET_EF, which allocates an arbitrary local event flag, which is the recommended procedure. Reserving a specific local event flag is not recommended because another routine may attempt to use the same flag, and the flag will no longer function as expected.
Number |
Availability |
0 |
Never used by this routine and always available |
1 through 23 |
Initially reserved; available after being freed by LIB$FREE_EF |
24 through 31 |
Reserved to OpenVMS |
32 through 63 |
Initially free |
Beware of running multiple images linked with /NOSYSSHR in the same process and having more than one image make calls to LIB$RESERVE_EF. Each image contains its own copy of the event flag bit array that is designed to be process-wide and synchronize ownership of event flags. Multiple calls to LIB$GET_EF could cause the same event flag to be allocated more than once.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_EF_ALRRES | Event flag already reserved. |
LIB$_EF_RESSYS | Event flag reserved to system. This occurs if the event flag number is outside the ranges of 1 through 23 and 32 through 63. |
LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE — The Reset Virtual Memory Zone routine frees all blocks of memory that were previously allocated from a zone in the 32-bit virtual address space. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
is the address of a longword
that contains the identifier of a zone created by a previous call to
LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE frees all the blocks of memory that were previously allocated from the zone. The memory becomes available to satisfy further allocation requests for the zone; the memory is not returned to the processwide 32-bit page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. Your program can continue to use the zone after you call LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE.
Resetting a zone is a much more efficient way to reuse storage than individually freeing each allocated object in the zone.
It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that he or she has “exclusive” access to the zone while the reset operation is being performed. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control attempts to perform any operation on the zone while LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE is in progress.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE will fill all of the allocated blocks that are freed.
If the zone you are resetting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE
routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the reset operation.
That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE, you must have specified a
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | An invalid zone-id argument. |
LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 — The Reset Virtual Memory Zone routine frees all blocks of memory that were previously allocated from a zone in the 64-bit virtual address space.
LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 zone-id
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
is the address of a quadword
that contains the identifier of a zone created by a previous call to
LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 frees all the blocks of memory that were previously allocated from the zone. The memory becomes available to satisfy further allocation requests for the zone; the memory is not returned to the processwide 64-bit page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64. Your program can continue to use the zone after you call LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64.
Resetting a zone is a much more efficient way to reuse storage than individually freeing each allocated object in the zone.
It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that he or she has ‘‘exclusive’’ access to the zone while the reset operation is being performed. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control attempts to perform any operation on the zone while LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE_64 is in progress.
If you specified deallocation filling when you created the zone, LIB$RESET_VM_ ZONE_64 will fill all of the allocated blocks that are freed.
If the zone you are resetting was created using the LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ ZONE_64
routine, then you must have an appropriate action routine for the reset operation.
That is, in your call to LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE_64, you must have specified a
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADBLOADR | An invalid zone-id argument. |
LIB$REVERT — The Revert to the Handler of the Routine Activator routine deletes the condition handler established by LIB$ESTABLISH by clearing the address pointing to the condition handler from the activated routine's stack frame. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha and I64 programs but is recognized and handled appropriately by most high-level language compilers.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Previous contents of SF$A_HANDLER (longword 0) of the caller’s stack frame. This is the address of the condition handler previously in effect. If no condition handler was in effect, zero is returned.
LIB$REVERT returns the address that it clears from the calling routine's stack frame. LIB$REVERT is used only if your routine is to establish and then cancel a condition handler for a portion of its execution.
LIB$REVERT is provided primarily for use with languages without built-in error-handling facilities, such as Fortran. Do not use LIB$REVERT from BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, or PL/I. See the documentation for the language you are using for information about how that language handles errors.
CLRL (FP) ; set handler address to 0 ; in current stack frame
Condition Values Returned
LIB$RUN_PROGRAM — The Run New Program routine causes the current program to stop running and begins execution of another program.
LIB$RUN_PROGRAM program-name
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File name of the program to be run in place of the current program. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this file name string.
The maximum length of the file name is 255 characters. The default file type is .EXE.
If successful, control does not return to the calling program. Instead, the $EXIT system service is called, the new program image replaces the old image in the user process, and the command language interpreter (CLI) gives control to the new image.
If unsuccessful, control returns to the command interpreter.
This routine is supported for use with the DCL and MCR CLIs. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In those cases, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
LIB$RUN_PROGRAM causes the current image to exit at the point of the call and directs the CLI, if one is present, to start running another program. If LIB$RUN_PROGRAM executes successfully, control passes to the second program; if not, control passes to the CLI. The calling program cannot regain control. This technique is called chaining.
This routine is provided primarily for compatibility with PDP-11 systems, where chaining is used to extend the address space of a system.
This routine may also be useful in an OpenVMS environment where address space is severely limited and large images are not possible. For example, you might use chaining to perform system generation on a small virtual address space, for a large page file.
With LIB$RUN_PROGRAM, the calling program can pass arguments to the next program in the chain only by using the common storage area. One way to do this is for the calling program to call LIB$PUT_COMMON to pass the information into the common storage area. Then the called program calls LIB$GET_COMMON to retrieve the data.
In general, this practice is not recommended. There is no convenient way to specify the order and type of arguments passed into the common storage area; so programs that pass arguments in this way must know about the format of the data before it is passed. When you use common storage, it is very difficult to keep your program modular and AST-reentrant; a method of arbitration must be designated to define which program can modify common storage and when.
Further, LIB$RUN_PROGRAM cannot be used if no command language interpreter is present, as in the case of image subprocesses and detached subprocesses.
If you want control to return to the caller, use LIB$SPAWN instead.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL or MCR CLIs, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$SCANC — The Scan for Characters and Return Relative Position routine is used to find a specified set of characters in the source string. LIB$SCANC makes the VAX SCANC instruction available as a callable routine.
LIB$SCANC source-string ,table-array ,byte-integer-mask
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Relative position in the source string of the character that terminated the operation, or zero if the terminator character is not found. If the source string has a zero length, then a zero is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string used by LIB$SCANC to index into a table. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_mask_byte |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Table that LIB$SCANC indexes into and performs a logical AND operation with the
byte. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
byte array that is this table.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_byte |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mask on which a logical AND operation is performed with bytes in
. The byte-integer-mask
argument contains the address of an unsigned byte that is this mask.
LIB$SCANC uses successive bytes of the string specified by
to index into a table. The byte selected
from the table is the byte on which a logical AND operation is performed with the
mask byte. The operation is terminated when the result of the AND operation is equal
to 1.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$SCOPY_DXDX — The Copy Source String Passed by Descriptor to Destination routine copies a source string passed by descriptor to a destination string.
LIB$SCOPY_DXDX source-string ,destination-string
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string to be copied to the destination string by LIB$SCOPY_DXDX. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this source string. The descriptor class can be unspecified,
fixed-length, decimal string, array, noncontiguous array, varying, or
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string to which the source string is copied. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
Descriptor Class |
Action |
S, Z, SD, A, NCA |
Copy the source string. If needed, space-fill or truncate on the right. |
D |
If the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor. If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation (if any) and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor. |
VS |
Copy source string to destination string up to the limit of the descriptor MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Readjust the current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied. |
LIB$SCOPY_DXDX returns all condition values as a status; truncation is a qualified success condition value (bit 0 set to 1).
In addition, an equivalent JSB entry point is available, with R0 containing the first argument and R1 containing the second.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. String truncated. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX — The Copy Source String Passed by Reference to Destination String routine copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string, passed by descriptor.
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX word-integer-source-length ,source-string
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the source string in bytes. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
word that contains the length of the source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Source string to be copied to the destination string by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX. The
argument is the address of this source
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string to which the source string is copied. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX copies a source string, passed by reference, to a destination string, passed by descriptor. It returns the status as a condition value. Truncation is a qualified success; LIB$SCOPY_R_DX sets bit 0 of the condition value to 1.
The actions taken by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX depend on the descriptor class of the destination string. The following table describes these actions for each descriptor class:
Descriptor Class |
Action |
S, Z, SD, A, NCA |
Copy the source string. If needed, space fill or truncate on the right. |
D |
If the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor. |
If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation, if any, and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor. | |
VS |
Copy source string to destination string up to the limit of the descriptor's MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Readjust the string's current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied. |
An equivalent JSB entry is available, with R0 being the first argument, R1 the second, and R2 the third. The length argument is passed in bits 15:0 of R0.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. String truncated. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64 — The Copy Source String Passed by Reference to Destination String routine copies a source string passed by reference to a destination string, passed by descriptor.
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64 quad-integer-source-length ,source-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the source string in bytes. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned quadword that contains the length of the source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Source string to be copied to the destination string by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64. The
argument is the address of this source
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string to which the source string is copied. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this destination string.
LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64 copies a source string, passed by reference, to a destination string, passed by descriptor. It returns the status as a condition value. Truncation is a qualified success; LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64 sets bit 0 of the condition value to 1.
The actions taken by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX_64 depend on the descriptor class of the destination string. The following table describes these actions for each descriptor class:
Descriptor Class | Action |
S, Z, SD, A, NCA | Copy the source string. If needed, space fill or truncate on the right. |
D |
If the area specified by the destination descriptor is large enough to contain the source string, copy the source string and set the new length in the destination descriptor. If the area specified is not large enough, return the previous space allocation, if any, and then dynamically allocate the amount of space needed. Copy the source string and set the new length and address in the destination descriptor. |
VS | Copy source string to destination string up to the limit of the descriptor’s MAXSTRLEN field with no padding. Readjust the string’s current length (CURLEN) field to the actual number of bytes copied. |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. All characters in the input string were copied to the destination string. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. String truncated. The destination string could not contain all of the characters copied from the source string. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$SET_LOGICAL — The Set Logical Name routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to define or redefine a supervisor-mode process logical name. It provides the same function as the DCL command DEFINE.
LIB$SET_LOGICAL logical-name [,value-string] [,table] [,attributes]
Either the item-list
or value-string
argument must be specified. If both item-list
are specified, the
argument is ignored.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | logical_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Logical name to be defined or redefined. The logical-name
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this logical name string.
The maximum length of a logical name is 255 characters. Note that logical names are
case sensitive.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Value to be given to the logical name. The value-string
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this value string. The
maximum length of a logical name value is 255 characters.
If omitted, an item list must be present to specify the values of the logical name.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the table in which to create the logical name. The
argument contains the address of a descriptor
pointing to the logical name table. If no table is specified, LNM$PROCESS is used as
the default.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Logical name or translation attributes. The attributes
argument is the address of a longword bit mask that contains the logical name or
translation attributes.
LNM$M_CONFINE and LNM$M_NO_ALIAS are currently available logical name attributes. See the description of the $CRELNM system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for definitions of LNM$M_CONFINE and LNM$M_NO_ALIAS. If omitted, no special logical name attribute is established.
If no item-list
is specified, the translation attributes
LNM$M_CONCEALED and LNM$M_TERMINAL may be specified. See the description of the
ASSIGN command in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for
definitions of these attributes. If an item-list is specified, it will contain the
translation attributes for each equivalence string in the attribute.
OpenVMS usage: | item_list_3 |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Item list describing the equivalence names for this logical name. The
argument contains the address of an array that
contains this item list. If item-list
is not specified, the
logical name will have only one value, as specified in the
argument. Item codes for use with this item
list are included in libraries supplied by VSI in module $LNMDEF.
Either value-string
or item-list
must be specified. If neither is specified, the LIB$_INVARG error is produced. If
both value-string
and item-list
specified, the value-string
argument is ignored.
If item-list
is specified, only logical name attributes are
permitted. Translation attributes appear in the item list.
The item-list
argument is needed only when you want to
create multiple equivalence strings for a single logical name.
If the optional table
argument is defined, the logical name
will be placed in the table specified by the table
otherwise, the logical name is placed in the LNM$PROCESS table.
Unlike the system services $CRELOG and $CRELNM, LIB$SET_LOGICAL does not require the caller to be executing in supervisor mode to define a supervisor-mode logical name. Supervisor-mode logical names are not deleted when an image exits. A program can obtain the current value of any logical name by calling the system service $TRNLNM. For more information on logical names, see the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.
This routine is supported for use with the DCL and MCR CLIs. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In that case, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
This routine does not support the DCL DEFINE and DEASSIGN commands' special side-effect of opening and closing a process-permanent file if the logical name SYS$OUTPUT is specified.
See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a description of the DEFINE command.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_ACCVIO | Access violation. The logical name or its value could not be read. |
SS$_BADPARAM | Bad argument. |
SS$_BUFFEROVF | Routine successfully completed; however, a buffer overflow occurred. |
SS$_INSFMEM | Insufficient dynamic memory. |
SS$_IVLOGNAM | Invalid logical name. The logical name or its value contained more than 255 characters. |
SS$_IVLOGTAB | Invalid logical name table. |
SS$_NOPRIV | No privileges for attempted operation. |
SS$_SUPERSEDE | Routine successfully completed; the previous definition of the logical name was replaced. |
SS$_TOOMANYLNAM | Logical name translation exceeded allowed depth. |
LIB$_INVARG | Neither the value-string nor the
item-list argument was
specified.) |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL command language interpreter, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
!+ ! Initialize value for logical name MY_LOG !- SYMBOL$ = ’MY_LOG’ SETVAL$ = ’OFF’ CALL LIB$SET_LOGICAL (SYMBOL$, SETVAL$) END
LIB$SET_SYMBOL — The Set Value of CLI Symbol routine requests the calling process's command language interpreter (CLI) to define or redefine a CLI symbol.
LIB$SET_SYMBOL symbol ,value-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name of the symbol to be defined or modified by LIB$SET_SYMBOL. The
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing
to this symbol string. If you redefine a previously defined CLI symbol, the symbol
value is modified to the new value that you provide.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Value to be given to the symbol. The value-string
is the address of a descriptor pointing to this value string.
Trailing blanks are not removed from the value string before use. The maximum
length of value-string
is 4096 characters. Integer values are
not allowed; LIB$SET_SYMBOL is intended to set string CLI symbols, not integer CLI
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Indicator of the table that will contain the defined symbol. The
argument is the address of a signed
longword integer that is this table indicator.
If omitted, the local symbol table is used. The following are possible values for
Symbolic Name |
Value |
Table Used |
1 |
Local symbol table |
2 |
Global symbol table |
LIB$SET_SYMBOL requests the calling process's CLI to define or redefine a CLI symbol.
CLI symbols created using LIB$SET_SYMBOL may be inaccessible by other CLI commands. To avoid this situation, make sure that your symbol names are alphanumeric and that the first character is alphabetic. LIB$SET_SYMBOL is intended to set string CLI symbols, not integer CLI symbols.
LIB$K_CLI_LOCAL_SYM and LIB$K_CLI_GLOBAL_SYM are defined as global symbols and in symbol libraries supplied by VSI (macro or module name $LIBCLIDEF).
This routine is supported for use with the DCL CLI. If used with the MCR CLI, the error status LIB$_NOCLI will be returned. If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In this case, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_AMBSYMDEF | Ambiguous symbol definition. The symbol name you want to define is ambiguous when compared with existing symbol names. This condition might arise if abbreviated symbols have been defined previously. See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information on abbreviated symbols. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSCLIMEM | Insufficient CLI memory. The CLI could not get enough virtual memory to assign another symbol. This condition may be caused by having too many symbols defined; deleting some symbol definitions may make enough room for the new symbol. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The value of
table-type-indicator was invalid or the
length of value-string was greater than 1024
characters. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_INVSYMNAM | Invalid symbol name. The length of symbol
was greater than 255 characters or symbol did
not begin with a letter. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
LIB$_UNECLIERR | Unexpected CLI error. The CLI returned an error status which was not recognized. This error may be caused by use of a nonstandard CLI. If this error occurs while using the DCL command language interpreter, please report the problem to your VSI support representative. |
!+ ! Initialize value and symbol name !- SYMBOL$ = ’MY_SYM’ SETVAL$ = ’ON’ CALL LIB$SET_SYMBOL (SYMBOL$, SETVAL$) END
LIB$SFREE1_DD — The Free One Dynamic String routine returns the dynamically allocated storage for a dynamic string.
LIB$SFREE1_DD descriptor-address
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | descriptor |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Dynamic descriptor specifying the area to be deallocated. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
quadword that is this descriptor. The descriptor is assumed to be dynamic and its
class field is not checked.
Before a routine deallocates a dynamic descriptor, it must use LIB$SFREE1_DD or LIB$SFREEN_DD to deallocate the string storage space specified by the dynamic descriptor. Otherwise, string storage is not deallocated and your program can run out of memory.
This routine deallocates the described string space and flags the descriptor as describing no string at all. The descriptor's POINTER and LENGTH fields contain zero (0).
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. |
LIB$SFREEN_DD — The Free One or More Dynamic Strings routine returns one or more dynamic strings to free storage.
LIB$SFREEN_DD number-of-descriptors
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of adjacent descriptors freed by LIB$SFREEN_DD. The
argument contains the address of an
unsigned longword that is this number. The deallocated area is returned to free
OpenVMS usage: | descriptor_array |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
First descriptor of an array of descriptors. The
argument contains the address of
this first descriptor. The descriptors are assumed to be dynamic, and their class
fields are not checked.
The descriptor array must contain all 32-bit descriptors or all 64-bit descriptors. They cannot be mixed.
Before a routine that allocates space returns to its caller, it must use LIB$SFREE1_DD or LIB$SFREEN_DD to deallocate the string storage space specified by any descriptors located in the stack. Otherwise, space is not deallocated and your program could run out of virtual memory.
LIB$SFREEN_DD deallocates the described string space and flags each descriptor as describing no string at all by setting the descriptor's POINTER and LENGTH fields to 0 (zero).
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. |
LIB$SGET1_DD — The Get One Dynamic String routine allocates dynamic virtual memory to the string descriptor you specify.
LIB$SGET1_DD word-integer-length ,descriptor-part
Corresponding JSB Entry Point
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes of dynamic virtual memory to be allocated by LIB$SGET1_DD. The
argument is the address
of an unsigned word that contains this number. The amount of storage allocated may
be rounded up automatically.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Descriptor of the dynamic string to which LIB$SGET1_DD allocates the dynamic
virtual memory. The descriptor-part
argument contains the
address of this descriptor.
The descriptor-part
argument must contain the address of a
dynamic string descriptor; LIB$SGET1_DD returns an unpredictable result if any other
type of descriptor is specified by this argument.
The descriptor CLASS field is not checked but is set to dynamic (2). The LENGTH
field is set to word-integer-length
, and the POINTER field
points to the string area allocated.
LIB$SGET1_DD is similar to LIB$SCOPY_DXDX except that no source string is copied. You can write anything you want in the allocated area.
If descriptor-part
already has dynamic memory allocated to
it, but the amount allocated is less than
, that space is deallocated before
LIB$SGET1_DD allocates new space.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$SGET1_DD_64 — The Get One Dynamic String routine allocates dynamic virtual memory to the string descriptor you specify.
LIB$SGET1_DD_64 quad-integer-length ,descriptor-part
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes of dynamic virtual memory to be allocated by LIB$SGET1_DD_ 64. The
argument is the address of an
unsigned quadword that contains this number. The amount of storage allocated can be
rounded up automatically.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_unsigned |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Descriptor of the dynamic string to which LIB$SGET1_DD_64 allocates the dynamic
virtual memory. The descriptor-part
argument contains the
address of this descriptor.
The descriptor-part
argument must contain the address of a
dynamic string descriptor; LIB$SGET1_DD_64 returns an unpredictable result if any
other type of descriptor is specified by this argument.
The descriptor CLASS field is not checked but is set to dynamic (2). The LENGTH
field is set to quad-integer-length
, and the POINTER field
points to the string area allocated.
LIB$SGET1_DD_64 is similar to LIB$SCOPY_DXDX except that no source string is copied. You can write anything you want in the allocated area.
If descriptor-part
already has dynamic memory allocated to
it, but the amount allocated is less than
, that space is deallocated before
LIB$SGET1_DD_64 allocates new space.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$SHOW_TIMER — The Show Accumulated Times and Counts routine returns times and counts accumulated since the last call to LIB$INIT_TIMER and displays them on SYS$OUTPUT. (LIB$INIT_TIMER must be called prior to invoking this routine.) A user-supplied action routine may change this default behavior.
LIB$SHOW_TIMER [handle-address] [,code] [,user-action-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Block of storage containing the value returned by a previous call to
LIB$INIT_TIMER. The handle-address
argument is the address of
an unsigned longword integer containing that value.
If specified, the pointer must be the same value returned by a previous call to LIB$INIT_TIMER.
If omitted, LIB$SHOW_TIMER will use a block of memory allocated by LIB$INIT_TIMER.
is omitted and LIB$INIT_TIMER has not been called previously, the error LIB$_INVARG is returned. LIB$INIT_TIMER must be called prior to a call to LIB$SHOW_TIMER. Note that thehandle-address
argument is the same as thecontext
argument used in the LIB$INIT_TIMER call.
LIB$SHOW_TIMER assumes that LIB$INIT_TIMER has been previously called, and that
the results of that call are stored either in a block pointed to by
, or in the memory allocated by
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Integer specifying the statistic you want; if it is omitted or zero, all five
statistics are returned on one line. The code
argument is the
address of a signed longword integer containing the statistic code.
The following values are allowed for the code
Value |
Description |
1 |
Elapsed time |
2 |
CPU time |
3 |
Buffered I/O |
4 |
Direct I/O |
5 |
Page faults |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied action routine called by LIB$SHOW_TIMER. The default action of LIB$SHOW_TIMER is to write the results to SYS$OUTPUT. An action routine is useful if you want to write the results to a file or, in general, anywhere other than SYS$OUTPUT.
The action routine returns either a success or failure condition value; this status is returned to the calling program as the value of LIB$SHOW_TIMER.
OpenVMS usage: | user-arg |
type: |
longword (unsigned) (on VAX systems) quadword (unsigned) (on Alpha and I64 systems) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A value to be passed to the action routine without interpretation. If omitted, LIB$SHOW_TIMER passes a zero by value to the user routine.
is specified in the call,
LIB$SHOW_TIMER writes to SYS$OUTPUT a line giving the following information:
Shown on Line |
Description |
ELAPSED = dddd hh:mm:ss.cc |
Elapsed real time |
CPU = hhhh:mm:ss.cc |
Elapsed CPU time |
BUFIO = nnnn |
Count of buffered I/O operations |
DIRIO = nnnn |
Count of direct I/O operations |
Count of page faults |
Any one or all five statistics can be written to SYS$OUTPUT or passed to your user-supplied action routine for other processing.
Call Format for an Action Routine
Action routine is a user-supplied routine called by LIB$SHOW_TIMER. The action
routine is used when you want to write results to anywhere other than SYS$OUTPUT.
The action routine is called only when you specify the
argument in the call to
out-str [,user-argument-value]
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Fixed-length string containing the statistics requested. The string is formatted exactly as it would be if written to SYS$OUTPUT. The leading character is blank.
OpenVMS usage: | user-arg |
type: |
longword (unsigned) (on VAX systems) quadword (unsigned) (on Alpha and I64 systems) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A value passed to LIB$SHOW_TIMER. The user argument is passed without interpretation to the action routine.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. Either code or
handle-address was invalid. |
Any condition values returned by LIB$PUT_OUTPUT or your action routine.
$ RUN SHOW_TIMER Spend time to acquire elapsed real time and page faults User argument is 5 ELAPSED: 0 00:00:00.44 CPU: 0:00:00.04 BUFIO: 1 DIRIO: 0 FAULTS: 18
LIB$SHOW_VM — The Show Virtual Memory Statistics routine returns the statistics accumulated from calls to LIB$GET_VM/LIB$FREE_VM and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE/LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$SHOW_VM [code] [,user-action-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Code specifying any one of the statistics to be written to SYS$OUTPUT or passed to
an action routine for processing. The code
argument is the
address of a signed longword integer containing the statistic code. This is an
optional argument. If the statistic code is omitted or is zero, statistics for
values 1, 2, and 3 are returned on one line.
The following values are allowed for the code
Value |
Statistic |
0 |
Statistics for values 1, 2, and 3 are returned. |
1 |
Number of successful calls to LIB$GET_VM. |
2 |
Number of successful calls to LIB$FREE_VM. |
3 |
Number of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM. |
4 |
Statistics for values 5, 6, and 7 are returned. |
5 |
Number of calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. |
6 |
Number of calls to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE. |
7 |
Number of VAX pages or Alpha pagelets allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE. |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied action routine called by LIB$SHOW_VM. By default, LIB$SHOW_VM returns statistics to SYS$OUTPUT. An action routine is useful when you want to return statistics to a file or, in general, to any place other than SYS$OUTPUT. The routine returns either a success or failure condition value, which will be returned as the value of LIB$SHOW_VM.
For more information on the action routine, see the section called “Call Format for an Action Routine” in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A 32-bit value to be passed directly to the action routine without interpretation.
That is, the contents of the argument list entry
are copied to the argument list
entry for user-action-procedure
nor user-action-procedure
specified in the call, LIB$SHOW_VM writes a line giving the following information to
SYS$OUTPUT:mmm calls to LIB$GET_VM, nnn calls to LIB$FREE_VM, ppp bytes still allocated
Optionally, any one of six statistics can be output to SYS$OUTPUT and/or the line of information can be passed to a user-specified “action routine” for processing different from the default.
Call Format for an Action Routine
The action routine is a user-supplied routine that LIB$SHOW_VM calls if you
specify the user-action-procedure
argument in the call to
resultant-string ,user-specified-argument
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Statistics supplied by LIB$SHOW_VM. The resultant-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to an address into which
LIB$SHOW_VM writes the statistics. The string is formatted exactly as it would be if
written to SYS$OUTPUT. The first character is a blank; carriage-return/line-feed
combinations are not included.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The 32-bit value passed to LIB$SHOW_VM is passed to the action routine without
interpretation. If the user-specified-argument
argument is
omitted in the call to LIB$SHOW_VM, a zero is passed by value to the user
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. This can be caused by an invalid value for
code . |
Any condition values returned by LIB$PUT_OUTPUT or your action routine.
LIB$SHOW_VM_64 — The Show Virtual Memory Statistics routine returns the statistics accumulated from calls to LIB$GET_VM_64/LIB$FREE_VM_64 and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_ 64/LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64.
