VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual

Operating System and Version:
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3


1. About VSI

VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) is an independent software company licensed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to develop and support the OpenVMS operating system.

2. Intended Audience

This manual is intended for system and application programmers who write programs that call MTH$ Run-Time Library routines.

3. Document Structure

This manual contains two tutorial chapters, two reference sections, and two appendixes:

. Routine descriptions are in alphabetical order by routine name.

4. Related Documents

The Run-Time Library routines are documented in a series of reference manuals. A description of how the Run-Time Library routines are accessed and of how OpenVMS features and functionality are available through calls to the MTH$ Run-Time Library appears in VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual Volume I and Volume II.


Descriptions of the other RTL facilities and their corresponding routines are presented in the following books:

Application programmers using any language can refer to the Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures for writing modular and reentrant code.

High-level language programmers will find additional information on calling Run-Time Library routines in their language reference manuals. Additional information may also be found in the language user’s guide provided with your OpenVMS language software.

5. OpenVMS Documentation

The full VSI OpenVMS documentation set can be found on the VMS Software Documentation webpage at

6. VSI Encourages Your Comments

You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending electronic mail to the following Internet address: . Users who have VSI OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact for help with this product.

7. Conventions

The following conventions may be used in this manual:


A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button.

PF1 x

A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button.

A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities:
  • Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.

  • The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.

  • Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.


A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed.

( )

In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one.

[ ]

In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for VSI OpenVMS directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment statement.

[ | ]

In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line.

{ }

In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command line.

bold text

This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason.

italic text

Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type).


Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege.

Monospace type

Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.

In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example.


A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line.


All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated.

Chapter 1. OpenVMS Run-Time Library Mathematics (MTH$) Facility

The OpenVMS Run-Time Library Mathematics (MTH$) facility contains routines to perform a wide variety of computations including the following:

  • Floating-point trigonometric function evaluation

  • Exponentiation

  • Complex function evaluation

  • Complex exponentiation

  • Miscellaneous function evaluation

  • Vector operations (VAX only)

The OTS$ facility provides additional language-independent arithmetic support routines (see the OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual).

This chapter contains an introduction to the MTH$ facility and includes examples of how to call mathematics routines from BASIC, COBOL, Fortran, MACRO, Pascal, PL/I, and Ada.

Chapter 2, Vector Routines in MTH$ contains an overview of the vector routines available on VAX processors.

The Chapter 3, Scalar MTH$ Reference Section describes the MTH$ scalar routines. The Chapter 4, Vector MTH$ Reference Section describes the MTH$ vector routines.

1.1. Entry Point Names

The names of the mathematics routines are formed by adding the MTH$ prefix to the function names.

When function arguments and returned values are of the same data type, the first letter of the name indicates this data type. When function arguments and returned values are of different data types, the first letter indicates the data type of the returned value, and the second letter indicates the data type of the arguments.

The letters used as data type prefixes are listed below.

LetterData Type
CF_floating complex
CDD_floating complex
CGG_floating complex

Generally, F-floating data types have no letter designation. For example, MTH$SIN returns an F-floating value of the sine of an F-floating argument and MTH$DSIN returns a D-floating value of the sine of a D-floating argument. However, in some of the miscellaneous functions, F-floating data types are referenced by the letter designation A.

1.2. Calling Conventions

For calling conventions specific to the MTH$ vector routines, refer to Chapter 2, Vector Routines in MTH$.

All calls to mathematics routines, as described in the Format section of each routine, accept arguments passed by reference. JSB entry points accept arguments passed by value.

All mathematics routines return values in R0 or R0/R1 except those routines for which the values cannot fit in 64 bits. D-floating complex, G-floating complex, and H-floating values are data structures which are larger than 64 bits. Routines returning values that cannot fit in registers R0/R1 return their function values into the first argument in the argument list.

The notation JSB MTH$NAME_Rn, where n is the highest register number referenced, indicates that an equivalent JSB entry point is available. Registers R0:Rn are not preserved.

Routines with JSB entry points accept a single argument in R0:Rm, where m , which is defined in the following table, is dependent on the data type.

Data Typem

A routine returning one value returns it to registers R0:Rm.

When a routine returns two values (for example, MTH$SINCOS), the first value is returned in R0:Rm and the second value is returned in (R<m+1>:R<2*m+1>).

Note that for routines returning a single value, n>=m. For routines returning two values, n>=2*m + 1.

In general, CALL entry points for mathematics routines do the following:

  • Disable floating-point underflow

  • Enable integer overflow

  • Cause no floating-point overflow or other arithmetic traps or faults

  • Preserve all other enabled operations across the CALL

JSB entry points execute in the context of the caller with the enable operations as set by the caller. Since the routines do not cause arithmetic traps or faults, their operation is not affected by the setting of the arithmetic trap enables, except as noted.

For more detailed information on CALL and JSB entry points, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual Volume I and Volume II.

1.3. Algorithms

For those mathematics routines having corresponding algorithms, the complete algorithm can be found in the Description section of the routine description appearing in the Scalar MTH$ Reference Section of this manual.

1.4. Condition Handling

Error conditions are indicated by using the VAX signaling mechanism. The VAX signaling mechanism signals all conditions in mathematics routines as SEVERE by calling LIB$SIGNAL. When a SEVERE error is signaled, the default handler causes the image to exit after printing an error message. A user-established condition handler can be written to cause execution to continue at the point of the error by returning SS$_CONTINUE. A mathematics routine returns to its caller after the contents of R0/R1 have been restored from the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. Thus, the user-established handler should correct CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1 to the desired function value to be returned to the caller of the mathematics routine.

D-floating complex, G-floating complex, and H-floating values cannot be corrected with a user-established condition handler, because R2/R3 is not available in the mechanism argument vector.

Note that it is more reliable to correct R0 and R1 to resemble R0 and R1 of a double-precision floating-point value. A double-precision floating-point value correction works for both single- and double-precision values.

If the correction is not performed, the floating-point reserved operand –0.0 is returned. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Accessing the floating-point reserved operand will cause a reserved operand fault. See the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual for a complete description of how to write user condition handlers for SEVERE errors.

A few mathematics routines signal floating underflow if the calling program (JSB or CALL) has enabled floating underflow faults or traps.

All mathematics routines access input arguments and the real and imaginary parts of complex numbers using floating-point instructions. Therefore, a reserved operand fault can occur in any mathematics routine.

1.5. Complex Numbers

A complex number y is defined as an ordered pair of real numbers r and i, where r is the real part and i is the imaginary part of the complex number.


OpenVMS supports three floating-point complex types: F-floating complex,

D-floating complex, and G-floating complex. There is no H-floating complex data type.

Run-Time Library mathematics routines that use complex arguments require a pointer to a structure containing two x-floating values to be passed by reference for each argument. The first x-floating value contains r, the real part of the complex number. The second x-floating value contains i, the imaginary part of the complex number. Similarly, Run-Time Library mathematics routines that return complex function values return two x-floating values. Some Language Independent Support (OTS$) routines also calculate complex functions.

Note that complex functions have no JSB entry points.

1.6. Mathematics Routines Not Documented in the MTH$ Reference Section

The mathematics routines in Table 1.1, “Additional Mathematics Routines” are not found in the reference section of this manual. Instead, their entry points and argument information are listed in Appendix A, Additional MTH$ Routines.

A reserved operand fault can occur for any floating-point input argument in any mathematics routine. Other condition values signaled by each mathematics routine are indicated in the footnotes.

Table 1.1. Additional Mathematics Routines
Entry PointFunction
Absolute Value Routines


F-floating absolute value


D-floating absolute value


G-floating absolute value


H-floating absolute value?


Word absolute value?


Longword absolute value?
Bitwise AND Operator Routines
MTH$IIANDBitwise AND of two word parameters
MTH$JIANDBitwise AND of two longword parameters
F-Floating Conversion Routines
MTH$DBLEConvert F-floating to D-floating (exact)
MTH$GDBLEConvert F-floating to G-floating (exact)
MTH$IIFIXConvert F-floating to word (truncated)?
MTH$JIFIXConvert F-floating to longword (truncated)?
Floating-Point Positive Difference Routines
MTH$DIMPositive difference of two F-floating parameters?
MTH$DDIMPositive difference of two D-floating parameters?
MTH$GDIMPositive difference of two G-floating parameters?
MTH$HDIMPositive difference of two H-floating parameters?,?
MTH$IIDIMPositive difference of two word parameters?
MTH$JIDIMPositive difference of two longword parameters?
Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator Routines
MTH$IIEORBitwise exclusive OR of two word parameters
MTH$JIEORBitwise exclusive OR of two longword parameters
Integer to Floating-Point Conversion Routines
MTH$FLOATIConvert word to F-floating (exact)
MTH$DFLOTIConvert word to D-floating (exact)
MTH$GFLOTIConvert word to G-floating (exact)
MTH$FLOATJConvert longword to F-floating (rounded)
MTH$DFLOTJConvert longword to D-floating (exact)
MTH$GFLOTJConvert longword to G-floating (exact)
Conversion to Greatest Floating-Point Integer Routines
MTH$FLOORConvert F-floating to greatest F-floating integer
MTH$DFLOORConvert D-floating to greatest D-floating integer
MTH$GFLOORConvert G-floating to greatest G-floating integer
MTH$HFLOORConvert H-floating to greatest H-floating integer?
Floating-Point Truncation Routines
MTH$AINTConvert F-floating to truncated F-floating
MTH$IINTConvert F-floating to truncated word?
MTH$JINTConvert F-floating to truncated longword?
MTH$DINTConvert D-floating to truncated D-floating
MTH$IIDINTConvert D-floating to truncated word?
MTH$JIDINTConvert D-floating to truncated longword?
MTH$GINTConvert G-floating to truncated G-floating
MTH$IIGINTConvert G-floating to truncated word?
MTH$JIGINTConvert G-floating to truncated longword?
MTH$HINTConvert H-floating to truncated H-floating?
MTH$IIHINTConvert H-floating to truncated word?
MTH$JIHINTConvert H-floating to truncated longword?
Bitwise Inclusive OR Operator Routines
MTH$IIORBitwise inclusive OR of two word parameters
MTH$JIORBitwise inclusive OR of two longword parameters
Maximum Value Routines
MTH$AIMAX0F-floating maximum of n word parameters
MTH$AJMAX0F-floating maximum of n longword parameters
MTH$IMAX0Word maximum of n word parameters
MTH$JMAX0Longword maximum of n longword parameters
MTH$AMAX1F-floating maximum of n F-floating parameters
MTH$DMAX1D-floating maximum of n D-floating parameters
MTH$GMAX1G-floating maximum of n G-floating parameters
MTH$HMAX1H-floating maximum of n H-floating parameters?
MTH$IMAX1Word maximum of n F-floating parameters?
MTH$JMAX1Longword maximum of n F-floating parameters?
Minimum Value Routines
MTH$AIMIN0F-floating minimum of n word parameters
MTH$AJMIN0F-floating minimum of n longword parameters
MTH$IMIN0Word minimum of n word parameters
MTH$JMIN0Longword minimum of n longword parameters
MTH$AMIN1F-floating minimum of n F-floating parameters
MTH$DMIN1D-floating minimum of n D-floating parameters
MTH$GMIN1G-floating minimum of n G-floating parameters
MTH$HMIN1H-floating minimum of n H-floating parameters?
MTH$IMIN1Word minimum of n F-floating parameters?
MTH$JMIN1Longword minimum of n F-floating parameters?
Remainder Routines
MTH$AMODRemainder of two F-floating parameters, arg1/arg2?,?
MTH$DMODRemainder of two D-floating parameters, arg1/arg2?,?
MTH$GMODRemainder of two G-floating parameters, arg1/arg2?
MTH$HMODRemainder of two H-floating parameters, arg1/arg2?,?
MTH$IMODRemainder of two word parameters, arg1/arg2?
MTH$JMODRemainder of two longword parameters, arg1/arg2?
Floating-Point Conversion to Nearest Value Routines
MTH$ANINTConvert F-floating to nearest F-floating integer
MTH$ININTConvert F-floating to nearest word integer?
MTH$JNINTConvert F-floating to nearest longword integer?
MTH$DNINTConvert D-floating to nearest D-floating integer
MTH$IIDNNTConvert D-floating to nearest word integer?
MTH$JIDNNTConvert D-floating to nearest longword integer?
MTH$GNINTConvert G-floating to nearest G-floating integer
MTH$IIGNNTConvert G-floating to nearest word integer?
MTH$JIGNNTConvert G-floating to nearest longword integer?
MTH$HNINTConvert H-floating to nearest H-floating integer?
MTH$IIHNNTConvert H-floating to nearest word integer?
MTH$JIHNNTConvert H-floating to nearest longword integer?
Bitwise Complement Operator Routines
MTH$INOTBitwise complement of word parameter
MTH$JNOTBitwise complement of longword parameter
Floating-Point Multiplication Routines
MTH$DPRODD-floating product of two F-floating parameters?
MTH$GPRODG-floating product of two F-floating parameters
Bitwise Shift Operator Routines
MTH$IISHFTBitwise shift of word
MTH$JISHFTBitwise shift of longword
Floating-Point Sign Function Routines
MTH$SGNF- or D-floating sign function
MTH$SIGNF-floating transfer of sign of y to sign of x
MTH$DSIGND-floating transfer of sign of y to sign of x
MTH$GSIGNG-floating transfer of sign of y to sign of x
MTH$HSIGNH-floating transfer of sign of y to sign of x?
MTH$IISIGNWord transfer of sign of y to sign of x
MTH$JISIGNLongword transfer of sign of y to sign of x
Conversion of Double to Single Floating-Point Routines
MTH$SNGLConvert D-floating to F-floating (rounded)?
MTH$SNGLGConvert G-floating to F-floating (rounded)?,?

1.7. Examples of Calls to Run-Time Library Mathematics Routines

1.7.1. BASIC Example

The following BASIC program uses the H-floating data type. BASIC also supports the D-floating, F-floating, and G-floating data types, but does not support the complex data types.

10     !+
       ! Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$HEXP from BASIC.


       DECLARE HFLOAT X,Y      ! X and Y are H-floating
       DIGITS$ = ’###.#################################’
       X = ’1.2345678901234567891234567892’H
       CALL MTH$HEXP (Y,X)
       A$ = ’MTH$HEXP of ’ + DIGITS$ + ’ is ’ + DIGITS$
       PRINT USING A$, X, Y

The output from this program is as follows:

MTH$HEXP of 1.234567890123456789123456789200000
is 3.436893084346008004973301321342110

1.7.2. COBOL Example

The following COBOL program uses the F-floating and D-floating data types. COBOL does not support the G-floating and H-floating data types or the complex data types.

This COBOL program calls MTH$EXP and MTH$DEXP.


Calls MTH$EXP using a Floating Point data type. 
Calls MTH$DEXP using a Double Floating Point data type.

01 FLOAT_PT     COMP-1.
01 ANSWER_F     COMP-1.
01 ANSWER_D     COMP-2.
        MOVE 12.34 TO FLOAT_PT.
        MOVE 3.456 TO DOUBLE_PT. 

        DISPLAY " MTH$EXP of ", FLOAT_PT CONVERSION, " is ", 
                                               ANSWER_F CONVERSION. 

                                               ANSWER_D CONVERSION. 
        STOP RUN. 

The output from this example program is as follows:

MTH$EXP of 1.234000E+01 is 2.286620E+05
MTH$DEXP of 3.456000000000000E+00 is

1.7.3. Fortran Examples

The first Fortran program below uses the G-floating data type. The second Fortran program below uses the H-floating data type. The third Fortran program below uses the F-floating complex data type. Fortran supports the four floating data types and the three complex data types.

  1. C+
    C This Fortran program computes the log base 2 of x, log2(x) in
    C G-floating double precision by using the RTL routine MTH$GLOG2.
    C Declare X and Y and MTH$GLOG2 as double precision values.
    C MTH$GLOG2 will return a double precision value to variable Y.
     REAL*8 X, Y, MTH$GLOG2 
     X = 16.0
     Y = MTH$GLOG2(X)
     WRITE (6,1) X, Y
    1 FORMAT (’ MTH$GLOG2(’,F4.1,’) is ’,F4.1)

    The output generated by the preceding program is as follows:

    MTH$GLOG2(16.0) is 4.0 
  2. C+
    C This Fortran program computes the log base 2 of x, log2(x) in
    C H-floating precision by using the RTL routine MTH$HLOG2.
    C Declare X and Y and MTH$GLOG2 as REAL*16 values.
    C MTH$HLOG2 will return a REAL*16 value to variable Y.
     REAL*16 X, Y 
     X = 16.12345678901234567890123456789
     WRITE (6,1) X, Y
    1 FORMAT (’ MTH$HLOG2(’,F30.27,’) is ’,F30.28)

    The output generated by the preceding program is as follows:

    MTH$HLOG2(16.123456789012345678901234568) is 4.0110891785623860194931388310 
  3. C+
    C    This Fortran example raises a complex base to
    C    a NONNEGATIVE integer power using OTS$POWCJ.
    C    Declare Z1, Z2, Z3, and OTS$POWCJ as complex values.
    C    Then OTS$POWCJ returns the complex result of
    C    Z1**Z2:   Z3 = OTS$POWCJ(Z1,Z2),
    C    where Z1 and Z2 are passed by value.
            COMPLEX Z1,Z3,OTS$POWCJ
            INTEGER Z2
    C    Generate a complex base.
            Z1 = (2.0,3.0) 
    C    Generate an integer power.
    C    Compute the complex value of Z1**Z2.
            Z3 = OTS$POWCJ( %VAL(REAL(Z1)), %VAL(AIMAG(Z1)), %VAL(Z2))
            TYPE 1,Z1,Z2,Z3 
      1     FORMAT(’ The value of (’,F10.8,’,’,F11.8,’)**’,I1,’ is 
         +  (’,F11.8,’,’,F12.8,’).’)

    The output generated by the preceding Fortran program is as follows:

    The value of (2.00000000, 3.00000000)**2 is
    (-5.00000000, 12.00000000).

1.7.4. MACRO Examples

MACRO and BLISS support JSB entry points as well as CALLS and CALLG entry points. Both MACRO and BLISS support the four floating data types and the three complex data types.

The following MACRO programs show the use of the CALLS and CALLG instructions, as well as JSB entry points.

  1.         .TITLE EXAMPLE_JSB
    ;  This example calls MTH$DEXP by using a MACRO JSB command. 
    ;  The JSB command expects R0/R1 to contain the quadword input value X. 
    ;  The result of the JSB will be located in R0/R1. 
            .EXTRN MTH$DEXP_R6      ;MTH$DEXP is an external routine. 
            .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT 
    X:      .DOUBLE 2.0             ; X is 2.0 
            .ENTRY EXAMPLE_JSB, ^M<> 
            MOVQ   X, R0            ; X is in registers R0 and R1 
            JSB    G^MTH$DEXP_R6    ; The result is returned in R0/R1.
            .END   EXAMPLE_JSB 

    This MACRO program generates the following output:

    R0 <-- 732541EC
    R1 <-- ED6EC6A6 
    That is, MTH$DEXP(2) is 7.3890560989306502 
  2.         .TITLE EXAMPLE_CALLG 
    ;  This example calls MTH$HEXP by using a MACRO CALLG command. 
    ;  The CALLG command expects that the address of the return value 
    ;  Y, the address of the input value X, and the argument count 2 be 
    ;  stored in memory; this program stores this information in ARGUMENTS. 
    ;  The result of the CALLG will be located in R0/R1. 
            .EXTRN  MTH$HEXP        ; MTH$HEXP is an external routine. 
            .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, WRT
            .LONG 2                 ; The CALLG will use two arguments. 
            .ADDRESS Y, X           ; The first argument must be the address 
                                    ; receiving the computed value, while 
                                    ; the second argument is used to 
                                    ; compute exp(X). 
    X:      .H_FLOATING 2           ; X = 2.0 
    Y:      .H_FLOATING 0           ; Y is the result, initially set to 0. 
            .ENTRY  EXAMPLE_G, ^M<> 
            CALLG   ARGUMENTS, G^MTH$HEXP ; CALLG returns the value to Y.
            .END    EXAMPLE_G 

    The output generated by this MACRO program is as follows:

    address of Y  <-- D8E64003 
                  <-- 4DDA4B8D 
                  <-- 3A3BDCC3 
                  <-- B68BA206 
    That is, MTH$HEXP of 2.0 returns
  3.         .TITLE EXAMPLE_CALLS 
    ;  This example calls MTH$HEXP by using the MACRO CALLS command. 
    ;  The CALLS command expects the SP to contain the H-floating address of 
    ;  the return value, the address of the input argument X, and the argument 
    ;  count 2. The result of the CALLS will be located in registers R0-R3. 
          .EXTRN MTH$HEXP        ; MTH$HEXP is an external routine. 
          .PSECT DATA, PIC, EXE, WRT 
    Y:    .H_FLOATING 0          ; Y is the result, initially set to 0.
    X:    .H_FLOATING 2          ; X = 2 
          .ENTRY  EXAMPLE_S, ^M<> 
          MOVAL   X, -(SP)       ; The address of X is in the SP.
          MOVAL   Y, -(SP)       ; The address of Y is in the SP 
          CALLS   Y, G^MTH$HEXP  ; The value is returned to the address of Y.
          .END    EXAMPLE_S 

    The output generated by this program is as follows:

    address of Y  <-- D8E64003 
                  <-- 4DDA4B8D 
                  <-- 3A3BDCC3 
                  <-- B68BA206 
    That is, MTH$HEXP of 2.0 returns
  4.         .TITLE COMPLEX_EX1 
    ;  This example calls MTH$CLOG by using a MACRO CALLG command. 
    ;  To compute the complex natural logarithm of Z = (2.0,1.0) register 
    ;  R0 is loaded with 2.0, the real part of Z, and register R1 is loaded 
    ;  with 1.0, the imaginary part of Z. The CALLG to MTH$CLOG 
    ;  returns the value of the natural logarithm of Z in 
    ;  registers R0 and R1. R0 gets the real part of Z and R1 
    ;  gets the imaginary part. 
           .EXTRN  MTH$CLOG 
           .PSECT  DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT 
    ARGS:  .LONG   1               ; The CALLG will use one argument. 
           .ADDRESS REAL           ; The one argument that the CALLG 
                                   ; uses is the address of the argument 
                                   ; of MTH$CLOG. 
    REAL:  .FLOAT  2               ; real part of Z is 2.0 
    IMAG:  .FLOAT  1               ; imaginary part Z is 1.0 
           .ENTRY  COMPLEX_EX1, ^M<> 
           CALLG   ARGS, G^MTH$CLOG; MTH$CLOG returns the real part of the 
                                   ; complex natural logarithm in R0 and 
                                   ; the imaginary part in R1. 
           .END    COMPLEX_EX1 

    This program generates the following output:

    R0 <--- 0210404E
    R1 <--- 63383FED 
    That is, MTH$CLOG(2.0,1.0) is
  5.         .TITLE COMPLEX_EX2 
    ;  This example calls MTH$CLOG by using a MACRO CALLS command. 
    ;  To compute the complex natural logarithm of Z = (2.0,1.0) register 
    ;  R0 is loaded with 2.0, the real part of Z, and register R1 is loaded 
    ;  with 1.0, the imaginary part of Z. The CALLS to MTH$CLOG 
    ;  returns the value of the natural logarithm of Z in registers R0 
    ;  and R1. R0 gets the real part of Z and R1 gets the imaginary 
    ;  part. 
           .EXTRN  MTH$CLOG 
           .PSECT  DATA, PIC, EXE, NOWRT 
    REAL:  .FLOAT  2               ; real part of Z is 2.0 
    IMAG:  .FLOAT  1               ; imaginary part Z is 1.0 
           .ENTRY  COMPLEX_EX2, ^M<> 
           MOVAL   REAL, -(SP)     ; SP <-- address of Z. Real part of Z is 
                                   ; in @(SP) and imaginary part is in
           CALLS   #1, G^MTH$CLOG  ; @(SP)+4. 
                                   ; MTH$CLOG return the real part of the 
                                   ; complex natural logarithm in R0 and 
                                   ; the imaginary part in R1. 
           .END    COMPLEX_EX2 

    This MACRO example program generates the following output:

    R0 <--- 0210404E
    R1 <--- 63383FED 
    That is, MTH$CLOG(2.0,1.0) is

1.7.5. Pascal Examples

The following Pascal programs use the D-floating and H-floating data types. Pascal also supports the F-floating and G-floating data types. Pascal does not support the complex data types.

  1. {+} 
    { Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$DEXP from PASCAL. 
    { Declare variables used by this program. 
        X : DOUBLE := 3.456;        { X,Y are D-floating unless overridden }
        Y : DOUBLE;                 { with /DOUBLE qualifier on compilation } 
    { Declare the RTL routine used by this program. 
                      FUNCTION MTH$DEXP (VAR value : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE; EXTERN; 
        Y := MTH$DEXP (x); 
        WRITELN (’MTH$DEXP of ’, X:5:3, ’ is ’, Y:20:16);

    The output generated by this Pascal program is as follows:

    MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.6899656462382318 
  2. {+} 
    { Sample program to demonstrate a call to MTH$HEXP from PASCAL. 
    { Declare variables used by this program. 
        X : QUADRUPLE := 1.2345678901234567891234567892;  { X is H-floating } 
        Y : QUADRUPLE;                                    { Y is H-floating } 
    { Declare the RTL routine used by this program. 
    value : QUADRUPLE); EXTERN; 
        MTH$HEXP (Y,X); 
        WRITELN (’MTH$HEXP of ’, X:30:28, ’ is ’, Y:35:33);

    This Pascal program generates the following output:

    MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.6899656462382318 

1.7.6. PL/I Examples

The following PL/I programs use the D-floating and H-floating data types to test entry points. PL/I also supports the F-floating and G-floating data types. PL/I does not support the complex data types.

  1. /*
    *                                                                     *
    *     This program tests a MTH$D entry point                          *
    *                                                                     *
          DCL (MTH$DEXP) 
                  ENTRY (FLOAT(53)) RETURNS (FLOAT(53));
          DCL OPERAND FLOAT(53); 
          DCL RESULT FLOAT(53); 
    /*** Begin test ***/ 
         OPERAND = 3.456; 
         PUT EDIT (’MTH$DEXP of ’, OPERAND, ’ is ’,
    END TEST; 

    The output generated by this PL/I program is as follows:

    MTH$DEXP of 3.456 is 31.689962805379165 
  2. /* 
    *                                                                     *
    *     This program tests a MTH$H entry point.                         *
    *     Note that in the PL/I statement below, the /G-float switch      *
    *     is needed to compile both G- and H-floating point MTH$ routines.*/
          DCL (MTH$HEXP) 
                  ENTRY (FLOAT (113), FLOAT (113)) ;
          DCL OPERAND FLOAT (113); 
          DCL RESULT FLOAT (113); 
    /*** Begin test ***/ 
          OPERAND = 1.234578901234567891234567892;
          PUT EDIT (’MTH$HEXP of ’, OPERAND, ’ is ’,
              RESULT) (A(12),F(29,27),A(4),F(29,27)); 
    END TEST; 

    To run this program, use the following DCL commands:


    This program generates the following output:

    MTH$HEXP of 1.234578901234567891234567892 is

1.7.7. Ada Example

The following Ada program demonstrates the use of MTH$ routines in a manner that an actual program might use. The program performs the following steps:
  1. Reads a floating-point number from the terminal

  2. Calls MTH$SQRT to obtain the square root of the value read

  3. Calls MTH$JNINT to find the nearest integer of the square root

  4. Displays the result

This example runs on VSI Ada for OpenVMS VAX.

-- This Ada program calls the MTH$SQRT and MTH$JNINT routines. 
    -- Package FLOAT_MATH_LIB is an instantiation of the generic package 
    -- MATH_LIB for the FLOAT datatype. This package provides the most 
    -- common mathematical functions (SQRT, SIN, COS, etc.) in an easy 
    -- to use fashion. An added benefit is that the Compaq Ada compiler 
    -- will use the faster JSB interface for these routines.
with MTH; 
    -- Package MTH defines all the MTH$ routines. It should be used when 
    -- package MATH_LIB is not sufficient. All functions are defined here 
    -- as "valued procedures" for consistency.
procedure ADA_EXAMPLE is
    -- Prompt for initial value.
    TEXT_IO.PUT ("Enter value: ");
    -- Take the square root by using the SQRT routine from package 
    -- FLOAT_MATH_LIB. The compiler will use the JSB interface 
    -- to MTH$SQRT. 
    -- Find the nearest integer using MTH$JNINT. Argument names are 
    -- the same as those listed for MTH$JNINT in the reference 
    -- section of this manual. 
    -- Write the result.
    TEXT_IO.PUT ("Result is: ");

To run this example program, use the following DCL commands:


The preceding Ada example generates the following output:

Enter value: 42.0 
Result is:                  6 

Chapter 2. Vector Routines in MTH$

This chapter discusses four sets of routines provided by the RTL MTH$ facility that support vector processing. These routines are as follows:
  • Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) Level 1

  • First Order Linear Recurrence (FOLR) routines

  • Vector versions of existing scalar routines

  • Fast-Vector math routines

2.1. BLAS — Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines Level 1

BLAS Level 1 routines perform vector operations, such as copying one vector to another, swapping vectors, and so on. These routines help you take advantage of vector processing speed. BLAS Level 1 routines form an integral part of many mathematical libraries, such as LINPACK and EISPACK.? Because these routines usually occur in the innermost loops of user code, the Run-Time Library provides versions of the BLAS Level 1 that are tuned to take best advantage of the VAX vector processors.

Two versions of BLAS Level 1 are provided. To use either of these libraries, link in the appropriate shareable image. The libraries are:
  • Scalar BLAS — contained in the shareable image BLAS1RTL

  • Vector BLAS (routines that take advantage of vectorization) — contained in the shareable image VBLAS1RTL


To call the scalar BLAS from a program that runs on scalar hardware, specify the routine name preceded by BLAS1$ (for example, BLAS1$xCOPY). To call the vector BLAS from a program that runs on vector hardware, specify the routine name preceded by BLAS1$V (for example, BLAS1$VxCOPY).

This manual describes both the scalar and vector versions of BLAS Level 1, but for simplicity the vector prefix (BLAS1$V) is used exclusively. Remember to remove the letter V from the routine prefix when you want to call the scalar version.

If you are a VSI Fortran programmer, do not specify BLAS vector routines explicitly. Specify the Fortran intrinsic function name only. The VSI Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems compiler determines whether the vector or scalar version of a BLAS routine should be used. The Fortran /BLAS=([NO]INLINE,[NO]MAPPED) qualifier controls how the compiler processes calls to BLAS Level 1. If /NOBLAS is specified, then all BLAS calls are treated as ordinary external routines. The default of INLINE means that calls to BLAS Level 1 routines will be treated as known language constructs, and VAX object code will be generated to compute the corresponding operations at the call site, rather than call a user-supplied routine. If the Fortran qualifier /VECTOR or /PARALLEL=AUTO is in effect, the generated code for the loops may use vector instructions or be decomposed to run on multiple processors. If MAPPED is specified, these calls will be treated as calls to the optimized implementations of these routines in the BLAS1$ and BLAS1$V portions of the MTH$ facility. For more information on the Fortran /BLAS qualifier, refer to the DEC Fortran Performance Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems .

Ten families of routines form BLAS Level 1. (BLAS1$VxCOPY is one family of routines, for example.) These routines operate at the vector-vector operation level. This means that BLAS Level 1 performs operations on one or two vectors. The level of complexity of the computations (in other words, the number of operations being performed in a BLAS Level 1 routine) is of the order n (the length of the vector).

Each family of routines in BLAS Level 1 contains routines coded in single precision, double precision (D and G formats), single precision complex, and double precision complex (D and G formats). BLAS Level 1 can be broadly classified into three groups:

    These routines return vector outputs for vector inputs. The results of all these routines are independent of the order in which the elements of the vector are processed. The scalar and vector versions of these routines return the same results.


    These routines are all reduction operations that return a scalar value. The results of these routines (except BLAS1$VIxAMAX) are dependent upon the order in which the elements of the vector are processed. The scalar and vector versions of BLAS1$VxDOT, BLAS1$VxASUM, and BLAS1$VxNRM2 can return different results. The scalar and vector versions of BLAS1$VIxAMAX return the same results.

  • BLAS1$VxROTG and BLAS1$VxROT: These routines are used for a particular application (plane rotations), unlike the routines in the previous two categories. The results of BLAS1$VxROTG and BLAS1$VxROT are independent of the order in which the elements of the vector are processed. The scalar and vector versions of these routines return the same results.

Table 2.1, “Functions of BLAS Level 1” lists the functions and corresponding routines of BLAS Level 1.

Table 2.1. Functions of BLAS Level 1
FunctionRoutineData Type

Copy a vector to another vector

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating or G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating or G-floating)

Swap the elements of two vectors

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating or G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating or G-floating)

Scale the elements of a vector

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex with complex scale
  • Single complex with real scale
  • Double complex with complex scale (D-floating)
  • Double complex with complex scale (G-floating)
  • Double complex with real scale (D-floating)
  • Double complex with real scale (G-floating)

Multiply a vector by a scalar and add a vector

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

Obtain the index of the first element of a vector having the largest absolute value

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

Obtain the sum of the absolute values of the elements of a vector

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

Obtain the inner product of two vectors

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex unconjugated
  • Single complex conjugated
  • Double complex unconjugated (D-floating)
  • Double complex unconjugated (G-floating)
  • Double complex conjugated (D- floating)
  • Double complex conjugated (G- floating)

Obtain the Euclidean norm of the vector

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

Generate the elements for a Givens plane rotation







  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

Apply a Givens plane rotation

  • Single
  • Double (D-floating)
  • Double (G-floating)
  • Single complex
  • Double complex (D-floating)
  • Double complex (G-floating)

For a detailed description of these routines, refer to Chapter 4, Vector MTH$ Reference Section.

2.1.1. Using BLAS Level 1

The following sections provide some guidelines for using BLAS Level 1. Memory Overlap

The vector BLAS produces unpredictable results when any element of the input argument shares a memory location with an element of the output argument. (An exception is a special case found in the BLAS1$VxCOPY routines.)

The vector BLAS and the scalar BLAS can yield different results when the input argument overlaps the output array. Round-Off Effects

For some of the routines in BLAS Level 1, the final result is independent of the order in which the operations are performed. However, in other cases (for example, some of the reduction operations), efficiency dictates that the order of operations on a vector machine be different from the natural order of operations. Because round-off errors are dependent upon the order in which the operations are performed, some of the routines will not return results that are bit-for-bit identical to the results obtained by performing the operations in natural order.

Where performance can be increased by the use of a backup data type, this has been done. This is the case for BLAS1$VSNRM2, BLAS1$VSCNRM2, BLAS1$VSROTG, and BLAS1$VCROTG. The use of a backup data type can also yield a gain in accuracy over the scalar BLAS. Underflow and Overflow

In accordance with LINPACK convention, underflow, when it occurs, is replaced by a zero. A system message informs you of overflow. Because the order of operations for some routines is different from the natural order, overflow might not occur at the same array element in both the scalar and vector versions of the routines. Notational Definitions

The vector BLAS (except the BLAS1$VxROTG routines) perform operations on vectors. These vectors are defined in terms of three quantities:
  • A vector length, specified as n

  • An array or a starting element in an array, specified as x

  • An increment or spacing parameter to indicate the distance in number of array elements to skip between successive vector elements, specified as incx

Suppose x is a real array of dimension ndim , n is its vector length, and incx is the increment used to access the elements of a vector X. The elements of vector X, Xi,i = l, ..., n, are stored in x. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then Xi is stored in the following location:

x(l + (i - l) * incx)

However, if incx is less than 0, then Xi is stored in the following location:

x(l + (n - i) * |incx|)

It therefore follows that the following condition must be satisfied:

ndim≥l+ (n - l) * |incx|

A positive value for incx is referred to as forward indexing, and a negative value is referred to as backward indexing. A value of zero implies that all of the elements of the vector are at the same location, x1.

Suppose ndim = 20 and n = 5. In this case, incx = 2 implies that X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5 are located in array elements x1, x3, x5, x7, and x9.

If, however, incx is negative, then X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5 are located in array elements x9, x7, x5, x3, and x1. In other words, when incx is negative, the subscript of x decreases as i increases.

For some of the routines in BLAS Level 1, incx = 0 is not permitted. In the cases where a zero value for incx is permitted, it means that x1 is broadcast into each element of the vector X of length n.

You can operate on vectors that are embedded in other vectors or matrices by choosing a suitable starting point of the vector. For example, if A is an n1 by n2 matrix, column j is referenced with a length of n1 , starting point A (1,j), and increment 1. Similarly, row i is referenced with a length of n2 , starting point A (i,1), and increment n1.

2.2. FOLR — First Order Linear Recurrence Routines

The MTH$ FOLR routines provide a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation. A linear recurrence uses the result of a previous pass through a loop as an operand for subsequent passes through the loop and prevents the vectorization of a loop.

The only error checking performed by the FOLR routines is for a reserved operand.

There are four families of FOLR routines in the MTH$ facility. Each family accepts each of four data types (longword integer, F-floating, D-floating, and G-floating). However, all of the arrays you specify in a single FOLR call must be of the same data type.

For a detailed description of these routines, see Chapter 4, Vector MTH$ Reference Section.

2.2.1. FOLR Routine Name Format

The four families of FOLR routines are as follows:
  • MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15

  • MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8


  • MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2


x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, or G for G-floating

y = P for a positive recursion element, or N for a negative recursion element

z = M for multiplication, or A for addition

The FOLR entry points end with _Vn, where n is an integer between 0 and 15 that denotes the vector registers that the FOLR routine uses. For example, MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8 uses vector registers V0 through V8.

To determine which group of routines you should use, match the task in the left column in Table 2–2 that you need the routine to perform with the method of storage that you need the routine to employ. The point where these two tasks meet shows the FOLR routine you should call.

Table 2.2. Determining the FOLR Routine You Need
TasksSave each iteration in an arraySave only last result in a variable
Multiplication AND additionMTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5
Multiplication OR additionMTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2

2.2.2. Calling a FOLR Routine

Save the contents of V0 through Vn before calling a FOLR routine if you need it after the call. The variable n can be 2, 5, 8, or 15, depending on the FOLR routine entry point. (The OpenVMS Calling Standard specifies that a called procedure may modify all of the vector registers. The FOLR routines modify only the vector registers V0 through Vn.)

The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.

2.3. Vector Versions of Existing Scalar Routines

Vector forms of many MTH$ routines are provided to support vectorized compiled applications. Vector versions of key F-floating, D-floating, and G-floating scalar routines employ vector hardware, while maintaining identical results with their scalar counterparts. Many of the scalar algorithms have been redesigned to ensure identical results and good performance for both the vector and scalar versions of each routine. All vectorized routines return bit-for-bit identical results as the scalar versions.

You can call the vector MTH$ routines directly if your program is written in VAX MACRO. If you are a Fortran programmer, specify the Fortran intrinsic function name only. The Fortran compiler will then determine whether the vector or scalar version of a routine should be used.

2.3.1. Exceptions

You should not attempt to recover from an MTH$ vector exception. After an MTH$ vector exception, the vector routines cannot continue execution, and nonexceptional values might not have been computed.

2.3.2. Underflow Detection

In general, if a vector instruction results in the detection of both a floating overflow and a floating underflow, only the overflow will be signaled.

Some scalar routines check to see if a user has enabled underflow detection. For each of those scalar routines, there are two corresponding vector routines: one that always enables underflow checking and one that never enables underflow checking. (In the latter case, underflows produce a result of zero.) The Fortran compiler always chooses the vector version that does not signal underflows, unless the user specifies the /CHECK=UNDERFLOW qualifier. This ensures that the check is performed but does not impair vector performance for those not interested in underflow detection.

2.3.3. Vector Routine Name Format

Use one of the formats in Table 2–3 to call (from VAX MACRO) a vector math routine that enables underflow signaling. (The E in the routine name means enabled underflow signaling.)

Table 2.3. Vector Routine Format — Underflow Signaling Enabled
FormatType of Routine
MTH$VxSAMPLE _E_Ry_VzReal valued math routine
MTH$VCxSAMPLE _E_Ry_VzComplex valued math routine
OTS$SAMPLE q_E_Ry_VzPower routine or complex multiply and divide

Use one of the formats in Table 2–4 to call (from VAX MACRO) a vector math routine that does not enable underflow signaling.

Table 2.4. Vector Routine Format — Underflow Signaling Disabled
FormatType of Routine
MTH$VxSAMPLE _Ry_VzReal valued math routine
MTH$VCxSAMPLE _Ry_VzComplex valued math routine
OTS$SAMPLE q_Ry_VzPower routine or complex multiply and divide
In the preceding formats, the following conventions are used:

The letter A (or blank) for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating.


A number between 0 and 11 (inclusive). Ry means that the scalar registers R0 through Ry will be used by the routine SAMPLE. You must save these registers.


A number between 0 and 15 (inclusive). Vz means that the vector registers V0 through Vz will be used by the routine SAMPLE. You must save these registers.


Two letters denoting the base and power data type, as follows:

RRF-floating base raised to an F-floating power
RJF-floating base raised to a longword power
DDD-floating base raised to a D-floating power
DJD-floating base raised to a longword power
GGG-floating base raised to a G-floating power
GJG-floating base raised to a longword power
JJLongword base raised to a longword power

2.3.4. Calling a Vector Math Routine

You can call the vector MTH$ routines directly if your program is written in VAX MACRO.


If you are a VSI Fortran programmer, do not specify the MTH$ vector routines explicitly. Specify the Fortran intrinsic function name only. The Fortran compiler determines whether the vector or scalar version of a routine should be used.

In the following examples, keep in mind that vector real arguments are passed in V0, V1, and so on, and vector real results are returned in V0. On the other hand, vector complex arguments are passed in V0 and V1, V2, and V3, and so on. Vector complex results are returned in V0 and V1.

ArgumentArgument Passed RegisterResults Returned Register
Vector real argumentsV0, V1,...V0
Vector complex argumentsV0 and V1, V2 and V3,...V0 and V1
Example 1
The following example shows how to call the vector version of MTH$EXP. Assume that you do not want underflows to be signaled, and you need to use the current contents of all vector and scalar registers after the invocation. Before you can call the vector routine from VAX MACRO, perform the following steps.
  1. Find EXP in the column of scalar names in Appendix B, Vector MTH$ Routine Entry Points to determine:

    • The full vector routine name: MTH$VEXP_R3_V6

    • How the routine is invoked (CALL or JSB): JSB

    • The scalar registers that must be saved: R0 through R3 (as specified by R3 in MTH$VEXP_R3_V6)

    • The vector registers that must be saved: V0 through V6 (as specified by V6 in MTH$VEXP_R3_V6)

    • The vector registers used to hold the input arguments: V0

    • The vector registers used to hold the output arguments: V0

    • If there is a vector version that signals underflow (not needed in this example)

  2. Save the scalar registers R0, R1, R2, and R3.

  3. Save the vector registers V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6.

  4. Save the vector mask register VMR.

  5. Save the vector count register VCR.

  6. Load the vector length register VLR.

  7. Load the vector register V0 with the argument for MTH$EXP.

  8. JSB to MTH$VEXP_R3_V6.

  9. Store result in memory.

  10. Restore all scalar and vector registers except for V0. (The results of the call to MTH$VEXP_R3_V6 are stored in V0.)

The following MACRO program fragment shows this example. Assume that:
  • V0 through V6 and R0 through R3 have been saved.

  • R4 points to a vector of 60 input values.

  • R6 points to the location where the results of MTH$VEXP_R3_V6 will be stored.

  • R5 contains the stride in bytes.

Note that MTH$VEXP_R3_V6 denotes an F-floating data type because there is no letter between V and E in the routine name. (For further explanation, refer to Section 2.3.3, “Vector Routine Name Format”.) The stride (the number of array elements that are skipped) must be a multiple of 4 because each F-floating value requires 4 bytes.

MTVLR   #60                 ; Load VLR
MOVL    #4, R5              ; Stride
VLDL    (R4), R5, V0        ; Load V0 with the actual arguments
VSTL    V0, (R6), R5        ; Store the results
Example 2
The following example demonstrates how to call the vector version of OTS$POWDD with a vector base raised to a scalar power. Before you can call the vector routine from VAX MACRO, perform the following steps.
  1. Find POWDD (V S) in the column of scalar names in Appendix B, Vector MTH$ Routine Entry Points to determine:

    • The full vector routine name: OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8

    • How the routine is invoked (CALL or JSB): CALL

    • The scalar registers that must be saved: R0 through R1 (as specified by R1 in OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8)

    • The vector registers that must be saved: V0 through V8 (as specified by V8 in OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8)

    • The vector registers used to hold the input arguments: V0, R0

    • The vector registers used to hold the output arguments: V0

    • If there is a vector version that signals underflow (not needed in this example)

  2. Save the scalar registers R0 and R1.

  3. Save the vector registers V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, and V8.

  4. Save the vector mask register VMR.

  5. Save the vector count register VCR.

  6. Load the vector length register VLR.

  7. Load the vector register V0 and the scalar register R0 with the arguments for OTS$POWDD.

  8. Call OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8.

  9. Store result in memory.

  10. Restore all scalar and vector registers except for V0. (The results of the call to OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8 are stored in V0.)

The following MACRO program fragment shows how to call OTS$VPOWDD_R1_ V8 to compute the result of raising 60 values to the power P. Assume that:
  • V0 through V8 and R0 and R1 have been saved.

  • R4 points to the vector of 60 input base values.

  • R0 and R1 contain the D-floating value P.