LIB$SHOW_VM_64 [code] [,user-action-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Code specifying any one of the statistics to be written to SYS$OUTPUT or passed to
an action routine for processing. The code
argument is the
address of a signed quadword integer containing the statistic code. This is an
optional argument. If the statistic code is omitted or is zero, statistics for
values 1, 2, and 3 are returned on one line.
The following values are allowed for the code argument:
Value | Static |
0 | Statistics for values 1, 2, and 3 are returned. |
1 | Number of successful calls to LIB$GET_VM_64. |
2 | Number of successful calls to LIB$FREE_VM_64. |
3 | Number of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM_64 but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_64. |
4 | Statistics for values 5, 6, and 7 are returned. |
5 | Number of calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64. |
6 | Number of calls to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64. |
7 | Number of Alpha or I64 pagelets allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64. |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied action routine called by LIB$SHOW_VM_64. By default, LIB$SHOW_VM_64 returns statistics to SYS$OUTPUT. An action routine is useful when you want to return statistics to a file or, in general, to any place other than SYS$OUTPUT. The routine returns either a success or failure condition value, which will be returned as the value of LIB$SHOW_VM_64.
For more information on the action routine, see Call Format for an Action Routine in the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A 64-bit value to be passed directly to the action routine without interpretation.
That is, the contents of the argument list entry
are copied to the argument list
entry for user-action-procedure
LIB$SHOW_VM_64 returns the statistics accumulated from calls to LIB$GET_
VM_64/LIB$FREE_VM_64 and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64/LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_ 64. By default, with
neither code nor user-action-procedure
specified in the call,
LIB$SHOW_VM_64 writes a line giving the following information to SYS$OUTPUT:
mmm calls to LIB$GET_VM_64, nnn calls to LIB$FREE_VM_64, ppp bytes still
Optionally, any one of six statistics can be output to SYS$OUTPUT and/or the line of information can be passed to a user-specified ‘‘action routine’’ for processing different from the default.
Call Format for an Action Routine
The action routine is a user-supplied routine that LIB$SHOW_VM_64 calls if you
specify the user-action-procedure
argument in the call to
The call format for an action routine is:
user-action-procedure resultant-string
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Statistics supplied by LIB$SHOW_VM_64. The resultant-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to an address into which LIB$SHOW_
VM_64 writes the statistics. The string is formatted exactly as it would be if
written to SYS$OUTPUT. The first character is a blank; carriage-return/line-feed
combinations are not included.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The 64-bit value passed to LIB$SHOW_VM_64 is passed to the action routine without
interpretation. If the user-specified-argument
argument is
omitted in the call to LIB$SHOW_VM_64, a zero is passed by value to the user
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid arguments. This can be caused by an invalid value for
code . |
Any condition values returned by LIB$PUT_OUTPUT or your action routine.
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE — The Return Information About a Zone routine returns formatted information about a zone in the 32-bit virtual address space, detailing such information as the zone's name, characteristics, and areas, and then passes the information to the specified or default action routine. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE zone-id [,detail-level] [,user-action-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
argument is the address of an
unsigned longword containing this identifier. Use zero to indicate the 32-bit
default zone.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
argument is the address of a signed longword
containing this code. The default is minimal information. The following are valid
values for detail-level
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
Optional user-supplied action routine called by LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE. By default,
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE prints statistics to SYS$OUTPUT by means of LIB$PUT_OUTPUT. An
action routine is useful when you want to return statistics to a file or, in
general, to any location other than SYS$OUTPUT. If
fails, LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE terminates
and returns a failure code. Success codes are ignored.
For more information on the action routine, see the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Optional 32-bit value to be passed directly to the action routine without
interpretation. That is, the contents of the argument list entry
are copied to the argument list entry for
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE returns formatted information about the specified zone and passes
it to the action routine. The detail-level
determines the degree of detail of the zone information returned, and this
information is formatted into a readable display and passed to either a user action
routine or to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
argument in the call to
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE. If you do not specify action-routine
, the
information is passed to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT for output to SYS$OUTPUT. The call format
for an action routine is as
follows:action-routine string, user-arg
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Information supplied by LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE. The string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to an address into which
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE writes the requested information. The string is formatted exactly
as it would be if written to SYS$OUTPUT.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The 32-bit value passed to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE is passed to the action routine
without interpretation. If the user-arg
argument is omitted
in the call to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE, a zero is passed by value to the user
If no zone-id
is specified (0 is passed), the 32-bit
default zone is used.
You must ensure that you have exclusive access to the zone while information is being displayed. Results are unpredictable and may be inconsistent if another thread of control modifies the zone while this routine is displaying data or scanning control blocks.
While scanning the queues and free lists, this routine may detect errors.
If the lookaside list summary discovers a block improperly linked into the list so that the list appears disjointed, the count of the number of blocks of that particular size will be displayed as asterisks.
**** ERROR – error description **** **** WARNING – warning description ****
Error Message |
Description |
Invalid block size |
The size of the block is either not large enough to contain the necessary queue links or is unreasonably large. The size field has been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Block not owned by zone |
The current block is not within a section of the virtual address space controlled by this zone. It is possibly attempting to free a block not originally allocated from this zone. |
Block extends past the end of area; truncated |
The end of the block is not in the area from which the block has been allocated. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Block extends into “unallocated” block, truncated |
The end of the block extends past the allocated section of the area. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Current block not completely accessible |
The current block extends into a nonexistent part of the virtual address space. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Back link does not return to previous block |
The back link in a doubly linked list does not point to the previous block. |
Forward link does not point to valid address |
The forward link of current block points to a location that is not in the virtual address space. |
Free-fill mismatch |
One of the locations filled when the block was freed has been modified. |
Boundary tag mismatch |
One of the boundary tags of the block is not valid. |
Warning |
Description |
Forward link of current block may not be valid |
The back link of the block pointed to by the forward link of the current block does not point to the current block. |
Block at nnnnnnnn is not accessible |
The block at location nnnnnnnn could not be accessed and cannot be dumped. |
Block truncated to nnnnnnnn bytes to prevent ACCVIO |
The block to be dumped extends into the inaccessible part of the address space. The size of the block is reduced so that the block to be dumped fits within the accessible addresses. |
**** ERROR – forward link does not point to valid address **** **** ERROR – forward-link does not point to valid address **** Link Analysis for Current Block: Previous Current Next -------- -------- -------- Block adr : 0014B270 0014C200 6B6E754A Forw link (abs): 0014C200 6B6E754A ******** Block size = 32 Block contents: 00000000 00000000 6B6E754A 00000020 ...Junk........ 00000 0014C200 0014B270 00000008 00000000 00000000 ............p 00010 0014C210
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. Routine was called with a
zone-id that does not represent a valid
VM zone. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. |
LIB$_INVOPEZON | Invalid operation for zone; invalid use of unspecified user zone action routine. |
LIB$_NOTFOU | Could not find another VM zone (alternate success status). |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by the user-formatted output action routine or LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
#include <lib$routines.h> main() { long zone_id = 0; long detail_level = 1; LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE(&zone_id, &detail_level); }
An example of the output generated by this C program usingdetail-level
1 is as follows:Zone Id = 7FB96160, Zone name = "DEFAULT_ZONE" Algorithm = LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT Flags = 00000020 LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA Initial size = 124 pages Current size = 0 pages in 0 areas Extend size = 128 pages Page limit = None Requests are rounded up to a multiple of 8 bytes, naturally aligned on 8 byte boundaries 0 bytes have been freed and not yet reallocated 72 bytes are used for zone and area control blocks, or 100.0% overhead
#include <descrip.h> #include <libvmdef.h> #include <lib$routines.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { long zone_id; long algorithm = LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT; long algorithm_arg = 16; long flags = LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 | LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA; long detail_level = 3; $DESCRIPTOR(zone_name, "Mix of lookaside list and area blocks"); int i; #define NUM_BLOCKS 250 char *blocks[NUM_BLOCKS]; long sizes[NUM_BLOCKS]; LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE(&zone_id, &algorithm, &algorithm_arg, &flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Omitted arguments */ &zone_name, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) { sizes[i] = rand() % 300 + 9; LIB$GET_VM(&sizes[i], &blocks[i], &zone_id); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) LIB$FREE_VM(&sizes[i], &blocks[i], &zone_id); LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE(&zone_id, &detail_level); }
An example of the output generated by this C program usingdetail-level
3 is as follows:Zone Id = 00045000, Zone name = "Mix of lookaside list and area blocks" Algorithm = LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT with 16 Lookaside Lists ranging from a minimum blocksize of 8, to a maximum blocksize of 128 Flags = 00000028 LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA Initial size = 16 pages Current size = 96 pages in 1 area Extend size = 16 pages Page limit = None Requests are rounded up to a multiple of 8 bytes, naturally aligned on 8 byte boundaries 41512 bytes have been freed and not yet reallocated 312 bytes are used for zone and area control blocks, or 0.6% overhead Quick Fit Lookaside List Summary: List Block Number of number size blocks ------ ---------- ---------- 2 16 7 3 24 4 4 32 4 5 40 6 6 48 5 7 56 6 8 64 6 9 72 5 10 80 6 11 88 3 12 96 8 13 104 9 14 112 9 15 120 5 16 128 10 Area Summary: First Last Pages Bytes not yet address address assigned allocated -------- -------- ---------- ------------- 00045800 000517FF 96 7640 Scanning Lookaside Lists in Zone Control Block Scanning Free List for Area at 00045800 Number of blocks = 62, Min blocksize = 136, Max blocksize = 3160
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 — The Return Information About a Zone routine returns formatted information about a zone in the 64-bit virtual address space, detailing such information as the zone’s name, characteristics, and areas, and then passes the information to the specified or default action routine.
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 zone-id [,detail-level] [,user-action-procedure]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier. The zone-id
argument is the address of an
unsigned quadword containing this identifier. Use zero to indicate the 64-bit
default zone.
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
An identifier code specifying the level of detail required by the user. The
argument is the address of a signed quadword
containing this code. The default is minimal information. The following are valid
values for detail-level
0 | zone-id and name |
1 | zone-id , name, algorithm, flags, and size
information |
2 | zone-id , name, algorithm, flags, size
information, cache information, and area summary |
3 | zone-id , name, algorithm, flags, size
information, cache information, area summary, and queue
validation |
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
Optional user-supplied action routine called by LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64. By default,
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 prints statistics to SYS$OUTPUT by means of LIB$PUT_OUTPUT. An
action routine is useful when you want to return statistics to a file or, in
general, to any location other than SYS$OUTPUT. If
fails, LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64
terminates and returns a failure code. Success codes are ignored.
For more information on the action routine, see the Description section.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Optional 64-bit value to be passed directly to the action routine without
interpretation. That is, the contents of the argument list entry
are copied to the argument list entry for
LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 returns formatted information about the specified zone and
passes it to the action routine. The detail-level
determines the degree of detail of the zone information returned, and this
information is formatted into a readable display and passed to either a user action
routine or to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
The action routine is a user-supplied routine that LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 calls if
you specify the action-routine
argument in the call to
LIB$SHOW_VM_ ZONE_64. If you do not specify action-routine
the information is passed to LIB$PUT_OUTPUT for output to SYS$OUTPUT. The call
format for an action routine is as follows:
action-routine string, user-arg
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Information supplied by LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64. The string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to an address into which
LIB$SHOW_VM_ ZONE_64 writes the requested information. The string is formatted
exactly as it would be if written to SYS$OUTPUT.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The 64-bit value passed to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 is passed to the action routine
without interpretation. If the user-arg
argument is omitted
in the call to LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64, a zero is passed by value to the user
If no zone-id
is specified (0 is passed), the 64-bit
default zone is used.
You must ensure that you have exclusive access to the zone while information is being displayed. Results are unpredictable and may be inconsistent if another thread of control modifies the zone while this routine is displaying data or scanning control blocks.
While scanning the queues and free lists, this routine may detect errors.
If the lookaside list summary discovers a block improperly linked into the list so that the list appears disjointed, the count of the number of blocks of that particular size will be displayed as asterisks.
Table 2.8, “LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 Error and Warning Messages” lists error and warning messages that may be displayed during the lookaside list and area free list scans. The format is as follows:
**** ERROR -- error description **** **** WARNING -- warning description ****
Error Message | Description |
Invalid block size | The size of the block is either not large enough to contain the necessary queue links or is unreasonably large. The size field has been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Block not owned by zone | The current block is not within a section of the virtual address space controlled by this zone. It may be attempting to free a block not originally allocated from this zone. |
Block extends past the end of area; truncated | The end of the block is not in the area from which the block has been allocated. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Block extends into ‘‘unallocated’’ block, truncated | The end of the block extends past the allocated section of the area. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Current block not completely accessible | The current block extends into a nonexistent part of the virtual address space. The size field may have been corrupted. Therefore, the size of the block is reduced so the block to be dumped fits within the area. |
Back link does not return to previous block | The back link in a doubly linked list does not point to the previous block. |
Forward link does not point to valid address | The forward link of current block points to a location that is not in the virtual address space. |
Free-fill mismatch | One of the locations filled when the block was freed has been modified. |
Boundary tag mismatch | One of the boundary tags of the block is not valid. |
Warning | Description |
Forward link of current block may not be valid | The back link of the block pointed to by the forward link of the current block does not point to the current block. |
Block at nnnnnnnn is not accessible | The block at location nnnnnnnn could not be accessed and cannot be dumped. |
Block truncated to nnnnnnnn bytes to prevent ACCVIO | The block to be dumped extends into the inaccessible part of the address space. The size of the block is reduced so that the block to be dumped fits within the accessible addresses. |
When a block forward link is suspected of pointing to an invalid next block, the information from the next block is replaced by asterisks. The following is a sample error display:
**** ERROR -- forward-link does not point to valid address **** Link Analysis for Current Block: Previous Current Next -------- -------- -------- Block adr : 00000001C0000050 00000001C0002040 4B4E556A6B6E754A Forw link (abs): 00000001C0002040 4B4E556A6B6E754A **************** Block size = 64 Block contents: 4B4E556A 6B6E754A 00000000 00000040 @...JunkjUNK 00000 00000001C0002040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ............ 00010 00000001C0002050
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. Routine was called with a
zone-id that does not represent a valid
VM zone. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. |
LIB$_INVOPEZON | Invalid operation for zone; invalid use of unspecified user zone action routine. |
LIB$_NOTFOU | Could not find another VM zone (alternate success status). |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by the user-formatted output action routine or LIB$PUT_OUTPUT.
#include <lib$routines.h> main() { __int64 zone_id = 0; __int64 detail_level = 1; LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64(&zone_id, &detail_level); }
An example of the output generated by this C program using detail-level 1 is as follows:
Zone Id = 0000000000020040, Zone name = "DEFAULT_ZONE" Algorithm = LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT Flags = 00000020 LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA Initial size = 124 pages Current size = 0 pages in 0 areas Extend size = 128 pages Page limit = None Requests are rounded up to a multiple of 16 bytes, naturally aligned on 16 byte boundaries 0 bytes have been freed and not yet reallocated 128 bytes are used for zone and area control blocks, or 100.0% overhead
#include <descrip.h> #include <libvmdef.h> #include <lib$routines.h> #include <stdlib.h> #pragma pointer_size(long) main() { __int64 zone_id; __int64 algorithm = LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT; __int64 algorithm_arg = 16; __int64 flags = LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 | LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA; __int64 detail_level = 3; $DESCRIPTOR(zone_name, "Lookaside list and area blocks"); int i; #define NUM_BLOCKS 250 char *blocks[NUM_BLOCKS]; __int64 sizes[NUM_BLOCKS]; LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64(&zone_id, &algorithm, &algorithm_arg, &flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Omitted arguments */ &zone_name, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) { sizes[i] = rand() % 400 + 17; LIB$GET_VM_64(&sizes[i], &blocks[i], &zone_id); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) LIB$FREE_VM_64(&sizes[i], &blocks[i], &zone_id); LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64(&zone_id, &detail_level); }
An example of the output generated by this C program using
3 is as follows:
Zone Id = 00000001C0002000, Zone name = "Lookaside list and area blocks" Algorithm = LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT with 16 Lookaside Lists ranging from a minimum blocksize of 16, to a maximum blocksize of 256 Flags = 00000028 LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA Initial size = 16 pages Current size = 112 pages in 1 area Extend size = 16 pages Page limit = None Requests are rounded up to a multiple of 16 bytes, naturally aligned on 16 byte boundaries 56992 bytes have been freed and not yet reallocated 576 bytes are used for zone and area control blocks, or 0.9% overhead Quick Fit Lookaside List Summary: List Block Number of number size blocks ------ ---------- ---------- 2 32 6 3 48 7 4 64 7 5 80 14 6 96 6 7 112 12 8 128 14 9 144 14 10 160 7 11 176 14 12 192 8 13 208 9 14 224 8 15 240 12 16 256 10 Area Summary: First Last Pages Bytes not yet address address assigned allocated -------- -------- ---------- ------------- 00000001C0004000 00000001C0011FFF 112 352 Scanning Lookaside Lists in Zone Control Block Scanning Free List for Area at 00000001C0004000 Number of blocks = 63, Min blocksize = 272, Max blocksize = 1360
LIB$SIGNAL — The Signal Exception Condition routine generates a signal that indicates that an exception condition has occurred in your program. If a condition handler does not take corrective action and the condition is severe, then your program will exit.
LIB$SIGNAL condition-value [,condition-argument...] [,condition-value-n
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS 32-bit condition value. The condition-value
argument is an unsigned longword that contains this condition value.
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the format of an OpenVMS condition value.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
As many arguments as are required to process the exception specified by
. Note that these arguments are also used
as FAO (formatted ASCII output) arguments to format a message.
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the message format.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS 32-bit condition value. The optional
argument is an unsigned longword that
contains this condition value. The calling routine can specify additional conditions
to be processed by specifying condition-value-2
, with each condition value followed by
any arguments required to process the condition specified. However, the total number
of arguments in the call to LIB$SIGNAL must not exceed 253.
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the format of an OpenVMS condition value.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
As many arguments as are required to create the message reporting the exception
specified by condition-value-n
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the message format.
A routine calls LIB$SIGNAL to indicate an exception condition or output a message rather than return a status code to its caller.
LIB$SIGNAL creates a signal argument vector that contains all the arguments passed to it, with the PC and PSL (VAX) or PS (Alpha or I64) appended to it. LIB$SIGNAL also creates a mechanism argument vector that contains the state of the process at the time of the exception. LIB$SIGNAL then searches for a condition handler to process the exception condition.
Returns a continue code
Calls system service $UNWIND
LIB$SIGNAL uses each frame's saved frame pointer (FP) to chain back through the stack frames. The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual provides additional information on this process.
Successfully process the condition and return a continue code (that is, any success completion code with bit 0 set to 1). In this case, LIB$SIGNAL returns to its caller, which should be prepared to continue execution.
Fail to process the condition. The handler then returns a resignal code (that is, any completion code with bit 0 set to 0) and LIB$SIGNAL scans the stack for the next specified handler.
Dismiss the signal and system service $UNWIND to cause the Condition Handling Facility (CHF) to perform some call stack cleanup and resume program execution (at a level specified by the condition handler) up on the call stack.
LIB$SIGNAL can, as necessary, scan up to 65,536 previous stack frames and then finally examine the last-chance exception vector. If called, the last-chance exception handler formats a message based on the condition codes and arguments contained within the signal argument vector.
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran example program demonstrates the use of C LIB$SIGNAL. C C This program defines SS$... signals and then calls LIB$SIGNAL C passing the access violation code as the argument. C- INCLUDE ’($SSDEF)’ CALL LIB$SIGNAL ( %VAL(SS$_ACCVIO) ) END
In Fortran, this code fragment signals the standard system message ACCESS VIOLATION.
The output generated by this Fortran program on an OpenVMS Alpha system is as follows:%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=10, virtual address=03C00020,_ PC=00000000, PS=08000000 %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC D2$MAIN D2$MAIN 683 00000010 00000410
;+ ; This VAX MACRO example program demonstrates the use of LIB$SIGNAL ; by forcing an access violation to be signaled. ;- .EXTRN SS$_ACCVIO ; Declare external symbol .ENTRY START,0 PUSHL #SS$_ACCVIO ; Condition value symbol ; for access violation CALLS #1, G^LIB$SIGNAL ; Signal the condition RET .END START .EXTRN SS$_ACCVIO ; Declare external symbol PUSHL #SS$_ACCVIO ; Condition value symbol ; for access violation CALLS #1, LIB$SIGNAL ; Signal the condition
This example shows the equivalent VAX MACRO code. The output generated by this program on a OpenVMS VAX system is as follows:%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=0F, virtual address=03C00000,_ PC=00000000, PSL=00000000 %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC .MAIN. START 0000000F 0000020F
#include <ssdef.h> #include <lib$routines.h> main() { /* ** lib$signal will append the PC/PS to argument list, ** so pass only first two FAO arguments to lib$signal */ lib$signal(SS$_ACCVIO, 4, -559038737); /* Shouldn’t return */ return (SS$_NORMAL); /* Exit if it does */ }
This example shows the equivalent C code. The output generated by this program on an OpenVMS Alpha system is as follows:%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual address=DEADBEEF, PC=00020034, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows Image Name Module Name Routine Name Line Number rel PC abs PC LIB$SIGNAL 0 00010034 00020034 LIB$SIGNAL 0 000100A0 000200A0 0 82F01158 82F01158 0 7FF190D0 7FF190D0
#include <stdio> #include <ssdef> #include <tlib$routines> /* Condition handler: */ /* */ /* This condition handler will print out the signal array, based on */ /* the argument count in the first element of the array. The error */ /* is resignalled and should be picked up by the last chance condition */ /* handler which will format and print error messages and terminate the */ /* program. */ /* */ int handler (int* sig, int*mech) { int i; printf ("*** Caught signal:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i <= sig[0]; i++) { printf (" %08X\n", sig[i]); } printf ("\n"); return SS$_RESIGNAL; } /* Main program: */ /* */ /* Signal errors: */ /* */ /* SS$_BADPARAM has no arguments */ /* SS$_ACCVIO has 4 arguments, the last two (PC and PS) are */ /* automatically provided by LIB$SIGNAL. */ /* */ main () { lib$establish (handler); lib$signal (SS$_BADPARAM, SS$_ACCVIO, 2, 0xFACE); }
This C example demonstrates the use of a condition handler to capture the signal generated by LIB$SIGNAL. The output is as follows:$ CC SIGNAL.C $ LINK SIGNAL $ RUN SIGNAL *** Caught signal: 00000006 00000014 0000000C 00000002 0000FACE 000201A0 0000001B %SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value -SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=02, virtual address=000000000000FACE, PC=00000000000201A0, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC SIGNAL SIGNAL main 5961 00000000000001A0 00000000000201A0 SIGNAL SIGNAL __main 0 0000000000000050 0000000000020050 0 FFFFFFFF82204914 FFFFFFFF82204914
LIB$SIG_TO_RET — The Signal Converted to a Return Status routine converts any signaled condition value to a value returned as a function. The signaled condition is returned to the caller of the user routine that established the handler that is calling LIB$SIG_TO_RET. This routine may be established as or called from a condition handler.
LIB$SIG_TO_RET signal-arguments ,mechanism-arguments
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal argument vector. The signal-arguments
contains the address of an array that is this signal argument vector stack.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the signal argument vector.
OpenVMS usage: | structure |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mechanism arguments vector. The mechanism-arguments
argument contains the address of a structure that is this mechanism argument vector
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the mechanism argument vector.
LIB$SIG_TO_RET is called with the argument list that was passed to a condition handler by the OpenVMS Condition Handling Facility. The signaled condition is converted to a value returned to the routine that called the routine that established the handler. That action is performed by unwinding the stack to the caller of the establisher of the condition handler. The condition code is returned as the value in R0. See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information on condition handling.
LIB$SIG_TO_RET causes the stack to be unwound to the caller of the routine that established the handler which was called by the signal.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed; SS$_UNWIND completed. Otherwise, the error code from SS$_UNWIND is returned. |
C+ C This Fortran example demonstrates how to use LIB$SIG_TO_RET. C C This function subroutine inverts each entry in an array. That is, C a(i,j) becomes 1/a(i,j). The subroutine has been declared as an integer C function so that the status of the inversion may be returned. The status C should be success, unless one of the a(i,j) entries is zero. If one of C the a(i,j) = 0, then 1/a(i,j) is division by zero. This division by zero C does not cause a division by zero error, rather, the routine will return C signal a failure. C- INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FLIP(A,N) DIMENSION A(N,N) EXTERNAL LIB$SIG_TO_RET CALL LIB$ESTABLISH (LIB$SIG_TO_RET) FLIP = .TRUE. C+ C Flip each entry. C- DO 1 I = 1, N DO 1 J = 1, N 1 A(I,J) = 1.0/A(I,J) RETURN END C+ C This is the main code. C- INTEGER STATUS, FLIP REAL ARRAY_1(2,2),ARRAY_2(3,3) DATA ARRAY_1/1,2,3,4/,ARRAY_2/1,2,3,5,0,5,6,7,2/ CHARACTER*32 TEXT(2),STRING DATA TEXT(1)/’ This array could be flipped. ’/, 1 TEXT(2)/’ This array could not be flipped.’/ STRING = TEXT(1) STATUS = FLIP(ARRAY_1,2) IF ( .NOT. STATUS) STRING = TEXT(2) TYPE ’(a)’, STRING STRING = TEXT(1) STATUS = FLIP(ARRAY_2,3) IF ( .NOT. STATUS) STRING = TEXT(2) TYPE ’(a)’, STRING END
This array could be flipped. This array could not be flipped.
LIB$SIG_TO_STOP — The Convert a Signaled Condition to a Signaled Stop routine converts a signaled condition to a signaled condition that cannot be continued.
LIB$SIG_TO_STOP signal-arguments ,mechanism-arguments
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal argument vector. The signal-arguments
contains the address of an array that is this signal argument vector stack.
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the signal argument vector.
OpenVMS usage: | structure |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mechanism argument vector. The mechanism-arguments
contains the address of a structure that is this mechanism argument vector
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the mechanism argument vector.