  • R6 points to the location where the results will be stored.

  • R5 contains the stride.

Note that OTS$VPOWDD_R1_V8 raises a D-floating base to a D-floating power, which you determine from the DD in the routine name. (For further explanation, refer to Section 2.3.3, “Vector Routine Name Format”.) The stride (the number of array elements that are skipped) must be a multiple of 8 because each D-floating value requires 8 bytes.

                               ; R0/R1 already contains the power
MTVLR   #60                    ; Load VLR
MOVL    #8, R5                 ; Stride
VLDQ    (R4), R5, V0           ; Load V0 with the actual arguments
VSTQ    V0, (R6), R5           ; Store the results 

2.4. Fast-Vector Math Routines

This section describes the fast-vector math routines that offer significantly higher performance at the cost of slightly reduced accuracy when compared with corresponding standard vector math routines. Also note that some fast-vector math routines have restricted argument domains.

When you specify the compile command qualifiers /VECTOR and /MATH_ LIBRARY=FAST, the VSI Fortran compiler selects the appropriate fast-vector math routine, if one exists. The default is /MATH_LIBRARY=ACCURATE. You must specify the /G_FLOATING compile qualifier in conjunction with the /MATH_ LIBRARY=FAST and /VECTOR qualifiers to access the G_floating routines.

You can call these routines from VAX MACRO using the standard calling method. The math function names, together with corresponding entry points of the fast-vector math routines, are listed in Table 2–5.

Table 2.5. Fast-Vector Math Routines
Function Name Data TypeCall or JSBVector Input RegistersVector Output Registers Vector Name (Underflows Not Signaled)


















V0, V1





V0, V1





V0, V1














































































































V0, R0





V0, R0





V0, R0



2.4.1. Exception Handling

The fast-vector math routines signal all errors except floating underflow. No intermediate calculations result in exceptions. To optimize performance, the following message signals all errors:

%SYSTEM-F-VARITH, vector arithmetic fault

2.4.2. Special Restrictions On Input Arguments

The special restrictions listed in Table 2–6 apply only to fast-vector routines SIN, COS, and TAN. The standard vector routines handle the full range of VAX floating-point numbers.

Table 2.6. Input Argument Restrictions
Function NameInput Argument Domain (in Radians)


~( -6746518783.0, 6746518783.0)


~( -6746518783.0, 6746518783.0)


~( -3373259391.5, 3373259391.5)

If the application program uses arguments outside of the listed domain, the routine returns the following error message:

%SYSTEM-F-VARITH, vector arithmetic fault

If the application requires argument values beyond the listed limits, use the corresponding standard vector math routine.

2.4.3. Accuracy

The fast-vector math routines do not guarantee the same results as those obtained with the corresponding standard vector math routines. Calls to the fast-vector routines generally yield results that are different from the scalar and original vector MTH$ library routines. The typical maximum error is a 2-LSB (Least Significant Bit) error for the F_floating routines and a 4-LSB error for the D_ floating and G_floating routines. This generally corresponds to a difference in the 6th significant decimal digit for the F_floating routines, the 15th digit for D_floating, and the 14th digit for G_floating.

2.4.4. Performance

The fast-vector math routines generally provide performance improvements over the standard vector routines ranging from 15 to 300 percent, depending on the routines called and input arguments to the routines. The overall performance improvement using fast-vector math routines in a typical user application will increase, but not at the same level as the routines themselves. You should do performance and correctness testing of your application using both the fast-vector and the standard vector math routines before deciding which to use for your application.

Chapter 3. Scalar MTH$ Reference Section

The Scalar MTH$ Reference Section provides detailed descriptions of the scalar routines provided by the OpenVMS RTL Mathematics (MTH$) facility.


MTH$xACOS — Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians. Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).


MTH$ACOS cosine

MTH$DACOS cosine

MTH$GACOS cosine

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

0 ≤ angle ≤ π

MTH$ACOS returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOS returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOS returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The cosine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOS, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOS, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOS, cosine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in radians whose cosine is X is computed as:

Value of CosineValue Returned
0 < X < 1zAT AN(zSQRT (l - X2)/X), where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
-1 < X < 0zAT AN(zSQRT (l - X2)/X)+ π
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

See MTH$HACOS for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xACOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


  1. 100     !+ 
            ! This BASIC program demonstrates the use of 
            ! MTH$ACOS. 
    300     INPUT "Cosine value between -1 and +1 "; COS_VALUE 
    400     IF (COS_VALUE < -1) OR (COS_VALUE > 1) 
                    THEN PRINT "Invalid cosine value" 
                         GOTO 300 
    500     ANGLE = MTH$ACOS( COS_VALUE ) 
            PRINT "The angle with that cosine is "; ANGLE; "radians" 
    32767   END 

    This BASIC program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:

    $ RUN ACOS
    Cosine value between -1 and +1 ?  .5
    The angle with that cosine is 1.0472 radians
    { This Pascal program uses MTH$ACOS to determine 
    { the angle which has the cosine given as input. 
            COS : REAL; 
            WRITE('Cosine value between -1 and +1:  '); 
            READ (COS); 
            WRITELN('The angle with that cosine is ', MTH$ACOS(COS), 
            ' radians'); 

    This Pascal program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:

    $ RUN ACOS
    Cosine value between -1 and +1:  .5
    The angle with that cosine is 1.04720E+00 radians


MTH$xACOSD — Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees. Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).


MTH$ACOSD cosine



Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

0 ≤ angle ≤ 180

MTH$ACOSD returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOSD returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOSD returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOSD, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOSD, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOSD, cosine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose cosine is X is computed as:

Value of CosineAngle Returned
0 < X < 1zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
-1 < X < 0zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + 180
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

See MTH$HACOSD for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xACOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


{ This Pascal program demonstrates the use of MTH$ACOSD. 
  COSINE := 0.5; 
  WRITELN('The angle, in degrees, is: ', RET_STATUS); 

The output generated by this Pascal example program is as follows:

The angle, expressed in degrees, is:  6.00000E+01


MTH$xASIN — Arc Sine in Radians. Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).





Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

-π/2 ≤ angle ≤ π/2

MTH$ASIN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIN returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The sine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIN, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIN, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIN, sine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in radians whose sine is X is computed as:

Value of SineAngle Returned
0 < |X| < 1zATAN(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

See MTH$HASIN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xASIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xASIND — Arc Sine in Degrees. Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).





Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

-90 ≤ angle ≤ 90

MTH$ASIND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIND returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIND, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIND, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIND, sine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose sine is X is computed as:

Value of CosineValue Returned
0 < |X| < 1zATAND(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

See MTH$HASIND for the description of the H-floating version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xASIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xATAN — Arc Tangent in Radians. Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).


MTH$ATAN tangent

MTH$DATAN tangent

MTH$GATAN tangent

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

-π/2 ≤ angle ≤ π/2

MTH$ATAN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAN returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The tangent of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$ATAN, tangent specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAN, tangent specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAN, tangent specifies a G-floating number.


In radians, the computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:

  • arctan(X) = X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = X + X*Q(X 2),
  • where Q(Y) = - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
  • where P(Y) = 1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = π/2 - arctan(1/X)
  • arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X-A)/(1+A*X))
  • for any real A

The angle in radians whose tangent is X is computed as:

Value of CosineAngle Returned
0 ≤ X ≤ 3/32X + X * Q(X 2)
3/32 < X ≤ 11ATAN(A) + V* (P(V 2)), where A and ATAN(A) are chosen by table lookup and V = (X - A)/(1 + A*X)
11 < Xπ/2 - W* (P(W 2)) where W = 1/X
X < 0-zATAN(|X|)

See MTH$HATAN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xATAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xATAND — Arc Tangent in Degrees. Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).


MTH$ATAND tangent

MTH$DATAND tangent

MTH$GATAND tangent

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:

-90 ≤ angle ≤ 90

MTH$ATAND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAND returns a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The tangent of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$ATAND, tangent specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAND, tangent specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAND, tangent specifies a G-floating number.


The computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:

  • arctan(X) = (180/π)* (X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ...)
  • arctan(X) = 64*X + X*Q(X 2),
  • where Q(Y) = 180/π*[(1- 64*π/180)] - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + Y 4/9
  • arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
  • where P(Y) = 180/π*[1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + Y 4/9 ...]
  • arctan(X) = 90 - arctan(1/X)
  • arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X - A)/(1 + A*X))

The angle in degrees whose tangent is X is computed as:

Value of CosineAngle Returned
X ≤ 3/3264*X + X*Q(X 2)
3/32 < X ≤ 11ATAND(A) + V*P(V 2) , where A and ATAND(A) are chosen by table lookup and V =(X - A)/(1 + A*X)
11 < X90 - W * (P(W 2)), where W = 1/X
X < 0-zATAND(|X|)

See MTH$HATAND for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xATAND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xATAN2 — Arc Tangent in Radians with Two Arguments. Given sine and cosine , the Arc Tangent in Radians with Two Arguments routine returns the angle (in radians) whose tangent is given by the quotient of sine and cosine (sine /cosine ).


MTH$ATAN2 sine ,cosine

MTH$DATAN2 sine ,cosine

MTH$GATAN2 sine ,cosine

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in radians. MTH$ATAN2 returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAN2 returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAN2 returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Dividend. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this dividend. For MTH$ATAN2, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAN2, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAN2, sine specifies a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Divisor. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this divisor. For MTH$ATAN2, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAN2, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAN2, cosine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in radians whose tangent is Y /X is computed as follows, where f is defined in the description of MTH$zCOSH.

Value of CosineAngle Returned
X = 0 or Y/X > 2 (f+1)π/2* (signY)
X > 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)zATAN(Y/X)
X < 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)π* (signY) + zATAN(Y/X)

See MTH$HATAN2 for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xATAN2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. Both cosine and sine are zero. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xATAND2 — Arc Tangent in Degrees with Two Arguments. Given sine and cosine , the Arc Tangent in Degrees with Two Arguments routine returns the angle (in degrees) whose tangent is given by the quotient of sine and cosine (sine /cosine ).


MTH$ATAND2 sine ,cosine

MTH$DATAND2 sine ,cosine

MTH$GATAND2 sine ,cosine

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Angle in degrees. MTH$ATAND2 returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAND2 returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAND2 returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Dividend. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this dividend. For MTH$ATAND2, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAND2, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAND2, sine specifies a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Divisor. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this divisor. For MTH$ATAND2, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAND2, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAND2, cosine specifies a G-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose tangent is Y /X is computed below and where f is defined in the description of MTH$zCOSH.

Value of CosineAngle Returned
X = 0 or Y/X > 2 (f+1)90* (signY)
X > 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)zATAND(Y/X)
X < 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)180 * (signY) + zATAND(Y/X)

See MTH$HATAND2 for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xATAND2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. Both cosine and sine are zero. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xATANH — Hyperbolic Arc Tangent. Given the hyperbolic tangent of an angle, the Hyperbolic Arc Tangent routine returns the hyperbolic arc tangent of that angle.


MTH$ATANH hyperbolic-tangent

MTH$DATANH hyperbolic-tangent

MTH$GATANH hyperbolic-tangent

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The hyperbolic arc tangent of hyperbolic-tangent. MTH$ATANH returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATANH returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATANH returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic tangent of an angle. The hyperbolic-tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this hyperbolic tangent. For MTH$ATANH, hyperbolic-tangent specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATANH, hyperbolic-tangent specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATANH, hyperbolic-tangent specifies a G-floating number.


The hyperbolic arc tangent function is computed as follows:

Value of CosineValue Returned
|X| < 1zATANH(X) = zLOG((1+X)/(1-X))/2
|X| ≥ 1An invalid argument is signaled

See MTH$HATANH for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xATANH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument: |X| ≥ 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$CxABS — Complex Absolute Value. The Complex Absolute Value routine returns the absolute value of a complex number (r,i).


MTH$CABS complex-number

MTH$CDABS complex-number

MTH$CGABS complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The absolute value of a complex number. MTH$CABS returns an F-floating number. MTH$CDABS returns a D-floating number. MTH$CGABS returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex, D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i), where r and i are both floating-point complex values. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CABS, complex-number specifies an F-floating complex number. For MTH$CDABS, complex-number specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGABS, complex-number specifies a G-floating complex number.


The complex absolute value is computed as follows, where MAX is the larger of | r | and | i | , and MIN is the smaller of | r | and | i | :

result = MAX * SQRT((MIN/MAX)2 + 1)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxABS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library when both r and i are large.


  1. C+ 
    C    This Fortran example forms the absolute value of an 
    C    F-floating complex number using MTH$CABS and the 
    C    Fortran random number generator RAN. 
    C    Declare Z as a complex value and MTH$CABS as a REAL*4 value. 
    C    MTH$CABS will return the absolute value of Z:   Z_NEW = MTH$CABS(Z). 
            COMPLEX Z 
            COMPLEX CMPLX 
            REAL*4 Z_NEW,MTH$CABS 
            INTEGER M 
            M = 1234567 
    C    Generate a random complex number with the Fortran generic CMPLX. 
            Z = CMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
    C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
    C    imaginary part "i". 
           TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
           TYPE *, ' It has real part',REAL(Z),'and imaginary part',AIMAG(Z) 
           TYPE *, ' ' 
    C    Compute the complex absolute value of Z. 
            Z_NEW = MTH$CABS(Z) 
            TYPE *, ' The complex absolute value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

    This example uses an F-floating complex number for complex-number. The output of this Fortran example is as follows:

    The complex number z is (0.8535407,0.2043402) 
    It has real part  0.8535407    and imaginary part  0.2043402 
    The complex absolute value of (0.8535407,0.2043402) is  0.8776597
  2. C+ 
    C    This Fortran example forms the absolute 
    C    value of a G-floating complex number using 
    C    MTH$CGABS and the Fortran random number 
    C    generator RAN. 
    C    Declare Z as a complex value and MTH$CGABS as a 
    C    REAL*8 value. MTH$CGABS will return the absolute 
    C    value of Z: Z_NEW = MTH$CGABS(Z). 
            COMPLEX*16 Z 
            REAL*8 Z_NEW,MTH$CGABS 
    C    Generate a random complex number with the Fortran 
    C    generic CMPLX. 
            Z = (12.34567890123,45.536376385345) 
            TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
            TYPE *, ' ' 
    C    Compute the complex absolute value of Z. 
            Z_NEW = MTH$CGABS(Z) 
            TYPE *, ' The complex absolute value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

    This Fortran example uses a G-floating complex number for complex-number. Because this example uses a G-floating number, it must be compiled as follows:

    $ Fortran/G MTHEX.FOR

    Notice the difference in the precision of the output generated:

    The complex number z is (12.3456789012300,45.5363763853450) 
    The complex absolute value of (12.3456789012300,45.5363763853450) is 


MTH$CCOS — Cosine of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value). The Cosine of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value) routine returns the cosine of a complex number as an F-floating value.


MTH$CCOS complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The complex cosine of the complex input number. MTH$CCOS returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i) where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex- number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CCOS, complex-number specifies an F-floating complex number.


The complex cosine is calculated as follows:

result = (COS(r) * COSH(i), -SIN(r) * SINH(i))

See MTH$CxCOS for the descriptions of the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CCOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of i is greater than about 88.029 for F-floating values.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex 
C    cosine of an F-floating complex number using 
C    MTH$CCOS and the Fortran random number 
C    generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CCOS as complex values. 
C    MTH$CCOS will return the cosine value of 
C    Z:         Z_NEW = MTH$CCOS(Z) 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic CMPLX. 
        Z = CMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
C    imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' It has real part',REAL(Z),'and imaginary part',AIMAG(Z) 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex cosine value of Z. 
        Z_NEW = MTH$CCOS(Z) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex cosine value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example demonstrates the use of MTH$CCOS, using the MTH$CCOS entry point. The output of this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.8535407,0.2043402) 
It has real part  0.8535407    and imaginary part  0.2043402 
The complex cosine value of (0.8535407,0.2043402) is (0.6710899,-0.1550672)


MTH$CxCOS — Cosine of a Complex Number. The Cosine of a Complex Number routine returns the cosine of a complex number.


MTH$CDCOS complex-cosine ,complex-number

MTH$CGCOS complex-cosine ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Complex cosine of the complex-number. The complex cosine routines that have D-floating and G-floating complex input values write the address of the complex cosine into the complex-cosine argument. For MTH$CDCOS, the complex- cosine argument specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGCOS, the complex-cosine argument specifies a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i) where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex- number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CDCOS, complex-number specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGCOS, complex-number specifies a G-floating complex number.


The complex cosine is calculated as follows:

result = (COS(r) * COSH(i), -SIN(r) * SINH(i))

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxCOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of i is greater than about 88.029 for F-floating and D-floating values, or greater than 709.089 for G-floating values.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex 
C    cosine of a D-floating complex number using 
C    MTH$CDCOS and the Fortran random number 
C    generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CDCOS as complex values. 
C    MTH$CDCOS will return the cosine value of 
C    Z:         Z_NEW = MTH$CDCOS(Z) 
        COMPLEX*16 DCMPLX 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic DCMPLX. 
        Z = DCMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
C    imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex cosine value of Z. 
        Z_NEW = MTH$CDCOS(Z) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex cosine value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example program demonstrates the use of MTH$CxCOS, using the MTH$CDCOS entry point. Notice the high precision of the output generated:

The complex number z is (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359) 
The complex cosine value of (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359) is 


MTH$CEXP — Complex Exponential (F-Floating Value). The Complex Exponential (F-Floating Value) routine returns the complex exponential of a complex number as an F-floating value.


MTH$CEXP complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Complex exponential of the complex input number. MTH$CEXP returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number whose complex exponential is to be returned. This complex number has the form (r,i), where r is the real part and i is the imaginary part. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CEXP, complex-number specifies an F-floating number.


The complex exponential is computed as follows:

complex-exponent = (EXP(r)*COS(i), EXP(r)*SIN(i))

See MTH$CxEXP for the descriptions of the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CEXP routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of r is greater than about 88.029 for F-floating values.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex exponential 
C    of an F-floating complex number using MTH$CEXP 
C    and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CEXP as complex values. MTH$CEXP 
C    will return the exponential value of Z: Z_NEW = MTH$CEXP(Z) 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic CMPLX. 
        Z = CMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" 
C    and imaginary part "i". 
       TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
       TYPE *, ' It has real part',REAL(Z),'and imaginary part',AIMAG(Z) 
       TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex exponential value of Z. 
        Z_NEW = MTH$CEXP(Z) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex exponential value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran program demonstrates the use of MTH$CEXP as a function call. The output generated by this example is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.8535407,0.2043402) 
It has real part  0.8535407    and imaginary part  0.2043402 
The complex exponential value of (0.8535407,0.2043402) is 


MTH$CxEXP — Complex Exponential. The Complex Exponential routine returns the complex exponential of a complex number.


MTH$CDEXP complex-exponent ,complex-number

MTH$CGEXP complex-exponent ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Complex exponential of complex-number. The complex exponential routines that have D-floating complex and G-floating complex input values write the complex-exponent into this argument. For MTH$CDEXP, complex-exponent argument specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGEXP, complex-exponent specifies a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number whose complex exponential is to be returned. This complex number has the form (r,i), where r is the real part and i is the imaginary part. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CDEXP, complex-number specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$CGEXP, complex-number specifies a G-floating number.


The complex exponential is computed as follows:

complex-exponent = (EXP(r)*COS(i), EXP(r)*SIN(i))

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxEXP routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of r is greater than about 88.029 for D-floating values, or greater than about 709.089 for G-floating values.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex exponential 
C    of a G-floating complex number using MTH$CGEXP 
C    and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CGEXP as complex values. 
C    MTH$CGEXP will return the exponential value 
C    of Z:      CALL MTH$CGEXP(Z_NEW,Z) 
        COMPLEX*16 Z,Z_NEW 
        REAL*8 R,I 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the Fortran 
C-   generic CMPLX. 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
        Z = MTH$GCMPLX(R,I) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex exponential value of Z. 
        TYPE *, ' The complex exponential value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example demonstrates how to access MTH$CGEXP as a procedure call. Because G-floating numbers are used, this program must be compiled using the command "Fortran/G filename".

Notice the high precision of the output generated:

 The complex number z is (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) 
 The complex exponential value of (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) is 


MTH$CLOG — Complex Natural Logarithm (F-Floating Value). The Complex Natural Logarithm (F-Floating Value) routine returns the complex natural logarithm of a complex number as an F-floating value.


MTH$CLOG complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The complex natural logarithm of a complex number. MTH$CLOG returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number whose complex natural logarithm is to be returned. This complex number has the form (r,i), where r is the real part and i is the imaginary part. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CLOG, complex-number specifies an F-floating number.


The complex natural logarithm is computed as follows:

CLOG(x) = (LOG(CABS(x)), ATAN2(i,r))

See MTH$CxLOG for the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CLOG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand (a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0) due to incorrect user input. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for use by VSI.


See Section 1.7.4, “MACRO Examples” for examples of using MTH$CLOG from VAX MACRO.


MTH$CxLOG — Complex Natural Logarithm. The Complex Natural Logarithm routine returns the complex natural logarithm of a complex number.


MTH$CDLOG complex-natural-log ,complex-number

MTH$CGLOG complex-natural-log ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Natural logarithm of the complex number specified by complex-number. The complex natural logarithm routines that have D-floating complex and G-floating complex input values write the address of the complex natural logarithm into complex-natural-log. For MTH$CDLOG, the complex-natural-log argument specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGLOG, the complex-natural-log argument specifies a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number whose complex natural logarithm is to be returned. This complex number has the form (r,i), where r is the real part and i is the imaginary part. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CDLOG, complex-number specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$CGLOG, complex-number specifies a G-floating number.


The complex natural logarithm is computed as follows:

CLOG(x) = (LOG(CABS(x)), ATAN2(i,r))

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_FLTOVF_FFloating point overflow can occur. This condition value is signaled from MTH$CxABS when MTH$CxABS overflows.
SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxLOG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument: r = i = 0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


C   This Fortran example forms the complex logarithm of a D-floating complex 
C   number by using MTH$CDLOG and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C   Declare Z and MTH$CDLOG as complex values. Then MTH$CDLOG 
c   returns the logarithm of Z: CALL MTH$CDLOG(Z_NEW,Z). 
C   Declare Z, Z_LOG, MTH$DCMPLX as complex values, and R, I as real values. 
C   MTH$DCMPLX takes two real arguments and returns one complex number. 
C   Given complex number Z, MTH$CDLOG(Z) returns the complex natural 
C   logarithm of Z. 
        REAL*8 R,I 
        R = 3.1425637846746565 
        I = 7.43678469887 
        Z = MTH$DCMPLX(R,I) 
C   Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
        TYPE *,' The complex logarithm of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example program uses MTH$CDLOG by calling it as a procedure. The output generated by this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (3.142563784674657,7.436784698870000) 
The complex logarithm of (3.142563784674657,7.436784698870000) is 


MTH$CMPLX — Complex Number Made from F-Floating Point. The Complex Number Made from F-Floating Point routine returns a complex number from two floating-point input values.


MTH$CMPLX real-part ,imaginary-part


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

A complex number. MTH$CMPLX returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Real part of a complex number. The real-part argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this real part, r, of (r,i). For MTH$CMPLX, real-part specifies an F-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Imaginary part of a complex number. The imaginary-part argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this imaginary part, i, of (r,i). For MTH$CMPLX, imaginary-part specifies an F-floating number.


The MTH$CMPLX routine returns a complex number from two F-floating input values. See MTH$xCMPLX for the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CMPLX routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms two F-floating 
C    point complex numbers using MTH$CMPLX 
C    and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CMPLX as complex values, and R 
C    and I as real values.  MTH$CMPLX takes two real 
C    F-floating point values and returns one COMPLEX*8 number. 
C    Note, since CMPLX is a generic name in Fortran, it would be 
C    sufficient to use CMPLX. 
C    CMPLX must be declared to be of type COMPLEX*8. 
C    Z = CMPLX(R,I) 
        REAL*4 R,I 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
        Z = MTH$CMPLX(R,I) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
C    imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The two input values are:',R,I 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        z = CMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
        TYPE *, ' Using the Fortran generic CMPLX with random R and I:' 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 

This Fortran example program demonstrates the use of MTH$CMPLX. The output generated by this program is as follows:

The two input values are:  0.8535407      0.2043402 
The complex number z is (0.8535407,0.2043402) 
Using the Fortran generic CMPLX with random R and I: 
The complex number z is (0.5722565,0.1857677)


MTH$xCMPLX — Complex Number Made from D- or G-Floating Point. The Complex Number Made from D- or G-Floating Point routines return a complex number from two D- or G-floating input values.


MTH$DCMPLX complx ,real-part ,imaginary-part

MTH$GCMPLX complx ,real-part ,imaginary-part

Each of the above formats accepts one of floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

The floating-point complex value of a complex number. The complex exponential functions that have D-floating complex and G-floating complex input values write the address of this floating-point complex value into complx. For MTH$DCMPLX, complx specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$GCMPLX, complx specifies a G-floating complex number. For MTH$CMPLX, complx is not used.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Real part of a complex number. The real-part argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this real part, r, of (r,i). For MTH$DCMPLX, real-part specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCMPLX, real-part specifies a G-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Imaginary part of a complex number. The imaginary-part argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this imaginary part, i, of (r,i). For MTH$DCMPLX, imaginary-part specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCMPLX, imaginary-part specifies a G-floating number.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xCMPLX routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms two D-floating 
C    point complex numbers using MTH$CMPLX 
C    and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$DCMPLX as complex values, and R 
C    and I as real values.  MTH$DCMPLX takes two real 
C    D-floating point values and returns one 
C    COMPLEX*16 number. 
        COMPLEX*16 Z 
        REAL*8 R,I 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and imaginary 
C    part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The two input values are:',R,I 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',Z 

This Fortran example demonstrates how to make a procedure call to MTH$DCMPLX. Notice the difference in the precision of the output generated.

The two input values are:  0.8535407185554504      0.2043401598930359 
The complex number z is (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359)


MTH$CONJG — Conjugate of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value). The Conjugate of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value) routine returns the complex conjugate (r,-i) of a complex number (r,i) as an F-floating value.


MTH$CONJG complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Complex conjugate of a complex number. MTH$CONJG returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i), where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex-number argument is the address of this floating-point complex number. For MTH$CONJG, complex-number specifies an F-floating number.


The MTH$CONJG routine returns the complex conjugate (r,-i) of a complex number (r,i) as an F-floating value.

See MTH$xCONJG for the descriptions of the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CONJG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xCONJG — Conjugate of a Complex Number. The Conjugate of a Complex Number routine returns the complex conjugate (r,-i) of a complex number (r,i).


MTH$DCONJG complex-conjugate ,complex-number

MTH$GCONJG complex-conjugate ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

The complex conjugate (r,-i) of the complex number specified by complex-number. MTH$DCONJG and MTH$GCONJG write the address of this complex conjugate into complex-conjugate. For MTH$DCONJG, the complex-conjugate argument specifies the address of a D-floating complex number. For MTH$GCONJG, the complex-conjugate argument specifies the address of a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i), where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex-number argument is the address of this floating-point complex number. For MTH$DCONJG, complex-number specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCONJG, complex-number specifies a G-floating number.


The MTH$xCONJG routines return the complex conjugate (r,-i) of a complex number (r,i).

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xCONJG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex conjugate 
C    of a G-floating complex number using MTH$GCONJG 
C    and the Fortran random number generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z, Z_NEW, and MTH$GCONJG as a complex values. 
C    MTH$GCONJG will return the complex conjugate 
C    value of Z:   Z_NEW = MTH$GCONJG(Z). 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the Fortran generic CMPLX. 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
        Z = MTH$GCMPLX(R,I) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
   1    FORMAT(' with real part ',F20.16,' and imaginary part',F20.16) 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex absolute value of Z. 
        Z_NEW = MTH$GCONJG(Z) 
        TYPE *, ' The complex conjugate value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example demonstrates how to make a function call to MTH$GCONJG. Because G-floating numbers are used, the examples must be compiled with the statement "Fortran/G filename".

The output generated by this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) 
  with real part   0.8535407185554504 
  and imaginary part  0.2043401598930359 
The complex conjugate value of     
  (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) is 
  with real part   0.8535407185554504  
  and imaginary part -0.2043401598930359


MTH$xCOS — Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians. The Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns the cosine of a given angle (in radians).


MTH$COS angle-in-radians

MTH$DCOS angle-in-radians

MTH$GCOS angle-in-radians

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Cosine of the angle. MTH$COS returns an F-floating number. MTH$DCOS returns a D-floating number. MTH$GCOS returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The angle in radians. The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$COS, angle-in-radians is an F-floating number. For MTH$DCOS, angle-in-radians specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCOS, angle-in-radians specifies a G-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOS for the algorithm used to compute the cosine.

See MTH$HCOS for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xCOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xCOSD — Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees. The Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns the cosine of a given angle (in degrees).


MTH$COSD angle-in-degrees

MTH$DCOSD angle-in-degrees

MTH$GCOSD angle-in-degrees

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Cosine of the angle. MTH$COSD returns an F-floating number. MTH$DCOSD returns a D-floating number. MTH$GCOSD returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$COSD, angle-in-degrees specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DCOSD, angle-in-degrees specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCOSD, angle-in-degrees specifies a G-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOS for the algorithm used to compute the cosine.

See MTH$HCOSD for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xCOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xCOSH — Hyperbolic Cosine. The Hyperbolic Cosine routine returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input value.


MTH$COSH floating-point-input-value

MTH$DCOSH floating-point-input-value

MTH$GCOSH floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The hyperbolic cosine of the input value floating-point-input-value. MTH$COSH returns an F-floating number. MTH$DCOSH returns a D-floating number. MTH$GCOSH returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of this input value. For MTH$COSH, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DCOSH, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GCOSH, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


Computation of the hyperbolic cosine depends on the magnitude of the input argument. The range of the function is partitioned using four data-type- dependent constants: a(z), b(z), and c(z). The subscript z indicates the data type. The constants depend on the number of exponent bits (e ) and the number of fraction bits (f ) associated with the data type (z ).

The values of e and f are:


The values of the constants in terms of e and f are:

a(z)2 (-f/2)
b(z)CEILING[ (f+1)/2*ln(2) ]
c(z)(2 e-1)*ln(2)

Based on the above definitions, zCOSH(X) is computed as follows:

Value of XValue Returned
|X| < a(z)1
a(z) ≤ |X| < .25Computed using a power series expansion in |X| 2
.25 ≤ |X| < b(z)(zEXP(|X|) + 1/zEXP(|X|))/2
b(z) ≤ |X| < c(z)zEXP(|X|)/2
c(z) ≤ |x|Overflow occurs

See MTH$HCOSH for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xCOSH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of floating-point-input-value is greater than about yyy; LIB$SIGNAL copies the reserved operand to the signal mechanism vector. The result is the reserved operand -0.0 unless a condition handler changes the signal mechanism vector. The values of yyy are: MTH$COSH---88.722MTH$DCOSH---88.722MTH$GCOSH---709.782


MTH$CSIN — Sine of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value). The Sine of a Complex Number (F-Floating Value) routine returns the sine of a complex number (r,i) as an F-floating value.


MTH$CSIN complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Complex sine of the complex number. MTH$CSIN returns an F-floating complex number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i), where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CSIN, complex-number specifies an F-floating complex number.


The complex sine is computed as follows:

complex-sine = (SIN(r) * COSH(i), COS(r) * SINH(i))

See MTH$CxSIN for the descriptions of the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CSIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of i is greater than about 88.029 for F-floating values.


MTH$CxSIN — Sine of a Complex Number. The Sine of a Complex Number routine returns the sine of a complex number (r,i).


MTH$CDSIN complex-sine ,complex-number

MTH$CGSIN complex-sine ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Complex sine of the complex number. The complex sine routines with D-floating complex and G-floating complex input values write the complex sine into this complex-sine argument. For MTH$CDSIN, complex-sine specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGSIN, complex-sine specifies a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

A complex number (r,i), where r and i are floating-point numbers. The complex-number argument is the address of this complex number. For MTH$CDSIN, complex-number specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGSIN, complex-number specifies a G-floating complex number.


The complex sine is computed as follows:

complex-sine = (SIN(r) * COSH(i), COS(r) * SINH(i))

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxSIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of i is greater than about 88.029 for D-floating values, or greater than about 709.089 for G-floating values.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex sine of a G-floating 
C    complex number using MTH$CGSIN and the Fortran random number 
C    generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and MTH$CGSIN as complex values.  MTH$CGSIN returns 
C    the sine value of Z:      CALL MTH$CGSIN(Z_NEW,Z) 
        COMPLEX*16 Z,Z_NEW 
        COMPLEX*16 DCMPLX 
        REAL*8 R,I 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic DCMPLX. 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
        Z = DCMPLX(R,I) 
C     Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
C     imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex sine value of Z. 
        TYPE *, ' The complex sine value of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example demonstrates a procedure call to MTH$CGSIN. Because this program uses G-floating numbers, it must be compiled with the statement "Fortran/G filename".

The output generated by this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) 
The complex sine value of (0.853540718555450,0.204340159893036) is 


MTH$CSQRT — Complex Square Root (F-Floating Value). The Complex Square Root (F-Floating Value) routine returns the complex square root of a complex number (r,i).


MTH$CSQRT complex-number


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The complex square root of the complex-number argument. MTH$CSQRT returns an F-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number (r,i). The complex-number argument contains the address of this complex number. For MTH$CSQRT, complex-number specifies an F-floating number.


The complex square root is computed as follows.

First, calculate ROOT and Q using the following equations:

ROOT = SQRT((ABS(r) + CABS(r,i))/2) Q = i/(2 * ROOT)

Then, the complex result is given as follows:


See MTH$CxSQRT for the descriptions of the D- and G-floating point versions of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_FLTOVF_FFloating point overflow can occur.
SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CSQRT routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$CxSQRT — Complex Square Root. The Complex Square Root routine returns the complex square root of a complex number (r,i).


MTH$CDSQRT complex-square-root ,complex-number

MTH$CGSQRT complex-square-root ,complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.





OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Complex square root of the complex number specified by complex-number. The complex square root routines that have D-floating complex and G-floating complex input values write the complex square root into complex-square-root. For MTH$CDSQRT, complex-square-root specifies a D-floating complex number. For MTH$CGSQRT, complex-square-root specifies a G-floating complex number.


OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Complex number (r,i). The complex-number argument contains the address of this complex number. For MTH$CDSQRT, complex-number specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$CGSQRT, complex-number specifies a G-floating number.


The complex square root is computed as follows.

First, calculate ROOT and Q using the following equations:

ROOT = SQRT((ABS(r) + CABS(r,i))/2) Q = i/(2 * ROOT)

Then, the complex result is given as follows:


Condition Values Signaled

SS$_FLTOVF_FFloating point overflow can occur.
SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CxSQRT routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms the complex square root of a D-floating 
C    complex number using MTH$CDSQRT and the Fortran random number 
C    generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z and Z_NEW as complex values. MTH$CDSQRT returns the 
C    complex square root of Z:   CALL MTH$CDSQRT(Z_NEW,Z). 
        COMPLEX*16 Z,Z_NEW 
        COMPLEX*16 DCMPLX 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic CMPLX. 
        Z = DCMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and imaginary 
C    part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' ' 
C    Compute the complex complex square root of Z. 
        TYPE *, ' The complex square root of',z,' is',Z_NEW 

This Fortran example program demonstrates a procedure call to MTH$CDSQRT. The output generated by this program is as follows:

 The complex number z is (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359) 
 The complex square root of (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359) is 


MTH$CVT_x_x — Convert One Double-Precision Value. The Convert One Double-Precision Value routines convert one double-precision value to the destination data type and return the result as a function value. MTH$CVT_D_G converts a D-floating value to G-floating and MTH$CVT_G_D converts a G-floating value to a D-floating value.


MTH$CVT_D_G floating-point-input-val

MTH$CVT_G_D floating-point-input-val


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:G_floating, D_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The converted value. MTH$CVT_D_G returns a G-floating value. MTH$CVT_G_D returns a D-floating value.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value to be converted. The floating-point-input-val argument is the address of this input value. For MTH$CVT_D_G, the floating-point- input-val argument specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$CVT_G_D, the floating-point-input-val argument specifies a G-floating number.


These routines are designed to function as hardware conversion instructions. They fault on reserved operands. If floating-point overflow is detected, an error is signaled. If floating-point underflow is detected and floating-point underflow is enabled, an error is signaled.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CVT_x_x routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library.


MTH$CVT_xA_xA — Convert an Array of Double-Precision Values. The Convert an Array of Double-Precision Values routines convert a contiguous array of double-precision values to the destination data type and return the results as an array. MTH$CVT_DA_GA converts D-floating values to G-floating and MTH$CVT_GA_DA converts G-floating values to D-floating.


MTH$CVT_DA_GA floating-point-input-array ,floating-point-dest-array [,array-size] MTH$CVT_GA_DA floating-point-input-array ,floating-point-dest-array [,array-size]


MTH$CVT_DA_GA and MTH$CVT_GA_DA return the address of the output array to the floating-point-dest-array argument.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Input array of values to be converted. The floating-point-input-array argument is the address of an array of floating-point numbers. For MTH$CVT_DA_GA, floating-point-input-array specifies an array of D-floating numbers. For MTH$CVT_GA_DA, floating-point-input-array specifies an array of G-floating numbers.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:G_floating, D_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Output array of converted values. The floating-point-dest-array argument is the address of an array of floating-point numbers. For MTH$CVT_DA_GA, floating-point-dest-array specifies an array of G-floating numbers. For MTH$CVT_GA_DA, floating-point-dest-array specifies an array of D-floating numbers.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of array elements to be converted. The default value is 1. The array-size argument is the address of a longword containing this number of elements.


These routines are designed to function as hardware conversion instructions. They fault on reserved operands. If floating-point overflow is detected, an error is signaled. If floating-point underflow is detected and floating-point underflow is enabled, an error is signaled.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$CVT_xA_xA routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library.


MTH$xEXP — Exponential. The Exponential routine returns the exponential of the input value.


MTH$EXP floating-point-input-value

MTH$DEXP floating-point-input-value

MTH$GEXP floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The exponential of floating-point-input-value. MTH$EXP returns an F-floating number. MTH$DEXP returns a D-floating number. MTH$GEXP returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$EXP, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DEXP, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GEXP, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


The exponential of x is computed as:

Value of xValue Returned
X > c(z)Overflow occurs
X ≤ -c(z)0
|X| < 2 -(f+1)1
Otherwise2 Y * 2 U * 2 W

where: Y = INTEGER(x*ln2(E)) V = FRAC(x*ln2(E)) * 16 U = INTEGER(V)/16 W = FRAC(V)/16 2W = polynomial approximation of degree 4, 8, or 8 for z = F, D, or G.

See also MTH$xCOSH for definitions of f and c(z).

See MTH$HEXP for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xEXP routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.

Floating-point overflow in Math Library: floating-point-input-value is greater than yyy; LIB$SIGNAL copies the reserved operand to the signal mechanism vector. The result is the reserved operand -0.0 unless a condition handler changes the signal mechanism vector.

The values of yyy are approximately:

  • MTH$EXP---88.029

  • MTH$DEXP---88.029

  • MTH$GEXP---709.089


Floating-point underflow in Math Library: floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to yyy and the caller (CALL or JSB) has set hardware floating-point underflow enable. The result is set to 0.0. If the caller has not enabled floating-point underflow (the default), a result of 0.0 is returned but no error is signaled.

The values of yyy are approximately:

  • MTH$EXP--- -- 88.722

  • MTH$DEXP--- -- 88.722

  • MTH$GEXP--- -- 709.774


*  Calls MTH$EXP using a Floating Point data type. 
*  Calls MTH$DEXP using a Double Floating Point data type. 
01 FLOAT_PT     COMP-1. 
01 ANSWER_F     COMP-1. 
01 DOUBLE_PT    COMP-2. 
01 ANSWER_D     COMP-2. 
        MOVE 12.34 TO FLOAT_PT. 
        MOVE 3.456 TO DOUBLE_PT. 
        DISPLAY " MTH$EXP of ", FLOAT_PT CONVERSION, " is ", 
                                               ANSWER_F CONVERSION. 
                                               ANSWER_D CONVERSION . 
        STOP RUN.

This sample program demonstrates calls to MTH$EXP and MTH$DEXP from COBOL.

The output generated by this program is as follows:

MTH$EXP of  1.234000E+01 is  2.286620E+05 
MTH$DEXP of  3.456000000000000E+00 is 


MTH$HACOS — Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value). Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in radians) in H-floating-point precision.


MTH$HACOS h-radians ,cosine

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians) whose cosine is specified by cosine. The h-radians argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HACOS writes the address of the angle into h-radians.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The cosine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$HACOS, cosine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in radians whose cosine is X is computed as:

Value of CosineValue Returned
0 < X < 1zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
-1 < X < 0zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + π
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HACOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HACOSD — Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value). Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HACOSD h-degrees ,cosine

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees) whose cosine is specified by cosine. The h-degrees argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HACOSD writes the address of the angle into h-degrees.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$HACOSD, cosine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose cosine is X is computed as:

Value of CosineAngle Returned
0 < X < 1zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
-1 < X < 0zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + 180
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HACOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HASIN — Arc Sine in Radians (H-Floating Value). Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in radians) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HASIN h-radians ,sine

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians) whose sine is specified by sine. The h-radians argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HASIN writes the address of the angle into h-radians.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The sine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$HASIN, sine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in radians whose sine is X is computed as:

Value of SineAngle Returned
0 < |X| < 1zATAN(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HASIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HASIND — Arc Sine in Degrees (H-Floating Value). Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HASIND h-degrees ,sine

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees) whose sine is specified by sine. The h-degrees argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HASIND writes the address of the angle into h-degrees.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Sine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$HASIND, sine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose sine is X is computed as:

Value of SineValue Returned
0 < |X| < 1zATAND(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type
1 < |X|The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HASIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HATAN — Arc Tangent in Radians (H-Floating Value). Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in radians) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HATAN h-radians ,tangent

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians) whose tangent is specified by tangent. The h-radians argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HATAN writes the address of the angle into h-radians.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The tangent of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$HATAN, tangent specifies an H-floating number.


In radians, the computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:

  • arctan(X) = X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = X + X*Q(X 2),
  • where Q(Y) = - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
  • where P(Y) = 1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...
  • arctan(X) = π/2 - arctan(1/X)
  • arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X-A)/(1+A*X))
  • for any real A

The angle in radians whose tangent is X is computed as:

Value of XAngle Returned
0 ≤ X ≤ 3/32X + X * Q(X 2)
3/32 < X ≤ 11ATAN(A) + V* (P(V 2)) , where A and ATAN(A) are chosen by table lookup and V = (X - A)/(1 + A*X)
11 < Xπ/2 - W* (P(W 2)) where W = 1/X
X < 0-zATAN(|X|)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HATAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$HATAND — Arc Tangent in Degrees (H-Floating Value). Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns that angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HATAND h-degrees ,tangent

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees) whose tangent is specified by tangent. The h-degrees argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HATAND writes the address of the angle into h-degrees.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The tangent of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$HATAND, tangent specifies an H-floating number.


The computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:

  • arctan(X) = 180/π* (X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ...)
  • arctan(X) = 64*X + X*Q(X 2),
  • where Q(Y) = 180/π*[(1- 64*π/180) - Y/3 +Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + Y 4/9 ...]
  • arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
  • where P(Y) = 180/π*[1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 +Y 4/9 ...]
  • arctan(X) = 90 - arctan>(1/X)
  • arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X - A)/(1 + A*X))

The angle in degrees whose tangent is X is computed as:

TangentAngle Returned
X ≤ 3/3264*X + X*Q(X 2)
3/32 < X ≤ 11ATAND(A) + V*P(V 2) , where A and ATAND(A) are chosen by table lookup and V = (X - A)/(1 + A*X)
11 < X90 - W * (P(W 2)) , where W = 1/X
X < 0-zATAND(|X|)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HATAND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$HATAN2 — Arc Tangent in Radians (H-Floating Value) with Two Arguments. Given sine and cosine , the Arc Tangent in Radians (H-Floating Value) with Two Arguments routine returns the angle (in radians) as an H-floating value whose tangent is given by the quotient of sine and cosine (sine /cosine ).


MTH$HATAN2 h-radians ,sine ,cosine





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians) whose tangent is specified by (sine/cosine). The h-radians argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HATAN2 writes the address of the angle into h-radians.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Dividend. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this dividend. For MTH$HATAN2, sine specifies an H-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Divisor. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this divisor. For MTH$HATAN2, cosine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in radians whose tangent is Y/X is computed as follows, where f is defined in the description of MTH$zCOSH:

Value of Input ArgumentsAngle Returned
X = 0 or Y/X > 2 (f+1)π/2* (signY)
X > 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)zATAN(Y/X)
X < 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)π* (signY) + zATAN(Y/X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HATAN2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. Both cosine and sine are zero. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HATAND2 — Arc Tangent in Degrees (H-Floating Value) with Two Arguments. Given sine and cosine , the Arc Tangent in Degrees (H-Floating Value) with Two Arguments routine returns the angle (in degrees) whose tangent is given by the quotient of sine and cosine (sine /cosine ).