LIB$SIG_TO_STOP causes a signal to appear as though it had been signaled by a call to LIB$STOP. When a signal is generated by LIB$STOP, the severity code is forced to SEVERE and control cannot return to the routine that signaled the condition. LIB$SIG_TO_STOP may be enabled as a condition handler for a routine or it may be called from a condition handler.
If the condition value in signal-arguments
then LIB$SIG_TO_STOP returns the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed; SS$_UNWIND completed. Otherwise, the error code from SS$_UNWIND is returned. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The condition code in
signal-arguments is SS$_UNWIND. |
LIB$SIM_TRAP — The Simulate Floating Trap routine converts floating faults to floating traps. It can be enabled as a condition handler or can be called by one. This routine is not available to native OpenVMS Alpha or I64 programs but is available to translated VAX images.
LIB$SIM_TRAP signal-arguments ,mechanism-arguments
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Signal argument vector. The signal-arguments
contains the address of an array that is this signal argument vector stack. See the
VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the signal argument vector.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_unsigned |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Mechanism argument vector. The mechanism-arguments
contains the address of an array that is this mechanism argument vector
See the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a description of the mechanism argument vector.
LIB$SIM_TRAP converts floating faults to floating traps. It can be enabled as a condition handler or can be called by one.
LIB$SIM_TRAP intercepts floating overflow, underflow, and divide-by-zero faults. It simulates the instruction causing the condition up to the point where a fault should be signaled, then signals the corresponding floating trap.
Since LIB$SIM_TRAP nullifies the condition handling for the original fault condition, the final condition signaled by the routine will be from the context of the instruction itself, rather than from the condition handler. The signaling path is identical to that of a hardware-generated trap. The signal argument vector is placed so the last entry in the vector will be the user's stack pointer at the completion of the instruction (for a trap), or at the beginning of the instruction (for a fault).
See the VAX Architecture Reference Manual for more information on faults and traps.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_RESIGNAL | Resignal condition to next handler. The exception was one that LIB$SIM_TRAP could not handle. |
LIB$SKPC — The Skip Equal Characters routine compares each character of a given string with a given character and returns the relative position of the first nonequal character as an index. LIB$SKPC makes the VAX SKPC instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$SKPC character-string ,source-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position in the source string of the first unequal character.
LIB$SKPC returns a zero if the source string was of zero length or if every
character in source-string
was equal to
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String whose initial character is to be used by LIB$SKPC in the comparison. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this string. Only the first character of
is used, and the length of
is not checked.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String to be searched by LIB$SKPC. The source-string
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this string.
LIB$SKPC compares the initial character of character-string
with successive characters of source-string
until it finds an
inequality or reaches the end of the source-string
. It
returns the relative position of this unequal character as an index, which is the
relative position of the first occurrence of a substring in the source
Condition Values Returned
C+ C This Fortran example program shows the use of LIB$SKPC. C LIB$SKPC compares each character of a given string with a given character. C It returns the relative position of the first nonequal character as an index. C- I = LIB$SKPC (’ ’, ’ ABC’) TYPE 1, I 1 FORMAT(’ The blank character matches the’,I2,’nd character in’) TYPE *,’the string " ABC"’ J = LIB$SKPC (’A’, ’AAA’) TYPE 2, J 2 FORMAT(’ The character "A" matches the’,I2,’th character in’) TYPE *,’the string " AAA"’ END
The blank character matches the 2nd character in the string " ABC" The character "A" matches the 0th character in the string " AAA"
LIB$SPANC — The Skip Selected Characters routine is used to skip a specified set of characters in the source string. LIB$SPANC makes the VAX SPANC instruction available as a callable routine. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
LIB$SPANC source-string ,table-array ,byte-integer-mask
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
The relative position in the source string of the character that terminated the operation is returned if such a character is found. Otherwise, zero is returned. If the source string has a zero length, then a zero is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string used by LIB$SPANC to index into table-array
. The source-string
argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_mask_byte |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Table that LIB$SPANC indexes into and performs an AND operation with the
byte. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
byte array that is this table.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_byte |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Mask that an AND operation is performed with bytes in
. The byte-integer-mask
argument contains the address of an unsigned byte that is this mask.
LIB$SPANC uses successive bytes of the string specified by
to index into a table. An AND operation is
performed on the byte selected from the table and the mask byte.
The operation is terminated when the result of the AND operation is zero.
Condition Values Returned
!+ ! This Fortran program demonstrates how to use ! LIB$SCANC and STR$UPCASE. ! ! Declare the Run-Time Library routines to be used. !- INTEGER*4 STR$UPCASE ! Translate to upper case INTEGER*4 LIB$SCANC ! Look for characters INTEGER*4 LIB$SPANC ! Skip over characters !+ ! Declare the alphabet from which "words" are constructed. !- CHARACTER*(38) ALPHABET DATA ALPHABET /’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$_’/ !+ ! Local variable declarations !- INTEGER*4 WORD_COUNT /0/ ! Count of words found INTEGER*4 WORD_LENGTH /0/ ! Length of a word INTEGER*4 TOTAL_LENGTH /0/ ! Sum of word lengths INTEGER*4 START_POS /0/ ! Position of start of word INTEGER*4 END_POS /0/ ! Position of end of word REAL*4 AVERAGE_LENGTH /0.0/ ! Average length of words CHARACTER*80 LINE ! Line to examine for words BYTE MATCH_TABLE(0:255) /256*0/ ! Match table for scanning !+ ! The routines LIB$SCANC and LIB$SPANC require a table with an entry ! for each possible character. Create a match table from ALPHABET ! with an entry of 1 if the character is in ALPHABET, 0 otherwise. ! MATCH_TABLE has already been initialized to zeros. !- DO I = 1, LEN(ALPHABET) MATCH_TABLE(ICHAR(ALPHABET(I:I))) = 1 END DO !+ ! Loop forever finding words in LINE. When LINE is exhausted, ! indicated by a START_POS of zero, read another one. Upon ! end-of-file, leave the loop and print the statistics. !- OPEN( UNIT = 1, FILE = ’TEST.DAT’, TYPE = ’OLD’ ) DO WHILE (.TRUE.) DO WHILE (START_POS .EQ. 0) ! Get a new line READ (1,’(A)’,END=900) LINE ! If EOF, skip to 900 CALL STR$UPCASE (LINE,LINE) ! Convert to upper ! case for matching START_POS = LIB$SCANC (LINE,MATCH_TABLE,1) ! Find beginning END DO ! of first word !+ ! START_POS now points to the beginning of a word. Call LIB$SPANC to ! find the first character that is not part of the word. Set ! START_POS to beginning of next word. If LIB$SPANC does not ! find a non-word character, it returns zero. !- END_POS = 1 START_POS + LIB$SPANC (LINE(START_POS:), MATCH_TABLE,1) - 1 IF (END_POS .LT. START_POS) THEN ! Word goes to end of line WORD_LENGTH = (LEN(LINE) + 1) - START_POS START_POS = 0 ! Indicate line exhausted ELSE WORD_LENGTH = END_POS - START_POS START_POS = 1 END_POS + LIB$SCANC (LINE(END_POS:),MATCH_TABLE,1) - 1 IF (START_POS .LT. END_POS) START_POS = 0 ! No more words on line END IF !+ ! Update count and length statistics. !- WORD_COUNT = WORD_COUNT + 1 TOTAL_LENGTH = TOTAL_LENGTH + WORD_LENGTH END DO 900 CONTINUE !+ ! Compute average word length and display statistics. !- IF (WORD_COUNT .NE. 0) 1 AVERAGE_LENGTH = FLOAT(TOTAL_LENGTH) / FLOAT(WORD_COUNT) TYPE 901,WORD_COUNT,AVERAGE_LENGTH 901 FORMAT (1X,I10,’ words found, average length was ’, 1 F4.1,’ letters.’) CLOSE (1) END
This Fortran program reads text from the default input unit and looks for words. A word is defined as a string containing only the characters A through Z (uppercase or lowercase), 0 through 9, and the dollar sign ($) and underscore (_) symbols. The program reports the total number of words found and their average length.
The string is converted to uppercase using STR$UPCASE so that the search for words will ignore the case of letters.
LIB$SCANC searches through the string for one of a set of characters, the set being specified as nonzero elements in a 256-byte table.
Similarly, LIB$SPANC uses the VAX SPANC instruction to search through a string for a character whose table entry is not zero. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
The value returned by each routine is the index into the string where the first matching (or nonmatching) character was found, or zero if no match was found.
12 words found, average length was 4.2 letters.
LIB$SPAWN — The Spawn Subprocess routine requests the command language interpreter (CLI) of the calling process to spawn a subprocess for executing CLI commands. LIB$SPAWN provides the same function as the DCL command SPAWN.
LIB$SPAWN [command-string] [,input-file] [,output-file] [,flags]
[,process-name] [,process-id] [,completion-status-address]
[,byte-integer-event-flag-num] [,AST-address] [,varying-AST-argument]
[,prompt-string] [,cli] [,table]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
CLI command to be executed by the spawned subprocess. The
argument is the address of a descriptor
pointing to this CLI command string. If command-string
omitted, commands are taken from the file specified by
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Equivalence name to be associated with the logical name SYS$INPUT in the logical
name table for the subprocess. The input-file
argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to this equivalence string. If
is omitted, the default is the caller's
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Equivalence name to be associated with the logical names SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR
in the logical name table for the subprocess. The output-file
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this equivalence string. If
is omitted, the default is the caller's
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Flag bits that designate optional behavior. The flags
argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains these flag bits. By
default, all flags are clear.
These flags are defined as follows:
Bit |
Symbol |
Meaning |
0 |
If this bit is set, the calling process continues executing in parallel with the subprocess. If this bit is clear, the calling process hibernates until the subprocess completes. |
1 |
If this bit is set, the spawned subprocess does not inherit CLI symbols from its caller. If this bit is clear, the subprocess inherits all currently defined CLI symbols. You may want to specify NOCLISYM to help prevent commands redefined by symbol assignments from affecting the spawned commands. |
2 |
If this bit is set, the spawned subprocess does not inherit process logical names from its caller. If this bit is clear, the subprocess inherits all currently defined process logical names. You may want to specify NOLOGNAM to help prevent commands redefined by logical name assignments from affecting the spawned commands. |
3 |
If this bit is set, the keypad symbols and state are not passed to the subprocess. If this bit is not set, the keypad settings are passed to the subprocess. |
4 |
If this bit is set, a message is broadcast to SYS$OUTPUT when the subprocess completes or aborts. If this bit is not set, no message is broadcast. This bit should not be set unless the NOWAIT bit is also set. |
5 |
If this bit is set, no carriage-return/line-feed is prefixed to any prompt string. If this bit is not set, a carriage-return/line-feed is prefixed to any prompt string specified. |
6 |
If this bit is set, it indicates a SPAWN command on behalf of the application. If this bit is not set, it indicates that the SPAWN command originates from user. SPAWN commands originating from users are disallowed in captive accounts (DCL). |
7 |
If this bit is set, the subprocess inherits the caller's authorized privileges. If this bit is clear, the spawned processes' authorized mask is set equal to the caller's current (active) privilege mask. |
8 |
If this bit is set, a spawned process inherits protected subsystem IDs for the duration of LOGINOUT.EXE (used to map the CLI). The IDs will be removed in the process of transferring control to the CLI (as a user mode $RUNDWN is performed). If this bit is clear, LOGINOUT does not execute under the subsystem IDs. |
Bits 9 through 31 are reserved for future expansion and must be zero. Symbolic flag names are defined in libraries supplied by VSI in module $CLIDEF. They are CLI$M_NOWAIT, CLI$M_NOCLISYM, CLI$M_NOLOGNAM, CLI$M_NOKEYPAD, CLI$M_NOTIFY, CLI$M_NOCONTROL, CLI$M_TRUSTED, CLI$M_AUTHPRIV, and CLI$M_SUBSYSTEM.
OpenVMS usage: | process_name |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Name defined for the subprocess. The process-name
is the address of a descriptor pointing to this name string. If
is omitted, a unique process name will be
generated. If you supply a name and it is not unique, LIB$SPAWN will return the
condition value SS$_DUPLNAM.
The DCL_CTLFLAGS is a bitmask used to alter default behavior for certain commands
on a systemwide basis. Currently, only the low bit of the bitmask is defined. The
low bit controls the default process-name
assignment for a
subprocess created using the LIB$SPAWN routine.
Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3-1, if no process name was supplied, the system
constructed a name by appending _n
to the username, where
was the next available non-duplicate integer for any
process currently in the system. For example, the first spawned process from user
SYSTEM would be called SYSTEM_1, the second, SYSTEM_2, and so on. The next available
number was chosen, as soon as a gap was found.
Beginning in OpenVMS Version 7.3-1, the default constructed process name for subprocesses has changed. Instead of incrementally searching for the next unique number, a random number is chosen to append to the username. Therefore, the first processes that are spawned from user SYSTEM might be SYSTEM_154, SYSTEM_42, SYSTEM_87, and so on. This procedure results in a very high probability of finding a unique number on the first try since it is unlikely the same number is already in use.
However, some applications might rely on the previous method of assigning subprocess names. The DCL_CTLFLAGS parameter is available to allow you to configure the system as necessary.
If clear, the new behavior is used. If the process name is not specified, it will be the username with a random number suffix. This is the default setting.
If set, the previous behavior is used. If the process name is not specified, it will be the username with the next available number suffix.
OpenVMS usage: | process_id |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Process identification of the spawned subprocess. The
argument is the address of an unsigned
longword that contains this process identification value.
This process identification value is meaningful only if the NOWAIT
bit is set.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The final completion status of the subprocess. The
argument contains the address
of the status. The system writes the value of the final completion status of the
subprocess into completion-status-address
when the subprocess
completes. If the subprocess returns a status code of 0, the system writes
SS$_NORMAL into this address.
If the NOWAIT flags
bit is set, the
is updated asynchronously when
the subprocess completes. Use the byte-integer-event-flag-num
or AST-address
arguments to determine when the subprocess has
completed. Your program must ensure that the address is still valid when the value
is written.
OpenVMS usage: | byte_unsigned |
type: | byte (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of a local event flag to be set when the spawned subprocess completes.
The byte-integer-event-flag-num
argument is the address of an
unsigned byte that contains this event flag number. If
is omitted, no event flag is
Specifying byte-integer-event-flag-num
is meaningful only
if the NOWAIT flags
bit is set.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | call without stack unwinding |
mechanism: | by value |
Routine to be called by means of an AST when the subprocess completes.
Specifying AST-address
is meaningful only if the NOWAIT
bit is set.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
A value to be passed to the AST routine. Typically, the
argument is the address of a block
of storage the AST routine will use.
Specifying varying-AST-argument
is meaningful only if the
NOWAIT flags
bit is set and if
has been specified.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Prompt string to use in the subprocess. The prompt-string
argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this prompt string. If
is omitted, the subprocess uses the same
prompt string that the parent process uses.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification for the command language interpreter (CLI) to be run in the
subprocess. The cli
argument is the address of this file
specification string's descriptor. The CLI specified must reside in SYS$SYSTEM with
a file type of .EXE, and it must be installed. No directory or file type may be
specified. The cli
argument must be specified in uppercase
If cli
is omitted, the subprocess uses the same CLI as the
parent process. If cli
is specified, no context is copied to
the subprocess.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification for the command tables to be used by the spawned process. The
argument is the address of this file specification
string's descriptor. The table specified must reside in SYS$SHARE with a file type
of .EXE, and it must be installed.
If table
is omitted, the subprocess uses the same table as
the parent process.
Process logical names
Global and local CLI symbols
Default device and directory
Process privileges
Process nondeductible quotas
Current command verification setting
The subprocess does not inherit process-permanent files nor routine or image context.
Though the subprocess inherits the caller's process privileges as its own process privileges, the set of authorized privileges in the subprocess is inherited from the caller's current privileges. If the calling image is installed with elevated privileges, these privileges are not available to the subprocess until a SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE command or equivalent $SETPRV call is performed in the subprocess to enable these privileges.
If the calling image is installed with elevated privileges, it should disable those privileges around the call to LIB$SPAWN unless the environment of the subprocess is strictly controlled. Otherwise, there is a possibility of a security breach due to elevated privileges accidentally being made available to the user.
If neither command-string
is present, command input is taken from the
parent terminal. If both command-string
are present, the subprocess first executes
and then reads from
. If only command-string
is specified, the command is executed, and the subprocess is terminated. If
is specified, the subprocess is terminated by
either a LOGOUT command or an end-of-file.
The subprocess does not inherit process-permanent files nor routine or image context. No LOGIN.COM file is executed.
Unless the NOWAIT flags
bit is set, the caller's process is
put into hibernation until the subprocess finishes. Because the caller's process
hibernates in supervisor mode, any user-mode ASTs queued for delivery to the caller
are not delivered until the caller reawakes. Control can also be restored to the
caller by means of an ATTACH command or by a suitable call to LIB$ATTACH from the
This routine is supported for use only with the DCL command language interpreter. If used when the current CLI is MCR, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
If an image is run directly as a subprocess or as a detached process, there is no CLI present to perform this function. In such cases, the error status LIB$_NOCLI is returned.
Programs depending on embedded DCL commands may not function properly when run under other command language interpreters that may be supported by future versions of OpenVMS operating systems.
See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a complete description of the SPAWN command.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_ACCVIO | Access violation. One of the string arguments to LIB$SPAWN could
not be read, or completion-status-address
could not be written. |
SS$_DUPLNAM | Duplicate process name. If the argument
process-name was specified, it duplicated
an existing process name. If process-name was
omitted, LIB$SPAWN was unable to create a unique name for the
subprocess. |
fac$_xxx | Other error trying to create subprocess. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The optional argument
flags was specified, and a bit other than
bits 0 through 8 was set. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. One of the string arguments had an invalid descriptor. |
LIB$_NOCLI | No CLI present to perform function. The calling process did not have a CLI to perform the function, or the CLI did not support the request type. Note that an image run as a subprocess or detached process does not have a CLI. |
If an error is encountered during subprocess creation, the status value for that error is returned by LIB$SPAWN.
This Fortran fragment shows a call to LIB$SPAWN from within a Fortran program. A subprocess is spawned taking input from SYS$INPUT and giving output to SYS$OUTPUT. The keypad state is not passed to the subprocess. A prompt string of “> ” is specified for the subprocess.
LIB$STAT_TIMER — The Statistics, Return Accumulated Times and Counts routine returns to its caller one of five available statistics accumulated since the last call to LIB$INIT_TIMER. Unlike LIB$SHOW_TIMER, which formats the values for output, LIB$STAT_TIMER returns the value as an unsigned longword or quadword.
LIB$STAT_TIMER code ,value-argument [,handle-address]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a signed longword integer that contains a code to specify the statistic to be returned. The code specification must be an integer from 1 to 5.
The following values are allowed for code
Value |
Statistic Returned |
1 |
Elapsed real time (quadword, in system time format) |
2 |
Elapsed CPU time (longword, in 10 millisecond increments) |
3 |
Count of buffered I/O operations (longword) |
4 |
Count of direct I/O operations (longword) |
5 |
Count of page faults (longword) |
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The statistic returned by LIB$STAT_TIMER. The
argument contains the address of a
longword or quadword that is this statistic. All statistics are longword integers
except elapsed real time, which is a quadword.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more details on the system time format.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Pointer to a block of storage. The optional handle-address
argument contains the address of an unsigned longword that is this pointer.
If handle-address
is specified, LIB$STAT_TIMER assumes that
LIB$INIT_TIMER has been called with the same value of
. Handle-address
an optional argument. If it is not specified, LIB$STAT_TIMER uses internal
Only one of the five statistics is returned by each call to LIB$STAT_TIMER. The elapsed time is returned in the system quadword format. Therefore the receiving area should be eight bytes long. All other returned values are longwords.
LIB$SHOW_TIMER and LIB$STAT_TIMER are relatively simple tools for testing the performance of a new application. Note that LIB$INIT_TIMER must be called prior to any calls to LIB$SHOW_TIMER or LIB$STAT_TIMER.
To obtain more detailed information, use LIB$GETJPI (Get Job/Process Information) or the system service $GETTIM.
Code |
Statistic |
Format for LIB$SHOW_TIMER |
Format for LIB$STAT_TIMER |
1 |
Elapsed real time |
hhhh: mm: ss. cc |
Quadword in system time format |
2 |
Elapsed CPU time |
hhhh: mm: ss. cc |
Longword in 10-millisecond increments |
3 |
Count of buffered I/O operations |
nnnn |
Longword |
4 |
Count of direct I/O operations |
nnnn |
Longword |
5 |
Count of page faults |
nnnn |
Longword |
When you call LIB$INIT_TIMER, you must use the optional
argument only if you want to keep several
sets of statistics simultaneously. This argument points to a block in heap storage
where the statistics are to be stored.
You need to call LIB$FREE_TIMER only if you have specified
in LIB$INIT_TIMER and you want to
deallocate all heap storage resources. In most cases, the implicit deallocation at
program exit time will be sufficient.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. Either code or
handle-address is invalid. |
Spend time to acquire elapsed real time and page faults Page fault count is 22 Elapsed real time is 00:00:00.61
LIB$STAT_VM — The Return Virtual Memory Statistics routine returns to its caller one of
six statistics available from calls to LIB$GET_VM/LIB$FREE_VM and
LIB$GET_VM_PAGE/LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address
reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this
routine. Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM, which formats the values for output and displays them
on SYS$OUTPUT, LIB$STAT_VM returns the statistic in the
argument. Only one of the statistics is
returned by each call to LIB$STAT_VM.
LIB$STAT_VM code ,value-argument
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Code specifying which statistic is to be returned. The code
argument contains the address of a signed longword integer that is this code.
Code |
Statistic |
1 |
Number of successful calls to LIB$GET_VM |
2 |
Number of successful calls to LIB$FREE_VM |
3 |
Number of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM |
5 |
Number of calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE |
6 |
Number of calls to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE |
7 |
Number of VAX pages or Alpha pagelets allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE |
Note that it is invalid to omit code
or to give a
of 0 or 4.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Value of the statistic returned by LIB$STAT_VM. The
argument contains the address of an
unsigned longword integer that is this value.
LIB$STAT_VM returns to its caller one of six available statistics. Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM, which formats the values for output, LIB$STAT_VM returns the value to a location specified as an argument.
Only one of the six statistics can be returned by one call to LIB$STAT_VM. The
argument code
must be one of six values described for
value of 0 or 4 is invalid.
Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM, which produces ASCII values for output, LIB$STAT_VM returns the value in binary form to a location specified as an argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The value of code was
not one of the values allowed by LIB$STAT_VM. |
LIB$STAT_VM_64 — The Return Virtual Memory Statistics routine returns to its caller one of six statistics available from calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 and LIB$FREE_VM_64, as well as LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 and LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64. Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM_64, which formats the values for output and displays them on SYS$OUTPUT, LIB$STAT_VM_64 returns the statistic in the value-argument argument. Only one of the statistics is returned by each call to LIB$STAT_VM_ 64.
LIB$STAT_VM_64 code ,value-argument
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | quadword_signed |
type: | quadword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Code specifying which statistic is to be returned. The code
argument contains the address of a signed quadword integer that is this code.
Code | Statistic |
1 | Number of successful calls to LIB$GET_VM_64 |
2 | Number of successful calls to LIB$FREE_VM_64 |
3 | Number of bytes allocated by LIB$GET_VM_64 but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_64 |
5 | Number of calls to LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 |
6 | Number of calls to LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 |
7 | Number of Alpha or I64 pagelets allocated by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 but not yet deallocated by LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 |
Note that it is invalid to omit code or to give a code of 0 or 4.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Value of the statistic returned by LIB$STAT_VM_64. The
argument contains the address of an
unsigned quadword integer that is this value.
LIB$STAT_VM_64 returns to its caller one of six available statistics. Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM_64, which formats the values for output, LIB$STAT_VM_64 returns the value to a location specified as an argument.
Only one of the six statistics can be returned by one call to LIB$STAT_VM_64. The
argument must be one of six values described for
LIB$SHOW_VM_64. A code
value of 0 or 4 is invalid.
Unlike LIB$SHOW_VM_64, which produces ASCII values for output, LIB$STAT_ VM_64 returns the value in binary form to a location specified as an argument.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The value of code was not one of the values allowed by LIB$STAT_VM_64. |
LIB$STOP — The Stop Execution and Signal the Condition routine generates a signal that indicates that an exception condition has occurred in your program. Exception conditions signaled by LIB$STOP cannot be continued from the point of the signal.
LIB$STOP condition-value [,number-of-arguments]
LIB$STOP generates a signal and stops execution of the calling program. No condition values are returned.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS 32-bit condition value. The condition-value
argument is an unsigned longword that contains this condition value.
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the format of a condition value.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Number of FAO arguments associated with condition-value. The optional
argument is a signed longword integer
that contains this number. If omitted or specified as zero, no FAO arguments
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Optional FAO (formatted ASCII output) argument that is associated with the specified condition value.
The VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual explains the message format.
LIB$STOP is called whenever your program must indicate an exception condition because it is impossible to continue execution or return a status code to the calling program.
LIB$STOP scans the stack frame by frame, starting with the most recent frame, calling each established handler (see the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual). LIB$STOP guarantees that control will not return to the caller.
The LIB$STOP argument list, the Program Counter (PC) and Processor Status Longword (PSL on OpenVMS VAX systems, PS on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems) of the caller are appended to build the signal argument vector.
The severity of condition-value is forced to SEVERE before each call to a handler.
If any handler attempts to continue by returning a success completion code, the error message ATTEMPT TO CONTINUE FROM STOP is printed and your program exits.
If the handler called by LIB$STOP in turn calls system service $UNWIND, control will not return to LIB$STOP’s caller, thus changing the program flow. A handler can also modify the saved copy of R0/R1 in the mechanism vector, changing registers R0 and R1 after the stack has been unwound. If a handler does neither of these things, then all registers including R0/R1 and the hardware condition codes are preserved. On Alpha systems, OpenVMS Alpha instructions perform the equivalent operation.
The only way a handler can prevent the image from exiting after a call to LIB$STOP is to unwind the stack using the $UNWIND system service.