MTH$HATAND2 h-degrees ,sine ,cosine





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees) whose tangent is specified by (sine/cosine). The h-degrees argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle. MTH$HATAND2 writes the address of the angle into h-degrees.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Dividend. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this dividend. For MTH$HATAND2, sine specifies an H-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Divisor. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this divisor. For MTH$HATAND2, cosine specifies an H-floating number.


The angle in degrees whose tangent is Y/X is computed below. The value of f is defined in the description of MTH$zCOSH.

Value of Input ArgumentsAngle Returned
X = 0 or Y/X > 2 (f+1)90* (signY)
X > 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)zATAND(Y/X)
X < 0 and Y/X ≤ 2 (f+1)180 * (signY) + zATAND(Y/X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HATAND2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument. Both cosine and sine are zero. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HATANH — Hyperbolic Arc Tangent (H-Floating Value). Given the hyperbolic tangent of an angle, the Hyperbolic Arc Tangent (H-Floating Value) routine returns the hyperbolic arc tangent (as an H-floating value) of that angle.


MTH$HATANH h-atanh ,hyperbolic-tangent





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic arc tangent of the hyperbolic tangent specified by hyperbolic-tangent. The h-atanh argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this hyperbolic arc tangent. MTH$HATANH writes the address of the hyperbolic arc tangent into h-atanh.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic tangent of an angle. The hyperbolic-tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this hyperbolic tangent. For MTH$HATANH, hyperbolic-tangent specifies an H-floating number.


The hyperbolic arc tangent function is computed as follows:

Value of XValue Returned
|X| < 1zATANH(X) = zLOG((X+1)/(X-1))/2
|X| ≥ 1An invalid argument is signaled

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HATANH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_INVARGMATInvalid argument: |X| = ≥ 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HCOS — Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value). The Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns the cosine of a given angle (in radians) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HCOS h-cosine ,angle-in-radians

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. The h-cosine argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this cosine. MTH$HCOS writes the address of the cosine into h-cosine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians). The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$HCOS, angle-in-radians specifies an H-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOS for the algorithm used to compute the cosine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HCOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$HCOSD — Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value). The Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns the cosine of a given angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HCOSD h-cosine ,angle-in-degrees

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. The h-cosine argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this cosine. MTH$HCOSD writes this cosine into h-cosine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$HCOSD, angle-in-degrees specifies an H-floating number.


See the MTH$SINCOSD routine for the algorithm used to compute the cosine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HCOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$HCOSH — Hyperbolic Cosine (H-Floating Value). The Hyperbolic Cosine (H-Floating Value) routine returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HCOSH h-cosh ,floating-point-input-value





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic cosine of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-cosh argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this hyperbolic cosine. MTH$HCOSH writes the address of the hyperbolic cosine into h-cosh.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of this input value. For MTH$HCOSH, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


Computation of the hyperbolic cosine depends on the magnitude of the input argument. The range of the function is partitioned using four data-type-dependent constants: a(z), b(z), and c(z). The subscript z indicates the data type. The constants depend on the number of exponent bits (e) and the number of fraction bits (f) associated with the data type (z).

The values of e and f are as follows:

e = 15 f = 113

The values of the constants in terms of e and f are:

a(z)2 -f/2
c(z)2 e-1*ln(2)

Based on the above definitions, zCOSH(X) is computed as follows:

Value of XValue Returned
|X| < a(z)1
a(z) ≤ |X| < .25Computed using a power series expansion in |X| 2
.25 ≤ |X| < b(z)(zEXP(|X|) + 1/zEXP(|X|))/2
b(z) ≤ |X| < c(z)zEXP(|X|)/2
c(z) ≤ |X|Overflow occurs

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HCOSH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of floating-point-input-value is greater than about yyy; LIB$SIGNAL copies the reserved operand to the signal mechanism vector. The result is the reserved operand -0.0 unless a condition handler changes the signal mechanism vector. The value of yyy is 11356.523.


MTH$HEXP — Exponential (H-Floating Value). The Exponential (H-Floating Value) routine returns the exponential of the input value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HEXP h-exp ,floating-point-input-value

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Exponential of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-exp argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this exponential. MTH$HEXP writes the address of the exponential into h-exp.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$HEXP, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


The exponential of x is computed as:

Value of xValue Returned
x > c(z)Overflow occurs
x ≤ -c(z)0
|x| < 2 -(f+1)1
Otherwise2 Y * 2 U * 2 W

where: Y = INTEGER(x*ln2(E)) V = FRAC(x*ln2(E)) * 16 U = INTEGER(V)/16 W = FRAC(V)/16 2W = polynomial approximation of degree 14 for z = H.

See also MTH$HCOS for definitions of f and c(z).

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HEXP routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: floating-point-input-value is greater than yyy; LIB$SIGNAL copies the reserved operand to the signal mechanism vector. The result is the reserved operand -0.0 unless a condition handler changes the signal mechanism vector. The value of yyy is approximately 11355.830 for MTH$HEXP.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library: floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to yyy and the caller (CALL or JSB) has set hardware floating-point underflow enable. The result is set to 0.0. If the caller has not enabled floating-point underflow (the default), a result of 0.0 is returned but no error is signaled. The value of yyy is approximately --11356.523 for MTH$HEXP.


MTH$HLOG — Natural Logarithm (H-Floating Value). The Natural Logarithm (H-Floating Value) routine returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the input argument as an H-floating value.


MTH$HLOG h-natlog ,floating-point-input-value

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Natural logarithm of floating-point-input-value. The h-natlog argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this natural logarithm. MTH$HLOG writes the address of this natural logarithm into h-natlog.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this value. For MTH$HLOG, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


Computation of the natural logarithm routine is based on the following:
  1. ln(X*Y) = ln(X) + ln(Y)

    • ln(1+X) = X - X2/2 + X3/3 - X4/4 ...
    • for |X| < 1
    • ln(X) = ln(A) + 2* (V + V3/3 + V5/5 + V7/7 ...)
    • where V = (X-A)/(X+A), A > 0,
    • and p(y) = 2 * (1 + y/3 + y2/5 ...)

    For x = 2n*f, where n is an integer and f is in the interval of 0.5 to 1, define the following quantities:

    If n ≥ 1, then N = n-1 and F = 2f

    If n ≤ 0, then N = n and F = f

    From (1) it follows that:

  2. ln(X) = N*ln(2) + ln(F)

Based on the previous relationships, zLOG is computed as follows:

    • If |F-1| < 2-5,
    • zLOG(X) = N*zLOG(2) + W + W*p(W),
    • where W = F-1.
    • Otherwise,
    • zLOG(X) = N*zLOG(2) + zLOG(A) + V*p(V2),
    • where V = (F-A)/(F+A) and A and zLOG(A)
    • are obtained by table lookup.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HLOG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HLOG2 — Base 2 Logarithm (H-Floating Value). The Base 2 Logarithm (H-Floating Value) routine returns the base 2 logarithm of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HLOG2 h-log2 ,floating-point-input-value





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Base 2 logarithm of floating-point-input-value. The h-log2 argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this base 2 logarithm. MTH$HLOG2 writes the address of this logarithm into h-log2.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this input value. For MTH$HLOG2, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


The base 2 logarithm function is computed as follows:

zLOG2(X) = zLOG2(E) * zLOG(X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HLOG2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HLOG10 — Common Logarithm (H-Floating Value). The Common Logarithm (H-Floating Value) routine returns the common (base 10) logarithm of the input argument as an H-floating value.


MTH$HLOG10 h-log10 ,floating-point-input-value

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Common logarithm of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-log10 argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this common logarithm. MTH$HLOG10 writes the address of the common logarithm into h-log10.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$HLOG10, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


The common logarithm function is computed as follows:

zLOG10(X) = zLOG10(E) * zLOG(X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HLOG10 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HSIN — Sine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value). The Sine of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns the sine of a given angle (in radians) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HSIN h-sine ,angle-in-radians

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

The sine of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. The h-sine argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this sine. MTH$HSIN writes the address of the sine into h-sine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians). The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$HSIN, angle-in-radians specifies an H-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOS for the algorithm used to compute this sine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HSIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$HSIND — Sine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value). The Sine of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns the sine of a given angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HSIND h-sine ,angle-in-degrees

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sine of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. MTH$HSIND writes into h-sine the address of an H-floating number that is this sine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this angle.


See MTH$xSINCOSD for the algorithm used to compute the sine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HSIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library. The absolute value of the input angle is less than 180/π*2 -m (where m = 16,384 for H-floating).


MTH$HSINH — Hyperbolic Sine (H-Floating Value). The Hyperbolic Sine (H-Floating Value) routine returns the hyperbolic sine of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HSINH h-sinh ,floating-point-input-value





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic sine of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-sinh argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this hyperbolic sine. MTH$HSINH writes the address of the hyperbolic sine into h-sinh.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this value. For MTH$HSINH, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


Computation of the hyperbolic sine function depends on the magnitude of the input argument. The range of the function is partitioned using three data type dependent constants: a(z), b(z), and c(z). The subscript z indicates the data type. The constants depend on the number of exponent bits (e) and the number of fraction bits (f) associated with the data type (z).

The values of e and f are as follows:

e = 15

f = 113

The values of the constants in terms of e and f are:

a(z)2 (-f/2)
c(z)2 e-1*ln(2)

Based on the above definitions, zSINH(X) is computed as follows:

Value of XValue Returned
|X| < a(z)X
a(z) ≤ |X| < 1.0zSINH(X) is computed using a power series expansion in |X| 2
1.0 ≤ |X| < b(z)(zEXP(X) - zEXP(-X))/2
b(z) ≤ |X| < c(z)SIGN(X)*zEXP(|X|)/2
c(z) ≤ |X|Overflow occurs

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HSINH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of floating-point-input-value is greater than yyy. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The value of yyy is approximately 11356.523.


MTH$HSQRT — Square Root (H-Floating Value). The Square Root (H-Floating Value) routine returns the square root of the input value floating-point-input-value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HSQRT h-sqrt ,floating-point-input-value

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Square root of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-sqrt argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this square root. MTH$HSQRT writes the address of the square root into h-sqrt.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this input value. For MTH$HSQRT, floating-point-input-value specifies an H-floating number.


The square root of X is computed as follows:

If X < 0 , an error is signaled.

Let X = 2 K * F


K is the exponential part of the floating-point data

F is the fractional part of the floating-point data

If K is even:

X = 2 (2*P) * F,zSQRT(X) = 2 P * zSQRT(F),1/2 ≤ F < 1 , where P = K/2

If K is odd:

X = 2 (2*P+1) * F = 2 (2*P+2) * (F/2) ,zSQRT(X) = 2 (P+1) * zSQRT(F/2),1/4 ≤ F/2 < 1/2 , where p = (K-1)/2

Let F' = A * F + B, when K is even:

A = 0.95F6198 (hex)

B = 0.6BA5918 (hex)

Let F' = A* (F/2) + B, when K is odd:

A = 0.D413CCC (hex)

B = 0.4C1E248 (hex)

Let K' = P, when K is even

Let K' = P+1, when K is odd

Let Y[0] = 2K' * F' be a straight line approximation within the given interval using coefficients A and B, which minimize the absolute error at the midpoint and endpoint.

Starting with Y[0], n Newton-Raphson iterations are performed:

Y[n+1] = 1/2 * (Y[n] + X/Y[n])

where n = 5 for H-floating.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HSQRT routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_SQUROONEGSquare root of negative number. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$HTAN — Tangent of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value). The Tangent of Angle Expressed in Radians (H-Floating Value) routine returns the tangent of a given angle (in radians) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HTAN h-tan ,angle-in-radians

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Tangent of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. The h-tan argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this tangent. MTH$HTAN writes the address of the tangent into h-tan.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input angle (in radians). The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$HTAN, angle-in-radians specifies an H-floating number.


When the input argument is expressed in radians, the tangent function is computed as follows:
  1. If |X| < 2(-f/2), then zTAN(X) = X (see the section on MTH$zCOSH for the definition of f)

  2. Otherwise, call MTH$zSINCOS to obtain zSIN(X) and zCOS(X); then

    • If zCOS(X) = 0 , signal overflow

    • Otherwise, zTAN(X) = zSIN(X)/zCOS(X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HTAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.


MTH$HTAND — Tangent of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value). The Tangent of Angle Expressed in Degrees (H-Floating Value) routine returns the tangent of a given angle (in degrees) as an H-floating value.


MTH$HTAND h-tan ,angle-in-degrees

Corresponding JSB Entry Points






OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Tangent of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. The h-tan argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this tangent. MTH$HTAND writes the address of the tangent into h-tan.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$HTAND, angle-in-degrees specifies an H-floating number.


When the input argument is expressed in degrees, the tangent function is computed as follows:
  1. If |X| < (180/π)*2(-2/(e-1)) and underflow signaling is enabled, underflow is signaled (see the section on MTH$zCOSH for the definition of e).

  2. Otherwise, if |X| < (180/π)*2(-f/2)

    , then zTAND(X) = (π/180)*X. See the description of MTH$zCOSH for the definition of f.

  3. Otherwise, call MTH$zSINCOSD to obtain zSIND(X) and zCOSD(X).

    • Then, if zCOSD(X) = 0 , signal overflow

    • Else, zTAND(X) = zSIND(X)/zCOSD(X)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HTAND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.


MTH$HTANH — Compute the Hyperbolic Tangent (H-Floating Value). The Compute the Hyperbolic Tangent (H-Floating Value) routine returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input value as an H-floating value.


MTH$HTANH h-tanh ,floating-point-input-value





OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Hyperbolic tangent of the value specified by floating-point-input-value. The h-tanh argument is the address of an H-floating number that is this hyperbolic tangent. MTH$HTANH writes the address of the hyperbolic tangent into h-tanh.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of an H-floating number that contains this input value.


For MTH$HTANH, the hyperbolic tangent of X is computed using a value of 56 for g and a value of 40 for h. The hyperbolic tangent of X is computed as follows:

Value of xHyperbolic Tangent Returned
|X| ≤ 2 -gX
2 -g < |X| ≤ 0.25zSINH(X)/zCOSH(X)
0.25 < |X| < h(zEXP(2*X) - 1)/(zEXP(2*X) + 1)
h ≤ |X|sign(X) * 1

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HTANH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xIMAG — Imaginary Part of a Complex Number. The Imaginary Part of a Complex Number routine returns the imaginary part of a complex number.


MTH$AIMAG complex-number

MTH$DIMAG complex-number

MTH$GIMAG complex-number

Each of the above formats corresponds to one of the floating-point complex types.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Imaginary part of the input complex-number. MTH$AIMAG returns an F-floating number. MTH$DIMAG returns a D-floating number. MTH$GIMAG returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex, D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input complex number. The complex-number argument is the address of this floating-point complex number. For MTH$AIMAG, complex-number specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DIMAG, complex-number specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GIMAG, complex-number specifies a G-floating number.


The MTH$xIMAG routines return the imaginary part of a complex number.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xIMAG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms the imaginary part of 
C    a G-floating complex number using MTH$GIMAG 
C    and the Fortran random number generator 
C    RAN. 
C    Declare Z as a complex value and MTH$GIMAG as 
C    a REAL*8 value. MTH$GIMAG will return the imaginary 
C    part of Z:   Z_NEW = MTH$GIMAG(Z). 
        COMPLEX*16 Z 
        COMPLEX*16 DCMPLX 
        REAL*8 R,I,MTH$GIMAG 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the 
C    Fortran generic CMPLX. 
        R = RAN(M) 
        I = RAN(M) 
        Z = DCMPLX(R,I) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and 
C    imaginary part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' It has imaginary part',MTH$GIMAG(Z) 

This Fortran example demonstrates a procedure call to MTH$GIMAG. Because this example uses G-floating numbers, it must be compiled with the statement "FORTRAN/G filename".

The output generated by this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.8535407185554504,0.2043401598930359) 
It has imaginary part  0.2043401598930359


MTH$xLOG — Natural Logarithm. The Natural Logarithm routine returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the input argument.


MTH$ALOG floating-point-input-value

MTH$DLOG floating-point-input-value

MTH$GLOG floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The natural logarithm of floating-point-input-value. MTH$ALOG returns an F-floating number. MTH$DLOG returns a D-floating number. MTH$GLOG returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this value. For MTH$ALOG, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DLOG, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GLOG, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


Computation of the natural logarithm routine is based on the following:
  1. ln(X*Y) = ln(X) + ln(Y)

  2. ln(1+X) = X - X2/2 + X3/3 - X4/4 ...

    for |X| < 1

  3. ln(X) = ln(A) + 2* (V + V3/3 + V5/5 + V7/7 ...)

    =ln(A) + V*p(V2), where V = (X-A)/(X+A),

    A > 0, and p(y) = 2 * (1 + y/3 + y2/5 ...)

    For x = 2n*f , where n is an integer and f is in the interval of 0.5 to 1, define the following quantities:

    If n ≥ 1, then N = n-1 and F = 2f

    If n ≤ 0, then N = n and F = f

    From (1) above it follows that:

  4. ln(X) = N*ln(2) + ln(F)

Based on the above relationships, zLOG is computed as follows:

  1. If |F-1| < 2-5, zLOG(X) = N*zLOG(2) + W + W*p(W),

    where W = F-1.

  2. Otherwise, zLOG(X) = N*zLOG(2) + zLOG(A) + V*p(V2),

    where V = (F-A)/(F+A) and A and zLOG(A)

    are obtained by table lookup.

See MTH$HLOG for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xLOG routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xLOG2 — Base 2 Logarithm. The Base 2 Logarithm routine returns the base 2 logarithm of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value.


MTH$ALOG2 floating-point-input-value

MTH$DLOG2 floating-point-input-value

MTH$GLOG2 floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The base 2 logarithm of floating-point-input-value. MTH$ALOG2 returns an F-floating number. MTH$DLOG2 returns a D-floating number. MTH$GLOG2 returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this input value. For MTH$ALOG2, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DLOG2, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GLOG2, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


The base 2 logarithm function is computed as follows:

zLOG2(X) = zLOG2(E) * zLOG(X)

See MTH$HLOG2 for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xLOG2 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xLOG10 — Common Logarithm. The Common Logarithm routine returns the common (base 10) logarithm of the input argument.


MTH$ALOG10 floating-point-input-value

MTH$DLOG10 floating-point-input-value

MTH$GLOG10 floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The common logarithm of floating-point-input-value. MTH$ALOG10 returns an F-floating number. MTH$DLOG10 returns a D-floating number. MTH$GLOG10 returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number. For MTH$ALOG10, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DLOG10, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GLOG10, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


The common logarithm function is computed as follows:

zLOG10(X) = zLOG10(E) * zLOG(X)

See MTH$HLOG10 for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xLOG10 routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_LOGZERNEGLogarithm of zero or negative value. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than or equal to 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$RANDOM — Random Number Generator, Uniformly Distributed. The Random Number Generator, Uniformly Distributed routine is a general random number generator.




OpenVMS usage:floating_point
access:write only
mechanism:by value

MTH$RANDOM returns an F-floating random number.



OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
mechanism:by reference

The integer seed, a 32-bit number whose high-order 24 bits are converted by MTH$RANDOM to an F-floating random number. The seed argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains this integer seed. The seed is modified by each call to MTH$RANDOM.


This routine must be called again to obtain the next pseudorandom number. The seed is updated automatically.

The result is a floating-point number that is uniformly distributed between 0.0 inclusively and 1.0 exclusively.

There are no restrictions on the seed, although it should be initialized to different values on separate runs in order to obtain different random sequences. MTH$RANDOM uses the following method to update the seed passed as the argument:

SEED = (69069 * SEED + 1) (modulo 232)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$RANDOM routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


                RETURNS (FLOAT BINARY (24)); 
                RETURNS (FLOAT BINARY (24)); 
        /* Get floating random time value       */ 
        /* Convert to fixed                     */ 
        /* Generate 100 random numbers between 1 and 10 */ 
DO I = 1 TO 100; 
        RESULT = 1 + FIXED ( (10E0 * MTH$RANDOM (SEED) ),31 ); 
        PUT LIST (RESULT); 

This PL/I program demonstrates the use of MTH$RANDOM. The value returned by FOR$SECNDS is used as the seed for the random-number generator to ensure a different sequence each time the program is run. The random value returned is scaled so as to represent values between 1 and 10.

Because this program generates random numbers, the output generated will be different each time the program is executed. One example of the outut generated by this program is as follows:

7    4    6    5    9   10    5    5    3    8    8    1   3    1    3    2 
4    4    2    4    4    8    3    8    9    1    7    1   8    6    9   10 
1   10   10    6    7    3    2    2    1    2    6    6   3    9    5    8 
6    2    3    6   10    8    5    5    4    2    8    5   9    6    4    2 
8    5    4    9    8    7    6    6    8   10    9    5   9    4    5    7 
1    2    2    3    6    5    2    3    4    4    8    9   2    8    5    5 
3    8    1    5


MTH$xREAL — Real Part of a Complex Number. The Real Part of a Complex Number routine returns the real part of a complex number.


MTH$REAL complex-number

MTH$DREAL complex-number

MTH$GREAL complex-number

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point complex types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Real part of the complex number. MTH$REAL returns an F-floating number. MTH$DREAL returns a D-floating number. MTH$GREAL returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:complex_number
type:F_floating complex, D_floating complex, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The complex number whose real part is returned by MTH$xREAL. The complex-number argument is the address of this floating-point complex number. For MTH$REAL, complex-number is an F-floating complex number. For MTH$DREAL, complex-number is a D-floating complex number. For MTH$GREAL, complex-number is a G-floating complex number.


The MTH$xREAL routines return the real part of a complex number.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xREAL routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


C    This Fortran example forms the real 
C    part of an F-floating complex number using 
C    MTH$REAL and the Fortran random number 
C    generator RAN. 
C    Declare Z as a complex value and MTH$REAL as a 
C    REAL*4 value.  MTH$REAL will return the real 
C    part of Z:   Z_NEW = MTH$REAL(Z). 
        COMPLEX Z 
        REAL*4 MTH$REAL 
        INTEGER M 
        M = 1234567 
C    Generate a random complex number with the Fortran 
C    generic CMPLX. 
        Z = CMPLX(RAN(M),RAN(M)) 
C    Z is a complex number (r,i) with real part "r" and imaginary 
C    part "i". 
        TYPE *, ' The complex number z is',z 
        TYPE *, ' It has real part',MTH$REAL(Z) 

This Fortran example demonstrates the use of MTH$REAL. The output of this program is as follows:

The complex number z is (0.8535407,0.2043402) 
It has real part  0.8535407


MTH$xSIN — Sine of Angle Expressed in Radians. The Sine of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns the sine of a given angle (in radians).


MTH$SIN angle-in-radians

MTH$DSIN angle-in-radians

MTH$GSIN angle-in-radians

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Sine of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. MTH$SIN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DSIN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GSIN returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians). The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$SIN, angle-in-radians specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DSIN, angle-in-radians specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GSIN, angle-in-radians specifies a G-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOS for the algorithm used to compute this sine.