Condition Values Returned
This BASIC example program uses LIB$STOP to stop executing if an error is signaled. This BASIC program tries to reserve an event flag that is not accessible to user programs, thus ensuring that an error will be signaled.
The output generated by this BASIC program is as follows:
%LIB-F-EF_ALRRES, event flag already reserved %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC 2822XBLST$MAIN 2822XBLST$MAIN 6 00000044 00000644
LIB$SUBX — The Multiple-Precision Binary Subtraction routine performs subtraction on signed two's complement integers of arbitrary length.
LIB$SUBX minuend-array ,subtrahend-array ,difference-array
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Minuend; a multiple-precision, signed two's complement integer. The
argument is the address of an array of
signed longword integers that contains the minuend.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Subtrahend; a multiple-precision, signed two's complement integer. The
argument is the address of an array of
signed longword integers that contains the subtrahend.
OpenVMS usage: | vector_longword_signed |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
Difference; a multiple-precision, signed two's complement integer result. The
argument is the address of
an array of signed longword integers that contains the difference.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_signed |
type: | longword integer (signed) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length in longwords of the arrays to be operated on by LIB$SUBX. The
argument contains the address of a signed
longword integer that is this length. The array-length
argument must not be negative. The default length is 2 units.
LIB$SUBX performs subtraction on signed two's complement integers of arbitrary
length. The integers are located in arrays of longwords. The higher addresses
contain the higher-precision parts of the values. The highest-addressed longword
contains the sign and 31 bits of precision. The remaining longwords contain 32 bits
of precision in each. The number of longwords to be operated on is given by the
optional argument, array-length
. The default length is 2,
which corresponds to the OpenVMS quadword data type.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_INTOVF | Integer overflow. The result is correct, except that the sign bit is lost. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. Length is negative. The output array is unchanged. |
C+ C This Fortran example program demonstrates the use of LIB$SUBX. C- INTEGER A(2),B(2),C(2),RETURN C+ C Let "A" have the value 72057594037927937 = ’1000000000000001’x. C Let "B" have the value 4294967295 = ’00000000FFFFFFFF’x. C- A(1) = ’00000001’x A(2) = ’10000000’x B(1) = ’FFFFFFFF’x B(2) = ’00000000’x C+ C Then "A" - "B" is 72057589742960642. C- RETURN = LIB$SUBX(A,B,C) TYPE *,’ ’ TYPE *,’Let A = 72057594037927937 and B = 4294967295.’ TYPE *,’Then C = A - B = 72057589742960642.’ TYPE 2,C(2),C(1) 2 FORMAT(’ 72057589742960642 is represented as ’,1H’,Z8,Z8,3H’x.) TYPE *, 51HThat is, C(2) = ’0FFFFFFF’x and C(1) = ’00000002’x. END
Let A = 72057594037927937 and B = 4294967295. Then C = A - B = 72057589742960642. 72057589742960642 is represented as ' FFFFFFF 2'x. That is, C(2) = '0FFFFFFF'x and C(1) = '00000002'x.
LIB$SUB_TIMES — The Subtract Two Quadword Times routine subtracts two OpenVMS internal-time-format times.
LIB$SUB_TIMES time1 ,time2 ,resultant-time
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
First time, from which LIB$SUB_TIMES subtracts the second time. The
argument is the address of an unsigned quadword
containing this time. The time1
argument must represent a
later or equal time or a longer or equal time interval than
. The time1
argument may be
either absolute time or delta time as long as time2
is of the
same type. If time1
and time2
are of
different types, time1
must be the absolute time.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Second time, which LIB$SUB_TIMES subtracts from the first time. The
argument is the address of an unsigned quadword
containing this time. The time2
argument must represent an
earlier or equal time or a shorter or equal time interval than
. The time2
argument may be
either absolute time or delta time as long as time1
is of the
same type. If time2
and time1
are of
different types, time2
must be the delta time.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The result of subtracting time2
. The resultant-time
is the address of an unsigned quadword containing the result. If both
and time2
are delta times,
then resultant-time
is a delta time. If both
and time2
are absolute
times, then resultant-time
is a delta time. If
is an absolute time and
is a delta time, then
is an absolute time.
, is subtracted from time1
The following table shows the only combinations of times you can subtract:
Time1 |
Time2 |
Subtraction |
Resultant-Time |
delta |
delta |
time1 - time2 |
delta |
absolute |
absolute |
time1 - time2 |
delta |
absolute |
delta |
time1 - time2 |
absolute |
Delta time values cannot be a zero and always reflect time in the future. Binary
format number will always be negative. Therefore, if time1
and time2
are equal, resultant-time
cannot be 0. Instead, resultant-time
is represented by .1 of
one microsecond (the smallest interval of time recognized by the OpenVMS operating
system). This interval is shown as “0 00:00:00.00” when formatted by
the standard techniques.
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARGORD | Invalid ordering of arguments. |
LIB$_IVTIME | Invalid time. |
LIB$_NEGTIM | Negative time computed. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Incorrect number of arguments. |
LIB$SYS_ASCTIM — The Invoke $ASCTIM to Convert Binary Time to ASCII String routine calls the system service $ASCTIM to convert a binary date and time value, returning the ASCII string using the semantics of the caller’s string.
LIB$SYS_ASCTIM [resultant-length] ,time-string [,user-time]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of bytes written into time-string
, not counting
padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The
argument contains the address of an
unsigned word integer that is this number.
If the input string is truncated to the size specified in the
descriptor, resultant-length is set to this
size. Therefore, resultant-length can always be
used by the calling program to access a valid substring of
OpenVMS usage: | time_name |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string into which LIB$SYS_ASCTIM writes the ASCII time string. The
argument contains the address of a descriptor
pointing to the destination string.
OpenVMS usage: | date_time |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Value that LIB$SYS_ASCTIM converts to ASCII string form. The
argument contains the address of a signed
quadword integer that is this value.
If 0 or no address is specified, the current system date and time are returned. A positive value represents an absolute time. A negative value represents a delta time. Delta times must be less than 10,000 days.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Conversion indicator specifying which date and time fields LIB$SYS_ASCTIM should
return. The flags
argument is the address of an unsigned bit
mask that contains this conversion indicator.
A value of 1 causes only the hour, minute, second, and hundredths of a second to be returned, depending on the length of the buffer. A value of 0 (the default) causes the full date and time to be returned, depending on the length of the buffer.
The results of specifying some possible combinations for the values of the flags
and time-string
arguments are shown below:
Time Value | Time-String Length | Flags Value | Information Returned |
Absolute | 23 | 0 | Date and time |
Absolute | 12 | 0 | Date |
Absolute | 11 | 1 | Time |
Delta | 16 | 0 | Days and time |
Delta | 11 | 1 | Time |
The flags
argument is passed to LIB$SYS_ASCTIM by reference
and is changed to value for use by $ASCTIM.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for a complete description of $ASCTIM.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_IVTIME | The specified delta time is greater than or equal to 10,000 days. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. An internal consistency check has failed. This usually indicates an internal error in the Run-Time Library and should be reported to your VSI support representative. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. Your program has exceeded the image quota for virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed, but the source string was truncated on copy. |
LIB$SYS_FAO — The Invoke $FAO System Service to Format Output routine calls the $FAO system service, returning a string in the semantics you provide. If called with other than a fixed-length string for output, the length of the resultant string is limited to 256 bytes and truncation occurs.
LIB$SYS_FAO character-string, [resultant-length] ,resultant-string
[,directive-argument ,...]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
ASCII control string, consisting of the fixed text of the output string and FAO
directives. The character-string
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to this control string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the output string. The resultant-length
contains the address of an unsigned word integer that is this length.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Fully formatted output string returned by LIB$SYS_FAO. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this output string.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Directive argument contained in longwords. Depending on the directive, a
argument can be a value to be
converted, the address of the string to be inserted, or a length or argument count.
The passing mechanism for each of these arguments should be the one expected by the
$FAO system service.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for a complete description of $FAO.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_BADPARAM | An invalid directive was specified in the FAO control string. |
SS$_BUFFEROVF | Successfully completed, but the formatted output string overflowed the output buffer and was truncated. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but the source string was truncated on copy. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to allocate dynamic string. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$SYS_FAOL — The Invoke $FAOL System Service to Format Output routine calls the $FAOL system service, returning the string in the semantics you provide. If called with other than a fixed-length string for output, the length of the resultant string is limited to 256 bytes and truncation occurs.
LIB$SYS_FAOL character-string [,resultant-length] ,resultant-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
ASCII control string, consisting of the fixed text of the output string and FAO
directives. The character-string
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to this control string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the output string. The resultant-length
contains the address of an unsigned word integer that is this length.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Fully formatted output string returned by LIB$SYS_FAOL. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this output string.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Directive arguments. The directive-argument-address
arguments are contained in an array of unsigned longword directive arguments.
Depending on the directive, a directive-argument-address
argument can be a value to be converted, the address of the string to be inserted,
or a length or argument count. The passing mechanism for each of these arguments
should be the one expected by the $FAOL system service.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for a complete description of $FAOL.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_BADPARAM | An invalid directive was specified in the FAO control string. |
SS$_BUFFEROVF | Successfully completed, but the formatted output string overflowed the output buffer and was truncated. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to allocate dynamic string. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but the source string was truncated on copy. |
LIB$SYS_FAOL_64 — The Invoke $FAOL_64 System Service to Format Output routine calls the $FAOL_64 system service, returning the string in the semantics you provide. If called with other than a fixed-length string for output, the length of the resultant string is limited to 256 bytes and truncation occurs.
LIB$SYS_FAOL_64 character-string [,resultant-length] ,resultant-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
ASCII control string, consisting of the fixed text of the output string and FAO
directives. The character-string
argument contains the
address of a descriptor pointing to this control string.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the output string. The resultant-length
contains the address of an unsigned word integer that is this length.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Fully formatted output string returned by LIB$SYS_FAOL_64. The
argument contains the address of a
descriptor pointing to this output string.
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | unspecified |
Directive arguments. The directive-argument-address
arguments are contained in an array of unsigned quadword directive arguments.
Depending on the directive, a directive-argument-address
argument can be a value to be converted, the address of the string to be inserted,
or a length or argument count. The passing mechanism for each of these arguments
should be the one expected by the $FAOL_64 system service.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for a complete description of $FAOL_64.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_BADPARAM | An invalid directive was specified in the FAO control string. |
SS$_BUFFEROVF | Successfully completed, but the formatted output string overflowed the output buffer and was truncated. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory to allocate dynamic string. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. A string descriptor has an invalid value in its CLASS field. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but the source string was truncated on copy. |
— The Invoke $GETMSG System Service to Get Message Text routine calls the
system service $GETMSG and returns a message string into
using the semantics of the caller's
LIB$SYS_GETMSG message-id [,message-length] ,destination-string [,flags]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Message identification to be retrieved by LIB$SYS_GETMSG. The
argument contains the address of an unsigned
longword integer that is this message identification.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word integer (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Number of characters written into destination-string
, not
counting padding in the case of a fixed-length string. The
argument contains the address of an
unsigned word integer that is this number.
If the input string is truncated to the size specified in the
is set to this size. Therefore,
can always be used by the calling program
to access a valid substring of destination-string
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string. The destination-string
contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this destination string.
LIB$SYS_GETMSG writes the message that has been returned by $GETMSG into
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Four flag bits for message content. The flags
argument is
the address of an unsigned longword that contains these flag bits. The default value
is a longword with bits 0 through 3 set to 1. The flags
argument is passed to LIB$SYS_GETMSG by reference and changed to value for use by
The following table lists the bit numbers, their values, and corresponding descriptions:
Bit |
Value |
Description |
0 |
1 |
Include text of message. |
0 |
Do not include text of message. |
1 |
1 |
Include message identifier. |
0 |
Do not include message identifier. |
2 |
1 |
Include severity indicator. |
0 |
Do not include severity indicator. |
3 |
1 |
Include facility name. |
0 |
Do not include facility name. |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference, array reference |
A 4-byte array to receive message-specific information. The
argument contains the address of
this array.
The contents of this 4-byte array are as follows:
Byte |
Contents |
0 |
Reserved |
1 |
Count of FAO arguments |
2 |
User value |
3 |
Reserved |
LIB$SYS_GETMSG calls the $GETMSG system service and returns a message string using the semantics of the caller's string. Note that, in order to retrieve a message string for a LIB$ facility message, you must include the file $LIBDEF in your program.
See the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A–GETUAI for a more complete description of $GETMSG.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
SS$_BUFFEROVF | Successfully completed, but the resultant string overflowed the buffer provided and was truncated. |
SS$_MSGNOTFND | Successfully completed, but the message code does not have an associated message on file. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Successfully completed, but the source string was truncated on copy. |
LIB$_FATERRLIB | Fatal internal error. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$TPARSE/LIB$TABLE_PARSE — The Table-Driven Finite-State Parser routine is a general-purpose, table-driven parser implemented as a finite-state automaton, with extensions that make it suitable for a wide range of applications. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or the use of 64-bit descriptors is planned for LIB$TPARSE. On Alpha and I64 systems, LIB$TABLE_ PARSE supports arguments passed by 64-bit address reference and the use of 64-bit descriptors. It parses a string and returns a message indicating whether or not the input string is valid. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE is called with the address of an argument block, the address of a state table, and the address of a keyword table. The input string is specified as part of the argument block. The LIB$ facility supports the following two versions of the Table-Driven Finite- State Parser: 1) LIB$TPARSE - Available on VAX systems. LIB$TPARSE is available on Alpha and I64 systems in translated form. In this form, it is applicable to translated VAX images only. 2) LIB$TABLE_PARSE Available on VAX, Alpha, and I64 systems. LIB$TPARSE and LIB$TABLE_PARSE differ mainly in the way they pass arguments to action routines. The term LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE is used here to describe concepts that apply to both LIB$TPARSE and LIB$TABLE_PARSE.
LIB$TPARSE/LIB$TABLE_PARSE argument-block ,state-table
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block. The argument-block
argument contains the address of this argument block.
The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block contains information about the state of the parse operation. It is a means of communication between LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE and the user’s program. It is passed as an argument to all action routines.
You must declare and initialize the argument block. Section 1.4 describes the argument block in detail. Section 2.2 illustrates the coding for an argument block declaration and discusses its initialization.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE supports the following argument blocks:
A 32-bit argument block that accommodates longword addresses, values, and input tokens on VAX, Alpha, and I64 systems.
On Alpha and I64 systems, this argument block also accommodates a numeric token whose binary representation is less than or equal to 2**64.
A 64-bit argument block that accommodates quadword addresses, values, and input tokens on Alpha and I64 systems.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Starting state in the state table. The state-table
is the address of this starting state. Usually, the name appearing as the first
argument of the $INIT_STATE macro is used.
You must define the state table for your parser. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE provides macros in the MACRO and BLISS languages for this purpose. Section 1.3 describes these macros.
OpenVMS usage: | unspecified |
type: | unspecified |
access: | modify |
mechanism: | by reference |
Keyword table. The key-table
argument is the address of
this keyword table. This name must be the same as that which appears as the second
argument of the $INIT_STATE macro.
You must only assign a name to the keyword table. The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macros allocate and define the table. See Section 4 for more information about the keyword table.
The following sections explain in detail how LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE works and how to call it from both the MACRO assembly language and high-level languages:
How LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Works — Describes the data structures used by LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE and how LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE operates on them.
Coding and Using a Simple State Table — Explains how to construct and use a simple state table.
Using Advanced LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Features — Explains how to use subexpressions, abbreviations, action routines, and other advanced features.
Data Representation — Includes information for the low-level-language programmer, such as the binary representation of state table data.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE analyzes an input string according to a set of states and transitions presented in a state table you define. It determines whether the input string is valid according to the rules you define for the input language.
There are three parts to any parsing operation:
The set of symbol types, or
, from which you can choose the vocabulary of your language.You specify a symbol type for each transition you define. The symbol type specifies what constitutes a matching substring from the input string.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE recognizes the ASCII character set and provides symbolic names for the most common combinations of ASCII characters, such as alphabetic and alphanumeric strings, OpenVMS symbols, and numbers. See Section 1.2 for a list of the symbol types that comprise the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE alphabet.
The rules that govern how the alphabet is used—in other words, the language’s grammar.
You specify the rules for a language in a state table. A LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE state table lists the possible states for your language. Each state consists of a list of the transitions to other states and the operations to be performed when a transition is executed (see Section 1.3).
The string to be parsed.
The argument block specifies the input string. It also contains additional information about the state of the parse—how much of the string has not been interpreted, what the current token is, and so forth (see Section 1.4).
Before discussing the alphabet, the state table, and the argument block in detail, this section provides an overview of how these three parts work together.
Evaluating the Input String
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE evaluates the input string from left to right as it transitions from state to state. For a particular transition in a particular state, it evaluates the beginning of the unprocessed part of the input string against the symbol type you specify for the transition to determine whether there is a match.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE compares each character of the remaining input string,
from left to right, against the transition’s symbol type until it encounters
a character in the input string that does not match. It takes the substring
that matches the symbol type and stores a pointer to it in the argument
block as the current token
. In this way, any
character in the input string that does not belong to the symbol type’s
constituent character set effectively becomes a separator.
If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds a match, it executes the transition.
If the input string does not match, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE attempts to match the next transition. It performs the comparison using the transitions in the order in which you define them for the state.
Executing a Transition
When LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds a match with a transition, it performs the following steps:
Stores a pointer to the current token in the argument block. If the token matches one of the numeric symbol types, it also stores the token’s binary representation in the argument block.
Calls the action routine, if any, specified by the transition and passes it the argument block and any additional user-specified arguments.
You can use an action routine to reject a transition. In this case, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE performs none of the following steps. See Section 3.1 for more information.
Performs one of the following operations:
Stores the mask, if any, specified by the transition in the location specified by the transition.
Stores the value of token in the program location specified by the transition.
Transfers control to the specified state, if any, or to the next state in the state table.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE continues to match and execute transitions from state to state until one of the following occurs:
For a valid match, it executes a user-specified transition to TPA$_EXIT at main level. It returns the value SS$_NORMAL.
A transition requests that LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE consider the string invalid by specifying a transition to TPA$_FAIL at main level (rather than at the level of a subexpression). LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns with the value LIB$_ SYNTAXERR.
You can also request a transition to TPA$_FAIL from an action routine. The action routine can provide an alternate failure status.
An error occurs at the main level. The error can be:
A syntax error. All transitions in the current state fail to match the remaining input string. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns LIB$_ SYNTAXERR or an alternate failure status returned by an action routine.
A state table format error. One of your state table entries is invalid. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns LIB$_INVTYPE.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE generates no signals and establishes no condition handler; action routines can signal through LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE back to the calling program.
When LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE cannot successfully parse the entire string, it defines the current token, as follows, and stores it in the argument block before returning:
If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE fails to match a transition in the current state, it attempts to define the current token as the beginning of the remaining input string. You can incorporate this token in an error message or use it to determine the logical flow of your program.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE attempts to match the characters from the beginning of the remaining input string, one at a time, against the TPA$_SYMBOL alphabet symbol type until it encounters a character that does not match. The TPA$_SYMBOL symbol type consists of all the characters of the standard OpenVMS symbol constituent set.
If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE successfully matches one or more consecutive characters from the input string against TPA$_SYMBOL, then the substring that matched TPA$_SYMBOL becomes the current token.
If the first character of the remaining input string does not match TPA$_ SYMBOL, the first character becomes the current token.
If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE matches the symbol type for a transition that specifies TPA$_FAIL as the next state, it leaves the token that matched the transition as the current token.
Alphabet of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE
The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE alphabet consists of a set of symbol types defined in the table below. This alphabet includes strings made up of elements of the ASCII character set. It provides all the basic building blocks needed for constructing a grammar using the ASCII character set. The alphabet also includes symbol types that represent the more complex constructions found in programming and command language grammar.
Use the symbols types that comprise the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE alphabet to define a vocabulary and grammar for your language. For each transition you define, you specify one of the alphabet symbol types. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE compares the characters at the beginning of the remaining input string with this symbol type of each of the possible transitions. If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds a match, it enters the state specified by that transition.
Symbol Type | Characters Matched |
’x’ | The particular ASCII character. In a state table, it is expressed by enclosing the character in single quotation marks. The character can be any member of the 8-bit ASCII code set. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE does not consider uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters and codes with different values in bit 7 to be equivalent. |
TPA$_ANY | Any single character. |
TPA$_ALPHA | Any alphabetic character, which includes the DEC multinational character set. |
TPA$_DIGIT | Any numeric character, that is, 0 through 9. |
TPA$_STRING | Any string of one or more alphanumeric characters, that is, uppercase or lowercase A through Z, and the numeric characters 0 through 9. The string can be any length. It is bounded on the right by the first nonalphanumeric character or by the end of the string. |
TPA$_SYMBOL | Any string of one or more through characters of the standard OpenVMS symbol constituent set, that is, uppercase and lowercase A through Z, the numeric characters 0 through 9 and all DEC multinational characters, in addition to the dollar sign ($) and the underscore (_). The string is bounded on the right by some character not in the symbol constituent set (usually a blank) or by the end of the string. |
’keyword’ | The string of characters enclosed in single quotation marks. A keyword can consist of one or more characters of the OpenVMS symbol constituent set, that is, uppercase and lowercase A through Z, the numeric characters 0 through 9, the dollar sign ( $ ), and the underscore (_). Uppercase and lowercase alphabetics are treated as different characters. A state table can contain up to 220 keywords. The keyword is bounded on the right by a character not in the symbol constituent set or by the end of the string. Keywords that are one character in length are expressed in the form ’x*’ to distinguish them from the single-character symbol ( ’x’ ). They must be differentiated because they are not the same in operation. For example, in the input string AB+C, the single character ’A’ would match the first character of this string, whereas the keyword ’A*’ would not, because B in the string is in the symbol constituent set. |
TPA$_BLANK | Any string of one or more blanks and/or tabs. |
TPA$_OCTAL | Any octal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 7) whose magnitude is less than 232 for a 32-bit argument block or less than 264 for a 64-bit argument block. |
TPA$_DECIMAL | Any decimal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 9) whose magnitude is less than 232 for a 32-bit argument block or less than 264 for a 64-bit argument block. |
TPA$_HEX | Any hexadecimal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 9, A through F) whose magnitude is less than 232 for a 32-bit argument block or less than 264 for a 64-bit argument block. |
TPA$_OCTAL_64 | Alpha and I64 specific. Any octal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 7) whose magnitude is less than 264. |
TPA$_DECIMAL_64 | Alpha and I64 specific. Any decimal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 9) whose magnitude is less than 264. |
TPA$_HEX_64 | Alpha and I64 specific. Any hexadecimal number (that is, any string of one or more numeric characters 0 through 9, A through F) whose magnitude is less than 264. |
TPA$_FILESPEC | Any string that constitutes a valid OpenVMS file specification. The string is bounded on the right by the first character that either is not a file specification constituent character or would cause the string to violate the syntax rules of a file specification. |
TPA$_NODE | Matches a full node specification including the double colon ( :: ). |
TPA$_NODE_ACS | Matches a primary node specification including the access control string, if any, but not the double colon ( :: ). |
TPA$_NODE_ PRIMARY | Matches a primary node specification excluding both the access control string, if any, and the double colon ( :: ). |
TPA$_UIC | Any string that constitutes a valid OpenVMS numerical UIC specification, bounded by square brackets or angle brackets. The binary value of the UIC, converted in octal radix, is placed in the argument block. The wildcard character ( * ) is permitted in the group and/or member fields; its presence results in that field being set to its largest possible value in the binary representation. |
Any string that constitutes a valid OpenVMS identifier. Identifiers may be given as numerical UICs according to the rules for TPA$_UIC, or as alphabetic identifier names that appear in the system’s rights database. The binary value of the identifier, converted in either octal or hexadecimal radix or by lookup in the system rights database, is placed in the argument block. Identifiers can be entered in any of the following forms: [n,m] <n,m> [name1,name2] <name1,name2> [name] <name> name %Xhex-value You can use a wildcard ( * ) in place of any occurrence of number or name in an identifier form. |
TPA$_LAMBDA | The empty string (always matches). As it executes the transition, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE does not remove any characters from the input string. LAMBDA transitions are useful in getting action routines called under otherwise awkward circumstances, providing unconditional GOTOs to link portions of a state table together, and providing default actions in certain cases. |
TPA$_EOS | The end of the input string. |
state label |
The label of a state that functions as a subexpression. A subexpression is analogous to a subroutine within the state table. The subexpression facility permits complex syntactic constructs that appear in many places in grammar to appear only once in the state table. It also permits a degree of nondeterministic or pushdown parsing with a parser that is otherwise deterministic and finitestate. See Section 3.5 for detailed information about subexpressions and examples of their use. |
By default, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE treats blanks (defined to be either spaces or tabs), as though they belong to no symbol type constituent set. Effectively, this makes the blank a separator. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE begins its next comparison with the first nonblank character following the blanks. To have LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE evaluate a blank as it would any other character in the input string, set the TPA$V_BLANKS flag in the argument block. Section 3.2 provides an example of the use of this flag.
State Tables
This section describes state table generation and the macros used to construct state tables. Section 2 explains how to use these macros.
The state table must be set up using either MACRO or BLISS. Everything else, including any action routines, can be coded in the language of your choice. Simply compile the state table separately, then link it with your program.
The body of the state table consists of one or more states, each of which defines one or more transitions to the same or other states. The order of the states and the order of the transitions for each state are important:
If a transition does not specify a target state, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE transitions to the next state after the current state in the state table.
For a given state, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE evaluates the input string against the transitions in the order in which they are defined and executes the first transition it matches.
If a state defines more than one transition with symbol types that match overlapping sets of tokens, the order of transition definitions within the state is significant. For example, the characters 123 followed by a comma ( , ) could match TPA$_DECIMAL, TPA$_OCTAL, TPA$_STRING, or one of several other symbol types.
It is best to order transitions in order of increasing generality of their symbol types. For example, the TPA$_SYMBOL symbol type matches all keyword strings. In general, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE never executes a keyword transition that follows a TPA$_SYMBOL transition. The symbol types, in order of increasing generality, are as follows:
TPA$_OCTAL_64 (Alpha and I64 only)
TPA$_DECIMAL_64 (Alpha and I64 only)
TPA$_HEX_64 (Alpha and I64 only)
The list of symbol types does not include subexpression calls, because the generality of these calls depends on the symbol types recognized within the subexpression. If you use action routines to reject certain transitions, you can change the order in which that symbol type is placed in this order. In any case, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE executes the first transition listed in a state that you permit to match the leftmost portion of the remaining input string.
MACRO State Table Generation Macro Calls
The OpenVMS system MACRO library contains a set of assembler macros that allow convenient and readable coding of a LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE state table. These macros generate symbol definitions and tables. They do not produce any executable code or routine calls.
There are four MACRO state table generation macros:
$INIT_STATE—Initializes the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macros and declares the beginning of a state table (see Section
$STATE—Defines a state (see Section
$TRAN—Defines a state transition (see Section
$END_STATE—Ends the state table (see Section
A state table begins with a call to $INIT_STATE and ends with a call to $END_ STATE. Within the state table, define each state by a call to $STATE immediately followed by as many calls to $TRAN as you need to define the transitions from that state.
$INIT_STATE—Initializes the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Macros
The $INIT_STATE macro declares the beginning of a state table. It initializes the internals of the table generator macros and declares the locations of the state table and the keyword table:
The state table is the structure containing the definitions of the states and the transitions between them. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE builds the state table as it processes the $STATE and $TRAN macros you use to define the table.
The keyword table contains the text of the keywords used in the state table. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE builds the keyword table as it processes the calls to $TRAN for each state.
Section 4 provides specific information on the allocation and binary representations of the state table and the keyword table. This information may be useful in debugging your program.
$INIT_STATE state-table ,key-table
The name assigned to the state table. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates this label to the start of the first state in the state table.
The name assigned to the keyword table. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates this label to the start of the keyword table.
You must supply both the address of the state table and the address of the keyword table in the call to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to perform a parse. The $INIT_STATE macro can appear more than once in a program. Each occurrence defines a separate state table. No part of any state table can refer to part of any other state table.
$STATE—Defines a State
The $STATE macro declares the beginning of a state.
$STATE [label]
An optional label for the state. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates the label, if present, to the starting address of the state.
$TRAN—Defines a State Transition
The $TRAN macro defines a transition from the state in which it is defined to some other (or to the same) state. The arguments of the macro define, among other things, the symbol type that causes the transition to be executed, the state to which to transfer, and the action routine to call, if any. The transition defined by a $TRAN macro belongs to the state defined by the last preceding $STATE macro.
$TRAN type [,label] [,action] [,mask] [,msk-adr] [,argument]
The symbol type, taken from the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE alphabet, that is recognized by this transition. The transition is taken if the characters from the beginning of the remaining input string match the specified symbol type.
If the transition calls a subexpression to determine a match, the symbol type syntax includes the state label of the subexpression to be called. It is indicated with the MACRO expression !label. See Section 3.5 for information about subexpressions.
The optional target state of this transition. If present, it must be the label assigned to some state in the state table. If no label argument is present, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE transfers control to the state immediately following the current state in the state table.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE defines two expressions you can also specify as the target state in the label argument:
TPA$_EXIT — The parsing operation in progress terminates with a success status.
TPA$_FAIL — The parsing operation stops with a failure status, as if a syntax error had occurred.
The optional address of a user-supplied action routine. If this argument is present, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE calls the named action routine before it executes the transition. Section 3.1 describes the calling sequence of action routines and the information available to them.
Because the action routine address is self-relative, it cannot be in a shared image separate from the state table.
An optional 32-bit mask value used with the msk-adr
When LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE executes the transition, it performs an inclusive
OR operation using the mask
value and the contents of
and stores the result in
You can associate one or more bits in mask
with a
particular transition and set those bits. When LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns,
you can check the bits in msk-adr
to determine which
transitions were executed. You can also use an action routine to check the
bit and ensure that a transition is executed only once.
If the mask
argument is present, the
argument must also be present.
The msk-adr
argument provides two mutually
exclusive capabilities depending on whether the mask
argument is present:
is present,msk-adr
is the address of a longword associated with the precedingmask
argument. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE performs the inclusive OR operation on the contents of this address and themask
argument and stores the result inmsk-adr
.Initialize the contents of
to zero before calling LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE.If
is not present, you can usemsk-adr
to specify the address of a location where LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores information about the matching token. No OR operation is performed. This capability lets a program extract the most commonly needed information from the input string without using action routines.The kind of information that LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores in the location you specify as the
argument depends on the symbol type specified for thetype
argument and on the argument block, as follows:If the symbol type is TPA$_DECIMAL, TPA$_OCTAL, or TPA$_HEX, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the binary representation of the matching number as an unsigned longword for a 32-bit argument block and as an unsigned quadword for a 64-bit argument block.
If the symbol type is TPA$_DECIMAL_64, TPA$_OCTAL_64, or TPA$_ HEX_64, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the binary representation of the matching number as an unsigned quadword for both 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks.
If the symbol type is ’x’, TPA$_ANY, TPA$_ALPHA, or TPA$_DIGIT, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the 8-bit matching character as an unsigned byte.
If the symbol is of any other type, you must specify msk-adr as the address of a 32-bit or 64-bit string descriptor, as appropriate, that you allocate in your program. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE assumes a 32-bit or 64-bit descriptor if the argument block with which you called it is 32-bit or 64-bit, respectively.
For a 32-bit descriptor, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the length of the token in the first 32 bits (longword) of the descriptor. It stores a pointer to the token in the second longword. This pointer is the address of the token in the input string.
For a 64-bit descriptor, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the length of the token in the second quadword of the descriptor and stores the address of the token in the input string in the third quadword. On entry, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE writes the fields of the first quadword as follows:
DSC64$L_MBMO = –1
DSC64$W_MBO = +1
Using msk-adr
makes your parsing program
nonmodular. The resulting program, which contains this state table, includes
code that is not position independent.
Because the address specified by msk-adr
self-relative, it cannot be in a shared image separate from the state
An optional 32-bit value that LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE passes to the action routine without interpretation. This argument can be an identifier number, an address, or any other information your action routine needs. It allows a single action routine to serve many transitions for which similar, but slightly varying, actions must be performed.
Because LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE does not know the form or meaning of argument the value is stored in its absolute form. If you use argument to pass an address, you must store the address in its absolute form rather than as a self-relative pointer. In this case the resulting program, which contains this state table, is nonmodular. That is, it includes code that is not position independent.
$END_STATE—Ends the State Table
The $END_STATE macro declares the end of the state table. It is mandatory, in order to permit the orderly cleanup of the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macro system. The $END_STATE macro has no arguments. You code it as follows:
BLISS State Table Generation Macro Calls
The SYS$LIBRARY:TPAMAC.L32 and SYS$LIBRARY:TPAMAC.L64 files each contain a set of BLISS macros that allow convenient and readable coding of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE state tables in BLISS.
Use one of the following BLISS state table generation macros:
$INIT_STATE—Initializes the macros (see Section
$STATE—Defines a state and its transitions (see Section
To make the macros available to the program, include the following declaration in the module containing the state tables:
The BLISS compiler you use, BLISS-32 or BLISS-64, chooses the corresponding SYS$LIBRARY:TPAMAC file.
The BLISS table generation macros contain no BEGIN or END statements. This allows $STATE macros to refer to each other. They generate all storage with OWN declarations. This means that the macros modify PSECT declarations for OWN and GLOBAL storage. Thus if other data declarations follow the state table declarations, they may not have the correct attributes. You cannot simply surround the state table with BEGIN/END, because this constitutes an expression. No declarations of any kind, including ROUTINE declarations, can follow an expression.
Use one of the following techniques to include LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE a state table in a BLISS module:
Follow the state table with explicit redeclarations of the OWN and GLOBAL PSECTs. Example 3 illustrates this technique.
Place the state table in a separate module. The high-level language examples in the next section use this technique.
Place the state table between BEGIN and END statements after the declarations within a routine body.
Place the state table between BEGIN and END statements at the end of a module.
In all cases you must define all action routines, masks, addresses, and arguments with suitable declarations (which can be FORWARD or EXTERNAL). The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macros handle the necessary FORWARD declarations for forward references to labels within the state table.
$INIT_STATE—Initializes the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Macros
The $INIT_STATE macro initializes the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macro system in the same manner it does for MACRO.
$INIT_STATE (state-table, key-table);
The name assigned to the state table. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates this label to the start of the first state in the state table.
The name assigned to the keyword table. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates this label to the start of the keyword table.
Both names are declared as global vectors of length zero. As with the MACRO state table generation macros, you can invoke $INIT_STATE more than once to declare several state tables within a single module.
$STATE—Declares a State and Its Transitions
In BLISS, you use the $STATE macro to declare a state in its entirety, including its transitions.
$STATE ([label], ( transition ), ( transition ), ( transition ) . . . );
Optional address of the start of the state. The compiler declares
as a local vector of length zero. Note that
the comma following the optional label is mandatory.
Each transition appears within parentheses in the same form as the transition argument list for the MACRO $TRAN macro.
type [,label] [,action] [,mask] [,msk-adr] [,argument]
The arguments of each transition are expressed in exactly the same format as in the MACRO macros, with the exception of the subexpression symbol type. In BLISS, this symbol type has the form (label).
Note that the transitions are not specified as keyword macros. Therefore, you must use commas to indicate arguments you have skipped.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Argument Block
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds the input string through the argument block. This argument block is the impure database upon which LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE operates. That is, it is a set of variable data that can be written as well as read. It contains information about the string to be parsed, option flags for LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE, and data about the current token. If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE calls an action routine, it passes the argument block to the action routine. This permits the action routine efficient reference to relevant data.
Choosing an Argument Block
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE provides an argument block for 32-bit operations on VAX, Alpha, and I64 systems. It also provides an argument block for 64-bit operations on Alpha and I64 systems.
32-Bit Argument Block
The 32-bit LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block accommodates longword addresses and values as well as input tokens whose binary representations require no more than 32 bits.
On Alpha and I64 systems, the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE 32-bit argument block can also accommodate a numeric input token whose binary representation requires up to 64 bits.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE defines the first 9 longwords of the 32-bit argument block as shown in Figure lib–20. You must pass an argument block of at least this length as the first argument to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE. You can add fields to the end of the argument block as a means of passing user-defined data to action routines.
The TPA$K_LENGTH0 symbol represents the number of bytes (36) in the basic 32-bit argument block. You can use this symbol to determine the start of any user-defined fields you add to the argument block.
Table below describes the argument block fields.
![LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE 32-Bit Argument Block](/images/documents/vsi-openvms-rtl-library-lib-manual/fig32.png)
64-Bit Argument Block (Alpha Only)
The 64-bit LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block accommodates quadword addresses and values as well as input tokens whose binary representations require no more than 64 bits.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE defines the first 10 words of the 64-bit argument block as shown in Figure lib–21. You can add fields to the end of the argument block as a means of passing data to action routines.
The TPA64$K_LENGTH0 symbol represents the number of bytes (80) in the basic 64-bit argument block. You can use this symbol to determine the start of any user-defined fields you add to the argument block.
Table below describes the argument block fields.
![LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE 64-Bit Argument Block (Alpha and I64 Only)](/images/documents/vsi-openvms-rtl-library-lib-manual/fig33.png)
Symbolic Names for Argument Block Fields
The fields in each type of argument block have symbolic names. Figure 20 and Figure 21 show some of these symbolic names. This section tells you how to access these names in some of the most commonly used languages:
MACRO assembly language — MACRO language programs can define both the 32-bit and 64-bit argument block names by invoking the macro $TPADEF (automatically loaded from the system macro library). The field names define the byte offset of the field from the start of the argument block. This includes the bit fields ($V_names). In addition, bit mask values ($M_names) are available for the bit fields.
BLISS — The field names are also available to BLISS programs from the system macro SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.L32 and SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.L64 libraries. Each name (except for the $M_ names) is defined as a fixed-reference macro that operates on a byte-based block. The $M_names are defined as literals.
C — The same field names are available to C programs from the tpadef.h file. For the 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks, the names are defined as elements of the tpadef and tpa64def structures, respectively.
See Section 2.2 for an example of an argument block declaration.
32-Bit and 64-Bit Argument Block Fields
Table below describes the fields of the 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks.
Note that most fields have two symbols and one description. The symbol that begins with the prefix TPA$ is used with a 32-bit argument block, while the symbol that begins with the prefix TPA64$ is used with a 64-bit argument block. To prevent cumbersome explanations, Table lib–10 uses only the main part of a field name, without the prefix used in the actual code, when referring to a field for both the 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks. For example, the options field is referred to as OPTIONS rather than specifying both TPA$L_OPTIONS and TPA64$L_OPTIONS. The complete field name is used only when referring to a field for one particular form of argument block.
Symbol | Description |
TPA$L_COUNT TPA64$L_COUNT | A longword containing the value of TPA$K_COUNT0 for 32-bit argument blocks or TPA64$K_COUNT0 for 64-bit argument blocks. TPA$K_COUNT0 is defined to be 8. TPA64$K_COUNT0 is defined to be –1. If the value contained in this longword is greater than or equal to 8, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE treats the argument block as a 32-bit argument block. If the value is –1, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE treats the argument block as a 64-bit argument block. For LIB$TPARSE (VAX only), a longword containing the number of longwords that make up the rest of the argument block. This longword functions as the argument count when the argument block becomes the argument list to an action routine. This field must contain a value that is greater than or equal to the value of TPA$K_COUNT0, whose numeric value is 8. |
Contains various flag bits and other options. The defined flags are as follows:
The OPTIONS field also contains the following option: |
For a 64-bit argument block, the three quadwords starting with TPA64$Q_STRINGDESC form an embedded 64-bit descriptor for the input string. On entry, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE writes the fields of TPA64$Q_STRINGDESC as follows: DSC64$B_CLASS = DSC64$K_CLASS_S DSC64$B_DTYPE = DSC64$K_DTYPE_T DSC64$L_MBMO = –1 DSC64$W_MBO = +1 |
Contains the number of characters remaining in the input string. For a 32-bit argument block, TPA$L_STRINGCNT and TPA$L_STRINGPTR form an embedded 32-bit descriptor for the input string. For both 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks:
TPA$L_STRINGPTR TPA64$Q_STRINGPTR | Contains the address of the remainder of the string being parsed. |
For a 64-bit argument block, the three quadwords starting with TPA64$Q_TOKENDESC form an embedded 64-bit descriptor for the current token.2 On entry, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE writes the fields of TPA64$Q_TOKENDESC as follows: DSC64$B_CLASS = DSC64$K_CLASS_S DSC64$B_DTYPE = DSC64$K_DTYPE_T DSC64$L_MBMO = –1 DSC64$W_MBO = +1 |
Contains the number of characters in the current token. For a 32-bit argument block, TPA$L_TOKENCNT and TPA$L_TOKENPTR form an embedded 32-bit descriptor for the input token. For both 32-bit and 64-bit argument blocks, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE updates TOKENCNT and TOKENPTR, to reflect the current token. |
TPA$L_TOKENPTR TPA64$Q_TOKENPTR | Contains the address of the current token. |
TPA$B_CHAR TPA64$B_CHAR | Contains the character matched by one of the single character symbol types: ’x’, TPA$_ANY, TPA$_ ALPHA, or TPA$_DIGIT. |
TPA$L_NUMBER TPA64$Q_NUMBER | Contains the binary representation of a numeric token that matches TPA$_OCTAL, TPA$_DECIMAL, TPA$_HEX, TPA$_UIC, or TPA$_IDENT. For a 64- bit argument block, it can also contain the binary representation of a numeric token that matches TPA$_DECIMAL_64, TPA$_OCTAL_64, or TPA$_ HEX_64. |
(Alpha and I64 specific) TPA$Q_NUMBER |
For a 32-bit argument block on an Alpha system, contains the binary representation of a numeric token that matches TPA$_DECIMAL_64, TPA$_OCTAL_64, or TPA$_HEX_64. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE coverts the numeric token in the appropriate radix before storing it in the TPA$Q_NUMBER field. In the 32-bit argument block, TPA$Q_NUMBER overlays TPA$L_NUMBER and the longword in which TPA$B_CHAR resides. |
TPA$L_PARAM TPA64$Q_PARAM | Contains the optional 32-bit argument supplied by the
state transition in its argument
argument. For a 64-bit argument block, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE
sign-extends the argument value before storing it in
Coding and Using a Simple State Table
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE can parse programming languages, command languages, or any other grammar for which a deterministic parser is the best choice.
To code a program to use LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE, perform the following steps:
Set up state tables to implement the language’s grammar (See Section 2.1)
Define the argument block and other common variables (See Section 2.2)
Include the call to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE in the main program (See Section 2.3)
This section provides examples that demonstrate the use of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to perform these three steps. The examples parse the command language of a simple report management utility. This hypothetical utility allows a user to perform the following activities:
Obtain a list of available reports (SHOW command).
Read reports on the terminal (READ command).
Print reports (PRINT command).
Store new reports (FILE command).
The examples use the BASIC programming language for everything except the state and keyword tables, which are coded in BLISS.
This simple state table program does not use any action routines or other arguments. See Section 3 for information about how to use these features of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE.
Setting Up a State Table
A state table associates the parser’s alphabet with a set of possible transitions.
It is often helpful to create a graphical representation of a state table before attempting to code it. The following section illustrates two possible approaches.
Diagramming the Transitions
One way to set up these tables is to start from a transition diagram of the language you want to parse. (If you do not know how to construct a transition diagram, you might find it helpful to read an introductory text about compiler design and construction before you start.) Each circle represents a state in the state table. Each arrow, labeled with an input option, represents a transition out of one state to another state or within the same state.
Figure below shows a transition diagram for the hypothetical utility described in this section.

Another technique for developing a state table starts with a tabular diagram in which the first column is the starting state, the second column identifies the input token, or keyword, and the third gives the resultant state.
Figure below is a tabular diagram of the utility that appears in figure above.

In this case, each unique entry in the Starting State or Resulting State column represents a state in the state table. Each entry in the Input column represents a possible transition out of the state in the Starting State column to a state in the Resulting State column.
Coding a State Table
For both MACRO and BLISS, you begin the state table with an $INIT_STATE macro. If you use MACRO to define your state table, then:
Use the $STATE macro to define each state.
Follow each $STATE macro with one instance of the $TRAN macro for each transition from this state to another state or within the same state.
If you use BLISS to define the state table, then:
Use the $STATE macro to define each state and its associated transitions.
The order in which you define the states is important. If you do not specify a target state for a transition, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE transfers control to the next state in the state table.
The following MACRO and BLISS examples code the state table for the hypothetical utility diagrammed in the two figures above. Note that neither of these state tables includes the error state, because LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE automatically generates an error if the input token does not match a transition in the current state. To provide a transition to your own error state, code the last transition in the state with the TPA$_LAMBDA symbol type and specify a transition to your error state. The TPA$_LAMBDA symbol type matches any input token.
The state table, coded using MACRO, for this simple language looks like this:
Using the BLISS macros yields the following state table definition:
MODULE simple_statetable = BEGIN !+ ! These libraries contain the macros and other definitions ! needed to generate the state tables. !- LIBRARY ’SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET’; LIBRARY ’SYS$LIBRARY:TPAMAC’; !+ ! UFD_STATE is the name you are giving the state table. ! UFD_KEY names the keyword table. ! Be sure to use the same name in the call to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE. !- $INIT_STATE (UFD_STATE, UFD_KEY); !+ ! Read the command name (to the first blank in the command). ! Each string is a keyword; you are limited to 220 keywords ! per state table. !- $STATE (START, !Be careful of your punctuation here. (’CREATE’,STATE1), ! Each transition is surrounded by (’FILE’,STATE1), ! parentheses; each entry except the (’PRINT’,STATE1), ! last is followed by a comma. (’READ’,STATE1) ); $STATE (STATE1, (TPA$_STRING, STATE1), ! If there is more than one report name (TPA$_EOS, TPA$_EXIT) ! specified, go back and process it. ); ! exit when done. END ELUDOM ! End of module CREATE_TABLE
Assemble or compile this module as you would any other program module.
Defining the Argument Block
After you have set up the state tables, you need to declare the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block in such a way that both your program and LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE can use it. This means the data must be defined in an area common to the calling program and the program module containing the state table definitions.
In most programming languages you will use a combination of EXTERNAL statements and common data definitions to create and access a separate data PSECT. If you do not know what mechanisms the language you are using provides, consult the documentation for that language.
The following example shows the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block defined for use in a BASIC program.
Before your program can call LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE, it must place the necessary information in the argument block.
The example utility does not need to set any flags because it uses the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE defaults for options such as blanks processing and abbreviations. However, it must put the address and length of the string to be parsed into the TPA$L_STRINGCNT and TPA$L_STRINGPTR fields.
The address and the length of the string to be parsed are available in the descriptor of the input string (called COMMAND_LINE in the following program). However, BASIC, like most high-level languages, does not allow you to look at the descriptors of your strings. Instead, you can use LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC or LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC_64 to read the length and address from the string descriptor and place them in the argument block.
Coding the Call to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE
The following example demonstrates calling LIB$T[ABLE_PARSE from a high-level language (BLISS). This program uses the BLISS state table described in previous section.
5 %TITLE "BLISS Program to Call LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE OPTION TYPE=EXPLICIT !+ ! COMMAND_LINE is the string to receive the input ! command from the terminal. ! ERROR_MSG_TEXT is the system error message ! returned from LIB$SYS_GETMSG ! (used in the error handling routine) !- DECLARE STRING COMMAND_LINE, ERROR_MSG_TEXT !+ ! RET_STATUS receives the status from the system calls. ! SAVE_STATUS is used when an error occurs ! and the error handling routine calls ! LIB$SYS_GETMSG to obtain the error text. !- DECLARE LONG RET_STATUS, SAVE_STATUS !+ ! UFD_STATE is the address of the state table. ! UFD_KEY is the address of the key table. ! Both addresses are set up by the macros in module ! SIMPLE_STATETABLE32. !- EXTERNAL LONG UFD_STATE, UFD_KEY !+ ! To allow us to compare returned statuses more easily. !- EXTERNAL INTEGER CONSTANT SS$_NORMAL, & LIB$_SYNTAXERR, & LIB$_INVTYPE !+ ! This program calls the following Run-Time Library ! routines: ! ! LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to parse the input string ! ! LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC to get the length and starting ! address of the command string and place them ! in the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block. ! ! LIB$SYS_GETMSG to find the facility, severity, and text ! of any system errors that occur ! during program execution. !- EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$TABLE_PARSE, & LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC, & LIB$SYS_GETMSG !+ 20 ! This file defines the argument block that is passed ! to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE. It also defines subscripts that ! make it easier to access the array. ! ! Keeping the argument block definitions in a separate ! file makes them easier to modify and lets other ! programs use the same definitions. !- %INCLUDE "SIMPLE_TPARSE_BLOCK" 50 ON ERROR GOTO ERROR_HANDLER 60 !+ ! LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE requires that TPA$L_COUNT, the ! first field in the argument block, have a value ! of TPA$K_COUNT0, whose value is 8. !- TPA$L_COUNT = TPA$K_COUNT0 75 !+ ! Prompt at the terminal for the user’s action. ! A real utility should provide a friendlier, ! clearer interface. !- GET_INPUT: PRINT "Your options are: " , " READ report " PRINT , " FILE report " PRINT , " PRINT report " PRINT , " CREATE report " PRINT INPUT "What would you like to do"; COMMAND_LINE !+ ! Get the length and starting address of the command line ! and place them in the LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE argument block. Note ! that LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC stores the length as a word. !- RET_STATUS = LIB$ANALYZE_SDESC (COMMAND_LINE BY DESC, & TPARSE_ARRAY (BTPA$L_STRINGCNT) BY REF, & TPARSE_ARRAY (BTPA$L_STRINGPTR) BY REF) IF RET_STATUS <> SS$_NORMAL THEN GOTO ERROR_HANDLER END IF 100 !+ ! Call LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to process the input string. ! ! Note that LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE expects to receive its arguments ! by reference, while BASIC’s default for arrays and ! strings is by descriptor. Therefore the BY REF ! clauses are required. Without them, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE ! cannot find the input string ! and the parse will always fail. !- RET_STATUS = LIB$TABLE_PARSE (TPARSE_ARRAY () BY REF, & UFD_STATE BY REF, & UFD_KEY BY REF ) !+ ! This simple program provides no information except that ! a valid command was entered. The next section discusses ! techniques for gathering more information. !- IF RET_STATUS = SS$_NORMAL !+ ! For now, exit on success. !- THEN PRINT "Parse successful" GOTO 9999 !+ ! If the parse failed, give the user a chance to try again. !- ELSE IF RET_STATUS = LIB$_SYNTAXERR THEN PRINT "You did not enter a valid command." PRINT "Please try again." GOTO GET_INPUT !+ ! If a more serious error occurred, inform the user ! and exit. !- ELSE Goto ERROR_HANDLER END IF END IF 500 ERROR_HANDLER: SAVE_STATUS = RET_STATUS RET_STATUS = LIB$SYS_GETMSG (SAVE_STATUS,,ERROR_MSG_TEXT) PRINT "Something went wrong." PRINT ERL, ERROR_MSG_TEXT RESUME 9999 9999 END
Compile this program as you would any other BASIC program.
When both the state tables and the main program have been compiled, link them together to form a single executable image, as follows:
Using Advanced LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE Features
The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE call in the previous program tells you that the command the user entered was valid, but nothing else—not even which command was entered. A program usually needs more information than this.
The following sections describe some of the more complicated ways to process input strings or to gather extra information for your program, including:
Action routines
Blanks in the input string
Special characters in the input string
Abbreviated keywords
Modular use of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE
Using Action Routines
After LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds a match between a transition and the leading
portion of the input string, it determines if the transition that made the
match specified an action routine. If it did, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE stores the
value of the transition’s argument
longword, if any,
in the argument block PARAM field and calls the action routine.
If the action routine returns success, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE processes the
arguments, if any, and continues to execute the transition as it would if there was no action routine.If the action routine returns failure, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE does not execute the transition and continues attempting to match successive transitions.