See MTH$HSIN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xSIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xSINCOS — Sine and Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians. The Sine and Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns the sine and cosine of a given angle (in radians).


MTH$SINCOS angle-in-radians ,sine ,cosine

MTH$DSINCOS angle-in-radians ,sine ,cosine

MTH$GSINCOS angle-in-radians ,sine ,cosine

MTH$HSINCOS angle-in-radians ,sine ,cosine

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points





Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


MTH$SINCOS, MTH$DSINCOS, MTH$GSINCOS, and MTH$HSINCOS return the sine and cosine of the input angle by reference in the sine and cosine arguments.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in radians) whose sine and cosine are to be returned. The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$SINCOS, angle-in-radians is an F-floating number. For MTH$DSINCOS, angle-in-radians is a D-floating number. For MTH$GSINCOS, angle-in-radians is a G-floating number. For MTH$HSINCOS, angle-in-radians is an H-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sine of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number. MTH$SINCOS writes an F-floating number into sine. MTH$DSINCOS writes a D-floating number into sine. MTH$GSINCOS writes a G-floating number into sine. MTH$HSINCOS writes an H-floating number into sine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number. MTH$SINCOS writes an F-floating number into cosine. MTH$DSINCOS writes a D-floating number into cosine. MTH$GSINCOS writes a G-floating number into cosine. MTH$HSINCOS writes an H-floating number into cosine.


All routines with JSB entry points accept a single argument in R0:Rm, where m, which is defined below, is dependent on the data type.

Data Typem

In general, Run-Time Library routines with JSB entry points return one value in R0:Rm. The MTHxSINCOS routine returns two values, however. The sine of angle-in-radians is returned in R0:Rm and the cosine of angle-in-radians is returned in (R<m+1>:R<2*m+1>).

In radians, the computation of zSIN(X) and zCOS(X) is based on the following polynomial expansions:

    • sin(X) = X - X3/(3!) + X5/(5!) - X7/(7!) ...
    • =X + X*P(X2), where
    • P(y) = y/(3!) + y2/(5!) + y3/(7!) ...
    • cos(X) = 1 - X2/(2!) + x4/(4!) -X6/(6!) ...
    • =Q(X2), where
    • Q(y) = (1 - y/(2!) + y2/(4!) + y3/(6!) ...)
  1. If |X| < 2 (-f/2),

    then zSIN(X) = X and zCOS(X) = 1

    (see the section on MTH$zCOSH for

    the definition of f)

  2. If 2-f/2 ≤ |X| < π/4,

    then zSIN(X) = X + P(X2)

    and zCOS(X) = Q(X2)

  3. If π/4 ≤ |X| and X > 0,

    1. Let J = INT(X/(π/4))

      and I = J modulo 8

    2. If J is even, let Y = X - J* (π/4)

      otherwise, let Y = (J+1)* (π/4) - X

      With the above definitions, the following table relates zSIN(X) and zCOS(X) to zSIN(Y) and zCOS(Y):

      Value of IzSIN(X)zCOS(X)
      1. zSIN(Y) and zCOS(Y) are computed as follows:

        zSIN(Y) = Y + P(Y2),

        and zCOS(Y) = Q(Y2)

  4. If π/4 ≤ |X| and X < 0,

    then zSIN(X) = -zSIN(|X|)

    and zCOS(X) = zCOS(|X|)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xSINCOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$xSINCOSD — Sine and Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees. The Sine and Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns the sine and cosine of a given angle (in degrees).


MTH$SINCOSD angle-in-degrees ,sine ,cosine

MTH$DSINCOSD angle-in-degrees ,sine ,cosine

MTH$GSINCOSD angle-in-degrees ,sine ,cosine

MTH$HSINCOSD angle-in-degrees ,sine ,cosine

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points





Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


MTH$SINCOSD, MTH$DSINCOSD, MTH$GSINCOSD, and MTH$HSINCOSD return the sine and cosine of the input angle by reference in the sine and cosine arguments.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees) whose sine and cosine are returned by MTH$xSINCOSD. The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$SINCOSD, angle-in-degrees is an F-floating number. For MTH$DSINCOSD, angle-in-degrees is a D-floating number. For MTH$GSINCOSD, angle-in-degrees is a G-floating number. For MTH$HSINCOSD, angle-in-degrees is an H-floating number.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Sine of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number. MTH$SINCOSD writes an F-floating number into sine. MTH$DSINCOSD writes a D-floating number into sine. MTH$GSINCOSD writes a G-floating number into sine. MTH$HSINCOSD writes an H-floating number into sine.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Cosine of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number. MTH$SINCOSD writes an F-floating number into cosine. MTH$DSINCOSD writes a D-floating number into cosine. MTH$GSINCOSD writes a G-floating number into cosine. MTH$HSINCOSD writes an H-floating number into cosine.


All routines with JSB entry points accept a single argument in R0:Rm, where m, which is defined below, is dependent on the data type.

Data Typem

In general, Run-Time Library routines with JSB entry points return one value in R0:Rm. The MTH$xSINCOSD routine returns two values, however. The sine of angle-in-degrees is returned in R0:Rm and the cosine of angle-in-degrees is returned in (R<m+1>:R<2*m+1>).

In degrees, the computation of zSIND(X) and zCOSD(X) is based on the following polynomial expansions:
    • SIND(X) = (C*X) - (C*X)3/(3!) +
    • (C*X)5/(5!) - (C*X)7/(7!) ...
    • = X/26 + X*P(X2), where
    • P(y) = -y/(3!) + y2/(5!) - y3/(7!) ...
    • COSD(X) = 1 - (C*X)2/(2!) +
    • (C*X)4/(4!) - (C*X)6/(6!) ...
    • =Q(X2), where
    • Q(y) = 1 - y/(2!) + y2/(4!) - y3/(6!) ...
    • and C = π/180
  1. If |X| <(180/π)*2-2^e-1 and underflow signaling is enabled,

    underflow is signaled for zSIND(X) and zSINCOSD(X).

    (See MTH$zCOSH for the definition of e.)


  2. If |X| < (180/π)*2(-f/2),

    then zSIND(X)= (π/180)*X and zCOSD(X) = 1.

    (See MTH$zCOSH for the definition of f.)

  3. If (180/π)*2(-f/2) ≤ |X| < 45

    then zSIND(X) = X/26 + P(X2)

    and zCOSD(X) = Q(X2)

  4. If 45 ≤ |X| and X > 0,

    1. Let J = INT(X/(45)) and

      I = J modulo 8

    2. If J is even, let Y = X - J*45 ;

      otherwise, let Y = (J+1)*45 - X.

      With the above definitions, the following table relates

      zSIND(X) and zCOSD(X) to zSIND(Y) and zCOSD(Y):

      Value of IzSIND(X)zCOSD(X)
    3. zSIND(Y) and zCOSD(Y) are computed as follows:

      zSIND(Y) = Y/26 + P(Y2)

      zCOSD(Y) = Q(Y2)

    4. If 45 ≤ |X| and X < 0,

      then zSIND(X) = -zSIND(|X|)

      and zCOSD(X) = zCOSD(|X|)

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xSINCOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library. The absolute value of the input angle is less than 180/π*2 -m (where m = 128 for F-floating and D-floating, 1,024 for G-floating, and 16,384 for H-floating).


MTH$xSIND — Sine of Angle Expressed in Degrees. The Sine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns the sine of a given angle (in degrees).


MTH$SIND angle-in-degrees

MTH$DSIND angle-in-degrees

MTH$GSIND angle-in-degrees

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The sine of the angle. MTH$SIND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DSIND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GSIND returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$SIND, angle-in-degrees specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DSIND, angle-in-degrees specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GSIND, angle-in-degrees specifies a G-floating number.


See MTH$xSINCOSD for the algorithm that is used to compute the sine.

See MTH$HSIND for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xSIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library. The absolute value of the input angle is less than 180/π*2 -m (where m = 128 for F-floating and D-floating, and 1,024 for G-floating).


MTH$xSINH — Hyperbolic Sine. The Hyperbolic Sine routine returns the hyperbolic sine of the input value specified by floating-point-input-value.


MTH$SINH floating-point-input-value

MTH$DSINH floating-point-input-value

MTH$GSINH floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The hyperbolic sine of floating-point-input-value. MTH$SINH returns an F-floating number. MTH$DSINH returns a D-floating number. MTH$GSINH returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this value. For MTH$SINH, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DSINH, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GSINH, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


Computation of the hyperbolic sine function depends on the magnitude of the input argument. The range of the function is partitioned using four data type dependent constants: a(z), b(z), and c(z). The subscript z indicates the data type. The constants depend on the number of exponent bits (e) and the number of fraction bits (f) associated with the data type (z).

The values of e and f are:


The values of the constants in terms of e and f are:

a(z)2 (-f/2)
b(z)CEILING[ (f+1)/2*ln(2) ]
c(z)(2 (e-1)*ln(2))

Based on the above definitions, zSINH(X) is computed as follows:

Value of XValue Returned
|X| < a(z)X
a(z) ≤ |X| < 1.0zSINH(X) is computed using apower series expansion in |X| 2
1.0 ≤ |X| < b(z)(zEXP(X) - zEXP(-X))/2
b(z) ≤ |X| < c(z)SIGN(X)*zEXP(|X|)/2
c(z) ≤ |X|Overflow occurs

See MTH$HSINH for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$HTANH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand (a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0) due to incorrect user input. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for use by VSI.

Floating-point overflow in Math Library: the absolute value of floating-point-input-value is greater than yyy. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.

The values of yyy are approximately:

  • MTH$SINH---88.722

  • MTH$DSINH---88.722

  • MTH$GSINH---709.782


MTH$xSQRT — Square Root. The Square Root routine returns the square root of the input value floating- point-input-value.


MTH$SQRT floating-point-input-value

MTH$DSQRT floating-point-input-value

MTH$GSQRT floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The square root of floating-point-input-value. MTH$SQRT returns an F-floating number. MTH$DSQRT returns a D-floating number. MTH$GSQRT returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this input value. For MTH$SQRT, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DSQRT, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GSQRT, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


The square root of X is computed as follows:

If X < 0 , an error is signaled.

Let X = 2 K * F


K is the exponential part of the floating-point data

F is the fractional part of the floating-point data

If K is even:
  • X = 2 (2*P) * F,
  • zSQRT(X) = 2 P * zSQRT(F),
  • 1/2 ≤ F < 1 , where P = K/2
If K is odd:
  • X = 2 (2*P+1) * F = 2 (2*P+2) * (F/2),
  • zSQRT(X) = 2 (P+1) * zSQRT(F/2),
  • 1/4 ≤ F/2 < 1/2 , where p = (K-1)/2

Let F' = A*F + B, when K is even:

A = 0.95F6198 (hex)

B = 0.6BA5918 (hex)

Let F' = A* (F/2) + B, when K is odd:

A = 0.D413CCC (hex)

B = 0.4C1E248 (hex)

Let K' = P, when K is even

Let K' = P+1, when K is odd

Let Y[0] = 2K' * F' be a straight line approximation within the given interval using coefficients A and B which minimize the absolute error at the midpoint and endpoint.

Starting with Y[0], n Newton-Raphson iterations are performed:

Y[n+1] = 1/2 * (Y[n] + X/Y[n])

where n = 2, 3, or 3 for z = F-floating, D-floating, or G-floating, respectively.

See MTH$HSQRT for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xSQRT routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_SQUROONEGSquare root of negative number. Argument floating-point-input-value is less than 0.0. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.


MTH$xTAN — Tangent of Angle Expressed in Radians. The Tangent of Angle Expressed in Radians routine returns the tangent of a given angle (in radians).


MTH$TAN angle-in-radians

MTH$DTAN angle-in-radians

MTH$GTAN angle-in-radians

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The tangent of the angle specified by angle-in-radians. MTH$TAN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DTAN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GTAN returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input angle (in radians). The angle-in-radians argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this angle. For MTH$TAN, angle-in-radians specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DTAN, angle-in-radians specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GTAN, angle-in-radians specifies a G-floating number.


When the input argument is expressed in radians, the tangent function is computed as follows:

  1. If |X| < 2(-f/2) , then zTAN(X) = X (see the section on MTH$zCOSH for the definition of f)

  2. Otherwise, call MTH$zSINCOS to obtain zSIN(X) and zCOS(X); then

    1. If zCOS(X) = 0 , signal overflow

    2. Otherwise, zTAN(X) = zSIN(X)/zCOS(X)

See MTH$HTAN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xTAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.


MTH$TAND — Tangent of Angle Expressed in Degrees. The Tangent of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns the tangent of a given angle (in degrees).


MTH$TAND angle-in-degrees

MTH$DTAND angle-in-degrees

MTH$GTAND angle-in-degrees

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.

Corresponding JSB Entry Points




Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Tangent of the angle specified by angle-in-degrees. MTH$TAND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DTAND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GTAND returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input angle (in degrees). The angle-in-degrees argument is the address of a floating-point number which is this angle. For MTH$TAND, angle-in-degrees specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DTAND, angle-in-degrees specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GTAND, angle-in-degrees specifies a G-floating number.


When the input argument is expressed in degrees, the tangent function is computed as follows:

  1. If |X| < (180/π)*2(-2/(e-1)) and underflow signaling is enabled, underflow is signaled. (See the section on MTH$zCOSH for the definition of e.)

  2. Otherwise, if |X| < (180/π)*2(-f/2), then zTAND(X) = (π/180)*X. (See the description of MTH$zCOSH for the definition of f.)

  3. Otherwise, call MTH$zSINCOSD to obtain zSIND(X) and zCOSD(X).

    1. Then, if zCOSD(X) = 0 , signal overflow

    2. Else, zTAND(X) = zSIND(X)/zCOSD(X)

See MTH$HTAND for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xTAND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.
MTH$_FLOOVEMATFloating-point overflow in Math Library.
MTH$_FLOUNDMATFloating-point underflow in Math Library.


MTH$xTANH — Compute the Hyperbolic Tangent. The Compute the Hyperbolic Tangent routine returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input value.


MTH$TANH floating-point-input-value

MTH$DTANH floating-point-input-value

MTH$GTANH floating-point-input-value

Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The hyperbolic tangent of floating-point-input-value. MTH$TANH returns an F-floating number. MTH$DTANH returns a D-floating number. MTH$GTANH returns a G-floating number.



OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

The input value. The floating-point-input-value argument is the address of a floating-point number that contains this input value. For MTH$TANH, floating-point-input-value specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DTANH, floating-point-input-value specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GTANH, floating-point-input-value specifies a G-floating number.


In calculating the hyperbolic tangent of x, the values of g and h are:


For MTH$TANH, MTH$DTANH, and MTH$GTANH the hyperbolic tangent of x is then computed as follows:

Value of xHyperbolic Tangent Returned
|x| ≤ 2 -gX
2 -g < |X| < 0.5xTANH(X) = X + X 3 * R(X 2), where R(X 2) is a rational function of X 2.
0.5 ≤ |X| < 1.0xTANH(X) = xTANH(xHI) + xTANH(xLO)*C/B
where C = 1 - xTANH(xHI)*xTANH(xHI),
B = 1 + xTANH(xHI)*xTANH(xLO),
xHI = 1/2 + N/16 + 1/32 for N=0,1,...,7,
and xLO = X - xHI.
1.0 < |X| < hxTANH(X) = (xEXP(2*X) - 1)/(xEXP(2*X) + 1)
h ≤ |X|xTANH(X) = sign(X) *1

See MTH$HTANH for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.

Condition Values Signaled

SS$_ROPRANDReserved operand. The MTH$xTANH routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by VSI.


MTH$UMAX — Compute Unsigned Maximum. The Compute Unsigned Maximum routine computes the unsigned longword maximum of n unsigned longword arguments, where n is greater than or equal to 1.


MTH$UMAX argument [argument,...]


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Maximum value returned by MTH$UMAX.



OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Argument whose maximum MTH$UMAX computes. Each argument argument is an unsigned longword that contains one of these values.


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Additional arguments whose maximum MTH$UMAX computes. Each argument argument is an unsigned longword that contains one of these values.


MTH$UMAX is the unsigned version of MTH$JMAX0, and computes the unsigned longword maximum of n unsigned longword arguments, where n is greater than or equal to 1.

Condition Values Signaled



MTH$UMIN — Compute Unsigned Minimum. The Compute Unsigned Minimum routine computes the unsigned longword minimum of n unsigned longword arguments, where n is greater than or equal to 1.


MTH$UMIN argument [argument,...]


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:write only
mechanism:by value

Minimum value returned by MTH$UMIN.



OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Argument whose minimum MTH$UMIN computes. Each argument argument is an unsigned longword that contains one of these values.


OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
type:longword (unsigned)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Additional arguments whose minimum MTH$UMIN computes. Each argument argument is an unsigned longword that contains one of these values.


MTH$UMIN is the unsigned version of MTH$JMIN0, and computes the unsigned longword minimum of n unsigned longword arguments, where n is greater than or equal to 1.

Condition Values Signaled


Chapter 4. Vector MTH$ Reference Section

The Vector MTH$ Reference Section provides detailed descriptions of two sets of vector routines provided by the OpenVMS RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Facility, BLAS Level 1 and FOLR. The BLAS Level 1 are the Basic Linear Algebraic Subroutines designed by Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, and Krogh (1978). The FOLR (First Order Linear Recurrence) routines provide a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation.


BLAS1$VIxAMAX — Obtain the Index of the First Element of a Vector Having the Largest Absolute Value. The Obtain the Index of the First Element of a Vector Having the Largest Absolute Value routine finds the index of the first occurrence of a vector element having the maximum absolute value.


BLAS1$VISAMAX n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VIDAMAX n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VIGAMAX n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VICAMAX n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VIZAMAX n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VIWAMAX n ,x ,incx

Use BLAS1$VISAMAX for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VIDAMAX for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VIGAMAX for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VICAMAX for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VIZAMAX for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VIWAMAX for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:write only
mechanism:by value
For the real versions of this routine, the function value is the index of the first occurrence of a vector element having the maximum absolute value, as follows:
|x[i]| = max {|x[j]| for j=1,2,...,n}
For the complex versions of this routine, the function value is the index of the first occurrence of a vector element having the largest sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary parts of the vector elements, as follows:
|Re(x[i])| + |Im(x[i])|= max {|Re(x[j])| + |Im(x[j])| for j=1,2,...,n}



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements. If you specify a negative value or 0 for n, 0 is returned.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. This argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VISAMAXF-floating real
BLAS1$VIDAMAXD-floating real
BLAS1$VIGAMAXG-floating real
BLAS1$VICAMAXF-floating complex
BLAS1$VIZAMAXD-floating complex
BLAS1$VIWAMAXG-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then imax is 0.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, x_i is referenced as:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


BLAS1$VISAMAX, BLAS1$VIDAMAX, and BLAS1$VIGAMAX find the index, i , of the first occurrence of a vector element having the maximum absolute value. BLAS1$VICAMAX, BLAS1$VIZAMAX, and BLAS1$VIWAMAX find the index, i , of the first occurrence of a vector element having the largest sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary parts of the vector elements.

Vector x contains n elements that are accessed from array x by stepping incx elements at a time. The vector x is a real or complex single-precision or double- precision (D and G) n -element vector. The vector can be a row or a column of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

BLAS1$VISAMAX, BLAS1$VIDAMAX, and BLAS1$VIGAMAX determine the smallest integer i of the n -element vector x such that:
|x[i]| = max {|x[j]| for j=1,2,...,n}
BLAS1$VICAMAX, BLAS1$VIZAMAX, and BLAS1$VIWAMAX determine the smallest integer i of the n-element vector x such that:
|Re(x[i])| + |Im(x[i])|= max {|Re(x[j])| + |Im(x[j])| for j=1,2,...,n}

You can use the BLAS1$VIxAMAX routines to obtain the pivots in Gaussian elimination.

The public-domain BLAS Level 1 IxAMAX routines require a positive value for incx. The Run-Time Library BLAS Level 1 routines interpret a negative value for incx as the absolute value of incx.

The algorithm does not provide a special case for incx = 0. Therefore, specifying 0 for incx has the effect of setting imax equal to 1 using vector operations.


C To obtain the index of the element with the maximum 
C absolute value. 
        REAL X(40) 
        INCX = 2 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxASUM — Obtain the Sum of the Absolute Values of the Elements of a Vector. The Obtain the Sum of the Absolute Values of the Elements of a Vector routine determines the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the n -element vector x.


BLAS1$VSASUM n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VDASUM n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VGASUM n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VSCASUM n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VDZASUM n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VGWASUM n ,x ,incx

Use BLAS1$VSASUM for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDASUM for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGASUM for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VSCASUM for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VDZASUM for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGWASUM for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating real
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The function value, called sum, is the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the vector x. The data type of the function value is a real number; for the BLAS1$VSCASUM, BLAS1$VDZASUM, and BLAS1$VGWASUM routines, the data type of the function value is the real data type corresponding to the complex argument data type.



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be added. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. This argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSASUMF-floating real
BLAS1$VDASUMD-floating real
BLAS1$VGASUMG-floating real
BLAS1$VSCASUMF-floating complex
BLAS1$VDZASUMD-floating complex
BLAS1$VGWASUMG-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then sum is 0.0.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, x_i is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If you specify a negative value for incx , it is interpreted as the absolute value of incx.


BLAS1$VSASUM, BLAS1$VDASUM, and BLAS1$VGASUM obtain the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the n -element vector x. BLAS1$VSCASUM, BLAS1$VDZASUM, and BLAS1$VGWASUM obtain the sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary parts of the elements of the n -element vector x.

Vector x contains n elements that are accessed from array x by stepping incx elements at a time. The vector x is a real or complex single-precision or double- precision (D and G) n -element vector. The vector can be a row or a column of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

BLAS1$VSASUM, BLAS1$VDASUM, and BLAS1$VGASUM compute the sum of the absolute values of the elements of x, which is expressed as follows:

BLAS1$VSCASUM, BLAS1$VDZASUM, and BLAS1$VGWASUM compute the sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary parts of the elements of x , which is expressed as follows:

where | xi | = (ai, bi)

and | ai | + | bi | = | real | + | imaginary |

The public-domain BLAS Level 1 xASUM routines require a positive value for incx. The Run-Time Library BLAS Level 1 routines interpret a negative value for incx as the absolute value of incx.

The algorithm does not provide a special case for incx = 0. Therefore, specifying 0 for incx has the effect of computing n*|x1| using vector operations.

Rounding in the summation occurs in a different order than in a sequential evaluation of the sum, so the final result may differ from the result of a sequential evaluation.


C To obtain the sum of the absolute values of the 
C elements of vector x: 
        REAL X(20),SUM 
        INCX = 1 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxAXPY — Multiply a Vector by a Scalar and Add a Vector. The Multiply a Vector by a Scalar and Add a Vector routine computes ax + y, where a is a scalar number and x and y are n -element vectors.


BLAS1$VSAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VDAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VGAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VCAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VZAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VWAXPY n ,a ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

Use BLAS1$VSAXPY for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDAXPY for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGAXPY for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VCAXPY for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VZAXPY for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VWAXPY for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vectors x and y. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements. If n is less than or equal to 0, then y is unchanged.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Scalar multiplier for the array x. The a argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this multiplier. If a equals 0, then y is unchanged. If a shares a memory location with any element of the vector y , results are unpredictable. Specify the same data type for arguments a, x, and y.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. The length of this array is at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSAXPYF-floating real
BLAS1$VDAXPYD-floating real
BLAS1$VGAXPYG-floating real
BLAS1$VCAXPYF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZAXPYD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWAXPYG-floating complex

If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the results are unpredictable.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If incx is less than 0, then x is referenced backward in array x; ) that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

On entry, array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array y are accessed only if the increment argument of y, called incy, is 1. The y argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. The length of this array is at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for y
BLAS1$VSAXPYF-floating real
BLAS1$VDAXPYD-floating real
BLAS1$VGAXPYG-floating real
BLAS1$VCAXPYF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZAXPYD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWAXPYG-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then y is unchanged. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the results are unpredictable.

On exit, y contains an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

After the call to BLAS1$VxAXPY, ui is set equal to:



y = the vector y

i = element of the vector x or y

a = scalar multiplier for the vector x specified in a

x = the vector x


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array y. The incy argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incy is greater than or equal to 0, then y is referenced forward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

If incy is less than 0, then y is referenced backward in array y ; that is, yi is is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy


BLAS1$VxAXPY multiplies a vector x by a scalar, adds to a vector y, and stores the result in the vector y. This is expressed as follows:

yax + y

where a is a scalar number and x and y are real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) n -element vectors. The vectors can be rows or columns of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted. Vectors x and y contain n elements that are accessed from arrays x and y by stepping incx and incy elements at a time.

The routine name determines the data type you should specify for arguments a , x , and y. Specify the same data type for each of these arguments.

The algorithm does not provide a special case for incx = 0. Therefore, specifying 0 for incx has the effect of adding the constant a * x1 to all elements of the vector y using vector operations.


C To compute y=y+2.0*x using SAXPY: 
        REAL X(20), Y(20),A 
        INCX = 1 
        INCY = 1 
        A = 2.0 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxCOPY — Copy a Vector. The Copy a Vector routine copies n elements of the vector x to the vector y.


BLAS1$VSCOPY n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VDCOPY n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VCCOPY n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VZCOPY n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

Use BLAS1$VSCOPY for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDCOPY for double-precision real (D or G) operations.

Use BLAS1$VCCOPY for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VZCOPY for double-precision complex (D or G) operations.





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be copied. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements in vector x. If n is less than or equal to 0, then y is unchanged.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. The length of this array is at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSCOPYF-floating real
BLAS1$VDCOPYD-floating or G-floating real
BLAS1$VCCOPYF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZCOPYD-floating or G-floating complex


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If incx is less than 0, then x is referenced backward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array that receives the copied elements. All elements of array y receive the copied elements only if the increment argument of y, called incy, is 1. The y argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. This argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for y
BLAS1$VSCOPYF-floating real
BLAS1$VDCOPYD-floating or G-floating real
BLAS1$VCCOPYF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZCOPYD-floating or G-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then y is unchanged. If incx is equal to 0, then each yi is set to x1. If incy is equal to 0, then yi is set to the last referenced element of x. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the results are unpredictable. (See the Description section for a special case that does not cause unpredictable results when the same memory location is shared by input and output.)


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array y. The incy argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incy is greater than or equal to 0, then y is referenced forward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

i = element of the vector y

If incy is less than 0, then y is referenced backward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy


BLAS1$VSCOPY, BLAS1$VDCOPY, BLAS1$VCCOPY, and BLAS1$VZCOPY copy n elements of the vector x to the vector y. Vector x contains n elements that are accessed from array x by stepping incx elements at a time. Both x and y are real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) n-element vectors. The vectors can be rows or columns of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

If you specify 0 for incx , BLAS1$VxCOPY initializes all elements of y to a constant.

If you specify –incx for incy, the vector x is stored in reverse order in y. In this case, the call format is as follows:


It is possible to move the contents of a vector up or down within itself and not cause unpredictable results even though the same memory location is shared between input and output. To do this when i is greater than j , call the routine BLAS1$VxCOPY with incx = incy > 0 as follows:


The preceding call to BLAS1$VxCOPY moves:




If i is less than j , specify a negative value for incx and incy in the call to BLAS1$VxCOPY, as follows. The parts that do not overlap are unchanged.



BLAS1$VxCOPY does not perform floating operations on the input data. Therefore, floating reserved operands are not detected by BLAS1$VxCOPY.


C To copy a vector x to a vector y using BLAS1$VSCOPY: 
        REAL X(20),Y(20) 
        INCX = 1 
        INCY = 1 
        N = 20 
C To move the contents of X(1),X(3),X(5),...,X(2N-1) 
C to X(3),X(5),...,X(2N+1) and leave x unchanged: 
        CALL BLAS1$VSCOPY(N,X,-2,X(3),-2)) 
C To move the contents of X(2),X(3),...,X(100) to 
C X(1),X(2),...,X(99)and leave x(100) unchanged: 
        CALL BLAS1$VSCOPY(99,X(2),1,X,1)) 
C To move the contents of X(1),X(2),X(3),...,X(N) to 
C Y(N),Y(N-1),...,Y 
        CALL BLAS1$VSCOPY(N,X,1,Y,-1))


BLAS1$VxDOTx — Obtain the Inner Product of Two Vectors. The Obtain the Inner Product of Two Vectors routine returns the dot product of two n -element vectors, x and y.


BLAS1$VSDOT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VDDOT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VGDOT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VCDOTU n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VCDOTC n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VZDOTU n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VWDOTU n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VZDOTC n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VWDOTC n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

Use BLAS1$VSDOT to obtain the inner product of two single-precision real vectors.

Use BLAS1$VDDOT to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (D- floating) real vectors.

Use BLAS1$VGDOT to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (G-floating) real vectors.

Use BLAS1$VCDOTU to obtain the inner product of two single-precision complex vectors (unconjugated).

Use BLAS1$VCDOTC to obtain the inner product of two single-precision complex vectors (conjugated).

Use BLAS1$VZDOTU to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (D- floating) complex vectors (unconjugated).

Use BLAS1$VWDOTU to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (G-floating) complex vectors (unconjugated).

Use BLAS1$VZDOTC to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (D- floating) complex vectors (conjugated).

Use BLAS1$VWDOTC to obtain the inner product of two double-precision (G-floating) complex vectors (conjugated).


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The function value, called dotpr, is the dot product of two n-element vectors, x and y. Specify the same data type for dotpr and the argument x.



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be copied. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements. If you specify a value for n that is less than or equal to 0, then the value for dotpr is 0.0.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. The length of this array is at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSDOTF-floating real
BLAS1$VDDOTD-floating real
BLAS1$VGDOTG-floating real
BLAS1$VCDOTU and BLAS1$VCDOTCF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZDOTU and BLAS1$VZDOTCD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWDOTU and BLAS1$VWDOTCG-floating complex


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If incx is less than 0, then x is referenced backward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array y are accessed only if the increment argument of y, called incy, is 1. The y argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. This argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for y
BLAS1$VSDOTF-floating real
BLAS1$VDDOTD-floating real
BLAS1$VGDOTG-floating real
BLAS1$VCDOTU and BLAS1$VCDOTCF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZDOTU and BLAS1$VZDOTCD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWDOTU and BLAS1$VWDOTCG-floating complex


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array y. The incy argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incy is greater than or equal to 0, then y is referenced forward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

If incy is less than 0, then y is referenced backward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy


The unconjugated versions of this routine, BLAS1$VSDOT, BLAS1$VDDOT, BLAS1$VGDOT, BLAS1$VCDOTU, BLAS1$VZDOTU, and BLAS1$VWDOTU return the dot product of two n -element vectors, x and y, expressed as follows:

x· y = x1y1 + x2y2 + ... + xnyn

The conjugated versions of this routine, BLAS1$VCDOTC, BLAS1$VZDOTC, and BLAS1$VWDOTC return the dot product of the conjugate of the first n -element vector with a second n -element vector, as follows:

· y = 1y1 + 2y2 + ... + nyn

Vectors x and y contain n elements that are accessed from arrays x and y by stepping incx and incy elements at a time. The vectors x and y can be rows or columns of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

The routine name determines the data type you should specify for arguments x and y. Specify the same data type for these arguments.

Rounding in BLAS1$VxDOTx occurs in a different order than in a sequential evaluation of the dot product. The final result may differ from the result of a sequential evaluation.


C To compute the dot product of two vectors, x and y, 
C and return the result in DOTPR: 
        REAL X(20),Y(20),DOTPR 
        INCX = 1 
        INCY = 1 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxNRM2 — Obtain the Euclidean Norm of a Vector. The Obtain the Euclidean Norm of a Vector routine obtains the Euclidean norm of an n -element vector x, expressed in the following figure.



BLAS1$VSNRM2 n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VDNRM2 n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VGNRM2 n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VSCNRM2 n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VDZNRM2 n ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VGWNRM2 n ,x ,incx

Use BLAS1$VSNRM2 for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDNRM2 for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGNRM2 for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VSCNRM2 for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VDZNRM2 for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGWNRM2 for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating real
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The function value, called e_norm, is the Euclidean norm of the vector x. The data type of the function value is a real number; for the BLAS1$VSCNRM2, BLAS1$VDZNRM2, and BLAS1$VGWNRM2 routines, the data type of the function value is the real data type corresponding to the complex argument data type.



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be processed. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. The length of this array is at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSNRM2F-floating real
BLAS1$VDNRM2D-floating real
BLAS1$VGNRM2G-floating real
BLAS1$VSCNRM2F-floating complex
BLAS1$VDZNRM2D-floating complex
BLAS1$VGWNRM2G-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then e_norm is 0.0.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If you specify a negative value for incx, it is interpreted as the absolute value of incx.


BLAS1$VxNRM2 obtains the Euclidean norm of an n-element vector x, expressed as follows:

Vector x contains n elements that are accessed from array x by stepping incx elements at a time. The vector x is a real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) n-element vector. The vector can be a row or a column of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

The public-domain BLAS Level 1 xNRM2 routines require a positive value for incx. The Run-Time Library BLAS Level 1 routines interpret a negative value for incx as the absolute value of incx.

The algorithm does not provide a special case for incx = 0. Therefore, specifying 0 for incx has the effect of using vector operations to set e_norm as follows:

e_norm = n0.5 * |x1|

For BLAS1$VDNRM2, BLAS1$VGNRM2, BLAS1$VDZNRM2, and BLAS1$VGWNRM2 (the double-precision routines), the elements of the vector x are scaled to avoid intermediate overflow or underflow. BLAS1$VSNRM2 and BLAS1$VSCNRM2 (the single-precision routines) use a backup data type to avoid intermediate overflow or underflow.

Rounding in BLAS1$VxNRM2 occurs in a different order than in a sequential evaluation of the Euclidean norm. The final result may differ from the result of a sequential evaluation.


C To obtain the Euclidean norm of the vector x: 
        REAL X(20),E_NORM 
        INCX = 1 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxROT — Apply a Givens Plane Rotation. The Apply a Givens Plane Rotation routine applies a Givens plane rotation to a pair of n -element vectors x and y.


BLAS1$VSROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

BLAS1$VDROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

BLAS1$VGROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

BLAS1$VCSROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

BLAS1$VZDROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

BLAS1$VWGROT n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy ,c ,s

Use BLAS1$VSROT for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDROT for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGROT for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VCSROT for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VZDROT for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VWGROT for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.

BLAS1$VCSROT, BLAS1$VZDROT, and BLAS1$VWGROT are real rotations applied to a complex vector.





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vectors x and y to be rotated. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements to be rotated. If n is less than or equal to 0, then x and y are unchanged.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. On entry, this argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSROTF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTG-floating real
BLAS1$VCSROTF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZDROTD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWGROTG-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then x and y are unchanged. If c equals 1.0 and s equals 0, then x and y are unchanged. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, then the results are unpredictable.

On exit, x contains the rotated vector x , as follows:

xic * xi + s * yi


x = array x specified in x

y = array y specified in y

i = i = 1,2,…,n

c = rotation element generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines

s = rotation element generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If incx is less than 0, then x is referenced backward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array y are accessed only if the increment argument of y, called incy, is 1. The y argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. This argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for y
BLAS1$VSROTF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTG-floating real
BLAS1$VCSROTF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZDROTD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWGROTG-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then x and y are unchanged. If c equals 1.0 and s equals 0, then x and y are unchanged. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, then the results are unpredictable.

On exit, y contains the rotated vector y , as follows:

yi ← - s * xi + c * yi


x = array x specified in x

y = array y specified in y

i = i = 1,2,…,n

c = real rotation element (can be generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines)

s = complex rotation element (can be generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines)


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array y. The incy argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incy is greater than or equal to 0, then y is referenced forward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

If incy is less than 0, then y is referenced backward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating real
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

First rotation element, which can be interpreted as the cosine of the angle of rotation. The c argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element. The c argument is the first rotation element generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines.

Specify the data type (which is always real) as follows:

RoutineData Type for c
BLAS1$VSROT and BLAS1$VCSROTF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROT and BLAS1$VZDROTD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROT and BLAS1$VWGROTG-floating real


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Second rotation element, which can be interpreted as the sine of the angle of rotation. The s argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element. The s argument is the second rotation element generated by the BLAS1$VxROTG routines.

Specify the data type (which can be either real or complex) as follows:

RoutineData Type for s
BLAS1$VSROT and BLAS1$VCSROTF-floating real or F-floating complex
BLAS1$VDROT and BLAS1$VZDROTD-floating real or D-floating complex
BLAS1$VGROT and BLAS1$VWGROTG-floating real or G-floating complex


BLAS1$VSROT, BLAS1$VDROT, and BLAS1$VGROT apply a real Givens plane rotation to a pair of real vectors. BLAS1$VCSROT, BLAS1$VZDROT, and BLAS1$VWGROT apply a real Givens plane rotation to a pair of complex vectors. The vectors x and y are real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) vectors. The vectors can be rows or columns of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted. The routine name determines the data type you should specify for arguments x and y. Specify the same data type for each of these arguments.

The Givens plane rotation is applied to n elements, where the elements to be rotated are contained in vectors x and y (i equals 1,2,...,n). These elements are accessed from arrays x and y by stepping incx and incy elements at a time. The cosine and sine of the angle of rotation are c and s, respectively. The arguments c and s are usually generated by the BLAS Level 1 routine BLAS1$VxROTG, using a=x and b=y:

The BLAS1$VxROT routines can be used to introduce zeros selectively into a matrix.


C To rotate the first two rows of a matrix and zero 
C out the element in the first column of the second row: 
        REAL X(20,20),A,B,C,S 
        INCX = 20 
        N = 20 
        A = X(1,1) 
        B = X(2,1) 


BLAS1$VxROTG — Generate the Elements for a Givens Plane. The Generate the Elements for a Givens Plane Rotation routine constructs a Givens plane rotation that eliminates the second element of a two-element vector.


BLAS1$VSROTG a ,b ,c ,s

BLAS1$VDROTG a ,b ,c ,s

BLAS1$VGROTG a ,b ,c ,s

BLAS1$VCROTG a ,b ,c ,s

BLAS1$VZROTG a ,b ,c ,s

BLAS1$VWROTG a ,b ,c ,s

Use BLAS1$VSROTG for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDROTG for double-precision real (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VGROTG for double-precision real (G-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VCROTG for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VZROTG for double-precision complex (D-floating) operations.

Use BLAS1$VWROTG for double-precision complex (G-floating) operations.





OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference

On entry, first element of the input vector. On exit, rotated element r. The a argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element.

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for a
BLAS1$VSROTGF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTGD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTGG-floating real
BLAS1$VCROTGF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZROTGD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWROTGG-floating complex


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference

On entry, second element of the input vector. On exit from BLAS1$VSROTG, BLAS1$VDROTG, and BLAS1$VGROTG, reconstruction element z. (See the Description section for more information about z.) The b argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element.

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for b
BLAS1$VSROTGF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTGD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTGG-floating real
BLAS1$VCROTGF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZROTGD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWROTGG-floating complex


OpenVMS usage:floating_point
type:F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating real
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

First rotation element, which can be interpreted as the cosine of the angle of rotation. The c argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element.

Specify the data type (which is always real) as follows:

RoutineData Type for c
BLAS1$VSROTG and BLAS1$VCROTGF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTG and BLAS1$VZROTGD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTG and BLAS1$VWROTGG-floating real


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:write only
mechanism:by reference

Second rotation element, which can be interpreted as the sine of the angle of rotation. The s argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this vector element.

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for s
BLAS1$VSROTGF-floating real
BLAS1$VDROTGD-floating real
BLAS1$VGROTGG-floating real
BLAS1$VCROTGF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZROTGD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWROTGG-floating complex


BLAS1$VSROTG, BLAS1$VDROTG, and BLAS1$VGROTG construct a real Givens plane rotation. BLAS1$VCROTG, BLAS1$VZROTG, and BLAS1$VWROTG construct a complex Givens plane rotation. The Givens plane rotation eliminates the second element of a two-element vector. The elements of the vector are real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) numbers. The routine name determines the data type you should specify for arguments a, b, and s. Specify the same data type for each of these arguments.

BLAS1$VSROTG, BLAS1$VDROTG, and BLAS1$VGROTG can use the reconstruction element z to store the rotation elements for future use. There is no counterpart to the term z for BLAS1$VCROTG, BLAS1$VZROTG, and BLAS1$VWROTG.

The BLAS1$VxROTG routines can be used to introduce zeros selectively into a matrix.

For BLAS1$VDROTG, BLAS1$VGROTG, BLAS1$VZROTG, and BLAS1$VWROTG (the double-precision routines), the elements of the vector are scaled to avoid intermediate overflow or underflow. BLAS1$VSROTG and BLAS1$VCROTG (the single-precision routines) use a backup data type to avoid intermediate underflow or overflow, which may cause the final result to differ from the original Fortran routine.

BLAS1$VSROTG, BLAS1$VDROTG, and BLAS1$VGROTG --- Real Givens Plane Rotation

Given the elements a and b of an input vector, BLAS1$VSROTG, and BLAS1$VDROTG, BLAS1$VGROTG calculate the elements c and s of an orthogonal matrix such that:

A real Givens plane rotation is constructed for values a and b by computing values for r, c, s, and z, as follows:

  • where:
  • p =SIGN(a) if |a| > |b|
  • p =SIGN(b) if |a|≤|b|
  • c = a/r if r ≠ 0
  • c = 1 if r = 0
  • s = b/r if r ≠ 0
  • s = 0 if r = 0
  • z = s if |a| > |b|
  • z = 1/c if |a|≤|b| and c ≠ 0 and r ≠ 0
  • z = 1 if |a|≤|b| and c = 0 and r ≠ 0
  • z = 0 if r = 0

BLAS1$VSROTG, BLAS1$VDROTG, and BLAS1$VGROTG can use the reconstruction element z to store the rotation elements for future use. The quantities c and s are reconstructed from z as follows:

The arguments c and s can be passed to the BLAS1$VxROT routines.

BLAS1$VCROTG, BLAS1$VZROTG, and BLAS1$VWROTG --- Complex Givens Plane Rotation

Given the elements a and b of an input vector, BLAS1$VCROTG, BLAS1$VZROTG, and BLAS1$VWROTG calculate the elements c and s of an orthogonal matrix such that:

There are no BLAS Level 1 routines with which you can use complex c and s arguments.


C To generate the rotation elements for a vector of 
C elements a and b: 
        REAL A,B,C,S 
        CALL SROTG(A,B,C,S)


BLAS1$VxSCAL — Scale the Elements of a Vector. The Scale the Elements of a Vector routine computes a * x where a is a scalar number and x is an n -element vector.


BLAS1$VSSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VDSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VGSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VCSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VCSSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VZSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VWSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VZDSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

BLAS1$VWGSCAL n ,a ,x ,incx

Use BLAS1$VSSCAL to scale a real single-precision vector by a real single- precision scalar.

Use BLAS1$VDSCAL to scale a real double-precision (D-floating) vector by a real double-precision (D-floating) scalar.

Use BLAS1$VGSCAL to scale a real double-precision (G-floating) vector by a real double-precision (G-floating) scalar.

Use BLAS1$VCSCAL to scale a complex single-precision vector by a complex single-precision scalar.

Use BLAS1$VCSSCAL to scale a complex single-precision vector by a real single- precision scalar.

Use BLAS1$VZSCAL to scale a complex double-precision (D-floating) vector by a complex double-precision (D-floating) scalar.

Use BLAS1$VWSCAL to scale a complex double-precision (G-floating) vector by a complex double-precision (G-floating) scalar.

Use BLAS1$VZDSCAL to scale a complex double-precision (D-floating) vector by a real double-precision (D-floating) scalar.

Use BLAS1$VWGSCAL to scale a complex double-precision (G-floating) vector by a real double-precision (G-floating) scalar.





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be scaled. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements to be scaled. If you specify a value for n that is less than or equal to 0, then x is unchanged.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Scalar multiplier for the elements of vector x. The a argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this multiplier.

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for a
BLAS1$VSSCAL and BLAS1$VCSSCALF-floating real
BLAS1$VDSCAL and BLAS1$VZDSCALD-floating real
BLAS1$VGSCAL and BLAS1$VWGSCALG-floating real
BLAS1$VCSCALF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZSCALD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWSCALG-floating complex

If you specify 1.0 for a, then x is unchanged.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. On entry, this argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSSCALF-floating real
BLAS1$VDSCALD-floating real
BLAS1$VGSCALG-floating real
BLAS1$VCSCAL and BLAS1$VCSSCALF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZSCAL and BLAS1$VZDSCALD-floating complex
BLAS1$VWSCAL and BLAS1$VWGSCALG-floating complex

On exit, x is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

y = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

After the call to BLAS1$VxSCAL, xi is replaced by a * xi If a shares a memory location with any element of the vector x, results are unpredictable.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If you specify a negative value for incx, it is interpreted as the absolute value of incx. If incx equals 0, the results are unpredictable.


BLAS1$VxSCAL computes a * x where a is a scalar number and x is an n-element vector. The computation is expressed as follows:

Vector x contains n elements that are accessed from array x by stepping incx elements at a time. The vector x can be a row or a column of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

The public-domain BLAS Level 1 xSCAL routines require a positive value for incx. The Run-Time Library BLAS Level 1 routines interpret a negative value for incx as the absolute value of incx.

The algorithm does not provide a special case for a = 0. Therefore, specifying 0 for a has the effect of setting to zero all elements of the vector x using vector operations.