Passing Data to an Action Routine
An action routine has only one argument, the argument block. You can pass additional data to the action routine using:
The transition’s optional
argumentFields you add to the end of the argument block
LIB$TABLE_PARSE and LIB$TPARSE use different linkages for passing the argument block to the action routine:
LIB$TABLE_PARSE uses the standard calling mechanism and passes the argument block, by reference, as the only argument to the action routine.
Therefore, for OpenVMS systems, action routines are written as:
On VAX systems, LIB$TPARSE uses a nonstandard linkage that establishes the address of the argument block as the routine’s actual argument pointer. Therefore an action routine can reference fields in the argument block by their symbolic offsets relative to the AP (argument pointer) register.
For example:
Action Routine Return Values
The action routine returns a value to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE in R0 that controls execution of the current state transition. If the action routine returns success (low bit set in R0) then LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE proceeds with the execution of the state transition. If the action routine returns failure (low bit clear in R0), LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE rejects the transition that was being processed and acts as if the symbol type of that transition had not matched. It proceeds to evaluate other transitions in that state for eligibility.
Prior to calling an action routine, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE sets the low bit of R0 to make it easier for the action routine to return success.
If an action routine returns a nonzero failure status to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE and no subsequent transitions in that state match, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE will return the status of the action routine, rather than the status LIB$_SYNTAXERR. In longword-valued functions in high-level languages, this value is returned in R0.
Using an Action Routine to Reject a Transition
An action routine can intentionally return a failure status to force LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to reject a transition. This allows you to implement symbol types specific to particular applications. To recognize a specialized symbol type, code a state transition using a LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE symbol type that describes a superset of the desired set of possible tokens. The associated action routine then performs the additional discrimination necessary and returns success or failure to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE, which then accordingly executes or fails to execute the transition.
A pure finite-state machine, for instance, has difficulty recognizing strings that are shorter than some maximum length or accepting numeric values confined to some particular range.
Blanks in the Input String
The default mode of operation in LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE is to treat blanks as separators. That is, they can appear between any two tokens in the string being parsed without being called for by transitions in the state table. Because blanks are significant in some situations, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE processes blanks if you have set the bit TPA$V_BLANKS in the options longword of the argument block. The following input string shows the difference in operation:
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE recognizes the string by the following sequences of state transitions, depending on the state of the blanks control flag. The following examples illustrate processing with and without TPA$V_BLANKS set:
Your action routines can set or clear TPA$V_BLANKS as LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE enters or leaves sections of the state table in which blanks are significant. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE always checks the blanks control flag as it enters a state. If the flag is clear, it removes any space or tab characters present at the front of the input string before it proceeds to evaluate transitions. Note that when the TPA$V_BLANKS flag is clear, the TPA$_BLANK symbol type will never match. If TPA$V_BLANKS is set, you must explicitly process blanks.
Special Characters in the Input String
Not all members of the ASCII character set can be entered directly in the state table definitions. Examples include the single quotation mark and all control characters.
In MACRO state tables, such characters can be specified as the symbol type with any assembler expression that is equivalent to the ASCII code of the desired character, not including the single quotes. For example, you could code a transition to match a backspace character as follows:
MACRO places extra restrictions on the use of a comma in arguments to macros; often they must be surrounded by one or more angle brackets. Using a symbolic name for the comma will avoid such difficulties.
To build a transition matching such a single character in a BLISS state table, you can use the %CHAR lexical function as follows:
LITERAL BACKSPACE = 8; . . . $STATE (label, (%CHAR (BACKSPACE), ... ) );
Abbreviating Keywords
The default mode of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE is exact match. All keywords in the input string must exactly match their spelling, length and case in the state table. However, many languages (command languages in particular) allow you to abbreviate keywords. For this reason, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE has three abbreviation facilities to permit the recognition of abbreviated keywords when the state table lists only the full spellings. All three are controlled by flags and options defined in the argument block OPTIONS field. Table lib–11 describes these flags.
Flag | Description |
By setting a value in the MCOUNT argument block field, the calling program or action routine specifies a minimum number of characters from the abbreviated keyword that must be present for a match to occur. For example, setting the byte to the value 4 would allow the keyword DEASSIGN to appear in an input string as DEAS, DEASS, DEASSI, DEASSIG, or DEASSIGN. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE checks all the characters of the keyword string. Incorrect spellings beyond the minimum abbreviation are not permitted. |
If you set the ABBRFM flag in the argument block OPTIONS field, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE recognizes any leftmost substring of a keyword as a match for that keyword. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE does not check for ambiguity; it matches the first keyword listed in the state table of which the input token is a subset. For proper recognition of ambiguous keywords, the keywords in each state must be arranged in alphabetical order by the ASCII collating sequence as follows: Dollar sign ( $ ) Numerics Uppercase alphabetics Underscore ( _ ) Lowercase alphabetics |
If you set the ABBREV flag in the argument block OPTIONS field, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE recognizes any abbreviation of a keyword as long as it is unambiguous among the keywords in that state. If LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE finds that the front of the input string contains an ambiguous keyword string, it sets the AMBIG flag in the OPTIONS field and refuses to recognize any keyword transitions in that state. (It still accepts other symbol types.) The AMBIG flag can be checked by an action routine that is called when coming out of that state, or by the calling program if LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns with a syntax error status. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE clears the flag when it enters the next state. |
If both the ABBRFM and ABBREV flags are set, ABBRFM takes precedence. |
Using a keyword abbreviation option can permit short abbreviations or ambiguity, which restricts the extensibility of a language. Adding a new keyword can make a formerly valid abbreviation ambiguous.
Using Subexpressions
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE subexpressions are analogous to subroutines within the state table. You can use subexpressions as you would use subroutines in any program:
To avoid replication of complex expressions.
For a limited form of pushdown parsing, in which the state table contains recursively nested subexpressions.
For nondeterministic parsing, that is, parsing in which you need some number of states of look-ahead. To do this, place each path of look-ahead in a separate subexpression and call the subexpressions in the transitions of the state that needs the look-ahead. When a look-ahead path fails, the subexpression failure mechanism causes LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to back out and try another path.
A subexpression call is indicated with the MACRO expression
or the BLISS expression
) as the transition type argument. Transfer
of control to a subexpression causes LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE to call itself
recursively, using the same argument block and keyword table as the original
call, and using the specified state label as a starting state.
The following statement is an example of a $TRAN macro that calls a subexpression:
In this example, Q_STRING is the label of another state, a subexpression, in the same state table.
When LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE evaluates a transition that transfers control to a subexpression, it evaluates the subexpression’s transitions and processes the remaining input string.
If the subexpression succeeds, it returns success to LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE by executing a transition to TPA$_EXIT. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE thus considers the calling transition to have made a match. It calls that transition’s action routine, if any, and executes the transition.
If the subexpression fails, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE considers the calling transition to have no match. It backs up the input string, leaving it as it was at the start of the subexpression, and continues processing by evaluating the remaining transitions in the calling state.
Using Action Routines and Storing Data in a Subexpression
Be careful when designing subexpressions whose transitions provide action
routines or use the mask
arguments. As LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE processes
the state transitions of a subexpression, it calls the specified action
routines and stores the mask
. If the subexpression fails,
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE backs up the input string and resumes processing in the
calling state. However, any effect that an action routine has had on the
caller’s database cannot be undone.
If subexpressions are used only as state table subroutines, there is usually no harm done, because when a subexpression fails in this mode, the parse generally fails. This is not true of pushdown or nondeterministic parsing. In applications where you expect subexpressions to fail, design action routines to store results in temporary storage. You can then make these results permanent at the main level, where the flow of control is deterministic.
An Example: Parsing a Quoted String
The following example is an excerpt of a state table that parses a string quoted by an arbitrary character. The table interprets the first character that appears as a quote character. Many text editors and some programming languages contain this sort of construction.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE processes a transition that invokes a subexpression as it would any other transition:
If the subexpression returns success by executing a transition to TPA$_ EXIT, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE considers the calling transition to have a match. It updates Q_DESCRIPTOR to describe the substring parsed by the subexpression and executes the transition to the next state in the state table.
If the subexpression returns failure by executing a transition to TPA$_FAIL, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE considers the calling transition to have no match. It restores the input string as it was when the subexpression was called and continues by evaluating the next transition in the state.
;+ ; Main level state table. The first transition accepts and ; stores the quoting character. ;- $STATE STRING $TRAN TPA$_ANY,,,,Q_CHAR ;+ ; Call the subexpression to accept the quoted string and store ; the string descriptor. Note that the descriptor spans all ; the characters accepted by the subexpression. ;- $STATE $TRAN !Q_STRING,,,,Q_DESCRIPTOR $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,TPA$_FAIL ;+ ; Accept the trailing quote character, left behind by the ; subexpression ;- $STATE $TRAN TPA$_ANY,NEXT ;+ ; Subexpression to scan the quoted string. The second transition ; matches until it is rejected by the action routine. The subexpression ; should never encounter the end of string before the final quoting ; character. ;- $STATE Q_STRING $TRAN TPA$_EOS,TPA$_FAIL $TRAN TPA$_ANY,Q_STRING,TEST_Q $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,TPA$_EXIT ;+ ; The following MACRO subroutine compares the current character ; with the quoting character and returns failure if it matches. ;- TEST_Q: .WORD 0 ; null entry mask CMPB TPA$B_CHAR(AP),Q_CHAR ; check the character BNEQ 10$ ; note R0 is already 1 CLRL R0 ; match - reject transition 10$: RET
An Example: Parsing a Complex Grammar
The following example is an excerpt from a state table that shows how to use subexpressions to parse a complex grammar. The state table accepts a number followed by a keyword qualifier. Depending on the keyword, the table interprets the number as decimal, octal, or hexadecimal. The state table accepts strings such as the following:
This sort of grammar is difficult to parse with a deterministic finite-state machine. Using a subexpression look-ahead of two states permits a simpler expression of the state tables.
;+ ; Main state table entry. Accept a number of some type and store ; its value at the location NUMBER. ;- $STATE $TRAN !OCT_NUM,NEXT,,,NUMBER $TRAN !DEC_NUM,NEXT,,,NUMBER $TRAN !HEX_NUM,NEXT,,,NUMBER ;+ ; Subexpressions to accept an octal number followed by the OCTAL ; qualifier. ;- $STATE OCT_NUM $TRAN TPA$_OCTAL $STATE $TRAN ’/’ $STATE $TRAN ’OCTAL’,TPA$_EXIT ;+ ; Subexpression to accept a decimal number followed by the DECIMAL ; qualifier. ;- $STATE DEC_NUM $TRAN TPA$_DECIMAL $STATE $TRAN ’/’ $STATE $TRAN ’DECIMAL’,TPA$_EXIT ;+ ; Subexpression to accept a hex number followed by the HEX ; qualifier. ;- $STATE HEX_NUM $TRAN TPA$_HEX $STATE $TRAN ’/’ $STATE $TRAN ’HEX’,TPA$_EXIT
Note that the transitions that follow a match with a numeric token do not disturb the NUMBER field in the argument block. This allows the main level subexpression call to retrieve it when the subexpression returns.
LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE and Modularity
To use LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE in a modular and shareable fashion:
Avoid using OWN storage. Instead, allocate the argument block on the stack or the heap.
Do not use the
argument.Do not use the
argument as an address. If additional context is needed, allocate it at the end of the argument block.Use action routines to control flags such as TPA$V_BLANKS. The MACRO example at the end of the LIB$TPARSE/LIB$TABLE_PARSE section shows such an action routine, though the program itself is not modular.
Data Representation
This section describes the binary representation and allocation of a LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE state table and a keyword table. While this information is not required to use LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE, it may be useful in debugging your program.
State Table Representation
Each state consists of its transitions concatenated in memory. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE equates the state label to the address of the first byte of the first transition. A marker in the last transition identifies the end of the state. The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE table macros build the state table in the PSECT_LIB$STATE$.
Each transition in a state consists of 2 to 23 bytes containing the arguments of the transition. The state table generation macros do not allocate storage for arguments not specified in the transition macro. This allows simple transitions to be represented efficiently. For example, the following transition, which simply accepts the character "?" and falls through to the next state, is represented in two bytes:
$TRAN ’?’
In this section, pointers described as self-relative are signed displacements from the address following the end of the pointer (this is identical to branch displacements in the OpenVMS VAX instruction set).
Table below describes the elements of a state transition in the order in which they appear, if present, in the transition. If a transition does not include a specific option, no bytes are assigned to the option within the transition.
Transition Element | No. of Bytes | Description | |
Symbol type | 1 | The first byte of a transition always contains the binary coding of the symbol type accepted by this transition. Flag bit 0 in the flags byte controls the interpretation of the type byte. If the flag is clear, the type byte represents a single character (the ’x’ construct). If the flag bit is set, the type byte is one of the other type codes (keyword, number, and so on). The following table lists the symbol types accepted by LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE: | |
Symbol Type | Binary Encoding | ||
’x’ | ASCII code of the character (8 bits) | ||
’keyword’ | The keyword index (0 to 219) | ||
TPA$_DECIMAL_64 (Alpha and I64 only) | 228 | ||
TPA$_OCTAL_64 (Alpha and I64 only) | 229 | ||
TPA$_HEX_64 (Alpha and I64 only) | 230 | ||
TPA$_NODE_ACS | 231 | ||
TPA$_NODE_PRIMARY | 232 | ||
TPA$_NODE | 233 | ||
TPA$_FILESPEC | 234 | ||
TPA$_UIC | 235 | ||
TPA$_IDENT | 236 | ||
TPA$_ANY | 237 | ||
TPA$_ALPHA | 238 | ||
TPA$_DIGIT | 239 | ||
TPA$_STRING | 240 | ||
TPA$_SYMBOL | 241 | ||
TPA$_BLANK | 242 | ||
TPA$_DECIMAL | 243 | ||
TPA$_OCTAL | 244 | ||
TPA$_HEX | 245 | ||
TPA$_LAMBDA | 246 | ||
TPA$_EOS | 247 | ||
TPA$_SUBEXPR | 248 (subexpression call) (Other codes are reserved for expansion) | ||
Use of the TPA$_FILESPEC, TPA$_NODE, TPA$_NODE_ PRIMARY, or TPA$_NODE_ACS symbol type results in calls to the $FILESCAN system service. Use of the symbol type TPA$_IDENT results in calls to the $ASCTOID system service. If your application of LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE runs in an environment other than OpenVMS user mode, you must carefully evaluate whether use of these services is consistent with your environment. | |||
First flags byte | 1 | This byte contains the following bits, which specify the options of the transition. It is always present. | |
Bit | Description | ||
0 | Set if the type byte is not a single character. | ||
1 | Set if the second flags byte is present. | ||
2 | Set if this is the last transition in the state. | ||
3 | Set if a subexpression pointer is present. | ||
4 | Set if an explicit target state is present. | ||
5 | Set if the mask longword is
present. | ||
6 | Set if the msk-adr longword is
present. | ||
7 | Set if an action routine address is present. | ||
Second flags byte | 1 | This byte is present if any of its flag bits is set. It contains an additional flag describing the transition. It is used as follows: | |
Bit | Description | ||
0 | Set if the action routine argument is present. | ||
Subexpression pointer | 2 | This word is present in transitions that are subexpression calls. It is a 16-bit signed self-relative pointer to the starting state of the subexpression. | |
Argument longword | 4 | This longword field contains the 32-bit action routine argument, when specified. | |
Action routine address | 4 | This longword contains a self-relative pointer to the action routine, when specified. | |
Bit mask | 4 | This longword contains the
mask argument, when
specified. | |
Mask address | 4 | This longword, when
specified, contains a self-relative pointer through which
the mask , or data that depends on the
symbol type, is to be stored. Because the pointer is
self-relative, when it points to an absolute location, the
state table is not PIC (position-independent code). | |
Transition target | 2 | This word, when specified, contains the address of the target state of the transition. The address is stored as a 16-bit signed self-relative pointer. The final state TPA$_EXIT is coded as a word whose value is –1; the failure state TPA$_FAIL is coded as a word whose value is –2. |
Keyword Table Representation
The keyword table is a vector of 16-bit signed pointers that address locations in the keyword string area, relative to the start of the keyword vector. It is the structure to which the $INIT_STATE macro equates its second argument.
The LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE macros assign an index number to each keyword. The index number is stored in the symbol type byte in the transition; it locates the associated keyword vector entry. The keyword strings are stored in the order encountered in the state table. Each keyword string is terminated by a byte containing the value –1. Between the keywords of adjacent states is an additional –1 byte to stop the ambiguous keyword scan.
To ensure that the keyword vector is adjacent to the keyword string area, the keyword vector is located in PSECT_LIB$KEY0$ and the keyword strings and stored in PSECT_LIB$KEY1$.
Your program should not use any of the three PSECTs used by LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE (_LIB$STATE$, _LIB$KEY0$, and _LIB$KEY1$). The PSECTs _LIB$KEY0$ and _LIB$KEY1$ refer to each other using 16-bit displacements, so user PSECTs inserted between them can cause truncation errors from the linker.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE has executed a transition to TPA$_EXIT at main level, not within a subexpression. |
LIB$_SYNTAXERR | Parse completed with syntax error. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE has encountered a state at main level in which none of the transitions match the input string, or in which a transition to TPA$_FAIL was executed. |
LIB$_INVTYPE | State table error. LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE has encountered an invalid entry in the state table. |
Other | If an action routine returns a failure status other than zero, and the parse consequently fails, LIB$T[ABLE_]PARSE returns the status returned by the action routine. |
Example 1a
The following DEC C program accepts and parses the command line of a CREATE/DIRECTORY command using LIB$TABLE_PARSE. It uses the state table defined in Example 1b.
/* ** This DEC C program accepts and parses the command line of a CREATE/ ** DIRECTORY command. This program uses the LIB$GET_FOREIGN call to ** acquire the command line from the CLI and parse it with ** LIB$TABLE_PARSE, leaving the necessary information in its global ** data base. The command line is of the following format: ** ** CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[MARANTZ.ACCOUNT.OLD] ** /OWNER_UIC=[2437,25] ** /ENTRIES=100 ** /PROTECTION=(SYSTEM:R,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:R,WORLD:R) ** ** The three qualifiers are optional. Alternatively, the command ** may take the form: ** ** CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[202,31] ** ** using any of the optional qualifiers. ** ** The source for this program can be found in: ** ** SYS$EXAMPLES:LIB$TABLE_PARSE_DEMO.COM ** */ /* ** Specify the required header files */ # include <tpadef.h> # include <descrip.h> # include <starlet.h> # include <lib$routines.h> /* ** Specify macro definitions */ # define max_name_count 8 # define max_token_size 9 # define uic_string_size 6 # define command_buffer_size 256 /* ** Specify persistent data that's local to this module */ static union uic_union { __int32 bits; struct { char first; char second; } bytes; struct { __int16 first; __int16 second; } words; } file_owner; /* Actual file owner UIC */ static int name_count; /* Number of directory names */ static char uic_string[ uic_string_size + 1 ]; /* Buffer for string */ static struct dsc$descriptor_s name_vector[ max_name_count ]; /* Vector of descriptors */ /* ** Specify persistent data that's global to this module. ** This data is referenced externally by the state table definitions. */ union uic_union uic_group, /* Tempt for UIC group */ uic_member; /* Tempt for UIC member */ int parser_flags, /* Keyword flags */ entry_count, /* Space to preallocate */ file_protect; /* Directory file protection */ struct dsc$descriptor_s device_string = /* Device string descriptor */ { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, (char *) 0 }; /* ** Specify the user action routines. ** ** Please note that if it were LIB$TPARSE being called, the user action ** routines would have to be coded as follows: ** ** int user_action_routine( __int32 psuedo_ap ) ** { ** struct tpadef ** *tparse_block = (tpadef *) (&psuedo_ap - 1); ** printf( "Parameter value: %d\n", ** tparse_block->tpa$l_param ** ); ** } */ /* ** Shut off explicit blank processing after passing the command name. */ int blanks_off( struct tpadef *tparse_block ) { tparse_block->tpa$v_blanks = 0; return( 1 ); } /* ** Check the UIC for legal value range. */ int check_uic( struct tpadef *tparse_block ) { if ( (uic_group.words.second != 0) || (uic_member.words.second != 0) ) return( 0 ); file_owner.words.first = uic_member.words.first; file_owner.words.second = uic_group.words.first; return( 1 ); } /* ** Store a directory name component. */ int store_name( struct tpadef *tparse_block ) { if ( (name_count >= max_name_count) || (tparse_block->tpa$l_tokencnt > max_token_size) ) return( 0 ); name_vector[ name_count ].dsc$w_length = tparse_block->tpa$l_tokencnt; name_vector[ name_count ].dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; name_vector[ name_count ].dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S; name_vector[ name_count++ ].dsc$a_pointer = tparse_block->tpa$l_tokenptr; return( 1 ); } /* ** Convert a UIC into its equivalent directory file name. */ int make_uic( struct tpadef *tparse_block ) { $DESCRIPTOR( control_string, "!OB!OB" ); $DESCRIPTOR( dirname, uic_string ); if ( (uic_group.bytes.second != '\0') || (uic_member.bytes.second != '\0') ) return( 0 ); sys$fao( &control_string, &dirname.dsc$w_length, &dirname, uic_group.bytes.first, uic_member.bytes.first ); return( 1 ); } /* ** The main program section starts here. */ main( ) { /* ** This program creates a directory. It gets the command ** line from the CLI and parses it with LIB$TABLE_PARSE. */ extern char ufd_state, ufd_key; char command_buffer[ command_buffer_size + 1 ]; int status; $DESCRIPTOR( prompt, "Command> " ); $DESCRIPTOR( command_descriptor, command_buffer ); struct tpadef tparse_block = { TPA$K_COUNT0, /* Longword count */ TPA$M_ABBREV /* Allow abbreviation */ | TPA$M_BLANKS /* Process spaces explicitly */ }; status = lib$get_foreign( &command_descriptor, &prompt, &command_descriptor.dsc$w_length ); if ( (status & 1) == 0 ) return( status ); /* ** Copy the input string descriptor into the control block ** and then call LIB$TABLE_PARSE. Note that impure storage is assumed ** to be zero. */ tparse_block.tpa$l_stringcnt = command_descriptor.dsc$w_length; tparse_block.tpa$l_stringptr = command_descriptor.dsc$a_pointer; return( status = lib$table_parse( &tparse_block, &ufd_state, &ufd_key ) ); }
Example 1b
The following MACRO assembly language program module defines the state tables for the preceding sample program.
.TITLE CREATE_DIR_TABLES - Create Directory File (tables) .IDENT "X-1" ;+ ; ; This module defines the state tables for the preceding ; sample program, which accepts and parses the command line of the ; CREATE/DIRECTORY command. The command line has the following format: ; ; CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[MARANTZ.ACCOUNT.OLD] ; /OWNER_UIC=[2437,25] ; /ENTRIES=100 ; /PROTECTION=(SYSTEM:R,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:R,WORLD:R) ; ; The three qualifiers are optional. Alternatively, the command ; may take the form ; ; CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[202,31] ; ; using any of the optional qualifiers. ; ;- ;+ ; ; Global data, control blocks, etc. ; ;- .PSECT IMPURE,WRT,NOEXE ;+ ; Define control block offsets ;- $CLIDEF $TPADEF .EXTRN BLANKS_OFF, - ; No explicit blank processing CHECK_UIC, - ; Validate and assemble UIC STORE_NAME, - ; Store next directory name MAKE_UIC ; Make UIC into directory name ;+ ; Define parser flag bits for flags longword ;- UIC_FLAG = 1 ; /UIC seen ENTRIES_FLAG = 2 ; /ENTRIES seen PROT_FLAG = 4 ; /PROTECTION seen .SBTTL Parser State Table ;+ ; Assign values for protection flags to be used when parsing protection ; string. ;- SYSTEM_READ_FLAG = ^X0001 SYSTEM_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0002 SYSTEM_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0004 SYSTEM_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0008 OWNER_READ_FLAG = ^X0010 OWNER_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0020 OWNER_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0040 OWNER_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0080 GROUP_READ_FLAG = ^X0100 GROUP_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0200 GROUP_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0400 GROUP_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0800 WORLD_READ_FLAG = ^X1000 WORLD_WRITE_FLAG = ^X2000 WORLD_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X4000 WORLD_DELETE_FLAG = ^X8000 $INIT_STATE UFD_STATE,UFD_KEY ;+ ; Read over the command name (to the first blank in the command). ;- $STATE START $TRAN TPA$_BLANK,,BLANKS_OFF $TRAN TPA$_ANY,START ;+ ; Read device name string and trailing colon. ;- $STATE $TRAN TPA$_SYMBOL,,,,DEVICE_STRING $STATE $TRAN ':' ;+ ; Read directory string, which is either a UIC string or a general ; directory string. ;- $STATE $TRAN !UIC,,MAKE_UIC $TRAN !NAME ;+ ; Scan for options until end of line is reached ;- $STATE OPTIONS $TRAN '/' $TRAN TPA$_EOS,TPA$_EXIT $STATE $TRAN 'OWNER_UIC',PARSE_UIC,,UIC_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS $TRAN 'ENTRIES',PARSE_ENTRIES,,ENTRIES_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS $TRAN 'PROTECTION',PARSE_PROT,,PROT_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS ;+ ; Get file owner UIC. ;- $STATE PARSE_UIC $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN !UIC,OPTIONS ;+ ; Get number of directory entries. ;- $STATE PARSE_ENTRIES $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN TPA$_DECIMAL,OPTIONS,,,ENTRY_COUNT ;+ ; Get directory file protection. Note that the bit masks generate the ; protection in complement form. It will be uncomplemented by the main ; program. ;- $STATE PARSE_PROT $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN '(' $STATE NEXT_PRO $TRAN 'SYSTEM', SYPR $TRAN 'OWNER', OWPR $TRAN 'GROUP', GRPR $TRAN 'WORLD', WOPR $STATE SYPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE SYPRO $TRAN 'R',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE OWPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE OWPRO $TRAN 'R',OWPRO,,OWNER_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',OWPRO,,OWNER_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',OWPRO,,OWNER_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',OWPRO,,OWNER_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE GRPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE GRPRO $TRAN 'R',GRPRO,,GROUP_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',GRPRO,,GROUP_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',GRPRO,,GROUP_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',GRPRO,,GROUP_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE WOPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE WOPRO $TRAN 'R',WOPRO,,WORLD_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',WOPRO,,WORLD_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',WOPRO,,WORLD_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',WOPRO,,WORLD_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE ENDPRO $TRAN <','>,NEXT_PRO $TRAN ')',OPTIONS ;+ ; Subexpression to parse a UIC string. ;- $STATE UIC $TRAN '[' $STATE $TRAN TPA$_OCTAL,,,,UIC_GROUP $STATE $TRAN <','> ; The comma character must be ; surrounded by angle brackets ; because MACRO restricts the use ; of commas in arguments to macros. $STATE $TRAN TPA$_OCTAL,,,,UIC_MEMBER $STATE $TRAN ']',TPA$_EXIT,CHECK_UIC ;+ ; Subexpression to parse a general directory string ;- $STATE NAME $TRAN '[' $STATE NAMEO $TRAN TPA$_STRING,,STORE_NAME $STATE $TRAN '.',NAMEO $TRAN ']',TPA$_EXIT $END_STATE .END
Example 2
The following OpenVMS BLISS program accepts and parses the command line of a CREATE/DIRECTORY command using LIB$TPARSE.
MODULE CREATE_DIR ( ! Create directory file IDENT = 'X0000', MAIN = CREATE_DIR) = BEGIN !+ ! This OpenVMS BLISS program accepts and parses the command line ! of a CREATE/DIRECTORY command. This program uses the ! LIB$GET_FOREIGN call to acquire the command line from ! the CLI and parse it with LIB$TPARSE, leaving the necessary ! information in its global data base. The command line is of ! the following format: ! ! CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[MARANTZ.ACCOUNT.OLD] ! /UIC=[2437,25] ! /ENTRIES=100 ! /PROTECTION=(SYSTEM:R,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:R,WORLD:R) ! ! The three qualifiers are optional. Alternatively, the command ! may take the form ! ! CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[202,31] ! ! using any of the optional qualifiers. !- !+ ! Global data, control blocks, etc. !- LIBRARY 'SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET'; LIBRARY 'SYS$LIBRARY:TPAMAC.L32'; !+ ! Macro to make the LIB$TPARSE control block addressable as a block ! through the argument pointer. !- MACRO TPARSE_ARGS = BUILTIN AP; MAP AP : REF BLOCK [,BYTE]; %; !+ ! Declare routines in this module. !- FORWARD ROUTINE CREATE_DIR, ! Mail program BLANKS_OFF, ! No explicit blank processing CHECK_UIC, ! Validate and assemble UIC STORE_NAME, ! Store next directory name MAKE_UIC; ! Make UIC into directory name !+ ! Define parser flag bits for flags longword. !- LITERAL UIC_FLAG = 0, ! /UIC seen ENTRIES_FLAG = 1, ! /ENTRIES seen PROT_FLAG = 2; ! /PROTECTION seen OWN !+ ! This is the LIB$GET_FOREIGN descriptor block to get the command line. !- COMMAND_DESC : BLOCK [DSC$K_S_BLN, BYTE], COMMAND_BUFF : VECTOR [256, BYTE], !+ ! This is the LIB$TPARSE argument block. !- TPARSE_BLOCK : BLOCK [TPA$K_LENGTH0, BYTE] INITIAL (TPA$K_COUNT0, ! Longword count TPA$M_ABBREV ! Allow abbreviation OR TPA$M_BLANKS), ! Process spaces explicitly !+ ! Parser global data: !- PARSER_FLAGS : BITVECTOR [32], ! Keyword flags DEVICE_STRING : VECTOR [2], ! Device string descriptor ENTRY_COUNT, ! Space to preallocate FILE_PROTECT, ! Directory file protection UIC_GROUP, ! Temp for UIC group UIC_MEMBER, ! Temp for UIC member FILE_OWNER, ! Actual file owner UIC NAME_COUNT, ! Number of directory names UIC_STRING : VECTOR [6, BYTE], ! Buffer for string NAME_VECTOR : BLOCKVECTOR [0, 2], ! Vector of descriptors DIRNAME1 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 1 DIRNAME2 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 2 DIRNAME3 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 3 DIRNAME4 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 4 DIRNAME5 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 5 DIRNAME6 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 6 DIRNAME7 : VECTOR [2], ! Name descriptor 7 DIRNAME8 : VECTOR [2]; ! Name descriptor 8 !+ ! Structure macro to reference the descriptor fields in the vector of ! descriptors. !- MACRO STRING_COUNT = 0, 0, 32, 0%, ! Count field STRING_ADDR = 1, 0, 32, 0%; ! Address field !+ ! LIB$TPARSE state table to parse the command line !- $INIT_STATE (UFD_STATE, UFD_KEY); !+ ! Read over the command name (to the first blank in the command). !- $STATE (START, (TPA$_BLANK, , BLANKS_OFF), (TPA$_ANY, START) ); !+ ! Read device name string and trailing colon. !- $STATE (, (TPA$_SYMBOL,,,, DEVICE_STRING) ); $STATE (, (':') ); !+ ! Read directory string, which is either a UIC string or a general ! directory string. !- $STATE (, ((UIC),, MAKE_UIC), ((NAME)) ); !+ ! Scan for options until end of line is reached. !- $STATE (OPTIONS, ('/'), (TPA$_EOS, TPA$_EXIT) ); $STATE (, ('UIC', PARSE_UIC,, 1^UIC_FLAG, PARSER_FLAGS), ('ENTRIES', PARSE_ENTRIES,, 1^ENTRIES_FLAG, PARSER_FLAGS), ('PROTECTION', PARSE_PROT,, 1^PROT_FLAG, PARSER_FLAGS) ); !+ ! Get file owner UIC. !- $STATE (PARSE_UIC, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (, ((UIC), OPTIONS) ); !+ ! Get number of directory entries. !- $STATE (PARSE_ENTRIES, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (, (TPA$_DECIMAL, OPTIONS,,, ENTRY_COUNT) ); !+ ! Get directory file protection. Note that the bit masks generate the ! protection in complement form. It will be uncomplemented by the main ! program. !- $STATE (PARSE_PROT, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (, ('(') ); $STATE (NEXT_PRO, ('SYSTEM', SYPR), ('OWNER', OWPR), ('GROUP', GRPR), ('WORLD', WOPR) ); $STATE (SYPR, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (SYPR0, ('R', SYPR0,, %X'0001', FILE_PROTECT), ('W', SYPR0,, %X'0002', FILE_PROTECT), ('E', SYPR0,, %X'0004', FILE_PROTECT), ('D', SYPR0,, %X'0008', FILE_PROTECT), (TPA$_LAMBDA, ENDPRO) ); $STATE (OWPR, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (OWPR0, ('R', OWPR0,, %X'0010', FILE_PROTECT), ('W', OWPR0,, %X'0020', FILE_PROTECT), ('E', OWPR0,, %X'0040', FILE_PROTECT), ('D', OWPR0,, %X'0080', FILE_PROTECT), (TPA$_LAMBDA, ENDPRO) ); $STATE (GRPR, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (GRPR0, ('R', GRPR0,, %X'0100', FILE_PROTECT), ('W', GRPR0,, %X'0200', FILE_PROTECT), ('E', GRPR0,, %X'0400', FILE_PROTECT), ('D', GRPR0,, %X'0800', FILE_PROTECT), (TPA$_LAMBDA, ENDPRO) ); $STATE (WOPR, (':'), ('=') ); $STATE (WOPR0, ('R', WOPR0,, %X'1000', FILE_PROTECT), ('W', WOPR0,, %X'2000', FILE_PROTECT), ('E', WOPR0,, %X'4000', FILE_PROTECT), ('D', WOPR0,, %X'8000', FILE_PROTECT), (TPA$_LAMBDA, ENDPRO) ); $STATE (ENDPRO, (', ', NEXT_PRO), (')', OPTIONS) ); !+ ! Subexpression to parse a UIC string. !- $STATE (UIC, ('[') ); $STATE (, (TPA$_OCTAL,,,, UIC_GROUP) ); $STATE (, (', ') ); $STATE (, (TPA$_OCTAL,,,, UIC_MEMBER) ); $STATE (, (']', TPA$_EXIT, CHECK_UIC) ); !+ ! Subexpression to parse a general directory string !- $STATE (NAME, ('[') ); $STATE (NAME0, (TPA$_STRING,, STORE_NAME) ); $STATE (, ('.', NAME0), (']', TPA$_EXIT) ); PSECT OWN = $OWN$; PSECT GLOBAL = $GLOBAL$; GLOBAL ROUTINE CREATE_DIR (START_ADDR, CLI_CALLBACK) = BEGIN !+ ! This program creates a directory. It gets the command ! line from the CLI and parses it with LIB$TPARSE. !- LOCAL STATUS, ! Status from LIB$TPARSE OUT_LEN : WORD; ! length of returned command line EXTERNAL SS$_NORMAL; EXTERNAL ROUTINE LIB$GET_FOREIGN : ADDRESSING_MODE (GENERAL), LIB$TPARSE : ADDRESSING_MODE (GENERAL); COMMAND_DESC [DSC$W_LENGTH] = 256; COMMAND_DESC [DSC$B_DTYPE] = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; COMMAND_DESC [DSC$B_CLASS] = DSC$K_CLASS_S; COMMAND_DESC [DSC$A_POINTER] = COMMAND_BUFF; STATUS = LIB$GET_FOREIGN (COMMAND_DESC, %ASCID'COMMAND: ', OUT_LEN ); IF NOT .STATUS THEN SIGNAL (STATUS); !+ ! Copy the input string descriptor into the LIB$TPARSE control block ! and call LIB$TPARSE. Note that impure storage is assumed to be zero. !- TPARSE_BLOCK[TPA$L_STRINGCNT] = .OUT_LEN; TPARSE_BLOCK[TPA$L_STRINGPTR] = .COMMAND_DESC[DSC$A_POINTER]; STATUS = LIB$TPARSE (TPARSE_BLOCK, UFD_STATE, UFD_KEY); IF NOT .STATUS THEN RETURN 0; RETURN SS$_NORMAL END; ! End of routine CREATE_DIR !+ ! Parser action routines !- !+ ! Shut off explicit blank processing after passing the command name. !- ROUTINE BLANKS_OFF = BEGIN TPARSE_ARGS; AP[TPA$V_BLANKS] = 0; 1 END; !+ ! Check the UIC for legal value range. !- ROUTINE CHECK_UIC = BEGIN TPARSE_ARGS; IF .UIC_GROUP<16,16> NEQ 0 OR .UIC_MEMBER<16,16> NEQ 0 THEN RETURN 0; FILE_OWNER<0,16> = .UIC_MEMBER; FILE_OWNER<16,16> = .UIC_GROUP; 1 END; !+ ! Store a directory name component. !- ROUTINE STORE_NAME = BEGIN TPARSE_ARGS; IF .NAME_COUNT GEQU 8 OR .AP[TPA$L_TOKENCNT] GTRU 9 THEN RETURN 0; NAME_COUNT = .NAME_COUNT + 1; NAME_VECTOR [.NAME_COUNT, STRING_COUNT] = .AP[TPA$L_TOKENCNT]; NAME_VECTOR [.NAME_COUNT, STRING_ADDR] = .AP[TPA$L_TOKENPTR]; 1 END; !+ ! Convert a UIC into its equivalent directory file name. !- ROUTINE MAKE_UIC = BEGIN TPARSE_ARGS; IF .UIC_GROUP<8,8> NEQ 0 OR .UIC_MEMBER<8,8> NEQ 0 THEN RETURN 0; DIRNAME1[0] = 0; DIRNAME1[1] = UIC_STRING; $FAOL (CTRSTR = UPLIT (6, UPLIT BYTE ('!OB!OB')), OUTBUF = DIRNAME1, PRMLST = UIC_GROUP ); 1 END; END ELUDOM ! End of module CREATE_DIR
Example 3
The following MACRO assembly language program accepts and parses the command line of a CREATE/DIRECTORY command using LIB$TPARSE. It also defines the state table for the parser.
.TITLE CREATE_DIR - Create Directory File .IDENT "X0000" ;+ ; ; This is a sample OpenVMS MACRO program that accepts and parses the ; command line of the CREATE/DIRECTORY command. This program contains ; the OpenVMS call to acquire the command line from the command interpreter ; and parse it with LIB$TPARSE, leaving the necessary information in ; its global data base. The command line has the following format: ; ; CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[MARANTZ.ACCOUNT.OLD] ; /OWNER_UIC=[2437,25] ; /ENTRIES=100 ; /PROTECTION=(SYSTEM:R,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:R,WORLD:R) ; ; The three qualifiers are optional. Alternatively, the command ; may take the form ; ; CREATE/DIR DEVICE:[202,31] ; ; using any of the optional qualifiers. ; ;- ;+ ; ; Global data, control blocks, etc. ; ;- .PSECT IMPURE,WRT,NOEXE ;+ ; Define control block offsets ;- $CLIDEF $TPADEF ;+ ; Define parser flag bits for flags longword ;- UIC_FLAG = 1 ; /UIC seen ENTRIES_FLAG = 2 ; /ENTRIES seen PROT_FLAG = 4 ; /PROTECTION seen ;+ ; LIB$GET_FOREIGN string descriptors to get the line to be parsed ;- STRING_LEN = 256 STRING_DESC: .WORD STRING_LEN .BYTE DSC$K_DTYPE_T .BYTE DSC$K_CLASS_S .ADDRESS STRING_AREA STRING_AREA: .BLKB STRING_LEN PROMPT_DESC: .WORD PROMPT_LEN .BYTE DSC$K_DTYPE_T .BYTE DSC$K_CLASS_S .ADDRESS PROMPT PROMPT: .ASCII /qualifiers: / PROMPT_LEN = .-PROMPT ;+ ; TPARSE argument block ;- TPARSE_BLOCK: .LONG TPA$K_COUNT0 ; Longword count .LONG TPA$M_ABBREV!- ; Allow abbreviation TPA$M_BLANKS ; Process spaces explicitly .BLKB TPA$K_LENGTH0-8 ; Remainder set at run time ;+ ; Parser global data ;- RET_LEN: .BLKW 1 ; LENGTH OF RETURNED COMMAND LINE PARSER_FLAGS: .BLKL 1 ; Keyword flags DEVICE_STRING: .BLKL 2 ; Device string descriptor ENTRY_COUNT: .BLKL 1 ; Space to preallocate FILE_PROTECT: .BLKL 1 ; Directory file protection UIC_GROUP: .BLKL 1 ; Temp for UIC group UIC_MEMBER: .BLKL 1 ; Temp for UIC member UIC_STRING: .BLKB 6 ; String to receive converted UIC FILE_OWNER: .BLKL 1 ; Actual file owner UIC NAME_COUNT: .BLKL 1 ; Number of directory names DIRNAME1: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 1 DIRNAME2: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 2 DIRNAME3: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 3 DIRNAME4: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 4 DIRNAME5: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 5 DIRNAME6: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 6 DIRNAME7: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 7 DIRNAME8: .BLKL 2 ; Name descriptor 8 .SBTTL Main Program ;+ ; This program gets the CREATE/DIRECTORY command line from ; the command interpreter and parses it. ;- .PSECT CODE,EXE,NOWRT CREATE_DIR:: .WORD ^M<R2,R3,R4,R5> ; Save registers ;+ ; Call the command interpreter to obtain the command line. ;- PUSHAW RET_LEN PUSHAQ PROMPT_DESC PUSHAQ STRING_DESC CALLS #3,G^LIB$GET_FOREIGN ; Call to get command line BLBC R0, SYNTAX_ERR ;+ ; Copy the input string descriptor into the TPARSE control block ; and call LIB$TPARSE. Note that impure storage is assumed to be zero. ;- MOVZWL RET_LEN, TPARSE_BLOCK+TPA$L_STRINGCNT MOVAL STRING_AREA, TPARSE_BLOCK+TPA$L_STRINGPTR PUSHAL UFD_KEY PUSHAL UFD_STATE PUSHAL TPARSE_BLOCK CALLS #3,G^LIB$TPARSE BLBC R0,SYNTAX_ERR ;+ ; Parsing is complete. ; ; You can include here code to process the string just parsed, to call ; another program to process the command, or to return control to ; a calling program, if any. ;- SYNTAX_ERR: ;+ ; Code to handle parsing errors. ;- RET .SBTTL Parser State Table ;+ ; Assign values for protection flags to be used when parsing protection ; string. ;- SYSTEM_READ_FLAG = ^X0001 SYSTEM_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0002 SYSTEM_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0004 SYSTEM_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0008 OWNER_READ_FLAG = ^X0010 OWNER_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0020 OWNER_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0040 OWNER_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0080 GROUP_READ_FLAG = ^X0100 GROUP_WRITE_FLAG = ^X0200 GROUP_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X0400 GROUP_DELETE_FLAG = ^X0800 WORLD_READ_FLAG = ^X1000 WORLD_WRITE_FLAG = ^X2000 WORLD_EXECUTE_FLAG = ^X4000 WORLD_DELETE_FLAG = ^X8000 $INIT_STATE UFD_STATE,UFD_KEY ;+ ; Read over the command name (to the first blank in the command). ;- $STATE START $TRAN TPA$_BLANK,,BLANKS_OFF $TRAN TPA$_ANY,START ;+ ; Read device name string and trailing colon. ;- $STATE $TRAN TPA$_SYMBOL,,,,DEVICE_STRING $STATE $TRAN ':' ;+ ; Read directory string, which is either a UIC string or a general ; directory string. ;- $STATE $TRAN !UIC,,MAKE_UIC $TRAN !NAME ;+ ; Scan for options until end of line is reached ;- $STATE OPTIONS $TRAN '/' $TRAN TPA$_EOS,TPA$_EXIT $STATE $TRAN 'OWNER_UIC',PARSE_UIC,,UIC_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS $TRAN 'ENTRIES',PARSE_ENTRIES,,ENTRIES_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS $TRAN 'PROTECTION',PARSE_PROT,,PROT_FLAG,PARSER_FLAGS ;+ ; Get file owner UIC. ;- $STATE PARSE_UIC $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN !UIC,OPTIONS ;+ ; Get number of directory entries. ;- $STATE PARSE_ENTRIES $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN TPA$_DECIMAL,OPTIONS,,,ENTRY_COUNT ;+ ; Get directory file protection. Note that the bit masks generate the ; protection in complement form. It will be uncomplemented by the main ; program. ;- $STATE PARSE_PROT $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE $TRAN '(' $STATE NEXT_PRO $TRAN 'SYSTEM', SYPR $TRAN 'OWNER', OWPR $TRAN 'GROUP', GRPR $TRAN 'WORLD', WOPR $STATE SYPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE SYPRO $TRAN 'R',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',SYPRO,,SYSTEM_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE OWPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE OWPRO $TRAN 'R',OWPRO,,OWNER_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',OWPRO,,OWNER_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',OWPRO,,OWNER_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',OWPRO,,OWNER_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE GRPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE GRPRO $TRAN 'R',GRPRO,,GROUP_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',GRPRO,,GROUP_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',GRPRO,,GROUP_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',GRPRO,,GROUP_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE WOPR $TRAN ':' $TRAN '=' $STATE WOPRO $TRAN 'R',WOPRO,,WORLD_READ_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'W',WOPRO,,WORLD_WRITE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'E',WOPRO,,WORLD_EXECUTE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN 'D',WOPRO,,WORLD_DELETE_FLAG,FILE_PROTECT $TRAN TPA$_LAMBDA,ENDPRO $STATE ENDPRO $TRAN <','>,NEXT_PRO $TRAN ')',OPTIONS ;+ ; Subexpression to parse a UIC string. ;- $STATE UIC $TRAN '[' $STATE $TRAN TPA$_OCTAL,,,,UIC_GROUP $STATE $TRAN <','> ; The comma character must be ; surrounded by angle brackets ; because MACRO restricts the use ; of commas in arguments to macros. $STATE $TRAN TPA$_OCTAL,,,,UIC_MEMBER $STATE $TRAN ']',TPA$_EXIT,CHECK_UIC ;+ ; Subexpression to parse a general directory string ;- $STATE NAME $TRAN '[' $STATE NAMEO $TRAN TPA$_STRING,,STORE_NAME $STATE $TRAN '.',NAMEO $TRAN ']',TPA$_EXIT $END_STATE .SBTTL Parser Action Routines .PSECT CODE,EXE,NOWRT ;+ ; Shut off explicit blank processing after passing the command name. ;- BLANKS_OFF: .WORD 0 ; No registers saved (or used) BBCC #TPA$V_BLANKS,TPA$L_OPTIONS(AP),10$ 10$: RET ;+ ; Check the UIC for legal value range. ;- CHECK_UIC: .WORD 0 ; No registers saved (or used) TSTW UIC_GROUP+2 ; UIC components are 16 bits BNEQ 10$ TSTW UIC_MEMBER+2 BNEQ 10$ MOVW UIC_GROUP,FILE_OWNER+2 ; Store actual UIC MOVW UIC_MEMBER,FILE_OWNER ; after checking RET 10$: CLRL R0 ; Value out of range - fail RET ; the transition ;+ ; Store a directory name component. ;- STORE_NAME: .WORD 0 ; No registers saved (or used) MOVL NAME_COUNT,R1 ; Get count of names so far CMPL R1,#8 ; Maximum of 8 permitted BGEQU 10$ INCL NAME_COUNT ; Count this name MOVAQ DIRNAME1[R1],R1 ; Address of next descriptor MOVQ TPA$L_TOKENCNT(AP),(R1) ; Store the descriptor CMPL (R1),#9 ; Check the length of the name BGTRU 10$ ; Maximum is 9 RET 10$: CLRL R0 ; Error in directory name RET ;+ ; Convert a UIC into its equivalent directory file name. ;- MAKE_UIC: .WORD 0 ; No registers saved (or used) TSTB UIC_GROUP+1 ; Check UIC for byte values, BNEQ 10$ ; because UIC type directories TSTB UIC_MEMBER+1 ; are restricted to this form BNEQ 10$ MOVL #6,DIRNAME1 ; Directory name is 6 bytes MOVAL UIC_STRING,DIRNAME1+4 ; Point to string buffer $FAOL CTRSTR=FAO_STRING,- ; Convert UIC to octal string OUTBUF=DIRNAME1,- PRMLST=UIC_GROUP RET 10$: CLRL R0 ; Range error - fail it RET FAO_STRING: .LONG STRING_END-STRING_START STRING_START: .ASCII '!OB!OB' STRING_END: .END CREATE_DIR
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE — The Traverse a Balanced Binary Tree routine calls an action routine for each node in a binary tree. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE treehead ,user-action-procedure
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head of the binary tree. The treehead argument is the address of an unsigned longword that is the tree head in the binary tree traversal.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied action routine called by LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE for each node in the tree. The user-action-procedure argument must return a success status for LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE to continue traversal.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User data that LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE passes to your action routine. The user-data-address argument contains the address of this user data. This is an optional argument; the default value is 0.
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE calls a user-supplied action routine for each node to traverse a balanced binary tree.
Call Format for an Action Routine
node ,user-data-address
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE passes the node
arguments to your action routine by
This action routine is defined by you to fit your own purposes. A common use of an action routine here is to print the contents of each node during the tree traversal.
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Print_Node(struct Full_node* Node, void* dummy) { /* ** Print the string contained in the current node */ printf("%s\n", Node->Text); return LIB$_NORMAL; }
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Any condition value returned by your action routine.
The C example provided in the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE also demonstrates the use of LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE. Refer to that example for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 — The Traverse a Balanced Binary Tree routine calls an action routine for each node in a binary tree.
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 treehead ,user-action-procedure
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | address |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Tree head of the binary tree. The treehead argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that is the tree head in the binary tree traversal.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | function call (before return) |
mechanism: | by value |
User-supplied action routine called by LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 for each node in the tree. The user-action-procedure argument must return a success status for LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 to continue traversal.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
User data that LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 passes to your action routine. The user-data-address argument contains the address of this user data. This is an optional argument; the default value is 0.
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 calls a user-supplied action routine for each node to traverse a balanced binary tree.
Call Format for an Action Routine
user-action-procedure node ,user-data-address |
LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64 passes the node and user-data-address arguments to your action routine by reference.
This action routine is defined by you to fit your own purposes. A common use of an action routine here is to print the contents of each node during the tree traversal.
The following is one example of a user-supplied action routine.
struct Full_node { void* left_link; void* right_link; short reserved; char Text[80]; }; static long Print_Node(struct Full_node* Node, void* dummy) { /* ** Print the string contained in the current node */ printf("%s\n", Node->Text); return LIB$_NORMAL; }
Condition Values Returned
LIB$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
Any condition value returned by your action routine.
The C example provided in the description of LIB$INSERT_TREE_64 also demonstrates the use of LIB$TRAVERSE_TREE_64. Refer to that example for assistance in using this routine.
LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC — The Translate ASCII to EBCDIC routine translates an ASCII string to an EBCDIC string.
LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC source-string ,byte-integer-dest-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Source string (ASCII) to be translated by LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC. The source-string argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string (EBCDIC). The byte-integer-dest-string argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this destination string.
LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC translates an ASCII string to an EBCDIC string. If the destination string is a fixed-length string, its length must match the length of the input string. The length of both the source and destination strings is limited to 65,535 characters. No filling is done.
A similar operation can be accomplished by specifying the ASCII to EBCDIC translation table, LIB$AB_ASC_EBC, in a routine using LIB$MOVTC, but no testing for untranslatable characters is done under those circumstances.
The LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC routine uses the ASCII to EBCDIC translation table.
ASCII to EBCDIC Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
Figure 2.25, “LIB$AB_ASC_EBC” is the ASCII to EBCDIC translation table.

ASCII Graphic |
EBCDIC Graphic |
[ (left square bracket) |
¢ (cents sign) |
! (exclamation point) |
| (short vertical bar) |
^ (circumflex) |
¬ (logical not) |
] (right square bracket) |
! (exclamation point) |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | If the destination string is a fixed-length string and its length is not the same as the source string length, or if the length of the input string is greater than 65,535 characters, no translation is attempted. |
LIB$_INVCHA | One or more occurrences of an untranslatable character have been detected during the translation. |
This COBOL program uses LIB$TRA_ASC_EBC to translate an ASCII string to EBCDIC. If successful, it then uses LIB$MOVTC to translate the EBCDIC string back to ASCII.