C To scale a vector x by 2.0 using SSCAL: 
        REAL X(20),A 
        INCX = 1 
        A = 2 
        N = 20 


BLAS1$VxSWAP — Swap the Elements of Two Vectors. The Swap the Elements of Two Vectors routine swaps n elements of the vector x with the vector y.


BLAS1$VSSWAP n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VDSWAP n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VCSWAP n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

BLAS1$VZSWAP n ,x ,incx ,y ,incy

Use BLAS1$VSSWAP for single-precision real operations.

Use BLAS1$VDSWAP for double-precision real (D or G) operations.

Use BLAS1$VCSWAP for single-precision complex operations.

Use BLAS1$VZSWAP for double-precision complex (D or G) operations.





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Number of elements in vector x to be swapped. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the number of elements to be swapped.


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array x are accessed only if the increment argument of x, called incx, is 1. The x argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. On entry, this argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for x
BLAS1$VSSWAPF-floating real
BLAS1$VDSWAPD-floating or G-floating real
BLAS1$VCSWAPF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZSWAPD-floating or G-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then x and y are unchanged. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the results are unpredictable.

On exit, x is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

y = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

After the call to BLAS1$VxSWAP, n elements of the array specified by x are interchanged with n elements of the array specified by y.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array x. The incx argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incx is greater than or equal to 0, then x is referenced forward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx

If incx is less than 0, then x is referenced backward in array x; that is, xi is referenced in:



x = array specified in x

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector x

incx = increment argument for the array x specified in incx


OpenVMS usage:floating_point or complex_number
type:F_floating, D_floating, G_floating real or F_floating, D_floating, G_floating complex
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array containing the elements to be accessed. All elements of array y are accessed only if the increment argument of y, called incy, is 1. The y argument is the address of a floating-point or floating-point complex number that is this array. On entry, this argument is an array of length at least:



n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

Specify the data type as follows:

RoutineData Type for y
BLAS1$VSSWAPF-floating real
BLAS1$VDSWAPD-floating or G-floating real
BLAS1$VCSWAPF-floating complex
BLAS1$VZSWAPD-floating or G-floating complex

If n is less than or equal to 0, then x and y are unchanged. If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the results are unpredictable.

On exit, y is an array of length at least:




n = number of vector elements specified in n

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

After the call to BLAS1$VxSWAP, n elements of the array specified by x are interchanged with n elements of the array specified by y.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array y. The incy argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. If incy is greater than or equal to 0, then y is referenced forward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy

If incy is less than 0, then y is referenced backward in array y; that is, yi is referenced in:



y = array specified in y

n = number of vector elements specified in n

i = element of the vector y

incy = increment argument for the array y specified in incy


BLAS1$VSSWAP, BLAS1$VDSWAP, BLAS1$VCSWAP, and BLAS1$VZSWAP swap n elements of the vector x with the vector y. Vectors x and y contain n elements that are accessed from arrays x and y by stepping incx and incy elements at a time. Both x and y are real or complex single-precision or double-precision (D and G) n-element vectors. The vectors can be rows or columns of a matrix. Both forward and backward indexing are permitted.

You can use the routine BLAS1$VxSWAP to invert the storage of elements of a vector within itself. If incx is greater than 0, then xi can be moved from location

x(1+(i-1)*incx) to x(1+(n-i)*incx)

The following code fragment inverts the storage of elements of a vector within itself:

NN = N/2 

BLAS1$VxSWAP does not check for a reserved operand.


C To swap the contents of vectors x and y: 
        REAL X(20),Y(20) 
        INCX = 1 
        INCY = 1 
        N = 20 
C To invert the order of storage of the elements of x within 
C itself; that is, to move x(1),...,x(100) to x(100),...,x(1): 
        INCX = 1 
        INCY = -1 
        N = 50 


MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 — First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication and Addition. The First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication and Addition routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes both multiplication and addition operations.


MTH$VJFOLRP_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VFFOLRP_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VDFOLRP_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VGFOLRP_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VJFOLRN_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VFFOLRN_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VDFOLRN_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

MTH$VGFOLRN_MA_V15 n,a,inca,b,incb,c,incc

To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x and y in MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15:

x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating

y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca

The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

incb = increment argument for the array b specified in incb

The b argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array b. The incb argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for incb.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

incc = increment argument for the array b specified in incc

The c argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array c. The incc argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for incc. Do not specify 0 for incc.


MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 is a group of routines that provides a vectorized algorithm for computing the following linear recurrence relation:

C(I+1) = +/-C(I) * A(I) + B(I)


Save the contents of vector registers V0 through V15 before you call this routine.

Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from VSI Fortran is as follows:

K1 = .... 
K2 = .... 
K3 = .... 

The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:

K1 = .... 
K2 = .... 
K3 = .... 
DO I = 1, N 
C(K3+I*INCC) = {+/-}C(K3+(I-1)*INCC) * A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) 
               + B(K2+(I-1)*INCB) 

The arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.

This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8) save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 and MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2, which return only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation.

For the output array (c), the increment argument (incc) cannot be 0. However, you can specify 0 for the input increment arguments (inca and incb). In that case, the input will be treated as a scalar value and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.

In MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15, array c can overlap array a and array b, or both, as long as the address of array element cx is not also the address of an element of a or b that will be referenced at a future time in the recurrence relation. For example, in the following code fragment you must ensure that the address of c(1+i*incc) does not equal the address of either a(j*inca) or b(k*incb) for:

1≤in and ji+1.

DO I = 1,N 
C(1+I*INCC) = C(1+(I-1)*INCC) * A(1+(I-1)*INCA) + B(1+(I-1)*INCB) 


  1. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes a linear recurrence. 
         INTEGER I 
         DIMENSION A(200), B(50), C(50) 
         EQUIVALENCE (B,C) 
         C(4) = .... 
         DO I = 5, 50 
         C(I) = C((I-1)) * A(I*3) + B(I) 
    C    This call from Fortran to a FOLR  routine replaces the preceding loop. 
         DIMENSION A(200), B(50), C(50) 
         EQUIVALENCE (B,C) 
         C(4) = .... 
         CALL MTH$VFFOLRP_MA_V15(46, A(15), 3, B(5), 1, C(4), 1)
  2. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes a linear recurrence. 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(6), C(50) 
         K = 44 
         N = 6     
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         INCC = 1 
         DO I = 1, N 
         C(K+I*INCC) = -C(K+(I-1)*INCC) * A(I*INCA) + B(I*INCB) 
    C    This call from Fortran to a FOLR  routine replaces the preceding loop. 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(6), C(50) 
         K = 44 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         INCC = 1 


MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8 — First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication or Addition. The First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication or Addition routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes either a multiplication or an addition operation, but not both.


MTH$VJFOLRP_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VFFOLRP_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VDFOLRP_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VGFOLRP_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VJFOLRN_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VFFOLRN_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VDFOLRN_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VGFOLRN_M_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VJFOLRP_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VFFOLRP_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VDFOLRP_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VGFOLRP_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VJFOLRN_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VFFOLRN_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VDFOLRN_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

MTH$VGFOLRN_A_V8 n,a,inca,b,incb

To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x, y, and z in MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8:

x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating

y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element

z = M for multiplication, A for addition





OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca

The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

incb = increment argument for the array b specified in incb

The b argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array b. The incb argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for incb.


MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8 is a group of routines that provide a vectorized algorithm for computing one of the following linear recurrence relations:

B(I) = +/-B(I-1) * A(I)


B(I) = +/-B(I-1) + A(I)


Save the contents of vector registers V0 through V8 before you call this routine.

Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from VSI Fortran is as follows:


The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:

K1 = .... 
K2 = .... 
DO I = 1, N 
B(K2+I*INCB) = {+/-}B(K2+(I-1)*INCB) {+/*} A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) 

The arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.

This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_ V15) save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 and MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2, which return only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation.

For the output array (b), the increment argument (incb) cannot be 0. However, you can specify 0 for the input increment argument (inca). In that case, the input will be treated as a scalar and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.


  1. C 
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(13) 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 2 
         DO I = 1, N 
         B(1+I*INCB) = -B(1+(I-1)*INCB) * A(I*INCA) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         REAL*8 A(30), B(13) 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 2 
  2. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(13) 
         N = 5 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 2 
         DO I = 2, N 
         B(1+I*INCB) = B((I-1)*INCB) + A(I*INCA) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         REAL*8 A(30), B(13) 
         N = 5 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 2 


MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 — First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication and Addition — Last Value. The First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication and Addition — Last Value routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes both multiplication and addition operations. Only the last value computed is stored.


MTH$VJFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VFFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VDFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VGFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VJFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VFFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VDFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

MTH$VGFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t

To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x and y in MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5:

x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating

y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating or G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The function value is the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The function value is returned in R0 or R0 and R1.



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca

The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

incb = increment argument for the array b specified in incb

The b argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array b. The incb argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for incb.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
mechanism:by reference

Variable containing the starting value for the recurrence; overwritten with the value computed by the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The t argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this value.


MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 is a group of routines that provide a vectorized algorithm for computing the following linear recurrence relation. (The T on the right side of the equation is the result of the previous iteration of the loop.)

T = +/-T * A(I) + B(I)


Save the contents of vector registers V0 through V5 before you call this routine.

Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from VSI Fortran is as follows:


The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:

K1 = ... 
K2 = ... 
DO I = 1, N 
T = {+/-}T * A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) + B(K1+(I-1)*INCB) 

The arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.

This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 (and also MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2) returns only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8), which save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array.

If you specify 0 for the input increment arguments (inca and incb), the input will be treated as a scalar and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.


  1. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         REAL*8 A(30), B(6), T 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         T = 78.9847562 
         DO I = 1, N 
         T = -T * A(I*INCA) + B(I*INCB) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(6), T 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         T = 78.9847562 
  2. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         REAL*8 A(30), B(6), T 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         T = 78.9847562 
         DO I = 1, N 
         T = T * A(I*INCA) + B(I*INCB) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    G_FLOAT 
         DIMENSION A(30), B(6), T 
         N = 6 
         INCA = 5 
         INCB = 1 
         T = 78.9847562 


MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 — First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication or Addition — Last Value. The First Order Linear Recurrence — Multiplication or Addition — Last Value routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes either a multiplication or an addition operation. Only the last value computed is stored.


MTH$VJFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VFFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VDFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VGFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VJFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VFFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VDFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VGFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VJFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VFFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VDFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VGFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VJFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VFFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VDFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

MTH$VGFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t

To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x , y , and z in MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2:

x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating

y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element

z = M for multiplication, A for addition


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating or G_floating
access:write only
mechanism:by value

The function value is the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The function value is returned in R0 or R0 and R1.



OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
access:read only
mechanism:by reference, array reference

Array of length at least:



n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n

inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca

The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed
type:longword integer (signed)
access:read only
mechanism:by reference

Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.


OpenVMS usage:longword_signed or floating_point
type:longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating
mechanism:by reference

Variable containing the starting value for the recurrence; overwritten with the value computed by the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The t argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this value.


MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2 is a group of routines that provide a vectorized algorithm for computing one of the following linear recurrence relations. (The T on the right side of the following equations is the result of the previous iteration of the loop.)

T = +/-T * A(I)


T = +/-T + A(I)


Save the contents of vector registers V0, V1, and V2 before you call this routine.

Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from VSI Fortran is as follows:


The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:

K1 = .... 
DO I = 1, N 
T = {+/-}T {+/*} A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) 

The arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.

This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2 (and also MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5) return only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8), which save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array.

If you specify 0 for the input increment argument (inca), the input will be treated as a scalar and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.


  1. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         INTEGER I,N 
         REAL*8 A(200), T 
         T = 78.9847562 
         N = 20 
         DO I = 4, N 
         T = -T * A(I*10) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         INTEGER N 
         REAL*8 A(200), T 
         T = 78.9847562 
         N = 20 
         T = MTH$VDFOLRLN_M_V2(N-3, A(40), 10, T)
  2. C    
    C    The following Fortran loop computes 
    C    a linear recurrence. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         INTEGER I,N 
         REAL*8 A(200), T 
         T = 78.9847562 
         N = 20 
         DO I = 4, N 
         T = T + A(I*10) 
    C    The following call from Fortran to a FOLR 
    C    routine replaces the preceding loop. 
    C    D_FLOAT 
         INTEGER N 
         REAL*8 A(200), T 
         T = 78.9847562 
         N = 20 
         T = MTH$VDFOLRLP_A_V2(N-3, A(40), 10, T)

Appendix A. Additional MTH$ Routines

The following supported MTH$ routines are not included with the routines in the Scalar MTH$ Reference Section because they are rarely used. The majority of these routines serve to satisfy external references when intrinsic functions in Fortran and other languages are passed as parameters. Otherwise, the functions are performed by inline code.

Table A–1 lists all of the entry point and argument information for the MTH$ routines not documented in the Scalar MTH$ Reference Section of this manual.

Table A.1. Additional MTH$ Routines
Routine Name Entry Point Information



F-floating Absolute Value Routine



MTH$ABS f-floating



floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value



floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference




D-floating Absolute Value Routine



MTH$DABS d-floating



floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value



floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference




G-floating Absolute Value Routine



MTH$GABS g-floating



floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value



floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference




H-floating Absolute Value Routine



MTH$HABS h-abs-val, h-floating






floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference



floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference

MTH$IIABS Word Absolute Value Routine
Format:MTH$IIABS word
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JIABS Longword Absolute Value Routine
Format:MTH$JIABS longword
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$IIAND Bitwise AND of Two Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IIAND word1, word2
Returns:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value
word1:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
word2:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$JIAND Bitwise AND of Two Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JIAND longword1, longword2
Returns:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
longword1:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
longword2:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$DBLE Convert F-floating to D-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$DBLE f-floating
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GDBLE Convert F-floating to G-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$GDBLE f-floating
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DIM Positive Difference of Two F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DIM f-floating1, f-floating2
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating1:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
f-floating2:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DDIM Positive Difference of Two D-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DDIM d-floating1, d-floating2
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating1:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
d-floating2:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GDIM Positive Difference of Two G-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$GDIM g-floating1, g-floating2
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating1:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
g-floating2:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HDIM Positive Difference of Two H-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$HDIM h-floating, h-floating1, h-floating2
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating1:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
h-floating2:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIDIM Positive Difference of Two Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IIDIM word1, word2
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
word1:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
word2:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JIDIM Positive Difference of Two Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JIDIM longword1, longword2
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
longword1:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
longword2:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$IIEOR Bitwise Exclusive OR of Two Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IIEOR word1, word2
Returns:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value
word1:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
word2:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$JIEOR Bitwise Exclusive OR of Two Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JIEOR longword1, longword2
Returns:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
longword1:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
longword2:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$IIFIX Convert F-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$IIFIX f-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIFIX Convert F-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$JIFIX f-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$FLOATI Convert Word to F-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$FLOATI word
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$DFLOTI Convert Word to D-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$DFLOTI word
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$GFLOTI Convert Word to G-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$GFLOTI word
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$FLOATJ Convert Longword to F-floating (Rounded) Routine
Format:MTH$FLOATJ longword
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$DFLOTJ Convert Longword to D-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$DFLOTJ longword
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$GFLOTJ Convert Longword to G-floating (Exact) Routine
Format:MTH$GFLOTJ longword
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$FLOOR Convert F-floating to Greatest F-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$FLOOR f-floating
JSB:MTH$FLOOR_R1 f-floating
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DFLOOR Convert D-floating to Greatest D-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$DFLOOR d-floating
JSB:MTH$DFLOOR_R3 d-floating
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GFLOOR Convert G-floating to Greatest G-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$GFLOOR g-floating
JSB:MTH$GFLOOR_R3 g-floating
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HFLOOR Convert H-floating to Greatest H-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$HFLOOR max-h-float, h-floating
JSB:MTH$HFLOOR_R7 h-floating
max-h-float:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$AINT Convert F-floating to Truncated F-floating Routine
Format:MTH$AINT f-floating
JSB:MTH$AINT_R2 f-floating
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DINT Convert D-floating to Truncated D-floating Routine
Format:MTH$DINT d-floating
JSB:MTH$DINT_R4 d-floating
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIDINT Convert D-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$IIDINT d-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIDINT Convert D-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$JIDINT d-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GINT Convert G-floating to Truncated G-floating Routine
Format:MTH$GINT g-floating
JSB:MTH$GINT_R4 g-floating
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIGINT Convert G-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$IIGINT g-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIGINT Convert G-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$JIGINT g-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HINT Convert H-floating to Truncated H-floating Routine
Format:MTH$HINT trunc-h-flt, h-floating
JSB:MTH$HINT_R8 h-floating
trunc-h-flt:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIHINT Convert H-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$IIHINT h-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIHINT Convert H-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$JIHINT h-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IINT Convert F-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$IINT f-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JINT Convert F-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine
Format:MTH$JINT f-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIOR Bitwise Inclusive OR of Two Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IIOR word1, word2
Returns:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value
word1:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
word2:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$JIOR Bitwise Inclusive OR of Two Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JIOR longword1, longword2
Returns:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
longword1:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
longword2:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$AIMAX0 F-floating Maximum of N Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AIMAX0 word, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$AJMAX0 F-floating Maximum of N Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AJMAX0 longword, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$IMAX0 Word Maximum of N Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IMAX0 word, ...
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JMAX0 Longword Maximum of N Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JMAX0 longword, ...
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$AMAX1 F-floating Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AMAX1 f-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DMAX1 D-floating Maximum of N D-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DMAX1 d-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GMAX1 G-floating Maximum of N G-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$GMAX1 g-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HMAX1 H-floating Maximum of N H-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$HMAX1 h-float-max, h-floating, ...
h-float-max:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IMAX1 Word Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IMAX1 f-floating, ...
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JMAX1 Longword Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JMAX1 f-floating, ...
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$AIMIN0 F-floating Minimum of N Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AIMIN0 word, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$AJMIN0 F-floating Minimum of N Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AJMIN0 longword, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$IMIN0 Word Minimum of N Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IMIN0 word, ...
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
word:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JMIN0 Longword Minimum of N Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JMIN0 longword, ...
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
longword:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$AMIN1 F-floating Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AMIN1 f-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DMIN1 D-floating Minimum of N D-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DMIN1 d-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GMIN1 G-floating Minimum of N G-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$GMIN1 g-floating, ...
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HMIN1 H-floating Minimum of N H-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$HMIN1 h-float-max, h-floating, ...
h-float-max:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IMIN1 Word Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IMIN1 f-floating, ...
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JMIN1 Longword Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JMIN1 f-floating, ...
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$AMOD Remainder from Division of Two F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$AMOD dividend, divisor
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
dividend:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
divisor:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DMOD Remainder from Division of Two D-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DMOD dividend, divisor
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
dividend:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
divisor:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GMOD Remainder from Division of Two G-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$GMOD dividend, divisor
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
dividend:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
divisor:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HMOD Remainder from Division of Two H-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$HMOD h-mod, dividend, divisor
h-mod:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
dividend:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
divisor:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IMOD Remainder from Division of Two Word Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$IMOD dividend, divisor
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
dividend:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
divisor:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JMOD Remainder of Two Longword Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$JMOD dividend, divisor
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
dividend:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
divisor:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$ANINT Convert F-floating to Nearest F-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$ANINT f-floating
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DNINT Convert D-floating to Nearest D-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$DNINT d-floating
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIDNNT Convert D-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine
Format:MTH$IIDNNT d-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIDNNT Convert D-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine
Format:MTH$JIDNNT d-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GNINT Convert G-floating to Nearest G-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$GNINT g-floating
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIGNNT Convert G-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine
Format:MTH$IIGNNT g-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIGNNT Convert G-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine
Format:MTH$JIGNNT g-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HNINT Convert H-floating to Nearest H-floating Integer Routine
Format:MTH$HNINT nearst-h-flt, h-floating
nearst-h-flt:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IIHNNT Convert H-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine
Format:MTH$IIHNNT h-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JIHNNT Convert H-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine
Format:MTH$JIHNNT h-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
h-floating:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$ININT Convert F-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine
Format:MTH$ININT f-floating
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$JNINT Convert F-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine
Format:MTH$JNINT f-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$INOT Bitwise Complement of Word Parameter Routine
Format:MTH$INOT word
Returns:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value
word:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$JNOT Bitwise Complement of Longword Parameter Routine
Format:MTH$JNOT longword
Returns:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
longword:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
MTH$DPROD D-floating Product of Two F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$DPROD f-floating1, f-floating2
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
f-floating1:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
f-floating2:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GPROD G-floating Product of Two F-floating Parameters Routine
Format:MTH$GPROD f-floating1, f-floating2
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
f-floating1:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
f-floating2:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$SGN F-floating Sign Function
Format:MTH$SGN f-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference
f-floating:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$SGN D-floating Sign Function
Format:MTH$SGN d-floating
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IISHFT Bitwise Shift of Word Routine
Format:MTH$IISHFT word, shift-cnt
Returns:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value
word:word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference
shift-cnt:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JISHFT Bitwise Shift of Longword Routine
Format:MTH$JISHFT longword, shift-cnt
Returns:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value
longword:longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference
shift-cnt:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$SIGN F-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$SIGN f-float-x, f-float-y
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
f-float-x:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
f-float-y:floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$DSIGN D-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$DSIGN d-float-x, d-float-y
Returns:floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value
d-float-x:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
d-float-y:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$GSIGN G-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$GSIGN g-float-x, g-float-y
Returns:floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value
g-float-x:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
g-float-y:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$HSIGN H-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$HSIGN h-result, h-float-x, h-float-y
h-result:floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference
h-float-x:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
h-float-y:floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$IISIGN Word Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$IISIGN word-x, word-y
Returns:word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value
word-x:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
word-y:word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$JISIGN Longword Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine
Format:MTH$JISIGN longwrd-x, longwrd-y
Returns:longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference
longwrd-x:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
longwrd-y:longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference
MTH$SNGL Convert D-floating to F-floating (Rounded) Routine
Format:MTH$SNGL d-floating
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
d-floating:floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference
MTH$SNGLG Convert G-floating to F-floating (Rounded) Routine
Format:MTH$SNGLG g-floating
Returns:floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value
g-floating:floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference

Appendix B. Vector MTH$ Routine Entry Points

Table B–1 contains all of the vector MTH$ routines that you can call from VAX MACRO. Be sure to read Section 2.3.3 and Section 2.3.4 before using the information in this table.

Table B.1. Vector MTH$ Routines

Scalar Name

Call or JSB

Vector Input Registers

Vector Output Registers

Vector Name (Underflows Not Signaled)

Vector Name (Underflows Signaled)


Returns value to the first argument; value exceeds 64 bits.


Integer overflow exceptions can occur.


Floating-point overflow exceptions can occur.


Floating-point underflow exceptions are signaled.


Divide-by-zero exceptions can occur.


Floating-point underflow exceptions can occur.


For more information, see Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for FORTRAN Usage in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software , Vol. 5, No. 3, September 1979.