To exit from this program, you must press Ctrl/Z. The output generated by this COBOL program is as follows:
LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC — The Translate EBCDIC to ASCII routine translates an EBCDIC string to an ASCII string.
LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC byte-integer-source-string
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
String (EBCDIC) to be translated by LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC. The byte-integer-source-string argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this source string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Destination string (ASCII). The destination-string argument contains the address of the descriptor of this destination string.
The LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC routine uses the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table, LIB$AB_EBC_ASC.
LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC translates an EBCDIC string to an ASCII string. If the destination string is a fixed-length string, its length must match the length of the input string. The length of both the source and destination strings is limited to 65,535 characters. No filling is done.
A similar operation can be accomplished by specifying the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table, LIB$AB_EBC_ASC, in a routine using LIB$MOVTC, but no testing for untranslatable characters is done under these circumstances.
The LIB$TRA_EBC_ASC routine uses the EBCDIC to ASCII translation shown in Figure 2.26, “LIB$AB_EBC_ASC”.

EBCDIC to ASCII Translation Table
The numbers on the left represent the low-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers across the top represent the high-order bits of the EBCDIC characters in hexadecimal notation.
The numbers in the body of the table represent the equivalent ASCII characters in hexadecimal notation.
EBCDIC Graphic |
ASCII Graphic |
¢ (cents sign) |
[ (left square bracket) |
| (short vertical bar) |
! (exclamation point) |
¬ (logical not) |
^ (circumflex) |
! (exclamation point) |
] (right square bracket) |
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | If the destination string is a fixed-length string and its length is not the same as the source string length, or if the length of the input string is greater than 65,535 characters, no translation is attempted. |
LIB$_INVCHA | One or more occurrences of an untranslatable character have been detected during the translation. |
LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC — The Fit Long File Specification into Fixed Field routine takes a file specification, such as an OpenVMS RMS resultant name string, and shortens it (if necessary) so that it fits into a field of fixed width.
LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC old-filespec ,new-filespec [,word-integer-width]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
File specification to be trimmed. The old-filespec argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this file specification string.
The file specification should be an RMS resultant name string.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Trimmed file specification. The new-filespec argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this trimmed file specification string. LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC writes the trimmed file specification into new-filespec.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Maximum field width desired. The word-integer-width argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this maximum field width.
If omitted, the current length of new-filespec is used. If new-filespec is not a fixed-length string, you should specify word-integer-width to ensure that the desired width is used.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the trimmed file specification, not including any blank padding or truncated characters. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length. This is an optional argument.
This routine trims file specifications in a consistent, predictable manner to fit in a fixed-length field using the same algorithm that VSI software uses.
LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC allows compilers and other utilities which need to display file specifications in fixed-length fields, such as listing headers, to display file specifications in a consistent fashion.
Node (including access control)
If, after removing all these fields, the file name is still longer than the field width, the file name is truncated and the alternate success status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC supports any string class for the
and new-filespec
string arguments.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Success, but the output string was truncated. Significant characters of the trimmed file specification were truncated. |
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition values returned by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or the $FILESCAN system service.
Original file specification DISK$NAME:[DIRECTORY1.DIRECTORY2]FILENAME.EXTENSION;1 Shortened file specification FILENAME.EXTENSION;1
LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME — The Trim a Full Name to Fit into a Desired Output Field routine trims a full name to fit into a desired output field. The trimming preserves the most significant part of the full name. No support for arguments passed by 64-bit address reference or for use of 64-bit descriptors, if applicable, is planned for this routine.
LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME fullname, trimmed-nodename [,output-width]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Full name to be trimmed. The fullname argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to this full name string.
The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if fullname contains an invalid full name, points to a null string, or contains more than 1024 characters. The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned iffullname is an invalid descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character string |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by descriptor |
Trimmed node name. The trimmed-nodename argument contains the address of a descriptor pointing to the trimmed node-name string. LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME writes the trimmed node name into the buffer pointed to by trimmed-nodename.
The error LIB$_INVSTRDES is returned if trimmed-nodename is an invalid descriptor.
The length field of the trimmed-nodename descriptor is not updated unless trimmed-nodename is a dynamic descriptor with a length less than the resultant trimmed node name. Refer to the OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual for dynamic string descriptor usage.
The trimmed-nodename argument contains an unusable result when LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME returns in error.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Field width desired for the trimmed node name. The output-width argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this field width in bytes.
If output-width is omitted, the current length of trimmed-nodename is used. If trimmed-nodename is not a fixed-length string, specify output-width to ensure that the desired width is used.
If the lengths of both trimmed-nodename and output-width are specified, the length in output-width is used. In this case, if the current length of trimmed-nodename is smaller than the length of output-width, the output trimmed node name is truncated at the end, and the alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is returned.
OpenVMS usage: | word_unsigned |
type: | word (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Length of the trimmed node name. The resultant-length argument is the address of an unsigned word that contains this length in bytes.
The resultant-length argument contains an unusable result when LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME returns in error.
This routine trims a full name to the length that fits the desired output field. It allows applications to trim long full names for displaying in a fixed-length field, such as listing headers, in a consistent manner.
Full names are validated. Valid full names are defined as full names expanded from using LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME. A node name must be expanded to a full name using LIB$EXPAND_NODENAME before calling LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME. The error LIB$_INVARG is returned if the input full name is invalid.
If the length of fullname
is less than or equal to the
desired output width, no trimming is performed, and fullname
is returned in trimmed-nodename
. Trailing blanks are padded
if necessary.
Trimming is performed when the length of fullname
is larger
than the desired output width. The alternate successful status LIB$_STRTRU is
The trimmed node name contains the significant part of the full name. This allows the most important information of a full name to be retained for display purposes. The significant part of a full name is determined by the underlying network services.
In a DECnet environment, trimming a DECnet-Plus full name results in the error condition LIB$_INVARG.
If a usable short form of a node name is desired for display purposes, call LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME first. If LIB$COMPRESS_NODENAME returns LIB$_STRTRU, LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME can then be used to return the trimmed node name.
LIB$TRIM_FULLNAME adds padding spaces to the end of the output buffer if the trimmed node name is shorter than the size of the output buffer. The argument resultant-length, if supplied, is set to the length of the trimmed node name, excluding any padding spaces.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_STRTRU | Routine successfully completed. Characters are truncated in the output buffer pointed to by trimmed-nodename. |
Invalid argument:
LIB$_INVSTRDES | Invalid string descriptor. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
Any condition value returned by LIB$SCOPY_R_DX, or the $IPC DECnet service.
Full Name |
Size of Output Field |
Trimmed Node Name |
3 |
8 |
5 |
8 |
20 |
LIB$UNLOCK_IMAGE — Unlocks the specified image in the process’s working set.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | address |
type: | quadword |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Address of a byte within the image to be unlocked in the working set. If the address argument is 0, the current image (which contains the call to LIB$UNLOCK_IMAGE) is unlocked in the working set.
LIB$UNLOCK_IMAGE unlocks the specified image in the process’s working set.
This routine is typically used by a privileged user after the program, executing in kernel mode, lowers IPL to 0 or 2. Above IPL 2, paging is not allowed by the system. The program must access only pages valid in the process’s working set. LIB$LOCK_IMAGE is used to lock the image in the working set.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_WASSET | The specified image is unlocked in the working set and had previously been locked in the working set. |
SS$_WASCLR | The specified image is unlocked in the working set and had previously not been locked in the working set. |
Other status codes returned by sys$lkwset_64.
LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE — The Verify a Zone routine performs verification of a 32-bit zone.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier of the zone to be verified. The zone-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains this zone identifier. A value of 0 indicates the 32-bit default zone.
LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE verifies a zone. LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE performs verification of the zone header and scans all of the queues and lists maintained in the zone header; this includes the lookaside lists and the free lists. If the zone was created with LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 or LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE also checks the contents of the free blocks.
As soon as an error is encountered, processing stops. If LIB$_BADZONE is returned, use the routine LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE to dump the zone information.
You must have exclusive access to the zone while the verification is proceeding. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control modifies the zone while this routine is analyzing control data or scanning control blocks.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. |
LIB$_INSVIRMEM | Insufficient virtual memory. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid or null argument. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64 — The Verify a Zone routine performs verification of a 64-bit zone.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | identifier |
type: | quadword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Zone identifier of the zone to be verified. The zone-id argument is the address of an unsigned quadword that contains this zone identifier. A value of 0 indicates the 64-bit default zone.
LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64 verifies a zone. LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64 performs verification of the zone header and scans all of the queues and lists maintained in the zone header; this includes the lookaside lists and the free lists. If the zone was created with the LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 or LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1 algorithm, LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE_64 also checks the contents of the free blocks.
As soon as an error is encountered, processing stops. If LIB$_BADZONE is returned, use the routine LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE_64 to dump the zone information.
You must have exclusive access to the zone while the verification is proceeding. Results are unpredictable if another thread of control modifies the zone while this routine is analyzing control data or scanning control blocks.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_BADZONE | Invalid zone. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid or null argument. |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. |
LIB$WAIT — The Wait a Specified Period of Time routine places the current process into hibernation for the number of seconds specified in its argument.
LIB$WAIT seconds [,flags] [,float-type]
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The number of seconds to wait. The seconds argument contains the address of an F-floating number that is this number.
The value is rounded to the nearest hundredth-second before use. Seconds must be between 0.0 and 100,000.0.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Control flags. The flags argument is the address of a longword integer that contains the control flags. The following flag is defined:
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | LIB$K_NOWAKE | LIB$WAIT will not wake in the case of an interrupt. |
This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is 0, and LIB$WAIT will wake in the case of an interrupt.
OpenVMS usage: | longword-unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
Float type. The float-type argument is the address of a longword integer that determines the floating-point type of the seconds argument. Use one of the following symbols:
Symbol | Value | Floating-Point Type |
LIB$K_VAX_F | 0 | F_floating |
LIB$K_VAX_D | 1 | D_floating |
LIB$K_VAX_G | 2 | G_floating |
LIB$K_VAX_H | 3 | H_floating |
LIB$K_IEEE_S | 4 | IEEE_S_floating |
LIB$K_IEEE_T | 5 | IEEE_T_floating |
This is an optional argument. If omitted, the default is F_floating. F_floating is the required float-type when LIB$WAIT is called from a module written in a language that prototypes functions.
LIB$WAIT rounds the value specified by seconds to the nearest hundredth-second, uses the $SCHDWK system service to schedule a wakeup for that interval, and then issues the $HIBER system service to hibernate until the wakeup occurs.
Because of other system activity, the length of time that the process actually waits may be somewhat longer than what was specified by seconds.
The process hibernates in the caller's access mode; therefore, asynchronous system traps (ASTs) may be delivered while the process is hibernating. However, if the process hibernates at AST level, further ASTs can not be delivered.
When the LIB$K_NOWAIT control flag is used, LIB$WAIT makes use of the $SETIMR system service to schedule the wakeup, and then issues a $SYNCH system service call to check for the completion status. In this case, LIB$WAIT will not be interrupted by $WAKE. Use LIB$K_NOWAKE when it is necessary for the wait to be completed without interruption.
The NOWAKE option makes use of the $SETIMR and $SYNCH system services. Because use of these services requires that an AST be delivered, you should not use LIB$WAIT with the LIB$K_NOWAKE control flag at AST level.
See the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more information.
Condition Values Returned
SS$_NORMAL | Routine successfully completed. |
LIB$_INVARG | Invalid argument. The value of seconds was less than 0 or greater than 100,000.0 |
LIB$_WRONUMARG | Wrong number of arguments. An incorrect number of arguments was passed to LIB$WAIT. |
Any condition values returned by the $SCHDWK or SETIMR system services, or by the RTL routine LIB$CVT_FTOF.
This COBOL program demonstrates the use of LIB$WAIT on both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems. When run, the process performs a 10 second wait.
Chapter 3. CVT$ Reference Section
This chapter provides a detailed discussion of the routines provided by the OpenVMS RTL (CVT$) facility.
CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT — The Convert Floating-Point Data Type routine provides a simplified options-interface for converting a floating-point data type to another supported floating-point data type.
CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT input_value, input_type_code, output_value,
output_type_code, options
OpenVMS usage: | ond_value |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a data area containing a floating-point number that is to be converted. The input_value argument may contain floating-point data in F_Floating, D_Floating, G_Floating, H_Floating, IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, IBM_Long_Floating, IBM_Short_Floating, or CRAY_Floating format. The value of the input_type_code argument determines the format and size of the input_value argument.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating-point data being passed in the input_value argument. Valid type codes are:
input_type_code | Format | Size in Bytes |
CVT$K_VAX_F | F_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_VAX_D | D_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_G | G_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_H | H_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IEEE_S | IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_IEEE_T | IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IEEE_X | IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IBM_LONG | IBM_Long_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IBM_SHORT | IBM_Short_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_CRAY | CRAY_Floating | 8 |
Declarations for the input_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a data area that receives the converted floating-point number. The output_value argument can contain floating-point data in F_Floating, D_Floating, G_Floating, H_Floating, IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, IBM_Long_Floating, IBM_Short_Floating, or CRAY_Floating format. The value of the output_type_code argument determines the size and format of the data placed into the output_value argument.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating-point data that the input_value argument will be converted into and returned in the output_value argument. Valid type codes are:
output_type_code | Format | Size in Bytes |
CVT$K_VAX_F | F_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_VAX_D | D_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_G | G_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_H | H_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IEEE_S | IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_IEEE_T | IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IEEE_X | IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IBM_LONG | IBM_Long_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IBM_SHORT | IBM_Short_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_CRAY | CRAY_Floating | 8 |
Declarations for the output_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Conversion option specifier. The options argument is the address of a longword bit mask in which each option bit set causes the corresponding option to be used during the conversion.
Option | Description |
CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEAREST | The default rounding option for conversions to IEEE data types. This IEEE Std. 754 rounding mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the one whose least significant bit is 0 is the result. |
CVT$M_VAX_ROUNDING | The default rounding option for conversions to non-IEEE data types. Performs "traditional" style rounding. This mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the output value is the closest to either positive infinity or negative infinity, depending on the sign of the input value. |
CVT$M_TRUNCATE | Round the output value toward zero (truncate). |
CVT$M_ROUND_TO_POS | Round the output value toward positive infinity. |
CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEG | Round the output value toward negative infinity. |
CVT$M_BIG_ENDIAN | Interprets IEEE data types as Big Endian. |
CVT$M_ERR_UNDERFLOW | Report underflow conditions as errors. |
Declarations for the options argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS compilers do not support arithmetic operations for all of the above floating-point data types. Additional floating-point data types are supported by this routine for data conversion purposes only.
Condition Values Returned
CVT$_NORMAL | Normal successful completion. |
CVT$_INPCONERR | Input conversion error. |
CVT$_INVINPTYP | Invalid input type code. |
CVT$_INVOPT | Invalid option argument. |
CVT$_INVOUTTYP | Invalid output type code. |
CVT$_INVVAL | Input value was an invalid number or NaN. |
CVT$_NEGINF | Input value was negative infinity. |
CVT$_OUTCONERR | Output conversion error. |
CVT$_OVERFLOW | Overflow detected during conversion. |
CVT$_POSINF | Input value was positive infinity. |
CVT$_UNDERFLOW | Underflow detected during conversion. |
Return status values are in the $CVTMSG module found in the system symbol libraries.
/* ** =================================================================== ** ** Example of CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT ** ** ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** This example program reads IEEE T floating-point numbers from an ** input file, converts them to VAX D floating-point numbers and ** writes the result to an output file. ** ** The input and output file names can be specified as the first and ** second arguments on the command line as follows: ** ** $ EXAMPLE IEEE_T_INPUT_FILE.DAT VAX_D_OUTPUT_FILE.DAT ** ** If the input or output files are not included on the command ** line then the program prompts the user for them. ** ** =================================================================== */ #include <stdio.h> unsigned long CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT(void *input_value, unsigned long input_type, void *output_value, unsigned long output_type, unsigned long options); globalvalue CVT$K_VAX_D; globalvalue CVT$K_IEEE_T; globalvalue CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEAREST; globalvalue CVT$_NORMAL; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double D_Float_number; unsigned long IEEE_Double_number[2]; unsigned long options; char in_filename[80]; char out_filename[80]; FILE *in_file, *out_file; unsigned long ret_status; /* ** Find out where we are going to get the data from. ** First look at the first argument of the command line. ** If nothing is there, then attempt to use IEEE_T_IN.DAT. ** ================================================================= */ if (argc == 1) { printf("Enter input data file: [IEEE_T_IN.DAT]: "); if (gets(in_filename) == NULL) exit(1); if (strlen(in_filename) == 0) strcpy(in_filename, "IEEE_T_IN.DAT"); } else strcpy(in_filename, argv[1]); /* ** Find out where we are going to put the output data. ** First look at the second argument of the command line. ** If nothing is there, then put it in VAX_D_OUT.DAT ** ================================================================= */ if (argc <= 2) { printf("Enter output data file: [VAX_D_OUT.DAT]: "); if (gets(out_filename) == NULL) exit(1); if (strlen(out_filename) == 0) strcpy(out_filename, "VAX_D_OUT.DAT"); } else strcpy(out_filename, argv[2]); /* ** Open the input and output files. ** ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((in_file = fopen(in_filename, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s couldn't open file %s\n", argv[0], in_filename); exit(1); } out_file = fopen(out_filename, "wb"); options = CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEAREST; ret_status = CVT$_NORMAL; /* ** Read in each number from the file, convert it, and write it to ** the output file. ** ================================================================= */ while ((fread (&IEEE_Double_number[0], sizeof(IEEE_Double_number), 1, in_file) == 1) && (ret_status == CVT$_NORMAL)) { ret_status = CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT(&IEEE_Double_number[0], CVT$K_IEEE_T, &D_Float_number, CVT$K_VAX_D, options); if (ret_status == CVT$NORMAL) { fwrite(&D_Float_number, sizeof(D_Float_number), 1, out_file); printf("Converted data: %lf.\n", D_Float_number); } } fclose(in_file); fclose(out_file); if (ret_status == CVT$_NORMAL) exit(1); else exit(ret_status); }
CVT$FTOF — The Convert Floating-Point Data Type routine converts floating-point data types to other supported floating-point data types and allows additional control over the converted results. CVT$FTOF functionality is also available on other platforms supported by VSI.
status = CVT$FTOF input_value, input_type_code, output_value,
output_type_code, options
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Condition Name | Condition (always reported by default) |
CVT$K_NORMAL | Normal successful completion. |
CVT$M_INVALID_INPUT_TYPE | Invalid input type code. |
CVT$M_INVALID_OUTPUT_TYPE | Invalid output type code. |
CVT$M_INVALID_OPTION | Invalid option argument. |
Condition Name | Condition (reported only if the CVT$M_REPORT_ALL option is selected) |
CVT$M_RESULT_INFINITE | Conversion produced an infinite result. For IEEE data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_DENORMALIZED | Conversion produced a denormalized result. For IEEE data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_OVERFLOW_RANGE | Conversion yielded an exponent greater than 60000 (8). For CRAY data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_UNDERFLOW_RANGE | Conversion yielded an exponent less than 20000 (8). For CRAY data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_UNNORMALIZED | Conversion produced an unnormalized result. For IBM data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_INVALID | Conversion result is either ROP (reserved operand), NaN (not a number), or closest equivalent. CRAY and IBM data types return 0. For all data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_OVERFLOW | Conversion resulted in overflow. For all data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_UNDERFLOW | Conversion resulted in underflow. For all data type conversions. |
CVT$M_RESULT_INEXACT | Conversion resulted in a loss of precision. For all data type conversions. |
Return status values are in the $CVTDEF module in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a data area containing a floating-point number to be converted. The number can be floating-point data in one of the following formats:
F_Floating | Big_Endian_IEEE_S_Floating |
D_Floating | Big_Endian_IEEE_T_Floating |
G_Floating | Big_Endian_IEEE_X_Floating |
H_Floating | IBM_Long_Floating |
IEEE_S_Floating | IBM_Short_Floating |
IEEE_T_Floating | CRAY_Floating_Single |
IEEE_X_Floating |
The value of the input_type_code argument determines the format and size of the input_value argument.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating-point data being passed in the input_value argument. Valid type codes are:
Input_type_code | Format | Size in Bytes |
CVT$K_VAX_F | F_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_VAX_D | D_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_G | G_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_H | H_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IEEE_S | IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_IEEE_T | IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IEEE_X | IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_S | Big_Endian_IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_T | Big_Endian_IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_X | Big_Endian_IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IBM_LONG | IBM_Long_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IBM_SHORT | IBM_Short_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_CRAY_SINGLE | CRAY_Floating | 8 |
Declarations for the input_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS usage: | varying_arg |
type: | unspecified |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The address of a data area that receives the converted floating-point number. The number can be floating-point data in F_Floating, D_Floating, G_Floating, H_Floating, IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, Big_Endian_IEEE_S_Floating, Big_Endian_IEEE_T_Floating, Big_Endian_IEEE_X_Floating, IBM_Long_Floating, IBM_Short_Floating, or CRAY_Floating_Single format. The value of the output_type_code argument determines the size and format of the converted floating-point number.
OpenVMS usage: | longword_unsigned |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating-point data that the input_value argument will be converted into and returned in the output_value argument. Valid type codes are:
Output_type_code | Format | Size in Bytes |
CVT$K_VAX_F | F_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_VAX_D | D_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_G | G_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_VAX_H | H_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IEEE_S | IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_IEEE_T | IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IEEE_X | IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_S | Big_Endian_IEEE_S_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_T | Big_Endian_IEEE_T_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_BIG_ENDIAN_IEEE_X | Big_Endian_IEEE_X_Floating | 16 |
CVT$K_IBM_LONG | IBM_Long_Floating | 8 |
CVT$K_IBM_SHORT | IBM_Short_Floating | 4 |
CVT$K_CRAY_SINGLE | CRAY_Floating | 8 |
Declarations for the output_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
OpenVMS usage: | mask_longword |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
Conversion option specifier. The options argument is the address of a longword bit mask in which each option bit set causes the corresponding option to be used during the conversion. Provide a zero (0) value to the options argument to select default behavior or choose one or more options (status condition option, rounding options, "FORCE" options, CRAY and IBM options) from the following tables. Specify only the options that apply to your conversion. A conflicting or incompatible options argument is reported as an error (CVT$M_INVALID_OPTION).
Applicable Conversion | Option | Description |
Status Condition Option | ||
All | CVT$M_REPORT_ALL | Report all applicable status conditions as the default. The reporting of recoverable status conditions is disabled by default when this option is not used. |
Rounding Options | ||
All | CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEAREST | The default rounding option for conversions to IEEE data types. This IEEE Std. 754 rounding mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the one whose least significant bit is 0 is the result. |
All | CVT$M_BIASED_ROUNDING | The default rounding option for conversions to non-IEEE data types. Performs "traditional" style rounding. This mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the output value is the closest to either positive infinity or negative infinity depending on the sign of the input value. |
All | CVT$M_ROUND_TO_ZERO | Round the output value toward zero (truncate). |
All | CVT$M_ROUND_TO_POS | Round the output value toward positive infinity. |
All | CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEG | Round the output value toward negative infinity. |
"FORCE" Options | ||
All | CVT$M_FORCE_ALL_SPECIAL_VALUES | Apply all applicable "FORCE" options for the current conversion. |
IEEE | CVT$M_FORCE_DENORM_TO_ZERO This option is valid only for conversions to IEEE output values. | Force a denormalized IEEE output value to zero. |
IEEE | CVT$M_FORCE_INF_TO_MAX_FLOAT This option is valid only for conversions to IEEE output values. | Force a positive IEEE infinite output value to +max_float and force a negative IEEE infinite output value to --max_float. |
IEEE or VAX | CVT$M_FORCE_INVALID_TO_ZERO This option is valid only for conversions to IEEE or VAX output values. | Force an invalid IEEE NaN (not a number) output value or a VAX ROP (reserved operand) output value to zero. |
CRAY Format Conversion Options | ||
CRAY | CVT$M_ALLOW_OVRFLW_RANGE_VALUES | Allow an input/output exponent value > 60000 (8). |
CRAY | CVT$M_ALLOW_UDRFLW_RANGE_VALUES | Allow an input/output exponent value < 20000 (8). |
IBM Format Conversion Option | ||
IBM | CVT$M_ALLOW_UNNORMALIZED_VALUES | Allow unnormalized input arguments. Allow an unnormalized output value for a small value that would normalize to zero. |
The maximum representable floating-point values (max_float) for the IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, Big_Endian_IEEE_S_Floating, Big_Endian_IEEE_T_Floating, and Big_Endian_IEEE_X_Floating formats are:
Data Type | Value for: max_float |
S | Decimal: 3.402823e38 |
T | Decimal: 1.797693134862316e308 |
X | Decimal: 1.189731495357231765085759326628007016196477e4932 |
Declarations for the options argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.
CVT$FTOF functionality is available on all VSI platforms and is the floating-point conversion routine of choice for portability. When compared with the standard CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT routine, CVT$FTOF includes additional functionality and increased performance.
CVT$FTOF is a general-purpose floating-point conversion routine that converts any input_type_code floating-point data type into any output_type_code floating-point data type. The conversion is subject to the options specified in the options argument.
OpenVMS compilers do not support arithmetic operations for all of the floating-point data types described here. Additional floating-point data types are supported by this routine for data conversion purposes only.
Alpha and I64 specific.
Available only on OpenVMS VAX systems and for translated VAX applications running on OpenVMS Alpha or I64 systems.
This routine or an equivalent mechanism is supplied by compilers on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems.
VAX specific.
I64 specific.
Day 1 is Monday.
Hours since midnight on previous Monday.
Minutes since midnight on previous Monday.
Seconds since midnight on previous Monday.
Number of days since system zero time (17–Nov–1858).
Whole weeks.
Whole days.
Whole hours.
Whole minutes.
Whole seconds.
This variable-length field mnemonic has a numeric suffix representing the number of digits allowed or required in the field. For instance, YYYY4 indicates a four-digit year field.